vie issue 04

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vie. magazine


Vie Media Pty Ltd Darren Kong Sheila Liew Alexandra Luo


Sid @ SYM design Vie Marketing


Blanc on Black Photography Dip Photography SydneyWalker




Constance Taing Luke Nguyen Akira Isogawa Silence is Golden Andrew Ou C.K. Luo Emily Cheung Jaclyn K Janet Lim Kenneth Chang Patrick Chan Zombie Bonnie Dorothy K

Cover pattern designed by Akira

Vie Magazine Studio 2, 77-83 Parramatta Road, Annandale 2038 NSW Australia 1300 670 474

Disclaimer COVER PHOTO:

Soho, Hong Kong Island

Photographer: chanming同學, Hong Kong

Winner of Flickr Monthly Awards

The content of this magazine is provided for information purposes only and neither the authors nor any of the authors’ agent or consultants warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the content of the magazine and no responsibility is assumed by the authors, the authors’ agent or any of the authors’ consultants in respect of the content of or omissions from the content.





Sometimes I wonder…

不知大家是否曾在某些時候不經意地想過一些很傻的事 情,例如:我們會怎樣離開這個世界?100年後我們將會 怎樣?生活究竟應該是怎樣?爲什麽會有週末?爲什麽我 們會哭?爲什麽會有那麼多“爲什麽”? 坐在我最喜愛的 樹下,讓微風輕輕捏住我的臉,掃走皮膚上的露水,聞 著青草的味道,將我日常生活中所有的壓力放到一旁的 時候,我就常常有這些很傻的想法。很多時候,许多昔 日的童年回憶和寶貴經驗都會觸動著我日常生活每一個細 節。

Have you ever had those moments when your mind starts to wonder and think of certain silly things like - How did we end up in this world? Where would we be 100 years from now? What is life? Why are there weekends? Why do we cry? Why do we have so many “whys”? Sitting under my favorite tree, feeling the breeze gently caressing my cheeks, sweeping the morning dew off my skin and smelling the greenness of the meadow, brushing aside all my daily stress, I often wonder and think of these silly things. Many a times I pondered and reminisced on the most precious childhood memories and experiences so powerful that it still touches my life today.


I chanced upon someone’s blog one day and read the first paragraph:

“時間會將我們的記憶分裂成很小很小的碎片。這些碎片 很碎很碎,它們隨著時間的洗禮,和經過漫長的人生道 路,最終會被忘記。當時間不斷流逝,我們不可能讓腦 子裏捕捉和保留一切,慢慢地,記憶就會消失…直至永遠 被埋沒” 我相信時間不會把我們帶回過去,但想像力會。它使我 們一起分享過去,不論大事或小事。這些70-80年代的回 憶將會令你記起那些最寶貴的往事。 在vie,我們喜歡創作。不論是寫下您的想法,拍下您喜 歡的事物,寫一首歌,還是有心思地煮一盤意大利粉。 這些全都是創作。試想一下,如果這世界沒有了創作, 我們將會看到甚麼。 vie不但喜歡創作,而且喜歡分享,所謂“獨樂樂,不如 眾樂樂” 。

“Time has a way of breaking up our memory into fragments of miniscule pieces. Pieces so fragile and delicate that they get caught up in the winds of time and strewn along the pathway of life, and eventually forgotten. Trying to capture and preserve them within the confines of our mind becomes exceedingly impossible as time goes by, and slowly they begin to vanish for good…buried forever in the past” I believe time will not take us back to where we used to be, but imagination will. Imagination imports memories of our childhood, all the big stuffs and small; and take us down memory lane to the good old days. In this vie issue we will share with you some of the fondest recollections from the 70s to 80s. At vie, we create. Whether it is putting down your thoughts on paper, capturing photos of the things you love, composing a song or even putting together a dish of pasta on the dinner table. It’s all about creating. Just imagine a world without creative thinking and action – how dull life must be! vie is not just about creating for the sake of creating - it is creating for the love of sharing, too.

不妨把您的想法和創意和我們一起分享。 Writing is free. So share your thoughts with us at:

Sheila Liew

Editor in Chief

親愛的vie DEAR vie



你好,我叫阿仁,依個係我別名,由中學時期就有了。這個名,有 些人或會取笑之“唔係人”、有些人或許不會,但我不會介意,因

您好!能在他鄉遠洋這座蘊含多元民族色彩的城市街頭,獲讀貴刊,真是件令人 感動的好事。它給了我倚坐雪梨各處咖啡樓中,渡過幾回美好的閱讀時光。貴 刊也讓我想起台北的”誠品好讀”,此外,除了內容一樣值得細讀與收藏,能 做到中英雙語並行,想必要翻譯這樣充滿東方哲思的文字,肯定有一定難度, 這樣熱誠及堅毅的態度,實在令人敬佩!今日在雪梨一座獨具藝術風尚的咖啡館 中,幾個看似藝術家穿著獨具風格的人們,三兩倚著充滿個性的塗鴉磚牆與植 栽之間談話、塗鴉、寫作。我品讀著vie,像捧握品味著一顆圓潤色美的東方珍 珠,並大方攤擺桌角邊緣,晾著具有中國風味、構圖精彩的頁面,希冀能吸引 穿梭廊道的西方客注意。雖然我只是身為一名讀者,卻也有抹莫名的驕傲。真 誠希望Vie來日不只受華人喜愛,更能成為其他民族藉以品味中華文化及品味之 美的寶典。此次來函是想冒昧請求編輯大人,不吝寄予本人第一期,感激不盡! 本人必仔細拜讀珍藏,並力行推薦友人。祝貴刊萬事順利!一鳴驚人!

為這就是“我”。前天,我跟女友在Central逛街時,於Capital附 近看見有個盒,走近看,原來有免費月刊。仔細看看,被這個有趣 的封面吸引。回家後,我坐在床邊,靜靜地看着,看着……“茶” 、“上海灘”、“壽”、“日出茶太”、“!!”,看完“日出茶 太”這章,我呆了呆…然後,我就決定將整本都看完然後給妳一個 mail,之後找一天放工後就去一去這間『日出茶太』品嘗一下,不 知能否見到這四位大人物或其中一位呢!?到時必定要問一問他們” 現在是甚麼時間呢?”然後,當我看到 “Over a CuppaTea”,Sandra 說她很享受一杯茶的時間,而我。我很享受一杯咖啡的時間,喝 一口,咖啡由舌頭慢慢的流進喉嚨裡,舌尖跟舌根所感覺到苦與 甜的交錯,就像苦與甜正舉行交響樂一樣,也像我們的人生一樣 “有起有落,有苦有甜”,之後就出現了“香”,咖啡的香帶着我 們回到從前,想起從前的回憶。就這樣品嚐咖啡,品嚐回憶。 最後,我好希望可以收到你們的“創刊號”。當看完這期,我真的不 想錯過任何一期,就好像我最喜歡的小說“Q版特工”(梁科慶著)一 樣,每一期都要看,看完一期再一期。真係想知道下期幾時出版呀, 很期待!你們要繼續加油呀,你們的讀者只會增加,不會減少的。 你們的新讀者阿仁 Dear vie, I picked up your vie magazine Issue 2 and was intrigued by its superb sophisticated design and content. I would love to read the 1st Issue as well. Would you be able to send me a copy of it? I would pretty much enjoy receiving the next issues 3-6 and anything you might develop in future if it wouldn’t be too much of a predicament. Thank you so much for your exceedingly brilliant and captivating work in compiling this magazine. Keep up the terrific work! Alessandro Cioni

鍾雅玲 Dear vie, I am writing to tell you what a thrill it was to see such an excellent magazine -- the vie. (issue 03) -- excellent design, excellent editorial layouts, excellent articles, and excellent writing and interview skills. I visited Australia (Sydney University) last month, and I happened to be returning to Parramatta from Chatswood, when I scanned a copy of the vie magazine. I read this magazine with great interest. Your talented team of designers and editors are top-notch professionals who demonstrate creativity and passion for their work. Graphic design (visual communication design) is all around us. As the founding president of the Association of Registerd Graphic Designers of Ontario, the second jurisdiction worldwide to be recognized by the government, I spend a great deal of time promoting the value of graphic design - the existence of it in everything we look at, in everything we read. I want to thank you for recognizing the value of graphic design, and I congratulate you and your creative team’s accomplishments. Keep up the good work, and look forward to reading your future copies. Warmest greetings from the northern hemisphere...Canada! Professor Albert Ng


vie. magazine



vie. magazine 9

10 vie. magazine


Luke Nguyen, Constance Taing SydneyWalker


Overseas Passenger Terminal Upper Level, West Circular Quay The Rocks NSW 2000 (02) 9251 5600 Lunch: Tuesday to Friday Noon – 2:30pm Dinner: Monday to Sunday 6pm – 10pm Booking is essential

歡迎來到美食天堂! 用幾個小時的時間轉變你的生活。有一個充滿刺激探險的地方,這是 一個令人眼花繚亂的劇院,同時也是一個魔法廚房。這裡每一碟菜都 是廚師的精心傑作。

SMH Good Food Guide 2010 – Restaurant of The Year Rated the 27th Best Restaurant in the world

一個令人非常驚喜的晚上,是我們曾經度過最好的晚上。 Welcome To Heaven! Transform your life for just a few hours. There is a place of adventure and discovery, a combination of dazzling theatre, kitchen alchemy and unexpected magic. Each dish becomes a masterpiece at a stroke of the chef. An absolutely amazing evening. One of the best we’ve ever had.

食評 / Review: July 2010 食物 / Food: Modern Australian 环境 / Ambience: Contemporary, Luxurious, Romantic, and Sophisticated 主廚 / Chefs: Peter Gilmore

vie. magazine 11

在一個乾燥寒冷冬天的星期一晚上,我蜷縮在棉衣 裏,開了電視機,一面吃著一點干鳳尾魚。電視正播 著Masterchef。我剛好遇上了不能錯過的一節- Adam 和Callum的樣子都非常震驚的場面,他們看起來很迷 惑和很吃驚,眼眸里正閃耀著一款名為“雪蛋”的甜 品。這究竟是什麽呢?用什麽材料呢?到底怎樣造的 呢?這真是神奇。Peter Gilmore不僅是一個了不起的 廚師,簡直就是天才。看完整個節目後,我不得不嘗 試一次!

It was a crisp, icy winter Monday night, I’ve rugged up in my flannelettes, nibbling on my pan-fried anchovies and switched on the television. What comes on? Well of course, what else but Masterchef. I had tuned in at just the right moment – a classic scene where Adam and Callum both looking shocked, confused, bedazzled and amazed, starring at this masterpiece of a dessert named ‘Snow egg’. Neither had any idea what it was, what it comprised of, how it was created and how to replicate it. Well, neither did I, to tell you the truth. This thing was so incredible it was pure magic. Peter Gilmore is not just a phenomenal chef, but a genius too. After watching that episode, I just had to try it!

當然我不能造出一個出來啦,所以我決定直接去Quay 餐廳。Quay裏的座位早已定滿了,我被安排到等候名 單上。幾天後,Quay安排我在星期五的9點用餐。真 的難以置信!星期五晚上–太美妙了!我馬上約了兩 位我最喜愛的飲食伴侶Connie和Sheila一同前去這間 悉尼第一的餐廳。這是我第一次去這間餐廳,簡直就 有不能等待的感覺。我好期待和感到興奮能在那裡用 餐,結果我提早了半小時到達。但原來早到不只是我 一個,我那兩個朋友早已就在那裡了,看來她們還比 我更興奮!我們坐在酒廊,看著酒牌, 等待著。 大家 都早到了,真的很難得 。。。

No way was I going to make the egg myself, so I got on the phone and called Quay Restaurant straight away. They were fully booked and I was not surprised. I was asked to go on the long waitlist for any day of the week. The very next day, Quay’s very professional reservations department offered me a table on Friday night at 9pm. Can you believe it? Friday night – awesome! I immediately called two of my favourite eating companions Connie & Sheila to join me at Sydney’s number one restaurant. It was my very first Quay experience, I could hardly wait! I was so eager and excited to dine there, I turned up 30 minutes early that night. Turned out I wasn’t the only one. Connie and Sheila were just as excited, they were already there! Sitting at the bar, checking out the wine list. We were all unfashionably early......

