vie. magazine 1
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vie. magazine
Vie Media Pty Ltd Darren Kong Sheila Liew Alexandra Luo
SYM design
Blanc on Black Photography Dip Photography SydneyWalker
Constance Taing Luke Nguyen
Kelvin Tam
Andrew Ou
Vie Magazine Studio 15, 77-83 Parramatta Road, Annandale 2038 NSW Australia 1300 670 474 info@viemedia.com.au accounts@viemedia.com.au www.viemedia.com.au
Disclaimer The content of this magazine is provided for information purposes only and neither the authors nor any of the authors’ agent or consultants warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the content of the magazine and no responsibility is assumed by the authors, the authors’ agent or any of the authors’ consultants in respect of the content of or omissions from the content.
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編者的話 THE EDITOR SPEAKS… 首先我想感謝那些為我們第一期雜誌的成功而作出過珍 貴貢獻及意見的撰稿人及支持者。當然還包括領取過 vie雜誌的親愛讀者。我希望我們的雜誌以後都可以在 你的書架上佔上一個寶貴的席位。當你們集齊了6期之 後就會有意想不到的收穫,敬請密切留意以後的期數。 完成創刊號真的一點也不容易,我們每天都在充滿未 知數及擔心的心情中度過。各位讀者寶貴的意見和回 應真的使我們舒了一口氣,好像給我們打了一支強心 針,令我們更好地製作第二期。 在我們一生之中,有些事情總是能讓觸動我們的心 靈,在我們心的深處發熱發光,引發前所未有的熱 情。前些日子當我去中國旅行的時候,被很多所見所 聞給迷住,特別是中國的名勝古蹟及古董,這些都是 我們現在很難再見到的。就在剎那間我的思緒回到小 時候,手中拿著從外婆櫃子裏,對於我來說新奇的玩 意,實在是最愜意的情懷。 今天我們生活在現代化的時代,很容易忘記我們的 根,失去上一代的優良傳統文化。透過vie,我希望藉 著追尋中國五千年的新舊事物給各位介紹那些差不多 已經被遺忘的古蹟及傳統。 在這一期vie將會繼續為大家以精彩的內容及非凡的設 計帶來更多的驚喜,來滿足大家的視覺享受。
Before anything else, I would like to first thank all the contributors and supporters who have offered their valuable support and guidance to make our first issue a great success! Of course, not forgetting you as well, our dear readers, for picking up this very copy of our free vie magazine. I hope it is going to occupy a proud space on your bookshelf with many more new issues in tow. You’ll find something amazing coming your way when you’ve collected all 6 issues. So keep a look out for all our future publications! Putting together the pioneer issue was anything but easy, with heaps of uncertainties and apprehension at the back of our mind each and every day. It was a great relief to receive lots of positive comments and feedbacks about vie from our readers. It definitely boosts our confidence to deliver another fantastic issue this month. At some points in our lives, things happen with such intensity that they get stomped deep into your heart and sparkle what would be the beginning of a lifelong passion. During one of my trips to China a couple of months ago, I was fascinated by the many things I saw there, especially the ancient Chinese buildings and antiquities which we don’t get to see anymore now. It was in those split seconds when I was mentally transported back to the days when I was little, playing with a handful of those novelties from my grandmother’s cupboard …… what sweet nostalgia. In this modern era that we live in, it is easy to forget our roots and lose the rich culture of our forefathers. Through vie, I wish to highlight some near-obsolete heritage and tradition by sharing with you old eastern sites and new findings China has had in store for us for the past 5,000 years up till today! This issue, vie continues to bring more suspense and surprises with intriguing contents and stunning designs to satisfy your visual craving. Bon-appetite!!
p.s. Make sure you keep all 6 issues up on the shelf and be PS︰大家請確保集齊6期,在第6期就可以得到神秘禮 rewarded on the 6th issue! If you have missed Issue 01, feel free to 物一份!各位讀者如果沒有拿到第1期,可以聯同個人 e-mail me with your details and vie will send a copy of the magazine 資料發到我的電郵,我們會把第1期雜誌寄到府上。 to your doorsteps. Sheila Liew sheila@viemedia.com.au
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喝茶的好處在於你可以細細地品味茶的色香味,在紛繁的現代都市中,在茶的氤氳中,我們能 找到內心的安定、回復眼神的清晰明亮。我們以一種東方人自己的方式,來享受這一刻的閑情 與放鬆。縷縷茶香,是一種過濾心情的力量,讓整個心也輕鬆起來!如果我們再把這些看似不 起眼的茶葉利用起來,做成美膚的原料,絕對能為美麗大加分。 據現代科學分析,茶葉中有300多種化學成分,其中茶多酚可抗氧化,抗衰老,防肥胖;另一成 份單寧酸吸收並排除人體黑色素,使皮膚更白皙; 葉綠素能促進組織、血液再生;而茶中的咖啡 鹼可提神醒腦、有緊膚收斂作用;還有多種維生素、礦物質、氨基酸、蛋白質調節皮膚機能, 促使皮膚更有活力。 The wonderful thing about drinking tea is that one can enjoy tea in its entirety of colour, fragrance and taste all in one instance. Living out the days of modern city life in a frenzied pace, we seek to find, amidst the fragrant ambience of tea, a sense of inner peace and tranquillity and attempt to restore clarity to our “inner eyes”. This has been a unique oriental practice of seeking leisurely fun and relaxation. Fragrant tea is a powerful filtering tool to cheer up one’s spirit. If we can use the seemingly humble tea leaves as one of the raw ingredients in beauty products, it will certainly be a giant breakthrough in the pursuit of beauty. According to modern scientific analysis, tea leaves contain more than 300 kinds of chemicals. One being Tea Polyphenols which contains properties of antioxidant, anti-aging and anti-obesity. Another component, Tannin, is responsible for extracting and expelling melanin from the body, thereby resulting in a fairer complexion. Chlorophyll found in tea helps to promote growth of new tissues and generation of new blood. While caffeine found in tea can be a booster for brain activities, it is also a good astringent ingredient to firm up skin. There are many other vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins found in tea which help regulate skin functions to promote dynamic skin tone.
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“茶” 是抗氧化,美白的好幫手 歷史悠久的中國茶,蘊涵著很好的自然養生概念,使用含有茶 成分保養品和香水,茶香不但讓你擁有放鬆的心情,每天堅持 不懈的話,預防老化和滋潤效果是非常明顯的。日常生活中一 些泡剩的茶葉和冷掉的茶水,別輕易丟掉,做成外用劑涂敷患 處,往往能解救皮膚於危難之間。 (但專家提醒大家,適合擦拭皮膚的葉底,質地往往柔軟、細 致,其中以發酵較輕的烏龍茶和綠茶類,如:鐵觀音、台灣高 山烏龍為佳。那些粗硬的茶梗和粗糙的葉底,你只要用手摸一 下,過份粗硬的就知道它們不適合用在臉上了。) TEA - AN ANTI-OXIDANT AND WHITENING AGENT Chinese tea dates back a long way in the Chinese history. It gives rise to an advocacy of a lifestyle using ingredients found in nature. Tea extract chemicals, when used in perfume, not only promoting relaxation, but also have noticeable anti-aging and moisturising effects with diligent applications. On a daily basis, used tea leaves and leftover tea may be used as a topical temporary remedy for distressed skin. (As a reminder from dermatologists, tea leaves of soft and fine textures which has undergone shorter fermentation period are suitable for direct application on the skin. Some examples are: Tie-Guan-Yin Tea and Gau-Shan-Wu-Long Tea from Taiwan. Tea leaves containing coarse tea leaves and stems are not suitable for facial application. One way to test is to run your fingers over the leaves to determine the degree of coarseness). 用途: 1. 用薏仁綠茶混合後,藉著熱氣敷在下眼瞼,可淡化熬夜型 熊貓眼和水腫。 2. 將沒喝剩的涼綠茶(溫度低時隔夜亦可)當潔膚水,浸濕棉片 後擦拭皮膚,其中的兒茶素能收縮毛孔、增加皮膚彈性。 3. 在綠茶中加入少許白芷粉敷臉,可收斂毛孔,美白肌膚。 4. 用玫瑰綠茶加少許水果醋,拍打於臉部,有收斂、美白、 淡斑的功效。 USAGES: 1. Mix barley and green tea with hot water. While tea leaves are still warm, line them along the lower eye lids. This helps to ease “Panda Eyes” and Edema symptoms. 2. Use leftover (or overnight) cool green tea as a toner. Wet some cotton pads with cool tea and wipe over face. The Catechin in the tea helps reducing pores and increase skin elasticity. 3. Add a little Angelica Powder to green tea and apply over face. Helps reduce pore and whiten shin. 4. Mix a little fruit vinegar with Rose Green Tea, pat all over face. Effective in firming, whitening and reducing pigmentation.
