65535 Cline Falls Road Bend, OR Ebook

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Tumalo Buildable Equestrian Property

All Brokers are licensed in the Sate of Oregon. Each office is independently owned & operated. All information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed by Cascade Hasson Sotheby’s International Realty. Purchaser shall have sole responsibility to inspect the property and inform themselves of the true condition thereof. Purchaser accepts the responsibility before submitting any offer or executing contract. Any grazing permits /leases/water rights are NOT Guaranteed by Seller or Cascade Hasson Sotheby’s International Realty, Buyer is responsible for all due diligence.

Buildable Horse Property in Tumalo

Address: 65535 Cline Falls Road Bend, OR 97703

Tax Map: 161219 00300


Parcel: 132476

• Tumalo Equestrian Property with a beautiful building site.

• Property is 10 acres with 5 acres Tumalo Irrigation Water Rights and pond.

• Indoor arena 120x60 with 10 stalls/runs, 2 tack rooms and office.

• Two outdoor arenas (100x100 and 200x200)

• Two round pens

• Pasture turnouts for horses.

• Outbuilding for equipment storage and large meeting/party room.

• Potential homesite is next to the pond, with a park like setting in mature trees, power is to the site, newer septic system and domestic water from a well.

• Cascade Mountain Views from property located approximately 10 minutes to Bend.

• Property is a legal lot of record. Cistern 20,000 gallons (by pond) is not used for domestic water, can be used for irrigation. Pond is approximately 11 feet deep.

• Panels are included in sale.

• The first part of driveway will need to be relocated it is encroaching to the property to the north – Buyer will be responsible for the relocation of the driveway. Business: Diane’s Riding place is being located next door

Irrigation: Tumalo Irrigation District – 5 Acres 2024 Assessment: $1453. Irrigation system is included in sale. K-line, handlines and pump. Water delivery is piped underground to pond.

Domestic Water: Private Well

Utilities: Pacific Power 12 month averages - Barn: $149./month

Posse Room/Well/Future House: $76./month

Taxes: 2024 $1202.15 Property is in farm tax deferral – Buyer is responsible for due diligence. Setbacks for building site on North Property line 100 feet, South Property line is 25 feet. See map.

Zoning: MUA 10 Multi Use Agricultural

Price: $825,000. MLS 220189944

Shown By Appointment Only

All information Provided by Cascade Hasson Sotheby’s International Realty and Agents is deemed reliable but not guaranteed, Buyer is responsible for any/all due diligence. | 541-923 -1376 | www.desertvalleygroup.com

Please note: Tumalo Irrigation District maintains a fifty-foot easement on each side of all canals and laterals (measured from the marginal edge) for both open canals and buried pipelines. Oregon state law requires that irrigation water is used beneficially at least once every five years. After five successive years of failure to beneficially apply and use water according to state water law, the water rights are subject to confiscation. We monitor beneficial use to the best of our abilities. However, we cannot guarantee that the state will agree with our findings. Therefore, we now require that our water patrons keep records in accordance to the state's requirements.



18.32.010. Purpose.

18.32.020. UsesPermitted Outright.

18.32.030. Conditional UsesPermitted.

18.32.035. DestinationResorts.

18.32.040. Dimension Standards.

18.32.050. Yards.

18.32.060. StreamSetbacks.

18.32.070. Rimrock Setback.

18.32.010. Purpose.

The purposes ofthe Multiple UseAgricultural Zonearetopreserve the ruralcharacter ofvarious areasoftheCounty whilepermitting development consistentwith thatcharacter and with the capacityofthe naturalresources ofthe area; topreserve and maintain agriculturallands not suited to full-time commercial farmingfordiversifiedorpart-time agricultural uses; toconserveforestlands forforestuses; toconserve open spaces andprotectnaturalandscenic resources;tomaintain and improve the qualityofthe air,water andland resourcesofthe County;toestablish standardsand procedures forthe useofthose landsdesignated unsuitable for intense development bythe Comprehensive Plan,andtoprovideforanorderlyandefficienttransitionfromruraltourbanland use.

Ord.95-075 §1,1995)

18.32.020. UsesPermitted Outright.

The following usesand their accessory usesare permitted outright:

A. Agriculturalusesas definedinDCCTitle 18.

B. Asinglefamily dwelling,or amanufactured homesubject toDCC18.116.070.

C. Propagation orharvesting of aforestproduct.

D. ClassIand IIroad orstreet projectsubject toapprovalaspart ofaland partition,subdivision or subject tothestandardsand criteria establishedbyDCC18.116.230.

E. Class IIIroad orstreet project.

F. Noncommercial horsestables, excludinghorseevents.

G. Horseevents, includingassociated structures, involving:

1. Fewer than10riders;

2. Ten to25 riders,nomorethantwo timespermonth onnonconsecutive days; or

3. Morethan25riders,nomorethan twotimes per yearonnonconsecutive days. Incidental musical programs arenotincludedin thisdefinition. Overnight staysby participants, trainersor spectators inRVs on thepremises isnotan incidentof such horseevents.

