Alma Times April 2013

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bUnkSj ¼e/;çns'k½] 5 vçSy 2013

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Alma is promoting the cause of Computer Education: Pankaj Sharma INDORE: It is really appreciative performance of Alma across the world in promoting the cause of Computer and IT Education to motivate the Student Communities and Youth as well. These views were expressed by Shri Pankaj Sharma (Secretery All India Congress Committee, New Delhi ) at the social function of Alma, All India IT Association (aiita), International Brahmin Parliament (IBP) organized at Alma HQ. On this occasion Guests including Pt. Vishnu Prasad Shukla (Sr. BJP Leader, Chairman, Alma), Pt. Ram Narayan Tiwari (Sr. Congress Leader), Shri Chandra Prabhash Shekhar ( Ex. Minister, Govt. M.P.), Shri Rameshwar Patel (Ex. Minister, Govt.of M.P.), Shri Ashwin Joshi (MLA), Smt. Shobha Oza (Sr. Congress Leader), Shri Laxmikant Pandey ( Labour Commissioner), Shri Kamal Verma (Secetrary, Madhya Pradesh Congrees Committee, Shri Jitendra Tripathi (Advocate, High Court) were present. The member of Alma family presented garlands and memento to Shri Pankaj Sharma and other guests. In this function Shri Sharma has given his consent of being Patron for IBP and Alma family.

Shukla nominated as Toranto President BRICS should drive global growth: PM Parth of International Brahmin Parliament (IBP)

DURBAN: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh outlined a five-point charter to strengthen BRICS - an association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - and to keep it as the main driver of global economic growth post-2008 slowdown of the West. Speaking at the plenary of the fifth BRICS summit,

Singh said the roadmap for the future “should focus on consolidating and deepening our existing cooperation”. Singh said the first challenge was to respond to the persisting weaknesses in the global economy by “harnessing the vast opportunities for expanding trade and investment ties” between the BRICS countries. The PM said BRICS countries must exploit their

complementarities for mutual benefit. Secondly, the PM called for further research and development cooperation amongst BRICS to tackle similar challenges that member countries face. Third, Singh said, making economic development more broad-based and inclusive, was not “only a moral imperative, but a pragmatic approach to make the global economy more sustainable and enhance political and social stability.” BRICS countries should work more cohesively in international forums, as the fourth strategy. Fifth point put forward by the prime minister was to work for the reform of global institutions of political and economic governance. The prime minister invited the attention of BRICS countries to the security challenges faced by the world, counting “terrorism, piracy and the emerging threats from cyber-space” among the most important security concerns. Singh said the importance that India attached to BRICS was not only for the benefit of Indians but also for the world at large. “My conviction comes not merely from our capacity, but also from the purposeful manner in which we have worked together,” Singh said. During his two-day stay in Durban, Singh held bilateral meetings with leaders from all the other four member countries.

CANADA: Young and dynamic with co-operative nature Shri Parth Shukla (Canada) has b e e n nominated a s To r o n t o C i t y President of International Brahmin Parliament (IBP) for two years. This is informed by the president of International Brahmin Parliament Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate. On this occasion, Shri Shukla informed that the Toronto City Presidentship of

IBP has been nominated to well-known and intellectual Shri Parth Shukla. He has long been associated with Brahmin activities across Canada and under his leadership youth generation got precious guidance and values of life and humanity. Significantly, Shri Shukla has always been active in performing Social and Cultural activities with verve. On this occasion, President Shri Shukla told that IBP will nominate regional and city Presidents for Quebec, Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia, New Foundland and Labrador very shortly to expand the objectives of IBP.

Boost to Self Regulatory Organizations: Manish Tiwari Indore hosts 3 days SAARC Journalists' Summit (by Alma Correspondent) INDORE: India is big democratic country since its independence, India underwent dynamic changes and proved its caliber in every respective field of knowledge and expertise. Print and Electronic Media have been no exception in this regard. They are Self Regulatory Organization and educate masses through happenings around them. It's high time to boost them through constitutional framework. These views were expressed by Shri Manish Tiwari (Union Minister of State, Independent Charge, Minister of Information and Broadcasting), at the Inauguration of three days Summit of SAARC Journalists. Shri Tiwari spoke out the need to put a protocol on media to sustain democratic values and awareness among people. He appreciated the initiative proposed by Indore Press Club (IPC) to have research institution for empirical studies and researches of issues pertaining to National growth and facebook/almaworld

Society as well. On this occasion, Shri Rahul Dev (Senior Journalist, Electronic Media), Shri Pankaj Sharma (Secretary AICC), Shri Kantilal Bhuria (President MPCC), Shri Shravan Garg (Senior Journalist), Shri K. Vikramrao and other expressed their view over the impact of social media. In this summit, There were more than 30 Media experts and 100 experts from different parts of the country actively took part. In this summit, Youth, Social Media and National Development, Role of Media in Public Movement, Pressure of Market forces on News, Literature in 21st Century and Crisis due to Repeated Election have been dealt through positive discussions. Shri Praveen Khariwal (President, Indore Press Club) said that Media Awards were given to 15 scribes of TV and Print Media who hailed from Madhya Pradesh but working outside. The function was conducted and vote of thanks had been given by Shri Arvind Tiwari. In this function Dr. Dilip N. Pandit and Dr. Pradeep Mishra participated from Alma Group. twitter/almatimes

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5 vçSy 2013


vYek dh jk”Vªh; xfrfof/k;k¡ cYyHkx<+ ¼gfj;k.kk½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku dk 'kqHkkjaHk

MkW- eqjyh euksgj tks'kh th dk i= vYek ds uke

cYyHkx<+A gfj;k.kk ds cYyHkx<+ {ks= esa dEI;wVj f'k{kk dks c<+kus ds mn~ns'; dks ysdj vYek us fiNys fnuksa vius u;s lsUVj dk mn~?kkVu fd;kA mDr tkudkjh vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us nhA bl volj ij ;gk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Jh osnçdk'k csuhoky us crk;k fd ;gk¡ ij vkbZ-Vh- f'k{kk dk yxko fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa rsth ls c<+rk tk jgk gSA ge fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks çsfjr djus ds fy, tkx:drk vfHk;ku Hkh pyk jgs gSaA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dfj;j ekxZn'kZu Hkh fn;k tkrk gSA cYyHkx<+ lsUVj ds 'kqHkkjEHk ij vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kq çlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ] Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV rFkk vYek cksMZ dh MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk lfgr MkWjktho JhokLro us c/kkb;k¡ nhA

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ukxiqj ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk

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bUnkSj ¼e-ç-½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk

than ¼gfj;k.kk½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk HkO; 'kqHkkjaHk

jktdksV ¼xqtjkr½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk jktdksVA xqtjkr dk pfpZr ftyk jktdksV vius O;kikfjd gc ds lkFk&lkFk ,twds'kuy gc ds :i esa yksdfç;rk ds ek;us cnyrk tk jgk gSA fiNys fnuksa Xykscy czkaM vYek us vius foLrkj dk;Z dks c<+krs gq, jktdksV esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr dhA bl volj ij ;gk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Jh f=osnh psru dqekj je.khdyky us crk;k fd muds lsUVj ij vYek ds lHkh dEI;wVj dkslsZl dk lapkyu fd;k tkrk gSA lsUVj ij dq'ky QSdYVh LVkQ }kjk fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dfj;j dkmUlfyax Hkh nh tkrh gSA jktdksV lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr ij vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ] Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV]tujy eSustj MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk rFkk leLr lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh f=osnh ,oa muds LVkQ dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

eqEcbZ ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk eqEcbZA dEI;wVj {ks= esa jk"Vªh; gh ugha cfYd varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij [;kr czkaM ds :i esa igpku cukus okyh vYek us fiNys fnuksa eqacbZ ds deksFks {ks= esa u;s vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr dhA bl volj ij ;gk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Jh ;ksxs'k jkmrsyk us crk;k fd muds lsUVj ij vYek ds lHkh dEI;wVj dkslsZl dk lapkyu fd;k tkrk gSA lsUVj ij dq'ky QSdYVh LVkQ }kjk fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dfj;j dkmUlfyax Hkh nh tkrh gSA deksFks lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr ij vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ] Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV]tujy eSustj MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk rFkk leLr lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh ;ksxs'k dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

vYek ds oktk ujsUæ /kherHkkbZ dk fu/ku&HkkoHkhfu J)katfy bUnkSjA vYek ifjokj ls tqM+s xqtjkr ds lsUVj gsM oktk ujsUæHkkbZ dk fiNys fnuksa vkdfLed fu/ku gks x;kA os vYek ifjokj ls yEcs le; ls tqM+s jgs ,oa lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh rFkk dEI;wVj f'k{kk dh tu& tkx:drk esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk vnk djrs jgsA muds vkdfLed fu/ku ij vYek ifjokj dh vksj ls ps;jeSu ia- fo".kq çlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ] Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV ,oa leLr inkf/kdkfj;ksa us nks feuV dk ekSu /kkj.k dj J)katfy vfiZr dhA