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前段氣味融入葡萄柚的清新;中段氣味有木蘭花和 茉莉花的優雅氛香;後段氣味則轉為麝香的典雅香 氣;讓你整天都有愉悅好心情!
綠茶味的卸粧洗面膏由百分百植物素材製成,徹底清除 面上的妝容、污垢、油脂,使肌膚幼滑有光澤。其綠茶 萃取物更能有效收細毛孔。
SKINFOOD Jasmine Flower Tea Shower Cologne
KRACIE NAÏVE Green Tea Cleansing Milk
A fruity, floral musk shower cologne infused with a feminine floral scent including jasmine, magnolia, and lilac, and citrus scents. Spray lightly onto body after shower and it will keep you refreshed the entire day.
A daily cleanser with 100% natural ingredients for cleansing, it includes green tea leaf extracts for moisturizing & pore care, while the plant essence for scrubbing. They work together to help removing excessive sebum, dirt, and old skin cells from the face, leaves your skin clean & tidy every day.
一個閃爍的品牌“上海灘”,給人喚起一種懷舊的情懷,和刻畫 出一個穿着60年代旗袍的美麗中國姑娘。 上海灘原先是中國香港的一個品牌,現在已有39家旗艦店遍佈全 世界。上海灘的設計是復興中式傳統和時代流行的融合,產品系 列也是給顧客有豐富的選擇:成衣系列,飾物系列,家居擺設系 列和商務禮品系列。上海灘對產品很著重每個細節,無論在設計 上,製作上,還是在做功上。上海灘將“把中國文化帶向世界時 尚舞臺”作為己任,為各位女仕創造獨特的成衣系列。 值得一提的是“福至”系列,每件服飾都印有栩栩如生的金魚, 蓮花,元寶等中國傳統好兆頭的圖案,代表幸福,繁榮和健康。 在大多數的飾物和家居排設物上都不難找到“雙喜”這個傳統標 誌。而代表長壽這個寓意的中國字“壽”,更以不同的形態展示 在多個產品上。 上海灘2010年春夏系列“情束”,是自然、藝術與亞洲各地社會 文化的各種影響之現代演繹,精確地代表著上海灘的現代中國時 髦風格。 隨著不同地區的旗艦店新增,上海灘將會繼續秉承獨有的設計風 格和理念,不斷創新令到獨一無二的中國意識和文化融入時裝的 藝術不斷壯大。 At a glance, the brand name “Shanghai Tang” immediately evokes a sense of nostalgia & romance and brings forth a visage of a beautiful Chinese maiden dressed in a sensuous, bosom-hugging Qi Pao, with artifacts from the era of the 60’s looming in the background. Originated from Hong Kong, and expanded internationally with a network of 39 boutiques worldwide, Shanghai Tang has evolved from fashion chic wear to modern lifestyle with Chinese undertone as a core element in its design. The products range from ready-towear fashion and accessories to household and corporate gifts. With painstaking attention to detail and meticulous craftsmanship, each design draws its sources of inspiration from traditional Chinese symbols and characters. Combined with contemporary styling, it subtly permeates the unique elements of Chinese culture & philosophy. For instance, the latest ‘Fu Dao’ or Luck Collection features the Chinese symbols of luck, prosperity, health and happiness through vivid color prints of goldfishes, lotus flowers & ingots. Symbols of happiness in the shape of a “Double Happiness” character are abundant in many of its costume jewellery accessories & household items. Longevity is also reflected in the rampant usage of the “Shou” character. The latest Spring/Summer 2010 “Love Restraint” collection is a “modern interpretation of the divergent influences of nature, art and social culture across Asia, distinctive of Shanghai Tang’s Modern Chinese Chic Style” With its boutiques spawning globally, Shanghai Tang continues its design mission to revitalize the unique Chinese ideology and culture through the infusion of fashion innovation and ancient art.
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“壽” 晚裝手袋 非常搶眼的晚裝手袋,它的特點是橙色真絲底上面縫上對比 強大的紫紅色皮。多種材料的組合,令到這款手袋更具特 色。整個設計靈感來源於中國長壽的象徵,因此得到這個名 字。供有黑色,紅色和白色3個選擇。
‘SHOU’ CLUTCH The Shou clutch is an eye-catching evening bag, it features a burnt orange silk base and contrasting fuchsia leather panel on top. The combination of diverse materials gives it an edge and the design is inspired by the Chinese symbol of longevity – hence the name. Available Black, Red and White. Material: 60% silk satin 40% leather HKD 1780
“壽”純銀袖口鈕扣 純銀的“壽”青銅金屬袖口鈕,配有錦緞鍍銀盒。有橙色, 黑色,紅色,青綠,青檸綠和紫色供選擇。
“SHOU” STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS Sterling silver “Shou” cufflink with gunmetal plating. Comes in a brocade-lined, silver-plated box. Available in Orange, Black, Red, Turquise, Lime and Purple HKD 1480
家庭香水套裝(6支裝) 契丹、玉茶、月光晚香玉、頤和園、茉莉花的雨、茶
HOME FRAGRANCE SET. (SET OF 6) Kitan, Jade Tea, Moonlite Tuberose, Summer Palace, Jasmine Rain and Tea Tonic HKD 680 悉尼的讀者可以透过上網選購更多的產品 Shop online and find more collections at www.shanghaitang.com
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To: sheila@viemedia.com.au From: kelvin@silenceisgolden.com.au Date: 12 May 2010 10:12:55 PM GMT+08:00 Subject: AFW - Report
羅斯蒙特澳大利亞時裝週(簡稱RAFW)剛慶祝十五週年紀念。大會很榮幸地邀請到國際知 名時裝網站www.style.com的編輯Tim Blanks為座上客,並在網站作出即時匯報。今年除了 有很多頂級設計師展示了最新春夏的時裝趨勢外,還有幾位時裝新星搶了不少風頭。 自從去年初次登上這個舞臺,很多人都很期待著近年時裝界引人注目的設計師Dion Lee之 新傑作。於2007年當他還未成為焦點時,本人有幸地從一位樣板裁縫工作室中瞥見他的作 品。今年他的時裝展令人印象很深刻,而他的獨特剪裁及重疊的嵌料對其他品牌系列有很深 的影響。另外他的個人展開始前,他特地在歌劇院樓梯前鋪上紫色地毯來歡迎賓客。 此外,很高興見到知名設計師Romance was born、Gail Sorronda等繼續一向其大膽作 風,作出多項新嘗試,令作品視覺效果更加強烈。他們最新的系列再一次完全顯露出對時裝 的天賦和熱情。不得不提在RWB時裝展上下陷入地面的天橋設計十分精彩。 今年時裝週最大的慶祝活動莫過於Ksubi的回歸。該品牌不但剛度過十週年的里程碑,它們 更從之前的經濟危機的陰霾中走出來。真是時裝界和品牌的喜訊。 我很期待去見証時裝設計師的作品將來在舞臺上繼續發光發熱,為時裝界帶來更多令人興 奮的設計。
來自KELVIN的電郵 AN EMAIL FROM KELVIN Rosemount Australian Fashion Week (RAFW) has just celebrated its 15th anniversary. This year we were so lucky to have the legendary Tim Blanks of top global fashion portal www. style.com sitting in the front row this season and reporting during the week. While many veteran designers displayed the big trends for the coming spring/summer, a few young guns had successfully stolen the show. Everyone had been anticipating what the golden boy Dion Lee has to offer since last year’s debut show. I was lucky to have a glimpse of his early works at the sample maker’s workshop back in 2007, before he came to the centre stage of Australian fashion. This year Dion’s guests were given purple carpet welcome at the Opera House steps. Not only has he delivered yet another impressive show, his signature cutouts and overlapping panelling have influenced many collections shown during the week. It was also my great pleasure to see fellow designers from Romance Was Born and Gail Sorronda continued to develop their experimental styles and build nothing but more powerful vision. Their collections were again overflown with passion and talents, not to mention RWB’s jaw-dropping “swamp” backdrop setting! Yet the biggest celebration must go to Ksubi’s return to this year’s show schedule. Apart from reaching the label’s 10-year milestone, they managed to blow the gloomy clouds away over their recent financial crisis. It was a celebration to both the label and the fashion industry. Look forward to witnessing these fashion designers continue to shine in their true colours over the next decade and bring more exciting fashion until RAFW’s silver anniversary.
