November 2022 edition of Desi Australia Digital Monthly Magazine

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06 Presentation of Commemorative coins minted by Nepal Rashtra Bank to honour Guru Nanak Sahib ji on his 550th Birth Anniversary 26 Australia India Cenotaph Committee conducted the Remembrance Day 12 Deepavali at Australian Parliament House by Hindu Council of Australia 50 Lashkaaraa Diwali Couture Show 2022, accelerator for Women Entrepreneurs in the Business of Fashion 14 This 1,000kg eggless cake sets a new world record 34 Hindu Federation of Australia presented the legendary singer Padamshree Malini Awasthi ji in concert at Whitlam Centre 18 Diwali Celebrations by Akuna Vista Association 44 AASHA Sur Sangam Diwali celebration 2022 20 DHAAM organised by Himachal Association of Australia 47 5 ways for Positive and Healthy Ageing – key to reducing the risk of dementia 42 Unions in Unison Divine Diwali hosted by Mark Morey the Secretary for the Unions NSW and organised by Aisha Amjad and Harish Velji 22 India Club Iconic Diwali –a Celebration full of Multicultural Flair and Enjoyment WHAT’S INSIDE 26 07 19 11 48

Hello Everyone,

November has been a month of extended Di wali celebrations with many community events, fairs and gatherings. Another important event in Nov was the celebra tion of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s 553rd birthday on 8th Nov and the Re membrance Day service 1,000 Kg eggless cake created by the volun teers of BAPS set a new record in The Austra lian Book of Records.

variants let’s remember to stay home if un well, keep washing our hands, keep the mask on in crowed place and maintain the distance. Stay safe and stay healthy.

you “Keeping
Read these stories and more in this edition as we keep you connected with the latest happen ing in the South Asian Communities across Australia. With recent rise in cases of new COVID connected”
Editor-in-Chief Address: Desi Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 102, Casula, NSW 2170 Email : PUBLISHER Desi Media Group (Desi Australia Pty Ltd) Editor-in-chief Arti Banga NSW Editor: Harmohan Walia Sales and Marketing: Dimple Deez Victoria Editor: Daljeet Bakshi Queensland Editor: Priya Singh ACT Editor: Rajni Ghai Malhotra Western Australia Editor: Ankita Tandon South Australia Editor: Daljeet Bakshi Designer Ravi Mathur Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Do not re-use any content and photo from Desi Australia without the prior written permission from the editor. All the material published in Desi Australia, including articles, features, fillers, advertisements, and all other contents, are published in good faith, and the editor or the Desi Australia magazine cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. All material is published on the understanding that it is copyright free, and Desi Australia accepts no liability for any subsequent copyright issues. We also cannot accept responsibility for and do not endorse views expressed by the contributors. Mob: 0433121339

Presentation of Commemorative coins minted by Bank to honour Guru Nanak Sahib ji on his 550th

The Australia-New Zealand Chapter of AYOSA (Aitchison Yadavindra Old Students As sociation) in association with Mr. Ravinder Singh Sethi (Distinguished Alumni of Y.P.S. Patiala and Member AYOSA) gifted commemorative coins to the Blackburn Gurudwara, the oldest gurudwara of Victoria, on the auspicious occasion of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 553th birth anniversary. These coins had been minted by Nepal Rashtra Bank on Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 550th centenary.

The Sri Guru Nanak Singh Sabha was set up in 1981 to carry on the religious affairs of the sangat in Melbourne.Today, Gurudwara Sahib at Blackburn is well placed to meet the needs of an ever increasing sangat which is able to listen to kirtan from some of the best profes sional ragis who provide their services for programs both at the Gurudwara Sahib and homes.

AYOSA is the alumni organisation of Yadavindra Public School, Patiala (Punjab), India which was founded by His Highness Maharaja Yadavindra Singh Ji of Patiala, for the students of

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by Nepal Rashtra 550th centenary

independent India in 1948. Keeping true to the vision His Highness had for the students of Punjab, AYOSA strives to empower Yadavindrians to be successful individuals, exemplary human beings and leaders of tomorrow.

AYOSA, which is commemorating 75

glorious years of the school’s foundation under the guidance of its patron, Captain Amarinder Singh, the Maharaja of Patiala, and the Chairman of the Board of Gov ernors, Raja Malvinder Singh, gave this auspicious benefaction in the presence of the dignitaries: Mr. Manpreet Vohra (High Commissioner of India to Australia),

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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place,
This November, the Sikh community celebrates the birth of Guru Nanak. Wishing you a happy Gurpurab, as you light candles, listen to readings of the Guru Granth Sahib and enjoy the processions with your friends and family. Help keep the celebrations safe by choosing to wear a mask indoors or gathering in well ventilated spaces. For up to date information, go to Happy Gurpurab!
Dr. Sushil Kumar (Consulate Gen eral Of India to Victoria and Tasmania), Mr.Chandra.Yonzon (Consulate General of Nepal to Victoria),Mr. ShashiKant Kaundal (Asia-Pacific Regional Manager, Air India), Ms. Anagha Desai (Melbourne Airport Manager, Air India) just to name a few.

Inclusive, Transformative, Diwali Celebrations

The first major Diwali event in Ku-ring-gai was hosted by SHARE SMR Inc, on Sunday 30th October 2022 from 5.30 pm at Ku-ring-gai Town Hall. With over 300 guests in attendance the Town Hall was illuminated with colourful lights while inside the hall was decorated with lights and diyas, the scent of incense sticks in the air, mingled with the sounds of Indian music. The atmosphere over

whelmed people with its joy, together ness and hope.

There was entertainment, food and Jalebees cooked on the spot, dancing and networking as people from Indian herit age and non-Indian people enjoyed the festivities and nothing was spared.

Clr Barbara Ward Deputy Mayor of Ku Ring Gai welcomed honoured guests

on behalf of SHARE SMR Inc which included Hon’ble Consul General of In dia Mr Manish Gupta and Mrs Nineesha Gupta, Hon Paul Fletcher MP, Federal Member for Bradfield, Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy, Shadow Minister for Science and the Arts and Mrs Fletcher, The Hon Jonathan O’Dea Speaker of the House, The Hon Alister Henskens SC MP Member for Ku-ring-gai, The Hon Scott

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Transformative, Impactful and Vibrant Celebrations in Ku Ring Gai

Farlow MLC, Government Whip, Daniel Stowe Consul General of Fiji, Hon Phillip Ruddock Mayor of Hornsby and Business and Community Leaders and MC’ed by John Mangos. Such was the enthusiasm and interest that the event was oversub scribed with waiting list.

“As the President of SHARE I ex tend my sincere thanks to the Board of SHARE for their financial support it would not have been possible with SHARE, Diwali is about Light over Darkness and SHARE has brought light to the Ku Ring Gai community this Diwali, for which we are truly grateful” said Barbara.

Clr Ward spoke passionately about liv ing in this beautiful part of Sydney which lacks opportunities for people from mul ticultural backgrounds to participate in their major celebrations, so she decided that this year she would hold a Diwali event for everyone and her quest to find a suitable venue proved challenging.

