#iAMHCMC January 2017 - Entertainment

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By Locals, for Locals

January 2017



Surgery Now Aided by Robots #iAMHCMC

By Locals, For Locals

Editorial Entertainment might seem like a frivolous subject, an activity done simply to fill the spaces of boredom. Rarely is entertainment regarded as art by the public – maybe only when a really good flick comes by and captivates

TABLE OF CONTENT Editorial & News 3. December News Recap

Entertainment Features 4. What to Expect in 2017

audiences. But even the “lowliest” forms of

6. Discover Your Inner Animal

entertainment, like sitting on a tiny plastic

8. Watch Out, Tet is Coming!

stool on Bui Vien and sipping a corn-based

9. How Do You Cock - A - Doodle - Do?

lager, can bring about a transcendental element that you can’t even get with the

10. Goodbye Traffic, Hello Tet!

Mona Lisa: human interaction. And an

12. Best Family Activities in the City

addendum to this: variety.

14. Get Active in the City

The conversation you have with the

16. Outstanding Casinos in and

mustached gentleman sitting in a refined whiskey bar will be wholly different than

around Ho Chi Minh City

the throat-scouring conversation you have

18. Game Day in Saigon

with the party girl at a lased-doused

19. May I Have This Dance?

nightclub at 2 a.m. The time you spend

20. Feel the Beat: Your Live Music Guide

with your family at a water park will bring about loving memories, as will your first perfect salsa dance.

22. Pick Your Poison: A Guide to HCMC’s

used to assist in surgeries in Vietnam. One of the first recipients was a 64-year-old woman facing obstruction of the flow of urine. Her surgery took place at the Binh Dan Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 3. The head of Binh Dan Hospital, Dr. Tran Vinh Hung, said that robots reduce invasiveness, bleeding and, ultimately, the risk of fatality. So far, medical robots have assisted with surgeries of cancers to the stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, lung and prostate, along with surgeries related to eight other diseases.

Vietnam Plans to Sell Saigon Beer Company Stock

Speciality Bar Scene

Entertainment brings us together, brings

26. Saigon Nightclub Mix

friends and family together, brings new

28. Live the Adventure:

faces into our lives, gives us opportunities

December marked the first time robots were

A New Way to Play in the City

to love, to do business, to reconnect with former mates, to unwind after work, or to bring an eventful day to a sweet and satisfying finish. #iAMHCMC prides itself in being a paper that brings great businesses together with this city’s great residents, and there’s no better way than an issue on entertainment. Whether you’re a beer club guy or a gin gal, a sports fan or sommelier-in-training, you’ll find something right for you in this issue.

FOOD review 11. Upper Saigon 30. A Dinner with Culinary Masters

ADVERTORIAL 29. Pexiga Viet Vape: A Vaper’s Haven in HCMC

Education feature 32. Soul Man: Mark Bell Fine-Tunes Saigon’s Music Classes


Health Feature 33. Unraveling Vietnam’s Health Myths

Travel REVIEW Have feedback? Contact me at iamhcmc@yahoo.com

34. Novotel Phu Quoc Resort

Vietnam’s government is making plans to sell a large portion of the country’s largest beer company, the Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage Corporation, or Sabeco. The company, reportedly worth at least $1.8 billion, will potentially be the largest privatisation sale of a Vietnamese state-run firm. The sale is marked as a further push in Vietnam’s effort to open its doors to foreign investment. Phan Dang Tuat, the head of Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Enterprise Reform Commission, reports that the government could sell at least 40% of the company’s stock. Sabeco produces well-known Vietnamese beers like 333 and Saigon Beer, which control up to 40% of the

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country’s beer market.



December News Recap Major Changes to Occur in the Coffee Industry

Vietnam’s coffee industry will undergo major

for sea water quality. The tests have been funded

restructuring in the coming years, according to

by Formosa, which reportedly gave $500 million

the Vietnam Coffee and Cocoa Association. The

to the Vietnamese government after the incident.

goal will be to increase coffee production 30-40% by 2030, which will ultimately make $5-6 billion for the industry. Right now, coffee accounts for 15-20% of the country’s annual agricultural

Ho Chi Minh City Experiences Growth in 2016, Sets Plans for 2017

exports, generating up to $1.8 billion a year and

heart attack, stroke or a brain injury, that person is eligible for a tax reduction or exemption. The

Department of Processing and Trade for Agro-

problem for many people, however, is that the

Forestry-Fisheries Products and Salt Production,

relief cannot exceed the income tax the person has

reported that there are plans to improve the scale

paid the year he or she started treatment. The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Council met this December to review the changes implemented in the city’s infrastructure. Saigon experienced 8.05% economic growth, which is 1.28 times the growth of Vietnam’s total GDP. Additionally, total revenues for 2016 are expected to reach VND304

in which many dead fish washed onto the shores of provinces located near large fishing grounds, the

For many, this means that their tax compensation is much less than the cost of their treatment. Many are calling for reforms, petitioning for less paperwork and benefits equal to the amount they’ve paid for treatment in subsequent years.

trillion, a 10.8% increase on the revenues reported in 2015.

After what has been called the “Formosa Incident”,

current illness exemption and reduction procedures

the means to earn a livelihood, including cancer,

Doan Xuan Hoa, the Deputy Director of the

Beach Towns to Hold Regular Water Testing after Formosa Incident

the burden of their illnesses, complaining that the

from one of 42 listed diseases or ailments affecting

However, there’s still major room for improvement.

processing technologies.

for sick pay are not doing enough to alleviate

Vietnam’s current tax plan, if a taxpayer suffers

in the world.

quality control procedures, and generate updated

Taxpayers say that current rules and regulations

are insufficient and needlessly complicated. Under

making Vietnam the second-largest coffee exporter

of production, replace ageing coffee trees, fix poor

Taxpayers Fight to Change Compensation for Illnesses

While these numbers are positive, the People’s

Rent-A-Toy the New Big Thing

Council did not achieve all the goals it set for 2016. Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Quyet Tam admits that

The newest rage among parents in Saigon is renting

Saigon’s congested traffic, flooding, food safety

toys. A number of toy rental shops have opened,

concerns, disease outbreaks and robberies are still

offering affordable prices for the newest kids’

major issues. Targets for 2017 include: economic

entertainments. Rentable goods include slides,

growth of 8.4-8.7%; establishment of 50,000

swings, baseball sets and electric cars, with a

companies in the city; a reduction of the poverty

range of toys depending on the child’s age and

rate to below 1.2%; the creation of 125,000 jobs;

capabilities. Rentals are generally weekly, although

the construction of eight million m2 of public

longer rentals are possible, and prices range from

The monitoring will take place on 19 beaches

housing; an increase of clean, drinkable water

VND60,000 to VND5 million. Kindergartens,

across the listed provinces. So far, all tests have

available to more citizens; and the treatment of

charity organisations and families hosting large

shown toxicity levels within Vietnam’s legal limits

100% of the city’s medical wastes.

get-togethers are also using the rental shops.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has asked that the affected provinces produce regular water toxicity reports every two weeks. The test results, which will come from Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Hue provinces, will be made public on the ministry’s website and through other country-wide media sources.




by Various Experts

What to Expect in 2017 Dr. Tran Thi Thuy Duong, a lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, says not as much as we think. She reminds us that in 2016, the TPP was one of the top four ways for Vietnam to integrate into the world trade system, the other three being the EVFTA (Europe-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement), the VN-EAEU FTA (Vietnam-Eurasia Free Trade Agreement), and the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community). Although the TPP door is shut, others are still left wide open. For example, there’s still the BTA (bilateral trade agreement) between Vietnam and the United States and more than 10 other FTAs that Vietnam signed or will sign with other partners (as a country or as a member of ASEAN), along with over 60 BITs (bilateral investment treaties) established with many countries around the world.

What is in store for Vietnam, and particularly Ho Chi Minh City, in 2017? We track the city’s top experts in a number of industries to find out what you can expect from this ever-changing place we call home.



hired hundreds of teachers and has helped lead

Stephen Thomas, the head of HR at VUS, has

Next, the labour code will favour enterprises

the school to its dominant position in the market,

employing above-average numbers of female

with 45,000 students attending the English

ANT Lawyers, an internationally recognised law

staff. Finally, those with a post-secondary level

Centre’s classes. He had a sobering message about

firm with offices throughout Vietnam, noted some

of education will have a minimum wage of VND3

future of English education in 2017:

important changes for 2017:

million per month, up from VND2.8 million.

“The strong will only get stronger.” Social Insurance Laws

Visa Laws

New fathers will have a chance to spend time with

The new year will see the online centralisation of

their partners after childbirth, with five days given

the visa process. The e-visas will take three days

off from work if their wife gives birth normally

to process and be for valid for 30 days, but will

and seven if the birth requires surgery.

only be available for countries with diplomatic

These days double if she gives birth to twins. Surrogate mothers get a maximum of six months of maternity leave, and the receiving mother gets six months as well once the baby is given to her. If the newborn is under two months and passes

relations with Vietnam.

If the mother dies, the father will fill maternity leave for her.

Labor Codes

others invest more capital and improve their educational technology, the weaker players – the small and even medium-sized schools – will die out. Or, at least, in Stephen’s words, the growth of

There will be no need for any invitation letters as

these businesses will be highly uneven. For

required before, easing the burden on travellers.

teachers, more jobs will be available in the upcoming year than ever before. However, the

International Trade

away, the father will be given four months off, and half that if the baby is above two months.

As giants like VUS, Wall Street English, ILA and

People expected the ratification of the TPP to

requirements will be stricter, as many schools are now starting to look down on online teaching certifications.

lead to a rise in exportation of Vietnamese goods,

Those with the right qualifications – meaning a

especially garments and shoes.

four-year undergraduate degree and an in-class

It was also thought to potentially help Vietnam

certification – will find plenty of opportunities, even without years of experience.

Several changes will occur in 2017 that will affect

attract more foreign direct investment from TPP as

the labour force. First, retirement age will increase

well as non-TPP countries. So what will Vietnam

Gone are the days when simply speaking English

from 55 to 58 for women, and 60 to 62 for men.

lose now that the agreement has been dismissed?

got you a job.

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President of Victoria Healthcare Vietnam Dr. Mason

We got in touch with Clement, a researcher at

We spoke with Giovanni Parrella, the Executive

Cobb gave us his thoughts on what will go down

PADDI, a French-based urban development center

Chef of the Reverie Saigon, to pick his brain about

in the healthcare industry in Ho Chi Minh City in

in Ho Chi Minh City. PADDI works closely with

what the next year would mean for Vietnam’s

2017. He gave us two perspectives:“fortunately”,

the local government to help projects related to

culinary scene. He had one word for us: organic.

and “unfortunately”.

transportation and infrastructure. Clement had

He’s already seen the start of the trend this year,

some interesting predictions for 2017. He told us

and he only expects it to increase in the coming

that for the immediate future, it’s just small-scale

months. Both at home and in his restaurant, he’s


noticed clients from Vietnam and other countries

“Fortunately, the powers that be are more aware of the private sector being indispensable to meet rising healthcare needs, and there is increasing awareness of the need for private clinics to succeed as businesses. Unfortunately, the corruption is likely to continue, impeding sustained growth. Fortunately, there will be more investment in healthcare, which will bring about more quality, better service and accessibility. Unfortunately, the public sector may not improve much, due to restraints on public investment and continuing overcrowding.

Completions will include the Pham Van Dong road near the airport and the road system along the Thu Thiem peninsula.

While Chef Parrella is perfectly happy to give his customers the best organic foods he can find, his only worry is authenticity. Based on what he

As for more game-changing projects such as the

knows about the farming practices in Vietnam, he’s

ongoing improvement to the BRT (Bus Rapid

not sure he’ll be able to trust that what’s labelled

Transit) and the metro, these will be making big

“organic” in a store or at a market actually came

strides in 2017.

from an organic source. So far, however, he’s been

Unfortunately, no metro lines will open in 2017,

Unfortunately, private hospitals will still be at

but the above-ground support structure should

excess capacity, but fortunately the trend toward

be finished 2018/2019, so we’ll see veritable

using them will continue. We will see more clinics

progress this year. Elevated roads will also likely

open and existing ones improve, but perhaps

begin construction – these will be similar to those

slowly. Overall, private clinics and hospitals will

already in Hanoi.

continue to improve, offering good alternatives

clamouring for more organic options.

pleased with the availability. For his diners at R&J, he prefers to source his organic ingredients from a grower in Da Lat. He suspects that choice and availability will only increase in the near future. Along with this proclivity for organic food comes another, larger food trend: an interest in healthy foods. He told us that he’s noticed people

One big drawback of the improved road system

nowadays are much more aware of the potential

will be the increase in the number of cars, which

harm toxins and artificial ingredients can do to

of course ramps up pollution and congestion.

a person’s health. With many consumers making

Dr. Mason is currently preparing for the Q1 2017

While extended roadways and new paths are

a push towards healthy grains and well-sourced

opening of the new Victoria Healthcare clinic at

temporary patches, a complete metro system will

meats, Parrella is confident that the market will

20-22 Dinh Tien Hoang, D1.

vastly improve the suffocating traffic.

respond by giving the customer what it wants.

to state hospitals for better service and care... fortunately.”



The Year Ahead

by Keith Hancock

Discover Your Inner Animal by Joe Shlabotnik_zodiac

The 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac all have their individual traits and characteristics. Some are compatible with others, and some, less so. Find out the behaviour of your own sign.

Ox Element: Earth Compatible with: Snake and Rooster Traits: Strong, loyal, reliable, thorough,

Nobody knows which country started the animal zodiac, though the Chinese can certainly lay claim to being one of the first. The 12 symbols of the Chinese zodiac, which of course is the one used here in Vietnam, probably have their origins in the Han Dynasty, which ruled from 206 BC until 220 AD. Legend says that the ruler of the Chinese heavens, the Jade Emperor, asked the animals (including the dragon) to participate in a race in honour of his birthday. This fell on the ninth day of the first lunar month. The first 12 animals to arrive would represent a place in the calendar in the order they finished, but the tale is full of subplots.


reasonable, steady and determined

The ox was asked by the farmer to take a message to the Emperor, but also to sow seeds en route, as the land was barren. It had to sow a handful of seeds every three steps. It misunderstood and sowed three handfuls every step.