12 vie. magazine 不用多久,一位服務員迎接我們還為我們遞上一杯寶林 歇香檳酒。當我們飲完一杯美酒後,他就帶我們到預早 訂好的桌子。雖然餐廳好滿,不過很安靜,設計簡單光 明幾凈,但感覺很溫暖,全部穿上制服的服務員都帶著 友善的笑容。我們的桌子在二樓,就坐在弧形玻璃墻旁 邊,可以觀望到180度的悉尼海港。我從未見過悉尼的 餐廳可以望到這麼美妙的景色!海水就在我們的腳下, 悉尼橋在左面,而悉尼歌劇院就在我們的右面,突然想 起自己的家,妒忌的心立即湧上心頭,慢慢自我地幻想 起來。。。這時服務員遞來餐牌打斷了我的思緒,我們 在主要餐牌和試食餐牌之間考慮了很久,最後決定嘗試 一下試食餐牌裏的推薦。

The lovely Maître’D greeted us and offered us a glass of Bollinger each while we waited for our table. We finished our bubbles and were escorted to our table. The restaurant was full, but very quiet, the design was clean and slick, but had a ring of warmth to it. The waiting staffs were very formally dressed, but ever ready with friendly smiles. Our table was on the second floor, where we sat facing a wall of curved glass, with a 180-degree view of Sydney Harbour. Pardon my dropped jaw, as I had never seen a restaurant in Sydney with such spectacular views! With the waters beneath our feet, the Harbour Bridge to our left and the Opera House to the right, I grew envious thinking of the sorry view of my apartment on Crown Street in Surry Hills and began to daydream….... I eventually snapped out of it when the waiter arrived and offered us two menus - the ala Carte & the Quay tasting menu. None of us need to think twice - we ordered the tasting menu with matching wines.


Deep breathe, ten courses, dig in …....


SALAD OF PINK TURNIPS & BREAKFAST RADISHES, VIOLETS, OLIVES, PINES RESIN, BALSAMICO 一款清淡可口和擺放漂亮的菜,各樣味道都融合得恰到 好處,咬入口是香脆和柔軟的,口感細微。 This dish was so delicate and beautifully dressed. A sublime harmony of flavours balanced with subtle textures of smooth and crisp bite.

Quay的招牌菜,您一定要用舌尖細細品嘗。每樣材料都 悉心講究,而且份量是剛剛好 Quay’s signature dish, you barely needed chewing, they simply dissolved on your tongue. The attention to detail to the unusual ingredients was finessed and the portion size was absolutely perfect.

vie. magazine 13

SLOW BRAISED BERKSHIRE PIG JOWL, MALTOSE CRACKLING, PRUNES, CAULIFLOWER CREAM, PERFUMED WITH PRUNE KERNEL OIL 一碟無懈可擊的菜。好的材料,和無瑕疵的配料互相配合得完美無 缺。這款菜令人很難忘,很難想像每樣都東西都能給人驚喜。 A faultless dish. With great ingredients, complementary flavours, impeccable seasoning, and the lightest of touches. The dish was unforgettable that surpassed anything I could have imagined.

JACKFRUIT SNOW EGG “雪蛋”是在今年的Masterchef Grand Finale中很出名的甜品。但是我 們試的並不是番石榴味,而是大樹菠蘿。用大樹菠蘿取代番石榴的 確是一個很大的驚喜!和在電視看到的一樣 – 整個結構均勻對稱, 線條乾淨整齊;幼滑的蛋白就在鋪著金色汁液的冰上。 Snow Egg made its mark as the famous dessert in this year’s Masterchef Grand Finale. But guava snow egg was not what we were served. The bold imagination of substituting guava with jackfruit was a surprise! It was just as I remembered from the TV show - geometry, symmetry and cleanliness of line; with very light foam of egg white stimulated by a gold liquid flowing onto the icy foundation.

14 vie. magazine


Andrew Ou

1996 DALWHINNIE MOONAMBEL CABERNET 產地:達爾威尼在澳洲維多利亞省西邊的比 利牛斯山中部的穆南貝爾小村莊附 近。

Region: Dalwhinnie is located near the tiny village of Moonambel in the heart of the Pyrenees region of Western Victoria, Australia.


Vintage: 1996

品嘗日期:2010年8月18號。最佳品嘗日子 是2012年到2015年。

Consumption Date: 18th August 2010. Best consumed between 2012 to 2015.

儲存方法:酒瓶平放在地下酒窖,讓酒自然 釀成熟。

Storage Method: Cellared in an underground cellar undisturbed flat on the body of the wine bottle to allow the wine to mature naturally.

酒色:成熟栗色 香氣:雪松木香氣,也有草地清新和乾甜 梅味。 口味特徵:比較乾,明確的卡本內酸味和 單寧澀度。維多利亞省出名於 成熟乾梅口感和富於雪松木香 料風味。 這卡本內蘇維濃酒帶有維多利亞酒的個性, 口感出色,清新雪松香氣和味道,但趨向很 淡的野生土壤的性格,甚至沒有。1996年份 的澳洲葡萄酒在全世界總體來說,是非常好 的收成期,這一期酒的質量很好。今期試的 酒就表現了這出色的一面。

Sight: Aged Maroon Smell: Varietal perfume taking in cedar wood, freshly cut lawn and sun dry sweat plum. Palette: It displays a rather dry red wine with harsh tannins and definite cabernet acidity. This Victorian renowned red presents on the palette ripe dried plum and cedar wood with a tingle of spiciness. This cabernet sauvignon has a standout palette impression Victoria wine characters of cedar fragrance and flavour but tend to have rather mild soil characteristics or at some incidence non existence. 1996 overall in Australia and in the world is an excellent vintage with storage potential that display quality characteristics. Dahwhinnie Moonambel Cabernet has shown to be a standout.

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Andrew Ou

全葉手卷蟠趣告郎拿 年份:1998,2002年停止生產。 雪茄結構:

雪茄長度:5 5/8英寸



雪茄外觀:茄衣顏色呈棕色,帶 粗的葉脈。雪茄煙灰雖然很黑, 但是卻很碎,這是舊雪茄的特 徵。 香氣: 灰灰的泥土香味。 味道:均勻軟硬度。經典古巴雪 茄特色,帶有土壤,灰和強烈的 草藥味。

PUNCH CORONAS Punch Coronas Hand Made Vintage: 1998, Discontinue 2002. Specification: Size (length): 5。5/8 inches Ring Gauge: 40 Humidity:

初燃的時候,它的味道是帶有青豆和一絲絲蜂蜜的香 甜,當中還有可可和強烈的草藥味。留在口中的餘韻 可以感覺到豆,草藥和泥土的香味。 到了中段的時候,蜂蜜的香味就越來越明顯。草藥, 青豆,可可和土壤味也變得很強烈。 待到末段時,味道變得更有層次,除了有蜂蜜的甜味 外,當中還帶有薄荷香味及少許煙草中的香料味。


Sight: Brown wrapper with rough tobacco leaf grains. Cigar ash surprisingly black however, it has aged cigar attributes of very loose ashes. Smell: Ashy and earthy. Palate: Medium body cigar. Characteristics of an old style Cuban cigar with earthy, ashy and strong herbs a typical Punch.

At the start it has flavors of green bean, slight honey, coco and strong herds. After taste of bean, herds and earthy. The honey flavour becomes more distint as the cigar reduce in length from consumption. The herbs, green beans, coco and earthy flavours becomes very intense on the palate. Towards the end, a new layer of flavours emerge from consumption with a combination sweat honey herbs, minty and slight tobacco tannin with an exciting penitration of spice on the palate.

vie. magazine 17 材料:

Luke Nguyen of Red Lantern

What we need:

1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) 連骨豬腩肉

1 kg (2 lb 4 oz) pork belly, with bone

1 茶匙五香粉

1 teaspoon five-spice powder

2 茶匙安納托油 (在亞洲或印度雜貨鋪售賣)

2 tablespoons annatto oil

1 茶匙小蘇打粉

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

2 茶匙玉米粉

2 teaspoons cornflour (cornstarch)

2 茶匙麻油

2 teaspoons sesame oil

1 小紅辣椒, 切絲

1 bird’s eye chilli, thinly sliced

醬油 (食時用以調味)

light soy sauce, for dipping

sold in Asian and Indian markets

Restaurateur / Chef / Author / Television Host / Gastronomic Traveller

Little Big Recipe

大廚出馬 脆皮燒肉 ROAST PORK

將五花肉的皮放到滾水裏略燙一會兒,小心肉 不要浸到滾水。 用刀刮皮的表面以乾淨豬肉皮;皮的表面應該 是白色的。洗乾淨皮之後,用鋒利大刀在五花 肉的皮上面輕輕切平衡線或網紋圖形。 將1/2茶匙的五香粉,1茶匙的安納托油,1茶匙 鹽,小蘇打粉和玉米粉混合在碗裡混和好。將 混和好的醬料均勻地塗在五花肉的皮上。 將用剩的五香粉,安納托油和1茶匙鹽在另外一 個碗混合一起。之後塗在五花肉上,“按摩” 一會兒。 將五花肉放在碟上,用保鮮紙包起放在雪櫃裏 腌製,最少放6小時,甚至一晚。 將焗爐調到250°C (500°F/Gas 9)進行預熱。之 後將五花肉放到烤盤,五花肉的皮向上,烤20 分鐘,之後將溫度調到150°C (300°F/Gas 2), 再烤10分鐘。在五花肉的皮上塗上麻油之後, 再烤20-30分鐘,或者等到五花肉烤熟。 將烤好的五花肉切成2 cm (3/4 inch)為一小塊。 配以香米,辣椒絲和醬油。 4-6人份量

Dip the skin of the pork belly briefly into boiled, hot water, taking care to keep the flesh out of the water. Clean the skin by scraping the surface with a knife to remove the outer layer; the skin should be a consistent white colour. Wash the skin, then, using a large sharp knife, score the skin in either parallel lines or a crosshatch pattern. Combine 1/2 teaspoon of the five-spice, 1 tablespoon of the annatto oil, 1 teaspoon salt, the bicarbonate of soda and cornflour in a bowl, and mix well. Rub the mixture evenly over the pork skin. In a separate bowl, combine the remaining five-spice, annatto oil and 1 teaspoon salt. Mix well, then coat the pork meat with the mixture, massaging it in well. Place the pork in a dish, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to marinate for at least 6 hours, or overnight. Preheat the oven to 250°C (500°F/Gas 9). Put the pork in a roasting tin, skin side up, and roast for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 150°C (300°F/Gas 2) and roast for a further 10 minutes. Brush the skin with the sesame oil and roast for a further 20–30 minutes, or until the pork is cooked through. Using a cleaver or large heavy knife, chop the pork belly into 2 cm (3/4 inch) pieces. Serve with jasmine rice, and a small bowl of sliced chilli and soy sauce for dipping. Serves 4–6 as part of a shared meal

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我的日記–和LUKE NGUYEN的約會 MY DIARY ‑ A DATE WITH LUKE NGUYEN Monday, 02/08/2010, 7:30pm The White Horse & Mille Vini Restaurant, Surry Hills WORDS Sheila L PHOTOS Sydney Walker

和Luke Nguyen共度一個食飯和飲酒的晚上,絕對是令人難忘的。他滑稽的笑話令到我們捧腹大笑,還有他 那名人的微笑令到我忘掉了工作,盡情地享受這一夜。記得上次見面的時候,已經是幾個月前,就是他去 越南之前;他那時正忙於SBS的烹飪節目的製作。我很榮幸他在百忙之中也抽空來和我一起晚餐。今晚, 他和我分享了他在海外的一些趣事和Master Chef的一些經驗。在這裡,我很高興和大家分享他的故事,來自 Red Lantern的Luke Nguyen。 Spending a night of food and drinks with the famous Luke Nguyen was absolutely fabulous. We burst out laughing at his hilarious jokes and his celebrity smile switched my mind to “off” mode from work. We haven’t caught up for months since his last trip to Vietnam a couple of months ago, and he was busy documenting his next episode of cooking show on SBS. It had been a privilege to dine with him despite his busy schedule. Tonight, he shared his amazing overseas stories as well as his experiences as a Master Chef with me. Here, I’d like to share these wonderful stories of his, Luke Nguyen from Red Lantern.

