Organized [Chaos]
B u rk b u rn ett High School
109 W. K ram er B urkburnett, Texas 76354 District 6 AAA Enrollm ent: 963 (940) 569-1411 w w w . e s c 9 .n e t / b u r k b u r n e t t i s d / b u r k h i g h .h t m
2 O pening
organized [chaos] T h e life o f a high school student is, in a w ord, chaotic. Practice. Hom ew ork. Rehearsal. Church. Sleep. Video games. H anging out with friends. Com m unity service. Trips. W ork. You try to cram as m uch as possible into 24 hours. Some
path to learning how to deal. [Sophomores], welcome to the middle of the road. Enjoy this fairly com fortable neutral ground. [Juniors], things start to heat up for you
feel the b u rn o f the candle at both ends while
this year. Suddenly, everything becomes a little
others thrive on th e constant flurry o f m otion and
m ore im portant and a bit harder. Don't let up. A nd [seniors], this is it. O ne last chance to
expectations. Either way, you're in a four-year race to prepare yourself to be able to handle the "real world" outside and to becom e who you want to be. U nfortunately, the side effects tend to be loss o f sleep, hectic weekends, and com petition. [Freshmen], this is your big beginning. By the end o f this year with any luck, you'll be on the
have an incredible year, accomplish much, and make great memories. Oh, and figure out what you actually want to do with your life. W herever you are in this process, live it up. It may be crazy, b u t it goes fast. *by Katy Bodenhorn and Julia Raymond
[1] R acin g for th e fin ish , se n io r Ju stin R o b ertso n carrie s Ian Peoples on his b ac k d u rin g th e G ra h a m p ep rally . [2] N u rsin g stu d e n ts E m ily Cooper, L eah H u rst, a n d V icto ria R aleigh ch e c k v ita ls o n th e ir d u m m y p atien t. [3] N o rm ally g u n s a re n 't allo w e d at C ross C o u n try m eets, b u t a n ex cep tio n w as m a d e for so p h o m o re N a th a n D urst. [4] C o m p lete w ith orange c o n tac ts, se n io r K een an S tu b b lefield w as p a in te d a n d re ad y to w in at a h o m e gam e. [5] F or T een s M ak e a D ifference Day, so p h o m o re Kellie P e te rse n c lean s u p tra sh a t th e sta d iu m . [6] M u d v o lley b all p a rticip an ts, te am s M o lso th a n d H eavy M etal get to g e th e r for a clea n gro u p h u g before p laying. [7] V arsity fo o tb all p lay ers d e fe n d th e B ulldog end. [8] D uring e arly m o rn in g See Y ou at th e Pole, fre sh m a n A lex H aw k in s (center) and fello w b a n d m e m b ers b o w th e ir h ead s in p ray er. [9] In M rs. Selvidge's E nglish IV class, se n io rs H ali R angel a n d Jessica Joss p u t th e ir heads to g e th e r o v er The H obbit. *photos by Julia Raymond Opening 3
unified ^ [discord] W hen you consider
com m on level. People o f all
the vast am ounts o f random noise you hear each day, it
different backgrounds,
can be a bit intimidating. Cheering, laughing, crying,
situations are h ere for, in
shouting, talking. Each
and intend to finish with the
individual has his or her own
same achievem ent regardless
personality quirks and belief
o f what else they may include
in those goals along the way. T h e re are many different
However, high school
religious beliefs, and financial many ways, the same reason
is the ultim ate p ro o f that it is
paths to th e same cap and
possible to bring such
random diversity to a
*Katy Bodenhorn
[1] A FJROTC lead s th e c ro w d in a p a trio tic m o m e n t. [2] U n d e r th e S e p te m b e r lig h ts, th e s tu d e n t se c tio n p u m p s u p v a rsity fo o tb all ag ain st S w e e tw a te r. [3] Y earb o o k staffer se n io r M elissa D ieh l engages in a n in te n se gam e of Jenga. [4] In p re p a ra tio n for H om eco m in g , se n io r Ia n P eo p les en su re s th a t th e s e n io r class c a n p ass "Go" a n d co llect $200. [5] H alftim e is a c o lo rfu l b lu r for m e m b e rs of th e B ulldog B rigade. [6] A t th e a n n u a l PPG P icnic, ju n io r B ailey B u rlto n o v ersees a ch ild -frie n d ly gam e. [7] S en io rs Jacob R eola, Jered P h illip s, a n d S p en cer R h o to n u n le a s h th e ir in n e r w a rrio rs fo r "C ow boys a n d Indians" nig h t. *photos by Julia R aym ond and Katy B odenhorn
Division 5
Seniors dominate the board by "buying ou " the competition W ith H om ecom ing approaching faster than anyone expected this year, all o f the classes were immediately throw n into a frenzy o f preparing for the upcom ing events. W ith board games as the them e this year, the seniors chose Monopoly, already with a plan o f action in mind that
audience right into the game. Some o f the m ore m em orable characters included Joel Smith as Mr. M onopoly and Brad D eeb as the cop car. Mr. M onopoly served as the host for the gam e and was escorted out onto the board by Kalea C orrell and M'Kensi O rf.
would surely bring victory to
W hen asked how he felt
the class. All week, they planned, painted, drew, and
about being accom panied by two pretty girls he jokingly
built all the props and pieces
replied, "It wasn't much
for their skit at John's Paint and Body while enjoying each
different than any o th e r day
other's teamwork and
cop car, Brad Deeb really got
company. O ne week and many
into character and adm itted
late nights later, the senior
that, "I had a flat tire right
class was ready to perform
before the skit so I ran on a
their skit for the pep rally.
spare th e whole show. But
W hen the time came, the seniors had a lot o f props
otherwise it was fun and I
to handle along with some creative costumes to help bring Monopoly to life and p u t the
for me." As for the infamous
had a great time." * Lauren Rios and Katrina Pham
[1] T h e se n io rs co n th e ir sk it by "m aking it rain ." [2] K alea C o rrell a n d M 'K ensi O rf escort Joel S m ith as M r. M ono p o ly o n to th e g am eb o a rd . [3] P o licem en S ean M ic h a u d an d K atrin a P h am , aid e d b y th e ir tru s ty cop car, B rad D eeb, h a u l G ain esv ille re p re se n ta tiv e Jason W ilso n off to jail a fte r p u llin g a b ad C h a n c e card . [4] M onopoly m o n e y an d Bank D eeds b ack u p th e b a n k e r. [5] A s th e grand finale, sh a rp -d re sse d se n io r g uys o p en th e ir b riefcases to sh o w th e ju d g es th e ir '09 pride. [6] A ll b u sin ess, Ju stin R o b ertso n step s off th e B ulldog B ank float to begin th e sen io rs' last H om eco m in g skit. [7] Julia F ray ser a n d T aylor Lile roll o u t from class to get read y for the skit. [8] Jailbirds look o n as Joel S m ith signals th e sh o w d o w n b e tw e e n th e B urk an d G ain esv ille gang. T om m y D alke rep resen ted G ain esv ille in re d an d Jordan B each sp o rted th e B u rk b u rn e tt orange a n d black. T h e scene w as c h o re o g rap h e d a n d se t to th e m u sic of M ortal K om bat. *Staff Photos
Juniors take fourth with Candyland In a hurry to make their skit extra sweet this year, the Juniors rushed to put together their version o f the beloved childhood game Candyland in time for the Hom ecom ing pep rally. T h e class o f 2010 entertained th eir fellow students with bright hand-designed costumes of familiar characters and an exhilarating race between the Bulldogs and the Leopards to Candy Castle, com plete with life-size gam e pieces. A nd like the real game, opponents had to roll to move forw ard on the huge game board th at spanned the gym floor. U nfortunately, the "curse" over th e class o f 2010 had them at fourth place for the th ird year in a row. "I liked how we were very original," said Linda Berreles. "We may have gotten 4th place, but it still kept me entertained." Nikki Scott countered, "The skit may have been original b u t I think that we could have done a little b etter to make it m ore interesting." Cody Gonzalez [3]
[1] D ressed as a g u m d ro p m an , D ion T o rre s is tra n sfix e d by th e skit. [2] T ro p h y h eld hig h , H olly C a n n o n a n tic ip a te s th e d efeat o f G ainesville. [3] B u ried in m o u n d s of frosting, M e re d ith Selvidge o b serv es th e actio n . [4] S u rro u n d e d b y "his" m inions, R ikk i G alv in as L ord L icorice alo n g w ith Ben A lbers a n d G eoff T ally w a it for th e ir tim e to p erfo rm . [5] S p o rtin g c a n d y c an e outfits, C ara Baker, D ylan C u m m in s, R egan B ro o km an , a n d C o u rtn e y B aggett c h e e r for th e Bulldogs. [6] T h e life-size B urk piece a d v a n c e s o n G ain esv ille. [7] T h e ju n io r class c ele b rates an e n te rta in in g perfo rm ance. [8] P arad in g in an in fla ta b le su it, Isaiah H aygood im ita te s C oach Scott Bosw ell. [9] Jaelyn D u b sk i a n d M ark B room field are th e classy G ran d m a N u t an d P e a n u t Brittle. * Photos by Beth B odenhorn & Linda Berreles
Ju n io r Homecoming
[1] T h e sophomores' 2nd-place winning float. [2] Macy A nderson, H annah G reen, Kristi Pickett, and Sabina M arroquin have no bones about perform ing a choreographed dance for their class skit. [3] Kody Nix chats it up in obligatory hom ecom ing drag. [4] Kristi Picket and Ryan Patty show their spirit during the school song. [5] Shea Dickey looks on as N athan Durst perform s as Dr. McDreamy. [6] T h e sophomore class pqses together, all smiles, after securing 2nd place. [7] Tyler Scroggin is alleviated of perspiration during a grueling "operation". *Staff Photos
10 Campus Life
Sophomores slice into second place with Operation T h e class o f 2011 displayed excellent surgical dexterity com ing in second place with the family-fun gam e o f O peration. Sophom ores kept the crowd entertained and filled with laughter th ro u g h o u t the whole skit as they parodied a com bination o f television series "Grey's Anatomy" and the infam ous H asbro game. Several o f the sophom ore students participated in the float, and many genuinely enjoyed th eir class skit. Sophom ore Caitlyn Crem eens, who took p art as a nurse in th e skit, com m ented, "I really enjoyed o u r skit because everyone who w anted to take p art in the float had the chance to do so." W hen asked if she would change anything about the skit, Caitlyn said, "I w ouldn't change anything about it, except maybe the tim e limit!" T h e sophom ore class gave a big thanks to Mullins C oncrete C onstruction for the trem endous help during hom ecom ing week in crafting the second-place winning float. For the sophm ore class o f 2011, things I are looking up. W ho knows? Maybe next year I they'll be first place winners. * Linda Berreles & Melissa Diehl
[clueless] Freshmen discover third place w ith Clue . J u
W ithout a "clue" w hat to expect, this year's
fresnm an class brings back m em ories o f childhood i l ||f
nights sitting aro u n d th e b oard with grandm a draw n in by the m ystery th at is the gam e "Clue". T h e ir skit had each player as a m em ber o f the surrounding high schools such as V ernon, Hirschi, Iowa Park, D ecatur. Each "crime scene" was a high school scene. Each player took tu rn s guessing at w hat th e crim e could be, b u t one by one they were w rong revealing the scene and each area's dance. A t last, the Bulldogs took th eir guess and solved the mystery: "The Bulldogs killed the Leopards with th e footballs in the endzone!" It was an epic finish with the Bulldogs victorious. * Brad Garratt, Kasi Bailey, and Julia Raymond
[1] A few of th e boys a ct as th e 'cafeteria lad ie s.’ [2] Babes an d c h e e rle a d e rs d a n ce to th e ir sk it. [3] C lass m em b e rs c eleb rate th e ir th ird p lace v icto ry . [4] Joy Joss, C h elsea H u d d y , H aylee F u lto n , a n d A d ria n a T u c k e r b re ak it d o w n in fro n t of th e lib ra ry . [5] T h e b a sk e tb a ll girls do a c h a n t in fro n t o f th e gym. [6] L ogan M cB eath a n d LaRissa W alls ta k e o n th e task of h o stin g th e gam e. [7] T h e b a n d k id s a n d c afeteria lad ies dance to th e b e a t o f a d ru m lin e cad en ce. [8] T h e n e rd s o f th e group ja m o u t in th e lib rary . [9] Z ack M ire p re se n ts th e class's float to th e judges.
*Staff Photos
Freshmen Homecoming
[poised] Beach and Correll crowned Homecoming King and Queen H om ecom ing is
twenty-five percent chance o f
always an exciting time o f year for students throughout
winning." At th e football game
the halls o f B urkburnett High School, but particularly for
against Gainesville, th e time
the candidates who are nom inated for the honor o f
finally came. Class Princes
Hom ecom ing King and
presented by the Babes Drill
T eam to start off the It is no less exciting
to announce the winners and Princesses were
presentation. 2007
for the freshmen,
H om ecom ing queen Sara
sophomores, and juniors to
Schutte presented Kalea
be nom inated by their fellow
C orrell with a crown as she
peers in their respective
and Jason Beach w ere nam ed
classes for Prince and
the 2008 H om ecom ing
Q ueen and King. "I really feel like I
Joking around before the winners were announced,
have lived o u t my high school
senior King Candidate Jason
experience rig h t now. It's
Beach showed off his m ath
been a blast," said Correll.
skills, by saying that, "as one o f four guys, I had a
Freshman Prince and Princess Logan McBeath and Chelsea H uddy 14 Campus Life
* B rittany Z iegenbein and R ylee D avis
Sophom ore Prince and Princess
Ju n io r Prince and Princess Lorenzc
Blake A rbogast and T aylor Willet
Barnes and Marissa Stephens
ing and Q ueen Candidates Joel hiith and M'Kensi O rf
[1] 2007 H o m eco m in g Q u ee n S ara S c h u tte em b rac e s K alea C o rrell as sh e receiv es h e r title of 2008 H o m eco m in g Q ueen . [2] L adies of th e C o u rt, sen io rs M 'K ensi O rf, K alea C orrell, an d H ali R angel ta k e a m o m e n t to g eth er before th e h a lftim e a n n o u n c e m e n ts. [3] C an d id ates Joel S m ith a n d M 'K ensi O rf m ak e th e ir w ay a rm -in -a rm to th e c e n te r o f th e field. [4] F lan k ed b y th e m ascot, Babes, an d b and , S ara S c h u tte sta n d s w ith th e n e w ly cro w n e d 2008 royals, King Jason B each an d Q u een K alea C orrell. *Staff Photos and Gordon Photography
Homecoming Crowning 15
[sloppy; volleyball still a hit at Friendship Fest strangest yet m ost beloved
aerial abilities for a chance tc becom e m ud volleyball
parts o f high school is the
cham pions~an ho n o r that
m ud volleyball tourney that
this year was earned by team
takes place annually at
"Muddy Buddies" after
Friendship Festival. A fun
elim inating their fellow
excuse to get dow n and
semi-finalists, "Team USA".
dirty, it's nevertheless highly
com petitive. T eam s rallied
G rabbing
to g eth er at th e popular m ud volleyball games to
cake or well-deservej sm oked turkey leg after th
dem onstrate th eir team w ork,
m ud settles.
Perhaps one o f the
sportsm anship, and am azing
part, a
though funne
* M elissa Drag
[ l]In a m o m e n t o f c o n c e n tra tio n , se n io r D erek D ev ereau x sm a ck s th e b a ll back. [2] It's h ig h fives all a ro u n d as seniors Kasi B ailey, Joel S m ith , a n d K elly R ay m o n d c e le b rate a su c c e ssfu l p lay. [3] S h o w in g good sp o rtsm a n sh ip , sen io r T o m m y D alke gives te a m m a te Jo rd an B each a h a n d . [4] T he e x c ite m e n t of th e gam e gets ju n io r D ylan C u m m in s of team T rill Y ea b u tz p u m p e d . [5]N othing's too m u c h of a stre tc h for so p h o m o re D errell G ibbs. [6]T aking th e m u d h e a d on, ju n io r Jackie S a n d e rs d iv es for th e ball. [7] W ith all of h is m ight, so p h o m o re S co tt D obbins ju m p s h ig h to se c u re a b lock for h is te a m . [8] Ju n io r S am D uke sp ik es th e m u d d y b all back to w a rd s th e oppo sin g team . [9] S till slig h tly clean, team B read o f th e C o n fed erates h u d d le to g e th e r for a pre-gam e p ep talk . [10] H an d s m u d d y , se n io r T u c k e r M cD aniel re q u ire s som e assistan ce to get a d rin k a fte r a gam e. [11] T a k in g a m o m e n t, ju n io r Isaiah H aygood u ses his te a m m a te 's s h irt to clea r som e m u d o u t of h is eyes. [12] Ju n io r M ark B room field p re p a re s to serv e for h is team . [13] L ooking o n in a n tic ip a tio n , fre sh m a n S tev en M usgrave, so p h o m o re T y le r M ou d y , a n d fre sh m a n A n d re w R oth w ait for th e ball. •Photos by Julia R aym ond, Katy Bodenhorn, A llie Saville, and M elissa Diehl.
Mud Volleyball [7
[above] Students Fashion a Defiance for Drugs Day while W ednesday students
^ S |^ M T h is year, the infamous T)iMr-Free Week, the chance for
showed no conflicts with drugs with
BHS to branch out from their
Clash Day. T hursday was seeing
usual fashion choices while showing their opposition to drugs,
double with Buddy Day, and Friday encouraged Bulldog spirit wear to
m atch the rivalrous gam e against fell on the last week o f O ctober and sported an impressive array o f Iowa Park th at week. In addition to the week's decade-defying, fashion-victimed, wacky them es, a few students and spirited supporters. Students and faculty alike
lam enting the loss o f last year's
rose above the influence
N erd Day decided to m odel their
throughout the week as they
geeky gear despite its absence.
exhibited their various fashions.
T h e students o f BHS once
Monday fostered students to "give
again enjoyed th e chance to show
drugs the slip" by donning a
the campus's resistance to drugs.
favorite pair o f slippers. Tuesday,
* M elissa Diehl and
students grooved out with Hippie
Katy Bodenhorn
[ 1] In th e office, Mrs. C am illa G riffith flaunts h e r groovy 60s a ttire as she answ ers th e p h o n e. [2] Seniors K atrin a Pham and T a y lo r Lile w ear m atch in g dresses. [3] J u n io r Bailey M cGowan gives Clash Day tw o th u m b s up. [4] M idair is th e best way to show case th e crazy outfits o f seniors Katy B o d en h o rn and M egan P helan [5] D oing th e ir best M r. H ardaw ay im itation, seniors T o m m y D alke a n d Ju stin R o b ertso n exercise th eir sh arp-dressed a u th o rity . [6] Mrs. V irginia Clack p uts an artistic spin o n H ippie Day. [7] Mrs. Kelly M cG owan, Mrs. N atalie H u sen , Ms. C o u rtn ey V eal, Mrs. A na Black, an d Mrs. Patsy B uhs re p re se n t G ang G reen o n B uddy Day. [8] S enior Zach Z oet an d his p en g u in slippers visit th e counselor's office. [9] C lad in 60s flow er pow er, fresh m an Bari B runson enjoys h er first D ru g F ree W eek. [101 Mrs. M elinda K leckner an d students display th e ir fuzzy footw ear. [11] Seniors Ju lia R aym ond and Jo e l Sm ith a n d ju n io r Sabina M arro q u in a re th e ultim ate nerds. [ 12] Even o n clash day, learn in g goes on as usual fo r Mrs. Kelly M cG ow an a n d so p h o m o re E lizabeth M arley.
BHS Students Help Out the Community
nice." ^ ^ ^ ^ â– t v e r y year
A fter all o f their h ard
B i^ b u r n e tt High School
work, students headed over to
students spend one Saturday
the Boys and Girls Club to eat
helping the com munity of B urkburnett on T eens Make
pizza and see if they won any
A Difference Day. Students
Stone said, "I got a black
helped weed the flower beds
bag...full o f school supplies."
door prizes. Senior Katie
at BHS and BMS, painted
Students already wait
the gazebos at Friendship
in anticipation for next year's
Park, played bingo with the
T eens Make A Difference
senior citizens at Evergreen,
Day. W hen asked if she would
worked the A dopt-A -Thon with the H um ane Society,
do it again, Kati Frazier said,
and collected cans for Grace
I am a senior, so this was my last year." A lthough this is the
Church Ministries.
"Of course, b u t unfortunately
For those who p referred to help people
case, the seniors still learned
directly, teens, including Jace Mullens, went to visit senior citizens at Evergreen.
lesson Kelly Raym ond took from the experience, "Yellow
Mullens said, "I entertained the elderly, who may not have had any visitors otherwise, so that was really 20
Campus Life
valuable lessons, such as the
and purple is not a bad color combo." * Brittany Ziegenbein and Melissa Drage
[1] S en io r K ath erin e P atterso n a n d J u n io r H e a th e r D uncan du st the bookshelves at th e library.[2] S enior Sam C arrio n p uts a fresh coat o f p a in t o n a gazebo. [3] J u n io r Jace M ullens spins th e ball cage d u rin g a gam e o f bingo. [4] F resh m en M arina M arro q u in and Joey H a rris collect cans fo r G race C h u rch M inistries late in to the night. [5] T h e B oom tow n Babes clean u p th e bleachers a t th e football stadium . [6] O n h e r d o o r to d o o r can collection, Senior L auren Rios collects cans fro m S en io r B rittany Zigenbein. [7] Senior N atalie A dam s gets dow n in th e d irt to pull weeds in fro n t o f th e M iddle School. [8] Seniors Kim G o ff an d K atie S tone w ork shifts at th e A d o p t-a-T h o n . [9] S en io r Jo rd a n Beach an d J u n io r L orenzo B arnes re p a in t a railing. * Photos by Melissa D rage, Ju lia R aym ond and B rittany Ziegenbein
[close] Twins and sib sets abound at BHS m akeup d id n 't always make
T For some students, going to school every day is a
for the same interests,
family affair. W ith four sets
o f twins currently attending
Freshm an M argaret
BHS, and several groups o f
Fernandez played sports and
siblings—some as many as
while h er sister, senior M egan
three at a time~it wasn't an
Fernandez danced on the
uncom m on experience to run across similar faces and
drill team. A nd the
occasionally shared interests.
A m anda, sophom ore Jacob,
Seniors and identical twin brothers Jason and
and freshm an Sheridan, had
Jordan Beach played varsity football together.
skating to basketball. Still, as
Freshman Laura G albraith and older brother, junior N athan both were
siblings: "I know I can count
members of the band. Senior Kati Frazier and her ju n io r sister Jenna both danced with the Babes.