H. Operation,maintenance, andpiping ofexisting irrigation systems operatedbyan Irrigation Districtexcept asprovidedinDCC18.120.050.

I. Type1Home Occupation,subject toDCC 18.116.280.

Ord.2004-002 §3,2004; Ord.2001-039 §2,2001; Ord.2001-016 §2,2001;Ord.94-008 §10, 1994;Ord.93-043 §4,1993;Ord.93-001 §1,1993; Ord.91-038 §1,1991; Ord.91-020 §1,1991; Ord.91-005 §18,1991;Ord.91-002 §6,1991)

18.32.030.Conditional Uses Permitted.

The following uses may be allowed subjectto DCC 18.128:

A. Public use.

B. Semipublic use.

Chapter 18.32 ( 6/2016)

C. Commercial activities in conjunction with farm use.The commercial activity shall be associated with a farm use occurring on the parcel where the commercial use is proposed. The commercial activity mayuse, process, store ormarket farm products produced in Deschutes County or an adjoining County.

D. Dude ranch.

E. Kennel and/or veterinary clinic.

F. Guest house.

G. Manufactured home as a secondary accessory farm dwelling, subject to the requirements set forth in DCC 18.116.070.

H. Exploration forminerals.

I. Private parks,playgrounds, hunting and fishing preserves, campgrounds, motorcycle tracks and other recreational uses.

J. Personaluse landing strip for airplanes and helicopter pads, including associated hangar, maintenance and service facilities. No aircraft maybe based on a personal-use landing strip other than those owned or controlled by the owner of the airstrip. Exceptions to the activities permitted under this definition may be granted through waiver action by the Aeronautics Division in specific instances. A personal use landing strip lawfully existing as of September 1,1975, shall continue to be permitted subject to any applicable regulations of the Aeronautics Division.

K. Golf courses.

L. Type 2 or Type 3 Home Occupation, subject to DCC 18.116.280.

M. A facility forprimary processing of forest products, provided that such facility is found to not seriously interfere with accepted farming practices and iscompatible with farm uses described in ORS 215.203(2). Such a facility may be approved for a one-year period which is renewable. These facilities areintended to be only portable or temporary in nature. The primary processing of a forest product, as used in DCC 18.32.030,means the use of a portable chipper or studmill or other similar method of initial treatment of a forest product in order to enable its shipment to market. Forest products, as used in DCC18.32.030, means timber grown upon a parcelof land or contiguous land where the primary processing facility is located.

N. Destination resorts.

O. Planned developments.

P. Cluster developments.

Q. Landfills when a writtententative approval bythe Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)of the site issubmitted with the conditional use application.

R. Time-share unit or the creation thereof.

S. Hydroelectric facility,subject to DCC 18.116.130 and 18.128.260.

T. Storage, crushing andprocessing ofminerals, including the processing of aggregate into asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete, when such uses are in conjunction with the maintenance or construction of public roads or highways.

U. Bed and breakfast inn.

V. Excavation, grading and fill and removal withinthe bed and banks of a stream or river or in a wetland subject to DCC 18.120.050 and 18.128.270.

W.Churches, subject to DCC 18.124 and 18.128.080.

X. Privateor publicschools, including all buildings essential to the operation of such a school.

Chapter 18.32 ( 6/2016)

Y. Utility facility necessary to serve the area subject to the provisions of DCC 18.124.

Z. Cemetery, mausoleum orcrematorium.

Commercial horsestables. AA.

Horseevents, including associated structures, not allowed as a permitted use inthis BB. zone.

Manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park on aparcel in use as a CC. manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park prior to the adoption of PL-15in 1979 and being operated as of June 12,1996, as a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park,including any expansion ofsuch uses onthe same parcel, as configured on June 12,1996.

A new manufactured home/recreational vehicle park,subject to Oregon Administrative DD.

Rules 660-004-0040(7)(g)that:

1. Is on property adjacent to an existing manufactured home/recreational vehicle park;

2. Is adjacent to the City of Bend Urban Growth Boundary; and

3. Has no morethan 10 dwelling units.

The full or partial conversion from amanufactured home park or recreational vehicle EE. park described in DCC 18.32.030 (CC) to a manufactured home parkor recreational vehicle park on the same parcel, as configured on June 12 1996.

Wireless telecommunications facilities, except those facilities meeting the requirements FF. of DCC 18.116.250(A)or ( B).

Guest lodge. GG.

Surface mining of mineral and aggregate resources in conjunction with theoperation HH and maintenance of irrigation systems operated by anIrrigation District,including the excavation and mining for facilities, ponds, reservoirs, and the off-site use, storage, and sale of excavated material.

II. Marijuana processing, subject to the provisions of DCC 18.116.330.

JJ. Marijuana production subject to the provisionsof DCC 18.116.330.

