Sunday, August 14, 2022 CELEBRATIONCHARTERING Grand Prairie MidlothianMansfieldIrving SERVING THE COMMUNITIESTEXASOF 79 MEMBERS STRONG South Central RegionalDirector T. HAYESJOYA International PresidentandCEO VISIONANTHONYDANETTEREEDACAPTURED Poised with Pride and Perpetuity
We Are South Central…We Are Alpha Kappa Alpha!
Once again, congratulations on your chartering!
Your journey from A Vision Fair Interest Group to your chapter chartering is a perfect reflection of our enduring sisterhood. Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, the members of Alpha Kappa Alpha have remained steadfast in their commitment to lifelong service to our communities. Likewise, through unity and collaboration, the women of A Vision Fair Interest Group have remained dedicated to the expansion of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s legacy to the Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian, TX communities and beyond. This truly is a momentous occasion. It has been my honor to see your strength, hard work, and resilience come to fruition. I have no doubt that the Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian, TX communities will be well served by you.
August 14, 2022
With sisterly love, Soror Joya T. Hayes South Central Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
My Dearest Sorors: On behalf of the South Central Region, congratulations! Since its inception, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated has been premiere in promoting academic excellence, fostering leadership, and rendering service to all mankind. Ours is an organization of “firsts.” Not only are we the first intercollegiate Greek letter sorority for Black women, our members continue to break barriers as “firsts” in science, the arts, education, in space, and in the White House.
includes talented, accomplished, and professional women dedicated to continuing the traditions, ideals, and goals established by our Sorority’s founders. Your chapter’s chartering is extremely important for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to preserve our legacy, exceed our goals, and achieve our vision. Your chartering marks another milestone for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. You have the vision and courage to create pathways for extraordinary service with members who nurture and empower our Sisterhood. It is a great moment to know that on this, your chartering day, you will render impactful service and improve the quality of life throughout Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian, Texas communities. These communities will be invigorated by your presence and well received with your service.
A Vision Fair, your continued commitment and dedication to our sisterhood is admirable and greatly appreciated. You have the power to continue to touch the lives of women, children, and men who look to us as beacons of hope who shine a light with the promise of a better tomorrow. We, my sisters, must use our hearts and minds to make a difference. You’ve proven you can do it, and I encourage you never to forget the capacity you have to make a difference. I couldn’t be prouder of you, my sisters. Again, I send my best wishes as you embark on your new journey as another “pearl” within our Sisterhood.
Sincerely yours, Danette Anthony Reed Ms. Danette Anthony Reed International President & CEO Office S. Stony Island Chicago, IL. 60637 (773) 684 1282 Fax (773) 288 8251
Danette Anthony Reed International President & CEO August 14, 2022 Dear Ms. Ramsey Fields and members of A Vision Fair Interest Group,
Congratulations! I extend heartfelt and warmest wishes to A Vision Fair Interest Group members as you celebrate your chapter’s chartering today. As International President & CEO and a charter member of Omicron Mu Omega Chapter, I express special honors and warmest wishes to welcome and celebrate with you as the newest chapter within Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. You are among more than 1,050 other chapters across the globe that are committed to be “ supreme in service to all mankind”. Yours is the first to be chartered during the “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood” administration, and I couldn’t be prouder as I know you will accomplish all you
August14,2022 GreetingsinthenameofAlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated®!Weareexcitedto bringourexhilaratingfootprintofservicetoallmankindtothecommunitiesofIrving,Grand Prairie,Mansfield,andMidlothian,Texas. Ourmembers,alldynamicwomenrepresentingdiverseprofessionalbackgrounds,have workedtirelesslyoverthepastcoupleofyears,buildingpartnershipswithlocal businesses,schooldistricts,andindividualsinandaroundour238-square-footservice area. Wehaveprovidedthousandsofhoursofcommunityserviceandimpactedover 5,000livesthroughdonationsandmultiplepublicseminarsandeventsineducation, health,economics,thearts,andglobalimpact,solidifyingourcommitmenttomaintaining, growing,andrenderingServiceto AllMankind. Weextendourhighestgratitudetoourfamilies,friends,DallasFort WorthMetroplex chapters, AlphaKappa AlphaSororitysistersworldwide,andneighborswhohave supportedusinthisjourney WeextendourdeepestgratitudetoDanette AnthonyReed, AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® InternationalPresident&CEO,JoyaT.Hayes, SouthCentralRegionalDirector;andthe AlphaKappa AlphaBoardofDirectorsfortheir support,encouragement,andguidanceaswemountedourpinkandgreenservicemantra. Wepledgetoserveyourgreatsororitywithpridewhileengaginghumancontributionsas theessentialingredients,whichalignswiththegoalsofourfounder,SororEthel HedgemonLyle.AVisionFairremainscommittedtomaintaining,growing,andrendering servicetoresidentsoftheunderservedcitiesofGrandPrairie,Irving,Mansfield,and Midlothian,Texas. ServingwithaVision, CarismaRamseyFields President,AVisionFair,anofficialinterestgroupofAlphaKappaAlphaSorority, Incorporated®
The national programs and services of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedÒ are designed to enhance the social, economic, and educational well being of the local, national, and international communities. The size and scope of services provided to the communities, served by AKA, significantly improve the quality of life for all who reside within their targeted service areas.
