Burkburnett High School Yearbook Derrick 1974

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-Editor . .........................................................

. . . * Kris A aron

Asst. E d it o r ..................................................

. . . ‘ Susie Dennis

Features Editor . . .

. . . . . . .-. . ... . . . .

. . ‘ Shelly M oore

In vo lve m e n t.......... .. . . . .................... ..; .:

. ‘ Shelly M oore, Jan Lindsey, Sue Ann Hutchison . . ‘ Karen Paulsen, Kim Ridgway, Patti Scobee

Fellowship and R e co g nitio n ............... Com petition ....................


. . ‘ Sherry Key, M a rty Hudson

G u id a n ce .......................................................


Friendship and Community ..................

. . . * Kris A a ro n , * Susie Dennis

P h o to g ra p h y .............................................



‘ Second Year Members

. ‘ Stacy M uller, G a y Blackney

. . ‘ Lynn Ralston, Tom W atkins, Carolyn Nicholas

1974 DERRICK Volume XXXIV Burkburnett High School Burkburnett, Texas

In years to come, as I look back, how will I remember? W ill I remember the year as it was or as I had wished it to be? W ill I remember only the happy times or the disappointments we also shared?

2 — Opening

Opening — 3

4 — Opening

Opening — 5

Did I utilize the days and the months to form lasting friendships with others? O r will the experiences we shared be lost forever with the closing of a book, never to be of benefit to me in a more serious later life?

6 — Opening


Will I recall the good times of shared laughter that came from such simple things as having a coke or enjoying the fresh Spring sun? W as I alone or was I a real part of them? W hat will I remember?

Opening — 9

10 — Involvement


Involvem ent— 11

The early morning confusion and excitement had begun even before the day was officially underway. There's always that last minute cramming for a first hour test, breakfast in the cafeteria, the sounds of friends gathering for bits of the latest gossip, or just preparing ourselves for the long day ahead.

(2 )

12 — Involvement

(1) Motorcycles show one method o f getting to school. (2) For some bus students it's a long sleepy ride to school. (3) Kevin Collier rushes to first hour. (4) A student gets started on a busy day. (5) The early morning is a good time fo r a friendly card game. (6) A bus student waits fo r a friend. (7) Laura Bloodworth and Liz Greene stay busy in the school store.

Involvement — 13

As the first bell of the morning rang, we could hear the clanging of locker doors slamming, and the mad rush to classes. Teachers began their lectures and we took what seemed to be endless hours of notes — but we always welcomed assemblies as a break from the monotony of the morning. And as the morning classes ate away the hour, we found that it wasn't long before lunch time. (1)

(2 )

14 — Involvement

(6 )

(1) A lan Cole and Dave Neuman prepare themselves fo r a long day. (2) Students at B.H.S. work tow ard academic grades. (3) Doug Schneider reveals his qualifications fo r Student Council. (4) M ike Tugman shows his interest in Chemistry. (5) Seniors meet fo r their last class elections. (6) M r. D arland welcomes freshmen/ new students/ and teachers a t first assembly. (7) Dennis Barnes proves that school isn't all work.

Involvement — 15

Lunch rarely began with the sound of a bell; instead, a hollow feeling started devouring us sometime in mid-morning, and by 1 1 :35 we were all hot for a break and a cool coke. While some waited in the seemingly endless line for a “ Gourmet” meal, others fled to the local hangout, seeking a relief from the studious atmosphere. Without realizing it, the lunch time slipped by and the bell found us still studying, gossiping, eating, or catching up on last week's sleep.

(2 )


16 — Involvement

Involvement — 17

After lunch we often found it hard to resume our studies. Only the interruptions of newspaper deliveries, campus clean-up, and that exciting “ BHS News� broke into the sometimes boring afternoon classes. While some students concentrated on increasing their mental aptitudes, others developed their skills through on-the-job training. But overall, the clock seemed to be the center of attention, as our ears strained for the 3 :3 0 bell.

(2 )

18 — Involvement

(5) (1) Jeanette G oodnow and M aria Bradberry w ork on physics lab. (2) The SPIRIT S taff get papers ready fo r delivery. (3) Janel Plake improves her typing ability. (4) Students w ork to keep campus clean. (5) Dennis Barnes and David Phillips take pride in our school. (6) Students enjoy break from fourth hour class.

Involvement — 19

What’s the good word? And we all descended on the gym, filling the halls with clamor and music. Arriving on the monstrous basketball court, we packed the walls with our enthusiasm, class yells, and rousing cheers* From the first wishes of good luck through the infectious frenzy of "Horse,” we created dreams of glory and celebrated the hour of victory* Momentarily, the prayer and Alma Mater subdued our zeal, but then our voices rose again to reverberate the sign-papered corridors of B.H.S.

(2 )

20 — Involvement

(1) Students sing Alm a M ater a t pep rally. (2) Football players concentrate on upcoming game. (3) Varsity cheerleaders lead school spirit. (4) Bimbo Davis prepares pep talk. (5) Jay Lippard pauses fo r a silent moment o f prayer. (6) B.H.S. students back the Bulldogs. (7) Senior players are introduced at pep rally.

Involvement — 21


After slaving to the teachers' wishes throughout the day, we found a variety of ways to spend our free time. When our athletes practiced for the night's big game, others spent time and energy making signs and hanging them in the school corridors. Some of the more active students worked for much needed money, while others found a more peaceful w ay to spend the afternoon.

22 — Involvement

I' W 1


(5) (1) David Phillips works hard during practice. (2) To raise spirit, students hang signs in the main hall. (3) Bulldogs prepare fo r the big season ahead. (4) Brent Spires learns about the business w orld. (5) Terrye Shields works a t her part-time job. (6) G ail Cullison and Linda W atts enthusiastically support the Bulldogs.


Class time was important, but many students learned much during free time. The social hours, encompassing events such as football and basketball games, the bon-fire, and the old game of dating, offered us a chance to learn about ourselves and each other. Each learned from the people with whom he associated. M any times we found ourselves questioning whether our true education came in the classroom or in the outside world where excitement and enthusiasm were the tradition and boredom was the rarity.

24 — Involvement

(1) Larry M artin struggles to get tip-off against Childress. (2) Jimmy Koulovatos and Paul Taylor w ait fo r their chance a t the ball. (3) Bulldogs make 2. (4) Bulldogs rip onto field against Duncan. (5) Larry M artin and Liz Shipp silently w alk o ff field after defeat. (6) Curtis W illiams joins the huddle o f victory. (7) Bulldog spirit ready to be set afire. (8) Dwight C aldwell cautiously ignites bon-fire. (9) "N o w , when your team is hot as fire . . . "

Involvement — 25

Alumni, Student Council, or Student Body? N o one really knew who began working on Homecoming first, but complaints naturally circulated that it started too early. Yet on that last night, everyone was wide awake helping his class create what he hoped would be the winning float. In the meantime, we kept busy doing homework, studying for 6-weeks tests, getting dates, and completing plans. October 12 dawned in a dismal downpour, complicated by the running crepe-paper colors on our hands. In the morning drizzle, the haiftime ceremonies rehearsed, Jr. girls delivered mums, and the rest of us slept our way through the academic outlets of our lives.

(2 )

26 — Involvement

(5) (1) Freshmen gain experience on their first float. (2) Dee Dee W atkins tries to improve the Junior floa t. (3) G ail Cullison and Dwight Caldwell practice fo r halftim e activities. (4) Rain did not stop our halftime preparations. (5) Joe Lay busily makes flowers fo r the Freshman float. (6) June Hunter, escorted by M ark Cummings, was Junior princess.

Involvement — 27

To have a parade or not to? Until about an hour before the set time, no one seemed to know the answer, but suddenly the unmerciful drizzle subsided, and a motley assemblage congregated at the starting point, eager to alter the dampened spirits. At 2 :30 the noisy machine began to roll, provoked by the blaring horns, smiling girls, and cheering crowds. Each block created its own memory; the roar as the class floats passed, the bright eyes of the children, and the anticipation at the judges stand. As the final vehicle returned to school, we trudged homeward, grateful for the sunshine and a few moments' rest, while dreaming of the night’s festivities. ( 1)

(4 ) 28 — Involvement

(7) (1) Libby Rogers rides winning floa t. (2) Dena Masters, Princess, and Denita A llen, Queen, ride Building Trades flo a t. (3) D. E. students show spirit in Homecoming parade. (4) Homecoming Queen nominees ride Senior floa t. (5) Robert Felfy looks forw ard to the judging. (6) Building Trades students show their enthusiasm fo r Homecoming. (7) Becky Tate decorates F.T.A. car fo r parade. (8) Juniors wave to crowd.

Involvement — 29

Anticipating the winning float, Queen, and team, we arrived at the game dressed in new clothes, adorned with mums and wearing radiant smiles; nothing could go wrong. All the alumni somehow looked different, and yet familiar, as they waved at old classmates, and reminisced of days gone by. The chilling mist sharpened some’s jubilation and sheltered others’ humiliation as the winning floats were announced. But spirits cleared up as the Band performed “ Cherish” and Shelly Moore, Homecoming Queen, was presented with her radiant court. Fiery spirits greeted the returning team b u t. . . Despite valiant efforts the final score initiated tears. As the field lights dissolved into the vapor, Homecoming and its emotions became memories. ( 1)

30 — Involvement

(1) Eva M ataska/ a Queen nominee, is escorted by G riff Klinkerman. (2) Shelly M oore is announced Homecoming Queen. (3) Karen Paulson awaits naming o f Queen. (4) Pep Club cheers on Homecoming game. (5) Players rest on sideline.

Involvement — 31

Ya 77 come!! And did they ever! Trailers, trucks, wagons, cars, people, and most important — them CRITTERS! The Junior Livestock Show, an annual event sponsored by the Vocational Agriculture Department, gave interested students an opportunity to display projects that had consumed months of time, energy, and money. As the day climaxed with the judges' decisions, many ecstatic young agronomers beamingly escorted their prize pets homeward, leaving the others mentally preparing for next year’s show.


32 — Involvement

(1) V oAg students discuss stock show. (2) Jimmy Boswell and Delmer G oode enjoy a coke during judging. (3) G riff Klinkerman prepares his pig fo r showing. (4) Keith Dolan and Craig Yoder view livestock. (5) Drew Ford takes a break before sheep judging. (6) Liz Burt and Kathy Crowder groom w hat they hope w ill be the prize steer. (7) David W eatherred displays his contribution to the stock show.

Involvement — 33

Valen tin e ’s Day, that special time when love abounds and wounds fade away, brought fresh smiles, hopes, and meanings as Presentation '7 4 arrived. For the Derrick Staff, sponsors of the event, the day really began months earlier with the organizing of plans, ideas, and possible dates. In December the student body began voicing its opinions and expectations by voting on two separate ballots, thus nominating three possible candidates for each category. Practice two nights prior to the Day found everyone anxious, excited, and confused. As final preparations climaxed decorating to the theme of “To Love Somebody,” setting up the stage and countless chairs, and envisioning the Night of Recognition — butterflies stormed the stomach and nerves ran the gauntlet.

(4) 34 — Involvement

(2 )

(1) Lynn Leonard and David Robinson enjoy Presentation practice. (2) Benny W ilkinson and Bimbo Davis review program. (3) Karen Paulsen is optimistic about stage decorating. (4) Senior favorite nominees practice fo r the big night. (5) Shelly M oore worked hard on decorations. (6) Mrs. M cN abb and Sue Ann Hutchison work on final preparations. (7) Stacy M uller is prepared fo r the big night ahead. (8) Sherry Key keeps practice under control. (9) G ay Blackney cannot believe her ears about record ticket sales.

Involvement — 35

It finally arrived amidst a flurry of corsages, tears, and parents. The program began, blood pressures rose, and the finalists found their places in line. Nothing calmed down after the emcees announced the first winners; although the entertainment, all worthy of professional status, succeeded in tying the production into a delightful evening, it failed to simmer the worries of such things as tripping over hems, feet, and steps. As is only natural, the program's final moments, including the naming of Mr. and Miss BHS, came-too suddenly, and it was all over, leaving only tokens, ribbons, and fading flowers, but in their hearts each of the participants carried an understanding of what it meant “To Love Somebody.”

■M uci W Sm f M i l |

( 1)



36 — Involvement

(2 )

(7) (1) Cynthia Sullivan and M ike G uthrie perform "M y Sweet Lady." (2) G ail Cullison and Chris Strayhorn were nominees fo r Senior favorites. (3) Dee Dee W atkins and M ike Dye are excited after winning Junior class honors. (4) Christy Cox pleases the audience with her singing. (5) Larry Johnson and Pam DeVille portray our theme "T o Love S om ebody." (6) Kim Ridgway shows excitement a fter winning Junior class favorite. (7) Shelly M oore and Sherry Key act as Mistresses o f Ceremony. (8) Joyce Bodine and Terry W aller show that they are "b e st dressed."

