Designed to Flourish September/October

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Sept/Oct 2011 FRee! Take One!

Designed to Flourish aims to inspire, encourage and uplift the women of Hampton Roads.

I have promised to rescue you from your oppression in Egypt. I will lead you to a land flowing with milk and honey. ~ Exodus 3:17 The fruit of bees is desired by all, and is equally sweet to kings and beggars and it is not only pleasing but profitable and healthful; It sweetens their mouths, cures their wounds, and conveys remedies to inward ulcers. ~ Saint Ambrose The only reason for being a bee that I know of is to make honey... And the only reason for making honey, is so as I can eat it. ~ Winnie the Pooh And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. ~ Exodus 33:14 Everyone of you who is now seeking rest in the world. Be advised, and come and seek rest in Christ. There is enough in Him and to spare. Who has tried and did not find? ~ J.C. Ryle Tart words make no friends; a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar. ~ Benjamin Franklin You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You. ~ St. Augustine Rest is the sweet sauce of labor. ~ Plutarch Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber . . . ~ William Shakespeare At early dawn the leaves of trees are found bedewed with honey . . . . Whether this is the perspiration of the sky or a sort of saliva of the stars . . . . Nevertheless it brings with it the great pleasure of its heavenly nature. ~ Pliny (AD 79)

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Editor’s Note A land flowing with milk 'n HONEY I don’t think that I’m the only “Pooh” who feels more than a wee bit contented just thinking about a tummy full of warm, delicious honey biscuits and milk, am I? Mmm, mmm, yum! You know, it seems that people have always loved honey. In fact, it was even the catalyst that caused the children of Israel to face the trials and tribulations of their exodus from Egypt.

“I have promised to rescue you from your oppression in Egypt. I will lead you to a land flowing with milk and honey, the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live” (Exodus 3:17). God was basically telling them, “I’ll give you more honey than you could ever eat. All you have to do is rise up in faith, believing that through Me you can overcome the oppressor that is the huge army of Pharaoh’s Egypt.” Great! Um, Gulp. To get the most out of this passage, it’s helpful to understand that the Old Testament is a type and shadow of the New. Paul notes that what was written before was written for our learning (Romans 15:4), and that many of the examples or situations in the Old Testament were meant to give Christians an example (1 Corinthians 10:11-13). That said, is it just me, or does risking life and limb for . . . well . . . honey . . . sound a bit, er, drastic? Even if it is tasty goodness? It only makes sense when considering what honey symbolized to the Israelites; They weren’t starving in Egypt, so that wasn’t the issue. Their problem was that they were was slaves who’d been doing hard labor for 400 long years with nothing to show for it—except the Egyptians getting fatter, lazier and more prosperous at their expense. That isn’t exactly “living the dream.” Some of us may relate to their plight, facing slavery in a spiritual sense. Bondage (physical or spiritual) stifles freedom and purpose. It causes us to labor under a heavy burden without any forward movement—toiling with no relief or benefit in sight. The Israelites

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.” (Psalm 52:8). Designed to Flourish Magazine is for Hampton Roads Christian singles, wives, moms, friends, daughters . . . women. It is for those aspiring to be all they were created to be—their most beautiful and fulfilled selves. It is for women who desire to sparkle with the light of Christ in their relationships, roles, finances, life goals, and all areas of life. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). This includes being a Proverbs 31 woman! 224 Springbrook Lane Chesapeake, VA 23320 757-348-5664 Publisher/Executive Editor Kelly Head

were parched, thirsty, and ready to drink the promise of a land of prosperity and freedom. When God said that He wanted to give

Senior Editor

them HONEY, they were ready to face whatever may lay ahold of that promise. The Israelites knew that the wild bee is a very

Cresta Shawver

industrious little creature, turning the juice of flowers into a healthy, sweet, delicious, even medicinal, substance. Essentially, the Lord was telling the Israelites (and us) that they could go from a land of slavery, to a land of freedom and rest, because those little bees would be doing the work (yippee!!). All they would have to do is scoop up the richness of the earth that would come from God above. Flowing honey meant that life would be easier, fruitful and prosperous in Caanan; they would go from being slaves and their efforts benefiting others to having God himself meet their needs. Nice trade, I’d say! Following Him meant their faith would be rewarded with the freedom and rest for which their bodies and souls ached.

Design Director Nicole Knight Graphic Design Assistant Chanelle Holloman Photographers

Did you know that Jesus gives us the same promise as believers today? We can leave behind the bondage of anxiety, fear, or other emotional slavery too! “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy

burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). We have a promise of fruitfulness, abundance and REST that is ours in Christ too. Yummy Honey! All we have to do is follow the lessons of the Israelites: Rising up in faith and obedience, being continually thankful, courageous and holy in His sight. I also want to point out that it says the land was already occupied by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, and so forth, meaning the Israelites would have to displace/ overcome them in order to fully receive their inheritance. Each of these people groups worshipped a false god; for us, those gods represent things we still need to displace in our own lives in order to have rest and receive our inheritance as well. Some of the things these gods represented included: terror (intimidation/fear of man), trafficking (greedy business practices/materialism), self-wallowing (selfishness, self-pity, ruling (love of power/control) and so on. When also must let go of our own false idols through Christ to enter into our own land of freedom. That said, this issue is really about encouraging you to enter into rest by rising up in faith to take your “land.” Allow the deliciousness of honey to remind you that the Lord has given good things just for you that don’t require any labor. With each gooey bite, ponder His promises to take care of your needs and all things concerning you. Learn to let go and allow God to move on your behalf so that you can enjoy the sweetness of life. Diligently enter into His rest—even if it requires a battle or two with the army that may be your thoughts. Ultimately, you can take those thoughts captive and have the peace, joy and freedom that He desires to give you. Oh, how sweet it is! Much Love,

Emma Addesa, Amy Messinger, Kristen Vischer and Joy Wansley Flourish Ad Design Chanelle Holloman , Victoria Moore Copyeditors Elizabeth Bergman, Belinda Elliott Contributing Writers Andie Adams, Christine Bacon, Dr. Laura Anderson-Brucato, Armeka Carter, Theresa Ceniccola, Kelly Head, Hope Jordan, Dr. Linda Mintle, Lisa Marshall, Amy Messinger, Deanne Brady Mihelich, Jennifer Miller, Vierna Naomi, Kristin Reeg, Joella Skilleter, Amy Volk and Joy Wansley Special Thanks All the wonderful supporters, advertisers and contributors. Thank you!

Designed to Flourish Magazine is published six times a year by Flourishing Media, LLC. No portion may be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The opinions of the contributing writers do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers. Flourishing Media LLC, assumes no liability for products, services or statements made by advertisers. The publishers reserve the right to refuse advertisements that do not meet the publications standards. Have your Designed to Flourish Magazine delivered for $18 annually to cover the cost of shipping & processing. Visit www.theflourishmagazine. com or email All rights reserved.

In This Issue 3

Editor’s Note: Come to the Land of Milk and HONEY


The Mompreneur: God is My Duct Tape


Joys of Style: Shopping Local Consignment Boutiques Delivers Fab Fall Fashions


Soda Pop Prayers: Confessions of a Sodaholic


Princesses Don’t Get Cancer ... do they? One princess tells her true tale.


Ten Lessons Learned Through Breast Cancer & Head Scarf Tips After Hair Loss (or for anyone desiring to be elegant, classy and glamorous alla Grace Kelly’s iconic style).

10 Mintle Heath: The Secret to Contentment & What Are You Really Hungry For? A sandwich? I think not.

Help us spread the ministry of Designed to Flourish! Please pick up extra copies and pass them along to the women in your life. Our goal is to steward the copies by getting them directly into the hands of the Christian women of Hampton Roads. Also, are we available at your church, Christian conference, Bible study or other event? We would love to be! Email We are looking for people with a heart for the Christian women of our community. We currently are looking for volunteer help with online media marketing, administration, proofreading and distribution. Come be a part of our ambassador program or an officer in our newly forming Flourishing Ladies leadership committee. Email today. Please review the writing submission guidelines prior to sending submissions at

Visit: "Like" us on Facebook: Designed to Flourish . . . find additional content and giveaways!

12 S implified Living: Oorah! Let’s unite our battle cry to find sanity in our morning school routine. 13 Smart Cents: Do you have a financial action plan, ladies? 14 Christianity In High Heels: Have you considered going high-tech to find “The One?” 15 Flourish Profiles: A Toy Typewriter & Piano Lessons at Age Seven Provided Early Clues to These Ladies Future Dreams! 16 Home: A Chance Encounter Brings Thankfulness & Is Rest Even Possible for Today’s Busy Woman? 17

Journey With the Grieving: Her friend received the visit that no parent ever wants . . . from two uniform-clad military men.

