Burkburnett High School Yearbook Derrick 1966

Page 1

DERRICK 1966 -



T acklin g the endless little piles o f paperwork that demand attention - an­ nouncements o f interest to student body, visiting with a friend a t the gam e, listening to a student's problems with understanding - fill the day to c a p a c ­ ity . .


We dedicate our yearbook to a man who is himself dedicated

Mr. James L. Pearson, Principal of Burkburnett High School for only a year has, in that short time, clearly demonstrated his dedication to mak­ ing B.H.S. a school that our com­ munity can be proud of. With no doubts about what a school is for, he has steadily and confidently taken steps to make B.H.S. fulfill that pur­ pose well. We recognize and appre­ ciate his efforts and look forward to future development under his capa­ ble administration.

Co-operative planning between administration, Student Council, and the community for clean-up campaign.

Interest in the outcome of the bas­ ketball gam e-

Regular meetings between Superintendent and principals for co-ordinated and efficient administration.

Expending every effort for a better yearbook — Derrick Staff ’6 5 -’6 6


F am iliar Scenes - Sally and Frances, supervised by Roger, selling a yearbook to Teresa Fisher, no one is surprised to see Ben on top o f a car or Greg clim bing the telephone pole for the right angle for a picture, Sandra and Jan pounding th e pavem ent to sell an ad, Brenda and Phyliss working on la y ­ outs for organizations, or Mrs. Schm idt and C arol carefully accounting for the m oney.

M ara and Steve begin a seem ingly endless task, getting the name and section of every student in B .H .S .


To the Staff— Your initiative, your willingness to work, and your desire to give B.H.S. the best possible yearbook deserves a word of ap­ preciation. I know that you w ill receive self-satisfaction for the job you’ve done, but I would like to express my apprecia­ tion to you for “ Everything.” I think of you as the "Dynam ic Dozen.” Every advisor needs such a staff! Mrs. Schmidt

OUR WORLD It has been wisely said that there is no rea­ son why the sam e man should lik e the same book at 18 and 48. In fa ct, 18 is one w orld-4 8, another. Though often misunderstood and ridiculed, our world is measured by the things that are m eaningful to us at this tim e in our lives. Our world is made up of books, classes, hip-hugger skirts, french fries, bucket seats, m usic with a b e a t, telephone c a lls , friends, talk , and laugh­ ter. In our world, happiness wears many faces. It com es in such guises as getting out o f school for clean -u p cam paign, but happiness also v a­ ries with the individual. To C ly d ette, happi­ ness is having a coke with Danny; To the D er­ rick Sta ff, it is finding 2 Freshmen that can nam e a ll the Freshman class; To Greg, the u lti­ m ate in happiness is being handcuffed to a pretty g irl; and to the Seniors, happiness is the com p letion o f the float which was named the winner.

As Emerson said, "For every sweet there is a so u r--" In our world too, this balan ce functions, For every happy m om ent, there are moments of frustration.

Frustration o f discipline by the authoritative adult world—

After that explosion, I hate to do this!

In our world, we look to the administrators of our school and to faculty members for many things.

In addition to their direction of our

learning experiences, we seek their guidance and their counsel in other areas. We always find understanding and a genuine desire to do


a ll that they can to help.


. . .a day in the life of our Superintendent of Schools, Mr. I. C. Evans ■■■ Visits to the various schools, routine o ffic e d etails, interviewing prospective teach ers, a co ffe e break and a ch a t with friends, p rin cip al’s m eeting after lunch, a m eeting with the Board that night. —

Mr. Evans serves the co ffe e at the regular m eeting o f the Board.

The efficien cy o f secretary, Mrs. J il l Hensley, proves 12 invaluable.

The value o f service can never be measured in man hours or dollars and cents. For more than two decades Mr. Evans has served this com munity through its schools. His devotion to our school system as a whole, his sincere interest in the individual, and his unfailing good humor endear him to the hearts o f the com m unity.

Service to a Community in its most Vital Concern—its Schools— BOARD OF EDUCATION Floyd M arten - President Weldon Nix - V ice President Paul Fisher - Secretary Gene Bankhead Ja ck Sm ith B. H. Preston, Jr. Norman Roberts

OFFICERS: Mr. Weldon N ix, V ice President; Mr. Floyd M arten, President; Mr. Paul Fisher, Secretary

Administrative Assistants -1 valuable contributions to the efficiency of our school organization —

M r. K oller unlocks to begin another day.

Wade Nickens seeks ad­ v ice from Mr. Groenewold.


As students, we do not have the association with

|ese people as we do with our teachers in regular classlo rn situations; however, we b eco m e acquainted with r. D evine, (right) when we are absent. For it is to him E at we must go for an "excused " or "inexcu sed , " as the jkse may b e. We rarely see Mr. McCrary anymore since e b ecam e Federal Programs director. Mr. M abry, our |;w curriculum d irector, is another with whom we have co n ta ct d irectly , but we know that he affects our school Ife through his work with curriculum . M r.^K oller, AsBtant Principal and A th letic D irector, is known by alm ost 1 the students, eith er through trips to his o ffic e for dis[plinary action or for just a friendly ch a t. Som etim e bring the school y ear, every student is offered advice on heduling classes or future career plans by Mr. G roeneDld, counselor. Sooner or la te r, everyone knows Mrs. ennedy, secretary to Mr. Pearson, either by her friendly li le or by her willingness to help in any way she can.

[Mr. McCrary leaves from and his old o ffic e .

visit to the high school





W. R. CARSWELL A lgebra

DAN DAVIS Industrial Cooperative Training


LLOYD BLOODWORTH D istributive Education

MARY DIXON Junior Business Training

MARY DAVIS Librarian


BRYAN FARRIS Agriculture






The teachers elated ly com m ent on the beau

DOROTHY FAULK Home Economics


tiful new lounge furniture.








Home Economics




Physical Education


After a long school day, the teachers are as anx­ ious to lea v e as the students.



Mr. Schaffner c ritica lly exam ines Larry Sullivan's unexcused tardy slip.

M cD o n a l d

ANITA MAYE Physical Education j



Auto M echanics




Mrs. Faulk sm ilingly appraises the success­ ful com pletion o f Connie D ecker's class pro­ je c t. 21







TANYA STAPP Home Economics











for the first tim e in the history o f B. H. S. a m em ber o f the faculty was honored by student vote.

Mr. Schaffner's willingness to help with the Student C ou ncil, devotion to his class and sp ecial help given school projects reflects his wonderful personality and keen interest in B. H. S.

Our world is varied and enriched by a c t i v i t i e s . Breaking the monotony of books, classes, and study, activities afford us an opportunity to divert our energies and efforts in other directions. Through activities students find expression for in­ dividual interests, school spirit, and some just for fun.

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Freshmen submit graciously to the wishes of the Seniors

Linda Hendrix makes three Freshmen beautiful.

During Senior Appreciation Day, the Freshmen obediently served their lordly m asters, the Seniors, who relished this day of glory. As directed, the slaves dressed in costumes originally designed by their masters, sang songs and performed skits to demonstrate their appreciation of the upperclassmen.

UsSSBST A Senior master "groom s" her Freshman slave b e fore going to the assembly.

Terry Bradley gives a pantomime of a stripper to please his master. M m


C ulm inating the days of preparation, the fin a l flower was put into p la ce and the respective class floats were proudly displayed to the public in the annual Hom ecom ing parade. A ll Burkburnett lined the streets as the band, floats, pep squad, and others passed in review . These days w ill be r e ­ m em bered as long as that mum from someone special, pressed betw een the pages o f a scrapbook.