Kelvin Tam Silence is Golden (vie fashion ambassador) Photo source: rafw.com.au
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Sheila L SydneyWalker Philip Li Katie L
一個適合個性的髮型和生活方式可以直接影響到個人外觀和 給人的感覺,合適的髮型會使你看起來更年輕和更自信。直 髮可以説是一個不錯的髮型,而且總是受女士喜歡。但如果 添加少許卷髮,這將是一種新的時尚感,看起來完美,而且 適合任何場合。將沉悶整齊的辦公室直髮髮型轉變成性感的 卷髮,那樣你就可以隨時隨地外出了! 曾獲澳洲紐省Joico髮型設計師冠軍的Kippo老闆Philip和大 家分享今季潮流趨勢,一個用10分鐘時間就可以做出來的髮 型。
A hair style that suits your personality and lifestyle has a direct impact on the way you look and feel – making you look younger and increase self-confidence. Straight hair can never go wrong and is always hot. Add a little twist to your hair-styling drills with a few curls – it will offer a new, stylish look perfect for any occasion. Transform that straight, boring office-look hair to sleek, sexy curls and you’re ready for a night out! This issue, Philip Li from Kippo, the winner of 2009 NSW Joico Hair Designer of the Year, will share this season’s hair trend with an easy 10 minutes hairdo, guaranteed to make heads turn your way!
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Apply a little mousse (about the size of your palm) and apply evenly to hair-ends.
將全部頭髮由上而下分成3小份和左,中,右3小份, 一共9小份。之後再一層一層分別向上夾起。
Part hair from top to bottom into 3 sections; also from left to right into another 3 sections; total 9 sections.
用直髮夾將一小份頭髮拉直,直到離髮尾2吋的時 候就開始向內捲,保持2秒,令到髮尾自然捲曲。
Gather each section with a hair-clip and hold it in place in an upward twirl.
最後把上半部的頭髮向上抓起,製造蓬鬆感,令整 個效果感覺自然。
Using a hot flat-iron, straighten hair out till the last 2 inches from the end; then turn the flat-iron inward and hold for 2 seconds till a natural curl is formed.
Repeat for the rest of the remaining 8 sections.
Finally, run fingers through the hair (near the roots) and give a gentle tug outward to achieve a fluffy and natural look.
Kippo Hair and Colour Bar
Enjoy the night out in confidence with a cool, sexy curl look!
Shop 1, 397 Pitt St, Sydney
9261 1818
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Little Big Recipe
What we need:
3 Teaspoons gelatine
1 Cup lychee juice
Rose tea
1/2 Cup sugar
將糖和水放入鍋裡,中火加熱,攪拌直至糖完全溶解,之後再煮 1分鐘。
將荔枝啫喱切成小方塊狀,放入玻璃高杯,加入玫瑰花茶和冰。 加入新鮮草莓,效果更佳。
份量︰6 人用
Constance Taing of Passionflower
Entrepreneur / Restaurateur / Food Scientist / Dessert Lover / Hello Kitty Collector
Soften the gelatine in 2 tablespoons of the lychee juice and set aside.
Place the sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil and boil for 1 minute.
Remove from the heat and stir through the softened gelatine and remaining lychee juice.
Strain the mixture into a bowl. Place in the fridge for 2 hours or until set.
Simmer rose tea leaves in hot water and set aside.
Cut the jelly into square cubes, spoon into glass cups and add rose tea. Serve with strawberries and ice cubes.
Serves 6
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What we need:
12 ripe finger bananas (see note)
60 g (21/4 oz/1/4 cup) caster (superfine) sugar
7 eggs
380 g (131/2 oz) tin sweetened condensed milk
250 g (9 oz) unsalted butter, melted
200 g (7 oz/11/3 cups) plain (all-purpose) flour
分1量杯) •
無鹽牛油250克(或9安士), 溶解備用
“ •
麵粉200克(7安士或1又3分 1量杯)
所有的越南人都會説香蕉蛋糕是他們最喜愛的食物,還有每個越南人都 會説自己媽媽的香蕉蛋糕秘方是最好味的。 請注意:這蛋糕,當你嘗試一口之後,是欲罷不能的。所以每一次我都 會焗好大,好大的一個蛋糕,令我可以試一口,食一口…再一口。
I have not yet met a Vietnamese person who has not said that this cake is their favourite or that their mother makes the best version.
Be warned, you won’t be able to stop at one piece, so I’ve made this recipe big enough for seconds … and thirds.
- Luke Nguyen 1.
將焗爐以攝氏200度預熱。直徑24厘米的環型蛋糕模內輕塗一層 溶化的牛油,並在蛋糕模內圍上一層牛油紙。
將香蕉片輕放入蛋漿內,然後再將蛋漿倒入蛋糕模內,放入焗爐 焗1小時,或直至蛋糕轉成金黃色。
Luke Nguyen of Red Lantern Restaurateur / Chef / Author / Television Host / Gastronomic Traveler.
份量︰12 人用
Slice the bananas thinly on the diagonal and coat with sugar. Cover and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6). Grease a 24 cm (91/2 inch) round baking tin with butter and line the base with baking paper.
Beat the eggs and combine with the condensed milk and melted butter.
Now add the flour and mix well, then gently fold the bananas through the batter. Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 1 hour, or until the cake is cooked through and golden brown.
Transfer to a wire rack to cool, then cover and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving
Serves 12 Note: For the best flavour, choose bananas that are fairly ripe but not starting to turn black.
IT’S CHATIME! WORDS Darren Kong PHOTOS SydneyWalker
2對情侶,4位專業人士,1個夢想;澳洲日出茶太在2009年底開設 第一家分店,經過短短8個月的時間到現在日出茶太已經逹到7家分 店。Charlley,Cherryl,Clarke及Iris這4個品牌的主腦人物將會為 VIE的讀者分享他們的成功故事及秘密。 2 couples, 4 professional jobs, and 1 big dream; Chatime Australia opens its first store in late 2009 and have reached 7 stores in just 8 months. Charlley, Cherryl, Clarke and Iris, the masterminds behind the brand, will share their stories and secrets with VIE for this issue.
24 vie. magazine
vie: 日出茶太是從台灣引入的特許經營生意,是什麼驅 使你們把這個品牌帶來澳洲?
vie. Chatime is a franchise business originated from Taiwan, so what is your big idea to bring it to Australia?
CT: 在我們選擇日出茶太之前,我們做了很多很多的資 料搜集去探索不同的意見來開拓我們的生意。我們 雖然都有一份固定的工作,但郤沒有特別的專業技 能,而我們對選擇適合我們的生意也很開通的。我 們只對特許經營有興趣是因為這些公司本身都已經 有一套很完善的系統,這個條件絶對能節省我們成 立新公司的時間和功夫,也不需要有太多特別技能 和訓練。而我們特別選擇台灣的品牌是因為那裏快 餐業的發展很成熟及創新。日出茶太擁有全部的特 徵並且產品的質素和澳洲人的生活方式很吻合,所 以我們希望日出茶太能夠成為澳洲的本土品牌。
CT. Before we committed to Chatime, we have done lots and lots of researches to explore different ideas to start our business. Because we all have professional works but no specialised skills, we are quite open in selecting a business that suits us. We are only interested in franchise businesses because they have an established system therefore saving us time and effort to set up, as well as it doesn’t require too much specialised skills and training. We were targeting franchise businesses from Taiwan only because the fast food culture is more developed and innovative. Chatime has both of these characters, and we also find the quality of the products matches with the lifestyle that Australians are seeking for. We want to make Chatime an Australian home brand.
vie: 那麼為何要選擇泡沬茶的生意,市場上已經有很多 的競爭對手,在這個已經可能飽和的市場上開展一 個新的品牌會不會像趕上尾班車? CT: 絶對不會太遲!泡沬茶這個市場潛力很大,我見到 顧客們在這8年間沒有其他選擇,當我們嘗試過日出 茶太的飲品之後就在一日之間決定要把它引入澳洲, 我們相信這個品牌的飲品會發展得更成熟及更具有 茶味。Iris是泡沬茶的愛好者,所以我們也不需用太 多時間去說服她去支持和加入這門生意。
vie.So why bubble tea business, I can see that there’re lots of competitions in the market, isn’t it too late to start a new brand in an already saturated setting? CT. Absolutely not! The market is huge! I can see that customers have been ‘customised’ to one type of bubble tea in more than 8 years, but after we’ve tasted Chatime, we have decided to come onboard in just 1 day, believing that it is a far more developed product with the real tea taste. Iris is a bubble tea lover and we don’t even need to convince her too much, for her to love the product and take on the business.
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我們深信日出茶太能為現有的市場提供 更多的選擇及更優質的飲品...