18- New Strength International Ministries: Can the praise of orphans change a nation? 20 Palette: The Art of Beekeeping. An artist’s illustrations explore the spiritual significance of the humble honeybee

22 Keeping Chickens for Eggs: A tad outside the ordinary, perhaps? But, keeping BEES to harvest honey? Our suburban homesteader found that it can be done! 23 Yummy Honey (in my tummy). Recipes for Sweet, Soft Lips & Lunchbox-Ready Honey Almond Crunch 4 |

About the Cover Artist

Joella Skilleter is predominately a selftaught artist. For many years she focused her attention on watercolors, as it suited her nomadic lifestyle. After settling in New Zealand for a number of years, she began to explore the acrylic medium. In recent years, she has developed an interest in painting during times of worship and prayer. Joella currently resides in the United States. You can explore her range of paintings at

Designed to Flourish Publisher Kelly Head will be a guest on Breakfast with Bacon 11 am to noon Friday, October 7th discussing how to overcome barriers you may find in the way of pursuing your life purpose/goals. Please call in with your questions or personal stories about your pursuit of your God-given goals at 757-622-9256 or email them ahead to You can tune in to Dr. Christine Bacon’s Breakfast with Bacon each Friday at 11 on WYRM 1110 AM or live online at


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Theresa Ceniccola

Have you noticed that duct tape comes in all kinds of fun colors now? There are an entire rainbow of colors and extraordinary patterns: camouflage, tie-dye, plaid and glow-in-the-dark. Why not? Duct tape works the same regardless of the color you choose. Plus, duct tape can solve many problems, from fixing a leaky faucet to removing a plantar wart. And anyone can use duct tape, right? So, it makes sense to choose a color you love. Most of us know the power of this super adhesive material, but we may not always have it readily available when we need it the most. I own several rolls of duct tape (even one in neon pink), but I don’t know where they are at the moment. Only Boy Scouts, engineers and the Sopranos actually carry duct tape with them at all times. If you think about it, duct tape is kind of like God. It is a powerful yet gentle source. It is a miracle worker that is able to fix both big and small problems, and it is available everywhere. And once you are introduced to duct tape, you begin to think of more ways that you can use it. The problem with duct tape is that if you remove it, a sticky residue is left behind—a reminder of the brokenness that the tape covered. The residue then begins to attract dirt and dust that creates an even greater dilemma. God leaves His mark on our souls in much the same way. Once we invite Him into our hearts, we are changed forever. Once we witness His incredible mercy and unconditional love, we don’t ever want Him to leave. We don’t want to remove Him from our lives and open ourselves up to evil and despair. God also seems to reveal Himself in a variety of colors. He dresses in just the right color each time He appears in my life. He is the color of the spirited young teacher who won’t give up on my child; He is the color of the compassionate nurse who actually holds my hand and takes the time to explain what is going on; and He is the color of the stranger who patiently holds the door for my three kids and I as we argue, trip and drop stuff on our way. Yes, God comes in many colors and patterns to suit each person. He makes it easy for us to find Him despite His chameleon-like abilities. Like duct tape, God is always accessible. However, we have to remember to go to Him. He can solve all our problems, but we must carry Him with us. With this in mind, I think I’m going to buy some funkycolored duct tape, perhaps in a leopard print, and put it in my purse to remind me to call on God when I need Him. I’ll put some in my car, in my office and in my laundry room too. That way I will be certain to ask Him to repair my life when it falls apart. Plus, I just might need the duct tape! What color is your Divine duct tape? Theresa Ceniccola is the Christian Mompreneur – a mentor to moms who are running a business who supports faith and family. Read her inspiring ezine: |


Joys of Style Did you know that the newest fall trends can be found in consignment boutiques? Why, yes, yes they can! Around every little corner, there is something distinctive, unexpected and full of style. Consignment boutiques, depending on their niche, can carry a variety of merchandise, from clothing, accessories and novelty items to bath and body products. When shopping consignment, just remember that fabulosity comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s the way one thinks, the way one carries oneself and the way one SHOPS! According to our experts (Jo Grice-Barrows, owner of Double Take Consignment Boutique in Virginia Beach and Norfolk, and Tracey Wise, owner of Heart of A Woman Consignment Boutique in Virginia Beach), there are three important characteristics to consider regarding consignment boutiques.

CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUES Fal l & Fabu lo u s ! Fall TrEnds: The Prep and Club Set Colors—Camel, Navy, Carmine Red, Cobalt Blue, Dark Turquoise, Bordeaux, Yellow, Strong Greens (the combo of them) Military Style Jackets Denim—Light or Bleached Washes, Vibrant Prints, Chambray

Organization—of the boutique’s merchandise, computerized documentation of product, payment options and easy layout of the store

Aviator Jackets

Cleanliness—of the store (i.e. scent/ odor, dust-free, no clothes on the floor)

Mixture of Prints and Textures

Environment—creative decoration, excellent customer service, light music and friendly staff/owner.

Prints—Ethnic, Leopard, Fair Isle, Check Prints

Feminine/Masculine Simple Looks Pencil Skirts

“Consignment boutiques are like treasure chests filled with beautiful finds, beautiful prices,” says Tracey. “Keep an open mind while you browse and allow that special something to speak to you.” Jo says that the “hot” items are unique, rare, colorful and fun. Shopping at a department store, you run a greater chance of coming across someone wearing the same item or, worse yet, the same outfit as you.

Trench Coats—Satin, Leather, Animal Print Accents Inspirations of the 1960s-70s—High-Waisted Flair, Bohemian Looks, Layers Lace Dresses Chunky Knits Ruffle Dresses/Ladylike Silhouettes Long Skirts Sequined Dresses Or Tops

Jo also points out that shopping at a consignment boutique triples your spending power. Depending on your budget, you can go to a consignment boutique and afford higher-end designer styles with great quality of fabric, craftsmanship, drape, cut and style at more affordable prices than you would normally spend. Whether it is a whole outfit or just an accessory, you get more for less.

Twinsets Capri Pants—Sequined Shearling Faux Fur—Vests, Jackets, Collars, Cuffs Platforms Accessories—Chunky, Pearl, Feather Accents, Knitted Socks Vintage Scarf, Knitted Hats, Chic Brooch, Sculptural Hair Combs Snakeskin Accessories

Consignment boutiques do vary in price ranges. When choosing a boutique, always look for a place where their prices are well-balanced. Ask about special promotions or about their markdown schedule. Consignment boutiques put new merchandise out every day, so check their selection frequently. Once you find your favorite boutique, you will be hooked. Our experts tell us that the most misconceived notion is that consignment boutiques and thrift stores are the same thing. That is far from the truth. Consignment shops focus on quality and current merchandise. Thrift stores are different in their organization and what type of product they accept, and their clothing isn’t usually current. Look for boutique owners who are trusted, discerning and selective in what they will accept from consignors. So whatever your style, wants or needs there is a consignment boutique just right for you.


Article and photos Joy Wansley

The thrill of the hunt is what makes consignment shopping an adventure. And doing so can help you fall into fashion with a sense of inspiration, luxury, sophistication, fun and adventure – at a great price! And remember—style has NO size! Bon Voyage!

Patchwork Blunt Bobs, Edgy Pixies, and Layered Crops! The brand new hot spot to show off is YOUR BACK! Sinita Leong is modeling clothes from Double Take and Heart of a Woman.

COlOr TrEnds: Bright is the new black— eye-popping blues, pinks and reds. Try mixing a cool color with a warm color. navy is always timeless and chic. Camel and the variations of beige, nude and khaki are the key neutrals to blend with other colors for fall. Focus on the color harmonies and allow their regality to inspire your every taste, personality and style! |

Soda Pop Prayers Kristin reeg

merely offer prayers to hear our own It’s confession time. I love Pepsi. voices, but we are praying to the Not too long ago, the soda was one, true God, believing that He not almost like a Siamese twin—always at my side. I remember as a teenager only hears us, but will also answer us. When we petition the throne of at Young Life camp I was deprived grace, we must expect an answer. If of Pepsi. I was going through we pray and do not expect a change, withdrawals and really wanted a either externally or internally, soda. During the evening why are we even bothering session, we took a Everyone to pray at all? 20-minute prayer who drinks Too often we get break. All the this water will be comfortable in our kids went their thirsty again, but prayers and repeat separate ways whoever drinks the ourselves day after to find a place water I give them day. When this of solitude. I will never thirst. happens, we are found a perfect praying from our spot about 15 John 4:13-14 minds or our memories feet from the and not from the Holy Spirit Pepsi machine. within us. We look around and As I was praying, I wonder why things remain the same, realized how dry my throat was. I never realizing that we’re not really was in need of a Pepsi. I said to the interceding. We’ve become like Lord, “It would be really nice to have a soda.” I checked my pockets. the Pharisees with their religious I was out of change. All of a sudden, traditions and vain repetitions. with no one else around, I heard We must be willing to allow the distinct sound of change going God to break us out of our prayer into the vending machine. A soda boxes! We have the very Spirit of dropped to the bottom. I looked God within us. Acts 17:28 states: around in astonishment. Slowly “For in Him we live and move and cautiously, I walked toward and have our being.” The same the machine. Opening the door at Spirit that spoke and created the earth we live in dwells inside of the bottom, I saw the very thing us. The same Spirit that raised my heart desired—a can of Pepsi! Christ from the dead is within us. I have no doubt that an angel Are we tapping into the Spirit of bought me a soda that night. The God inside of us when we pray? sad thing is, I was so taken back When we are willing to take the by how the soda came into my time to hear what is on God’s heart possession that I never drank it. and speak it back to Him, that’s Instead, I taped a piece of paper when we will see the answers to with John 4:13-14 onto it: “Jesus our prayers. While some answers answered, ‘Everyone who drinks certainly take longer than others, this water will be thirsty again, but we can have the blessed assurance whoever drinks the water I give that God will not only hear us, them will never thirst.’” It was one but will also answer us. We have of my first lessons in experiencing to understand that prayer is a how God answers prayer. When we pray, we must be aware conversation between God and that we pray to Someone. We do not man. We must learn to speak