Clr Ward hopes that such events will help build strong communities, promote and raise awareness of this culture and greater appreciation, connect people and address social isolation which will con tribute to a sense of belonging and their mental and physical wellbeing.

Diwali is the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals celebrated by Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh communities. Diwali is celebrated around the globe, it is more than a Hindu festival; it’s a

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celebration of South-Asian identities.

A Christian of Indian heritage from Fiji, I recall Diwali celebrations in Fiji whilst we didn’t participate in the Hindu religion we respected the religious significance of Diwali said Clr Ward. She went on to give a brief overview of the significance of Diwali

in the interest of guests that were nonIndians.

In each legend, myth, and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory of light over darkness, conquest of good over evil force and triumph of knowledge over ignorance. From dark ness unto light—the light empowers us

to commit ourselves to good deeds and brings us closer to divinity. The lights that illuminate our homes and hearts that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. And beyond the lights, food and fun, Diwali is also a time to reflect on life and make changes for the up coming year.This festival instils charity in the hearts of people, who perform good deeds.

The Ku Ring Gai Town Hall is special for the B A P S community as His Holi ness Pramukh Swami Maharaj;a loving, selflessly serving and giving personal ity. He lived by the ethos, “In the joy of others, lies our own.” held an assembly in this very hall in 1996

Clr Ward gave special thanks to Mrs Nimeesha Gupta (wife of CG of India) and Mrs Lisa khadka (wife of CG from Nepal) for their guidance with this event.

In an emotional closing Clr Ward thanked everyone and drew their attention to the Saris’s at the front poach table which are of her Ama’s and once again thanked SHARE SMR Inc for making this possible all of you for making this a great event and wish you all good health, happi ness, wealth and prosperity.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Launch of Women Inspiration Network – Canberra (WINc)

Women Inspiration Net work – Canberra (WINc) was launched on October 22nd at Flynn Hall. The Network provides a platform for women to connect with each other, share information, thoughts, have fun and inspire each other to achieve personal and professional growth. The launch was graced by the presence of strong, successful personalities who are role models and inspiration to the community.

Speaking at the the launch, Ms Sahithi Paturi (President WINc) stated that the goal in creating WINc was to provide an exclusive platform for Women; for them ‘to inspire and get inspired’ by each other. She added, “many of us are highly qualified and want to contribute in whatever way we can to make a difference to society, but unsure on how and where to start. This is where WINc steps in - it will provide the platform to get that support.”

The launch was celebrated as P!nk N!ght attended by about 150 women wearing pink or shades of pink. The event included a presenta tion by Ms Sarah-Jane Olsen from SHFPACT

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Canberra on ‘Women’s Health’ followed by entertainment includes fun interactive games with prizes to be won, a captivating fashion show, dinner and DJ. Photo credit WINc and Rajni Ghai Malhotra

Deepavali at Australian Parliament by Hindu Council of Australia

Deepavali at the Austral ian Parliament House is a landmark event celebrated by the Hindu Council of Australia since 2004. Always the high light of the season, it was especially so this year as it returned after two years due to pandemic induced hiatus.

The event was organsied by the Hindu

Council of Australia in association with Andrew Giles MP Minister for Immigra tion, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and Senator Katy Gallagher, Minister for Women, Finance and the Public Service and attended by several distinguished guests, parliamentarians and community representatives includ ing (but not limited to) Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton, Shadow Attorney General Ju lian Leeser Chair Parliamentary Friends of India,Dr Andrew Charlton and the High Commissioner of India to Australia Manpreet Vohra.

The celebration began with lunch and Exhibition of Indian culture at the Great Hall in the Parliament House.

The exhibition featured folk art and traditional crafts from across the country. The celebration in the evening was a mix of speeches and

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Parliament House Australia

performances. It started with the tra ditional lighting of the lamp followed by a range of performances from different states of India. Dance forms included classical, folk, and fusion dances of India showcasing, through music and dance, the diversity of Indian culture.

Speakers at the event touched upon the spirit of Diwali, the strengthening of relations between Australia and India and praised the contribution of the Indian community in Australia.

In his welcome address, Prakesh Mehta, National President HCA, highlighted the Indian principle of ‘Vasudev Kutum bakam’ meaning ‘the world is a family’. Mr Santhosh Gupta President HCAACT Chapter ended the night with a vote of thanks for everyone involved with the event.

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Photo credits: Rajni Ghai Malhotra & Hindu council of Australia
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This 1,000kg eggless cake sets a new world record

Volunteers from a Western-Sydneybased socio-spiritual organisation, BAPS, have set a new record for the “World’s largest eggless cake”. BAPS Spokesperson Mr Praful Jethwa said BAPS is honoured to receive this recognition from The Australian Book of Records.

“It took more than 60 volunteers over 4,030 hours to plan, bake, build and set the new Aus tralian record,” Mr Jethwa said.

“This year, the BAPS community in Aus tralia and globally is celebrating the birth centenary of our fifth spiritual leader, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj. That’s why the team of volunteers who made the cake were determined to deliver something different and unique for Diwali.

“The cake has been built in the shape of a tra ditional Hindu temple. The 1,023-kilogram cake is 2.4 meters tall and three meters wide. It has 41 different ornate designs consisting of more than 3,850 different pieces.

“We sincerely thank The Australian Book of Records for giving us the award of Australia’s largest eggless cake. It couldn’t have come at a better time.”

Ms Mira Savania, BAPS Volunteer and cake baking team lead said the shape of the cake is an ode to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life work.

“In his life, Pramukh Swami Maharaj built more than 1,100 temples around the world, which serve the surrounding communities as a hub for personal, cultural, and spiritual develop ment,” said Ms Savania.

“The cake has been built in the shape of a tra ditional Hindu temple as a symbol of one of the many ways Pramukh Swami Maharaj positively contributed to society. There is no better way to celebrate his birthday than building a temple for

him, which everyone will get a piece of.”

The intricate cake structure of a traditional Hindu temple was displayed on the third day of BAPS’ Diwali celebrations called Annakut at the Rosehill Gardens Racecourse.

John Taylor, the co-founder of The Australian Book of Record, said BAPS’ eggless cake weighs more than doubled the previous record, which was 462 kilograms.

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Announcing the record during a Diwali congregation at the Rosehill Gardens Race course this morning, Mr Taylor said, “The volunteers and everybody associated here today smashed the world’s largest eggless cake record.”

Everyone attending the festivities received a part of history by taking home a portion of the record- setting cake. BAPS Sydney has also partnered with Hawkes bury Helping Hands and the Parramatta Mission to donate the cake to people in need.

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Diwali Celebrations by Akuna Vista Association

Akuna Vista, a new community development recently carved out of Schofields and renamed as Nirimba Fields celebrated their first Diwali event on 6th Nov 2022 at the Glennhaven Community Centre.

The event was graced by The Hon. Mark Coure, Minister of Multicultural ism & Seniors, Councillor Livingston Chettipally, Blacktown City Council, Councillor Moninder Singh, Blacktown City Council and The Hon. Peter Poulos MLC.