Involvement — 37

Music, salad, and talent highlighted the BHS Drama Department's annual Salad Dinner Theater as they presented the Broadway hit “ The Apple Tree.” The trilogy, consisting of “The Diary of Adam and Eve,” “ Lady or the Tiger,” and "Passionella,” opened as a much talked about success despite numerous cast and crew difficulties. Following the delicious meal and evening music, the crowds enjoyed each studentdirected production, noting that the BHS Thespians had taken a giant step of progress. Broadway, get ready!

38 — Involvement

Involvement — 39

After a long week of lectures, homework, and bells, everyone was ready for the weekend. W e usually began planning Saturday's agenda on Monday; by W ednesday, the classroom atmosphere was unbearable; and by Friday, our whole bodies seemed to explode. Ah, the Weekend!

(2 )


4 0 — Involvement


(1) S aturday a t the park . . . (2) Tracey Janeke spends her free time riding her bike. (3) Joyce Bodine and Kathy Chaney prove that friendship makes you happy. (4) Freshmen spend weekend washing Senior cars. (5) G ayla W heeler and Kam Schroeder find time fo r a break during the monotonous weekend. (6) Church provides place fo r worship.

Involvement — 41

Sa turday morning’s alarm never seemed to cooperate with our desires. Snuggled up in bed, we reviewed the holiday's schedule, relishing the many opportunities of simply being ourselves. O f course, the routine could not be described as glamorous, far from it, in fact; there was the car to be washed, shopping to be done, and schedules to be met. Occasionally, we spent the day preparing for a date with someone special, always arriving home a little later than expected. On those occasions, Sunday morning and worship service came too early, causing us to sleep the remainder of the day. After a futile attempt at completing homework assignments, we fell back into our beds, set the alarms, and dreaded the next five days.

42 — Involvement


(1) Steve Hoover works at local grocery store. (2) Ray M o ody enjoys an after school job. (3) Evelyn Smith and Phillip January spend an afternoon a t the park. (4) High school students? (5) M a rta Gibosn and Janet Slusher look through a selection o f cards while shopping.

Involvement — 43



Fellowship — 45

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Duncan Brown rated "a ll-s ta te ” fo r 2nd

4 6 — Fellowship

Long, hard w ork goes into the perfecting o f precision drills.

Band practice, although requiring long hours and seeming futile at times, proved both productive and worthwhile over and over before the year ended. Playing songs at pep rallies, marching during halftimes, and rating " 1 ” at contest — these treasured highlights came only after overexposure to the hot August sun and cold November winds. As a result, the band and its special way of stimulating spirit captured the hearts of the community and BHS. (ftIC E R S : (I. to r.) V icky G ibson, Secretary; Chris S trayhorn, President; Jan Y arbro, Sweetheart; Duncan Brown I Rflorter; G regg Swaim, Vice President.




Fellowship — 4 7

Majorettes March With Smiles of Spirit

■■ l l I I I U X

Candi G oettm an, Sr.; Joyce Halverson, Sr.; D anita Roberts, S oph.; Laura B loodw orth, Jr.; Liz Greene, Jr.; Lee A nn Thomas, Jr.; Stacy M uller, Drum M a jo r, Sr.; C athy Thomas, Soph.

Laura, C athy, and Danita keep warm during a fo o tb a ll game.

48 — Fellowship

Joyce and Candi enjoy a joke together.

Choir Grows to Record Size

jjfC E R S ; M ark Rogers, Vice-President; Becky Farney, Reporter; Dave Schroeder, President; Barbara Ramsey, H L ta n f Librarian; Robin W alton , Reporter; Rachel M cD onald, Librarian; Robin W am pler, Pianist.

Robin W alton gave an inspirational reading o f the Christmas Story.

^ n h o n d a A ustin, Cindy O den, M arilyn Hocker, Beverly Slaton, Cassie H ardy, A ndrea O rm an, Donna Creekmore, Janel Bowers, Cindy Hagan, M illie G uerrero, Beverly ISrtp, Theresa Hassell, Debbie Rogers, Barbara W ebb, Nancy M alone, Robin W am pler. 2nd: Lannie M alone, Renee Newcom b, A nita Plumley, Diane M cD uffey, Kathy Fidelio, IJ Judy M alone, Debbie Binion, Rosalie Smith, Priscilla Smith, M a ry Cox, Barbara Ramsey, Bummy Smith, Paula Linker, Susan Brooks, Joyce Halverson, M argaret P f r Kathy ^ Connor. 3rd: Jean Johnson, Beth N apier, Yvonne G eorge, M elvin A lla n, Bruce Hagstrom, Neil Taylor, Diane Hassell, Debbie Upchurch, Rachel McDonald, Jack *U|rd, Becky Farney, Dana James, Becky Tate, Debbie Slaton, Penny Linker, Dodie W illiam son, C ynthia Sullivan, Denise Bowers. 4th: Robin W alton, Steve Hodges, Dale ! f | f Chuck Hardin9 / M ark Rogers, Bart N eher, G regg Eastman, Carl H adaw ay, Gus Chandley, Carlton Hunt, Glenn Reutar, Brad Darland, Clinton Fletcher, Billy Davis. 5th: *<f|nright, Ray Elphick, Jr. Cox, Dave Schroeder, Darell Dickey, Michel Riley, Steve Brunson.

Fellowship — 49

A fte r some discussion, the Council votes "Y e s " on a n im portant issue.

June Hunter and Dee Dee W atkins decorate the Student Council Christmas tree.

5 0 — Fellowship

The bonfire is one o f the many events sponsored b y the Student Council.

Student Council W hat is it? M any people have asked this question. The council is elected at the beginning of each year, with ten members elected from each class. W hat do they do? Many have said nothing, but this is far from true. The council sponsors Homecoming activities, a Christmas Dance, food drives and many other worthwhile drives. They attend two district meetings each year, trying to make OUR council the best ever. jilFIC E R S: Shelly M o ore, Secretary; Chris S trayhorn, Vice-President; Ken Schroeder, Treasurer; Dennis Barnes, i lls id e n t.


- > "3m

l r Becky Tate, Linda W atts, Kay A lvey, Liz Greene, Danita Roberts, Kenda Riley, A m y Ludeke, Cherry Balis, Kim Ridgway, Dee Dee W atkins, Traye Young, G a y Blackney, Ip b ie Dempsey, Liz Shipp, Shelly M oore. 2nd: G ail Cullison, Cheryl M ead, C arol Bratina, Tami Taylor, Lee Ann Smith, Kay W ebb, Laura Bloodworth, Julie Spanable, Janna ||nes, Laurie Lewis, Tanna D ow ling, Stacy Alm on, A ndrea O rm an, Libby Rogers, Susan Anderson, V alerie M organ, June Hunter, Cindy Brunson. 3rd: Frank Andrajack, David I f , David Schroeder, Robert Felty, Kyle Nickerson, M a rty Ray, Danny Knox, Mike Penn, Chris Neible, Tom W atkins, Chris Strayhorn, Dennis Barnes, Ken Schroeder, Dwight <|dwell.

Fellowship — 51

National Honor Society accents achievement. Before being selected as a member of this society, eligible students are judged on their character, leadership ability, scholastic achievement, and service. Along with their annual installation banquet, an awards assembly is held in M ay, recognizing students for their scholastic achievement. OFFICERS: M r. Tom M oore (sponsor), Paul Deutsch (Pres.), Cheryl M ead (Vice Pres.), Mrs. Jan M o ore (sponsor), G eorgianna N eal (Treas.), Shelly M oore (Sec.), Jeanette G oo dno w (Rep.).

SEATED: Leah Rogers, Pam Starling, Becky Tate, Diana Osborne, K athy Fidalio, D orothy Brewster. 1st: Kris A aro n, G eorgianna N eal, Donna Lewis, M a ry G randy, Susie Dennis, Lynn Leonard, G ail Cullison, Jeanette G oo dno w , Linda W atts. 2nd: Dennis Barnes, Chris Strayhorn, Ken Schroeder, D w ight C aldw ell, Paul Deutsch, David Phillips, Darrell Coleman, Glenn Epps, Cheryl M ead, Theresa Combs, C arol Bratina.

52 — Fellowship

ED: Patti Darden, Jolene Satre, Cherry Balis, Liz Green, C indy Lee, M a ry Smith, V al Shuck, Connie Hale. 1st: Robert Felty, G regg Swaim, G ary Sims, Ricci Schroeder, •jolin, Glenn Ashley, Jerry Becket, John Thompson, M ike Bielefeldt, Danny Knox.

S' TED: Tammy N orw o od/ Terry M eyer, Lynn Ann Smith, Teresa Deutsch, Lea Ann Smith, V alarie M organ. 1 st: Tom Pollard, John Fidalio, Kay A lvey, Joe Bryan, Glen Miller, R? M ead, Kathi O ’dell, Lynn Brewster, Barry W ilkinson, Susan Huchanek.

Fellowship — 53

1st: Susan W agner, C indy Brunson, Janette W ilson, Debbie Dempsey, Cherry Balis, C indy Smalley, Billie D orland, Laura Lewis, C arla Cam p, Debbie Upchurch, A ndrea Orman, Cassie Hardy. 2nd: C athy Lay, G ayle A p p le , Lora Colem an, Jackie Brown, Donna M errim an, Rhonda Robbins, C athy Trent, V eleta H ouk, Laura Henderson, Beverly Slaton, 1 Penny Linsey. 3rd: M arian Brown, Shawna Liffick, Betty Balis, Sharon S taffo rd, Karen Lewis, G igi G riffin , Barbara Beasley, Becky Liles, Brenda G uillim e, Cheryl Cooper, Susan j Rushford, C athy Cray. 4 th: Jolene S atre, Carol D arland, Pam Dodson, Sharon Perkins, Linda Hensen, C indy O d a n , Jayne Hobbs, Theresa Pruett, M a ria H ilton, Jan Thrarp, D odie W illiam s.

1st: Denise Fulcher, M a ry W arren, G lo ria B radford, Joyce S atterfield, Pachel M cD onald, C athy W ills, Chris Smith, Sherri Sutton, Tanna Dow ling, Debbie Dwyer, Judy Quotes. 2nd: Sheila Stephens, Tammy Brown, Kim Stubbs, Stacy Weiss, Linda W a lte r, M arie Egnoto, Barbara W ebb , Kathy Graves, Jeanett Deal, Renee Newcom b, Debby A tw ood. 3rd: Terry Stringer, Tammi Sheperd, Lorraine V an W ey, Patti G ill, Shannon Burdette, Donna S tubblefield, Janet Slusher, Teresa Reuwer, A m y Ludeke, Terie Burgess. 4th: Debbie A ltic, Brenda Bottos, Alexis January, Patty Sjolin, M elanie Manes, Cindy Bavousett, Joyce Shirley, Sheri Grass, Rhonda W eatherford, Becky Rine, Shawn Rarick.

5 4 — Fellowship

Future Homemakers of America learn the importance o f a w orthy home and fam ily life. This year's program , "Im p a c t,” was a new idea, concerning fam ily, selfimprovement, and helping others. Some o f the things they did this year were visiting nursing homes, and making place mats fo r them. They also had a food and clothing drive fo r the Fowler Home and gave parties fo r the Day Care Center. Nil CfFICERS- 1st: Lorraine V anW ey, Barbara Beasley, A ndrea O rm an, Cassie H ardy, Theresa Pruett. 2nd: Debbie Dwyer, ■jJlrie Lewis, Cindy Smalley, Billy D orland, A m y Ludeke, Laura Bloodw orth, Kim Ridgway, Debbie Dempsey, Susan »]IBgoner, Cherry Balis. 3rd: Kathy Graves, Tanna D ow ling, Sherri Grass, Stacy W eiss, Kathy W ills, Carol Bratina, Rachel 1A Donald.

Becky Case, Patti Scobee, Kim Ridgway, Laura Bloodworth, Paula Crumpier, Joyce Bodine. 2nd: Donna Dean, Carol Bratina, Celeste Sims, Joyce M organ, June Hunter, 1 Enright. 3rd: Vicki Rich, Theresa Preston, Jan Lindsey, Kim A aron, Karen W hitaker, Cindy Kenney, Sheila M cKay, Debbie Garrison.

Fellowship — 55

OFFICERS: G ail Cullison, President; M ary G ra ndy, Vice-President; M a ry Ravella, S ecretary; A ndrea O rm an, Reporter. SITTING: Cassie H ardy, N ada M ullins, Terrie Bruce, Kenda Riley, Sherrie Sutton, Elaine W alker, Liz K oulovatos, Julie Ralston, Becky Tate, Linda W atts, Cheryl M ead, Theresa Combs, G eo rgian a N eal. KNEELING: Karen Skinner, Debbie Bigford, Lily Mims, Teresa Herring, C indy Lee, Jackie Harris, Theresa Sjolin, Susan Rupard, A m y Ludeke, K athy A b o u d , Diane Peters, Bobbie Ivey, Patricia Atkins, Debbie McCutchan, M elanie M anas, Susan M iller, M a rgaret Colter, Beth N apier, Denise Russell, Patty Sjolin, Teresa Deutsch, Tammy N o rw o o d , Becky Lyles, Barbara Beasley, Debbie Ball, Jeanna C aldw ell, Janette W ilson, Debbie Thompson. STAN D IN G : Sherry C arr, A ngela Davis, Debbie G arrison, K athy Roysden; Jody Hull, Cindy Kenny, Karen j Lewis, Debbie Binion, Susan Rozzelle, Kay W ebb , M a ry Smith, A ngela W illiam son, Debbie Brown, Lynn Leonard, Susie Dennis, Susan W aggoner, N ancy Cadou, Leah Rogers, C arol Tullis, Donna Dean, Susan M ille r, Dodi W illiam son, Jan Lindsay, Patti Scobee, Kim Ridgway, Jana Barnes, M a ria H ilton, Barbara W e b b , S helly M oore, Kris A aro n, Cindy Brunson, Carri W oods.