November 5, 3 :0 0 p.m. — Parade kicks off Homecoming festivities —

Everyone was tense and Ikpectant as the tim e la m e to announce the I p t p la ce flo a t. This I par the Seniors were the I inners with their colori l l "Prohibition" them e; ||e Sophomores were 9 Idged second p lace win-

! prs for their "P o co h o n tas." | llthough the Junior and

freshm an classes were not 1 Idged first or second

I lace winners, they both ■ Lilt beautiful floats and ill joyed the experience of ■ping something together.

Four lovely variations of "Historical Events.”

Beauties vie for Homecoming Queen title —

T h e C lim ax of H om ecom ing activ ities was the naming and crowning of Hom ecom ing Queen. From the four lovely Senior nom inees - T eri W helan, Ann Crank, Ja n ice Bolinger, and C arol Faulk - the student 1 body chose C arol Faulk their Homecom ing Queen, 1 9 6 5 -6 6 . C arol, leading the student body as head cheerleader, is a re a l queen, regally or casually a t­ tired.

For the final perform ance, Charles Reagan sw itching from a "body" to a m ajor ch aracter when the

M ara and G a il m ake their contribution to the Junior

former cast m em ber, M ike C lark, moved to

Play behind the scenes.

Houston, cram s to learn his lines in a w eek.

[T H E GAZEBO”k challenge to Ispiring young Ictors and actresses — ■Presented by Junior Class, I b . H. S . , 1966 - D irected by , Mrs. Pat Davis.

The final preparation before a perform ance requires the help o f both cast and crew .

ike Clark achieves the correct pial pose as Mr. Davis applies his tge m ake-up.

Although directing requires many hours o f planning, rehears­ ing, and em otional strain, Mrs. Pat Davis agrees that the joy o f seeing the successful perform ance compensates for a ll.


M r. Roark and students stop to adm ire the second p lace winner in the door decoration contest, Mr. Carsw ell's hom eroom , 1 1 -5 . The winner and truly a beautifully ornamented door decorated by Mrs. Benton's hom eroom , 1 0 -



Th e Varsiteers and C horaleers, directed by Mrs. Askins, presented an impressive Christmas pro­ gram.

Public Relations between School and Community Open H ouse-

M embers o f the National Honor Society w ait to guide visitors through school; however, the first to arrive, Mrs. M cDonald, knows her way around.

Above Dianne Swan serves as Mr. Fisher, Mr. Evans, and 1 Mrs. Faulk visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner wait to chat with Coach Karnes.

Mr. and Mrs. Faubion discuss school with Mrs. B. H. Alexander, Jr. and Mrs. Bill McLean as Mark McLean anticipates being a Freshman next year.

’’Our World of Music” — ’6 6 Presentation "T h e World o f M usic" was chosen the them e o f the 1966 Presentation, sponsored by the Der­ rick staff. An extravaganza in blue and-green (BHS Choms girls) set the mood with "Another C urtain, Another Show ". D irecting the show, Mrs. Z e ll Schm idt, D errick sponsor, introduced nom inees as Bums Alexander capably furnished lovely organ m usic. Entertainm ent included a German Band, folk singers, a barbershop quartet, and two v ocalists. For the first tim e in the his­ tory o f BHS the students chose a "T e a ch e r o f the Y e a r. " Mr. Dan Schaffner, popular and versa­ tile scien ce teach er, was honored with this award. The overall perform ance, a record attendance, and com plim ents m ade the *66 Presentation an outstanding success.

Mrs. Z e ll Schm id t, sponsor and advisor, directs Presentation pro­ ceedings - Mr. Jam es Pearson, Principal, presents "T e a ch e r of Y e a r" award to Mr. Schaffner.

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B ea n

The 1 9 6 5 -6 6 Band Sw eetheart, Miss Peggy Anderson crowned by Band President Brent W alker. Looking on are the ring bearer Brace Blankinship and one of the attendants and her escort, C ly dette Cox and John Strayhorn.

During the program o f the banquet, band jack ets I were awarded to th ree-y ear m em bers by Mr. I Jam es W ickersham , Burkburnett High School band director.

The presentation o f the Arion Award w ill long be rem em ­ bered by David Mooney, a four-year bandsman and Senior drum m ajor.


Our world of organizations offer the students opportunities to explore and de­ velop their varied interests. Serving an important part in our daily lives, organi­ zations open new fields of interests and encourage new friendships. Through these group activities, students learn co-opera­ tion and leadership.


FRONT ROW (le ft to right): Donna G reer, Randy M orine, Brian Dennis, Frances Perry, G a il Wright, Joy ce Harrison, Doretha Lewis, Loretta Potts, SECOND ROW: Sharon G ellner, Judy Kauer, Judy P ace, Pat Hayden, Ricki Sm ith, Ja n ice Cosby, Sylvia M cDonald, Ja ck Bruno, Nancy Walker, D ebbie Sm a ll, Kathy Dodd, Joy S tock still, Susan L eit-


ner, Bobby Spurgeon, V alaree M atherly, Peggy Anderson, THIRD ROW: Jerry Brown, Kenneth Dempsey, Sarah Wright, Sandra Karr, Betty Jeffreys, Brenda Morris, V icki Brown, Jan V incent, Brent Walker, Jim m y Burton, Robert Korpanty, Tom m y Thaxton, Bruce Grimes, Steven Engelhart, Eddy Viavatone, Robbie Faulk, Larry Egenbacher, Dan-

| ny Renfro, Don Sunderland, W esley E llis, Doak M cD onnell, Bobby Woods, Doyle Cobble, Eddie Bumpus, FOURTH [RO W : Phyllis Glover, Sherry Hobbs, Gwend a Morris, David Strayhorn, John Strayhorn, B ill Jeffreys, Robert Lucier, I Brad M otz, John Page, Dennis Hobbs, Ronald Schanlauh, Curtis Hearnsberger, John Derrow, B ill Black, Terry Bradley, I Cathy Robison, C lydette Cox, Barbara Koenig, Treva Ladd, Candy Logan, David Mooney, Sharon Holman, Linda. I Fisher, C arla Sutherland, Eddy Gann, T om Tayton, M ike Lively.

D irector - MR. JAMES C . WICKERSHAM - the patient, strong hand behind the fine perform ances of our band.


for highest honors in the Interscholastic marching com petition in Fort Worth is an exam ple o f their com bined efforts.

Band O fficers: (Lower le ft) le ft to right: Nancy W alker, Secretary-T reasu rer; David Mooney V ice-Presiden t; Peggy Anderson, Reporter; Brent W alker, Pres­ ident

Peggy Anderson— crowned Band Sweetheart at the annual Band Banquet, escorted by Brent W alker.

Sp ecial — "Pink Panther"

'Would you b eliev e we*re faking"

M ajorettes, le ft to right; C lydette C ox, Barbara K oenig, Candy Logan, assistant drum m a jo r, Treva Ladd, feature tw irler, and Cathy Robison

T he Bulldog band leaves for Texas Christian University in Fort Worth for a day o f com p etition and the hope o f making 50 new acquaintances.

Enthusiastic energy and v ita lity - The pep behind our pep rallies - our Band -

Drum M ajor: David Mooney The largest organization at BHS, the Bulldog band is a tremendous boost to school spirit. Performing *

at pep rallies and football gam es, the enthusiasm the band generates is carried to the a th letic field . T he com bined efforts o f bandsmen and their d irector, Mr. W ichersham , result in a fine perform ance every

W ith Student T each er M ike C lark are Choraleer o ffi­ cers Amy H illis, Secretary ; Sheri Johnson, Reporter; Jerry’ Busby, President; and Karen Johnson, Pianist.