The rat is first on the list because during the race, it got a ride on the ox’s back across a wide river. However, the cunning rat stayed on the ox

modest, diplomatic, sincere

and a good caretaker

The rabbit and the ox were once friendly neighbours. One day the rabbit bragged about his prowess as a long-distance runner. “I have a slim body”, he declared, “but you are stout; you cannot run fast.” The ox practised and improved. They declared that they would run to heaven when but soon got tired and fell asleep. The ox, however,

to this.

never rested and forged ahead. The tiger ran by the rabbit and for safety the rabbit stayed behind

Tiger Element: Wood Compatible with: Horse and Dog Traits: Enthusiastic, confident, courageous,

ambitious, charismatic and a good leader

him, eventually finishing fourth.

Dragon Element: Earth Compatible with: Rat and Monkey Traits: Artistic, imaginative, lucky, flexible,

Originally the Jade Emperor chose the lion as a He had heard of the tiger’s bravery and invited it

adaptable, charming and sociable

Traits: Trustworthy, sociable, empathic,

grass and weeds forever. Being diligent, it has stuck

Zodiac animal, but it proved to be too aggressive.

Compatible with: Sheep and Pig

they heard the cock crow. The rabbit raced ahead,

Traits: Intelligent, artistic, quick-witted,

Element: Wood

As a consequence, it was instructed only to eat

Element: Water Compatible with: Dragon and Monkey


into heaven. Defeating the old guardians of heaven, the tiger became the new guardian. It was sent back to earth to restore order when the animals down there had become unruly.

eccentric, spiritual and charismatic

Originally hornless, the dragon wanted to be king of the zodiac animals. Not wanting to be regarded as lower than the tiger, it asked its brother, the chilopod (centipede), for advice. The chilopod suggested borrowing the rooster’s beautiful horns. The dragon did, and promised the rooster that they

throughout the race, jumping off just before the

The tiger fulfilled this task, and the Jade Emperor

would be returned. With its new horns the dragon

winning post. Its place at the head of the calendar

rewarded him by making him part of the zodiac

was immensely powerful and impressed the Jade

was thus assured.

instead of the lion.

Emperor, becoming a zodiac sign.

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The Year Ahead

Snake Element: Fire

Long ago, grain only grew in heaven – the Jade Emperor would not give it to humans. The goat then smuggled holy grain from heaven in its mouth

Compatible with: Rooster and Ox

and gave it to those on earth. The Emperor was

Traits: Intelligent, philosophical, organised,

furious and ordered the goat to be slaughtered

intuitive, elegant, attentive and decisive

In days gone by, the snake had four legs, while the frog was legless but worked hard catching insects for humans. The snake was lazy and disliked, making it angry and prone to biting

and eaten. At the site where it was killed beautiful crops grew every year. The humans insisted that the goat be included in the zodiac, and so the Emperor obliged.


Dog Element: Earth Compatible with: Tiger and Horse Traits: Sociable, lively, loyal, courageous,

diligent, steady, adaptable and intelligent

The Jade Emperor asked the cat and the dog what they did for humans and how much they ate. The dog answered truthfully that he guarded the house and ate a bowl of food.

the Divine Soldier to cut off the snake’s legs and


reward them to the frog. The snake was full of

remorse, caught insects for humans, helped control

Compatible with: Dragon and Rat

the cat and rewarded it, causing the dog to chase

the water and when it died, donated its body as

Traits: Intelligent, lively, quick-witted,

charming, lucky, adaptable, bright

the cat into hiding. Although angered, the dog

and versatile

people. Hearing this, the Jade Emperor ordered

a medicine to the people. Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor awarded it zodiac status.


Element: Metal

The cat lied, saying that it chanted scriptures, caught rats and ate little. The Emperor believed

went on to participate in the zodiac race, earning its place among the 12 animals.

The all-conquering tiger had power but was lonely. One day it fell into a hunter’s net. The monkey tiger was perplexed to be saved by such a lowly


Element: Fire

creature, but vowed to pay it back one day. When

Element: Water

Compatible with: Dog and Tiger

the Jade Emperor was choosing the animals, the

Compatible with: Sheep and Rabbit

monkey asked the tiger to speak on its behalf, and

Traits: Intelligent, adventurous, strong,

adaptable, loyal, courageous, and ambitious

climbed down from the trees and set it free. The

Traits: Sociable, honourable, determined, philanthropic, optimistic and sincere

so the monkey was chosen. Originally winged, the horse could run, fly and

A rich, childless farmer lived his life without any


heirs to pass down his property to. Finally, his

by shrimp soldiers and crab generals, tried to fight

Element: Metal

decided to vist a fortune teller to find out the baby’s

it off, but the horse kicked the turtle to death.

Traits: Confident, honest, energetic,intelli

future. The seer predicted that the child would be

successful. However, despite this prediction, the

swim. As a royal horse for the Jade Emperor it became arrogant and decided to attack the Dragon Palace in the East Sea. The holy turtle, supported

The Emperor ordered its wings removed and for it to be buried for 300 years in Kulen Mountain. Rescued by a human, the horse worked for him out of gratitude. Recognising the horse’s remorse,

Compatible with: Snake and Ox gent, flamboyant, flexible and diverse

The rooster was mischevious and always caused trouble for the humans so they didn’t recommend

wife gave birth to the man’s son when he was 60 years old. When the baby was born, the couple

son was lazy. After the boy’s parents died, he did nothing and instead let the farm waste into decay.

it to the Jade Emperor. Frustrated, the rooster

Upon his death, the boy asked the Jade Emperor

asked the horse why. The horse said that the

why he had not been blessed. The Emperor told

rooster had to learn to provide a service for

him, “You had good fortune but you were too

the humans – perhaps the rooster’s voice could

lazy. As punishment, I will change you into a pig

help. The rooster started waking people up at

which eats chaff from the fields.” The officer in

Element: Earth

daybreak. As a reward the Jade Emperor plucked

Heaven mistook this as an order to make the pig

Compatible with: Boar and Rabbit

a red flower and placed it on the rooster’s head,

a zodiac sign, and from then on the pig became

and gave it a place in heaven.

one of the 12 animals.

the Jade Emperor awarded it zodiac status.

Goat Traits: Crafty, warm, elegant, charming,

intuitive, sensitive, and calm




by Nat Paolone

Watch Out, Tet is Coming! Vietnamese Tet is the local version of Christmas and New Year’s Eve rolled into one, but is the hype worth the stress? Nat Paolone gives us a somber look at the holiday.

by Thoai

Yep, it’s that time of year again, when everyone merrily voices the illustrious “after Tet” catchphrases: “We’ll do it after Tet.” “We can finish it after Tet.” “We won’t be able to get it done before Tet.” “I’ll quit after Tet.” “I’ll find a new job after Tet.” So what’s your best Tet phrase?

“We won’t be able to get it done before Tet.” You may also hear: lock up your bike, your house, guard your belongings,Tet is coming. Items often seem to disappear in the run-up to Tet, and traffic police are unusually active. Those of you who have lived in Muslim countries in Southeast Asia will remember the run-up to Ramadan. As we all know, it’s the local version of Christmas and New Year’s Eve rolled into one, where everyone celebrates the lunar new year with rituals to bring good fortune and fame by following countless rituals. It is the time for family reunions and paying

Tet Food and Flowers

A fascinating aspect in recent years is the two months preceding Tet. If you’ve been here for a

Banh Tet is a traditional cake made with glutinous rice and mung bean, rolled in a banana leaf. Another traditional dish is the five fruits of Tet, or Nam Ngu Qua (the fruits are watermelon, custard apple, coconut, papaya, and mango). They represent the quintessential hope that Heaven and Earth will bless humans. It demonstrates a Vietnamese view of life:

“When taking fruit, you should think of the grower”.

respects to elders and ancestors. It’s the most

Colourful flowers fill towns and cities leading up

sacred time of year, with centuries of tradition.

to Tet – the peach tree in the North and apricot

while you probably have encountered countless people saddened while getting roundly shafted:

“I’m sad, my motorbike was stolen, my purse/backpack with all my money and phone was stolen, my landlord won’t return the house deposit, my cousin stole my boyfriend, then dumped him.” Have you noticed how customer service becomes dependent on “coffee money”?

Trials and Tribulations

blossoms in the South. The mandarin is thought

Top 5 Tet Festivities 1. Watching Fireworks on Tet New Year’s Eve

to bring good fortune, which is why it’s suddenly

The days leading up to Tet are meant to be a joyful

widely available.

occasion, giving thanks to Heaven and Earth, wishing our loved ones well. Why the stress?

Lucky Money!

Some suggest it’s the acute social pressure to spend

4. Lucky Money for Children and Elders

Get hold of lucky money envelopes as children and

Motor vehicle accidents rise during this time

5. Visiting Pagodas

young adults expect riches and luck from these

of year. Perhaps it is the eagerness to get home,

red sashes (some supermarkets hand them out at

pent-up energy, parties leading to tipsy driving, or

the cash register – grab them).

the desire to just let loose. Limit your driving on

2. Family Parties 3. New Year’s Greetings

The “tat nien” meal (the last meal of the lunar year) shares all the sadness and happiness and experiences gained throughout the year. These parties are also a time to review family tradition, show respect to elders and strengthen relationships.

“Lucky money, lucky money, where’s my lucky money!” Most Vietnamese return to their hometowns

The first day of Tet is important, as actions on this

for quality time with family and friends. The

day will determine one’s fate for the coming year.

sudden rush to accumulate wealth to share may

Even during the American War, both sides agreed

have something to do with the sharp increase in

to a temporary ceasefire to respect Tet – although

“merry” trickery. Some say the country is on pause.

the North broke this tradition during the 1968

Recruitment of staff becomes impossible, as all are

Tet Offensive.

awaiting the 13th month payout.

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money during the festive season.

the lead-up to Tet. Travelling during Tet, the busiest travel season in Vietnam, is full of surprises. Prices of hotels and food sharply rise, accommodation/eateries burst at the seams, and airplanes are fully booked. When all the festivities come to a close, life returns to a form of relative normality.

Another Tet has come and gone. Enjoy!

by Keith Hancock

Born under the sign of the rooster? Then this is a year of romance, good fortune and health. Sounds terrific, doesn’t it? But what does this mean for you?

What Type of Rooster Are You?



How Do You Cock-A-Doodle-Do?

To make matters even more confusing, there are five different types of rooster, depending on your date of birth. If you were born in 1957 (or 2017), you are a Fire Rooster, and tend to be trustworthy, good at timekeeping (good luck in

Vietnam) and responsible at work. Born in 1969? Then you are an

Earth Rooster. You are said to

be sweet natured, generous,

The importance given to the zodiac in Asia cannot

trustworthy and popular among

be overstated. Many people plan everything

friends, family and neighbours.

around the stars, whether it’s business ventures,

Born in 1981, the Gold Rooster is determined, brave, hardworking and perseveres well.

buying a house or planning a marriage. Strangely, the year of one’s own animal sign is considered unlucky, so 2017 is not a year for the roosters out there to get too cocky.

Job Prospects The list of jobs at which roosters excel is as long as a Friday-evening Saigon traffic jam: teacher, soldier, fireman, security guard, police officer, newsreader, salesperson, hairdresser, restaurateur, public relations officer, farmer, athlete, waiter,

Born in 1993, the Water Rooster

Roosters are said to be observant, hard-working,

is smart, quick-witted, warm-

courageous and resourceful; they are also talented

hearted and compassionate.

individuals. Popular among a group of people, they are gregarious and fun to be with. However,

journalist, travel writer, dentist, surgeon and on and on and on.

Affairs of the Heart

Finally, the Wood Roosters were

they are demanding and sometimes crave the

born in 2005 and are energetic,

attention of others too much. They are tough

So, all in all, you roosters will face a mixed year.

over-confident, tender but

cookies, don’t often fall ill and when they do, they

What are your feelings? Will this prove to be a

somewhat unstable.

fight the illness well.

rooster-booster of a year, or a load of old cock?

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by Keith Hancock

Goodbye Traffic, Hello Tet! Vietnamese people love nothing better at Tet than to get together with their families, eat and relax

Tet in Vietnam is the country’s busiest time, and yet also the quietest week of the year in Ho Chi Minh City. Yet parks are still full of colourful decorations and festivities.

at home. This inevitably leads to a yearly mass migration throughout the country every time the holiday comes round as you will soon experience for yourself. Millions of Vietnamese travel back to their hometowns to spend the holiday with their loved ones. It is a true moveable feast in the Gregorian calendar as it signals the start of the Lunar New Year falls early, as it comes at the end of January.

“The full title is Tet Nguyen Dan, which translates as the Feast of the First Morning of the First Day.” The country has used the Gregorian Calendar since

Vietnamese prepare special holiday dishes

the third is devoted to paying respect to teachers.

1954, but it still uses the lunar calendar to observe

specially for Tet and give their houses a thorough

Children look forward to receiving their red

some holidays and commemorations, including

spring cleaning to get ready for the new year.

envelopes containing lucky money. As people

Tet and the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Holiday food includes a veritable panoply of

return home to their villages, so Ho Chi Minh

different delicacies, including various types of

City empties. Many businesses close down

rice cakes called banh chung, and banh day (we

completely for the entire week and the city

encourage you to try them both); canh sang,

becomes a place of solace. This is the one time of

which is dried young bamboo soup; sausages

the year when traffic disappears, streets fall quiet

called gio; and, of course, the always-popular

and the choking smog dissipates. Many bars and

sticky rice.

restaurants also close, meaning that there is a lot

It is also worth noting that The Vietnamese calendar varies slightly from that of the Chinese. The Chinese use Coordinated Universal Time (GMT) +8 hours, whereas Vietnam is UTC +7 hours. This was chosen by North Vietnam in 1967 and the South joined in 1975 at the end of the war. The one-hour difference sometimes means

Each day of the holiday is reserved for different

that the new moon falls on a different day and

purposes. The first day of Tet is traditionally

therefore there is a whole day’s difference between

reserved for the immediate family. The second

the two countries.

day is reserved for activities with friends, and

less to do than normally, so meeting with people outside of the house can be tricky. It is, however, a wonderful time to just chill out.