{ks= esa bUVjus'kuy Lrj ij pfpZr czkaM vYek us fiNys fnuksa gfj;k.kk ds than {ks= esa vius u;s dEI;wVj ,twqds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk fd;kA mDr tkudkjh vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us nhA bl volj ij ;gk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Jh fo'kky oRl us crk;k fd bl lsUVj ij vYek ds lHkh vk/kqfud dEI;wVj f'k{kk ls tqM+s dkslsZl dk lapkyu dq'ky QSdYVh LVkQ ds ek/;e ls fd;k tk jgk gSA ;g LVkQ fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dfj;j xkbMsal ds lkFk&lkFk jkstxkj ds {ks= dh tkudkjh Hkh nsrk gSA mUgksaus crk;k fd geus {ks= ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks çksRlkfgr djus ds fy, vkl&ikl ds {ks=ksa esa lsehukj vkSj odZ'kkWi dk vk;kstu dj muesa tkx:drk mRié dhA than lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr ij vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kq çlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ] Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV rFkk leLr lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh fo'kky oRl dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

vEckyk ¼iatkc½ IBP ;wFk laxBu esa v:.k tks'kh v/;{k euksuhr ubZ fnYyhA baVjus'kuy czkã.k ikfyZ;kesaV ¼IBP½ ds v/;{k Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us crk;k fd IBP dh jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;ksa ds rgr ;wFk laxBu ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa dk euksu;u fd;k tk jgk gSA bl fn'kk esa vEckyk esa laxBu ds foLrkj dks c<+kus gsrq ;qok Jh v:.k tks'kh dks v/;{k in ij euksuhr fd;k x;k gSA Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd Jh tks'kh dh fu;qfDr dk dk;Zdky ,d o"kZ dk jgsxk ,oa {ks= esa IBP dk foLrkj viuh dk; ds ek/;e ls dj jk"Vªh; dk; dks o"kZ esa pkj ckj voxr djkrs gq, çfrosnu HkstsaxsA bl volj ij IBP ds varjkZ"Vªh; dk; ,oa jk"Vªh; dk; ds lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh v:.k tks'kh dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

lwjr ¼xqtjkr½ IBP ;wFk laxBu esa lq/khj feJk v/;{k euksuhr ubZ fnYyhA baVjus'kuy czkã.k ikfyZ;kesaV ¼IBP½ ds v/;{k Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us crk;k fd IBP dh jk"Vªh; xfrfof/k;ksa ds rgr ;wFk laxBu ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa dk euksu;u fd;k tk jgk gSA bl fn'kk esa lwjr ¼xqtjkr½ esa laxBu ds foLrkj dks c<+kus gsrq ;qok Jh lq/khj feJk dks v/;{k ,oa Jh e;wj nos dks lfpo in ij euksuhr fd;k x;k gSA Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd Jh feJk dh fu;qfDr dk dk;Zdky ,d o"kZ dk jgsxk ,oa {ks= esa IBP dk foLrkj viuh dk; ds ek/;e ls dj jk"Vªh; dk; dks o"kZ esa pkj ckj voxr djkrs gq, çfrosnu HkstsaxsA bl volj ij IBP ds varjkZ"Vªh; dk; ,oa jk"Vªh; dk; ds lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh lq/khj feJk ,oa Jh e;wj nos dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA Email:

5 vçSy 2013


Hkktik jk"Vªh; mik/;{k Jh dyjkt feJ dh iqLrdksa dk foekspu loZJh ykyÑ".k] MkW- eqjyh euksgj tks'kh] jktukFk flag] 'kjn ;kno] çdk'k tkoM+sdj ,oa fQYe vfHkusrkx.k mifLFkr

ubZ fnYyhA Òkjrh; turk ikVhZ ¼Hkktik½ ds jk"Vªh; mik/;{k Jh dyjkt feJ ds thou ij dsUæhr iqLrd ^jk"Vªoknh deZ;ksxh* rFkk ^T;wfM'ky ,dkmUVscfyVh* dk foekspu fiNys fnuksa ubZ fnYyh ds dkLVhV~;w'kuy vkWfMVksfj;e esa fd;k x;kA bl foekspu lekjksg esa Hkktik ds ofj"B usrk Jh ykyÑ".k] MkW- eqjyh euksgj tks'kh ¼iwoZ ekuo lalk/ku ea=h½] Jh jktukFk flag ¼Hkktik v/;{k½] Jh 'kjn ;kno

¼v/;{k tsMh;w½] Jh çdk'k tkoM+sdj ¼jk"Vªh; çoDrk] Hkktik½ ,oa fQYe vfHkusrk Jh eqds'k [kék o foosd vkscsjk; vkfn vfrfFk;ksa ds :i esa mifLFkr FksA bl volj ij dyjkt feJ us eap dh 'kksHkk c<+krs gq, bu nksuksa iqLrdksa ds foekspu esa viuh mifLFkfr ntZ dhA Jh feJ }kjk fyf[kr iqLrd ^jk"Vªoknh deZ;ksxh dyjkt feJ* esa Jh feJ ds jktuhfrd ,oa lkekftd thou ds pkj n'kdksa dh miyfC/k;ksa vkSj deZBrk dks 'kCnfp= ds ek/;e ls çdV fd;k x;kA bl iqLrd dks Jh feJ dh deZBrk ls fudVrk j[kus okys fo}kuksa ds laLdj.kksa ls thoUr cuk;k x;kA Jh feJ ds }kjk fy[kh iqLrd ^T;wfM'ky ,dkmUVscfyVh* dh fo"k; lkexzh rRdkyhu U;k; O;oLFkk dh oLrqfLFkfr dks js[kkafdr djrh gSA bl ekSds ij vYek ifjokj dh vksj ls loZJh v'kksd dqekj] xkSjo eXxks] vkse feJk] MkW- jktho JhokLro] MkW- eksfudk ukxkSjh ,oa lqJh xaxk feJk fo'ks"k :i ls mifLFkr FksA mYys[kuh; gS fd Jh dyjkt feJ vYek ifjokj ,oa bUVjus'kuy czkã.k ikfyZ;kesaV IBP ds laj{kd e.My esa 'kkfey gSaA muds lkfu/; ,oa ekxZn'kZu ls vYek ifjokj ,oa IBP xkSjokfUor gksrk jgk gSA Jh feJ ds iqLrd foekspu volj ij vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk] okbl ps;jeSu çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ ,oa Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us Jh feJ ,oa ys[kd Jh oalr dqekj dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

vkxkeh o"kksZa esa tkukiko dk fodkl dk;Z MkW- tks'kh ,oa Jh dyjkt feJ pgq¡eq[kh gksxk& ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk IBP ds laj{kd e.My esa eq[;ea=h Jh f'kojktflag pkSgku ,oa vkbZ-Vh- ea=h czkã.k lekt ds fodkl dk;ksZa esa tkx:drk c<+k,axs Jh dSyk'k fot;oxhZ; ds çksRlkgu ls xfr'khyrk c<+h ubZ fnYyhA bUVjus'kuy czkã.k

