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Korean Committee for UNICEF Annual Report 2013

Korean Committee for UNICEF


Korean Committee for UNICEF Annual Report 2013 3

Foreword / 2013 KCU Board of Directors


2013 KCU Contribution to UNICEF


2013 Distribution of Donors


Global UNICEF 2013

10 Special Events / Cooperative Projects 14 Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) /

Research Development 15 Volunteer Program 16 Emergency Relief Campaign for the Philippines 18 Partner Cities 19 Fundraising 22 Donations 23 Corporate Alliances 27 Goodwill Ambassadors 32 20th Anniversary of Korean Committee for UNICEF 34 2013 Financial Statement

Dear Valued Supporters of UNICEF Throughout 2013, the international society has faced through various adversities such as armed conflicts, natural disasters, famine, and diseases. The civil war in Syria, which has lasted for over three years, has taken away the youth of many children. As the time spent in refugee camps is being prolonged, children are facing child trafficking and sexual harassment every day. This continuing violence is claiming the lives of innocent Syrian children. In the Philippines, a neighboring country, more than 5 million children have suffered due to the unprecedented typhoon, Haiyan. In the Central African Republic and South Sudan, with the ongoing conflict, children are being recruited into armed forces. These crises are not limited to Syria, the Philippines, and Africa. In Bolivia, many children are still spending most of their time in coal mines instead of schools. In India and Bangladesh, more than 10 million children are living in the streets. Approximately 300 million children worldwide are suffering from domestic abuse. As always, powerless children become the biggest victims of wars, natural disasters, and famines. Although the hardships may seem endless, the children of the world can overcome them with your love and support. Your support has encouraged children around the world. The Korean Committee for UNICEF is grateful for your concern for and encouragement of children. We hope that 2014 will be peaceful year without natural disasters and wars, a year in which our children can enjoy full happiness. We truly thank you for your continual, unwavering support.

SONG Sang-Hyun, President

The Korean Committee for UNICEF

2013 KCU Board of Directors President

SONG Sang-Hyun

AHN Sung-Ki

KOO Sam-Yeol

YANG Ok-Kyung

Actor, Goodwill Ambassador of KCU

UN Special Representative, Yeosu Korea Foundation

Professor of Social Welfare, Ehwa Womans University

LEE Geun

KIM In-Suk

HONG Dong-Pyo

Former Principal, Daechi Elementary School

Accountant, Milib Accounting Corporation

President, Asiana Airlines

KIM Hak-Joon


CHO Gyu-Hwan

President, Northeast Asian History Foundation

Accountant, Kim & Chang

Former Professor of Pediatrics, Ehwa Womans University Hospital

YOON Young-Doe

President, Angel’s Haven

Vice Presidents

HONG Seok-Jo, PARK Dong-Eun

HONG Kang-Eui Former Professor of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

SON Beom-Soo Executive Director

OH Jong-Nam

(Last updated Dec. 31st, 2013)

Broadcaster, Special Representative of KCU

LEE Yang-Hee Professor of Child Psychology and Education Department, Sungkhunkwan University Former Chair, Committee UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

KANG Woo-Hyon CEO, Nami Island

JEONG Eun-Hwan Former Lawyer, Lee & Ko

MOON Chang-Jin Chairman, Korea Health Promotion Foundation Director, CHA University

2013 General and Board of Directors Meetings

KIM Si-Yeon

General Meeting

President, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies

March 28, 2013 2012 audit report and approval of accounts Report on 2012 major programs Approval of 2013 programs and budget

PARK Jin-Sun

Board of Directors Meetings

CEO, Sempio

March 28, 2013 August 19, 2013 Report on 2013 major programs

President, Ilchokak

PARK In-Kook

SEON Joo-Seong President, Daesin

2013 KCU Contribution to UNICEF

Mongol Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


Afghanistan Nepal Laos Yemen


South Sudan Côte d’Ivoire


Cambodia Philippines

Central African Republic Congo Timor Leste

Korean Committee for UNICEF Beginning in 1950, Korea was an aid recipient country for 43 years. However, Korea successfully transformed itself into an aid donor country following its dramatic economic growth. This allowed its reestablishment as Korean Committee for UNICEF as a developed country on January 1st, 1994. KCU has played a very special and meaningful role in Korea's transformation from a recipient country to a donor country giving aid to less developed countries. Currently, there are approximately 350,000 donors who are helping children all over the world through KCU. In addition to individual donors, KCU also works with corporations, schools, and various organizations.

Child Survival and Development In keeping our commitment to improve children’s health, UNICEF implements nutrition programs by distributing vaccinations, oral rehydration salts (ORS), and micronutrient supplements. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | Vietnam | Mongol Timor-Leste | Laos | Yemen | Central African Republic



Basic Education UNICEF supports projects to help children around the world access basic education regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or disparity. Afghanistan | Myanmar | Schools for Asia Côte d’Ivoire | Nepal



Child Protection and Rights Kiribati

● Child survival and development Solomon Islands

UNICEF works to protect children from various forms of child abuse such as physical violence, child labor, child soldier

● Basic Education

recruitment, early marriage, and female circumcision.


Furthermore, we help children realize their own rights.

● Emergency Relief Program

Vietnam | Cambodia

● Child Protection and Rights



Emergency Relief Program


UNICEF is able to respond quickly in sending emergency funds

UNICEF provides appropriate measures and care to prevent

to places facing crises such as the Philippines, Syria, and

HIV transmission and treat HIV infection.

