FOREWORD To the best of our ability we have tried to make this—the Derrick of 1941-—a memory aid which will bring to all a true picturization of life in Burkburnett High School.
DE DICATION To a growing school spirit, inasmuch as it has been notably improved, and in order that its improvement may be duly recog nized and appreciated, we, the Staff, dedi cate this fourth volume of "The Derrick."
Mary Jane Patterson Business Manaj
Lela Mae Pinkston Editor
Frances Lax Managing Ed.
Marcella Englemann Assistant Ed.
The Bulldog Growl A Burkburnett High School Student Publication E D ITO R IAL STAFF Editor .................................................................... Lela .Mae Pinkston Managing Editor ............................................................ Frances Lax Assistant Editor ................................................. Marcella Engelmann Sports Editor Neal Hall Feature Writer Doris Frances Magers Colum nist Ann Danforth BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Mary Jane Patterson Advertising Manager ..................................................... Ray Peevey Advertising S o licitor............................................. Martha Beth Utls Advertising Solicitor Doris Frances Magers Circulation.............................................Billy Joe Hill, Ann Danforth
Martha Beth Utts Adv. Solicitor
GENERAL M ANAGEM ENT Publications Bookkeeper ................................ ....... Shirley Simpson Faculty Advisor ................................................ C. E. Pommerening
Doris Frances Magers Features, Ads
REPORTERS Horace Coley, Helen Rhea Dickson, Alice McBride, Pauline Spicer, Irene Van Loh, Georgia W illett Published by Journalism Class of Burkburnett High School
Member of Interscholastic League Press Conference E D IT O R IA L P O L IC Y To inform the student body of school activities. To interpret Burkburnett high school to parents. To assist in coordinating and improving school activities.
Horace Coley Reporter
C. E. Pommerening
Georgia Willett Girls Sports
Publications Adviser
ij| /' m
i m
Helen Shea Dickson Editor
[illy Joe Hill iusiness Manager
Anne Danforth Asst, Bus, Manager
Eay Peevey Art Editor
Editorial Staff Editor, ........ .Helen Rhea Dickson Associate Editor Shirley Simpson Art E d i t o r , R a y Peevey Artist ....... Pauline Spicer Snapshot Editor,Âť...,.Janie Patterson ........ Neal Hall Sports Editor Typist......... . .Marcella Englemrnn Cataloger .... ..Alice McBride Layout Clerk,,,,.Doris Francis Magers Composers Neal Hall Sports Editor
Irene Van Lofa, Horace Coley, Lela Mae Pinkston
Pauline Spicer Artist
Staff Georgia Willett, Frances Lax, Martha Beth Utts Business Staff Business Manager......Billy Joe Hill Asst. Bus. M a n a g e r A n n e Danforth
Alice McBride Filing Clerk
Shirley Simpson
Publications Bookkeeper
Speed Drill
Girls’ Recreation
The Library
Publications Staff
Issay Contest Winners
The man behind the scenes, friend of students and teachers, booster of Burk High School,
Guardian of the athletic teams, diligent worker, and a man to be relied upon at all times.
Mr, Kramer
Shop Class
Faculty Meeting
Connie and helpers
Solid Geometry Class
Lunch Time
Staff works late
The Man behind the brooms, always on the job.
Sweeper of the rooms, busy In the halls,
Mr. Woods
Connie Evert School Secretary
0 upcx xu I#euaefli Mr. C. J. Duncan has been in Burkburnett schools for seventeen years, beginning as a math teacher, then advancing to principal and later to superintendent. During this time he has been large ly responsible for many improvements. Among these are: the new grade school; the new football stadium and dressing rooms; the tennis courts; es tablishment of the school band; enlargement of the high school curriculum, library facilities, and commercial department, and the combining of Clara schools with Burkburnett on a contract basis. Mr. Duncan received his B. A. and M. A. de grees from the University of Oklahoma and did further graduate work at the University of Southern California. In his leisure time he enjoys fishing and traveling.
Principal Mr. Guy C. Pryor has been principal of Burkburnett High School for three years. During this time, he has given his support to many improvements. Among these are: The school publications, choice of curricula, activity period, point system, and the student council. Having received his B. A. degree at North Texas State Teachers College, Mr. Pryor went to Southern Methodist University and was there awarded his M. A. degree. He also did additional graduate work at the University of Texas. Reading and traveling are his favorite hobbies. He likes social studies, such as occupational guid ance, which he teaches.