Swartsell and Lacy Smith,
Similar genetic
Campus Life
T hom pson siblings ju n io r
hobbies widely ranging from A m anda sums up many o f the on them to help me." A nd about h er sisters Leslie Lauren Swartsell says "They're my best friends." *Katy Bodenhorn 8c Katrina Pham
[1] Freshman Phillip Jones relies on his older sister, junior Meredith Jones, for a ride to school. [2] Freshman Mitch Saville enjoys band and ROTC, while sister and senior Allie Saville likes photography and soccer. [3] Fraternal twins, juniors Taylor and Leah Forrestal also have an older sister, senior Etta Forrestal. [4] Senior Katy Bodenhorn and sisters Calliope (freshman) and Beth (junior). [5] Seniors Jason and Jordan Beach share a love of football and hunting. [6] Sophomore Sabina Marroquin and freshman Marina coordinate outfits. [7] Sophomores Brenna and Brooke Hennan match in black. [8] Senior twins Kelly and Julia Raymond share creative brainwaves. [9] Senior Monica Lynott and freshman Nico are both athletes. * P h o to s b y J u lia R a y m o n d a n d R y le e D a v is
M â– u B P P *
[convoluted] Turns on w ith "Noises Off" IS th eatre kicked off with a hilarious fall uction entitled "Noises O f f , a play-inside-a-play about actors who have personal issues they can't seem to keep o ff the stage, often resulting in comic m ayhem , dire m isunderstandings, and disastrous rehearsals and run-throughs. M em bers o f th e cast stayed after long hours fo r weeks in o rd er to p u t on the show that ran for two weekends. A nd w hen a student actor was injured ju st before perform ances were scheduled to begin, even dram a director Bob Barrow stepped in to play one o f the m ajor roles. T h e production featu red a wide range o f talented students, even one com pletely new to the co u n try -G erm an foreign exchange student Sonja Karl p o rtrayed the absent-m inded housekeeper, Mrs. Clackett, and h er actress coun terpart, Dottie Otley. T h ro u g h h ard times, long rehearsals, and last-second changes, th e real actors soon came to p u t on an accurate perform ance o f the show-they knew how th e characters felt. * M elissa Diehl and Katy Bodenhor
] As daydreaming Brooke, junior Cassie Toft ’iris a lock of hair. [2] Freshman Shannon Phelan caught in a state of amazement next to her How, absent-minded cast member, Jack Hall. [3] surprised Bob Barrow wards off junior Jack Hall th a sheet. [4] After the show, senior stage anager Megan Phelan embraces sophomore >nja Karl. [5] Junior Cassie Toft searches for a >t contact, disrupting the flow of the rehearsal. ] As the absent-minded housekeeper, Mrs. ackett, Sonja Karl gives a telephone monologue. ] Playing a married couple, freshman Shannon lelan and Mr. Bob Barrow discuss taxes in the ing room. [8] Mr. Bob Barrow gives the cast >tes onstage. [9] All the cast members help rooke" search for her missing contact. [10] iphomore Nic Watson appears, suddenly robed a sheet. [11] Assistant "Poppy", played by phomore Jessica Davis, deals with cranky rector "Lloyd", played by senior Jordan Miller. * P hotos by K. B odenhorn and M. D iehl
ist and Crew: [1st row] C ourtney M artin, Cassie T oft, Jo rd an M i l l e r , Jessica uavis, M e g a n rn cian , ivn. u y j u rrow, and BHS grad Ian M cM urrey [2nd row] Nic Watson, Jack Hall, Shannon Phelan, Sonja Karl, and Ustin Casey. N ot pictured: Jo rg e Dominguez.
rational [insanity] Chances are upon reflection
accompanying "inside jokes",
in ten years, some o f your greatest memories probably
unforgettable m om ents and
came from the extracurricular activities and
all. In fact, most graduating seniors leave this piece o f
organizations you were a O / p art of. Be it band, Babes,
advice to their underclassm en: "Get
BPA or FFA, there's no
involved in som ething
denying the bonds form ed
just makes sense.
general insanity enjoyed by
between students with similar interests—and the
Activities Division
*Katy Bodenhorn
II] T h e yearbook staff models th eir new teal shirts, listinguishing them around campus. [2] Clarinet in and, sophom ore Sabina M arroquin lets out a yell )r a Bulldog first down. [3] As one o f the senior eutenants, Julia Frayser leads the Babes in stand ances. [4] Assistant yearbook editor Julia Raymond gets some behind-the-scenes shots at a JV botball game. [5] In an ou td o o r concert, band lirecto r Dallas Bayless conducts the Bulldog Irigade. [6]In charge o f keeping track o f tardies Ind absences in the A ttendance office are senior Id e s Kalea Sharp and M'Kensi O rf. [7] A t the PPG t i l picnic, seniors and NHS m em bers Kasi Bailey Ind Kelly Raym ond count tickets with the help of lubber ducks.
[hurky] our school full of pep and cheer o some people,
my work fun." A fter attending
leading is just another club or activity
C heer cam p for a week at
that prom otes school spirit,
U T A they came back for an
but cheerleading is actually
exciting new year, ready to
one o f the best examples o f team work and
show off their new cheers
com m itm ent. U nd er the
girls decided to help
direction o f Ms. Behrens
prom ote crowd involvem ent
they put hardw ork and
with their cheers, allowing
dedication into planning
the crowd to get m ore
our pep rallies and
active. W ith the support o f
thinkingO o f new,’ excitingo ideas to help prom ote
the roadcrew , the cheerleaders helped make
school spirit. "I'm so proud
posters and signs to b etter
to have w orked with this
encourage the football team
group o f talented, dedicated young ladies,
before th eir big games.
they work hard, and make
and dances.This year the
* H o p e D u k e & B r a d G a r r a tt
[1]BHS ro ad crew : P attie P ark er, L eah H urst, T y le r G ilm ore, Joseph M ejia [2]2008-2009 V arsity C h eerlead ers: [first] M egan W atts, R eb a B row n, [second] R an d i A lley, Leah F o rrestal, C o u rtn e y Baggett, K irsten C arter, M a k en zie S h ip ley [th ird ] R egan B rookm an, K alea C orrell, Bailey M cG ow an, T ay lor Lile, Kacy A n so h n . [3] T h e ch eerle a d e rs spell o u t "Bulldogs" w h ile th e b a n d plays "The Horse." [4]
C h e e rle ad e rs do p u sh u p s for ev ery p o in t
o u r te a m scores [5] C h eerlead ers p erform th e ir lin e d a n c e for th e B and a n d Babes [6] K irsten C a rte r sta n d s in a n tic ip a tio n as she w aits for th e B ulldogs to score. [7] C h eerle a d ers p ro m o tin g cro w d in v o lv em en t w ith th e ir ch e e rs to su p p o rt th e football team . [8] C h eerle a d e rs ta k e a b reak from g etting the cro w d w o rk e d up.
*Staff Photos
[superior] Babes Entertain the Crowd w ith Half-time Show Performances T h e Boomtown ive been a p art o f
was o u r kick routine to Fergie's 'Labels o r Love'
halftlm e shows, pep rallies,
because it is fun kick
and com petitions for a very
routine and energetic
long time. Each year, the
dance", said senior
girls work diligently h ard to
lieutenant T ia ra Knight.
keep their tradition o f
T o m ake these two
entertaining th e football
com petitions possible, the
crow d alive. This year th e dance
girls have done a variety of
team p erfo rm ed a pom , a
Some o f th e fundraisers
kick routine with pink skirts,
w ere selling poinsettias, and
and a brilliantly entertaining
hosting the "Lil Babes"
bones routine.
clinics. A nd, o f course, with
W hat some people
fundraisers to help out.
th e help and leadership of
don't know is th at after
Mrs. H ollingsw orth, the
football season, the Babes
Babes can continue to
start w orking on
perfo rm as a team.
com petition routines. This year, the team were able to atten d two com petitions in Dallas and U N T . "My favorite routine this year
* Katrina Pham
Hst R ow ] N a ta lie A d am s, K a th e rin e F ra z ie r, T ia ra K n ig h t, Jam ie H air, Ju lia F ray se r, H ali R angel, M egan F e rn a n d ez , K atrin a P h am , Jenna p ie r, S h a n n o n R ay m o n d , K ayla S m ith [S econd R ow ] E m ily A d am s, Jaely n D u b sk i, C arla M u sial, C h risin a W illiam s, A m b e r W herry, p a n y K roll, R ik k i G alv in , B ailey B u rlto n , H e a th e r D u n ca n , D an ie lle O ngay, K ellie P ete rso n , B ritta n y Ross [T h ird Row] H aley January, B le y P a x to n , A m b e r W a rre n , K aty M cC lain , B ra n d i L a lib e rty , C a itly n C re m e e n s, A n d re a D ow ling, S h ea D ickey, B rittn ey W eary, H alee f to n , M a k e n z ie K in d t, A sh ly n H a m m [F o u rth R ow ] G ade C h o u in a rd , E 'D ajo n ai F o ster, M elissa M oore, L arissa W alls, K risten C ouch, eaenda S h u lts, E liz a b e th D avis, C a th e rin e L oftus, A n g elica Z arag o za [1) T h e Babes h o ld th e T im es R eco rd N ew s k ick off signs d u rin g a h a lftim e p e rfo rm an c e for th e TRN K ickoff C lassic gam e a t M em orial S ta d iu m [2] T h e Babes p erform an ey e-ca tc h in g kick ro u tin e *Photo by R ic h ard C leav er [3] T h e b and a c co m p an ies th e B abes' pom dance to th e song "Land of a T h o u san d D ances" [4] T h e "bones" ro u tin e w as p erfo rm ed a ro u n d H allo w een tim e a n d gave th e cro w d so m ething u n e x p e c te d b u t a t th e sam e tim e, so m eth in g en jo y ab le [5] A ngelica Z aragoza an d A sh ley P ax to n w alk "O u t o f all fo u r years
o u t in v icto ry lin es [6] T his year's
th a t I h a v e b e e n in
officers are (front row ) T iara K night,
Babes, m y fav o rite
Julia F rayser, H ali Rangel, K atrina
B o o m to w n Babes
P h am , M egan F ern an d ez, (second
tra d itio n is 'Big Sis' a n d
row ) Jam ie H air, a n d Jenna F razier
'Lil Sis'", said S en io r
[7] T h e B oom tow n Babes dance
c a p ta in H ali R angel.
in stru c to r, M rs. H ollingsw orth *Staff Photos
A C appella C hoir M em bers: (First R ow ) E 'd a jo n a i F o ster, P a tric ia G arcia, L ori N ic h o lso n , E m ily A lle n , M ira n d a R o b in so n , D akota Sim pson, H ali R angel, L exi S h ip ley , M a ttie B e n n e tt, A le x M eek. (Second R ow ) B ritta n y R oss, R a c h a e l S ta rk e y , K aleig h M o rris, Darianna W alk er, K elsey T a tu m , A m b e r T a tu m , E liz a b e th K arab el, B e th a n y K roll, L a u re n R ios, E lissa A n d e rso n . (T hird R ow ) H e a th e r Cissell, K atlyn C larke, A d d iso n W h ite, Jessica Joss, A le x S k in n e r, T.J. B o ld en , R ay Goff, Jacob R ios, M isty S k e lto n , S a m a n th a C u lv e r. (Fourth R ow ) C h ris to p h e r T a rra n t, A n th o n y S m ith , D a m ie n P a u lk , M ark A rn o ld , B ra x to n W h ite , R o b b y W a rre n , B obby S a n d e rs, Z a c h Zoet, Nic W atson, M egan P h e la n , a n d T y le r G ilm o re. *N ot p ic tu re d : Jo n n a W illia m s, S te p h a n ie D ilb eck , a n d B ra n d i M aso n .
'symphonic] HS Choirs Sing Proudly, Creating Everlasting and Memorable Impressions o ff to a rou go h beginning o o with incom ingO m em bers havingO to learn
T h e A Cap choir also had a busy schedule since this year was a to u r year for the
"In A Cap w e
e ropes, the B urkburnett H igh School choirs
group. T h e choir spent four days in the
don't just sing to
lickly✓ took on the challenge and had a Ogreat O
A u stin /S an A ntonio area w here they
ncert season. Leading the pack in Girls
perform ed at many places including the state
oir, President A lm etta Douglas, along with
capitol, th e Alamo, and the Austin State
P Melissa M oore, and Secretary Jad e Sparks,
School for the M entally R etarded. T hey also
ally helped the new m em bers learn the
enjoyed activities such as a to u r o f the LBJ
iutine and feel like p art o f th e family. By the
Library and dining at the T ow er o f America.
n e th e com bined A Cappella and Girls
Each perform ance held its own atm osphere as
hoir spring concert cam e around, each
some were fun and lively w here as others were
em ber o f the choirs were able to sing in
a eye opening experience for others. Overall
the living, w e
fcrmony proudly alongside th ier fellow choral
the choir had a great year and director Don
Im panions.
Cowan was able to finally say," We did it and
A Cap choir leaders also played a key
‘ B rittany Ross
did it right. W e had fun, w orked hard, sang
lie in helping their new singers adjust,
proudly, and not one person got out o f line."
esident L auren Rios, A long with first
By the end o f th e year, th e choir had become
m ester VP Chris T a rra n t, second sem ester
a family and each m em ber will hold the times
'ft5 M egan Phelan, and Secretary Alex Meek
they've shared together forever in their hearts
ilught new and old m em bers alike how to be
and minds.
||e best singers they can be.
liv e to sing."
"Music is not just a class, it's a life style."
* Lauren Rios
‘ Jacob Rios
[1] A C ap m e m b e rs en jo y a gam e of tw is te r at th e a n n u a l H a llo w een p arty . [2] E very concert, th e A C ap ella c h o ir in v ite s c h ild re n u p in to th e rise rs to sing C h ristm a s carols alongside them . [3] M egan P h e la n h e lp s h e r n e w ten o r, M itch S aville, to le a rn h is c o n c ert m u sic for th e spring sem ester. [4] G irls c h o ir m em b e rs g a th er a ro u n d th e p ia n o to sing a song. [5] A ssistan t lib rarian , E m ily A llen, h elp s k eep th e c h o ir m u sic lib rary in tip -to p sh ap e. [6] T odd B olden sh o w s off his juggling skills a t th e c h o ir H allo w een Party. [7] A lex S k in n e r h elp s k eep th e c h o ir a w are of u p c o m in g activ ities by u p d a tin g th e scroll.[8] D irecto r D on C o w an h elp s p lu c k o u t trick y n o tes for th e choir.
‘ Photos by Lauren Rios
[proud] Bulldog Brigade Maintains High Standards! in C arrollton and Unleash the rtu ftn ^ n o rn in g s o f early August, band m em bers quickly found themselves in
Sound in Aledo. C oncert season began with a successful European-them ed Christmas
the midst o f yet another highly com petetive m arching concert. In addition, BHS was w ell-represented at concert season. W ith their colorful and energetic field adaptation o f the Canadian
hon o r band auditions, placing
circus craze "Cirque du
Region bands. From there,
Soleil: La Nouba", an unprecedented work ethic
ju n io rs Ja re d C hapm an, P erry
was set. Bouncing back from
and senior Katy B odenhorn
the previous year, the
advanced to A rea in Argyle.
many in the All-District and
H alverson, Beth B odenhorn,
Brigade captured a superior
Senior Katy B odenhorn
rating at U IL Region
earned a spot in the All-State
M arching Contest and
Band in San A ntonio for the
advanced to A rea once
second time.
more. They also were participants at such
* M elissa Diehl,
competitions as the
Beth Bodenhorn & Katy Bodenhorn
T ournam ent o f Champions
[First Row] Elissa A nderson, Katy Bodenhorn, M eredith Jones, and Lauren Rios. [Second row] Ashley H enrion, Victoria Raleigh, Alex M eek, Vella Zaragoza, Rebekah Sm ith, A m ber T atum , Lexi Shipley, Kelly Wood, and Jessica Joss, [Third row] C handler Helms, Rebecca D amron, H eather Cissell, Katlyn Clark, M iranda Robinson, Sarah W illis, Dee W alker, Sarah McClain, M isty Skelton, Kailee Williams, an d Jody loss. [Fourth row] M addie B ennett, Calliope Bodenhorn, Laura G albraith. A aron McKinzie, Shannon Merkel, Adelicia Marlin, Kiersten Bell, an d Hayli Klusmeyer. [Fifth row] Jacob Rios, Elizabeth Karabel, Scott Otto, Melissa Drage, Sham iqua Johnson, Tram aine Harrell, Jessica Perrin, Sabina M arroquin, and Dion Torres. [Sixth row] Phillip Jones, Kendall Patterson, H eather Roberson, Joey Harris, Alex H awkins, M arina M arroquin, Justin Shaw , Dean G ulker, and A layna Pounds. [Seventh row] Adam Reed, James Kuehn, Sean Dickson, T revor R icketts, Perry Halverson, Zach Evans, Zane Ewing, Tony Holland, Melissa Diehl, and Brittany Griffin. [Eighth row] M itchell Peterson, M itch Saville, Jessica M orrisett, Staci Voris, B rittney Skelton, C onnor Witt, Megan Phelan, A m anda Thompson, and Stephanie Irions. [Ninth row] Dylan Sander, N athan G albraith, Devon Allen, Morgan Bradberry, Brad Garratt, Alexa Kimball. Ryan M eek, Levar Cook, an d Jonathan H ardm an. [Tenth row] Steven M usgrave, A ndrew Roth, Joseph Fuller, Jared Chapm an, Dustin Adams, Joel Sm ith, Jacob Starkey, K atie Starkey, Hope Duke, Stephen Elless, Eddie Little, Ben Frischm ann, and Beth Bodenhorn. [Eleventh row] Tyler M oudy, Robert Young, Zach Zoet, and Tylef M arion. ‘ Photo Courtesy of Gordon Photography
D ru m m a jo rs for th e B rigade a re s e n io r K aty B o d e n h o rn
ju n io r M e re d ith Jones. [2] Ju n io r A le x M eek a n d
jh o m o re Jody Joss clap alo n g w ith th e F ig h t Song. [3] T h e id p e rfo rm s th e b a lla d , "Reve R ouge", as K aty B o d e n h o rn id u c ts. [4] Ju n io r H ope D u k e a n d se n io rs Jacob S ta rk e y a n d 1 S m ith le a d th e b a n d off th e field. [5] S u rp rise! It's b a n d ecto r M r. D allas B ayless. [6] C o lo r g u a rd c a p ta in is se n io r I ssa A n d erso n . [7] F re s h m a n C h a n d le r H e lm s a n d se n io r > 11a Z aragoza d a n c e th e ir h o o p s off th e field. [8] Ju n io r t pxa K im ball ro ck s a c a d e n c e w ith th e d ru m lin e in a p ep 1 ly- [9] Ju n io r Ju s tin S h aw , so p h o m o re S a b in a M a rro q u in , ; i sen io r M elissa D rage p e rfo rm to a fu ll sta d iu m . ‘ P h o to s by Ju lia R a y m o n d a n d A llie S aville
[First Row] T ay lo r W ilett, K ayla Sm ith, M acey A n d erso n , A udrey W allace, K irsten C arte r, [Second Row] A bbey A nderson, Sabina M arroqu in , T a n ia D om inguez, Kaylie Bingham , [T hird Row] Ju lia R aym ond, A lexa K im ball, N icole M onk, Katy B o d en h o rn , Melissa D iehl, Melissa D rage, [Fourth Row] Jaco b R eola, Riley Jalow y, Calliope B o d e n h o rn , K iersten Bell, Kody N ix, Blake A rbogast, [Fourth R ow] Kasi Bailey, M ark B room field, D am ien P aulk, Ja k e B ishop [N ot Pictured] K atrina P ham , T ay lo r Lile
[rewarding] Kpv Club Serves Up Generosity Key Club is an organization o f students who enjoy offering their [1] D oing h e r p a rt in th e c o m m u n ity ,
tim e to volunteer work in th e effort to b etter
se n io r M elissa D rage p ro v id es h u n g ry
th eir com m unity. Led by sponsor M r. Lawson
break fast-g o ers w ith th e a p p re c ia te d u ten sils. [2] S o p h o m o re M acey
and Key Club leadership, the club m eets once a
A n d erso n signs in to o ne of Key C lu b 's
week to discuss opportunities and devise a plan
m an y after-sch o o l m eetings. [3]
o f action to help out the com m unity.
S eniors K aty B o d en h o rn a n d Kasi B ailey a tte n d to m e etin g b u sin e ss as a Key C lub re p re se n ta tiv e looks on. [4]
T h e club kicked o ff a successful year by trick-or-treating fo r U N IC E F, carrying the
T his year's K ey C lu b officers a re M ark
small orange donation boxes th ro u g h the halls
B room field, T an ia D om ingu ez, M elissa
and into their classrooms to benefit the
D iehl, R iley Jalow y, M elissa D rage,
children in Africa affected by AIDS.
a n d K aty B od en h o rn . [5] F re s h m a n C alliope B o d en h o rn c a n 't h e lp b u t
M em bers also participated in building a
sm ile at h e r v o lu n te e re d task . [6]
hom e with H abitat for H um anity located near
T ak in g a b re a k from th e h a rd w o rk of
the H eadstart building in B urkburnett, created
c o m m u n ity serv ice, sen io r M elissa
donation boxes collecting DVDs fo r Veterans,
D iehl enjoys th e b o u n ty of th is y ea r's v o lu n te e r favorite. [7] D rop p in g a
and sold tickets to the annual Kiwanis Pancake Festival.