Ord.2016-015 §3,2016; Ord.2015-002 §1,2015;Ord. 2009-018 §1,2009; Ord.2004002 §4, 2004;Ord. 2001-039 §2,2001; Ord.2001-016 §2,2001; Ord.97-063 §3,1997; Ord.97-029 §2,1997; Ord.97-017 §2,1997; Ord.96-038 §1,1996; Ord.94-053 §2,1994; Ord.94-008 §11,1994; Ord.93-043 §§4Aand B,1993;Ord.92-055 §2,1992; Ord. 91-038 §1,1991; Ord.91-020 §1,1991;Ord.90-014 §§27 and35,1990; Ord.91-005 §§19 and 20,1991; Ord.91-002 §7,1991; Ord.86-018 §7,1986; Ord.83-033 §2,1983; Ord. 80-206 §3,1980)

18.32.035. DestinationResorts.

Destinationresorts may beallowed asaconditional use, subject toallapplicablestandards ofthe DR Zone.

Ord.92-004 §4,1992)

18.32.040. DimensionalStandards.

InanMUAZone,thefollowingdimensional standardsshallapply:

A. Theminimum lot sizeshall be10acres, exceptplanned and cluster developments shall be allowedanequivalent density ofone unitperseven and one-half acresand plannedandcluster developments within one mile ofanacknowledged urban growthboundaryshall bealloweda fiveacreminimumlotsize orequivalent density.

Chapter 18.32 ( 6/2016)

B. The minimum average lotwidth shallbe100feetandtheminimum street frontage 50feet.

C. The minimum average lotdepth shall be150 feet.

D. Buildingheight.Nobuilding orstructureshallbe erectedorenlargedto exceed30feet in height,exceptasallowed byDCC18.120.040.

Ord.2006-008 §4,2006;Ord.92-055 §3,1992; Ord.91-020 §1,1991)

18.32.050. Yards.

A. Thefront yardsetback fromtheproperty lineshallbeaminimum of20feet for property fronting onalocal street rightof way,30feetfromaproperty linefrontingonacollectorright ofway,and 80feetfromanarterial rightofwayunless otherprovisionsforcombining accesses areprovided and approved bytheCounty.

B. Eachsideyard shall bea minimumof20feet.For parcels orlotscreated beforeNovember1, 1979,whichareone-halfacreorlessinsize, thesideyardsetback may bereducedtoa minimumof10feet.Forparcelsorlots adjacent toproperty receiving special assessment for farmuse,theadjacent sideyardforadwelling shallbeaminimum of100feet.

C. Rearyardsshall beaminimumof25feet.Parcels orlotswithrearyardsadjacent toproperty receiving special assessment forfarmuse,therearyardsforadwelling shallbe aminimum of 100feet.

D. The setback from thenorth lotlineshallmeet thesolarsetbackrequirements in DCC 18.116.180.

E. Inadditiontothesetbacks setforthherein,any greater setbacks requiredbyapplicablebuilding orstructural codes adopted bytheStateofOregon and/ortheCountyunder DCC 15.04shallbe met.

Ord.2005-011 §1,2005;Ord.94-008 §17,1994; Ord.91-020 §1,1991;Ord.88-021 §1,1988; Ord.83-037 §9,1983)

18.32.060. StreamSetbacks.

Topermit betterlight,air,vision,streampollutioncontrol,fishand wildlifeareasand topreserve thenatural scenic amenities andvistas along thestreams andlakes,the following setbacksshall apply:

A. Allsewagedisposal installations,such asseptictanksandseptic drainfields, shall besetback fromtheordinary highwatermarkalong allstreams orlakesaminimum of100feet,measured atright angles totheordinary high water mark.Inthosecaseswhere practical difficulties preclude the location ofthefacilities ata distance of100 feetandthe County Sanitarianfinds thatacloserlocationwillnot endanger health,thePlanning Director orHearings Bodymay permitthelocation of thesefacilities closerto thestream or lake,but innocasecloser than25 feet.

B. Allstructures, buildings orsimilar permanent fixtures shall besetbackfrom theordinary high water mark alongall streamsorlakesaminimumof 100 feetmeasuredatrightangles tothe ordinaryhigh watermark.

Ord.91-020 §1,1991)

18.32.070. RimrockSetback.

Setbacks from rimrock shallbeasprovided inDCC18.116.160. Ord.86-053 §6,1986)

Chapter 18.32 ( 6/2016)

65535 Cline Falls Rd , Bend, OR 97703 132476

Equestrian property

Panels, Irrigation Equipment, Pony Barn, Tuff Shed (on skids)

Well deepened

Cline Falls
Cline Falls
Cline Falls

1 B line 23 Encroachment: The first corner of the Driveway encroaches on property to North. Seller owns the property to the north and will give the Buyer 1 year to move the portion of the driveway encroaching.

2F line 55-56 Tanks: Buried Septic and Above Ground Fuel Tank (empty).

3 B line 96 Well: New pressure tank and tank gauge installed by Abbas in August 08/2024.

Vicki M Schmidt Rev Trust
Cline Falls

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