Desert Star Weekly Sept. 23, 2020 issue!

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Jimmy Kimmel hosted the Emmys last Sunday, see the winners on page 7.

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September 23, 2020 Vol. 16 No. 75

‘Celestial Rock N Roll’

At least 5 space rocks headed towards Earth this week By Desert Star Staff In yet another cosmic barrage of boulders and debris, NASA is warning of at least five close asteroid flybys this week, just days after Japan’s space agency announced

it would be extending its asteroid-hunter mission. To kick things off, on September 21, the 10-meter and 16-meter 2020 RQ6 and 2020 SJ2 will shoot past the Earth at distances of 1.2 and 1.4 million

kilometers, respectively. Before anyone can breathe a sigh of relief, however, three more NearEarth Objects are expected to fly past on September 22. At 50m in diameter, or as tall as the Arc de Triomphe,

the largest of the three, named 2020 RD5, will pass the Earth at 61,000 kph at a mercifully safe distance of four million kilometers. Not long after, the paltry-by-comparison 2020 SM2, measuring just 5.8m in diameter, or four Danny DeVito’s stacked on top of one another,

will zoom past Earth, only 1.2 million km away. Bringing up the rear will be the 27-meter 2020 RB6, traveling at a staggering 71,000 kph, set to pass our planet at a ‘comparative approach’ distance of 2.5 million km. Continues on Page 2

HBO TV Special “Coastal Elites” Film Navigates Covid-19 with Humor

By Jack Lyons Theatre and Film Critic Member American Theatre Critics Association Member Academy of Television Arts and Sciences This insidious, if not invidious, Covid-19 pandemic has engulfed the world in fear and chaos. It also has taken with it over 950,000 unsuspecting lives as of September 17, 2020, most of whom didn’t understand or believe what was happening to them. Society In times of plagues or pandemics has learned to embrace some

unorthodox methods of coping when dangerous events in life’s journeys are present. People resort to wrapping themselves in the safety net of comedy or satire, especially during this on-going quarantine mandate period of 2019-2020. Without humor society would be in worse shape than it already is. HBO’s just released film “Coastal Elites”, navigates the covid-19 experience in a comedic and satirical way (for a deadly subject matter) with five vignette monologues, by five actors; each breathing life into playwright Paul Rudnick’s

Continues on Page 5

Bett Mitler in Coastal Elites

Can Greek Theater Help Save Broadway? By Pam Price Among the pandemic’s myriad cultural calamities, one stands out: the curtain falling on Broadway. Beyond the Great White Way’s symbolism going dark, there is the commercial fallout, as Broadway shows, directly and indirectly, bring big bucks to the Big Apple. Many Broadway theaters are a hundred years old or more but charming as they are social distance-ready they are not, making the extension of the curtain call well into 2021 a sad probability—but as the industry grapples with how to safely reopen the theaters, it may want to look to the place where the theater was born: Greece. The Athens and Epidaurus Festival is one of the most prestigious cultural festivals in the world. Despite the unprecedented circumstances and the fact that the artistic program originally announced last March had to be significantly cut, the Festival has consistently supported audiences’ and artists’ vital relationship with culture. The Festival once again left a strong mark this unusual summer with its edition of “Fragment,” a special series of artistic events held at the open-air Festival venues – the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus and the Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus. With all theatre venues operating at 45 percent of

their original capacity and with strict observance of regulations and necessary adjustments in place, making sure that audiences and artists alike could feel safe, the Festival welcomed over 50,000 spectators. It was unanimously acknowledged by audiences and critics alike that “the preparation was evidently flawless, and crowds were aware and respectful of the measures,” reported a reliable source. “Concerns initially raised about “the implementation of the health protection measures dissipated in the excellent Festival organization’s face,” said Greek newspaper Ta Nea. According to other press reports, “Everything worked out perfectly as if this had been our normality for years. The Athens Festival staff consisted of an exceptionally well-coordinated team who managed–without previous work experience under such circumstances–to turn this year’s Festival premiere into a veritable celebration.” Another wrote that “As far as the measures are concerned, they were all diligently observed, with audiences wearing their masks and the Athens Festival employees offering them a bottle of water upon their entrance. In fact, all those in attendance were impressed by how obediently everybody complied with the measures.” Unconventionally experiencing the Festival

venues and investing them with an original spirit were the goals that set the new tone of the Festival. This year’s program opened with Dionisis Kavallieratos’ installation at the heart of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, a Disoriented dance / Misled planet, which cast an unexpected light on the iconic Roman Odeon. The 2020 Odeon program encompassed a wide range of collaborations with major Greek orchestras, state institutions, and noted Greek artists. The program of the Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus was also infused with an experimental quality, exploring the boundaries across various art forms and featuring musical and

theatrical performances running the gamut from Baroque opera and jazz to ambient and traditional music. Along these lines, the Epidaurus Festival opened with a world-class, surprise event marking a special occasion: the celebration of 65 years of continuous Festival history. Acclaimed violinist Leonidas Kavakos stood alone at the heart of the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, performing works by Johann Sebastian Bach, and inviting us to a musical prayer for the age of the pandemic; a prayer to which all listened intently in what was a rare, therapeutic moment described by newspaper Kathimerini as “awe-inspiring.” This year, for the first time in its history, the Athens & Epidaurus Festival will expand its activities during the fall and winter season, responding to artists’ need to sharpen their tools and once again be active in these challenging times. Though the situation remains uncertain, it seems

clear that the festival officials are making it their mission to keep the contemporary cultural landscape active because, as they say, “It goes without saying that a society without Art and meditation is inhuman.” While it’s hard not admire the efforts made in Greece to support the “irreplaceable condition of live artistic experience in every way possible,” it is difficult indeed to see how the Greek cultural experience can be translated to Broadway—an experience that is, after all, almost wholly predicated on performances that take place indoors. Ancient Greek theaters were purpose-built to take on the elements, Broadway theaters were designed as glittery refuges from them. But where there’s a will, there’s a way—and now just might be the time for the Great White Way to start thinking outside the box. The future of Broadway and culture in America may depend on it.