Virginia Hyden B.S., North Texas Physical Education Volley Ball Recreation Club Yell Leaders Tennis M. P. Kimbrew B.A,, North Texas Commercial Dept, Senior Class Treas. Activity Fund Typing
Ella Billingslea B.A., North Texas, M.A., Texas Lat in, Mat hemat ics Sophomore Class Latin Club Dramatic Club
Pearl Cooper B.S., North Texas Homemaking Future Homemakers
C. E, Pomraerening B.A., East Texas M.A., Texas Tech Mathematics, Journalism Sophomore Class The Bulldog Growl The Derrick Museum Club Playground Ball C. V. Hill B.A., Texas Tech Social Studies Head Football Coach Track
Janice Ho11 end B.A., T.S.C.W. Librarian Library Club
Agnes Sanders B.S., M.S., North Texas Science Freshman Class Photography Club
Joe Tunnel1 B.S., North Texas Social Studies Sophomore Class Student Council Debate
L, C. Scarbrough B.S., North Texas Industrial Education Junior Class Archery Club Craftsmen Club Playground Ball
M , S . Dean B.S,(Ag,), B.S.(Eco.), A & M Agriculture Future Farmers
Irene Evans B.S,, North Texas English, Homemaking Freshman Class Future Homemakers
Mrs. La Rene Davis B.A., Austin College English Junior Class Correspondence Club Yell Leaders
Laura Faye Herring B.A., T.S.C.W. Spanish, English Junior Pan American Forum
Polk Robison B.A., Texas Tech Physical Education Head Basketball Coach Tennis
Harold McWilliams B.S., North Texas Mathematic, Commercial Subjects Freshman Class
Hersha1 Tree B.S., North Texas Science Freshman Class Science Club
Thelma Dunaway B.A., North Texas, M.A., Tea English Senior Class
When, through extensive discussion and study the students of Burkburnett High School learned the principles of self-government, a student coun cil was organized. At the beginning of the 1940-41 school term each class selected its representatives to serve on the Student Council, which became our miniature congress. From that day forth, through their representatives, students began to have a voice in the government of Burkburnett High School. The preamble of the Constitution for the Student Council of Burkbur nett: "We, the members of the Burk burnett High School, in order to foster a spirit of cooperation amongst the student and faculty, coordinate and regulate student activities, maintain a high standard for the school by up holding high standards of per sonal conduct, promote and en courage activities for the best interests of the school, and develop good citizens through experience in govern ment, do hereby establish this constitution for the Student Council of the Burkburnett High School."
G e ttij J e a n
l3obbcj S e n io r
C lo v i s
Bow w an
S e n io r
J a c k ie
H e n ru
Sopbowore r
c? £ Uj
Ge'tt'u dewel M«iU F resh m an
G o rd o n C le M e h t F re s k m an
G eorgia Post
BoWa-j R a g sd a le do n io r
Jerrg Henrt Senior David Brovvn S opb o w\o r e
J ean W iUs S o p ko m o e
gi|| Souuman Juni or S e r g e a n t -a t- A rm s
w y Wanda Jo Mullins Junior
Garland Jonnston Junior Edna RutK Good Post g r a d u a t e
Hubert Butts Senior V ic e - P r e s i d e n t
J on it a M a j o r s Junior t^
Helen Pkea Dickson Senior Pari i a m e n t a r i a n
Presi d e n t
S H 'P
Shopping at Headquarters Discussing the debate The sign of the times
Stanley Green Fire Chief
The coathanger champions After assembly Reading the bulletin board
E. L. Blum Asst. Chie:
Billie Addison Bobby Arrington Fannie Ashmon Gene Bankhead
Mary Barton Ima Faye Bedford Betty June Beckham Homer Bishop
Kathryn Blewett Clois Bounds Mary Frances Boyd Bob Bradley
Dicksy Brashear Denzel Brown Ernest Brownlee Maggie Bruce
M; A. Bryan Peggy Dot Busby Wilma Butts Lenora Cassell
Charles Cauthorn Margaret Champion Gordon Clement Yehudi
AiUCAAAC W i James Cozby Mary Frances Cozby J, Frank Crowder
Mavis Crowder Virgie Mae Cryer Nell Curry Edith Davis
Noel Duke Oddie Eidson Jerrel Eidson Calvin Ellis
Nannie Ola Elliott Joy Emerson Bobby Jean England Junior Ensey