M ary Ravella helps hang signs.

Fellowship — 56

The "M ig h ty Bulldog Backers" do their thing.

Pep Club gave 100% during fo o tb a ll and basketball seasons. Each week began by making signs and planning the pep ra lly — it ended with decorating the gym and boarding the bus. Three-to-a-seat plus the hassle o f everyone trying to get ready a t one time w asn't exactly com fortable and convenient, but just being a t the game made it all w orthw hile. The excitement kindled a t the pep ra lly and fanned a t the game even


extended on the w ay home, dying down w





somewhat with the "g o o d -b ye s” and “ see you on M ondays.”

*i ns are just one fo the many responsibilities o f Pep Club.

ilie m b e r displayed her spirit during the Iowa Park car chain.

Fellowship — 57

1 st: Debbie G arrison, Sheila M cKay, D orothy Beasly, Ronda Hervey, K athy Chaney, Connie A lle n, Joyce W estm oreland. 2nd: Patty M cKinney, Diana Barrett, Patti Scobee, j G a y M eaders, Robin Burke, Cristie Cox, Debbie Laffitte, Pam Starling. 3rd: Laynette G ibson, Lisa Bledsoe, Evelyn M cC alip, N oella W iles, Linda W atts, Debbie Brown, Jan Lindsey, Kim A aro n, Terri Metzs, Trenna Brammer. 4th: Mrs. Smith, Toni Thomas, Connie Dolan, Debbie Fleming, Kim Ridgway, Paula Crum pler, A ngela W illiam s, Cheryl Hicksj Dee Dee Umlah, Sharon G reshal, Candi G oettm an, Mrs. Schmidt.

Connie Dolan and Kris Aaron pay attention as Mrs. Schmidt goes over assignment.

58 — Fellowship

O.E.A. prepares for clerical w ork. . . Typewriters, adding machines, and practice sets, are all an im portant p a rt o f the secretarial w ork taught to O.E.A. girls. This tw o hour class prepares girls fo r oncoming jobs in the secretarial w orld. FFICERS — SEATED: G a y M eaders, Patti Scobee. STAN D IN G : Evelyn M cC alip, Debbie Brown, Kim Ridgway, Kathy na ney, Joy Jenkins, Shirley Blair.

p y W ebb , M arilyn Koller, Sherry Key, Rhonda N ey, G lenna Burke, Sherry Hagstrom, Candy Dodson, Kathy W iles, Rita Greenway, Susan Briggs, Shirley Blair, Joy Jenkins,

Fellowship — 59


1st: Terrye Shields, Reporter; Donna Lewis, President; A ngela Davis, Secretary. 2nd: N ita O ffill, Kim Balander, Brenda Taylor, Terry Fields, Pat O rg an, Becky Gum . 3rd: Roxie Coble, Belinda H ow ard, Kevin M cKay, Joseph Rasile, David W eaver.

SEATED: Keith Gresham, President; Sue Pierce, V.-President; Terry G uftafson, Secretary-Treasurer; Karen Stone, Reporter. 1st: Ricky G ann, Sherry Bruce, Cindy Egenbacher, Cindy Brown, N ancy Essell, Kim Hoover, N ancy Femberg, Robert A llg o o d , Linda W illiam s. 2nd: Brenda Staton, Donna Rushford, Bill Savage, David W ilh ite, Kenny Bond, Lynn Johnson, G ary Neeley, Richard Elphick, Pete Couture.

6 0 — Fellowship

11 ATED: Karen Paulson, Secretary; Bob Lippard, Sergeant-At-Arms; Zac Henderson, President; Johnny H am ilton, V.-President; C arolyn M cDonald, Treasurer. MIDDLE: M r. Bob l| I Irpenter, Patty W a lle r, K itty Jones, M a rio C astro, M ike N ieto, Larry Lamer, G a ry Dilbeck, Theresa Preston, M ike G uthrie, Trudy Bavousett, Donald G uinn, W arren Coble. | LCK: Steve Hodges, Terry W a lle r, Ricky Harris, Rusty Parks, Randy Loveless, Chris A m burn, M ike Towery, Charley Slayden.

Cosmetology 1

m T E D : Cindy Newingham, Jennifer H ow ard, Ruby Turner, V.-President; Donna Curtis, Reporter; Linda Blair, President; Denita A llen, Secretary; Theresa Paskus, Irrliamentarian; Yvonne Thomas, Bertha G uffy. STANDING: Cheryl G ra y, Janis M artin, Adele Peskus, Freida Johnson, Linda Townsend, Doyla Ross, W anda Kenyon, M ary l|ugh, JoLynn M ontgom ery.

Fellowship — 61

Spanish Club

SEATED: Jacque Harris, C andi G oettm an, M a ry Smith, Tracy Janeke, Connie H ale, Joyce M o rgan , M illie G uerrero, Barbara W ebb , M arsha M ilam . 2nd: Linda W atts, G ail Cullison, Theresa Combs, C heryl M e ad, G race Buechler, Janette W ilson, DeeDee W atkins, Becky Tate, G eorgianna N eal. BACK: Tom W atkins, Brickley Sjolin, M a rk Cummings, Robbie Buckley, M ike Lang, Paul Deutsch, M ickey M ason, M ike D ye, Danny Knox.

SEATED: John M organ, Cathy Trent, Chris N ieble, Kevin Tory, John Ludeke, Dan G arcia, Rich M ead, Dick Pittman, M ark M ilam , Scott Richards, Tammy N orw o od, LynnAnn Smith, Teresa Deutsch, Karen Smith. 2nd: Brian Blankinship, Billy Hromas, J eff Buckley, Jana Barnes, D ebbie D w yer, Sandra Hastings, Stacy A llm on, C athy A boud, Elaine W alker, Kathy B rum field, LeaAnn Smith, M a rla Divine, Jeannie Hayes, A m y Ludeke, C indy Forester. BACK: W a d e M eadors, G reg Liffick, M a rk Langenback, Bill M a y, Keith Deason, M ike G eer, David Jenkins, D avid Johnson, D avid W atkins, Dave Bielefeldt, M a rk Pethe.

62 — Fellowship


French Club

German Club j

flO N T : Beverly Burden, Randy Thomas. 2nd: Kim jBubbs, K athy C row der, Doug Carlile. BACK: June |unter, Debbie Rogers, Shauna Brown.

FRONT: Terry M eyer, Reporter; Tim Pollard, Treasurer; John Fidaleo, President; Shannon Burdette, Vice-President. 2nd: C athy O ’Conner, A m aryllis Haynes, Janice G ates, H arry Eugene Cryer, M ike G ates, Susan Hluchanek. BACK: Tom Pollard, M ike S teigerw ald, Robert Leopold, Ray Elphick, G len M iller, Kenny Eaton, Jerry Beckett, Larry Sweetser.


[jONT: Mrs. Beaird, Connie Dolan, Carol M itchell, M ike Dye, M a ry G randy, G a y M eadors, Janis Ralston, M areen Ravella, Lynn Leonard. BACK: Debbie G arrison, Terry y ig h t, Kathy Fidaleo, Paul Fowler, G ayla W heeler, Elaine Ellis, Cretia A rthur, Denise Russell, Sally Reed, Nancy Cadou, M arie Egnoto, G ail W atson, M ary Ravella, Susan lu p t, Evelyn Smith, Pat Green, M ike Roberts.

Fellowship — 63

Quill and Scroll

Jacque Harris prepares sign fo r newspaper staff room.

SEATED: Karen Paulsen, Janet Nelson. 1st: Mrs. BloodWorth, Kris A aro n, Susie Dennis, Shelly M oore, Mrs. M cN abb. 2nd: Jackie Harris, S tacey M uller.

Youth for Christ

SEATED: G ail Cullison, N acy C adou, Lori G od dard, G eorge Shubird, Becky Tate, Brenda Smith, Vicki Gibson. 2nd: Jeanette G oodnow , Lavelda N orris, Lourie Pearson, Dial® Osborne, G race Buechler, Taffy Gustafson, Marsha M ilam , Pam C ooper, Evelyn M cC allap, A ndrea O rm an. 3rd: Carolyn Nicholas, Becky Case, Debbie Dwyer, Dwight C aldw ell, Ken Schroder, Dennis Barnes, Chris Strayhorn, A lfre d C laycam p, Cheryl Cooper, Leah Rogers, Mrs. W hite.

64 — Fellowship

FTA provides teaching experience and responsibility fo r the future. Helping the faculty is only a p art o f F.T.A. One project was to highlight N ational Education W eek by doing something special fo r the teachers each day. Throughout the year several members attended District and State conventions held a t area schools. Iro l Spencer and Ruth R adloff hang signs during Teacher A ppreciation W eek.

I t: Becky Tate; Kathy O de ll; G ayla W heeler; LeeAnn Smith; Karen Smith; Debbie Fleming, President; Kim A aron; Connie Dolan, Secretary; Tracey Marten, Reporter; Mary .<L e ila , Vice-President. 2nd; Kay W ebb, Janet W ilson, Lynn Leonard, M ary G randy, Teresa Preston, Kris A aron, Jan Lindsey, Donna Dean, Valerie M organ, Carol Spencor, Liz 1 Eipp, Susan Anderson. 3rd: Susan Roselle, Bob Elliot, Patty Townsend, Susie Dennis, Marsha M ilam , Lori G oddard, DeeDee W atkins, LynnAnn Smith, Connie Hall, June ,i n t e r , Joyce M organ, Miss Brown. 4th: Kyle Nickerson, Steve Robinson, Donna Rushford, Mike Dye, Joe Bryan, David Schroedor, Brickley Sjolin, Carlton Roark, Mickky ▥son, John M organ, David Sprole. 65 — Fellowship


1st: Laurie Pearson, C athy A bou d, G eorge S hurbird, C herry Balis, Brenda Smith, D ebbie S panable, Terri Doten, Terry Bruce, Panthea C aldw ell, M a ri Barard. 2nd: Kathy Fidelio;] Steve Hodges, C arol Bratina, Robin W alton , Diana O sborne, La V elda N orris, Jaeque H arris, Shelly M o ore, Kay W ebb . 3rd: Janice Bowers, Chris W a lto n , Leah Rogers, Dwight C aldw ell, Carl H ilton, Steve Ransom, Robert G ibson, Niles C aldw ell, A lan M a h a ffe y, Steve Ralston, M a ria H ilton, M arsha M ilam , Jeri Grass, Karen Payton, Dale Tendeck, Jolene Satre.

National Forensic League

1st: Dw ight C aldw ell, Robbie Pemberton, Ken Schroeder. 2nd: Carol Bratina, Diana O sborne, Jolene Satre, Shelly M oore, Marsha M ilam , Debbie Spanable. 3rd: Del Jantzen, Steve Ransom, Robin W alton , Mrs. Ham ilton, Joe Bryan, M ike V arner, Chris Strayhorn, Brad Spake, Barry W ilkinson, Chris W alton.

66 — Fellowship

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

' 1 Jay Lippard, Libby Rogers, V alerie M organ, Karen W hitaker, M a ry G ra ndy, Liz Shipp, Paula Crumpler, Larry M artin. 2nd: Coach Young, M ary Smith, Linda W atts, G ail |<i ison, Janis Ralston, Liz G reene, G a yla W heeler, Chris Smith, N an Sullivan, Sherri Sutton. 3rd: D avid Larson, John Hagan, Dwight Caldwell, Chris Neible, Chris Strayhorn, lu Inis Barnes, Rusty Barrett.

Rodeo Club


Dena Masters, M ark G regory, Jay McCleskey, G igi G riffin , Jo Anne Masters, C indy Smalley, Tammi M axw ell, Danita Roberts. 2nd: Pee W ee Rich, Terry Thompson. 3rd: Kyle, Doug M orton, Ricky Matthews, Roy Foster, M a tt Sternadale.

Fellowship — 67

OFFICERS: John Panter, S gt.-at-Arm s; Lynn Johnson, Vice-President; Dean Pace, Secretary; Roy Lyles, President; Doug Haas, Reporter; David Todd, Treasurer; Robert Chaney, Parliam entarian.

Auto Mechanics prepares the students fo r a career in the mechanical field. Theory and application are taught in this three hour class. Students w o rk on their own cars as well as those o f other students, teachers, and the public. 1st: John Panter, Rodney N ey, Roy O akle y, Frank Disney, Tim O rg an, Ray M ize, Eddie Stewart, M ike Roberts, Ricky Skaggs. 2nd: Randy M ills, Steve Shelter, M ike M o rkel, D avid Pierce, James Rushford, Freddie GoWan, Kevin Ketchum.