‘Celestial Rock N Roll’

Continued from Page 1

due to return to Earth this December, with a planned Meanwhile, Japan’s landing in Australia. Hayabusa 2 asteroid hunter, However, the Japanese which successfully landed on Aerospace Exploration and ‘shot’ the asteroid Ryugu Agency (JAXA) confirmed a with a specialized bullet to press briefing late last week obtain samples for analysis that the mission would be back on Earth, is set to extend extended. After a flying visit its mission and touch down to drop off the sample, the on another space rock. probe would be headed The initial sample is for the tennis-court-sized



1998 KY26 asteroid, located between Venus and Mars. Despite the apparent proximity to Earth, the spacecraft will spend five years cruising around the solar system before observing yet another asteroid en route to 1998 KY26, at which point mission control will decide whether a landing is feasible or not. September 23, 2020

Retirement Planning is more important now than ever

By Janice Gough We have had to face many changes since COVID. It is estimated that half of all U.S. working households are “at-risk” of being unable to maintain their standard of living and lifestyle in retirement, according to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. To stay on course for your retirement plan, most will have to correct their planned course by working longer, finding cheaper housing, and reducing their expenditures. They may have to relocate to states with lower taxes, have multi-generations move in with them or perhaps have roommates and maybe give



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR Max Liebermann __________________________ OFFICE MANAGER Mindy Salas ART DIRECTOR Dina Rivera CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Cohn, Janice Gough, Jack Lyons, Kelly G. Richardson, Pamela Price, Pat Krause, Risa D’Angeles, Robert Kinsler, Theda Kleinhans Reichman PHOTOGRAPHERS Pat Krause ADVERTISING ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVES Please Call 760-671-6604 ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Arlette Capel Desert Star Weekly 13279 Palm Drive Suite 4 & 5, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-671-6604

All advertising in the Desert Star Weekly newspaper subject to current rate card. The newspaper reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. The entire contents of the Desert Star Weekly newspaper © 2013. All rights reserved.

up some of their bucket lists. They will need to find ways to feel nourished and have a meaningful life without spending so much money. A good start in planning for the changes ahead is to write out your profit and loss statement. By cutting all unnecessary expenses, you may find more savings. In 2019. the annual rate of savings was only 7.6% of income. As we approach retirement, many baby boomers are simply finding themselves unprepared. We have spent more than they should have during our lives and, unfortunately, have not saved for a rainy day. Since COVID, Studies reveal that many people are using their 401K savings for emergency funding. The longterm impacts of people cutting into their nest egg are going to be felt for decades. A tiny percentage of Americans are prepared. In recent surveys, 80% of the American public did not know how much money they will need for retirement. Some of the choices one should consider is buying an Annuity. Considering that what money you accumulate now will be safe, markets will continue to have significant volatility. If you are worried

about winding up as a burden to others, this insurance will guarantee a paycheck for life. Most of us feel a sense of accountability when given a certain amount each week or month rather than receiving money in a lump sum. The lump-sum problem is that people are nervous because they don’t know how much they can afford to use. Monthly earnings resemble a paycheck, which is like when you were actively earning a living. Annuities also offer riders, which can help in paying medical expenses as we age.

A Long-Term Care rider added to an annuity is much cheaper than the fully insured plans. In the event you need LTC, your bucket of money will triple. By adding a Critical illness rider, one can cover possible expenses for major illness. The great thing about annuities is that your savings can continue to grow taxsheltered. A flexible annuity allows you to continue saving. We will all need to have developed within our “Serious money” pocket, as inflation most likely will increase our expenses by 30% in the next

few years. Since Annuity is a contract, the government can not make laws to change an annuity contract, whereas the government can change laws with 401K, IRAs, etc. Planning ahead is always the best solution to living a comfortable life during our golden years. Janice Gough is a financial consultant and can be reached by calling our office at (760) 2517724 or (650) 200-8291. Please send us an email at Janice@ to schedule a complimentary review.

Fair Housing Violations? Restrictions on Hard Floors and Outside Play By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL Mr. Richardson: I enjoy reading

your column. I recently bought a condo and was in the process of replacing the carpet with laminate flooring because of allergies. The HOA informed me that there is a rule prohibiting hard flooring to be installed in condominiums above another condominium. I asked the management company for the definition of “hard flooring” but have been ignored. Is there a legal definition? Would vinyl flooring or linoleum be considered “hard flooring” or is carpet my only option? This is a health issue. I am hoping you can provide some direction. Thanks, R.N., Los Angeles Dear R.N.: California Fair Housing laws and regulations require that the HOA make “reasonable” accommodations upon request to deal with your allergy issue (a disability). Have you provided the HOA with documentation that your allergies do not permit you to have carpeted floors? However, if you have documented the health necessity of the hard

floor, that does not end the discussion. The purpose of a restriction against hard floors above the ground floor is to protect the lower neighbor from noise nuisance. The accommodation of a non-carpeted floor could be unreasonable if it creates a disturbance for the lower neighbor. So, your HOA and you should dialogue in what the regulations call “interactive process” to agree upon reasonable measures to buffer the floor. That may require the advice of an acoustic expert to specify an installation providing a reasonable amount of buffering. Since the cost of accommodation is normally paid by the requestor, you may be asked to pay for the consultation. The HOA may also ask you to promise to restore the carpeting after you move out. However, even if the HOA approves the buffered new floor, your lower neighbor still could find the noise objectionable, so you may want to include them in the discussion. Thanks, Kelly

Hello Kelly, Since COVID-19, more kids have been playing outside of our condos (including mine). It’s very peaceful and quiet even with the kids riding bikes, and they usually ride September 23, 2020

with their parents. Now the HOA announced that per the HOA governing documents recreational and sports activities of any kind are not allowed in common areas, including no baseball, scooter or bike riding, motorized toy cars, skateboarding or skating. Can they do this? I know it doesn’t mention children but that’s who the HOA is targeting. What do you think? Thanks, A.O,, Newark Dear A.O.: Rules mentioning or targeting children may violate state and federal Fair Housing laws. Such rules are considered “familial status” discrimination, which is illegal except in age-restricted communities. However, if the rules discuss prohibited activities, and not the age of the person pursuing the activity, the HOA may be within the law. HOAs often restrict recreation in common

area streets, walkways, and landscaped areas to protect residents from nuisance, property from damage, and, most importantly, the participants from being injured by pursuing recreational activities in areas not intended for recreation. So, the HOA might not actually be targeting children, but instead trying to prevent potentially dangerous activities in common area. With schools mostly closed at present, there is an understandable pressure on families with children, but safety cannot be overlooked. Best, Kelly Kelly G. Richardson Esq., CCAL, is a Fellow of the College of Community Association Lawyers and a Partner of Richardson | Ober | DeNichilo LLP, a California law firm known for community association advice. Submit questions to Past columns at www.HOAHomefront. com. All rights reserved®.


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The season has changed and so must our health regimes, ways of eating, how we exercise and plan our day. As autumn begins it’s good to think along new lines, preparing for the coming changes in light, color, sun, shadows. All of these are reflected in the many religious fall and winter festivals. The seasonal changes are reflected within our bodies, too. Relationships need extra tending so everyone doesn’t feel isolated, cold, alone, withdrawn and left out.

TAURUS It’s good to begin once again to be out and about, learning new things, observing changes in the weather, in nature, creating an autumn garden, setting up the greenhouse, or, perhaps teaching a class. Always in your life your task has been to illumine the minds of others - a serious and disciplined task. It would be good to also consider what would be playful, bring enjoyment, fun and a calling forth of your lightness and spontaneity? Perhaps you need to swim in a warm natural pool.

GEMINI What constitutes family to you, whether biological, friend, group (esoteric?), colleagues, etc.? Family matters more and more even if you tend to reject that thought. Something’s not complete with someone. What would that be? With whom? Listening to others until you understand the essential message is an important Gemini goal. All of this brings love forth – your spiritual task. Mercury listens


and Venus unifies all that is separate. These starry beings are your guides.