Geraldine Evans Ralph Fox Mary Ellen Frields Jean Fulks
Yehudi Lewis Fulks Nell Gibson Walter Green
Garland Gregory Lorene Guinn Billy Hall Wanda June Harris
Mary Lou Holman Doris Holtzen Letha Howard Dale Johnson
Preston Johnson Philip Johnston Glenda Kendrick Omie Kerner
Margie Kinnard Edna Kinnard Marjorie Klinkerman Marcella. Kramer
Lowell Ladd Mary Ellen Lasseter Eugene Lawson Rita Lohman
Carol Lohoefener Lottie Long Mary Long Yehudi
Billig Magee Wanda Marshall Frances Marten J. C. Martin
Colleen Mattingly Betty Jean May Betty Jo Miller Gene Miller
Donald Moore Roy Murphree George Nelson Helen Parks
Roy Peacock Clyde Peed Vela Ruth Potts Clarence Presswoocl
Hugh Preston Mary Jean Prince Juanita Pruitt Jimmie Rankin
Yehudi Kelly Reid Winnie Pearl Rice Juanita Ross
Alton Sauls Linda Schroeder Robert Small Lester Smith
Mary Steele E, W. Stevenson Christine Suttles Mac Sutton
Lonnie Taylor Garvene Tipton Gwendolyn Turner Betty Jo Tyler
Jessie Lee Uselton Josephine Utts Joseph Waddell Jack Whitehead
Betty Lou Williams Jack Willis Betty Ruth Wilson Macie Wimberly
John Andrews Edward Bamdiead Margie Bills Betty Briscoe
Valta Brookman David Brown Dorothy Browning J. D. Bruce
J. R. Broyles Mary Bussey Eula Mae Bussey Mildred Butts
Evaline Callen Carrol Chapman Mona June Cheney Fred Clynch
Han:el Cypert Donald Dodson Raymond Dillingham J. W. Elliot
Jane Ellis Jean Ellis Lueying Ellis Delpha Finch
Billie Gamble Homer Garrett Nela Garrett Lloyd Glass
Bruce Good Bob Green Billie Ray Green Billy Grozier
Donald Hagemann Leon Harris Jackie Henry Nona Hilbers
Billie Jo H^than Buster Hughes Allyne Jeffers Alyene Jennings
David Johnson Raymond Johnston Mildred Kaspar Inez Kerner
Maggie Lawson Ijauda Lawson Othelia Loveless ff. T. McEntire
Joan HcGrady Tommie UcPherson Stephen Marchand J. U. Martin
Betty Jewel Mills Willard Mills Patsy Minick Jo Ella Morris
Clara Mae Parker Paul Noe Martha Gail Parr Jack Peed
James Pearson J. Wilson Pemberton Leroy Reed Rubinell Russell
Eveleen Schroeder Eugene Schroeder Herbert Schroeder Roland Schroeder
Lavonia Schroeder Betty Jo Self George Simmins Alta Faye Spillers
Billie Starnes Mary Starnes Leroy Story Charlotte Sumrow
Finis Taylor Ella Doyce Thompson Leonard Thornton Junia Lee Turnbow
Betty Jean Turner Tommie Tyler Opal West Jean Wills
Sue Abbot B. H. Alexander Beatrice Alvey Juanita Arrington
Melvin Bailey Maurice Ball Omer Baumhardt Kathrine Beckham
a Bill Bowman Frances Brady Gene Brookshear Noka Bruce
Robert Butts Frances Charles Martha Coates 0. J. Cooper
Pauline Copher Leonard Cox Tehudi
Irene Crowder Virginia Crowder Betty Curry Carl Day
Geraldine Duke Vernon Duke Jesse Lee Dunn Louise Emerson
Wanda Insey Xmogene Ferguson Alvilda Gamble Ertis Gibson
Wanda Lou Gragg Lyman Harms I. E. Harwell Lorene Hatcher
Yehudi Jimmie Jo Hodges Wilma Jackson
Stheyline Johnson James Johnson Garland Johnston Peggy Kemp
Glenn Ladd Floyd Lawler Luella HcCaig Dorothy Uaben
Jonita Majors Delver Maney 13* Middleton Montrell Mills
Doris Minick Derestine Moore Jimmy Roy Morris Wanda Jo Mullins
Charlie Hoe Mike O'Neil Yehudi
Fordia Ouzts Frances Pearson Louella Pemberton I. B, Pense
Truman Perry Frances Peyton Mary Alice Prescott Brack Preston
Bobby Ragsdale Leon Rogers Billie Jane Roach Eenen Schroeder
Evelyn Shields Rosanna Shoefstall Peggy Shuffler Everett Simmons
Yehudi La Rue Simpson Mary Opal Smith
Billie Mae Steinert Bill Stoker W.A. Strickland Clinton Swinford
Sadie Beth Tevis Chester Todd Gene Turner Uel Tutt
Jo Bob Tyler Dorothy Yen Eouten Bernard Whiteacre Martha Jean Walling
Id Richard Whitesides June Willett Kola Faye Willhoit Doris Pearl Williams
Delmus Womack Letha Yarbrough Yehudi
Marie Bartlett Recreation Club Mary Blackstone Pan-American Forum, Home Economics Club, Recreation Club, Teacher's Assistant
E. L. Blum Vice-President of Senior Class, Band President Clovis Bowman Craftsmen Club, Archery Club President, Debate, Student Council