We strongly believe Chatime can provide an alternative choice and more premium product to the existing market...
vie: 能夠那麼快逹成共識,你們之間一定有很深的信 任,那麼你們對日出茶太還有沒有其他信念? CT: 我們深信日出茶太能為現有的市場提供更多的選擇 及更優質的飲品;所有日出茶太的飲品都是每天早 上在店內用茶葉新鮮烹煮,而不是以沖劑製成。我 們的飲品選擇是由多種茶葉組合而成,所以每壺只 能沖出10至15杯飲品,因此每壺茶都會在數小時內 賣出並重新烹煮以確保新鮮。所有剩餘的茶都會在 即日棄掉,這是台灣總公司的指引,而這也是我們 澳洲日出茶太所有店鋪必需遵守的嚴格規定。就是 這個堅持我們常常會聽到顧客說我們的茶與別不同 及更勝一籌,其實這是每一杯泡沬茶應有的基本質 素。 而對真正泡沬茶的專業飲家,日出茶太有一款特別 以蒸餾方法烹煮的茶,就像特濃咖啡的做法一樣, 而且是即點即做保證新鮮及更有茶味!我認為每個 顧客都應該一嘗這款與別不同的泡沫茶。
vie. Wow there must be lots of trust among yourselves in order to commit so quickly, what are the other believes you have for Chatime? CT We strongly believe Chatime can provide an alternative choice and more premium product to the existing market; all the teas in Chatime are freshly brewed on site every morning, using real tea leaves rather than flavoured powders. We have several tea leaves choices to create our menu, so each kettle can only hold 10-15 cups of tea therefore they are generally served within a couple of hours and then replenished to ensure freshness. Any excessive teas are to be disposed at night; this is a common practice for the Taiwan head office and it is a very strict policy for us to endorse it in Australia too! Therefore it is common to hear our customers to say our tea taste is different and better, but I’ll say it is actually what each cup of bubble tea ought to be. For the really expert bubble tea drinker, there is a range of Chatime tea specially brewed with our espresso machine, the process is similar to the Australian espresso coffee and is done to each order and you can’t possibly get fresher, better taste of tea than this! I think everyone should at least try this once to see the difference!
26 vie. magazine vie: 有一天我買飲品的時候看到你們的製作過程,真令我大開眼界。你們這個 成功的典範一定有很多人想跟你分享你的成功之道? CT: 噢Darren,我的生意才剛開始上軌道,我真的不敢說是成功的。因為我覺 得仍有很多進步的空間。你提到加盟,我有一個故事想跟你分享。最初開店 時我們都把私人聯絡電話都印在杯子上,希望有人來加盟日出茶太。但後來 我們才發覺這是人生中最錯誤的決定。因為直到現在每天仍有三至四個來電 是有詢問有關加盟事宜。我們很重視這品牌的質素和形象,所以對申請者的 要求非常嚴格,我們只會邀請一些對泡茶很有熱誠的人士加盟。而我們亦會 盡力去提供有關的培訓課程,以確保每位加盟者都能享受泡茶的過程。 vie: 看來你們已經很好地實踐了這計劃。你們可以分享一下最艱難的時候嗎? 還有最滿意的地方又是甚麼呢? CT: 我們一直在等待這個問題,哈哈哈。經營一門生意的開始都是不容易,我們 的優勢是購買一個特許經營體系的商業,但仍需堅持不懈的努力,便會成 功。記得我們的第一間店開業之前,我們通宵去準備,這兩個合伙人甚至 忘了他們的結婚周年紀念日,忙碌地打點一切。到了開業之後,我們的銷 售在推廣期內很理想,但是當推廣結束後馬上下降了,我們當時的壓力很 大,但不出兩星期我們的銷售居然創下了新高。後來我們也有更高的銷售 記錄,這是我們最大的滿足。哦,還有最難忘的一次是我們找到第一個加盟 商,而其中兩個拍檔開會之後就出去慶祝,太開心以致忘記告訴其他合作 伙伴!
vie. I had one the other day and it’s definitely worth it just to see how it was made in front of me. For such a great business model you must have plenty of people wanting to share your success? CT. Oh Darren I wouldn’t say my business is successful yet, as I have just started, it definitely has lots of room for improvement. Now that you’ve mentioned franchising, there is an interesting story I want to share with you today. When we started we’ve put our personal contact numbers on the cups to advertise the franchise opportunities, in hind sight it’s probably one of the worst decisions we have made, because up to now in average we receive 3-4 phone calls every day, interested in Chatime and franchise opportunities. As we value our brand and products very much, we are looking seriously to our applicants and only granting the rights to the most passionate operators, we will also do our best to provide the best training program to ensure they can enjoy making the tea as much as our customer enjoy drinking it! vie. Sounds like you’ve got your plan work out really well. Could you tell us what is the hardest and toughest time you had so far? And what is your best satisfaction? CT. We have been waiting for this question to come up ha ha ha. As for every business it is not easy to start, we had the advantage to adopt a franchise system but it still requires persistence to make it work. We remember for our first store to open we work through the night to get prepared, the two partners even forgotten their wedding anniversary day and busy cleaning up the store. After the store was open the sales were great until our promotion period ends where the sales were dropped. We were very stress but in about 2 weeks we hit our record high. Ever since that time we keep making new history for highest sales record, and I suppose that is our greatest satisfaction. Oh and there was the other most memorable time was when we have our first franchisee signed up with us, the two partners were so happy that they went out to celebrate after the meeting, too happy, only forgot to tell their partners!
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我們的業務宗旨是製造出 最好的、最新鮮的和最健 康的茶給我們的顧客... Our motto for this business is to produce the best, freshest and healthiest tea to our customers...
vie: 最後,你們現在對Chatime有甚麼抱負?從你們的眼中我可以見到 那股熱情和衝勁。 CT: 我們的業務宗旨是製造出最好的、最新鮮的和最健康的茶給我們的 顧客,我們的泡沫茶生意不只是賣茶,更重要的是給我們的顧客帶出 一種生活方式,使他們經過一段長時間還能夠記住這是我們的茶味! 因為我們都是泡沫茶的愛好者! 雖然四個年輕的老闆不希望向大家露面,但根據我的個人經驗,各 位讀者下次去Chatime的時候可以根據這些特徵試試認出他們。首 先,我會得到一個免費飲品,之後他們就會輪流講電話(應該是和 特許經營店的客戶吧),最後,如果你問他們現在是什麼時間,他 們都會微笑地回答:現在是喝茶的時間(Chatime)! vie. Finally, what is in your mind for Chatime right now? I can see your eyes are full of passion when speaking about it. CT. Our motto for this business is to produce the best, freshest and healthiest tea to our customers, we are in the bubble tea business not only to sell tea, but more importantly to sell a lifestyle to our customers, in which they could remember even after a long time, this is the after taste of our tea! Because we are all bubble tea lovers!!! Although the four young partners do not wish to have their face published, there are a few things our readers may be able to identify them next time you visit Chatime, and this is from the experience I had when I met with Chatime in the past. First, I will get a free drink, then each partner will in rotation taking phone calls (possibly from all the potential franchisees), and finally, if you ask them what is the time, they all smile and say ‘it’s Chatime!’
28 vie. magazine
TieGuanyin Tea Latte 鐵觀音拿鐵
日出東方時尚 ORIENTAL POP TEA “日出東方時尚”是日出茶太與眾不同的系列;不同於普通的 臺灣泡沫茶類,這個系列的製法是用剛烘好和發酵的茶葉,加 上用一部特殊的咖啡機把茶蒸餾出來,以確保每杯茶都是新 鮮,而味道也是最好的。這個優質系列絕對是“泡沫茶愛好 者”之選。
日出東方時尚系列 Oriental Pop Tea Range:
這個系列一共有10個獨特不同的口味,一定有一款合你的口 味。今天就開始試第一款吧!
Formosa Oolong Tea 東方美人
A special tea range only available in Chatime; unlike normal bubble teas, the Pop Teas are brewed with baked and fermented tea leaves. Using a special espresso machine each cup is madeto-order to ensure the freshness and the best taste; this is truly the premium tea range for all the ‘bubble tea connoisseurs’.
Chrysanthemum Pu-erh Black tea 普洱菊花茶
These teas are available in 10 unique flavours to satisfy your taste buds, so why not try one today or even more adventurous to try them all!
TieGuanyin Tea Latte 鐵觀音拿鐵
Japanese Sakura Sencha 櫻花煎茶 Japanese Genmaicha 玄米玉露 Taiwan Alishan JinShyuan Tea 阿里山金萱 Anxi TieGuanyin Tea 安溪鐵觀音 Black Tea Latte 紅茶拿鐵 Green Tea Latte 绿茶拿鐵 Japanese Matcha Tea Latte 抹茶拿鐵
日出茶太 東方時尚新茶風
Franchise Tel: 0430 077 276
30 vie. magazine
32 vie. magazine
歐博恆 Andrew Ou 地產顧問/酒和雪茄熱衷者/食物愛好者
Property Consultant / Wine and Cigar Enthusiast / Food Lover Andrew是一個真正的食物和酒的狂熱分子,他很捨得 花大量金錢在食物和酒。他對生活上的品味是慢慢地培 養出來的,20歲的時候他開展了自己的事業,在這個過 程中,他不斷學會了怎樣品嘗紅酒,威士忌,干邑和香 檳。當其他朋友抽煙的時候,他已經愛上了雪茄。 2006年的時候,他為了拓展自己的生意,毅然接受另一 個新的挑戰--地產顧問,終於在不出一年的時間,他得到 了在Collier International工作的機會。Andrew現在又 開展了自己新的事業,就是座落在World Square的“豪 宅天地”。 Andrew將會在VIE寫專欄,為大家帶出新品味生活的另 一面。 Andrew is a true blue food and wine lover; his pursuit for fine food and drinks is beyond monetary value. His taste for life does not come incidentally; he started his own business at the age of 20, in the process of success he learnt to dine well, to appreciate red wine, whisky, cognac and champagne. When his friends started to smoke, he has already fallen in love with cigars. 2006, Andrew diversified his career and takes on a new challenge as a property consultant, in less than a year he was exposed to an array of opportunities through working in Collier International. Currently Andrew is an Associate Director for Raine and Horne World Square Commercial. Andrew will be our wine and high life editor from Issue 2, bringing a new dimension to our quality production.