CANCER Make contact. These two words have a depth most don’t understand. Making contact releases Love. But it must be true, authentic and intentional contact. It must be from the heart, connecting heart to heart, Soul-to-Soul. The results are that Love being released creates liberation for everyone. You are the one to begin this process. Do this ceaselessly, quietly, with heartfelt intention of contact with all kingdoms.

LEO There’s a sense that you must create a new plan concerning finances and resources. When accomplished, a new state of values issues forth. You may want to communicate more deeply with family and friends, sharing with them your values, asking what values they hold. Seek to know what values are held in common. The questions about values have to do with what your desires & aspirations are for the future. Knowing our values and aspiration gives us a greater sense of self identity.

VIRGO You will want to come out of the shadows and into a greater light. Standing in shadows, perhaps in the shadow of another is comfortable for you. However, there comes a time when we each must define ourselves, become a sovereign individual, recognize our own self-identity, understand what we initiate, realize that we’re responsible, summon our confidence, and

seek a new support system. Am I speaking to Virgo or Pisces? Both. For each is the shadow of the other.

LIBRA As I prepared the garden for autumn I gathered together a sheaf of wheat, the Virgo symbol of nourishment for humanity. I thought of Libra, and what nourishes them - relationships, beauty, friends, equilibrium, balance, love, sacrifice, art. It’s the art of the wheat sheaf that caught my eye and I thought Librans must get back to their art in whatever form interests them. Some paint, some have galleries, some are collectors. What is your art form? What creative act calms and nurtures you?

SCORPIO Do you sense a restlessness to discover the group that belongs to you, and yet somehow you can’t find it? As you search for those likeminded who belong to you, assess what gifts you would offer them, and in turn, they to you. And what would you want to offer the world? Your gifts and talents continue to develop. Always have patience and peace. Speak with love to those close to you. Ask for their visions and goals. Help them find their dreams.

SAGITTARIUS Saturn has been working with developing new structure for humanity for several years now. Saturn has called for a perfect execution of your work. With Saturn’s direction, new structures and new dimensions have been given, resulting in new thoughts flowing through your mind. You’re being

impressed with ideas that become ideals for humanity. Share your ideas with others who will assist you. Diplomacy is paramount when everything is in a state of disruption and change. Act like King Solomon.

CAPRICORN What will you do this autumn? How will you reflect the autumn season in your home? Is the world calling to you with new ideas, new creativity? You are being prepared within for something new to emerge in the near future. Perhaps it’s a course of study, something you want (or need) to learn, somewhere to visit, travel to, discover? Perhaps it’s writing a book, planning a new garden. Is there something you want to say to someone far away? Many things you dream of come your way.

to do, how to provide our gifts when opportunities don’t seem to exist. Again, we (especially Pisces at this time) are to work at our best with whom and wherever we find ourselves. Relationships need compromise, patience and acceptance. Adaptation liberates and frees us. Risa D’Angeles is the founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies Research Institute: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology. She can be reached at

AQUARIUS Take extra care with and tend carefully to your money, valuables and resources. Create a place of safety for your money. Know what is coming in and going out. Use this time to discover what is needed and what is not. Give away what is not and then give more away. Giving provides you with meaning, a true sense of service and a liberation that allows you to move forward in your life. Have gratitude for your life. Gratitude creates the magic you seek.

PISCES We are to do our best in every place we find ourselves. Many of us are hesitant and uncertain these days, sitting on the fence (uncomfortable), unable to decide where we’re going, what to do when we don’t know what


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Maine Drug-Overdose Deaths Climb Could Surpass Record

In the first quarter of 2020, 127 Mainers died of drug overdoses, a 23% increase from the last quarter of 2019. (StockSnap/Pixabay) By Desert Star Staff According to preliminary estimates, close to 260 people likely died from overdoses in Maine during the first half of this year. If this continues,



2020 will be the worst year for overdose deaths in state history. Leslie Clarke, executive director of the Portland Recovery Community Center, said COVID-19 and

increased social isolation are factors probably contributing to this tragic spike. One significant point struck Clarke about these losses: “The common factor of September 23, 2020

people who overdose is, they’re alone,” said Clarke. “So, how do we find additional ways to create the possibility of connection at people’s darkest moments?” Clarke noted that after the pandemic began, the Portland Recovery Community Center quickly made recovery meetings available on Zoom, and its telephone peer support line is a lot more active. She also explained she wants to add another service to help prevent overdoses, as she’s worried they’re not reaching some of the folks who used to walk in for urgent help. Suzanne Farley is executive director of Wellspring, which provides addiction counseling, a detox center, and mental health services to residential and outpatient clients -- many

of whom are lower-income. According to Farley, more people started seeking treatment over the summer, particularly in August. “Anecdotally, I suspect that people had started using again because of COVID,” she said. “And it’s been a few months, and now, people are starting to kind of lift their heads up and go, ‘Well, this is not the life I want. How do I get help?’” Farley predicts that even more Mainers will need substance-use treatment this fall and winter. She said she hopes the state will support publicly-funded agencies like hers well enough so they can continue to provide these community health services. Right now, she said, her organization is facing a deficit.

HBO TV Special “Coastal Elites” Film Navigates Covid-19 with Humor Continued from Page 1

Trump. Rae, or Rudnick, or both, have a field day spot-on slices of pandemic recalling the shallowness and life during this unprecedented obsession with possessions experience, and all deftly and money, in a segment titled directed by Jay Roach. “The Blonde Cloud”. Ivanka Leading off the first Trump is a true chip off the of five segments is one of old money tree block revered America’s finest comedienne/ by the Trump family, in Rae’s Broadway/singer and actor’s scathing comedy turn. is the irrepressible Bette Apparently actors and Midler. “The Devine Miss M”, psychiatrists are kindred as she was known back in souls; that’s why there are her cabaret days in the 60s, so many of them and they’re has, over the years, perfected proud of it. Segment three the persona of America’s features actor Dan Levy as Jewish mother comedy image, gay actor Mark Hesterman, with a Yiddish-fueled saucy revealing to his psychiatrist tongue that is blessed with during their regular session his impeccable comedy timing most recent audition for a role and talent. She hasn’t lost that didn’t quite turn out the her star quality edge as an way he imagined it should. actor and comedienne over He explains that VP Mike the years either. Her Miriam Pence is partly responsible for role is biting, funny and flirts the gay community’s negative with over-the-top moments. image and the paucity of As obsessed NYC openly gay acting roles (could school teacher Miriam this be a case of the pot calling Nessler, Midler’s take and the kettle black?). Comedians, the effect on her students however, view life’s vicissitudes and Trump’s role in the from a different mind-set. pandemic is classic Midler. Thank God that they do or we It’s a 20 minute comedic would all be so anxious and rant that leaves the viewer up-tight we wouldn’t be able exhauster by her stamina function at all. We have seen and focus. It’s ageless Midler this rodeo before. Dan Levy, returning to her early form. however, shines his special Next Batter up is beautiful, comedy spin on Gays vs. slender, stunning Isa Rae as Trump/Pence in a political light Callie Josephson, the uberperhaps a little too forcefully. rich socialite daughter and Sarah Paulson as Clarissa classmate of vapid Ivanka Montgomery, a meditation guru