God’s language. So, what is God’s language? The Bible. It is living and active. God promised in Isaiah 55:11 that His word “shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” So the next time you bow your head to pray, ask the Lord to let you hear what’s on His heart. It may be a scripture, it may be a loved one, or it may be a nation. Don’t be afraid that you won’t know what to say — there is no specific formula. You’ll feel a freedom and a joy in prayer that you may never have known before, and you’ll start to truly see the answers to your prayers. Nations aren’t revolutionized by politics alone. Lives are not transformed just by getting rid of bad habits. Each one is altered by time spent before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. One word from God can change everything. If we are willing to be His vessels and release into the earth what’s on His heart, we will see with our own eyes that there is creation in intercession. Sometimes He blesses us with the desires of our hearts in the simplest things like my can of Pepsi. Other times He’ll raise the dead, make the lame to walk and cause the blind to see. Kristin Reeg is passionate about encouraging others in their walk with Christ and is the author of Pressing On: Hope for the Weary. She has a Master of Arts in Journalism from Regent University. |


A Heart-wrenching Tale of Horror, Humor and Hope Hope Jordan, Ph.D.

Hope’s journey started in September of 2006 with the diagnosis that she had breast cancer. She underwent surgery in October of 2006, and started chemotherapy the day after Christmas that same year. The chemotherapy, followed by radiation, both lasted several months. The final surgery (for some reconstruction) was nearly a year after the first surgery. Her follow-up appointments and ongoing tests (just to make sure she stays all clear) will continue for the rest of her life. Here she shares a part of her journey as originally told in her book Princesses Don’t Get Cancer.


uring a recent visit to Disney World, as I boarded rides and attended shows with hundreds of little princesses garbed in their royal gowns and wearing princess tiaras, I was again assured that I am not alone in my fascination with princesses. The non-stop media coverage of the royal engagement and wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton recently reminded me of that appeal even adults feel for everything from fashion and jewelry to the diet and lifestyle of modern princesses. These recent events have convinced me that I am not alone in my draw to the lure of princesses and my secret life-long belief that I am really a long-lost princess waiting to be handed the keys to her castle. As so often is the case in the most popular princess tales, my princess-status does not protect me from life’s challenges. What started as a Cinderella tale, quickly transformed to the chronicle of The Princess and the Pea, at the discovery of a dreaded lump. While I stood stunned by the detection of a small lump in my breast, my tiara went crashing to the shower floor, and warm soapy water carried precious jewels down the drain. I felt as if I teetered on the verge of a nightmare. For the next several days, I prayed and prayed. I must have rechecked a hundred times to be sure that there was indeed a lump in my breast. Much like Winnifred from Once Upon a Mattress, the modern version of The Princess and the Pea, I spent many sleepless nights being irritated by that tiny little pea. This pea, however, was not under a pile of mattresses. It was in my breast. Paralyzed and stunned by fear and shock, I cried and I prayed. Finally, I decided that I needed to make a doctor’s appointment and find out what I was really dealing with and what I needed to do. Momentarily, my sanity had returned. The next few weeks are still a blur. I went from the gynecologist, through the mammogram, to the surgeon, and finally on to the needle biopsy. I am not a patient princess, and each stage of this process resulted in a need for me to wait. The visit to the gynecologist resulted in the affirmation that I did indeed find a lump.

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Then I had to wait for the mammogram appointment. Once the mammogram was accomplished, I had to wait for the results. I just kept praying. The initial results gave me a ray of hope. Something about what they saw in the mass indicated that it might not be cancer. The doctor still insisted that the lump needed further investigation, and I was sent to the surgeon. This resulted in a needle biopsy, and I had to wait again for those results. Prayer continued, but fear haunted me. I was growing tired. As I struggled through this very difficult time, I was comforted by Psalm 69:29, “I am in pain and distress; may your salvation, oh God, protect me” (NIV). A couple of days later, while getting my hair highlighted at my favorite salon, those needle biopsy results were revealed. As we women know, getting a phone call with bad news in the middle of a perm or a highlighting process is not a good thing. I made the mistake of answering a phone call and was horrified to hear the words, “You have cancer. How soon can you come to my office?” Sometimes life really stinks, and even getting my hair done that day did not make me feel better. Little did I know at that point that in a few months, I would not have any hair to worry about! So, I finished getting my hair highlighted and headed toward the surgeon’s office. As I drove, I continued to pray and my princess journey moved toward the Sleeping Beauty stage. My faith, my family and my friends held me up as I walked through more princess stages; Rapunzel, Princess Leia, Ariel and Sleeping Dragons. Things are better now, but my journey continues. I feel very blessed even with breast cancer. Martina McBride’s new single, “I’m Gonna Love You Through It,” has some beautiful lyrics that articulate my saving grace through this journey. The song was written about a husband who loved his wife through breast cancer, and my husband could have been the subject of this song. The words could also represent God’s love, my daughter’s love, my son’s love, my grandson’s love, my brothers’ love and my friends’ love too. My prayer for those going through tough times and tough diseases is that—Love Gets You Through It! Focus on that love.

10 lessons learn ed

hope Jordan

Except for skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, but it can be successfully treated. Screening tests can find cancer early, when it’s most treatable. Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and Sentara Healthcare recommend that you:

 Be your own advocate—be proactive with medical teams.  Ask lots of questions.  Take notes or take someone along to take notes at doctor visits.  Do what is best for you—handling a job situation, what you tell others, to wear a wig or not, and so forth. It is up to you!  Remember your family and friends are hurting and scared too.

K now you r r isK

 Keep laughing—even through pain.  Pamper yourself — take a bag of goodies to chemo, rest, watch movies you love, etc.

talk to your family to learn about your family health history.

 Eat well—sometimes stress or chemo may impact your appetite, so find what you love that is good for you and eat well.

talk to your provider about your personal risk of breast cancer.

 Exercise—even when you are tired, be sure to stretch or take a short (slow) walk as much as you can.  Pray! Talk to God! Find time for quiet peaceful thought and pray some more.

scar f tips

Breast Self-Awareness

Get screen ed Ask your doctor which screening tests are right for you if you are at a higher risk.

Joy wansley & armeK a carter

Have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at an average risk. Have a clinical breast exam at least every three years starting at age 20, and every year starting at age 40.

Whether by loss to chemotherapy or just thinning hair in general, hair loss can be a traumatic experience for many women. It leaves us feeling bare in more ways than one! But just because your hair isn’t in tip-top shape, there’s no reason to feel frumpy. There are several things you can do to make yourself feel pretty while your hair is growing back.

Know what is normal for you see your health care provider if you notice any of these breast changes: Lump, hard knot or thickening inside the breast

Here are some scarf-tying tips to add pizazz to your scarf selection, and a little European eccentricity to your sense of style.

swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast

GypSy More than a statement, the Gypsy is a comfortably informal head-wrap style. And it is easy to tie!

Change in the size or shape of the breast

Step 1 Fold a square scarf once to form a triangle.

itchy, scaly, sore or rash on the nipple

Step 2 Wrap it around your head.

Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast

Dimpling or puckering of the skin

Step 3 Create a knot in the back, and tuck in the ends.

nipple discharge that starts suddenly

KELLy WrAP Named for the famous Grace Kelly, who used this method of wearing a scarf to protect her hairstyle and still look magnificent. The instructions below are for a square scarf, but an oblong scarf can also be used for the Kelly Wrap.

new pain in one spot that doesn’t go away

Step 1 Begin with a triangle fold on a square scarf.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Step 2 Place the scarf over the head with the folded edge facing forward.

Add exercise into your routine.

Step 3 Bring the folded corners down under the chin and cross them, pushing the points back around the neck on each side.

Limit alcohol intake.

