27 minute read

Active Super lights up Diwali with Indian Australian diaspora

Active Super wishes the Indian Australian diaspora a happy and prosperous Diwali. Many Indians will often traditionally start a new business venture, grow their investments, and make substantial purchases during this festive season.

Chantal Walker, Chief Member Experience & Growth Officer of Active Super, one of Australia’s leading ethical and responsible super fund, said: “We would like to wish the Indian diaspora a bright and prosperous Diwali filled with light and happiness. Active Super recognises the contribution of the Indian Australian community in shaping the harmonious social and economic tapestry of Australia’s multicultural society.”

Diwali is becoming an increasingly popular festival in Australia, especially with the growing presence of the Indian diaspora. According to the 2021 Census, there are over 710,000 people of Indiaborn origin in Australia, and they are the second largest group of overseas-born migrants behind England-born migrants.

Active Super works closely with multicultural marketing agency MultiConnexions in celebrating cultural diversity and driving inclusive communications for multicultural Australians.

Learn more about how you can brighten up your future with Active Super: https://www.activesuper.com.au/ join-active-super-saa/


This Diwali, get active with your super and choose a super fund that’s one of Canstar’s top-performers1 .

Visit activesuper.com.au/sa to find out more.

1As at 28 September 2022, Active Super is ranked among Canstar’s top four funds for 18-49 year-olds with a balance up to $250,000 based on returns over 5 years in the Accumulation Scheme. Information sourced from Canstar, using data from over 60+ super funds. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance Issued by LGSS Pty Limited (ABN 68 078 003 497) (AFSL 383558), as Trustee for Local Government Super (ABN 28 901 371 321)('Active Super’). Read the PDS at activesuper.com.au before making a decision on this product.

“ Be the change you want to see”

An event of the Indian Crescent Society of Australia on Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion in Australia

By Rajanikhil Malaramuthan

Indian Crescent Society of Australia (ICSOA) is a society dedicated not just to Indian Muslims but to people from all ethnicities, speaking all languages, creeds, races and religions. It dedicates itself to the betterment of Indian Muslims, religious, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities, and recent migrants and supporting them. It has a duty to ensure good relations between Australians and people of all ethnicities with Indian Muslims and Muslims in general. The most important dynamics that ICSOA works on are peace, harmony, inclusiveness, diversity and social cohesion. This event is a trademark in bringing all of these dynamics together under one platform in the Jubilee Room of the NSW Parliament. This is not the first time that ICSOA is doing it, in fact, the 5th time that it has done. The last 2 years were online due to the pandemic and this year was a grand success, offline.

The event had a very good set of speakers lined up. There were over 10 speakers from different arms of the government, both federal and state; while also included the wise ones from all faiths not to say the least started with acknowledging the first nations people and their toils in becoming first-class citizens in their own country. Susan Moylan-Coombs from the Indigenous community spoke about how important it is for ‘Truth telling’, Social cohesion in the current times and how the colonisers have erased the past to build a new society over the various Countries in Australia. The next speaker was Russell Davies, a leader from the Christian faith and he spoke extensively about his learnings from the Buddhists in Marrickville, where he lives. Jeremy Jones from the Jewish community spoke about the importance of interfaith and social cohesion with a brief example from his own interpretation of the Jewish symbols. Pandit Jatin Kumar Bhatt who is a priest in the first Hindu temple in Australia and New Zealand gave personal experiences as examples that held him spiritually towards all human beings. Maulana Nazeerul Hasan Thanvi from the Muslim faith started by reciting the 49th chapter of the Quran and spoke about how important it is to see everyone equally, as brothers and sisters, and stressed looking at God as one, a common entity and not be divided over it. The esteemed set of speakers was continued by a list of Parliamentarians and the first being a federal senator - Hon David Shoebridge. The Greens senator simply asked for a commitment at a political, religious and community level for any kind of intolerance in the form of religion, faith, language, nationality, ethnicity, race, sexuality or gender, to be called out. Jodi Mckay spoke next as a Chair of AIBC (Australia India Business Council) and then an ex-opposition leader of the NSW parliament. Not to forget that she was also the shadow minister of Multiculturalism. She spoke about being strong, while people are united. She believes that there is yet more unaccomplished in the Australia-India relationship. She also mentioned the visit of Dr S. Jaishankar (Indian Minister for external affairs) and the upcoming visit of Nitin Gadkari to Australia. While Jodi was speaking, the current minister for

