DesignThinkers Academy Online Course Catalogue

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DesignThinkers Academy Online Course Catalogue Join us in our Virtual Studio!

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Organizations are under growing pressure to be more flexible, entrepreneurial and customer centered. These capabilities need to be enhanced and cultivated. DesignThinkers Academy aims to inspire these people and teams by organizing thought-provoking events,

lectures, trainings as well as personal coaching programs. Our online courses will equip you with the human-centered mindset, tools and skills to kick-start bold innovation. Under live guidance from our experienced facilitators, participants will actively work in co-creation.

5-Day Online DesignThinkers Global Bootcamp (Certificate)

3-Week Online DT Facilitation Course (Certificate)

5-Week Online DT Fundamentals Course (Certificate)

5-Modules Online Future Leadership Skills Course (Certificate)

2-Modules Online Customer Journey Mapping (Certificate)

An opportunity to learn from internationally recognized Design Thinking practitioners.

Learn to confidently guide a Design Thinking Session in an online environment.

Enhance your creative problem solving skills and mindset to inspire bold innovation.

Understand the essential skills necessary in becoming an effective leader of the future.

Learn how this qualitative Design Research tool can improve your customers’ experience.



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Our expert facilitators will share their insights, knowledge and tricks on how to implement Design Thinking in projects and organizations. This way, you can immediately start applying Design Thinking within your daily working environment. Aside from becoming an honored

DesignThinker Alumni, you will also become a part of a global Design Thinking community where you can continuously inspire one other by exchanging ideas. Join us in our virtual studio and enhance your creative problem-solving skills while boosting co-creation.

5-Week Online Employee Experience Design (Certificate)

5-Week Online Agile Product Discovery Course (Certificate)

Online Design Thinking Awareness Sessions

Tailor-made Capability Building Programs

New Online Design Thinking Courses coming up

Develop a Design Thinking mindset in order to design a human-centered organization.

Experiment with implementing Agile & Design Thinking with the aim of successful innovation.

Get inspired, think outside of the box and develop creative problem solving skills to kickstart human-centric Design.

Tailor-made programs to help your organization build the necessary skills and mindset to kick-start bold innovation.

Our global team of expert facilitators are designing new DT Courses to equip you with the humancentered mindset.


At a glance

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DesignThinkers Academy is one of the leading Innovation Agencies facilitating organizations around the world making the transition from being strictly product orientated and sales driven, towards being service orientated and human-centered.

Our mission is to provide space and time for teams and individuals to be inspired and challenged, to ‘learn-by-doing’ and strengthen their ability for creative problem solving and help organizations build the necessary environment and mindset.


+150 +500 75k



Expert Coaches

Alumni recommend DTA courses

Client Base

Global Alumni

“I have participated in at least 15 courses on soft skills in the past 20 years of my career, but the online course of DTA stands out as the best.” JAVIER SANCHEZ MILLAN, BANQUE PICTET & CIE SA 4

5-Day Online DesignThinkers Global Bootcamp (Certificate) The 5-Day Online Global DesignThinkers Bootcamp provides a unique opportunity to learn from internationally recognized and highly experienced Service Design & Design Thinking practitioners from the Business, Design and Academic world. The main goal of the Online DT Bootcamp is to guide you through our ‘learning-by-

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doing’ method by giving you key insights in how to apply Service Design Thinking. Aside from this, we will carefully go through the full Double Diamond in order for you to adapt your mindset while at the same time expand your capability skill set to facilitate and implement this new way of working.






Onboarding. Welcome & Team Building

Discover. Introduction & Research

Define. Framing & Ideation

Design. Prototyping & Pitching

Deliver. Reflection & Ceremony

Welcome & Introductions

Masterclass Design Research

Masterclass DT Opportunities

Masterclass DT in Business

Masterclass How to Apply DT

Onboarding on Miro, Team dynamics and introduction Challenge owner.

Conducting Research, Sense Making and Persona building.

Customer Journey Map, Reframing Challenge and Ideation.

Design Thinking in Business, Prototyping & Testing, Pitching Challenge Owner.

How to apply Design Thinking, Reflection, Certificates Ceremony Celebration.


3-Week Online DT Facilitation Course (Certificate) This interactive online course will equip you with the skills to confidently guide a Design Thinking Session in an online environment. In live Online Classroom sessions combined with personal coaching, you will learn how to create an environment

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where participants feel confident to be creative and drive innovation. We strongly believe in ‘Learning by Doing’ so it goes without saying that the course will be a high-energy, interactive and hands-on event where you will put your new skills directly into practice.