“Last year I rode down Dong Khoi on a Sunday afternoon and I was the only vehicle that I saw.” What’s on in Ho Chi Minh City during Tet? One of the highlights in the city centre is the annual flower show that takes place. Nguyen Hue will be transformed into a magnificent garden in a truly breathtaking display. It is hard to believe that this is a temporary show, such is the amount of work that goes into it. For families with children, many of the parks in city like Dam Sen Park and Suoi Tien Park are great choices to spend your holidays. Activities during Tet include music shows in the evenings. The parks are full of colourful decorations and a by VanLap Hoang

10 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

festive atmosphere looms large.

Keely Burkey by


Upper Saigon


Here was our dinner: Techno Tacos (VND150,000 for three): A perfect appetiser, or even a light meal. Made with crunchy shells and ground beef, these tacos were stuffed

We take a trip to Ho Chi Minh City’s newest American-inspired urban rooftop oasis, Upper Saigon, where we enjoyed the view and house music with our ribs and tacos.

to the brim with fresh greens and topped with salsa. They came with a balsamic vinaigrette that complemented the tacos well. Buffalo Wings (VND240,000 for 10; VND340,000 for 16): They did not skimp on the sauce with these wings – be sure to stock up on wet wipes. These wings had a bit of heat, but they weren’t overly spicy. The dish came with the traditional garnish of celery and carrot sticks as well as two dipping sauces (ranch and barbecue). Coal-Baked Cube Roll Rib Eye (VND380,000 for 300 gr): A traditional rib eye cooked well and sliced into strips. It was served with a delicious and well-paired black pepper sauce as well as a

Rooftop, 308 Dien Bien Phu, D3 | +84 12 3877 3774 | www.uppersaigon.vn

When you go to a rooftop bar in Ho Chi Minh

The wait staff were all courteous and smiled as they

City, there are some things most people generally

took orders and delivered our food and drinks.

expect to see and hear: expensive prices, colourful

They made a genuine effort to talk to the guests

flashing lights and straight-laced suits.

and develop a relationship on a more personal

Now forget all of these preconceived notions, because Upper Saigon is doing something different. Developed as “Saigon’s Urban Oasis”, this new bar and grill brings United States cuisine to District 3.

Ambience The bar was relaxed, with a variety of different areas for patrons to sit. The focus on house music was a big departure from other rooftop venues in Saigon. This will definitely be a place to listen to quality house beats and amazing DJs. We sat on the outside patio overlooking District 3. Truly, the view was spectacular. There weren’t too many tall buildings nearby, so large portions of the city were spread out around us. If you’re out of work before the sun sets, this would be a great place for an early dinner.


level than you see at many bars in Vietnam. They were also attentive – mid-meal, when our plates were thoroughly soaked with various sauces, a waiter discretely switched the sticky plates with clean replacements.

Food and Drink

side of baked mac and cheese. Without a doubt, the mac and cheese was my favourite dish of the night, and a wonderful surprise in a city where high-quality cheese dishes are a relative scarcity. Drunken Kung-Fu Ribs (VND360,000 for 0.5 kg; VND650,000 for 1 kg): A generous helping of very saucy ribs (again, wet wipes will be your friend here) served with a tequila-infused dipping sauce and sweet potato fries. The ribs delivered exactly what the menu promised: meaty decadence. Bonus points to the chef for the fries, which were expertly salted.

What Could Be Improved Although it doesn’t have the cheapest prices in Saigon, it’s certainly cheaper than most rooftop bars, and about on par with many Western-style eateries around the city. Even better, Upper Saigon offers daily specials on specific items. The menu is definitely heavy on meat dishes, but it also offers a variety of snack options, including Caesar salad (VND90,000) and mixed vegetables with a cheese dip (VND70,000). The selection of cocktails is long and well-

A steak knife would have been a useful addition for the beef dish.

What People Say Although the bar is still new, reviews have been overwhelmingly positive; most recommend taking advantage of their weekly Techno Taco Tuesday special (50% off!).

curated. They range from four different flavours of margarita to the tropical drinks ubiquitous throughout the city. If sugary drinks aren’t for you, there’s an extensive list of beer, wine and

When we arrived at the Robot Tower, the hostess

hard liquor. For my part, I enjoyed the Upper

at the front door greeted us warmly and assumed

Saigon (VND120,000), the eponymous house

we were there for the bar. She led us to a set of

drink, which combined Cointreau with banana,

elevators, and we were greeted by a second hostess

orange and lime juice. It was a light and refreshing

when we reached the 15th floor.

palate cleanser. 11



by Frank Fox

Best Family Activities in the City Binh Quoi

What can you do with the kids on a free weekend, an afternoon or even just a few hours? We all know we can go to the cinema and the gaming caves of the malls in District’s 1, 2 and 7, but let’s focus on more active solutions.

Get in Touch with Your Wild Side The zoo is an attraction that lost its charm when

Parks and playgrounds are great outdoor

the management decided to put profit ahead of

attractions for toddlers and children up to a certain

the comfort of the animals. However, children

age. Depending on where you live, you can pick

love to see elephants, giraffes and other interesting

the closest one for a few hours of relaxation in a

creatures. And while the youngest enjoy feeding the

relatively calm and green environment while the

goats and marvelling at the tigers, older children

youngsters play and make friends.

may learn something about species-appropriate zookeeping. Avoid the weekends, though: the

Enjoy an Urban Oasis

deafening music at the centre of the area disturbs the nearby monkeys and they start hurling rubbish

23/9 Park stretches from the Ben Thanh

at visitors.

roundabout all the way to Thai Binh Market

the songbird singing competition at the outdoor

between Pham Ngu Lao street and Le Lai street.

cafe near Truong Dinh street. Another advantage

While in the evening locals are dancing or

of Tao Dan Park is its proximity to the Golden

exercising and students hone their English skills

Dragon Water Puppet Theatre (55B Nguyen

on unsuspecting tourists, during the day the small

Thi Minh Khai, D1). The water puppet show is a

playground near Ben Thanh Market is a popular

lovely indoor activity for children and adults alike.

5, 2 Nguyen Binh Khiem, D1 | Phone: +84 8 3829 1425

by captianp2001

spot for local, expat and tourist kids and toddlers. The toys are in good condition, and corner stores

Le Van Tam Park on Hai Ba Trung street

as well as various street vendors are within reach.

is not only a nice place to skate, run and chat

Before you leave the area, make sure to drop by

with friends, it also offers a small theme park for

Ralf’s Artisan Gelato on Dang Thi Nhu street for

younger children. They can ride a train, a merry-

a scoop of your favourite gelato.

go-round and other attractions. There is also a bouncy castle and a ball cage.

Tao Dan Park behind the Independence Palace

Pet Me does not have the best coffee in the city,

there’s a very nice and spacious playground for

The Van Thanh

Leisure Area in Binh Thanh

but it is a chance for your kids to get closer to

all kinds of family activities that also includes

District is ideal for a nice afternoon getaway.

their furry, feathery and scaly friends. Located in

an indoor play area – handy during the frequent

You can book a small hut and bring your own

Thao Dien, this is a nicely designed outdoor area

downpours in the rainy season. The park itself is

barbecue, and then explore the area or swim with

that harbours a variety of animals that can bring

quite big and serves as an event location for boy

your family in the pool. There is a playground with

a smile to your child’s face. Daredevils may even

and girl scout gatherings, bonsai exhibitions and

many activities for children.

hold a snake, if they wish.

so forth. In the morning you get to experience

Ward 22, Binh Thanh D | +84 8 3512 3026

198 Nguyen Van Huong, D2 | +84 91 709 6677

12 | iamhcmc.com/gazette


Beat the Heat

Keep Things Low-Key

Dam Sen Water Park is a big amusement park

A few nice places can be discovered along

in District 11. It offers a variety of attractions

Binh Quoi street on Thanh Da Island (accessible

from water slides to a giant freezer where your

through the Binh Thanh District), which runs up

family can experience ice sculptures and colourful

the peninsula that can be seen from the Thao Dien



3 Hoa Binh, D11 | +84 8 3963 3593.

There are leisure areas and restaurants, as well

Maia Club in Phu My Hung has you and your

as parks where you can rent a nice place for a

whole family covered. There’s an awesome pool, a sandbox and a kids’ club. While your children are having fun discovering their slumbering talents, you can relax at the spa or play golf or tennis. Lot MD2, Phu My Hung, D7 | +84 8 5412 1311


kid’s birthday party. More interesting for teens, however, are the fishing dens where you can catch mantis shrimps or fish and have them barbecued on site. It does not compare to a fishing weekend in the highlands, but it’s fine for an hour of quiet excitement.

Put the Active Back in Activity

Bình Quoi, Ward 28, Binh Thanh D

Other events and activities are more specialised in terms of your youngster’s age and interests.

Kizciti, for example, is a whole little world for children, where they can experience what it is like to be an adult. On entering the area, children receive a small amount of the local currency called “kizo”. Depending on what they are playing, they can earn kizo or have to pay some. There is a variety of jobs to try, as well a simple bistro-cafe for a snack or a coffee for the parents. 48 Hoang Dieu, D4 | +84 8 3825 3868

Snap Café in Thao Dien is one of the best family environments in the area, providing an open-air space for kids to run around, as well as a playground with a sandbox, while you enjoy a nice coffee or afternoon snack. 32 Tran Ngoc Dien, D2 | +84 8 3519 4532


Vinspace art studio in Thao Dien, kids can

hone their creative talents and take part in art workshops to bring colour to your life and on their brand new white shirts. You can attend a by Kim Dung

workshop together and cooperate in a family activity to create a work of art that fills that blank

Saigon Outcast is not only a nice entertainment

space on the kitchen wall.

location, conveniently placed in Thao Dien, it is

6 Le Van Mien, D2 | +84 90 772 9846

also a place for your kids to run around while you listen to live music or attend one of its many



events. The half pipe may interest your older kids, and the most daring teens and adults can try the

Push Rock Climbing wall. 188 Nguyen Van Huong, D2 | +84 90 236 5780

Bowling can be great fun for older kids and adults alike. The most famous bowling hall is

99 Suong Nguyet Anh, Dist. 1 HCMC

(08) 3925 1990


upstairs at Diamond Plaza. 34 Le Duan, D1 | +84 8 3825 7778




by Kristian Goodchild

Get Active in the City Finding your way around Saigon’s various attractions can be a headache. But lurking beneath the surface of this gloriously varied city lays a wealth of options.

Climb a (Mini) Mountain

Saigon’s Best Flea Market

Vertical Academy

Hoa Lu Stadium, 2 Dinh Tien Hoang, D1 | +84 90 180 4858

18-20 Truc Duong, D2 | +84 8 6281 9248 X-Rock Climbing

For a break from the usual rip-off merchants at

Phan Dinh Phung Sport Center, 75 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, D3

Ben Thanh market, why not take a trip down to

+84 8 6278 5794

the Hello Weekend Flea Market? With a wide array

Whether you want a chilled out afternoon, an

of new and used products and a friendly, almost

adrenaline fuelled adventure or a cultural journey

hippyish vibe, the market is a true gem. You still

of discovery, here are some of the great activities

might have to haggle a little, but it’s nowhere near

Ho Chi Minh City has to offer.

as cutthroat as the other markets in town, and the variety on offer is pretty astounding.

Sign Up for Beer School

Slip and Slide on Ice

Various locations | +84 12 0710 1450

Craft beer has become huge in Saigon. What

L5-09 Level 5, Vincom Mega Mall, Thao Dien, D2

started with HCMC’s first true microbrewery,

+84 1900 6677, Ext. 9

Pasteur Street Brewing Company, has exploded

The new Vincom megamall in D2 is home to

into a city-wide phenomenon. To get your head

HCMC’s coolest new attraction. Climb to the 5th

and tongue around the craze, look no further than the Saigon Beer School. Learn how to identify nose,

Saigon may be short on mountains, but it’s not

notes and finishes with expert tutelage, tour some

short on climbing opportunities. District 2’s Vertical

breweries and organize beer events.

Academy features a huge top rope wall, as well as bouldering and training facilities. It’s so much fun,

Shoot Your Friends

you won’t even notice you’re working out.

Thu Duc Paintball Club

Water Ski the Day Away

floor to find a huge ice skating rink. With 900 m2 that can comfortably accommodate 100 skaters at a time, it’s insanely popular with locals, especially at weekends. Services such as skating lessons and medical care make this kid-friendly.

Scale the Bitexco

19, Street 48, Hiep Binh Chanh, Thu Duc D +84 8 6283 5788 Paintball Saigon

Level 50-51-52, 2 Hai Trieu, D1 | +84 97 950 5152 Nguyen Duc Canh, Phu My Hung, D7 | +84 90 977 2612

14, Street 11, An Phu, D2 | +84 90 681 9001

Thrill seekers on the hunt for an adrenaline fix

What better way to bond with your friends,

need look no further than Water Ski Viet Nam.

loved ones and complete strangers than by firing

With a full array of white-knuckle watersports

a round of paint at them? Get down to the

on offer, there is no better way to experience

Thu Duc Paintball Club and lock, load and fire

the excitement of wakeboarding, waterskiing,

at will. Without a doubt one of the best outdoor

barefoot waterskiing, wake surfing or double

activities in Ho Chi Minh City. Here’s a tip for

waterskiing. Featuring high-end Mastercraft and

aspiring paintball masters: pick a cool day to sign

Malibu boats and O’Neill equipment, safety is a

up. With the armour and gear, the outfits can get

top priority here.

a bit toasty under the Vietnamese sun.

