Avigail Gordon Portfolio

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DESIGN Design Alive Mini Course

design • marketing




Design is not just what it looks like

and feels



Design is how it work


- Steve Jobs, 2003


I’m a freelance graphic artist and this is some of my recent work. I trained at the Design Alive School of Arts and have worked in the field long enough to master it,


not long enough to turn stale. My goal is simple: to market you in the most refreshing, aesthetic way.


Project Logo Design and Identity Set Description Keeping with the modern simplicity of avant-garde furniture store competitors, the logo was designed with a unique Table and Chair look. Using the preferred colors of the furniture store, the identity set too, reflects the goal of fresh design. The motto of Welcome Home completes the inviting, chic identity.

Table and Chair Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci

Table & Chair

Steven M. Walker Sales Manager 2526 Warrington Los Altos, CA 94022 t 650.232.6556 f 650.898.7667 tableandchair.com

Project Description

Brochure Design This brochure personifies the enchanting world of little ballerinas. The soft, feminine hues enhance the dreamy ambiance. The brochure remains neatly organized and uncluttered for an easy read.

Creativity is to think more efficiently - Pierre Reverdy

Project Photoshop Book Description The photos were all created exclusively for this book. Every page exhibits various mastered photo-editing skills. The simple page layout does not detract from the photos and creates a smooth flow throughout the book.

The Ten Plagues Concept and design by


The Ten Plagues 1

The second plague of Egypt was frogs; alternatively they were alligators (see Talmud Kesuboth). God commanded Moses to tell Aaron to stretch his staff over the water, and hordes of frogs came and overran Egypt. Pharaoh’s sorcerers were also able to duplicate this plague with their magic. However, since they were unable to remove it, Pharaoh was forced to grant permission for the Israelites to leave so that Moses would agree to remove the frogs. To prove that the plague was actually a divine punishment, Moses let Pharaoh choose the time that it would end. Pharaoh chose the following day, and all the frogs died the next

The fifth plague of Egypt was an epidemic disease which exterminated the Egyptian livestock; that is, horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep and goats. The

day. Nevertheless, Pharaoh rescinded his permission, and the Israelites stayed in Egypt.

Israelites’ cattle were unharmed. Once again, Pharaoh made no concessions.


pestilence 7

The eighth plague of Egypt was locusts. Moses again came to Pharaoh and warned him of the impending plague of locusts. Pharaoh’s officials begged him to let the Israelites go but he was still unwilling to give in. He proposed a compromise: the Israelite men would be allowed to go, while women, children and livestock would remain in Egypt. Moses repeated God’s demand that every last person and animal should go, but Pharaoh refused. God then had Aaron stretch his staff over Egypt, and a wind picked up from the east. The wind continued until the following day, when it brought a locust swarm. The swarm covered the sky, casting a shadow over Egypt. It consumed all the remaining Egyptian crops, leaving no tree or plant standing. Pharaoh again asked Moses to remove this plague and promised to allow all the Israelites to worship God in the desert. As promised, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not allow the Israelites to leave.


The Ten Plagues The following is a summary of the Biblical account of the plagues which is found in chapters 7-12 of Exodus.

The first plague was blood. God instructed Moses to tell Aaron to extend his staff over the river Nile; all of its water turned into blood. As a result of the blood,

Moses and Aaron approached Pharaoh, and delivered

the fish of the Nile died, filling Egypt with an awful stench. Other water resources used by the Egyptians were turned to blood as well (7:19). Pharaoh’s sorcerers demonstrated that they too could turn water to blood, and Pharaoh therefore made no concession

God’s demand that the Israelite slaves be allowed to leave Egypt for the purpose of observing a holiday of worship and prayer for their God. After an initial refusal by Pharaoh, God sent Moses and Aaron back to show him a miraculous sign of warning - Aaron’s staff turned into a serpent. Pharaoh’s sorcerers, using trickery, also turned their staffs into snakes, but Aaron’s serpent turns back into a staff after swallowing the staffs of the magicians.

to Moses’ demands.




The sixth plague of Egypt was shkhin. The Shkhin was a kind of skin disease, usually translated as “boils”. God commanded Moses and Aaron to each take two handfuls of soot from a furnace, which Moses scattered skyward in Pharaoh’s presence. The soot induced festering Shkhin eruptions on Egyptian men and livestock. The Egyptian sorcerers were afflicted along with everyone else, and were unable to heal themselves, much less the rest of Egypt.




God instructed Moses to stretch his hand over Egypt, and this brought a plague of complete and utter darkness, which lasted for three days. This was an unnatural darkness, and was tangible. However, there was light where the Israelites lived. After the plague subsided, Pharaoh summoned Moses, and again tried to bargain with him: he offered to let all the Israelites go out to the wilderness, but required them to leave their livestock in Egypt. Moses refused this condition, and implied that before long, Pharaoh himself would offer to provide the sacrifices, as long as the Israelites would leave. This outraged Pharaoh, and he threatened Moses with death.

darkness 19


Design is creativity with strategy. - Rob Curedale

Project Independant Project Description The simple tone of the label complements the product’s untouched nature. The trademark WHOLE w-leaf is an integral part of the label design, making the drink recognizably unique.

ĂŚ looking forward to

DESIGN working together.


Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated. - Paul Rand

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