DVD in to on e of th e boxes a ro u n d
T h e ever-growing club not only enjoys
P an cak e Festival, a Key C lu b
cam p u s, ju n io r E lizab eth B o d en h o rn d o n ates to a Key C lu b cause. *Photos by M elissa D ieh l & M elissa Drage
helping o u t aro u n d the com m unity, b u t also finds time to relax and knock out a box or two o f pizza. * M elissa D rage and M elissa Diehl
I [1] S e n io r Julia R a y m o n d re c o rd s I sch o o l a c tiv itie s in th e h alls. [2] S en io r I Jo rd an M ille r c u rio u sly in sp e c ts th e jl n e w e st issu e of Q u ill & S croll I m ag az in e. [3] P re s e n tin g a co lle c tio n of I p re v io u s jo u rn a lism a w a rd s, se n io r I L a u re n R ios c o n tin u e s a tra d itio n of I ex c e lle n c e . [4] S e n io r K aty B o d en h o rn I c re a te s a page in th e y e a rb o o k a fte r I u p lo a d in g v a rio u s p h o to s. [5] E d itin g 1 p h o to s, ju n io r B eth B o d e n h o rn a n d I se n io r L a u re n R ios c re a te th e p erfe c t 1 p ic tu re . [6] Y earb o o k m e m b e rs p e rfo rm fl v a rio u s jo u rn a lis m d u tie s. *Photos by M elissa Drage & B rittan y Z ieg en b ein
[First R ow ] Katy Bodenhorn, Julia R aym ond [Second R ow ] Lauren Rios, Beth Bodenhorn, Brittany Z iegenbein, Katrina Pham [T h ird R ow ] M elissa Drage, Kasi B ailey, M elissa D iehl, and Jordan M iller
Earn Journalistic Honors Having displayed an interest in the journalism , the m em bers o f Quill and Icroll have m aintained high academic Standards, while participating in a journalism lourse o f their choice —yearbook o r the lewly revived school newspaper. H onored to be a p art o f the lrganization, two year m em ber Lauren Rios fa te d , "I enjoy all the scholarship Epportunities and it looks good on college jpplications." O n a lighter note she added, "I let a nifty rope at graduation!" This honorary journalism society ipens the door for aspiring journalists to go jn and further their education beyond iraduation. * Brittany Ziegenbein and Melissa Drage
[unified. Building the Community and Improving Lives United Way is m ade up o f
conference they learned to work
o f students who are in O giving O back to their
to g eth er as a team to build b etter com m unity relations. T h ey were
community. T h eir main determ ination is to raise money
also able to to u r th e facilities o f
that will be donated to local area
W ay sponsors. This year they have
organizations such as the Boys
the organizations th at U nited
and Girls Clubs, Meals on Wheels, and Im agination Library. T h e Leadership Council
focused m ore on th e com m unity
consists o f one student from each
goal is to create long lasting
grade level. In Septem ber the
changes by addressing the
Council, along with
underlying causes o f problem s
approxim ately 20 U nited Way
and to im prove lives by
members, attended a leadership
mobilizing the caring pow er o f
conference in Wichita Falls. T hey
com munities.
service hours ra th e r than m onetary donations. T h e ir main
m et with students from Rider, Hirschi, and O ld High. At the
*H ope Duke & Brad Garratt
[First R ow] M icah G u ilb e a u , S h a n n o n R ay m o n d , B e th an y K roll, T a ry n M oore, R iley Jalow y, T a n ia D o m in g u ez, K asi B ailey, Julia R aym ond, Jordan M iller, K elly R ay m o n d , J,R, G riffith, [Second row ] M ich ael A aro n , C o u rtn e y C a rp e n te r, Isaiah H aygood, M ark B room feld, C h ris T a rra n t, Jered P h illip s
[1] Ju n io r Isaiah H aygood c o n c e n tra te s w h ile b u ild in g a p a p er to w er.[2 ] S e n io r C h ris T a rra n t p la n n in g his n e x t m ove to a tte m p t b u ild in g th e to w er.[3 ] U n ab le to sp ea k S en io r J.R. G riffith is cau g h t m e ssin g a ro u n d . [4] U n ite d W ay m em b e rs a ctin g o u t spicegirls in th e ir free tim e.[5] C a u g h t by su p rise Ju n io r M ark B room field is a m a z e d b y th e a c c o m p lish m e n t of th e to w er. [6] S en io r Kasi Bailey sh o w in g h e r e n th u s ia sm w h ile h elp in g b u ild th e to w er. [7] Seniors C h ris T a rra n t a n d K elly R ay m o n d , b o th su p rise d b y th e to w ers a c h e iv m e n t. [8] U n ite d W ay m e m b e rs from all d ifferen t schools co m e to g e th e r to w o rk as a team . *Photos by Julia R aym ond
United Way
[supreme] ^ S tu d en t Council Leads Student Body to Sucessful School Year ^ ^ ^ ^ W ta d e n t
mall to benefit those with
soo m ^ ch c h o oi ls, this is ju st another organization to
m uscular dystrophy. T o fu rth er broaden their
belong to. For BHS, this is an
leadership skills, the stuco
outlet for students to display and utilize their leadership,
executive officers,Courtney
organizational, and planning
Bailey McGowan, and Julia
skills. M onthly m eetings and
Raym ond, along with advisor
plenty o f planning was the
Ms. Beverly Lee, atten d ed a
planning period for many
leadership trainging day with
school activities that Stuco has
o th er Stuco officers from
sponsored. T h e canned food
around the region. A t this
drive was held in the fall,
training they set up a plan and
raising over 2,000 pounds o f
goals for the 2008-2009
canned goods to benefit Grace
student council. T hese goals
ministries o f B urkburnett. T o
included: open-m indedness,
start off 2009, several student
recruiting active volunteers,
council m em bers raised
and o f course, to im prove
money and participated in the
school spirit.
annual MDA walkathon, taking laps throughout the
C arpenter, Jace Mullins,
*Julia Raymond
â– St Row] Officers Jace Mullens, Courtney C arpenter, Bailey McGowan, and Julia Raymond [Second Row] Sponsor
1 Beverly Lee, Kelsey Nix, Helen Ono, Monica Lynott, T ania Dominguez, T ary n Moore [Last Row] Alex Skinner, |i Bailey, K atherine Patterson, Jo rd an Beach, Ben Cahayla, Isaiah Haygood, Riley Jalowy, and Taylor Tisdale.
[l]Alw'ays peppy Bailey McGowan is ready to wake up to a Tuesday m orning meeting.[2] James Chumley and Austin Dodd volunteer at teens make a difference. [3] Stuco President Courtney Carpenter helps out during the canned food drive. [4] A few student council student athletes are Michael Aaron, Jake Bishop, Mark Broomfield, Christian Mendoza, and Kody Nix . [5] Morning risers Justin Robertson, Michael Aaron, and Casey Castro attend the m orning meeting. [6] Helen Ono carries cans into Grace Ministries. [7] Riley Jalowy and Jake Bishop help bingo it up during teens make a difference day *Photos by Julia Raymond
[chivalrous] AFJROTC Leads the Way with Perseverance W ith the beginning o f a new year comes new and exciting activities and people. Along with zealous freshmen and hopeful leaders, the A FJR O TC unit started many jo in t
progressively striving to m eet all o f th eir goals. T aking pride in their participation, R O T C provides hon o r guards for various activities including
community service projects to undertake along with their usual
football, basketball, and volleyball
curriculum . T h e H abitat for H um anity
that the R O T C unit still has tim e to host
organization and trips to the Lawton
th eir annual awards banquet, participate
Veterans hom e were am ong some o f
in orientation flights, and enjoy a fun
the m ore prom inent undertakings
night o f skating. So betw een the fun, the
towards helping the community.
work, and th e com m unity service,
Between these projects and weekly
R O T C has truly proven th at chilvary
practices in preparation for the end o f
isn't dead.
games. Besides all o f that, it's am azing
year competitions, the unit was
* Lauren Rios
[1] R O T C C o lo rg u a rd m em bers p re p a re to p re s e n t th e colors d u rin g th e N a tio n a l A n th e m at a fo o tb a ll g am e. [2] T ia n a Bolden a w a its th e b e g in n in g of th e V e te ra n s D ay P a ra d e . [3] Kim Gc p ro v e s h e r e n d u ra n c e d u rin g on: of th e w e e k ly PT s. T h e p e rfo rm a n c e te s ts m a k e sure tha a ll c a d e ts a re in tip to p shape.[4 B en F risc h m a n la d e ls grog into 1 c u p a t th e a n n u a l d in in g out. T1 grog b o w l is a "p u n ish m e n t" set I fo r ru le b re a k e rs a t th e dining oj [5] T h e R O T C p ro u d ly m a rc h e d T o p S ix : [F irst R ow ] C ad et C o m m a n d C M sgt K im Goff, C ad et
th e V e te ra n 's D ay P arade, holdia
D e p u ty C o m m a n d e r C h ev y G il [S eco n d R ow ] C a d e t G ro u p
th e ir flags a n d b a n n e rs high. [6]l
C o m m a n d e r Z ac h Z o et, C ad et S q u a d ro n C o m m a n d e r G a rre tt
C h ris T a rra n t a n d Z ach Zoet
M ahaffey, a n d S q u a d ro n C o m m a n d e r M a tt T re b in g *N ot p ic tu re d :
p ra c tic e a d a rin g toss w ith a satl
S p ecial T ea m s S q u a d C o m m a n d e r Jacob R eola
*P ictures by Lauren Rl
Ipha F light: A lex is W illiam s, R eag an D ugan, T y le r C arlso n , a n d
B ravo Flight: [F irst R ow ] Ian D ugan, K elsey B radshaw , S h ian n e
sh M a rd is *N ot p ic tu re d : Jam es G ie re tz a n d A le ja n d ra P a rh a m
H a rla n , M a tt T re b in g [Second R ow ] Jo n a th a n M otley, S h an iq u a Jo h n so n , a n d S p e n c e r R h o to n
aarlie Flight: [F irst R ow ] P a tric ia G arcia, K im Goff, K atie S to n e e c o n d R ow ] R o b e rt Y oung, K yle G riffin, B ritta n y A d a m s [T h ird jw
D am ien P a u lk , Z a c h Z oet, a n d T ia n a B o ld en *N ot p ic tu re d :
D elta Flight: [F ro n t R ow ] T re v o r W essling. S k y le r Fogle, John C h a n c e llo r, M itc h S av ille [Second R ow ] T y le r B randi, T roy S c h a e te r, a n d D an iel M oore *N ot p ic tu red : M att B elcher, Zoe
/le r M a rio n , C a lto n F ields, D erek M o rro w , a n d N a th a n ia P a rh a m
D a u g h e rty , Jesse N o rris, a n d A aro n S ch m id t
f:ho Flight: A n d re w R o th , Jessica M o rrise tt, W ill N ich o ls, a n d
Foxtrot Flight: [First R ow ] S cotty Fogle, T ia Speyer, K alea Sharp.
Kris S andoval *N ot p ic tu re d : C assie D illam an , a n d S h elb y L ane
C h ev y Gil, W ren S iegrist [Second Row] Ian B lackw ell, E n rique K ribbs, G a rre tt M ahaffey [T h ird Row] Ju stin C arey, C hris K illian, D evin S an d o v al [F o u rth Row] Ben F risch m an , C ory W ood, an d D w ay n e Jo h n so n *N ot p ic tu re d : C h ris K edrow ski
[1] R ylee D avis ca re fu lly d riv e s h e r pig a ro u n d th e ring. [2] A d a m R eed, K atie S tark ey, a n d M isty S k e lto n c a u tio u sly le a d th e ir go ats b a c k a n d fo rth for th e judge to ev a lu a te . [3] A d am R eed p a tie n tly w a its for h is tu r n to show . [4] B rittn ey S k elto n w a its for th e ju d g e to call h e r place. [5] S h o w in g th e ir goats, B rittn ey S k elto n , M isty S k elto n , M ad d ie B e n n ett, K yle H an co ck , a n d L indsay M u llin s closely liste n to th e ju d g e. [6] Jo sh u a S m ith b ru s h e s th e w ood ch ip s off of h is pig for h im to be re a d y to sh o w . [7] L in d say M u llin s en te rs th e sh o w rin g re a d y for th e c o m p e titio n . *Photos by R ylee D avis
Officers R eporter Lindsay Mullins, Secretrary ktney Skelton, President Jessika Evans, Vice Isident Dane Bergin, T rea su rer Misty Skelton and Itinel Dustin C arter
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve FA m otto is Learning to ng to Learn, Earning to
what the FFA did. Led by Mr.
T h e members o f the FFA have won many awards at the
sucessful this year. D uring the Christmas season, various businesses from around the area
local and state level. Besides showing animals, other activites included judging teams, handing
to raise money for the organization. Some o f the m em bers this year participated in
out ribbons at the local show, working concessions or ju st being handy to do a task when a fellow FFA m em ber was in need. President Jessika Evans said,
selling pumpkins, washing animals, helping with the Christmas auction and anything else the officers o r Mr. Waitman needed help with. T h e FFA officers this year are, President Jessika Evans, Vice President Dane Bergin, Secretary Brittney
"This year was really the time that we had to come together and work as a family, now more than ever. We have many more people in the FFA this year and need as much help as we could get around here!" * Rylee Davis
d onated items to the B urkburnett FFA th at could be auctioned off
Jm Z
Mullins and Sentinel Dustin
Live, Living to Serve. T h at's ju st G ary W aitm an, the FFA was very
â– car
Skelton, R eporter Lindsay
Skelton, T reasu rer Misty FFA
[First R ow ] Emily Salas-G roves, S cott O tto , Jo d y Joss, B rielle D au g h erty , A shley A rn o ld [Second Row] K assandra B ru g m an , T ra m a in e H a rre ll, R obyn F o ster, S ab rin a R ep ro g al, Kailee W illiams, A lexa K im ball, K ody N ix, R aelyn E d g m o n [T h ird R ow ] T y le r S croggin, Jo e l H u b b a rd , T y le r M cL elland, D ak o ta G ibson [1] U sing the organization skills A V ID provides, sophom o re Kailee W illiam s sorts th ro u g h h e r binder. [2] Sophom ores Ashley A rn o ld an d Robyn F oster share a laugh w hile w orking. [3] Jo d y Joss spends h e r tim e d u rin g class tu to rials to catch u p on a good book. [4] S o p h o m o re A V ID stu d en ts D akota G ibson, K ody N ix, T y le r M cL elland, an d T y le r Scroggin m ake use o f this year's new laptops. [5] L ooking over notes, T ra m a in e H a rre ll p re p a re s fo r h e r n ex t class in th e A V ID classroom . [6] Freshm en A shley G reen a n d A lejan d ra P arh am discuss an assignm ent. [7] S ab rin a R ep ro g al a n d h er fellow sophom ore B rielle D a u g h erty diligently cu t and paste fo r an A V ID pro ject. [8] H an g in g n o t only on his sh o u ld er b u t M r. B rad A vens' every w ord, an attentive Jo e l H u b b a rd listens in o n a ch at with his fellow students. [9] W ith an e a g e r grin, sophom o re A lexa Kim ball uses h e r free tim e to brush up on som e esoteric vocabulary. ‘ P hotos by M elissa D iehl
[First Row] Jessie Edwards, A lejandra P arh am , A naM arie O 'N eil, L ori N icholson, [Second Row] B reanna L ong, Ashley G reen , E rika Shultz, R au sh an d a G arcia, B rean n a B iter, D aniel M oore
[avidl S tactoits C hoose to be Challenged in AVID Program | ^ ^ ^ \ m o n g the many organizations at BHS, one of the m o ^ u n iq u e is AVID, or A dvancem ent Via Individual D eterm ination, a program that works as an excellent aid to its m em bers, students who fall anywhere within the GPA m ark o f 2.0 and 3.5 and impress the interview requirem ents, to succeed academically. M et with the perks o f friendship and com radery and the stim ulating, open atm osphere, sponsor Brad Avens supplies participants in A VID with tools for organization, creativty excercises, inform ation about colleges, and the opportunity to get help from hired tutors during the allotted class period. For many, A VID is the m uch-needed advantage to catch up on hom ework in classes they may not succeed so well in otherwise. Still, AVID isn't ju st a study hall. T he students enjoy a variety o f field trips and a distinct brand of fellowship with the o th er members. "AVID is for the middle students," rem arks Brad Avens. "It allows for the students who would norm ally succeed in on-level classes to be challenged with Pre-AP and Honors." As well as the addition o f a freshman class this year, the A VID program has enjoyed plenty o f success. T he students have em barked on several field trips, including the MSU Majors Fair, the Sophom ore R oundup to Vernon
t do you like best t A VID ?
College, a sem inar with author Chad Foster, and assorted
e th e fre e d o m an d
college visits. T h e AVID program is growing exponentially and
w e g e t to go a ro u n d isses a n d th e library to hat we n eed an d g et
inspiring its students to succeed b etter than ever. * Melissa Diehl
from th e teac h er iselves." *Joel Hubbard
W hat is your favorite part about A VID ? "We a re fam ily —all my b ro th as, sistas, an d me! Seriously, th o u g h , A V ID has b ro u g h t m e closer to stu d en ts I d o n 't n orm ally g et a ch an ce to talk to .� *K ody N ix
[creative] Fine Art Students Give Campus an Artistic Vibe ^
tip -
Students th ro u g h o u t
classes and take innum erable
tlfflr personalities th ro u g h many
am ounts o f h ard w ork and patience. Students also express
forms o f activities such as fine arts.
themselves artistically th ro u g h music
Some students choose to take an art,
and dance. T h e guitar classes get to
guitar, dance, o r th eatre arts class,
listen to and play music the entire
and the hard work o f these organizations is on display all around
class. "I like guitar class because we
the campus.
and I get to learn how to read
n k u ^ i r n e t t High School exhibit
T h e a rt classes get a chance to show th eir creative side to their
get to listen to Mr. Divine's jokes, music," com m ented senior Jason Beach. A nd, new this year, students
peers. Mrs. Virginia Clack's a rt class, at the beginning o f the year, w orked
are given th e opportunity to take a
on m aking lanyards for th eir I.D.
dance class with Mr. Bob Barrow.
cards, a fun, creative way to show
T h ey learn a variety o f dances and
student identification.
get to m ove th eir feet.
W alking th ro u g h the hallways o f the school, students may
im agination and creative minds give
see a variety o f art w ork displayed
BHS th e diverse and artistic vibe it
behind glass. T hese self-portraits and
paintings are the toils o f A rt II
T his underw orld o f budding
* Katrina Pham 8c Melissa Die
[1] W ith a n in te n s e focus, se n io r T o n y a W o rd to u c h e s u p h e r s c u lp tu re for a rt class w ith a ro y al b lu e w h ile fellow se n io r B lake E llio tt sk e tc h e s in th e b a c k g ro u n d . [2] BHS a rt o n d isp lay . [3] Ju n io r A u d ria n a Berg scu lp ts h e r artistic v isio n w h ile liste n in g to m u sic. [4] F re s h m e n H a n n a h C le n d e n o n a n d M allo rie A ase goof off in d ram a. [5] Sophom ore R y an P a tty a n d ju n io r Jackie S a n d e rs a re a ll sm iles d u rin g a rt class. [6] T a k in g a h a n d s-o n ap p ro a ch to th e te c h n iq u e s o f classic a rtw o rk , ju n io r Josh P ic k re l b ru s h e s u p o n h is class assig n m e n t. [7] S en io r W ade B eason looks o n as his fello w cla ssm a te s e n io r B ra n d t Jalo w y s tru m s a lo n g in g u ita r class. [8] S en io r D am ien M iller to u c h e s u p o n his sc u lp tu re . *Photos by Julia R aym ond and M elissa D iehl
Fine Arts
[dishy] Yearbook Staff Publishes Memories M
f l t wasn't one o f the
getting quotes m ade for
ea ÂŽ st classes. In fact, deadlines, technological
some late hours and busy
glitches, and scheduling
had to double- and triple-up
conflicts could make things
on spreads to get the jo b
dow nright dem anding. But
done. It wasn't w ithout its
the task o f putting together a
lighter m om ents though.
project that the student body
Y earbook could be as odd
would look to as a rem inder
and hilarious as it could
o f the year was a rew ard in
stressful and grueling.
class periods. Staff m em bers
itself. T h e flurry o f digital cameras, uploads, editing, adapting to a new internet-based program , and
*Julia Raymond and Katy Bodenhorn
Derrick Staff]: Brad G arratt, Kasi Bailey, Brittany Ziegenbein, Lauren Rios, Linda Berreles, Katrina Pham, ope Duke, Cody Gonzalez, Beth B odenhorn, Julia Raym ond, Melissa Diehl, Mrs. Mandy Reed, Katy pdenhorn, Rylee Davis,7 and Melissa Drage. / O
[1] Yearbook newcom er Rylee Davis looks over potential photos on "the Baby"-the affectionate nickname o f the staff camera. [2] Taking a break from all that editing, staff members realize the tru e m eaning o f "trench warfare"—in the form o f chocolate. [3] Ever-devoted advisor Mandy Reed makes calls to the publishers. [4] Senior editor Katy B odenhorn starts a new spread and double checks works-in-progress. [5] First-year staffer Kasi Bailey is overwhelm ed by all the excitement. [6] T ru e journalists show off tools o f the trade: a thesaurus, Post-It notes, and old yearbooks for reference. [7] Editing, preparation,and deadlines are the core o f the yearbook. * Photos by Yearbook Staff
[scholarly] Students Show Off Academic Skills in UIL Events ngO your academic abilities / within the classroom is
Zoet com pete in m ultiple events. Zoet com peted in Inform ative Speaking,
something that all BHS students do.
Social Studies, and Im prom ptu
But there are a few students who put
Speaking. "Talking is easy, you do it
their academic prowess to the test through U IL events. Each spring
everyday and history ju s t comes
students participate in U IL Academic
chose his event. O th er students chose
events, such as Social Studies, Spelling,
their events the same way. Jace Mullens
Creative W riting, Poetry, and Prose.
com peted in C u rren t Events and picked
Students who score well at district
his event because being inform ed about
advance to the next rou n d at regionals
the news o f the day comes naturally.
and eventually state. Before district com petition, students en ter local contests to prepare for com petiton. Students like Zach
naturally," Zoet said when asked how he
BHS students take pride in academics and th eir U IL success clearly show their devotion. *Brittany Ziegenbein
H ow did you en terta in y o u r se lf d u rin g th e lon g h o u rs o f w a itin g for you r even t? "I try to sh a k e off m y jitte rs by liste n in g to m u sic a n d p u t o n m y in tim id a to r face." “B ailey M cG ow an H ow did you en terta in y o u rself d u rin g the long h ou rs o f w a itin g fo r you r event? "I e a t a n d liste n to m y iPod."
*D anny M cM anus
H ow did y o u en ter ta in y o u r se lf d u rin g th e lon g h o u rs o f w a itin g fo r y o u r even t? "I ju s t re a d a n d ta lk e d a n d m a d e m y te a m s tu d y for th e ev en t." “B rittan y A dam s
[1] UIL c o o rd in a to r, N a ta lie H u sen , h an g s a sign o u tsid e h e r d o o r to e n c o u ra g e s tu d e n ts to jo in a UIL e v en t. [2] Jake S tark e y p ractices his c a lc u la to r sk ills for th e scien ce co m p e titio n . [3] M egan P h ela n looks for tip s to h e lp h e r p re p a re for re a d y w ritin g . [4] M ere d ith S elvidge prepares for h e r e v e n t b y lo o k in g o v e r h e r n o tes. [5] S p en cer R h o to n p lay fu lly gives h im se lf a p e p ta lk before th e big e v e n t.[6] K aly n n S m ith looks over m a te ria l for h e r UIL e v e n t. [7] Z ach Z oet read s a book a b o u t th e su b ject h is so cial s tu d ie s e v e n t w ill cover. [8] Z ach Z oet a n d B rittan y A dam s, team m e m b e rs, d iscu ss a stu d y p la n , so th e y w ill be read y for th e com petition. [9] Jo rd an M iller p re se n ts h is p e rsu a siv e sp eech to fellow s tu d e n ts as p ra c tic e befo re th e a c tu a l e v en t. [10] M elissa D iehl looks o v er h e r w ords for th e sp ellin g even t. “P ictu res by B rittany Z iegenbein and Lauren Rios
UIL Academics
[distinguished] Upperclassmen Worthy of Membership in National Honor S icially the largest on campus, .
ru n games and distribute prizes. NHS m em bers also
made up o f juniors and
work at Light the N ight at Lucy Park in O ctober and
seniors who maintain a GPA
ru n the Candy Cane sales
o f 3.5 o r higher as well as challenging themselves by
during the holidays.
taking advanced classes and
project, though, is the
maintaining a classy personal
H eadstart Christm as Party.
code o f conduct. T h e Society
NHS m em bers team up to
in tu rn provides opportunities to serve in the
buy gifts and spend time with underprivileged
community, scholarships to
children o f th e com munity.
outgoing seniors, and
Kids who m ight otherwise
recognition from colleges.
have a thin Christm as are
National H onor Society is
NHS m em bers made
Probably the most popular
provided with shoes, toys,
a nam e for themselves as a
and a chance to sit on Santa's
whole by helping out at many m ajor community
events. T h e local PPG family
tom orrow 's leaders serve
picnic is traditionally aided
others today.
