17:45 Uhr
Seite 38**sag16 **SAG16:Users:sag16:Documents:Awards 05_06 :
Global Holcim Award Gold
Just upgrade it! Marius Leutenegger
The three architects of Proyectos Arqui 5 in Caracas are giving the residents of San Rafael-Unido not only new streets, public stairs, and squares for social interchange – but also the reassurance that their neighborhoods are worth preserving in spite of the poverty and crime.
Fate smiled upon Venezuela. With a favorable climate, the country between the Andes and Caribbean coast is exceptionally fertile. The land has oil reserves that rank among the largest in the world. And the capital of Title of project Principal authors Regional Award
Upgrading San Rafael-Unido, urban integration project,
Venezuela, Caracas, is also blessed with
Caracas, Venezuela
outstanding conditions; it lies in a
Silvia Soonets with Isabel Cecilia Pocaterra, and Maria Ines
beautiful, elongated valley flanked by
Pocaterra, Proyectos Arqui 5 CA, Caracas, Venezuela
densely wooded hillsides. Nature
This project was previously conferred the Holcim Award
flourishes here, and a constant breeze
Bronze in the region Latin America. See page 122
provides natural cooling.