932 SE 4th Ct_Ebook

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Ve r s a t i l e I n v e s t m e n t Op p o r t u n i t y

i n M - 2 Z o n e

lo c at ed in an M - 2 In d u st r ial Zo n e, allow in g f o r a w id e r an ge

of in d u st r ial u ses Th e p r o p er t y f eat u r es a 576 sq f t

b u ild in g w it h c h ain - lin k f en c in g an d 3 asp h alt p ar k in g

sp ac es, in c lu d in g h an d ic ap ac c ess. All c it y ap p r ovals an d

lan d sc ap in g r eq u ir em en t s h ave b een m et . Cit y wat er an d

sewer ar e r ead ily availab le o n - sit e, w it h an 8 ' ' Cit y m ain lin e

lo c at ed o n 4 t h Ct . So u t h of Lake Rd . Th e M - 2 zo n in g

p r ovid es f lexib ilit y f o r f u t u r e d evelo p m en t , su c h as

exp an d in g t h e exist in g d o g p ar k o r p u r su in g o t h er

c o m p at ib le in d u st r ial u ses Th is p r o p er t y of f er s st r o n g

p o t en t ial f o r invest o r s seek in g a ver sat ile o p p o r t u n it y.

Pam Mayo-Phi l l i ps

Pr i n c i p al B r o ker, Li c en sed i n OR

5 4 1.4 8 0 .15 13

p am m ayo - p h i l l i p s@c asc ad eh asso n c o m

Br ook H avens

Pr i n c i p al B r o ker, Li c en sed i n OR

5 4 1 6 0 4 0 78 8

b r o o k .h aven s@c asc ad eh asso n .c o m

Casc ad e Hasso n

So t h eby ' s In t er n at i o n al Real t y

6 5 0 SW Bo n d St r eet , Su i t e 10 0

Ben d , Or ego n 9 770 2

CascadeHasson com

Land MLS#220194848

932 SE 4th Court

Redmond, OR 97756

County: Deschutes Section: SE



Public Remarks: This investment opportunity presents a unique property located in an M-2 Industrial Zone, allowing for a wide range of industrial uses. The property features a 576 sq. ft. building with chain-link fencing and 3 asphalt parking spaces, including handicap access. All city approvals and landscaping requirements have been met. City water and sewer are readily available on-site, with an 8'' City main line located on 4th Ct. South of Lake Rd. The M-2 zoning provides flexibility for future development, such as expanding the existing dog park or pursuing other compatible industrial uses. This property offers strong potential for investors seeking a versatile opportunity.

General Property Information

CC&R's: Yes


Association: No

Elementary School: Check with District Middle Or Junior School: Check with District High School: Check with District

Tax Annual Amount: $3,168.8

Tax Lot: 00700

Tax Block: 5

Tax Map Number: 151315CB

Tax Year: 2024

Potential Tax Liability: No

Assessment: No

Flood: Plain

Senior Community: No

Listing Office Information

Listing courtesy of:

Exterior Information

Lot Features: Rock Outcropping

Home/Build Site: None

Manufactured Structure Allowed YN: Yes

Other Structures: Kennel/Dog Run; Storage Road Frontage Type: Shared Access

Road Surface Type: Paved Railroad: Not Available View: Territorial

Land Information

Fencing: Other

Current Use: Vacant

Horse Property: No

Irrigation Distribution: None

Irrigation Source: None

Soil Type: Mixed; Rocky Utilities: Electricity Available Utilities Location: At Street

Listing/Contract Information

Original List Price: $525,000

List Price per Acre: $889,830.51

Listing Contract Date: 01/22/2025

Listing Terms: Cash; Conventional; VA Loan Preferred Escrow Company & Officer: Amerititle-- Tiffany Hudson

Special Listing Conditions: Standard

Brook Havens License:200703371

Cascade Hasson SIR

650 SW Bond St Suite 100

Bend, OR 97702




brookmhavens@gmail.com http://www.desertvalleygroup.com


Irrigation Source: None

Power Production: None

Utilities: Electricity Available

Sewer: Public Sewer

Water Source: Public

Irrigation Water Rights: No

8.0060Authorization of Similar Uses and/or Waivers. The Community Development Director, Designee, or Planning Commission may determine that a use or site element not specifically listed in the allowed uses of a zone shall be included among the allowed uses; this determination shall be made by administrative process. A similar use determination shall bedecided based onthefollowing criteria:

1. The useor element is similar incharacter tooneor moreof theprincipal uses permitted; 2. The traffic generated on such use is similar to one or more of the principal permitted uses;

3. The useisnot first permittedina lessrestrictivezoning district; and 4. The use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Conditions of approval may be required to assure the proposed use is consistent with the purpose of the applicable zone and comprehensive plan.