Volus Bowman President of Senior Class, Craftsmen Club, Archery Club, President of Student Council, Debate Wanda Boydston
W. P. Boydston Football James Brady Tennis, Latin Club, Band Vice-President Home Economics
Ralph Brookshier Frank Brown Fire Chief, Basketball, Track, Football Captain, Bulldog Club President, Home Economics
Ila Jane Bryan Hubert Butts Basketball, Track, Photography Club VicePresident, Student Council, Home Economics
Dayton Cain Robert Campbell Home Economics
Dorotha Coats Anne Danforth Columnist for The Growl, Assistant Business Manager of The Derrick, Dramatic Club, Re creation Club
Shannon Darland Basketball Helen Rhea Dickson Latin Club President, Museum Club, Student Council Parliamentarian, Editor of The Derrick, Growl Staff
Helen Dodd Jane Duvall . Recreation Club, One Act Play
Arto Elliott Future Farmers Delmer England
Marcella Engelmann Choral Club, Recreation Club, Pan-American Forum Secretary, Derrick Staff, Assistant Editor of The Growl, Office Assistant De Lois Foote Recreation Club
Willie Faye Freeman
Elmer Garrett Future Farmers
Clarence Gilbert Tennis, Jr. Football Maxine Gilbow Tennis, Homemaking Club, Recreation Club, Band Majorette
Billy Ed Goble Future Farmers Jim Grady Home Economics
Martha Nell Grady Helen Graham Dramatic Club, Pan-American Forum, Homemaking Club, (hie Act Play, Bookkeeper for Activity Fund
Elveree Green Volleyball Stanley Green Football, Track, Future Farmers
Dick Grozier Neal Hall Tennis, Band Reporter, Sports Editor of The Growl, Home Economics
Bobby Hayes Football, Basketball, Track, Bulldog Club Vice-President, Home Economics Jerry Henry Secretary and Treasurer of Senior Class, Recreation Club, Band Secretary, One Act Play, Student Council
Raymond Hewell Band, Home Economics Walter Hewell Archery Club, Band, Home Economics
Marjorie Hieserman Library Club, Pan-American Forum, Recreation Club, Photography Club, Homemaking Club President, Library Assistant Billy Joe Hill Business Manager of The Derrick, Growl Staff Home Economics
Rebecca Hothan Recreation Club, Homemaking Club Patsy Hughes Archery Club
Irene Eullum Dramatic Club, Recreation Club, Band Bonnie Lee James Volleyball, Tennis, Homemaking Club, Re creation Club, Archery Club President, Debate, Cheer Leader
Docia Jane James Betty Kelley Homemaking Club Treasurer, Pan-American Forum
Melvin Kerner Football Winston Kendrick Future Farmers
m > J~~€ —
/r ill
La Nell Klinkerman Pan-American Forum, Homemaking Club Lorraine Ladd Becreation Club, Homemaking Club
Frances Lax Tennis, Recreation Club, Library Assistant, Managing Editor of The Growl, Derrick Staff Alice Me Bride Craftsmen Club Vice-President, Derrick Staff, Growl Staff
Frances Me Creary Tennis, Pan-American Forum, Homemaking Club,Recreation Club, Library Club Secretary Frankie Me Kown Volleyball Captain, Recreation Club
jack Me Kown Future Fanners Bobby Me Murtry Archery Club, Home Economics
Marie Me Pherson Billy Me Querry Future Farmers, Archery Club
Doris Frances Uagers Pan-American Forum President, Recreation Club Library Club, Homemaking Club, Feature Editor* of the Growl, Derrick Staff Orville Manasco
Vera Marshall Homemaking Club, Recreation Club Floyd Marten Football, Bulldog Club, Future Farmers
Lucille Mason Pan-American Forum Bula Miller Recreation Club, Choral Club
Jack Mims Home Economics Weldon Minick Band, Future Farmers
J. D, Moody Track, Craftsmen Club Secretary, Archery Club Vice-President, Band Ruth Nelson Tennis, Recreation Club, Craftsmen Club
Virgil Owen Basketball, Track, Future Farmers Vice-President Mary Jane Patterson Dramatic Club Secretary, Business Manager of The Growl, Snapshot Editor of The Derrick, One Act Play
Ray Peevey Photography Club Reporter, Advertising Manager of The Growl, Art Editor of The Derrick, Home Edonomics Colleen Perry Recreation Club