Congo through its Emergency Relief Program. Syria | Philippines | Congo



HIV/AIDS Program | Cambodia | Kiribati Sudan | Solomon Islands | Myanmar



2013 Distribution of donors

Total number of Donors

















50s 60s



15.48% 7.35%

Fundraising Methods for Pledge Donors

0.94 Jeju

2.42 2.57 Gwangju

Jeonlanam Province

2.29 Jeonlabuk Province


2.5 Ulsan


4.43 Gyeongsangnam Province




Chungcheongbuk Province Gyeongsangbuk Province

2.76 Chungcheongnam Province


2.25 Gangwon









79.64% Automatic Withdrawal

19.96% Credit Card

Compared with the previous year, the number of pledge donors of KCU in 2013 has increased from 318,503 to 348,861.

(Last updated Dec. 2013)

Global UNICEF 2013

UNICEF Program Expenses

Program Expenses by Region



Program Expenses by Focus Area



Sub-Saharan Africa

3,588 (in millions of US dollars)



(in millions of US dollars)


Middle East North Africa

(in thousands of US dollars)


HIV/AIDS Prevention and Elimination

Top 20 National Committee Donors

8.2% Child Rights Advocacy Top 20 Government Donors

(in thousands of US dollars)

Contribution Total to HQ Contribution


(42,395) 62,476







Contribution to HQ refers to the amount of KCU donations to the UNICEF headquarters.

(Last updated Dec. 2013)

Basic Education and Gender Equality

Child Protection

2.1% Other

America / 3.9% Between regions 4.8% Latin the Caribbean

KCU Contribution Trends





Former Soviet Union / Eastern Europe

Child Survival and Development



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

United States Japan Germany Republic of Korea Sweden Netherlands France Spain United Kingdom Italy Belgium Switzerland Honk Kong Finland Australia Denmark Canada Norway Austria Ireland

Total 227,421 134,282 109,184 87,615 87,402 73,848 72,647 61,244 60,898 48,629 20,649 20,634 19,180 18,402 17,241 17,089 16,835 13,202 5,628 5,206

(in thousands of US dollars) Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

United Kingdom

Total 555,387 European Commission 431,365 United States 325,355 Japan 263,019 Norway 241,306 Sweden 206,436 Netherlands 176,225 Canada 161,550 Germany 59,764 Denmark 59,663 Kuwait 55,200 Austria 53,783 Finland 46,700 Switzerland 46,031 Belgium 34,515 Republic of Korea 26,477 Ireland 18,211 France 16,941 Italy 13,701 Spain 12,139

Children in Dacca, Bangladesh Š UNICEF

Special Events / Cooperative Projects

2013 Pyeongchang Special Olympics World Winter Games From Janaury 29th to February 5th, KCU supported the ‘2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games,’ which were held in Pyeongchang and Gangreung, Gangwon Province. The Special Olympics are an international sports event for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing year-round training and competitions to develop their physical fitness and social skills. At Pyeongchang, KCU participated in making Awoo dolls with the children.

Sharing and Happiness Bus The ‘Sharing and Happiness Bus’ program has celebrated its first anniversary. In this program, children and teenagers ride the ‘Sharing and Happiness Bus’ around to KCU, the Korean Red Cross, and Community Chest of Korea learning about sharing, peace, environment protection, and respect for the rights of others. Since April 2012, a total of 41 different schools and about 1,400 students learned about UNICEF through this program.

Multicultural Children Talent Show

‘UNICEF Gallery’ in Busan Seodong Artistic Creation Space The Seodong Artistic Creation Space, located in Geumjunggu Busan, has transformed into the ‘UNICEF Gallery’, where the public can enjoy a display of Awoo dolls. The ‘UNICEF Gallery’ is designed to be an art complex with

On March 1st, 2013, Busan Youth Hostel Arpina hosted the

a book café, library, and lecture room for people in the local

‘2013 UNICEF & Arpina Affiliated Multicultural Children

community. It has garnered interest as a special place for

Talent Show.’

visitors to learn about the lives of children in different parts

With around 200 children and parents attending this event,

of the world and about UNICEF through Awoo dolls and

children from multicultural families had a wonderful time

animated characters.

showcasing their diverse talents including storytelling,

In addition, the gallery also exhibits actual supplies used in

dancing, poetry reading, and playing the Gayageum.

UNICEF relief programs.


Special Events / Cooperative Projects

Seoul Cultural Night

2013 Korea Imagination Expo

From August 30th to the 31st, KCU sold UNICEF products

The United Nations of Imagination (President: HAN Dong-

and held a campaign to promote Awoo doll adoption during

Soo) organized the ‘2013 Korea Imagination Expo,’ which took

the ‘Seoul Cultural Night’ festival at Seoul Plaza.

place at Coex from August 7th to 11th, and donated a part of

Due to the high number of participants, a total of 9,392,500

the proceeds from ticket sales to KCU.

won was collected.

The Imagination Expo is a festival where 12 imaginary local governments gather to operate various programs including

The 6th Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival

performances, sharing activities, and a lecture.

The 6th Nami Island International Children’s Book Festival

supplies employed in the field and ran various campaigns

was held in the UNICEF Hall from April 25th to May 31st. As part of the festival, on April 27th and May 5th, KCU

During the expo, KCU displayed a refugee tent and relief such as collecting photos taken during the event in a digital visitor’s book.

facilitated Braille reading experience program ‘I read with hands’ and imagination drawing program ‘I paint my dream.’ About 500 children participated in the programs with KCU.