[Section 8.0060 amended by Ord. #2016-17passed January31, 2017]

8.0065Establishment of Zones and Districts. (Identifies allowable zones and definitions for them):

R-1 Limited Residential Zone. To provide lower density residential neighborhoods for singlefamily detached residences, middle housing, andamix of other housing types.

R-2 Limited Residential Zone. To provide low density residential neighborhoods for singlefamily detached residences, middle housing, andamix of other housing types.

R-3 Limited Residential Zone. To provide medium density residential neighborhoods with a mix of single-family detached residences, middle housing, and a mix of other housing types.

R-3A Limited Residential Zone. To provide medium density residential neighborhoods with a mix of single-family detached residences, middle housing, mix of other housing types, and allow for some limited commercial use on a conditional use basis. Examples of limitedcommercial uses include restaurant,theater, artgallery,office space andretail.

R-4 General Residential Zone. To provide medium density residential neighborhoods with a mix of single-family detached residences, middle housing, and a mix of other housing types including multi-family residential development. Limited commercial uses such as offices are also conditionally permitted where compatible with surrounding development.

R-5 High Density Residential Zone. Toprovide high density residential neighborhoods with an emphasis on multi-family development, middle housing, and smaller lot single family developments. Limited commercial uses such as offices are also conditionally permitted wherecompatible with surrounding development.

UH-10 Urban Holding Zone. To retain large undeveloped or underdeveloped land areas for future urban development; to act as a holding category and is considered agricultural in nature as it will allow agricultural uses to continue operation until urbanization takes place. Land in the UH-10 Holding Zone requires annexation, master plan approval, a zone change and/or a comprehensive plan amendment before urban development can occur. In most instances, Master plans are required before development can occur.

C-1 Strip Service Commercial Zone. To create and preserve areas suitable for commercial uses and services primarily oriented to automobile traffic, requiring extensive outdoor display and storage, and support of the central business district or principal downtown shopping area. In general, this zone shall be applied to those areas already existing and desirable to retain and for those areas that, because of new and/or

changing traffic patterns, should be developed for such purpose. In addition, this zone allows for high density residential development in these areas where such development will not adverselyaffect commercial development in thezone as awhole.

C-2 Central Business District Commercial Zone. To create and preserve areas suitable for commercial uses and services on a broad basis to serve as the central shopping or principal downtown area for the City. In general, this zone shall be applied to thetown"center"already existing and desirabletoretain, andto abutting and adjacent areas necessary to serve population growth. In any event, no other C-2 Zone shall be established until there is demonstrated need for such action; no two C-2 Zones shall be established insuchrelationshipto eachother thattheycannot act as onecenter.

Downtown Overlay District. To create and preserve areas within the C-2 Central Business District Commercial Zone that is vibrant and pedestrian-friendly where people can shop, work, and play in a traditional downtown setting. In general, this district will encourage a vibrant mix of pedestrian-oriented uses, including residential, shopping and entertainment usesand increase inthedensityandintensityof development.

C-3 Special Service Commercial Zone. To create and preserve areas suitable for special commercial uses and services and compatible non-commercial uses, and on a broad basis to serve as a center for emergency services such as medical-health care for the City. The zone should also encourage the location of uses which provide close and easy accessfor thatsector of thepopulation which is in most needofsuchservicessuch as the elderly and maintain the quiet and low intensity use atmosphere deemed preferential for suchuses.

C-4 Limited Service Commercial Zone. To retain the general character of the limited strip type commercial that presently exists in that area encompassed by this zone, and to provide for a lower intensity of heavily auto-related business while maintaining an attractive appearance in the area of the western entry to the City; such entry being a high use routefor visitors tothearea.

C-4A Limited Service Commercial Zone. Limited strip type commercial and to provide for a lower intensity of heavily auto-related business. A mix of limited service commercial and limited residential uses are intended to serve large industrial tracts/employment areas andreducecrosstownvehicular trips.