multiculturalism - Hon Mark Coure entered the hall and he spoke as a representative of the NSW government in curbing intolerance against people of all faiths in the state. He spoke about how his family was multicultural, with a very sweet anecdote. He also went on to say that the NSW government will never tolerate Islamophobia in any way. The other speakers Violet Roumeliotis (CEO - SSI), Peter Doukas (Chair - ECC - NSW), Dr Jan Fizzell (Senior Medical Advisor for NSW) and Lorraine Finlay (Human Rights Commissioner) paraphrased social cohesion, integrity and unity in various words with different examples from their own fields and spaces. The Keynote was delivered by Craig Foster, who is an Australian Soccer Player and since he is a human rights activist as well, he gave some motivational, yet hard-to-digest truths in his speech. He spoke about how social cohesion should be in the bones of every Australian and that we have to live up to its promise. He also spoke against intolerance with these lines - “Australia is a secular democracy and it accepts every human belief. But in return expects your acceptance of the same in every other human being.” While the speakers added multicultural flavour to the event, an award ceremony was also featured. Mr Jack Passaris, founder of the Ethnic Community Council of NSW received the Lifetime ICSOA award for the year 2022 and it was indeed presented by the Hon Minister Mark Coure. The event was also attended by the retired secretary of the Indian ministry of external affairs, Hon Vijay Kumar who had also served as the Consul General of India in Sydney during the Sydney Olympics.

This event was perfectly planned on the day of the 20th year since the Bali bombings that killed more than 200 people, including close to 90 Australians. This as well was pointed out by one of the speakers. This was a perfect execution by ICSOA headed by the President Mr Abbas Raza Alvi, Treasurer - Mr Abbas Chelat, Legal - Mr Siddiq Panwala, IT - Mr Syed Jafar and was well MC-ed by Mr Fasih Uddin Khan, who is also the secretary of the society. The others who supported the execution were the ICSOA women’s team - Iram Rasheed, Amrin Khan, Sarwat Zahra & Farida Alvi and the ICSOA youth team - Ms Alina Jafar, Ms Nabeela Rasheed, Ms Rida Khan, Ms Tahira Burney, Husain Jafar, Rayyan Khan & Zohaib Khan.

Tamil Arts and Cultural Association celebrate 10 years of service to community

Tamil Arts and Cultural Association celebrate 10 years of service to community

In the Spirit of Madira

By Guneeta Khanna

Looking for a unique Diwali gift with an Indian twist, Madira Spirits got my attention. I caught up with Ash and Amarjit, the duo behind the company. And this is what they had to share. Ash, “Both Amarjit and I always held a passion for finer spirits. The inspiration behind Madira Spirits arose from the void that seemed to be staring us in our faces. In multicultural Australia, there was no authentic Indian spirit created from traditional recipes that have existed for times immemorial. With due respect to a handful of whiskies and rums being exported from India, we were motivated to produce fine spirits that exemplify Indian culture, just like Tequila does for Mexico and Vodka for Russia”.

Amartjit, “I had been distilling for over a decade as a hobby, however it was during the peak COVID period post tasting a few batches, that Ash proposed launching ‘Madira Spirits’ commercially. Ash, “The journey so far has been an exhilarating one with far more success compared to the few bumps along the way. The focus for Madira Spirits has been to create quality products with natural ingredients whilst paying attention to the feedback from our customers”.

Amarjit, “At the moment our hot selling spirits are Madira Platinium- premium spiced cane spirit. 40% alc v/v. Made with traditional Indian recipes. Best served over ice. Madira Select- mildly spiced clear cane spirit. 40% alc v/v. Best for making cocktails or with lime and soda/tonic water. Madira Paan Liqueur- best tasting meetha paan liqueur made with pure paan ingredients. 25% alc by volume. To be served chilled”.

“For the convenience of our ever-growing clientele, we have been shipping our products in Australia. A select few bottle shops across the country are proudly stocking thus making the range widely available. Soon, Madira Spirits will be moving to our new production facility, most likely in Rouse Hill. We are also opening up a couple of export markets, with new partnerships along the way and releasing new products in the market for our clientele to savour”, Ash.