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酒應品嘗,不為收藏,佳釀必為之讚 -Barossa品嘗分享
E&E Black Pepper Shiraz 產地/ Region: Barossa Valley 年份/Vintage::1999 試飲時間:2010年5月1日,星期六。最好的飲用時間由2010年到2012年。 存酒方法:專門儲酒的地方,酒瓶不要遭受到陽光,沒有放入酒櫃裏面。空氣的流通和自然的溫 度變化,令酒自然成熟。室內的溫度平衡,使到酒會更好飲。 品酒方法:開蓋後,馬上蓋回蓋子,這樣能容易控制酒質。這個蓋着蓋子來透氣的方法, 可以試 到酒的細節,找到自己喜歡的味道,不會浪費。品酒時是用Reiddel酒杯。 顏色:成熟棗紅色 氣味:成熟櫻桃味和梅子味,帶有土壤味,而這個正正是Barossa Valley紅酒真正富有的特色。 口感:中等酒身,平衡度均勻。除了成熟櫻桃味和梅子味,還帶著一絲黑巧克力味,喝的時候 感覺到胡椒刺辣的感覺,喝後口感還能長時間地感覺到辛辣刺激的味道,餘韻悠長,所以故名 其曰“黑胡椒”(Black Pepper Shiraz)。熱愛Barossa Valley的人,是因為它忠於保留自己 的地區風格,當地肥沃的土壤就是Barossa獨特的個性。 品酒的人不需要花太多的氣力,無論是一個鑒賞家還是一個無經驗但喜歡品酒的人來說,都可 以很容易的品賞到這支酒的個性。這酒有著古典釀酒方式的風味,令人感受到泥土的濃郁味。 Consumption Date: Saturday, 1st May 2010. Best consumed between 2010 to 2012 Storage Method: Cellared, stored undisturbed flat on the body of the wine bottle without being exposed to light, not in any refrigerator system. Allow for natural air circulation and exposed to natural temperature variation for the wine to mature naturally. Drinking Method: Close breathing. Drink with a Reiddel glass and no decanter required, capturing every fine details of the wine. Sight: Aged Maroon Smell: Ripe cherry and plum with soil and earthy, a real rich characteristic of Barossa Valley wine. Palette: Medium body meticulously balanced wine, ripe cherry and black plum with a hint of dark chocolate flavour and an excitement of spiciness to the palette with long after taste. To the admirers of Barossa Valley wine region, E&E has remained truth to its’ loyal followers, with distinct characteristics of rich soil and earthiness of the Barossa region. E&E Black Pepper Shiraz is a classic representation for a mature connoisseur or an inexperienced, open minded wine lover. It is a true case study of an old style wine-making wine with its’ distinctive Barossa region characteristics.
34 vie. magazine
p. 02 9519 9500 e. info@cyberlab.com.au
一盞茶 的時間 Over a Cuppa Tea
一年之中,我比較喜歡的季節是春天,因為在天下著絲絲小雨的時 候,我就會躲在那方橫幾米的書房內,享受著一杯清茶一本書情 景。雖然悉尼的春天難有“小樓一夜聽春雨”的感覺,但這似乎使 我在繁忙的工作生活中,有可以“偷得浮生半點閑”和“一閑對百 忙”之感。 Spring is my favourite time of the year. I like to cuddle up in my tiny study on a rainy day, sipping a cup of “cha” (tea) while reading a novel. Living in Sydney, one seldom has the chance to experience this luxury. Whenever the opportunity arises amidst my frenzied schedule, I would make myself a cup of tea and enjoy a few stolen blissful moments.
Sandra SYM Design
38 vie. magazine
我很享受這一杯茶的時間,可以讓我在喧鬧的現實世 界自我靜下來。我是一個性格較易衝動的人,在很 多時候,會為一時間的意氣用事所講的説話和所做的 行為而感到後悔;我還是一個多愁善感的人呢!在意 那“人情世態,冷暖炎涼,欲箋心事,獨語斜闌”。 有些小事情就足以令我徹夜難眠,不能忘懷。 一盞茶的時間,可以我令我自己冷靜下來,想想做人 處事的態度,令自己不斷進步,不再講出讓自己後悔 的說話, 也不再讓一些無聊的想法令自己徹夜難眠。 想到這裏,心境就會豁然開朗,所謂飲茶滌塵煩。
Tea-drinking gives me immense pleasure. It soothes me with a sense of tranquility in the midst of this boisterous world. Being a brash lass, many a times I regretted my reckless actions or harsh words uttered as a result of my lack of continence. Worse, the melancholic streak in me, resulting in a solitary preoccupation with worldly matters petty or otherwise, often gives me sleepless nights. Over a cup of tea, I would gain a new composure to re-evaluate my outlook on life in search for self-betterment and refrain from invoking another regrettable remark or unintelligent thought that will plague my conscience subsequently. With this process of “self-cleansing”, I become a happier person.
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記得第一次接觸“茶”,是因為我那可愛的爸爸。説 他是茶的狂熱份子,一點也不誇張。第一次喝茶的時 候,我用的是玻璃杯,因為自小我就對玻璃物件情有 獨鍾。望著晶瑩剔透的玻璃茶杯,當熱水撞入杯裡, 杯底的茶葉被衝上來,之後就在水中漂浮,再慢慢沉 落杯底,覺得很漂亮。 長大後,每當看到這一現象,若有所思的我覺得:有 濃有淡,如人間之世態炎涼;有聚有散,似人生的悲 歡離合;有浮有沉,喻人際的旅途崎嶇。茶杯裏的風 波,使我感受到人生的慨歎,這就是我喜歡喝茶的原 因之一。
I owe my first cha encounter to my endearing father who, as far as tea goes, he is a fanatic in every sense of the word. Given my fondness since childhood for anything made of glass, it naturally follows that my first sip of tea was from a glass teacup. Through the crystal-clear glass teacup, I watched as hot water dipped to the bottom and swept up the tea leaves which then kept afloat for a while before sinking slowly to the bottom of the teacup again. I found it quaintly beautiful. Now that I am older, I would liken the varying intensity of tea to the vicissitudes of life. Tea draws people together only to eventually part ways again, mimicking the inevitable circle of life. The rise and fall of tea leaves tell tale of one’s struggle through life adversities. The storm conjured within a teacup is my sentiment towards the inevitabilities of life. This is one of the reasons I love drinking tea.
40 vie. magazine
飲茶的妙趣不但在於茶的色、香、味、 形。也在於使人以寧靜平和的心境,偷得 浮生半日閑,塵俗不侵,自我調心,保持 心境中一點清純之氣,使生命充盈起來! 品茶在視覺、嗅覺、和味覺上固然是很好 的享受。但她更是一種藝術,一杯茶在 手,既可聞香,品味,察顏觀色,在頗具 詩情畫意的氣氛中怡悅情性,“從來佳茗 似佳人”就是“茶”最好的寫照。 茶藝—歷來是為文人騷客所推崇,因為“ 茶香入心亦醉人”。不知是否時代的步伐 走的太快,茶藝好像慢慢被世人遺忘了。 但興幸的是茶沒有被人忘記,還越來越多 人喜歡喝茶,現在更多的女士也加入了飲 茶的行列,喜歡茶的消食、減肥、美容之 功效。當然這也是我喜歡茶的另一原因。
The fun of tea-drinking lies in the observation of its color, fragrance, taste and even the shape of tea leaves. When a person indulges for a few moments in peaceful relaxation offered by a cup of tea, he is instantly invigorated with refreshed energy. Tea-tasting is more than just a wonderful source of fulfillment to the senses of the eyes, nose and taste buds; it is art in its own right. Holding a cup of tea, I would take in its fragrance, taste and color while all around me I would feel a sense of poetic serenity. As an old Chinese saying goes, “Tea can be just as gratifying as a beautiful maiden”. This is the epitome of tea-drinking. Tea-drinking was an art held in high esteem by the ancient Chinese scholars who adored the “intoxication” derived from drinking fragrant tea. Sadly, the rapid pace of global modernization has slowly diluted this “intoxication” and the world has come to forget its virtue. Today, though not art for art’s sake, tea-drinking is regaining its popularity and more people grow fond of drinking cha, especially amongst women who opt for its gastronomic, slimming and aesthetic enhancement effects. This, of course, poses another justification of my passion for tea.
