15 Years
Founded in 2009, Design Friends is a Luxembourg-based non-profit association which gathers together people who are interested in design and its creation.
Founded in 2009, Design Friends is a Luxembourg-based non-profit association which gathers together people who are interested in design and its creation.
15 years may not be the “official” bronze, silver or golden anniversary, but it feels like the perfect moment to take a look back at some of the highlights we have all enjoyed over the last decade and a half of Design Friends.
In the course of our first 14 seasons we have been fortunate indeed to welcome 84 speakers from 14 countries, covering 37 design disciplines. We’ve watched 17 screenings together, and we count 900 members, past and present, many of which have remained with us since the very beginning.
What we have achieved together is inspiring, informative, entertaining, life affirming… And as the programme continues to evolve from season to season we hope to add even more gladdening adjectives.
When we asked you, our members, for your thoughts on good and bad design in daily life, it became clear that you all feel the power which design has to make things better. Corporate design, transportation design, product design… This extends to all the disciplines. We are lucky to work in a field with such a capacity for good.
With the presentations of our guest designers and through the monographs we publish for each lecture, we hope to provide you with a source of inspiration.
By combining new and different perspectives with established points of view, we create the conditions needed for each of us to synthesise something meaningful, useful, and on top even beautiful.
The fruitful exchange that we have together, and the diverse backgrounds of the members, is what makes Design Friends special. So we are very happy to report that your feedback has given us the strong impression you want to discover more! Let us continue to explore the world of design together.
For season 15 we have assembled a truly diverse and exciting program. We are convinced that Valentin Vodev, Germans Ermičs, James Martin, Snask, crafting plastics! studio and Studio Bruch will show us new ideas, new facets and new ways of thinking and being creative.
Once again this year, we will be happy to welcome all of our speakers to the marvellous auditorium of Mudam Luxembourg. For our 15th season the entrance stays free for everyone who would like to gain fresh insights into the diverse world of design.
This year we are especially proud that, as part of the Luxembourg official stamp program for 2024, POST Philately granted us a special stamp to mark our 15 year anniversary. A small but powerful ambassador to spread the spirit of Design Friends in Luxembourg and abroad.
As a non profit association, Design Friends must rely on the support of public and private partners, including our individual members. We would, therefore, be very happy to welcome you as a member for our 15th anniversary season.
We gather people who love design.
We produce lectures, workshops and exhibitions.
We publish catalogues and books.
It all began 14 years ago… from the beginning there was a strong belief that lectures with international designers could inspire a whole community of design lovers… this remains a strong element of the mission that drives us still today.
Looking back can be melancholic, but it also allows us to appreciate the real strengths of Design Friends: openness, curiosity and the friendly atmosphere that distinguishes our community.
A collaboration with Boomerang
A collaboration with P&T Luxembourg
In the framework of Resolute – Design Changes
@ Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
A collaboration with Casino Luxembourg –Forum d’art contemporain @ Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
@ Rotondes
A collaboration with Cercle Cité @ Cercle Cité auditorium
KICK-OFF @ Rotondes
A collaboration with Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
@ Casino Luxembourg –Forum d’art contemporain
In dialogue with Christian Mosar @ Café de la Place
@ Casino Luxembourg –
Forum d’art contemporain
A collaboration with Luxembourg City Film Festival
@ Ciné Utopia
A collaboration with Luxembourg City Film Festival @ Ciné Utopia
LECTURE 56 (via Zoom)
A collaboration with Cercle Cité @ Cercle Cité auditorium
With CarréRotondes asbl: MAPPING AUGUST
An Infographic Challenge, 2010
50 Designers, 50 Encounters, 10 Years of Design Friends
2 Art Design DE/NL
1 Art Direction UK
1 Automotive Design DE
2 Book Design DE
1 Brand Design SE
1 Corporate Design PT
1 Creative Direction FR
1 Design Code DE
1 Design Research NL
1 Designing Creativity CH
4 Editorial Design DE
3 Fashion Design BE
1 Food Design AT
10 Graphic Design CH/DE/ES/FR/IT/LU/UK
1 High Techne Fashion Design NO
5 Illustration Design DE/ES/FI/NL/UK
3 Industrial Design DE/UK
1 Interactive Design NL
1 Interface Design DE
2 Light Design AT/DE
1 Media Design DE
1 Motion Design UK
1 Multidisciplinary Design LU
1 Packaging Design UK
5 Photography Design DE/FR/UK
8 Product Design DE/FR/IT/NL
2 Scenography Design DE
1 Scent Design DE
1 Signage Design DE
1 Social Design DE
2 Sound Design DE
1 Spatial Media Design DE
1 Sport Fashion Design DE
1 Strategic Narrative Design ES
1 Transportation Design UK
1 Type Design AT
1 Video & Installation Design FR
At Design Friends, we learn a lot from every one of our guests. They are experts in their disciplines, but it is much more than technical knowhow which each of them shares with us.
They have shown us the strength of emotions, the need for passion and fun, the right balance between details and the big picture.
All of these are wonderful things to be reminded of, but a fundamental lesson is that curiosity, consistency and perseverance are essential if you want to create outstanding design…
Here are some quotes of inspiring savoir-faire, diversity and a common sense.