Onboarding. Welcome & Kick-off

Facilitation opportunities & Empathy

Mindsetters & Personal Appearance

Deliver & Implement Personal Plan

Personal Coaching Session

Getting started online

Session 1&2 2x2.5 hours

Session 3&4 2x2.5 hours

Session 5&6 2x2.5 hours

Free session 1x1 hour

Meet the team and familiarize yourself with the online tools, so you’re set to get started.

Self-assessment, facilitation pillars, double diamond facilitation opportunities.

Mindsetters, Energy Management, Personal Appearance, Facilitation Opportunities.

Managing group dynamics, final facilitation opportunities, personal plan.

Get one-hour Personal Coaching session with one of your trainers to get an answer to all your doubts. 6

5-Week Online DT Fundamentals Course (Certificate) Sign up!

This interactive online course will equip you with the Design Thinking mindset, tools and skills to kick-start bold innovation. You will be working virtually in classroom sessions, followed by group

work on a human-centered challenge under live guidance of our skilled facilitators. We strongly believe in learning-by-doing. After the course, you will be able to apply Design Thinking right away.






Onboarding. Welcome & Kick-off

Discover. Introduction & Research

Define. Framing the problem

Design. Ideation & Prototyping

Deliver. Testing & Pitching

Getting started online

Session 1&2 2x2 hours

Session 3&4 2x2 hours

Session 5&6 2x2 hours

Session 7&8 2x2 hours

Meet the team and familiarize yourself with the online tools, so you’re set to get started.

Introduction, Design Research, Mind Map, Stakeholder Map, Personas.

Opportunity Areas, Customer Journey Map, Problem Statement.

Ideation, Idea Priority Map, Service Scenarios and Artefacts.

Testing the pilot, Improving it, Pitch. Reflection & Personal Plan. 7

5-Modules Online Future Leadership Skills (Certificate) Gain a deeper understanding of the essential skills necessary in becoming an effective leader of the future while at the same time learning the ability of confidently guiding your organization through disruptive and dynamic environments. Enhance your capabilities

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in empowering teams to stay focused, aligned and continuously stimulate bold innovation. This will be achieved within 5 Modules, which will be facilitated by highly experienced professional coaches from DesignThinkers Academy.



Perception. Resistance & Self-reflection

Communication. Empathy. Effective skills in Constructively complex systems lead teams

Critical Thinking. Creativity. Assumptions & Evoke innovation beliefs & leadership

Gain insights in the challenges leaders of the future will face in order to effectively drive change.

Practicing Communication Skills and managing expectations within your team.

Challenging assumptions and managing risk-taking in the uncertain world we live in today.

3 Cultivating the ability to lead teams by understanding and valuing each others’ perception.


5 How to deliberately break patterns to incorporate creativity as a manager of future generations.


2-Modules Online Customer Journey Mapping (Certificate) This interactive online course will equip you with a basic understanding of one of the most important tools in Design Thinking; Customer Journey Mapping. You will be working virtually in classroom sessions, followed by group work under live

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guidance of our skilled facilitators. We strongly believe in learningby-doing and providing you with hands-on tools. After the course, you will be able to apply Customer Journey Mapping right away in your daily work.




Onboarding. Welcome & Kick-off

Theory, Persona & Intro CJM

In-depth CJM, Reframing & Cases

Getting started online

Session 1 1x2.5 hours

Session 2 1x2 hours

Meet the team and familiarize yourself with the online tools, so you’re set to get started.

Customer Journey Mapping. Personas, Customer Stages and Actions.

Emotional Status, Context, Touchpoint, Opportunity Areas and Reframing.

We will show you how Customer Journey Mapping helps you to get a deeper insight into customer needs, behaviour, experience, motivation and desired outcomes. 9

5-Week Online Employee Experience Design (Certificate) This interactive online course will equip you with the Design Thinking mindset and tools to design a human-centred organization, where people feel recognized, motivated and engaged. During the online course, you will be working on an employee-focused

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challenge under live guidance of our skilled facilitators. With a combination of live Classroom Sessions, group assignments and homework you will gain practical knowledge and experience to apply Design Thinking in your daily work






Onboarding. Welcome & Kick-off

Discover. Introduction & Research

Define. Framing the problem

Design. Ideation & Prototyping

Deliver. Testing & Pitching

Getting started online

Session 1&2 2x2 hours

Session 3&4 2x2 hours

Session 5&6 2x2 hours

Session 7&8 2x2 hours

Meet the team and familiarize yourself with the online tools, so you’re set to get started.

Introduction, Design Research, Mind Map, Stakeholder Map, Personas.

Opportunity Areas, Employee Journey Map, Problem Statement.

Ideation, Idea Priority Map, Service Scenarios and Artefacts.