Prashanth Alexander, Secretary of Akuna Vista Cultural Association said the community having a majority

of population from the sub-continent brought people together irrespective of their religion, nationality and diversity. The event was attended by 350 people including children and senior citizens which was meticulous ly planned and organized. The crowd were entertained with electrifying performances from songs to cultural performances from different states of India such as Bihu, Bengali, fusion Gharba, Bollywood etc.

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The success of the event has been such that the sponsors have committed to be part of the event next year. It’s a proud moment for Akuna Vista whose motto is “Growing together today for a better tomorrow”.

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Photo CreditHarmohan Walia

DHAAM organised by Himachal Association of Australia

Himachal Association of Australia organised DHAAM on 06 Non 2022 at Marayong Community centre. Dhaam is a traditional feast prepared and served on every joyful event in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Dhaam is cooked by Boti, a tradition Himachali cook in very special manner without onion and garlic. So,

it is not like typical restaurant food.

Association president Vijay Sharma advised that one night before the event, all 10 Dhaam dishes were fully cooked at his home without any restaurant ingredients or input. Prepara tion of fully home cooked DHAAM at such as large scale created a history in Australia by being first of its kind. Adarsh Kapila, Pankaj

Heer, Vijay Sharma, Rahul Kaushal, Vikrant Rana, Parvesh Kapil, Smrity Sharma and Nan dini Sharma prepared the Dhaam with support from volunteers. Approximately 300 people from Himachal and other states participated in the event and enjoyed the taste of 10 dishes served during the Dhaam.

Dish called Sepu Badiyan or Mukand

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia Badiyan prepared by Rahul Kaushal, Vijay Sharma, Mona Bhardwaj and Tanu Sharma was the main highlight of Dhaam. Asso ciation Committee and volunteers served Dhaam to people in traditional way on the floor. Dhaam also included Cultural performances such as Natti, Dance and Bharatanatyam.

India Club Iconic Diwali – a Celebration full of Multicultural Flair and Enjoyment

India Club stands for Multiculturism, inclusivity and social cohesion, hence its annual Iconic Diwali celebration was passionately filled with Story of

Ramayan, Indonesian, Sri Lankan, Middle Eastern, Australian & Bollywood Perfor mances that was delivered with gusto. It is eagerly awaited by its members, friends

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Celebration Enjoyment

and the diverse community to party, enjoy friendships, amazing performances, yummy banquet (Maya) and vibrant DJ dancing in a classy décor. The vibrant cheery attendees relished the experience of this enchanting evening over 4 hours.

A sincere admiration of “better than last year”, every year, by our many guests at tending since its inception in 2009, empow ers our devoted core Team to do better than their best.

Cheering addresses, from The Hon. Phillip Ruddock, Deputy Mayor Mark Hodges, Hon Damien Tudehope, Hon. David Clarke, Commander of the Hills PAC Police Super intendent Darrin Batchelor and Emeritus Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne, their enthusias tic support and appreciation of India Club for such celebrations and other communityoriented functions, bringing multicultural communities together, delighted all present and lifted their spirits.

The ongoing support of our sponsors Multicultural NSW, Wishmed & CMRC is much appreciated.

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Active IC Member Rajiv Chaudhari’s

passionate message about what India Club stands for and the value it adds to the com munity, was very warmly received. The India Club Star 2022 award winner was University student Khushi Dakshin. Sums of $250 each were donated to the two IC selected charities “The Hills Relay for Life” and “Lisa Harnum Foundation”.

The free tasting of “Love Delhi Gin”, was presented by “Liquor Wine Cave”. The Gin brimming with tropical mango flavour and a burst of pomegranate – turned out a big hoot.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia
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Australia India Cenotaph Committee conducted the Remembrance

The Australia India Cenotaph Committee (A project of Hindu Council Australia) along with Hornsby RSL Sub Branch con

ducted the fifth Remembrance Day service at Anzac Jawan Cenotaph on 6 Nov 2022 to commemorate the sacrifices made by the ANZAC of Indian origin during WW1.

The ANZAC Jawan Cenotaph was erected in 2018 to celebrate the Armistice Centenary of the ANZAC to recognize and commemo rate the supreme sacrifices of the ANZAC of

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Committee Remembrance Day

Indian origin.

The service commenced with landowner acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies Mr. Anand Manickam from the Australia India Cenotaph Committee, CTHS school captains lowering of the flags followed by the Welcome the dignitaries, attendees by Mr. Ashwani Sharma, Director –Hindu Council of Australia and Inaugural Com memoration by Mr. George Main President, Hornsby RSL Sub-branch.

Indian Army Veterans Col. Virender Sahni & Major Gen. Amardeep Bharadwaj deliv ered the Remembrance Day messages at the service. VIP Guest Commemoration Speak ers were Honorable Mr. Damian Tudehope MLC, Minister for Finance and Employee Relations representing NSW Premier Hon. Dominic Perottet, Hon. Manish Gupta Consul General of India in Sydney and the Principal Commemoration Speaker Hon. Philip Ruddock AO – Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council

Mr. George Main also remembered and paid tribute to the ANZACs of Indian origin Soldiers for their major contribution and valor in WW1.

Col. Virender Sahni and Major Gen. Amardeep Bhardwaj emphasized the tie together between India and Australia after WW2 by citing examples from WW1 and the actions of children of that era.

Hon. Damian Tudehope MLC, Minis ter for Finance and Employee Relations remembered the sacrifices made by the ANZACs, who never made it back home, which included the Indian soldiers as well for freedom and peace

Hon Manish Gupta, CGI- Sydney also paid tribute to the supreme sacrifices of ANZACs where he talked about ceremonies that commemorate and preserve shared val ues – an occasion to draw inspiration from the valor of the Indian Soldier’s contribution in both WW1 and WW2 with a strategic partnership.

Hon. Philip Ruddock AO stated that ‘Australians and Indians fought together for those shared rich cultural values. He men tions about Indian cemetery at Gallipoli.

The Hornsby RSL Sub-branch, Ex-Ser vicemen, Hindu Council National & NSW

Teams, AICC, Dignitaries, Community Organizations, Students and the public, and NSW Jewish Board of Deputies laid wreaths while The Lament played

Mr. Arjun Mehta from Gujarati Samaj and Mr. Balbir Singh from Turramurra Gurudwara, offered religious prayers for the Hindu, and Sikh faiths.

The students of IABBV Hindi School sang the National Anthems of Australia and India track. Mr. John Zeller, Vice President of Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch, read the Ode.

A one-minute silence was observed in honor of the ANZACs followed by the last post played by Bugler Ms. Anihica Tyagi. After the one-minute silence, the Rouse sounded while School Captains Mr. Harry and Ms. Umica from Cherrybrook Technol ogy High School raised flags from half-mast to the masthead.

The service was concluded by sharing some delicious refreshments sponsored by Bakers Delight – Cherrybrook Village with all the guests.