bUnkSjA Hkxoku ij'kqjketh dh tUe LFkyh rFkk fgUnqvksa ds rhFkZ LFkkuksa esa çeq[k tkukiko ij fodkl dk;Z vkxkeh o"kksZa esa pgq¡eq[kh gksxkA bls czkã.k laxBuksa rFkk 'kklu ds lg;ksx ds lkFk 'kh?kzrk ls ewrZ:i fn;k tk,xkA mDr fopkj ofj"B Hkktik usrk ,oa dkU;dqCt czkã.k lHkk ds v/;{k ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk us O;Dr fd,A Jh 'kqDyk us dgk fd tkukiko eafnj dk fodkl dk;Z rsth ls fd;k tk jgk gSA bls czkã.k laxBuksa ds ,oa 'kklu ds lg;ksx ls vkxkeh o"kksZa esa csgrj :i fn;k tk,xkA bl volj ij czkã.k lekt ds fofHkUu inkf/kdkfj;ksa us vius fopkj çdV fd,A vYek dh vksj ls Mk;jsDVj larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV ] xqtjkr ds m|ksxifr Jh r:.kHkkbZ jkoy] Jh fgjsu f=osnh] Jh psru 'kekZ] MkW- Hkjr vks>k] Jh nsos'k oktis;h] Jh fueZy nqcs] Jh nqxkZukjk;.k frokjh] Jh çdk'k feJk] Jh jkts'k 'kqDyk] MkWçnhi feJ] Jh vk'kh"k feJ] Jh vuwi 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV ykyth frokjh] Jh lqns'k frokjh] Jh _f"k ik.Ms;~ fo'ks"k :i ls mifLFkr FksA

lwjr ds r:.kHkkbZ jkoy dk vYek esa lEeku

bUnkSjA xqtjkr jkT; ds pfpZr 'kgj lwjr ls vius fctusl dh 'kq:vkr dj jk"Vªh; gh ugha cfYd varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij O;kikj dks vatke nsus okys ofj"B m|ksxifr Jh r:.kHkkbZ jkoy fiNys fnuksa e-ç- ds çokl ds nkSjku vYek ds dk;kZy; esa igq¡psA bl volj ij vYek ifjokj ds }kjk mudks vfHkuUnu&i= HksaV dj lEekfur fd;k x;kA bl volj ij Jh jkoy us vYek ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ls fodkl] lQyrk rFkk çca/ku ds vk/kqfud ekWMYl ij foLr`r ppkZ dj çsfDVdy ,oa fFk;kfjVhdy eqn~nksa ij çdk'k Mkyrs gq, ykHkkfUor fd;kA bl nkSjku tujy eSustj MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk] Jh lqjs'k oekZ] MkW- fç;adk 'kqDyk] Jh jkts'k 'kqDyk] MkW- fnyhi ,u- iafMr] MkW- uhuk tSu] MkW- eksfudk ukxkSjh] MkW- çnhi feJ] MkW- jktho JhokLro] Jherh psruk fupkfu;k] Jherh lqxa/kk xkSj] Jherh iYyoh f=ikBh] lqJh eqDrk Msaxjk] lqJh vafdrk lwjh] lqJh Lusgk eksVykuh] lat; iatokuh ,oa MkWHkjr vks>k] vk'kh"k feJk] _f"k ik.Ms;~] jkgqy xkSM+] HkwisUæ frokjh fo'ks"k :i ls mifLFkr FksA Email:

ikfyZ;kesaV ¼IBP½ ds v/;{k larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us crk;k fd iwoZ ekuo lalk/ku ea=h MkWeqjyheuksgj tks'kh ,oa Hkktik ds jk"Vªh; mik/;{k Jh dyjkt feJ us IBP ds laj{kd e.My gsrq viuh lgefr çnku dj laxBu dks çsfjr vkSj çksRlkfgr fd;k gSA IBP dk foLrkj jk"Vªh; ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij fujUrj c<+rk tk jgk gS ,oa fons'kksa ls czkã.k laxBuksa us IBP ds lkFk lg;ksx ,oa lgHkkfxrk ij çfrc)rk çdV dh gSA Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd MkW- tks'kh ,oa Jh dyjkt feJ yEcs le; ls oSfnd laLÑfr ,oa olq/kSo dqVqEcdae ds n'kZu dks çsfjr djus dk dk;Z dj czkã.k laxBuksa dks ekxZn'kZu nsrs jgs gSaA IBP ds fy, ;g u dsoy lkSHkkX; dk fo"k; gS fd mlds laj{kd e.My esa bu fo}kuksa dk lkfu/; çkIr gq v k gS cfYd muds ekxZn'kZu ds ek/;e ls laxBu ubZ Åpkb;k¡ çkIr djsxkA Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd IBP ds ek/;e ls fo'o ds vU; laxBuksa dks tksM+us dk dk;Z tkjh gS ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k lEesyuksa ds ek/;e ls fodkl dk;ksZa dks ewrZ :i nsus dk dk;Z fd;k tk,xkA mUgksaus crk;k fd o"kZ 2013 ds flrEcj ekg esa yanu esa ,d varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k lEesyu dh rS;kjh dh tk jgh gS ftlesa fo'o ds dbZ ns'kksa ls czkã.k laxBu Hkkx ys jgs gSaA bl volj ijIBP ds çfrfuf/k ,oa inkf/kdkjh viuh mifLFkfr ntZ djsaxsA

IBP }kjk v-Hkk- dkaxzsl desVh ds

lfpo Jh iadt 'kekZ dk lEeku

bUnkSjA varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k laln ds v/;{k Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us Jh iadt 'kekZ th dk lEeku IBP dh lnL;rk çek.k&i= HksaV dj fd;kA Jh iadt 'kekZ varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k laln ds laj{kd e.My ds lnL; gSa o mudk ekxZn'kZu laxBu dks le;≤ ij feyrk jgrk gSA bl volj Jh 'kekZ us IBP }kjk fd;s tk jgs dk;ksZa dh tkudkjh yhA lEeku lekjksg esa IBP dh vksj ls ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk] Jh jkeukjk;.k frokjh] Jh vf'ou tks'kh] Jherh 'kksHkk vks>k] Jh pUæçHkk"k 'ks[kj] Jh vueksy frokjh] Jh psru 'kekZ] Jh Hkjr 'kekZ] MkW- Hkjr vks>k] MkW- çnhi feJ] Jh jkts'k 'kqDyk] Jh vk'kh"k feJk] Jh nhid tks'kh] Jh vrqy frokjh] Jh fot; frokjh] Jh HkwisUæ frokjh vkfn x.kekU; mifLFkr FksA mYys[kuh; gS fd varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k laln ns'k ds lHkh jkT;ksa esa vius inkf/kdkfj;ksa dh fu;qfDr dk dk;Z dj jgh gSA vr% bUnkSj esa yksdlHkk {ks= v/;{k] fo/kkulHkkvksa o okMksZa ds v/;{kksa dh fu;qfDr fd;s tkuk 'ks"k gSA vkxkeh 6 eghuksa esa bUnkSj 'kgj o ftyk dh fu;qfDr dk dk;Z iw.kZ dj fy;k tk,xkA

çks- ¼MkW½ jktho 'kekZ f'k{kkfon~

e`R;q çlérk dk fo"k; yksx e`R;q dks nq%[k dk fo"k; ekurs gSa ysfdu lp rks ;g gS fd ejus okys ds fy;s e`R;q dh voLFkk d"V dh ugha cfYd foJke vkSj fpj 'kkafr dh gSA xhrk ds ,d 'yksd dk vk'k; ;g gS fd tks O;fDr mRié gqvk gS mldh ekSr r; gSA exj ge tUe ij vkuafnr gksrs gSa vkSj e`R;q ij nq%[khA tUe o e`R;q lkis{k gSA ;fn fdlh LFkku ij e`R;q u gqbZ rks nwljs LFkku ij tUe laHko ugha gSA çR;sd tho dh e`R;q vVy gS blfy;s bl fo"k; esa Hk;] 'kksd] eksg ls xzLr gksuk fQt+wy gSA nsg ifjorZu dks lgt Hkko ls Lohdkj djus dh dyk fodflr djus dh vkt blfy;s vf/kd t+:jr gS D;ksafd LFkwy 'kjhj vkSj mlds uke ls lekt esa dqjhfr;k¡ u;s&u;s vankt+ esa viuk ?kj cuk jgh gSA ej?kV ij vk;ksftr gksus okyh J)katfy lHkk;sa lkekU;r% udyh gksrh gSA Hkk"k.k&ckt yksx e`r ?kfV;k vkneh dks Hkh egku lektlsoh crk nsrs gSaA ;fn ;s lcdqN dsoy nkg laLdkj esa yxus okys ^le; dks ikl* djus dk ç;kstu ek= gS rks 'kksj 'kjkcs ds vkt ds ;qx esa D;k ge ?kaVs&vk/ks ?kaVs ekSu ugha jg ldrs\ xhrk dgrh gS e`R;q] vkRek ds u;s oL= /kkj.k djus dh fØ;k gSA D;k u;s diM+s igurs le; ge Hkk"k.k lquuk ilan djrs gSa\ 'e'kku ?kkV esa gekjs eksckbyksa ij vDlj xw¡trh gqbZ ^fjax VksUl* bl ckr dk lqcwr gSa fd fdlh ,d ds ejus ls fdlh nwljs dks dksbZ [kkl Q+dZ ugha iM+ jgk gSA ge rks ;gk¡ Hkh vkSipkfjdrk gh <ks jgsa gSaA vkMacjksa us euq"; ls mldh vlfy;r Nhu yh gSA çks- jktho 'kekZ dh vU; jpukvksa ds fy;s nsf[k;s½ E-mail :