NHS is how
by students who volunteer to
"NHS has really been a great way for me to get more involved around the school and in the community." *D ustin Casey [ 12]
*Katy Bodenhorn
11] At the H eadstart Christmas Party, seniors Shannon Raymond and T iara Knight rejoice with their child at h er new pair of shoes. [2] T hough her child shows some reluctance to m eet Santa, ju n io r Casey Castro does her best to encourage. [3] Free sno-cones were a perk o f working the PPG Family Picnic, as ju n io r Jace Mullens found out while running the softball toss. [4] Collecting tickets, ju n io r Ryne Cozby observes a game in progress. [5] Having volunteered all m orning as ;niors: [First R ow ] B rittany Z iegenbein, L a u re n Rios, Elissa A n d erso n , A llie Saville, A delicia larlin, H ali R angel, Je r e d Phillips, Sam C a rrio n , Kyle S tree t, D ustin Sm ith [Second Row] tegan P h elan , K alea S h arp , L exi Shipley, T ia ra K night, K atrin a P h am , M onica L ynott, M egan
an elf, volunteer Brielle Daugherty finally gets to sit on Santa's lap herself.
sm an d ez, H elen O n o , K ati F razier, J u lia R ay m o n d , A ustin A n d e rso n [T hird Row] J.R . riffith, T y le r M cK eever, C o u rtn ey C a rp e n te r, Ja c o b R eola, Kelly R ay m o n d , T a ry n M oore, tel Sm ith, C olby W ilson, K aleigh M orris, S h an n o n R ay m o n d , Melissa D rage, Alyssa Sm ith, a th e rin e P atterso n , K aty B o d en h o rn [Fourth R ow] Zach Z oet, B rittany A dam s, J o rd a n M iller,
* Photos by Julia Raymond and Katy Bodenhorn
rad D eeb, B rady Giles, Jaso n W ilson, D ustin Casey, S p en cer R h o to n , B rodie B olen, Ju stin obertso n, Jo rd a n B each, R o n n ie N elson, an d A le ja n d ro G onzales.
iniors: [First R ow ] M ered ith Selvidge, R eba B row n, C o u rtn e y B aggett, R andi Alley, M egan atts, Kayla Sm ith, B eth B o d en h o rn , K alynn S m ith, M elody G reg o ry [Second Row] Isaiah erry, Casey Keksi, Casey C astro, C hris M iller, Kelly W ood, R yne Cozby, Bailey M cG owan, Sthany K roll, M iles H en d erso n , Je n n a F razie r,C a ra B aker, N icole M onk, Ashley B urns, P eter aftus, M eredith Jo n e s [T hird R ow] B ra n d o n M iller, K iersten Bell, N ath an G albraith, B rad yers, B rady W alker, M alachi N aef, R o b e rt B lackm on, Je r ro d T o fte , L eighton Jenkins, T a n n e r bwler, Ben C ahayla, D ylan C um m ins, T a y lo r T isdale, Ja c e M ullens, a n d D ane B ergin.
[strong] FCA Stays Solid in Sports and Christ 2008-2009 school
Any student interested in
yeaiJBbntinued its Fellowship
learning m ore about the Bible
o f Christian Athletes (FCA),
and Christ is always welcome.
m eeting weekly to fellowship and grow in Christ together.
Senior T ary n M oore shares that
Led by advisors Phillip
to share with o th er Christians
Dowlingf O and Loy/ T riana, FCA m et every Monday night at Jan
from different denom inations."
lee Baptist Church. W orship
th ro u g h o u t the year such as a
was led weekly by Kelly and
movie night in th e gym to watch
Julia Raymond, and even Mrs.
the epic film, "Facing th e Giants"
Bell every once in a while!
and o f course a Mazzio's pizza
Many students spoke each
night. FCA is fo r everyone and
week to share testimonies, or
"It's a great place fo r Christians
just a message they want to get
to share their opinions" says
across to their fellow Christian
senior W ade Beason.
students at BHS. FCA isn't for any specific group, however.
she "enjoys FCA because we get
Several activities were planned
*By Julia Raymond
[1] Ju n io r Marissa Stephens is definitely pum ped as she joins in the worship to start o f the FCA meeting. [2] Robert Blackmon and Lorenzo Barnes exercise their musical abilities. [3] Everyone gathers around to sing a few tunes. [4] A few FCA m em bers are [first row] Kelly Raymond, Sabina M arroquin, Courtney C arpenter, Riley Jalowy, Marissa Stephens, Julia Raymond, Kristi Pickett [second row] Sponsor Coach T riana, Derek Dowling, J.R . Griffith, Joel Smith, T aylor Forrestal, Sponsor Mr. Dowling, and Justin Roberston [5] Student enjoy the pre-FCA snacks provided.[6] Seniors Kelly and Julia Raymond lead FCA with guitars, lyrics, and melodies at every meeting. [7] Sisters Leslie and Lauren Swartsell show o ff their new phones to Kody Nix. *Photos by Julia Raymond FCA
[polished] BPA Members Manage Way to Success irk b u rn ett High School's
M embers look forw ard to and enjoy
Busiil|s^Professionals o f America
th eir competitions. Many individuals and
consists o f a group o f students who develop technological and leadership
teams teams advanced to State this year.
skills within their school and
Procedures, Casey Castro for Fundam ental W ord Processing, and
Kalea Sharp qualified for Legal Office
community. Each year m em bers o f BPA
C ourtney C arpenter, W ade Beason,
com pete in several different technology
Jo rd an Cook, and Michael A aron fo r the
related events, such as desktop design,
Video Production T eam am ong others.
advanced word processing, and global
W hen asked about h er favorite
m arketing This year, approxim ately
m em ory about being a m em ber o f BPA,
300 students from 24 different schools
T onya W ord, com peting in com puter
com peted in over seventy events.
anim ation, said, "I liked the storyboard
At their com petitions m em bers
plotting the best."
strive to create designs that showcase their creativity and technological skills.
* Brittany Ziegenbein and Lauren Rios
[ 1] Students w ore shirts featuring the new BPA logo. [2] Senior Kalea Sharp works diligently on her project d uring the BPA com petition. [3] Jo rd an Cook prepares by spending extra time working on his project. [41 T ary n M oore asks fellow team m ate, Destiny G reen for help on her assignment. [5] Josh Pickrel works on his com puter anim ation project. [6] M embers o f the BHS video production team, Michael Aaron, W ade Beason, Jo rd an Cook, and C ourtney C arpenter qualified for the state BPA com petition. [7] Shannon Raymond works on h er business card for h er event. [8] Just a few of the medals earned by BPA m em bers for their achievements. [9] Brad Myers concentrates on his com puter anim ation project. [10]Mrs. Kleckner talks to h er students about the upcom ing BPA meet. * Photos by Lauren Rios
[DECA] In your own words, what is DECA? A way for students to netw ork in the same topics they enjoy or possibly choose to have a career in. What areas do you compete in and how did you place in each? A pparel and Accessories M anagement. I received first place in district and qualified for state. Any favorite memories from your experiences in DECA? T aking scenic tours with Ms. Lee.
igan F e rn a n d e z sh o w s off h e r a w a rd w ith • Lee.
What is your favorite part o f DECA? M eeting all the new and different people from around the region, and the dinners with Ms. Lee. BPA /D ECA
[amiable] ~ ‘ T ~ read Good Will Throughout Campus and Beyond ALs stands for Peer and Leadership. PALs are
opportunity to share their time with the H eadstart classes from both Hardi
here to lend a helping hand and be a
and th e original H eadstart center.
good friend around campus. W ith the
T h ey also get to help out with the
w onderful sponsorship o f Mrs.
Special Pops students from the junior
Jeannine Miller, this group o f young
high and o u r high school.
students take the tim e o u t each day to
N ot only do all the PALs teac]
go to oth er schools and help younger
o th er students, b u t they also do
students with th eir needs and to have
volunteer w ork aro u n d the town and
campus. T h e PALs program allows Every week, th e PALs plan a
these students to learn life lessons, sui
lesson, teaching values such as good
as how to be patient, responsible, and
character to their classes. Ju n io r
optimistic. "Pals has taught me to be ;
M eredith Jones admits, "The hardest
b etter person, appreciate life, and be
part for me is planning lessons." PALs
m ore outgoing," said ju n io r Nicole
1 students have the chance to teach
M onk. All the PAL-like traits can be
classes and play with students from all
carried o u t and applied to the rest of
H as b eing a PAL ch an ged you in an y
the B u rk b u rn ett ISD elem entary
w ay:
schools. T h e PALs 2 class has the
these students' lives. *Katrina Pham & Melissa Dn
"It m a d e m e look in th e m irro r a n d realize w h a t k in d of p e rs o n I am o n th e in sid e a n d w h a t I ca n do to m a k e p eo p le's lives b etter." ‘ H eath er D u n can "It's ch an g ed m e in th e w a y th a t I sh o u ld live m y life as a p o sitiv e e x am p le ev en w h e n I th in k n o o n e 's w atching." ‘ K iersten Bell
[F irst R ow ] B ailey M cG o w en , H e a th e r D u n ca n , K ayla S m ith , R eg an B ro o k m an . [Second Row] M elissa D rage, K iersten Bell, M e re d ith Jones, M o n ica L y n o tt, H elen O no, K alea C orrell, Nicole M onk [T h ird R ow ] D erek D ow ling, L o ren zo B arnes, B rady W alk e r, Jo rd a n B each, C aleb L o n d ro w a n d Kati F raizer. [N ot P ic tu re d ] K a th e rin e P a tte rso n .
[4 ]
[1] PA Ls c o o rd in a to r Je a n n in e M iller w o rk s d illig en tly to p u t to g e th er th e fu n d ra is e r for th e B rian H u rst fam ily . [2] S m ilin g for th e c am era, S e n io r Jo rd an B each m e n to rs h is stu d e n ts. [3] Ju n io r L o ren zo B arnes esco rts h is class to lu n c h . [4] K a th e rin e P a tte rso n , R egan B rookm an, N ico le M o n k , L o ren zo B arnes, D erek D e v e re a u x , a n d Kati F raz ie r d isp lay th e c a rin g se n tim e n ts o f th e sch o o l. [5] H av in g fu n o n a n d off th e job, S en io rs T a ry n M oore a n d S am C a rrio n assist each o th e r d u rin g a PAL lu n c h b rea k . [6] Ju stin R o b e rtso n a n d K a th e rin e P a tte rso n carry o u t th e ir PA L lik e c o m p a n io n sh ip ev e n o u ts id e of PALs. [7] D u rin g th e ir first w e e k o f tra in in g , Ju n io r A sh ley B u rn s a n d S en io r M elissa D rage u se c ra y o n s to d e c o ra te d e sc rip tiv e n a m e plates.
st Row] R y an M ills, Ian Peo ples, K a trin a P h a m [Second R ow ] Jered P h illip s, S am C arrion, /n M oore, Kasi B ailey, T a y lo r Lile, Ju lia F ray se r, K acey A n so h n , D erek D ev ereau x
BHS Entertains Lunch Crowds M M V l n the thick o f springtim e sports, TA K S preparations, and piles o f hom ework, BHS students
track o f hip-hop beats, guitar solos, and acoustic
this year took the edge off in an unprecedented
campus's appreciation fo r o th e r talents," com m ented
way. W ith the blessing o f vice principal Mrs. Jennifer Bell, students were granted an opportunity
ju n io r L inda Berreles.
to show off their musical talents in fro n t o f the
break from the norm and look forw ard to even
entire student body. O n the simple stage set-up d uring lunch, in
m ore privileges like Freestyle Friday in the future.
the sunny courtyard o f the cafe, several groups and individuals showed their teachers and fellow students the artistic side o f BHS with a variety o f freestyle acts, rapping, com plete with a backing
perform ances. "I really liked th at it showed the
M any found th e event to be a welcome
*M elissa Diehl & Julia Raymond
r e J . + _ _
[1] Displaying their own brand o f hip-hop finesse, Coach Scott Boswell and Principal Del Hardaway pose for the camera. [2] Perform ing freestyle, ju n io r Jam es Lorenzo, freshman Devin C hafer and M arkel King, senior Chris Frazier, ju n io r Josh Alvarez, and sophom ore Alec Garza rap for the lunch crowd. [3] Senior M egan Phelan and ju n io r Clinton Aase look on as their fellow acts perform . [4] Senior Leighton M urphy plays his guitar for Freestyle Friday. [5] All smiles, seniors Julia Raym ond and Levar Cook look out over their eager audience. [6 ] Ju n io r Colton T o d d croons for the crowd as fellow junior Je rro d T ofte strums along. [7] BHS enjoys the courtyard entertainm ent. [8] Freshman Mitch Peterson and seniors B randt Jalowy and Levar Cook jam for their lunchtime spectators. *Photos by Yearbook Staff Freestyle Friday
[extraordinary] ELC Gets Involved Around Campus Known for their skeleton popcorn Halloween and pecan fudge at Christmas, the Exceptional Learners Club isn't ju st about the treats. T h e ELC spends time learning and training in jo b and domestic skills. These skills help the students be prepared for jobs in the workplace and in their future communities. ELC also helps with the B urkburnett com munity by participating in town projects such as T eens Make a Difference Day. T h e ELC is also known for the delicious aromas from th eir cooking labs. Brownies, Mexican food and lasagna are favorites with the ELC. Many students and faculty stop by Mr. K err's room to see what the club is cooking up and to sample the recipe.
[1] ELC members [First Row] Leslie Swartsell Victoria Musial, Jessica Poivre, Tishia Sternadel, and Lauren Swartsell [Second Row] J.R . Christm an, Chris Kedrowski, Kimbra Skinner, Jason Reed, Diamond Edwards, Steven Bruso [2]Washing the dishes freshman Jessica Poivre takes tim e for a quick photo.[3] Shredding surplus inform ation, freshman Steven Bruso takes care in his job. [4] Sorting parts, freshman Dakota Baker learns a new skill. [5] Sorting through inform ation, junior Tishia Sternadel and freshman Diamond Edwards start the m orning off with a piles of paperwork. 64
[nifty] Students Align the Axels & Angles of Their Mind T h e A uto Mechanic and C arpentry classes learn techniques that may help them secure jobs after high school. This particular group o f students work on projects that may last all year long. T h e auto mechanic class learn im portant lessons from how to fix an engine to how to repair body work on cars. Each year the class works on a "senior project" which this year is a 1961 Econoline Ford pick-up. T h e goal is to have this project win regionals and move onto the state level. "Auto-tech is a great hands-on class. You learn a lot and the teacher is pretty cool", said A nthony Smith. This year's carpentry class has worked very diligently to help com plete the H abitat for Humanity house and the new A EC /G atew ay Learning Center. It takes precision and dedication to finish this big task. * Katrina Pham & Cody Gonzalez
s& fr
� 19
Habitat (w Kunully
HCHMOfflW Garza Family
The generosity o f the community o f Burkburnett!
Barbara S ch u ltz concentrates on fin ish in g her w ork using a [ding tool [2)Richie T im berland w orks under a car [3] A uto :hanics Instructor Mr. R ess, dem onstrates the u se o f a b low torch lie w orking on the year's big project [4]The Habitat for H um anity ise sponsored by "The generosity o f the com m u n ity of kburnett" [5)W ith the help of the carpentry students, a n ew hom e |r change a fam ily's life. ‘ S ta ff P hotos
[caring] FCS helps out is year the FCCLA group has their nam e to FCS, Family Consum er Sciences. T h e nam e change comes from the form ation o f a local group as opposed to a state association. T h e nam e change, however, does not m ean that their mission has changed or is less im portant. T h e group continues to grow stronger and get better at helping others in any way that they need it. T h e FCS group bases their club off o f the golden rule, "treat others how you would want to be treated." Victoria Nicholson is the FCS president this year, along with Kimbra Skinner as vice president, Elizabeth Marley, as secretary and Lauren Swartsell and Leslie Swartsell as photographers. Mrs. G ritton was the head o f this organization and she says they had a great time this year and she hopes to have as great o f group next year. *Rylee Davis
[1] Leslie Swartsell and Lauren Swartsell help by opening up a package o f banana n u t muffins. [2] M rs.G ritton pours milk very carefully to make sure she gets the correct am ount.[3JJason Reed opens a bag of banana nut mix to help FCS make muffins. [4]Ms. G ritton watches carefully as Kristyon Bolduc pours the muffin mix. [5] From [left to right] Lauren Swartsell, Elizibeth Marley, V ictoria Nicholson, Kimbra Skinner, and Leslie Swartsell.[6] As Victoria Musial washes h er hands, Kelsey Nix reads the directions. * Photos by Rylee Davi:
[hot] Students display trends of 2008 and 2009 the teenage urned w inter blockbuster
T w ilig h t,
to the new iPhone, to Sperry Topsiders, fads and trends w ere in full swing at BHS. H ot films included the new Batman movie, K n ig h t,
D ark
as well as hum orous
flicks like
T h e L ov e G u ru
adorable ro b o t story
W a ll-E .
* P hotos by K. B odenhorn, B. B odenhorn, and J. R aym ond
I 1
places w here it was possible to grab a quick and inexpensive bite to eat. It was very com mon for an Ultim ate Frisbee game to break out anytime and almost anywhere, and social netw orking websites like Facebook and Myspace
Fashion-wise, skinny jeans, v-neck T-shirts (on
rem ained as popular as ever. Forking, movie nights, and
guys as well as girls),
"tagging" cars with messages
hand-colored Keds, peacoats, floral babydoll dresses, boots,
also represented mainstays in
cardigans, and crazy
teenage entertainm ent. Even in a small town like
sunglasses were definitely "in". Long haircuts for both
B urkburnett, a harmless good time could always be
genders was the wav/ to O go. O O utside o f school,
fun hangouts were IH O P,
[ 1] Gravity-defying bangs became huyge thanks to Riley Jalowy and Heather Zamora. [2] A T w i l i g h t fan, senior Vella Zaragoza proudly displays her Edward and Bella t-shirt. [3] Freshman Sarah McClain stays fashionable with an animal print cardigan, long necklace, and sideswept bangs. [4] A sample of the common electronic devices found on the average student include the iPod, RAZR phone, Zune, and Sidekick. [5] Sophomore Trey Todd enjoys breakfast in his yellow hoodie, long hair, and Power Rangers tee.[6]Juniors Amber Wherry, Christina Williams, and Carla Musial exhibit popular trends. [7] Shoes of all styles dominated the feet of many BHS students.
McDonald's, Atlanta Bread in W ichita Falls, and other
*Katy Bodenhorn
structured [mayhem] Amid the intensity and craziness o f the sports scene at BHS, one thing was certain-this would be a good year. Sure enough, the many
ru n at State, w here they finished 6th. A nd varsity boys basketball went in looking strong in anticipation o f a
student athletes involved
repeat o f the trip to Austin
didn't fail to deliver.
they m ade last year as
Varsity football found themselves once m ore
runners-up in the 3A State
in the Playoffs arena after a successful season and though
Pride and discipline were shown in all aspects o f
they were stopped short
the Bulldogs' game,
against rival China Spring, hopes are high for the
regardless o f what gam e was
p u t in paid o ff in huge Boys Cross Country
being played and the hours dividends.
dom inated as Regional champions and qualified to
Sports Division
*Katy Bodenhorn
[1] Stretching out, junior Ben Albers reaches to smack the ball across the court. [2] With a final burst o f energy, senior Ryan Mills sprints across the finish line. [3] Coach Scott Boswell explains tactics to senior varsity football player Brady Giles. [4] T h e varsity football team takes a time-out to hear from Coach Jerem iah Buchee. [5] Going for a spike, senior Kalea Correll and freshman Macy Cooke form a united front. [6] Junior varsity m em ber Isaiah Haygood warms up his passing game on the sidelines. [7] Varsity tennis players take a little off-season break to catch up on some Ultimate Frisbee. *Photos by Julia Raymond
Sports Division
aggressive] Varsity Football Tackles the Competition 2008-2009 the varsity football team started off great with a win in the T R N Kickoff Classic against Sweetwater. T h e team built on their win by defeating Argyle in the next game. W ith the season having such a fantastic outlook so far, the Dogs went into every game with enthusiasm and pride. Soon the word 'Playoffs' was on the lips o f all the students at BHS. T h e team went undefeated until the first district game against Bridgeport. But even after the defeat, the Bulldogs still kept their heads high and played with energy and outstanding sportsmanship. T hey stood firm and went on to defeat Decatur, V ernon, Hirschi, and
rival, Iowa Park in the district games for a spot at playoffs. Despite the challenges they faced ranging from broiling heat to frigid cold to concussions, the team perservered and earned a well-deserved spot in 3A playoffs for the second consecutive year. Ju n io r R obert Blackmon com m ented, "We practiced extrem ely h ard, week in and week out from A ugust to N ovem ber, which really helped out when we got into a tough situation du rin g a gam e th ro u g ho u t th e whole season." Congratulations to the Bulldogs on a successful season! *Beth Bodenhorn
T ra v is [D eVore] W hat's goin g through y o u r h ead ea ch tim e you ta k e th e fie ld for a game: A b u n c h o f th in g s go th r o u g h m y h ead , like doi k n o w e v e ry assignm ent, d id I forget an y th in g , and d o L lo o k good.
[1] S trategizing a t th e A rgyle gam e, th e B ulldogs p re p a re to m a k e a play . [21 B u rsting th ro u g h th e b a n n e r w ith energy, th e B ulldogs p re p a re to talce o n th e A rgyle Eagles. [31 W ith a n Iow a P ark d e fe n d e r in h is w ay . S en io r Jay G o u ld m ak es a r u n for th e goal lin e. [4] S h o w in g th a t th e y 're still # 1 , th e B ulldogs face th e cro w d as th e school song plays. [51 H u d d lin g in th e B ulldog h e a d , th e tea m h as a p ep talk before th ird q u a rte r. [6] S en io rs R o n n ie H all a n a Jay G o u ld w a rm S v i o ? d u rin g th e Iow a P a rk gam e. [7] H o ld in g h a n d s as th e y e n te r th e h eld , S eniors R aym on H erd, Bobby H a rrim o n , L an ce C issell, a n d M att B am b u rg p rep are for kickoff. [81 S en io r Q u a n G lo v er calls o u t th e p la y d u rin g th e Iow a P ark gam e. [9] S en io r Jason B each w a tc h e s as th e B ulldogs d e m o lish th e S teers. ‘ S ta ff P h o to s
L o ren zo [B arnes] W hat w a s th e m ost m em o ra b le th in g th is season ? T h e m o st m e m o ra b le th in g w o u ld p ro b a b ly be th e D e c a tu r gam e. B e tw e e n in ju rie s a n d b o th te a m s figh tin g , it w a s th e b e st g am e o f th e season.
[R ow 11 A n g elica C an a v a, H a n n a h G reen , N ik k i S co tt, K ristin G uffy, D alan ey H en so n . [R ow 2] Paige Blair, Gage D erzap i, Jerro d T o fte, B en C a h av la, R ay m o n H erd , D erek D e v ereau x , Jordan B each, Jason B each, M alach i N a e f Isaiah H aygood, Jack ie S an d e rs, L an ce C issel, Isaiah T e rry , B obby H arrim o n , C oach M ajor. [R ow 31 C oach R ick m an , L eighto n Jen k in s, Q u a n G lo v er. T a n n e r F o w ler, R o n n ie H all, Jam es L orenzo, P arris W h itfield S eth L y n ch , Josh H o u sto n , M a tt B am b u rg , K yle F ra z ie r, Ju lian G arcia, C o ach R o b in so n . [R ow 41 C o ach T h o m as D errel G ibbs, T e m i O g u n le y e , C a n o n C o rn e liu s, R y n e C ozby, G av in W h ita k e r, T u c k e r M cD aniel, T o m m y D alke A d am B arnes, R o b e rt B lack m o n , L o ren zo B arnes, T y le r M cK eever, C o ach B u tch ee. [R ow 51 C oach D alke T rev o r M organ, B ra n d t Jalow y, S co tt D obbins, T re n t S h a rp , Jay G o u ld , S te tso n C o p u s, D erek D ow ling, T ra v is D eVore B rady G iles, S tev e H ill, S eth M ire, M ik e D egavage, C o ach B osw ell.