The Australia India Cenotaph Committee – Mrs. Parinita Tandon, Mr. Anand Manick am, and Mr. Birju Bhatt managed the whole service with the support of Hindu Council Officials and Community volunteers.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Spectacular 13th Annual ‘Caring Sharing’ Event by GOPIO Syd North-West

The glamorous and dazzling event, organised by Global Organisa tion of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) Sydney North-West Chapter, was held at the Sapphire Function Centre, Auburn on 22 October 2022. The GOPIO Sydney North-West Chapter team has been conducting Caring & Sharing events for the last 13 years, raising much needed funds for the less privileged children in India and

needy persons/organisations in Australia. The chapter annually supports Cancer Council of Australia and National Heart Foundation of Australia. Previously, the chapter helped victims of the Blue Mountains fire, the Fiji cyclone, the Nepal earthquake, FoxG1 and the underprivileged kids in Nigeria.

GOPIO is an international non-partisan, secular global organisation engaged in

promoting the wellbeing of People of Indian Origin, enhancing cooperation and communi cation among Indians living around the globe.

GOPIO Sydney North-West Chapter team has worked passionately towards the success of the 13th Caring & Sharing event. Such events are a result of the spirit that we all have in us to care for the under privileged and needy. Therefore, the funds raised through

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‘Caring and North-West

these events become a symbol of hope for the needful.

During the night of great cause and unlim ited entertainment, there were scintillating performances from the Mistiq Bollywood dance group and Giddha Group that kept the spectators on the edge of their seats. Aman Singh and Neeru Singh in their best attire, engaged the wonderful audience through their stage anchoring. Other attractions of the night, Antakshari, quiz prizes and energetic DJ, attracted the zeal and enthusiasm of all the guests present at the event.

Generous offerings from the sponsors in Australia and the support of the dedicated individuals in India have made it possible for the team to extend a helping hand to over 6000 less privileged primary school children in India for the last 13 years. A few necessi ties that will be provided again to the primary school kids include warm clothes, shoes, socks, ceiling fans in classrooms, hand pumps for drinking water, water coolers, RO filters, inverters with batteries, furniture, Daris,

sound systems for prayers, sports items, stationary and other basic commodities as per the requirements of the remote area schools. The Caring & Sharing event not only raised funds for kids in India, but also gave dona tions to the Cancer Council of Australia, the National Heart Foundation of Australia, NSW Rural Fire Service and Kids in Nigeria for their righteous causes.

GOPIO Sydney North-West Chapter thanks

their main sponsors – Yogesh Manav & Jasbir Kang of Auburn Sapphire Function Centre, Kewal Kalra of Kalra Group of Companies, Sumit Joshi of RyRo Loan Centre, Baljit Pelia of Vista Home loan, Garry Kalra of UltraTune, Seven Hills and B Town Wheels & Tyres of Blacktown, Raj Mangat & Fred Khurana of HAUS Properties Quakers Hills (Buy, Rent, Sell), Gurpreet Chadha & Aman Brar of G&A Roadlines, AUSRA - Your In vestment Partners and Wadala Landscapes.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Back to our Roots By DTB

he show Back to Our Roots is a yearly annual show which DTB hosts to showcase the hard work all students have undertaken during the year. It is an event that brings all family and friends together to sup port the community and support the culture. The show has been consistently growing year by year and this year they sold over 1200 tickets at a very prominent theatre at the Sydney Coliseum Theatre. The audience was overwhelmed and really enjoyed the show that was put on. For many parents it was an emotional night to see their child undertake their first ever perfor mance on stage at the age 4. The show really reflects how much DTB does for the community and the children that are part of the academy.

Down to Bhangra is the largest bhangra acad

Temy in Australia which was formed in 2014 and has ever since become a place of belonging and cultural togetherness for the younger generation. The founders & directors (Manbir Miglani and Jasleen Kaur) whilst pursuing their own career paths have formed DTB as a result of their pas sion for bhangra and the Punjabi culture. Being able to stay connected with our Punjabi roots and pass on the knowledge about our culture to the younger generation is a key objective of DTB.

DTB aims to instil the values and raise awareness about their community through their students whilst giving them a platform to make new friends, build key skills such as leadership and communication and most importantly have fun! DTB has gained so much support and love from the community over the past 7 years and they now teach over 500 students within the Academy. In addition, DTB performs at numerous local community festivals, functions, charity events and conducts workshops across Sydney.

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Down to Bhangra (DTB) recently held their annual show – Back to our Roots which was held at Sydney Coliseum Theatre on 29th October 2022.
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In 2022, DTB featured on Australia’s Got Talent (AGT) where they received a standing ovation from all the judges and the audience. They put the Punjabi culture on the world map!

In December 2019, DTB was presented with an opportunity to collaborate with the ABC TV team from ABC Network for the popular kids TV show Play School. This segment was aired on Channel 22 (ABC 4 Kids) on Friday 22nd May 2020. This was a proud achievement not only for DTB but for all in dividuals in the Punjabi com munity as it was an incredible moment of representation and inclusion on national Australian television.

DTB is honoured and understands the impact this representation will have on the self-esteem and cultural pride of numerous children. This has also allowed the Aus tralian community to understand the values, the roots of Punjabi culture and for us to become united. Bhangra is not only a form of dance, it is a medium that helps unite everyone.

Another collaboration experience that really stands out is when DTB got the opportunity to be a part of Little Big Shots – Channel 7. It was the first time in Australian history where kids as young as 6 were able

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to showcase Bhangra to the whole country. Both of these experiences collectively enabled crea tive community engagement and collaboration amongst the kids and audiences.

DTB acknowledges the crucial role they play in promoting and increasing social inclusion, cultural diversity and empathy. DTB believes that bhangra has the unique ability to open minds and change hearts. In March 2020 and March 2021, DTB were able to extend their hand to a Not-For-Profit and Independent Dance organisation – Dirty Feet and con ducted a bhangra workshop for students who are physically impaired. DTB were able to spread their love for bhangra, encourage the participants to appreciate the dance form and highlight the importance of self-love through their program at Dirty Feet. By working alongside the Board at Dirty Feet, DTB was able to give back to the community and spread a strong message about passion as well community integration and inclusion the Punjabi culture has to offer.

In July 2019 and May 2021, DTB were honoured to do a full Langar di Seva at Parklea Gurdwara Sahib. DTB organ ised to purchase all the ingredients, organise the cooking of the meals and subsequently the serving of the food to more than 1000 members of the com munity. During the entire process, DTB applied one of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s pillars, “Vand Chakna” – Sharing and giving. This was an essential day for DTB and all the members involved as it allowed the team to be exposed and present itself as more than just a ‘Dance Team’. This experience had an had an extremely positive impact on the organisation as the kids were able to connect to their cultural roots and understand the

value of community service.

In 2021, DTB were shortlisted for the Com munity Services Excellence Award as part of the India Australia Business & Community Awards (IABCA) held at the International Convention Centre, Sydney. This award acknowledges the achievement of DTB who have enhanced com munity spirit through various initiatives includ ing promotion and integration of arts and culture

in Australia.

For feedback and inquiries we strong encourage you to contact Down to Bhangra via Facebook Messages or via Email

Photo Credit

1. Balzinder Balz (Balz Iclick)

2. Harjinder Singh (Jindeep Photography)

3. Sandeep Singh (Ponds Photography)

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Hindu Federation of Australia presented Padamshree Malini Awasthi ji

Hindu Federation of Australia presented the legendary singer Padamshree Malini Awasthi ji in concert at Whitlam Centre, Liverpool on 28th Oct.