Lela Mae Pinkston Choral Club, Editor of The Growl, Derrick Staff, Declamation Louise Pray
Earleen Reed Volleyball, Recreation Club, Library Assistant Glenda Prescott
E. J. Reed Football, Basketball, Track, Future Farmers Mildred Reid Dramatic Club
Irene Van Loh Growl Staff, Derrick Staff
Raymond Van Loh Future Farmers
Barbara Warren Library Club Vice-President, Choral Club, Pan-American Forum Dorothy Warren Choral Club Pianist
Georgia Willett Volleyball, Recreation Club, Growl Staff, Derrick Staff Donald Wisinger Basketball, Photography Club, Home Economics
Lorene Womack Volleyball Glen Wood Football, Basketball, Home Economies
Vaughan Woods
Vernon Woods
Imogene Bailey Doris Ruth Barnes Jessie Mae Brady Norma Jean Cannon
Horace Coley Catherine Dudley Edna Ruth Good Desmond Harms
Lillian Horn Amy Johnson Gracie Bell Jones Eunice Magee
Yehudi Georgia Spillers Myrta Mae Vhite Emma Tom Yeary
Who's Who In 1936
Elmer Alice
Volus Lynn Bowman Senior All School Favorite Boy
Martha Beth tftts Senior All School Favorite Girl
Jimmy Roy Morris Imogene Ferguson Junior Class
Jack Peed Ella Doyce Thompson Sophomore Class
Through the cooperation of the student council, the class favorites were elected this year without any sort of restriction or money being involved. In a democratic manner, the election began by nominations of favorites from each class by secret ballot. The nominations were then voted on and the favorite boy and favorite girl from each class were determined. Their election is a distinct honor to the favorites, since the majority of the students took advantage of their chance to cast one free vote, and the selected favorites are really the choice of the students.
Wilma Butts Jack Willis Freshman Class
ik I i f n i U f 11 h1 Jk MM i
Bonnie Lee James Senior Class
mm m
Martha Jean Walling Junior Class
Dorothy Browning Sophomore Class
Three cheers for the cheer leaders! Good football and basketball teams can do wonders if they have th support of their school. Our student cheering sec tion has been a decided succes in its purpose of giving our teams the support they so obviously de serve, and the untiring efforts of our four cheer leaders have contributed greatly to the success of the cheering section and consequently to that of ou: teams. Under their influence school spirit has risen to a new high. The sound of their songs and cheers echoes through every hall and room, and has given life to a sentiment of pride for our school that will linger long in the minds of the students of Burkburnett High School— past, present, and fu ture. Mary Jean Prince Freshman Class
Peggy Kemp Junior Football Queen
Dorothy Warren Senior Band Queen
Helen Rhea Dickson Lela Mae Pinkston
Who’s Who Who’s who? The qualities of leadership, character, scholarship, sportsmanship, and extra curricular activi ties determine the answer to this question. This year twelve Seniors representing the outstanding students from the Senior class were nominated by the faculty of Burkburnett High School. The nominations were then submitted to the Senior class to be voted on, and the eight nominees receiving the highest number of votes were the answers to the question "Who's who?" The names, personal information, and high school ac tivities of the "Who’s Who" selections will be listed in a book entitled "Who’s Who Among High School Students in Texas," published by the American High School Educational Association at Baylor University. The significance of their selection to the "Hall of Fame" can hardly be better expressed than in the words of a congratulatory letter from the American High School Educational Association to the "Who’s Who" students, "This Association knows that you will be one of the leaders of tomorrow who must and will be prepared to protect our great democratic ideals and to foster good government and citizen ship in the State of Texas.