Step 4 Tie the folded corners together at the back of the neck, catching the loose corners of the scarf under the knot being formed.

Breastfeed, if you can.

m aK e hea lt h y li fest y le choices

Limit postmenopausal hormone use. (From Susan G. Komen Foundation website

Step 5 Leave the ends loose, or tuck them under; it’s your choice. roSETTE TurbAN Works best with a rectangular scarf or large square scarf with a triangle fold.

resou rces

Step 1 Position the long folded edge along your forehead.

sentara Cancer network - American Cancer society - the Breast Cancer society -

Step 2 Bring both the ends together on one side of the head and tie them in a knot.

The Br a-ha-ha , which promotes awareness about breast health and raises funds for local needs, kicks off at 7 p.m. September 30th with a high-tech Awards Show and Silent Auction at the Chesapeake Conference Center. All bras from the event will then be on display at MacArthur Center October 3-15. Visit or call 312-3100 for ticket or other information.

Step 3 Make sure the back is tucked in to form a smooth edge. Step 4 Twist one end tightly, circle it around the knot to form a rosette and tuck it under the rosette to secure. Step 5 Repeat with the other end. Download a full scarf tying guide at www.texeresilk (Click About Silk/The Ultimate Scarf Tying Guide.)

See an additional article/tips on this topic from Sentara Healthcare at |


Mintle Health

Linda Mintle, ph.D.

The Secret to Contentment Is one of your life goals to be content? If so, you may find it difficult to reach that goal given the culture in which we live. Daily, we are bombarded by media messages to never be satisfied with what we have. To be happy, we are told we need more stuff, more power, more money and more fame. basically, the message is that more is better. We are sold this path to contentment and apparently we are buying it. one only has to look at the high rate of consumer debt. People are not content to live within their means. We need bigger houses, more expensive cars, designer clothes, expensive toys and the latest technology. Get it now. Pay later. you deserve the biggest and the best, regardless of what you can afford. Advertisers convince us that we cannot possibly be happy until we buy their products. They thrive on our discontent. That restless longing for more sells products and motivates us to buy. We must have the latest and newest of whatever in order to preserve our image and keep up with those around us. To be without threatens our self-worth. In our quest for more and better, we are on the move. We look for better jobs and places to live. Job and career changes are often based on where we can find a better lifestyle, cost of living and opportunities for advancement. Add to this, our discontent in marriage. Divorce rates remain high and more people are cohabiting because of their fear of divorce. When relationships do not satisfy our deepest longings, we look around and think someone else will fill that emptiness or meet that need. Dissatisfaction also leads to clamoring for our rights and fair treatment. Getting fair treatment and an improved partner are supposed to bring us happiness and put a stop to discontent. but they do not, because discontent is not rooted in someone else making us happy, keeping up with trends or finding the perfect mate. Even the church experiences ongoing discontent. Small churches want to grow bigger, and big churches struggle to meet the intimacy needs of their people. Churchgoers are discontented with their pastors, their boards, the worship style, and/or their youth leaders. Leaders hear a constant litany of complaints from unsatisfied members. you would think the purpose of church is to entertain its members. Hey, I am guilty of this thinking myself! It is easy to allow the culture of discontent to enter our thinking in all areas of our lives. but when we think like this, we become customers of the church, not worshippers. Discontent breeds worry. The constant thoughts of “Can I keep up?” “Will I be able to pay for my wants?” “Will it ever be enough?” “Will all these things make me happy?” “If I was married to a different person, would I be happy?” feed discontentment and can eventually lead to sin. Consider Adam and Eve’s temptation to be like God, Cain’s jealousy of his brother, King David’s desire for another man’s wife, Satan’s wish to be worshipped, Judas selling out Jesus for money, and Herod’s need to be the one and only king people served. over time, a growing discontent led to sin in all these examples. To learn the secret of contentment, we must get our eyes off worry and on to God. God sees our need and is ready, willing and able to meet it. Since God is in us, He never leaves during difficult times. His spiritual army surrounds us and His strength is the source of our contentment. Like the apostle Paul said, do not be anxious about anything, but in all things be grateful and give thanks. In prayer, present your needs to God. Thank God for what He will do. And the peace of God will fill your heart. When you are tempted to worry, trust God and think on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. It will keep you from being shaken, and bring needed peace for that moment. God is with you. Accept His peace. rest in Him. Adapted from Dr. Linda Mintle’s latest book, Letting Go of Worry (Harvest House). Check out Dr. Linda’s daily blog “Doing Life Together” on as well as her website, Dr. Linda Mintle is a licensed therapist and bestselling author with 16 book titles to her name. Her newest book, I Love My Mother But…is now in bookstores and available online (Harvest House 2011). For more information,

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What Are You Really

Hungry For? Lisa Marshall

boDy external physical layer

SPIrIT inner core of being sensitive to God

SouL mind, will, emotions

One of the biggest battles in losing and maintaining body weight is hunger. We don’t tolerate that empty feeling very well, nor should we. If our physical bodies need nourishment, then we should feed them. Yet we are more than bodies; our beings are comprised of a spirit, soul and body. Each of these parts influence the others, but sometimes those influences get muddled. For example, at some point we’ve all found ourselves eating because we were sad, bored, stressed or lonely. We may trick ourselves into believing we’re hungry, but is it really our physical body that needs nourishment? Psalm 63:1 says, “O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” The root of David’s hunger exceeds the physical to include his soul. He continues in verse 5, saying, “My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food.” David’s soul—as well as his spirit—needs the Lord’s nourishment. Later in Psalm 63, David states that he will meditate on the Lord in the night watches, since he knows that meditating on the Lord will satisfy his deep hunger. In our overly busy society, how often do we stop to consider what will satisfy our souls and spirits? Usually we experience a need and seek to fill it as quickly as possible without identifying what the need really is and what will truly satisfy it. What are you hungry for? Do you need a sandwich, or is your spirit or soul starving for Father God’s touch? Have you taken the time to check in with your body and your soul? How’s your spirit doing? If you’re disconnected from your soul and spirit, then the hunger or longing you are experiencing may be misinterpreted as physical hunger simply because that’s what’s familiar. I believe that people in our society suffer from obesity and anorexia simultaneously—we feed our bodies while our spirits and souls starve. We eat well, but we are depressed, anxious and unfulfilled. This contradiction will continue until we take the time to check ourselves. The Lord promises to satisfy our souls. Psalm 107:9 states, “For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.” He will satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. He will meet us in the quiet place and minister to our spirits. Let the Lord satisfy your hungry and thirsty soul. Let Him nourish your spirit. Once you have had your fill of His goodness and your cup is overflowing, if you’re still hungry, then have that sandwich! Lisa is a certified personal trainer who approaches fitness from the fact that we are spirit, soul and body. Her passion is to cultivate fitness inside and out so that her clients reach their fitness goals and live their best lives. Find her at:

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When sisters Susan and Dottie Unger* first met their “Angel” from Angel Care Private Duty Nursing Services, they were badly in need of some relief. The ladies were ragged after months of caring for mom and dad, whose declining health had them both bedbound and in need of constant care. The daughters were loving and very helpful, but just needed a break for their own mental health. That’s when someone told them about Angel Care. Susan and Dottie were amazed that they could just call the day before for services and didn’t even have to be committed to a contract or set number of hours! They were also very grateful and relieved to find someone they could trust. Angel Care gave them the break they desperately needed. Then, a few months later, mom passed away. It was hard on the sisters, but they also were very stressed about who would stay with their father the day of the funeral. Again the sisters rang for an Angel. Later they expressed how they couldn’t have asked for better service. “The caregivers are just so caring and professional. We will definitely refer others to Angel Care” -- Dottie and Susan Unger. *names changed to protect privacy

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Christian artist or entrepreneur? Sanity Saving School Year Tips! It seems hard to imagine that summer has ended! Honestly, I could use a few more weeks of it, simply because I have enjoyed the break from a rigid schedule and the daily grind of homework. With my twins starting 7th grade this year, the busyness is full throttle with sports, activities and the managing of multiple schedules in our family. This time of year always brings to the surface a war cry from parents about how to get organized for the school year and keep kids on task, especially in the morning. After a summer of lots of lounging, getting back to a schedule is not easy. Here are a few tips. I think they really apply to anytime of the year, but especially for this new school year.

Of course, get to bed a wee bit earlier.  Give yourself and the kiddos an extra 15 minutes

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each morning. That does mean waking up earlier, but it reduces the stress of the time crunch.

 No TV in the morning before school! Ouch. Believe me, it works!

 Have the kids pick out their clothes before they go to bed.  Pack lunches and backpacks the night before.  Create a daily checklist for kids to follow . . . brush teeth, comb hair, make bed, and so forth.

 Have one place in your home to corral all the school stuff. Try one large basket, a row of hooks or a specific place where everything needs to be before you go to bed.