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我最喜歡的茶是龍井。因為龍井茶所含茶多酚、氨基酸、兒茶素、 維生素C等成分,均比其它茶葉多,營養豐富,有生津止渴,提神 益思,消食化膩,消炎解毒之功效。龍井茶分“獅峰龍井”、“梅 塢龍井”、“西湖龍井”三個品種,按外形內質的優次分為1-8個等 級,以獅峰龍井為最好,其色澤嫩黃,高香持久,被譽為“龍井之 巔”,又以節令清明前所採制的“明前龍井”為最佳品。 My favourite tea is Long-Jing. As Long-Jing tea contains more polyphenols, amino acids, catechins, vitamin C and other components as compared to other types of tea, it is renounced for its nutritional values, thirst-quenching and refreshing effects. Its medicinal properties include gastrointestinal enhancement, antiinflammation and detoxification. There are 3 types of Long-Jing tea, namely, “Lion Peak Long-Jing”, “U-Mei Long-Jing”, “West Lake Long-Jing”. Based on the shapes of tea leaves and their nutritional values, they are graded from a range of 1 to 8. “Lion Peak” is regarded the best of the three species. Its tea leaves contain a hue of pastel yellow and its fragrance has a long lingering effect. It is thus named “Lion Peak Long-Jing”. The best time to harvest Long-Jing tea leaves is right before the Qing Ming Festive (Chinese Old Souls’ Day) which yields the best “Ming Qian Long-Jing” tea leaves.
42 vie. magazine
“一片新茶破鼻香”,沖泡龍井茶宜淡不宜濃,龍井茶沖泡後不可 加蓋,沖泡五次,以第三次為最佳。另外龍井茶有色、香、味、 形“四絕”之稱:色澤翠綠,香若幽蘭,味美甘醇,形如雀舌。沖 泡後,要這“四絕”呈現出來,當然泡茶方法要講究。 泡一壺好茶想當然就離不開相宜的茶具。一套好的茶具,當中固然 有不少學問,好的茶葉又何嘗不是呢!就好像我們身邊的伴侶,當 大家遇到種種不同的風浪吹襲,彼此間就會有不同的想法和結果。 當好的茶葉配上好的茶具,自然是相得益彰。那妳在考慮他是否適 合妳要飲那杯茶的時候,妳又是否知道其實他也在考慮妳是否他需 要的茶具?試問在繁忙生活節奏中的妳,又可曾想過要靜下來,慢 慢地在細細品嘗妳面前的那杯茶呢? A good brew of Long-Jing tea is mild in taste. The teapot should be left uncovered after hot water is poured onto the tea leaves. The same brew can be re-used up to 5 times but the 3rd brew yields the best tea. In addition, Long-Jing tea is legendary for its “4 primes” - its color, flavor, taste and shape. Its color is pastel green; its fragrance like the scent of orchids; its taste mildly sweet and its tea leaves take the shape of a sparrow’s tongue. To achieve these “4 primes”, proper brewing technique is of equally vital importance. In order to brew a pot of good tea we require appropriate tools and the essential knowledge to handle these tools. Only premium tea leaves, coupled with compatible tools, will then produce a superior brew. In life, we need a compatible companion to overcome adversities, even though at times we may have diverse views and actions. While you wonder whether he is your ideal cup of tea, he might be asking himself whether you are the perfect tools that he needs in life. As you trek franticly through life, have you ever once slow down to savor that cup of tea before you which awaits you all this time?
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44 vie. magazine
-洪欣榮 大家還記得小時候見過的那些餅乾和糖果鐵皮盒嗎?就 是老一輩最喜歡收藏在床底下的那些東西,在鐵皮盒內 可能會發現一些舊信件,出生證明,甚至是一些錢。還 有婆婆經常放在床邊的印有“雙喜”的圖案和牡丹花的 熱水瓶,和爺爺最喜歡打的中國算盤﹐有印像了嗎?記 得小時候最喜愛玩的棋盤游戲,在幼兒園念上千百次的 拼音識字卡和小學畫畫用的那些粉筆、蠟筆嗎? 作者洪欣榮成功地運用1949年到2009年的元素編譯 了“中國制造”,出版於2009年為慶祝中國人民共和國 成立六十周年。經過一年半的質料搜集,穿過神州大地 十多個省,他收集了多年不同的舊物品來組成這本書的 一部分。這本書的最終目的是希望把新中國成立以後的 一些品牌或已失去的傳統工藝作一個和大家一起分享, 為大家勾起一種熟悉又朦朧的回憶,並提供一些線索, 使其有跡可尋。
Sheila DK
MADE IN CHINA By Tom Hung Remember those steel tins or containers that grandma use to keep under her bed; where you’ll probably find some old letters, birth certificates or even some money in it? What about those thermal flasks that she used to leave on her bedside that reads “double happiness” over images of the peony flower with Grandpa sitting beside her flicking his finger over some sort of a wooden frame with black beads composition on the table – the Chinese abacus. Remember those good old days when we use to play marble checkers and board games; it used to be on paper during those days. Recognise those reading cards we have repeated thousands of times in kindergarten and those crayons and watercolours that we use to colour in school?
The author of “Made in China” - Tom Hung successfully compiled elements from 1949-2009 into his book published in 2009 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. Glancing through his publication, it brings us back to our childhood memory, which we seldom reminisce these days. Tom travelled through many provinces in China to gather different antiques objects to form part of this book. His main objective is to bring back these lost objects that use to surround us in the past, which we don’t get to see anymore these days, not only bringing us back down our memory lane, but also provides an opportunity to explore these long lost items which has never been in reach of our hands.
Available for purchase at all good bookstores - Hong Kong RRP: HKD 399
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THE SONGS OF SAPA。Luke Nguyen的越南故事和食譜
THE SONGS OF SAPA. Stories and recipes from Vietnam
Luke Nguyen在2009年出版了“The Songs of Sapa”, 和 大家分享他越南之旅的飲食故事和體驗。越南菜在世界上 是其中一款最多元化、口味豐富的美食。 Luke Nguyen拜 訪了他的家人和朋友,了解更多關於本地專家的越南菜。 他尋找一些由父母和親戚傳遞下來的食譜, 很多都是當地居 民世世代代傳下來的配方。尋找充滿活力、富色彩及紋理 的照片令人目瞪口呆, 捕捉美麗的越南,她的人民和他們深 厚的飲食文化。
by Luke Nguyen of Red Lantern
Luke Nguyen親自主持及監製了SBS的其中一個旅遊及飲 食節目-“Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam”。他最近在10號台 的Masterchef Australia中成為客席廚師,為參賽者提供 他多年的亞洲美食的專業烹飪意見。
The Songs of Sapa在澳洲各大書店有售
Luke Nguyen published “The Songs of Sapa” in 2009 and shared his story and experience during his trip back to Vietnam in this book. Luke visited his family and friends and met local experts to learn more about the Vietnamese cuisine, one of the most diversified and richest cuisines in the world. Find recipes that have been passed down to him from his parents and relatives, many which were inspired by the locals and recipes handed down from generations and generations. Find vibrant, stunning photographs bursting with colour and texture, capturing the beauty of Vietnam, her people and their deep connection to food. Luke Nguyen of Red Lantern is also the presenter and producer for his cooking and travel show on SBS – “Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam”. Currently on Channel 10’s Masterchef Australia, Luke is one of the guest chefs and has been providing professional tips to the contestants with his many years of experience in Asian cooking. The Songs of Sapa available for purchase at all good bookstores around Australia. RRP: $69.95
46 vie. magazine
Patrick Chan SydneyWalker / Blanc on Black Kippo Hair and Colour Bar Lolicia L (Special appearance for vie) Silence is Golden / Lolicia L
vie. magazine 47
勿忘我 寶馬6系是一輛高性能的雙門跑車,帶有2+2座位和寬闊的尾箱,可以擺放高爾夫球或滑雪用具。 寶馬 M6 / 引擎: V10 5L / 變速: 7 速自動 / 0-100kmh: 4.6秒 / 馬力 373kW 扭力 520Nm / 顏色: 炭黑色 This beamer 6-series is a high performance individual coupe in its range, giving a genuine 2+2 seater with a generous boot for all my golf and ski gears. BMW M6 / Engine: V10 5L / Transmission: 7 Speed Automatic / 0-100kmh: 4.6 seconds / Power 373kW Torque 520Nm / Colour: Sapphire Black
48 vie. magazine 今天早上我接到vie的電話,是關於第二期的試車專欄, 就馬上 穿上最喜愛的衣服出門。我提早45分鐘到達了Harold Park, 這時下著細雨。就在天氣轉晴的時候,我聽到引擎聲,映入眼 簾的先是一對車頭燈 -一輛酷極的寶馬6系。 英文字母M通常給我一個高速,馬力強大,高性能的感覺。當 第一眼看見這輛M6的時候,我就已經被它強大的5公升V10 引擎及粗野的外型深深的吸引著,有立即坐上去的衝動。車內 維持一貫寶馬的最高標準: 麥利諾羊皮M系跑車桶櫈,白色冷光 儀錶板及炭纖維操縱台,是優雅及高性能化身。不需經過太多改 裝的M6就已經可以在賽道上飛馳。 引擎開動時沒有太大的震動,幾乎完全沒有意識它那507匹 (373KW)的馬力。踏在油門上,由0至100只不過用了少於 5秒的時間,對於這麼大馬力的引擎一點也不吃驚。在頭一個 彎角上這輛M級猛獸的M系懸掛系統的穩定性及引力帶給我前 所未有的信心。 在今日之前如果說駕駛跑車是要捨棄舒適性我會認同,但當經 過今日駕駛過這輛M6之後,我覺得豪華及高性能其實可以是 一個很好的組合。真的很感謝Terry Hogan Prestige Cars借出 這輛車給我們拍照和試車。
This morning I received a phone call from VIE to test drive a car for Issue 2, I strap on my favourite gear and arrived Harold Park 45mins prior to our meeting, rain came and gone then I heard a roaring engine sound, a pair of headlight beams through the car park. It is a BMW 6-series. The letter M often gives me an impression of fast, power, and high performance. At the first glance of the M6, I was obsessed with its muscular shape together with the unsurpassed V10 5L engine, I ought to sit in it right away. The interior maintains the highest BMW standards with merino leather M sport seats, M sport white glow cockpit and carbon fiber console, presenting a dash of elegance as well as highly developed functionality. M6 can be track-ready with almost no modification. I started the engine, with 507hp (373kw) power I hardly felt the vibration. Stepping on the throttle, 0-100km/hr took me less than 5 seconds, unsurprised for an engine of this size. Into the first turn the combination of the M suspension with the stability and traction control give me more confidence ever on this Monster M. Before today if you tell me driving a performance car is plain and hard, I will agree. After driving this M6 I felt that luxury and performance can sometimes be a happy marriage. Vie would like to thank Terry Hogan Prestige Cars for the photo shoot and test drive of the M6.