5 vçSy 2013


vYek ifjokj esa gksyh feyu lekjksg eq[; vfrfFk vf[ky Hkkjrh; dkaxzsl desVh ds lfpo Jh iadt 'kekZ Fks bUnkSjA vYek ifjokj esa gksyh feyu lekjksg lEié gqvkA lekjksg esa vf[ky Hkkjrh; lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh laxBu o varjkZ"Vªh; czkã.k laln ds lnL;x.k Hkh lfEefyr gq,A bl volj ij eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa ubZ fnYyh ls i/kkjs vf[ky Hkkjrh; dkaxzsl desVh ds lfpo o ofj"B i=dkj Jh iadt 'kekZ mifLFkr FksA v/;{krk vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk us dhA fof'k"V vfrfFk ds :i esa dkaxzsl ds ofj"B usrk iajkeukjk;.k frokjh] Jh pUæçHkk"k 'ks[kj ¼iwoZ ea=h e-ç'kklu½] Jh jkes'oj iVsy ¼iwoZ ea=h e-ç- 'kklu½] Jh vf'ou tks'kh ¼fo/kk;d½] Jherh 'kksHkk vks>k ¼ofj"B us=h e-çdkaxzsl desVh½] ¼Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV] Mk;jsDVj] vYek½ Jh y{ehdkar ik.Ms;~ ¼fjVk;MZ yscj dfe'uj½] Jh

dey oekZ ¼lfpo] e-ç- dkaxzsl desVh½] Jh ftrsUæ f=ikBh ¼,MoksdsV½] Jh nhid tks'kh ¼'kgj v/;{k] ;qod dkaxzsl½] Jh gjh'k fot;oxhZ; ¼lektlsoh½] Jh vueksy frokjh ¼lektlsoh½] Jh ekaxhyky jsMoky ¼ik"kZn½] Jh Hkjr 'kekZ ¼lfpo] IBP½] Jh larks"k xkSre ¼mik/;{k] 'kgj dkaxzsl desVh½] Jh vrqy frokjh ¼usrk ;qod dkaxzsl½] Jh fodkl voLFkh ¼;qok usrk] Hkk-t-ik-½] Jh vuwi 'kqDyk ¼egkea=h] 'kgj dkaxzsl desVh½ vkfn x.kekU; vfrfFk ekStwn FksA bl volj ij lHkh us gksyh dh gkfnZd 'kqÒdkeuk,¡ nhA vfrfFk;ksa dk Lokxr vYek ds leLr inkf/kdkfj;ksa us fd;kA dk;ZØe dk lapkyu vYek ,oa IBP ds lfpo MkW- Hkjr vks>k us fd;k o vkHkkj jkts'k 'kqDyk us O;ä fd;kA


5 vçSy 2013

mn;iqj ds balisDVj larks"k 'kqDyk vYek ifjokj esa 'kkfey mn;iqjA jktLFkku ds mn;iqj esa inLFk ba l is D Vj larks"k 'kqDyk v Y e k ifjokj es a 'kkfey gq , gS a A mYys[kuh; gS fd vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us balisDVj larks"k 'kqDyk dks vYek ifjokj esa tqM+us ij gkfnZd 'kqHkdkeuk,¡ nhA


IBP }kjk egkjk"Vª bdkbZ ds fo}kuksa dk lEeku lekjksg

eqacbZA baVjus'kuy czkã.k ikfyZ;kesaV ¼IBP½ ds rRoko/kku esa egkjk"Vª bdkbZ ds }kjk çns'k ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa esa viuk dq'ky ;ksxnku ns jgs fo}kuksa dk lEeku fd;k x;kA mDr tkudkjh IBP ds jk"Vªh; çoDrk MkW- çnhi feJ us nhA dk;ZØe dh 'kq:vkr esa IBP egkjk"Vª ds iwoZ çns'kk/;{k Lo- çsepUæ

feJk dks J)katfy vfiZr dh xbZA bl volj ij çoDrk MkW- çnhi feJ us dgk fd IBP dk mn~ns'; ns'k gh ugha cfYd fo'o esa oSfnd Kku ,oa laLdkjksa dks çpkfjr ,oa çlkfjr djus dk dk;Z dj jgk gSA IBP dh ;qok foax ds xBu ds ek/;e ls ;qok 'kfDr dks usr`Ro lkSaik tk,xk] rkfd os uSfrd ewY;ksa dks vkus okyh ih<+h rd igq¡pk ldsaA bl volj ij Jh jkeÑ".k ik.Ms;~ us dgk fd baVjus'kuy czkã.k ikfyZ;kesaV ds ek/;e ls tutkx`fr ds lkFk&lkFk gesa lkekftd lq/kkj dh fn'kk esa ;qok 'kfä dks lfØ; cukuk gksxkA blh ekSds ij Jh fo'oukFk ik.Ms;~ us vius oDrO; esa dgk fd IBP ,d ,slk eap gS ftlds ek/;e ls ns'k dh laLÑfr ,oa oSfnd fojklr fo'o Lrj ij igq¡pk;k tk jgk gSA egkjk"Vª ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa ls i/kkjs fo}kuksa esa loZJh jkeÑ".k ik.Ms;~] fo'oukFk ik.Ms;~] Ñ".kkuan nqcs] fnyhi feJ] pUæHkku feJ] ykypUæ f=ikBh] jktef.k nqcs] jes'k 'kqDyk ,oa ;ksxs'k f=ikBh dk vfHkuUnu&i= HksaV dj lEeku fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe esa ljLorh iwtu ds i'pkr~ vfrfFk;ksa dk Lokxr Jh txnhi feJ ,oa vkuUnnhi feJ us fd;kA lekjksg dk dq'ky lapkyu Jh dqynhi feJ us ,oa vkHkkj Jh fnyhi feJ us O;Dr fd;kA

Santosh Shukla, Advocate Director, Alma Limited E-mail :

Alma redefine the success çrkix<+ ¼m-ç-½ dh çkph feJk dks vf[ky vYek xqtjkr dh o"kkZ f=osnh dh Hkkjrh; laxhr çfr;ksfxrk dk çFke iqjLdkj eq[;ea=h Jh ujsUæ eksnh ls HksaV with growth I would like to congratulate all of you

çrkix<++A mÙkjçns'k dh lkr o"khZ; uUgha ckfydk çkph feJk us ç;kx laxhr lfefr bykgkckn ds rRoko/kku esa vk;ksftr vf[ky Hkkjrh; laxhr çfr;ksfxrk esa fnYyh] fcgkj] e-ç-] jktLFkku o m-ç- ds reke çfrHkkfx;ksa dks ihNs NksM+rs gq, çFke LFkku çkIr fd;k gSA ftlds fy, ç;kx laxhr lfefr ds esgrk gkWy esa vk;ksftr ,d HkO; lekjksg esa çkph feJk dks ç;kx laxhr lfefr ds v/;{k MkW- feyu eqdthZ }kjk yksdxhr dk çFke iqjLdkj nsdj lEekfur fd;k x;kA çkph feJk xzke&iwjs gfjnUr jktkiqj fcU/ku çrkix<+ m-ç- ds fuoklh rFkk vYek ifjokj ds lnL; fouksn 'kadj feJ dh lqiq=h gS tks fd vkdk' bykgkckn esa yksdxhr ds dykdkj gSaA çkph feJk us laxhr dh f'k{kk vius firk ls gh çkIr dh gSA çkph dh lQyrk ij vYek ifjokj ds inkf/kdkfj;ksa us c/kkb;k¡ nhA