Relax in the Botanical Gradens Saigon Zoo / Botanical Gardens, 5, 2 Nguyen Binh Khiem, D1 | +84 8 3829 1425

Since 1864, the Saigon Botanical Gardens have been a top destination for busy Saigonese to take a break and engage with nature. Skating enthusiasts can visit the roller rink for a little spin around the circuit. Animal lovers may want to avoid the nearby zoo, with its tiny cages and run-down facilities. 14 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

With stunning views of downtown Saigon, some of the higher floors of the city’s iconic Bitexco tower host EON51 Fine Dining. The prices are steep, but the unparalleled vista of the Saigon River and beyond are worth it, if only for a drink and a view. by Thinh Dinh


Jeep Tours

Craft Your Own Leather

20, street 48, D4 | +84 8 3943 4606 / +84 91 338 1109

116/19A Tran Quoc Toan, D3 | +84 12 8515 7571

Want to turn heads and learn something about

Taking elements of traditional Vietnamese leather

the city you live in? Look no further than Jeep

craft with a contemporary twist, the products at

Tour Saigon. With a range of tours, from the Cu

the Saigon Leather Workshop are stylish yet simple.

Chi tunnels to Saigon by night, it’s a great way

And best of all, you can make them yourself. With

to explore the city and beyond, all while looking

guidance on sourcing, techniques and style, the

classy in a little monster of a Jeep.

workshop is a masterclass in leatherworking.

Street Food Tours

Saigon Pony Club

Street Foodies Tours: +84 93 210 3985 / +84 12 0898 6388

38, Lane 42, Le Van Thinh, D2 | +84 91 373 3360

Back of the Bike Tours: +84 93 504 6910 Vietnam Vespa Adventures: +84 122 299 3585

District 2’s Saigon Pony Club is host to 20 ponies

XO Tours: +84 93 308 3727

and three stallions of varying size. With two foreign


teachers adept at instructing riders of all ages, the facility provides excellent tuition for children and adults alike. Set up 10 years ago, the Saigon Pony Club remains the best riding school in Saigon.

Throw a Bowl Overland reopens in February at 54B Nguyen Thi Huynh, Phu Nhuan District | +84 8 3820 9734

With such a huge range of delicious foods, Saigon is a foodie’s paradise… if you know where to look. Luckily, a number of tour guides have cropped up.

Vietnamese ceramics date back millennia, predating Chinese domination and incorporating a mix of Khmer, Indian and Cham influences. You can learn all about the craft at the Overland Pottery Studio.

Back of the Bike Tours takes you on an exhilarating race around town with all sorts of delicious treats thrown in, while Street Foodies Tours takes much the same plan, albeit at a more sedate, four-hour pace. XO Tours and Vietnam

Get Your Art On 6 Le Van Mien, Thao Dien, D2 | +84 90 772 9846

Vespa Adventures are two of the most established companies of their kind in the city, so be sure to check them out as well.

Discover, Grow and Cook Vietnamese Food Western Asian Travel Service Company 275 Tinh Lo 2, Ap 3, Phuoc Vinh An, Cu Chi | +84 8 3794 2175 Saigon Cooking Class 74/7 Hai Ba Trung, D1 | +84 8 3825 8485

With a plethora of cooking classes, it’s easy to get lost for choice. Take a trip out of town to the Ho Chi Minh Cooking Class. Set in the magnificent Agricultural Village near Cu Chi, the facility lets you grow traditional Vietnamese food, learn

Vin Space in District 2 has quickly made its mark as one of Vietnam’s top art workshops. With classes for all ages, it offers everything from fun kids’ activities to wine-and-painting nights for grown-ups.

traditional recipes and techniques and enjoy an

Local partnerships ensure that you’ll be well-fed

expertly prepared meal from the school’s top chefs.

with snacks from artisanal producers. 15



by Tom Owen

Outstanding Casinos in and around Ho Chi Minh City

Before I get into the nitty gritty of which casinos made it onto our list, it’s important to establish a few things about gaming in Vietnam...

The Grand Ho Tram Strip Casino

dealers, it’s the real deal. Drinks are free and plentiful, with an army of attentive and good-natured staff on hand. There’s an expansive poker room, floor-side

Phuoc Thuan, Xuyen Moc, Ba Ria Vung Tau Opening hours: 24/7 | +84 64 3788 888

restaurant and VIP area for high rollers. From the airy atmosphere and live music on

Firstly, all the games mentioned (roulette,

The Grand Ho Tram Strip Casino is a two-hour

blackjack, baccarat, poker) are electronic versions

drive by car or free shuttle bus from Ho Chi Minh

– table games with real croupiers are strictly

City. The reason I include it here is because it’s by

forbidden in Saigon.

far the best casino in the country.

There is one exception to this, the Grand Ho

Marketed as the only Las Vegas-style casino in

compensated by its style and fun factor. Whether

Tram Strip mentioned at the end of the list.

Vietnam, this luxurious gaming room lives up to its

you’re a seasoned gambler or just looking for a

Technically, it’s outside of Ho Chi Minh City and

billing. With live roulette, blackjack, baccarat and

good time, you need to book a night in the hotel

is purpose-built for Asian and Western players

hold’em poker games, complete with croupiers and

and try your luck here.

used to playing in Las Vegas and Macau. As such, the rules are a little more relaxed and there are live table games including blackjack, roulette and baccarat. You should also note that you can only gamble in US dollars, so bring some with you – the exchange rates you’ll get in the casinos from Vietnamese dong to USD are varied at best. Minimum bets start from 5 cents for slots and $10 for blackjack. In this article I’ll just be talking US Dollars to avoid confusion. It’s also essential to bring along your passport or other proof of your nationality – there are strict laws against Vietnamese citizens gambling and only foreigners are allowed to step foot in a casino. Finally, good luck and happy gaming! 16 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

weekends to the restrained (at least by casino standards) decor, this is a place you will enjoy spending time, win or lose. Standout: Its distant location is more than


Palazzo Club


and blackjack. VIPs get some spectacular perks: free food from Park Hyatt’s fine dining restaurant,

80 Dong Du, D1 | Opening hours: 24/7 | +84 8 3824 7576

The Palazzo’s staff are certainly efficient: a free bottle of water was brought to my seat before I had a chance to put any money into a machine. Most of the casinos in Ho Chi Minh City have

the ability to set a minimum at a table and more. Standout: Definitely the service and the abundant jackpots. You can’t ignore the free food and drinks.

Chat Slots Gaming Center

a membership programme, although they are sometimes hesitant, even reluctant, to offer

New World Hotel | 76 Le Lai, D1

it to tourists. Seasoned gamblers know these

Opening hours: 24/7 | +84 8 3824 3760

memberships rarely pay off, with players losing

Also known as the International Tourist Club,

far more than they gain back, but the Palazzo

this is a great spot for social gamers – the roulette

Club (inside the Sheraton Saigon) is a refreshing

tables have a minimum bet of 50 cents and there

exception, with rewards for players who accrue

are free drinks (although the floor staff will skirt

as few as 50 points (the equivalent of $750 in

around you unless you purposefully flag one

bets). Slots players can get to 50 points simply

down to make an order). Another bonus is that

by betting $250 over the course of an evening.

with a full minute between spins of the roulette

The downside of this is that there are no free alcoholic drinks and you’ll have to pay for meals. There’s a special area reserved for Gold and Platinum members (my membership is a lowly Bronze), with higher table limits and more attentive staff. If you want in, you’ll have to bet big: only members with 20,000 points (or $300,000 worth of blackjack hands or roulette spins) in a single month qualify to upgrade. Standout: The Palazzo Club offers some of the friendliest service I’ve received in a Ho Chi Minh City casino.

Monte Carlo Saigon Club

wheel you won’t find yourself deep in a hole before your first Johnny Walker appears. This is one of the more spacious casinos in Ho Chi Minh City, with ample room dedicated to slots. What’s nice about the way things are arranged is that the constant chirruping of slot machines is far enough away to act as background noise, rather than the main soundtrack to your evening. The attendants at the blackjack tables are friendly and professional, and at $10 this is as cheap as you’ll find in a downtown casino in Ho Chi Minh City. You can also try your luck at baccarat. Standout: This was the only casino I visited offering video poker, with a $300 minimum buy-in to sit. The game is Texas Hold’em only, though.

101 Hai Ba Trung, D1 | Opening hours: 24/7 | +84 8 3914 0777

Under the same ownership (and in the same

Club Royale

building) as the Park Hyatt Saigon, this fourfloor casino reflects the Hyatt’s knack for refined service, making it one of the more inviting casinos in the city. It’s not as roomy as some gaming centres in Ho Chi Minh City; the multi-floor layout feels quite cosy. The space is full of games like Western and FaFaFa slots, baccarat, blackjack and roulette. Unfortunately, there’s no pokert, though Monte Carlo Saigon Club makes up for this with free beverages and free dining for all loyalty members. The accommodating atmosphere doesn’t end with just freebies: the staff is helpful and will explain any questions you may have about the

1 Ngo Duc Ke, D1 | Opening hours: 24/7 | +84 8 3822 1888

The luxurious gold and black decor of Club Royale sets it apart from the competition, while the speed and efficiency with which you’re provided with a membership card makes it possible to start collecting loyalty points as soon as you begin playing. Note that there’s a separate entrance to Club Royale, so you can’t access it from the main Renaissance Riverside reception. Free drinks are available as you play, with a long list of teas, coffee, soft drinks, beer, wine or spirits.

games or the current jackpot. Staff members speak

Standout: The Club Royale membership

English, Korean and Chinese. The minimums are

programme offers some the best benefits if you’re

reasonable: two cents for slots (10 cents for the VIP

only visiting the city. You need to accrue 3,000

slots); 50 cents for roulette; and $50 for baccarat

points in a calendar month to get $50 back. 17



by Keith Hancock

Game Day in Saigon by MariusTakesPictures

The Buddha Bar and Grill 7 Thao Dien, D2 | +84 8 3744 2080 | 2 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily

The Buddha Bar is one of the best bars in the city, full stop. It should be my favourite in which to watch my football, but the staff never prioritise sport. Two good pool tables create a great atmosphere on pool nights. Plenty of TVs and two big screens. It has great music nights on as well, which is all well and good, but takes away from the sports bar ranking. Good quality bar snacks and a craft beer bar, sets up a good evening.

Game On 115 Ho Tung Mau, D1 | +84 8 6251 9898 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day except 8 a.m. to midnight on Sundays

Saigon is blessed with excellent bars in which to play pub games and watch your favourite sports teams. here are some of our favourite sports bars in HCMC. What makes a really great sports bar? For me, it is the ability of staff to recognise the needs of the customer, put those needs first and create that really special atmosphere for playing pub sports, watching your favourite team and enjoying good beer.

Dtwo Sportspub

town. Game On gets huge crowds in for the big 55-57 Thao Dien, Thao Dien, D2 | +84 8 3519 4138

games, but again, it can get annoyingly loud in

10 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day except 10 a.m. to midnight on Sundays

here even when there’s hardly anyone in. With

This is probably the busiest sports bar in

a little more thought paid to turning the sound

District 2 these days, thanks in no small part

down, this would be one of the best for me. It is,

to the terrific Sunday roast deals and the new

however, still excellent, with two good pool tables

management, who prioritise sports. This is a

for those wishing to play.

great place to watch any sport, especially English Premier League football, F1 racing, Rugby and Aussie rules football. They have plenty of good quality TV screens and excellent meals and bar

We are blessed in Ho Chi Minh City with many

snacks. There is also a pool table for those who

great venues to choose from. Whilst nowhere is

prefer to play rather than watch. Overall, a terrific,

perfect, these are my favourites:

family-friendly sports bar.

Orient Bar

This is an extremely popular bar in the centre of

The White House

Phatty’s Sports Bar & Grill 46-48 Ton That Thiep, D1 | +84 8 3821 0796 8 a.m. to midnight daily

One of the oldest established bars in the city, Phatty’s has been serving cold ones and showing games for years. Acoustically challenged and packed more often than not, it is always extremely loud. But the atmosphere cranks up a treat for the

Add: 24 Ngo Van Nam, D1 | +84 123 821 7125 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. daily

Again, this bar suffers from the staff preferring music to sport. I have been in here to watch a match when the only clientele were there for the football (I know, because I asked). Still the staff would not turn the music off. Shame, because it’s

Nguyen U Di, Hem So 4, Thao Dien, D2

big Aussie Rules footie games. Excellent food and

4 p.m. to midnight daily | +84 8 6681 3023

ice cold beers are the norm here.

The White House is the new kid on the block for sports and plenty more. With one pool table downstairs, two superb competition-quality pool

Harry Casual

tables upstairs, darts, TV and a huge projection screen, this is one of the best in the city. The comfy

R1-49 Hung Gia 3, D7 | +84 16 6231 6000

sofas in front of the big screen are like watching

The best sports bar in D7 without a doubt. There

Besides the fact that it has the best TVs in town

the game from home, only with better service and

are three great pool tables, top pool teams, friendly

(great for watching football, cricket and rugby),

lovely bar snacks. A truly classy venue, beautiful

locals, a great alfresco area and TVs behind the

it’s central location makes it a convenient place

grounds and a swimming pool to boot. The recent

bar for watching sports (there is a strong rugby

to meet friends from all over the city. Plus, it has

addition of no less than eight craft beers are a

focus). The South African management run the

good food as well.

big plus.

bar superbly and serve food all day.

my favourite place to watch, when they get it right.