01 Christoph Niemann, Illustration Design, 2009
Some concepts require a very simple and clean, graphic execution, others need a softer, playful and personal style.
02 Michel Mallard, Creative Direction, 2009 Lorsque l’on est directeur artistique d’un magazine, il importe d’une part de faire ça avec plaisir, d’autre part d’être en dialogue constant avec la rédaction.
03 Fun Factory, Product Design, 2009
We really enjoy opening new markets for our lifestyle products.
04 Andreas Uebele, Signage Design, 2010
We as designers have the task to free ourselves from the wishes, demands or expectations of our customers in order to come up with a surprising and better solution.
05 Harri Peccinotti, Photography, 2010 When I first started work there was no Letraset or anything. So you had to do hand lettering for your roughs and draw your pictures, tough ideas of pictures.
06 Kustaa Saksi, Illustration Design, 2010
In my opinion small mistakes make the difference, and make everything look nice.
07 5.5 Designers, Product Design, 2011
We don’t want to design a new chair, we want to design a new way to sit.
08 Niklaus Troxler, Graphic Design, 2011
During the process of creation, each project might take different directions, different curves.
09 Joachim Sauter, Media Design, 2011 I would say I do not teach recipes for cooking a meal, I am teaching the idea of food and how you can combine food.
10 Michael Johnson, Graphic Design, 2011
I think it’s beholden of good designers to demonstrate the business benefits of design as much as possible, especially in a challenging economic climate.
11 Elvis Pompilio, Fashion Design, 2011
J’avais envie de revoir les gens porter des chapeaux comme dans les années 40 ou 50. Des créations de qualité, faites à la main, adaptées à chacun.
12 Stefan Diez, Industrial Design, 2012
A good client is the one with a strong opinion and a clear vision.
13 Christian Schneider, Sound Design, 2012
If you come to us, you get not only a good sound for your commercials but also advice on strategy and finding the right sounds that fit your brand.
14 Mario Lombardo, Editorial Design, 2012
You cannot design without knowing the opportunities and limitations of the medium. Space-wise, budget-wise, usability-wise.
15 Sam Hecht, Industrial Design, 2012 I would be foolish to think that my journey is in anyway unique.
16 Sonja Stummerer & Martin Hablesreiter, Food Design, 2012 The most influential and important design products we have worldwide are food.
17 Lernert & Sander, Art & Design, 2013 Commit and dedicate yourself to even the most stupid ideas that come to mind.
18 Murat Günak, Automotive Design, 2013 It doesn’t thrill me to think of the next normal car.
19 Nicolas Bourquin, Editorial Design, 2013 Quality is a synonym for precision, or vice-versa.
20 Sissel Tolaas, Scent Design, 2013
When you trigger the nose, people become like children again.
21 Christophe Pillet, Product Design, 2013 Le compromise est intrinsèque au travail de designer, il ne me gène pas.
22 Mirko Borsche, Editorial Design, 2014 I wish that clients would be more critical about design and seek out good designers. That would change a lot in a better way.
23 Paul Priestman, Transportation Design, 2014 I’ve always been interested in making things better and more efficient.
24 Bruce Duckworth, Packaging Design, 2014 It takes a brave person to be simple. It’s much easier to keep adding things.
25 Erik Spiekermann, Graphic Design, 2014 We have done our best work for clients with whom we have a relationship over time, and that means trust.
26 Klaus-Peter Siemssen, Light Design, 2014 Light has always been used as a powerful tool to influence emotions.
27 Eduardo Aires, Corporate Design, 2015 If you put love in whatever you do it will touch people’s hearts.
28 Philippe Apeloig, Graphic Design, 2015 On peut pratiquer le graphisme comme une discipline artistique, comme une technicité au service d’un fonctionnalisme rigoureux, ou avec la volonté de transmettre un message politique à la société – ce qui n’est pas mon cas.
29 Alexandra Murray-Leslie, High Techne Fashion Design, 2015
I see instrument design as a craft, like the symbolism movement, it is made up on many aesthetic layers of objects and settings. The glue that sticks the things together, for us, is technology.
31 Murielle Scherre, Fashion Design, 2016 That’s the cool thing about being a niche brand, you don’t have to please a lot of people but you do have to please these few people a lot more.
32 Ruedi Baur, Graphic Design, 2016 Typography is part of my visual language, a verbal expression can be recognized visually… typography can influence our perception.
33 Romain Urhausen, Multidisciplinary Design, 2016 Comme petit garçon j’ai fabriqué mes propres canifs. J’avais un intérêt pour la matérialité et la fonction des objets du quotidien.
34 Mr Bingo, Illustration Design, 2016 I think most people, including me, really struggle with the idea of trying to be original. It does seem difficult given the amount of “stuff” that’s been done, but it’s always possible!
35 Kiki van Eijk, Product Design, 2016 Design is about creating things; it always starts from a concept and some sort of research, and the result should be something that communicates without having to tell the whole story.
36 Jean-Paul Lespagnard, Fashion Design, 2017
30 Pleix, Video & Installation Design, 2016 Certains font du sport pour se défouler, nous c’était des films !
In my opinion fashion is defined much more by sharing rather than creating differences.