The Presentation of ‘The State of the World’s Children 2013’ On May 30th, UNICEF headquarters globally launched its flagship report ‘The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities.’ On the same day, KCU also presented this report together with the students of Busan BaeHwa School for the Deaf located in Geumjeong District Office, Busan. Goodwill Ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn and Won-Hee Choi (Haegang Elementary School 6) recited the statement containing the message that ‘all children should enjoy equal rights regardless of any disabilities.’


Special Events / Cooperative Projects

Songs of Love, Thanks, and Hope by UNICEF & the Vienna Boys Choir On October 12th, KCU invited donors to the Vienna Boys Choir’s Concert, the theme of which was ‘Songs of Love, Thanks, and Hope by UNICEF & Vienna Boys Choir.’ This event was held in the Seoul Arts Center Concert Hall. This concert was held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of KCU and to express gratitude towards all the donors who have been with the committee throughout the years. KCU Goodwill Ambassadors Sung-Ki Ahn and Kyung-Sook Shin, and the Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh delivered messages of appreciation through video clips to the donors on this day.

Chungnam University’s ‘Sharing’ Cross-Country Walk

2013 Cheonan International Well-Being Food Expo

The 44th student council of Chungnam University walked across

From August 30th to September 15th, KCU participated in

the country from August 9th to 23rd to raise money for KCU.

the ‘2013 Cheonan Well-Being Food Expo’ held at Cheonan

During the 15-day journey across Imjingak, Euijeongbu,

Samgeori Park, Chungcheongnam Province. UNICEF

Cheonan, Gongju, and Daejeon, the participating students

Campaigners and other volunteers promoted UNICEF’s

worked as UNICEF campaigners for a day.

nutrition program while informing people of the food problem

The students sold UNICEF products for fundraising and raised

around the world.

awareness about the current state of children around the

Visitors had the chance to experience the lives of the children


living in poverty and suffering from malnutrition.

After the event, proceeds from the event and donor recruitment forms were given to KCU. 12

Special Events / Cooperative Projects

KCU’s Digital Campaign Brand ‘WeAction’ Wins ‘Korea SNS Awards’ Grand Prize for NGOs Donation Pledge by National Assembly Members On December 30th, members of the National Assembly gathered together to contribute to KCU programs. A total of 76 members from the majority parties (Saenuri Party 66, Democratic Party 10) including the ‘UNICEF National Assembly Partners,’ agreed to become pledge donors of KCU.

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/unicefkr Twitter @unicefkorea Kakao Talk Plus Friend @유니세프

KCU was awarded with the Grand Prize in the NGO field at ‘The 3rd Korea SNS Awards,’ conducted by the Herald Economic News and Korean Association for Social Content Development. For the purpose of communicating more efficiently

‘KBS Music Concert’ for the 20th Anniversary of Korean Committee for UNICEF ‘KBS: Good-Bye 2013 Music Concert’ was held in order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Korean Committee for UNICEF and to express KCU’s gratitude toward long-term pledge donors. Goodwill Ambassadors of KCU Sung-Ki Ahn and KyungSook Shin attended the event as honored guests and Goodwill Ambassador Sa-Il Chang delivered the congratulatory message

with young donors, KCU created a new digital brand named ‘WeAction’ in SNS. KCU’s interaction with fans using various approaches such as Dream Poster, LikeAction, and ShareAction, was highly regarded and contributed to its win. ‘WeAction’ was initiated to interact actively with a large number of people who are interested in the work of UNICEF.

with his wonderful performance.

‘Hope Sharing Project’ with Lotte Cinema On September 11th, Lotte Cinema (Managing Director: CHA Won-Chun) made an agreement to support KCU with the ‘Hope Sharing Project.’ The ‘Hope Sharing Project’ is a campaign designating the Thursday of the 2nd and 4th weeks of every month as 'Rainbow Day.' Each ‘Rainbow Day’, the ‘Rainbow Set’ is sold and a part of the proceeds made are to be donated to UNICEF. 13

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

Research Development

Breastfeeding Education for Pregnant Mothers and Families KCU implemented educational programs on breastfeeding for pregnant women and families Picasso’s ‘Mother and Child’

on May 30th at International Conference Hall, Korea Press Foundation.

The State of the World’s Children 2013: Children with Disabilities

Pediatrics specialist from National Police Hospital Kyeong-

UNICEF launched its flagship report ‘The State of the World’s

Ah Kim delivered a lecture entitled ‘Breastfeeding is easy!’

Children 2013,’ on May 30, 2013. This year’s report focused

During the lecture, she taught mothers the way to breastfeed

on what is lost when children with disabilities are denied

successfully, along with the way to prepare their minds for

opportunities and urged for inclusive approaches.


The report argued that by allowing children with disabilities to reach their full potential, an inclusive society will flourish

2013 World Breastfeeding Week Celebration

as a whole.

On August 1st, a Johnson & Johnson-sponsored celebration

‘Children and AIDS: Sixth Stocktaking Report, 2013’

event called ‘Let’s Help Breast-

On December 1st, UNICEF and UNAIDS launched ‘Children

feeding Together!’ was held at the

and AIDS: Sixth Stocktaking Report, 2013’ to commemorate

international conference hall of

‘World AIDS Day.’

the Korea Chamber of Commerce

This report stated that efforts to prevent mother-to-child

& Industry (KCCI) during the World Breastfeeding Week

transmission of HIV/AIDS from 2005 to 2012 successfully

(August 1-7) With around 300 pregnant mothers and family

protected 850,000 children from being infected.

members in attendance, KCU promoted breastfeeding for

However, there is still insufficient treatment for youth affected

about 2 hours. Ilsin Christian Hospital (President: OH Ji-

by AIDS. As of 2012, 2.1 million youths aged 10 to 19 have

Seob. Dong-gu, Busan), the first hospital to be appointed

been affected by AIDS and 110,000 have died globally.

as a ‘Baby-Friendly Hospital’ in 1993, was awarded for its

The report emphasizes the need to develop innovative treat-

contribution on this day.

ments for AIDS and making them available to children in the

Breastfeeding Diary Book Publication

most disadvantaged areas.