Malini is an Indian folk singer.[1][2] She sings in Bhojpuri, Awadhi and Hindi,

She also presents in Thumri and Kajri.[3] The Government of India awarded her the civilian honour of the Padma Shri in 2016.[4] She is known for her contribu tion in Bhojpuri music

Each and every song she sung had a story behind it and it definitely connected

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presented the legendary singer

ji in concert at Whitlam Centre

us to our roots.

One thing she touched the hearts of each and everyone present. Referring to the audience she said story of migra tion goes back to centuries when people moved to places where they find better employment and opportunities. You have

not left India; actually you have created India in all parts of the world.

Post graduate and a gold medalist in Hin dustani classical music from Bhatkhande University, Lucknow, Malini also achieved a gold medal in M.A. Modern History with specialization in Medieval and modern

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Indian architecture, University of Lucknow. She is a Ganda bandh student of Legend ary Hindustani Classical Singer, Padma Vibhushan Vidushi Girija Devi of Banaras Gharana. She is married to senior IAS of ficer Awanish Kumar Awasthi (UP:1987) who currently serves as Principal Secretary to Government of Uttar Pradesh. Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Nagar Kirtan at Harris

On the auspicious day of Guru Nanak Dev ji’s Utsav Nagar Kirtan was organised by Little India Harris Park Business Forum

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Harris553rdPark Parkash

India Australia and

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Deepavali 2022 at Sri Om

Deepavali also known as Festival of Lights is the most significant Hindu festival and celebrated all over the world. Deepavali has been celebrated at Sri Om Care since 2004.

Deepavali is held on the last day of the month of Kartika in the lunar calendar It is celebrated by lighting small oil lamps called diyas, which symbolise the lifting of spiritual darkness and the renewal of life, and is a time to pray for health, knowledge and peace.

Celebrating Deepavali give us all a window into the contributions of our seniors that reminds us the rich cultural mosaic of Age Old Tradition. This year’s Deepavali festival

was a unique one celebrated together by (over 250 seniors) seniors gathered from all centres over Sydney- Glenwood, Liverpool, Pennant Hills and Toongabbie.

“Sri Om’s Deepavali is all about bringing all seniors together to embrace our diversity and celebrate the many cultures that make our community Stronger,” wishing the seniors a happy Deepavali, said Hon. Mark Taylor MP for Seven Hills.

“Deepavali: Lights of India highlights the unique cultural roots of our Indian com munity and gives Sri Om’s Seniors a chance to experience their rich traditions,” wishing

the seniors a happy Deepavali, said Hon Dy. Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Mr. Sameer Pandey.

Greatness of Deepavali festival and the ju bilant celebrations by our seniors were high lighted by singing Poems by Mr. Harmohan Walia, wishing them a Happy Deepavali.

The Day began with playing of Blessings of our President H H Sri Om G. S. Swamigal and Deepavali greetings by Hon. Communi cations Minister Ms. Michelle Rowland and Hon. MP Mr. Andrew Charlton.

Many of our VIP guests - Hon Mr. Mark

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Taylor MP, Hon Dy Lord Mayor Mr Sameer Pandey, Mr. Harmohan Walia and Mr. Dav endra Gupta praised the show given by our seniors.

Preparations for this event was practiced and readied over a number of days and many seniors performed Bollywood dances/songs and folk dances.

Our Vice President Mr. Jayaraman OAM, thanked all the VIPs and Mr. Davendra Gupta who have been supportive of our activities for a long time to come.

Event was full of Entertainment - Dhol Gigs, Singing and Dance Performances in cluding games. At the end yummy hot Indian Food was served to all the members who attended the event.

For those of you, who would like to know more about Sri Om Care -Sri Om is a Not for Profit Service Provider specialising in community Care, Home and Disability Care, Flexible Care- Short Term Restorative Care, Post-Operative (Transition) Care. Sri Om operates Day Centres for seniors in major suburbs of Sydney Monday thru’ Friday. For more information, please call our consultants on 1300 908 681.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Ryde Diwali Fair 2022

Ryde Diwali Fair 22 Organised by the Ryde Indian Associa tion on Sunday the 30th of October was a huge success

. Hundreds of people from the Indian and other communities in Ryde attended the Diwali Fair which was held at North Ryde Common corner of Wicks and Twin Road North Ryde.

The Fair started at 12.30 pm and ended at 8.00pm.

The Hon.Consul General of India (Sydney) Mr Manish Gupta , Mrs Gupta along with the Hon. Scot Farlow MLC NSW, Mayor of Ryde Clr Jordon Lane, Federal Member for Bennelong Mr Jerome Laxale, Jody Mckay (Former leader of Opposition )Councillors from City of Ryde Deputy Mayor Clr Suman Saha, Cumberland Council, Sponsors and Community leaders graced the occasion.

The fair had Trade Stalls, Food Stalls,

Amusement Games for Kids and Cultural Ac tivities like Dance and Singing performances from artists.

The highlights of the fair was the Fashion show Lashkaaraa by Saroni Roy and her team , the Magic show for kids and the Grand Fireworks at 8pm

Kudos to the dedicated Ryde Diwali team Lead by Kedarnath Pagaddinimath Festi val Chair, Ashritha Mani Festival Director,

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Shobha Ingleshwar Cultural Cordinator, Deepak Chauhan, Mayank Pahwa Event Co ordinators and of course all the Performers , and people who came and supported the Ryde Diwali Fair 22 Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Unions in Unison Divine


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Divine Diwali Unions NSW and

Harish Velji

Unions in Unison Divine Diwali was hosted by Mark Morey the Secretary for the Unions NSW and organised by Aisha Amjad and Harish Velji. The chief guests were Member for Parramatta and Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of India Dr Andrew Charlton and the Mayor of Parramatta Donna Davis. In line with religious function vegetarian meal was served and no alcohol was served. The participants were from various faiths making it a truly multicultural and multifaith event.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

AASHA Sur Sangam Diwali celebration 2022

Our cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is at the heart of who we are. It makes Australia a great place to live.

An integrated multicultural Australia is an integral part of our national identity. All people who migrate to Australia bring with them some of their own cul

tural and religious traditions, as well as taking on many new traditions. Collec tively, these traditions have enriched our nation. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regard less of cultural or linguistic background.

The Indian population is growing mas sively in Australia and as a result people are understanding the significance of In

Australia is a vibrant and multicultural country — from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world.

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dian festivals & celebration. Australian political leaders who joined the festivi ties every year said Diwali is one of the most inclusive and welcoming festivals, a testimony to modern-day multicultural Australia.

It’s absolutely my honour & privilege to be the MC for a wonderful Diwali celebration with the senior most MC Srikandakumar Sivalingam. A big shout out to Bijinder Dugal Ji from AASHA for this Diwali celebration at Redgum Function Centre at Wentworthville.

It was overwhelming to see the participation & inspiring talks from the various dignitaries. It was fascinating to hear from Jodi McKay about her perception on such community festivals bringing various communities together on a multicultural land. Her enthusiasm & support for such celebrations is al ways incredible, especially her gorgeous

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Saree was making her look absolutely stunning.