As the State Senator for District 23 for the past 29 years, I have worked with countless organizations to identify needs for residents throughout the area. I specifically know of the effectiveness and efficiency of the efforts of AKA in addressing the needs of the downtrodden, hopeless, and helpless. You will be a beacon of light in the dark lives of those who need your help.
I wholeheartedly support the establishment of a footprint of Service to all Mankind within the area of service you establish.
Best RW:ldbDistrictTexasRoyceregards,WestStateSenator23
August 5, 2022 With this letter, I formally congratulate A Vision Fair, an Official Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (A KA), as you embark on your official chartering journey. I welcome the seventy nine inspiring and innovative women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedÒ and your guests to your official chapter chartering luncheon.
I know that your South Central Regional Director, Ms. Joya T. Hayes, will preside with sisterly love and expertise. The message delivered by your International President & CEO, Ms. Danette Anthony Reed, will direct your path forward and inspire your commitment service.
As an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated (Theta Alpha chapter), I'm well aware of the direct and indirect needs of the communities throughout the area and the substantial services that a non profit group, associated with a PanHellenic organization can garner. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedÒ is an international service organization that has served the DFW metroplex, the South Central region, the nation, and global communities.
The city of Grand Prairie is proud to recognize the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority’s efforts to charter a chapter of the sorority’s A Vision Fair organization to serve Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield and Midlothian. Promoting sisterhood and service; financial, physical and mental health; education and civic issues, the city of Grand Prairie welcomes the dedicated women behind this effort to share their talents in Grand Prairie as we all work together to improve the lives of others. We know that the pride with which you serve your sorority will be reflected in your great work in Grand Prairie. May you inspire others to join through your good works, thereby expanding your footprint on the future. We are honored you have chosen Grand Prairie as an area of attention and look forward to your service in our community. Best Regards, Ron Jensen CityMayorof Grand Prairie, Texas
OFFICE OF: Ms. Katina Semien Smothers, Esq. 25th South Central Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated 632 St. Ferdinand St. Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Email: Dear PleaseSorors,allow me to extend a sisterly CONGRATULATIONS to you and the members of “A Vision Fair” Interest Group on your Chartering. As you can imagine, I am BEYOND thrilled to welcome all of you as the newest chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. I am certain that the women of this chapter will continue the legacy of service and sisterhood in the communities you serve. Our Founders’ believed in the innate ability of our members to build and develop committed leaders who work collectively to build better and more sustainable communities. With this chartering you have proven that more than a century later their vision and fortitude are still paramount in everything we do! I look forward to hearing about all of your success! SororSisterly,Katina Semien Smothers 25th South Central Regional Director
August 14, 2022 Dearest Members and Friends: I am so honored to celebrate with and congratulate you on this historical moment in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®! From your phenomenal work as A Vision Fair Interest Group to your chartering as the newest graduate chapter in our illustrious sisterhood, the impact you have already made reflects your commitment to identifying new opportunities and extending Alpha Kappa Alpha’s reach through sisterhood and service within the communities of Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian.
Commendations to Ms. Carisma Ramsey Fields, Interest Group President; Officers; and all of the Charter Members on your servant leadership, community focus, and all the demonstrations of sisterly love and kindness that have brought you to this special day. Please join me in applauding those who have so generously given their creativity, time, and effort to this fabulous Chartering Luncheon and Celebration. It is evident with each detail that many have worked tirelessly to plan and deliver a truly unforgettable program. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed.
Many hours of planning, organizing, collaborative action, and sisterly fellowship have brought us to this momentous day. The many community and corporate partnerships established and the many lives you have and will continue to touch are representative of your unwavering dedication to enrich, sustain, and ensure not only the survivability but the thrivability of the communities in which you serve.
helle Luper WilsonC
In the midst of all the planned celebratory activities, I hope that you will find a moment to reflect on the rich legacy that you will undoubtedly build for your chapter, communities, and our sisterhood. The new voices, experiences, and energy that you bring will expand possibilities to bring to fruition the world we wish to see. There is always more that we can do for the greater good. The possibilities are endless, after all, nothing can hold us back when we put our collective minds together. Continue Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood my dear sisters, leading the way. After all, you are like none other, you are an exceptional and oh so phenomenal woman of AKA! In Sisterhood and Service, Mrs. Chelle Luper Wilson 28th International Secretary 24th South Central Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Email: Phone: 713 747 6808 29, 2022
Gwendolyn J. Brinkley 23rd South Central Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Gwendolyn J. Brinkley 23rd South Central Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Dear Sorors and Guests: I extend greetings and congratulations to you, as you celebrate the chartering of anew chapter,that is becoming apart of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. This occasion is evidence that we are continuing to grow, in the South Central Region. We are leaving our footprints in the sands of time, as we address the needs of others within our communities and abroad. We make this world a better place to live, love and grow, as we provide assistance and service that helps to advance the livelihood of Congratulationsothers.
to our South Central Regional Director, Soror Joya T. Hayes, and the sorors that worked tirelessly to make sure that the chartering of A Vision Fair Interest Group, is remembered for years to come. “What a wonderful moment in time”! To the sorors of this new chapter, may you serve your communities well, love each other eternally, and never break the bonds of sisterhood in your timeless “Service to All Mankind”.