18 | iamhcmc.com/gazette



May I Have This Dance? Ho Chi Minh City has many options for dancers to choose from: swing dancing, salsa, ballroom and more. Here are some of the best places to go to sway to the beat. Dust off your tap shoes, because Saigon is a city that loves to dance. Whether you’re a fan of a good waltz or some salsa, a tap dance or ’30s swing, there are dozens of places that will let you groove in style. Take a look at these top places to dance in Ho Chi Minh City and let the Lindy Hops begin. Cuba la Casa Del Mojito

Improve Your Skills XSalsa is another prime option. This District

bet is at some of Saigon’s parks. While it’s hard

Do you want to take up dancing in your spare

3 studio at 28 Ngo Thoi Nhiem offers free salsa

to know for sure when you’ll encounter the waltz

time? No problem! Dance studios are incredibly

and bachata classes and is headed by Luong Thien

on your morning walk, your best bet is during the

welcoming and a great way to connect with new

Chuong, hailed as one of the best male salsa

mornings and evenings, especially on weekends.

people – locals as well as expats.

dancers in the city. Luong’s passion for the craft

Check Gia Dinh (Hoang Minh Giam, Tan Binh

is evident: over 11 years, XSalsa has expanded to


If you’re not sure what dance to choose, why not try out a few? SaigonDance has got you covered.

three studios around Ho Chi Minh City.

Le Van Tam (Vo Thi Sau, D1) and Le Thi Rieng (Truong Son, D10) parks in particular. While it’s not a sure thing, chances are

This dance studio in District 3 (94-96 Duong So 2)

However, if you’re just looking for a dance night,

offers dance classes as diverse as Bollywood, jazz,

why not check some of these cafes? Le

hip hop and even the exotic art of pole dancing.

Soleil (44 Ly Tu Trong, D1) holds a salsa night

While these options should keep you grooving for

DanceSpace Vietnam

every Wednesday. You’ll find salsa and bachata

a while, they’re far from the only dance venues

(51 Xa Lo Ha Noi, Thao Dien, D2). If you’re

at the Cuba

la Casa Del Mojito (91 Pasteur,

Saigon has to offer. With a little planning (and a

looking for something a little more traditional,

D1) on Mondays and Thursdays, respectively,

lot of energy), you can easily find a spot to dance

this is the place for you. Besides ballet, salsa and

and every Tuesday you can dance at the ZFloor

the night away every day of the week.

hip hop, DanceSpace Vietnam is also one of the

(2 Ho Xuan Huong, D3). Ole!

Also be sure to check


you’ll get some fresh air along with the foxtrot.

only studios that teaches traditional Vietnamese

Swing Time

folk dancing.

Dancing the Night Away

If you’re more into the 1920s spirit, the Saigon

Swing Cats have got your back. Without a While dance studios can be great to improve your

doubt, the Saigon Swing Cats are the people to

skills, sometimes you just want something fun to

talk to if swing is your thing. Join the club and

do on date night. Good thing Saigon’s myriad

then head to Cafe Molinari (5 Le Duan, D1) for

cafes, bars and dance groups host dozens of weekly

a basic swing class on Wednesdays after 8:30pm

dance nights.

(remember to bring VND 75,000 to get in) to find

As far as dancing goes, salsa is the caliente king of Saigon. You can feel the heat in several places around the city. If you don’t know your milonga from your bachata and want to connect to a

your groove. Also be sure to check

La Fenetre

Soleil on Sundays from 7-9 p.m. for a second dose of (free!) swing, whether you’re hip on the Lindy Hop, Charleston or Balboa.

La Salsa

Of course, how could we not mention ballroom

on 212 Nguyen Dinh Chieu in District 3. This

dancing? These elegant moves have had a long

group provides social salsa classes every night of

history in Vietnam, and its popularity continues

the week – no need to bring a partner.

to this day. If you’re on the lookout, your best

salsa-centric group, be sure to check




by Kristian Goodchild & Zoe Osborne

Feel the Beat: Your Live Music Guide Whether you’re a lover of jazz, hard rock, or open mics, Saigon after-hours has a plethora of musical possibilities. As a city that never sleeps, Vietnam’s commercial

saves the venue from being another generic live

centre and one of Southeast Asia’s top backpacker

music entry, and the cosy atmosphere and low

hotspots, it’s no wonder that Ho Chi Minh City is

seating is the perfect setting to crowd around some

home to such a diverse range of music venues and

of their energetic acts.

artsy people. No matter what your nighttime music scene is, the city has something for everyone. Here are some of our top recommendations.

Sax’n’Art 28 Le Loi, D1 | +84 8 3822 8472

Catwalk 76 Le Lai, D1 | +84 8 3824 3760

Catwalk is a top karaoke venue, nightclub and live music joint rolled into one.

by Shadow Traveller

If jazz is your weakness, and if a room with red

A classy city venue, this popular spot is frequented

wine, good people and cosy low lighting is your

by businessmen and high-end revellers of Saigon

idea of a soothing evening, then the Sax’n’Art Jazz

society. Catwalk houses 14 private karaoke

Club is definitely your kind of place. Come and tap

rooms, a spacious dance floor, and a stage for the

along to the local band jamming on saxophonist

club’s Cuban and Vietnamese bands performing

Tran Manh Tuan’s charts (a fusion of contemporary

international hits, who play with the skill of

jazz and traditional Vietnamese music), and get

passionate musicians devoted to their craft.

soulful with classics from the legendary Charlie

Hard Rock Cafe Kumho Asiana Plaza | 39 Le Duan, D1 | +84 8 6291 7595

Ho Chi Minh City’s successful outlet of this wellknown international chain is a favourite among expats and locals, and is our recommended go-to if you crave a hearty Western meal and

Parker to jazz icon Sonny Rollins.


Acoustic Bar

13-15-17 Dong Khoi, D1 | +84 8 3822 5554

plays nightly, along with occasional local and

The luxurious Maxim’s Club has been a highlight

international guest artists.

a well-mixed house cocktail. Think burger and chips and a bottle of iced lager. A resident band

6E Ngo Thoi Nhiem, D3 | +84 8 3930 7627

of Saigon’s after-hours scene since it opened in

Dimly lit, tastefully decorated and with enough

1925. It is a popular spot for Saigon’s elites, and

instrumentation to power half an orchestra,

a live music favourite where the wealthy dance

Acoustic takes its sound very seriously – although

the night away in glittering heels. There’s a variety

it is a shame that this sound usually consists of

of musical genres from the sultry tango to the

quality top-40 covers. The talent that plays here

energetic rumba.

Saigon Ranger 5/7 Nguyen Sieu, D1 | +84 94 192 4388

Following a recent revamp, this once-legendary rock venue is now almost exclusively an EDM joint: dubstep, techno and house have all but replaced the punk, rock and hardcore shows that made Saigon Ranger what it was. However, if you keep your ears to the ground and wait for the right night, you might still get a chance to catch one of Saigon’s heavier acts that embody the soul of Saigon’s underground music scene.

YOKO 22A Nguyen Thi Dieu, D3 | +84 8 3933 0577

Founded nearly two decades ago, YOKO is one Maxim’s

20 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

of Saigon’s most respected and established live



music venues. This is a place for musicians to meet, perform and share their creative ideas. Most evenings artists put their own twists on classic songs, but other nights YOKO plays host to some unique international artists.

La Fenetre Soleil 44 Ly Tu Trong, D1 | +84 8 3824 5994

With an eclectic mix of genres set in a gloriously quaint, post-colonial restaurant, La Fenetre Soleil oozes class. Jazz, soul, relaxed piano covers and blues bands are the staple here, but the venue occasionally plays host to punk, indie and rap nights. The atmosphere is generally relaxed, subdued and agreeable, and the crowd is varied

place will delight you. The appetisers are huge, so

With a broad and eclectic variety of musicians

and warm.

if you want a quick snack with your cosmopolitan,

performing every week, and superbly crafted theme

the bar snacks are well worth a look.

nights, special events and chill-out parties, Indika

Purple Jade


Chic, romantic and cosy, Purple Jade is one of the quieter music venues. If you want somewhere to sip an expertly crafted cocktail while enjoying the occasional saxophone or piano performance, this

creative scene. The Sunday afternoon sessions in particular are well worth checking out.

InterContinental Asiana Saigon | +84 8 3520 9999 Hai Ba Trung and Le Duan Boulevard, D1

has become the hangout of choice for Saigon’s hip

56A Bui Thi Xuan, D1 | +84 8 3925 5258

Top quality cover bands and a polished atmosphere

Rooftop Garden Bar

make MZ a hot live music venue. This is very much a party venue, and the music befits the purpose.

Rex Hotel, 141 Nguyen Hue, D1 | +84 8 3829 2185

The drinks are expensive and rumours of bar

Sporting a live band almost every day of the week,

girl scams abound, but the staff are generally

the historic rooftop that once served as the base

welcoming and accommodating and the wine list

for war correspondents during the American War

is well-curated. Worth a visit on a special occasion.

is now a tourist and resident hotspot featuring


some stellar drinks and entertainment. Mostly catering to the older demographic, the

43 Nguyen Van Giai, D1 | +84 122 399 4260

various bands play rock, flamenco, jazz and Latin

One of Saigon’s newer venues, Indika is a

songs to a cheerful crowd that occasionally stands

delightfully weird bar/restaurant experience.

up to sway with the musicians.




by Keith Hancock

Pick Your Poison: A Guide to HCMC’s Speciality Bar Scene Bitter With added Angostura bitters, it has a lovely freshness and just a hint of bitterness.

Peach and Strawberry Served with superb fresh fruit and an amazing hit of strawberry goodness, this one is very popular with the ladies.

Raspberry This is quite simply an explosion of fresh raspberry flavour. Plus, the mint is well-balanced and the rum provides just the right hit.

Mangojito My favourite fruit. I was worried that this might disappoint, but thankfully it absolutely did not. This has such a fantastic blend of flavours; nothing Level 23 Nightspot and Wine Bar

The speciality bars in Saigon cover a whole range of styles, drinks and cigars. They are a superb addition to the city’s nightlife and here we list some of the best. In addition to the wealth of craft beer bars, sports

Towers, the open-air section of this bar offers

bars, girlie bars, outside drinking dens and beer

wonderful views over the famous Nguyen Hue

clubs, Ho Chi Minh City plays host to a superb

promenade. It’s a light, airy space with opulent

array of speciality bars.

decor and lovely lighting. The extensive wine list

These are the bars that have captured people’s hearts for serving up speciality drinks or offering something a little bit different. Always more upscale, these bars and restaurants cater to many of the more well-heeled expats in town and the ever-increasing Vietnamese middle class, who like to work hard and play hard. While some are in high-end hotels, some call high-rise towers home and others are in smaller, quirkier venues. They all have one thing in common, though – they truly excel.

Level 23 Nightspot and Wine Bar Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers | 88 Dong Khoi, D1 +84 8 3827 2828 | 12 p.m. to 12 a.m.

holds such delights as Penfolds and Koonunga Hill Riesling. Aged six months in oak barrels, the Altos De Plata from the Argentinian border near Chile has a delightfully fresh, full taste. The Nederburg is a superb South African Shiraz with rich chocolatey notes, firmly suited to accompany a good cigar. The Chilean Casillero Del Diablo Pinot Noir is supremely smokey – a very good wine. However, this 23rd storey treat reaches new levels with the new Iconic Mojitos. Eight superb flavours grace the menu, leaving guests with the enviable task of choosing the right one for their palate. They are all wonderful:


Situated on the 23rd floor at the top of the

Bursts with citrus and rum flavours and just the

prestigious 5-star Sheraton Saigon Hotel &

right amount of mint.

22 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

dominates and all shine through.

Spicy A punch of chilli and a kick of alcohol – what a combination!

Passion Fruit If you like passion fruit you will love this. I was quite surprised at how well this iconic tropical fruit lends itself to the classic Cuban drink.

Bubble A classic mojito completed with one part sparkling wine, this one creeps up on you. It’s strong on alcohol and flavour. Better yet, groups can indulge in XXL versions of these superb Mojitos: they come in a classic ice bucket with a number of straws to suit the group. A special mention has to be made of the molecular cocktails that will make an entrance in 2017. Look out for the fabulous bubble-fuelled gin and tonic!



Sorae Restaurant Lounge 24th and 25th Floors, AB Tower, 76A Le Lai Street, D1 +84 8 3827 2372 | Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner & Lounge: 5:30 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Well known as a top Japanese restaurant, Sorae has been carving out a niche and drawing a loyal clientele to its two-floor venue for over two years. The sushi here is arguably the best in the city. However, not quite as well-known is the fact that it houses four beautiful speciality bars at the same time: whisky, wine, sake and beer are all superbly Sorae

represented at four separate stations: sake and beer on the 24th floor, wine and whisky on the 25th.

The Champagne Corner

The Saigon Cigar Club

The whisky menu is well done, covering single malt scotches and Japanese and American classics. They

The Caravelle Hotel | 19 Cong Truong Lam Son, D1 +84 8 3823 4999 | 7 a.m. to midnight

24th Floor, AB Tower, 76 Le Lai, D1

have chosen wisely to bring a balance of styles

+84 90 242 6976 | 5 p.m. to 1 a.m.

and flavours to their patrons. Stroll across the

The Champagne Corner is on the ground floor of

As one would expect from a bar that is situated

the 5-star Caravelle Hotel, on the corner adjacent

on the 24th floor of one of the city’s prestigious

to the Opera House. The large window facing Dong

towers, The Saigon Cigar Club is somewhat

Khoi has bubbles constantly running through it

exclusive. Large comfortable leather seats, rich

to represent, of course, the bubbly. Contracted to

woodwork, subdued lighting and soft lounge music

Moët & Chandon and renewing their relationship

is the order of the day at The Saigon Cigar Club.

next year, this is a lovely high-class corner of the

Offering spectacular views of the west side of the

downstairs area. The live lounge music creates a

city, the floor-to-ceiling windows are a huge plus.

lovely ambiance and a truly delightful space in which to enjoy a glass of champagne for breakfast,

mezzanine level from the whisky bar and the vibe in the wine bar is younger and more vibrant. This is a fun environment, with large windows looking out over three aspects of the city. Soft house music provides a cool ambiance and the cellar is incredibly well-stocked. For sake connoisseurs, Sorae has a superb variety to choose from at their bar. Unlike the other bars, you don’t take a seat – it’s more of a serving station for Sorae’s diners.

