Design Trust Futures Studio is a new long-term flagship programme by Design Trust. It is a cross-disciplinary initiative created and conceptualized by Marisa Yiu, Co-founder and Executive Director of Design Trust. Experts in different ¬field focus on future thinking with outcomes that are impactful to society or public space relating to Hong Kong and the Greater Pearl River Delta Region where design can make a positive contribution.
The 2017 inaugural theme is “SMALL IS MEANINGFUL”, focusing on concepts of smallness and sharing, the phenomenon of micro-housing and the future of micro-parks. The exploration and research involve housing and parks in Hong Kong, examining how space is utilised. The programme culminates in a series of new prototype micro-parks for Hong Kong.
Design Trust Futures Studio 是信言設計大使全新旗艦計劃,由信言設計大使聯合創辦人及執行總監姚嘉珊推動及構思,參加者來自不同界別,他們集中討論前瞻思維,成果將對香港乃至珠江三角洲地區的社會或公共空間帶來影響,並展示出設計如何能為社會和公共空間帶來正面貢獻。
首屆計劃的主題為《SMALL IS MEANINGFUL》(「細小」的威力),探討微小概念、共享、現今住屋狹小的現象和未來的「微型公園」。參加者通