Soror Tari T. Bradford Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® 22nd South Central Regional Director 3634 Crestview Drive Shreveport, Louisiana SororAAugusttbradford22@gmail.com7111914,2022VisionFairInterestGroupCarismaRamseyFields, President P.O. Box 541771 Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 Dear Sorors of the Vision Fair, It is my distinct pleasure to welcome them members of A Vision Fair Interest Group to the Sensational South Central Region! Emerging as a new Chapter is exciting, challenging and most definitely rewarding. As you and your members embark upon this journey of sisterhood and service during these consequential and unparalleled times, it is imperative to continue to embrace and support your service areas of Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian, but equally important, embrace and support each other. I know your hearts are filled with joy on this day, to be the first chapter, chartered under the new administration lead by, Our International President & CEO, Soror Danette A. Reed. As we Soar to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood, I congratulate South Central Regional Director, Soror Joya T. Hayes and all the committees that worked to make this historic day possible. Congratulations and Best Wishes Sisterly love Tari T. Bradford Tari T. Bradford Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, IncorporatedÒ 22nd South Central Regional Director
August 14, 2022 ItGreetings,isanhonor and pleasure that I extend sincere congratulations to the members of A Vision Fair Interest Group as you prepare to accept the challenge to become the newest graduate chapter in South Central Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. My heartfelt appreciation is extended to all the members for your dedication and commitment as you sponsor activities and programs that provide “Service to All Mankind”. I encourage you to continue working together to ensure that Alpha Kappa Alpha remains at the forefront in strengthening the communities you will be serving. I wish you the utmost success and prosperity in all your future endeavors. Sisterly, Shirley R. Fisher Shirley R. Fisher 21st South Central Regional Director
July 28, 2022 Polly Sparks Turner Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® 20th South Central Regional Director 4015 Glen Cove Drive Houston, Texas 77021 CongratulationsGreetings, to the members of A Vision Fair Interest Group for successfully executing your goals, as you join the chapters in the Northeast Texas Cluster of South Central Region. We are elated to witness your beginnings and commitment of Service to All Mankind. Under the direction of our Sensational South Central Regional Director, Soror Joya T. Hayes, you have the distinction of being the first chapter chartered in the South Central Region in the new administration of our Supreme Basileus, Soror Danette Anthony Reed. As we all begin to SOAR, we eagerly anticipate your chapter's ingenious and innovative activities and enthusiastic support of our new 2022-2026 program initiatives. Best wishes as you continue your journey of Service to All Mankind. Sisterly, Soror Polly Sparks Turner Soror Polly Sparks Turner 20th South Central Regional Director
P. O. Box 2372 Little Rock, AR 72203 August 1, 2022 Dearest Sorors: How heartwarming it is to welcome another new chapter to the Sensational South Central Region. We are indeed “Sensational” because we support our International Programs and develop award winning community service projects which easily compete and win at the international level. We focus on service delivered by sisters working together to better their Yourcommunities.InterestGroup name, “A Vision Fair” speaks to this. We look forward to your future contributions to your communities, our region, and our nation. As we Soar To Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood, we congratulate you upon your Chartering August 14, 2022, which just happens to be my birthday. I am excited for you and look forward to the great things you will accomplish in the future.
Sisterly, Soror Carmelita Soror Carmelita Smith 19th South Central Regional Director
July 30, 2022 A Vison Fair Interest Group Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Irving, Texas Dearest Sorors, It is with greatest sisterly love and much excitement including warm pink and green hugs that I congratulate our outstanding South Central Regional Director, Soror Joya Hays, as well as extend a most heartfelt welcome to “A Vision Fair” Interest Group upon the approaching chartering of our newest chapter to South Central Region! Undoubtedly, the service that you will provide to your community will be most meaningful and, thereby, make a tremendous impact upon each life touched! I truly wish that I could be with you in person for this very special occasion. However, you may be assured that my heart and thoughts most definitely will be with you upon this very special occasion!
Again, congratulations and welcome to South Central Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Much! sisterly love, Jacqueline O. Dansby, Ph.D. Soror Jacqueline O. Dansby, Ph.D.
July 30, 2022 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® A VISION FAIR INTEREST GROUP CongratulationsSorors, on the chartering of your chapter. I am sure you will be such a positive addition to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Metroplex Youchapters.willallow us to increase our service to all mankind. I look forward to visiting with you. May God shine His blessings abundantly on your chapter. DeralynSisterly, Riles Davis 14th South Central Regional Director
Greetings Sorors, It is an honor and a privilege to formally welcome your chapter into our beloved sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I have served as the 13th South Central Regional Director, chartered 17 chapters, and now I’m celebrating 75 years of service as a Diamond Soror. Ladies, I have enjoyed every second of my experience and I hope you get to experience the same. We are excited to vote, work, and serve alongside you throughout your journey. Welcome Sorors! SororSisterly,Mary Louise Williams 13th South Central Regional Direction
Congratulationsonyourcharteringasthenewest chapterofAlphaKappa AlphaSorority, Incorporated®! Iextendwarmestwishesanda Texas-sizewelcomeonbehalfoftheother16 graduateand13undergraduatechaptersserving communitiesintheNortheastTexasCluster spanningfromWichitaFallstoWacoandfromFort Worth,wherethewestbegins,toTexarkana,where everythingisTwiceasNice. Isaiah40:31reads,“Buttheythatwaitupon theLordshallrenewtheirstrength;theyshallmountupwithwingsaseagles;theyshall run,andnotbeweary;andtheyshallwalk,andnotfaint.”Asyoucontinue Soaringto GreaterHeightsofServiceandSisterhood,mayyounevergrowwearyinwell-doingin bringingyourownbrandofimpactfulprogrammingtothecitiesofGrandPrairie, Irving,Mansfield,andMidlothian,Texas. IofferaspecialcongratulationstoMadamRegionalDirector,JoyaT.Hayes,on successfullycharteringyourthirdchapterintheNortheastTexasCluster. Thankyou forallowingustofurtherexpandAlphaKappa Alpha’sfootprintintheDFW Metroplex. CongratulationstoCarismaRamseyFields,President,andallCharterMembersfor remainingsteadfastinyourcommitmenttofortifyingunderservedpopulationsinthe communitiesinwhichyoulive,rearfamilies,andwork. Iextendtoyoumyfull supportandenthusiasmforthegreatertaskstobeginwithinyournewchapter. May youeverstrivetocapture AVisionFair. WelcomehometotheNortheastTexasCluster! AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® SouthCentralRegion 2020-2024NortheastTexasClusterCoordinator WeareSouthCentral!
