Am I Able To Get Rid of Toxins Before My Wedding? H
appy June and happy wedding season! Usually, in preparation for our wedding, we want to make sure that we look our best physically. But are we also in our best shape when it comes to our health? Our bodies do so much for us. But, we do not always take care of it to the best of our abilities. The foods we eat, the lifestyle we live - it may not be conducive to good health. Food becomes our body. It creates all of our tissues and all of our being. According to Āyurveda, we have 7 bodily tissues: rāsa (plasma), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), medha (fat/adipose tissue), ashti (bone), majja (bone marrow), and shukra (reproductive tissue). Our food breaks down into two categories - it creates a superior byproduct and an inferior byproduct. The superior byproduct creates the first tissue, rāsa, and the
By Chahna Tailor inferior byproduct goes to create the next tissue in line, rakta. This continues to happen down the line. Along with the inferior byproduct, a little bit of each tissue drips down into the next until it collects some of each - which ends up being our reproductive tissue - the last in line. In Āyurveda, there is a concept called aam (also seen as āma, ām, aama). Aam is known as undigested food. Food that is undigested becomes toxic. It is considered as poison to the body. Āyurveda believes that much of our health is related to our gut health. If our digestive fire, our agni, is not working at its optimal level, it starts to leave food undigested, thus creating aam. If aam is created, it can start to spread to other parts of the body and throw our doshic nature out of balance. It also starts to hinder the body tissue creation process creating weaker tissues.
Signs That You Have Aam Building Up There are some telltale signs that there is aam building up. You can take a look at your tongue. Even after tongue scraping, do you see a white coating? This is aam buildup. Are you constantly feeling weak and fatigued? Is your breath smelling bad? Are you having excess buildup of earwax, more nasal congestion, or digestive issues? These are just a few signs.
What Can We Do To Get Back On Track? For aam build-up, Āyurveda prescribes that we first increase the power of our agni. More efficient agni will kickstart proper digestion so that new aam won’t form. Herbs that do this are called agni deepana