37 Pe’l Schlechter, Graphic Design, 2017
A l’époque, 90 % des affiches étaient en bichromie, avec principalement du rouge et du noir, et, évidemment, le blanc du papier.
38 Tim John & Martin Schmitz, Scenography Design, 2017
You know, a flower doesn’t need a concept to be beautiful.
39 Brosmind Studio, Illustration Design, 2017
We prefer when the client gives us the most open briefing possible, so that we can tap into our own creativity.
40 Armando Milani, Graphic Design, 2017
Good design does not follow any trend, but it is based on intelligence. Good design is timeless.
41 Laura Straßer, Product Design, 2017 The idea was to work with the material because sketching does not allow you to know how it will feel in your hands. And that’s really important when you talk about ceramics, porcelain and objects.
42 Phoenix Design, Industrial Design, 2018
People don’t change as fast as the technology does.
43 Uwe R. Brückner, Scenography Design, 2018
By using attractions, whether analog or digital, you can draw people even to theoretical or complex themes and awaken
their interest, suck them in and give them the feeling that they are part of it.
44 Brousse & Ruddigkeit, Design Code, 2018
It is about creating flexible systems, not about one logo, one typeface, one color and that’s all. You can no longer work like that.
45 Isabelle Chapuis, Photography Design, 2018 What I enjoy about staging, is the idea of starting off with known elements but then transcribing them into an imaginary world, where I play with codes, subvert and thus create a story.
46 Patricia Urquiola, Product Design, 2018 Technology and craft represent a duality that is more interesting because they are both sides of a world where you can find interesting crossovers.
47 Sarah-Grace Mankarious, Art Direction, 2018 In all of my projects I try not to think in terms of “talking” to a specific type of person but to be open in terms of who the readership is.
48 Studio Feixen, Graphic Design, 2019 Whatever project you are working on, you are essentially creating an imaginary person, that is talking to you with a specific voice, with particular words, with a specific colour.
49 Frank Rausch, Interface Design, 2019
If you want a good experience, then sometimes you have to make decisions that are not very popular.
50 Dennis Lück, Designing Creativity, 2019
Whenever I have an idea laying on my table, I have a barometer for reactions. I do not ask myself: is this innovative? Is this technological, cool, creative or whatever? I ask myself: How will people react?
51 Ian Anderson, Graphic Design, 2019 I think there’s a difference between provocation, in terms of shock value, to get any response, and the considered provoking of a dialogue with a targeted audience to prompt a desired outcome.
52 Albert Folch & Rafa Martínez, Strategic Narrative Design, 2019 Brand narrative is brand journalism, or when design meets journalism.
53 Marc Tamschick, Spatial Media Design, 2020 There is a stance you take as to what it is, what you want to deliver. It’s an attitude or a spirit that you have as a creator.
54 Typejockeys, Type Design, 2020
A typeface is a functional system, so it is really important to see the whole thing: every character has to interact with every single other one.
55 Moth Studio, Motion Design, 2021 The story is what leads the visuals, rather than the other way around.
56 Jonas Lindstroem, Photography Design, 2021
The moment you show your work, it’s out there, never to be forgotten. It’s inescapably linked to you and defining who you are, for better or for worse.
57 Verònica Fuerte, Graphic Design, 2021
When we talk about images, graphics, typeface, it’s something that everybody understands… I understand it as a language.
58 Christophe de la Fontaine, Product Design, 2021
The pieces need to have an edge. You stop, you look at it and you move on.
59 David Kamp, Sound Design, 2021 Consistency is key when designing a believable sound world.
60 Thomas Kurppa, Brand Design, 2021
As a designer, it is very nice to learn new things, discover new businesses and new categories.
61 New Tendency, Product Design, 2022
A design needs to be (multi-) functional and flexible enough to integrate with the different situations of your life.
62 Martha von Maydell, Illustration Design, 2022
I try not to be too obvious, so there is always a little work for the viewer to do.
63 Eric Klarenbeek & Maartje Dros, Design Research, 2022
We believe that we can produce things which are more closely tied to their actual use.
64 Joupin Ghamsari, Photography Design, 2022
Sometimes, too much time can be bad. You can overshoot something, or overthink.
65 Lottermann and Fuentes, Photography Design, 2022
It’s the chemistry between having fun, loving your work and the people you are shooting.
66 Super Terrain, Graphic Design, 2022
You can’t just reproduce what you know already, you will be bored. You have to improve yourself, to learn by doing.
67 Eike König, Art Design, 2023 I love working with other people, collaborating and bringing people together.
68 Christopher Noelle aka Tofa, Light Design, 2023
You immediately know which lighting setup created which feeling.
69 Dennis Hinze, Sport Fashion Design, 2023 I don’t follow inspiration. I try to create strategy.
70 Klasien van de Zandschulp, Interactive Design, 2023
Limits are also a trigger for creative innovation.
Design Friends is a community. From our inspiring partners who believe in what we do unconditionally, to our very diverse circle of friends, we are open, curious and welcoming. This makes the experience for our guest speakers something they treasure.
Your answers to our 4 questions on the following pages reaffirm the importance of design and design thinking in its broadest sense. Thanks a lot for keeping us challenged!