Testing the pilot, Improving it, Pitch. Reflection & Personal Plan. 10

5-Week Online Agile Product Discovery Course (Certificate) During this high-paced, hands-on, interactive, online Agile Product Discovery Course, you will discover the principles of Design Thinking, Lean Start-up, and Agile. By working on a case, you will refine a prototype based on solution interviews, define experiments

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in a Lean Start-up framework and use Agile/Scrum towards the implementation and validation of a new innovative value proposition. This 5-Week course will combine Agile and Design Thinking in a very interactive way.






Onboarding. Welcome & Kick-off

Discover. Conducting Research

Define. Framing the problem

Design. Ideation & Prototyping

Deliver. Testing & Pitching

Session 1 1x2 hours

Session 2 1x2 hours

Session 3 1x2 hours

Session 4&5 2x2 hours

Session 6, 7&8 3x2 hours

Introduction Challenge Content, What is Agile, DT, Scrum, etc.

Preparing Research, Research Plan, Solution Interviews, Conducting Research.

Updating Insights, Customer Journey Mapping, Personas, Problem Statements.

Ideating New Solutions, Updating Prototypes, Test and Learning Plans.

Product Backlog, Story Mapping, Scrum, Retrospective, Presentations. 11

Online Design Thinking Awareness Sessions Awareness Sessions aim to give you a deeper understanding of the added value Design Thinking and an innovative mindset can have for your organization. These Sessions can be tailored for large groups and are ideal for team-building activities.



Participants will be able to confidently apply Design Thinking to services and products thanks to our ‘learning-by-doing’ method. This will stimulate lots of energy and engagement among participants.


Sustainability Engagement Challenge. Session. Bring Learning-by-doing DT into practice

Think like a Start-up. Design driven framework

Participants will experience the importance of empathy and research into the end-user within various DT processes.

This approach provides a design driven framework and process which can be used when building a value driven business.

The Engagement Session consists of a brief introduction to Design Thinking and how to efficiently bring DT into practice.

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“Design Thinking can enable you to explore customer’s needs, encourage the power of creativity and evoke impactful ideas.”


Tailor made capability building programs We offer tailor-made programs designed for your companies’ challenges and objectives. Our incompany programs are hands-on and highly interactive, with live facilitation by our DT experts. We focus on developing a common language and innovation skills.

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Teams learn-by-doing in guided design sprints and coaching tracks, creating direct results while building a new approach for innovation. Our DT, Agile and Innovation experts have extensive experience in implementing Design Thinking within various environments.






Building innovation. Lead change

Building services. Digital Acceleration

Online Design Sprint. Deliver solutions fast

Employee Experience. Inspire & thrive

Ready to get started? Let’s connect

Put your innovation strategy into action. Together we can design and deploy a structured approach to deliver innovation.

A breakthrough digital product in your customers’ hands within 100 days to deliver rapid business impact.

Explore, design and validate new ideas in high-paced online Design Sprints, guided by our experienced facilitators.

Enable employees to feel safe and inspired to continuously learn and thrive in a complex and dynamic environment.

Get in touch with our Design Thinking experts to discover and co-create the innovative future ahead of us.


Participant Profile

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Our online courses are meant for individuals e.g. HR, IT, Marketing looking for new tools to structure innovation and collaboration; professionals who want to stretch their creative problem solving skills; teams from different industries who want to lead innovation; managers who want to discover what Design Thinking can offer to their team.

“The training was a real transformation. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to understand what Design Thinking really is about.” Pamela Caillens, Cartier International SNC

“Mind blowing when I figured out I can really use Design Thinking in many aspects of my work, starting to understand the needs of my customers.”

“The course with experts from the DT field and the hands-on approach inspired my work as a humancentred design consultant. A wonderful experience.”

Liege Cogo de Souza, Whirlpool Corporation

Alexander Faga, Swisscom 14

Meet the Team

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The DT Academy offers a unique team of internationally recognized and highly experienced Design Thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world. This is an introduction of some of our professional coaches & facilitators.

Marjo Staring

Tim Schuurman

Jeroen v/d Weide

Marjo is Managing Partner and Co-Founder. She holds a MSc in International Sociology and a Masters in human-centered design.

Tim is a motivated and energetic senior facilitator within Business Strategy, Change Management and Design Thinking.

Jeroen is specialized in developing Creative Climates in organizations and helping people find solutions for business problems.

Alwin Put

Yuen Yen Tsai

Christof Zürn

Alwin is specialized in Business Engineering and Marketing. He’s a creative Strategist and Facilitator in Design Thinking.

Yuen Yen has extensive experience in helping ‘fixed’ mindsets in organizations become ‘growth’ mindsets using playfulness.

Christof is Chief Design Officer of the Design Thinking Centre, creating space for teams to reflect, co-create and seek change.

