Golfers’ Guide
Officially opened in November 2003, Pearl Valley Golf Estates was destined to be a leader, a residential golf estate that many would follow as an example, having overall standards that few would reach and fewer still would surpass.
Given its stunning surroundings, positioned as it is
during weekends and school holidays, or by in-
in the shadows of the imposing Drakenstein range
ternational investors.
of mountains that make up the Franschhoek valley, Pearl Valley Golf Estates was always going to be
However, Pearl Valley has recently opened the pre-
a winner. Add to that, a Jack Nicklaus signature golf
school section of Bridge House School on the estate,
course and you are already way ahead of the pack.
giving greater options for residents who are on the estate throughout the year. A popular independent
Pearl Valley is ideally situated – near enough to, yet
school, Bridge House School conveniently serves
far enough from the major metropolitan area of
the Paarl, Franschhoek and Stellenbosch area for
Cape Town and ideally close enough to the wine-
boys and girls from Grade 1 to Grade 12.
land centres of Paarl, Stellenbosch and the picturesque town of Franschhoek. Given its ideal loca-
Apart from the spectacular Jack Nicklaus signature
tion and family-friendly facilities, it is no surprise
course, activities abound at Pearl Valley, ranging
that it has attracted younger families as residents
from the state-of-the-art gym for the exercise
and investors, adding to the youthful community
conscious to the spa for those looking for some
atmosphere. Typically, a large proportion of resi-
serious pampering to the fully fledged equestrian
dences are second homes used predominantly
centre that caters for novices and expert riders.
There are several beautiful hiking trails and mountain-biking routes throughout the estate and the boma down at the Berg River offers the perfect setting for outdoor sundowners or picnics and barbeques for up to 150 people. Pearl Valley’s impressive estate infrastructure is dominated by the state-of-the-art clubhouse, which is the centre of community life for the residents and visitors to the estate. The clubhouse, which covers some 4500 square metres, is central to the community theme that is part and parcel of the offering that makes residential estate living here so sought-after. One could ask: what makes a golf estate like Pearl Valley so successful from an investment point of view, especially when there is a severe downturn in the property market worldwide? There are several answers to this question and they make for an excellent study when it comes to choosing an estate
in which to invest. Firstly, the Western Cape (or, more accurately, the greater Cape Town area) does not have an oversupply of residential golf estates. Pearl Valley is one of only a few ‘marquee-name signature design’ courses in the area – and there is no doubt that this has an effect on the desirability of the property around the course. Pearl Valley is maturing – the estate was officially opened six years ago, which means that the majority of large-scale construction is completed. There is no longer the constant din of cement mixers, bulldozers and jackhammers pounding away to disturb the peace! Design and construction guidelines are strict and processes put in place have ensured that this necessary phase in the lifespan of a newish estate is as smooth as possible. A building contractor’s Code of Conduct must be strictly adhered to and large deposits are required by approved contractors before they move onto the estate.
Pearl Valley is owned by Leisurecorp, the Dubai-
in demand with approximately R80 million rand of
based company that also owns the V&A Water-
property being transferred this year to date, with
front in Cape Town, and it is managed by world-
stand prices ranging between R3.7 to R4.5 million,”
leader Troon Golf. This brings a level of service that
he explains. “The estate is achieving year-on-year
is world-class and a high level of commitment to
asset growth and is receiving increased volumes
members and residents. Troy Hart is Pearl Val-
of enquiries predominately from the local and na-
ley’s general manager and he is understandably
tional sectors – people who are looking at settling
passionate and upbeat about the future.
in the winelands valley because of the lifestyle and high level of broad-based infrastructure including
“While it has been a challenging year for the property
schools, universities and various activities within
industry, Pearl Valley continues to move forward
close proximity.”
While he is pleased with this continued growth, he
It is this sort of outlook that is encouraging young
is also very serious when it comes to sustainability
families to settle in this forward thinking community,
and believes it is vital to meet certain objectives
with many families ‘trying before they buy’ by renting
when it comes to responsible environmental prac-
homes on the estate. Amazingly, the conversion rate
tice and water usage: “We need to educate our
of renters to owners is more than 50% – a remark-
residents regarding best practice when it comes
able statistic.
to recycling bottles, plastics and paper and with respect to water usage. We need to investigate
Pearl Valley’s celebrated golf course has been the
energy management systems that will ensure that
home to the South African Open Championship for
we are doing our bit for the environment – this is
the past couple of years and December 2009 saw
a fundamental part of living in a community.”
the world’s second oldest Open return for the third
time. “The SA open has been excellent for Pearl Val-
did a superb job of ensuring that the course was in
ley,” explains Hart, “as it has helped to reinforce the
pristine condition for some of the world’s best
Pearl Valley brand, which was already strong. It
professionals who participated in the champion-
has really put us in the international spotlight and
ship, which is co-sanctioned by the Sunshine and
we have seen some 3000 rounds being played by
European Tours.
international tourists as a direct result.” Living on a golf estate is a particularly attractive That is exposure that money just can’t buy. For the
option when it comes to wide open spaces with
third time, golf fans have arrived in their thousands
excellent security. When that golf estate includes
to support the event, again exposing the estate
a course designed by one of the world’s most
and its lifestyle to scores of potential investors who
legendary golfers and it is situated in the heart of
might not ordinarily have made the trip.
one of the most beautiful winelands areas anywhere in the world, it fast goes from an attractive
Director of golf, David Murray, and his team had
option to the only option. Pearl Valley’s residents
their hands full ensuring that every visitor to the
do agree.
estate in that week had an unbelievable experience and course superintendent, Mike Westman,
Photos by Dawid de Greef.
2008 Compleat Golfer ‘5 star Golf Experience’ 2009 Golf Digest ‘2nd best conditioned course’ 2009 Golf Digest ‘Best Golf Estate’ Host of the sA Open 2007, 2008, 2009
For any PEarl VallEy ProPErTy and/or rEnTal EnquiriEs, PlEasE ConTaCT onE oF our in-housE, qualiFiEd ConsulTanTs sEVEn days a WEEk. ThEy haVE ThE adVanTagE oF bEing on-siTE and CurrEnTly dominaTE salEs on ThE EsTaTE.
COME HOME TO A LEGEND T +27 21 867 8000 F +27 21 867 0767 info@pearlvalley.co.za pearlvalleygolfestates.co.za
barry JaCobsEn
lEigh robErTson
Jordan grEEnhalg
Come home to a legend AN EAsy, sCENiC 50 MiNuTE DrivE frOM CApE TOwN, pEArL vALLEy LiEs NEsTLED iN THE HEArT Of sOuTH AfriCA’s LEGENDAry 300-yEAr OLD wiNE AND CuLiNAry CApiTAL, frANsCHHOEk. BrEATHE THE COuNTry Air, sAvOur THE sCENEry AND rELAx.
Contact Pearl Valley | T +27 21 867 8000 | E properties@pearlvalley.co.za | W www.pearlvalleygolfestates.com