2. Give us an example of good design and bad design in your daily life...
3. Which of our guests did inspire you the most and why?
Family / Fun / Passion / Expertise / Young
Guido Wolff Designer & Design Consultant, Managing Partner, SensityDesign / Friends / Quality over quantity / Contemporain / Accessible
Laure Elsen General Manager Marketing & Finance, CK Charles Kieffer GroupMultidisciplany design professionals / Design sensibilisation / Well organized and planned / Well documented / Great legacy / Important added value for the Luxembourg Design scene
Jan Glas Industrial design engineer & DesignerConferences / Getting together / High-level talks / International / Good mood
Annick Kieffer Designer & Art DirectorVirfreed / Ni enttäuschend / Bescht Formation continue / Frëndschaft / Béier
Paul Schwebach KonschtprofesserWhich 5 key word or expressions do you associate with Design Friends?
Solid inspiration / Design as Discipline / Steady programming / Resiliance / Filled auditoriums
Vinzenz Hölz Design DirectorOuverture d’esprit / Curiosité / Exigence / Source d’inspiration / Permet de faire rayonner le Luxembourg et d’agrandir la grande famille des designers
Filippa Tiago Editorial Account Director, binsfeldFriends / Design leadership / Quality events / Important network / Voice for design
Michael Thomson Design Strategist & FacilitatorLight design / Commitment / Creativity / Open-mindedness / Contemporary
Claudia Schleret Kulturbeauftragte, Österreichische Botschaft LuxemburgDesign / Friends / Crème de la crème / Lectures / Nice
Laurent Schmit Graphic Designer“What inspires You” / “What drives you” / Sans Serif / Robert Baden-Powell / “Whats Next!”
Pit Kuffer ArchitectMoments with (new) friends who love design
Mike Koedinger CEO, Maison ModerneFinally, design awareness in Luxembourg I missed before / Diversity / Shown design perspectives in design applications / Mudam lectures / Community
Maria Spada ArchitectInspiring / Surprising / Talented / Hyper / Innovative
Miriam Rosner Graphic Designer & Art DirectorGood design: London’s new Elizabeth Line. Trains, station and platform architecture, quality and finish. A remarkable, world class achievement of design and engineering and a magnificent addition to movement across and beyond the capital.
Bad design: London’s new Elizabeth Line. The information design. The design of line map very poor –renders it illegible in carriage; poor sign placement of route maps in stations (which platform for which destination? Cardinal directions underground?); presence on network maps etc.
Michael Thomson Design Strategist & FacilitatorThe Luxtrust digital token. Not the interface itself but the ability to use all digital service identification – be it statewise or with banks etc – with the same login. This is just amazing, especially compared to other countries. Very good and smooth user experience = good design.
The A4 between Esch and Luxembourg. The ramps’ design and interchanges are made for traffic jams, because people’s behaviour isn’t taken into account. No user research = bad design.
Vinzenz Hölz Design DirectorGood design: Great reading experiences with the (printed) daily Financial Times or the Brand Eins magazine.
Bad design: There’s still room for improvement in the public space in Luxembourg.
Mike Koedinger CEO, Maison ModerneGood design: My Telefunken Gavotte 301 radio. The sound is still crystal clear & the design is timeless. And it’s my age! :-)
Bad design is all around me, but I won’t point a finger at it.
Miriam Rosner Graphic Designer & Art DirectorGood design: All of these imperceptible “quiet” things you don’t notice because they simply fullfill their dayto-day tasks brilliantly.
Bad design: Short-life, poorly designed things based on fashion for profit.
Pit Kuffer ArchitectGive us an example of good design and bad design in your daily life...
Well mir elo net direkt eppes Negatives afält, zwee Objeten déi mech quasi all Dag frou maachen: d’Läffelsgeschier Mono A vum Peter Raacke an de Vëlo Ludwig vu Schindelhauer.
Paul Schwebach KonschtprofesserGood design is achieved when user expectations are met or even exceeded.
A good example is the new app Indigo recently implemented by the City of Luxembourg. The app makes it very easy to pay and manage the parking of your car in street and public car parks.
To stay with the City of Luxembourg, a good example of poor design is the cycle paths and their interconnections. The needs and behaviour of cyclists are very poorly taken into account.
Jan Glas Industrial design engineer & DesignerIt‘s a challenge for me to give an example of both good and bad design.
A good design encompasses everything that surrounds me, from well-drawn and functional materials to their chosen materiality. Each glass I use, plate, a chair where I sit on or table, the size of the window, the color selected on the wall…
I consider any design that doesn‘t serve, work, please the eye, and corresponds to its materiality to be bad.
Maria Spada ArchitectGood design: The cycling path under Pont Adolphe
Bad design: All those smart phones which break without buying extra gadgets to protect them.
Claudia Schleret Kulturbeauftragte, Österreichische Botschaft LuxemburgGood design: Le carnet Leuchturm 1917, iPhone
Bad design: La magic mouse d’Apple, les sonnettes
Laure Elsen General Manager Marketing & Finance, CK Charles Kieffer GroupLe design du tram de Luxembourg-Ville est plutôt réussi, il est élégant et accueillant avec ses grandes baies vitrées ; l’éclairage intérieur coloré est très agréable et évoque le motif bayadère des bus Multiplicity. De plus, la signalétique associée est claire, impactante et ludique.
