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Mental Health begins with an honest inner dialogue

YouGo with Rajni-Let’s Be Mindful Series Mental Health begins with an honest inner dialogue

By: Rajni Ghai Malhotra

It’s October, National Mental Health month - the perfect time to check in with yourself, tune in to how you feel about your mental health and what you could do for yourself and others. Read on for tips on keeping your wellbeing quotient in balance.


An honest inner dialogue will help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings which is a big step towards creating a state of wellbeing and good health for yourself.

if you haven’t already, now is a good time to ask yourself some important questions: 4How am I feeling? 4Do I feel happy with my current lifestyle? 4Do I have more anxieties and fears than usual? 4Am I overly tired by the end of the day or week? 4Do I make time for self-care and exercise every week? 4How can I make this moment, this day simple? 4What is it that I need to do to feel calm?

This self-check list can be as exhaustive as you would like it to be, to delve into your being and understanding yourself better. Record your answers in a journal. Revisit your journal in a few months and see if the responses have changed. This will help you acquire a longrange perspective on how you have been feeling and whether you need to do things differently or seek help.


The power of a single mindful breath is more than one can imagine. Learn to use the power of breath to counter your body’s natural response to stress. When anxious or stressed, our breathing tends to become shallow and short. The key to stopping your body and mind from slipping into ‘stress’ mode is to find your breath and use it well. Here is an exercise on mindful breathing, which can be practised anytime, anywhere, on-the-go.

MIndful breathing exercise:

4Close your eyes and place your hands on your abdomen. 4Inhale deeply and slowly - feel your breath travelling downward and your belly rising as you inhale deeply. 4Exhale – follow the sensation of your breath travelling up through your belly and out through your nostrils as you exhale fully and completely. 4Visualise any tension or stress leaving your body with your breath. 4Repeat steps 2,3 and 4 ten times. 4With every breath try and repeat the affirmation below.

Affirmation: “Breath is the power behind all things. I breathe in and know that good things will happen” – Tao Porchon-Lynch


To be able to feel every moment is a valuable technique in keeping your mental health in check. Here’s how you can be present in the moment and make each moment more meaningful. Look out the window, notice the colour of the sky. Feel the warmth of the tea as you take a sip and let it flow into your body. Take a walk, look around you and feel the warm sun on your skin, the cool air on your face. If you are listening to music, notice how the song makes you feel. If you are reading a book, pay attention to the words and how they impact you.

There YouGo! Thus begins your journey towards keeping your wellbeing quotient in balance with the help of an honest inner dialogue and mindful breathing.

Yours mindfully, Rajni Follow Rajni on Facebook @YogaWithRajni

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