Education & Play! Economy! How can we design a solu/on to make our services tangible? Online banking makes services invisible and renders money intangible. Customers are less loyal and the bank loses recogni/on.
Research! Interview the bank
Target Group! 21~35 years old
Three Pitches! Poten/al Touch Points
Spending Without Ra/onal Thought
Spending Without Educa/on
Spending Without Consequence
Observed Behavior! > Logging in from computer at home or launching the app to check account balance. > Looking at a screen to understand money flow.
Target Behavior! > Using your hands to get a gauge on how much money is in your account. > Touch the patch on your card in the moment of purchase > Interpret the patch feedback on your card to understand how much money you have remaining in your account, according to the budgets you’ve set. > Log in to check your account more frequently, either at home or with the app.
Brain-storming ! Tac/le | Tangible
Research! What’s in your wallet?
Research! The value of texture
Prototype! Emo/on | Texture | Feeling
Prototype! Emo/on | Texture | Feeling
Scenario! How it works A small hap/c actuator is placed on your card, which communicates with your bank and reacts every /me you swipe.
Scenario! Use Case Scan your card with your phone to pull up the Middlefart Sparkasse app.