Varsity Football
[intense] JV/Freshmen football team kick it in place 'h e 2008-2009 Ju n io r Varsity and Freshm en football team succeeded with their hard work and dedication towards football. T h e determ inate, drive, and persistence shown by the Freshman and JV teams this year has given hope for a successful season next year. This success o f the season has given the boys O / m ore confidence for their future in B urkburnett High School Football. Sophom ore Brandon Duprey says, "I'm extrem ely excited with what our team has done this year. Perhaps next season we'll do even better!" Coaches were very pleased with this years success with both JV and Freshman. *Linda Berreles & Kasi Bailey
JV Football [back row] T a y lo r F orrestal, D alten C arro l, L an d o n C ash, B ret Lewis, D ylan S tone, Jo se p h Pugliesi, A aro n G riffin, Brian Georg Jose G u errero , [third row] Paige Blair, C oach D alke, C oach R ickm an, C oach T h o m as, D ustin C a rte r, D evin H elto n -F air, Miles Perez-Jara> T ylei M C lelland, R onald Sm ith, A n d re B radley, A triell W hitfield, T y le r H am elin, B radley Ian n o n e , C oach M ajor, C oach B utchee, Coach R obinson, C oach Boswell, [second row] D em etri Hicks, A aro n H o lan , M iguel Santiago, L ance Elliot, J a r r e d G arcia, T e rra n c e Mackey, Trac Rios, T ravis G off, D akota G ibson, [fro n t row] Nikki Scott, D alaney H en so n , H an n ah G re e n , A ngelica C anava, K risten G uffey
esh m an F ootb all [back row ] B ran d on G o ld o n , Y o u n g M in O h , M att J o h n sto n , C utris L ow ers, N ath an iel Sigler, Jake Barker, W illiam chols, B laine C u rren, Jeram ey G arcia, B ryce H ollin g sw o rth , [second row ] C oach L each, Jacob C arter, L ogan M cB eath, A ustin D odd, le H a n cock , D illon S and er, D ak ota J o h n so n , Jam es R eed , D a lto n P eters, Isaiha B arnes, Zach R o m in e, D avid W illiam son, Coach tier, M ark A rn o ld , C oach B au gh m an , [fron t row ] R yan W hitaker, K yle G o rd o n , D alton C reed , John-Jerrad B urlton, Justin :D onald, J o h n n y W atkins, D illo n L u k e, M itchell P eterso n , A n th o n y J o p lin , and B ret H en d erso n
[1] F reshm an players ru n o ff th e field after com pleting an intense play [2] R unning tow ards th e touchdow n, players ru n s w ithout hesitating [3] A fte r a g reat gam e, th e JV football team congratulates each o th e r [4] Show ing g reat d e term in atio n d u rin g the Iowa Park gam e, th e team strives to do th eir best on defense [5] S tanding on th e side lines, the JV team waits anxiously fo r th e tu rn on the field *StaJf Photos
* How is High School Football different than Middle School Football?
* "This year, opposed to Middle School Football, is w ay more intense and people are a lot bigger!" Logan McBeath (9)
[Front Row] Kalea Correll, Jenny Briscoe, Reba Brown [Second Row] Holly Cannon, Randi Alley, Hope Koulovatos, Dalin D ehart [T hird Row] Leah Forrestal, Pattie Parker, Macey Cooke, Taylor Lile, Chelsea Boyd, and Ashley Rarick. 74 Sports
il] As Jenny Briscoe jum ps, she manages to tip he ball over the net. [2] Ashley Rarick serves
jhe ball over the net to help the Lady Bulldogs [tore a point. [3]Randi Alley and Pattie Parker hxiously await for the point to be decided. [4] taylor Lile, #13, and Jenn y Briscoe, #10, block he ball against H air. [5] T h e Lady Bulldogs
Never Backing Down from a Challenge
ratch and listen carefully to Coach Cely as she lives the next play.[6] Ashley Rarick sets the
Jail for som eone else to hit. [7] Randi Alley,
is year the Lady Bulldogs tore up the court ith 1vÂŽ$ m - record re with o f 10 wins, 17 losses, and 2 ties under
111, H ope Kilo, #12, Dalin D ehart, #2 and #5,
the direction o f Coaches Keri Cely and Linda
nacey Cooke. [8] Right before the gam e the Iris are helping each o th er by getting pum ped
Richards. This year the team consisted o f seniors Chelsea Boyd, Pattie Parker, T aylor Lile, Kalea
ffl>r th e game. [9] A fter a victory over H air, the
Correll and H ope Koulovatos, juniors Randi Alley,
ladies encourage them to keep trying.
Reba Brown, Holly Cannon, Ashley Rarick and Jenny
* Photos by Rylee Davis
Briscoe, sophom ore, Dalin D ehart and freshman Macey Cooke. Cooke got to play on Varsity as a Freshm an this year, "The Lady Bulldogs came together as a team this year. I am very happy that I got a chance to play with them as a this year!" T he Lady Bulldogs never backed down from a challenge. W hen they were confronted by the Iowa Park Hawks, the Lady Bulldogs played their hardest. Little did they know this gam e would set the stage for all o f their non-district and district games. T h e Ladies went on to place third in the Bowie T ournam ent, and placed fourth in District. T h e Lady Bulldogs are looking forw ard to building on this year's successes for next year. * Rylee Davis
W hen asked about the most m em orable m om ent from this year, Senior Kalea C orrell com m ented, "This was a great year for me, I enjoyed my senior volleyball year! I think the funniest thing was when Coach Cely did h er H 2 0 dance for us." "All in all it was fun!" Varsity Volleyball
lleyball Vigorous in Efforts lthough for the O the scores this year ' ulldogs JV volleyball team do not reflect a traditional success story, with district results o f 1-5, th e JV volleyball team revealed their dom inant volleyball skills and well-developed teamwork throughout the course o f their season in a different m anner. Dedicating themselves to the game, the team en d u red practices to sharpen their skills and build the bond much akin to the spirit o f BHS. Emily Adams com m ented, "We're all like sisters." W hen asked o f the possibility o f any o f her team m ates being recruited by a college, Jaclyn Johnson replied th at "Many o f the girls on the team have the potential to be scouted." W ith so m uch talent within this organization, some o f the girls' dem onstrations o f athleticism w orth recognition are Emily Adams, standing out for h er hitting, Danielle Box for her serving abilities, and Jaclyn Johnson
[T o p L e ft to R ight]: B re n n a H erm an , T a y lo r W illet, A u d rey W allace, B rooke H e n n a n , M elissa E n riq u ez , C atie R o an , S h in n e H a rla n , Kaylie B ingham , Jacly n Jo h n s o n , D anielle B ox, B ri A cheson, a n d Em ily Adams. [ 1 ] Jum ping up for th e block,
for defense and blocking. * Melissa Drage
Sophom ore E m ily A dam s plays d efen se for her team . [21 Sophomore T aylor W illet con centrates on her servin g tech n iq u e. [31 W aiting in an ticip ation for th e volleyb all to be p assed over th e n et are Sophomores Brooke H ennan, E m ily A dam s, Audrey W allace, and T aylor W illet [4 ] Sophom ores E m ily A dam s, Audrey W allace, Bri A ch eson , Taylor Willet, and K aylie B ingham rem ain ready as th e opposing team returns the volley b a ll. ‘ P h otos by yearbook staff
[Burk vs. Denison] 12-25, 20-25 [Burk vs. Denton] 19-25, 25-22, 24-26 [Burk vs. WF Rider] 14-25, 17-25 (Burk vs. Sherman] 25-20, 25-20 [Burk vs. WFHS] 12-25, 19-25 [Burk vs. Denison] 19-25, 17-25
" I cared m ore about the volleyball season this year opposed to last year, practiced h arder then last year, and stayed as healty as possible!"
-Presley Ford
[First Row] Angelica Zarogoza, M argaret Fernandez, Brianna Prince, M arina M arroquin, Jaym e Bolf, K endra A nderson, Kaitlyn Robertson [Second Row] Kami Frazier, Hailey Land, Larissa Wall, Joy Joss, Presley Ford, Bari Brunson [T hird Row] M ehalley Johnston, A drianna T u ck er
[1]Kami Frazier serves the ball. [2] Freshm an volleyball team m em bers work to g eth er to set up a play. * Staff photos
[diligent] Freshman Take the Spike T h e Freshm an Volleyball team started off t h ^ e a r spiking their com petitors in their weak spots and overpow ering the enemy. Forcing their way to the top, the freshm an showed their talent all the way to district. Volleyball members like Presley Ford, Larissa Wall, M argaret Fernandez, M arina M arroquin, Jaym e Bolf, and Hailey Land, took the lead in helping their teammates this year stand up pro u d for there work. W hen asked what was the funniest thing about this year, A drianna Tucker responded "when Kami Frazier slipped on water and fell on the court. We were running our warm-up laps and there was water on the floor where the roofed leaked, and we didn't realize it was there and Kami Frazier slipped on the puddle. T he entire team ed laughed for two hours." All members agreed is was a great year for all o f them. *Cody Gonzalez JV /F resh m an Volleyball
*"It was sad running my last race at regionals. It's a hard sport but I've learned a lot and 111 miss it next year.� Helen Ono (12]
* "It's been exciting & it's funny because we got 2nd at district and 1st at regionals. 1 knew we would be a strong team this year.� Ian Peoples (12)
Cross Country speeds up
workouts, earns top spots year's boy's and girl's cross country season was ju st like a race, starting strong, and finishing even stronger. Varsity Boys captured first place in every m eet they ran, proving that they truly do dom inate the district. Varsity Girls workouts were changed and m ade so as to increase intensity as the season progressed. Coach Mosley o f the Varsity boys was truly proud at the boy's placing first at Regionals, then advancing to state where they placed Thais was Coach T riana with the Girls' 3rd place finish at the district m eet held at Joe W heeler Park in Decatur, Texas. Concerning
the girls, Coach T rian a says " I was a little disappointed in our numbers, but I w ouldn't trade quantity for quality and. We worked hard and got b etter as the year progressed." *Julia Raymond Sports
[1] Junior Bailey McGowan sets her pace for the rest of the race [2] Girl's Cross Country [back row] Julia Raymond, Marissa Stephens, Emily Salas-Groves, Brenna Moore, Bailey McGowan, Monica Lynott, Helen Ono, Leslie Swartsell, Lauren Swartsell,[front row] Hanna Rice, Katherine Patterson, and Elissa Anderson [3] Boy's Cross Country [back row] Anthony Smith, Jesse Watson, Christian Mendoza, Nico Lynott, Jered Phillips, Ian Peoples, Ryan Mills, Chris T arrant, Chris Killian, Spencer Rhoton, Alex Gonzalez, [front row] Nathan Durst, Blake Arbogast, Brian Keksi, Peter Loftus [4] Jered Phillips, Ian Peoples and Ryan Mills discuss racing strategies [5] Junior Christian Mendoza goofs off as he finishes first at the Seymour meet [6] Varsity boys strike a pose [7] Junior Marissa Stephens finishes out the race strong [8] Sophomore Blake Arbogast sprints to the finish [9] Managers and Coach T figure out racing technology [10] Nico Lynott gives it his all *Photos by Julia Raymon
* "Cross Country, believe it or not, is THE most competitive sport i have ever participated in. This season has had its bumps, but our team together has pushed through it and have gotten ourselves to the point we are now. STATE." Christian Mendoza [11)
Cross Country
*"I play tennis because it's what I do to escape everything.�
Raelyn Edgmon [10]
*"I love tennis so much it's ridiculous."
J.R. Griffith [12]
[dangerous] Tennis Team kicks it up a notch This year's tennis team lived up to its image o f an ever-intense and exciting season. "The season had its ups and dow ns,but we all stayed a team and pulled it together" says ju n io r G eoff
[1] JV m e m b e rs [b ack ro w ] L u cas B o w er,B rett D a lto n jo s h M a rd is.Z a c h A lle n ja s o n C riddle,D iego W ilso n [fro n t ro w ] K ayla K e m p ,H a n n a h Slayter.M acy A n d e rso n ,P a tric ia M o n to jo ,a n d A sh le y E llyson [2 ]V arsity te n n is [b ack ro w ] T y le r M cN ew , J.R. Griffith, C olb y W ilso n , Joel S m ith , L a n d o n Jones, Jason W ilson, L eig h to n , G eoff T alley [seco n d ro w ] A sh ley B u rn s ,A u d ria n a T u c k e r,A le x S k in n e r,M ira n d a L a m b ,B ritta n y R oss [first ro w ] K elly R ay m o n d , R aelyn E d g m o n ,C o u rtn e y C a rp e n te r, E m ily Salas-G roves [not p ic tu re d ] B en A lb e rs [3] D u rin g a n in te n se m atch,
Talley. New head coach Newman decided th at new goals were to be set at the beginning o f the season. T h e team sat down
fre s h m a n A u d ria n a T u c k e r re c e iv e s a q u ic k tip from
together sand talked about they wanted to achieve. Goals to
u p . [5] L ifelong frie n d s a n d d o u b le s p a rtn e rs Joel Sm ith
make state, m aster spin serves, having b etter team unity, and win the Hirschi Smash T ournam ent. T h e team certainly did smash the Hirschi tournam ent by earning the first place title. T h e team continued the season with many m ore wins and continued to improve their team, on and off the courts. *Julia Raymond 80
K elly R ay m o n d . [4] S e n io r C o u rtn e y C a rp e n te r serves il a n d J.R. G riffith ta k e o n th e m a tc h . [6] Ju n io r Geoff T alle y k e e p s h is o p p o n e n t g u essin g w ith h is q u ick and sk illfu l serv es. [7] W h e n a sk e d h o w o ften th e y played te n n is, S en io rs K elly R a y m o n d a n d C olby W ilson w ere p ro u d to sh o w th a t th e y p la y 2 4 /7 . [8] C oach N ew m an gives la st m in u te a d v ic e to G eoff T alley a n d Ben A lb e rs.[9] T e n n is p la y e rs ta k e a b re a k a fter a few hard h ittin g m atc h e s. * All P hotos by Ju lia Raymor
"Tennis is very competitive, but that's
what makes it awesome!" T y le r M cNew [10]
*" The hardest part about tennis is playing duel matches against friends." C ourtney C arp e n te rfl 2]
Varsity Tennis
[First Row] Jesse Norris, Caleb Noyes [Second Row] Tom m y Dalke, R obert T u rn e r, Will Norris. [N ot Pictured) D erek Dowling, Johnath o n Motley, J.D . Chumley
[driven] Golf Swings for Sucess ^ ^ ^ ^ C h a s i n g around a little white
[1] Jesse N orris concentrates for
balraiay not appeal to a lot o f
th e perfect swing. [2] Bringing
people, but the Bulldog G olf T eam
his swing back, Kaleb Noyes
w ouldn't have it any oth er way.
wants to m ake par. [3] T aking a
Taking to the links each
few practice putts, Jo n ath o n
on low scores and big wins. T h e
Motley works on his short game. [4] Following th ro u gh with the
boys were lead this year by seniors
pu tt, Shianne H arlan studies
Tom m y Dalke, D erek Dowling and
the roll o f the putt. * Photos by Rylee Davis
afternoon, the golfers set their sights
Robert T u rn er. W hen asked about the season, the boys com m ented that they were optimistic about the season. T h e girls team featured a lot o f depth with underclassmen. W hen asked about the season, Shianne H arlan stated, "We are short a girl this year but it will be a good season none-the-less. I am really looking forward to this season!" T h e golf team is coach by Kay Dalke. * Rylee Davis 82
Kristi Pickett, B renna M oore, A na O 'N eill, Alex Hawkins [Not Pictured] Shianne H arlan
[beefy] .■
Powerlifting goes on Diet of Iron and Water £
L M T r he genesis o f Powerlifting as a sport can be traced back to the early 20th century. Born o f the earlier exhibitions o f muscle, the new generation o f Powerlifters focused on lifting the most weight they possibly could, dem onstrating their prowess in various positions com posing o f three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Powerlifting relies much m ore on the lifter's static strength and control. T raining on the lifts helps gain the strength required in many oth er sports. BHS coaches require specialized training techniques
explosive power. T o be put bluntly, “Pum ping iron and drinking water." “W e've been together since 8 th grade and long trips have allowed us to bond a lot,” said ju n io r Lorenzo Barnes. “I think we have a good chance at w inning state this year.” BHS pow erlifters not only com pete against others, but also against themselves. Last year, nine m em bers o f the team advanced to regionals. This year, they hope to be b etter than that with am bitions o f a full state team. *Brad Garratt
What kind of music do you listen to while lifting? Why? Rap, rock, techno, screamo; it gets the adrenaline pumping. *Preston King
What is the best and worst
IsBLUJOd gULLDOG A f u o t b a u FOflBU-l B
part of powerlifting? The best part is the free food. The worst part is being sore. *Mike Degavage
bulldog ,t o o t b m . i
I &
How does it feel to be in a "guy's" sport? It's challenging. When 1 participate, I feel the need to get
[First row ] Isaiah Barnes, T revor Morgan, M ike D egavage, R yne Cozby, Lorenzo Barnes, Robert B lackm on, Zac R om ine, R aym on Herd. [Second row ] Branden T hom e, A m ber W arren, S teve Hill, Preston King, Isaiah Terry.
on their level of lifting and show them it's as much a girl's sport as it is a guy's. •Amber Warren [1] C oach Jerem ia h B u tch ee leads th e p o w e rlifte rs in a stre tc h to w a rm u p th e ir m u scles. [2] Ju n io r Isaiah T erry sh o w s his stre n g th w h ile h e w o rk s o u t o n th e b e n c h press. [3] A s h e lifts a n im m en se a m o u n t of w eight, Ju n io r L orenzo B arnes is sp o tted by Ju n io r Steve H ill. [4] Ju n io r S eth M ire does a re p ititio n of c ru n c h e s to stre n g th e n h is abs. [5] Ju n io r Steve H ill w o rk s h is u p p e r body doing a deadlift. •P hotos by Beth Bodenhorn
G olf/Pow erlifting
[tenacious] Bulldogs' Perseverance Gains State Recognition All o f the hard work o f the Bulldogs Varsity
themselves on some o f the tactics and strategies o f the upcom ing opposing
Basketball team earned them the title
teams. T h e boys defeated W imberly
o f champions in the annual Union
easily in th eir first ro u n d o f bi-district
Square Classic T ournam en t, which
and then quickly overcam e Glen Rose
m arked the beginning o f a prosperous
in the area game. T h e biggest
challenge however, was yet to com e for W ith a 16-3 pre-district record,
the nu m b er 4 ranked Bulldogs, w hen
it was obvious that the Dogs would stop
faced against the n u m b er 2 ranked
at nothing to try and reach their goal
Estacado M atadors in th e regional
o f state champions. Having won the
first o f the district games, the Dogs
A lthough the Bulldogs jo u rn ey
proved they were well on their way to
ended with th eir loss against Estacado,
fulfilling their aspiration.
they rem ain recognized as being one o f
Coming up on the district games fast, the Dogs slid in a couple o f
the top teams in Texas. *Lauren Rios and Brittany Ziegenbein
extra practices and acquainted
[First R ow ) C olten C arrol, Jason B each, D w ay n e Jo h n so n , Jo rd an B each, Jam es L o ren zo , C h ris F raz ie r, A n th o n y G ibbs, Josh A lvarez, M ichael A aron. [Second R ow ] C oach Joe T h a n n e rt, D erek D ow ling, D errell G ibbs, A a ro n T h o m p so n , D y lan C u m m in s, G ian lu ca Boenigk, J i G ould, M ario G arcia, C oach D an n y N ix. *Staff Photo
j] Hanging from the rim , senior Chris Frazier takes a m om ent to celebrate his successful dunk. [2] T h e Dunkin' logs come away with a Cham pionship in the Fantasy o f Lights T ournam ent. [3] Taking a break from his position, Inthony Gibbs watches his team m ates play from the sidelines. [4] A aron Thom pson concentrates before his free prow. [5] T h e players listen closely as the coaches go over the game plan. [6 ] Derek Dowling evades the Rider High phool defense as he moves in to receive the ball. [7] A fter a shot is attem pted, players stand alert for the rebound, p] Supporters o f the Dogs help the cheerleaders encourage the team to gain BHS another victory. *Fantasy o f Lights Tournament Photo Courtesy o f the Burk Informer Star & Jeff Bromley *Staff Photos Varsity Boys Basketball
[unsliakalDle] Best is Yet to Come Building on the successes , th e JV and basketball teams were looking O forw ard to this year's '. season m onths before the first game. Many accomplishments were m ade in the Freshm an and JV basketball teams this year.
o f the varsity team , players w orked h ard for the legacy.
Favorite Basketball Quot "Work hard and there's nothin you can't accomplish." ‘ Austin Dodd [9]
Sophom ore Michael Elphick stated, "I am really hoping to be m oved up to varsity next year. I have been practicing hard .
I am ready
Favorite Basketball Quot
Practicing every day on
T h e freshm an boys won 1st place
o r o ff season, they are
title in the U nion Square Classic
conditioning and training their
and JV boys won a 2nd place title
bodies to be p rep ared for the
in the W indthorst T ournam ent. A fter seeing the success
good things yet to come. *Kasi Bailey
"We run until they die." ‘ Canon Cornelius [10]
JV Boys B asketball [First R ow ] Jory M olin a, C h ris tia n M en d o za, B lake A rb o g ast, M ig u el S antiago, P aris W h itfie ld [Second R ow ] Brandon Johnson, A aron G riffin, K evin R eid, Ju stin C arey , B rent D eeb, D avid W ie d e n b e c k , M a rk B ro o m field [T h ird R ow ] Jacob T ho m sp o n , Canon C ornelius, C h ristian T a n n e r, Josh Jackson, M ich ael E lp h ick , T em i O g u n ley e, Jake B ishop, E th a n Jones
F re s h m a n Boys B ask etb all [First R ow ] Z a n e E w ing, B rian K eksi, R ey B erreles, D ylan S an d e r, S h a w n R ay m o n d , S ean C ow hey, Joseph T h o m a s, C ody H a rrim o n [S econ d R ow ] A u stin D odd, R y an W h ita k e r, Logan M cB eath, K yle H an co ck , D akota C h ap a, G arrett L am , M ark el K ing [T h ird R ow ] C o ach M ic h ae l B a u g h m an , T y le r C le m e n t, Y o u n g M in O h, B laine C u rre n , N ico L ynott, W ill D u n c an , Z ach M ire, Jake B ark er, B ryce H o llin g sw o rth
[1] F re sh m an boys eagerly listen to w h at C oach Joe T h a n n e rt h as to say. [2] JV boys liste n alo n g as C oach M ichael B aughm an gives a few tips. [3] Looking to pass, fre sh m a n N ico L ynott tries to get th e ball d o w n co u rt. [4] T h ro w in g th e ball in b o u n d s, Ju n io r M ark B room field looks for a n o p en m an. [5] B reaking a press, fre sh m a n Joseph T h o m as goes p ast a d efen d er. [6] F resh m a n boys get ready to tak e th e co u rt. *Photos by Kasi Bailey
JV /Freshm an Boys Basketball
Varsity Girls Score a Win [fie 2008-2009 Varsity
away games, as well. Ju n io r Holly
girl A ch ieved much success this
C annon said, "I am extrem ely
season while winning a num erous
happy with what we have accomplished this season! W e've
am ount o f games. T h e girls shaped up their attitudes and boosted their confidence. T h e positive attitudes o f the players, without a doubt, kept
really learned to work well with each o th er and tru st one another." B ringing the best to the
them pum ped and prep ared for
courts, th e team looks forw ard to
practices, but m ore im portantly,
winning plenty o f m ore games.
prepared for games.