Quant à un exemple de mauvais design, je citerais le logo TotalEnergies : il est dessiné de la droite vers la gauche, donc tourné vers le passé (s’il avait été dessiné dans le sens de l’écriture, la boucle du « e » aurait dû passer par-dessus la barre du T…). Et puis des déclinaisons monochromes sont impossibles car tout repose sur le dégradé de couleurs.
Filippa Tiago Editorial Account Director, binsfeldWhen it’s good I don’t notice it and when it’s bad it hurts. Exemple: When I walk into a café or a restaurant and all humanity has been “designed away” from the room.
Guido Wolff Designer & Design Consultant, Managing Partner, SensityGood design: Moka. The best and most sustainable way to make good coffee.
Bad design: Apple mouse
Annick Kieffer Designer & Art DirectorThere were so many interesting talks. It’s very difficult to choose one, but for example Super Terrain, for pushing the boundaries of printing to the max, or Studio Feixen, for its strictness in clients feedback during the design process.
Annick Kieffer Designer & Art DirectorIan Anderson. The rebel.
Guido Wolff Designer & Design Consultant, Managing Partner, SensityHumble personality with stunning projects –Joachim Sauter.
Pit Kuffer ArchitectHarri Peccinotti, a living legend.
Mike Koedinger CEO, Maison ModerneWhich of our guests did inspire you the most and why?
I must admit, to my shame, that I have not attended a show in the last year. Of the past lectures, I found Romain Urhausen very impressive, for his visionary und multi-disciplinary approach to design. But also for his sense of humour.
Jan Glas
Industrial design engineer & Designer
Studio Feixen (Clean & Crazy) / Super Terrain (Experimental) / Niklaus Troxler & Erik Spiekermann & Philippe Apeloig & Ruedi Baur & Pe’l Schlechter (Legend) / Eike König (Cool Person & Top Speaker) / Christoph Niemann (Funny Illus).
Laurent Schmit Graphic DesignerI think the overall programme itself is inspiring! Topical, edgy and diverse. Congratulations!
Michael Thomson Design Strategist& Facilitator
L’artiste et designer Klasien van de Zandschulp mène des expériences participatives dans lesquelles elle questionne les interactions humaines offline/online, son travail permet de mettre l’accent sur les bienfaits, mais aussi les dérives du numérique.
Les photographes Nada Lottermann et Vanessa Fuentes ont une approche très intéressante et à contre-courant de l’époque : elles prennent leur temps, chacune réalisant un cliché de la même scène sous deux angles différents. Chaque session ressemble à une réunion entre amis.
Au-delà de ses illustrations réalisées sur iPad, le travail de Martha von Maydell sur papier est impressionnant : des découpages, superpositions et collages d’une grande minutie et d’une infinie délicatesse.
Filippa Tiago Editorial Account Director, binsfeldI haven’t seen so many of your guests, so for me it’s the pleasure of working with such a professional team that inspires me.
Claudia Schleret Kulturbeauftragte, ÖsterreichischeHard to say as each talk that you go to brings surprising aspects. Everybody really makes an effort and takes it seriously which is why it works.
Vinzenz Hölz Design DirectorLottermann and Fuentes.
Laure Elsen General Manager Marketing & Finance, CK Charles Kieffer GroupTim John & Martin Schmitz –exceptional beauty in the most intricate detail.
Miriam Rosner Graphic Designer & Art DirectorHmm, net esou einfach. An der Season 14 den Eike König fir säi Spagat zwëschent Grafik a Konscht.
Paul Schwebach KonschtprofesserChristophe de la Fontaine – the injection of ideas and surprising applications of materials.
Patricia Urquiola –her personality and her design approach. All lectures were inspiring, each in its own way.
Maria Spada ArchitectBotschaft Luxemburg
Alles derfir maache fir weiderhi bestoen ze bleiwen / Lëtzebuerger Grafik-Design’s Klassen méi abannen a Projeten (mee vläicht gëtt dat scho gemaach) / Wander- Poster-Expoen op Lëtzebuerg bréngen, wéi z.B. The exhibition 100 Best Posters oder Mut zur Wut.
Laurent Schmit Graphic DesignerContinue to cover all aspects of design, involve the audience, raise awareness for good design in our daily lives.
Claudia Schleret Kulturbeauftragte,Design Friends doit continuer encore longtemps à nourrir tous les amoureux du design et à nous faire découvrir toutes ses facettes. Les conférences devraient être obligatoires pour tous ceux actifs dans le milieu !
Filippa Tiago Editorial Account Director, binsfeldI like the lectures. I’d like to se more movies about icons of design or reports about design backgrounds, or history. Design is the creative conception of objects, spaces, media or systems according to aesthetic, functional or communicative criteria. Show even more design fields, explore more spaces, for example design in public space or design of objects.
Organization of design events with various partners.
Maria Spada ArchitectDéi selwecht Qualitéit a Villfältegkeet wéi an de leschte 15 Joer.
Paul Schwebach KonschtprofesserWhat would you expect from Design Friends for the next 15 years?
Gosh. 15 years is a long time!