 Have a pocket folder for each child and write their

name on it. Use these folders to keep the graded papers that come home for each quarter. If there is any discrepancy during the quarter on a grade or whether something was turned in or not, you will have it in the folder. When the quarter is over, toss out all the papers and start over for the new quarter.

 Keep a master calendar for the whole family. Hang it in

the kitchen or wherever everyone gathers daily. Get in the habit of reviewing it with the kids to make sure nothing is left out and conflicts in schedules are noticed. You can even have your kids write their own activities on it. This helps them become accountable for their own schedules.

 Finally, have your children empty out their folders and

backpacks each week. Throw out papers, wrappers and all the other junk that accumulates in the bottom of backpacks!

Simplified Living Llc founder Amy Volk has a passion for creating beautiful, clutter-free homes and corporate environments. She helps people learn to live more simply. Visit her at www.Simplifiedliving.Org.

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Smart ¢ents

Jennifer Miller

Hey Ladies: Do You Have Your Financial Action Plan? I always looked forward to the start of a new school year, because I loved getting all my new school supplies organized—the notebooks, the new backpack, and the colorful pens and pencils. Fall always seems like a good time to get an important area of our finances organized—our budgets. Before you start rolling your eyes or turn the page, the purpose of a budget (let’s call it a “financial action plan,” because I know people loathe the word budget) isn’t to limit you, but rather to give you freedom. Knowing where your money is going makes managing your finances less stressful and makes spending more fun, because you don’t have to worry about whether or not you have the money for a particular purchase. When I ask you to create a financial action plan, I don’t mean contemplating something vague in your mind. I mean taking pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to create something you can actually see. A written plan helps us track those things that can get lost in day-to-day life. Most of us know our big expenses (mortgage, utilities, insurance), but it’s the $5 here and $10 there expenses that get lost. We account for our regular monthly bills, but we’re often left scratching our heads at the end of the month wondering where our money went. How do we change this? I’ve heard it takes about 30 days to form a new habit. That said, I want you to take the next month and write down EVERYTHING you spend. At the end of the month, you’ll know exactly where your money is going – what areas look good and what areas need to change. Armed with this information, you can now create a financial action plan.


2| 3|

Sit down and write out your plan. Free worksheets can be downloaded online (try and www. Personal budgeting programs, which can interact directly with your bank accounts and provide you with important information at tax time, are also a great choice (see If married, do this with your spouse; if not, consider asking a family member or a trusted friend—two heads are always better than one. Use the information you obtained over the past month to ask yourself some important questions. Am I saving enough? Am I giving to those in need around me? Are we paying down our debt aggressively enough? Do we really need to eat out four times a week? Make the necessary changes. Consider using an envelope system for purchases that can be made in cash. For instance, assume you budget $100 a month for eating out. Take $100 cash and put it in an envelope. When that money runs out—you’re done! No more eating out that month.

Taking these steps allows you to create a financial action plan that puts you in charge of where your money is going, which, at the end of the day, means more freedom and peace of mind for you.

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Christianity in High Heels My Foray Into Dating online

blessedbabe This site’s trademarked tagline “Find God’s Match For You” was the hook that drew me in. Christian Mingle allows you to share spiritual details, such as your favorite Bible verse, ministries joined, and so forth, that you normally wouldn’t share on a typical dating site. The site has Christian chat rooms, its own instant messenger and Christian dating tips. While it sounds promising on the outside, I really had huge problems with the registration process. This site was the brainchild of three writers on the popular young adults Christian site I was attracted to the site because it was committed to “honoring God and marriage above everything else.” The purpose of the site is not just for dating or looking around, but to look for a match with the final purpose of marrying. My experience in this site? It does deliver as it promises. It has an icebreaker and forums with interesting topics to which Christians can relate. It also allows you to provide references from other Christians who know you, so that they can give you guidance on dating online, as well as provide a safer venue. In my opinion, the only drawback is that the site hasn’t really grown to that many members. So I interact with the same people each time. This has always been the problem of being a dating site that tries to fill too small a niche. Give it a little time, though, and try it out. It appears to be a most promising Christian dating site.

I always thought that I would meet my future husband offline, but given the length of my professional bridesmaid days, I recently found myself lurking on some online dating sites, wondering if it could ever work for me. I am a huge believer of technology and believe that, especially nowadays, there’s more than one way to meet Mr. Right. My reservations about online dating come from thinking that I would want to see everything about someone before actually going out with him. While I’ve never really fallen for a guy based on the physical, I have to admit that I still anticipate wanting to see the whole package—including how he dresses and how he smells— first.

As one of the most popular dating sites, eharmony is different in that it provides a really long and specific assessment on your own personality. This way, you find several matches who are closer to what you want. With its huge number of successful matches (including Christian dating), I found that its own matching system delivered to me even some exact attributes for which I was looking. The interface is the easiest of all, and it allows you to share certain things about yourself without divulging too much information until you and your match have gotten to know each other. A friend told me to treat going into eharmony as though you’re there to meet friends first, instead of thinking of each match who talked to you as “The One.” I did exactly that, and I’m now in the phase of getting to know some interesting Christian men that share the same values and beliefs as me.

Yet my adventurous, faith-loving side wanted to try my hand at online dating to find out for myself what it really is like. After all, I have nothing to lose! (And I know of friends and family who actually got married through online dating.)

If you wish to pursue these online dating sites, my advice is to do what you do offline—take wisdom and the Holy Spirit with you. Don’t be pressured into thinking that each match is “The One” or feel you have to reply to each match. Exercise caution if you plan on meeting anyone.

I narrowed down the best online dating sites. My criteria for “best” was based on whether it would allow me to date Christians and was considered a safe venue for online dating based on referrals from friends. While there are so many options out there, let me just share what I learned from my own top three.

While my experience was fun, some of my reservations about online dating remain. I have yet to be fully committed to it. Do I think I will find my husband online? Let’s just say I now think it’s a possibility.

“blessed babe” works as a marketing communications professional in the Philippines. She’s also actively involved in organizing events for her local church’s young adults and market workplace ministries. Aside from all this, she’s a professional maid of honor, aunt, shopper and blogger. Her adventures of a single Christian girl are chronicled at

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Flourish Profiles: Phyllis Johnson (about Anne Frank), Twelve A toy typewriter in is for More Than Doughnuts childhood may have (Bible-based) and Poetic been the catalyst for Dreamer (inspired by art, Phyllis Johnson’s deep photography and life). Her love for writing. Since latest book, inkBLOT, cothen, she’s written human written with award winning interest stories, weekly writer Nancy Naigle, (www. columns and food is under articles for Designed to Flourish, Tidewater Inkblot tests inspired their pen name, Johnson Teacher, The Virginianwriter Phyllis Johnson’s Naigle. This is a YA suspense novel, inspired by an online Pilot and The Shopper. latest novel. inkblot test Phyllis was taking Her husband says food one day. In inkBLOT, a series of crimes writing is a natural talent for Phyllis, since most of her best memories revolve surface revolving around inkblot images. Who’s to blame? Ronnie Wright, the around food! Her interest in spirituality inkblot survey webmaster or Chelsea and miracles came full circle in articles she wrote for Woman’s World magazine. Pressman, the cub reporter who writes Phyllis has hosted “Open Mic Night,” about the crimes? Read inkBLOT and you’ll never look at another online held writing workshops and loves survey the same way again. mentoring others. You can listen to her book reviews via podcast at www. Her poetry books include: Hot and Bothered by It (midlife humor for women), Being Frank with Anne

Get inkBLOT at www.phyllisjohnson. net or and at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords in print and as an e-book.

Do you know the Salvation & Freedom Christ freely gives? “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). Christ sets us free by the power of His Spirit; then He maintains our freedom as we learn to live dayto-day in the power of His Spirit. Isaiah and Luke both talk about how Christ Photo by Emma Adessa was appointed to offer this kind of freedom, in what is a ministry of the heart. He came to “bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness the prisoners . . . to comfort all who mourn . . . to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes . . . a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isaiah 61:1-3). If you feel a pulling on your heart to know more about the Lord, or desire to renew or deepen your relationship with Him, we would be happy to point you towards solid resources, ministries or churches in our area. Please email

Flourish Profiles: Victoria Moore launches debut album Rest Assembly of God, Chesapeake, for the past several years, and has led worship there and for other ministries and events in Hampton Roads. Her sweet, heartfelt worship songs have led many into the mighty presence of God. This fall, Victoria will pursue her bachelor’s degree in Worship and Technical Arts at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. Here is Victoria on her new album: “Contentment is the fruit of deeply rooted trust.” Local worship leader Victoria Moore launched her debut worship album Rest in July. The young artist began studying classical piano at the age of 7 because she wanted to accompany her dad when he led worship. She has been a part of the worship team at Harvest

This phrase was echoing in my head one morning as I spent time with God. Satisfaction. Happiness. Peace. My heart desires it, but when I finally take a break from the life spinning so rapidly around me, I find that my heart has, more often than

I’d like to admit, become discontented with the way things are. I’m worried. Fearful. Unsure. Void of hope or peace. I’ve often been forgetful, but over the past few months the Lord has been reminding me that trusting Him is ultimately the first step to finding rest in any situation. A gentle, unshakable hand is guiding me on a journey that requires my heart to be rooted in the truths and promises of the God I’ve chosen to trust. He does not fail nor forsake me. He is my refuge, my stronghold, my hiding place. In quietness and trust is my strength, because I know He is for me.