Success will only com e by
T h e girls' head coach, Coach Koulovatos, kept the team in gear and helped prepare them
learning about themselves th ro u g h o u t the game. * Linda Berreles
for games as much as possible. Students cheered for the girls, while attending hom e games and
[First Row] Macy Cooke, Casey Castro, Ashley Rarrick, Kaleigh M orris, [Second Row] Chelsea Boyd, Helen Ono, Monica Lynott, Holly Cannon, K atherine Patterson, [Third Row] Brooke Taylor, Kelly Payton, Shamiqua Johnson, Alise Amey, and T aylor Lile
[1] Varsity girls huddle up before the end o f first q u arter and wish each other luck. [2] Seniors T aylor Lile, Helen Ono, and Chelsea Boyd pum p up the adrenaline before the big game. [3] Juniors Holly Cannon and Ashley Rarrick warm up by shooting hoops before the tournam ent. [4] Juniors Kelly Payton and Casey Castro work together while playing defense. [5] Senior Taylor Lile practices a layup during warm-ups. [6] Before the game, the girls practice their drills. [7] Ju n io r Holly Canon attem pts to shoot the ball. *Photos by Staff & Gordon Photography
Varsity Girls Basketball
f\l IA'oK
[F irst R ow ] M arg aret F re n an d ez, K aitlyn R o bertson, Jaym e Bolf, E m ily Jones, A m b er W arren , [S econd R ow ] H ailey D iaz, H ailey L and, P resley F ord, [T h ird R ow ] H aleigh P rejean , W h itn e y H arry, A lex S k in n er, Bari B runson, a n d Joy Joss
What have you learned from being in basketball? [1] D uring m orning practice, Freshm an Hailey Lane I I I I
"I've learned that you must ALWAYS have a positive attitude and try your hardest to do what is best for your team, rather than yourself." *Audrey Wallace [10]
looks for an opponent to pass the ball to. [2] The team practices and w ork on new drills for their games. [3] Freshm an H aleigh Prejean listens as Coach Miracle gives direct instructions. [4] During practice, the freshm an and ju n io r varsity team
"I've learned from being in basketball that practicing will only make you better and achieve much.� ‘ Margaret Fernandez [9]
divides up and plays against each other. * Photos by Staff 8c Gordon Photograpl
[matchless] No One Could Compare IjM H v T h is 2008-2009
that they w orked together as
I baiffletball season has been
a team and helped one
I outstanding with JV and
another out.
I Freshm an girls. T h e two teams ; I kept a positive outlook while
T h e team's goal was to focus on playing the game
I practicing and playing in the
with all o f their m ight and
I I game. I
staying on track. Both teams T h e teams' work ethics
are dedicated and willing to
I and tactics used in their games I is what the team is m ade of.
do w hatever is necessary to be at the top.
M uch appreciation was
N ext year's season will
given to the team by fellow
definitely as m uch as a success
classmates and family
as this season and the two
m em bers. P eer m ediation was
teams are looking forw ard to
ju st the way to keep the team
it and will do absolutely
anything it takes to achieve all o f their goals.
W aking up early and staying late after school for practices was stressful for the I • i I girls', b u t they m ade sure
*Linda Berreles
[First R ow ] T an ia D om inguez, B ren n a M oore, A u d re y W allace [Second Row] P resley Ford, H ailey Land, T ay lo r B utler, [Third Row] P ey to n W h itak er, E m ily A dam s, a n d A ddison W hite
JV /F reshm an Girls Basketball
[agile] Boys Soccer Kicks Off A Good Season by
team w ork and soccer skills. This sport dem ands
lightness, ease o f m ovem ent, being mentally quick
physical stam ina and hard
and alert, th e boys soccer team
work. All the effort these boys
kicked off a good season. T h e
have p u t into soccer has paid
varsity and ju n io r varsity boys train and practice after school
off. T h e soccer team has
everyday to gain speed,
each com ing year. A nd with
strength, and coordination.
good mindsets and positive
This year, th e team has
im proved th eir season with
attitudes, th e team is indeed
acquired new players and
willing to im prove their later
retu rn in g players. "It's good to
years. Each player on the
have retu rn in g seniors because it gives the team m ore
team has a position, and they
experience", states ju n io r Brady
all w ork as one to execute each
W alker. Also with the guidance
play. T h e soccer team 's agile
o f coaches Kyle R edding and
abilities will score a successful
T aylor Kilcrease, the team is
able to work to g eth er and
*Katrina Phan
practice drills to im prove their
V arsity Boys [F irst R ow ] R y a n M ills, C aleb L o n d ro w , K yle Jones, K yle S treet, K eenan I S tu b b le fie ld , D erek D e v e rea u x , V in c e n t R eed, W es W ise. [S eco n d R ow ] C oach Kyle R edding, Jackie S an d e rs, Jesse A b air, Ian P eo p les, C ory R o b erso n , B rad D eeb, Brady W alk e r, C h ris M iller, D ylan W ood, C lin to n Jo h n so n , C o ach T a y lo r K ilcrease. [Not P ic tu re d ] D evin S la y d e n
*Photo b y Gordon Photograpj
[1] D erek D ev e re au x fights to w in th e b all. [2] S e n io r Ian P eoples d rib b les th e b a ll d o w n th e field to m a k e a shot. [3] K eeping th e o th e r te am from scoring, B rad D eeb m o v es to sav e th e ball. [4] In a h u d d le , th e so ccer team gets p u m p e d u p befo re th e ir gam e. [5] K yle S tre e t p lay s h a rd to p re ssu re th e o th e r tea m 's p lay e r. [6] A s d efen d ers, K een an S tu b b lefie ld a n d R yan M ills s p re a d th e field to p ro te c t th e ir goal. [7] V in ce n t R eed ru n s d o w n th e field to get in th e g am es actio n . * P h o to s by R h o n d a Deeb
lio r V arsity [F irst R ow ] T o n y H o llan d , A n d re w S k in n e r, S e an T e rry , P h illip Jones, jcond Row] A u stin M cS han, Joe D eR ubbio, T y le r D avis, D ak o ta G ibson. [N ot jtured] C hris S tone, M a tth e w B elcher, R y an N ib le tt, Jordan R o b erso n , Z ach a ry 6ns, B lake W atk in s, Jacob Rios *P hoto b y G o rd o n P h o to g ra p h y
V arsity: [First R ow ] A llie S aville, H e a th e r Z am o ra , A n g ie C a n a v a , M elissa M oore, [S econ d R ow ] E m ily S alas-G roves, C asie C leaver, M y le n e G u tie rre z , M arissa S te p h e n s, A m b e r B o atm a n , N ik ita W atso n , R ilee Jalow y, Jac ly n Jo h n so n , Bri A ch eso n , S onia R o d rig u ez, E m a rie H o lla n d , a n d C ia ra C la m p itt. P hoto co urtesy o f G ordon P hotography.
[1] C astin g a lo n g a fte rn o o n sh a d o w , s e n io r A llie S av ille o bserves the gam e fro m th e goal. [2] W a tc h in g th e fe e t o f h e r O ld H igh opponent, fre sh m a n C asie C le a v er a tte m p ts a ste a l. [3] D o w n n e a r th e goal post, fre s h m a n M eg an M c F a d d e n c h ase s d o w n th e b a ll w ith a C oyote in hot p u rs u it. [4] W ith a c le a r sh o t, ju n io r M y le n e G u tie rre z races th e other p la y e rs to th e goal.
*Photos by Julia R aym ond, A llie Savilj and Katrina Pha
[fleet] Girls Soccer Shines When Sun Doesn't 'o be in soccer is to
attribute that to hours of
cWTÂŽW^o practices in the
work. "Tournam ents are
co la^v in d , and m ud m ore often than balmy warm th and sun. Such a scenario
always fun,� said captain Allie Saville. "We didn't have
requires com m itm ent and
time we spent together was
ju st a great bonding
Coaches Patrick Birk and Becky M ontgom ery kept the girls working hard. And
much time to relax, but that
experience. Everyone is just very optimistic and eager to win."
com peting from Memorial
In a sport that
Stadium to Abilene Wylie,
requires physical agility, strength, and focus as well as
the hours o f practice were necessary and paid off. T h e
a great attitude, these girls
Varsity team m ade the playoffs this year and
*Katy Bodenhorn
C oach P a tric k B irk, C h ris tin a R o d rig u ez, K ilie W alb o rn , Zoe D au g h erty , M egan M cF adden. C h a n d le r H elm s, and C oach B ecky M o n tg o m ery . P hoto c o u rte sy o f G ordon P h o to g ra p h y.
Girls Soccer
[1] E x p e rtly m a n u v e rin g , se n io r Q u a n G lo v er glides o v e r a h u rd le . [2] S en io r Jered P h illip s p u s h e s th r o u g h th e la st few feet o f h is se c tio n o f th e re la y ra c e to h a n d off th e b a to n to h is te a m m a te . [3] D u rin g p ra c tic e for a n u p c o m in g m eet, so p h o m o re B rielle D a u g h e rty p e rfe c ts h e r s h o t-p u ttin g te c h n iq u e . [4] G iv in g h e r all, ju n io r C asey C astro s p rin ts th e la s t p o rtio n o f h e r re la y to e a rn a le a d for h e r te a m . [5] F re s h m a n M a rin a M a rro q u in e x e c u te s a c le a n h a n d o ff to se n io r te a m m a te E lissa A n d e rso n . [6] C o n c e n tra tin g o n h is te c h n iq u e , fre sh m a n D a k o ta Jo h n so n m a in ta in s good fo rm w h ile la u n c h in g th e d isc u s acro ss th e p ra c tic e field.
*Photos by M e lissa Drage
irst R ow ] K aty M cC lain, D arian a W alk er, K aitly n R o b ertso n , R aq u e l V alez, B arry B ru n sen , Joy Silo, [Second Row] H aleigh P rejean, Ali errill, S a m a n th a P e n n e r, L eah F o rre stal, C asey C astro , A u d re y W allace, Jen n a F raizer, L a u ren S w artsell, Leslie S w artsell [Third Row] ie lle D au g h erty , S a ra h M cC lain, A sh le y H e n rio n , S a b rin a R eprogal, E m ily A d am s, A lex M cG ee
y fa v o rite p a rt o f tra c k is
"I d e c id e d to join track
at y o u m e e t a lot of
b e c a u se it's m y favorite
ople a n d w h e n y o u w in a
sp o rt a n d th a t's h o w I
pe y o u feel ex c ite d
p la n to get m y
pause y o u re a liz e y o u 're
sc h o la rsh ip for college. I
tte r th a n ev e ry o n e else. It
also w a n t to b e on the
asts y o u r se lf e steem a n d
USA W o rld O lym pics
es y o u co nfidence."
Team ."
*R onnie H all (12)
* D a ria n n a W a lk e r (9)
rst R ow ] N a th a n D urst, N ico L y n o tt, K evin R eid, Isaiah H aygood, S tev e H ill, L orenzo B arnes, R obert B lackm an, M alachi Naef, Scott bbins, Jo h n -Jerrad B u rlto n [Second R ow ] Jacob C arter, AJ Jones, W illiam H ines, Isaiah T erry , P resto n King, D em etri Hicks, D evin afin, M a rq u e l King, D akota Jo h n so n , T o n y F u rm a n , T y le r M cK eever, M iq u el S antiago [T hird Row] A n th o n y S m ith , N a th a n ie l Sigler, In Scott, T e rre n c e M ackey, L eig h to n Jen k in s, C h ris K illian, G av in W h itta k e r, R yne C ozby, T a n n e r F ow ler, D alton Peters, M atth ew jn sto n , Cy Lager, S te v e n M orris, Q u a n G lover, B rian G eorge, Z ach R o m in e
[safe] Baseball Boys Slide Home e 2008-2009 baseball
I've learned many things while
mediately started out
playing baseball and Pm glad I
with enthusiasm and optimism.
can say I'm p art o f this team .� Win o r lose, all three
All three teams were looking forward to a new and successful
teams stuck together th ro u g h
thick and thin and played like Ju n io r P eter Loftus said,
tru e sportsm en. All o f the
"I enjoy being in baseball because we all get along with
coaches w ere absolutely stunned
each other and we have loads o f
that was p u t into games and
fun practicing." T ournam ent after
practices. Freshm an Austin D odd
tournam ent, staying after for a
said, "Even though this is my
late practice, or even the long
freshm an year in baseball, I
bus rides out o f town, the three
have had awesome experiences
teams w orked hard and success
and I'm even m ore excited to
was most definitely involved.
play next year!"
at the amazing effort and wit
W hat have you learn ed from baseball? "Something that I've learned from baseball is that th ere is no 'I' in 'team'."
Senior Zach M oehnke said, "Baseball is definitely my
* Linda Berreles 8c Kasi Bailey *Ryan Patty [10
favorite sport to play and watch.
Varisty baseball [First Row] Justin Roark, Sam Duke, Ryan Patty, Justin R obertson, Bobby H arrim on, Casey Keksi, Andrew Miller [Second Row] Brodie Bolen, Bret Lewis, Canon Cornelius, Clayton Shearm an, Zach Krebs, Zach M oehnke, Derek Dowling, W ade Beason, Ronnie Nelson 98 Sports
] Varisty boys stand and discuss their ays. [2] Senior Zach M oehnke pitches le ball during practice. [3] Senior ndrew M iller and juniors Colin Miller ad Clayton Shearm an warm up before teir tournam ent. [4] Senior Zach Krebs Iks to his p artn e r while pitching. [5] uring practice, JV players practice leir plays. * P h o t o s b y G o r d o n P h o t o g r a p h y 8c S t a f f
JV baseball [First Row] Jace Beason, Matt Morales, Austin Parkey, Peter Loftus, Joel H ubbard, Dustin C arter, Ben Moree, and Colin Miller [Second Row] Jacob Carroll, Dakota Rushin, T yler McClelland, Michael Elphick, T y ler Scroggins, Scotty A nderson, Marcus Jones
leshman baseball [First Row] Dylan Sander, T yler Galliton, Joseph ubski, Brian Keksi, Josh Mardis, Chris T u rn e r [Second Row] Kyle pncock, Ryan W hitaker, Curtis Lowers, Austin Dodd, Logan McBeath, pam Reed, Joe H arris B i Baseball
What's going through your m ind when you step up to bat?
What's going through your mind when you step up to bat? "Allan screaming in my head to not roll over, top and bottom o f the ball, nothing up... and the list goes on!" *Etta Forrestal (12)
"To use good mechanics, hit the ball, watch coach, ru n h ard, nothing high, and no golfing." * Mattie Bennett (9)
[1] Ju n io r Holly C annon defends third base as sophom ore B renna H ennan pitches the ball. [2] Coach R obert Daiker strategizes with the JV girls. [3] Sophom ore Brooke H ennan hits the oncom ing ball. [4] Sophom ore Peyton W hitaker pitches to an O ld H igh batter. [5] Sophom ore Brooke H en n an prepares to hit the ball out of the park. [6] Peyton W hitaker gets a lead off in preparation to ru n into hom e as th e pitcher throw s the ball. [8] In an attem pt to trick O ld High, Ju n io r Holly C annon bunts the ball.
*Photos by Beth Bodenhorn
Lady Dogs Knock Competition Out of the Park J"h is year the Lady 5uJ^ogs had high hopes fo r State hoping to continue the tradition
from previous years. T h e retu rn in g
O ld H igh and A rcher City. W ith strong players in th e infield and th e outfield, the
Kalea C orrell and Etta Forrestal.
Lady Bulldogs dom inated,
C orrell said th at the best tim e so
leaving no chance for the
far has been h er senior year, and
opposing team to make it
she w anted to finish it o u t with a
aro u n d th e bases to hom e plate. T his sport took a lot of
T h e ladies racked up many
endurance and conditioned
wins th ro u g h o u t the season, so the
these girls for everyday life,
com petition was understandably distressed when the Lady Bulldogs
teaching team w ork,
pulled into the parking lot.
W ith those attributes behind
T h e season for th e JV girls was prom ising as well, as they took control o f the field. T hey were one
beating out m any team s such as
seniors on the Varsity team were
bang by m aking first in State.
o f th e best team s in the district,
responsibility, and leadership. them , they are known and recognized as a force to feared. *Rylee Davj
V a rsity [F irst R ow ] D an ielle Box, B ritly n n e H a n lo n , K e n d ra A n d e rso n , B rooke H e n n a n [Second R ow ] K arsyn V room , B ren n a H e n n a n , R iley P a in te r [T h ird R ow ] K assie B ru g m an n , K alea C o rrell, E tta F o rre sta l [Fourth R ow ] D alin D ehart, M acey C ooke, H olly C an n o n , E m ily Jones, S h elb y M e lv in
‘ Photo by Gordon P hotography
Junior V arsity [First R ow ] M a c k en z ie K indt, Jaym e Bolf, K ayla F ran k e , B ritly n n e H a n lo n [Second R ow] B rittan y B arker, C o u rtn ey Hoover, M attie B en n ett, D akota Jo h n so n , M ira n d a R o b in so n , K y m b erly W a rn e r [Third Row] M arissa H arrison, S a m an th a R oderick, K ayla K in n ard , P e y to n W h ita k e r, L arissa W alls
‘ Photo by Gordon Photography
harmonious [cacophony] T h e vast am ounts o f random different backgrounds, noise heard each day can be a religious beliefs, and financial bit intimidating. Cheering, laughing, O O7 crying, / O7 shouting,
situations are here for, in many7 ways, / the same reason
talking. Each individual has
and intend to finish with the
his or her own personality:
same achievem ent regardless
likes and and dislikes,
o f what else they may do
favorites, quirks,
along the way.
catchphrases, and beliefs. However, high school is the ultimate p roof that it is
It's a beautiful noise. *Katy Bodenhorn
possible to bring diversity to a com mon level. People o f all
[1] O n a F rid ay a fte rn o o n , so p h o m o re C an o n C o rn eliu s a n d sen io rs B randt Jalow y a n d W ad e B eason ja m o u t in G u ita r class. [2] P u m p in g u p th e c ro w d w ith h is trap set, se n io r K een an S tu b b le fie ld ro ck s d u rin g a p ep rally . [3] Before leaving th e sta n d s, fre sh m e n M a rin a M a rro q u in a n d A lex H aw k in s stra p o n th e ir shakos. [4] Ju n io r A u stin L ongacre a n d so p h o m o re T ori S h o res co m p are p e a n u t b u tte r bran d s for th e food d riv e. [5] S en io r K atrin a P h a m sh o w s off h e r H ippie D ay fashion, c o m p le te w ith co lo red sunglasses. [6] For T een s M ak e a D ifference Day, ju n io r L oren zo B arnes p a in ts a rail o u tsid e th e B u rk b u rn e tt L ibrary. [7] N erd d ay is the c u e to go a ll-o u t for so p h o m o re S ab in a M a rro q u in a n d sen io rs Kasi Bailey, Joel S m ith , a n d Julia R ay m o n d . [8] In his Pre-A P Biology class, C an o n C o rn elius helps C oach Loy T ria n a se t u p lab m aterials. [9] S eniors d e m o n stra te th e a rt of proper fro n t-y a rd fo rk in g as a P ro ject G ra d u a tio n fu n d ra ise r. [10] S u rro u n d e d by fellow sen io rs, H ope K o ulovatos a n d P attie P a rk e r sw ay to th e S chool Song to en d a fall
pep rally.
People Division
[Who's Who] Katherine Patterson [Math]
Katy Bodenhorn [History]
"Katherine is intelligent, motivated, and versatile. She is not only a wonderful math student, hut one of the most sincere people I know. It has been a pleasure having her in class." Mrs. Ally son Baughman
"Katy is an extrem ely intelligent, frien d ly and well m annered young wom an. She has an excellent a ttitu d e and is a great role model." Mr. P hil Taylor
Julia Raymond [English] "Julia embodies ev ery th in g a teacher could w an t in a student." Mrs. Melanie Selvidge
Monica Lynott [Science] "Monica possesses many characteristics that teachers love, especially her work ethic. She works at everything: the subject and being a respectful young woman. She does what others fail to do: work hard at all times It's a characteristic rarely found today. Thank you 'Mon'." Mrs. Pam Francis
Tyler McKeever [Foreign Lang.] "Tyler exhibits leadership & a strong sense of self. His eye is on keeping a strong educational tie to w h a t is uplifting & a personal m otivation to achieve great heights." Ms. Margaret Fuentes
Levar Cook [Band] "Levar is a talented young m an. His passion for the m usic is conveyed th ro u g h his dedication to the skills of being a tru e m usician. Mr. Dallas Bayless
[Excellence] Lauren Rios [Choir] "Lauren is an exceptionally talen ted stu d en t w ho is dedicated and determ ined to achieve th e h ig h est standards." Mr. Don Cowan
Kalea Sharp [AFJROTC] "Always an o u tstan d in g role model, Kalea's recognition is hased on h e r exceptional dedication to com m unity & school service activities over h e r te n u re as a m em ber of th e Cadet Corps." Maj. Joe M ariotti
Kim Goff
[Art] "Kim is a hardw orking, diligent stu d e n t w ho possesses a tru e talen t for creativ ity and artistry." Mr. Joe Cook
Megan Fernandez [Marketing] "Megan is a very dedicated student, & set goals for her fu tu re th a t will lead to her success. I admire th e h ard w ork she continuously gave to DECA." Ms. Beverly Lee
Brooke Taylor [Nursing] "Brooke has been in n u rsin g for 3 years. She is an excellent stu d en t & shows promise of being an awesome nurse. She is very caring & great w ith her patients." Ms. A lisha Allen
M'Kensi Orf [Office] "The m ost outstanding qualities M'Kensi displays are her dependability and m aturity. She can be counted on to do a good job w ith anything she attempts." Mrs. Debbie Smith Who's Who
[Knowledge] Tommy Dalke [A thletics]
Dustin Casey [Theatre]
"Tommy is a terrific young m an w ho h as been a team m em ber & leader d u rin g h ig h school. He is a trem endous su p p o rter of all of o u r school's activities & a huge p a rt of our team . " Coach D anny Nix
"Dustin is a dedicated and loyal stu d e n t in th e th e a tre program . He has been involved w ith th e a tre for 2 years and is an asset to th e program." Mr. Bob Barrow
Kalea Correll [Athletics]
Tracy Newberry
"Kalea h as been an o u tstan d in g ath lete for our girls' ath letic program . Her dedication and dependability to ath letics are th e qu alities we look for in our program." Coach Keri Cely
Brittany Ziegenbein [Jo u rn a lism ] "B rittany is a fabulous person. She is dedicated and responsible w ith all th in g s th a t she does. She is a tru ly talented young woman." Mrs. Mandy Reed
[Consumer Science] "Tracy is conscientious and responsible in and o u t of class. She is alw ays courteous and dependable." Mrs. Jeannine Miller
Melissa Drage [Yearbook] "Melissa is a first y ear staffer th at showed dedication & com m itm ent to th e staff. She w as always helpful & took all task s on w ith enthusiasm & responsibility." Mrs. Mandy Reed
[Dedication] Chase Witt [Ag Science] "Chase is a very dedicated FFA m em ber who has a passion for livestock. Chase is n a tu ra l leader, w ho h as served th e BHS FFA as tre a su re r and President." Mr. Gary W aitm an
Fem e Bloodworth Award T h e F e m e B lo o d w o rth Jo u rn a lism A w ard is an h o n o r b esto w ed u p o n sen io rs w ho e x ce ed ed th e call o f d u ty in o r d e r to e n s u re th e q u ality o f th e y e a rb o o k a n d o th e r p rin t p u b licatio n s. R ecip ien ts a re n o te d fo r th e ir en th u siasm , w o rk e th ic, skill a n d d ed ic a tio n to th e field as a w hole. T h is y ear's rec ip ie n ts a re M elissa D iehl a n d J o r d a n M iller.