Christmas and spring m ean relaxation and pleasure to most BHS students, but to the choir they m ean hours o f p ra ctice in preparation for the assemblies presented to the student body.

Choraleers — Ultimate Goal — Perfection

Choraleers are Sheena Bearden, Marsha P a ce , Candy Monson, Jerry Busby, Mark Seay, G a il G ilch rist, Amy H illis, M ar­ tha Lokey, Gay G ilbert. Karen Johnson, D ebbie S m all, Sheri Johnson, Butch Wood, Charles Hicks, Rhonda Lindsay, G ail Bookout, Linda Morris, Betty F arrell, Mary Payne, Pam Throgm orton, W esley Noggle, Robert Nunn, C athleen M itchner, Laura M cCandless, Kathy Savage.


Varsiteers — An Impressive Blending of Voices

FRONT ROW: Jean nie Sm ith , Jan Brown, Jan Robertson, Gwenda Morris, Patty Johnson, Tony Hodges, Donald C avender, Danny Thompson, Bobby VanLoh, Rod Turner, Shari Hales, D rucilla M cBride, Carolyn H illis, Brenda M cBride, Donna Hudson, SECOND ROW: P atrici Lewis, C arol Faulk, Shelley K aiser, Sandy M arcellin o, Donna Dyer, C harlie Herring, M ike C lark , Ronnie Frields, Bobby King, Kenneth Parker, Sylvia M cDonald, Roberta Prince, Marsha Monson, Theresa Anderson, Susan K epler, THIRD ROW: Alm a Brown, Beth Byars, Sandra Sullivan, V alaree M atherly, Larry Bankhead, Randy C lem en t, B ill Roe, Jim m y Owens, David Brewer, David Mooney, Charles Reagan, Larry Lange, Stephenie Slusher, D iana Ivey, Kathy Sykes.

V arsiteer officers are Danny Thompson, President; Randy C lem en t, Reporter; Carol Faulk, Secretary-treasurer; Rodney Turner, V ice President. Accompanist is Kathy Sykes and D irector, Mrs. Askins. Miss Patty Johnson, Chorus Sweetheart



These Sophomores eagerly aw ait their future years as m embers of the NHS,

O fficers: Jim m y C reel, President; Beth Byars, Secretary; John Gray, 1st V ic e President; Donna G reer, Reporter; John Strayhorn, 2nd V ice-President; Linda Hendrix, Treasurer.

Linda Hendrix consults Mr. Bruce Roark and Mr. Tom M oore, sponsors, on final arrangements for the annual banquet.

C haracter, Scholarship, Leadership, S e r v ic e .. . goals o f a National Honor Society m em ber.

From this organization com e the "crea m o f

the crop" o f BHS. Under the cap able leadership o f the officers and sponsors, the NHS has m ade many contributions toward the betterm ent

The Senior class is w ell represented through these members.

FHA is one o f the most a ctiv e organizations at BHS and is proof that a group can have fun and learn at the sam e tim e . At their annual tea for Freshman m em bers, Nancy W alker and Susan Leitner learn how to pour and serve punch. The FHA also sponsored a salad supper for the Mothers and Daughters. During the Christmas party, Iren e, T o n i, and Sandy look on with amusement as Candy Monson hides a present under the tree. One o f the biggest projects this year was adopting a Korean orphan. On a ll the a ctiv ities and p ro jects, the girls find that their sponsors, Mrs. Faulk and Mrs. Hutchinson, are always w illing to help. works "toward new h orizo n s."

1 9 6 5 -6 6 FHA Beau is a Senior a th lete. W allace Robison.

Truly, the FHA looks and

FHA O fficers: Nancy W alker, Treasurer; Donna G reer, Secretary; Susan Leitner, V ice-P resid ent; I Judy P ace, His­ torian; Adrienne D avey, Parlia­ m entarian; Genny Mayberry, Presi[ dent; and Kathy I

Reed, Reporter. Others are G ail G ilchrist, Song Leader; Jan Brown, S erg ea n t-a t-arm s; and Joy ce G ilm ore, Chaplain.

. . . students learn trades . . . . Industrial Cooperative Training Club provides an opportunity for students to learn the trade o f their c h o ic e , ranging from nursing at the hospital to learn­ ing the cuts o f m eats. I. C .T . Sw eetheart Conni LaRose and Mr. Don D avis, Sponsor

. . . students learn art of selling . . . Distributive Education Clubs o f A m erica offer an opportunity to learn the art o f selling and at the sam e tim e provides actu al exp erien ce as an em ployee.


D. E. C . A. Sweetheart Rita Moore ind Mr. Lloyd Bloodworth, sponsor

Auto Mechanics of Tomorrow . . . High school Auto M echanics Club provides e x ­ perien ce in repairing and tuning autom obiles.

. Effective Speaking Is an Art . . . The D ebate Club strives to p erfect argumenta­ tive speaking through p ractice.

Auto M echanics Club president, Curtis Hearnsberger, presents a club sweater to Jan Robertson, Sweetheart.


m m

Serving as Student C ouncil officers for 1 9 6 5 -6 6 are: George Provence, President; Sally M itch e ll, Secre tary; Roger Johnson, V ice-P resid en t; Jim m y C ree l, Parliam entar­ ian ; Donna G reer, Cor­ responding SecretaryReporter: and Donna Hudson, Chaplain.

Mr. Schaffner, in his first year as Student Coun­ c il sponsor, has learned along with the executive officers, the responsibilities of an e ffic ie n t Stu­ dent C ouncil.

One o f the m ain duties o f the Student C ouncil is to operate the concession stands. H ere, D iane and John w ait on cus­ tomers during h a lf-tim e at a bask etball gam e.

The sound o f G eorge’s gavel is fam iliar to a ll student cou ncil members.

"G irls, you were b e a u tifu l--I’m not kidding you— you were just beautiful! " This is one o f the ty p ically encour­ aging remarks from the new Pep Club sponsor, Miss M aye

Presenting the 1 9 6 5 -1 9 6 6 Burkburnett High School Pep j C lub, 210 strong, the greatest Pep Club ev e r--b eca u sej these girls wanted it to b e.

Facu lty, Student body, and]

fc football boys are proud o f this organization and appud the fine job they have done in representing BurkHigh.

. . . Backbone of the Bulldog spirit . . .

1 *

Wholehearted support!

Bulldog Growl Staff Cooperative Effort to Meet a Deadline

M argie G otchey, Linda Rine, and Judith Bowles proofread pages while assembling an edition o f the Growl.

Performing the necessary tasks o f organizing the file and stapling papers are Jim e Eastman, John Strayhorn, Jim m y C ree l, and Beth Byars.

Ginger G iles, editor, and V alaree M atherly, as­ sistant ed itor, team with Mrs. Christine W ickersham , advisor, to co m p lete an edition.

Effie Johnson, Bobby Woods, and P atricia Ross mimeograph an endless number o f pages.

F. F. A. O fficers: Kenny Bob Roberts, Danny Payton, Jim m y C au d ell, Charles Fletch er, Don Sykes, Mr. Farris, Advisor.


Sweetheart o f F. F. A. - M arie Farris

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Futures in Agriculture —


Members of F .F .A . : (FRONT ROW) Johnny Schinks, Gary Howard, Gary Koenig, Terry Bradley, Tony Landers, Ricky Morris, Charles Klinkerm an, Dwayne Roberts, Don Sykes, Gary M ullins, Charles F letcher. (SECOND ROW) George Seeds, Steve Cosby, Hubert Sm ith, Allen Green, Jim m y C audell, Larry Sullivan, Charles Sm ith, Wade Ja ck -


son, Johnny M cBride, Johnny Bookout, and Mr. Farris, Advisor.