於我而言,食物是一種文化,所以將它們帶到去我們的文化,我們的小 亞洲。在這個節目,我要做一個示範班(Master Class)。這個示範班是 一個廚師教怎樣烹調一個菜式。我不喜歡在一個沉悶的教室裏面教,所 以我選擇了在Cabramatta的街道上教烹飪。當時,整個區的人都來看, 甚至還有舞獅。我們去了不同的店鋪選購海鮮,調味草藥和材料。我的 目的是想將整個過程做得更加有本土文化氣息和有趣,給大家展示一下 Cabramatta的真實生活。 可以做的就是微笑。我從來都沒想過做完這個節目之後就成為一個名 人。自從去年的10月,我在SBS就有自己的節目。我估計在我做那個節 目之後,就會有人開始認識我。但是做完Master Chef之後,更加多人認 識我,我覺得是好事。Master Chef的觀眾很多很難以置信的。在街上很 多人認得我,和我拍照;這是很難避免的。我認為,我只是一個廚師就 好像其他廚師一樣,只不過我有機會在電視上出現而已,哈哈哈… Challenging the Master Chef. Master Chef is such a big commercial network in which I was not sure whether I was interested in the first place. I got a personal call one day from the Master Chef’s producer asking me whether I’d like to be on Master Chef. At first, I did not accept the offer as Master Chef is a big commercial network compared to my cooking show on SBS and I thought we were on different platforms. I wasn’t sure whether I was interested. I just thought it wouldn’t be correct to do so. The next day, I got another call, this time from the Chief Executive Producer who asked me to rethink about it. Master Chef has 4 to 5 million viewers and it would be good for my business as they talk about Vietnamese cuisine and how it is gaining popularity in Australia. My main goal is to allow everyone to be exposed to Vietnamese food and to show and diversify Vietnamese cuisine. I thought about it and eventually accepted the offer to become the first chef to go on the challenge. For me, food is culture. So I brought them to our culture - our little Asia. During the show, I had to do a Master Class. The class is basically a chef teaching the participants to do a dish or a cuisine. I didn’t want to do it in a boring studio or kitchen. I took the participants to Cabramatta and cooked on the streets. The whole town came and watched, and there were even dragons and lion dancing. We went to different stores searching for seafood, herbs and spices. I wanted to make it more cultural and fun, and to show people how Cabramatta is in real life. All you have to do is smile. I did not expect to be a celebrity after Master Chef. I’ve already got a show on SBS since October last year. I guess after that show, a lot of people have come to know me. But after Master Chef, it has been crazy, but good. The audience on Master Chef was wild and unbelievable. I’ve got heaps of photos of me on the streets, and it is now inevitable that people are noticing me on the streets. To me, I’m just a chef like any other people who cooks, it just so happens that I cook on TV hahaha…

我只是一個廚師就好像 其他廚師一樣,只不過 我有機會在電視上出現 而已...

MASTER CHEF的挑戰。Master Chef是一個很大的商業電視節目;最 初的時候我不是很確定自己是否有興趣。有一天,我收到Master Chef 製作部的電話,問我是否有興趣做。最初,我沒有答應,因為相比於我 在SBS的烹飪節目這是一個更大型的商業電視節目,我覺得我們處於不 同的位置。我不確定自己是否有興趣,我只是覺得不應該去做。但是到 了第二天,製作部的行政主管親自打電話給我,叫我再作考慮。Master Chef有4-5百萬人收看,這對於我的生意是有好處的,因為他們會介紹越 南烹調,和在澳洲怎樣流行起來。我的主要目的是讓每一個人都感受到 越南的美食。這是我過去的主要目的,就是要令到越南美食烹調得到介 紹和令到它多樣化。我經過深思熟慮之後,終於答應了當上第一個挑戰 的廚師。

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I’m just a chef like any other people who cooks, it just so happens that I cook on TV...

20 vie. magazine Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam。2個月前,我剛在越南完成 了SBS的第二季烹飪節目的錄影。這是一個10星期的 節目,在今年的11月就會播出。整套節目跨越了越南 10多個地區。第一季介紹了越南的南部至中部,而第 二季就會介紹中部至北部。第一季得到了SBS的最高 收視紀錄,現在已經在150不同的國家播放。

Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam. I just finished filming my second cooking series called Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam on SBS 2 months ago in Vietnam. It is a 10week series, coming up in November this year. Filming spans over 10 regions in Vietnam. The first series was from the south to the centre of Vietnam and the next series is from the centre to northern Vietnam. The first series received one of the highest ratings on SBS and now aired in 150 different countries.

法國人在越南與越南人在法國。爲了寫我的第三本 書,下星期我將會去法國,這本書將會在2011年的 10月發行。我的新書將會介紹法國對越南烹調的影 響。從1945年開始,越南成為了法國的殖民地差不多 有100年了,很多菜式我們都覺得是傳統越南菜,但 其實已經受到了法國的影響。就如越南薄餅(Banh Xeo)。是來自crepe?或者是。我不是說很多菜式都 是法國人發明的,而是受到法國的影響。法國人帶了 很多色彩和事物到越南,例如:在越南廣泛流行的乳 制品,咖啡等。啤酒-以前他們不會供應,但現在已 經是一種文化了。我現在正做這方面的調查研究。整 本書的構思是收到法國影響的傳統食譜歷史和尋找傳 統食譜。這書還會介紹到現代的越南,當代越南人在 越南煮的法國菜。我將會在法國探訪我從未見過的親 戚,尋找他們在法國怎樣煮越南菜。對於這個我很熱 情和很開心學到這方面的知識。

French in Vietnam vs Vietnamese in France. I’ll be in France next week to work on my third book, releasing in Oct 2011. My next book is about the French influence on Vietnamese cuisine. The French colonized Vietnam for 100 years in the late 1945 and a lot of Vietnamese dishes which we thought were traditional were actually influenced by the French, such as the fried pancake (Banh Xeo). Did they originate from the crepe? Maybe. I’m not saying that a lot of dishes were invented by the French, but many were definitely influenced by the French. The French brought over a lot of colours and things to Vietnam like the dairy and coffee which is huge in Vietnam. Beer, a thing that they didn’t serve it back then, is now a big drinking culture. That is something on which I’m researching at the moment. The whole idea of the book is about the history of and finding traditional recipes that are influenced by the French. The book then moves on to modern day Vietnam, looking at French or modern cooks today cooking French food in Vietnam with Vietnamese influence. I will be visiting my family there, whom I’ve never met before and to find out what Vietnamese food they are cooking in France today. I’m very passionate and will learn so much about it.

...很多菜式我們都覺得是傳統越南菜, 但其實已經受到了法國的影響...

... a lot of Vietnamese dishes which we thought were traditional were actually influenced by the French...

vie. magazine 21 分享Red Lantern的日子。Red Lantern開業的時候,我 只有23歲,當時我的袋裡只有100圓。2002年的時候, 我在Surry Hills開了Red Lantern。我很喜歡冒險,所以 我不感到害怕。Red Lantern所用的材料都是最優質生 產,所以是物有所值的。開始的時候,我們只推出一些 南方的越南菜,因為南方是我的家鄉。當我去越南旅行 回來之後,我學識了很多新的配料和食譜,我還將它們 帶回到Red Lantern。現在Red Lantern的菜譜上都會有 一點來自越南每個地區的菜式。我將會在越南開一間 Red Lantern。

Red Lantern shares the journey. I was 23 when Red Lantern opened, and had only 100 bucks left in my pocket when I first open its doors. That was back in 2002, when I first opened Red Lantern in Surry Hills. I was very adventurous back then. I didn’t have any fear and just did it. Red Lantern’s menu offers Vietnamese food cooked with the most premium produce you can get, so you pay for what you get. In the beginning, the food was very Southern Vietnamese as that’s where my family came from. That was pretty much all I knew because I never lived in Vietnam. During my travels back to Vietnam, I’ve learnt many new ingredients and recipes which I’ve brought back to Red Lantern. Now Red Lantern’s menu has a bit of everything from all over Vietnam. I will be opening Red Lantern soon in Vietnam.

我那小小的賓客旅館。我下一個目標就是在越南開一間 小小的旅館。這是一個非謀利的旅館,就好像是一個餐 飲培訓中心。我將會把澳洲的活動課程教給越南的員 工,好像後勤,接待,日常運作;將他們帶到一個真實 的酒店環境進行實踐,讓他們管理。我們在澳洲太幸運 了。每一次當我到越南的時候,我都會看到那些不幸 的小孩,所以我認為我需要為他們做一些事情。他們 的父母根本不能支付小學的費用,但其實一年只需要 100圓。我下一個目標不是想在澳洲或者紐約開6間Red Lantern…而是做一些令你充滿熱情,一些你喜歡和享受 去做的事,和幫助那些所需的人。

My Little Guesthouse. My next goal is to open a little guesthouse in Vietnam. This will be a non-profit boutique guesthouse like a hospitality training centre. I’ll bring in Australia’s activity curriculum and teach the Vietnamese employees things like back of house, front of house, and hotel operations. I will put them in a practical restaurant environment where they will get looked after. We’re all very lucky in Australia. Every time I go to Vietnam, I see all those less fortunate kids, so I think we should do something. I’ve seen kids that can’t even afford primary school education. Their parents just can’t afford it. It costs $100 a year to put your kids to school in Vietnam. My next goal is not to open 6 Red Lanterns in Australia or New York…. it’s about doing something that you enjoy doing, something you’re passionate about and helping other people.

這晚我們暢談了很多,吃很多美食和品嘗了很多美 酒。坐在我面前的是,一個年輕的,隨和的和熱情 的人,他的同情心一定令他前面的路更加冒險。我 好期待他的新書出版和他下一個電視節目,一定會 充滿驚喜。希望有一天可以到越南去探訪LUKE, 也許就他那小小的賓客旅館吧。

The night continued with more chitchat, food and wine with the Master Chef. Before me, sitting across the table was this young and easygoing chap. I believe his affectionate personality and compassionate dream will definitely take him a long, long way into his future ventures. I can’t wait for the launch of his brand new book and watch him in action on his next TV show soon with fresh surprises. It might be a good idea to pay him a visit in Vietnam one day, in his little guesthouse, perhaps.

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28 潮流提示 - 淩亂髪邊髻



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今期天使般的封面主題是源由Akira的衣著系列而來的,是他五年前第一次 印在他本人系列服裝上的印花圖案。靈感來自於日本的傳統和服布料。米 色混合燦爛的紅色和黑色花圖案顯示Akira的抽象定義或者比較傳統的主 題。這是他眾多主題概念的其中之一,只用在某些的特殊圖案系列上。這 引人注目和大膽的顏色很受大眾歡迎。 This angelic motif from our cover is from one of Akira’s wearable collections, which was first used in the printing design of his creation five years ago. Inspiration of the motif comes from the Japanese vintage fabric - the kimono. It comes in a brilliant red and black on beige; obviously not the most complex pattern Akira has created thus far, but rather naïve with an abstract floral pattern or vintage motif as defined by the artist himself. In striking and bold colours, this is yet another one of Akira’s signature motifs that has only been used in a discerning fashion.

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我視手藝為認識一個人見解的工具。過去,現在和將 來;這個口號將繼續跟隨每一次我有份參與的工作。永 恆的美麗和女人味深刻地印在我的設計中,是穿著者表 達他們心靈深處的演繹方法。

I see craftsmanship as an implement with which to realise one’s vision. Past, present and future; that slogan continues in almost everything around which my work evolves. Timeless beauty and femininity in my design is profound, in a way for the wearer to express their inner soul.