Prize Snapshots
5th Gene Brookshear 1st Betty Jewel Mills
3rd Vernon Woods
The Army
2nd E. J. Reed 4th Faye Freeman
Little Lela Mae Pinston
Latin Club Eats
Babe Green, Jimmy Roy Morris, Frank Brown
Reed, Bill Bowman
Montrell Mills
Joe Bob Tyler
Vernon Duke
W. P. Boydston
Willard Mills, Ike Harwell, David Brown
Homer Garrett
Chester Todd and Bobby Hayes
Robert Robinson
Truman Perry
Gene Turner
James Johnson
Del Tutt Manager
Polk Robison Asst. Coach
L. C. Scarbrough Junior Coach
Volney Hill Head Coach
Bulldogs of 1940
Regular lettermen: Frank Brown(captain), Stanley Green (captain), E. J. Reed, Chester Todd, Bill Bowman, Glen Wood, Jimmy Roy Morris, Bobby Hayes, Homer Garrett, David Brown, Robert Robinson, Gene Turner, Joe Bob Tyler, Ike Harwell, Vernon Duke, James Johnson, Montrell Mills, Willard Mills, Floyd Marten, Truman Perry, W. P. Boydston, Delver Haney, Uel Tutt(manager). Reserve lettermen: Donald Moore, W. A. Strickland, Bernard Whiteacre, Ed Richard Whitesides, Ertis Gibson, Charles Cauthorne and Tobie Tyler(assistant managers). Record of 1940 Games Burkburnett
7, Nocona
13 , Cisco
39 , Electra
o, Quanah
7, Olney
o, Vernon
6, Childress
o, Graham
0, Wichita Falls30
Volley Ball Team Francis McKown, Captain; Pauline Stubblefield, Manager; Ella Doyce Thompson, Asst. Manager; Lorene Womack, Virginia Crowder, Irene Crowder, Sue Abbott, Bonnie Lee James, Peggy Shuffler, Imogene Ferguson, Georgia Willett, Elveree Green, Luella McCaig, Opal West, and Miss Hyden, Coach.
Basketball Champions This year for the first time the Bulldogs won the basketball District championship, playing 22 games and winning 20 of them. A team is as strong as its weakest member and the Bulldogs won the District. Every boy had a great part in winnings each game, whether he played in all the games or in none of them. Through his display of clean sportsmanship, Coach Polk Robison has set excellent examples for his boys. Through the great efforts of the team and the support of the student body, it has been proven that Burkburnett High School excels in more than one field.
Truman Perry, Donald Visinger, Shannon Darland, Vernon Duke, Hubert Butts, Bill Bowman, Garland Johnson, Glen Wood, Ed Vhiteside, Ike Harwell, Gene Turner, Jimmy Roy Morris, Ertis Gibson, Virgil Owen, Bobby Hayes, E. J. Reed, W. A. Strickland, Delver Maney, Chester Todd, Kelly Reid, James Johnson, Frank Brown, Polk Robison— Coach, Del Tutt— Manager. Conference Games Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett Burkburnett
42 29 34 38 25 42 25 40
Valley View Electra Fairview Iowa Park Valley View Electra Fairview Iowa Park
15 15 16 17 17 13 20
County Tournament Burkburnett 40 Burkburnett 33 Burkburnett 43
Iowa Park Electra Electra
Byers Odell Graham
18 18 27
District Games Burkburnett 24 Burkburnett 19 Burkburnett 28 Regional Games Burkburnett 27 Burkburnett 38 Burkburnett 25 Burkburnett 53 Burkburnett 35
McKinney 20 Vaco 57 Bowie Invitation Tournament Sunset 18 Bowie 32 Vichita Falls 34
Band Ball, Maurice Bankhead, Ed. Bankhead, Gene Blum, E. L. Boyd, Mary Frances Brady, Frances Brady, James Brockman, Valta Caffee, Janice Ball, Patsy June Day, Carl Dutton, Harry Duvall, Jane Ensey, Jr. Ensey, Wanda Fulks, Lewis Gamble, Mary Frances Gilbow, Maxine Gall, Billy Hall, Neal Hall, Bobbie Henry, Jackie Henry, Jerry Hewell, Raymond Hewell, Walter Hodges, Jimmie Jo
Bass Bass Millophone Cornet Twirler Snare Drum Trombone Clarinet Clarinet Twirler Drum Major Snare Drum Bells Mellophone Snare Drum Alto Saxophone Cymbals Twirler Trombone Cornet Baritone Twirler Librarian Cornet Cornet Clarinet
Hullum, Irene Jones, Cracie Bell McCreary, Frances Maben, Dorothy Majors, Jonita Martin, J. C. Mills, Betty Jewell Minick, Weldon Moody, J. D. Ousts, Fordia Parr, Martha Gail Poteet, Billy Sam Prinzing, Ila Frances Russell, Elmer Russell, Rubinell Sharp, Willis Steinert, Billie Mae Story, Edward Story, R. J. Wills, Jean Yeary, Emma Ton Kelley, Frances
Director Mr. Sumpter Reed
Alto Saxophone Snare Drum Clarinet Twirler Clarinet Mellophone Soprana, Saxophone Bass Drum E Clarinet Clarinet Clarinet Baritone Clarinet Trombone Clarinet Mellophone Clarinet Cornet Trombone Flute Snare Drum Snare Drum