Madira Spirits have launched a special dual bottle gift packs for Diwali. These premium packs contain a bottle each of Madira Platinum and Madira Paan liqueur and are a great gift for your family and friends. We also have a lot of Diwali special discounts available on the website https://www.madiraspirits.com.au/

Shrikand vermicilli cups

Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebration Adelaide, Australia

By: Daljeet Bakshi

BAPS Adelaide celebrated His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s birth centenary at the Adelaide Convention Centre on 16 October 2022. The celebration at the Adelaide Convention Centre was a tribute to His Holiness for dedicating his life to fostering peace, harmony and spiritual upliftment for families and communities across the world.

His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj (1921-2016), Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s fifth spiritual successor was revered throughout the world. His Holiness ignited spirituality and culture by forming mandirs (temples) across the world including multiple cities in Australia. The magnificence of Indian spirituality and culture is proudly exhibited by these mandirs and its devotees.

Throughout his entire life, His Holiness exemplified the perfect qualities of a true spiritual leader. With his unique and loving style, he inspired countless people to lead pure and pious lives, to work on improving themselves and their inner nature, to lead

Pramukh Swami Maharaj Centenary Celebration Adelaide, Australia

healthy lifestyles, giving up addictions, and to keep God and spirituality at the centre of all activities.

Furthermore, Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s selfless contribution to society has inspired generations of volunteers to follow in his footsteps by selflessly serving the community.

Globally, through its worldwide network of 3,850 centres, BAPS organises and coordinates various medical, educational, environmental, cultural, and social activities. Analogously, BAPS Australia has contributed to this great nation through annual blood donation camps, tree plantation drives, educational seminars, participation in community clean-up days, serving and fundraising for disaster-relief activities such as the COVID–19 pandemic as well as natural disasters, and hosting a variety of children and youth activities to invest in a brighter future.

Furthermore, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s centennial celebrations finale will be held in Ahmedabad, India from December 15, 2022, to January 15, 2023. The celebrations held in India throughout the aforementioned days are expected to draw thousands of locals and tourists from across the world each day. The messages from Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life will be depicted through various mediums for people of all ages to learn and idealise.

Commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 153rd Birth Anniversary - ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ hosted for the first time at the Parliament of NSW

The one-of-a-kind MAHATMA Peace Symposium 2022, a Saroni Roy Foundation initiative, brought together luminaries, government leaders, multicultural community leaders, pioneers of peacebuilding, to perpetuate & celebrate Gandhian principles and values.

Sydney, 1st October, 2022 – The MAHATMA Peace Symposium 2022, the flagship initiative by Saroni Roy Foundation (SRf), a tribute to the global peace hero Mahatma Gandhi and the commemoration of his 153rd Birth Anniversary or ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ was hosted for the first time, at the Parliament of NSW on the 28th of September 2022.

MAHATMA Peace Symposium aims to increase public awareness and understanding of Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of sustainability, real-development & Ahimsa (non-violence) as a non-violent approach to foster lasting peace within and across diverse & vulnerable communities, thereby accelerating inclusive, networked multilateralism with vision,

ambition and impact, integral for a sustainable world.

“In 2022 with the world enduring the ebbs and flows of the pandemic, MPS 2022 focussed on the Gandhian philosophy/concept of Ahimsa (non-violence) addressing ‘multi-dimensional poverty’ as the worst form of violence, and its articulation in the UN-SDGs. We at SRf believe that Inclusive & peaceful societies lead to prosperous economies.” said, Saroni Roy, Founder & Director, Saroni Roy Foundation, and Creator & Producer of MAHATMA Peace Symposium.

The Gandhian values of Ahimsa — social action, justice and peace through non-violence — have universal relevance today, inform this Peace Symposium and perfectly align with Saroni Roy Foundation (SRf) & SRf Creatists’s

core principles of ‘Diversity, Sustainability & Social Justice’ to create a more peaceful, more inclusive ‘One World’ to live and love.

The MPS 2022 also highlights and showcases ‘Australia Celebrating India’s 75 Years of Independence’ – Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, in backdrop of the AI-ECTA, celebrating and strengthening Australia-India friendship/dosti.

These ethos were also articulated by The Hon. Julian Leeser MP, Federal Member for Berowra, through his video message screened at the event.

