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DCA / Design Crew for Architecture
The DCA agency (Design Crew for Architecture) was established in 2007, in the wake of the Euro-pan 8 competition for the site in Prague. The agency has also been able to forge substantial expe-rience in the field of reinstatement, mainly in publicly-accessible school buildings, working with public sector owners. DCA employs an architectural vocabulary with no preconceptions, driven by a pragmatic attitude, unconstrained by any dogmatic straightjacket. Projects are conceived in pursuit of overall coher-ence and a manifest quality dictated by their specific contingencies. DCA can lay claim to a disci-pline which shapes its architectural expression and permits the delivery of forms and aesthetics which are subject to a constant process of renewal. Multicultural, innovative, creative, experienced and reliable, DCA has an impeccable grasp of its function as a building contractor. The agency has been awarded a number of prizes.