Skewers Restaurant

lunch, after work or into the evening. Cafe De L’Opera is the main bar here with

9 Thai Van Lung, D1 | +84 8 3822 4798

Tapas Kitchen serving classic Spanish food with

11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

a Vietnamese twist. In the Champagne Corner,

Skewers has been in operation for 16 years, opening

though, each glass is served with a complimentary

in July 2000. The kitchen prepares Mediterranean

small plate of exquisite food: smoked salmon with

comfort food and the restaurant creates a very

potatoes and caviar, oysters, and anything else that

warm atmosphere. The lovely decor is augmented

the chef feels like creating.

by creative lighting and a very good wine list: it carries approximately 200 labels and has been

Just a little more than an amuse-bouche, it is always the perfect accompaniment to the main

With the air of an old colonial gentleman’s club,

attraction – the champagne. The well-thought-out

This is a wonderful addition to the speciality bars

drinks menu has eight different champagnes

of Ho Chi Minh City. After two-and-a-half years

and six champagne cocktails. This was the first

at this location, it’s now firmly established in the

champagne bar in the city, and it shows in the fact

city. The club’s own house cigars are hand-rolled

that they have completely nailed it.

in-house by a Cuban woman who used to work at the Cohiba factory, rolling some of the most respected cigars in the world. All other cigars are imported from Cuba, including vintage cigars which have been aged for at least 10 years. This is serious cigar territory.

listed in Wine Spectator. It is, however, the terrific scotch list that catches the eye. This must be the largest collection of single malts in the city, with more than 50 bottles of the golden drop. Any bar that stocks Auchentoshan Three Wood is more than alright by me. Bruichladdich Octomore is another serious contender, a peaty Islay malt that you will not find every day. In addition to the restaurant on Thai Van Lung, Skewers also operates the Saigon Single Malt Club at its sister restaurant, The Elbow Room

Members can rent their own humidor at the club

on Pasteur. This meeting takes place on the third

to ensure perfect conditions, whilst being linked

Thursday of each month and has been running

to Sorae ensures superb drinks and food.

for over a decade. 23



by Keith Hancock

Whiskey & Wares 196 De Tham, Cau Ong Lanh, D1 | +84 163 279 4179 4:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. (soon to start opening earlier)

I simply love this place, which is nothing more than a small hole in the wall just over the road from Pham Ngu Lao – it just rocks. The name comes from the fact that it sells whisky, artwork, trinkets and the like. The atmosphere is one of friendship and fun. An eclectic clientele by Roman Poed

are making this their local spot, and while the bar serves a few of the city’s finest craft beers, it is the 30 or so top-drawer whiskies that capture the heart. The owner and bartender, Derek, is a superb host and is building something really special here. The bar has started moving into the cocktail market, and how! These are not your usual cocktails, with Cilantro Coco (weird and truly wonderful) and Lemongrass Collins popping out of the menu. It is, however, the whiskies that truly make this place.

Cuba la Casa del Mojito 91 Pasteur, Ben Nghe, D1 | +84 8 3822 7099 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. daily

Cuba la Casa del Mojito creates an immediate impact from the second you walk in and the joyous Latin music greets your ears – I loved it! There are dance classes twice a week (salsa on Mondays and bachata on Thursdays), when they remove the tables and create a great space for people to learn.

Auchentoshan Three Wood, that wonderful 12-year-old Speyside The Balvenie DoubleWood,

Their classic mojito is one of the best I’ve ever had:

Macallan and 16-year-old Lagavulin sit happily

it included a superb hit of three-year-old Havana

on the shelves alongside the top Japanese bottles

Club rum, which gave it a terrific balance: it had

of Hibiki and Yamazaki. Knob Creek, the superb

just the right amount of mint, and the perfect splash

Maker’s Mark and the celebrated Woodford

of soda to make it that much more refreshing.

Reserve (I really don’t get the popularity of this)

And let’s not forget about the Canchanchara, a

represent the bourbons, while the reliable Jameson

truly amazing mix of Brugal Anejo dark rum from

occupies the Irish contingent. This bar is one of

the Dominican Republic, which they mixed with

the great hidden gems of Saigon.

honey and lime. Wow!

The first Cuban chef in Vietnam has created a wonderfully authentic menu of traditional and modern takes on incredible Cuban food. These are great party plates to share with friends – superb tapas and a-la-carte mains. The best part is, this restaurant really does have the feel of Cuba, from the food to the drinks to the perfectly designed ambience. The clientele is probably split 50-50 between locals and expats, except for the dance nights, when the locals really come into their own. Seating is comfortable, too. It has plush bar stools and high tables near the door, which change to restaurant tables as you move through the bar. This gorgeous space ends with luxurious Chesterfields, where you can really camp out for a night with some goood drinks, good food and good company. This is a very well thought-out concept, and one of my favourites.

Cuba la Casa del Mojito

24 | iamhcmc.com/gazette


Le Padam - Cheese & Wine Bar


The award-winning bartender has crafted 13 gin-infused house cocktails for your indulgence, and is ready to pour you one of their 24 stocked

230 Nguyen Van Huong, D2 | +84 9 0704 6281 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. (closed Tuesdays)

gins, including some true rarities to Vietnam like Ungava from Canada and Larios 12 from Spain.

The concept here is of a French wine bar from

To add to this assortment, 18 gin infusions are

cities like Paris or Lyon, where people can gather

on hand for you to experiment with, including

to drink a bottle of wine and eat a plate of cheese

flavours like lavender and butterfly pea, and lemon

before going to a restaurant. As often happens in

sorbet and cardamom.

France, one wine leads to another and eventually the restaurant gets forgotten in a pleasant mist. The ambience and the space is reminiscent of a French country town shop. The decor and indeed the toilets are quirky, and this bar does not take itself too seriously: it has fun and coerces the clientele to do the same. With large chalkboards advertising the deals, a minimalist approach to everything and friendly faces to welcome you, it is a worthy addition to the District 2 bar scene. All the cheeses are imported by the bar directly from

Aperitivo Bar

France and all the bread is baked in-house. The wines are all bought in Vietnam and, surprisingly, there are more Spanish choices than French. The top seller is an elegant, velvety Hacienda Rioja.

80 Xuan Thuy, D2 | +84 9 0862 4070 9 a.m. till late (closed Mondays)

The Italian owner, Attilio, has created a classic here. This is unlike anything else in the city, really.

The Gin House 28/3A Ton That Tung, D1 +84 9 1951 3264 | 5 p.m. to 4 a.m.

This is a really nice, small venue in a typical old Vietnamese side street. Its location provides it with a certain degree of exotic anonymity, and I have to say, I like it.

Starting out as a single shop unit, its success soon saw its size double. This is a bar that offers great gins, whiskies and wines to the expat-heavy clientele. It has a great ambience – laid-back and very continental. The food is exceptional, including a terrific panini and other Mediterranean goodies. Gins include such delights as The Botanist, Hendrick’s and my own personal favourite, Monkey 47. Aperitivo is

A small, well-stocked bar with about 10 bar

a great place to grab a snack during the day, and

stools, half a dozen high tables and one low table

it draws a great crowd in the evenings and into the

provide the Gin House’s locals with a good choice

night. Simply put, this bar has quickly developed

of seating.

into a firm favourite among the locals. 25


entertainment featureS

by Aleksandr Smechovr

Saigon Nightclub Mix With such a dazzling array of nightlife choices in Saigon, it can be difficult to decide where you and your friends will throw your hat. Do you want outrageously loud techno? Cheaper prices with twice as much crowd? Rest assured, there’s a club in Ho Chi Minh City just waiting to give you a night to remember.




Is exclusivity your game? You can dash up one of two staircases to a tables-and-sofas-only area,

2 Ly Tu Trong, D1 | +84 8 3910 4199 | facebook.com/lushsaigon | 8 p.m. to late VND100,000 during ladies nights & special events EDM, Hip-Hop, Top 40 Mixed Crowd

Apocalypse Now

Medium Volume

Mediocre Toilets

OK English

While not the oldest in this list, Lush remains the quintessential nightspot in Ho Chi Minh City. Maybe some venues have flashier light systems or higher decibel levels, but none come as close to the true definition of a club as this multi-room, sensory-pleasing fundome. You are presented with three paths as you step through the wide-open metal doors. Stray off to the right to enter the underground-inspired room, full of grinning hipsters, drunk expats and croptopped, sweatpants-ed Vietnamese hip-hop girls swinging wildly to the beat. Do you want a shower of bass and party-hard dancers pumping the night away? Enter through the central doors and into the main arena, with a large central bar working hard to meet the demands of the patrons. 26 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

where your group of merry sinners can down a

2B Thi Sach, D1 | +84 8 3825 6124

bottle or five while enjoying an aerial view of the

facebook.com/apocalypsenowsaigon | 7 p.m. to 4 a.m.

main arena below.

Entry Fee Varies EDM, Top 40 Downstair, Latin, Hip Hop Mixed Crowd

With badass anime women and other eclectic art dousing the walls, a maze of LEDed areas each presenting a different personality, and laid-back management, Lush is one for the ages. Go there.

Mediocre Toilets

High Volume

OK English

The seedy grandaddy of the nightlife scene, Apo has been getting people wasted and wild for 25 years now, thanks in no small part to its shameless approach to the carnal desires of the after-hours crowd that haunts its presence.


entertainment FEATURES

You have the downstairs area, with a nice little

avoids the grungy feelings of Apo in favour of

that note, the bathrooms have plenty of stalls and

garden area to the side where people go off to

refined hard partying. Live performances are

are kept immaculate.

make phone calls or chat, and the underworld

sensuous, fun, crazy and definitely flesh out the

of an arena. Everyone swarms around the raised

already-sleek atmosphere that just oozes cool.

DJ booth towards the end, leaving some legroom throughout the rest of the floor.

Canalis Club

Observatory 5 Nguyen Tat Thanh, D4 | +84 8 3925 9415 facebook.com/theobservatoryhcmc | 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Unfortunately, it is lined with ladies of the night

Free Entrance Before 11 a.m. VND150,000 After

beckoning patrons with soft touches or cliched

147 Hai Ba Trung, D1 | +84 16 6839 3969


phrases. Upstairs is better, with a wide range of

facebook.com/canalisclub.vn | 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Mediocre Toilets

theme nights rotating every month. The music here

Free Entrance


Vietnamese Crowd

Poor English

fun domains that put the downstairs house-light

Loud, intense, and very Vietnamese, this hyperbolic

tracklist to utter shame.

laser-fest is as Vina-house as you can get. Limited

jumping to ear-banging bass, head down towards the DJ booth, otherwise you’ll feel rightly comfortable shaking your thing in the more tasteful upstairs area.

Foreigner Crowd

Good English

Very High Volume

Clean Toilets

dips into hip hop, Latin, electronica and other

For those who like the feel of sweaty crowds

Medium Volume

dancing room, pricy tables and a suspended DJ cage with live dancers make this quite a spectacle, but little more than that. Volume is deafening to the point of texting your table friends. But if aesthetic raa-raa is for you, Canalis is all the lights, technics and cool effects you can ask for.

An expat-heavy, grungy, dark nightspot in District 4, this is a staple among the English-speaking community. More of a den than a flashy club, it waves a dirty finger at everything mainstream and instead opts to blast eclectic electronica other clubs wouldn’t touch, often featuring famous underground DJs. The small, cramped dancefloor is streaked with the shadows of tokers, hipsters, drunk travellers and the Viet hip-hop crowd, who dance with no


Spark Nightclub

13th Floor, President Place Building, 93 Nguyen Du, D1

107 Pasteur, D1 | +84 96 999 1199

+84 93 800 7529 | facebook.com/playsaigon | 9:30 p.m. to 3 a.m.

facebook.com/sparknightclub | 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

Free Entrance Refined Crowd

EDM, Electronic Clean Toilets

High Volume Good English

Entrance Fee Varies

EDM, Dance, Hip Hop

High Volume

Mixed Crowd

Clean Toilets

Good English

The club-subset of Glow Skybar, this posh little

reservations. This is the antithesis of see-and-beseen and if that’s your thing, throw on a ragged t-shirt and some Levis and head on over to the Observatory to stomp to some strange electronic music. As we see Ho Chi Minh City grow each year, nightlife is definitely one thing that grows with it. Gone are the days when drinking meant

pleasure den packs some serious volume. Leave

Previously the Iris Lounge, Spark has a welcome-

red stools, watery drinks and Tiger beers. But

your after-work conversations for the rooftop bar

everybody vibe with cushy seats, enough legroom

even better than the undeniable quality of these

and gather your friends around one of the plush

to walk around and groove, and crisp, pumping

bars is the variety of the entertainment each one

lounge seating areas for a night of miming and

music supported by trippy visuals from the screen

of them offers. Don’t worry about cookie-cutter

serious dancing. With stellar service for paying

behind the dancefloor. A fast-service bar is very

dance clubs in this city. Visit each one and be

patrons and a crowd to fit the budget, this one

willing to aid you with some liquid courage; on

prepared to get swept away.




by Aleksandr Smechov

Live the Adventure: A New Way to Play in the City During our trial, a team of six from #iAMHCMC chose to enter Exodus, the most difficult of the rooms, where we played the role of slaves escaping the harsh conditions of Egyptian rule. The puzzles started off simple, then quickly progressed to challenging levels. The room was very well-designed: noise and touch sensors, automatic doors, lasers and hidden ceiling compartments all made the game quite immersive, integrating the puzzles into the story seamlessly. As far as team-building goes, this is a great way to go about

If you and your colleagues are looking for a good way to spend an evening, how about an live-action game? Just pick your adventure and enjoy the ride. You and your co-workers are brought out into

interrogation skills, as CSI and similar Ubiquest

a room with a TV. A moderator switches on the

games involve confronting live witnesses.

screen and an image of your boss appears, held hostage in an unknown location. Your mission: save him. Of course, it’s just a game. Live adventure has seen a marked increase in popularity lately. While Ubiquest stands apart for its uniquely immersive concept, quality escape room games like Lost HCMC Station have been popping up in shopping centres all over the city. Here’s a look at what’s on offer:

Ubiquest | ubi-quest.com

City that does not adhere to the “escape” concept, Ubiquest is a large-scale, cinematic experience for corporate clients looking to engage 100-200 employees in real-world action. From exploring the 1960s-era tunnels underneath the Reunification Palace to cruising on speedboats, this is an experience like no other. Founder Nicolas Plesse plays the gamemaster for all corporate events, guiding co-workers on one of 15 professionally organised adventures.

skills – managers take note. The themed puzzles involved various elements of ancient Egypt and the Hebrew language, periodspecific artefacts, hieroglyphics and, at one point,

Another corporate favourite is Saigon Quest,

shouting a chant for a full 30 seconds. There were

where physical and logical skills are put to the test

both English and Vietnamese language instructions

in order to find the location of an electronic safe.

and riddles, so our multinational team was able to

The adventure includes everything from eating

coordinate smoothly. If there is one escape game

scorpions to a market race and wall climbing.

to try in Saigon, it’s Lost HCMC Station.

