Copenhagen,Hopenhagen or Hopelesshagen?

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Copenhagen, Hopenhagen or Hopelesshagen?

Copenhagen is right now the focal point of the “bipolar” world. The Good Earth of Pearl S. Buck still has two poles with snowcaps though in the process of melting due to heat between the haves and have­nots. Haves represented by Buck’s Hwang and have­nots by Wang Lung, the poor farmer, who works hard and rises to prosper by farming on the lands of Hwang who “outsource” the tedious hard work to poor like Wang Lung. Though Wang Lung catches up on prosperity and passes on the same to next generation, sadly along with the rich heritage comes lack of respect for the good earth. How aptly the analogy holds true as Copenhagen buzzes with the rich and the poor. The rich nations, who have outsourced manufacturing and dirty chimney stacks to the poor nations, are trying hard to keep the sticks in their hand and not parting with carrots either. The poor countries have a lot of catching up to do with rich countries and are looking for a fair deal. The western countries have dumped old outdated technologies in the developing countries at exorbitant costs and now want them to pay for newer technologies to reduce pollution or carbon footprint. As per Kyoto Protocol, western countries are required to provide money & technology to poor countries to fight global warming which is creation of the west. The rich countries are trying to wriggle out of such commitments and want all countries to have equal share of responsibilities. The climates have changed due to global heritage of inefficient technologies from the western countries. The poor countries are already feeling the impact on agriculture pattern, uncertain rains, floods and draughts. The polar caps and the Himalayas have been shrinking. There has been lack of respect for the good earth by western countries greedy for their growth & prosperity. By seeking to tie down poor nations to peaking year and targets for emission cuts, the rich countries are ensuring guaranteed market for their new technologies. With peaking year commitments for emissions they want to cap the growth of poor countries. Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh has categorically stated before departure to Copenhagen that "Climate change

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