2018 Course Overview A’dam / English Spoken
DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
We designed a ‘Learning by Doing’ experience in a 2-day classroom setting followed by one Personal Online Coaching session for you to learn how fo facilitate Design Thinking workshop sessions for mixed audiences.
Facilitation Skills Assessment Facilitation Skills Assessment, is the training’s start and serves to help the participant to be aware of his/her strengths and improvement areas. At the end of the training, the participant is ready to facilitate sessions and is also aware of further improvement.
The objective of the 2-day course is to understand your facilitation skills’ strengths and improve them through a combination of facilitation experiences and coaching with a balanced mix of theory and practice.
Core Design Thinking Workshop Flow Core DT Workshop Flow provides the participants with a basis from which they can adjust the workshop’s flow based on the specific problem statement that needs to be addressed. Participants will get familiar with the ‘idea generation’ workshop.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Our Tools
Problem Statement & Reframing Problem Statement & Reframing are key to a successful workshop. Participants will be shown how they can assess problem statements to understand if further work is required and what kind of workshop approach is required to meet the challenge.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Our Techniques
Energy Management
Facilitation Team Management
Facilitating a Design Thinking workshop
Energy Management allows to seek alignment over the energy level & mindset required for the session. It is valuable to adress different pivotal moments in a workshop, e.g. low energy, need for creativity. It allows to recognize signs of low energy in groups (e.g. body language, disconnecting participants).
Facilitation Team Management is important to transform the participants into a tight-knit group prone to work together and have fun. It involves creating groups and design activities to strengthen team spirit. Involving all participants in the process & activities is useful to gather rich & diverse input.
Facilitating a Design Thinking workshop is the occasion to put into practice the learnings from the course. From designing the workshop’s flow to understanding (and then reframing) the problem statement, participants will be exposed and will reflect on the main aspect of a DT workshop.
Facilitation is key in running successful Design Thinking Highlights: workshop sessions, meant to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to work on specific challenges. Creating You have a good understanding of Design Thinking, space and environments where people feel confident and can you know all the tools and have applied them in be creative is the key responsibility for the facilitator. After the practice. How to facilitate a Design Thinking workshop 2-Day workshop a 1,5 hour reconnect session with deep dives for an audience that might not have the same on facilitation topics and sharing of experiences is offered knowledge? How to design a high energy learning online. The content of the Online Coaching Reconnect flow? What to do with group dynamics? That calls for Session (1,5 hours) will be adjusted based on the participants’ a different skill set and DesignThinkers Academy can needs: Workshop Design and review of the participant’s help you out getting it straight. The focus however will workshop examples, Advanced Facilitation Techniques and be on your personal facilitation skills of designing and Turning Workshop Results into Action Steps is some of the facilitating Design Thinking workshops and not on the content of the online session. tools. To be honest, you know them already. Isn’t it?
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Our Methods
“The experience was top notch. It was a very well organised and planned facilitation in all aspects: time for exercises, breaks, practicing.” Participant , DesignThinkers Academy Facilitation Course 2018.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Watch video
Day 2
Morning Welcome & Registration
Morning Reflect on previous day
Facilitation Skills Assessment
Successful Facilitation team
Workshop Formats
Energy Management & Energizing activities
Core DT Workshop Flow 12:30
Lunch Break
Workshop preparation 12:30
Afternoon Learning by doing Facilitation in practice
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Day 1
Working Lunch
Problem Statement Definition & Workshop Objectives Wrap-up Networking Drinks 18:30
Afternoon Learning by doing Design Thinking Workshop 13:30
Facilitation Feedback 18:30
Closure 2018
Arne van Oosterom
Tim Schuurman
Jeroen van der Weide
Arne van Oosterom, thought leader in the field of Service Design Thinking and founder of DesignThinkers Group and DesignThinkers Academy.
Tim Schuurman, partner at DesignThinkers and a motivated and energetic senior facilitator within Change Management and Service Design Thinking field.
Jeroen van der Weide, is specialized in developing innovative climates in organization: helping people find solutions for business problems and facilitating creative processes.
Arnoud Koning
Marjolein van Eersel
Arnoud Koning, is combining his activities at the DesignThinkers Academy with his job at Proctor & Gamble in Belgium, setting-up a global Design Thinking program.
Marjolein van Eersel, has a solid expertise in embedding innovative mindsets and ways of working in corporate environments, to organize design thinking courses.
The coaches will share their experiences during the Design Thinking Facilitation Course and will guide you and your team on a specific topic during the process
from assessing Facilitation Skills, understanding Core DT Workshop Flow to Energy Management & Facilitation Team Management.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Our Trainers
Including lunch, snacks and drinks. Discounts available for teams signing up or NGO’s. Prices are excluding VAT.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Early Bird Ticket
(available one month in advance)
Regular Ticket €1.595
The DesignThinking Fundamentals is organized by DesignThinkers Academy. DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire by organizing thought-provoking events and lectures, trainings and personal coaching programmes to help organizations build the necessary capabilities, cultures and mind-set. The DesignThinkers Academy is initiated by DesignThinkers Group, a leading ‘design driven’ innovation
agency helping organizations around the world making the transition from being strictly product oriented and sales driven, towards being service oriented and human centered. The DesignThinkers Academy Network is an open platform to facilitate and inspire a rich conversation between creative thinkers&doers, to trigger a positive impact on peoples lives, careers and our ever-changing world.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
DesignThinkers Academy
“First day was exhausting in a good way. I already learned a lot from the feedback from the others. The second day I learned a lot from my own facilitation session. I liked the format.”
Participant , DesignThinkers Academy Facilitation Course 2018.
Two-Day Design Thinking Facilitation Course
Questions? Just ask! info@designthinkersacademy.com
Global Head Office Nieuwe Leliestraat 13,1015SH Amsterdam info@designthinkersacademy.com +31 (0)20 471 00 70 2018