All the talented performers were out standing especially the live singing by

Vijay Jogia Ji, Vinod Kumar Rajput Ji & Heena Sachdeva set the stage on fire. I never knew Hon. MP Hugh McDermott is an amazing dancer couldn’t dance like him but still we all were dancing & hav ing so much fun. Balaji Nritya Bharati Dance Academy’s all the performances were mesmerizing.

Interfaith celebration of Diwali, symbolized the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance & good over evil. Diwali is about faith and hope - faith in knowing that the good in this world will always outdo the evil, and hope to stand in solidarity and drive out any injustices against those less fortunate.

After the event is over, all the guests enjoyed the freshly cooked Bhutras, Puris with channas, Alu Davis and Jalebi. All this credit goes to AASHA team, volunteers & members for their countless hours and days of work before and after the event.

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5 ways for Positive and Healthy

Ageing – key to reducing the risk of dementia

In Australia, there are over 1,500 new cases of dementia diagnosed each week and more than 40% of dementia can be prevented.

Did you know?

• Dementia is not a single disease of the brain. It is the term used to describe the symptoms of a number of illnesses that affect the brain and a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks.

• The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.

• There are over 100 kinds of dementia.

• Dementia is progressive, irreversible and permanent.

• Dementia is not normal part of Ageing.

• Early symptoms of dementia include progressive and frequent memory loss, confusion, changes in personality and behaviour changes.

• It is important to get early diagnosis of dementia, if you are concerned about yourself or someone you care please consult your Gp.

• It is important got family/carers to get early support, plan for the future and get support for people living with dementia

• Medications might help with the symp toms of dementia, but there is no cure for dementia.

• Having a healthy and positive lifestyle can reduce the risk of getting dementia.

In Australia there is limited aware ness of not just for dementia but also for prevention of dementia in our culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD). Factors such as increasing physical activity, incorporating healthy lifestyle changes into day-to-day life,

maintaining a healthy diet and social connectedness – are important factors towards prevention of dementia.

1. Exercise regularly

Doing physical exercise offers protec tive benefits for mental health, besides assisting with weight management and physical health. Get 30 minutes of moder ate exercise 3 times a week. Exercise could include: Walking, gardening, swim ming, cycling; jogging or any physical activity of your choice/health conditions.

2. Enjoy a healthy and balanced diet Eat a balanced and varied diet that includes:

• breads and cereals, mostly wholegrain

• nuts and seeds

• beans and lentils

• fruits

• lean meats, including fish

• vegetables.

Also include in your diet Omega-3 found in fish and Omega-6 fatty acids found in seeds and nuts that have also been proven to boost brain power and reduces mood swings.

3. Get enough quality sleep

Good quality sleep is vital for good health. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. A regular sleep cycle is created by going to bed and waking up around the same time each day.

4. Build social connections and positive relationships

Being socially active and building social connections gives us a sense of belonging and purpose. There are various ways to connect socially - plan a weekly outing with a friend, become part of a wider community and engage through volunteer work.

5. Make time for yourself to relax

Make time for yourself. Do things that matters to you and things to relax your mind. Meditation, deep breathing, mindfulness can help us better manage emotions and calm our nerves.

Remember you are never too young to start thinking about a sensible ageing well plan and making sensible lifestyle choices to stay healthy and positive to reduce the risk of developing dementia.

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Aging and Ayurveda


Ayurveda was introduced to the earth so that man could enjoy a long and healthy lifespan

It is the process of becoming old and decaying. As age advances, several changes take place in the body, in the external appear ance, in the condition of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Oja, and so on, as well as in the mental and cognitive functions. Elderly people are susceptible to several chronic diseases also. The problems of the elderly are becoming a matter of great concern as increased life expec tancy due to better medical services and improved technology is resulting in an increasing population of the aged.

By the year 2020, the World will have more than one billion people aged 60 and over, and more than two-thirds of them will be living in the developing countries. A major concern related to the rapid increase in the population of the aged is that there will be an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases and disabilities, both being conditions that tend to accompany the aging process. This burden is increasing day by day. In the Ayurvedic texts, a comprehensive description has been given of aging. The aim of this conceptual article is to compile and re-evaluate the various principles related to different aspects of

Several types of principles have been described in Ayurveda. A person inter acts with various factors, for example, other Panchabhautik (manifested) crea tions, living or non-living. It is known that at the base of all creation, there are nine Dravya. (causative factors).

That is, Panchamahabhuta

• Space

• Air

• Fire

• Water

• Earth

Mana (mind); Atma (soul); Kala (time); and Disha (directions).

Panchamahabhuta provide the basic structure for all the manifestations and this manifested creation, is known as the universe. The universe resides within the limitations of Kala and Disha in a clockwise manner. Among all the Dravya, Kala is the most important and potent, as it includes all creation in itself as well as it affects all creation in a clockwise manner, and human beings are no exception.

Kala interacts with a human from

period is called Ayu (lifespan). On account of the interaction of Kala, various changes occur in the body during the period of Ayu; these are natural and cannot be changed. According to the type of changes that occur, the lifespan has been divided into three parts, also known as Vaya (various stages of life); these are

1. Bala (early stage of life), 2. Madhya (middle stage of life), and 3. Jirna or Vriddhavastha (later stage of life).

The major changes carried out in the body during these stages are, growth, achievement, maintenance and decay. Thus, aging is the process of decaying and this manifests in the form of various degenerative changes. Although these changes are natural, they are not pleas ant. Everyone is aware that a person who has taken birth must grow and fi nally die, but nobody wants to grow old and certainly no one wishes to die. It is the nature of a human being. Ayurveda considers all these states, which are not pleasant in nature, to be disease: they cause suffering to mankind and any suf fering is termed as a disease.

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Ayurveda takes a holistic approach toward the maintenance of Dhatusamya
Ayurveda has a holistic approach toward all the miseries of man and aging is one of these. It is classified as one of the natural and Yapya (palliative) diseases. Dr Naveen Shukla

(homeostasis), for which various principles have been described. Aging is considered as a disease that may be manifested timely or untimely. There fore, a detailed description regarding the prevention, maintenance, and treat ment of aging has been given. Some of the measures that have been advised can be followed and some cannot. However, we can follow some practical principles and make aging comfortable and diseasefree.

Concept of Vrid dhavastha (later stage of life)

Vriddhavastha is the last part of the lifespan and is mainly charac terized by degenerative changes. Aging refers to a multidimen sional process of physical, psychological, and social change. The changes are always degenerative in nature. According to Ayurveda the lifespan of an individual is divided into three parts known as Vaya. These are .

Balavastha (childhood), which lasts up to the age of 16 years;

Madhyavastha (young and middle age), which lasts from the age of 16 years to 60–70 years; and

Vriddhavastha or Jirnavastha (old age), which refers to the period after 60 or 70 years

Thus, every person will pass through a period when various decaying changes will take place, and this time period is known as Vriddhavastha. This stage is characterized by decay in the body, Dhatu (various anatomical tissues), sen sory and motor organs, potency, strength, speech, various mental and cognitive functions (e.g., memory, intellect, recep tion, retention, analytic ability, etc.). During this phase there is predominance of Vaayu Dosha (one of the three physio logical body factors). The major physical changes seen at this time are wrinkling of skin, graying of hair, baldness, and a diminishing ability to do physical work] The diseases that complicate this stage are Kasa (cough), Shwas (asthma), and

so on.]