The event featured the recital of the poem ‘The Call’ – a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy, written by the prolific writer & poet, Hon. Mrs Nimeesha Gupta followed by a live concert by ac-

tor & artist Saroni Roy, powered by SRf Creatists. Saroni moved and mesmerised

Commemoration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 153rd Birth Anniversary - ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ hosted for the first time at the Parliament of NSW

The one-of-a-kind MAHATMA Peace Symposium 2022, a Saroni Roy Foundation initiative, brought together luminaries, government leaders, multicultural community leaders, pioneers of peacebuilding, to perpetuate & celebrate Gandhian principles and values.

the audience by her performance of a medley of Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite songs in three languages, namely, ‘Vaishnav Jan To’, ‘Raghupati Raghav’, ‘Ekla Cholo Re’, showcasing CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) artists from India and Australia, as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and to all creatives and artists creating a peaceful, inclusive world through art, capturing the essence of SRf Creatists. Adapting to the pandemic restrictions, Saroni remotely worked with musicians/artists based in India to curate this authentic and exquisite piece of art, ensconced in the Gandhian values of Ahimsa, courage, determination, solidarity, harmony and peace.

“As an actor, singer, dancer and connoisseur of the arts, I truly believe that art is a platform that showcases and also weaves together diverse cultures. It transcends all barriers, and doesn’t conform to the limitations of language, faith, geography, race or nationality. If we look at some of the diverse ethnicities that have come together today, many of us, have experienced loss, war and conflict in our homeland. Art & artists, are therefore an integral catalyst in uniting people, celebrating our rich cultural heritage, and perpetuating a culture of peace and harmony.” said, Saroni Roy, Director, SRf Creatists.

The Global Peacebuilders Forum 2022, a panel discussion & global multicultural community forum, a call-for-action to peacebuilders, artists, government leaders, advocacy, media and academia worldwide, for a global partnership, to create a shared blueprint to achieve a better, peaceful and more sustainable future for all.

The panel featured pioneers of peacebuilding like Steve Killelea AM, Founder, Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), Nobel Peace Prize Nominee & Author, Peace in the Age of Chaos, Tim Ford AO, Vice President (Operations) United Nations Association of Australia NSW Division - UNAA NSW and former UN Peacekeeper, Nola Turner-Jensen, Director, The 5 Bats Company, Lead - CultuRecode Project, Saroni Roy, & Moderator, Kartik Mohandas, and focussed on applying the Gandhian principles of sarvodaya, social inclusion, prosperity, solidarity and partnership to address ‘multidimensional poverty’ and the ‘5-P’s of Peacebuilding’: People: ‘Leave no one behind’, inclusive societies; Peace: Ahimsa/nonviolence & giving people agency; Planet: Our relationship with the Planet. Mindful consumption, protecting the environment; Prosperity: Economy, Multidimensional poverty; Partnership: Significance of collaboration, networked multilateralism, in times of crisis. Shared responsibility and global solidarity.

The event proceedings concluded with a formal vote of thanks to dignitaries, sponsors, media partners, volunteers, and supporting community-organisations, followed by a community-networking over refreshments.


By: Gagan Jassal

Filmy Fiesta Chapter 1, an event celebrating the films and creativity took place on 25th Sept’ 22 at the Grand venue of Guildford leagues club. The event was organised by KH brothers films and co-presented by Euphony films and Waaci group. The event was attended by the Sydney community and the Parliamentarians who came together to support this wonderful initiative of celebrating creativity in form of films. It was a one of kind event hosted by talented hosts Opinderjit “Addy” singh and Saloni sareen guiding the event to success.

Filmy fiesta had everything ranging from melodious musical performances by Sydney’s well established and well known musicians (Sadiq Rahmani, Raman hiroo, Jazib khan and Gagan Jassal), energetic dance performances (Seeret Kaur Thandi , Nirali Oza of Dhunki dancers and United Bhangra Champions), kids entertainment ( Kids entertainer Monty) combined with delicious food accentuating the whole experience for the night.

