(Empathetic) design as everyday theatre

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(Empa&c) design as everyday theatre Thomas Binder, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design

(Co-­‐) design: mutual engagements with the possible

Who are ’the elderly’ to be ’empowered’ and why they are so reluctant to be called forward without a name

Empa&c engagement or the happening of the social

The mundane as precious yet invisible – or why Margrethe will not dance

Codesign: Things in the making Prototyping the possible: From workers to users to ci&zens

Design Labs: rehearsing the future

Staging collabora&ve ’encounters’

What is fact as municipal officers, waste collectors and designers meet?

Evoking inhabitable landscapes

Transforming glitches and ’soP spots’ into opening ques&ons like: what if waste collectors were the heroes of recycling?

What if…..

Enac&ng the possible as actuality

Rehearsing possible futures on site enacts agency collabora&vely without ’brace&ng’ commitments

Making it real…


Codesign)outcomes)as) things)experien&ally) made)public)rather)than) as)’problems)solved’.)


Senior Interaction: Seniors re-discovering playfulness in public parks

IMPACT: Seniors meeting in a public park every second week for common play: ‘we do not call it work-out but we are tired afterwards’

SCALING UP: The municipality educates ambassadors and extends support for playfull communities among seniors to the whole city.

From)design)space) to)landscapes)within)reach)

The)possible)as)agency) becoming)within)reach.) )–)or)how)KeVy)joined)in)as) she)could)see)how)’it)is)all) already)here’)

From)prototyping)to)) things)of)concern)

A)set)of)crocket)clubs)give)shape) and)materiality)to)the)playfulness) of)a)community),)not)as) technology)but)as)invita&on)for) improvisa&on.)

From)design)par&cipa&on) to)experimental)collabora&on) The)lived)everyday)as)(playful)) enactment)of)places)already) scripted)with)meaning.)

Design)as)everyday)theatre) rehearsals)A)performances)A)reAenactments)

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