August 14, 2022 Greetings Esteemed Guests, Family and Friends!
APatriciaWarmly,WebbVisionFairChartering Committee Chairman
Today is also the culmination and harvest of the vision of group of talented and innovative women over the past two years. Now, seventy nine women strong, we are ready to join hands with our chosen communities: Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian in service as volunteers, donors, fundraisers, partners, mentors and more. With our chartering, we honor the ideas of our sorority Founders’ and our sisterhood’s vision, as we serve all mankind. Further, we pay tribute to our Regional Director, Joya T. Hayes as well as her inclusion of associated regional committees and groups as today’s program would not be as effective without them. The engagement of our International President, Danette Anthony Reed as speaker is an exceptional asset to this historical event. We are indeed poised with pride and perpetuity as We Are South Central and Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood in the name of our great Sorority; so, we greet you in the name of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and as its newest Chapter poised for service!
Today is an amazing day of achievement, celebration, and history! On behalf of the members of A Vision Fair and more specifically the Chartering Committee for this event, we are most thankful for your presence and support. Not only are we proud you are present, but we are happy you are enjoying the fruits of our labor and planning.
August 14, 2022 OverGreetings,thepast two years, the sisters of a Vision Fair have strived to reach revered chapter status within Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®, and today we have attained the goal. As we commemorate this wonderous achievement, we are ecstatic and humbled that you, honored guests, have joined in our Ascelebration.thenewest chapter of our beloved sisterhood, A Vision Fair, and its members, are delighted to begin the work of Soaring to Greater Heights of Service & Sisterhood, within our local communities. We are devoted to donating our time, talents, energy, and leadership to assisting and uplifting Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield, and Midlothian. We pledge to uphold the century old old mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha: to be of service to all mankind.
Sincerely, Linda Tezeno Linda CharterTezeno,Luncheon Co Chairman, A Vision Fair
On behalf of the members of a Vision Fair, we would like to thank all those who supported us on this journey including our family, friends, and sorority, sisters. We would also like to give thanks to our sorority leadership and community partners for their unwavering support.
I would personally, like to thank the members of a Vision Fair, who have worked hard and tirelessly to ensure that we would be poised with pride and perpetuity
Among Executives and Professionals • Women’s Inclusion Network Lifetime Achievement Award • PepsiCo’s
Leadership Award • Women’s Inclusion Network Leadership Development Award • Women
At the Chapter level, Ms. Anthony Reed has been president or vice president of three chapters, held numerous other leadership positions and was a charter member of Omicron Mu Omega Chapter, in Dallas, TX, where she is currently a member. While president of Omicron Mu Omega Chapter, she received the South Central Region’s Outstanding Chapter President’s Award. She has more than 46 years of continuous service as an active and engaged sorority member and rising Alpha Kappa Alpha leader on the local, regional, andinternational levels.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated’s® International President & CEO is Danette Anthony Reed. She is the 31st woman to lead the nation’s first African-American sorority for college-educated women in 114 years.
Outstanding Service Award
• Denton County Chapter of The Links, Incorporated® of Color “Making an Award”
Danette Anthony ReedAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® International President & CEO Speaker
The daughter of two educators, Ms. Anthony Reed holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, specializing in Finance, from Southern Methodist University and a Bachelor’s Degree of Science, Industrial Engineering, from Northwestern University. She is the first Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® International President who is an engineer. Initiated in 1976 into Gamma Chi Chapter at Northwestern University, Ms. Anthony Reed’s Alpha Kappa Alpha lineage runs three generations deep. She follows in the footsteps of her mother Mary Alice Anthony, who has more than 65 years of service and is a Pearl member of Theta Omega Chapter in Chicago. In addition, her daughter, Erynn Denise Reed, initiated in 2015, is a member of Omicron Mu Omega Chapter, in Dallas.
• Who’s
Russell Diversity and Inclusion Award
Ms. Anthony Reed prides herself in engaging members of the sorority at all levels by being Authentic, Knowledgeable, and Accessible. Throughout her professional career and sorority service, Ms. Anthony Reed has demonstrated a rich ability to listen and lead among all constituents to maximize community impact.