1st: Philip Forester, Ronnie W illiam s, Rodney McClesky, Joe N ichols, G riff Klinkerman, Harold H argrove, N oland Annson, Doug Haas, A llen Cole, David Todd, Lynn Johnson, M ario Castro, Dean Pace, Robert Chaney. 2nd: Roy Lyles, Randy Bruce, M ike Sternadale, Bobby Locklin, Dennis Cox.

68 — Fellowship


iCj?ELING: Tommy Criddle, Sgt.-at-Arm s; Jacky Simmons, Secretary; M ike Fournier, Reporter. STANDING! H j/e y W illiam s III, Parliam entarian; Jeff Baldwin, President; Curtis W illiam s, Vice-President; John Goins, fiis u re r.

Building Trades finishes their m ajor house project. The threebedroom home built on Sycamore was their most prized w ork and was built entirely by these students. C reativity is the key w ord to Building Trades. Besides learning the skills o f carpentry, these students have also done a lot fo r the school. They have built bookshelves and cabinets fo r several classrooms, and have helped with repairs.

hsj&Jackie Simmons, James W atson, Kenneth Civiletto, Bill Rachler, Randy W alker, M ike Bingham. 2nd: Curtis M fa m s, Harvey W illiam s, John Goins, J e ff B aldwin, Jimmy Boswell, Joe Yutzy, Harry G reenw ay, M r. Breuer.

1s Larry Henderson, M ike Dodson, Bob Britton, David W right, M ike Bingham, Bobby Parker, Phillip Campbell, Larry Dorman. 2nd: Robbie W eidauer, M ike Fournier, Ronnie Hiynan, Steve Stanberry, Kevin M erkel, V ictor Long, M r. Breuer.

Fellowship — 69

V O . A G . I: SEATED: Roger Dempsey, Scotty Brightman, PeeWee Rich, Keith D olan, Hollis G u ffe y, Sidney Mullins, Larry Roderick, G errod Payton, Brad D arland, D avid Thomas! Jeff Sternadale Rickey Kyle. S TAN D IN G : Drew Ford, Steve Ham ilton, Vince Heinze, M a rk G re gory, Phillip M ooney, Robert W ensel, Phil Huffm an, Doug W ineger, Kevin Sykesl M ark Brinkley, Scotty A rthur, M a rk Tory, M a rk G ilbow , Danny C ozby, Tom Lindenborn, Benny W est, Tony D iM arzio, Tim Kincade, Doug Pierce, Robert M atthew s, Eugene Cryer, Barry Hudson.

VO . A G . Hi SEATED: Ronald Spinks, James Y oungblood, M o nty Keown, C lay Blum, Doug M o ore, Ricky M atthew s, Delmar G oode, W a lly W est, Larry A rthu r, Adam Gibson. STAN D IN G : Danny Mathis, Robert Gibson, Randy Tucker, Richard Chancellor, M ike Bunton, Paul Masters, Rodney H ooper, Tommy D orland, Ray Hale, Randy Vercher, Dorsey ■ Robinson.

GIRLS A G . I: SEATED: Susan Hennis, Sonja M a ddox, C indy Sm alley, Barbara Rogers, Sis M ataska, Lisa Harris, Cindy Bavousett, Jayne Hobbs, Diane M itchell, C athy Crowder. I S TANDING: Jo Anne Masters, Sherry W illh o it, Tammy M a xw e ll, Dena Masters, Debbie Thompson, Terri Turner, G igi G riffin , Donna Knight, Darlene H arrell, Liz Burt.

7 0 — Fellowship

FFA’s primary aim is the developm ent o f agricultural leadership, cooperation, and citizenship. It strengthens confidence in themselves and their w ork. The Vo-Ag students sponsor m any activities including a Bar-B-Q, Slave Sale, and a local stock show. IpFFICERS: JoAnn M aster, Secretary; G riff K linkerman, Treasurer; Jay McClusky, President; Terry Thompson, Vice1 resident; Bill Lindenborn, Reporter; Jackie Simmons, Sentinel.

J O A G III A N D IV, COOP, FEEDLOTTING: KNEELING: Bennie Dorland, Robert Bentley, John Goins, David W eathered, Joe W ayne Scruggs. STANDING: Jimmy Boswell, Jenneth H arrell, G ary Harper, Jay McCluskey, Terry Thompson, G reg Eastman, Robert Harper, Dick Shaw, Bill Lindenborn, Tim Mullins, Mark Rorabow, Richard Fore, Mark Jdams, Randy G ilbow .

Fellowship — 71

Office Assistants

1 st- G a yla W illiam s Diana W illiam s, Lee Ann Ravan, Kim A aro n, Kyle Nickerson, Jan Lindsey, Kim R idgway, Dee Dee W atkins. 2nd: Dawn Roberts, Lea Ann Smith, Debbie Hatcher, Connie Hale, Joy Jenkins, Joyce W estm oreland, LeVelda Norriss. 3rd: Kay W ebb , Lori G od dard, Susan W oods, Rita G reenw ay, Ronda N ey, G a y Blackney, Donna Dean, M a ry Ravella.

1 St: Jimmy Koulovatos, Kris A aro n, A ngela W illiam son, Becky Rine, Donna Creekmore, M arilyn Hocker, Lee A nn Smith. 2nd: Joy A llsbrooke, Susie Dennis, Tracey Marten, Maureen Ravella, Donna Dean, Linda Townsend, Glenna Burke, Carol Bratina. 3rd: David Ray, Lynn Leonard, Debbie Dempsey, Zac Henderson, Cheryl M ead, Dena Wilson, Jana Barnes, Cynthia Sullivan.

72 — Fellowship

Spirit i s . . . a

monthly edition o f student life. It states

students' opinions and impressions on school life. The sta ff members which are divided into artists, writers, and editors often have to w ork over-time, but they breathe a sigh o f relief when a deadline is met. Ire n d a Smith and Terri Doten deliver newspapers to Mrs. M oore's class.


Ricky Stevens, C indy Brunson, Terri Doten, Kathy Fidelio, Robin W alton. SECOND: G eorge Shubird, Peggy Taylor, Susan W agner, Janet Nelson, Brenda Smith, prbara Fox. BACK: Becky Farney, Cindy Lee, A lan M ahaffey, Jacque Harris, Ken W illingham , David W ilhite, Ken Schroeder.

Fellowship — 73

Karen Paulsen, Mrs. M cN ab b, Patti Scobee, Lynn Ralston, Kim Ridgway, Sherry Key, Jan Lindsey, Sue A nn Hutchison, Kris A aron, Editor; S tacy M ullen, G a y Blackney, Susie Dennis, Assistant Editor; M r. C arper, Shelly M oore, M a rty Hudson, Tom W atkins.

Mrs. M cN abb stops checking copy during Derrick Class to pose fo r a picture.

Fellowship — 74

Sue Ann Hutchison gets a head start on the annual sales.

In D errick (6th h o u r) sometimes we thought w e 'd never meet our deadlines. There were days we just co u ld n't seem to w rite a bit o f copy or crop a single picture. A t the beginning o f the year we sold ads; that was fun because we g o t to leave school. Presentation, sponsored by the Derrick S taff, is one o f the exciting highlights o f the year. When the annual arrives there is a sigh o f relief from every member, but there is always that feeling o f a lasting contribution o f time and effort. Susie and Karen record annual sales.

Cropping pictures is one o f the tasks Kim Ridgway enjoys about Derrick.

Fellowship — 75

76 — Competition

y a ^ V ^ : - ‘t7 jK « 3 * ? -4 '

• / . ■. - • >- .


Competition — 7 7

KNEELING: Joe Nichols, M gr. N orm an Kee, Chris Strayhorn, Charles Lawerence, David Robinson, Tommy Rushing, Jimmy Koulovatos, Curtis W illiam s, Russell Clam pitt, Darrell Colem an, M g r. ROW 1: Coach Pat Smiley, Doug G arrison, John Hagan, Rodney McCluskey, Johnny H am ilton, Larry Lamer, Charley Slayden, David Ray, Terry W a lle r, Benny W ilkinson, Danny Ladd, Tim Kormos, Charles Threadgill, Coach Doc H oliday. R OW 2: Coach Jay D arland, Robert Chaney, Zac Henderson, Rusty Barrett, David Todd, Larry M a rtin, Jay Lippard, M ike LaBrie, Bimbo Davis, Phillip January, M ike N ieto, M ike Brinkley.

Lyn Hammond takes a flyin g leap.

78 — Competition

A fte r pushing fo r touchdown, Benny W ilkinson watches the defensive action.





O pp. 15 0 7 7 31 0 6 14 6 28

Burk. 24 Desota 21 Lawton 10 Duncan 38 * Graham 30 •W eatherford 20 •Vernon * Stephenville 28 17 *lo w a Park 'H irschi 7 0 •Brow nw ood * District

The Bulldogs had another great season this year, on the scoreboard and especially on the record o f each individual. The Bulldogs suffered three losses which kept them from the District Crown. The first loss was to W e a th e rfo rd , w ho came back in the second h a lf and kicked the game winning field goal in the last five seconds. Iowa Park stopped the Bulldogs on the goal line fo r their second loss which ended w ith the question, “ W as he re a lly over?” The g reat victory o f the year was the 7-6 upset over the district champion, Hirschi. The final loss was the 2 8-0 defeat by Brownwood. To us our Bulldogs w ill alw ays be # 1.

p ;y practice fo r a victory dance.

Competition — 79

GUARDS: Chuck Lawrence, Rick Brooks, Larry Lamer, John Hagen, Robert Chaney, Danny Ladd.

TACKLES: Kenneth Eaton, M ike Brinkley, Rusty Barrett, M ike N ie to , Phillip January.

BACKS: Russell C lam pitt, Tim Kormos, David Ray, Doug Garrison, Charles Threadgill.

W rn . 80 — Competition

The Individuals o f our team showed all the a b ility to make our team # 1. There were six district awards. ALL DISTRICT: Zac Henderson, M ike LaBrie, Rusty Barrett. HONORABLE M ENTION: Benny W ilkinson, David Todd, Kenneth Eaton. MfKS: Lyn Hammond, Tommy Rushing, Charley Slayden, Benny W ilkinson, Jimmy Koulovatos, Zac Henderson.

CljTERS: David Robinson, Larry M artin, M ike Lang.

S: David McDuffy, M ike LaBrie, Johnny Hamilton, Randy W ilkinson, David Todd, Jay Lippard, Norm an Kee, Terry W aller, Curtis W illiams.

Competition — 81

Players helping players is one o f the greatest abilities our team has. O n and o ff the fie ld they help each other w ith m any problems. Players take tim e o ut w hile refs discuss the play.

G atorade, towels, and ice are a welcome sight to the tired players.

82 — Competition

David M cD uffy consults Terry W a lle r and Randy W ilkinson about the game.

bach D arland and Greg Liffick help injured player.

As Coach Smiley's first season as head coach he produced one o f the finest teams in the district. He was backed by a strong coaching staff consisting o f Jay D arland, Doc H olliday, David Keller, Sonny Young, Jim Phillips, and Cline Johnson.

* bach Smiley thinks about next play.

Competition — 83

The Bulldog team consisted o f tw enty-tw o seniors.

Bulldogs fight fo r a victory.

84 — Competition

Members o f the team watch excitement o t the game.

Every player on the team has proven he has w hat it takes. This ye a r’s team was not district champ, but we really gave these teams something to think about when we ever p la y them again. They realize that Burkburnett Bulldogs are no second-rate team. W ilkinson gets ready fo r the big p la y o f the game.

Iveral members o f the team take time out to catch their breath.

Competition — 85

KNEELING: Coach Young, Harry G reenw ay, Harvey W illiam s, Randy Burke, C lay Blum, Kyle Nickerson, Jim Hagan, Barry W ilkinson, Robert Felty, Roy Cheney, M ark Langenback, John Hagan, Greg Liffick. ROW 1: Coach Keller, Phillip Kerr, G len Locklin, James Burden, M ike V arner, M a rk R orabow, Tim Kormos, Bill Lindenborn, M a rk Tory, W ade Harris, G arrett Parkey, Kenneth PaOlsen. ROW 2: G len M iller, Brad Cummings, Paul Gerstner, Ricci Schroeder, Bin Ellitt, M a rk M ilam , Ricky M ason, M ark Cummings, Jerry Beckett, Russell Clampitt.

M ark Cummings brings down pass by Tim Kormas.

86 — Competition

SEASON’S RECORD BurtC 0 6 25 14 12 6 6 25 26 20

Hirschi Coyotes Vernon Iowa Park Rider Hirschi Coyotes Vernon Iowa Park Rider

O pp. 0 14 0 6 34 12 14 13 8 8

Junior Varsity put together another fine fo o tb a ll team this year. The scoreboard doesn't tell the w hole story o f the a b ility each one o f these young men has. They have shown a bright future fo r our varsity o f next year. The Junior V arsity was led by Coach David Keller and Coach Sonny Young.