KCU published a Breastfeeding Diary Book titled ‘First-Time of stories which were selected among 2012 Breastfeeding

‘Every Child’s Birth Right: Inequities and trends in birth Registration’

Diary Contest entries.

Celebrating its 67th Birthday, UNICEF released a new report

This diary book is full of stories written by breastfeeding

titled ‘Every Child’s Birth Right: Inequities and trends in birth

mothers about their feelings and experiences, providing


help to many of the first-time mothers who have just started

Emphasizing the importance of birth registration, this report


collected statistical analyses spanning 161 countries and

Mothers’ Trouble with Breastfeeding.’ The book is composed

presented the latest available country data on the number of birth registrations. 14

Volunteer Program

Daegu UNICEF College Student Volunteer Team

‘FC UNICEF’ Charity Football match

Following the creation of the Seoul and Busan student

On December 7th, UNICEF college student volunteer sports

volunteer teams, college students came together in Daegu

team ‘FC UNICEF’ held a charity football match with Daewoo

to form a new volunteer team. On February 16th, around 40

E&C’s football club at Korea Aerospace University.

university students from the Daegu region took their first step

‘FC UNICEF’ was formed in March 2013 for a goodwill

as UNICEF volunteers with an opening ceremony.

match with international students from Turkey. The team

For its first project, the Daegu volunteer team participated in

contributes to UNICEF through football, establishing a new

the ‘Water Korea’ exhibition at Daegu Exco from March 19th

kind of donation culture.

to 22nd and promoted UNICEF while operating a PR booth.

In-Company Charity Project ’Awoo Doll Program’

The 6th UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Seminar On November 20th, the UNICEF college student volunteer

There has been a steady increase of companies joining the

team (President: YEOM Seong-Jun) held a seminar with

‘Awoo Doll Program.’

‘Geuruteogi,’ a club in the Department of Special Education of

At the July 12th Awoo Doll workshop conducted at the Cheil

Ewha Womans University, on the topic of 'Rights of Children

Solution (President: LIM Dae-Ki) head office, around 100 staff

with Disabilities' at the Ewha Samsung Education and Culture

members attended to make and adopt an Awoo Doll. Cheil


Solution has been participating in the Awoo Doll campaign

This seminar was to promote The UN Convention on the

since 2009.

Rights of the Child and to discuss the direction of integrated

In addition, the Incheon International Airport Corporation

education for children with and without disabilities to ensure

(President: JUNG Chang-Su) exhibited about 30 dolls made

the rights of children with disabilities.

by staff and held an adoption event for 3 days starting July

Advocacy programs for the rights of children with disabilities


and violence prevention were discussed in the seminar.


Emergency Relief Campaign for the Philippines

Book Concert with the Top Writers of Korea On December 20th, KCU hosted a book concert at the Ewha Samsung Education and Culture Center to help children affected by Typhoon Haiyan, with sponsor Munhakdongne Credia. The concert was with Goodwill Ambassador Kyung-Sook Shin as well as other Yeon-Su Kim, Hee-Kyung Eun, and Byung-Ryul Lee, and all proceeds from tickets went to UNICEF to support emergency relief for the Philippines.

Kyobo Book Store On December 4th, Kyobo Book Store (CEO: HEO Jeong-Do) held a declaration event to publicize the ‘Angel Book Campaign’ together 5 organizations, including Baeum Academy of Gwanghwamun and KCU, and 40 publishing companies. The Angel Book Campaign is a 3-way donating method in which customers, and corporations, and publishing companies all participate; customers donate points received when purchasing books, and corporations and publishing companies accumulate funds each time affiliated companies and publishing companies purchase books.



2013 Plum Exhibition

Korea University

Asung Foundation

From November 28th to December 1st, KCU operated A UNICEF booth for helping Typhoon affected children and held a pledge donor recruitment campaign at the 2nd Plum Exhibition: Fashion & Jewelry Fair in the Hongik Daehangno Art Center.

On December 3rd, the faculty and staff of Korea University donated 93 million won to help refugees suffering from Typhoon Haiyan through KCU.

On November 21st, Asung Foundation (Chairman: KWON Oh-Sang) donated 10 million won to support Philippines emergency relief.


Tongro Images

On January 8th, the staff of YuhanKimberly (CEO: CHOI Kyu-Bok) donated 40 million won, collected from part of their monthly salary to support relief in the Philippines.

On December 23rd, a content company, Tongro Images, donated 10 million won to support Philippines emergency relief through KCU.

Deloitte Anjin LLC Professional consulting and accounting auditing organization Deloitte Anjin LLC (CEO: LEE Jae-Sul) donated 20 million won raised by staff members for the emergency relief fund.

KIM Yuna, Goodwill Ambassador On November 13th, goodwill ambassador Yuna Kim donated 100,000 dollars to KCU help the children in the Philippines who have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan. Yuna Kim also called for attention and support towards children affected by the typhoon through twitter.