C-5 Tourist Commercial Zone. To provide for commercial uses primarily oriented to travelers and tourists in locations complimentary to existing facilities and future major transportation facilities and to provide incentive for public and private investments in traveler andtouristrelated complexes.

M-1 Light Industrial Zone. To provide for light industrial uses such as light manufacturing, research, transportation facilities and similar uses which have a limited impact on surrounding properties and are compatible with clean non-polluting industries along with limited office and commercial activities which support these light industrial uses. Furthermore, uses associated with the M-1.5 General Industrial Zone can possibly be permitted.

M-1.5 General Industrial Zone. To provide for general industrial needs such as defined offices, industrial park activities, manufacturing, research, and contractor uses using less than 35% of the property for outdoor storage of raw or assembled materials. Development, site design and architecture should promote quality, compatibility, and aesthetics. Storage must be sufficiently screened by fences or landscaping. M-1.5 uses can be approved in either the M-1 Light Industrial Zone or M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone when approvedthrougha Conditional UsePermit.

M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone. To promote the economic diversification by allowing a wide range of industrial and heavy commercial uses and providing sufficient land for industries that have a more pronounced impact on the urban environment because of

noise, smoke, air, and other emissions or because of traffic and other operating characteristics associated with these industries. The M-2 zone also allows for heavy commercial uses in areas where previous subdivisions of land and current ownership patterns have resulted in separate ownerships of smaller M-2 zoned parcels and, therefore, challenged to be readily used for industrial purposes. Furthermore, uses associated withtheM-2Heavy Industrial Zonecan possibly be permitted.

FG Fairgrounds Zone. To allow for development or enhancement of the Deschutes County Fairgrounds to support services, facilities, or events to serve the region (e.g., related to training, sporting, recreational, medical, conference, public safety, or emergency coordination).

(LLI) Large Lot Industrial Zone. That area within the City identified to attract, aid, or facilitate industrial and business development projects focused on, in support of, or that directly benefit traded-sector uses that require an adequate supply of large, developable parcels of industrial land for industrial uses, including distribution centers and warehouse centers.

OSPR Open Space Park Reserve Zone. To preserve and provide for open space areas of natural, scenic, historical, or geological significance and to provide areas for recreational development and use, both passive and active. The OSPR zone also provides for private development appropriate with the goals and master plan for the canyon and the transfer of development rights to areas suitable for higher density development.

Airport Control (AC) Overlay Zone. In order to provide for the safety and use of land coincident with the Redmond Municipal Airport and prevent man-made or natural objects from encroaching into necessary aviation airspace, certain airport control zones are created which include all of the land lying within transitional surfaces, conical surface, instrument approach surface, non-instrument approach surfaces and horizontal surface. These zones are established as indicated on the current Redmond Airport Master Plan (Airport Layout Plan drawing set) for existing runways and future modifications thereto, Redmond Municipal Airport, or any other airport that may be constructed necessitating aviation controls which will affectland withinthe corporate limitsof Redmond.

Airport Zone / Airport Compatibility Zone. To provide, encourage and support the continued operation and vitality of Redmond Municipal Airport by allowing certain airport related light industrial, manufacturing, commercial or recreational uses in accordance withstate law(ORS8.36.600 et seq.).

PF Public Facilities Zone. To provide for public facility and other uses such as: wastewater treatment facilities, water storage reservoirs, well sites, public schools, public or private child care facilities, transportation/mobility, libraries, museums, pavilions, public plazas, public safety or emergency services, emergency training and coordinationfacilities, and Public Works Administration facilities.

1. By the one-time payment of a non-refundable parking and mobility improvement fee to the City in the amount established in the City’s Fee Schedule, paid prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Fees collected shall be used to fund parking, street improvements or facilities to improve mobility or enhance pedestrian connectivity and safety in the Downtown Overlay District.

2. From time to time the City shall establish the value of off-street parking facilities on a per parking space basis, used to establish the above parking andmobility improvement fee.

3. The City Engineering shall evaluate development proposals requesting to pay an in-lieu fee through conducting a Transportation System Analysis or parking study.

4. Any such request for parking in-lieu may be denied or reduced by the Community Development Director, or designee. The Director, or designee, shall determine:

a. Whether there is sufficient alternative parking within a two to fourblock radius oftheproject location.

b. Whether approval of the request would have an adverse effect on surrounding neighborhoods.

c. Whether the request meets the Purpose and Intent of the Downtown Overlay District Zone.

d. Compliance with the Redmond Comprehensive Plan 2040 and supportplans, as amended.