Zach Krebs [Voc. Tech]
Melissa Diehl
"Zach is a good w orker and a leader am ong th e group. He has ta le n t and m otivation th a t w ill make him a success in all h is endeavors." Mr. David Ress
"No m atter w hat th e assignm ent, Melissa was always ready to take on the task. As a first year staffer, she showed dedication beyond h er years of experience." Mrs. Mandy Reed
Amber T
t u m [Computer Tech]Miller
r d
"Amber is v e r y " T a k i n g on the ... ... _awesome task of creative w ith all of... w riting, editing^ h e r projects. H e r a n d publishing a atte n tio n to d e t a i l , s c h o o l patience, a n d n e w s p a p e r persistence to " g e t i l l u s t r a t e d the , „dedication it ju s t right" a r e J o r d a n has to qualities th a t s e t j o u r n a l i s m . He h e r apart. It h a s i s a talented been a pleasure t o y o u n g man." , , ____ _Mrs. Mandy Reed w atch you create !!J Mrs. Nancy Frazier Who's Who
Mr. & Miss [BHS] Jo e l Smith. Jason Beach Helen Ono
M 'Kensi Orf
Jordan Beach Etta Forrestal
Keenan Stubblefield Hali Rangel 108
Travis Devore Kalea Correll
Katy Bodenhorn Ju stin Robertson
Best [All-Around] jastin obertson Ian Peoples Katy Bodenhorn
atherine ktterson
Taryn Moore Aaron Thompson
Jordan Beach Monica Lynott
Ryan Mills Kasi Bailey
Brady Giles Helen Ono Mr.
Miss BH S/Best All-Around
[labeled] * Photos by Julia Raymond
[class clown] Wade Beason
[class clown] Parker Loudermilk, Kasi Bailey, Stetson Cop
[most shy]
[m ost outgoing]
B ritta n y Z iegenbein & J o rg e D om inguez
J u lia R aym on d & D u stin Sm ith
[free spirited]
[tech -savvy]
Jordan M iller <5e M egan P h elan
B ritta n y A dam s & R ex A llen
[best tag team ]
[yon Acheson & A ustin Anderson
Brodie Bolen & Ashley Benavides
[most daring]
[most logical]
[R onnie H all & A lise A m ey
Tomm y Dalke & K aleigh M orris
â&#x2013; â&#x2013;
1 i
[alw ays late] iShelhie Lindsay & J.R. Griffith
[most ath letic] Taylor Lile, Jay Gould & Etta Forrestal Senior Superlatives
Senior Class Officers *Justin [Robertson] *Sam [Carrion] *Julia [Raymond] *Ryan [Mills]
Ila Abbott Ryon Acheson Baseball (9-10)
Brittany Adams RO TC (9-12) NHS (11-12) A rt (9-12)
Natalie Adams Babes (9-12), NHS (11-12)
Charles Alexander Rex Allen Manuel Almendarez Alise Amey Basketball (9-12) Student Council (9-11)
Austin Anderson Baseball (9), Soccer (10), NHS (11-12)
Elissa Anderson Key Club (9-10, VP 10), Colorguard (9-12, Lt. 11, Capt. 12), Girls Choir (9-10, pres. 10), Cross Country (11-12), Track (10, 12)
Kacy Ansohn Cheerleading (10, 12), PALS (11-12), Colorguard (9), R O TC (9), Tennis (10)
Bethany Back Kasi Bailey PALS (11-12), United Way (11-12), FCA (11-12), NHS (11-12,), Key Club (12), Student Council (9-12), BPA (11), Band (9-10), Jazz Band (9-10), Interact Club (9), Ultimate Frisbee (12)
Matthew Bamburg Football (9-12), Baseball (9-10), Basketball (9), NHS
1 12
B obby B arboza A dam B arnes Football (10-12), Basketball (9), Baseball (10-11)
C a r y n B a r r e lls J a so n B each Football (9-12), Basketball (9-12), Baseball (9-11), FFA (9-12), FCA (11-12)
J o r d a n B ea c h Football (9-12), Basketball (9-12), Baseball (9-11), NHS (11-12), PALS (12), FFA (11-12), FCA (11-12), Student Council (12)
W a d e B e a so n A s h le y B e n a v id e s Volleyball (9), Student Council (9)
B r o o k e B e ss
Katy Bodenhorn Band (9-12, sec. ldr. 10-12, drum major 12), Yearbook (10-12, editor 12), Key Club (11-12, pres. 12), NHS (11-12), Quill & Scroll (10-12), UIL One-Act Play (10), UIL Journalism (11-12), Breakfast Club (12)
T iana Bolden Brodie Bolen Baseball (9-12), NHS (11-12), International Club (9)
C helsea Boyd Basketball (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), Track (9), FCA (10-12), Softball (10)
*top 5 [movies]
M e lin e e B r a n d o n
1. D ark K night
J e s s e B u tle r
2. Tw ilight 3. H ancock
BPA (11-12), RO TC (9), Guitar (10, 12)
4. T h e Strangers 5. Eagle Eye
pfr B rittany IZiegenbein]
Dream vacation: A M editerranean cruise. Best memory o f high school: T h e French field trip to the Impressionist Exhibit in Dallas. Favorite movie: A Few Good Men Favorite sandwich: Steak and cheese from Subway with everything. College plans: Med school. Favorite restaurant: Samurai of Tokyo *K a ty B o d en h o rn
*top 5 hot [topics]
B r itta n y C a p o r a le C o u r tn e y C a r p e n te r
1. Presidential election
Varsity Tennis (9-12), Student Council (9-12, reporter 11, pres. 12), BP A (12), United Way (12), Crimestoppers (12), NHS (11-12), GoCenter (9-10)
2. Economic crisis 3. Gas prices 4. T h e Sum m er Olympics 5. Michael Phelps
S a m C a r r io n Basketball (9-10), Cross Country (9-11),'Track (10), PALS (11-12), NHS (11-12),â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Class VP (12)
C o lte n C a r r o ll Basketball (9-12)
D u s tin C a se y Tennis (9-11) NHS (11-12), Drama Club (11-12, president 12)
R ic h a r d C h a m b e r la in
K r is te n C h a n c e llo r M ir a n d a C h a n c e llo r K a y la C h ild e r s Babes (9)
L a n c e C is s e ll
Jord an C ook BPA (10-12), Band (9-10), G uitar (11-12)
L evar C ook Band (9-12, sec. Idr. 12), Tennis (9), NHS (12), T rack (12), Teens Make a Difference (11)
S te ts o n C o p u s FFA (9-12), Football (9-12)
K a le a C o r r e ll Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (10-11), Softball (9-12), Cheerleading (11-12), FCA (11-12), PALS (12)
^ Rex [Allen]
Favorite food: Gyoza (commonly referred to as potstickers or dumblings) How does your hair describe you? I find it fun to let some things run wild. Prized possession? My Michael Kelly V alor electric guitar. WOOT! Favorite thing about high school: It brings together all the people I know so I d on't have to go 20 miles to m eet awesome people. What's the best kind o f music to dance to? Ska. *K a ty
B o d en h o rn
ÂŁs? B
B od en h orl
* Katy 'Bodenhorn]
How does you hair describe you? Laid-back and low-maintenance. Favorite Movie: Dead Poets Society Favorite Cartoon: H om estarR unner is a classic. Hidden Talent: Jenga master. Favorite Sandwich: M onte cristo. Alias: HELGA * Ju lia
R ay m on d
S a m a n th a C o w h e y Basketball trainer (10), Nursing (11-12)
J u s t in C r o o k T o m m y D a lk e Football (9-12), NHS (11-12, treasurer 12), FFA (11-12), FCA (11-12), Track (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), Golf (9-12)
B ra d D e e b Soccer (9-12), Football (9-11), NHS (11-12), Track (10-12)
M ic h a e l D e g a v a g e Powerlifting, Football
D erek D evereau x Football (9-12), Soccer (9-12), PALS (11-12), U nited Way (11), FCA (11)
T r a v is D e v o r e Football (9-12), Track (9, 12), Auto Tech (9-11)
Z achary Dickson
M e lis s a D ie h l Band (9-12, sec. ldr. 12), Jazz Band (9-10), Key Club (12, secretary), Yearbook (12), Breakfast Club (12)
J o r g e D o m in g u e z Drama Club (10-12), NHS (11-12)
D e r e k D o w lin g Football (9-12), Basketball (9-10, 12), Baseball (9-12). Golf (9-12), NHS (11-12), FCA (11-12), PALS (12)
M e lis s a D r a g e Band (9-12, sec. ldr. 12), PALS (12), NHS (11-12), Key Club (12, treasurer), Yearbook (12)
C a lv in E a to n D u s tin E lle ss Band (9-10), Guitar (10-11)
*Ben Frischmann
Kelly [Raymond]
Prized possesion: My H arry P otter paraphernalia Favorite Movie: Spaceballs Coolest thing you've ever won: Second place in a Christm as cookie decoration talent! Title o f your signature dance move: Elephant Attack! Favorite Breakfast Food: Grandslam! Alias: a lolcat *J u lia
R a y m o n d
& M e lis s a D r a g e
B la k e E llio tt J e s s ik a E v a n s FFA (9-12, secretary 11, pres. 12), Girls Choir (9), Tennis (9-10)
K r is ti F a r ia s M egan F ern an d ez Babes (9-12, lieutenant 12), FCA (11-12), United Way (12), DECA (12), NHS (11-12, treasurer 12), Cross Country (11)
E tta F o r r e s ta l Softball (9-12), Volleyball (10-11), Key Club (11), Track (11-12)
J u lia F r a y se r Babes (9-12, officer 12), PALS (11-12)
C h r is F r a z ie r K a ti F r a z ie r Babes (9-12), Volleyball (9-10), NHS (11-12, VP 12), FCA (11-12), Student Council (9-11), Class President (11)
B e n F r is c h m a n n Band (9-12), R O TC (9-12), BreakfastClub (12)
J u lia n G a r c ia Football (9-12), NHS (11-12), Powerlifting (10), Track (10)
M a r lis h a G a r c ia R O TC (9-10), Key Club (9), BPA (12), TA M E (9)
A n t h o n y G ib b s Basketball (9-12)
B r a d y G ile s Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12), NHS (11-12)
T y le r G ilm o r e
*top 5 [hangouts] 1. IH O P 2. Denny's 3. A tlanta Bread Co. 4. Field o f H onor 5. Lite Pan
Q u a n G lo v e r Basketball, Baseball, Key Club, NHS, Track, Football, FCA
K im G o f f RO TC (9-12, PT Commander 11-12)
Jacob Starkey A lejandro G onzales Cross Country (10-12), Track (9-10, 12), NHS (11-12)
H eath Taylor-G onzales Brandy Goreczny Volleyball (9-10), Basketball trainer (9)
Ja y Gould Basketball (9-12), Football (9-12)
D e s tin y G r e e n BPA (11-12, VP), NHS (12)
J .R . G r iffith Band (9-10, 12), Jazz Band (9-10, 12). Tennis (9-12), NHS (11-12), FCA (11-12), United Way (12), BPA (12), Ultimate Frisbee (12)
K r is tin G u f fe y Football (9-12), Babes (9)
R o n n ie H a ll Track, Football
B o b b y H a r r im o n Football (9-12), Basketball (9), Baseball (9-12), FCA (11)
A m a n d a H a r r is B o n n ie H e a d W ayne H en d erson Football (9-11)
pfr Spencer Rtioton]
Favorite movie: Zoolander Favorite breakfast food: T h e delectable, warm, carmal beauty that is the breakfast roll Favorite candy: B utterfinger Prized possession: My music collection Hidden talent: Violin skills Signature dance move: "The back scratcher" * Ju lia
R ay m on d
& H o p e D u ke
D a la n e y H e n s o n Football Manager (9-12), FFA (10-11), Track M anager (11-12)
R aym on H erd Football, Powerlifting
*Jordan Miller & Jo rg e Dominguez D e v in H e r n a n d e z A lis s a H ig h t W ill H i n e s Track
T .J . H o n k o m p
J o sh H o u sto n Football (9-12), Powerlifting (10, 12), Track (12)
J e r m a in e I s h m a il B r a n d t J a lo w y Football (9-12), Band (9-12)
C h a n c e J a r r e tt
Jessica Joss Kayla Kelso Powerlifting (10), T heatre (9-10)
K a y la K e m p Tennis (9-12)
R o b e r t K lu s m e y e r G uirar (10-11), Choir (9)
Favorite sandwich: P eanut b u tter and onion Hidden talent: I can stick 6 rolie polies up my nose Favorite cartoon: Gumby Favorite hang out place: Band hall Favorite breakfast food: Eggs and bacon
^ Ben [Frisclim ann] 118
*Kasi Bailey
Favorite movie: Stepbrothers Favorite cartoon: Rocket Power
H idden talent: Can leap over tall buildings in a single bound! Alias: T D Favorite sandwich: T oasted Bacon Chicken How does your hair describe you: Bright and extraordinary *C o d y
G o n z a le z
T ia r a K n ig h t H o p e K o u lo v a to s Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9-10), Track (9-11)
Z ach ary K rebs Baseball (9-12)
J a m e s L a P o r te Lacrosse (9), Golf (10-11)
A m b e r L e is tn e r BPA (12), StudentCouncil (9), C urrent Events (11)
L y o n e l L e w is T a y lo r L ile Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9-12), Cheerleading (11 = 12), Class Reporter (9-11), PALS (11-12), Student Council (9-10), Key Club (12), FCA (11-12), Track (9-10), Golf (9)
S h e lb ie L in d sa y Tennis (9-11), FFA (9-12, treasurer 10)
W illia m L in k e r B r itn e ig h L o fto n C a le b L o n d r o w P a r k e r L o u d e r m ilk Football (9-10)
M o n ic a L y n o tt NHS (11-12, pres. 12), Cross Country (9-12, Capt. 10-12), Student Council (9-12, reporter 9), PALS (12), Basketball (9-12), Track (9-11), United Way (12), International Club (9)
A d e lic ia M a r lin Band (9-12, class representative 11, sec. Idr. 11-12), NHS (11-12)
Taylor Lile and Kalea Correll
^ Brandt [Jalowy]
Favorite movie: 300 Favorite breakfast food: Waffle crisps Prized possession: My guitar Ice cream flavor: Double chocolate chip cookie dough How does your hair describe you: *Thum bs-up* What's the best thing about high school? G etting to hit people in Football. * B r a d
G a rra tt
J o n M c C a ffe r ty Basketball (9-12), Choir (9), G uitar (9-10)
J a s o n T u c k e r M c D a n ie l Football (9-10, 12), Baseball (9-10)
T y le r M c K e e v e r Football (9-12)
J o s e p h M e jia Choir (11-12), Mascot (12), R O TC (11-12), Road Crew (12)
S e a n M ic h a u d Soccer (9-10)
A n d r e w M ille r Baseball (9-12), Basketball (9)
D a m ie n M ille r J o r d a n M ille r Drama Club (11-12, Historian 12), Newspaper (12, Editor), NHS (11-12), United Way (12), UIL Academics (9-12), UIL Debate (10), Yearbook (10-11), A rt Club (11-12), Tennis (10), BPA (12)
R y a n M ills Soccer, PALS, Cross Country, Track, United Way, Class T reasurer
Z ach ary M o eh n k e Baseball (9-12)
T aryn M oore Class Officer (9-11), PALS (11-12), Babes (9-11), Student Council (9-12), FCA (1 1-12), NHS (1 1-12, Historian 12), United Way (12), BPA (12), Crimestoppers (11-12), GoCenter (9-11, Secretary 11)
T rev o r M organ Football (9-12), Powerlifting (12), Weight Training ( 10- 12)
K a le ig h M o r r is Basketball (9-12), NHS (11-12), FCA (11), Track (1 1), Choir (9-12, sec. ldr. 11-12, librarian 10)
J o n a th o n M o tle y ROTC (9-12), Golf (11-12), Band (9)
*Josh W right & Kalea Sharp
*Top 5 [artists]
L e ig h to n M u r p h y
1. K anye W est
Guitar (9-11)
G ih y e M y er s
2. K aty P e rry 3. N e-Y o
4. Lil' Wayne 5. Coldplay M ir a n d a N a u m a n R o n n ie N e ls o n Baseball (9-12), NHS (11 -12)
T racy N ew berry Basketball (9-10)
K e ls e y N ix FCCLA (9-11, VP 11), FCS (12), StudentCouncil (11-12)
W illia m N o r r is Firefighting (9-12), Baseball (9-10), Golf (11-12), R O TC (9-12), Key Club (11)
H e le n O n o Cross Country' (9-12, Capt. 10-12), Volleyball (9), Basketball (9-10), NHS (11-12, parliamentarian 12), United Way (12), Student Council (9-12), Tennis (10) Class President (9), FCA (11-12), PALS (12)
M ’K e n s i O r f A rt Club (11, VP), Student Council (11), Crimestoppers (12), BPA (12), Football T rainer (9)
Ju n yao Pan P a ttie P a r k e r Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9), Softball (9), Track (9, 12), Tennis (10-12), Cross Country' (9), Cheerleading (11), Mascot (12), Band (9-10), BPA (10-11)
K a th e r in e P a tte r s o n NHS (11-12, sec. 12), PALS (12), Basketball (9-12), FCA (11-12),, Student Council (11-12), Cross Country (9-12, Capt. 11-12), Track (9-12), United Way (12), Babes (9-10), Volleyball (9)
D a m ie n P a u lk RO TC (9-12, G roup Commander 11-12), Choir (12), International Club (9), Key Club (12)
I a n P e o p le s Soccer (9-12, Capt. 11-12), NHS (11-12), PALS (11-12), Cross Country (11-12), Football (9-10)
* Allie ’Savillel
Favorite movie: A Walk to Remember Most prized possession: My camera! Coolest thing you've ever won: I won an iPod T ouch at church one time. Alias: Paparazzi, because 1 take so many pictures. Favorite thing about high school: Seeing my friends. Plus, I love having soccer every day.