Ms. Anthony Reed ascended to Alpha Kappa Alpha’s highest office in July 2022. As International President & CEO, Ms. Anthony Reed sets policy and programs and leads a board of directors representing other international officers and 10 regional directors who oversee management of the sorority’s more than 1,047 chapters and 320,000 members throughout the United States and 11 other countries.
A committed Life Member and Silver Star member, Ms. Anthony Reed has held more than 24 leadership positions in the sorority at all levels including International First Vice President and previously International Treasurer.
Ms. Anthony Reed also is the proud mother of her son, Anthony Leelynn Reed. Ms. Anthony Reed is a charter member of the Greater Denton County (TX) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated®; a member of Top Ladies of Distinction of Dallas, TX; the Carrousels of Dallas, TX; a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians; and a former Girl Scouts leader. Currently, she serves as Treasurer of Krugerville Community Development Corporation. She has received wide acclaim from a number of organizations for her service contributions including: Who Global Harvey
A retired PepsiCo corporate executive, Ms. Anthony Reed brings decades of corporate leadership, community engagement, service, and progressive sorority governance to the role. Ms. Anthony Reed rose through the operations ranks at Frito Lay, retiring after 34 years of service. A trailblazer within the PepsiCo, Frito Lay Division, she became the first African-American woman plant director for Frito Lay to lead the startup of an $80 million bakery facility in Dallas. After this accomplishment, she moved to Frito Lay’s corporate office and led a cross-functional team in the commercialization of $300 million in innovative products.
• Council of Negro Women
MASTEROF CEREMONIES BrittanyJohnson NBC5Anchor/Reporter MusicalInterlude Introductionof Chapter Ms.Joya T.Hayes AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® SouthCentral RegionalDirector PROCESSIONAL Welcome Ms.JoyaT.Hayes AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® SouthCentral RegionalDirector Greetings Dr.PatriciaWebb and Ms.Linda Tezeno AVisionFair,CharteringCommittee Co-Chairmen Mr.RickStopfer MayorCityof Irving,Texas AcknowledgementofSpecialGuests Ms.TiffanyHolley AVisionFair, ProtocolChair Invocation Mrs. YolandaHanspard AVision Fair,Chaplain Lunch Entertainment GenoYoung&Friends HistoryVideo&CommunityPartner Mrs.KiffanyBanks Presentation AVisionFair, FirstVicePresident IntroductionofSpeaker Ms.Carisma RamseyFields AVisionFair, President Speaker Ms.DanetteAnthony Reed AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® InternationalPresident&CEO Northeast Texas Cluster Welcome Mrs. VeronicaWilliams AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® Chapter Response Ms.Carisma RamseyFields AVisionFair, President SpecialRecognitionand Acknowledgements Ms. CherryElder AVisionFair,SecondVicePresident Closing Remarks Ms.Joya T.Hayes AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated SouthCentral RegionalDirector Programme
On New Year’s Eve 2017, they again attended watch night service and was joined by Theresa Austin. They again received an inspirational message with a sermon entitled “Having A Vision and Following It: Trust God and Move.” It was time to begin to work on their vision. Ramsey Fields felt the spark the most, so she took the lead on this. The other ladies had other obligations at this time, so she began the two year project to research on how to start a chapter.
On Monday, November 26, 2018, Ramsey Fields enlisted the help of Theresa Austin, Gina Brown, Alisa Simmons, Linda Tezeno and Erica Thompson. She sent the following email to them and scheduled a meeting. On Monday, December 10, 2018, they met and began to assemble a list of inactive members and discussed the cities they wanted to incorporate in the newest area of the DFW Metroplex. For the next year, this group continued to organize and decided that the proposed areas of service would be Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield and Midlothian. Soon afterwards, the group welcomed Sharon Temple who researched and recruited inactive sorors in the DFW area. In March 2020, the women hosted their first sisterly gathering with inactive and general members that live in the proposed service areas regarding their vision. On June 16, 2020, the group had their first gathering, with 21 members. At this meeting, committees were formed. By December 2020, the group had grown to over 90 members. They prepared a virtual tour of the proposed service areas for Regional Director Joya T. Hayes and the newly formed South Central Chartering Committee. Corporate partners and community connections were featured as they gave a sample of service which could be done in the area. The response was overwhelmingly positive.
T History he history of A Vision Fair began New Year’s Eve 2016 with an idea. Dr. Sylonda Burns, Carisma Ramsey Fields and Linda Tezeno attended the annual watch night service togethe r as they had done for years. After hearing that inspirational message, they were all inspired to make more positive changes in their lives and in the communities that they loved.
On February 26, 2021, the members and residents of the Mid Cities Region of DFW had been approved to become an official interest group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® under the approved name of A Vision Fair. On March 6, 2021, the first meeting of A Vision Fair was called to order. The group voted on bylaws, budget, meeting dates and times and elected officers. The sorors of A Vision Fair worked tirelessly performing community service projects such as collecting eyeglasses and shoes; supplying food at local food pantries; sponsoring an HBCU virtual college tour; and meeting elected officials in the four service area cities, just to name a few. These dynamic members continue to bring extraordinary service to North Texas while simultaneously prepare to become a thriving chapter with perpetuity.