A great side benefit of these games is that

Escape Room

teamworking, management and other professional abilities can be evaluated by Nicolas and his team, and the results later relayed to the executives.

Lost HCMC Station

5th Floor, Crescent Mall, Nguyen Van Linh, D7 escaperoom.com/ho-chi-minh | +84 8 5413 8341 / +84 8 5413 8342

You enter a blood-splattered space with limbs strewn about; a deranged psychopath has kidnapped you have 45 minutes to find a way

43 Street No.8, Binh An W, D2 | +84 8 6654 1430

The only live adventure game in Ho Chi Minh

testing cooperation, logic and problem-solving

VivoCity | Unit No. 03-02C, 1058 Nguyen Van Linh, D7 lostvn.com | +84 8 3771 0333

Patricia Lo, director of the Vietnam branch of this highly successful escape game, has developed quite a treat for puzzle-lovers and roleplayers. Lost HCMC Station is the best among the rising number of escape games, thanks to sizeable

out before his return. From carrying around sacks of dead bodies to listening to eerie recordings, the room embraces its concept well. It does rely a bit too much on finding combinations for locks, but otherwise this is a fun escape game.

Let Me Out

investment, clever puzzles, genuine teamworkbased solutions, high production values and

Lottemart Phu Tho | 968 Street 3/2 (corner of Le Dai Hanh and

enthusiastic gamemasters. Originating in Hong

Ba Thang Hai), D11 | letmeout.vn | +84 93 231 2712

Kong, the game’s success allowed it to spread to

A good 25 minutes from the city centre, Let Me

Singapore, Canada and several other countries.

Out is housed in a District 11 Lottemart. Although

One of the more popular games is CSI. Employees

only three rooms are offered, Let Me Out’s strength

go out on a murder investigation, finding drugs

It may be a bit hard to find on VivoCity’s third

is atmosphere. It does its themes justice in rooms

in rooms, coordinating chauffeured cars, piecing

floor. When you see Wall Street English at one

like Tunnel Escape, where your team (a group of

together evidence and identifying the killer.

end of the floor, head right to a further corner to

miners) is trapped underground with no food or

Players also have to be ready to show off their

locate Lost.

water, with oxygen quickly running out.

28 | iamhcmc.com/gazette



Pexiga Viet Vape: A Vaper’s Haven in HCMC Quitting smoking can be one of the hardest things you do, but fortunately Pexiga Viet Vape is here to help. Come here for the e-cigarettes, but stay for the community! Quitting smoking is certainly one of the most common New Year’s resolutions across the globe. If you are one of the world’s current 1 billion smokers, here’s a sad statistic – only 6% of people who attempt to quit smoking actually succeed. Enter the age of the e-cigarette, also called the

57 Phan Dinh Phung, Phu Nhuan District | +84 93 333 5588 | facebook.com/pexigahcm | pexiga.business@gmail.com

vaporiser or simply “vape” for short – the latest craze of cigarette cessation equipment that has created its own sub-culture.

Helping You Get There

Palette-full of Flavours

testaments to Pexiga Viet Vape is that they Viet Vape is not a store that encourages customers to “purchase and get out”. Many customers relax

Making the decision to quit smoking is one of the hardest things a person may ever do, and it can feel like a lonely journey. So when a friend recommended Pexiga Viet Vape in Phu Nhuan District, I decided to give it a shot. This store and coffee shop was established in 2011 and has been consistently growing thanks to its outstanding customer service and huge range of products. With a heart full of motivation and a head empty of any knowledge about e-cigarettes, I took a deep breath and entered Viet Vape’s Coffee. I instantly found myself in a relaxed cafe, where people sat in groups chatting and laughing together. I looked around and saw the attentive workers on-hand and ready to offer product samples and answer any questions. The staff could sense my naivety and bewilderment at the e-juice and accessories

Besides their quality products, one of the great

there for hours, meeting new people who share their common interest. While I was initially only interested in tobacco flavours, after trying some of the new store flavours, my eyes were opened to why 15% of Viet Vape’s customers are people who have never smoked and actually use e-juice with no nicotine whatsoever. One of my favourite flavours turned out to be Cuttwood Boss Reserve, a mixture of peanut butter, honey and banana. Never in a million years did I think I would enjoy something like this, but you never know until you try. Pexiga Viet Vape currently offers a range of 100+ e-juice flavours from leading U.S. and Malaysian brands such as Naked, Kilo, BLAQ, Nasty Juice, Fcukin’ Flava and Moo E-Liquids. All of the products sold in-store are sourced directly from the manufacturer.

genuinely care about the success of their customers who want to quit smoking. They told me that over 50 customers who smoked 40 or more strong cigarettes a day are now totally smoke free after making the switch to vaping.

After Sales Service All devices from Pexiga Viet Vape come with a six-month manufacturer’s warranty. Pexiga goes one step further by offering a free replacement for any faulty devices within three months of purchase, along with a total of 15 months of free repair and replacement of faulty parts. This shows you their commitment to customer satisfaction and their confidence in their products. With new locations opening in 2017 in D2 and D1, Saigon’s vaper community is set to continue growing.


displayed before me. They put me at ease by asking if I would like a complimentary drink,

Exclusively for readers of #iAMHCMC, Pexiga

how I was doing and what I was looking for

Viet Vape offers a special deal that includes the

in the store. I told them honestly that I had

choice of one vape device (eGo ONE V2, Aspire

recently quit smoking, and within seconds the

PockeX or the Wismec Motiv) and a choice of any

staff had lined up three of the “beginner” models,

Malaysian e-juice for only VND899,000. Simply

explaining the pros and cons of each. After a few

mention “#iAMHCMC” at the shop to get the deal.

minutes, we came to the conclusion that the eGo ONE V2 model would be the best way forward,

You can receive a free membership card with any purchase over

and after trying it out I agreed.

chase for a 10% total discount.

VND1 million. Membership cards can be used from the second pur-



FOOD Review

by Keely Burkey & Patrick Gaveau

A Dinner with Culinary Masters

The second Dinner de Chef took place at Romeo & Juliet, the Italian restaurant at the Reverie Saigon hotel, where diners discussed Vietnam’s changing food scene.

Saigon, who were lucky enough to experience these

the oven, the diners opened their bags and were

dishes first-hand at #iAMHCMC’s second Dinner

greeted with the heavenly aromas and tastes of

de Chef, an ambitious and delicious project sussing

the sea.

out the best culinary delights Ho Chi Minh City has to offer.

We all know that Romeo and Juliet, although set in Verona, was written by the very British William

from Italy, Chef Giovanni is something of a

Old Flavours, New Twists

Shakespeare. The Romeo & Juliet we’re talking about, however, couldn’t be more Italian. This restaurant, taking the name of the famous lovelorn duo, is the setting for another great romance, but this one is set entirely on the plate. Nestled underneath the 5-star Reverie Hotel (Level B1, 57-69F Dong Khoi Street, District 1), Romeo & Juliet makes the most of its auspicious location.

While the cortoccio was a traditional representation

At Romeo & Juliet, it’s obvious that taste is not the only sense Executive Chef Giovanni Parrella’s team is concerned about. Here it was about immersing all your senses, from the lounge and the elegant Venetian-inspired interiors, to the heavenly aromas emanating from every dish. Case in point: the cortoccio. Made with squid ink tagliolini and the freshest seafood at the local markets, the pasta

This fact was certainly driven home for some of

was cooked al dente and mixed with the seafood

the most well-known chefs and gastronomes in

in individual paper bags. After 10 minutes in

renegade. One of his goals when he opened Romeo & Juliet was not only to make beautiful Italian food, but to rethink it. He quickly learned that this wouldn’t be the easiest thing to do in Saigon. For Chef Giovanni, this lesson was learned with the ossobuco, the dinner’s fourth course. He told his guests,

“I chose this dish in particular because I got a lot of complaints about it [in the restaurant]. I got so many, I had to take it off the menu.” When he presented his take on the ossobuco – traditionally a slow-cooked beef shank served on the bone – the differences were immediately obvious. The beef here was shredded, and the bone marrow was carefully extracted and crusted with breadcrumbs. That night the new take on the old Northern Italian dish was well received, so much so that he’s now considering putting it back on the regular menu. I sincerely hope he does so. And now the tiramisu, a dish made right at the table. Donald Berger, the Chef Patron of Don’s Bistro in Hanoi (16 Lane 27 Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho, Hanoi) in particular was enthralled by the concept:

30 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

FOOD review

“I have tiramisu in my restaurant, and I chill it for three hours. This one was completely novel. I would have never thought of it!” To start, the chef mixed a pasteurised egg (no risk of salmonella here) with a few other magic ingredients in a CO2 cartridge – a siphon, if you want to get technical – to make the mascarpone mousse. Add the espresso-drenched lady fingers and a sprinkling of locally sourced cocoa powder, and you’ve got yourself a beautiful dessert. The star of the show, however, was undoubtedly the second course: the onion soup. Although it sounds humble, rest assured, this was no ordinary onion soup – it came straight from the memories of Chef Giovanni, who reminisced, “I remember it from the wintertime, when I would go to my grandmother’s house. She had this big pan with crushed charcoal that she used to heat the house. Grandma would take the onion wrapped with aluminum foil and toss it in the ash and leave it there all night.” In the morning, Grandma Parrella would peel off the aluminum foil, core the cooked onion, and use the insides to make the onion soup. Once the soup was ready, she would use the outer onion as the soup bowl. And this is exactly what Chef Giovanni did for Dinner de Chef. Of course, he did update it: to give

Pairs that Belong Together


meringue, pastries and candied citrus peel, it made for a good start to the dinner.

While this food was extraordinary, not to discuss the wine would be like leaving out Juliet in

The New Tastemakers

Shakespeare’s ultimate love story. For dishes as exquisite as these, only a true expert could be trusted with the job. Good thing Mirko Traini, sommelier extraordinaire from Rubyred (206 Nguyen Van Huong, D2), was up to the challenge. For example, to best suit the delicate onion soup, he chose the Ciù Ciù Merlettaie Offida D.O.C.G. Pecorino. Grown on the slopes of Piceno Apennines, not far from where Mirko himself grew up (“I’m particularly proud of it,” he beamed), this Pecorino was fermented in medium-sized barrels and aged for six months. It proved soft, fresh and completely agreeable. With only 5,000 units of the wine produced a year, this was truly a special moment of the night. The sparkling jewel of the dinner was, fittingly, a sparkling wine, the 2010 Bellavista Alma Gran Cuvee Franciacorta Rose. Even with a table full of

The conversation was just as scintillating as the dishes. Among the myriad topics discussed, everyone agreed that Vietnam, and especially Saigon, was in a period of deep culinary change. Chef Giovanni said he felt this change intensely. “When we opened in 2014, we went through a difficult time,” he told everyone. “Everybody only knew pizza and pasta. We started educating people.” Since then, he’s seen his business at Romeo & Juliet increase 30-fold. Donald Berger, who has lived and worked in Vietnam for 17 years, agreed.

“The culinary scene has changed an awful lot. There’s more quality now, more ingredients. Vietnamese customers are more accepting, and they’re quite sophisticated,” he mused.

gourmands, this wine surprised all. Anna Barcela, the Director of Food and Beverage of the Reverie

When asked what changes he expected to see in

Saigon, couldn’t believe the wine was Italian.

the future, he responded, “Probably a lean towards organic and sustainable food. You’re starting to see

“It tasted like a French champagne to me,” she gushed. “I was so surprised. I love champagne; I drink it all the time. I actually ordered six bottles of it from my wine supplier after the dinner.”

it that high-class touch, Chef Giovanni served this masterpiece on a bed of rock salt and accompanied

There’s a good reason why it’s so similar to

it with a slice of 24-month aged Parma ham. But

champagne: Bellavista uses the method of

don’t get your hopes up when you visit Romeo &

traditional champagne preparation, but with

Juliet yourself: this is a dish Chef Giovanni served

Italian grapes. With a creamy, almost crunchy

specially for these lucky diners.

sensation that embraces hints of sweet, ripe fruit,

a lot of that now, but not much. You’ll probably see that in the future, especially when it comes to beef and seafood.” But the question remains: in a country that has valued traditional styles of cooking for so long, is it possible that the restaurant industry is moving too fast? The diners at Dinner de Chef, for their part, remain optimistic. Patrick Gaveau, the CEO of Innovo JSC, went further. “It’s important for chefs to go to dinners like these, too,” he said.