who delivers her performance as a sweet but somewhat of an unsure guru of her of her own advice. Later, as we listen to her and her message of easing the anxiety and depression of the pandemic for her clients, she reveals her failed attempt to get her Republican family to stop drinking the “kool-ade” that they have been steadily gulping down since 2016 via the cup of “cult mentality” to the now newly updated - “herd mentality” label, but to no avail. Her dilemma, no doubt, resonates with many in similar circumstances. The final and fifth vignette of “Coastal Elites” is the best of the five; at least for me. It sums up the 2019-2020 pandemic POV more soberly than comedic when viewed through the eyes of Sharynn Tarrows, a young, dedicated, volunteering Wyoming Nurse - who is terrifically, poignantly, and understatedly - played by Kaitlyn Dever. Nurse Sharynn, who came to NYC to help her colleagues fight the pandemic is the one that hits home the hardest and is the most poignant of playwright Rudnick’s screenplay characters in “Coastal Elites”. One can really feel the ordeal that NYC health professionals went through and are still going through when viewing Dever’s

outstanding performance. One must remember that “Coastal Elites” bills itself as a comedy-satire movie, even though were looking at a series of stand-alone, static, comedy monologues in the age of Trump. I doubt the Trump family or its Red Maga Hatted supporters will read or care what is said by playwright

Rudnick, or director Roach, and the actors who perform as the characters. But I do think people with a sense of humor will smile, laugh and enjoy the antics of those of the political circus we all seemed to be trapped in these day. Remember, a great nation deserves great art. Support all the arts!

CDC: Alzheimer’s Deaths Rise During Pandemic By Desert Star Staff SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- A spike in Alzheimer’s-related deaths is being viewed as another ripple effect of the pandemic, and the troubling information resonates in states like Iowa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s

chief of mortality statistics said deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s and dementia were 20% above average this summer. Isolation during lockdowns and disruptions to nursing-home care are cited as possible factors. Greg Woods, the program specialist with the

Greater Iowa Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, said facilities across the state have been creative and flexible in providing interactions for patients. But the virus has upended the lives of those who are least able to cope with change. “People who have Alzheimer’s, especially, usually like routine, they like normalcy,” said Woods. “They like, you know, repetition and things that happen regularly, and this really tips that boat quite a bit.” Woods said Iowa’s rural

backdrop already makes it harder to care for Alzheimer’s patients, with resources not as easily accessible. In Iowa, Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death. And the state’s number of cases is projected to increase by nearly 15% in the next five years. As states like Iowa continue to see spikes in novel coronavirus cases, Woods said caregivers must try and ward off forced isolation as much as possible. “Getting things together like video calls, or even

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just regular phone calls, or organizing ways that people can see each other,” said Woods, “through the windows or you know, in special little rooms that they’ve made out of plastic. Whatever it might be.” Families of patients have been calling on states and the federal government to boost testing at nursing homes, especially for staff members bringing the virus into facilities. Advocates for more robust testing say it could pave the way for families to interact with their loved ones.


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September 23, 2020



TikTok Announces Deal With Oracle and Walmart, Trump Approves

By Desert Star Staff Just hours before new app downloads would be banned in the United States, Vanessa Pappas, the interim head of TikTok, announced on Saturday that the company had reached a proposal with Oracle and Walmart to keep the

video-sharing platform alive in the country. President Donald Trump has also approved the deal, reports Bloomberg. The deal will effectively establish a new company, TikTok Global, in which Oracle and Walmart can together take up to a 20 percent

we’ve confirmed a proposal that resolves the Administration’s security concerns and settles questions around TikTok’s future in the U.S. Our plan is extensive and consistent with previous CFIUS resolutions, including working with Oracle, who will be our trusted cloud and technology provider responsible for entirely securing our users’ data. We are committed to protecting our users globally and providing the highest levels of security. Both Oracle and Walmart will take part in a TikTok Global pre-IPO financing round in which they can take up to a 20% cumulative stake in the company. We will also maintain and expand stake in. TikTok Global will be the U.S. as TikTok Global’s headquartered in the United States and will bring 25,000 jobs headquarters while bringing to the country. Pappas said that 25,000 jobs across the country. The deal was announced Oracle would be responsible just hours before the U.S. for storing user data, emphasizing its commitment to Commerce Department was set to ban new downloads of protecting its users’ privacy. TikTok, and Bloomberg says the We’re pleased that today

ban on TikTok has been delayed by a week after Trump gave his initial approval of the proposal. The initial ban was set to include both TikTok and WeChat, but it is unclear at the current time if the latter app, which is owned by China’s Tencent Holdings, will still be banned from Apple and Google’s respective U.S. app stores on Sunday. In August, President Trump signed an executive order giving ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, to 90 days to sell its TikTok business in the United States due to evidence of possible national security threats from the China-based company. Though TikTok has opted for a partnership instead of a divestment of U.S. operations, all user data will be stored by U.S.-based Oracle. The company will be able to review TikTok’s current source code and that of any subsequent updates.

7-Eleven Stores Hire More Than 50,000 Amid Pandemic

By Desert Star Staff In March, 7-Eleven, Inc. made the call to employ 20,000 new store employees. Since then, the company estimates the organization and independent 7-Eleven franchise owners have hired more than twice that many – over 50,000. And they’re recruiting 20,000 more to work in its 9,000+ U.S. stores to meet continued demand for 7-Eleven products and services amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Classified as an essential retailer, 7-Eleven kept its doors open all year long, adding enhanced cleaning procedures and different safety protocols such as acrylic shields at checkout, floor distance markers, sanitizing stations and offering employees masks and gloves. Additionally, the company allows customers to utilize disposable tissues and gloves as they shop for essential pantry items, their morning coffee or an indulgent afternoon snack to recharge. Also, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s largest convenience retail chain has scaled frictionless mobile checkout technology to new markets, expanded delivery from 400 to 1,300 cities,

added in-store pick-up through its 7NOW delivery app and increased its U.S. store base by more than 300 stores this year. “I am constantly inspired by our 7-Eleven Heroes – franchisees and employees alike – who have stepped up to serve communities as we continue to navigate through the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said 7-Eleven President and Chief Executive Officer Joe DePinto. “Hiring 20,000 more store employees allows us to continue to fulfill our mission to give customers what they want, when and where they want it, whether in stores or at home.” Millions of Americans are still looking for jobs. The U.S. unemployment rate has fallen the past four months and stands at 8.4 percent, down from a high of 14.7 percent in April. Before COVID-19 forced business closures and forfeitures, unemployment had been tracking below 4 percent for more than two years. The store employee position will also help meet the surge in mobile orders through its 7NOW® delivery app, which offers delivery of essentials

and nonessentials, including grocery staples like milk and bread, over-the-counter medicine, a range of food and beverage options such as pizza and Slurpee® drinks, ready-to-bake meals, beer and wine in participating markets, and more. Reaching over 60 million U.S. households, orders are typically delivered in about 30 minutes; however, demand may impact delivery times in the current environment. 7-Eleven has supported its communities’ frontline medical workers, first responders, students at home, and local