Alma VTP Programme tqykbZ ls ALMA HQ: vYek dh tujy eSustj MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk us crk;k fd

vYek oksds'kuy Vªsfuax çksxzke ds vUrxZr jkstxkjksUeq[kh dbZ u;s ikB~;Øeksa dh 'kq:vkr tqykbZ ls gksus tk jgh gSA VTP ds vUrxZr djhc 200 u;s dkslsZl dh 'kq:vkr 'kgjh o xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa dh tkosxh ftlls jkstxkj ds u;s volj çkIr gksaxsA

xk¡/khuxjA vYek xqtjkr dh Jherh o"kkZ f=osnh us fiNys fnuksa xqtjkr ds eq[;ea=h Jh ujsUæ eksnh ls lkStU; HksaV dhA bl volj ij mUgksaus vYek dh lkekftd ,oa 'kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ksa dh foLr`r tkudkjh nhA bl ekSds ij Jh vf'ou f=osnh] ,MoksdsV Hkh ekStwn FksA mYys[kuh; gS fd Jh ,oa Jherh f=osnh fiNys 13 o"kksZa ls vYek ifjokj ls tqM+s gSa ,oa vYek ds pgq¡eq[kh fodkl esa viuk lfØ; ;ksxnku nsrs jgs gSaA mDr tkudkjh vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us nhA

dSIVu lrh'k 'kekZ] tuknZu f}osnh rFkk egkcy feJk vYek ekxZn'kZu e.My esa

egf"kZ egs'k ;ksxh oSfnd fo'ofo|ky; ds IC, CC lsUVj ds fy, lEidZ djsa bUnkSjA vYek }kjk fo'ofo|ky; dk;ksZa dh çHkkjh vafdrk lwjh us crk;k fd vYek o vk;Vk ds leLr 'kk[kk çca/kd viuh 'kk[kk ij fo'ofo|ky; ¼UGC½ }kjk fMxzh o fMIyksek çksxzke dh ekU;rk ds fy, laidZ djsaA fo'ofo|ky; vYek ds ek/;e ls IC, CC lsUVj dh ekU;rk çnku dj jgk gSA mYys[kuh; gS fd egf"kZ egs'k ;ksxh oSfnd fo'ofo|ky; ds çek.k&i= 'kkldh; ukSdfj;ksa] iVokjh] cSafdx vkfn txg ekU; fd;s tkrs gSaA vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy, vafdrk lwjh ls ij laidZ djsaA

vYek foLrkjkf/kdkjh vk'kh"k feJk us fd;k mÙkjçns'k lsUVj dk fujh{k.k



bUnkSjA ofj"B jktuhfrK jkT;lHkk lnL; dSIVu lrh'k 'kekZ] ofj"B dkaxzslh jktusrk ,oa jkT;lHkk lkaln Jh tuknZu f}osnh rFkk ofj"B lkaln Jh egkcy feJk] }kjdk] ubZ fnYyh us vYek ds ekxZn'kZd e.My esa viuh lgefr

çnku dh gSA mDr tkudkjh vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us nhA bl volj ij Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd dSIVu lrh'k 'kekZ] Jh tuknZu f}osnh ,oa Jh egkcy feJk ds ¼lkaln½ ekxZn'kZu esa vYek ifjokj dks u dsoy çksRlkgu feysxk cfYd muds lkfu/; esa vYek vkus okys o"kksZa esa ubZ lQyrkvksa dh bckjr fy[ksxhA bl ekSds ij vYek ifjokj ds lHkh lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us g"kZ çdV fd;kA

lkaln enuyky 'kekZ vYek ds laj{kd eaMy esa ubZ fnYyhA vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us crk;k fd tEew ds lkaln Jh enuyky 'kekZ vYek ds laj{kd eaMy esa 'kkfey gq, gSaA Jh 'kekZ dk ekxZn'kZu vYek ds lHkh 'kk[kk çca/kdksa dks feyrk jgsxkA vYek tEew {ks= esa Jh 'kekZ ds ekxZn'kZu esa lkekftd o 'kS{kf.kd xfrfof/k;ksa dk lapkyu djsxhA bl volj ij tEew vYek ds Jh txnh'k 'kekZ] Jherh T;ksfr 'kekZ ,oa Jh jkts'k 'kqDyk us gkfnZd 'kqÒdkeuk,¡ nhA

f'kMhZ ¼egkjk"Vª½ ds MkW- vkcklkgsc dksVLFkus dk vYek }kjk lEeku bUnkSjA foxr fnuksa vYek ds foLrkj vf/kdkjh Jh vk'kh"k feJk us mÙkçns'k çokl ds nkSjku çrkix<+ ftys esa py jgs leLr lsUVjksa dk fujh{k.k fd;kA ftlesa muds lkFk Jh czãnso f=ikBh Hkh lfEefyr jgsA bl nkSjku dekflu] tsBokjk] çrkix<+ vkfn vYek lsUVlZ dk fujh{k.k dj ogk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Øe'k% loZJh vt; flag] jkds'k flag ,oa vk'kh"kpaæ feJk ls xfrfof/k;ksa dh tkudkjh çkIr dhA mUgksaus lsUVlZ ij fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls ppkZ dj mUgsa ekxZn'kZu fn;kA Email:

f'kMhZA vYek ds Mk;jsDVj lUrks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us crk;k fd f'kMhZ ds MkW- vkcklkgsc dksVLFkkus dh lkekftd xfrfof/k;ksa dks ns[krs gq, vYek }kjk lEeku&i= çnku fd;k x;kA vYek ds Jh lquh"k f=ikBh o Jherh iYyoh f=ikBh us lEeku&i= HksaV fd;kA bl volj ij MkW- dksVLFkkus dks loZJh&,e- tks'kh] vkuan Hkkolj] LofIuy pdksys] dqynhi feJ ,oa Jherh yhuk lçk vkfn vYek egkjk"Vª ds lnL;ksa us gkfnZd c/kkb;k¡ nhA

being our member of Alma Family, being franchise, well wisher and associates in the success journey of Alma for last 12 years. Now Alma has started new year of its adventure for social and educational cause along with your co-operation and deep rooted faith with us. Since its inception, Alma has been philanthropic in serving society through educational cause and especially the computer education and computer literacy so that the cross section of the society could get benefitted from technological development and contributed its talent for national growth. Alma has now been working all across the country from remote rural and tribal belts of the country to magor cities and metropolitan cities encoring students for computer and IT education. In the entrance of 13th year Alma has come up with its new project Alma Kids- The International Play School. Alma Kids has been conceptualized and synchronized with the latest global standard existing right now. Alma Kids is one of the leading play school concept that could encourage educational market of franchising sector for promoting growth. Alma Kids would surely inspired new players of educational sphere. There is no doubt that education of kids plays vital role in every society across the world. Every parent wants to educate its child in better ambience of learning. Here Alma Kids would fulfill that lacunae. Alma Kids would support and adopted new methodology of child psychology and cognitive fore more energetic way. I would like to thank you all for being with us as the members of Alma's growth for last 12 y e a r s . Yo u r f a i t h , m u t u a l understanding, co-operation and willpower have appreciated and I hope that would continue in year to come.

5 vçSy 2013


o`)ksa dh lsok egku lkekftd vYek okjk.klh dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk dk;Z & ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk {ks= ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dEI;wVj f'k{kk ds vk/kqfud dkslsZl djus dk volj okjk.klhA ns'k gh ugha cfYd Xykscy Lrj ij dEI;wVj ,twds'ku ds {ks= esa pfpZr czkaM ds :i esa 'kqekj vYek us mÙkjçns'k ds fo|kFkhZ ; ks a ,oa ;q o koxZ dks eq[;/kkjk ds fodkl ls tksM+us ds fy, U;wure 'kqYd ij vk/kqfud dEI;wVj dkslsZl çnku fd, gSa ftlls lekt dk gj fo|kFkhZ v/;;u dj ldsA mDr fopkj vYek okjk.klh lsUVj ds çeq[k Jh vk'kh"k JhokLro ,oa Jh jkt'ks[kj f=ikBh us mn~?kkVu l= esa O;Dr fd,A bl volj ij mUgksaus crk;k fd bl lsUVj esa vYek ds lHkh vk/kqfud dkslsZl dk lapkyu fd;k tkrk gS tks u dsoy jkstxkjksUeq[kh gS cfYd vke oxZ ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds igq¡p ds vUnj vkrs gSaA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks lacksf/kr djrs gq, vfrfFk;ksa us vk/kqfud vkbZ-Vh- f'k{kk] bUVjusV

