Resurrection of Bhartiya Janata Party… BJP has been going through rough & tumble of political chaos and churning. This is due to a flawed vision at the levels that matter. All the political parties must look back to see the path traversed, pitfalls faced and to make sure the future is secured. The process BJP is undergoing is no different except that they crossed over the time frame which has little relevance today and tomorrow. The GenNext which would decide the future of political parties at the polling booths does not care who Jinnah was and the newfound love of BJP for him. Today it does not matter if he was secular or not. So why so much noise about a nonissue? We have made too much of so called secularism. Congress has arrogated the tag of being the only secular party in the country while openly wooing so called “minority”. The word minority has become insult to a population of about 150 million citizens of the country. Hindus do not have minority status in J&K! If since independence Congress had not been partial to this minority as treasured vote bank, BJP would not have hardened its stand on so called Hindutva. And if a “Bhartiya” political party can not protect the interests of Hindus who would do it. There is nothing wrong, therefore, in having the agenda of Hindutva to emphasize its commitment to preserve religious heritage & philosophy and yet be secular enough to protect minorities. Muslims are very much part of the heritage of the nation and would remain so. That is the bottom line. So can we get on with building the nation through economic development? Whatever be the philosophy and stated intentions of a political party, what matters most is the cruel realty at the ground level created by them for the people to see and believe. So the Sikh riots or Bofors guns are as much to haunt Congress as would Babri Masjid and Godhra to BJP. They are equally secular or nonsecular parties. It is time therefore for these parties to realize that the approach of segmentation based on religion or caste will not take them far. Dalit cause of Mayawati would sooner or later end up in political sublimation if there are only statues around and fruits of development are not reaching the dalits. Party with a Difference The BJP has kicked the storm which will take its toll on the leadership. BJP is the only party in the country which has had a good system of internal elections, organizational structure and embedded work philosophy and not a dynastic but evolving as well as revolving leadership. While there have been aberrations creeping into BJP from Congress culture, by & large BJP has been more disciplined due to its soul of RSS. However, in last couple of years BJP has lost its sheen due to internal jockeying for power. In last few weeks the party has reminded us of the situation in Congress party during the regime of Sitaram Kesari. It took congress almost a decade to come out stronger though