Could Siri or Alexa someday replace the role of an architect? At present, it does not sound possible. Despite the Fourth Industrial Revolution making its presence felt in almost every industry, it does not seem to have affected architecture too significantly. Yet, we feel it is merely a question of time before it does. This is what motivated the anchor feature this issue, that examines where the architect in arch tech is.
The tech theme continues with a project by X+Living, Ideas Lab, which drew inspiration from the Industrial Revolution and Information Age to design a mixed-use space for Chinese firm Powerlong Group in Shanghai. This issue continues to keep the spotlight on conservation by featuring two projects related to it. Straits Clan is the second members’ club in Singapore to open, housed within the heritage building formerly occupied by the New Majestic Hotel. In Malaysia, the iconic Datai Langkawi resort gets a makeover almost 25 years after it first opened.