Latin Club James Brady, Valta Brookman, Reporter; Helen Rhea Dickson, President; Billie Ray Green, Carol Lohoefener, Colleen Mattingly, Jonita Majors, Betty Jewel Mills, Mary Jean Prince, Bobby Ragsdale, Sadie Beth Tevis, Secretary; Martha Jean Walling, Jack Willis, Miss Billingslea, Sponsor,
Pan-American Forum E. W, Stevenson, Maurice Ball, Vice President; Clarence Presswood, Mildred Tyler, Frances Brady, Katherine Beckham, Mary Blackstone, Frances Pearson, Amy Johnson, Lucille Mason, Marcella. Engelmann, Secretary, Helen Graham, Barbara Warren, Rubinell Russell, Gene Brookshier, Mabel Robertson, Frances McCreary, Betty Jo Tyler, Wilma Butts, Nola Faye Willhoit, Betty Kelley, Dorothy Schroeder, Reporter; Marjorie Heisermann, Doris Frances Magers, President; Dorothy Browning, Pianist; Letha Yarbrough, La Nell Klinkermann, Peggy Dot Busby, Jinnie Jo Hodges, Wanda Lou Gragg, Mary Frances Boyd, Miss Herring, Sponsor.
Future Homemakers
Shirley Simpson, Glenda Kendrick, Betty Jean May, Wanda June Harris, Betty Jean Turner, Mary Frances Cozby, Betty June Beckham, Nell Gibson, Margaret Champion, Louella Pemberton, Wilma Jackson, Lavonia Schroeder, Doris Minick, Kathryn Blewett, Marjorie Klinkermann, Wanda Marshall, Letha Faye Howard, Billie Jo Hothan, Rebecca Hothan, Doris Frances Majors, Martha Coates, Catherine Beckham, Nola Faye Willhoit, Betty Kelley, Treasurer; Frances Pearson, Helen Schroeder, Doris Holtzen, Frances Brady, Vice President; Frances Martin, Dorothy Schroeder, Correspondance Secretary; Marjorie Hiesermann, President; Martha Gail Parr, Reporter, Jimmie Jo Hodges, Gene Brookshear, Alta Faye Spillers, Macie Mae Wimberly, Dorothy Browning, Pianist; Rubinell Russell, Josephine Btts, Jean Wills, Helen Graham, Mary Lou Holman, Garvene Tipton, Christine Suttles, Helen Parks, Maggie Lawson, Mildred Tyler, Betty Jo Tyler, Lorene Gwinn, Pansey Kent, Frances McCreary, Miss Cooper and Miss Evans, Sponsors; Betty Briscoe, Maggie Bruce, Evelyn Sheilds, Frances Peyton, Doris Pearl Williams, Louise Emerson, Wanda Jo Mullins, Recording Secretary; Letha Yarbrough, Mabel Robertson, Mamie Faye Stubblefield, Allyne Jennings, Othelia Loveless, Rita Lohmann.
Library Club Raymond Shaffer, President; Ella Doyce Thompson, Lillian Horn, Marjorie Hieserman, Mildred Butts, Mary Starnes, Patsy Hughes, Secretary; Doris Frances Magers, Lorene Hatcher, Frances McCreary, Fordia Ousts, Barbara Warren, Miss Janice Holland, Sponsor
Dramatic Club Valta Brookman, Reporter; Gene Brookshear, Anne Danforth, Lewis Fulks, Helen Graham, Irene Hullum, Jonita Majors, President; Betty Jewel Mills, Weldon Minick, Vice-President; Janey Patterson, Secretary; Frances Pearson, Mildred Reid, Sadie Beth Tevis, Martha Jean Walling, Nola Faye Wilhoit, Macie Wimberly, Amy Johnson, Miss Ella Billingslea, Sponsor
Science Club Mary Barton, Vice-President; J. Frank Crowder, President; Edith Davis, Nell Gibson, Billy Ray Green, Reporter; Preston Johnson, Lottie Long, Gene Hiller, Secretary; Vanda Jo Mullins, Lavonia Schroeder, E. W, Stevenson, Billie Thornton, Winnie Pearl Rice, Eugene Varner, Betty Lou Williams, Mr. Hershal Tree, Sponsor
Photography Club Omer Baumhardt, Mary Blackstone, Hubert Butts, Vice President; Gordon Clement, Carl Day, Wanda Lou Gragg, Billy Hall, Marjorie Hieserman, Jimmie Jo Hodges, Ra.ymond Johnston, Betty Kelley, Peggy Kemp, Dorothy Maben, Secretary; Derestine Moore, Mike O'Neil, Ray Peevey, Reporter; Brack Preston, Billie Jane Roach, Dorothy Schroe der, Jimmie Williams, Donald Wisinger, Martha Beth Dtts, President; Miss Agnes Sanders, Sponsor
Craftmen Club Everett Simmons, I. B. Pence, Leon Rogers, Gene Bankhead, Volus Bowman, Clovis Bowman, Donald Dodson, Lorene Gwinn, 0. J, Ensey, Donald Hagemann, J, D. Moody, Louella Pemberton, Wilma Jackson, Joan McGrady, Jackie Henry, Alice McBride, Noel Duke, J. B. Middleton, Billy Addison, Lowell Ladd, Mac Sutton, Jesse Dunn, Roy Murphree, Albert Coles, Rhillip Johnson, Bobby Arrington.