Romeo & Juliet | Level B1, 57-69F Dong Khoi, D1 | +84 8 3823 6688 | Dress code: Smart casual or business attire. No children under 12

“When a chef goes to a restaurant, he goes there with a purpose. He goes there to discover something. Because a chef needs to analyse everything to see if there’s something he can learn. That’s the job of the chef.” In Vietnam, whose restaurant scene has undergone tremendous change very quickly, chefs and patrons are learning from each other. However, if the future of Saigon’s restaurant scene includes more places like Romeo & Juliet, it has some exciting meals in store. 31



by Frank B. Edwards

Soul Man: Mark Bell Fine-Tunes Saigon’s Music Classes dance troupe known as The Young Lyricist, whose members serve as inspirational ambassadors of the arts for young Vietnamese. Mark understands the rewards of musical success as well as the sacrifices parents make for their families. The youngest of six children whose father worked three jobs, Mark was allowed to take piano lessons after a neighbour realised he was teaching himself music by replicating her young daughter’s weekly lessons. During a summer job cutting grass at a famous Catholic institution near his village home, he met a Jesuit brother who taught him to play the church’s classic pipe organ. A few years later, at age 16, he smpaa.edu.vn

We visit SOUL Music and Performing Arts Academy, where children and adults learn the arts of music and dance on evenings and weekends.

became the organist at Canada’s famous National Martyrs’ Shrine in Huronia – and its director of music, a position he held through high school and university. At 24, Mark was made executive coordinator of music for Pope John Paul II’s visit to bless the shrine. Part of his job was to amass

Six days a week, Canadian educator Mark Bell

Now in its fifth year, the Soul Academy is the

a 700-voice choir for the visit that attracted a

rides a scooter to District 3’s SOUL Music &

brainchild of 33-year-old Thanh Bui, an Australian-

congregation of 70,000.

Performing Arts Academy (SMPAA), determined

born Vietnamese pop star who moved his musical

to change the course of music lessons in HCMC.

career to HCMC in 2010. A natural teacher with

His strategy is simple: teach children to play music by winning their hearts instead of rapping

no formal training, Thanh recruited Mark to strengthen the teaching credentials of his academy.

Later, Mark filled his spare time as a church organist, where he directed community and church choirs in Toronto, and studied to become a teacher before becoming a principal. Today his

their knuckles. Midway through his first year as

They met by chance at District 7’s Canadian

passion is teaching children to sing and SMPAA is

principal of the revolutionary music school, the

International School, where Mark was the

giving him the chance to work directly with young

56-year-old church organist, choral leader and

elementary principal. Having arrived early to speak

singers again. He and Thanh are influencing a new

passionate teacher is excited about his mission to

at a rhinoceros conservation rally, Thanh was

style of popular music by moving students away

shape a new generation of Vietnamese musicians

invited to wait in Mark’s office. It didn’t take long

from the popular Korean sound that has saturated

by teaching them in a softer and friendlier fashion.

for Thanh to discover his host’s passion for music

the country.

He calls his courtyard campus at 214-216 Pasteur an oasis for children where they can study music and dance in a way that will inspire them throughout their lives. There are no teacher tantrums here, and the only raised voices heard are those lifted in song.

“While we’re teaching music and the arts, we’re also developing a generation with a different outlook and way of being,” he says. “Yes, we’re informal but (also) formative. It’s about celebrating where you are and where you can be.” Mark Bell 32 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

education. Meanwhile, Mark learned of his young

on as full-time principal of the academy.

“We’re training people who want to be professional musical performers in this country,” Mark says. “And maybe do it in a different way... we are definitely rooted in Vietnam and Vietnamese culture.” - Mark Bell

Today, SMPAA has about 600 students from age

Taking a visitor on a tour of the Soul Academy,

four to adult, studying voice, instrumental music

Mark points out the encouraging slogans and

and dance in the evenings and weekends. While

quotes that adorn the walls. He pauses at a neon

much of the curriculum is contemporary, classical

sign that spells out “Soul Live Project”.

visitor’s pop-star status when the students went ballistic as Thanh entered the school auditorium. Months later, Mark agreed to run an educational training course for the musicians Thanh had recruited as SMPAA teachers, and later signed

training is also offered. Students wanting a taste of public performance can audition for a number of enrichment programs, including a popular

“That’s what it’s about,” he muses. “It’s all about soul.” - Mark Bell

by Dr. Mason Cobb

HEALTH feature


Unraveling Vietnam’s Health Myths When you’re travelling to a new country, health concerns should always be the priority. Dr. Mason Cobb unravels some of the prominent health myths in Vietnam. Most of us find visiting or living in Vietnam

prepare food at home, you are unlikely to contract

Likewise, some still think that prophylactic

fascinating and somewhat exotic – we start out

parasites. If you are an adventurous eater of street

ciprofloxacin is needed to prevent “Delhi belly”

as strangers and listen to all the advice we can.

food or go off the beaten track for meals, taking

diarrhea from the water – this is really not

However, the “Bamboo Telegraph” has many

albendazole or other relatively nontoxic worm

necessary. Just use good judgment.

truths and many myths. This applies particularly

medicine (anthelmintic) every six months is not

well to healthcare. Here are some myths and some

a bad idea.

truths about taking care of yourself and your

Myth: Acute life-threatening emergencies are not Myth: You need more vaccines handled quickly. than a dog in a bat cave.

Myth: Zika virus is a horrible epidemic in Vietnam.

family in Vietnam.

There have been a few cases and the disease is endemic to Vietnam. That said, it seems to be contained and unusual. However, protection

This is unfortunately true. Medically, effective

against mosquito bites, especially if pregnant, is

Yes, there are some vaccines that are helpful,

treatment for stroke or a heart attack must occur

good advice. If you have had sexual relations with

such as Hepatitis A and B. You and your family

within 90 minutes of the onset of symptoms.

someone who might have Zika, take precautions

should have all the basic vaccinations, no matter

Unfortunately, even in the private sector, just

when interacting with others who may be pregnant.

where you live. These include pneumococcus,

the wallet biopsy may require that much time.

If you contract a fever, general fatigue, a headache,

diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, measles-mumps-

Frankly, if you have brittle diabetes, uncontrolled

and develop a rash, you should get tested.

rubella, varicella, Hib, flu, HPV, polio, shingles,

high blood pressure, or a history of ongoing heart

and meningococcus.

disease or stroke, you need to think carefully about

However, unless you’re a veterinarian (or going on patrols in the jungle), you do not need a rabies vaccination. Your kids need to know to report any animal bites and then the series of post-event vaccinations can be safely done on a case-by-case

a prolonged stay in Vietnam. If you are generally healthy of heart and nervous system, however, Vietnam is a great place to be.

Myth: The water can kill you.


Myth: Any food is suspect, so look out for worms and toxins. Get dewormed every 6 months. Again, mostly false, although Vietnam’s wonderful fruits and veggies have unknown insecticides

Myth: Dengue fever is a huge problem. This one is a true. Dengue is a problem. There were 64 deaths in a recent year, though out of about 95 million people, so it’s not a major source of mortality. Regardless, the disease incidence should

A wise man once said, “the best lie is 99% true”. Yes, you can get all manner of pestilence from the water. No, it is not unsafe in major cities for things like showering and brushing your teeth.

give you concern. If you develop a high fever and purple bruising, be sure to seek help immediately.

Restaurants rarely serve unsafe water and the old

The “bamboo telegraph” mythology is long and

practice of selling tap water in fancy bottles has

colourful. Hopefully some of this health advice

gone the way of the armies of men peeing on

will be of some use in this beautiful and generally

the walls.

safe country.

and fertilizers, and “organic” may only mean “more expensive”. While there are many aspects of healthcare in Vietnam that may not be at the standard of your home country, Vietnam is a world leader in public health. Now the Ministry of Health has made a great push for food safety. If this is at their usual standard for public health measures, our food will be even safer. That said, if you are mostly in the cities, eat at restaurants with good reputations and carefully 33


travel REVIEW

by Jamie Gregory

Novotel Phu Quoc Resort

Read our candid review on our stunning experience at the recently 5-star rated Novotel Phu Quoc Resort, located right by the island’s famous Long Beach. I was lucky enough to be invited to the Novotel

time in sampling some of the freshest squid, shrimp

Phu Quoc Resort for a media familiarisation,

and scallops I have tasted in Vietnam. I’m not a

and can truly say that it was an unforgettable

big lunch eater, and diligently restricted myself


to a frugal three plates. My favourites were the

At the airport arrivals hall we were greeted by the Novotel shuttle bus for the 9 km journey to the resort.

seafood curry, Hungarian potato salad, seafood pasta and the refreshing variety of salads.

Pina Coladas by the Pool

It now being lunchtime, the group was told

by the pool, I think I may have not left the room for the rest of the stay. The suite featured a separate living room, standing bathtub, rainfall shower and a double-sized balcony with spectacular views over the pool, surrounding villas and all the way to the Long Beach area. The design of the resort aims to maintain the feel of a traditional Phu Quoc fishing village, with the smallest beachfront buildings being the One Bedroom Villas with private pool that resemble traditional fishing huts. Away from the beach, the buildings become progressively larger until

that we would be having lunch after a quick

After a satisfying lunch, we were given an

freshen-up. It’s the little things that make a big

opportunity to relax and enjoy the resort’s

difference, so the complimentary fruit platter

facilities. First stop for me was a quick retreat

On my way to the beach, I passed the spa and

with personalised welcome message and bag

to my room to get some work done. I was lucky

decided to grab a nice cold drink at the beach

with some local specialities provided a sense of

enough to have been given a Superior Suite on

bar to enjoy while sunbathing. There I noticed the

personal service for such a large resort. After a

the third floor. If it wasn’t for the sun shining in a

fantastic range of homemade ice creams for only

quick rainfall shower and change of clothes it was

cloudless-sky and the temptation of a pina colada

VND40,000 per scoop. Being adventurous with

time to come to grips with what else the Novotel Phu Quoc Resort had to offer.

First Culinary Impressions Seated at a lovely pool-view table in the all-day dining restaurant, Food Exchange, it was time for the indulgence to begin. Food Exchange offers an extensive buffet selection as well as an a la carte menu. There were many stations around the restaurant serving Western, Asian and Vietnamese fare, with the famous Phu Quoc seafood featured in many of them. As a seafood lover, I wasted little 34 | iamhcmc.com/gazette

you reach the main building housing 366 rooms.

travel REVIEW

ice cream flavours, I tried the blackcurrant and

served a scoop of the homemade vanilla ice cream

Phu Quoc pepper. It first gave the tongue a kick of

served on a bed of honey-drizzled mango and a

the hot pepper, then instantly soothed by the cold

master-crafted sugar tuile, which again sparked

blackcurrant creaminess. Perched on a lounger

the table back into conversation.


under the merciful shade of a well-manicured palm tree, I enjoyed a few hours of swimming, relaxing and reading – an idyllic afternoon.

A Sunset to Remember

Champagne Breakfast The following morning, we received an a la carte champagne breakfast back at the Phu Quoc Seafood Restaurant. Not being one for morning

As the sun began to set, we were lured to the

alcohol, I started the day with my routine ca phe

beach-bar area by the enchanting melody of the

sua da while enjoying the fresh fruit platter.

in-house band that performs six nights a week. We were treated to some simple yet delicious Vietnamese-inspired canapés to accompany a few glasses of wine whilst watching one of the most spectacular sunsets I have ever seen.

Seafood Sampler

A Sunday breakfast in a 5-star hotel on Phu Quoc is always a treat and this was no different. After considering a few options, I settled for one of my favourites (which, no matter how hard I try, I have never been able to perfect at home): eggs Benedict. Being from Scotland, my preferred accompaniment

Duong Bao Hamlet, Duong To Commune, Phu Quoc

would have been smoked salmon, but sadly I was

h9770@accor.com | +84 7 7626 0999 | www.novotel.com/PhuQuoc

informed that it was not available. An alternative That night we would be dining al fresco at the

offer of smoked ham turned out to be a more than

they felt ticklish and made me giggle like a little

beautiful Phu Quoc Seafood Restaurant. Sampling

suitable substitute.

schoolgirl; even the therapist, Ms. Huong, had a

the island’s best catch is obligatory for any selfrespecting seafood-lover. We were each given a cold, refreshing towel scented with lemongrass and ginger, which truly awakened the senses.

As most of the group were booked on earlyafternoon return flights, the hotel organised a

Some people might feel the prices here are high

whistle-stop tour of Ho Quoc Pagoda and the

compared to their normal VND250,000 massage

famous Phu Quoc Market.

in a local Ho Chi Minh City spa, but you cannot

For starters, we were silver-served a tangy salad followed by a smooth and creamy lobster bisque. After selecting our items from the a la carte menu, they were exquisitely presented on a sharing platter. Shrimp, squid, scallops, whole crab and cobia (also known as black salmon) were all on offer, but my hands almost subconsciously reached first for the Oysters Kilpatrick, which didn’t disappoint.

chuckle to herself.

compare hamburgers with Kobe beef. Novotel

Massage After two strenuous days of relaxing, sunbathing, wining and dining, it was now time to relieve those niggling aches and pains with a rejuvenating massage at the hotel spa. I decided to go for the sports massage and a facial. The massage was

A very relaxed and conversation-filled meal

exactly what the doctor ordered: firm, focused and

ensued, enjoyed at a leisurely pace with some of

just the right amount of time spent on each area.

the group beginning to fall into a siesta in the large,

This was my first ever facial, and I couldn’t stop

comfy chairs. To round off the evening, we were

laughing when the products were being applied:

Phu Quoc Resort has searched far and wide to employ only the most highly skilled professionals. My masseur at the spa, Mr. Quy, has 15 years’ experience in the industry and was hired from Saigon. My therapist has six years’ experience and relocated from Binh Thuan. For me, anything to do with your body and well-being should focus on quality over price. I’m sure we’ve all heard about someone’s horror massage that left them walking like the hunchback of Notre Dame.

What Could be Improved With an unobstructed view of the sky and ocean, my room enjoyed the sun non-stop from dawn till dusk. Even with the A/C on maximum setting and net curtains drawn to block direct sunlight, it felt too warm. However, when the sun relented on the second day, so did this small issue. On the first night of our stay, the hotel was hosting four corporatefunction events entailing a gala-dinner and musical entertainment, which can be a bit noisy if you are in relaxation mode. 35

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