- Akira Isogawa

Akira的故事。。。 很多次,我會類似他人一樣自問:我爲什麼要設計和製造衣服?爲 什麼世上會有那麼多的衣服?它們怎樣存在?爲什麼我還要增添更 加多的衣服?我所做的究竟有什麼意義?我設計的女性服裝的標誌 應該會是甚麼?設計於我來說很重要,是我個人對外界的表達。有 時我的設計純粹是爲滿足自己的精神需要。但如能設計一件東西讓 人喜歡穿戴或是令他銘記於心,那會讓我發覺我現在所做的一切是 更加有意義。 我最近所到過的旅遊勝地之中,其中一個地方就是印度尼西亞。我 旅遊的原因只有兩個,一是搜索紡織設計,二是展覽我的作品。我 在巴厘島和一班從事手工藝和紡織品設計的工作者合作,他們從事 專業手製串珠,將玻璃串珠縫到紡織品上,這些產品也將會出現在 我今後的系列裏。他們的特殊技藝加上我的設計,把我的服裝作品 轉化成手制的紡織品。我特喜歡這類面對面的親體交流,因為這樣 能夠更好地理解別人的思維。 每一年我都會去很多地方旅行。偶爾我也去了印度和中國。每年我 會去巴黎兩次展示我的系列,在今年的九月尾,我將會去巴黎展示 我的十月新系列。別於速戰速畢的大型表演,我最近較著重親密細 緻的展覽廳廊。在巴黎,我將會在一個展覽廳廊介紹我的作品,但 有時候也會在美術館裏舉行。模特兒們會穿上每一個設計系列,間 中我會給客人或者傳媒解釋模特兒穿的每一款服飾。這將會是一場 預約表演,不像其他一般有500個賓客前來觀看的大型表演。這些 表演雖然在劇本上交足功課,但有欠於專業的感覺。做一場表演, 不單只是做一場時裝展示,還要兼顧其他製作方面例如音樂,燈 光,背景等等。

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Akira’s Story… Sometimes, I do wonder too, like everyone else in this planet. Many times I wondered, “Why do I design and make clothes? Why must there be clothes in this world? How did it exist? Why do I want to add more to it? What is the meaning of the things that I do? What is the significance in what I do which is, designing women’s wear?” Designing is vital to me as an expression of myself. Sometimes, I have the urge to design for self-gratification. More importantly, it is to design something that one would wear and enjoy wearing. It is not just about designing something that you enjoy for women but in fact, something that one can treasure. Having said that, I can see what I do now is a bit more meaningful. When I make a trip overseas, it is mainly for 2 reasons. One is for textile design and the other is to exhibit my works. During my recent trips, one of the countries I visited was Indonesia. I was in Bali with a group of people who applied certain craftsmanship to certain textile designs that I do. These people were hand-beaders. They sewed glass beads onto textile, which would then be put together in my future collections. They had special skills in what they do and I provided them with a design so that they could translate the design to handmade textile. I always like face-toface interaction to gain a better and full understanding of people’s mind. I travel a lot each year. Occasionally, I go to India and China. I visit Paris twice a year to showcase my collections. My next trip will be the end of September for a showcase in October this year. Recently, I am more focused on intimate showing rather than a runway show. In Paris, I will be presenting my collection within a showroom or sometimes in an art gallery. The collection is presented by a house model which I can then explain to a client or media - outfit by outfit using one house model. It will be a show-by-appointment only, very different from a runway show where you have an audience of about 500 guests. Runway is a bit less personal but it has got a sense of drama to it. When we do a show, it’s not only about the catwalk, you also work on the production side of it like music, lighting, backdrops, etc.

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致vie讀者 –

悉尼的空氣充滿了春天的氣息,我們應該脫去灰色冬 天的感覺,換上一些亮麗的衣服。大家一起向顏色出 發吧! To vie readers - As spring is in the air in Sydney, we shall all shred our layers from the grey winter tones and wear something bright. Let’s grab some colours!

Akira Resort Collection 09’ Akira’s Resort Collection 09’是爲了迎接春天和展示春天的色彩。它將展示 我上一次表演的時裝系列 - Rosemount Australian Fashion Week 2008。我的 挑戰元素是試驗怎樣利用顏色觸發人的情緒。我想以顏色去感動觀眾,或 者以視覺將他們移運到另外一個世界。我用了燦爛的顏色,例如亮粉紅, 紅色,亮黃色,綠色和亮紫色等等。無論我任何一個服裝創作都少不了我 的本人自家圖案。在這個特別的 Akira Resort 系列裏,我將不同的圖案不 斷多層重疊。大部份以往的服裝系列裡我運用了樸素的布搭配印花圖案, 而在這裏我混合了其它不同印花圖案。顏色豐富的印花裙,再配搭一件色 彩鮮豔的印花外套 - 你將會在這個系列中發現五顏六色的色彩及五花八門 圖案。 Akira’s Resort Collection 09’ welcomes spring and speaks about colours. This collection was showcased in my very last runway show - Rosemount Australian Fashion Week in May 2008. My challenge was to experiment how colours can trigger your emotions. I want to make you feel touched or transported to somewhere else, like to another world. I used brilliant colours such as bright pink, red, bright yellow, green, vivid purple, etc. Not forgetting my prints, of course. Regardless, I create prints in every single collection. In this particular collection, I use prints in a way we style prints on prints. In most of my wearable outfits I style prints on plain fabric, whereas in this collection, I mixed with other prints. You wear really colourful printed dress and coordinate it with another colourful print jacket. You will see the spectrum of colours including prints in this range.

Akira Boutique Locations 12A Queen Street Woollahra NSW T/F: +61 2 9361 5221 Strand Arcade Level 2 412–414 George Street Sydney NSW T/F: 02 9232 1078

GPO Melbourne Level 1 350 Bourke Street Melbourne VIC T/F: 03 9663 5003 705 Ann Street Fortitude Valley QLD T: 07 3252 4919

28 vie. magazine


Sheila L SydneyWalker Erick Tso Sherry D


將頭髮分成左,中,右 3 份,但兩邊 耳旁的頭髮必須分成一樣的份量。


將後面的那一份頭髮再分成上下兩部 份,用髮夾將上部的頭髮暫時固定。


用梳把後方下面的頭髮梳到一邊, 再噴上定型水,保持 2 秒以固定整 個形狀。


用橡筋把頭髮向左邊扎起,但是將中 間的部份留出來,做成一個髮髻。


用髮尾捲起來遮擋著橡筋的位置,之 後用髮夾固定著。


將左邊那一小部份的頭髮再分成上下 兩部份,把下半部的頭髮夾到後面的 髮髻并用髮夾夾起。


把右邊的頭髮按照步驟 4-6 重複做 一次。


將上邊夾起來的頭髮放下來,再分成 上下兩部份,把下部份的頭髮放下來 蓋著髮髻的左邊,用髮夾固定。


拿起頂部的頭髮,用梳由髪尾梳向髪 根,令到頭髮鬆散拱起,再用定型水 將髮型固定。

10. 之後將頂部頭髮梳下來到髮髻的地 方,再用髮夾固定髮型。 11. 最後用梳將頭髮的尾部向髮髻的方向 裡外來回地梳幾遍,令到髪尾鬆散。

髪邊髻是一個髮型幾乎適合每一個季節或場合。拋棄傳統髮髻的梳法,今期vie和 大家分享一個更輕鬆自然的“淩亂”髪邊髻。通常長或中長的頭髮會比較容易梳, 不論是直髮還是曲髮。至於劉海就因應不同的臉型而有所改變。淩亂髪邊髻比起傳 統普通的髮髻,只需花多一點功夫,是女仕表現酷的一種髮型。 The side-bun hairstyles are great hairstyles for almost any occasion where you want to look your best. Straying away from the usual classy side-bun, this issue vie shares some tips on a “messy” side-bun for a more relaxed and casual do. It can be easily done on long straight hair, medium or curly hair. The fringe can be done in many different ways to suit the face contour of each person. The messy side-bun just needs a little more effort than the normal side-bun. It is one amongst the coolest hairstyles for girls.

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1. First, part hair into 3 sections. Leave 2 equal parts to front of ear. 2. Then, part rear section into top and bottom; use a hair clip to hold top section temporarily. 3. Gather rear bottom section and comb hair to one side; using a hair spray, spray for 2 seconds to hold the shape. 4. Using a rubber band, tie up the hair and leave last part of hair within the rubber band to create a curl bundle. 5. Grab end of hair strand and twist inward to hide hair band. Use a pin to hold its position. 6. For the small section to the left, part hair top and bottom. Pull bottom part behind the curl bundle, wrap around hair band and pin it up.



7. Moving on to the right side, part right section top and bottom, grab bottom section and pull over to bundle on the left. Use a hair pin and hairspray to hold in place. 8. Release top section hair from the clip and further part hair into top and bottom section. Pull bottom section over to bundle on the left again. Pin to hold. 9. Hold the remaining top section, using a comb, comb hair downwards towards the roots to loosen up the hair and create a bob look to the top of the head; apply hairspray to hold. 10. Then, comb the top part and bring hair down back to the bundle and pin to hold again. 11. Finally, grab a few strands at the end of the bundle, comb inwards towards the bundle to loosen up the ends.





h Kippo Hair and Colour Bar

i Shop 1, 397 Pitt St, Sydney

9261 1818



vie. magazine 31 七款 Aesop 臉部保養,頭髮頭皮保養和身體肌膚保養 的旅行組合。 ‘這一個重要的時刻好比一個旅行的目的地。每一套 的組合都是以我們店鋪所在地的街名而命名,讓大 家鍾愛和有親切感。’

- Dennis Paphitis, Director

Aesop 一直都認為旅行是生活的其中一種元素,給人 一個學習其它文化,探索不熟悉的佳餚,和漫步在有 趣的小道上的好機會。不論在個人或是專業人仕的 生活角度,我們一般都選擇要走的路少的地方而旅 行,而為我們套裝命名的街道會給人驚喜和有趣的, 還會影響和符合我們的想法。Aesop的特色店鋪所在 的街道迷住我們之後,我們就以這些街道為今年的 套裝命名。

Seven combinations of Aesop skin, hair and body products based on the theme of travel. ‘This is one occasion when the destination is as important as the journey. Each of these kits is dedicated to a street for which we feel great fondness and affinity, so much so that we have chosen these locations for our stores.’ - Dennis Paphitis, Director Aesop has long believed travel is an essential part of life, offering one the opportunity to learn from other cultures, explore unfamiliar cuisines, and stroll intriguing laneways. We prefer to take the road less travelled both in our personal and professional lives and these streets, each of them surprising and intriguing, have inspired and shaped our thinking. We have named this year’s kits after the captivating streets in which we have situated Aesop signature stores.

您選擇的套裝可能會陪伴著您旅行的任何一個地方, 所有產品會裝在吸引的和結實的黑色微細纖維袋內, 袋內有鏡子和拉鏈設計。一旦您喜歡我們的產品, 這個套裝將會是很有用的旅行配件。

In order that your kits may accompany you wherever you travel, products come in attractive and sturdy black microfibre containers, with a zip closure and internal mirror. Once the original products have been enjoyed, the case will continue to be an invaluable travel accessory.

除“波那巴街”旅行包外,禮物套裝將會在2010年 11月1號正式發售。

Our 2010 gift kits will be released on 1 November 2010, except ‘Rue Bonaparte’ will be available in spring.



格特魯德街:波那巴街套裝的互補套裝,包括經典臉部 保養系列產品,適合在暖和氣候地區使用。格特魯德街 位於墨爾本的費茲洛。 Gertrude Street: A bookend kit to Rue Bonaparte, containing products from our Classic Skin Care range for those who live in warmer climates. Gertrude Street is located in Fitzroy, Melbourne.

32 vie. magazine

聖寶萊街:香芹籽護膚系列。這系列產品含有豐富的維 他命和大量香芹籽提煉,高質量抗氧化成份。聖寶萊街 位於巴黎皇宮附近。 Rue Saint-Honoré: Products from our Parsley Seed skin care range. These products are enriched with vitamins and contain concentrated amounts of Parsley Seed extract, a high-quality antioxidant ingredient. Rue Saint-Honoré is located near the Palais Royal in Paris.