[Section 8.0175 amended by Ord. #2016-17passed January31, 2017]

[Section 8.0175 amended by Ord. #2022-04passed June 28, 2022]

[Section 8.0175 amended by Ord. #2022-09passed December 13, 2022]

[Section 8.0175 amended by Ord. #2023-07passed December 19, 2023]

8.0180Light Industrial(M-1) Zone.

8.0182General Industrial (M-1.5) Zone.

8.0185Heavy Industrial(M-2)Zone.

8.0186Large Lot Industrial (LLI) Zone.

1. LLI ZoneRegulations. The following standardsand regulationsapply inthe LLI Zone:

A. The lot shall adhere to the designation as acknowledged by the Central Oregon IntergovernmentalCouncil.

B. No property that is zoned LLI can be rezoned to another zone within ten years of the LLI designation.

C. The minimum lot size is 50 acres. Division or separation of lots or parcels within the site to new lots or parcels less than the minimum lot size is not allowed until the siteis developedwith a primarytradedsector userequiring alarge lot.

D. Allowed uses aretradedsector usesas provided in Section 2.

E. Uses allowed tosupporta primary user included:

1. Subordinate industrial uses that rely upon and support the primary traded sector use;

2. Service commercial uses that support the traded sector uses if they are limited to7500 squarefeet per use; and

3. Retail uses accessory to a traded sector use and limited to 7500 square feet.

F. Conceptual Phased Site Development Plan. A Conceptual Phased Site Development Plan is required for each primary traded-sector use as part of the

8.0190Table C, Uses Permitted. The following uses identified below are allowed outright or conditionally in each of the Commercial and Industrial zones. Outright or conditional uses in the M-1.5 zone may be permitted Conditionally in the M-1 or M-2 zones; this allowance does not apply for uses Not Allowed (“N”).

“O” means Permitted Outright

“C”means Permitted Conditionally

“N”means Not Allowed

AffordableHousing, containing100%affordable dwellingunits


MixedUseWorkforce Housing,containingground floorcommercialand100% workforceoraffordable dwellingunits

*Onlyifalsoallowedbythe underlyingzonedistrict.

*ResidentialUseonground floorrestrictedto<25%and shallnotbeinfrontof building.

ResidentialUseon groundfloor<25%


ResidentialConversionof ExistingCommercial Structure

SingleFamilyDetached Dwelling(includingADUs) andDuplexesonground floor

AttachedSingleFamily andtriplexandquadplex abovegroundfloor

Resumptionofa residentialuse


SeeSection8.0144.*Onlyif alsoallowedbythe underlyingzonedistrict.

*Onlypermittedforthose usespre-datingtheadoption oftheC-2ZoneAmendments andDowntownOverlay DistrictonAugust12,2008.

Onlyaspreviously established.

Eating and Drinking:


Bar,Lounge,Tavern, Nightclub

Café,Restaurant(sit-down), Diner, BrewPub


Restrictions and Requirements:

uses." Café,Restaurant, Espresso(drive-through)



MobileFoodVendoron privateproperty



PermittedthroughSiteand DesignReview.Notallowed onlotswithdwellingunit(s).

Permittedthrougha TemporaryUsePermit, Section8.0380.Notallowed onlotswithdwellingunit(s).

PermittedthroughBusiness LicensingprovisionsinCity Code,Section7.005etseq. Canonlyoperatebetween8 AMand9PMfornomore thantwoconsecutivedays withina90-dayperiodand mustbelocatedonreal propertyinassociationwith anevent.

PermittedthroughSpecial EventsprovisionsinCity Code,Section7.350etseq. orParksReservationPermit.


Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008.



**ExemptedasaConditional Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008. AutoSales(newand used);AutoRentals

**ExemptedasaConditional Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008.

Includesautolubeshops ('sameday'service).

**ExemptedasaConditional Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008.

Includesmotorcycles,ATVs, otherrecreationalvehicles.

Steamcleaningpermittedin theindustrialzones.

**ExemptedasaConditional Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008.

**ExemptedasaConditional Useforexistingbusinesses priortoAugust12,2008.




Manufacturing (HeavyIndustrial)

Manufacturing (LightIndustrial)



RetailUsesinsupportof primaryIndustrialUse



WoodProduct Manufacturingand Assembly


AutoWreckingYard'isa separatecategory.

