Quota for SSC Students in Maharashtra
The government of Maharashtra is reported to be considering new system for admissions to junior colleges with 90% quota for SSC students leaving only 10% for ICSE and CBSE students for current academic year. For last ten years or so, we frequently read about introduction of new systems for admission for some or the other courses. These changes are challenged in courts and either a stay is brought in or they are squashed by courts. Percentile system introduced last year was squashed by high court. The tinkering with systems has led to dissatisfaction among most of the students, except those benefiting from the change. The parents are disgusted because of uncertainties, running from pillar to post to get admissions and due to systematic weeding out of good students to accommodate academically weaker students on some or the other pretext. Headless Schools Reports have been appearing regularly in media about number of government schools without principals & teachers. In Maharashtra out of 9314 state board schools 49% are without head or principal. In Ludhiana district 131 out of 138 higher secondary schools are without heads. So is the case with many districts all over India. What direction can one expect for grooming students to face competitive examinations? SSC students are doing equally well when proper and adequate inputs are provided. Our education experts and administrators in the departments would do better if they focus on providing teaching staff, headmasters and principals to govt. schools so that students can fare better instead of trying to find a way out with a quota or other restrictive practices. Earlier we move to a system of balance in quality and quota the better it would be. Let us not forget that quality is inversely proportion to quota. If it was not so, quota would not have been an issue at all and every one would get to participate in merit based opportunities. ICSE and CBSE both are sustaining good quality of education. Any attempt to stifle the students from these streams would be an attempt to deprive them of opportunities for better education in India. Time will come when 90% will go up to 95% reservation sooner or later. If the parents can afford and if education loans are available on easy terms, they would start looking out for admissions overseas. Instead of going overseas for higher education after graduation, students may opt to move out of country even for graduation. When this happens, we lose crème de la crème to developed world not just for education but also for employment. It would amount to systemic and systematic social overengineering of high order. While everyone can’t afford to go abroad, 510 years later we would find it significantly impacting our scene. Some day we may get quotas for nursery schools also. Dilution Of Standards Of Education