Worst States for Teachers. In order to help educators find the best opportunities and teaching environments in the U.S., WalletHub analyzed the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 25 key metrics, ranging from teachers’ income growth

2nd – 10-Year Change in Teacher Salaries potential to the pupil-teacher (Adjusted for Cost of Living) 2nd – Statewide ratio to whether the state 37th – Quality of School System School Reopening has a digital learning plan. 50th – Pupil-Teacher Ratio 1st – Existence of Digital Teacher-Friendliness of 22nd – Public-School Learning Plan California (1=Best; 25=Avg.): Spending per Student For the full report, please 44th – Avg. Starting Salary 38th – Teachers’ Income visit: https://wallethub. for Teachers (Adjusted Growth Potential com/edu/best-and-worstfor Cost of Living) 17th – Projected states-for-teachers/7159/ 14th – Avg. Salary for Teachers Competition in Year 2028

food banks outside of its stores. The company donated 1 million masks to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and 1 million meals to Feeding America food banks. Local Franchisees have stepped up to help their own communities, offering free lunches to students who lost access to school lunches and delivering meals to hospitals, police stations and firehouses. Store employees also have handed out bags of essential groceries to residents in safely distanced drive-by events. “Locally owned and

operated 7-Eleven stores are really going above and beyond to serve their communities,” said DePinto. “I’d like to thank 7-Eleven Franchisees and corporate store employees for everything they are doing to provide the necessary products and services to customers in need.” Applicants for corporate and franchised stores may apply at careers.7-Eleven. com or inquire at local stores. Independent franchise owners are the employers at franchised locations.

2020’s Best & Worst States for Teachers By Desert Star Staff With World Teachers’ Day around the corner and teachers having to implement social distancing or online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2020’s Best &



September 23, 2020



And The Emmy Goes To….

Multiple Emmy Award Winners Schitts Creek. Photo Courtesy of Twitter Another TV season has come and gone, and this Sunday the top TV entertainers and shows were honored with a golden trophy. And again, the

show was hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. But unlike past years, there were no celebrities in the audience thanks to the coronavirus. Therefore the 72nd

Winner Yahya Abdul-Mateen II. Photo courtesy of Twitter

Emmy extravaganza was far less extravagant than in past years. For most viewers, the most touching portion of the program was the listing of TV stars and personalities who left us this past year. Personally, I was incredibly saddened by the loss of Dorothy Fontana, a prime writer for Gene Rodenberry’s “Star Trek.” She was not only a friend; she also adopted one of my kittens many years ago. Other stars we lost were Carl Reiner of “The Dick Van Dyke Show,” Gene Reynolds, director “Mash,” Buck Henry, Lyle Waggoner “The Carol Burnett Show,” Bill Macy “Maude,” Phyllis George, Diana Rigg, Lee Mendelson the producer “Peanuts,” Fred Willard, David Bellesario, producer, Regis Philbin, Naya Rivera. “Glee” and Chadwick Bosman, best known for his film roles, also guest-starred on several TV series during his brief career. Mark Ruffalo was the winner in the outstanding actor in a limited series or TV series for

Zendaya, youngest Emmy award winner. Photo courtesy of Twitter his performance in “I Know This Much Is True,” and Regina King was honored for her starring role in “Watchman.” Best Actor and Actress in supporting roles were Yahya Abdul Mateen II in “Watchmen” and Uzo Aduba.” Mrs. America.” In the outstanding lead actor and actress in a comedy role, the Emmy went to Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara for “Schitt’s Creek.” In the supporting actor and actress category, the winners were Dan Levy and Annie Murphy, “Schitt’s Creek.” The outstanding lead actor and actress in a drama series were Jeremy Strong in “Succession” and Zendaya for her role in “Euphoria.” The supporting actor and actress winners were Billy Crudup “The Morning Show” and Julia Garner “Ozark.” “RuPaul’s Drag Race” won in the outstanding reality/ competition series, and “Last

Week Tonight” with John Oliver” was honored as the outstanding variety talk show series. In the particular limited series category, the Emmy went to “Watchman,” and “Schitt’s Creek” was honored as the outstanding comedy series. Last but not least, “Succession” was the trophy winner in the excellent drama series. In a special segment, Tyler Perry was honored with the Governor’s Award for his television industry work. His acceptance speech was especially touching when he spoke about his late grandmother’s quilt as a metaphor for the fabric of our lives. In closing, let’s all hope that next year’s Emmy Show Show will once again be presented live and on stage without the shadow of the COVID-19 darkening the festivities.

‘Best case’ for the end of the pandemic is 2022 By Desert Star Staff Bill Gates can’t stop spouting his opinions on the coronavirus these days. In his latest spiel, the plutocrat has forecast that the pandemic will have concluded by 2022 – thanks to vaccines he’s heavily invested in. In an interview on Fox News, the Microsoft founder predicted that life will have returned to normal for people in the United States by summer 2021, due to progress having been made with the development of vaccines against the disease. The business magnate outlined that he expects the US to begin approving vaccines for public use early next year. Because of this, he said he’s

“optimistic” the pandemic “won’t last indefinitely.” “The end of the epidemic? Best case is probably 2022. But during 2021, the numbers – we should be able to drive them down if we take the global approach,” Gates told the Fox News on Sunday program. “So, you know, thank goodness vaccine technology was there, that the funding came up, that the companies put their best people on it. That’s why I’m optimistic this won’t last indefinitely,” he added. The multi-billionaire said he thinks the US Food and Drug Administration could grant approval to “three or four” vaccine formulas. The question of how the shots will be distributed

would then arise, Gates said, declaring himself disappointed that the US has not made plans to manufacture and distribute vaccines in poorer countries. “The place the US has not shown up is in this issue of helping to buy the vaccine for these developing countries,” he complained. Gates is a major investor in the pharmaceutical sector and has funneled millions of dollars into developing seven different vaccines against Covid-19 alone. He previously said that between 70 and 80 percent of the world’s population would have to be vaccinated against the virus before anyone can hope to live an everyday life again. September 23, 2020





Listen Up To Wonderful New Releases

If you like variety when it comes to music, check out my latest roundup of recent releases...

