P ackaging Design Graphic Design Portfolio
Brief: Create a packaging design for Dancing Water Speakers Solution: Using vibrant colours and a swirl design, this packaging design expresses dynamic movement and excitement and displays the brightness of the product inside.
Liora Jude lunki@drjude.co.za +2783-539-7076
Brief: Create a design for a CD called Reflections
CD Cover Design
Solution: Muted blue hues create a calming and silent image which give one pause to reflect. The image of a wintry scene reflected in an icy river portrays the essence of the title.
Logo Designs
Corporate Identity Brief: Create a Corporate Identity Package for Anthill Debt Collectors including: Logo, Business card, Letterhead Solution: Black and red are solid colours imbuing confidence in the company. Anthill is a company that embodies the fusion traditional values with modern capabilities.
Corporate Identity Brief: Create a corporate identity package for Hypnosis Solution: Hypnosis is a funky clothing shop and also a hangout for youth. Fiery colours and funky font create the impression of a funky, stylish store with a young look, suited especially for teenagers.
Corporate Identity
SparkleIt is a business that specialises in rhinestones. They have many different ready-made designs & also do custom designs for individual customers. Designs are varied & very bright, colourful & sparkly.
Sparkle Customised Rhinestone Designs
Sparkle Customised Rhinestone Designs
Directors: Minki Braun; Julian Braun
The colourful swirl for the logo created out of dots embody the character of the company and what they produce. The colours used are bright and vibrant to give the impression of sparkly rhinestones. The font used is professional and classy, but still fun and energetic. The dot of the ‘i’ in the logo for the business card is the exact size of a 2mm rhinestone, because the owner wanted to place an actual crysatl rhinestone there.
Sparkle Customised Rhinestone Designs
Sparkle Customised Rhinestone Designs g
Julian Braun Manager
Customised rhinestone designs on... just about anything!
info@sparkleit.co.za xyx 072-216-9457
Customised Rhinestone Designs
Minki Braun Director
info@sparkleit.co.za xyx 072-216-9457
Sparkle Customised Rhinestone Designs
Baby Blankets
Siddur Covers
Challah Covers
Table Cloths
info@sparkleit.co.za xyx 072-216-9457
Colour Exercise
Stationery set designed using the monochromatic, analogous and complementary colour palettes
Colour Composition
T ypographic Patterns
Patterns created for LetraSet font company using different letters in different fonts and manipulating them in fun and interesting ways to form unique typographical patterns. This exercise enables one to view letters not just as text, but as distinctive design features.
T ypography Exercise
Using any letters in different fonts, these letters were cropped in interesting ways to direct our focus towards the unique graphic elements of the letters.
Words designed typographically and visually depicting their meaning
Word Art
Brochure Design
Brochure Design
A dynamic, fun brochure design for the printing company called Dynamic Printers. The bright, vibrant colours show off the company’s printing capabilities. The fun design portrays the name and essence of the company and gives the impression of movement and energy and being modern and exciting.
Book Covers
Two variations of a book cover design for the book Beneath the Surface. The book is a novel about families and complex personalities and about seeing that there is much more than what meets the eye. You need to look beneath the surface to discover and recognize the depth that exists.
Book Covers
Ambiance is a family coffee shop and restaurant. Warm colours and delicious looking coffee make the menu look inviting.
Menu Design
China House is a gourmet restaurant with a modern outlook and warm Chinese atmosphere. The menu design reflects the high class, fancy ambience with gold and black sharp, smart colours and luxurious red fabric in the background. The Chinese landscape on the front and the Chinese flag in the background bring out the unique Chinese flavour.
Brief: Create a public awareness campaign against speeding and reckless driving. Solution: This ad campaign is necessarily hard-hitting, using morbid, graphic images and connecting them to reckless driving. This forces viewers to face human mortality and vulnerability and recognise that they have the power to protect themselves and prevent casualties and fatalities caused by reckless driving.
Advertising Campaign
Magazine Design
Various magazine spreads created for the magazine ‘Inside’
Magazine Design
Packaging Design / Illustrator Exercise
Design for a game box created using only Adobe Illustrator.
Packaging Design
Brief: Create a packaging design for Dancing Water Speakers Solution: Using vibrant colours and a swirl design, this packaging design expresses dynamic movement and excitement and displays the brightness of the product inside. Distributed by PL Innovations
Packaging Design
Packaging Design
Brief: B Br ie ef: f Cre Create reate e labels la abe b ls for a ser series erie r es of w wines in ness c called alled d Vintag Vintage ge
Every job is a self-portrait of person did So Solution: olu uti tion o : Ol on Old d the grun gr grungy un ngy iimages mage gess gi ge g give ivve e an effe ef effect ffe f who ct o off vint vintage tag age e wi w with th h it... different diffferent colours di colo our urs fo for or di d different ffferen entt types tty ypes of wines wines. s.
Autograph your work with excellence. (Vince Lombardi)
Thank you for viewing my portfolio Liora Jude lunki@drjude.co.za +2783-539-7076