Archery Club Walter Lee Hewell, Bruce Good, Earnest Brownlee, Billy McQuerry, J.D. Moody Vice President; Robert Riddle, Secretary and Treasurer Donald Hagemann, Ray Garner, Noel Duke, Hugh Preston, Mary Jean Prince, Clarence Presswood, Donald Dodson, Wilma Butts, Bobby McMurtry, Josephine Utts, Colleen Mattingly, Carol Lohoefener, Mac Sutton, Loyd Glass, Jesse Lee Dunn, David Johnson, Bonnie Lee James, President; J. R. Broyles, Mr. L. C. Scarbrough, Sponsor.
Collectors Museum Club Martha Gail Parr, Curator; Doris Holtzen, Helen Rhea Dickson, Shirley Simpson, Josephine ITtts, Wilma Butts, Carol Lohoefner, Jean Wills, Colleen Mattingly, Frances Martin, Mildred Kaspar, Dorothy Browning, Mary Jean Prince, Rubinell Russell, C. E. Pommerening, Sponsor.
Future Farmers Homer Bishop, Calvin Ellis, Herbert Schroeder, Wayne Mullins, George Simmons, Jimmie Rankin, W. T, McEntire, J. C, Martin, Ralph Fox, Levi Garrett, James Hartline, J. R, Broyles, 0. J, Cooper, Stanley Green, Clinton Swinford, President; J. W. Elliott, Billy Ed Goble, Allen Fulks, J. Wilson Pemberton, Eugene Schroeder, Billy Hudspath, E. J. Reed, Carroll Chapman, Arto Elliott, Winston Kendrick, Harlan Mullins, Virgil Owens, Vice President; Robert Robinson, Charlie Noe, Brack Preston, Treasurer; Bernard Whiteacre, Gene Turner, Ed Richard Whiteside, Melvin Kerner, Alton Sauls, Montre11 Mills, Lewying Ellis, Secretary,
The Girl’s Recreation Club
143 Members
Officers Pres ident: Imogene Ferguson Secretary: Dorothy Browning Reporter: Peggy Shuffler
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Booster Club In appreciation of the loyal support which Burkburnett busi ness men have given the Bulldog Growl through advertising, the Derrick wishes to give them recognition by the placement of their signatures on this page.
-M A JO R S-
GARLAND & GOBLE Sm ith & H atch!
Cicero Smith
Lumber Co.
Owens-Brum iey
I R°y T. MagerS
City Grocery and Market
P. A. Wheeler - Your Magnolia Dealer CINE FILM SHOP
Variety Store
Cruce Cleaners
Tucker Insurance Agen<j ST O R E
Palace Theatre
Geo. Counter, Jr.
Expert Radio Service GEO. COUNTER
W. A. R O B E R T S
Phone 166 Office — 113 Residence
B O Y D B R O S. Dept. Store
Service Station Casey Logan
B U R K T A IL O R S Mrs. King’s Beauty SHOPPE
Adam D rug
D O D S O N ’S -D . R . P E E V E Y Jeweler and Optometrist
Citv Beautv 0IL CITY NEWS Shop J-P. K E LLE Y Mrs. M. E. Lewallen
Mrs. Gilbert’s Flowers 317 E. 5th - Ph. 87-W MRS. J.M. MATTHEW 201 Ave. C
Elite 01655 C. D. Shamburger| Good Eats Shop b il l w o o d Bakery Mrs. O’Neill
The Derrick 1941, Volume IV Published by Students of Burkburnett High School