55 1


Future Teachers of America An Organization growing with B .H .S .—

Freshman-Sophomore o fficers, STAND­ ING: Connie Swinford, V ice-President; Mr. Reppond, Advisor; Ulana Ludeke,

Junior-Senior o fficers, le ft to right; Donna G reer, Secretary ; Judy Kauer, Treasurer; Susy M cCrary, Reporter; Judy P a ce , V ice-p resid en t; Donna Hudson, President; Mr. Groenwald, Advisor.

Reporter; Elaine Crouse, Parliam entar­ ian . SEATED; Kathy Robison, Secre­ tary; Ja n ice M aney, President; and Doreth a Lewis, Treasurer.

Supporting the team with enthusiastic leadership . . . L eft to right: Kris Sm ith, Nancy W alker, T e ri Cow les, Judy Kauer, Donna G reer, and Mary Hromas

. . . Backing our promising freshman team . . . L eft to right; G ail Wright, Martha Lokey, V icki W atkins, and C arol Davis.

s i r w

. . . Athletic Ability Honored . . . J

FRONT ROW; Kenny Bob Roberts, Jim m y Cowles, Rod Turner, Jerry Harsh, Phil Seay, Ronnie Owens, Larry Lange, O liver M c足 Donald, B ill Roe, Randy C lem en t, Steve Cosby, David C olem an, Ralph Gum, Tony Hodges, BACK ROW; Bobby Van Loh, Mike Maddux, Hubert Sm ith, W ally Robison, Ronnie Frields, D ale Hoff足 m an, Rusty Todd, John Edwards, Jim m y Oweps, Larry Bankhead, C harlie Herring, John C arah, John G ray, and Dan Weathers.

Letterm ens Club O fficers are B ill Roe, V ice president; W ally Rob足 ison, Secretary-treasurer; O liver M cDonald, President; and Char足 lie Herring, Reporter.

. . .foreign language explored . . . Francis Broom, M argie Green, Pam Swan, D ebbie Hoffman, Janis Keyes, Mrs. Thompson, advisor; Joy ce Harrison, Jodie Hargis, Ed Edmonds, Wesley Ellis, Barbara Hawk; Fredressa Codner, Brad M otz, Larry C otten, Bob Fowler, Don Sunderland, Dennis Hobbs, and John Hastings. 69

Our world o f ath letics not only involves the individual p articipation in tne various sports, but the spectators as w ell. T he out­ co m e o f co m p etitive games oftentim es are greatly influenced by the enthusiasm o f the crowd. For it is this enthusiasm which drives the participants to feats which som etim es surpass the realm o f human endurance; to fight and drive on, even after strength and stam ina are gone. It is this w ill, stim ulated by encouragem ent, that can change the whole course o f a th letic h istor


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That Biilldog Spirit

Bulldogs Out To End Long TOP ROW: Randy C lem ent Rusty Todd O liver McDonald B ill Roe Dean Thompson John Edwards Vernon G oodell Larry Johnson Ronnie G oodell Dan W eathers Coach Devine MIDDLE ROW: C oach Faubion D ale Hoffman John Car ah Wally Robinson David C olem an Jerry Harsh P h il Seay Butch Moore Larry Lange John Gray Ronnie Owens Jim m y Cowles C oach Froman BOTTOM ROW: M ike Hodges C harlie Herring Tony Hodges Rod Turner Danny Thompson Gary Koenig Ralph Gum M ike Maddux Bobby Van Loh M ike Knox Hubert Smith


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Vernon Oolefoan BrcikwoiSS Breckenridge

Bulldogs Open ’66 Season Strong and Spirited —

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Mr. Dow Estes, a fam iliar fa c e and v o ice -

Graham Noses Bulldogs 8-0 BURKBURNETT F ir s t D ow ns ......................... 13 Y a r d s G a in e d R ushing . . . 191 Y a rd s G a in e d P assing 73 . P asses C o m p le te d . . . 3 o f 15 P asses In te rc e p te d b y 0 45.2 P unts a nd a v e ra g e 3 fo r 29.7 F u m b le s Lost 30 P e n a ltie s a nd Y a r d s 5 fo r 55

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GRAHAM, Tex. (Special) Graham’s Steers slashed 'their horns all Friday night and took advantage of Burkburnett pi­ ties and fumbles to Bulldogs 8-0 in n la v .




Burk Throttles Coleman For

Future Bulldog Strength — Junior Varsity and Freshman Teams

Freshman coaches: David Brewer D ean Karnes

TOP ROW: M ike Nevins, Ja ck Jenkins, Doak M cD onnell, Bruce Sconzert, Tony Landers, Howard Hinkle, M ike Holland, Jim Bob Sprague. MIDDLE ROW: M ax Harwell, Terry Bradley, John Robinson, Gary Ham­ mond, Bob W ilkinson, Tom m y Thornton, Lannie W alker, K eith L ittlejo h n , Joe Nichols, Dennis Sm ith. BOTTOM ROW: Johnny Shink, Larry Sullivan, Jerry Bradley, Johnny Robinette, Robert Nunn, W endell Hobbs, John Emmons, Danny Stevenson.

Junior Varsity: TOP ROW - Coach Car­ penter Billy Wright Robert Prince Robert Cox Steve Taras Jim m y Caudell Rusty Hubbard Richard Cross Charles Reagan Bus­ ter Kennedy Billy Ramsa C oach West MIDDLE ROW - Chuck Shackelford Robert Hicks M ike Abdouch Joe Bryant Butch Wood Rudy Robinson Kevin M iller Allen W ille tt Jim m y Fleeger Bill Z im ­ merman Kenneth Parker BOTTOM ROW - Jim Thornton Kenny Young Je ff Beavers Billy Arthington Alan Sconzert Charles Hicks W illie Sparks Jerry Busby Mark Seay Johnny M itch ell

Cheerleaders Inspire the Bulldogs Their vim and vigor, their lusty | y ells, their enthusiasm (the ingrej dients o f school spirit) inspired tits Bulldogs to m eet any ch allen ge at created the spark o f school spirit i: the hearts o f a ll B, H. S.

Varsity Senior Lettermen

17 graduates — 17 individual contributions to the Bulldogs terminate (le ft to right) Jim m y Cow les, Bobby Van Loh, W allace Robinson; Vernon G oodell, Ronnie Owens, John Carah; Butch M oore, 'Ralph Gum, O liver M cDonald; Dean Thompson, M ike Maddux, Larry Lange; John Gray, David C olem an, Randy C lem en t; C harlie Herring, Phil Seay.


Queen Ann Assumes Reign Over Football At the last pep rally o f the season, Ann Crank, a popular senior, was crowned F ootball Queen. Her M ajesty was se­ lected by the Varsity through secret b a llo t prior to her coro­ nation. T he Queen and her a t­ tendants, Stephanie Slusher and C lover Blum, beam their delight during h a lf-tim e cerem onies.

Capable Coaching Coach Brewer played a double role this year; he not only coached the "B " team , but also worked diligently with the V a rs ity .' Under Coach Carpenter, the Freshmen ob­ tained valuable experience which w ill c e r­ tainly enable them to progress in the follow­ ing years. Under the expert d irection of Coach West, the Varsity won three out o f seven district gam es.

p r

These are the 1 9 6 5 -6 6 varsity basketball players who so ex ce lle n tly represented their school by their skillful playing and good sportsmanship. They are, with the co ach es, co ach David Brewer, John Edwards, B ill Roe, Steve Cosby, Rod Turner, Tony Hodges, and C oach Raymond W est. Four o f the team players were honored in D istrict 3 - AAA. B ill Roe m ade the A ll-D istrict team and David Bruer, Jim m y Owen, and John Edwards received Honorable M ention.


i n

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Ronnie Frields - Senior Letterm an





John Gray, a versatile senior, managed both the "A" and the "B " team s. His pleasing personality and ready assistance were inval­ uable to a ll the players.