Ongoing presentation of leading international design practice for Luxembourg designers. An annual or bi-ennial design conference? / unconference? Use unique positioning LGBF (Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium, France)... some crazy mix thing...
Small but good training opportunities for mid career designers... eg biz strategy, biz development.
Michael Thomson Design Strategist & FacilitatorDesign Friends should certainly continue as it already does. More attention could be paid to the organisation of forums to raise various topics in the Luxembourg context. This could be influential in demonstrating the added value of design.
I can well imagine this in collaboration with Design Luxembourg.
Jan Glas Industrial design engineer & DesignerInspiring the next generation of designers.
Mike Koedinger CEO, Maison ModerneTo continue along this path / Organising bigger events / Organising workshops with the invited speakers and the design community in Luxembourg.
Annick Kieffer Designer & Art DirectorDesign and design strategies for climate resilience and carbon neutrality.
Pit Kuffer ArchitectOpen it even further, see more people from urban planning, architecture, other disciplines that work with design and/or design principles. The future of design is not only visual, but mainly about how designers/design thinking can positively shape all aspects of society. Scheduling could be a bit more flexible in terms of current affairs. Inviting people according to current societal, cultural and political questions could give them more guidance in their preparation and make talks more relevant also for people outside of the traditional disciplines.
Actively invite political, economic and other societal stakeholders for more open exchanges and to lead and cultivate a more relevant discussion around what role design and designers can play in our society.
And finally (audio) record each talk and publish a podcast.
Vinzenz Hölz Design DirectorPlease keep it up!
Miriam Rosner Graphic Designer & Art DirectorDelving more into topics of the future? Climate change, Mobility, Digitalisation,…
Guido Wolff Designer & Design Consultant, Managing Partner,Sensity
Evénements de sensibilisation au design envers des publics non avertis et/ou des enfants pour essayer de rompre avec un image parfois élitiste.
Laure Elsen General Manager Marketing & Finance, CK Charles Kieffer GroupHow did we choose the designers who make up Season 15 of Design Friends? For some it was their timeliness, for others a particularly striking project caught our eye, in some cases it is the designer himself.
They are all completely different, but every one of them has the common trait of relevance to the design conversation right now. You can read more on each in the following pages.
For your edutainment, our speakers include: an industrial designer from Vienna who has a propensity for mobility. There’s a sculptural designer from Amsterdam who combines minimalism and beauty. From London we will hear from a Type & Logo designer whose powerful work is rich with British humour. You’ll see the unmistakable stamp and courage of a Branding & Video Agency from Stockholm and the eco-responsible approach of a Design Research studio based between Berlin and Bratislava. And last but not least, the simple, strong and creative visual language of a Graphic Design studio in Graz.
Of course, we also have a screening on our agenda, as usual in March.
The conferences are organized by Claudia Eustergerling, Heike Fries, Guido Kröger, Dana Popescu and Hyder Razvi, with the support of the Design Friends board.
Valentin Vodev lives and works in Vienna, Austria. He studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Mag. Art Industrial Design) and at the Royal College of Art (MA in Design Products). He founded his studio in 2010. He creates products in the area of sustainable transportation, furniture, lighting –products as well as designs for public spaces.
Vodev reshapes form and function in a playful way. His products are marked through a redefinition of the conventional use of products by adding a surprising twist and added functionality to the design.
One of Valentin Vodev’s first internationally renowned products was the Roller Buggy, a stroller that can be transformed into a kick scooter. In 2013 he developed the first sketches for the VELLO Bike, a lightweight folding bike that combines innovation, sustainability and a contemporary urban style of mobility. Accompanied by Valerie Wolff, VELLO Co-Founder, a major milestone was reached in 2014 when the first VELLO Bike was presented. Today, the bike is produced in different forms, also in an electric version, and comes with a wide range of accessories.
Vodev is a three-time winner of the International Bicycle Design Award and was the recipient of the Red Dot Concept Design Award in the category mobility in 2009. For the VELLO bike, he won the Red Dot: Best of the Best 2015, the 2017 European Product Design Award, the Good Design Award 2017 and the Austrian National Design Prize 2019. His design products were exhibited at various design shows and fairs.
Latvian-born Germans Ermičs (1985) is a graduate of the Design Academy Eindhoven, since 2014 he maintains a design studio in Amsterdam.
Combining methods from design and art, Germans Ermičs creates unique sculptural works, which are recognised and highly acclaimed across the world as collectible design pieces. His approach can be described as a gradual, determined movement towards the final aesthetic result, striving to give materiality to intangible phenomena, transforming two-dimensional shapes into spatial objects, and lifting the limitations of visual perception.
The designer’s works are permeated by his heightened sensitivity to the properties of materials and passion for optical illusions. He ingeniously applies the laws of perspective to construct space-bending mirrors, and works painterly with colour, saturating glass surfaces with gently flowing tonal transitions. Colour in Germans Ermičs’ works is not just an aesthetic addition — the designer uses it as a starting point for the definition of form. Inspired by erosion, he searches for innovative technological solutions to highlight the natural beauty of stone surfaces, while observations of tidal movement earn an imaginative representation in textiles.
Ermičs has frequently participated in fairs such as Salone del Mobile, PAD, and Design Miami/ Basel. He was honoured by the Wallpaper* Design Awards in 2017, 2018, and 2021 and his work is regularly featured in the international press.