! huddles to build up enthusiasm.

Competition — 87

Enthusiasm of the players and the spirit o f the fans kept the JV going through the year. Bulldogs line up fo r opening kick-off.


The m ighty JV defense stops them again.

88 — Competition

k M Keller gives advice from sidelines as Coach Young tolton.

JV watches as Coach Keller paces the sideline,

Competition — 89

BOTTOM: Roger M artin, Robert M atthew s, Brad Darland, M arty Ray, Larry A rthur, Bruce Brookman, Darrell Dickey, M ike Penn, M ark G re gory, Ray Enight. ROW 1: M ike S tagerw ald, Elio Smythe, M ike Darden, Keith Dolan, M ike Gates, Scotty Brightman, Jeff Buckley, Sea MeBeath, Harvey Toalson, Tim G oodrich, Ralph King. ROW 2: Carl H attaw ay, Robert M artinez, Hollis G uffey, M a rty G regory, Chris N eible, Philip M ooney, M ark Brinkley, David Jenkins, Donnie Pruitt, Bennie W est. ROW 3: Ernie Steine, H arold Rich, M ike D oyal, Simon Zavala, Jimmy Edwards, M a tt H orn, Junior Cox, Brett Patty, C raig Yoder, Tony D im arzio, Coach Phillips, Coach Johnson.

Fellow team members concentrate on the game,

90 — Competition

SEASON’S RECORD Burk. 8 20 14 22 8 8 8 16 20 22

Hirschi W ichita Falls Vernon Iowa Park Rider Hirschi W ichita Falls Vernon Iowa Park Rider

O pp. 30 0 40 0 34 27 34 37 8 48

In the Freshman Team could be found all the qualities needed to make one o f the best teams w e’ve ever had. Even though their record was not the best in the district, they showed some o f the greatest ta le n t around. Under the coaching o f Jim Phillips and Cline Johnson, they showed great enthusiasm.

Competition — 91

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS: Connie Dolan; Head Cheerleader, Debbie Fleming, JoAnne Masters, Kim A aro n, Tracey M arten, Debbie Dempsey.

JV Cheerleaders' spirit led the w a y fo r our m ighty Bulldogs through g ood w eather and bad. W hen we were dow n, the cheerleaders put fo rth the e ffo rt to raise our spirits and inspire our team.

Varsity Cheerleaders encourage enthusiasm.

92 — Competition

Tracey M arten takes time o ut to gather her energy.

! | p CHEERLEADERS: V alarie M organ, Traye Young, Liz Ship; Head Cheerleader, Susan Anderson, Tammy Taylor, Libby Rogers.


JV Cheerleaders’ dedication was proven by leading our Bulldogs throughout the season. Through fo o tb a ll and basketball our cheerleaders do their best to raise spirits in our team.

aplarie M organ raises spirit fo r the freshman game.

Traye Young anticipates a victory.

Competition — 93

Varsity Threatens District Jimmy K oulovatos Dennis Barnes Jay Lippard David Phillips Paul Taylor

13 15 41 33 43

51 31 45 11

Terry Thompson Larry M artin Skip Dean Chris Berg Coach Jim Phillips

SEASON’S RECORD Childress Nocona Nocona Childress ‘ Stephenville W . F. Coyotes Q uanah ‘ Iow a Park * Brown w ood ‘ Hirschi ‘ Graham ‘ Vernon ‘ W eatherford ‘ Iow a Park ‘ Stephenville ‘ Hirschi ‘ Brownwood ‘ Vernon ‘ Graham ‘ W eatherford ‘ District

94 — Competition

Burk 59 56 60 58 90 60 76 75 60 47 66 57 69 65 68 51 55 53 84 62

O pp. 47 50 45 31 74 53 50 56 79 48 65 55 66 53 66 50 53 71 81 71

Skip Dean Senior Forward

Skip Dean looks fo r an open man.

Larry Martin Senior Forward


Larry M artin runs down court to set up offense.

Competition — 95

Jimmy Koulovatos Junior G uard

Jimmy Koulovatos aids team w ith his ability.

96 — Competition

Paul Taylor Junior Forward

Paul Taylor works on a set-up.

Chris Berg Sophomore G uard

Chris Berg shoots tow ard victory.

ennis Barnes p n io r G uard

David Phillips Senior Post

Jay Lippard Junior Forward


ennis Barnes concentrates before the game.

David Phillips warms up before the game.

Jay Lippard waits fo r the tip off.

Competition — 97

O u r V arsity cagers had one o f their toughest seasons this year. Because the district featured m any goo d teams, each game included a crowd-standing clim ax and ended extrem ely close. Even though the Bulldogs did not capture the district crow n, their fast break amazed sportswriters throughout the season. Also astounding both the public and the press w ere Skip Dean and Chris Berg, named on the A llDistrict team , and Terry Thompson, labeled honorable mention. O ve ra ll, this team invested a seemingly unlim ited am ount o f tim e, produced an infinite am ount o f energy, and made the student bo d y proud to back the Bulldogs. Terry Thompson looks fo r shot.

Crirs Berg goes in fo r layup.

98 — Competition

Skip Dean sinks another.

jirsity players set up fo r defense.

Competition — 99

JV EndsWith 13-4 Season Tim Kormos M ike Landrum G len Locklin Kyle Nickerson M a rk Langenback Randy Burke Coach Sonny Young Frank A n d ra jack Doug G arrison

34 20 14 12 40 22 12 44

Bimbo Davis Tim M cM ahill D avid Ray John H ardy G re g Liffick Barry W ilkinson Brad Cummings M ike Townsend John M organ


50 10 42 32 M gr. 14 24 54 M gr.


Childress Nocona Nocorta Childress Lawton Ike (Sophs.) W . F. Coyotes Quanah Iow a Park Hirschi Graham Vernon Iow a Park Hirschi Lawton Ike (Sophs.) Vernon Graham W eatherford

100 — Competition

Burk 36 46 37 45 50 40 46 48 53 56 46 49 52 43 68 50 54

O pp. 27 30 36 39 46 67 28 30 51 42 37 27 26 45 29 40 57

mbo Davis goes up fo r rebound.

Tim Kormos shoots fo r two.

David Ray tires free throw.

A fte r having played to the best o f their a b ility, JV ended a fine season. Both on and o ff the court, their sportsmanship and a b ility proved that each o f these players has the skill to lead our school in the future.

Ray goes up fo r the ball.

Competition — 101

Freshmen Gain Experience Steve Davis Roger M a rtin Ronnie Lindsey M ike Penn M a rty Ray M a tt Horn Randy Berg Harvey Toalson

Brad D arland Jr. C ox Brett Patty D arrell Dickey Steve Bruhn Benny W est Billy C raw ford Coach D avid Keller


Quanah Vernon Q uanah Rider Vernon Hirschi W . F. Coyotes Hirschi W . F. Coyotes Iow a Park Rider Hirschi Vernon

102 — Competition

Burk 62 36 46 54 37 51 45 40 47 54 32 42 46

O pp . 36 60 30 91 49 57 53 42 43 42 76 34 53


Volleyball Added to Team Sports

■1 ■LRSITY — KNEELING: Carolyn Hicks, Captain Cheryl Hicks, G ladys Brown, Sis M ataska. STANDING: Mrs. Bledsoe, Denise Bowers, M arie Egnoto, Janelle Bowers.

S p lO R VARSITY — KNEELING: Jody Hull, Becky Burns, Captain Judy Bavousett, Captain, Cindy Lee. STANDING: Mrs. Bledsoe, Cindy Kenny, Teresa Duetsch, G ay Meaders, 4 ii G riffin.

Competition — 103

Baseball Takes Spring A tten tion KNEELING: Barry W ilkinson Benny W ilkinson Randy Burke Jimmy Koulovatos Robert Felty Kyle Nickerson G ary Dilbeck Bob Hackworth Doug Garrison STANDING: Coach Young Greg Liffick John H ardy Larry Jonshon Phillip January Bimbo Davis M ike Labrie David Todd Chris Strayhorn Zac Henderson M ike Lang Coach Keller

John H ardy warms up before practice.

104 — Competition

Coach Keller demonstrates new pitching machine.

Golfers Practice After School James W hite Danny Lee Darrell Coleman Frank A ndrajack Coah Bob Carpenter Bruce Brookman Shawn MacBeth Joe Lay Brad Darland Ronald W alker

Farrell Coleman putts as Danny Lee looks on.

James W hite tees o ff.

Competition — 105

Varsity Tennis Takes Trophies

FRONT ROW: Linda W atts, G a il Cullison, Terry G ustafson, M a ry Smith, Taffy G ustafson, Becky Tate, M a ry G ra ndy, Steve Dye. BACK ROW : James W hite, Jack Salyer, David Neum ann, Rick M ead, M ike Dye, Eric Neumann, Dick Pittman.

Hit! rim u rniffs 3off / m a t c m r ■ IS NOT IN USE " “

G ail Cullison loosens up fo r serve.

106 — C om petition.

Becky Tate changes courts.

M ary G ra ndy finds the wind hampering.


TVand Fr. Train for Matches

ijQNT ROW : C indy Smalley, Liz Shipp, Kenda Riley, M ike Fuller, Ken W alker, David Brunson. BACK ROW: Ruth Radloff, Dennis Curran, M ike Ledbetter, David Larson, Greg lark, John Ludeke, Ricky Sjolin.

flONT ROW: David Johnson, Scott Richards, M aribeth Staden, M ichelle Bisson, Donny Taylor, Sam Balander, Chris W alton, Bruce Hagstrom, Robert Morris, Sidney Mullins, Iresa Reuwer, Kevin Brown. MIDDLE ROW: Kathleen Phillips, Lorraine Van W ey, Liz Burt, Lisa Ledbetter, C athy Cray, W endy Powell, Ruth W alker, Linda Bailey, Brenda Bottos, nee Newcom b, Tammy W ilson. BACK ROW: Russell Eggen, Patty S jolin, Debbie G arrett, Carol Tullis, Judy M allone, John Barad, Dan Bielefeldt, M ark Pettit, Bill M ay, Amy Vdeke.

Competition — 107

Track Tearns Host Meets

KNEELING: Russell Clam pitt, Tim Kormos, Chris Strayhorn, Tommy Rushing, Larry Lamer, H arvey W illiam s, John M o rgan , M a rk Langenback, G len Locklin, M a rk Cummings. STANDING: Kenneth Eaton, Ben Elliot, Zac Henderson, David Ray, Larry M a rtin, Jay Lippard, Robert Felty, Coach Jay D arland, David W eaver, G len M iller, Curtis W illiams.

Tim Kormos leaps over high jump bar.

108 — Competition

Chris S trayhorn practices high hurdles.

Girls’ Track Rates in Area Meets

I p I N G : JoAnne Masters, M arilyn Koller, Paula Crum pler, Cheryl Hicks, DeDe Umlah, G ayla W heeler, Sheri Sutton,Lisa Harris. KNEELING: Kris Smith, Sherry G orham , Sherri ■jpgstrom, C arolyn G ra y, Sherry Grass, Donna Rayner, Karen Lewis, Jane Hobbs. STANDING: Jody H ow ell, Laurie Lewis, Janis Ralston, Karen W hitaker, Liz Greene, Gladys D ow n , Carolyn Hicks, N an Sullivan, Mrs. Judy Bledsoe.

i i

lliis Ralston practices fo r big track meet.

Running 4 4 0 Relay are JoAnne Masters, M arilyn Koller, Paula Crumpler, and Cheryl Hicks.

Competition — 109

110 — Guidance


Guidance — 111

Home Ec. provides necessary experience for managing future homes. With today's higher prices and food shortages, budgets are not easily kept. Besides learning the basics in food and clothing, Home Ec. provides a time to develop talents that will become enjoyable

Home Ec. student prepares unusual dish.

and profitable.

Day Care Center children have fun a t Halloween party.

Future homemakers practice child care.

Kathy Brookman tries out new recipe.

112 — Guidance

Cassie H arding shows her skills w ith a sewing machine.

Physical Education offers fun and games as well as a break from the everyday mental concentration of school work. During one hour each day students participate in exercises, volleyball, kickball, and track. Daily exercise increases strength, agility, and stamina as well as encourages a refreshed outlook on life. I [dents get in shape b y doing exercises.

Judy Bovousett and Cindy Lee take a rest.

< Js run fo r excercise a n d fo r the teacher.

G uidance — 113

A student o f Building Trades is aided by the teacher in cutting w ood.

114 — Guidance

hanical D rawing requires a lo t o f concentration and hard work.

Precise angles are needed in draw ing blueprints.

Technical training opportunities at B.H.S. include Mechanical Drawing, Auto Mechanics, Vo Ag, and Building Trades. By being allowed to spend a considerable portion of each day studying and actually performing in specified fields, the student prepares himself both mentally and physically for his vocational choice. By graduation the student is ready to actively enter his field with experience and knowledge behind him.

A Building Trades student listens attentively to the instructor.