Loyal Support for the Bulldog Cagers — The "B " team cheerleaders - Judy Kauer, Nancy W alker, Kris Sm ith, Mary Hromas, and Donna Greer - were always w illing to crea te spirit at the gam es. A fam iliar sight at each gam e was Mr. Reppond faithfully keeping score.

Hours o f hard work in p ractice prepare for the effort put forth in the Bali Gam e The Coach has a word with his team -

Team Desire Wins Games Our Varsity spent many hours of hard work this season preparing for their com ­ petition with area team s. During the gam es, our boys felt the strain and press­ ing tension from their opponents and the excited crowd. Rest was alm ost n il for them , excep t for the occasional tim e­ outs which had to be spent in conference with C oach West. After a tough game however, the team always was gratified by the score.

fB ” Team — Future Varsity Strength «■?»»

us 7

From le ft to right: Ken C url, J e f f Beavers, Roger Johnson, Denny O lm sted, Jim m y F leeg er, George Seeds, Jerry Brown, Rusty Hubbard, Buster Kennedy, Johnny M itch e ll, M ike Abdouch, Sonny Young, John Gray, M anager, C oach David Brewer.

Freshman Team Develop Knowledge, Skill, and Ability.

TOP ROW: Lannie W alker Curtis Kufahl, W endell Hobbs, Robert Nunn, Ricky Kinnard, John Robinson. MIDDLE ROW: Johnny Schenk, Jacky Hubble, David C lem en t, Terry Bradley, Jim Bob Sprague, Larry Su lli­ van, C oach Carpenter. BOTTOM ROW: Max Harwell, Chuck Hub­ bard, Jerry Bradley, Howard Hinkle, Doak M cD onnell.

Highlighting the basketball season, the Varsity chose their queen

Miss Marie Farris


The boys participating on the team were David M ahaffey, Bobby King, Glenn G ilb ert, Jim m y Burton, M ilton Flem ing, Bill Z im ­ m erm an, and Bobby VanLoh.

The girls on the team include Kathy Korpanty, V ickie Ponder C harlotte C ox, C arla Sutherland, and Linda Fisher.

B. H. S. had a new addition to its a th letic program this year with the form ation of a g olf team . The team included Rusty Hubbard, M ike Schroeder, Glenn G ilb ert, Gordon H am lin, Buster Kennedy, Kevin M ille r, Ronnie Owens, Chuck Johnston, and Burns Alexander.

Their co ach was Bob Carpenter.

Our world of honors is a tribute to those students whom the school has acclaim ed the most out­ standing in its society. These honors range from such fields as academics, to citizenship, to so­ cia l honors.

Each individual contribution is

worthy and deserving of the honor which we bestow.


Miss Carol Faulk

MISS B.H.S. 98


A hometown girl receives stu­ dent's highest honor - Miss B. H. S . C arol has given our school four years o f faithful service as a cheerleader - her hope <was never dimmed by setbacks, her energy, never spent by efforts beyond the c a ll o f duty. Membership in the National Honor So ciety ind icates her e x c e lle n c e in a cad em ic endeavors, and this honor attests to the respect and adm iration o f the student body o f B. H. S.

MR. B.H.S.

John Carah, in the span o f two years, has made B . H . S . , his school, He served w ell as a m em ber o f our varsity football te a m , a leader of his senior class as its president, and a m ember of the Student C ouncil. Respected and admired by his class­ m ates and friends, John graciously accep ted their highest honor, Mr.

Mr. John Carah



Miss Ann Crank 1966


Mr. Joe Story

B.H.S. FAVORITES CHARLIE HERRING and PATTI JOHNSON relax at a ta b le overlooking the wishing well in the Trade Winds dining room -



CLASS BEAUTIES Chosen most beautiful from their respective classes; Ann Crank, Senior; Jan Robertson, Junior; C lydette C ox, Sophomore; Kathy Sm ith, Freshman.


CLASS HANDSOMES Chosen most handsome from their respective classes; Joe Story, Senior; Steve M iller, Junior; Rudy Robinson, Sophomore; John Robinson, Freshman

Each class honors its own by choosing a girl and a boy as Class Favorites. A cla ss— the group with whom you are most closely associa te d --th e group with whom you move through high school— the group that perhaps knows you best. Upon co n ­ sideration o f these factors, we re a liz e the sign ifican ce o f the honors o f Class Favorite.

K im Ludeke, Freshman; Mark Seay, Sophomore; Roger Johnson, Junior; C harlie Herring, Senior Favorites stand before an antique drugstore b a ck bar, the focal point in the gam e room o f the Preston hom e.

Peggy Anderson, Junior; Carol Faulk, Senior; pose with Spanish chair in the hom e o f Mrs. Hugh Pres­ ton, Jr.


Carol Davis, Freshman; Koreen Prochnow, Sophom ore, pose beside an antique Spanish Secretary.






Brent W alker, Donna G reer, and George Provence

Peggy Anderson and Randy C lem en t



Linda Hendrix and George Chandler


M AN N ERLY Roger Johnson and Jan ice Bolinger



B ill Roe and Adrienne Davey



John Strayhorn and Linda Hendrix

WHO’S WHO Burkburnett High School 1966




Who's Who - The highest honor paid grad­ uating Seniors by the faculty of Burkburnett High School - Selected on the basis o f schol­ arship, leadership, character, service, and all-around achievem ent - Outstanding in a ll acad em ic areas - Always w illing to expend their tim e and effort for their class and school they are Who's Who o f B. H. S . , and B. H. S. proudly claim s them .



In our world five days of each week are spent in school. The hours of each day are filled with learning experiences which range from homemaking skills to skill on the typewriter.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS, first in line at the concession stand exude authority as graduates and as senior members of the student body - Brent W alker, V ice P r e s .; Dianne Bentley, Reporter; Jan ice Bolinger, S e c. T r e a s .; and John Car ah, President.

Autographs — Seniors ’66 [Special Autograph Page — Courtesy Derrick


jerry austin

kay bedford

m ike barousse

diane bentley

george barker

karen bentley

clover blum

jan ice bolinger

helen brown

beth byars

m elton cash

john carah

george chandler

randy clem ent

larry carter

eddie bumpus

maureen Cleveland

bill cole

david coleman

pedro co llazo

larry cotten

jim m y cowles

ann crank

jim m y

doug danford

nancy davis

todd dougall

dwayne deason

mary duggan

susan decker

johnny dyer

jim e eastman

teresa fisher


wesley ellis

charles fletch er

magdalena eady

ronnie frields

sharon ge liner

ginger giles

m ike glandon

jim m y goins

vernon goodell

m ike grabfelder

john gray

ralph gum

sheri hales


rosalyn h a ll

jod ie hargis

betty hawk

roger hem bree

linda hendrix

carolyn h illis

dennis hobbs

charlie herring


john hastings

ann hodshire

tom holman

donna hud son

m ike humphries

frank hunter

betty jeffreys

randy jenkins

effie johnson

bobby king

11 b


* larry kinnard


john keith

jo e kelsey

suzanne kepler

gary koenig

robert korpanty

nicki kosbau

larry lange

greg lawrence

pat lewis

mike liveh

orval loyd

ben mcdonald

Oliver mcdonald

gunther mcgaha

m ike maddux

c e lia m atlo ck

marsha monson

vicky m artin

charles missman

david mooney

sally m itch e ll

m ickey morren

gwenda morris

diana mullins

wade nickens

c la y norris

judy owens

ronnie owens

verlon parker

Clifford patrick

danny payton



kirby pitm an

Wallace robison

roberta prince

John rochelle

p atricia rogers

p atricia ross

m ike sanders

bob schierm eyer

ricki smith

jeanne smith

phil seay

jam es sparkman

linda spiek

sandra sullivan

kathy varner


david sunderland

bobby vanloh

dean thompson

pete vanwickler

brent walker

dan weathers

teri whelan

je f f w illiam

karen w illiam s

louise william s

bobby woods

m ike woods




m -


■ ■ ■ ■ i l i l i


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JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS - in an u n o fficial cap acity an ticip ate an evening of fun on skates - Judy Pace, V ice P r e s .; Judy Kauer, Reporter; John Strayhorn, P r e s .; Nancy Walker, Reporter.