Vriddhavastha may be of two types: timely (if it manifests after the age of 60 – 70 years) or untimely. Untimely aging may result due to aggravation of vata and pitta dosha. Therefore, excessive utilization of all the causes of vata–pitta aggravation may lead to untimely aging. Some instances are causes of Rajayakshma (a syndrome with deficient immunity), careless ness regarding prescribed regimen of tryopsthambha (diet, sleep, and coitus), causes of ojo-kshya (deficient immu nity), excessive and single use of Amla, Lavana, Katu, Tikta, and Kashaya rasa in diet.

Prevention of aging

Due to limitations of space, only the principles are described here. As previ ously stated, the process of aging is totally dependent on diet and lifestyle. Aging can be prevented by:

1. Including some important principles of Dincharya (daily regimen) in the daily routine, for example, Anjana (a type of eye treatment); Abhayanga (body massage), especially ShiroAbhayanga (head massage); nasya (oily nasal drops); Sneha-Gandusha (retaining of oil in the mouth): cleansing of feet and external ori fices, exercise and so on.

2. By following the other principles of Swasthavritta such as utilization of Three opastambha (diet, sleep, and coitus) according to the rules to bear suppressible urges (i.e., mental fluctuations) and to expel unsup pressible urges (i.e., natural urges) regular removal of aggravated Dosha according to Ritu (season) by Panchakarma, regular utilization of Rasayana (rejuvenating treatment)

and Vaajikarana (aphrodisiacs), following the principles of Sadvritta (social and personal ethics) and Achara Rasayana (ethics having ef fects of Rasayana), and so on.

3. Taking a diet strictly in accordance with the prescribed rules.

Management of aging

It is a natural and Yapya (palliative) disease; it occupies the prime place among the Yapya diseases in the context of Agrya dravya (foremost) described in charak sutrasthana . It is essential to manage this period of aging properly, as it is a time of increased susceptibility to various chronic and degenerative diseases. The following principles can be considered in this context:

1. Keep the lifestyle as close as pos sible to the ideal prescribed by Ayurveda.

2. Avoid the provocative causes of Kshaya (degeneration) and Vata, for example, excessive physical and mental work, vigorous exercise, tolerance of unsuppressible urges, intolerance of suppressible urges, and so on.

3. Follow, as far as possible, all the rules regarding diet; take a Laghu (light) and Santarpaka (nutritive) diet.

4. Utilization of Rasayana, Vaajik arana, and Yapana Vasti (a type of enema having palliative property) regularly.

5. Follow the principles of Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana Involve one self in the Supreme Power (God) or the eternal truth by any means as it increases the level of satva in mind. Thus all these things improve mental immunity.

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Lashkaaraa Diwali Couture for Women Entrepreneurs in

he inaugural Lashkaaraa Diwali Couture Show 2022 powered by SRf Creatists, a Saroni Roy Foun dation initiative, was hosted on the 30th of October 2022 at the Ryde Diwali Fair

A small & micro-businesses accelerator entrepreneurs in the business of fashion, the festive couture show was conceptualised and produced by the Indian-Australian Actor, Model & Global Influencer Saroni Roy.

A community-empowerment featured Australia’s top models, actors & influencers, like Jes sica Grace, Norah Masige, Saher, Indy Halder, Saroni Roy, Nripesh Ahuja, to name a few, supporting neurs in the business of

fashion, showcasing the opulent, heritage craftsmanship of India’s festive couture, blended with the Australian Spring-Summer Fashion colour palette of mauve, sky, lilac, pastel pink, peace, silver, a soiree of bling, sparkle & elegance.

“Festive couture is one of the biggest markets in the business of fashion globally,

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A small & micro-businesses accelerator initiative powered by SRf Creatists, a Saroni Roy Foundation initiative, the festive couture show supports women entrepreneurs in the business of fashion

Couture Show 2022, accelerator in the Business of Fashion

and has almost surpassed the bridal fashion market. I figured, several South Asian women in Australia run these small & micro-busi nesses, mostly from home, selling exquisite collection of traditional jewellery, ethnic wear, accessories and more. Most of them have the dream and the passion to become a global brand but lack the vision, the platform and the resources to achieve it. With my vast experience and knowledge of working in the media, PR, entertainment & fashion industry, I wanted to create an accelerator platform, an ecosystem, a couture show which brings together professional models, hair & makeup artists, influencers, a large audience of potential buyers, showcasing their collection, aspects which only bigger fashion brands & runways have access to. So It’s not just to promote these small & micro-businesses during the festive season but to help them achieve that bigger dream of becoming a global fashion label.” - Founder & Direc tor, SRf Creatists & Saroni Roy Foundation (SRf).

The fashion labels showcased were Pooja’s Couture, Orchid Fashion Club, Noor-ELucknow as the jewellery partner, Hair & Makeup by Makeup Artistry by Rashi & Glam Soul by Kaur, all women-founded micro businesses.

The former Ms India Australia Goodwill Ambassador 2018 and Indian-Australian ac tor, Saroni Roy turned showstopper wearing a peach & silver, Swarovski-studded, hand crafted, festive lehenga by Pooja’s Couture.

“As a cancer-survivor, facing multiple in visible disabilities, it’s imperative to highlight body diversity at fashion shows & editorial shoots. The models & influencers that walked

my show reflect the DEI ethos of diversity of age, size, ethnicity, disability, in the fashion & entertainment industry, showcasing the modern multicultural Australia.” – DEI Advocate & Body Activist, Saroni Roy. The Lashkaaraa Diwali Couture Show with fund ing support aims to scale-up over the years creating more opportunities for upcoming fashion labels, models, actors, influencers, creatives and artists from diverse background.

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Photo creditHarmohan Walia

Zindagi Dobara - Shedding light on Men’s Mental Health issues

The light and hope festival, held by The Harman Foundation, showcases the film Zindagi Dobara, which shows how dif

ferent individuals who are men face their mental health issues with their loved ones. The film showcases the importance of men’s mental health an unspoken topic in terms of individual well-being. The film shows how men don’t always need to ‘man up’ and that their voice counts as well. The Harman Foundation made the event amazing by adding cultural perfor mances to enlighten the sense of Diwali. This showed how to find ‘light and hope’ for this Diwali with the film also indicating the same moral in relation to mental well-being. The event consisted

of cultural performances, speeches, and of course the screening of the film made by Euphony films.