This very limited prestige vehicle is available for sale at Terry Hogan Prestige Cars.
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50 vie. magazine
51 伊姆斯曲木休閑椅子 EAMES LOUNGE CHAIR WOOD 52 VIVID再次點亮悉尼
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Emily DK
設計師: 查理斯.伊姆斯 & 雷.伊姆斯夫婦
DESIGNER: Charles & Ray Eames
年份: 1946
YEAR: 1946
今期介紹的傢具是一款已有六十多年的歷史,至今仍備 受注目的休閑椅子-Eames Lounge Chair Wood (簡稱 LCW)。
Now an icon of Modern Design, the Eames Lounge Chair Wood affectionately known as LCW, is a chair designed by husband and wife, Charles and Ray Eames. LCW was first produced by the Herman Miller Company in 1946. Driven to create a chair from inexpensive materials, Charles and Ray Eames developed an innovative technique of moulding plywood. The Eames Lounge Chair Wood proved to be ergonomic, light in weight and very affordable. Their newfound technique was a breakthrough in Modern Design and technogical advances. Recognised by the U.S Navy, the Eames later went on to develop complex plywood models that were used in the Second World War. The new technology demonstrated difficulties when first in production but was later refined and produced. The iconic LCW is widely popular not only for the revolution in modern furniture design but its distinctive aesthetic qualities and comfort.
這張椅子外表美觀優雅,結構簡單獨特。很多用家都被此 外表深深吸引,但其背後的設計理念意義及影響更值得一 提。 當時設計者是希望製造一張價廉物美而舒適椅子,並可以 大量投產。於是伊姆斯夫婦研發了嶄新技術來鑄模夾板, 並把它融入此設計當中。這項研究為當時設計及新科技的 一大特破,更被美國軍方接納及採用於二次世界大戰其覆 合夾板模型的製造。六十年後的今日己被廣泛使用於傢俱 設計。 別以為伊姆斯夫婦的設計歷程一凡風順. 其實這項新技術 在最初投入生產時也遇到困難,後來經Herman Miller公 司改良後才開始投產,產品推出後大受歡迎. 成為時尚設計 的象徵.
74 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Australia
52 vie. magazine
攝影師,藝術家,評論員,遊客,或是閣下及你的家人,趕快準備好相機;千萬不要錯過這個大型的活動﹗ 一年一度南半球最盛大的燈飾、音樂及新構思的節日即將舉行,去年這個活動共吸引了超過二十萬人觀賞。 憑著更多的燈飾設計及藝術品,更新奇有趣的意念,今年有望可以超越去年的盛況。 Get your cameras ready! Photographers, artists, curators, travellers, or even you and your family; don’t miss out on this one massive show! The biggest lighting, music and ideas festival of its kind in the Southern Atmosphere is back in town again this year to light the sails, rock the water on fire and continue with Macquarie vision. Last year Vivid Sydney has attracted more than 200,000 people to the festival. This year it is expected to be even bigger with more light installations and projections, creative ideas and music performances.
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VIE為各位介紹一些絶對不能錯過的活動︰ A few recommended events that must not be missed:
活動由著名悉尼歌劇院的亮燈打開序幕,Vivid LIVE的兩位共同管理人Laurie Anderson及Lou Reed將以歌劇院為屏幕投射出不同的影像及色 彩。這個由丹麥藉建築師Joern Utzon所設計的 歌劇院以其名字命名,為世人所認識並成為澳 洲的象徵。這名丹麥建築師於去年十一月二十 九日辭世,享年九十歲。作為對這名偉大的建 築師最後的致敬,可親身去前往歌劇院觀賞這 個世界獨一無二的建築藝術品。
The action begins with the cruise of Utzon’s iconic sail (the Sydney Opera House) at the harbourside, illuminated and transformed by this year’s Vivid LIVE co-curators Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed. The sail, named after the architect of the Sydney Opera House, Joern Utzon, has been remembered as the man who made Sydney recognized throughout the world and the man who has made the Opera House the symbol of Australia. The Danish architect died at the age of 90 on November 29 last year. As a tribute to Utzon, see the Sydney Opera House transformed into a piece of art one will never find in any other places in the world.
活動時間:五月二十七至六月二十日 晚上六點至十一點五十九分 活動地點:悉尼歌劇院(免費)
54 vie. magazine
沿著麥覺理街緩緩而下,沉醉於迷人的 燈飾之中,悉尼其中一個最盛名的歷史 建築物聖瑪麗教堂將呈現眼前。在這個 大約一個小時路程的歷史之旅上可以探 索一下悉尼,由聖瑪麗教堂開始,途經 海德公園軍營、議會大樓、國立圖書館 及悉尼音樂廰;醉人的燈飾穿梭在悉尼 著名的建築藝術中,絶對是個不能錯過 的行程。
Amble down along Macquarie Street and be dazzled by the extraordinary lights and rendering on one of our city’s famous historical buildings, the St Mary’s Cathedral. Discover Sydney on the contrary with an approximate one-hour historical journey walk from St Mary’s Cathedral, Hyde Park Barracks to the Parliament House, State Library and Sydney Conservatorium of Music and find yourself forested between floods of lights on these famous Sydney Architecture. This definitely is a voyage that is worth more than a stroll on the beach or a stargazing trip.
活動時間:五月二十七日至六月二十日 晚上六點至十一點五十九分 活動地點:麥覺理街(免費)
27 May - 20 June 2010 6PM - 11:59PM MACQUARIE STREET (FREE PUBLIC EVENT)
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岩石區水中燃起的火焰 歌劇院對岸的岩石區–坎貝爾灣(Campbell Cove)上,五 光十色的燈和彩色煙霧會籠罩着一艘1797年來自加爾各答 (Calcutta)的大船,表演會隨著一個11歲的澳洲印度女孩 講敘來自印度電影孟來塢(Bollywood)的故事。表演結束 之後,千萬不要忘記參觀沿著海港的火燄石像,和岩石區夜 市場。相信這會是小朋友最喜歡的節目。 活動時間: 六月十一日至14日 晚上六點至十點 活動地點:岩石區的坎貝爾灣(免費) 表演時間:6點15分,7點15分,8點15分 夜市場於晚上6點30分開始營業 THE ROCKS FIRE WATER Hop on to the other side of the harbour and find that ship! On Campbell Cove, get ready for some colourful smokes and light installations when Fire Water shines on the tall ship sent from Calcutta in 1797 to Sydney’s shore. Performances over the four nights inspired by the Bollywood with stories narrated from the eye of an 11 year old Indian-Australian girl. Be certain to continue your venture after the show along the harbour with fire sculptures and specialty markets at The Rocks. Definitely a night to spend with the kids! 11-14 JUN 2010 CAMBELLS COVE FREE PUBLIC EVENT Event runs from 6pm – 10pm, Performances at 6.15pm, 7.15pm and 8.15pm Market stalls from 6.30pm
更多精彩的節目,表演不容錯過,詳情請瀏覽 www.vividsydney.com More Live shows, music performance, creative talks information available on the website. Explore www.vividsydney.com for more event details.