B e ll, Howard B ell, Paula Bewley, Mark Bilyeu, Linda

Bowles, Judith Breuer, David Brown, Alma Brown, Jan

Bryant, Mary C addell, Jim m y C antrell, Nelda C arroll, Bobby

Cavender, Donald Chandler, Steve C lark, M ike Cobble, G len

C ole, Steven C ollins, Joe Crain, Ronny Crawford, Greg

Cross, Richard Crutchfield, G ail Curl, Ken Davey, Adrianne

D e Los Santos, Joe Dempsey, Sherry Dennis, Brian Dessert, Fred

Dudley, Jerry Duffy, Steve Dyer, Donna Elliot, Toni

Finney, Delores Frye, Shirley Glandon, Mark Gombert, Kerm it

Goodell, Ronald Gowan, Jerry Green, Susan Greer, Donna

Grim es, Bruce H am lin, Gordon Hanks, Terry Harrison, Joy ce

Harrison, Ray Harsh, Jerry Harwell, Gary Hearnsberger, Curtis

Hearnsberger, Wanda Hicks, Charles Hilderman, Mara Hodge, Gene

Hodges, Tony Hoffman, D ale Howard, Gary Hubbard, Rusty

Ivey, Diana Jan ek e, M argaret Jenkins, Sharon Johnson, Larry

Johnson, Roger Johnson, Patti Johnstone, Charles Kaiser, Shelly

Karr, Sandra Kauer, Judy Kennedy, Buster Keyes, Chris

Kiesling, Phyllis King, Sandra Kinnett, DeWayne K lem , Alan

Lambert, Linda La Rose, Conni Leech, Caryl Leech, Richard

Lewis, Kay Linnell, Benita Logan, Candy Lynch, Lynn

M ahaffy, David M aloney, Sharon M arcellin o, Sandy Mash, Becky


M asorti, Wanda Mayberry, Virginia McBride, Brenda M cCandless, D ick

McCrary, Suzy M cD aniel, Bob McDonald, Sylvia M cjunkin, Jim

M cM ullen, Johnny M ercer, Pat M iller, Stephen Moore, Rita

M orine, Randy Morrow, Wayne M otz, Brad Murray, Jo E.

Nickens, Judy Oakley, M ich ael Olmsted, Jim m y Ooten, Jody

Owens, Jim m y P ace, Judy P acheco, P atricia Parker, Kenneth

Peters, Marilyn Potts, Loretta Prescott, Larry Price, Barbara

Priester, Sue Quick, Pete Raitz, Kenneth Reagan, Charles

Renfro, Dan Renfro, Lavell Richards, Deborah Robertson, Jan

Roe, B ill Schanlaub, Ronald Schintker, Donnie Schroeder, M arc

Seeds, George Shackleford, Charles Slusher, Stephanie Slayden, Fred

Sm ith, Sm ith, Sm ith, Stever,

Hubert Jerry Kristen M ike

Stin e, Brenda Strayhorn, John Sykes, Don Sykes, Katherine D.

Sykes, K athleen Taras, Steven Tarver, Robbie Thaxton, Tom m y

Thompson, Danny Throgmorton, Peggy Turner, Rodney VanDoren, Darlene

Walker, Nancy Wall, Joanna Wussow, Bob W elter, John

Wood, Pete Woods, Gary Wright, Billy Young, Donna

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS - present a form idable team - both as bowlers and as class leaders Koreen Prochnow, P re s .; John Edwards, V ic e Pres. ; Bonnie Lanig, S e c. - T r e a s .; and Candy Monson, Reporter.


M ike Abdouch Barbara Adolphous Burns Alexander Jim m y Anderson Mary Anderson

B ill Arthington Linda Balkham Roger Bangs Sheena Bearden Donna Beasley Je ff Beavers

Doris Bedford Billy Beeman Richard Bell Louise Bentley Nancy Benson Ann Beavers

B ill Black Paula Bridges JoAnn Bohannan M ike Briles Jerry Brown Virginia Brown

K eith Bruce Joe Bryant P atricia Bryant Jim m y Burton Ronald Butcher Jerry Busby

M elba C antrell M ich ael C atlin Judy Chaplin M ike Cleveland Hector C ollazo Ja n ice Cozby

Steve Cozby Danny Cotten Terry Cowles Charlotte Cox C lydette Cox Robert Cox

Elaine Crouse Neil Cummings Russell Dark M elvin Davis Connie D ecker

John Derrow Tommy D ickey Jerry D ilbeck John Edwards Karry E lliot Betty Farrell

Brad Featherston Linda Fisher Linda Fisher Jim m y Fleeger Evelyn Fletcher M ich ael Fore

"Robert Fowler Sierra Frields Eddie Gann Sheri Garland Glenn G ilbert G ail G ilchrist

Phyllis Glover M argie Green Lynne Hamlin Barbara Hawk Pat Hayden Bill Hendrix

Billy Hibbs C harlie Hicks Robert Hicks Jonathan H ill Amy Hillis Sherry Hobbs

Mykel Hodges Carlene Holland Diane Holland Sharon Holman Mary Hromas Charlotte Huffstedtler

Bill Jeffreys Karen Johnson Sheri Johnson Lynne K elley Tommy Key

David King Barbara Koenig Kathryn Korpanty Treva Ladd Bonnie Lanig Susan Leitner

Randy Leonard Ellene Lester Doretha Lewis C arol Lewis Mary H ellen Lewis Rhonda Lindsay

Bonnie Lokey M ich ael Loyd Robert Lucier U lana Ludeke D ebbie Lynch Kenneth M ahaffey

Ja n ice Maney Sh iela Marcum Shirley M artin Ja ck M cC allom Laura McCandless Don McCurnin

Don McDonald Larry M cDonnell Lance Merchant Karen M etz Kevin M iller Johnny M itch ell

Linda M itch ell C athleen Mitscher Candy Monson A lice Moon Lola Musgrave

V icki Nix Wesley Noggle Richard Nulepka Bill Nutgrass Shirley Oliver

Ja ck Pace Marcus Pace John Page Sara Patrick Kathy Pendergrass Lowry Perry

Bobby Peters V icki Ponder Jere Porter Sheri Powell Jo a n e lle Price Robert Prince

Koreen Prochnow Kathy Reed Kenny Roberts Rudy Robinson Kathy Robison Kathy Savage

M ike Schroder Allen Sconzert Mark Seay Daryl Siefkas Raylette Simmons Ja n ice Sloan

Jacquelyn Smith Paula Snell W illie Sparks Bobby Spurgeon Harrell Steele Joy Stockstill

Cheryl Stubblefield Don Sunderland C arla Sutherland Diana Swan Connie Swinford


Becky Tarver Tom Taton Theresa Thompson Jim Thornton Pam Throgmorton

Rusty Todd M artin Trones Neal Tullis Connie Varner Nancy VanDoren Eddie V iavattene

Jan Vincent Carol W all Linda Ward Donna Warren Jim Bob W elch D iane Werner

Barbara West Rhonda Whigham A llen W illet Leslie W illiam s Butch Wood M ari Woolsey

Sarah Wright Pam Wyrtzen Kenny Young Roberta Young Sharon Z elina B ill Zim m erm an


FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS, clim b atop the old tank in the park for photograph.