James Martin, AKA Made By James, is the Nonconformulator of logo design and his rebellious creativity has allowed him to thrive in one of the most competitive markets on the planet. He has grown an engaged audience of hundreds of thousands online, he is a best selling author, public speaker, creative coach, honest educator and all round good human in the design world. James focuses on building brand identity systems that pack a punch and he is not scared to push the boundaries. His work is full of personality which has allowed him to catch the eye of some of the coolest brands on the planet like TED, Gymshark and The Chainsmokers.
He founded his design agency, Baby Giant Design Co, back in 2012 in his garage with little more than a dream to survive. Now, over a decade later, his design agency is a thriving hub of creativity that focuses on building brands that want to create colossal conversations through web, motion and brand clarity. James’ mission is simple, he wants to bring a positive impact through the work he creates and empower other creative people to do the same.
He is an honest voice for the new generation of upcoming designers, so when he is not hard at work building badass brands, he is travelling the world and sharing his own unique story.
SNASK is your future romance. A creative agency of misfit geniuses conquering the world through fine lookin’ design and real emotions. They seek to challenge conservative frameworks and they do it with their backs straight, supported by their unbreakable values. They don’t cower away from the challenge, as they see that the magic lies within the unexplored. In order to be great –you have to be brave and bold. In order to be real – you have to stand up for your opinions and beliefs. And that is SNASK – brave, bold and real. They excel at branding, design and film and refuse to do anything else than what they see as world class. They are doctors of disturbance, wizards of disruption and spokesmen of disobedience. They take on the responsibility to stay engaged, give a damn, and strive for empathy. There is a short word for this assumption of responsibility: SNASK .
crafting plastics! studio is an award-winning Bratislava-based design research studio, founded by Vlasta Kubušová and Miroslav Král. The studio’s practice focuses on its expertise in cross-disciplinary R&D and the implementation of new generations of better ecological biocomposites into our day-today lives. Realizing dynamic research and innovation in materials and design, the studio explores new ways of developing products, from a basic craft approach to high-tech machinery, while pursuing full control of the materials and product lifespan.
The studio’s projects have been presented at some of the most renowned institutions, including the V&A in London, London Design Museum, Salon del Mobile, Rossana Orlandi in Milan, Schloss Hollenegg for Design, MAK Vienna, and more. cp!s has won several international prizes, including the Green Product Award (2021), the German Design Award (2021), the Slovak National Design Award (2017), has received nomination for the Beazley Design of the Year (2018) and shortlist for Dezeen Award (2022).
Vlasta is currently a recipient of MIT MISTI GSF Funding, pursuing research on interactive biomaterials at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
crafting plastics! is also involved as a co-founder and initiator of various crossdisciplinary projects and forums such as In the Midl Design Forum, the international symposium De/Posium, and the recent platform Biomaterials in Practice.
Studio Bruch thinks, develops and designs visual worlds for brands, products and institutions.
The creative studio is based in Graz, Austria. Founded by Kurt Glänzer & Josef Heigl the studio celebrates its 10 year anniversary in 2024.
Right from the beginning our aim was to design for the determined and develop outstanding solutions in cooperation at eye level, creating visual design concepts and appropriate strategies in the fields of graphic design, branding, editorial design, packaging and signage.
We strive for contemporary, individual and flexible design solutions that draw attention and are as authentic as possible.
A strong idea is the starting point for an expressive visual form. Our goal is a clear, comprehensible and individual language that transcends the boundaries of design conventions typical of a certain industry in order to differentiate a brand and make it more visible.
Since 2014 the studio was awarded with multiple national & international awards including D&AD, TDC New York and ADC*Europe.
At the beginning of this brochure we review the first 14 seasons of Design Friends. Even a cursory glance at this overview makes it clear how important our filmic content has been, right from the beginning.
Since 2018 we have joined forces with the team from the Luxembourg City Film Festival and this has led to many inspiring, enlightening and entertaining sessions at Cinémathèque and Utopia cinema.
In 2024, the Festival will take place from 29 February to 10 March at Ciné Utopia, Cinémathèque and Kinepolis Kirchberg.
Stay tuned and let’s look forward to the choice for season 15.
Big Time follows star architect Bjarke Ingels over the course of seven years (2009-2016), as he struggles to finish his biggest project so far.
93 min / English and Danish OV with English subt. / 2017 / Denmark / Documentary by Kaspar Astrup Schröder
The history of Canadian graphic design, how it shaped a nation and its people.
74 min / English / 2018 / Canada / Documentary by Greg Durrell
Mau is the first ever, featurelength documentary about the design visionary Bruce Mau.
76 min / English / 2021 / Austria / Documentary by Benji & Jono Bergmann
A documentary about design but it is also a rumination on consumerism, materialism, and sustainability. Dieter Rams’ philosophy is about more than just design, it’s about a way of life.
74 min / German OV with English subt. / 2018 / Documentary by Gary Hustwit
33 Russian designers question the approach to design in Russia.
97 min / Russian OV with English subt. / 2020 / Russia / Documentary by Natalya Klimchuk & Olga Morozova
The chair that conquered the world.