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一齣《阿凡達》,引爆了全球電影產業3D革命,豎立一個立體電影新的里程 碑。3D立體特效確實可讓觀眾重新體驗入戲院看電影的樂趣,並且令電影業在 盜版及BT下載猖獗的情況下絕處逢生。 3D立體電影其實是根據立體視覺原理 -- 由於左右眼分開在兩個不同位置,對影像產生深度錯覺,再通過大腦,我們便 感受到一個立體空間。由此可知,拍攝一部立體電影至少需要兩台攝影機。而 《阿凡達》使用的是更進階的Fusion Camera-3D System設備,是一套共有十六 台數位攝影機構成的3D拍攝系統。當觀眾戴上偏光眼鏡(Polarized glasses)觀 看畫像時,便會發現裡面的角色栩栩如生,異常有立體感。而這股3D技術及熱 潮早已進駐動畫市場,發展得如火如荼。 6月將會上映兩套今年最值得期待的3D動畫片,分別是《Shrek Forever After》 及《Toy Story 3》。DreamWorks於推出《Shrek Forever After》的同時,亦 開創先河著手將前3部Shrek系列的電影轉以3D藍光光碟形式來發行,誠意十 足。DreamWorks多年一直致力利用CG技術,現持《功夫熊貓》及《How to Train Your Dragon》的口碑票房雙贏佳績,望可一洗《Shrek the Third》評論好壞參 半之頹勢。《Shrek Forever After》延續一貫《Shrek》的惡搞作風,嘲諷及顛 覆經典童話人物。DreamWorks行政總裁Jeffrey Katzenberg曾說過真正優秀的3D 製作會大大強化故事效果。是否屬實,相信到6月17日大家自有分曉。 而令各地影迷引頸以待的《Toy Story 3》終於上映,相距前一部《Toy Story 2》 已有十一年之久!可見Pixar對劇本及特效要求之高!在上映前,Pixar將《Toy Story》及《Toy Story 2》以迪士尼數碼立體技術(Disney Digital 3D™)重新整 合,為今集打響頭炮。引述Pixar創作總監John A. Lasseter的名言: “A Pixar film is driven by the story,technology is a means,not an end!” Pixar動畫一向內外兼備,不會忽視電影本身的創新和故事性。今集將加入大量 玩具角色,包括80年代當旺玩具Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear,並且再探討玩具對人究 竟有何價值。
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The release of “Avatar” last December has set off a global 3D revolution in the film industry. It has erected a new milestone in the three-dimensional film. Special 3D effects film as such is starting to pull more audiences into the cinema, as these animation results cannot be seen elsewhere. 3D films are derived from stereoscopic photography, which enhances the illusion of depth perception. The positioning of our eyes in two different points generates a three-dimensional illusion and depth each time we look and focus. The same concept is exploited in 3D films where at least two cameras are required to capture motion. Special motion picture camera used in 3D films records images as seen from two perspectives and generates three-dimensional films using special projection hardware or eyewear resulting in the illusion of depth when viewing. The film “Avatar” is a 3D presentation using a more advance “Fusion Camera System” (a way of shooting features in stereoscopic 3D) that is capable of recording threedimensional visual information or creating the illusion of depth in an image. Polarized glasses used in 3D viewing enhance the illusion of three-dimensional image when viewing. It contains a pair of different polarizing filters that filters light passing through the glasses and when the same scene reaches the eye, it is depicted from slightly different perspective creating that 3D effect we see on screen. The most anticipated 3D animation productions this year will be up on the screens this June - “Shrek Forever After” and “Toy Story 3”. Dreamworks Animation has compiled the previous 3 series of Shrek in Blu-Ray Disc the same time “Shrek Forever After” is released. DreamWorks has been using the CG technology for many of their 3D films such as “Kung Fu Panda” and “How to Train Your Dragon”, just to name a few. DreamWorks Animation’s CEO, Jeffrey Katzenberg said that a production with truly outstanding 3D effects will greatly influence the film and the story. Let us all find out this 17 June for this long awaited 3D film! After the release of Toy Story 2 eleven years ago, Toy Story 3 is finally here! Before the release, Pixar has reintergrated Toy Story and Toy Story 2 with Disney’s digital stereo technology (Disney Digital 3D ™) in the interest of producing a higher quality screenplay and special effects. “A Pixar film is driven by the story, technology is a means, not an end!” said Pixar’s Creative Director, John A. Lasseter. Pixar Animation has always put equal weights to the internal and external part of the production, from the film itself, to the innovation and storyline.
Photo source: Pixar Animation & DreamWorks Animation
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Shrek Forever After 導 演:米奇苗查
聲 演:米克邁亞斯、金美侖戴雅絲、愛迪梅菲 日期:2010-6-17(悉尼) 劇情:Shrek懷念從前草莽生活,想請精靈小矮人幫 他回復怪物本性,卻進入一個Shrek未曾出現的世 界:驢友以拉車為生,鞋貓劍客亦變成好食懶飛的大 肥貓,費安娜(公主)怪物被村民追捕,精靈小矮人成 為遙遠王國統治者。Shrek應如何令這班「老友」重 新接納他,與費安娜再續前緣,並打敗精靈國王,尋 回逝去的幸福?
Director: Mike Mitchell Starring: Mike Myers, Cameron Diaz, Eddie Murphy Release Date: 2010.6.17(Sydney) Synopsis: Shrek is longing for the days when he felt like a “real ogre”. Then he is duped into signing a pact with a dealmaker, Rumpelstiltskin. Shrek suddenly finds himself in a twisted and weird version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Donkey is forced into cart-pulling duty, Puss in Boots becomes fat and lazy trading his sword for a pink bow, Fiona is chased by the villagers and Rumpelstiltskin is the King. Now, it’s time for Shrek to save his friends, restore his world and reclaim his one True Love. www.shrek.com
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Toy Story 3 導 演:李·安克里治
聲 演:湯漢斯、提姆艾倫 日期:2010-6-24 (悉尼) 劇情:霎眼十一年過去,玩具們的主人Andy即將離家 去展開他的大學生涯。但在陰錯陽差之下,媽媽將這些 Andy心愛的玩具捐給托兒所。 原本以為來到了天堂, 殊不知這才是噩夢的開始。托兒所的小朋友不斷的虐待 玩具,加上托兒所暗藏黑暗的地下組織,玩具們人人自 危。它們得知主人Andy在尋找他們,便一起展開最大 規模的逃亡行動!
Director: Lee Unkrich Starring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen Release Date: 2010.6.24 (Sydney) Synopsis: Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped accidentally in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college. Although at first excited by their new surroundings and the seemingly friendly toys that also live at the centre, the kids at the day-care centre always try to torture them. Then they discover the horrors of the day-care centre and plan to have the biggest escape ever!
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“Chinglish Found in Translation”
歡迎來到今期的“中英大詞典”,希望繼續將幽默和見識 帶給大家。 如果你錯過了第一期,那今次千萬不要錯過了!由Oliver Lutz Radtke(德國漢學家)在上海旅遊的時候所拍攝到 的“中國式英文”。 Welcome back to the world of Chinglish, where humor and wisdom continues in this series. If you have missed Part 1, be sure not to skip this page as we take you through the fascinating Chinglish signs that Oliver Lutz Radtke (a German Sinologist) discovered during his travel to Shanghai.
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Little Lantern Foundation www.littlelanternfoundation.org Little Lantern Foundation是由Luke Nguyen和Suzanna Boyd 創辦的一個非盈利性質的慈善機構。這個機構旨在幫助越 南的弱勢群體和教育程度較低的人群,使到他們可以接受 教育或者職業培訓計劃,從而達到國際標準水平。 Little Lantern Foundation會在越南中部幫助困難的年輕一 代,令到他們可以學習餐飲服務業和旅遊業。其中峴港和 會安是越南人口最稠密的兩個城市,而且非常具有發展旅 遊業的潛力。Luke曾經體現過難民的生活,所以他非常希 望能夠幫助越南生活上由困難的年青一代,從而讓他們盡 早地脫離貧困,在不久的將來可以更加好地發展自己的國 家﹣越南。
The little lantern foundation is a not-for-profit project spearheaded by Sydney restaurateur Luke Nguyen and Suzanna Boyd. Supporting disadvantaged and under-educated Vietnamese to improve their lives through vocational training programs that will provide them with qualifications they can apply internationally. Building the opportunities for the disadvantaged youth of central Vietnam to learn the skills of the restaurant, hospitality and tourism industry. The cities of Da Nang and Hoi An are the main population centers for a substantial multi tourism resort developments along the South China Sea coastline. Luke, a refugee from his once war torn country, is helping to build the future for the young people of Vietnam.
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