A Vision Captured
Adams, Jennifer Alexander, Stacey Allen, Juanita Austin, Theresa Banks, Kiffany Bias, Jil Black, Ericka Black, Tonnette Brazile, Jasmine Brookins, Rhonda Burns, Sylonda Caldwell, Idora
Cathey, Tiffany Causey, Kelly King Chaney,RoseSummer Clemons,DavidJaquetta
Coburn, Adrienne Connell, Shelley Cook, Andrea Dabney, Monica
W ith Pride
Dawkins, Nichelle Dogan, Shonda Edwards
TracyHenson, Elder, Cherry
...and Perpetuity
Ewing,AubespinShondra Fadel, Erika Fields, Carisma Ramsey Ford, SaCarol Freeman, Latasha Gaines, Jade Gibbs, Tanisha Hanspard, Yolanda Hardaway, Freda Heiskell, Kimberly J. Heslip, Rochelle Holbrook, Dematria
A Vision Captured
Holland, Leigh Holley,JacksonKatrina Holley, Tiffany James, Kimberly
JohnsonToniGunner,L. Johns Trower, Cora Jones, Keisha N. Joseph, Alounda G. Lacy, Karen Laury, Cristal Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Tonya L. Kirkendoll
Pugh, Melinda Quigley, Felicia Richardson, Carol Rubin, Karmen Sampson, Yolanda Shoto, Vertecia Simmons, Alisa Sloan, Joyce Smalls, Kecia Speed, Quanesha Swan, Stephanie Temple, Sharon W ith
Lollis, Sherlyn Luke, Kaia Marshall,KellySharon Mayberry, Sabrina Mayfield, Marian MayfieldMelinaWilliams, McKenzie, Terri Ann Middleton, Kimberly Mullen Lee, Christyn Paige, Tara L. Palmer, Raenalda Parker, Aysia Perpetuity
Tezeno, Linda Thompson, Erica Tomkies, Lisa Varner, Wanda Viera, Stephanie Webb, Patricia Wright, Karen
A Vision Captured
Congratulations to the ladies of From A Vision Fair Souvenir Journal Committee
GRATULATIONS o n y o u r a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s The Patio Chic The Patio Chic Foundation Black Women Who Love Outdoor Living Spaces Dr. Tara L. Paige, Founder of Presented a Texas State Flag that was flown over Texas State Capitol and received a Certificate of Congressional Recognition from the 18th District of Texas Presented with The United States President's Lifetime Award for exemplary community leadership. Presented with Honorary Doctorate of Divinity August 6, 2022 declared "Dr. Tara L. Paige Day"
thanks the listed vendors for joining us during our chartering celebration.
"AVisionFair" InterestGrouponthe CharteringofaNewGraduate Chapterof AlphaKappaAlpha Sorority,Inc! Mayor Rachel L. Proctor DeSoto, TX Zeta Mu, Fall 2001
on your chartering day And August 14, 2022 Pamela BHarmon eta Mu Omega FChapter ort Worth, Texas ®
– Ethel Hedgemon Lyle With Sisterly Love, Dr. Brigid A. Roberson, 2022 Executive Leadership Fellow
A Vision Fair Charter Members
have a torch and we should use it to lighten everyone else’s darkness.”
Ashley Stewart
Congratulations on ACapturing Vision Fair with heartfelt love Rose Chaney Love,
to our line sister, charter member Summer
Tamika Blackburn, Katawna Henderson, Ashley Odom, &
Danielle Welcome Fall 2003 - Epsilon Lambda - University of Houston
Congratulations Cherry Elder on your chapter chartering! We are proud of you! Your Mom,family,Kerry, Marnese, Morgan and Josh
Tau Rho Omega Chapter Congratulations & Best Wishes to A Vision Fair on a successful chartering! We look forward to serving with you in the DFW Metroplex. Serving With A Smile, MarQuisia Johnson President
Lisa Trenell Tomkies Mark and I Congratulate you as you celebrate “A Vision Captured: Poised with Pride and Perpetuity.” Mark Cooper, Sr. Omega Psi Fraternity, Inc. Rho Omega Chapter, Spring ’93 International Life Member #3679 9th District Life Member #78 Heritage Member Love you, Line Sister! Alice Cooper Sigma Rho Omega Chapter, Spring ’91 Chapter President 2017-2018 Life Member, Silver Soror, Heritage Club
Don’t miss an issue. Subscribe Today IG: @Cherylmagofficial Congratulations! Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® A Vision Fair on “Capturing the Vision” and the newest Graduate Chapter CMYCYMYCMYMCK Cheryl Magazine Ad- aka.pdf 1 8/4/22 10:53 PM
Congrats Christyn Mullen-Lee! Love, Warren III, Camille and Warren IV We are so proud of you!
Best wishes as you embark upon this journey with your newly established chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® With Love, Honey-Do William Trower CONGRATULATIONS CORA JOHNS-TROWER
Congratulations to my favorite AKA on being a part of the vision of continuing to be a service to all mankind. With Love, Jeremy Luke
You are a hard working, loving & supportive mom & wife. We love you!!! Love, Robert, Aly, Kaylee, Haley, Robert Jr. and Cayden Congratulations to our Silver Star Felicia Quigley!