dk egRo rFkk dEI;wVj f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls jkstxkj ds voljksa ij çdk'k Mkyrs gq, mUgsa çsfjr vkSj çksRlkfgr fd;kA mUgksaus ,d ckr ij t+ksj fn;k fd vc gj fo|kFkhZ dks dEI;wVj f'k{kk dk Kku vko';d gksrk tk jgk gS D;ksafd cxSj dEI;wVj f'k{kk ds gesa :fp dk jkstxkj çkIr ugha gks ldsxk blfy, ;g t:jh gS fd ge dEI;wVj f'k{kk ds vk/kqfud dkslsZl dks viuh vkSipkfjd f'k{kk ds lkFk iw.kZ dj vkRefo'oklh cusa vkSj ns'k ds fodkl dks et+cwr cuk,A dk;ZØe esa LFkkuh; fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds lkFk {ks= ds x.kekU; ukxfjd ekStwn FksA lekjksg dk lapkyu o vkHkkj Jh pUæ'ks[kj f=ikBh us O;Dr fd;kA

vYek xqgkuk ¼gfj;k.kk½ lsUVj ij QSUlh Mªsl çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ dk

bUnkSjA o`) gekjs lekt ds vewY; ekxZn'kZd gSa ftuds vuqHkoksa dk ykHk gesa xzg.k djuk pkfg,A o`)ksa dh lsok egku lkekftd dk;Z gSA mDr fopkj vYek ds ps;jeSu ia- fo".kqçlkn 'kqDyk us dY;k.k fe= lfefr dh okf"kZd foojf.kdk ds foekspu ds volj ij O;Dr fd,A bl volj ij mUgksaus dgk fd o`)ksa dh lsok djuk vFkkZr~ bZ'oj çkfIr ls feyus okys ijekuUn ds rqY; gSA bl nkSjku tuin v/;{k Jherh d:.kk 'kqDyk] vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV] tujy eSustj MkW- lqfprk 'kqDyk] MkW- çnhi feJ] Jh çdk'k feJk] lqJh Lusgk eksVykuh lfgr dY;k.k fe= lfefr ds Jh vuks[khyky oekZ fo'ks"k :i ls mifLFkr FksA Jh oekZ us crk;k fd lfefr ds }kjk vkLFkk o`)kJe lapkfyr fd;k tkrk gS ftlesa 80 ls vf/kd o`)ksa dh vkfRed ns[kHkky dh tkrh gS rFkk muds euksjatu ,oa fpfdRlk dk iwjk&iwjk /;ku j[kk tkrk gSA bl vkJe dks 'kkldh; vuqnku çkIr ugha gksrk gS rFkk vYek ds lg;ksx ls if=dk dk çdk'ku ,oa dEI;wVj f'k{kk dks c<+kok nsrs gq, fu/kZu dU;kvksa dks dEI;wVj f'k{kk nsdj mUgsa çek.k&i= fn, tkrs gSaA vYek dh lkekftd ,oa lkaLÑfrd xfrfof/k;ksa ij çdk'k Mkyrs gq, Mk;jsDVj Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd vYek fiNys 12 o"kksZa ls bUnkSj gh ugha çns'k Lrj ds lkFk&lkFk ns'k ds fiNM+s o xzkeh.k bykdksa esa ijekfFkZd dk;ksZa dks vatke nsrh jgh gS rkfd lekt ds o`)ksa vkSj çfrHkkoku fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk xqgkukA vYek ds xqgkuk lsUVj esa xzksbax fdM~l }kjk QSUlh Mªsl çfr;ksfxrk dk vkRefo'okl c<+k;k tk ldsA vk;kstu fd;k x;kA lÒh cPpksa us viuh&viuh çfrHkk fn[kkbZA egd ¼tyijh½] bZf'krk ¼ijh½] rUoh ywFkjk ¼xksok xyZ½ o rq"kkj ¼dsjyk ckW;½ lekjksg dk eq[; vkd"kZ.k jgsA eq[; vfrfFk ds :i esa igq¡ps ,DLVªhe ,twds'kuy lkslk;Vh ds ps;jeSu Hkkjr ywFkjk us cPpksa dks i<+us ds lkFk&lkFk 'kS{k.kksÙkj fØ;kvksa ds fy, Hkh çksRlkfgr fd;k o iqjLdkj forfjr fd,A dk;ZØe dh v/;{krk Øp dh v/;{k Jherh vatw Bdjky us dhA bl ekSds ij eksfudk ywFkjk] nhik pkoyk] g"kZ] latho] uO;k] dfiy] uohu] fç;adk o f'kYik dk lg;ksx jgkA


ukxiqj ¼egkjk"Vª½ esa lEeku

ukxiqjA vf[ky Hkkjrh; dfo lEesyu esa çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ dks foosdkuan vokMZ ls lEekfur fd;k x;kA mudk lEeku ukxiqj ds egkikSj Jh vfuy lksys }kjk fd;k x;kA v-Hkk- dfo lEesyu esa çks- 'kekZ ds vykok loZJh gfjvkse i¡okj] lkaM ujflagiqjh] lqeu nqcs us Hkh dkO; ikB fd;kA Hkktik ds ofj"B usrk Jh n;k'kadj frokjh us vfrfFk;ksa dk ifjp; fn;kA bl volj ij vYek ifjokj ds lHkh lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us çks- ¼MkW-½ jktho 'kekZ dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

dcM~Mh ds {ks= esa ydh oaMlZ Dyc dk ;ksxnku India's Leading Brand of Computer Education

bUnkSjA dcM~Mh gekjs ns'k dk gh ugha cfYd varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij pfpZr [ksyksa esa ,dA Hkkjr ds bl eq[; [ksy dks vU; XySejkbTM [ksyksa dh rqyuk esa 'kk;n bruk T;knk roTtks nh x;h gks exj bl [ksy us vius tkunkj f[kykfM+;ksa ds pyrs varjkZ"Vªh; vokMZ Hkkjr dks fn, gSaA ek¡ vfgY;k dh uxjh bUnkSj esa yxHkx 40 o"kksZa ls dcM~Mh ds ek/;e ls f[kykfM+;ksa dks çsfjr vkSj çksRlkfgr djus dk dk;Z ydh oaMlZ LiksVZ~l Dyc }kjk fd;k tkrk jgk gSA mDr fopkj Dyc ds ofj"B inkf/kdkjh Jh jkepUæ ik.Ms;~ us ,d lk{kkr~dkj ds nkSjku O;Dr fd,A Jh ik.Ms;~ us ydh oaMlZ dh 'kq:vkr ij çdk'k Mkyrs gq, dgk fd Lo- gfjfd'ku th vxzoky loZJh vuUr fxnZ] pUælsu yaHkkrs] xqykc

pkanokuh] jktsUæ tSu rFkk jes'k ;kno tSls O;fDrRoksa dh yxu vkSj fopkj/kkjk ls ydh oaMlZ u;s&u;s vk;keksa esa çdV gksrk jgk gSA yxHkx pkj n'kd ds bfrgkl esa Dyc us ntZu jk"Vªh; ,oa çknsf'kd çfrLi/kkZvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k bruk gh ugha ydh oaMlZ us vius f[kykfM+;ksa ds ek/;e ls N% xksYM di çns'k ds fy, thrdj bfrgkl cuk;k gSA ns'kHkj ds dcM~Mh ds f[kykfM+;ksa dks ekxZn'kZu nsus ,oa mUgsa çksRlkfgr djus dh fn'kk esa Dyc us lnSo lfØ; Hkwfedk vnk dh gSA e-ç- vesU;ksj dcM~Mh ,lksfl,'ku ds ofj"B mik/;{k ds in ij vius lfØ; ;ksxnku nsus okys Jh ik.Ms;~ dks gky gh esa eq[;ea=h jkT; [ksy 2013 esa rduhdh ;ksX;rk ds çek.k&i= ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA blds iwoZ Jh ik.Ms;~ Dyc dh vksj ls ikfdLrku ,oa ckaXykns'k dh ;k=k,sa dj dcM~Mh dks ÅpkbZ;k¡ nhA vYek ifjokj us c/kkb;k¡ nhA & vkfnR; iafMr

nsgjknwu esa vYek dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kqHkkjaHk 'kh?kz nsgjknwuA varjkZ"Vªh; yhfMax czkaM vYek }kjk mÙkjkapy ds nsgjknwu esa vius u;s dEI;wVj ,twds'ku lsUVj dk 'kq H kkjEHk 'kh?kz fd;k tk,xkA mDr tkudkjh vYek dh fodkl vf/kdkjh MkW- eksfudk ukxkSjh us nhA MkWukxkSjh us nh xbZ tkudkjh esa crk;k fd usgw dkWyksuh] gfj}kj jksM fLFkr bl lsUVj ds ek/;e ls vYek ds lHkh dEI;wVj f'k{kk ds dkslsZl dk lapkyu fd;k tk,xkA mUgksaus crk;k fd nsgjknwu esa lsUVj gsM Jh ch-ih- xs;jkyk ¼HkkLdj½ vius QSdYVh LVkQ ds ek/;e ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks f'k{k.k ,oa çf'k{k.k nsus dk dk;Z djsaxsA

ifCyd çksflD;wVj jfoUæ nslkbZ ,oa ,MoksdsV ujsUæ 'kekZ dk vYek QkmUMs'ku }kjk lEeku