There are a plethora of fantastic moments on the album including the potent rock ‘n’ soul leadoff track “Freedom Blues,” Creedence Clearwater Artist: Little Richard Revival-mining “Greenwood, Titles: The Rill Thing; Mississippi,” the ambitious title King of Rock and Roll track (which runs more than (Omnivore Recordings) 10 minutes!), the New Orleans You might like if you enjoy: swoop “Lovesick Blues,” a joyful Little Richard, Prince, horns-draped version of the Vintage Trouble, Billy Preston Beatles’ “I Saw Her Standing Tell me more: When Little There” and bonus track Richard passed away at the “Shake A Hand (If You Can).” age of 87 on May 9, 2020, it Fourteen months after rekindled interest in the life and the release of “The Rill Thing,” music of the pioneering rock Little Richard rebounded with and roll great. Now Omnivore the equally convincing “King of Recordings has reissued Rock and Roll,” produced by expanded versions of two of H.B. Barnum. The expanded his most important albums, LP features a fine mix of original 1970’s “The Rill Thing” and songs, along with reworked 1971’s “King of Rock and Roll.” covers of Motown and rock Best known for his string of classics. Listening to the spirited seminal ‘50s hits (“Tutti Fruiti,” ‘50s title track, gospel-meets“Long Tall Sally,” “Rip It Up” soul version of “Joy To The and many more), the Macon, World,” rocking take on The Georgia native enjoyed a wellRolling Stones’ “Brown Sugar” deserved comeback with these and joyful “The Way You Do ambitious early ‘70s LPs where The Things You Do” all find the his signature vocals were at rocker tapping into all of his their peak. “The Rill Thing” was strengths. The funky “Green recorded in Muscle Shoals, Power,” soulful ballad “I’m So Alabama and finds Little Richard Lonesome I Could Cry” and — who also produced the retooled “Born On The Bayou” album — delivering an album shine an especially bright light that fuses blues, soul, funk on his elevated vocal excellence and R&B together flawlessly. during this period. Both of these

Cheryl Pawelski-produced reissues come with essential bonus tracks, new liner notes penned by Bill Dahl, photos and ephemera. Information:

By Desert Star Staff SACRAMENTO, Calif. -Before the pandemic, one in five children in California lived with hunger. Now, it’s one in four, so the media company Discovery, Inc. is partnering with nonprofits to feed millions of kids and make sure their basic needs are met. Alexa Verveer, executive vice president of public policy, corporate and government affairs for Discovery, Inc., said the company’s media platforms, which include HGTV, TLC, the Food Network and ID, reach 25% of American women on any given night. “We’re able to galvanize the power of our reach and the fact that we have passionate audiences to truly make an impact on important issues,” Verveer said. She added the channels will coordinate with business partners to raise money for the groups Save the Children

pandemic Electronic Balance Transfer program that provided income-eligible families with money on cards to be used in grocery stores. Will Dittmar, state director in California and Washington for Save the Children, works with Discovery’s RISE program, which stands for ‘Reducing Inequality and Supporting Empowerment.’ They help meet families’ basic needs in low-income rural parts of Fresno and Tulare Counties, in the Morongo Valley and the Palmdale/Lancaster area. “That’s what we do at Save the Children is needs assessment,” Dittmar said. “And then, immediately pivoting to find the resources to meet those needs; everything from direct cash resources for families to grants to schools to make sure they can continue their feeding programs in the summer.” He said RISE has spent

on the lead vocals delivered by the late Steve Marriott in the original) and the mind-bending Hendrix cut “Manic Depression” (with Frehley and Grand Funk Railroad’s Bruce Kulick both soloing). KISS lost more than Artist: Ace Frehley a step with the departure of Title: Origins Vol. 2 Frehley in 1982 (he did rejoin the (Entertainment One) band from 1996 to the end of You might like if you enjoy: 2001); just listen to the blistering Ace Frehley, Lita Ford, Robin take on Mountain’s “Never In My Zander, Bruce Kulick Life” and Cream’s “Politician” Tell me more: Revisiting to hear Frehley’s killer guitar classic tracks from the topwork in spades. Other treasures tier likes of The Beatles, Led on the LP include a cool take Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, on Paul Revere & the Raiders’ Jimi Hendrix and The Kinks can “Kicks” and a cover of his be challenging because the former band’s “She” (featured originals endure in their timeless on the 1975 album “Dressed perfection. But on his new to Kill”). Get “Origins Vol. 2” dozen-strong set “Origins Vol. and crank it up! Then go back 2” KISS founding member Ace and discover the Spaceman’s Frehley (lead guitar, vocals) is 2016 album “Origins Vol. 1.” able to meet that challenge by Information: covering beloved classics with virtuoso guitar work, a hard rock Artist: Rick Hromadka edge, an unbridled sense of joy Title: Better Days and a little help from some good (SodaStar Music) friends. Among the smoking You might like if you enjoy: cuts on the disc is a high-octane Jason Falkner, Roger Joseph tear through the Rolling Stones’ Manning Jr., Maple Mars, “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” (featuring the Lickerish Quartet Lita Ford on lead vocals), a Tell me more: Los Angelesrousing cover of Humble Pie’s based singer-songwriter Rick 1972 blues-rocker favorite Hromadka’s “Better Days” is “30 Days In The Hole” (with the perfect find for those in Robin Zander able to deliver search of music that is melodic,

memorable and expertly crafted. Hromadka (Maple Mars, Ruby Free, Double Naught Spies) and a batch of musical pals have created an album that is one of the best power pop releases in memory, a surging and artful effort that is bolstered by excellent song craft, experimental flourishes aplenty and nuanced musicianship. The atmospheric opener “Better Days,” exhilarating melodic rocker “Searchlight,” psychedelic-aimed “Drive On” and breezy “The Ever After” are early highlights on the album. The driving “Full Blown Freakout,” genre bending “Robot Lover” and lavish “The Last Volcano” make the second half of the disc equally strong. “Better Days,” set for release on Sept. 22, will be available on vinyl and digital. Information: Artist: Aimee Mann Title: Avalanche (HBO’s “I’ll Be Gone In The Dark”) You might like if you enjoy: Aimee Mann, Leonard Cohen Tell me more: Singersongwriter Aimee Mann has released a evocative version of Leonard Cohen’s ballad “Avalanche,” which is now featured as the title track for HBO’s true-crime docuseries “I’ll Be Gone In The Dark.” Covering Cohen can be tricky and few artists have done it with the power and artful grandeur to do the original material justice; Mann’s haunting and faithful cover of “Avalanche” is sheer joy and well worth discovering. The song can be streamed or downloaded now. Information:

CA Schools, Families Get Help Coping in Pandemic



and Share Our Strength, and publicize opportunities to contribute, volunteer and get involved in advocacy efforts. Kathy Saile, California director of the No Kid Hungry campaign, is working with Discovery’s Turn Up! Fight Hunger initiative to help school districts distribute bags of food now that school is mostly online. “When schools started closing in March, and they were switching over to the curbside pickup, they needed a lot of PPE, and a lot of extra packaging and other equipment, and we were able to grant nearly $4 million,” Saile said. The campaign also promotes programs that let elementary-age kids eat breakfast right before the bell rings and fund graband-go breakfasts for high schoolers between classes. They’re also pushing Congress to extend the

September 23, 2020

A volunteer with Save The Children hands out school supplies in California as part of the RISE initiative. (Shawn Millsaps/Save the Children) millions on emergency food boxes and supports educational programs for 9,500 kids at 26 rural schools in the Golden State.

Disclosure: Discovery Inc contributes to our fund for reporting on Children’s Issues, Environment, Hunger/Food/ Nutrition, Poverty Issues.