Congratulations to my sister, Dr. Toni Lynn Johnson-Gunner, a Charter member of A Vision Fair!! Love, Gregg Congratulations to my dear friends Dr. Toni L. Johnson-Gunner Lisa T. Tomkies Karen Wright on the chartering of their new chapter Rebecca Wright
Larry (LA) and Juanita Allen Leonard (LB) and Dr. Sylonda Burns Michael (Mike) and Dr. Toni Gunner From your Honey Do’s of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Pi Upsilon Chapter to our QUETTES on chartering a new graduate chapter of ALPHAKAPPAALPHASORORITY, INCORPORATED® We love how you provide SERVICE TOALLMANKIND!
Kiffany Banks A very daughterwonderfultocongratulationsspecialour, and sister.amazing You have worked so hard to make the chartering of A Vision Fair successful. We are happy to share in this experience with you! Mom,Lovefromyourfamily,Stephen,andHeather
Congratulations to my little sister Lisa Trenell Tomkies From one Charter Member to Another … Love ya, Kid! George K. Tomkies, II Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Theta Pi, Fall 1975
Tara Beaudion, Felicia Cert, Tangela Kendrick and Raye White
Lisa Trenell Tomkies Your Sorors Congratulate you! We have loved you since high school, and we celebrate THE VISION with you!
Special thanks to Michael and Dr. Toni L. Johnson-Gunner for their exceptional service and contributions for CONGRATULATIONS to Charter Member Lisa Trenell Tomkies WE LOVE YOU! Your Sorors Rachel Moore, and Johnnie Mae and Ingrid James SendingCONGRATULATIONSto Lisa Trenell Tomkies Fromyourlinesisters, theFirstStrandofPearlsof SigmaRhoOmegaChapter,Spring‘91 AliceCooper,EleanorPichon,ElizabethSullivan andIBTWLillieStewartandGloriaJohnson (MembershipChairman)
I am so excited as we bring supreme service to the areas of Mansfield, Midlothian, Grand Prairie and Irving with a group of ladies that I love! Let’s get busy! Love y’all …. LisaTomkies
Brittney Johnson Brian Curtis
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Congratulations from the South Central Region Chartering Committee A. DeniseChairmanGraves
Congratulations to Dr. Summer Rose Chaney! Babe, you continue to blaze trails and exceed expectations. This is no different. We are very proud of you on becoming a new charter member! We love you! Love, Dexter, Harper, and Grayson
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Leigh Holland Cora Johns Trower Dr. JohnsonToniGunner Sharon Marshall Quanesha Speed Lisa T. Tomkies Dr. Sylonda D. Burns Congratulations from theVendors Committee
Congratulations! To our Xi Mu (SUNY New Paltz, NY) Soror TERRI-ANN MACKENZIE and the Sorors of A Vision Fair Interest Group for your dedication to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., in chartering a Graduate Chapter!
• Discover their voice and vision for success. • Overcome the roadblocks associated with self-doubt and procrastination. • Develop systems of success they can carry forward into their college and career journey. • Recalibrate their whole self and reframe their current state to overcome the challenges of life. • We’ve delivered training to top Universites and Fortune 500 companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth The Life Design Institute (LDI) believes no matter how you de ne success for your life, achieving your vision will require self-con dence, persistence, and continuous learning. Our mission is to equip our clients with the strategies and tools that de ne how they approach today and every day after to achieve the personal and career success they envision. ABOUT US OUR SERVICESPersonalDevelopment We help you develop the systems that de ne how to achieve the success you desire for your life. Career/Skill Development We help you navigate your career journey by providing the framework and tools to create your Career Development Roadmap. Faith & Career Success Through the alignment of spiritual and personal development we assist Chrisitian professionals with discovering their purpose and cultivating their relationship with God. WHY CHOOSE US Our framework, content, and resources are designed to equip our clients with the strategies and tools to: CONTACT US build your way forward to The life you envision.
Congrats to A Vision Fair & charter member Patricia Webb God Made Us Family, But We Are Sisters By Choice
Wife, Mother, AKA, Charter Member We love you and we are so proud of you! With Love, Talvickeo, Kaitlyn, TJ, and Terris
have a torch and we should use it to lighten everyone else’s darkness.”
A Vis ion Fair Char t er M e mber s
– Ethel Hedgemon Lyle With Sisterly Love, Dr. Brigid A. Roberson, 2022 Executive Leadership Fellow
On Monday, November 26, 2018, Ramsey Fields enlisted the help of Theresa Austin, Gina Brown, Alisa Simmons, Linda Tezeno and Erica Thompson. She sent the following email to them and scheduled a meeting. On Monday, December 10, 2018, they met and began to assemble a list of inactive members and discussed the cities they wanted to incorporate in the newest area of the DFW Metroplex. For the next year, this group continued to organize and decided that the proposed areas of service would be Grand Prairie, Irving, Mansfield and Midlothian. Soon afterwards, the group welcomed Sharon Temple who researched and recruited inactive sorors in the DFW area. In March 2020, the women hosted their first sisterly gathering with inactive and general members that live in the proposed service areas regarding their vision. On June 16, 2020, the group had their first gathering, with 21 members. At this meeting, committees were formed. By December 2020, the group had grown to over 90 members. They prepared a virtual tour of the proposed service areas for Regional Director Joya T. Hayes and the newly formed South Central Chartering Committee. Corporate partners and community connections were featured as they gave a sample of service which could be done in the area. The response was overwhelmingly positive.