Martha Lokey, V ice

P re s .; Kim Ludeke, P r e s .; Shannon Norman, S e c. - T r e a s .; and Nancy G iles, Reporter.

Dorothy Akin Carolyn Albin Patti Alford Sandy Anderson Karen Austin Judy Barns

David Barnwell Richard Barrow D iana Beaver Clifford Beavers Bill Bedford Cathy Bell

D ebbie Biggs M arilyn Bilyeu Glenda Bizet Nancy Bolden G ail Bookout

Johnny Bookout Jerry Bradley Terry Bradley Sherry Brantley Donna Bridges Tony Brock

Francis Broom George Brown V ick i Brown Ja ck Bmno Gary Bujak Gary Burton

Susan Busby John Butler Carolyn Cash Voyn Chadwick Jam es Chambers Ronald Chatham

David C lem ent Richard C lem m er M artin C lendaniel Fredreisa Codner G enevieve Collins Je ff Cornier

Harold Cox Connie Crabtree

Ray D arrow Carol Davis Kenneth Dempsey Peggy Dessert Sharon D ial G loria D ickey

Nelda Dickens Kathy Dodd Patty Dodd Terry Dougall Bruce Duggan P atti Durham

Patrick Edmonds Larry Egenbacher Dorothy Ellis John Emmonds Steve Englehardt Sam England

M ike Evans Loretta Fairclough Robbie Faulk M ilton Flem ming Cynthia Freeman Eddie Frye

D enece Garrett Henry Giddens Gay G ilbert Nancy Giles Joy ce Gilmore Nancy Gowan

Gary Hammond W endell Gray Bobby Griffith Bill Grimes Bob Hales Butch Halverson

Elaine Hanks Robert Hardy Max Harwell Evelyn Hibbs Pearly Hicks Howard Hinkle

Susan Hobbs Wendell Hobbs


D ebbie Hoffman M ike Holland Joe Homola Ja n ice Howard Chuck Hubbard Ja ck ie Hubble

Jody Italian Brenda Ivey Wade Jackson Ja ck Jenkins C arol Johnson Herbert Johnson

Sharon Johnson Brenda Jones Robert K eene Ja n ice Keyes Ricky Kinnard Charles Klinkerm an

K athleen Kohler M arilyn Koons Sue Loffler Tony Landers Lynn Landrum Linda Lanning

Susan Lint K eith L ittlejohn M artha Lokey Kim Ludeke Norman M anley Jo e M artin

Linda Masorti John M cBride Dan M cD ivett Tom McCoy Doak McDonald Linda Meyers

Pam M erchant M ich elle Morley Brenda Morris Linda Morris Ricky Morris Gary Mullins

Tmdy Murphy Kathy Musgrave


M ike Nevins Gary Newkirk Jo e Nichols Shannon Norman Tex Northrip Robert Nunn

Judy Ogden Kathy Owen Dana Owens David Pace Marsha Pace April Parks

Shelly Parrack Mary Payne Gary Peters M arcia Pettke Sandra P ickett Charles Pittman

M arlene Pool A lice Price Charles Price Cristy Prieve Ola Puder Noreen Quirk

Nikki Radanovic Billy Ramsa Carol Rasberiy Claudia Richards Larry Rickets Dwayne Roberts

Johnny Robinette John Robinson David Ruckman Irene Sanders Pam Sawyer Johnny Schneck

Roy Schufft Brace Sconzert Linda Shelton Lyn Simpson Steve Slusher Debbie Sm all

Charles Smith Dennis Smith Kathy Smith

Patti Smith Richard Smith Roy Sparkman Jim Bob Sprague Ja n ice Stafford Danny Stephenson

Jim Stone M ike Storti David Strayhorn V ick i Strother Larry Sullivan D iane Svien

Pam Swan Scott Tarras Patty Thomas Tom m y Thorton D ick T igrett Steve Tillm an

Lannie W alker Larry Ward V ic k ie Watkins Craig W hite Bobby Wilkinson P atricia W est

Sonya W ilhelm Dana W illiam s Donna W illiam s Kathy W illiam s A licia Woods G ail Wright

Judy Wright

Message From the Editor and Assistant Editor Our last year at BHS has been one filled with many experiences which we shall never forget. The joys, the sorrows, the fun, and hard work— these are all parts of our memories. It is these memories which we have tried to preserve for you in the '66 DERRICK. We hope that this annual w ill becom e one of your most prized possessions and that you may look back over its pages and remember the good old days at BHS. In a short tim e the DERRICK w ill lose its immediate appeal. In a short time, too, it will serve as some adult's key to reminiscence. As remembrance is a yearbook’s purpose, the DERRICK serves well only if it causes readers to remember Burkburnett High School, 1965-1966. Sincerely,


Assistant Editor



(How to Fill Five Pages the Night Before Deadline)

You volunteered the Student C ouncil to sponsor what?

About this (*d@

Who the Blazes do you think is running this show !! ! 156

) delay in production, Students!

’ They don't have one on this b u s.'

"P lease excuse a ll students that ride Bus 7"

B. R ., " I would lik e to express my opinion o f your aluminum f o i l . "

If you don't le t m e out o f here I 'l l sick my Big Brother, John M ark, on y o u !!

Two Bits?

" O .K . , G irls, get ready, h e’s going to take the picture any minute now.


It just so happens I do have a b o ttle .

Sin ce when does the Student Council charge 450 for a Coke?

Real Gusto in a great light b eer!

T he Thinker!

This picture is not blurred, YOU have been drinking!

"By day - a m ild mannered teach er for a great m etropolitan school - by n ig h t. . . We work so hard.

Cheerleaders never d ie, they just fade away.

O llie - and friends


Go - Greg - Go



I am being chased by a c a t.

Look, - Look, - See - the - dog . . .


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A T r e a s u r e of Value


*^^^W u:hita F a lls ,

900 S c o t t and P a r k e r S q u a r e W ic h it a F a l l s


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Congratulations Seniors

- BURKBURNETT HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT COUNCIL P resid en t - George P rovence V i c e - P r e s i d e n t - R o g e r Johnson S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r - Sally M itchell Corresponding Sec. - R ep o rte r Donna G r e e r Chap lai n - Donna Hudson P arliam entarian - Jim m y C reel

owens - b r u m l e y f u n e r a l home



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CORNELIUS INSURANCE 703 South B e r r y 569-3498



911 Indiana Wichita F a l l s , T e x a s


40 7 South A v e . D 569-1851 Burkburnett, Texas

BUCHANAN’S STATIONERY COMPANY 816 Scott W ichita F a lls Texas


" A W o r l d of F a sh io n" Out of th is W orld! 900 Indiana 766-4341 Wichita F a l l s