波那巴街:寒冷氣候的護膚產品系列,任何時候都巧妙 地提供潔面,調理液,去角質和保濕。波那巴街位於巴 黎聖日耳曼德佩區。 Rue Bonaparte: A considered selection of cool-climate skin care products that allows you to expertly cleanse, tone, exfoliate and hydrate wherever you find yourself. Rue Bonaparte is located in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris.

擺花街:Aesop臉部保養產品適合男仕的需要,提供由 面部清潔至到輕微保濕的全保護。擺花街位於香港。 Lyndhurst Terrace: Aesop skin care products particularly suited to men’s needs, providing thorough cleansing followed by light hydration. Lyndhurst Terrace is located in Hong Kong.

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Oberdorfstrasse街:Aesop頭髮頭皮保養產品幫助你打 理頭髮和令頭髮保持亮麗。Oberdorfstrasse街位於蘇黎 世。 Oberdorfstrasse: A selection of Aesop hair care products to assist you in managing your hair and keep it looking its finest. Oberdorfstrasse is located in Zürich.


威斯特邦爾林:Aesop手部和身體保養產品的組合,在 惡劣的氣候環境下都能保持皮膚乾淨和滋潤。威斯特邦 爾林位於倫敦的諾丁山。 Westbourne Grove: A quartet of Aesop hand and body care products, to keep skin cleansed and hydrated in even the most challenging climatic conditions. Westbourne Grove is located in Notting Hill, London.

Flinders Lane:天竺葵身體肌膚保養產品包含必不可少 的袋裝玫瑰籽護唇膏。Flinders Lane位於墨爾本市中心。 Flinders Lane: Aesop Geranium Leaf body care products combined with our indispensible pocket-sized Rosehip Seed Lip Cream. Flinders Lane is located in Melbourne’s CBD.

珠寶是給人欣賞及可 每天配戴的藝術品

JEWELLERY IS AN EVERYDAY WEARABLE LUXURY ART PIECE TO ENJOY 店名“New Art Limited”帶出了我對珠寶的看法: 「現今,珠寶是可每天配戴的藝術品。珠寶的精髓 不斷在變換,它已變成時裝的一部份,可以每天配 戴來配搭不同的服飾.在店內的每一件珠寶都是令 人想擁有,讓心人夢寐以求,讓人欣賞的藝術品。 」我的設計概念是:「簡單而精細,多元化但不誇 張,希望展現珠寶的藝術氣質。精細的手工會讓每 一件珠寶都有所不同。」店內不但展出了我的作品 及提供訂做服務,更與世界幾個著名意大利珠寶品 Giorgio Visconti,Casato,Vergano和Superoro合 作。它們的設計風格和對珠寶理念跟我的也很一 致,在系列中描繪出每件珠寶珍貴獨特的一面和展 示出珠寶的藝術氣質。希望日後能把我的作品帶到 澳洲跟你們一起分享!



The name of the shop - New Art Limited, brings out my concept towards Jewellery. “New generation of art is the whole idea. Jewellery is an everyday wearable luxury art piece to enjoy.” The essence of jewellery is transformed. They are easy to mix and match with every day fashion. Each piece of the fine jewellery in the boutique is a collection of art piece to wear, to dream about, to desire, and above all, to enjoy. The design and concept on jewellery: “simple but detailed; diverse but not exaggerated; wearable but not excessive. “All I want to share is the artistry in Jewellery. Detail in each piece of jewellery makes the different. My Boutique not only provides hand-craft custom piece for customers and presenting my own collection, it also presents a few internationally wellrecognized Italian jewellery brands e.g. Giorgio Visconti, Casato, Vergano and Superoro. In the future, I would like to bring my jewellery art pieces to Australia to share with you!

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New Art Limited Shop 211A, The Galleria, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 香港中環皇后大道中9號嘉軒廣場2樓211A舖 Website:


Bonnie Wai

珠寶設計師/專業珠寶家/研究寶石學家/ 藝術熱衷者/酒和食物愛好者

Jewellery Designer/ Accredited Jewellery Professional/ Graduate Gemologist/ Art Enthusiast/ Wine & Food Lover

Bonnie自小就與珠寶首飾一起成長,因為媽媽 早在三十年前已是一個珠寶設計師。在她心目 中,珠寶是一門藝術,每一件珠寶背後都有一個 故事。它是一樣我們應該珍惜,喜愛和欣賞的東 西。從小她就喜歡觀察每一個珠寶製作的過程, 每一步都是精細的,所以設計和手藝都是從心出 發。每一件作品都意味著一些意義和代表個人性 格。為什麼喜歡珠寶?因為它是一件可配戴的優 雅藝術品,不但可和別人分享和欣賞,它也是一 件有價值和展示個人風格的資產。

Bonnie grew up with jewellery since she was very young because her mother was already a jewellery designer 30 years ago. In her heart, jewellery is a form of art, and every piece of jewellery has a story to tell. It is something that we should treasure, love, and appreciate. From a young age, Bonnie enjoyed watching every single process of jewellery production. Every step of production was refined; each design and craftsmanship a conception from one’s heart. Every piece of creation carried a meaning and reflects a distinct character. Why do we like jewellery? Because it is an elegant piece of art that can be worn. Not only can it be shared with and appreciated by others, it is also a valuable asset that can express an individual’s style.

幾年前她到紐約跟著名珠寶家Mr. Fred Leighton 學藝,加深了對珠寶的認識和熱誠。老師教導 她怎樣去欣賞每一件珠寶。由發掘石頭,揀選材 料,設計,製作過程,到介紹給客人,每一個細 節都需要很多心思才能令作品完成。 向成為珠寶設計師的夢想出發,Bonnie早前更完 成了Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A.) 的寶 石鑑証Graduate Gemologist (G.G.) 課程,希望對 每種石頭的特徵有更深入的了解。她個人認為造 出一件美麗和實用的珠寶,需認識每種原料是很 重要的。

A few years ago Bonnie furthered her knowledge of and passion for jewellery when she travelled to New York to learn from renowned jeweller, Mr. Fred Leighton. He taught Bonnie how to appreciate each piece of jewellery. From excavating the stone, choosing materials, the design and production, to presenting the finished product to the customer, every single detail required careful planning. Striving towards her dream to becoming a jewellery designer, Bonnie completed the Graduate Gemologist (G.G.) course at the Gemological Institute of America (G.I.A.). She aimed to have a better understanding of each different stone’s characteristics. Bonnie personally believes that in order to create a piece of beautiful and practical jewellery, it is vital to have knowledge of every type of raw material used. Bonnie’s dream came true in 2009 when she opened her own jewellery shop. Her biggest joy was that she finally had the opportunity to share her products with others. This little shop’s name “New Art Limited” carries the meaning of new age art, which is also the perspective towards jewellery that Bonnie would like to share with everyone.

37 中英大詞典


38 B&O優質家用電器的藝術


42 敘舊



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“Chinglish - Speaking in Tongues”

WORDS Sandra PHOTOS SydneyWalker MODELS Emily C, Natalie W (Vie Media)


擁有八十五餘年歷史,植基於丹麥工藝和創新技術、全球數一數二的 超強品牌的B&O,自1925年在丹麥斯特魯爾成立以來Bang & Olufsen 公司一直以生産卓越非凡的優質家用電器産品而聞名於世。它的聲譽 奠定在獨家開發的技術、美觀的設計、創造性的解決方案、卓越的品 質,和不斷追求完美、將不可能變成可能的決心和意志。Bang & Olufsen 系列産品包括電視機、音樂系統、揚聲器、電話機和多媒體産品等, 每一款都獨具特色、卓爾不群,堪稱美學外觀與卓越技術之完美融 合。公司産品行銷100多個國家,逾1200個經銷機構構成了廣泛的零 售網路。Vie很榮幸得到B&O的支持,今期我們會為大家介紹四款有 趣的產品。 Being one of the world’s strongest brands built on 85 years of Danish craftsmanship and innovation, Bang & Olufsen has been world renowned for its creation of outstanding quality home electronics since it was founded in Struer, Denmark, in 1925. Its reputation is based on the development of its own unique technologies, beautiful design, creative solutions, outstanding quality and a never failing will to pursue perfection and make the impossible possible. Bang & Olufsen manufactures a highly distinctive and exclusive range of televisions, music systems, loudspeakers, telephones, and multimedia products that combine technological excellence with emotional appeal. Bang & Olufsen products are sold by over 1,200 dealers in more than 100 countries in an extensive network of retail stores. Vie is honoured to have Bang & Olufsen’s support for our current issue where we will introduce four innovative products to our readers.

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BeoCom 2 -

一款會為自己說話的產品 A product which speaks for itself 這款引人注目的“香蕉電話”採用液壓成型技術將話機壓制成型,外型獨樹 一格,而且有多種顏色選擇。B&O的電話技術以真實的語音重現和絕佳的音 質而聞名於世。值得一提的是這款“香蕉電話”可當成無線電話系統的一部 分來使用,該系統可透過一個電話插座連接達八部BeoCom 2無線手持電話。 拿起電話時,vie覺得這電話簡直就是為“手”而度身訂做的,而且無論是外 型上還是顏色上都是型男型女的潮物之選。 The distinctive organic shape of this ‘banana phone’ is created through the use of a hydro-forming technique that presses the telephone into shape, which also comes in many colours. Bang & Olufsen’s telephone technology is renowned for authentic voice reproduction and superb sound quality. It is worth mentioning that this ‘banana phone’ can also be used as part of a cordless phone system that can contain up to eight individual BeoCom 2 cordless handsets from a single telephone socket. When we gave the phone a try, vie felt that the design of this telephone was definitely tailor-made for our hand. Both its appearance as well as colours certainly make it a must-have for every hot guy and chic gal in town!

尺寸:電話連座機36x321mm 顏色:黃/藍/紅/黑/灰/鋁/白 Dimensions: Base with handset: 36 x 321mm Colours: Yellow/Blue/Red/Black/ Grey/Aluminium/White

40 vie. magazine

BeoTime -

臥室的最佳伴侶 Your bedroom’s best friend

在BeoTime的陪伴下,每天早上都能經歷充滿驚奇的體 驗。簡單的鬧鐘搖身一變,不但呈現出和諧的設計風 格,而且還具備內建輕按實感應和敏銳的自動背光等實 用功能。有了睡眠定時裝置,您不但可以在音樂的陪伴 下打個盹,還可以盡情觀賞深夜節目,一點也不需擔心 睡過頭。此外,您可以自由選擇使用BeoTime的內建鈴 聲,或是從您最喜愛的電視節目、廣播電台或CD擷取音 樂曲目做為鬧鐘鈴聲。能改變一向沉悶的鬧鈴聲,和一 張開眼就見到時尚潮物,都能讓vie每天帶著愉悅的心情 從睡夢中清醒。

With BeoTime, even your basic morning ritual becomes an extraordinary experience. The humble alarm clock has been transformed with remarkable and unobtrusive design and surprisingly practical features such as the touch sensor and subtle automatic backlighting. The sleep timer lets you doze off to music or late night programmes without worrying about switching it off. Other than that, you can choose to wake up to BeoTime’s discreet chime or add the sound of your favourite TV programme, radio station, or piece of music as your alarm chime. Both a simple switch away from the everyday alarm chime and the sight of such a fashionable masterpiece make every morning a pleasant one for vie!

