Indian Foreign Policy in Convulsions

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Indian Foreign Policy in Convulsions

Indian foreign policy establishment received a big tremor on July 16, 2009 with epicenter at Sharm El Sheikh. Something unprecedented happened and Indians woke up to the reality that India’s stand against terror is put on the back burners to enable Americans fight their war on terror in Afghanistan­Pakistan. 26/11 was delinked from the dialogue with Pakistan in the joint statement issued by Dr.Man Mohan Singh and Yusuf Reza Gilani. Pakistan was already celebrating the diplomatic coup. Gilani’s stock zoomed up. He managed to kick start the dialogue process and had the feather of Balochistan in his cap. The explanations followed no end from Indian delegation in Egypt but Indian political as well as bureaucratic establishment was at a loss to understand the compulsions of a U­ turn on the stand that there can be no dialogue with Pakistan till 26/11 perpetrators are punished. India had sustained the international moral and political support since 26/11 with top diplomats briefing all the key countries. The Prime Minister had reiterated the stand several times and the last was when he virtually reprimanded President Zardari in Yekaterinburg stating the mandate he had vis a vis Pakistan. What happened in a week that the mandate had lost its relevance? It seems the Indian side expected more of Yekaterinburg to happen in Sharm El Sheikh with Gilani on 26/11 issues. But something happened and as the reports suggest a hurried statement was drafted based on dictation of Gilani. The Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh conceded on the issue of de­linking terror and dialogue in larger interest of the peace process. May be the message conveyed to Zardari was strong enough by diplomatic standards and it was now time to move on. Yekaterinburg Effect: Dr. Man Mohan Singh had departed from stated positions and made a major concession. Neither the MEA nor political bigwigs had any clue to what was in store. Since it was a meeting on the sidelines of NAM summit, was there any compulsion to have the joint statement issued when talks were only peripheral to find a way out of the situation? It could have just been left to foreign secretaries to carry forward the process. It is quite possible that after Yekaterinburg there was pressure on India to get on with dialogue to provide a platform for Hillary Clinton which she reiterated when in New Delhi. The stamp of US was visible like watermark on the joint statement due to timing. Sharm El Sheikh joint statement has left an impression globally that Pakistan can attack Indian Parliament and the culprit can not be hanged, Pakistan can attack Indian consulate in Kabul and India did not retaliate, Pakistan can attack Mumbai with unprecedented & obvious involvement of ISI and India can do nothing. India stuck to diplomacy. After

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