JANG Geun- Suk, Actor On December 2nd, internationally beloved actor Geun-Suk Jang donated 100 million won for the people of the Philippines through UNICEF.

World Wide Charity of Children Bridgestone Golf On November 14th, Bridgestone Golf (CEO: LEE Min-Ki) donated 30 million won to KCU for the Philippines emergency relief fund. The funds were raised through the ‘2013 Tour Stage Love and Share Golf Tournament.’

On November 13th, ‘the ‘Manman Club’ of the World Wide Charity of Children (President: KIM Il-Doo) donated 10 million won to KCU for children in the Philippines.

On November 28th, Korea Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company (CEO: LEE Dong-Su) donated 20,370,000 won to KCU for children affected by the typhoon.

In addition to the previously mentioned companies and firms, Ceko gave 20 million won, UBS 13,467,000 won, e-Matrix 10 million won, Korea Southern Power (KOSPO) 10,600,000 won, Hansod 10 million won, and Gichang Construction 8,735,510 won to UNICEF.

Rimowa and Sun Trading Company

Thank you.

Korea Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company

On November 21st, the Korean branch of the German luggage company Rimowa (CEO: KIM Sun-Hee) donated 10 million won to regions damaged by Typhoon Haiyan through KCU.

Philippine Emergency Fund


409,487 2013.11.11~2014.2.28

Transferred to UNICEF headquarters 17

Partner Cities


Gangwon Province

Gangnam-gu Office International Peace Marathon


With approximately 10,000 participants including marathon club members, 8th US Army soldiers, diplomats, expatriates, and residents, the Gangnam-gu Office International Peace Marathon took place around Coex and Yeongdong Street on October 3rd. The proceeds from the event, 50 million won, were donated to KCU.

Yeongwol-gun (Governor : PARK Sun-Kyu) of Gangwon Province donated 2,388,110 won to KCU to support UNICEF programs. Yeongwol-gun made an agreement to be a UNICEF Partner City with KCU in May 2012.

Chungcheongbuk Province The 7th Ban Ki-Moon Marathon Eumseong-gun of Chungcheongbuk Province held the Ban Ki-Moon Marathon tournament and donated 10 million won to KCU.

Osong Cosmetics & Beauty Expo A UNICEF donation box was arranged in the Osong Cosmetics & Beauty Expo, which was held from May 3rd to 26th at the Osong high-tech medical integrated complex, through which about 1.5 million won was raised.

Child- Friendly City Seongbuk-gu Following efforts to enact Child-Friendly City ordinance, operate a children’s council, and install a Child-Friendly City department at Seongbuk-gu (Mayor: KIM Young-Bae), Seongbuk-gu became the first city in Korea to be designated as a ’UNICEF ChildFriendly City.’

2013 World Rowing Championships Chunju UNICEF Supporters’ Association of Chunju operated a PR booth with the theme, ‘Water is life for children,’ during the 2013 World Rowing Championships in Chunju from August 25th to September 1st held at the Tangeumho International Rowing Stadium.

Jeonlanam Province The 15th Hampyeong Butterfly Festival


From April 26th to May 8th, Hampyeong-gun (Governor: AHN Byeong-Ho), Jeonlanam Province and Hampyeong-gun Supporting As-sociation (President: PARK Hae-Suk) donated the collected funds, 6,119,000 won by setting up a PR booth at Hampyeong Expo Park.

Geumjeong-gu On May 18th at the Grand Concert Hall of Geumjeong Cultural Center, Geumjeong- gu, which became a UNICEF partner city in 2012, held the ‘Geumjeong-gu and UNICEF Smile Charity Concert’ sponsored by Busan Spo1 Corporation. Children from neglected areas and North Korean refugee children came together for the lively event.

Jeongnamjin Jangheung Water Festival Jangheung-gun (Governor: LEE MyeongHeum), Jeonlanam Provice opened the 6th Jeongnamjin Jangheung Water Festival from July 26th to August 1st. The proceeds from the Festival, 30 million won, were donated to support countries with severe water shortages through KCU.


Jeju Seogwipo-si

The 18th Busan International Film Festival

UNICEF Supporters’ Association of Seogwipo-si (President: LEE Seok-Chang) donated 10,165,320 won to support UNICEF programs on March 27th.

From October 3rd to 12th, KCU operated a PR booth to promote UNICEF to the staff and spectators who came to the festival, which took place in Busan BEXCO.

Fundraising Campaign


Funds Raised Through 2013 Card & Product Sales


A total of 2,208,926,949 won was raised from


sales of UNICEF cards and products. Supported by SNS marketing activities sales in 2013 grew by 9% compared to the


Individual Sales

previous year.

2013 Coin Collection

In particular, about 500 firms including



Corporate Sales

(million won)


Busan Lotte Hotel, Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hanmi Semiconductor, DSME,

1,790 (million won)


School Sales

and Samsung C&T joined the campaign at

Donations box and others

Asiana Airlines

the end of the year.

2% Other Sources


3% Catalogue Funds

4% Commission

Inspired Gifts 'Life-Saving Gift' To celebrate Singer Taecyeon Ok’s birthday, his fan club ‘Ok Taek Yeon Hap’ donated 1 relief tent and 10 bicycles, the equivalent of 3.4 million won, on December 27th. Furthermore, the company Aro joined the 'Life-Saving Gift' campaign and donated manual water pumps worth 500 million won to children around the world during the course of 2013. Meanwhile, catalogues and appreciation cards for the ‘Life-Saving Gift' have been newly produced to be introduced to the donors. Many people connected with the ‘Life-Saving Gift’ concept due to the fact that it allows donors to send children specific goods such as bicycles, notebooks, and tents.