尺寸: 24 x 390 x 25mm/170g

Dimensions: 24 x 390 x 25mm/170g


Colours: Aluminium

EarSet 3 -

只為您的雙耳而打造的頂級音質 Quality sound for your ears only

對那些熱愛創新、便利、溝通和音樂的人來說,EarSet 3耳機是一個難得的珍貴禮物。 這款有線立機聲耳機EarSet 3:內置式麥克風、4孔mini jack,既能為音樂行動電話提 供最佳的音質享受,又可為您的雙耳創造無與倫比的舒適感受。能像眼鏡一樣佩戴於 雙耳之上的EarSet 3將為您帶來流暢而細密的音質體驗。EarSet 3可以很容易地根據人 耳的輪廓與曲線進行調節,而且無論您處在任何一種運動體位,它都能牢固而準確地 貼服於雙耳,讓美妙的音樂旋律只為您的雙耳而演奏。麥克風設計在耳機連線之上, 與輕觸式開關方便的結合在一起。vie在欣賞音樂還是接聽電話之時,都能專注於EarSet 3帶來的卓越音質體驗。 EarSet 3 is a unique gift item for all who have a passion for innovation, convenience, communication and music. EarSet 3 is a wired, stereo headset with built-in microphone and a 4 pole mini jack that, besides being dedicated to providing the highest sound quality for your music mobile, is designed to fit the individual ear comfortably, compromising with neither. It adjusts easily to the contours and curves of the individual ear, and whatever your level of activity, the EarSet 3 sits firmly and precisely ensuring that the sound experience is for your ears only. The microphone is placed on the wire and is conveniently combined with the hook switch. Whether listening to music or making a phone call, vie was able to concentrate fully on the excellent sound experience delivered by EarSet 3! 尺寸:35x59x14mm

Dimensions: 35x59x14mm


Colours: Aluminium/Black

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BeoSound 3 (portable music system) 音質絕妙的可攜式音樂播放器

Audio excellence – now available in take-away 經久耐用是B&O的品牌標誌,無論在任何一段時 間,業界潮流是如何更換。最新設計的BeoSound 3可攜式音樂播放系統在外觀上採用復古的設計, 但內部技術卻朝追求未來的方向邁進。BeoSound 3的全音域單聲道揚聲器儘管小巧,卻能以極佳的 音質播放音樂。它採用可充電式電池,沒有任何電 源線或插頭,電池完成充電後,可以連續聆聽10個 小時的FM電臺或SD記憶卡上的音樂檔案,就像舊 日的錄音帶一樣。Vie最喜歡就是那磨砂鋁質的外 表,看不到任何按鍵,軟鍵式的操作加上自動伸縮 式的天線感覺增添了幾分幻妙的色彩。 尺寸:140 x 90 x 420mm (handle up)/2.1 kg 顏色:鋁 Dimensions: 140 x 90 x 420mm (handle up)/2.1 kg Material: Aluminium

Regardless of changes in time or the commercial fashion world, durability has always been the trademark of the Bang & Olufsen brand. The design of the new BeoSound 3 portable audio system echoes past traditions, while on the inside the technology looks to the future. The full-range mono loudspeaker’s performance belies the small size of BeoSound 3, and offers top performance of music and vocal broadcasts. Powered by a rechargeable battery, there are no cables or plugs. The fully charged rechargeable battery ensures up to 10 hours of continuous listening from FM radio or music files on SD memory cards, just like the cassette tapes of yesteryear. Vie’s favourite feature is its brushed anodized aluminium surface with no visible buttons. Instead, soft-touch operation along with an aerial antenna that appears from nowhere adds a touch of magic to the BeoSound 3 experience! 今日馬上就到我們Willoughby經銷門市選購適合你的產品,我們 的員工將會為您提供中文和英文語言服務: Come visit our Willoughby showroom today to select our world famous products for yourself and enjoy personal service by our friendly English and Chinese speaking staff. Bang & Olufsen Willoughby 311 Willoughby Road, 2068 Willoughby T: +61 2 9437 1999

F: +61 2 9437 1941

42 vie. magazine


WORDS Patrick C PHOTOS Blanc on Black MODEL Gordon L

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Mustang Coupe 1966 年份:1966 汽缸容量: 289 Cld V8 變數系統:全自動 顏色:湖水綠 可選裝備:拉力賽套裝

Year: 1966 Engine: 289 Cld V8 Transmissions: Automatic Colour: Tahoe Turquoise Options: Rally Pack included

44 vie. magazine 這是一輛很特別的美國古典車,他的出產年份比我的出生年份還要早。很多男人都會視他們的車為女人,但我會 視這輛車為我的兄弟。我的兄弟就是超過30年歷史的美國跑車,而且是左軚的。一到停車場的時候,我就迫不及 待地跳上車。當我發動引擎的時候,引擎響聲很大,我把擋撥到D的時候,同時腳踏油門,車居然死火了!我對他 果然不夠熟悉,看來我要好好和這位兄弟“溝通”一下才行。好不容易,我終於把他開動了!他沒有一般現代跑 車強大的啟動力,也沒有現代豪華房車的舒適度,但他能夠給我一種很特別的感覺。他很有個性,車裡是新皮製 造的座位配上70年吹能軚盤,簡直就是回到“時尚的過去”。 This is a very unique American vintage automobile with date of manufacture even before I was born. Many men treat their cars like their women, but to me this car is like my own brother. This buddy of mine is a left hand drive, an American sports car of over thirty years of history. As I reach the parking lot, I couldn’t wait to jump into the car. As I start the engine it gives off a loud ignition blast, and when I slide into “Drive” gear and step on the accelerator pedal - it actually die on me!! I realize I have not understood my buddy well enough, so looks like a little more bonding is required here. After some effort I finally kick it into action! Neither does it possess the dynamic ferocity of modern sports cars, nor the comfort of the latest luxury cars, but it certainly gives me a very special sensation. The new leather upholstery, coupled with a 70’s steering wheel, give it the distinct characteristic of an icon from yester-years. This very limited vintage car is available for sale at Terry Hogan Prestige Cars. $50,000.

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Patrick C

今天,趁著有難得的空閑,突發心血來潮地去收拾儲物室。無意間,我翻出了一些已退色的舊照片。看著一張 張的舊照,特別是我那幾張坐在凳上望著杯紅豆冰垂涎的照片,即時令我忍俊不禁。思緒一下子令沈沒在水底 中的記憶,依稀夢回在我的腦海中,電影般的一幕幕地湧現在我眼前。懷舊 - 一種能引起大家有著共鳴回憶的 感覺,每個人都需要這種感覺去尋找人生的軌迹。 On a rare, idle moment such as this, I was suddenly overwhelmed by a whimsical compulsion to clean out my storage room. In the midst of it I inadvertently stumbled upon some faded, old photos and while sifting through them, I was enthused with irrepressible laughter; particularly by a few which showed me sitting on a bench, dribbling over a bowl of red bean sorbet…. Long forgotten images of days gone by, buried deep in the seabed of memories, flashed before my eyes like fleeting scenes in a movie. Reminiscence is a great way to evoke sweet nostalgia as we retrace footprints in our journeys through life.

中國冰室 “Chinese Café” Photo by DuncLuk, Hong Kong

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美都餐室 “Mido Café” Photo by Alan Chan, Hong Kong

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時光消逝無疑是十年人事幾番新,但今天的香港“桃花依舊笑春風”,一日千里。在 我童年的時候,最喜歡就是星期天,爸爸幾乎逢星期天就會帶我坐電車,去遠近馳名 的冰室光顧。雖說是冰室,但還是有其他的冷熱甜品。因爲那裏的冰飲十分出色,雪 球細滑豆冰起沙,味道好極了。我每次到冰室老是坐入門口右邊第一張檯的位置,它 靠近玻璃窗,我可以邊吃邊望著窗外的景物。碣石色的木制傳統卡座,綠色的石米地 磚,窗框內的窗花用鐵條造得十分精致,天花板吊著古銅色的吊扇。食客有時爲飲上 一杯冰水或吃上一個冰球而不得不在門外排隊輪候,但最討厭的是有些食客在肆無忌 憚地吞雲吐霧,不過當時還沒有禁煙,想不到我小小年紀就做了二手煙民。至今想起 都令我嘴饞的紅豆冰球:冰球入口香滑,紅豆到嘴起沙。而爸爸呢,就最喜歡捧住那 隻紅鑲白瓷邊、內裝香濃軟滑的“絲襪奶茶”。冰室色調的簡約,在奢求富麗堂皇的 今天,已爲追憶。而那間冰室的冰飲,可能也成爲回味了!我孩童時的無憂無慮,開 開心心簡簡單單也已劃上了句號!冰室真正能給我孩提時的感覺,現在坐在冰室裏, 可能找不到難得的美食,但經常惦念過去的情素依然,一往情深。 Through the passage of time Hong Kong had transformed in leaps and bounds. When I was small, my favourite day was Sunday. On most Sundays dad would take me on a tram ride to a well-known “ice house”. Although called an “ice house”, it offered other hot and cold desserts as well. The cold desserts served here were superb; scoops of smooth, creamy ice-cream blended with fine red-bean paste - absolutely delicious! Whenever I visited the ice house, I would claim my usual spot at the table on the right by the entrance. It was next to a glass window so I could enjoy the view while I feast. Inside, you would find rows of traditional brown wooden booths; green grainy floor tiles; framed windows lined with delicate iron bars, while a bronze fan hanged from the ceiling. Sometimes customers would patiently wait in line outside its doors for the sheer pleasure of a cold drink or ice-cream. Occasionally there were some inconsiderate diners brazenly puffing away to the annoyance of other patrons, as there were no smoking bans back in those days. How unthinkable that I grew up as a passive smoker at such a tender age! Many years on now, I would still drool over the melt-in-themouth, smooth creamy ice-cream, finely blended with sandy red beans. Dad’s favourite was the strong, aromatic Stocking Milk Tea, served in a white ceramic cup with red rim. In our pursuit of extravagant and flamboyant lifestyles, the fuss-free simplicity of the ice house had become a thing of the past, along with its enchanting desserts. The carefree delight of my uncomplicated, happy childhood was but a forgotten memory. As I sat here in the ice house, gone was the delicious food, but a tang of sweet reminiscence still lingered in the air.

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美都餐室 “Mido Café” Photo by Alan Chan, Hong Kong

到我上中學的時候,“冰室”的概念已是過時了,換 言之“茶餐廳”成爲我們放學的落腳地。和三五知己在 茶餐廳坐在一起,談天說地,聊一下鄰班同學的是與 非,又或是哪個偶像準備開個唱,邊說邊笑,總之就樂 而忘返。當時,茶餐廳可以說得上是每日必到之地,連 週末也要去吃上一個“下午茶”!記得每次我都會選擇 卡座,坐下之後,夥計就會給我一杯“吉水”,之後我 就會叫當時我的最愛–“黑牛”。一邊喝著我的最愛,一 邊低頭看著檯上很久,雖然玻璃板下的餐牌一成不變。 印象最深刻就是,幫我寫單的夥計的嘴裡通常都是擔 著一口煙。現在根本沒有這回事了!今天的香港,很多 建築物都“舊貌換新顔”,茶餐廳之類亦然。各方面在 升級,已沒有夥計嘴裏叼煙爲食客寫單之類的不文明之 舉。但我還是叫了一杯“黑牛”,回顧著過去那些歡樂 時光。

During my high school days, the ice house had become out-dated and replaced by “cafés” as new hot spots for after-school rendezvous. Here the students engaged in chit-chats, gossips or talked about the next idol concert. The merry-making was such fun we could have stayed there forever! Back then, the café was an indispensable daily affair - I would even go back for afternoon tea on weekends! I could still remember my usual spot at one of the booths. Once seated, the waiter would give me a glass of water before I ordered my usual coke float. I would stare at length at the same old menu beneath the glass table while I sipped my favourite drink. Most memorable part was of the waiter with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth while taking my orders. That certainly would be unacceptable to customers nowadays! Today, many buildings in Hong Kong, even traditional cafés like these, had been revamped. Improvement and upgrading were implemented on all levels to do away with uncivilised behaviours such as waiters with cigarettes dangling from their mouths while serving. From time to time I would still have a glass of coke float to relive those happy moments.

vie. magazine 51 大學的時候,日子過得沒有那麼輕鬆了,每每功課及論文 都令我透不過氣,所以快餐店是我當時的“飯堂”。快餐 店環境格局好,坐得舒服,沒有夥計在店內走來走去,最 主要就是令人覺得乾淨衛生。大學畢業後,我已經很少在 茶餐廳或是快餐店逗留了。今天,當我回到舊日的茶餐廳 裏,我看到兩個身穿校服,猜她們是讀二年級的小妹妹在 嘰嘰喳喳、七嘴八舌地談論著什麽。我立刻就回想起自己 中學在茶餐廳的日子了,當時我是中學生,現時她們是小 學生。她們坐在這裏就如我當年去冰室那樣的天真無邪, 那樣的無憂無慮。如今,我的童年離我而去,而我就坐在 這裏寫著這篇稿呢。望著兩個小妹妹,再看看自己,真 是“彈指一揮間”,恍如隔世。 My university days later were a far cry from all these tranquillity and I frequently felt suffocated under heaps of assignments and thesis. Often the fast food outlets became my dining place. I liked the nice ambience, comfortable seats, no hovering waiters, and most importantly, good hygiene. After graduation, I rarely returned to those cafés or fast food shops. Today, as I revisited the café from my past, I saw two uniformed girls seemingly still in their Year 2 or so, chatting heartily away. The familiar sight rekindled my high school memories, except I was then a high school student, and they were just primary school kids. It was dejavu of a carefree, naive, little girl in the ice house all those years ago. Today, my childhood long spent, all that’s left behind was just me sitting here writing this very article. Gazing at the two little girls and my own reflection in the window, I suddenly realised how swiftly time had fled me by!