Outdoorstorageofbulk landscapingmaterial.

SubjecttoDEQrequirements andneighborhood compatibility.

Excludesresearchusing biohazardousmaterial.

Mustbefullyenclosedin"C" zonesthatpermitthisuse.

Mustbelessthan50%ofthe grossfloorarea.






[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2012-10passed August 14, 2012]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2015-04passed May19, 2015]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2016-17passed January31, 2017]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2017-12passed December 12, 2017]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2018-09passed September 11, 2018]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2020-15passed November 10, 2020]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2022-04passed June 28, 2022]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2022-09passed December 13, 2022]

[Section 8.0190 amended by Ord. #2023-07passed December 19, 2023]

industrialdevelopmentand withinthemanufacturing structure,aconditionaluse permitisnotrequired.


8.0195Table D, Minimum Standards. The following minimum standards are required in each of the Commercial andIndustrial zonesas follows (alldistances aremeasured infeet):

Minimum Yard Setbacks

Note: Residential uses permitted in Commercial and Industrial zonesshall besubject to thedensity standardsfor theR-5 zone, except for the Downtown Overlay District and theC-2 and C-3 zones, for which thereisno maximum density standard.

*Theminimumlotsizeshallbedeterminedbasedondemonstrationoftheabilitytodevelopthesiteinaccordancewiththezonestandards,offstreetparkingstandards,Site&DesignReviewStandards,landscapingrequirementsandotherapplicableDevelopmentCodeprovisionswithout adverseimpacttowaterandlandresourcequalityandadjoiningproperties.

A Arearyardabuttinganalleyshallbe25feetfromthepropertylinetofoundationwhenthealleyisusedtoservicethecommercialestablishment and10feetinothercases.

B Maximumbuildingheightislimitedto45feetforallstructureswithinonefullcityblockofaresidentialzone.Whereallowedbuildingsover45 feetshallconformtheUpperFloorSetbackStandardsintheDowntownOverlayZoneSiteandDesignStandardsinSection8.0175(5).

C RearyardsalongthenorthsideofHighlandAvenue/Highway126betweenSW23rdandSW27thStreetsshallhaveaminimumarterial setbackof25feet.Allotherrearsetbacksadjacenttoarterialsshallbe50feet.

D TheminimumsetbackbetweenastructureandanexistinguseintheC-5zoneshallbe5feetfromthepropertylineand10feetfromany adjacentstructureonthesubjectsiteoradjacentproperty.

E Nouselocatedinanindustrialzoneadjacenttooracrossthestreetfromaresidentialzoneshallexceed60%ofthelotareaincludingbuildings, storageorfacilities,andoff-streetparkingandloading.

F Theminimumsideyardinanindustrialzoneshallbe10feetfor1and2storybuildingsand15feetfor3storybuildings.

G Maximumbuildingheightislimitedto50feetforallstructureswithinonefullcityblockofaresidentialzone.Whereallowed,buildingsover50 feetshallconformtheDowntownOverlayDistrictSiteandDesignStandardsinSection8.0175(5).Themaximumbuildingheightforstructures westofSW5th Streetis60feet.Themaximumbuildingheightforstructureseastof5th Streetis75feetandmaybeincreasedabove75feetifa ConditionalUsePermitforthestructureisapprovedbyaHearingsandReviewAuthority.

H Existingzero-lotlinestructuresasofAugust12,2008,shallbeexemptfromthisstandard.Atthetimethefrontfaçadeofabuildingorabuilding isdemolishedasdefinedbythisCode,thenthebuildingshallcomplywiththisstandardunlessavarianceisapproved.

I Fullblockdevelopmentsrequireaminimumof50percentofthebuildingfaçadetobedevelopedtotheminimumsetback.Asphaltandirrigated turfareprohibitedinthefrontyardsetback(concrete,pavers,landscapingareallowed).

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2012-10passed August 14, 2012]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2014-12passed May27, 2014]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2015-11passed September 22, 2015]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2018-09passed September 11, 2018]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2020-15passed November 10, 2020]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2022-04passed June 28, 2022]

[Section 8.0195 amended by Ord. #2023-07passed December 19, 2023]

Mayo Phillips

932 SE 4th , Redmond, OR 97756

Private Dog Park
Lawrence W Johnson Jr.

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