2013 ‘Life-Saving Gifts’ supported by Global UNICEF

Nutrition Supplements for Children

Polio Vaccinations


Water Purification Tablets




114,491,520 19

Children going to school in Panshir, Afghanistan Š UNICEF


KIM Yuna, Goodwill Ambassador After winning the ‘2013 ISU World Figure Skating Championships,’ Goodwill Ambassador Yuna Kim donated her $45,000 prize money to UNICEF on April 30th. Donating specifically to children with disabilities, Yuna Kim said, “While I was participating in UNICEF programs, I realized that discrimination against children with disabilities is very severe and a lot of support is needed. I would like to continue helping children with disabilities to have healthy, happy lives.”

World Wide Charity for Children On September 14th, World Wide Charity for Children (President: KIM Il-Doo) hosted a regular autumn event with 25,000 members attending at the Gymnastics Stadium of Olympic Park. At the event, World Wide Charity for Children formed the ‘Manman Club’ with 10,000 members who donate 10,000 won to the ‘Schools for Asia’ UNICEF Program every month.

Buddhists from the Ahn Jeok Sa Temple in Brazil On May 21st, four Korean emigrants arrived at KCU after a 27-hour flight from Brazil. They are the representatives of the Buddhist community at Ahn Jeok Sa located in Aclimacao, Sao Paulo, Brazil, who came to KCU to contribute. They explained that although they could help the world’s children through UNICEF’s Brazil Office, they came to Korea to contribute to their homeland. They donated 300 million won collected while reorganizing the temple to help children in less developed countries. (From the left) UNICEF HQ Deputy Director Lawrence Picard , KCU Executive Director Oh Jong-Nam , and 4 representative Buddhists from Ahn Jeok Sa

Wonhae, Buddhist Monk On June 26th, Wonhae, the chief monk of Jeongsu Temple located in Busan, donated 30 million won to support children’s education and water projects in the Buddhist State. It was 2004 when Wonhae, first met UNICEF while serving a small temple named Seong Bul-am in Namhae. He started contributing to UNICEF on the advice of Wondham, who was chief monk of Jeongsu Temple at the time.


Corporate Alliances

SPC Group Leading food Company SPC Group donated 100 million won from the 'Happ Point Card' to KCU on December 22nd at Blue Square, Hannam-dong. The donation will be used to support water and food supplement programs for children around the world through UNICEF. Since 2011 when SPC Group first partnered with KCU donating 500 million won, SPC has been donating 100 million won every year. (From the left) People attending the donation ceremony are Goodwill Ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn, KCU Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh, Member of Happy Point Card Hye-Min Park, CEO of SPC Group Sang-Ho Cho, and Senior Executive Hee-su Huh


Lotte Non-Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Kitchen furniture manufacturing company Nefs donated 100

Lotte Non-Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (CEO: LEE Bong-Chul) held

million won to support malnutrition treatment for children in

a contribution ceremony for the ‘Lotte Non-Life Insurance

North Korea through KCU.

Hope Point’ program and donated 100 million won to KCU on December 10th at COEX, Seoul.

(From the left) KCU Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh, Nefs President Yong-Uk Park, and Goodwill Ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn

Lotte World On June 18th, Lotte World (CEO: LEE Dong-Woo) had a contribution ceremony, donating 11.6 million won to KCU at Jamsil Lotte World. For one month in May, Lotte World set aside 100 won for each

‘Lotte Non-Life Insurance Hope Point’ is a program that saves Hope Points according to the outcome from the Lotte Giants’ UNICEF Day and uses the points to support children in less developed countries. (From the left) Lotte Giants baseball player Sung-Hwan Cho, CEO Ha-Jin Choi, KCU Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh, Lotte Non-Life Insurance Company CEO BongChul Lee, and Lotte Giants players Min-ho Kang and Ah-Seop Son

child who came to Lotte World. 23

Corporate Alliances

Missha On June 16th, Able-C&C (President: SEO Yeong-Pil) which manufactures and sells cosmetic brand Missha organized a campaign called ‘Happiness of 10,000’ to contribute to

MAC Korea Professional make-up brand ‘MAC’ donated 546 million won to KCU on February 1st. On the day of the contribution ceremony, Karen Buglisi, President of MAC Global attended and actor Ji Sung was appointed as the first Korean ambassador for the

UNICEF. The campaign was held at the first Missha Store in Myeong-dong, Seoul. Able-C&C established its partnership with UNICEF in 2011 and donated a total of 400 million won over the past two years. As of July 2013, Able-C&C donated 100 million won including ‘Happiness of 10,000’ campaign funds.

MAC AIDS Fund. MAC Korea has supported treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS and education through UNICEF by donating more than 3.1 billion won. MAF(MAC AIDS Fund), formed from Viva Glam Lipstick sales, is one of the largest funds dedicated to AIDS, reaching 250 million dollars globally. (From the left) MAC Korea Senior Executive Jeong-Seon Kim , KCU Vice President Dong-Eun Park, Actor Ji Sung, MAC Global President Karen Buglisi, Elca Korea CEO Herve Bouvier

Lotte Confectionary

Busan Lotte Hotel

Lotte Confectionary (CEO: KIM Yong-Su) and UNICEF

Busan Lotte Hotel (General Manager: KIM Seong-Han)

organized the ‘Hold a Life’ campaign with around 20,000

delivered 60 million won in funds raised through ‘Winter Love

fans in Busan Baseball Stadium on May 30th and donated 20

Package with Unicef’ from December 2012 through February

million won raised on that day.