90 min / German, English, Italian, French, Luganda, Hindi, Portuguese with English subt. / 2021 / Germany / Documentary by Hauke Wendler
Christian Bauer Séverine Bauer Gigi Chik Julie Conrad
Valerio D’Alimonte Runa Egilsdottir Laurie Ensch
Claudia Eustergerling Heike Fries Ludovica Gammaitoni
Charline Guille-Burger Vinzenz Hoelzl Tamara Jechiu
Claudine Kaell Reza Kianpour Anne Kieffer
Annick Kieffer Sylvain Kirsch Mike Koedinger
Guido Kröger Catherine Lebrun André Michaux
Yvette Morheng Dan Neven Riccardo Perello
Hyder Razvi David Rosner Paul Schwebach
Tom Simon Maria Spada Gerard Valerius
Silvano Vidale Marc Wilmes Anabel Witry
Patrick Wirtz Séverine Zimmer
Bakform — BFF Architecture CARREROUGE —
EGB Hornung & Associés witry & witry architecture urbanisme
(valid Season 15, from September 2023 to July 2024)
Gold Members — 100 €
Extra Expression of Appreciation
Extra Support
Incl. six catalogues signed by the designers
Incl. vouchers for two drinks on special events
Incl. a meet-and-greet with the designers during post-talk dinner (by individual participation)
Mention on www.designfriends.lu and annual publication
Members — 30 € & Student Members — 15 €
Expression of Appreciation
Incl. six catalogues
Incl. voucher for one drink on special events
Sponsor packages include 10 nominative memberships and more.
Please contact us for details, office@designfriends.lu
Standard Corporate Memberships — 500 €
Includes 10 nominative Memberships (staff only)
Extra Expression of Appreciation
Extra Support
Incl. 10 x six catalogues signed by the designers
Incl. 10 x vouchers for one drink on special events
Mention on www.designfriends.lu and annual publication
Small Standard Corporate Memberships — 250 €
Includes 3 nominative Memberships (staff only)
Extra Expression of Appreciation
Extra Support
Incl. 3 x six catalogues signed by the designers
Incl. 3 x vouchers for one drink on special events
Memberships are available online www.designfriends.lu
Mention on www.designfriends.lu and annual publication
We are permanently looking for talents in research, brand, design, UX and innovation.
Sensity partners with leading European organisations from different industries to design and shape products and services based on new paradigms such as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, user-centricity and social change. Sensity has the methods and experts to embed consistency and change inorganisational culture. The services we offer include research, consulting and design. //
Although the directorial boards of the last 14 seasons were very active and passionate, the conferences are only possible thanks to the support of many volunteers. We would like to thank them for their love of design.
Nadine Clemens, Claudia Eustergerling, Heike Fries, Charline Guille-Burger, Reza Kianpour, Mike Koedinger, Kinga Kowalczyk, Guido Kröger, Pit Kuffer, Arnaud Mouriamé, Hyder Razvi, Stéphanie Rollin, Silvano Vidale, Anabel Witry
Philippe Apeloig assisted by Yannick James, Ruedi Baur, Julien Becker, Cassandre Bettembourg, Lisa Bildgen, Nicolas Bourquin, Brosmind Studio, Joel Brücher, Eric Chenal, Eva Coste, Runa Egilsdottir, Claudia Eustergerling, Nicolas Felten, Stina Fisch, Nicole Goetz, Joanna Grodecki, Vera Heliodoro, Vinzenz Hölzl, Dean Kauffmann, Reza Kianpour, Annick Kieffer, Mado Klümper, Liz Kummer, Guido Kröger, David Laurent, Bianca Maaß, Isabelle Mattern, Jill Mersch, Zoé Mondloch, Arnaud Mouriamé, Mik Muhlen, Pietro Namèche, Harri Peccinotti, Christophe Peiffer, Hyder Razvi, Sebastian Reiter, Miriam Rosner, Cliff Ross, Kusta Saaksi, Sebastian Schichel, Pe’l Schlechter, Olga Silva, Eric Spiekermann, Mireille Weydert, Silvano Vidale, 101 Studios
Julien Becker, Eric Chenal, Luc Deflorenne, Antonello Di Pinto, Michel Feinen, Sara Giubelli, Romain Girtgen (CNA), Jan Hanrion, Mike Koedinger, Andres Lejona, Tom Lucas, Olivier Minaire, Arnaud Mouriamé, Patty Neu, Oriane Pawlisiak, Dana Popescu, Hyder Razvi, Sumo, Jessica Theis
Published by Design Friends asbl
Heike Fries, Silvano Vidale
Layout Jill Mersch
Sebastian Reiter
Edited by Heike Fries — with the support of Anabel Witry and Mark Penfold
Heike Fries
Printed by Imprimerie Schlimé
ISBN 978-99987-939-7-2
Printed in Luxembourg
© Design Friends ASBL, Luxembourg 2023 (Europe)
Anabel Witry, President
Heike Fries, Secretary
Guido Kröger, Treasurer
Claudia Eustergerling
Reza Kianpour
Dana Popescu
Hyder Razvi
Charline Guille-Burger
Silvano Vidale
With the support of
Design Friends asbl
32, rue du Pont
L-6471 Echternach