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The Coachella Valley Number ‘One’ Desert Local Newspaper




Hawaiian Dancers celebrating the begining of Aloha Modernism Week-End see page 2. Photo by Pat Krause

Desert Hot Springs, CA PERMIT NO 00005

October 15, 2014 Vol. 7 No. 78

The Walking Dead

Photo courtesy of http://zombiewalkpalmsprings.com/

The 4th Annual Zombie walk comes to Palm Springs on October 30th, 2014 Palm Springs, CA- On the heels of AMC’s The Walking Dead Season 5 premieres drawing 17.3 Million viewers, producers of the 4th Annual Zombie Walk Palm Springs are expecting a record crowd of reanimated corpses staggering through VillageFest on Thursday, October 30th as part of what has become a staple Halloween

event in Downtown Palm Springs. Event participants of all ages create an interactive parade of zombies meandering through the crowd of onlookers along Palm Canyon Drive. Event producers Chad Gardner and Roly Carvajal Paz have seen the event grow each year as more and more people become engaged

with the zombie experience. “Zombie Walks are a cultural phenomenon in general. It’s a global experience, making this event become larger and more striking every Halloween,” says Gardner. Every year, with the help of sponsors, including makeup experts from College of the Desert’s Theater Department

Pegasus Therapeutic Riding

If you love kids and horses, you might love this… By Desert Star Staff Palm Desert, CA. -Pegasus Therapeutic Riding will hold its 2014-2015 brand new Volunteer Orientation at the Pegasus Ranch on Saturday, October 18, 2014, from 8:15 am to 9:30 am, followed by the first class day of riding in the fresh season. Come early, enjoy meeting the volunteers, both seasoned and first-timers, and for those interested in participating as “horse sidewalkers” on that morning, you will witness the joyful experience of our riders, their bond with

their horses, the fun of sharing this meaningful experience with other volunteers AND the pleasure of a little exercise in the morning air. Classes will resume on the following Wednesday morning, October 22nd through Saturday, October 25th, from 8:30 am to 12:00pm, and repeat that four-day schedule until the end of the season in May, 2015, closing only for difficult weather conditions. No equestrian experience is necessary, just the love of volunteering and a desire to experience “first hand” the

benefits of Equine Therapy. Volunteers can choose from Side Walking the handicapped rider in the ring, as they learn the value of “full body range-ofmotion exercise for our disabled riders; helping in the covered Ramada as children await their turn to ride, administration and computer/Internet assistance, and volunteer responsibilities at the annual Pegasus FundRaising events, of which we have three a year. If you have had experience with horses, Continues on Page 7

and costumes purchased at a discount from Halloween Gear, a pop-up Halloween Store in the Palm Desert Costco Center (near Ethan Allen), hundreds of wouldbe “undead” don full zombie character. Then, shuffling their way through VillageFest, hand out balloons to children, all the while moaning and groaning in the tradition of the creatures

catapulted into popular culture by director George Romero in his 1968 film “Night of the Living Dead” and continuing to rise in popularity thanks to AMCs “The Walking Dead.” Participants needing help perfecting their zombie look can meet at 6pm on Thursday, Continues on Page 2

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