‘Hold a Life’ is a campaign sending a message to protect the

General manager Seong-Han Kim said “various programs

lives of children by flying blue balloons that symbolize famine

for social contribution including for UNICEF will be actively

and diseases. The campaign was conducted 30 minutes


before the game starts. (third from the left) Lotte Hotel SEO Yong-Deok Song delivering funds to Goodwill Ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn


Corporate Alliances

Samsung Engineering

Shinsegae International

Samsung Engineering (CEO: PARK Jung-Heum) held an

Shinsegae International (CEO: CHOI Hong-Seong) signed a

opening ceremony for the ‘Samsung Engineering Hope

business agreement with KCU on February 14th and pledged

Library’ at Basra in Iraq on December 20th.

to donate 300 million won by the year 2015 through a social

Currently constructing an oil refinery at Basra in Iraq,

contribution program called ‘SI Hope Project.’

Samsung Engineering donated 100 million won to KCU to build the ‘Hope Library,’ and cooperated with the UNICEF Iraq country office.

KCU Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh and Shinsegae CEO Hong-Seong Choi

BGFretail BGFretail (CEO: HONG Seok-Jo), the parent company which operates CU convenience stores, held a ceremony on December 19th to donate the 54 million won raised for KCU through 'BGF Collecting Love Coins.' The funds were collected from customers by CU convenience stores throughout Korea from November 2012 through June 2013. Meanwhile, Bank of Korea supported in manufacturing UNICEF coin donation boxes, and BGFlogis and Valex Korea each contributed to the successful campaign by collecting and counting the donation boxes.

Amorepacific On April 15th, KCU signed a partnership agreement with


Laneige, a cosmestic brand of Amorepacific Corporation

Eider (CEO: JEONG Myeong-Hoon), the outdoor brand of K2

(President: SUH Kyung-Bae), to co-organize the ‘Laneige

Korea, signed a donation agreement with KCU to support children in poverty on October 29th and organized the ‘I Support UNICEF’ campaign. A part of the proceeds from 2013 F/W product sales through the campaign supported the UNICEF malnutrition treatment program. (From the Right) Eider CEO Myeong-Hoon Jeong

Waterful Sharing’ campaign. ‘Laneige Waterful Sharing’ is a social contribution campaign initiated by Amorepacific in 2010 with the goal of providing safe water to children living in countries with water shortages and improving their education and living conditions. In 2013, together with UNICEF, Amorepacific provided clean water to regions in Asia and supported school renovation and water pipe installment.


Corporate Alliances

Korea Southern Power (KOSPO) Korea Southern Power (KOSPO) gathered a part of the sales profit of nearly 80 small and medium enterprises and donated 100 million won to KCU on March 29th. These funds will be supporting education campaigns and infrastructure construction projects such as photovoltaic lighting systems in less developed countries in the Middle East and Asia for the purpose of ‘Sharing Love and Energy.’ (From the left) KCU Executive Director Jong-Nam Oh, KOSPO CEO Sang-Ho Lee, Goodwill Ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn.

IS Dongseo

Jeju Shilla Hotel

IS Dongseo (President: KWON Hyuk-Woon) made an agree-

On January 31st, Jeju Shilla Hotel (CEO: LEE Bu-Jin) signed

ment to donate 100 million to support ‘Building Schools of

an agreement to donate 100 million won, a part of the hotel’s

Hope in Asia' together with KCU.

guestroom revenue in 2013, to KCU for UNICEF campaigns

Through the agreement, IS Dongseo plans to organize

helping children all over the world. Jeju Shilla Hotel pledged

cultural performances and middle and long-term fundraising

to continue to donate a part of its revenue as a regular

projects for UNICEF.

donation to UNICEF every year. The 100 million won donated by Jeju Shilla Hotel will be

Moohan Heat Treatment Service (MHS)

used for buying Plum Peanut, a nutrition supplement to

Moohan Heat Treatment Service (CEO: LEE Jong-Soon)

treat malnutrition, and supporting the ‘Schools for Africa’

donated 10 million won, raised by executives and staff members, to KCU.


CEO Jong-Soon Lee, who had been a pledge donor since


2004, delivered a message saying, “I had faced hardship

On July 1st, Fashion Group Hyungji (CEO: CHOI Byung-Oh)

several times while running the business, but could stand

donated 25 million won to support ‘School for Africa’ through

up again with help from people around me. I am making


this contribution to support children around the world and

Since 2008, Hyungji has donated 50 million won annually to

express my appreciation to people who helped me.”

support building schools and training teachers for children in Africa.

Lee & Ko The Pro Bono Committee (Director: KIM Byung-Jae) of Lee & Ko signed a partnership agreement for legal support with KCU on March 29th. Through this agreement, Lee & Ko agreed to provide legal advisory services on of the Privacy Act

inquiring the terms and regulations

reviewing contracts for corporate and

individual donations • and management of KCU and related organizations. 26

Many other companies, organizations, and foundations contributed to UNICEF’s programs. KCU would like to express sincere gratitude to all donors.