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Desert Star Weekly Legals




ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME, CASE NO. PSC 2004019, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 3255 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92263, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. GENESIS CASTILLO SANDOVAL filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: 1a. Present Name: GENESIS CASTILLO SANDOVAL to Proposed Name: GENESIS CASTILLO DOMINGUEZ. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: November 25, 2020 Time: 8:30 pm., Dept.: PS4. The address of the court is: 3255 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262, County of Riverside 3.a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county (specify newspaper): DESERT STAR WEEKLY 13279 PALM DRIVE SUITE 5, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240 Dated: September 11, 2020 Judge of the Superior Court, Publish September 23, 30, October 7, 14, 2020. DSW20-2215 SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) Case Number (Numero del Caso): PSC1909030 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (Aviso al Demandado): Ricardo Ayala DOES 1 to 10. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (Lo Esta Demandando El Demandante): The Best Service Co., Inc. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.


PUBLIC NOTICE, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www., the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a continuacion. Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que le entreguen citacion y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (, en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recommendable que llame a un abogado immediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www. en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, ( o poniendose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corto tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperacion de $10,000 o mas de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesion de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, 3255 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): LAW OFFICES OF CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON (SALARIED EMPLOYEES OF THE BEST SERVICE CO., INC.) CHRISTOPHER STAPLETON SBN 315777, 6700 S CENTINELA AVE, THIRD FLOOR, CULVER CITY, CA 90230. Dated: December 11,




September 23, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE

2019. Clerk, by (Secretario) V. Lopez, Deputy as true, information which he or she knows to (Adjunto) DSW20-2213 September 23, 30, October be false, is guilty of a crime) Signed NICHOLAUS 7, 14, 2020 LOPEZ ANZALDUA, NICCHOLAUS LOPEZ ANZALDUA. This statement was filed with the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT County Clerk of Riverside County on 09/08/2020. THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File BUSINESS AS XPRESS TOWING & TRANSPORT, No. R-202009236. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS 49087 SIERRA ST, COACHELLA, CA 92236. BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE Riverside County. Full name of registrant DANIEL YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN “A” ZEPEDA, 49087 SIERRA ST, COACHELLA, THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW CA 92236. Business is conducted by INDIVIDUAL. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Registrant has yet to transact business under MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE the fictitious business name(s) listed above. I FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF declare that all the information in this statement AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF as true, information which he or she knows to THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, be false, is guilty of a crime) Signed DANIEL “A” STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ZEPEDA. This statement was filed with the County ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). Clerk of Riverside County on 09/03/2020. Peter Publish September 23, 30, October 7,14, 2020 Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File DSW20-2212 No. R-202009120. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW BUSINESS AS EVOLUTION SERVICES, 13279 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT PALM DR., STE 7, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE 92240. Riverside County. Full name of registrant FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF WATER EVOLUTION INC., 82365 US HIGHWAY AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A 111 STE. 102, INDIO, CA 92201/CALIFORNIA. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF Business is conducted by CORPORATION. THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, Registrant has yet to transact business under the STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, fictitious business name(s) listed above. I declare ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). that all the information in this statement is true Publish September 23, 30, October 7,14, 2020 and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true, DSW20-2216 information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime) Signed WENDY G. AYALA, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT SECRETARY. This statement was filed with the THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING County Clerk of Riverside County on 09/10/2020. BUSINESS AS HEAL & ELEVATE, 15490 AVENIDA Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File RAMBLA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240. No. R-202009359. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS Riverside County. Full name of registrant LYBYS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE GEOVANNA ZAMBRANO, 15490 AVENIDA YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN RAMBLA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA 92240. THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW Business is conducted by INDIVIDUAL. Registrant FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT has yet to transact business under the fictitious MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE business name(s) listed above. I declare that all the FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF information in this statement is true and correct. (A AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A registrant, who declares as true, information which FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime) THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, Signed LYBYS G ZAMBRANO. This statement STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). on 09/03/2020. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Publish September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2020 Clerk-Recorder File No. R-202009152. NOTICE — DSW20-2211 THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT BUSINESS AS THE BANANA BREAD HOUSE; MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE BANANA BREAD HOUSE, 40298 PASEO DEL FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF CIELO, TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92591. Riverside AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A County. Full name of registrant MORIAH MAE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF DUCOULOMBIER, 40298 PASEO DEL CIELO, THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92591; GEROGIA STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, MARIE DUCOULOMBIER, 40298 PASEO DEL ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). CIELO, TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 92591. Business Publish September 23, 30, October 7,14, 2020 is conducted by CO-PARTNERS. Registrant DSW20-2214 has yet to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above. I declare that all the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT information in this statement is true and correct. THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING (A registrant, who declares as true, information BUSINESS AS THE TIRE HOUSE, 80-646 which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of PRINCETON AVE, INDIO, CA 92201. Riverside a crime) Signed GEORIGA DUCOULOMBIER, County. Full name of registrant NICHOLAUS LOPEZ MORIAH DUCOULOMBIER. This statement was ANZALDUA, 80-646 PRINCETON AVE, INDIO, CA filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County 92201. Business is conducted by INDIVIDUAL. on 09/09/2020. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Registrant has yet to transact business under Clerk-Recorder File No. R-202009278. NOTICE — the fictitious business name(s) listed above. I THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT declare that all the information in this statement EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares

Citizens’ Election Program Sets Standard for Clean Elections towards special interests.” And the report found public funding of elections encourages more people of various socioeconomic backgrounds to run for office, as campaigns become more expensive. Rotman said many Americans don’t see these kinds of structural changes as priorities - but she believes big money in politics creates such a problem that it needs to be part of the solution. “These wealthy special interests can find themselves getting multimillion-dollar benefits out of that,” said Rotman. “But the truth is, The Citizens’ Elections Program was launched more than a it’s we the people who need decade ago in Connecticut, following multiple state corruption the return on the investment. scandals. (HappyLenses/Adobe Stock) This is the kind of change that makes all these other changes possible. This, too, By Desert Star Staff Money in Politics and Ethics is a kitchen-table issue.” According to a new program, said candidates’ She said some local report from Common willingness to rely on small municipalities in other states Cause, HARTFORD, donors has made a huge are adopting similar policies to Conn. -- Connecticut is difference. The study found reduce the influence of money setting the standard for with 85% of candidates for the in politics -and she hopes to publicly funded elections General Assembly committing soon see a federal program. fueled by small donors. to it in 2018, 99% of funds that Last year, the U.S. House The state’s voluntary year came from individuals. of Representatives passed an Citizens’ Election Program bars “You can prove that you anti-corruption bill -the “For participating candidates from get more policies that favor the People Act,” HR 1 -- but it’s accepting donations from PACs large swaths of the American since been stalled in the Senate. and other big-money groups, public after the small-donor Support for this reporting and limits the amount they can programs get going,” said accept from lobbyists to $100. Rotman. “As compared to the was provided by The Carnegie Beth Rotman, national past, where specific laws were Corporation of New York. director of Common Cause’s going - over and over again -



FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). Publish September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2020 DSW20-2210 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS LOCAL LEGEND BARBER SHOP, 406 W SAN RAPEAL, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262. Riverside County; 2800 GOLF CLUB DR APT D3, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92264. Full name of registrant JOSIAH JAMES MITCHELL, 2800 GOLF CLUB DR APT D3, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92264. Business is conducted by INDIVIDUAL. Registrant has yet to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above. I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true, information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime) Signed JOSIAH JAMES MITCHELL. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 08/19/2020. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R-202008659. NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINES SAND PROFESSIONS CODE). Publish September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 2020 DSW20-2209 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE FOLLOWING PERSON(S) IS (ARE) DOING BUSINESS AS JH SAFETY SOLUTIONS, 82204 HWY 111 SUITE C #110, INDIO, CA 92201. Riverside County; 82204 HWY 111 SUITE C #110, INDIO, CA 92201. Full name of registrant JOSE LOPEZ HURTADO, 81722 TECOMA AVE, INDIO, CA 92201. Business is conducted by: INDIVIDUAL. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on AUGUST 18, 2020. I declare that all the information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant, who declares as true, information which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime). Signed: JOSE HURTADO. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Riverside County on 08/27/2020. Peter Aldana, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder File No. R-202008932 NOTICE — THIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT EXPIRES FIVE YEARS FROM THE DATE IT WAS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THAT TIME. THE FILING OF THIS STATEMENT DOES NOT ITSELF AUTHORIZE THE USE IN THIS STATE OF A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME IN VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF ANOTHER UNDER FEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW (SEE SECTION 14411, ET. SEQ., BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE). September 2, 9, 16, 23, 2020 DSW20-2208


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Director/Writer Merawi Gerima’s Captivating RESIDUE – Streaming on Netflix

From the first opening shot, one knew immediately that RESIDUE* would be a brilliant, cinematic work of art. Graduate of USC School of Cinematic Arts, first-time film director Merawi Gerima took his time in shooting the establishing shots - a series of slightly veiled, sometimes muffled sounds ranging from a protest evolving in slow motion and a police presence to a street performer entertaining a crowd of spectators. Fulfilling the directorial vision, cinematographer Mark Jeevaratnam captured every nuanced moment in this 90-minute film, sometimes employing the shaky look associated with a handheld camera. The low lighting used in parts of the film was entrancing, creating shadows, which augmented the occasional disembodied, muffled voices. Those moments are skillfully supported by assistance from Alex J. Bledsoe on sound and Cam Poles, who cosupervised the music. These kinetic cinematic elements could perhaps be symbolic of the lead character of Jay’s ongoing disappointing discoveries. At first, the connective tissue was not immediately clear but became so as we move further and further into the film. The storyline revolves around a young filmmaker named Jay, brilliantly portrayed by Obinna Nwachukwu, who, after many

years in Los Angeles, returns to his old neighborhood in Washington, D.C., to gather up research for a film he plans to make about growing up on “Q Street.” His first order of business in returning is to visit his parents, who still live in the same home in which he grew up. They are not happy with what’s happening to their neighborhood, becoming gentrified, with long-time African-American residents selling their properties to white developers. Despite receiving lucrative offers, they stand tight and refuse to sell. Jay is greeted warmly by his parents and says, “It’s good to be home.” A white couple allows their dog to poop on his parents’ front lawn in a symbolically telling moment. Jay’s mother scolds them, and they reply, “We’ll clean it up,” but mom says, “But it always leaves a residue.” Jay’s overriding desire is to reconnect with Demetrius, his best childhood friend. He asks a number of people who knew him from the past, but no one seems to know what became of him. Director Gerima’s script seamlessly moves back and forth in time, delicately blending the protagonist’s present experience as compared to his past. Jay continues to meet with Q Street residents, meticulously taking notes that he will turn into a screenplay. In one of the tender flashback scenes, Jay is in the woods with his friend Demetrius, and they talk about how relaxing

it is to hear the birds chirp and savor the woods’ sweet smell. The two young boys playfully wrestle, and the bond between them is quite evident. It also becomes quite evident that Jay’s childhood memories of what it was like growing up in his neighborhood do not connect to what he sees today. In addition to gentrification, he is basically unable to reconnect with his childhood friends, who seem to be scattered in different directions. This is a heartfelt story of someone who finds that the childhood he knew has virtually disappeared and the emptiness that his discoveries engender. Director Gerima has meticulously assembled a sterling cast starting with Obinna Nwachukwu in the lead role. He gives an Oscarworthy performance mining through the myriad emotions the character experiences as he discovers his childhood neighborhood changes. His understated, but searing performance, is reminiscent of the characterizations delivered by such Hollywood giants as Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman or Robert DeNiro. Other cast members include JaCari Dye, Jamal Graham, Dennis Lindsey, Derron Scott, Julian Selman, Taline Stewart, Melody A. Tally, and Ramon Thompson - all of whom deliver pitchperfect performances – so perfect and so fully actuated that it almost feels as though they are improvising – a

tribute to great direction. It took a small village to create RESIDUE, starting with the superb writer/director/ editor, a gifted production team, and a talented cast. This outstanding cinematic journey is now streaming on Netflix. *RESIDUE made it’s world premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival, receiving the

Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature and the Acting Award for star Obinna Nwachukwu. The film is also an official selection of the 77th Venice International Film Festival’s Giornate degli Autori. Gerima is the son of Haile Gerima, a famous Ethiopian filmmaker, noted for the L.S. Rebellion film movement.

Celebrate Halloween Safely and Help a Good Cause By Desert Star Staff This Halloween, fewer families will be going door to door as the pandemic enters its predicted second wave. Seventy-three percent of people do not anticipate taking their children trick-ortreating at all, according to a Harris Poll survey. However, Halloween is not canceled, and there are ways parents and kids can still celebrate safely while also giving back to a good cause. To promote social distancing, Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is going completely virtual for the first time. As the longest running youthled program in the United States, it has raised more than $180 million for kids in need since inception. In fact, the iconic American tradition is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Although the physical, orange coinboxes will not

be seen this year, kids can still be heroes of Halloween by doing their part online. Beginning Oct. 1, parents and teachers can register at to receive a virtual collection box with a customized link and QR code. By participating in activities and watching educational videos, children will earn Trick-or-Treat Coins that can be used to support real-life causes. By providing funding for COVID-19 relief programs in nutrition, health, education and more, kids can connect their efforts to positive impact for children around the world. Teachers and educators in grades K-8 will also have access to the UNICEF Kid Power platform, where they can participate in free, Photo courtesy of Getty Images virtual learning activities that introduce global citizenship building. Kids can feel to support their peers both concepts, promote teamwork empowered knowing they locally and globally. and encourage community are using this Halloween Learn more at September 23, 2020

TrickorTreatforUNICEF. org. Family Features





City Councilmembers Gary Gardner, Jan Pye, Robert Griffith and Russell Betts City Staff Chuck Maynard, Luke Reiney, Doria Wilms, Denise Hamet and Keith Hightower

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