生活使我懂得什麽叫珍惜,沒有懷舊,就不會尊重 歷史,尊重曆史就知道該珍惜什麽。冰室、茶餐廳 的存在,我們就要珍惜他們的文化和發展史。和所 有有生命力、有文化底蘊的物質東西一樣,都需要 我們去保護和珍惜,這樣的世界才會文明,才會有 燦爛輝煌的未來。 Life has taught me the implication of treasuring one’s possessions. Without reminiscence of past possessions, we would never learn to respect History. Through History we begin the discoveries of the whats and the hows in the conservation process. The ice house and cafés serve as reminders of vanished cultures and histories and like all objects of vivacity and cultural significance they deserve our protection and treasure. A world of treasured cultures is indeed a world with a promising and brilliant future.

石板街中環 “Pottinger Street, Central” Photo by Alan Chan, Hong Kong


54 雲山流影


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經典系列– 棉花糖沙發 WORDS Sheila PHOTOS DK


這款由喬治·尼爾森和艾文·哈勃設計的棉花糖沙 發標誌了一個新的軟椅概念。軟墊可以選擇一色或 多種顏色的配合,適合家居和任何商業公共場合使 用。這個設計用18個獨立圓形軟墊組成座椅和靠 背,“漂浮”在沙發框上。設計師的作品無疑令到 房間馬上亮麗起來,顏色的刺激感令人覺得開心, 心情也輕鬆起來。就是令您能會心一笑的經典作品 This iconic Marshmallow Sofa designed by George Nelson and Irving Harper marks a turning point in soft seating. The playful colours of the cushion available in the same color or multiple colours, suitable for both home use or commercial use in lobbies or lounge room. The whimsical design of the sofa features brushed stainless steel bars and polished stainless steel frame where the 18 round cushions float comfortably. This fun retro designer classic definitely brightens the room, bringing on the happy and relax atmosphere. You just can’t help and smile.

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黑 白 數 碼 攝影大師安德列.考爾德韋爾曾經說過:「用彩色看世界可以讓眼睛 愉悅;用黑白看世界,可以讓心靈慰籍!」黑白照片由於沒有色彩 的干擾,令觀賞者的注意力直接集中在攝影者所想表達的信息,事 物或主題之上,形成思覺上的共鳴,這就是為何很多的黑白作品能 夠歷久不衰的主要原因。

例如在一個陽光明媚的天氣下,去拍攝萬里無雲的天空,當轉換 為黑白照片時,那一片美麗的藍天頓時會變成一個大區塊的灰 色;相反如果拍攝當天是有豐富雲層的陰天時, 那些雲層也能提供 足夠的深度和紋理,結果會出現更令人印象深刻的作品。 利用高感光度和微粒


不要害怕用高感光度(ISO)模式下拍攝,所產生出來的微粒和訉噪, 在弱光下運用高ISO的優勢,例如3200,6400或更高的ISO 12800 下拍攝出來的彩色照片效果,可能強差人意。但當您把該圖轉換 為黑白的時候,那些過於粗大的微粒和令人討厭的色彩訉噪,會 帶給您出乎意外的驚喜。



在強烈光線下拍攝時,留意光與影之間所產生的微妙變化而作出構 圖,例如強調亮部而故意把背景過度曝光的作品,能渲染主體令其 形象更加鮮明,令人留下更深刻的印像。有些時候可利用陰影巧妙 地去襯托主體的細節部位或用不同角度拍攝把陰影突出,變成更有 趣的圖形。

利用具規則性的花紋圖案,或不同性質素材上的特有紋路,這些 細節都是能夠影响一幅黑白作品的關鍵因素。了解以後再嘗試把 鏡頭靠近主體,從不同的角度拍出一些比較抽象的作品吧!

選擇在陰天下拍攝 在陰天下的光線柔和,在拍攝細節度高的大廈街景時,不怕會被強 烈的陽光做成的反差影響,引至曝光過度而細節盡失,高樓大廈也 可配合密雲的天空,拍出更有層次感的作品。

找尋特有的紋理 風景攝影中最重要的,就是如何能找尋到大自然中的紋理,來表 達地理環境應有的質感。陰天拍攝到的紋理層次感豐富,細節部 份盡現,相反,在一個陽光燦爛的日子,拍攝出來的紋理會,會 顯得帶有抽象感覺。


運用這些基本的概念和拍攝手法,拍出一些適合轉換為黑白照片 的作品吧!下期再和大家分享更多攝影的樂趣吧。


待續 ...


Avoid block colour

Andri Cauldwell once said, ‘To see in colour is a delight for the eye, but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul.’ To me, black and white has an amazing quality to it, seeing something in monochrome allows the photographer to have a direct dialogue with the subject without any interference from the colour world. This allows me, as the photographer to direct focus on the subject, the theme stands out as being ‘correctly’ exposed.

ISO and grain

Below are a few tips for black and white photography.

Pattern and textures are crucial elements to look for in black-andwhite photography. Think about getting closer to the subject and producing an image of a more abstract nature.

Shadows and highlights In bright-contrast conditions, make the most out of the diverse range between the two elements and produce an image with contrasting under and over exposed elements. Expose for the highlight, turn the shadow into a dark shape. Look for strong shadows that compliment the detail areas. Shoot with overcast skies Overcast sky is the ideal time to take those black-and-white cityscape shots, when the light is soft, the detail is easier to pick up. Structure and simplicity In black-and-white photography. Making structure is the key by keeping he composition simple.

On a sunny day with clear skies, black and white images can appear flat as the blue will turn into a big block of grey. Try shooting on a cloudy day as the result will appear far more impressive and provide depth and texture to the image.

Take advantage of low light with the monochrome medium and use grain and noise to your advantage. Shots taken at ISO 12 800, the colour and the result are far too grainy. In black and white, the images take on a new life. Looking for pattern

Search for texture In landscape photography texture is a key element to be aware of. If you are shooting on an overcast day then the texture will look detailed however on a sunny day it will appear more abstract. By using these basic concepts and filming techniques, try to select some of your photographs that are suitable for black and white conversion! Do not be afraid to experiment, these days with digital cameras you can easily take more photos and just delete the ones that did not work. To be continued…

57 雙“屍”十月 60 香港隨影




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近年萬聖節的氣氛愈吹愈盛,為商人帶來不少商 機,其中有關此類題材的電影也配合檔期上映。今 年特別熱鬧,分別有"喪屍"和"吸血殭屍"齊齊上陣, 與人類普天同慶! 3D電影已成為電影市場的主流,備受矚目的《Res-

As moods of Christmas steadily pick up with the encroaching months, so do business opportunities for movie moguls. A few movies of similar festive theme have been strung together, scheduled to be released back to back. This year sees an ultra-busy time for zombies and blood-thirsty vampires, summoned to rise from beyond to join mankind in merry-making spirits!

Following the induction of 3D technology which has since become the mainstream of recent filming industry, the highly anticipated “Resident Evil: 攝系統的進階版,名為“Phantom”的超級攝影機。 Afterlife” adopts a complex machinery of the Fusion 3D Capture System pioneered in “Avatar”- in the form of a super-performance camera, dubbed 它每秒可攝取高達一千格影像,比傳統廿四格菲林 攝影機,畫面的精細度高上百倍!它亦是全球首部 “Phantom”. It has the capacity to capture images of up to 1000 frame per second (fps), producing, as a result, pictures of super fine resolution a 採用3D剪接技術的電影,使其畫面更有立體感,令 hundred times more than a traditional 24 fps film camera. Incidentally, it 喪屍更恐怖,更逼真,挑戰觀眾官能極限!新一集 is also the world’s first motion picture using 3D editing to produce three除了包括有產後復出但狀態依然大勇的女主角Milla dimensional, more realistic zombies to terrorize the audience. In this latest sequel thriller, the postpartum, formidable heroine Milla Jovovich teams up Jovovich外,亦有《Prison Break》型男Wentworth with tough guy Wentworth Miller (of “Prison Break” fame) to give viewers Miller的加盟,令人期待。 another visual treat worthy of anticipation. 拜風靡全球的《Twilight》所賜,讓吸血殭屍重新" Thanks to the success of “Twilight”, the bloodsucking vampires have been 活"起來。《Let Me In》是改編自全球獲60項大獎的 given a new lease of life. In the same vein, “Let Me In” is adapted from the 瑞典恐怖片《Let the Right One In》。這部瑞典電 Swedish horror flick “Let the Right One In” which has had scooped up some 影風格有別於一般其他吸血殭屍片把重點放在超能 60 handsome awards globally. This Swedish adaptation detaches from the likes of its bloodsuckers genre which typically fiddle with tales of supernatural 力及談情說愛上,它的內容是涉及毒品、欺凌、戀 powers and human-vampire love affairs. What renders it a powerful emotional 童辟、復仇,以及對純真情感上的殘酷描述,令此 shock borer is its portrayal of drugs, violence, pedophilia, revenge and ruthless 片成為給人帶來心靈震撼的有力作品。荷里活重拍 disdain of blissful romance. Here again, this Hollywood remake depicts humans 版由《Cloverfield》導演Matt Reeves執導,《Kick and vampires intertwining in untainted romance and bizarre, bloody warfare, Ass》的“Hit-girl” Chloe Moretz飾演吸血鬼女孩,而 under the directorship of Matt Reeves whose work included “Cloverfield”; Chloe 在《The Road》裏的搶戲兒子Kodi Smit-McPhee則 Moretz (featured in “Kick Ass” as “Hit-girl”) who plays a vampire girl; while Kodi Smit-McPhee, who stole the limelight playing the role of the son in “The Road”, 飾演潺弱男孩,再次詮釋人鬼殊途、既純愛浪漫又 will play a vulnerable young man. 詭異血腥的故事。 ident Evil: Afterlife》是沿用《阿凡達》Fusion 3D拍

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生化危機3D版之戰神再生 RESIDENT EVIL AFTERLIFE 3D 導演:保羅安德遜

Director: Paul W.S. Anderson


Main Casts: Milla Jovovich Wentworth Miller, Ali Larter

上映日期: 14.10.2010(悉尼)

Release Date: 14.10.2010 (Sydney)

在由病毒感染蹂躪的世界,成為其受害者的亡靈,愛麗絲(米拉喬沃維奇),繼續她的旅程,尋找倖存者和帶領他 們的安全。她與Umbrella公司達到新的高度致命的戰鬥,但艾麗絲從一個老朋友得到一些意想不到的幫助。一個新 的領導,承諾從不死避風港帶他們到洛杉磯,但是當他們到達的城市是超支數千亡靈- 艾麗絲和她的伙伴們將要步 入一個致命的陷阱。 In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice (Milla Jovovich), continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead - and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

噬血童話 LET ME IN 導演:【科洛弗檔案】麥特李維斯

Director: Matt Reeves

主演:寇帝史密麥菲, 克蘿伊莫蕾茲, 伊利亞斯科提耶, 李察詹金斯

Main Casts: Kodi Smit-McPhee, Chloë Grace Moretz, Elias Koteas, Richard Jenkins

上映日期: 14.10.2010(悉尼)

Release Date: 14.10.2010 (Sydney)

老是被同學欺負的內向男孩歐文,只敢整天握著刀,在鏡前練習幻想反抗報復的模樣,直到一個怪女孩艾比搬進了 他所居住的公寓,擁有神奇詭異力量的她,竟成了歐文的守護天使,也讓他孤獨的生活有了依靠的對象。然而,一 連串血腥命案,也在此刻降臨這個冰封的小鎮... “Let Me In” tells a terrifying tale about an alienated 12-year old boy named Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) who is viciously bullied by his classmates and neglected by his divorcing parents. Achingly lonely, Owen spends his days plotting revenge on his middle school tormentors and his evenings spying on the other inhabitants of his apartment complex. His only friend is his new neighbor Abby (Chloe Moretz), an eerily self-possessed young girl who lives next door with her silent father (Oscar nominee Richard Jenkins). A frail, troubled child about Owen’s age, Abby emerges from her heavily curtained apartment only at night and always barefoot, seemingly immune to the bitter winter elements. Recognizing a fellow outcast, Owen opens up to her and before long, the two have formed a unique bond. As a string of grisly murders occupy the town, Owen has to confront the reality that this seemingly innocent girl is really a savage vampire.