Goodwill Ambassador AHN Sung-Ki, Goodwill Ambassador Throughout 2013, Goodwill ambassador Sung-Ki Ahn has taken the lead in promoting UNICEF programs and fundraising by attending both small and big contribution ceremonies and campaigns. In March, he delivered a special lecture to staff in Chungcheongbuk Province on

AHN Sung-Ki, Goodwill Ambassador

the current state of children suffering from malnutrition and water shortage around the world. The event prompted Chungcheongbuk Province to take the initiative in promoting UNICEF through the ‘Osong Cosmetics & Beauty Expo 2013.’ Furthermore, Sung-Ki Ahn took photos for a campaign to eradicate illiteracy with Mont Blanc. At the end of the year, he joined the Awoo Doll charity auction to sell Awoo Dolls made by 6 goodwill ambassadors and special representatives. Sung-Ki Ahn also actively participated in fundraising campaigns by narrating in a video clip to celebrate KCU's 20th anniversary and DRTV telethon.


CHOI Si-Won & CHOI Soo-Young

Appointed as the Special Representative for Children’s Rights

Appointed as Publicity Envoys for the Santa Campaign

Actor Gong Yoo was appointed as the special

On December 11th, KCU appointed Si-Won

representative for protecting the rights of all children

from ‘Super Junior’ and Soo-Young from ‘Girls’

around the world. Through the movie ‘Dogani,’

Generation’ as Publicity Envoys for the 2013 UNICEF

he had brought people’s attention to the rights of

Santa Campaign.

children with disabilities. His appointment ceremony

Si-Won has raised awareness about the condition

was held on November 20th, the 24th anniversary

of children in less developed countries as a UNICEF

of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the

publicity envoy for the past 2 years and Soo-Young


has been participating in various types of volunteer

Gong Yoo will be participating in various activities to

work. Thus, their images and experiences make

widely publicize the ‘United Nations

them a good fit for their roles in the Santa Campaign.

Convention on the Rights of the Child’ and promote the rights of children to survival, protection, improvement, and participation. The ‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ is a global human rights treaty which received widespread support from 193 countries.


Goodwill Ambassador

Finding hope in a Nepalese child’s smile


SHIN Kyung-Sook Goodwill Ambassador

Writer Kyung-Sook Shin, a goodwill ambassador of KCU

Goodwill ambassador Kyung-Sook Shin met neglected

since 2012, visited Nepal from September 23rd to 30th.

children and women who do not have access to education

During the 8-day journey, she visited schools, health

and protection and embraced them with love and care.

centers, and shelters for children and women in

With her unique sensibility, she carefully examined the

Kathmandu, Western Jumla, and Nepalgunj. Child

condition of Nepalese children and pleaded for attention

labor and early marriage are prevalent in Jumla and

and support through various media platforms such as

Nepalgunj, respectively.

‘SBS Healing Camp’ and ‘Joong Ang Daily Interview.’

Special Representative

Visiting Democratic Republic of the Congo, a place affected by civil war LEE Bo-Young Special Representative

From October 12th to 18th, special representative Bo-

victims of sexual violence.

Young Lee visited Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Bo-Young Lee’s visit to children in the Congo was

a region suffering from a civil war, with the ‘KBS Hope

broadcasted through ‘Hope Road Journey’ and gained

Road Journey’ team.

many people’s attention.

During the 7-day visit, she visited the Eastern Goma

After her visit to the mines and refugee camp, she donated

and Bukavu regions to meet children working in coltan

10 million won on air on November 28th saying that all

mines, refugee children affected by war, and female

the children she met have stayed in her thoughts.


Refugee children fetch water from the water fountain in Juba, South Sudan Š UNICEF

The 20th Anniversary of Korean Committee for UNICEF The transformation from a recipient country to a donor country

1950~1962 Agreement between Korean Government and UNICEF signed Emergency relief program initiated after the Korean war




63,000,000 300,000



Children under 5 in Korea

Powdered milk provided

1982 UNICEF card and product sales initiated

Blankets provided



87.6 106 10 3.5 1994


4.1 2005


Contribution (Unit : in millions of US dollars)



Fundraising (Unit : in millions of US dollars)

1994 Korean Committee for UNICEF

Korean Committee for UNICEF officially established

1991 Fundraising program fully launched

2008 ‘Awoo Doll Project’ initiated



2010 The 55th Annual Meeting of National Committees for UNICEF held







Number of donors (Unit : person)




Total amount of contributions received from UNICEF headquarters

Total amount of Korean government contributions to UNICEF headquarters

320.2 1994~2012

Total amount of KCU contributions to UNICEF headquarters


(Unit : in millions of US dollars)

2013 Financial Statement Statements of Revenues and Expenses



I. Total revenues



1. Program Revenues





Card and product sale



Corporate fundraising



Change for Good campaign



School fundraising



Partner Cities & Club / BFHI



Special Events



Individual & Foundation



2. Other Revenues



Interest income



Fund for development program









II. Total expenses



1. Program expenses





Operating expenses



Amount transferred to UNICEF HQ





2. Other expenses



Foreign currency transaction and translation loss





III. Current year surplus(deficit)



IV. Balance of surplus at beginning of year



V. Balance of surplus after transfer



Direct mail

Foreign currency transaction and translation gain Miscellaneous income Gain on disposal of property and equipment

Adminstrative expenses

Property acquisition costs

Miscellaneous loss

In pursuit of public interest and operational transparency, the Korean Committee for UNICEF is regularly audited by an external accounting firm. The audit reports of Deloitte Anjin LLC confirm the stated performance measures.

Girls laugh inside a UNICEF tent in Kandahar, Afghanistan Š UNICEF

Korean Committee for UNICEF

17-1 Changsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-034, Republic of Korea Tel 02.723.8215 Fax 02.724.8555 www.unicef.or.kr

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