This album is a gift from the deepest part of my soul, a direct result of my desire to find contentment in trust, through rest. It’s not perfect nor does it contain fancy instrumentation or the next big, chart-topping single. But my hope is that as this music fills whatever space you occupy, it will become a reminder of the importance of rest, trust and the necessity of storing the truth of who God is deep inside of you. He is for us; only when we root ourselves in that truth can we rest regardless of the storms that come our way.

You can purchase Victoria’s debut album at Photo by Emma Adessa |


Home By Andie Adams

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5).

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity to go to China to teach English as a second language. One of the businesses that invited my group to teach was an elastic company. This particular factory produced undergarments for a popular American company. Anyway, the young junior executives from this company seemed genuinely interested in my little group and in learning English. The young man who sat by me told me his name was “Steven.” Obviously, that was not his name. But just like choosing a Spanish name in high school Spanish class, he had chosen the name Steven for this English class. I began with the basics. I asked him when he came to work, and he said sometime around 8 a.m. It was now 9 p.m., and I mentioned to him that it had been a very long day. Steven nodded in agreement. I asked him where he lived. He told me he lived in the dorm. You have to understand how these factories work. The facility itself was fenced and gated. There were dorms, grocery shops and small restaurants all contained

within the fence. At first I thought it seemed safe. But as Steven continued to talk, my heart seemed to think that it sounded more like prison. So Steven lived in the dorm. I asked him if he had a roommate. He said he did. I asked him if he liked his roommate. He looked at me and laughed. He told me it didn’t matter if he liked his roommate, because that was his roommate. I asked him what if his roommate snored? Could he get a new roommate if his roommate snored? He told me he did not know this word “snore.” So without much delay, I gave a huge snort of a snore. The whole room broke out in giggles. “No,” he said, “I cannot get a new roommate, even if he snores.” After the class was over, one of the vice presidents of the company came into the boardroom and thanked us for our service. Since I was one of just a few women in the group, he asked me if I had on the American brand of underwear that they produced at the factory. I turned bright red. I don’t have a very good poker face. He realized he had embarrassed me, and he clarified that he was

merely interested in the quality of the elastic. Blushing, I blurted out, “Oh! It’s good.” As we moved through the factory, the vice president pointed out different machines. It was interesting. It was also almost 10 p.m. As we turned the corner, my new friend Steven was working on one of the machines. “Steven,” I said, “What are you doing here? You should go home! You’ve been here all day.” He looked back at me blankly and said, “I don’t have a home, Miss Andie. I live in the dorm.” My ears heard, and my heart understood. I walked away thanking God for my unfenced and ungated life and for my home. Take time today to thank God for your life. Ask Him to fill you with a renewed sense of thankfulness for what you have been given because you’ve been given so very much. Andrea Adams is a Baylor University graduate with a heart for the lost. She is the wife of Clay, the kindest man on the planet, and the mother of Blake and Abby. She is an accomplished writer and producer who currently serves on the Board of Directors for Bethany Christian Services, but says the most important aspect of her life is Christ.

Is “Rest” Even Possible for Busy Women?

By Laura Andersen-Brucato

As a therapist, suggestions of how to slow down, smell the flowers, get a massage and so forth often resound in my mind. Cliché phrases like, “You need to take some time for yourself” or “It’s okay to relax” are tossed around with regularity. But how in the world does a single mother hold down a full-time job, run from one school event to the next, make ends meet with a sigh of intense relief every pay day and still make these idealistic notions a reality? Our hectic lives do not promote the rest and reflection that facilitate walking in the love and freedom of God’s gracious provision. Circumstances contribute to our chaotic existence. What did God mean when He told us to not worry? “Never worry about anything. Instead, in every situation let your petitions be made known to God through prayers and requests, with thanksgiving” (Philippians 4:6). In my daily exchanges with individuals, it is evident that we are living in an increasing epidemic of Too Busy Disorder (TBD), a common theme in the midst of the conundrum of issues and challenges each one faces. For example, I often hear from busy professional women, who say things like, “You know, I had every intention of talking to


my friend the last time I left the office. I just didn’t have time. With soccer practice and my in-laws in town for the week and then my son got in a fender bender and . . . .” These women expressed defeat as they recited the litany of their life events. Without exception, they felt robbed of the time needed to accomplish the things that they committed to in life. But you know what? God knew from the beginning of time how our society would evolve. He knew that in the year 2011, women would feel like they had to “do it all.” Mothering, working, chauffeuring, cooking, cleaning, cheering and sleeping. His Word is as true today as it was 2,000 years ago. He desires that we love Him and allow His rest to become our own. He gave us a gift for our survival: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). When we trust Him and know that He loves and takes care of His own, we can walk in freedom. When we are free, our mind is clear to experience the thoughts we must maintain intentionally in order to allow our emotions to renew us. In an age of TMI (too much information), committees, causes and fund drives, we can permit our souls to rest. |

In spite of the circumstances our lives may generate, to have the understanding that someone much bigger than ourselves has our back makes all the difference in how we navigate through this hectic, crazy, loud, overwhelming and unpredictable life. Thank goodness we have permission to step back and be relieved even when we are AAK (asleep at keyboard). Laura AndersenBrucato is a licensed professional counselor and CEO for Christian Psychotherapy Services.

Journey with the Grieving Christine M. Bacon, Ph.D. Last February my life changed. My dear sweet friend had just received the visit no parent ever hopes to receive—the one from two uniform-clad military service members arriving to say that on behalf of the United States of America, we regret to inform you… Of course her life was devastatingly changed in that instant. Her precious, perfect, firstborn son had just willingly sacrificed the gift his blessed mother had first given him only 19 short years earlier. What I was not prepared for was just how much my life was about to change as well. Of course I am not even beginning to say that I felt her deep anguish and grief. How dare I? How absolutely thoughtless and arrogant it would be for me or anyone to assert that they could even understand what it’s like to walk an inch in her shoes…or even place her shoes on their feet!! But I was changed. And I was honored. I was first honored in that it was I who was so undeservingly given the privilege to escort and walk alongside this beautiful woman—so grief stricken and numb—as her hero’s flag-draped casket returned to American soil for his first and final military homecoming. She wept and I wept along with her. She saluted her boy (a man really—but still and always to her that tiny little boy she once held in her arms and nursed at her breast) and I, in my heart saluted her. I ached for her. I ached for all five families of those heroes that day…and I was changed.

of 20 years. The Lord had called home her young husband after only 42 short years on this earth. Snow covered the ground as I exited my car, walked over to her and placed my arms around this hurting, grief-stricken new widow. In the five short days that I shared her home with her, I sat and listened as she recalled their stories of dating, marriage, troubles and even those irritating little habits of his that drove her absolutely nuts…and that she missed so dearly… now. She’d no parents, no siblings and now, no spouse. I had all three. She had memories…and grief. Her life was changed forever…but so was mine. As I began my silent eight-hour trek homeward my mind began to replay all of those losses my friends were forced to endure in those short months. I contemplated their new lifelong journeys separated from those whom they loved and wondered what it all meant. I know I probably should have felt grieved.

daughter. And as such I have learned a bit about how my Father—our Father—works in our lives. From what I’ve seen and learned through walking with these women, it is not they who chose me but the Holy Spirit who takes over when they (when we) are too numb, too distraught or too grieved to do so ourselves. When one member of the Body of Christ is aching or crying out, the Lord immediately sends in reinforcements to come to their aid, to be His arms, His shoulders, His ears…His peace. When her son was called back home to his Heavenly Father, that same loving Father did not leave my friend’s arms empty. He sent me. Of all of His sons and daughters who He knows, loves and cherishes, it was me He chose to bring His loving comfort and peace to my grieving sisters! Me! Who am I Lord that you chose me?! I am so unworthy, so flawed, so imperfect…but oh so honored. Oh yes, Lord, I will go! I will go! Just show me the way! I am so insufficient, Lord…so imperfect…so flawed. But I trust you to give me the right words—or silence my tongue. You have never left my side before, and I know you won’t leave it now. Oh, and Lord…thank you for trusting me. I won’t let you down, Lord. At least I hope not. I promise to do my best to be Christ to my sister. I really, really do. Thank you for choosing me. I am honored.

“When one member of the body of Christ is aching or crying out the Lord immediately sends in reinforcements to come to her aid, to be His arms, His shoulders, His ears…His peace.”

