Desert Star Weekly Sept. 18, 2020 issue!

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Friday, September 18, 2020 Vol. 24 No. 74

‘Scorched Earth’ Some activists say with all the destruction seen from wildfires this year, the nation could be reaching a turning point in getting through to climate change deniers. But President Donald Trump is still not publicly linking the two issues. (Adobe Stock)

Conservation Group: We Haven’t Seen Worst Yet on Wildfires spreading through the air By Desert Star Staff From destroyed properties and wilderness to smoky air, the Northwest is reeling from more wildfires this season.

The Center for Western Priorities, a conservation group in the Rocky Mountain region, said there’s no doubt climate change plays a role,

and that political barriers make things worse. The direct impact of these fires is seen in multiple states, but smoke is also

and across the country. Jesse Prentice-Dunn, policy director at the Center, fears that the situation will only worsen without meaningful action.

“This year is just a harbinger for what’s to come,” Prentice-Dunn said. “It’s not gonna get better unless we take significant efforts to Continues on Page 3

As CA Burns: Tips for Dealing With Smoky Air

By Desert Star Staff SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Public health experts say smoke from the wildfires choking California skies carries dangerous levels of particulate matter. Studies show firestorms drive a spike in visits to the emergency room -- especially among the elderly. Dr. Janice Kirsch is a medical oncologist trained in public health. She said the toxins in the smoke can cause severe damage. “Breathing these particulates can cause or exacerbate heart disease, respiratory disease, lung cancer and probably other cancers. Prolonged repeated exposure leads to dementia

and other behavioral problems in children,” Kirsch said. She said indoor air quality can be almost as bad as it is outdoors, so she advises people to use an air purifier and turn on the air conditioner on ‘recirculate’ if you have one. If you must go outside, she said N-95 masks are useful, but the cloth masks people wear prevent coronavirus’s spread will not stop particulate matter. Groups that fight climate change say the extreme drought, heat and wildfires are symptoms of a bigger problem. Kathy Dervin, the state legislative committee’s co-chair with the nonprofit Continues on Page 3

Two photos taken from the same East Bay window show the air-quality change in San Francisco Bay before and during the recent fires. (Janice Kirsch)

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