Alma Limited “Alma House”, 18/3, Pardeshipura, Near Electronic Complex, Indore - 452003 (M.P.) INDIA Tel.: 0731-4222242, 4222252 | Fax : 0731-2573779 Email : Helpline : 0999 39 50000

bUnkSjA jk"Vªh; ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij pfpZr czkaM vYek u dsoy dEI;wVj f'k{kk ,oa vkbZ-Vh- f'k{kk dks c<+kok nsus dh fn'kk esa ç'kaluh; dk;Z dj jgh gS cfYd lkekftd ,oa lkaLÑfrd {ks= esa çfrHkkvksa dks çfrf"Br djus dk ;K dk;Z dj jgh gSA vYek ds lkekftd psruk ls tqM+s ljksdkj fu%lansg; gSaA mDr

fopkj ftyk U;k;ky; bUnkSj ds ifCyd çksflD;wVj jfoUæ nslkbZ ,oa gkbZ dksVZ ,MoksdsV ujsUæ 'kekZ us vYek ds lEeku lekjksg esa O;Dr fd,A mDr tkudkjh vYek ds Mk;jsDVj Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV us nhA bl volj ij Jh 'kqDyk us crk;k fd bUnkSj ds cgqpfpZr nq"dehZ pkpk ds ekeys esa U;k;ky; esa lt+k fnyokus dh fn'kk esa Jh nslkbZ dk ;ksxnku fu%lansg lkekftd U;k; dh fn'kk esa l'kä Hkwfedk dks js[kkafdr djrk gSA mDr ekeys esa vkjksih dks Qk¡lh dh lt+k lqukbZ xbZ FkhA mYys[kuh; gS fd Jh nslkbZ ,oa ,MoksdsV ujsUæ 'kekZ vYek ifjokj esa fiNys ,d n'kd ls tqM+s jgs gSa ,oa le;≤ ij vYek ds fodkl ,oa lfØ;rk esa viuh vge Hkwfedk vnk djrs jgs gSaA vYek us lnSo lekt esa vius vewY; ;ksxnku nsus okys O;fDrRo dk lEeku dj muds vkRefo'okl dks çksRlkfgr djus dk dk;Z fd;k gSA bl volj ij vYek ifjokj ds lHkh lnL;ksa us Jh nslkbZ ,oa Jh 'kekZ dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA Email:

5 vçSy 2013


vf[ky Òkjrh; lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh laxBu ALL INDIA IT ASSOCIATION vkWy bafM;k vkbZVh ,lksfl,'ku ¼vk;Vk½ us vius jk"VªO;kih vfHk;ku ds rgr fiNys fnuksa egkjk"Vª] mÙkj çns'k] e/; çns'k] fgekpy çns'k] jktLFkku] if'pe caxky] vle rFkk nf{k.k Hkkjr ds fofHké jkT;ksa esa xfrfof/k;ksa dks u;k vk;ke nsrs gq, Å¡pkb;k¡ gkfly dhA vk;Vk dk mn~ns'; u dsoy ns'k ds nwjnjkt {ks=ksa ds ;qokvksa esa dEI;wVj lk{kjrk dks c<+kok nsuk gS cfYd mUgsa vkfFkZd :i ls vkRefuHkZj cukrs gq,

vkRefo'oklh cukuk gSA vk;Vk ds bl lQ+j esa vkbZVh çksQs'kuy] vkbZ V h dEiuht] dkiks Z j s V ls D Vj] lkW¶Vos;j MsoyilZ] lkbcj dSQs rFkk vU; VsDuksØsV~l tks lwpuk çkS|ksfxdh ds fodkl esa çR;{k ,oa ijks{k :i ls ;ksxnku ns jgs gSa mUgsa vk;Vk vius fe'ku ,oa fotu ds lkFk vius fo'kky ifjokj esa 'kkfey dj jgh gS] ;fn vki vk;Vk ds lQj esa 'kkfey gksuk pkgrs gSa] rks vk;Vk ds lsØsVjh MkW- jktho JhokLro ls eks- ua07828774672 Qksu% 0731&4055551 ,oa bZ & es y, ij laidZ dj ldrs gSaA

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jhok ¼e/;çns'k½ esa vk;Vk ds LV~Mh lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr

Alma Opens New Centre in Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

jhokA e/;çns'k dk jhok ftyk u dsoy vius {ks= ds lQsn 'ksjksa dks ysdj pfpZr jgk gS cfYd vkbZ-Vh- f'k{kk ds {ks= esa Hkh lfØ; ;ksxnku ns jgk gSA fiNys fnuksa vkWy bafM;k vkbZ-Vh- ,lksfl,'ku ¼vk;Vk½ us vius LV~Mh lsUVj dh ;gk¡ 'kq:vkr dhA bl volj ij ;gk¡ ds lsUVj gsM Jh jkgqy Hkkjrh us crk;k fd muds lsUVj ij vk;Vk ds lHkh jkstxkjksUeq[kh dEI;wVj f'k{kk ls tqM+s dkslsZl dk v/;;u dq'ky QSdYVh LVkQ ds ek/;e ls djk;k tkrk gS ,oa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks dfj;j xkbMsUl fn;k tkrk gSA vk;Vk ds jhok LV~Mh lsUVj dh 'kq:vkr ij vk;Vk ds jk"Vªh; v/;{k Jh larks"k 'kqDyk] ,MoksdsV] okbl çslhMsaV MkW- fnyhi ,u- iafMr] lfpo MkW- jktho JhokLro lfgr vk;Vk dh jk"Vªh; dk; ds leLr lnL;ksa ,oa inkf/kdkfj;ksa us Jh Hkkjrh ,oa muds LVkQ dks c/kkb;k¡ nhA

BHUBANESWAR: The leading global brand in Computer Education and IT Education across the country Alma has recently opened its new Computer Education Centre in Bhubaneshwar Orrisa to spread the awareness of Computer Education. On this occasion, The Centre Head Shri Bijan Kumar Barik said that all courses of Computer Education of Alma are being conducted by our faculty staff and career guidance to our students. He told that social and educational activities would be conducted for betterment of students. On the opening of Bhubaneshwar Centre, Chairman Pt. Vishnu Prasad Shukla, Vice Chairman Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, Director Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate, GM Dr. Suchita Shukla, Dr. Rajeev Shrivastav and members of Alma family congratulated Shri Barik and his staff.

aiita courseware CDs release by Colombian Scientist Hernandez

i=dkfjrk ds {ks= esa vYek VkbEl dk dk;Z ljkguh;% lar Hk¸;w egkjkt

INDORE: Computer education and Information Communication Technology (ICT) have been getting buzzword nowadays across the world owing to better employment option it's been really nice to educate student and youth through computer education apart from formal a c a d e m i c curriculum. These views were expressed by Colombian Scientist Mr Abel Hernandez at releasing courseware CDs of all India IT Association (aiita) along with Vice President of aiita Dr. Dilip N. Pandit, Shri Abhay Praranjape and Ms Aleta M. Macan of Canada were present. Email:

On expressing his view Shri Abhay Praranjape spoke the significance of being computer litrate and utility of computer knowledge in cyber age. Ms Aleta M. Macan echoed the importance of communication technologies along with the application of computer technology of our daily c h o r e s . M r. Hernandadez congratulated a i i t a f o r promoting the cause of computer education and computer literacy among youth and students in the remote areas of the country that is indeed the need of the hour. This is informed by Dr Rajeev Shrivastav secretary of aiita.

bUnkSjA jk"Vªh; ,oa varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij Kku] foKku ,oa vk/;kfRed psruk dh ÅtkZ ls lkekftd ,oa ekuo dY;k.k ds dk;ksZa dks xfr'khy cukus esa lefiZr jk"Vª lar i-iw- Hk¸;w egkjkt ds vkJe esa fiNys fnuksa vYek ifjokj ds lnL;ksa us lkStU; HksaV dj vYek dh xfrfof/k;ksa dh laf{kIr tkudkjh nhA bl volj ij larJh us viuh vkstLoh ls vYek dh xfrfof/k;ksa dks ç'kaluh; crkrs gq, lkekftd] lkaLÑfrd ,oa yksd dY;k.k dh vksj vxzlj gksus ds vk'khoZpu nsrs gq, ldkjkRed i=dkfjrk ls yksd dY;k.k ds ekxZ dks ç'kLr djus dh ÅtkZ çnku dhA vYek ifjokj dh vksj ls vYek VkbEl ds lEiknd MkWfnyhi ,u- iafMr] Jh jkts'k 'kqDyk] MkW- çnhi feJ ,oa Jh lat; iatokuh us mudk vk'khokZn xzg.k fd;kA

Dr. Dilip N. Pandit Editor, Alma Times E-mail :

Earliest bursts of star formation during beginning of universe discovered Distant, dust-filled galaxies were bursting with newborn stars much earlier in cosmic history than previously thought, a new study suggests. So-called "starburst galaxies" produce stars at the equivalent of a thousand new suns per year. Now, astronomers have found starbursts that were churning out stars when the universe was just a billion years old. Joaquin Vieira, a postdoctoral scholar at the California Institute of Technology and leader of the study said that these aren't normal galaxies. "These galaxies [reveal star formation] at an extraordinary rate, when the universe was very young. I don't think anyone expected us to find galaxies like this so early in the history of the universe," Vieira said.An international team of astronomers found dozens of these galaxies with the National Science Foundation- (NSF) funded South Pole Telescope (SPT). SPT is a 10-meter dish in Antarctica that surveys the sky in millimeter-wavelength light, whose waves fall between radio waves and infrared on the electromagnetic spectrum. The team then took a more detailed look using the new Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile's Atacama Desert, which is funded in part by NSF. ALMA is an international facility and is a partnership between North America, Europe and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile."The new observations represent some of ALMA's most significant scientific results yet. We couldn't have done this without the combination of SPT and ALMA. ALMA is so sensitive, it is going to change our view of the universe in many different ways," Vieira said. The research enables astronomers to study the earliest bursts of star formation and to understand how galaxies formed and evolved.Shining in the infrared with the energy of a trillion suns, these newly discovered starburst galaxies represent what the most massive galaxies in our cosmic neighborhood looked like in their star-making youth.With ALMA, the astronomers found that more than 30 percent of the new galaxies are from a time period just 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang. Previously, only nine such galaxies were known to exist, and it wasn't clear whether galaxies could produce stars at such high rates so early in cosmic history.Now, with the new discoveries, that number has nearly doubled, providing valuable data that will help other researchers constrain and refine computer models of star and galaxy formation in the early universe. The findings are published in the journal Nature.

5 vçSy 2013


World Brahmin Federation, Canada and International Brahmin Parliament go in same zeal

Arvind Pandey (IG, CID) of Bihar blesses Alma Family PATNA: The Senior Police Officer of Bihar Shri Arvind Pandey (IG Police) has been welcomed in Alma family being honorable member to get his blessing and guidance in years to come. Shri Pandey is highly educated and philanthropist by nature. His

guidance and blessing would surely motivate students of Alma and members of Alma family. This is informed by the Director Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate. In this occasion, members of Alma family look pride to be associated with such a mesmeric personality. On this occasion the Chairman of Alma Pt. Vishnu Prasad Shukla and others congratulated.

5th Nullcon Information Security Conference gets momentum in Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parikkar inaugural the conference

CANADA: The teaching and philosophical values of Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya have always been worth learning and get positive through his ideological gems. Pt. Malviya has been great leader and reformer who pioneered many generation for educational cause. His leadership made us to realize our potential. There is no doubt that the teaching and values of Pt. Malviya would ever be guiding factor in our life and for generation of youth in years to come. There inspiring views were expressed by the president of World Brahmin Federation (WBF) Dr. Azad Kaushik during the function dedicated to recalling of Pt. Malviya. On this occasion, Number of scholars and erudite personalities of WEB shared their

views over Pt. Malviya teaching and anecdotes. Pt. Malviya's contribution towards educational cause has long been appreciated by the leadership and upcoming generation. Banaras Hindu University (BHU) and its ideology is reflected as the very characteristics of Pt. Malviya. The President of International Brahmin Parliament (IBP) Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate congratulated Executive Council of World Brahmin Federation (WBF) for spreading value and heritage of Hindu culture across the world. He said IBP has already been performing many activities concerned with promotion of vedic culture across the world. He said the IBP and WBF will be work together. -P. Anudeep

Alma felicitates IT Students and Professionals in Srinagar (J&K)

SRINAGAR: Alma has long been associated with motivational activities to promote the educational cause across the country. IT Students and professionals are gems of our

national treasure. They must be motivated through felicitation. These views were expressed by development officer of Alma Mr. Tufail Majeed Bhat on the felicitation function of IT Profession at Srinagar. On this occasion, Mr. Bhat shed the light on utilities of IT Education in employment sector and to have better opportunities in IT career. There were more than 25 IT students and professional those felicitated by Participation Certification. The Chairman of Alma, Pt. Vishnu Prasad Shukla, Vice Chairman Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, Director Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate congratulated all of them.

VASCODAGAMA: The conference was inaugurated by the Honorary Chief Minister of Goa Mr. Manohar Parikkar. He gave an enlightening speech on how cyber security is important to the nation. He encouraged to have more of such cyber security conferences and would support the same in the future. There was a very good participation from the Govt. agencies at the conference which suggests that the Govt. of India has taken up cyber security as a critical agenda for the coming years as are keen on protecting the country's assets. Critical information infrastructure protection has become a serious issue considering that most things are interconnected today and attackers can remotely breach the systems and attack the infrastructure. It was at nullcon Goa 2013: first time in the world that Govt. has come forward to the community and announced a bounty program to whoever provides critical information on the command and control servers of a malware recently found in one of the Govt. installations in India and the

prize for the bounty was INR 35000/-. One of the speakers at nullcon was able to hijack the command and control server of the attackers and won the bounty. This clearly shows the first signs of Govt. and community partnership in fighting cyber crimes in the country. The keynote given by Mr. Aravind Sitaraman, President inclusive growth, Cisco highlighted the need for securing sensitive campuses. Mr. Philippe Langlois, Founder P1 Security, France showcased the vulnerabilities in Telecom networks and how easy it is to bring down the whole network. This is informed by Shri Antariksh of nullcon.

Alma Expands Activities in Manipur

IMPHAL: At the global scenario of Computer and IT Education, the pioneering brand Alma has been performing nice for last 12 years across the rural and tribal belts of the country as well inter continental countries of SAARC Organization. Recently Alma has started to expand its educational activities in Manipur state of North-East, under the leadership of young and dynamic personality Mr. Robindro Singh. This is informed by the director of Alma, Shri Santosh Shukla, Advocate. Shri Shukla further elaborated that Alma

has planned to p r o m o t e Computer and IT Education in M a n i p u r including all its d i s t r i c t s . M e s m e r i c personality, Mr. Robindro would shoulder the responsibility to expand Alma C o m p u t e r Education centres there. He would activate his team and motivate students and institute of Imphal (E), Imphal (W), Bishrupur, Churachandpur, chandel, senapati, tamenglong, thoubal and ukhul districts. On this occasion, Mr. Robindro spoke out the potential of computer education among youth and students. Onbeing appointed development officer o f A l m a , M r. R o b i n d r o w a s congratulated by Chairman Pt. Vishnu Prasad Shukla, Vice Chairman Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, GM Dr. Suchita Shukla and all members of Alma Family.

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