Eight months later, another of my girlfriends’ father passed. I was so humbly blessed to be given the honor of driving her three hours north to plan his funeral, see his face and kiss his cheek…one last time. She talked. I listened. We cried. I could not have known her pain. After all, I still have my father. But I walked alongside her as she grieved. How pathetically insufficient I must have been! She wanted her daddy. But all she got was me. And while she grieved, I changed. I hugged my girlfriend tightly and kissed her cheek. “I love you my friend. If there’s anything I can do for you…”

I wanted to feel grieved for I figured if I felt their grief maybe they’d feel it less. But I did not. I felt honored. I felt as if I had somehow been chosen for some different purpose. I wasn’t certain what that purpose was. I still don’t know. Quite likely I never will. But my mind continued, “Why me, Lord? Why did they call me? I mean, who am I? And what good was I? Did anything I say or anything I did do any good at all? Did it serve any purpose? Did it ease any pain? Did they shed any fewer tears? Oh dear precious Lord, I love these women! They are so beautiful! They are so hurting. But they are so, so very strong!” For some reason though, in my ignorance of a greater purpose in all of these losses, I somehow felt a greater sense of peace. I mean, in my lifetime I’ve been so honored to share in the joy of witnessing the birth of three brand new lives into this fallen world… and this world is absolutely nothing compared to the celestial and eternal world we all hope to one day enter. So how could I not somehow feel an equal sense of honor at being able to share in the joy of another’s departure from this world into that most perfect and pain-free world of the Eternal? I mean, could there be any greater honor? These precious, grieving women chose insignificant, flawed and powerless little me to walk alongside them during their darkest hours. Or did they?

I reentered my car. Rather than returning home, however, I proceeded northward—another five hours journey—to the home of my cousin. Eight days earlier she’d lost her soul mate, partner and lover

I’ve thought about grief and loss nearly daily since that first day when my journey with the grieving first began. And while I am not God and could not possibly begin to know fully His ways, I am His

I was honored a second time, and a third, and a fourth…each and every day since that fateful day last February. The honor arrives each and every time I receive a phone call and hear her voice on the other end, “Do you have a moment? I really need to talk right now.” Do I have a moment?! Is she kidding? Could there possibly be anything more important right now than sacrificing the only thing in my life that might help in some minute way to assuage (if only for a moment) the grief she carries deep within her soul every single moment of every single day? Of course I have a moment!

Like each of us who has been honored with the call to sojourn alongside the grieving, I didn’t earn that honor. No, it had been bestowed upon me. And while the grief stricken friend, cousin, mother, father, colleague or spouse might have reached out to us in their time of need and sometimes might even feel guilt for calling us “too” often or crying “too” much, it is keenly important to remember that we bestow the greatest and most intimate of honors upon those with whom we choose to share our grief—an honor which is such a rich yet undeserved gift of grace…and one that made me a better woman. I’m not sure how much good I did or how much peace I was able to bring into these women’s lives. Hopefully, the Lord will have found me worthy and in His infinite wisdom might see fit to call on me again. But I do know that I did my best. I answered the call. I stood by their sides, and I will continue to do so each and every time I hear my phone ring. “Hey friend, it’s me again. I’m having a moment. Do you have time to talk?” Do I have time? Of course I do. I’d be honored. Communication expert Dr. Christine Bacon, owner and president of CMB Communication, Inc., is an author, speaker, trainer and the radio talk show host of Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor.

Finding & Sharing Hope and Strength Through Praise: Guatemalan children as part of a worship fair put on by New Strength International Ministries (NSIM) in July.

You likely haven’t heard of Chiqui, even though she is someone who is close to God’s heart. Chiqui is one of the often forgotten orphans in Guatemala, a country with more than 200 orphanages—some home to upwards of 500 children. At age 17, Chiqui has seen more than her share of violence. The oldest of four, her early family life revolved around an often absent drug-abuser father and an equally absent prostitute mother. Chiqui was mostly left to care for her younger siblings, even as a very young child herself. When one of her younger sisters was eight days old, her mom was already back working the streets. That overwhelming responsibility caused her to seek help from a local church. Fortunately, that is where she met Jesus, whose comfort she would continue to desperately rely on through several more difficult years. After the death of her father 18

and then the violent murder of her mother, Chiqui and her siblings went to live with extended family. There, though, they suffered more abuse. It got so bad that Chiqui eventually ran away and lived on the streets, praying for God’s protection, until she finally ended up at Nueva Vida orphanage. Sadly, Chiqui’s path to a Guatemalan orphanage isn’t unusual. In light of the continued civil unrest and the 36-year civil war that ended in 1996, there are thousands of children in Guatemalan orphanages in need of love and help after their parents’ death. The other large majority end up in the orphanages after the government removes them from abusive family situations. However, while many orphans have a deep sadness that never seems to leave their eyes, Chiqui’s eyes are full of life and victory. Chiqui is free, because she has found the intimacy and joy that comes |

from worshipping Jesus Christ, her Savior, in spirit and in truth. “Jesus is the only thing that I need in life,” said Chiqui, telling her testimony to the missions team who was there in July as part of semi-annual missions trips organized through New Strength International Ministries (NSIM) of Virginia Beach, along with founder Eunice Barruel. Helping orphaned children like Chiqui to find that joy and intimacy of worship is the reason behind NSIM’s latest initiative that, in addition to the mission trips (that also include ministry and meeting physical needs), now brings year-round worship training into some orphanages in Guatemala. The worship school brings singing and instrument lessons on a twiceweekly basis to children at Nueva Vida (New Life) and Fundo Niño’s (Home for Children) in Guatemala. The children there are able to take

raising up Leaders: Chiqui leads worship as part of her worship training through NSIM.

your enemies, to silence the foe and nations as they then share and the avenger.’ I then realized their faith with others.” As for Chiqui, “She is a that while worship is great worshipper,” said Eunice. “She just because of the intimacy and has such a heart for others.” healing His presence brings, it Ultimately, our vision is to raise up is also equipping these children the children where they can actually to wage the war that has go into other orphanages and teach come against them. Ultimately, worship too. I could see someone like I believe the Lord is going Chiqui leading the pack,” said Eunice. to raise them up to make a “I may have gone through hard times, change spiritually in their nation but being with God is the only thing that through worship,” said Eunice. The NSIM team taught the children that they can worship through singing, dancing and the arts during their missions saved me. Because of that, my heart is Kendon and Wendy trip to Guatemala in July. to worship Him with all I am,” Chiqui said. Wheeler, directors of Nueva Being around the team was also Vida Children’s Home, believe weekly drum, guitar or keyboard lessons life-changing for Chiqui, even just that vision is well on its way to becoming from seasoned worship leader Billy affirming that there are people in the reality. “It’s been a lifelong dream to have Estrada, a Guatemalan worship leader world who love her. “When Eunice and worship training here,” said Kendon. “Now who is part of New Strength Ministries. we are so blessed to have In July, a 24-member team help for music classes for from Virginia, California and Kansas the children in our home. Not accompanied Eunice and NSIM to only does it help to round Guatemala to show the Father’s love to out their education and the orphans and impoverished children give them a chance to do through worship, and to minister more something “normal” children in-depth to the students who are a do. It does much more! These part of the worship training schools. kids have been abandoned Eunice explained how the idea of and abused by their expanding the ministry there to include earthly parents, but are year-round worship training came to be. learning that their heavenly Excited children put on a worship event for the missions team “I was intensely seeking the Lord that travelled from Virginia and other states to minister to the Father is loving, kind and a few years ago and asking Him how children who are part of the ongoing NSIM worship school. mighty. He heals their we could really change a nation,” said hurts, provides for their Eunice. “My heart was crying out for her team came to Guatemala, it was a needs and He is worthy to be praised!” a more permanent, cultural change. It big experience, because He used them to “The training is really about imparting became clear to me that to really make a let me know that He has plans for my in them a heart of worship and intimacy difference, we have to reach the children. life, just to know that God gave me the with the Father,” said Eunice. “That is “I also felt impressed that we also blessing to receive these music classes. (I ultimately going to be what brings about have to take care of the ‘least of these,’ know that) He will bless more kids too. as it says in James 1:27. It is our mandate that spirit of adoption (Romans 8:15), “We just see how the Lord has which is about us as Christians to care for the knowing that we are so much in store for these kids,” said Eunice barruel (center) founder widows and the orphans. We of NSIM leads worship with the Eunice. “We count it such an honor to sons and daughters must because doing so is His children in Guatemala. of the Almighty. It is be able to know them, and to watch heart, and true, undefiled them grow just through the simple gift this understanding— religion is to take care of of worship. It is humbling and amazing!” knowing that deep, those that can’t take care unfaltering love of themselves,” she said. A gift of $25 or more to NSIM can help to provide of the Lord—that musical instruments and weekly music lessons to “I was then amazed will change not orphans and vulnerable children living in countries like to read Psalms 8:2 where Guatemala and Tanzania. Visit for only their lives, it says, ‘From the lips of information. All financial gifts are tax-deductible. but ultimately children and infants you have communities ordained praise because of |