T History he history of A Vision Fair began New Year’s Eve 2016 with an idea. Dr. Sylonda Burns, Carisma Ramsey Fields and Linda Tezeno attended the annual watch night service togethe r as they had done for years. After hearing that inspirational message, they were all inspired to make more positive changes in their lives and in the communities that they loved.
On February 26, 2021, the members and residents of the Mid Cities Region of DFW had been approved to become an official interest group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ® under the approved name of A Vision Fair. On March 6, 2021, the first meeting of A Vision Fair was called to order. The group voted on bylaws, budget, meeting dates and times and elected officers. The sorors of A Vision Fair worked tirelessly performing community service projects such as collecting eyeglasses and shoes; supplying food at local food pantries; sponsoring an HBCU virtual college tour; and meeting elected officials in the four service area cities, just to name a few. These dynamic members continue to bring extraordinary service to North Texas while simultaneously prepare to become a thriving chapter with perpetuity.
On New Year’s Eve 2017, they again attended watch night service and was joined by Theresa Austin. They again received an inspirational message with a sermon entitled “Having A Vision and Following It: Trust God and Move.” It was time to begin to work on their vision. Ramsey Fields felt the spark the most, so she took the lead on this. The other ladies had other obligations at this time, so she began the two year project to research on how to start a chapter.
Sabrina, I’m so proud of you! You serve your Sorority with commitment and pride. We love you! Congratulations on your Chartering! SSabrina Mayberry - Lewis Love, your Auntie Gail You’re my Sister first and I love you! You are an inspiration! You are an amazing woman and we all love you dearly! Congratulations on your Chartering! SSabrina Mayberry - Lewis Love, Kelly, Chauncey, Tuut, Chase, Chelcey, Chance and Maddy Congratulations on youraccomplishment in the First and Best Sorority ever. Wishing you all blessings in your endeavors and continue to soar high.! SSabrina Mayberry - Lewis Love, Your little brother Gemaule & Fam! Congratulations are in order on yourwell deserved achievement. Your many years of incredible success with the dedication that you present shall forever allow you to soar and shine like the many pearls that you wear! SSabrina Mayberry - Lewis Love, Your little brother Ge, Monica, Lil Ge, Gabby and Noa
Soror Kimberly J. Heiskell Charter Member Soaring into Sisterhood and Legacy: A Vision Fair SororSororCongratulationsHelenD.WaitersHelenL.Broussard Soror Kimberly J. Heiskell Charter Member Soaring into Sisterhood: A Vision Fair Congratulations Harrington (son) & Jamison Heiskell; Mom, Dad, Langston, Helen, Cynthia and Dennis
Cheryl Polote Williamson TaraNBCPaige5 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Gamma Rho Chapter, Spring 2005 Ashanti Madlock Betty Elder Brittany Ho-Yen Idora Caldwell Lisa T. YasminRachelTomkiesHillBarnesJones PRIDE AND PERPETUITY $501 and Above UNITED IN GREEN $251-$500
Alice Cooper & Angela Davis, SCR EAF Captains Barbara Rideau Chef Tam Crescent Beverage Company of Texas, Jil Bias Owner Dr. Brigid Roberson Elena GiselleErekaMundeyJonesGinaBrownFuentes Judy Traylor Katrina Owoh KimberlyLisaLarryCarpenterAllenThompson Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Omicron Mu Omega Persevering Pearls Serving North Pulaski Interest Group Step By Step Dance Studio Tiffany Traylor-Cathey VISIONARY IN PINK $101-$250
Alicia Brown Young Amy AndreaAkanniCook Angela Jupiter-McCon Angela Lewis Bennyfer Bridgewater Brian Thomas, Sr. Debra Jackson Ramsey Deidria Ellington Ereka Jones Jacqueline Watson Jeffrey JonathanJenniferCookGeeWhiteJuanGarciaKennedyFieldsKimArneyKrystalLewisKyleEdwardsLaKaraLewis Lanetta Haynes Turner Lynnette M. Heard, M.Ed. Namibia EL Natoshia Lewis Nick “The SamanthaPatriciaNikitaHand”AllenSimonA.DavisThomasSathyaHenderson Shaniece Miller Shannon Stokes Shardel Redmon Shawn TomicaTiffanySimmonsDennisLavergne Ty Codner Vanessa Owens Robinson Wanda Roberson Varner Yolanda Hanspard VISIONARY SUPPORTERS $51-$100
Alicia Brown Young Alyse AnjanetteDentRidley Ariel Martin Ashlynn Mason Beverly DominiqueChristopheSullivanLafondLegermeElanaDillingham Eren Moore Felicia Shepherd Galean Stewart-James Jacqueline Fields James Legerme Justin Sampson Kecia Wynn Kendrea Shaw Kimberly Austin Harrington Heiskell Kodi Cooper Kristy Broussard Lauren Lafond Lisa M Burton Lunzeta Brackens Lynn Farris Marchelle Lumpkin-Mucha Marcia Harris Marilyn MichelaniePettigrewRayfordMonicaNwokocha Najee Hassell Nic ShantaRosalindRacaanHolleyCaltonD.BlackRosilandDavisLockhartAlexander TâKia Wilkins Tiffani Allen Tiffany Sandlin Tiffany Mosley Vena YolandaThomasTurner SUPPORTERS OF THE VISION $10-$50