香港隨影 Wherever You Shoot PHOTOS & WORDS Jaclyn K.

閒時翻看一下舊有的照片,有可能發現一些值得懷念的地方、物件、人和事。筆者最近在翻找資料時發 現這批被我遺忘的相片,勾起一些埋藏在記憶深處,淡淡的香港情懷。筆者當時參觀的這個魚露醃製 廠,位於西貢,現在已經遷拆,不複存在。還記得進入那隔開外界的厚重鐵門,沒有預料中的鹹醃味、 沒有大批員工、也沒有先進科技……有的是濃濃懷舊風味和人情味。 傳統中式建築,瓦頂,在附近的高樓襯托下顯得份外恬靜。屋前的大片空地放滿一排排潮州江,約一米 高,用來曬魚露。揭開圓椎形的蓋,一陣鹹鹹的魚香味撲鼻而來。這般傳統的方法,廠房從五十年代開 始用起,現在很難見得到。踏入二千,主要生產線遷往內地,當時剩下的幾名老伙計。就在這裡處理後 期包裝和幾百件貨品。 除了魚露,廠還會生產其他家庭式醬料,好像蝦醬、蠔油等。出口貨大都運去東南亞。時要為內地分廠 製成的食品做後期包裝。把一大箱蝦片分成一小袋,四安士、八安士、十六安士、一磅……將膠袋封 口,再放進包裝紙盒。當有訪客時,廠長會煲糖水給大家吃,多料美味。一大煲糖水,要多少有多少。 員工們趁著這個時間休息一下,有傾有講,像一家人。
遷拆後,這充滿傳統風味的魚露廠,只紀錄在這 批照片之中。 特別鳴謝:李成興(保而安有限公司全資擁有)

vie. magazine 61 Sometimes a casual flip through an old photo album might lead to unexpected discoveries of fascinating trips, objects, people or events. Recently in the midst of a research I stumbled upon some old, forgotten photos which brought forth elapsed sentiments of the old Hong Kong. Following my discovery, I visited a fish sauce factory in Sai Kung (which, at the time of writing this article, had been demolished). I recalled the moment as I entered through the heavy, iron gate that separated the factory from the world outside, expecting to find scent of salted pickle, crowds of workers and advanced technology; but found myself shrouded in sweet nostalgia and warm hospitality. Built with traditional Chinese architecture and with the roof silhouette against the backdrop of nearby tall apartments, the plant seemed quaintly serene and peaceful. In the large front courtyard stood rows of urns of fish sauce as tall as a meter, basking in the sun. Upon removing the conical lid, bursts of salted fish aroma met my nostrils. Such traditional method was commonly employed by factories back in the 1950s, but now had become obsolete. After the year 2000, the main production lines were relocated to mainland China, leaving behind only a few old employees. Here, they dealt with post-packaging and handling a few hundred pieces of goods. Apart from fish sauce, the plant also produced other family-based sauces like shrimp paste, oyster sauce, etc., exported mostly to Southeast Asia. Sometimes the plant also did postpackaging for the other China branches. Large boxes of shrimp flakes were re-packed into pouches of 4 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz, or one pound weight. After sealed with glue, the pouches were packed into cartons. Whenever there were visitors, the factory manager would treat everyone with generous supply of delicious dessert soup. The employees would take the opportunity to take a break and chit-chat like members of a family. Sadly, with the demolition of the plant, all that remained were only photographs of this distinctive fish sauce factory from an era gone by. Special thanks and appreciation to: Lee Seng Heng (wholly owned by Bashan Limited)


62 vie. magazine

相信大家都會憧憬有一個舒適的生活,其實生活是要被發掘 的。Vie今期為大家介紹幾本具有生活指引的書,希望可以幫到大 家在澳洲追尋自己嚮往的生活! I believe that every one of us would long for a comfortable lifestyle. In fact lifestyle is something that needs to be discovered by oneself. In this issue of vie, we will introduce a number of books which provide lifestyle guidance. We hope that this will help our readers to search for their very own desired lifestyles.

燒肉手帳/手指壽司 作者:東京書籍出版編輯部 出版社:人人出版 民以食為天!最近悉尼相繼開了很多的日本餐廳,除了最為普遍的壽司外,當然少不了的就是最受 年輕人喜愛的日本燒。但日本餐的價格一般都是比較貴的,原因不外乎就是材料的進貨價嗎?又或 者覺得語言溝通有問題,不能真正吃到自己想要的東西?想好好享受一餐的日本美食,大家可以參 考這兩本小冊子。前者是介紹現今有代表性的手握壽司,可能您會發掘到有很多鮮美的壽司從未試 過;後者則是介紹日本燒的品種和最佳的燒烤方法,燒烤不是只是鹽腌或是燒熟就是美味香口的。 這兩本小冊子裏的食物名稱分別用了中文,英文和日文,而且圖文並貌,想必是“日本美食通”。 Sushi Techo / Author: Sakamoto Kazuo Yakiniku Techo / Author: Tokyo Shoseki Co Publisher: Jen Jen Publishing Co Ltd “Food is everyone’s top priority”. Many Japanese restaurants have opened in Sydney recently. Apart from the usual sushi, of course there is also Japanese BBQ (yakiniku) which is such a hot favourite amongst the younger generations. However, Japanese cuisine is usually relatively more expensive because of the high cost of the import of ingredients. Or maybe due to the problem of language barriers, sometimes it is difficult to end up ordering what you originally had in mind. If you want to relax and enjoy a delicious Japanese meal, you might like to refer to these two booklets. The former introduces you to the typical nigiri sushi. You might discover many new and delicious types of sushi that you have never tried before; the latter provides an introduction to the different types of Japanese BBQ as well as the best way to enjoy BBQ. There is certainly more to Japanese BBQ than the mere seasoning with salt or the usual cooking over the BBQ stove. Both booklets have listed the names of food in Chinese, English and Japanese. Together with illustrative pictures, they can certainly be regarded as the “Culinary Guides of Japan”.

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Good Food Guide 2011


作者:Janne Apelgren


出版社:Penguin Group

勞碌了一生也是爲了錢?在這個競爭激烈的年代,同時 也是個充滿商機的時代,想擁有美好的生活?想發財致 富?創意就是根本靈魂。創意能夠將垃圾變成黃金;將 危機變成商機;將平凡的生活變成多姿多彩的人生。這 本書可以令大家得到對“創意”的啓發和怎樣好好運用 自己的“創意”。在現今創意決定利益的社會,每個人 致富的機會是平等的。懂得靈活運用創意,就算兩手空 空,也可隨時變富翁。

在悉尼生活、工作的朋友,不妨到近的城市旅行,為生 活帶來一點愜意。相信看了這本書之後,您會將目的地 鎖定在墨爾本。這本書為大家搜羅墨爾本所有值的品嘗 的美食,當中除了介紹有獎項的餐廳外,還介紹了新開 的餐廳;對每間餐廳對進行了詳盡的介紹,還有五星評 價,營業時間,價錢,地圖等。令到工作繁忙的您省下 了不少時間!值得一提的是,這本美食指南還介紹了一 些澳洲其他省份城市的出名美食餐廳。可謂一書百用 了,美食在澳不難找。

To Use Creativity To Make Money

Good Food Guide 2011

Author: Katrina

Author: Janne Apelgren

Publisher: Popular Press

Publisher: Penguin Group

Having worked all your life for money? In this era of fierce competition, also a time full of business opportunities, would you like a quality lifestyle? Would you like to be wealthy? You should base your soul on creativity. Creativity can turn trash into gold; risks into business opportunities; a mundane lifestyle into a colourful lifestyle. This book will inspire you on the true meaning of “creativity” and the ways in which you can make use of your own “creativity”. In the present society where creative decisions are of high interests, every person has an equal opportunity to make a fortune. As long as you can utilize creativity smartly, even if you are empty-handed, you can still become rich in no time.

For those living and working in Sydney, why not spice up your lives and take a short trip to your neighbouring cities? I trust that after you read this book, your next destination will definitely be Melbourne. This book provides a collection of all the culinary delights that are worth trying out for in Melbourne. Apart from awardwinning restaurants, it also introduces you to newly opened restaurants; it provides a detailed insight into each restaurant, with five-star ratings, opening hours, prices, maps and more. This will definitely save precious time for those who are usually tied up at work! One more thing worth mentioning is that this guidebook also outlines a few well known restaurants in other Australian states and cities. It is certainly a highly versatile guide. Culinary delights are never hard to find in Australia!

64 vie. magazine

歡迎訂閱 / SUBSCRIBE Vie很愛我們的訂閱讀者。毫無疑問,我們將繼續為大家帶來更精彩的故事 和更多的贈品。立即訂閱吧。下一期的雜誌不但會送到你家門前,而且頭 10名的訂閱者還能夠得到Kippo Hair送出的乾性定型噴發蠟。請立刻行動, 送完即止。這支Joico的 噴發蠟能為頭髮打造超級乾爽的造型,同時能輕易 製造蓬鬆的效果。為自己帶來點歡樂吧! Vie love our subscribers. No doubt we will be bringing on more and more amazing stories to share and more freebies to come. So be the first ten subscribers to vie, not only you’ll receive the next issue of vie at your doorsteps, you also stand a chance to win one of this exquisite dry spray wax from Kippo Hair. Be quick, as there are only 10 up for grabs. This design collection spray wax by Joico gives an ultra-dry finish and delivers a unique texture for tousled, next-day style. Give yourself a treat! ○ 每期計劃 (For 1 Issue) ○ 三期優惠計劃 (For 3 Issues) ○ 六期優惠計劃 (For 6 Issues)

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The objectives of Way In Network aims to help women migrants to develop self-esteem and to cultivate selfconfidence, to promote mutual understanding and to increase communication across communities, and to integrate into the mainstream society and to support community services. 慧賢會的宗旨一貫以來都是以提高婦女社會地位﹐培養獨立能力,增強自 信,促進聯繫,以及融入主流社會,服務人群回饋社會為原則。 所有的會員都認識到這個國際性的目標和任務,並投入大量的時間和努 力,發揮我們慧賢的慈愛精神﹐盡我們每個人自己的一份力量﹐服務社 群。 歷年以來,替社會上有需要的團體籌款,為災區籌款,為社會上需要幫助的 人伸出緩手已經成為慧賢會的優良傳統。慧賢會在過去曾參與多項慈善活 動,慧賢會會員還組成光明之行慈善醫療隊,前往中國順德探訪患眼疾的 貧苦大眾﹐免費為他們提供良好的手術﹐切除白內障﹐讓受益人能夠重見 光明。

These universal goals and missions are realized by a dedicated team of committee members and members, who have devoted so much of their time and hard work, their love and spirit of Way In and contribute to the community abroad. The annual charity ball is the major event to raise funds for various charitable needs during the year. Way In Network also actively involves in participating charity events in the past; the members of Way In Network had joined with the team of China Vision to visit Shunde city of China, to provide free eye surgery to the poor and underprivileged local residents who had lost sight due to inadequate medical facilities.

Akira Resort Collection 09’

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