For this collection of paintings, I wanted to explore the significance of the humble honeybee and the equipment we use to assist pollination and honey making. My Granddad Colin was a suburban beekeeper. He had six or seven hives at the back of his quarter-acre section for many years. Each hive was painted white, with a heavy brick placed on top to hold down the lid. I fondly remember assisting him smoke the hive, getting stung in the process. He had a special shed for his beekeeping equipment and a separate shed on the other end of the property for the storage of tubs of sweet, solid honey. The images that I chose to paint speak of the “tackle and trim” of beekeeping: the armor of the beekeeper, the handcrafted hive, the page of a beekeeper’s manual, and the jar of honey that we so love. Each painting recalls a labor of love for the amateur beekeeper. It is his knowledge and equipment that allows his hobby to produce honey and aid the world’s ecosystem. 20 |

The Overfl owing Honey Jar

Honey speaks of the goodness of God. His name is like honey on our lips. His desire is not just that we experience His provision, but that we are overflowed with an abundant life. There is something wonderfully sweet and gooey about overflowing honey that captures the rich fullness of experiencing the limitless goodness of God.

The Anatomy of the Honeybee As if torn from a page of a beekeeper’s manual, this image details the anatomy of the apis mellifera, so named by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. The humble honeybee sits at the center of a complex ecosystem of cross-pollination and hive production. They may seem insignificant, but without them the life of an entire region is destroyed. The improbability of a bee being responsible for the pollination of an ecosystem is as improbable as Jesus commissioning a handful of men to carry the revelation of His divinity and desire to bring salvation, forgiveness, deliverance and health to this world.

The Habitation of the Hive

The Philosophy of the Beekeeper To venture out, fitted with netted helmet, to tend bees is the act of a brave man. The beekeeper knows that the reward is great, and so he equips himself for the dangerous task of cultivating honey. An apiarist, or beekeeper, loves the opportunity to participate in an ecosystem at work. Caring for bees is a challenge that reaps sweet results. The beekeeper risks the temporary pain of stings for the long-term satisfaction of helping the bees fulfill their destiny.

Hives are the habitation of a community of bees. Made from wood, made from rushes, or made by bees, the structure itself doesn’t really matter, what is important is that they choose to gather together to work. The presence of a queen calls the members of the community to produce the sweetness of honey. Each bee has a specific role. Some bees gather the nectar, while others turn it into honey. They work together to regulate the temperature of the hive, care for the larvae and reproduce. A hive is a wonderful picture of how a healthy community shares the responsibilities of sustainability and production.

For more on Joella Skilleter, please visit |


Having a vegetable garden, not so crazy, really. Having chickens in your backyard. Well, that’s a little out there. But choosing to have BEES? To actually acquire them and provide a home for them? I admit, that is, shall we say, not-so-ordinary.

Did you know that honey is mentioned in the Bible at least 61 times? It has become a symbol of abundance and God’s blessing, hence the Promised Land was referred to the Israelites as “the land of milk and honey.” John the Baptist lived on wild honey. It was referred to as a wholesome food, a helpful medicine, an ingredient of delicious drinks, an appropriate gift and a valued possession. It never, ever goes bad. Local honey is often consumed daily by people with seasonal allergies as a preventative. The list of benefits could literally take up pages, but here are a few: •

Natural energy booster

Great immune system builder

Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties

A nourishing mask for the face

A natural antiseptic to sooth a burn or cut

Easily digested, so it can soothe irritable bowels or ulcers

Here are some fun uses for honey and beeswax:


Making soap

Beeswax candles

A nourishing honey mask

A base for lip balm

But last year as part of my continued quest for clean, whole eating, I came across a handful of other suburban homesteaders who actually are beekeepers. Wow, right? It piqued my curiosity, to say the least. So, I began to look into things and was amazed not only at all the benefits to bees and honey, but also at how possible it really can be to keep bees. As I continued on my search for information, I soon found a local beekeepers guild that provides support as well as a local class where they teach the basics. Then, I called a few local lady beekeepers that really encouraged me—so I ended up taking the class this past winter. I must admit that I hesitated to share this with people at first, because I feared I would not only be known as the “Jesus-freak,” but now also the “beekeeping, crunchy, Jesus-freak.” Then I thought . . . hmmm, I think that has a nice ring to it.

I am now nine months into my beekeeping journey and have two colonies of bees in my yard. I acquired the first from a friend of mine in my neighborhood. I saw on her Facebook page back in the spring that she had a “swarm” of bees that had found a home in one of her trees. She was panicked. I was overjoyed! I called a veteran beekeeper to assist me in capturing the swarm. (Who am I kidding . . . I called an experienced beekeeper to do it all as I stood way back and took pictures.) The bees were gently moved from her yard to my garden hive in a matter of hours. I truly thanked God that day for the gift He provided. Plus it gave me a whole new meaning to “free-bees”! Those “girls” have been amazingly busy since I have had them. I have not been able to harvest honey just yet, however. I learned that the first year you should not harvest any honey to insure a healthy and stable colony over the winter. I may be able to have a little to sample in the fall, still leaving plenty for the girls to eat over the winter. Through it all, I have been amazed at God’s awesome creature, the bee. They are a highly organized society, with various bees having very specific roles during their lifetime: nurses, guards, grocers, housekeepers, construction workers, royal attendants, undertakers, foragers, and so forth. So while I haven’t had any honey yet, even learning about them and all their benefits (see sidebar) has been amazing. And although I may have to be patient for my first real honey harvest, I’m sure it will be worth the wait!

Making my final decision to become a beekeeper came as I learned about how fascinating bees are. Being a multitasker myself, I certainly appreciated the fact that I could harvest honey, beeswax and bee pollen with the added benefit of full-time pollinators for my yard (not to mention for my neighbors within a mile or Amy Messinger began keeping bees nine two as well). I was sold. But months ago and is patiently awaiting her I was still petrified, knowing at first honey harvest. some point I actually had to suit Photos courtesy Amy Messinger “Eat honey, my son, for it is good; up and handle the bees myself. honey from the comb is sweet to Then, I “heard” myself while your taste” (Proverbs 24:13). giving my kids a pep-talk, “What have you got to lose?” “It’s going If you are interested in learning more about to build character” beekeeping, visit the beekeepers Guild of Southeastern “Get out of your comfort zone in life.” Virginia at Okay, enough said. |

I’ll admit it. I’m one of those women who won’t leave home without makeup on my face. The only time you won’t see me wearing lipstick is after a meal when it all disappears. (Where does it go? According to Snapple fact #53, the average woman consumes six pounds of lipstick in her lifetime.) More troubling are the recent claims that some brandname lipsticks contain potentially dangerous levels of lead, which has been linked to numerous health and reproductive problems. Looking for a sure way to keep the lead out of your lip color? Try making your own lip gloss in the kitchen. The National Honey Board has a delicious recipe for a cranberry-colored, moisture-rich gloss.

Honey Cranberry Lip Gloss recipe INGrEDIENTS: 1 10 1 1

Tbsp. sweet almond oil fresh cranberries tsp. honey drop vitamin E oil


Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl.

Microwave for two minutes or until the mixture just begins to boil. (May also be heated in a pan on a stove top.)

Stir well and gently crush the berries.

Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit pieces.

Stir again and set aside to cool completely.

When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin.

Apply a small amount onto your lips.

Kitchen Cosmetics Armeka Carter Did summer do a number on your hair? Try this conditioning treatment!

Honey and olive oil Hair Conditioning Mask INGrEDIENTS: 2

Tbsp. Olive Oil


Mix the honey and olive oil in a microwave-safe bowl.

Gently heat the mixture until it becomes soft. Then thoroughly stir the mixture.

Honey is a humectant, which means it will attract moisture to your hair. However the sugar is sticky, so it needs to be mixed with the olive oil (also good for your hair) and gently heated to help break down the sugars.

Use a brush to apply a small amount of the mixture at a time through your hair until coated over the entire hair shaft—from the roots to the ends.

Cover hair with a shower cap or towel; leave on 30 minutes. Shampoo very well and rinse.

Makes 7 servings

INGrEDIENTS: cup slivered almonds cup honey Tbsp. butter Tbsp. grated orange peel salt 2½ cups corn flakes

Tbsp. Honey

(equal parts for longer hair)

This is an easy, healthful recipe that is great for school lunches or snacks.

1 ¼ 1 1



Combine almonds, honey, butter, orange peel and salt in heavy frying pan.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until almonds are golden.

Remove from heat. Add corn flakes and mix carefully.

Spread on buttered baking sheet.

When cool, break into small pieces. |


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