The speeches by Maninder Singh and Manu Preet Singh indicated the purpose of the Harman foundation and the screening of Zindagi Dobaara. Maninder Singh invites the Blacktown City council counsillors, Julie Griffiths Deputy mayor, Councillor Living stone Chettipally, Councillor Kathie Collins, Councillor Moninder Singh, sponsors and partner of this event Jaya Deep Dontula,

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Mag Corner

Surjeet Singh “Partner in your care”, Mrs. and Mr. Duggal “Helping hands complete care” , Anshu from Australis Forever 8x, media part ners Harmohan Walia. He continues to talk about how we are here to nourish our youthcelebrating Diwali kids4kids- youth nurturing younger kids with sharing values of equality, kindness, unity, determination, and Justice. He finishes his speech by talking about the Harman Foundations’ major projects such as the Harman helpline 24/7 Helpline 1800 116 675, established for Women and their children refuge since 2016-17 ( HER House), established Sikh and Multifaith chaplaincy services, weekly Food drives, opened a mo bile café van to called Fancy a cuppa for the homeless people, by a team of all more than 200 volunteers in a different capacity.

Manu Singh talks about how we are a grassroots community not for profit, we are very agile, have our pulse on the community needs, and can challenge the status quo. and how the Harman Foundation is taking action by launching a chapter of Harman Foundation

Men’s mental health awareness Our fathers, partners, brothers, and friends face a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. Men are dying too young. “We can’t afford to stay silent. That’s why we’re taking action. We’re one of the leading organizations tackling men’s health awareness.”

Beginning cultural events

The beginning cultural events consisted of a song and a Kuchipudi dance. Pawan Sajin a Year 10 student aspiring to pursue music sang a song from the movie “Roja” called Yeh Haseen Vadiyan. He amazed the crowd with his amazing talent singing the song in differ ent languages. His song started the event with light and hope. A kuchipudi dance followed, performed by Anannya Bandaru. Deepavali the festival of lights is not just to eliminate the darkness in the world by lighting diyas but to also eliminate darkness in our Minds such as jealousy anger ego etc and to fill our minds with brightness fill our mind with positivity and kindness. Anannya presented this is her own Kuchipudi choreography dancing for the

The Awards Ceremony

The cast and team were given awards as well as performers.

We occasionally see men who are feeling overwhelmed be unwilling to ask for help. Their quality of life may suffer as a result of untreated and frequently misdiagnosed mental health issues. Men have a reputation for hold ing things in. However, it is the appropriate thing to do to take action and get additional support when you are feeling low. Due to the significant disparity in suicide rates between men and women, depression is a major risk factor for suicide.

This is very important, and I want to thank Harinder Kaur from the Harman Foundation for coming up with this idea and bringing it to the public’s attention.The film concept was created by Harinder Kaur & Maninder Singh, story & dialogues by Mamta Upadhayay and directed by Pankaj Upadhayay.

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Swalla Jathi mix music. Photo creditHarmohan Walia

The film shows how the men in the film are resilient and with the help of their loved ones are able to get through their mental health issues. The film shows the importance of everyone’s mental health including men and how itis vital that these issues be taken seri ously and that they can occur in anyone’s life including a man’s. Men are stereotyped as people who shouldn’t be in vulnerable states but everyone is human and it is important to help everyone and help gain light and hope in everyone’s lives in our community.


We are all aware of the stigma our culture places on males who communicate their feel ings. Every time I learn why it’s viewed as a weakness, I’m astonished. It’s time to alter that viewpoint and see how crucial it is for males to express their emotions and act on their frustrations.

Anxiety and depression affect one in five and one in eight men, respectively, at some point in their lives. Men can play a variety of roles and carry out a variety of duties, such as taking care of their homes and family, making a living, developing their careers, being excel lent friends, and giving back to their commu nity. While these things might be satisfying, they can also be stressful. The main takeaway from this film is that there is a better way to handle this kind of stress.

Vaibhavi Joshi states that” The oppor tunity to moderate a panel at the event is unquestionably an honor and a privilege. Being a writer, motivational speaker, and social activist, I have always spoken about social concerns and conducted open talks about them. However, this panel discussion focused on a topic that is much needed: men’s mental health.”

Suman Mathur, Manbir Singh Kohli, Pankaj Upadhyay, and Harinder Kaur, as well as special guests Blacktown Clr. Livingston Chatipally, Durga Owen, Indranil Bengal Halder, and an audience member who is a psychologist, provided the audience with a distinct point of view and viewpoint.


The event ended with a celebration! as there was a delicious dinner and dance. An other cultural performance was held with another bharatanatyam passionate dancer named Pramitha Santosh who is a teacher but a dedicated dancer. Bhangra was being performed as everyone in the audience also joined in for the Diwali celebration spirit. The raffle was also being held with winners and prizes!

Deepa, Ahalya and Kiret K Mangar have headed this event in well-organized manner. A wonderful teamwork can always result in a grand success. Harman Foundation & Eu phony films would like to take this opportu nity to acknowledge few hardworking people without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible.

First & foremost, the entire team of Harman foundation including all the student volun teers and supporters who made this event a huge success. Deepest gratitude to Multicul tural NSW for encouraging such initiatives to bring back energy and charm in our life.

Continuing support from the Blacktown council is always appreciated by local resi dents. Thank you Hon. Deputy Mayor Julie Griffiths, Clr. Livingston Chettipally , Clr Moninder Singh for gracing the occasion with their valuable presence.

Mansi, was a backbone of this event

who has done solid ground work without seeing day and night in organizing this event smooth and flawless. A big shout out for another beautiful soul Sony Sodhi & her loving, caring & always supportive husband Paul McKenzie for taking care of the entire kitchen responsibilities and feeding every single person present there. Its not a piece of cake to feed a huge crowd that to live. Nidhi Sharma, another blessed soul who joined hands with Sony in making the dinner and live counter of Pani puri possible that everyone enjoyed.

Entire cast and crew of Euphony films headed by Pankaj Upadhyay. All the wonder ful artists and performers for amazing perfor mances. Thank you Inderpreet and puneet for taking care of certificates while Raffle team did beautiful packaging for the gifts and Jyoti providing free henna to everyone.

Thank you Kabir and RJ Entertainer Monty for looking after kids entertainment. Kudos to Devinder for a beautiful decoration. Apolo gies if any names are missing as this was a great example of solid team work and I am sure there are many people who had worked tirelessly behind the scene in turning this event to a meaningful one.

Heartfelt gratitude to a pure soul Harmohan Walia ji and Desi Australia for their continu ous support by proving excellent coverage & highlights and making every event beauti ful with his valuable presence. Extending gratitude to Neena Badhwar from The Indian Down Under Newspaper, Manju Mittal & Rachana Bhatnagar from SAI Creative Arts Network.

Rekha Rajvanshi from Indian Literary and Art Society of Australia Inc.(ILASA) Manbir Ji from Kehte Sunte Radio-zine 89.3 FM Sydney, Harry Singh from Sanjhe Vichar Channel , Sunny Singh from The Unmute, Harpreet Singh from PUNJAB TIMES, Jy otsna Sharma from @Crescendo Harjot Singh from KH Brothers Films & PANKAJ from Euphony Films.

Last but not the least, we would like to ac knowledge our sponsors Partner In Your Care, AUSTRALIS FOREVER8X, HHCC NDIS, Signature Training RTO 32000 without whom this would not have been a huge success. Al ready looking forward for another meaningful event soon.

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