Snapshots of programming in SCRPA member agencies ch My rtle Bea t Line en m la Monofi Holders
Did you know monofi lament fish ing line can take up to 500 yea rs to break dow n? A local in ou r com mu nity donated five monofi lament recycl ing bin s to ou r department and we were happy to pla ce them at ou r most visited bea ch accesses. We are encou rag ing local fishermen to use the recycl ing bin s to keep the used line out of ou r ocean s.
Back yard program inSaturday Saluda Sh oals
At Saluda Shoals Backya rd Satu rday prog ram, children get to experience a vari ety of educational and enrichment activities. From Bluebird Sen sory Stor ytime to the Sen sory Yar d, children and fam ilies enjoy interact ive play time in natu re.
New Fuller Pa playground in rk Barnw
Th is fal l, the Ba rnw ell Pa rks, Recreation, an d Touri sm Depa rtment wa s able to unvei l an d hold the gra nd openin g of the new Fu ller Pa rk playg rou nd and splash pa d area.
12 SOUTH CAROLINA Recreation and Parks • www.scrpa.org