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319 A v e . C 569-2691

314 E a s t Third Burkburnett


BENNIE’S DRESS SHOP WINSTON F R E E M A N C o - O w n e r and M a n a g e r 215 E a s t 3rd S t . 569-2441 Burkburnett, T ex as PAYTON COZBY PLUM BING RUTH B E R R Y W A T E R P UMPS C O Z B Y B R O S . F E E D AND S U P P L Y C o m p l e t e S t o c k of F e e d s TH E HORSEMAN'S B A R T e x T a n of Yo kum W e s t e r n S a d d le s Burkburnett, Texas

Sportswear Dres ses Lingerie F oundations

312 E a s t T h i r d 569-1861

R e d R o s e s f o r a L o v e l y Queen F o o t b a l l Qu een, Ann C r a n k , and A t t e n d a n t s C o u r t e s y of

BURK FLORISTS " W e Do C o m p l e t e C a t e r i n g "

Phone: 569-3661 if No A n s w e r C a l l 5 6 9 - 3 6 3 5

104 E a s t T h i r d Burkburnett, T ex as

"Frien d ly D rive-In Service, Too"

THE BURKBURNETT BANK M e m b e r of the F e d e r a l D e p o s i t I n s u r a n c e C o r p o r a t i o n





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Burkburnett, T exas

Phone 569-3381




--------- n----


JOHN PAGE 203 E a s t M a in

W h o l e s a l e and R e t a i l

569-3121 Burkburnett

W ichita F a l l s





S e r v i c e Is Our Specialty-

L i c e n s e d and Bo nded Complete E l e c t r i c a l S e rv ic e F r e e Estim ates Residential - C o m m ercial 104 L i n d e n


4 1 8 South Av e. D Phone: 5 6 9 -8 1 0 8 Burk

Burkburnett, T exas

WACKERS " Y o u r d o l l a r buys m o r e at yo u r W a c k e r s t o r e . " 4 1 6 South Ave. D. Burkburnett





Burkburnett, T exas

SLOAN’S RESTAURANT Open 24 H o u r s Din e in the D e r r i c k R o o m O k la h o m a Cutoff



D resses

CLEMENT’S FASHIONS 406 E a s t Fourth



F oundations P a rk e r Plaza

569-2731 Burk

A ccessories


m r



A c r o s s F r o m P o s t Office Owner - G E N E C. A L L E N

G E O R G E AND M I L D R E D 308 M a i n S t r e e t - 5 6 9 - 2 7 7 1 Burkburnett, T ex a s

F o r C om fort - F o r Durability F or St y le


HARLAN MULLINS BUTANE CO. P r o p a n e - Bu ta ne E v e r y t h i n g in L . P . Ga s C a r b u r e t i o n s

200 E a s t 3r d 569-3112 Burkburnett

Burkburnett, Texas O ff ic e - 5 6 9 - 1 8 1 1 Hom e - 5 6 9 - 2 0 8 8

Congratulations ! Graduate s

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R esid ential - C o m m e r c ia l - Industrial


24 Hour R a d io C o n t r o l l e d T r u c k s at Y o u r S e r v i c e

WILKINS ELECTRIC WIRIN G AND R E P A I R S C. E . W IL K IN S 1308 S h e p p a r d D r . P hon e 5 6 9 - 3 1 1 7 , Night P ho ne 5 6 9 - 1 0 9 4 Burkburnett, Texas

G e n e r a l A u t o m o t iv e R e p a i r W o rk B u s. Pho. R e s . Pho. 569-1841 569-2170 4 0 3 E a s t 3r d St.


KINNETT’S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION A ll W o r k G u a r a n t e e d


P ho ne - 5 6 9 —813 J R e s . Ph. 569-1532 803 E a s t 3r d Burkburnett

LLOYD CLEMMER LUMBER COMPANY P ho ne 5 6 9 - 2 9 1 1

Okla. Cutoff

Reasonable P r ic e s Burkburnett, T exas


1101 W i c h i t a Highway 569-8139 Burkburnett


DIXIE DRIVE INN A c r o s s F r o m Old High S c h o o l Special School R ates School Children Welcom e Owned and O p e ra t e d by S H I R L E Y AND L U L A S M I T H

ROARK OFFICE SUPPLY Now H o m e - O w n e d

305 1/2 E a s t T h i r d Phone 56 9-37 41


Burkburnett, Tex.

BURKBURNETT STAR Congratulations, " L i k e d by m a n y , c u s s e d by s o m e , r e a d by e v e r y b o d y . " | H A R R Y C. DODSON Owner and E d i t o r

G r a d u a t e s of-


jt &

e m

y |

C o u r t e s y of


C om m ercial P rin ters and P u b l i s h e r s




569-2851 L i f e i n s u r a n c e is the only p r o p e r t y w h ic h a p e r s o n c a n buy that wi ll r e ­ m o v e the w o rd s I F , WHEN, and M A Y B E , and r e p l a c e t h e m with the word G U A R A N T E E D ! !

B A R B A R A M Y E R S - Owner




PAUL BROWN TAILOR F u r Work T ux ed o R e n t a l



223 E a s t 3 r d - 5 6 9 - 3 3 9 1 - B u r k b u r n e t t

813 1/2 S c o t t Ave. 723-9739 W ichita F a l l s , T ex as

B e s t W ish e s, Graduates




4 1 6 Av e . C

1310 B e v e r l y L o o p 569-2954 A i r Cond itioning and D u c t W o r k



i OE


AND I 06

net w°p

1001 S c o t t W ichita F a l l s

P ho ne 766-4335

Burkburnett, T ex as

TWILITE INN MOTEL RED RIVER SERVICE C o m p l e t e Auto S e r v i c e HAROLD LIND SEY P ho ne 5 6 9 - 3 9 1 2 91 8 W i c h i t a Hwy. R e s . Pho. 5 6 9 - 3 7 5 4 Burkburnett, T ex as

(Home of R e s t f u l Living) 1 B l o c k E a s t of E x p r e s s w a y Burkburnett, T ex as

You’ve passed an important milestone in life and are ready for the challenges of the years ahead. Whatever the future may hold for you, you can depend on me to help you work better and live b etter. .. electrically!






218 1/2 E . 3r d 569-3691 Burkburnett D O R O T H Y AND R E I D M c C A N D L E S S 219 E a s t M a in , 5 6 9 - 8 1 4 9 , B u r k b u r n e t t

C o u r t e s y of the O N TGOM ERY

WARD ATHLETIC CLUB Burkburnett, T exas

CATALOGUE SA LES AGENCY JOHN N Y AND O L E T H A H ER R IN G Owne r s P ho ne 5 6 9 - 2 7 1 1 201 E . M a i n S t r e e t Burkburnett, Texas

320 E . 3 r d




LOISE BEAN, REALTOR Qu alit y M e r c h a n d i s e at Lo w P r i c e s

Sales - - P ro p e rty Management P hon e 5 6 9 - 2 3 2 1 Res. 569-3986

W E L D O N NIX, Owner

W i c h i t a F a l l s Hiway Burkburnett, Texas

HENRY’S BAKERY " O u r S u c c e s s Is M e a s u r e d by S a t i s f i e d C u s t o m e r s "


I 8R£AD ^ ^ ^ y jP A S T R I^ S ^

313 M a in St. 569-3201

R e a l E s t a t e -----I n s u r a n c e ------ L o a n s Burkburnett, Texas II




£x<$ut&Cte p&cvetry MANHATTAN " B u rk b u rn ett's Complete S to re "

218 E.



P ho ne 5 6 9 - 3 7 2 1


Burkburnett, T exas


310 E a s t T h i r d


BURK CLEANERS CjVfiftfycleaning

P r o f e s s i o n a l and C o i n - o p . C le an in g 90 9 S h e p p a r d Rd. Burkburnett, T exas

305 E . 2nd 569-2411


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