KH Brothers Films premiered their latest production “Rabb” an emotional drama and “Greed” a suspense thriller. Both films were very engaging and kept the audience glued to their seats. Both these films are directed by Australia’s well known director and actor Harjot Singh and showcased a very talented and mature star cast of Harjot singh, Munish Arora, Gagan Jassal, Saloni Sareen, Aman Preet , Harmanpreet kaur, Roopak Jain and Bal Purewal, making it a must watch film of this year. Do watch it by visiting KH Brothers Films facebook page https://www. facebook.com/khbrothersfilms cased their much watched short film of this year “Bhram”, directed by another of Sydney’s well established film maker and owner of Euphony films, Pankaj Upadhayay. This film is a suspense thriller starring Munish Arora & Kamal khajuria . Another of Euphony films presentation “Kashmakash”, a mesmerising music video collaboration with jamroom sydney group. This will for sure take you to another world. Last but not the least to mention was a much talked about song and music video of this year “Khwab kaisa bhi ho” by WAACI group in collaboration with KH Brothers Films. This video has won many accolades within Australia and worldwide for its wonderful message “Creativity & Art brings unity in diversity”. This song was penned by legend Late Rahat sahab, musically composed by living legend Abbas Raza Alvi, directed by very Talented Taufeeq Ahmed and stars Gagan Jassal, Mehak & Sankalp Bhatnagar. You can watch it on youtube . The only thing left to say is that the atmosphere created by Filmy Fiesta was electric & sublime. It got each and everyone involved including our honourable MPs and councilors mesmerised and made them stay through. till the end of night. My heartiest congratulations and thanks to the whole Filmy Fiesta team including the organisers, sponsors and volunteers for making this event happen and setting a benchmark for all future Film festivals to come. I look forward to bigger and better chapter 2 of Filmy Fiesta by KH Brothers Films.

Ram Setu; Promises an epic adventure like never-before

Action adventure spectacle, Ram Setu, is all set for a grand theatrical release, this Diwali. Ever since the teaser dropped, the film is being showered with immense love and appreciation and the anticipation for the trailer has been unprecedented.

With Akshay Kumar in the lead the film also stars Satyadev Kancharana, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Jacqueline Fernandez and M. Nasser in primary roles. The highly anticipated trailer is thrilling and engaging to watch along with never-seen-before, breathtaking visuals. It promises to entertain and also bring to the fore an amazing part of India’s historic heritage.

The story of Ram Setu revolves around an atheist archaeologist turned believer, Dr. Aryan Kulshrestha (Akshay Kumar), who must race against time to prove the true existence of the legendary Ram Setu before evil forces destroy the pillar of India’s heritage.

Written and Directed by Abhishek Sharma (Parmanu, Tere Bin Laden), the film is a fast-paced entertainer which is best experienced and enjoyed with the entire family in theatres this Diwali. Ram Setu is presented by Prime Video in association with Cape of Good Films and Lyca Productions and is an Abundantia Entertainment Production. The film is produced by Aruna Bhatia (Cape of Good Films), Vikram Malhotra (Abundantia Entertainment), Subaskaran, Mahaveer Jain, and Aashish Singh (Lyca Productions) and Prime Video with Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi as the Creative Producer. Ram Setu will be distributed worldwide in theatres by Zee Studios.

Ram Setu releases in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, only in theatres 25th October, 2022.



By: Sheetal Puri

A beautiful day begins with a positive mindset. A positive thoughts brings positive things in life.

Now the question arises how to be positive in everyday life in such a busy schedule????

Hmmm Don’t worry I have got a solution for it.

Try, Try, Try.

Before you say I can’t, try it and give your best.

Hope it works as miracle to you!!!!

You have to just simply spend some time and a little bit of your efforts, staying positive every day can be easily achieved. All that is required is a fraction of your time, 15 to 20 minutes a day to recharge your body & mind and to cultivate the positive you.

Positive thinking simply means the absence of negative thoughts and emotions – in other words, inner peace and calm mind.

When you are calm within yourself, you are naturally thinking positively. You don’t have to fight off negative thoughts, or search hard for more positive thoughts. It just happens on its own.

How to practice to be positive with the help of meditation. Here are 2 positive thinking meditation tips to empower you:

A) Relaxing body and calming mind when Meditating

Meditation is a simplest and easiest technique to be practiced Nothing special arrangements or postures has to be done. It can be as simple as sitting in a comfortable chair or lying down on the bed or sitting in cross legged position ( choice is your) listening to soothing music or performing some relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises.

Meditation also helps letting go of stressful or worrisome thoughts. Isn’t it’s great! If you spend just a few minutes every day you will feel relaxed and peaceful, you automatically shift your mind into a more positive place. When you FEEL more relaxed, you naturally THINK more positively!!!