Guidance — 115

Mrs. Vincent's students prepare fo r a tim ed w riting.

Vickie Snyder is am azed a t her mistakes.

Business skills are an important asset in today’s everchanging world. The technical skills associated with the business world such as typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, and business math are considered mandatory for future business personnel. Classes work toward improvement of speed and accuracy thereby providing the student with experience and valuable knowledge. Robert Bently concentrates on his practice set.

116 — Guidance

Minds plus math equal meaning even though the meaning is only clear to the teacher. Number fields, sets, and systems are still a puzzle in the minds of many students. Solving equations takes hours of logic and deductive reasoning sometimes ending in a state of mass confusion. Yet math not easily comprehended, remains a basis of solving many problems both in and out of the classroom.

Constant questions are being asked in math.

Guidance — 117



To cover the beginning of time to the present day in one year is a difficult task. Yet through endless hours of notes, lectures, maps, and discussions, we find ourselves moving on through time. Even if in our minds only, we travel through history learning dates, names, and events which all together make the world as it is today. A history student questions M r. S ternadale's lecture.

M r. C ook talks to his class a b out the current events in the newspaper.

118 — Guidance

Judy Johnson listens attentively w hile taking notes.

iThe world of Iscience ■progresses from day to day and students ■study these changes in chemistry, physical Iscience, and biology. Discoveries through ■experiments transform long lectures into

>4more interesting classes.

Joyce M organ helps a fellow classmate with an experiment.

M ike Lang, Larry Johnson, and Doug Snyder w ork on an experiment.

David Phillips thinks over a problem,

Along with experim enting, chemistry students solve problems w ith logic and reasoning.

A b iology student measures the weight o f a liquid.

Guidance — 119

Practicing in bad weather turns into "first divisions" and then parties. Music skills are not an overnight challenge but a goal a devoted student sets in his younger years. A lot of fun pours in with the long hours of hard work and comes out as a great satisfaction to the individual and the school he represents. The music department not only challenges other schools through competition but brings spirit to its own school in pep rallies, sport events, and concerts. Each of these students works overtime to help create a better united student body.

M any night rehearsals are called during concert season.

Bulldog Band backs the Bulldogs.

G len A shley and M ark G ilb o w participate in Homecoming parade.

“ D addy Jim " rehearses band.

Band members w ork hard tow ard a division “ I."

M any drills are perform ed by marching band.

120 — Guidance

ylore and more jdents discover their inner talents through art classes. They have shown many types of intemporary work and skills. Among these skills are prismatic posters, sculptures, papier ache and silver point. Art and academics are combined to broaden education and to engthen interest of students.

Indents learn their first lesson in art, “ Patty C akes."

A lo t o f time and hard w ork g o into an art production.

C lay is distributed to the A rt students to prepare fo r the com pleted product.

G uidance— 121

Drama member aw aits her turn to practice.

Drama students practice long hours fo r the “ Snow W h ite " production.

Debbie Spandable and Sherry W ilh o it prepare props fo r the next production.

M ore props are prepared by dram a students.

A lot of work goes into a play, but cast members and crew seem to energetically get the work done. After the parts are assigned, rehearsals begin along with building scenery and props. Long rehearsals result in good entertainment for the school and the community. Public speaking helps create more confident students as well as bringing them valuable experience and self satisfaction.

1 2 2 — G u id a n ce

Members o f dram a take a rest before practicing the next scene.

Jo urn alism req uires creative ideas, hard work and a lot of time. After assignments and ads are completed, the dedicated staff members tackle the deadline by organizing copy and cropped pictures into a comprehensive edition. While the Spirit staff works to keep the school informed through the year, the Derrick composes memories of past experiences. Although the work is often tense and difficult, the result of preserved memories is worth the struggle. Susie Dennis and Kris A aron draw layouts fo r annual.

y Blackney concentrates on copy.

â– ERRICK staff works hard to meet deadlines.

Jacque Harris works long hours on SPIRIT.

Stacy M uller counts money fo r annual sale.

Sue Ann Hutchison and Jan Lindsey concentrate on

M arty Hudson works on sports section.

new ideas.

Guidance — 123

Tim W hite reads earnestly fo r an English assignment.

Mrs. C lam pitt’s students copy gram m ar from the board.

English bridges yesterday's thoughts with today's life. Through exercises in creative writing, reading development, and grammar, students learn to search for the author's hidden ideas and how to develop their own. Important for the future education, English sets necessary background for understanding and expressing oneself in today's world.

English students fin d something amusing in Miss Brockriede’s class.

124 — G uidance

n and games are included in Germ an class.

Germ an students w a it attentively to practice their dialogue.

Learning another language is never easy; yet, many students are willing to study strange sounds to break the barrier of communication. New rules, genders, and punctuation do not always agree with the old English mind, but the hours of memorizing are suddenly worthwhile when the teacher speaks those strange words and you catch yourself understanding them.

banish posters display the w ild west and basketball.

W orking together doesn't always mean th a t the w ork gets done.

Guidance — 125

126 —

R e c o g n itio n


R ecognition — 1 2 7

Who’s Who Students selected for W h o ’s W ho are among the most outstanding in the school. This is the highest honor that can be paid to a senior. These students are chosen by the teachers according to grades, attitudes, character and participation in school activities. (1) Chris Strayhorn is the Student Council Vice-President and in the past has served as president. He is a member o f N ation al Honor S ociety and attended Boys' State. He has been on the V arsity fo o tb a ll team fo r tw o years and was elected A ll School Favorite in 1974, and was Junior Class Favorite in 1973. (2) Ken Schroeder was a Boys' State representative and is currently the S tudent Council Treasurer. He is Senior Class President and a member o f the N ation al Forensic League. He was nom inated fo r M ost Likely to Succeed and Senior Class Favorite. He is also on the SPIRIT staff. (3) Kris A aron is the Editor o f the DERRICK and attended G irls’ State. She is a member o f the N ation al H onor Society, Pep C lub, and Q u ill and Scroll H onor Society.



1 2 8 — Recognition

(5 )

(4) Shelley M oore has been active in Pep Club, Student C o un cil and DERRICK staff. She has served as secretary o f her class fo r four years and is currently secretary for N ational H onor Society and Student Council, and also the 1973 Homecoming Queen. She attended G irls’ State ahd has received numerous scholastic awards. (5) Robin W alton has won numerous awards in speech tournaments. He is a member o f Thespians, N ational Forensic League and is on the SPIRIT staff; he also announced the BHS news daily. (6) Leah Rogers is a member o f Band, N ational Honor Society, Student Council, Pep Club, and Spanish Club. She was nominated fo r Most Likely to Succeed and Senior Class Favorite. She was also named February’s Outstanding Student and also received an academic letter fo r 1972-73.

Recognition — 1

Mr. and Miss B.H.S.

Zac Henderson

130 — Recognition

Shelly Moore

Nominees Gail Cullison Connie Dolan Dennis Barnes Chris Strayhorn

All School Favorite

Chris Strayhorn Cassie Hardy N o m in ees Susie Dennis Dennis Barnes M ary Ravella David Todd

132 — Recognition

All School Handsome and Beauty

T ommy Rushing Connie Dolan N o m in ees Shirley Blair Zac Henderson Karen Paulsen David Robinson

Recognition —

Most Likely to Succeed JoAnn Masters Skip Dean N o m in ees Shelly M oore Leah Rogers

Best Dressed Joyce Bodine T erry W aller N o m in ees Jana Barnes M ary Ravella

134 — Recognition

Robbie Buckley Johnny Hamilton

Ken Schroeder Benny W ilkinson

Boys9State and Girls9State Reps This past June, Ken Schroeder, Paul Deutsch, and Chris Strayhorn (I. to r.) represented BHS in Austin at Texas Boys’ State. Likewise, Shelly Moore and Kris Aaron (I. to r.) attended Bluebonnet Girls' State in Seguine. To attend one of these functions, students must be nominated and voted on by the teachers. The final selection of girls is determined by an interview by the sponsoring American Legion Auxiliary. Students from all over Texas met for a study in government. These students set up a mock government and elected officials. Students may attend only after their junior year of high school.

RGANIZATION SWEETHEARTS A N D BEAUS: KNEELING: David Ray, Pep Club; Kyle Nickerson, F.T.A.; Randy W alker, Girls' FFA; Kris A aron, F.T.A.; Damta Allen, Bui mg trades; Connie A llen, A uto Mechanics; Sis M atesk, F.F.A.; Dena Masters, Building Trades.

Recognition — 135

1973 Homecoming Queen Shelly Moore




Football Queen

Karen Paulsen





I Basketball Queen

pCim Aaron

Recognition — 137

138 — Friendship


FAVORITES: G ail Cullison and D arrell Coleman

BEAUTY A N D H ANDSOM E: Larry Johnson and S hirley Blair

CLASS OFFICERS: Karen Paulsen, Reporter; M a ry G ra ndy, Vice-President; Dw ight C aldw ell, President; and Shelly M oore, Secretary-Treasurer.

140 — Friendship

Kris Aaron Connie Allen Deni Alleo Chris Amburn

Nolan Ansohn Kim Balander Jeff Baldwin Dennis Barnes

Rusty Barrett Nancy Benberg Dana Bennett Debby Binion

Greg Bjorkman Shirley Blair Kenny Bond Jimmy Boswell

Janelle Bowers Trenna Brammer Carol Bratina Mike Braun

Friendship— 141

Dorothy Brewster Susan Briggs Kathy Brookman Rick Brooks

Debbie Brown Randy Bruce Sherry Bruce Cindy Brunson

Grace Buechler Glynna Burk Dwight Caldwell M ario Castro

Robert Chaney Roxie Cobble

W arren Coble Alan Cole

M ike Labrie catches up on the latest.

142 — Friendship

Darrell Coleman

Theresa Combs

David Cotton Jim Couture Dennis Cox Gail Cullison

Donna Curtis David Carter Angela Davis Donna Dean

Skip Dean Susie Dennis Pam Deville Paul Deutsch


Gary Dilbeck Teresa Dilks

Frank Disney Candy Dodson

Connie Dolan Minerva Dominguez Benny Dorland Ruby Dorland

Terri Doten Gregg Eastman Glenn Epps Cindy Eustace

Becky Farney Kathryn Fidalio Bob Fields Terry Fields

144 — Friendship

Debbie Fleming Philip Forester John Fowler Ricki Gann

Vikki Gibson Gary Gilbert Richard Gilbert Randy Gilbow

Lori Goddard Candi Goettman John Goins Jeanette Goodnow

M ary Grandy

Pat Greene

Queen nominees prepare fo r the big event.

Friendship — 145

Rita Greenway Ronald Gresham Bertha Guffey Cheryl Guillory

Donald Guinn Taffy Gustafson Terry Gustafson Mike Guthrie

Doug Haas Bob Hackworth John Hagan Sherri Hagstrom

Joyce Halverson

Johnny Hamilton

C andy Dodson busy a t w ork on the Senior floa t.

146 — Friendship

Lynn Hammond Dolly Hancock Jacque Harris Rickie Harris

Tommy Hawk Zac Henderson Cheryl Hicks Theresa Hilton

Marilyn Hocker Steven Hodges Kim Hoover Susan Houpt

Belinda Howard Sue Ann Hutchinson Joy Jenkins Larry Johnson

Lynn Johnson Norman Kee Kiddy Jones Sherry Key

Friendship — 147

Jon Klar G riff Klinkerman Bill Koshler Marilyn Koller

M ary Labrie Mike Labrie Danny Ladd Debbie Lafitte

Mike Lang Charles Lawrence Danny Lee Judy Lemley

Lynn Leonard Donna Lewis Bob Lippard Randy Loveless

Roy Lyles Larry Martin Jo Ann Masters Sis Mataska

148 — Friendship


Rodney McCleskey

Jay McCluskey Carolyn McDonald Rachel McDonald David McDuffy

Kevin McKay Barry McLaughlin Cheryl Mead Mike Markel

Marsha Milam Jan Milstead Carol Mitchell Jo Lynn Montgomery

Friendship — 149


Kevin Moon Shelly Moore Cathy Morgan Stacy Muller

Georgianna Neal David Neumann Ronda N ey Carolyn Nicholas

Joe Nichols M ike Nieto LaVelda Norriss Roy O akley

Seniors g e t together after a meeting to give a class yell.