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy Belgium

Co-Owner, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Partner, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Senior Facilitator, DesignThinkers Senior Facilitator, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam Academy Amsterdam


Meet the Team

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The DT Academy offers a unique team of internationally recognized and highly experienced Design Thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world. This is an introduction of some of our professional coaches & facilitators.

Daphne Lamberts

Marcello Risolo

Anne-Marie Kaandorp

Daphne, Service Development Lead, optimizes course content and is an enthusiastic facilitator with a MA in Concept Development & Trend Research.

Marcello is UX Researcher & Designer at DTA with an Italian/ Swedish background and a degree from TU Delft and Politecnico Milan.

Anne-Marie is our Manager Operations, responsible for managing and developing our Curriculum to ensure it achieves the highest possible standards of excellence.

Service Development Lead, DTA Amsterdam

UX Designer, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Manager Operations, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Marjolein van Eersel Adela Cristea Senior Facilitator, DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy Eastern Europe

Lacramioara Loghin

Marjolein has a solid expertise in embedding innovative ways of working in corporates and brings tons of energy to our Design Thinking sessions.

Adela, Co-Founder DesignThinkers Eastern Europe, is an experienced business consultant teaching entrepreneurship and leadership.

Lacra, Co-Founder and Facilitator at DT Academy Bucharest, translates insights through co-creation sessions to identify solutions for a happy customer.

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy Eastern Europe


Meet the Team

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The DT Academy offers a unique team of internationally recognized and highly experienced Design Thinking practitioners from the business, design and academic world. This is an introduction of some of our professional coaches & facilitators.

Daryl Lim

David Chung Tai-Wai Darryl McClay Co-Founder, DesignThinkers HK & Singapore

Partner, DesignThinkers Academy NZ & Australia

14 years of experience in creating people related solutions. Designed business management strategies working around employee career journeys.

He has 20 years of experience in consulting and training across different sectors. Head of Enterprise Learning at Dun & Bradstreet HK, and Head of Marketing.

Managing Partner of DT Academy NZ & Australia. 25 years leadership experience in using creative processes to drive innovation & solve complex business challenges.

Pedro Janeiro

Robert Bloom

Layth Weldali

Pedro is Head of Global Accounts for DesignThinkers and has delivered trainings for corporations such as Coca-Cola, Nespresso & IBM.

Robert is the founder and managing partner of DesignThinkers South Africa, blending design thinking and systems thinking.

Layth, Managing Partner at DTA Dubai has diverse experience in assisting organisations in achieving excellence through innovation.

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers HK & Singapore

Senior Facilitator, DesignThinkers Academy Portugal

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy South Africa

Co-Founder, DesignThinkers Academy MENA



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Facts & Figures

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About the Design Thinkers Academy

More about Design Thinking

Incompany programs

DesignThinkers is one of the leading design driven innovation agencies helping organizations around the world making the transition from being strictly product orientated and sales driven, towards being service oriented and humancentered. We are represented in +25 countries and train, develop and facilitate multidisciplinary teams and communities of change.

Organizations that want to stay competitive in an ever-changing world, need to reassess the way they are structured and function. Most of all, it is important to build lasting relationships with your customers. While these organizations are pushed to differentiate themselves, DesignThinkers Academy makes it their mission to reach out to these people and help them.

Our mission is to empower teams & professionals to adopt human-centered design to kick-start bold innovation and drive positive change.

Closing the ‘reality gap’ between organizations and people should be the number one priority of any innovative company. Design Thinking delivers the innovative ideas and solutions needed to solve these problems.

Our approach is not cookie cutter or dogmatic. We invest in building a relationship with you, gaining an understanding of your organization, your stakeholders and the broader context of the problem. Together, we design a customized approach to your challenge, with a constant focus on tapping into the existing creativity and knowledge the people in your organization. We deliver high-energy courses worldwide from Brussels to New York, from Dubai to Amsterdam for diverse clients such as SAP, Coca-Cola, Cartier, Philips, P&G, MasterCard, Bacardi, ING, PwC, Gucci, Samsung, GE Healthcare, Nike, L’Oréal and many more.

Succesfully integrate Lean, Agile & Design Thinking ING Accelerator Watch video

Why Design Thinking works - Jeanne Liedtka Read article

40 Design Thinking Success Stories Read article

5 Essential Skills to Lead Through Disruption - by Partners in Leadership Read article

For an Agile Transformation, Choose the Right People Read article



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Your ticket includes access and use of the online environments (Miro & Zoom) for the duration of the course; All tools and materials are available after the course for personal use; After successful completion of one of our online courses, participants are awarded with a DesignThinkers Academy Certificate. 20

Live Facilitation

Multiple Languages

Questions? Just ask.

Amsterdam (Global Head Office) Nieuwe Leliestraat 13, 1015SH Amsterdam +31 (0)20 471 00 70

Group dynamics & Breakout rooms

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