Start practicing for a short period of time, like 5 or 10 minutes a day. You can meditate first thing in the morning, during afternoon, right before you go to bed at night, or any time you are comfortable. The most important thing is to consciously let go of unproductive thoughts and feelings and bring MINDFULNESS, start practicing to be MINDFUL with your thoughts and feelings. .Let the negative thoughts go for those few minutes, and you may decide not to intervene up again at all!

B) Practice Positive Affirmations

everyday Positive affirmations can be used throughout the day anywhere and at anytime you need them. The more often you use them the positive thoughts will take over negative thoughts and you will see positive things happening in your life.

Affirmations are statements that are used in a positive language. For example, “ I am getting better and healthier everyday .”

Affirmations have to be said with belief and consistency.

Try to start your day by saying your affirmations out loud. It wouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to repeat your affirmations; yet when done consistently, these positive affirmations will be absorbed into the subconscious mind to cultivate the new positivity in you.

Here’s an example of a “some affirmation” you can use on a daily basis: 4I am the best. 4I achieve in everything I do. 4Every task I get into returns positive to me. 4I am productive with my thoughts. 4I respect my abilities and perform to the full potential. 4I am always heard. 4Nothing is impossible for me. 4I love myself.

When you start practicing TO BE MINDFUL believe me nothing can stop you.

Think positively you will never lose because positivity always wins.

If you like to feel the lightness, clean your mind and infuse positivity in yourself Enrol yourself for ONLINE SESSIONS to experience the Journey of Meditation by Sheetal. feel free to contact me: givemeditationachance@ gmail.com

Durga Pooja celebrations by Swagatam Group

Our journey started six years back in 2017 when few of our own families & friends were missing all the fun they all used to have in Durga Puja back home, so one day during a get together we decided to start this adventure i.e., to host Durga Puja.

By Swagata Das

We had no funds on hand, but the mission was clear and God willing we managed to have a good celebration that year.

Formed in the year 2017, Swagatam Group is a non-profit culture group funded by its own members and is a registered non-profit organization in NSW, Australia. Swagatam group is run by an elected Executive Committee that brings with them a rich cultural heritage as well as experience to make every event an enjoyable experience for the community. We are in the sixth year of successfully organising Durga Puja.

Swagatam group takes pride in organizing Durga Puja & cultural programs which brings in local artists from Greater Sydney area. It also strongly promotes the local talents in the community. Since its inception in 2017, Swagatam group has successfully organised Durga Puja every year. In the pandemic year of 2020, Swagatam Group was the only non-profit organization to have successfully organised a Durga puja following all COVID safe protocols. Swagatam group is very much focused on promoting local talents from the community and creating a very comfortable and

Durga Pooja celebrations by Swagatam Group

Our journey started six years back in 2017 when few of our own families & friends were missing all the fun they all used to have in Durga Puja back home, so one day during a get together we decided to start this adventure i.e., to host Durga Puja.

can be one team, learn from each other, enjoy and allow our next generation to acquire from the community different aspects to celebrate life.


4 Share = A happiness increases when shared with others. 4Worship= A blessing seeking from the almightily. 4Appreciate= an achievement deserve gratitude. 4Gather= A team that can work together. 4Accept= A mistake can be overcome. 4Trust= an expectation can elaborate. 4Anticipate= A responsibility can begin. 4Motivate= an act to inspire.

Our mission

4To bring difference in the community by bringing the community together providing emotional supports to the newly migrated families and celebrate Durga festival, away from home but just like the warmth of home.

friendly environment for its members and hence has made quite a reputation for its warmth and hospitality. Several online activities (using Facebook) are organised during the year which brings in people from all walks of life to engage and this helps us to promote local talent.

This year was our 6th year Durga Pujo . We are the first Durga pujo organiser in Western Australia since 2017.

We not only try to bring our community together but also allows our local talents to show their talents. After our pujo celebration where everyone get to worship Maa Durga and pray for their well being, followed by some rituals including Arti, Devi Baran, sindore khela , Dhunochi nach followed after lunch . It was a free event for all community members to gather and celebrate seeking blessings from Maa Durga. We were fortunate that Durga owen, joined us on the day to celebrate and appreciate all the participants for the day .

We have more plan to organise more and more celebrations, where we all


Maythisauspiciousoccasionlightupyourlifewith HAPPINESS,JOY&PEACE.

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