150 — Friendship

Pat Organ Diana Osborne Dean Pace Rusty Park

Theresa Paskus Karen Paulsen James Phalan David Phillips

David Pierce Sue Pierce Nathan Platt Teresa Preston

Dorothea Puder Lynn Ralston Janis Ralston Joseph Rasile


M ary Ravella Mike Roberts David Robinson Leah Rogers


Norman Royal Donna Rushford Steve Schelter Douglas Schneider

Kenneth Schroeder Cathy Shackelford Terrye Shields Vicki Shubird

Jacky Simmons Theresa Sjolin Charley Slayden Brenda Smith

Debbie Smith Evelyn Smith Sandy Songer Teresa Sossaman

Carolyn Spencer Brent Spires Steve Stanberry Pam Starling

152 — Friendship

Karen Stone

Chris Strayhorn

Becky Tate

Brenda Taylor George Taylor Peggy Taylor Dub Tharp

Linda Thomas Yvonne Thomas Terry Thompson Charles Threadgill

Friendship — 153

Skip Toalson David Todd Linda Townsend Michael Tugman

Marilyn Tutcher Darlene Ulery Marlene Ulery Randy W alker

Robert W alker Terry W aller Robin Walton Rose Warren

Tom Watkins

James Watson

154 — Friendship

Linda Watts David W eaver Beverly Webb Gayla Wheeler

Tim White David Wilhite Benny Wilkinson Jeff Wilkinson

Randy Wilkinson Sherry Willhoit Gayla Williams Linda Williams

Ron Williams Angela Williamson Ken Willingham Cathy Wills

Edward Wintermeyer Susan Woods Jan Yarbro Richard Yates


FAVORITES: Jimmy Adams and Kim Ridgway

BEAUTY A N D HANDSOME: Dee Dee W atkins and M ike Dye

CLASS OFFICERS: Debbie Dempsey, Reporter; Dee Dee W atkins, Vice President; Kim Ridgway, Secretary-Treasurer; Dave Schroeder, President.

156 — Friendship

Kim Aaron Randy Able Jimmy Adams Mark Adams Merwin Ansohn

Cretia Arthur Glenn Ashley Kelley Balander Cherry Balis Becky Barnes

Dianna Barrett Kennetha Bartodej Lynn Bauer Judy Bavousett Trudy Bavousett

Dorothy Beasley Terry Beaver Jerry Beckett Sabrina Benberg Robert Bentley

Michael Bielefeldt Debbie Bigford Mike Bingham G ay Blackney Linda Blair

Janel Blake Lisa Bledsoe Laura Bloodworht Joyce Bodine Jacquelyn Bottos

Friendship — 157

Mark Boyd Michael Brinkley Bob Britton Bruce Brown Cindy Brown

Duncan Brown Robbie Buckley Robin Burke Nancy Cados Jeanna Caldwell

Niles Caldwell Phil Campbell Sherry Carr Karen Carter Kathy Cheney

Kenneth Civiletto Bobetta Clark Alfred Claycamp Alan Cole Kevin Collier

Pam Cooper Peter Couture Christi Cox Danny Cozby Mike Crain

Donna Creekmore Tommy Criddle Paula Crumpler M ark Cummings Lana Curlee

158 — Friendship

Patti Darden Jolene Satre Bimbo Davis Gaylene Dean Debbie Dempsey

Roger Dempsey Timmy Dennis Cheryl Denny Mike Dodson Larry Dorman

Leilani Dow Rodney Dunn Shannon Dwyer Mike Dye Kenny Eaton

Cindy Egenbacher Marie Egnoto

Elaine Ellis Richard Elphick

Marc Engelking Terry England

Friendship — 159

Terry Enright M arv Etheredge

Lee Ewell Nancy Ezzell

Becky Farney Robert Felty

Terry Folk Richard Fore Roy Foster Mike Fournier Debbie Garrison

Doug Garrison Paul Gerstner Laynette Gibson Kenny Glenn Bob Goad

Fred Gowan Cheryl Gray Liz Greene Harry Greenway Chris Gregory

160 — Friendship

Sharon Greschel Millie Guerrero Becky Gum Jim Hagan Terry D. Hague

Connie Hale John Hardy Alice Harmon Gary Harper Billy Ray Harris

Bbo Hatcher Debbie Hatcher Kenneth Harrel Robert Harper Larry Henderson

Susie Hennis Linda Henson Teresa Herring Rhonda Hervey Carl Hilton

Steve Hoover M ary Hough Jennifer Howard Marty Hudson Ronnie Huffman

Jeff Hull Jody Hull June Hunter Freida Johnson Jean Johnson

Friendship — 161

Skip Johnson Cindy Kenney Jimmy Koulovatos Tracy Janeke Phillip January

Starle January Freida Johnson Randy Jones W anda Kenyon Kevin Ketcham

Gregory Kizzie M ark Klan Danny Knox Larry Lamer Kenya Land

Richard Larson Penny Lawrence Cindy Lee Mike Lewis Bill Lindenborn

162 — Friendship

Jan Lindsey Jay Lippard Victor Long Robert Lyles Evelyn McCalip

Sheila McKay Patty McKinney Tim McMahill Alan Mahaffey Nancy Mallone

Tracey Marten Janis Martin Mickey Mason Ricky Mason David McDuffy

G ay Meadors Kevin Merkel Randy Mills

Ray Mize Leston Moore Joyce Morgan

Tim Mullins Beth Napier Noella Niles

Typing is fun fo Joyce Westmoreland.

Friendship — 163

Gary Neeley Cindy Newingham Rodney Ney Nita Offill Kermit Olson

Tim Organ Bobby Parker Garrett Parkey Adele Paskus Laurie Pearson

Robbie Pemberton Karla Pennington Tim Pollard Robert Porter Mona Powell

Janis Quotes Dale Raines Steve Ransom Maureen Ravella Sally Reid

Vicki Rich

Kim Ridgway

164 — Friendship

Dennis Rivard Ricky Robinson Mark Rodgers

Barbara Rogers Mark Rorabow Doyla Ross

Jacky Rupard James Rushford Tommy Rushing

Library assistants help out.

Denise Russell Roy Saindon Jack Salyer Steve Sands Bill Savage

Dave Schroeder Ricci Schroeder Patti Scobee Joe Scruggs Lance Shaffer

Sharon Shaffer Dickey Shaw Valerie Shuck Celeste Sims Gary Sims

Friendship — 165

Brickley Sjolin Becky Skaggs Ricky Skaggs Debra Slaton M ary Smith

Rosalyn Smith Debbie Spanable David Sprole M att Sternadel Eddie Stewart

Mary St. Laurent Cynthia Sullivan Gregg Swaim Rickey Sykes Fawn E. Taylor

Paul Taylor Toni Thomas Debbie Thompson Lee Ann Thomas John Thompson

Patty Todd Debi Toft Mike Towery Patti Townsend Kathy Trevena

Jim Tugamn Debbie Upchurch Dee Dee Umlah Steve VanWinkle Susan W agner

166 — Friendship

Patty W aller Robin Wampler

Dee Dee Watkins David Watson

Junior fo o tb a ll players show their spirit.

Gail Watson David Weatheread Barbara Webb Robbie Weidauer Joyce Westmoreland

Karen Whitaker James White Tonya Whitley Ricky Wilkins Harvey Williams

Sherrie Williams Sylvester Williams Janette Wilson Susan Wilson Frank L. Winn

David Wright Jim Wright Debby Wood Dana Zachary Bruce Zaloski

Friendship — 167

FAVORITES: Liz Shipp and D avid Ray

BEAUTY A N D HANDSOM E: Brad Cummings and Donna Hall

CLASS OFFICERS: Kay A lvey, Vice President; Frank A ndrajack, President; Kenda Riley, Reporter, Tami Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer.

168 — Friendship

Cathy Aboud Joe Addison Patti Adkins Dion Alexander Brenda Allen Tarrie Allen

Sharon Allison Kay Alvey Susan Anderson Frank Andrajack Janet Ardvengo Philip Armstrong

Larry Arthur Terry Austin Debbie Ball Richard Bariteau Dean Barnes Carol Bearden

Race Bennett Pat Bentley Chris Berg Louwanna Bills Patsy Bilyeu Brian Blankenship

Clay Blum Debbie Boisvert Denise Bowers Amy Breneman Lynn Brewster Robert Briggs

Beth Bruckman Susan Brooks Gladys Brown Shauna Brown Terrie Bruce Cathy Brumfield

Friendship — 169

Joe Bryan Mike Bultena David Bumgardner

Mike Bunton James Burden Randy Burke

Danita Roberts aw aits her performance.

Boyd Bush Sue Cados James Caldwell Panthea Caldwell Regina Camdidonica Doug Carlile

Becky Case Linda Case Larry Champ Richard Chancellor Gus Chandler Roy Cheney

Douglas Childres Russell Clampitt Greg Clark Debra Cleaver M argaret Colter Justine Crabtree

Faith Crawford Carolyn Cray Richard Cresswell Terri Crocker Tim Crul Brad Cummings

170 — Friendship

Dennis Curran Teresa Davis Donna Day Patsy Denny Teresa Deutsch M arla Divine

Patrice Dickson Allen Dooley Tommy Dorland Jerry Eaton Bob Elliott Donna Edwards

Bin Ellett Kim Embree Susan Engesther James Ezzell Ron Farney Sandra Ferguson

John Fidalio Clinton Fletcher Ricky Follman

Mike Forester Willie Fortner Mike Fuller

Bonnie Galvin Debbie Galvin Don Garcia

Brian Blankenship prepares fo r contest.

Friendship — 171

Janice Gates Danny Gerstner Adam Gibson Jeff Gibson Robert Gibson Patti Gill

Delmer Goode Randy Gore Jeri Grass Mitchell Green Cindy Hagan Roy Hale

Donna Hall M ark Hall Jeanie Hamilton Victoria Harris Loleta Harris W ad e Harris

Don Hardy Jeannie Hayes Vince Heinze

Robert Herrod Randy Hervey Christy Hess

Jerry Hibbs Carolyn Hicks Linda Higinbotham

Sophomores were pleased w ith another winner.

172 — Friendship

Susan Hluchanek W endy Holderness

Raymond Holland Ricky Holland

Rodney Hooper Gary Hoover Jodie Howell Howard Hunter Lushane Italian Bobbie Ivey

Sherry Jackson Sherry Jackson Del Jantzen Debbie Johnson Susan Johnson Judy Johnson

Phillip Kerr Terri Key lor Eric Klar Donna Knight Tim Kormos Liz Koulovatos

Mike Kwas Mike Landrum Mark Langenback David Larson Rhonda Lary Mike Ledbetter

Friendship —

Robert Leopold Gregg Liffick Pamela Line

Linda Linker Joe Lippa Glenn Locklin

Danny Luckey John Ludeke Theresa McBee

Liz Koulovatos shows her spirit a t outside pep rally.

Levita McClesky Chris McClure Terry McCaleb Tim McConnell Dianne McDuffy Jeff McKnight

Lori Maguire Laura Manuel Linda Martin Dena Masters Paul Masters Paula Masters

Rickey Mathews Danny Mathis Joy Matthews Tammy Maxwell Rich Mead W ad e Meaders

174 — Friendship

Terry Meyer John Michonski Mark Milam David Miller Diana'Miller Dewain Milner

Glen Miller Lily Mims Monty Keown Doug Moore John Morgan Valarie Morgan

Becky Morris Cynthia Mouret N ada Mullins Cindy Myhand Kyle Nickerson Tammy Norwood

Kathi Odell Stephanie Offill Peggy Ooten Bruce Patterson Vicky Overton Kenneth Paulsen

Energetic sophomores w ork on their float.

Friendship — 175

Karon Payton Diane Peters Christine Phalan Dick Pittman Keith Pierce LaRee Pierce

Anita Plumely Tom Pollard Terry Proctor Caroline Pugliesi Beth Radanovic Ruth Radloff

Mike Raleigh Julie Ralston Steve Ralston Barbara Ramsey LeAnn Ravan David Ray

Donna Raynor Randy Reasoner Kathy Riley Kenda Riley Carlton Roark Roger Robbins


Dan Roberts Danita Roberts Dawn Roberts Dorsey Robinson Mark Robinson Stephen Robinson

Danny Roe Libby Rogers Linnie Rose Diane Rosser Frank Royar Kathy Roysden

Susan Rozzeli Susan Rupard Sandra Russell Rick Scearce Valerie Schnitker Randall Schuman

Marsha Seymor Mike Shallenberger Donnie Shepard

Liz Shipp Kevin Shubird Penny Siber

Ruth Sickman Ricky Sjolin Beverly Smith

Chris Smith Eugene Smith Karen Smith Lea Ann Smith Lynn Ann Smith Vicky Snyder

Brad Spake Ronnie Spinks Janet Staly Ricky Stevens Terry Stin Russell Strode

Donna Stubblefield Nan Sullivan Debbie Sumrall Barbara Sutherland Sheri Sutton Larry Sweetser

Karen Taylor Tami Taylor

Cathy Thomas Debbie ThomPson

Linda Threadgill Dale Tisdale

Sophomores w ork on braces fo r whale.

178 — Friendship

Kevin Tory Chris Townsend Randy Tucker

Jim Turner Kevin Tory Mike Varner

Randy Vercher Terri W agler Kenneth W alker

W a lly W est passes parade viewers.

Elaine Walker Malon W ard Terry Warren Delora Washington Lee Watkins Mike Watts

W alter West Mike White Diana Williams Barry Wilkinson Janice Wilson Jerry Wilson

Gary Wood Vickie Wright Brian Yates Bill Young Traye Young James Youngblood

Friendship — 179


FAVORITES: M a rty Ray and Tanna Dowling

BEAUTY A N D H ANDSOM E: John Barad and Laurie Lewis

CLASS OFFICERS: Tanna D ow ling, President; Laurie Lewis, Reporter; Chris N eible, Vice-President; and Stacy A llm on, Secretary— Treasurer

180 — Friendship

Sherry Ackerson Becky Adochip Donna Akens Philip Albares George Albin Melvin Allen

Stacy Allmon Debbie Altic Daryl Ansohn Melvin Antee Gayle Apple Steve Arens

Scotty Arthur Debbie Atwood Tim Avrit Linda Bailey Sam Balander Betty Balis

John Barad Debra Barber Jana Barnes Yvonne Barnes Gary Baum Cindy Bavousett

Edward Beard Albert Bearden Barbara Beasley James Bechtold John Becker Randy Berg

Dan Bielefeldt Rickie Bigford Debbie Bingham Michelle Bisson Jeff Blake Albert Boswell

Brenda Bottos Debbie Boydstun Gloria Bradford James Brightman Mark Brinkley Bruce Brookman

Friendship — 181

David Brown David Brown

Jackie Brown Kevin Brown

Marian Brown Tammy Brown

G igi G riffin learns Hie a rt o f sewing.

Debbie Bruce David Brunson Jeff Buckley Charles Bultena Beverly Burden Shannon Burdette

Terri Burges Elizabeth Burt Carla Camp Paul Carr Treva Casey Robert Catuska

W ayne Chambers Tammy Chumley Dennis Clark M ark Clendenon Lora Coleman Junior Conder

Cheryl Conner Aronia Cox M ary Cox Andy Crawford Billy Crawford Cathy Cray

182 — Friendship

Jon Creel James Criddle Kathleen Crowder Robin Crump Eugene Cryer Mike Darden

Brad Darland Carol Darland Billy Davis Steve Davis Jeanette Deal Keith Deason

Paul Demers Darrel Dickey Tony DiMarzio Pamela Dodson Sandy Dodson Keith Dolan

Billie Dorland Dwight Dow Tanna Dowling Mike Doyle Arlene Duggan Debbie Dwyer

Steve Dye Jimmy Edwards Russell Eggen

Margaret Ellett David Ellis Ray Elphick

James Embree Calvin Engeldinger Ray Enright

Melvin Antee has a solo pa rt in "Horse.

Friendship — 183

Joyce Epps Alan Etheredge Tim Evans Ray Farney Peggy Fetton James Finney

Drew Ford Cindy Forester Tommy Foster Kathy Frazier Denise Fulcher Bonnie Galvin

Randy Gann Debbie Garrett Mike Gates Michael Geer Yvonne George M arta Gibson

M ark Gilbow Randy Goettman Kenny Goodrich

Sherri Gorham Sheri Grass Kathy Graves

Tammy G ray M ark Gregory Gigi Griffin

Jayne Griffin Ron Grinstead Hollis Guffey

184 — Friendship

Bruce Hagstrom Steve Hamilton

Darline Harrell James Hawk

Joey Phalan takes an early morning Coke break.

Gena Hall Hal Halverson Charles Harding Cassie Hardy Lisa Harris Diana Hassell

Teresa Hassell Sandra Hastings Cari Hattaway Amaryllis Haynes Laura Henderson Mark Henson

Sandy Higinbotham M aria Hilton Ann Holderness Bernie Holland Gene Hoover M att Horn

Velta Houk Janet Hourigan Sherry Howard Teresa Howard Billy Hromes Larry Hudson

Linda Huffman Phil Huffman Michael Huston Bobby Jackson Lesley Jackson Dana James

Friendship — 185

Alexis January David Jenkins Merlin Jenkins

Sandy Jerome David Johnson David Johnson

Mike Jones Dan Kenney Peggy Kessler

Tim Kincade Mel King Ralph King Sandra Klaeger Ricky Kyle Jeff Landrum

Cathy Lay Joe Lay Lisa Ledbetter David Lemley Bobby Lewis Karen Lewis

Laurie Lewis Shawn Liffick Becky Liles Tom Lindenborn Ronnie Lindsey Paula Linker

Peni Linker Darryl I Livermore Eugene Long Amy Ludeke Sonya Maddox Beverly Maguire

186 — Friendship

Judy Mallone Lannie Malone Melanie Manes Roger Martin Robert Martinez Jeannine Mason

Robert Mathews Barbara Mathis Bill M ay James McArdle DeEtte McKinnis Sean McBeath

Cheryll Merkel Donna Merriman Mike Milam Susan Miller Diane Mitchell Brenda Moody

Phillip Moon Robert Morris Sidney Mullins Bert Neher Chris Neible Eric Neumann

Friendship — 187

Renee Newcomb Cathy O'Connor Cindy Oden Steve Organ Andrea Orman Randy Parker

Camella Parker Brett Patty Leigh Pauley Jerry Payton W ayne Pearson Doug Pierce

Mike Penn Sharon Perkins Rick Perry Larry Petersen M ark Pettit Glenn Reuter

Joe Phalan Kathleen Phillips Terry Pollard W endy Powell Teresa Pruett Donnie Pruitt

M ike Penn waits anxiously to o rder his lunch in the cafeteria.

188 — Friendship

Judy Quotes Shawn Rarick Marty Ray

Tony Reed Teresa Reuwer Tom Rice

Harold Rich Scott Richards Becky Rine

Rhonda Roberns Bob Roberts Larry Roderick Deborah Rogers Susan Rushford Brenda Russell

David Satterfield Joyce Satterfield M ark Schroeder Patricia Schroge Tami Sheperd Joyce Shirley

Sheila Shirley Patty Sjolin Terry Skinner Kenneth Slabaugh Beverly Slaton Janet Slusher

Cindy Small Barbara Smith Bev Smith Kevin Smith Priscilla Smith Tom Smith

Friendship — 189

Elio Smythe

Julie Spanable

G ari W oods gets in the center o f activities a t S. H. S.

John Spurlock Maribeth Staden Sharon Stafford Mike Steigerwald Sheila Stephans Jeff Sternadel

Ernie Stine Jerry Stringer Terry Stringer Kim Stubbles Kevin Sykes Danny Taylor

Donny Taylor Keith Taylor Neil Taylor Jan Tharp David Thomas Chris Thomas

Randy Thomas Harvey Toalson Terry Tobias Lonnie Torrance M ark Tory George Townsend

Cathy Trent Carol Tullis Rick Turnage Randy Umlah Lorraine Van W ey Mike Varner

190 — Friendship

Charlie Vaughn Mike Virden Ronald Walker Ruth Walker M ary Wallen Linda Walter

Chris Walton Cathy Watkins David Watkins Rhonda Weatherford Stacey Weiss Nora Welter

Robert Wenzel Bennie West James West Paul Whitley Dodie Williamson Tammy Wilson

Doug Wineinger Peter Winn Cari Woods Donald Wright Douglas Wright LeAnn Yates

Sandra Yates

Craig Yoder

Simon Zavala

M ike Penn and Chris N eible perform in the Student Council skit.

Friendship — 191






Miss Beaird promotes school spirit by sponsoring "S p irit Chain.

192 — Friendship


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it'M r. M oore shows a student new experiments.

Friendship — 193



MR. TO M MOORE Chemistry



194 — Friendship


MR. LEON PACE Auto Mech.


M r. McClain works many hard hours to prepare fo r contest.



Friendship — 19

M r. James proves to be an excellent choir director.



Mrs. Bloodworth helps improve her speech students.

196 — Friendship

School Board Shapes Policies The function of the Burkburnett School Board is one of great importance to our community. This board interprets and shapes the policies of the school by showing interest in the success of each school year. Because of these competent and understanding citizens, our school system is able to operate for the welfare of the students and the community. MR. JAMES PEARSON Superintendent

MR. DAN SHAFFNER Asst. Superintendent

M r. Ted Harris, M r. Dan Schaffner, M r. James Pearson, Mr. Gene Bankhead, M r. Ira Schroeder, M r. Thurman Allison, M r. John G ill, M r. Frank Morton, Mr. Norman Roberts.

Friendship — 1

Admin. Guides Student Body BILLY DARLAND — Principal

M . D. GROENEW OLD — G uidance Counselor

WALTER KOLLER — Vice Principal

If a student needs any type of counseling or guidance, these are the people to talk to. M r. Darland not only carries out his role as principal, but also encourages school spirit. Mr. Greenewold and Mrs. Smiley will guide a student through schedule changes and preparation for college. Mrs. Perkins and Mr. Beard can listen to any student's home and school problems. Mr. Koller, as well as Mr. Beard, helps solve students' problems in “ other" ways. All these people help our school to be a better place to learn.

JUDY SMILEY — G uidance Counselor

D O N N A PERKINS — Dean o f G irls

MR. BEARD helps students with their classes.

198 — Friendship

WES BEARD — Visiting Teacher

MRS. PERKINS carries o ut homecoming halftime.

Personnel Serve Student Body B.H.S. is proud to say that it has dedicated personnel. Our maintenance men work hard to keep our campus clean and groomed, while our cafeteria workers always have a good hot lunch ready for us. Mrs. Fulcher and Mrs. Gilstrap take some of the hard work away from the teachers by typing tests and stepping in as substitutes. Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Gregory also work long hours in the office to keep our school system in order. To these people we owe many thanks. I

MRS. BETNITA SIBER — M anaging Cook






Friendship — 19


INDEX 209 EM u#||s Com pa ny 210 A+I^^*e^ub 214 Bessie's Beauty Shop 214 Boomtown Bowl 204 Boomtown Golf Center ! 217 Burkburnett Bank I Burkburnett Florist and Bridal Shop^S W 211 209, Burk Informer Star 20| Burk Insurance Agency 208 Burk Sweet Shop 204 Campbell's Auto Supply 208 City Pharmacy Cornelius Insurance Agency J w i 210 Corner Drug 212 Dairy Mart : 210 Darter insurance Ed's Minif Mart Wm 2 W 205 Elite Dress Shop Famous Department Store 216 207 First Baptist Church / 202 First National Bank W Kmm 204 The Galley 208 Gibson's 205 Gibsoin's Pharmacy 9 207 Gill's Grocery " 211 Greenway Fina 209 Gun Shop Harry Elliott Auto Supply 1 206 Henry's Bakery

2 0 0 — Community

Hunt's Oil Field Supply Joe & Joe Barber Shop Juanitafs Florist L.& j! Garage Levi Strauss| jjfjtoadt Furniture Lloyd Qjemmer Loise Bean McCfar leans M anhattan/^ MatWs I Ma#Rreutz O rb jt Skating Rink Owens & Brumfey 5 Pep Club Preston Dairy Quality Cleaner? | Robbie's House o f Halmark Shack's Bell Station Shamburger Shirlene's STUCO Texas Electric Service Company Unique Styling Salon Wacker's Western Auto W hite's Auto Wolfe Ford Company

205 207 207 214 215 205 216 211 204 216 213 206 216 201 210 211 207 205 214 206 206 201 212 208 204 • 212 209 206




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202 — Community


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300 £> Third 8 m B 569-2221 * W t lff


Community — 203



Downtown and in ParitarSquare

223 E. 3rd 569-3391




416 S. Ave.D 569-3861




204 — Community


^ 8 1/2 E. 3rd I 569-3191







Interior Design Service S - il!

2 0 0 E .3 rd

Oklahoma Cutoff 569-1541



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S h irLme 6 PARKER PLAZA 569-3831


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407 S.Ave.D 569-1851


144 N. Ave. B 569-2661

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318 E. 3rd 569-8107




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Community — 207

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C om m unity —

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CORNER DRUG , 320 E. 3rd . 569-2251

DARTERINSURANCE I Reeford A ndf’eggy

Registered Pharmacists Joe R. Gillespie George M cClarty



BHBHH 21 0 — Community

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212 — Community


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OOMTOWN BOWL 1101 Wichita Hwy. 569-3340


214 — Community



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Community — 21



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MAN H A T ® 218 E. 3rd 569-2^51

C om m unity

Can I ever recapture this year? Its trials? Its triumphs? W ill my heart ever again beat with the thunder of a crowd? W ill my mind ever wander from a classroom to a distant dream? In years to come, will I ever blush with secret knowledge? W ill I ever want to?

2 2 0 — Closing

Can I relive the moments of uncontrollable laughter, the hours of unlimited tears? Can I hold on to friends who are mere memories? W hat will I think? W ho will I remember? W hat will I say when they ask what it was like in ’74?



* Kris Aaron * Susie Dennis

Asst. E d ito r .................. Features Editor . . .

‘ Shelly Moore '

Involvem ent. . . ............... Fellowship and Recognition

‘ Shelly Moore, Jan Lindsey, Sue Ann Hutchison ‘ Karen Paulsen, Kim Ridgway, Patti Scobee

C om petition.......... Guidance. . . . . . . . . . . . .

‘ Sherry Key, Marty Hudson ‘ Stacy Muller, G ay Blackney

Friendship and Community

‘ Kris Aaron, ‘ Susie Dennis

P ho to g rap h y..........

‘ Lynn Ralstdn, Tom Watkins, Carolyn Nicholas

‘ Second Year Members


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