- S B
\ '\
i _
P i '. ! HI? ^
* M e lis s a D ie h l
: Seniors
K a tr in a P h a m NHS (11-12), Babes (9-12, lieutenant 12), Key Club (12), PALS (11-12), Yearbook (12)
M e g a n P h e la n Choir (9-12, sec. 10, librarian 11, sec. ldr. 12), UIL Academics (9-12), T heatre (9-12), Drama Club (10-12, VP 12), NHS (11-12), Band (11-12, quarterm aster, sec. ldr. 12)
J e r e d P h illip s Cross Country (9-12), Track (9-12), U nited Way (12), PALS (11-12), Key Club (12),'FCA (11-12), Soccer (9-10), Football (9), Student Council (12), NHS (11-12)
H a li R a n g e l C h e ls e a R a t c lif f J u lia R a y m o n d FCA (11-12), Student Council (9-12), Yearbook (11-12, asst, editor 12), NHS (10-12), Soccer (9-11), Cross Country (10-12), Track (10-12), U nited Way (12), Key Club (12), BPA (12) Photography (9-12), Ultimate Frisbee (12)
K e lly R a y m o n d Tennis (9-12), Soccer (9-10), United Way (12), FCA (11-12), NHS (11-12), Model U nited Nations (10), Student Government (9) Ultimate Frisbee (12)
Shannon R aym ond Babes (9-12), NHS (11-12), BPA (11 = 12), U nited Way (12), T een C ourt (10), Choir (9), Intem at'l Club (9)
V in c e n t R e e d Soccer
Jason R eed J a c o b R e o la NHS (11-12), R O TC (9-12, Squadron Commander), Intem at'l Club (9), Key Club (11-12), Band (9),Choir (12), Track (10), Cross Country (12), Texas Judo Jiu-Jitsu (11-12, champion 12), Filipino-American Assn. (9-12, youth leader)
Myles Reynolds Basketball (9), Baseball (9-12), FFA (9-11)
S p e n c e r R h o to n Cross Country (9-12), Track (9-12), R O TC ( 9-12), Soccer (11), Ultimate Frisbee (12)
K a itle n R id d le
Favorite breakfast food: H ash browns with L O T S o f ketchup Hidden talent: I'm double jo in ted Favorite sandwhich: T u rk ey & ham with tom atoes, ranch, and m ustard Best ice cream flavor: Cookies 'N Cream
^ Tiara [Knight] 122
Favorite thing about high school: Seeing all my friends Favorite cartoon: Sailor Moon * L in d a
B e r r e le s
Favorite Prehistoric Animal: Pterodactyl
^ Lexi [Shipley]
Favorite Breakfast Food: Biscuts and Gravy Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road Coolest thing you've ever won: I got to be Frosty the Snowman in the 3 rd grade. Music: C ountry Favorite Movie: P.S. I Love You * R y le e D a v is
R o s a R ig g io A m y R ile y Softball, Powerlifting
L a u r e n R io s Choir (9-12, sec. ldr. 10-12, pres. 11-12), Colorguard (10-12, loading crew 11-12, co-cptn. 12), Intem at'l Club (9), Yearbook (11-12), NHS (11-12), Quill & Scroll (11-12), UI1 Academics (11-12)
J u s t in R o b e r ts o n Class president (12), PALS (11-12), NHS (11-12),
A m a n d a R ock J u s t in R o d e r ic k A s h le ig h R o g e r s Nursing
D a v id R o llin s
J a z z R o m in e Softball, Cross Country, Babes
L in d s a y R u s s e ll Choir (9-11, VP 11)
A llie S a v ille Soccer (10-12, Capt.), NHS (11-12), Yearbook (12), FCA (12)
B a rb a ra S c h u ltz
*top 5 [activities] 1. U ltim ate Frisbee 2. Rock B an d /G u itar H ero
K a le a S h a rp RO TC (9-12), BPA (12), NHS (12)
T r e n t S h a rp Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), Track (9-12), F F A (ll)
3. Joe! 4. the Internet 5. Video games Seniors
^ Taryn [Moore]
Favorite movie: What Happens In Vegas Favorite breakfast food: Scram bled eggs, sausage, and biscuits. Best ice cream flavor: Blue Bell B irthday Cake Favorite sandwich: Subway M elt Favorite thing about high school: W orking with N urse H ardy. How does your hair describe you? It's always a mess, ju st like me * B r itta n y
Z ie g e n b e in
Joych e Shep h erd L e x i S h ip le y Colorguard (9-12), Choir (9-12, robe manager), NHS (11-12), Student Council (9,12), Key Club (9), Intem at'l Club (9), Interact Club (9)
C o lto n S h ip le y Baseball (9-11)
L ee S h ores Judo and Jujitsu (10-11)
J o s h S in g e r Soccer (9-11)
B r itt n e y S k e lto n FFA (9-12, rep o rter 11, secretary 12), Band (9-10, 12)
K im b r a S k in n e r D e v in S la y d e n So ccer(9-12)
A ly s s a S m ith NHS (11-12), RO TC (9-11)
A n t h o n y S m ith D e m a r c u s S m ith D u s tin S m ith Baseball (9-10) NHS (11-12)
J o e l S m ith Tennis (9-12), Ultimate Krisbee (12), Band (9-10, 12), Breakfast Club (12), FCA (11-12), NHS (11-12), TAM E (9-11), BPA (12)
L a c y S m ith Guitar (11-12), T heatre (9), Softball (9-10)
* Chris T arran t
R e b e k a h S m ith E liz a b e th S ta n le y
J a c o b S ta r k e y Baseball (9), Tennis (11-12), UIL One-Act Play (10-11), BPA (12), TA M E (9-11), NHS (11-12), Band (9-10, 12), G T (9-12)
J a c o b S te b b in s Skills USA (12)
G r a n t S tin e B r e n d a n S to n e
K a th e r in e S to n e K r is te n S to n e Choir (9-10), T heatre (9-12), Creative W riting (11)
K y le S tr e e t Soccer (9-12), Key Club (12)
K e e n a n S tu b b le fie ld Soccer (9-12), Football (11-12), Track (9), Band (9-10)
L a u r e n S w a r tse ll L e s lie S w a r tse ll C h r is to p h e r T a r r a n t R OTC (9-12, Deputy G roup Commander), Track (9-12), Choir (11-12, VP 12), Swimming (11-12), Cross Country (10-12), United Way (11-12), NHS (11-12, secretary 12), Triathlons (10-12), W ater Polo (11-12)
B r o o k e T a y lo r Basketball (9-12)
* Vella Zaragoza]
Favorite Breakfast Food: French toast Prized Possession: My cell phone. Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny Hidden Talent: Supersonic texting Signature Flag Move: T h e Zapow!!! Alias: Eskimellow * A llie S a v ille
L a u ren
R io s
*top 5 [farewells]
A aron T h om p son Basketball (9-12)
J u s t in V o r is
1. H eath Ledger 2. Bernie Mac 3. C harlton H eston 4. T im Russert 5. Michael C richton
S ta c i V o r is K e lly W a tk in s Football (9-11), Track (9)
J e s s e W a ts o n Basketball (9-11), Cross Country (10-11), Track (12)
C o lb y W ils o n Tennis (10-12), NHS (11-12)
J a s o n W ils o n Tennis (9-12), NHS (11-12), Ultimate Frisbee (12)
W e s W is e Soccer
C h a se W itt FFA (9-12, treasurer 10, Pres. 11), Soccer (9-10), Cross Country (9-11), Track (9), Student Council (9)
C ory W ood R O TC (9-12)
T o n y a W ord Band (10-12), BPA (12), R O TC (9-10), O rchestra (9-11), T heatre (11)
J o s h W r ig h t T r a v is Y e a r y H e a th e r Z am ora Soccer (9-12)
Favorite breakfast food: Straw berry pancakes Favorite cartoon: Scooby-Doo H idden talent: Playing the piano Coolest thing you've ever won: All-State Academics How your hair describes you: Spontaneous
T ay lo r [Lile] 126
Favorite thing about high school: PALS * K a ty B o d e n h o rn
(Favorite restaurant: Chili's
ÂĽ Jordan [Miller]
Song that best describes you: "Revolution" by the Beatles SDream vacation: Full-out road trip across Europe Signature dance move: the Microwave Favorite movie: 28 Days Later College plans: First University o f N orth Texas to m ajor in A rt and m inor in Psychology. T h en to the A rt Institute o f Chicago for a M aster's in A rt T herapy. *K a ty
B o d en h o rn
V e r o n ic a Z a m o r a V e lla Z a r a g o z a C olorguard (9-12)
B r itta n y Z ie g e n b e in Intem at'l Club (9), NHS (11-12), Yearbook (11-12), Quill 8cScroll (11-12)
Z a ch Z o e t RO TC (9-12), Band (9-12, sec. Idr. 11-12, quarterm aster 12, loading crew capt. 11) Jazz Band (9-12) UIL Academics (11-12), Choir (12), NHS (11-12), T heatre (11). Intem at'l Club (9)
] Kasi Bailey dons h er H om ecom ing um. [2] M egan Phelan serves as pit ction leader on the bells. [3] A m uddy im G off attem pts to hug fellow ammate K atherine Stone. [4] K atrina lam and Ian Peoples look on as their onsored child opens h er box o f new
loes at the H eadstart Christmas party.
Junior Class Officers *M ark [Broom field] * L orenzo [Barnes] *Jenna [Frazier] * L eah [Forrestal]
Clinton Aase Jesse Abair Bryan Adams Ben Albers
Q uinton Alfonzo Randi Alley Shaylene Alley Josh Alvarez
Brandon Arbogast Michael Askew Courtney Baggett Cara Baker
Lorenzo Barnes Rilee Battista Christian Baxter Kiersten Bell
Laura Bentley Audriana Berg Dane Bergin Linda Berreles
Jake Bishop Robert Blackmon Ian Blackwell Joe Boatman
Beth Bodenhorn Gianluca Boenigk Clayton Bolf Rachael Bonnin
Jenny Briscoe Regan Brookman Shannon Broome M ark Broomfield
Colton Brown Reba Brown Kelsey Burg Bailey Burlton
^A lex [Meek]
Activities/Extracurricular: Colorguard, ACAP, Choir, and Key Club Coolest thing you've ever won: Piggy Bank Toilet How does your hair describe you? Umm...very relaxed. Hidden Talent: Drawing Cartoons *L a u ren
R io
£s? M
e lis s a D r a g e
^Bailey [McGowan]
Activities: PALs, FCA, U nited Way, N HS, BPA, Stuco, UIL, Cross C ountry, Cheerleading, Baseball Statistician Signature dance move: Reverse A ttitude How does your hair describe you? It's a very unique color. Prized possesion: All o f my dance shoes. Favorite movie: Outsourced *J u lia
R a y m o n d
B r itta n y
Z ie g e n b e in
*Kiersten [Bell]
Ac,ivities: BandiNHS'Ke),club'PALS Favorite movie: Phantom o f the O pera Prized posession: My rag doll Suzie Hidden talent: G uitar hero, and piano. Favorite breakfeast food: French toast *H o p e D u ke
Gage Derzapf Almetta Douglas Jaelyn Dubski Ian Dugan
Hope Duke Sam Duke Heather Duncan Alexis Ferber
Michael Fields Scotty Fogle Leah Forrestal Taylor Forrestal
Tanner Fowler Jenna Frazier Kyle Frazier Louis Fulton
Nathan Galbraith Patricia Garcia Brad Garratt Jacob Garza
Chevy Gil Annelisa Glidewell Lacy Graves Ashley Greene
Melody Gregory Jose Guerrero Mylene Gutierrez Perry Halverson
Billy Harbeck Amanda Harrimon Sarah Harris Isaiah Haygood
Miles Henderson Ashley Henrion Shawn Hetcel Demetri Hicks
Steve Hill Emarie Holland Brad Hunt Leah Hurst
Activities: Band and Pals
^Meredith. [Jones] Favorite movie: Elf Favorite breakfast food: Waffles Coolest thing you ever won: Tw o iPod Favorite thing about high school: G etting to see different people's personalities handle different situations *J u lia
R a y m o n d
B r a d
G a r r a tt
^ fc fa c e
[ M
u llin s ]
Activities: Tennis, V olunteer at the Cancer C enter in W ichita Falls
H ow does your hair describe you? It's spikey, but messy... I'm easy-going and fun. Spare Time: Sleep, read, or play com puter games. Prized possession: T h e blankets that my grandm a made me. *B eth
B o d en h o rn
Daniel January Leighton Jenkins Brandon Johnson Clinton Johnson
Dwayne Johnson Shamiqua Johnson Dayna Jones Kyle Jones
M eredith Jones Gage Judd Misty Kahler Sonja Karl
Chris Kedrowski Casey Keksi Chris Killian Hayli Klusmeyer
Hailey Kotulek Terry Kraft Bethany Kroll Kaylani Lagat
Cy Lager M iranda Lamb Edward Little Peter Loftus
Austin Longacre James Lorenzo Seth Lynch Garrett Mahaffey
Tyler M arion A nthony McCleskey Joshua McCleskey Bailey M cGowan
Jordan McKenzie Danny M cM anus Josh M cW horter Alex M eek
M egan Meese Christian M endoza Lorena M endoza Damion Middleton
^Malachi [Naef]
Activites: Football, track, N HS, S tudent Council Favorite movies:
S te p B r o t h e r s , N e v e r B a c k D o w n , T a l l a d e g a N ig h ts
Favorite breakfast food: Biscuits and gravy...pretty m uch
a n y th in g
from McDonalds Best ice cream flavor: Rocky Road How does your hair describe you: Lazy * 134
L in d a
B e r r e le s
^Gianluca [Boenigk]
Activities/extracurricular: basketball I f you could meet anyone who would it be? Dirk Nowitzki because he's Germ an. Pancakes or waffles: waffles Favorite type o f music: hip hop *Kasi Bailey
Brandon Miller Chris Miller Colin Miller Elijah Mire
Kristen Mire David Molina Nicole M onk Jasmine Monroe
Kristen Moore Brittany Morales M atthew Morales Ben Moree
Steven Morris Derek M orrow Jace Mullens Carla Musial
Victoria Musial Brad Myers Malachi Naef Cody Nash
Blake Nettles Victoria Nicholson Kevin Orris Nathania Parham
Kelly Payton D.J. Pearce Amanda Pentzer Kinley Petcoff
Josh Pickrel Amanda Ponath Rachel Prince Tori Raleigh
Ashley Rarick Tracy Rios Justin Roark Heather Roberson
Sonia Rodriguez Luis Rodriguez-Huert Ashley Rooffener W endell Rushin
^Jared [Chapman]
Activities: Band, Jazz Band Prized Possession: My '94 F ender Stratocaster (made in the U.S.) Hidden talent: H ula-hooping T itle o f your signaure dance move: T h e Party Boy Alias: Jackie Chan *B eth
B o d e n h o m
M e lis s a D ie h l
Activities/extracurricular: band, jazz band, guitar I f you could meet anyone who would it be: Drew Carey because he's cool enough to wear fake glasses. Favorite quote: "It's like a gang fight, but with a frisbee." -Perry Jedi or Sith: Jedi because he always wins. * K a s i B a ile y
Jessica Sanchez Bobby Sanders Jackie Sanders Devin Sandoval
Miguel Santiago Nikki Scott M erideth Selvidge Justin Shaw
Clayton Shearman Christian Sifuentes Joy Silo Amber Smith inflWS/li
Kalynn Smith Kayla Smith Ronald Smith Stephen Smith
Tia Speyrer Cari Standifer Marissa Stephens Tishia Sternadel
Gage Tabion Geoff Talley Isaiah Terry Branden Thome
Amanda Thompson Enrique Thompson-Kribbs Taylor Tisdale Colton Todd
Cassandra Toft Jerrod Tofte Dion Torres M atthew Trebing
Thomas Troester Robert Turner Dylan Veitenheimer Logan Veitenheimer
Raquel Velez Kyle Wade Kilie W alborn Brady Walker
^Nathan [Durst]
Activities: Running, Basketball, C hurch Favorite music: Christian Alias: Bonez Favorite sandwich: Ice cream Favorite cartoon: Daffy Duck * K a s i B a ile y
M e lis s a D ie h l
^Beth. [Bodenhorn]
Activities: NHS, Band Hidden talent: Playing Piano Favorite sandwhich: Chicken Bacon Ranch w / Banana Peppers Alias: M orm on Beth How does your hair describe you? C asual/R elaxed *C od y
G o n z a le z
Robert W arren Josh Waters Niketa W atson Austin Weaver
Amber W herry Addison White Paris Whitfield Gavin W hittaker
David Wiedenbeck Anthony Wilkins Christina Williams Jonna Williams
Dylan Wood Kelly Wood Casie Wyatt Robert Young
Sophom ore Class Officers * Kellie [Peterson] * Riley [Jalowy] * Lindsay [Mullins] * N ath an [Durst]
Michael Aaron Brianna Acheson Clay Adams Dusty Adams
Emily Adams Devon Allen Emily Allen Zach Allen
Pep rallies are the best place for sophomores to show their Bulldog spirit. [1] W rapping Kody Nix [2] Sophomore students enjoy a break from their studies by attending a pep rally. *Staff photos
^A ndrew [Sclmtte]
Activites: Basketball Favorite Breakfast Food: Los Huevos Alias: Schutte Favorite Movie: T h e Dark Knight Favorite Dance Move: T h e Stanky Leg
Bruno Almendarez Abbey Anderson Macey Anderson Scotty Anderson
Blake Arbogast Ashley Arnold Jacob Back Brittany Barker
Robert Barker Zach Barrager Jace Beason M atthew Belcher
Kaylie Bingham Chris Bishop Lucas Bower Danielle Box
Andre Bradley Kelsey Bradshaw J.D. Brantley Kassie Brugmann
Taylor Butler Labria Canada Justin Carey Dalten Carroll
Jacob Carroll Dustin Carter Kirsten Carter Landon Cash
Ashton Castaneda Keri Caudle Cody Childers Kyle Choens
M inwoo Chun Ciara Clampitt Kaytlyn Clark Canon Cornelius
Caitlyn Cremeens Courtney Criswell Brett Dalton Brielle Daugherty
Extracurricular activities: Band Favorite Movie: T h e W ar Prized possession: My iPod How does your hair describe you? Lazy Favorite thing about high school? Taking College Classes * B r a d
G a rra tt
^Andrea [Dowling]
Activities: Babes, FCA Breakfast food: Breakfast Chicken Biscuit Ice cream: Birthday Cake Cartoon show: A rth u r the A nteater Favorite type o f sandwhich: Chicken Bacon *C od y
G o n z a lez
Jessica Davis Josh Davis Kaila Davis Kyle Davis I
w x r r to
Rylee Davis Brent Deeb Dalin Dehart Shea Dickey
Scott Dobbins Tania Dominguez Andrea Dowling Ashley Duchesne
Brandon Duprey Nathan Durst Raelyn Edgmon Stephen Elless
Lance Elliott Michael Elphick Melissa Enriquez Kelli Falto
Robyn Foster Jarred Garcia Alec Garza Chris Gerstner
Nathan Getchell Derrell Gibbs Dakota Gibson Raymond Goff
Travis Goff Cody Gonzalez H annah Green Aaron Griffin
Brittany Griffin Casey Grinnell M icha Guilbeau Dean Gulker
Alicia Gunnoe Jamie Hair Samantha Hall Scott Halvorson
ton d ia [Wells]
Activities/Extracurricular: Band Favorite Movie: The Strangers Favorite Breakfast Food: Fried Eggs Favorite Cartoon: Rugrats Alias: Inya Face *K
a ty
B o d e n h o m
ÂŁ2? M
e lis s a D r a g e
^K ailee [Williams]
Activities: C olor g a u r d / Baud & Nursing Favorite movies: Legally blonde, W edding PI; inner How does your hair describe you? Sometimes that ini lazy, but o th er times that i want to look O good. Favorite candy: Sour skittles, anything sour really. *H o p e D u ke
Tyler Hamblin Aaron Hansen Shianne Harlan Tramaine Harrell
Ryan Hayes Devin Helton-Fair Brenna Hennan Brooke Hennan
Aaron Holan Michael Howard Joel Hubbard Lauren Humphrey
Bradley Iannone Stephanie Irions Logan Iselin Joshua Jackson
Riley Jalowy Jaclyn Johnson Ethan Jones Kala Jones
Jody Joss Beth Karabel Alexa Kimball Kaitlyn Kuehler
Brandi Laliberty Colt Lee John Liffick Terrance Mackey
Elizabeth Marley Sabina M arroquin Channing M artin Courtney M artin
Katy McClain Krystal McCleskey Tyler McLelland Dylan McM ullen
Tyler M cNew Michael Mello Albaro M endoza Shannon Merkle
^ S a b i n a pM^aPPOC[\lil]Ji^ct*v*tes: ÂŽanc^â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Jazz Band, Breakfast Club, FCA,
T rack, Cross C ountry Hidden talent: I'm pretty boss at C onnect Four. Favorite breakfast food: Pancakes, C rackerbarrel style! Favorite Sandwich: B LT How does your hair describe you? Low m aintenance. * B r itta n y
Z ie g e n h e in
Tyler [McNew]
Activities: Tennis, Playin' Left 4 Dead Favorite Movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas with |im Carre' T itle o f your signature dance move: "Crazy Man!" How does your hair describe you? Laid-back Favorite breakfast food: Bacon 'n eggs * Ju lia
R a y m o n d
L in d a
B e r r e le s
Jory Molina Raven Monroe Brenna Moore Justin Morgan
Tyler Moudy Lindsay Mullins Bre M urphy Michael M urphy
Taylor Neuharth Ryan Niblett Kody Nix Brant Northrop
Caleb Noyes Teresa O'neill Temi Ogunleye Danielle Ongay
Austin Parkey Daniel Patterson Kendall Patterson Ryan Patty
Ashley Paxton Sammie Penner Laura Perdue Heather Perez
Myles Perez-Jara Kellie Petersen Doug Peveto Kristi Pickett
Alayna Pounds Joe Pugliesi Amanda Rarick Kevin Reid
Sabrina Reprogal H anna Rice Catie Roan Jordan Roberson
Samantha Roderick Brittany Ross Dakota Rushin Courtney Russell
^Jacob [Thompson]
Activities: Basketbal How does your hair describe you? Lively like fire! Signature dance move: T h e Fire C racker What's your hidden talent? Belly roll Favorite thing about high school: I'm loving being exempt. Sorry you guys won't have it next year, but I'm moving to Hawaii. *B eth
B o d en h o rn
Activities: Softball, Ag Hidden talent: Sign Language Coolest thing ever won: 2nd place in San A notonio to show pigs Favorite sandwich: T urkey Sc cheese Favorite thing about high school: No AR tests Sc friends Prized possession: Phone * K a tr in a
P h a m
Emily Salas-Groves Taryn Schaefer Andrew Schutte Tyler Scroggin
M akenzie Shipley Tori Shores Misty Skelton Andrew Skinner
Jade Sparks Aaron Stafford J.C. Standifer Casey Stengel
Chris Stone Dillon Stone Vanessa Swistowicz Ronald Sykes
Christian Tanner Luke Tate Kelsey Tatum Kenny Teeter
Sean Terry Reyna Thomas Andrew Thomason Jacob Thompson
Corey Tiemann Trey Todd Johnathan Torresillas Ashley Tyler
Fredrick Umfress Gladys Velez Karsyn Vroom Audrey Wallace
Parker W alton Kymberly W arner Jordan W atson Nic W atson
Megan Watts India Wells Sylvia W heat Hilary W heeler
T'fcJSlCG [B eaS O Il]
Activities/extracurricular: Baseball Favorite Ice Cream: Cappucino Chunky Chocolate Favorite clothing item: Blue Blockers Favorite Quote: "It was dead when I killed it." -Canon Cornelius Who would play you in a movie about your life: Will Smith * K a s i B a ile y
Peyton Whitaker Atriell Whitfield Derrick Wiese Taylor Willett
Devin Williams Kailee Williams Sarah Willis Connor W itt
Kylie W right
Sophomores get down and dirty at Friendship Festival 2008. [1] Austin Parkey [2] Michael Aaron, Kody Nix, Ryan Patty and Tyler McLelland [3] Sarah Willis [4] Blake Arbogast [5] Sammie Penner *Photos by Allie Saville
Freshman Class Officers *A lex [Skinner] * Dillon [Sander] *Joey [H arris] * Logan [M cBeath]
Mallorie Aase Kendra Anderson M ark Arnold Mikayla Arzate
Brandon Askins Trevor Askins Laura Ayala Dakota Baker
^Presley [Ford]
Activities/extracurricular: volleyball/basketball Favorite Board Game: Clue Favorite Ice Cream: Rocky Road I f you can meet anyone who would it be and why: My great grandpa becuase he's an inspiration to me. * K a s i B a ile y
H*Morgan [Bradberry]
Activities/extracurricular: Band Coolest thing you've ever won: Little Miss Texas 1999 Favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough Favorite movie: Cars Hidden talent: cookingO * R y le e D a v is
Jake Barker Isaiha Barnes Dakota Bell Will Bell
Maddie Bennett Richard Bentley Rey Berreles Breanna Biter
Amber Boatman Calliope Bodenhorn Todd Bolden Kristyon Bolduc
Jayme Bolf Tiffany Bolf Morgan Bradberry Tyler Brandi
Tyler Browne Bari Brunson Steven Bruso Ashley Bucchi
John-Jerrad Burlton Tyler Carlson Jake Carter Steffen Cary
Zack Catherall John Chancellor Dakota Chapa Gade Chouinard
Heather Cissell Casie Cleaver Tyler Clement H annah Clendenon
Zack Clines Kristopher Connett Macy Cooke Kristen Couch
Sean Cowhey Travis Crabtree Trevor Crawford Dalton Creed
^Mark [Arnold]
Activities/Extracurricular: Choir, football Favorite Movie: 10,000 B.C. Coolest T hing You Ever Won: A b eer m ug hat from six flags! Favorite Sandwich: Ham and Cheese Alias: "The Rock" *L a u ren
R io s
Favorite Movie: Dark Knight Coolest thing you've ever won: Presidential H onor Favorite thing about H igh School: Friends Favorite Breakfast Food: Breakfast Burrito Alias: B utter
* M e lis s a
D rag e
Leighton Criddle Stephanie Crosley Blaine Curren Becca Damron
Zoe Daugherty Amanda Davis Elizabeth Davis Joe Derubbio
Sean Dickson Stephanie Dilbeck Cassandra Dillaman Austin Dodd
Morgan Dresbach Joseph Dubski Reagan Dugan William Duncan
Diamond Edwards Jessie Edwards Ashlye Ellyson Zachary Evans
Zane Ewing M argaret Fernandez Skyler Fogle Presley Ford
E'dajonai Foster Kayla Franke Kami Frazier Joseph Fuller
Haylee Fulton Laura Galbraith Tyler Galliton Jeramey Garcia
Mario Garcia Raushanda Garcia Dalton George Brandon Golden
Kyle Gordon Ashley Green Garrett Green Shawn Gunnoe
tfiJoy [Joss]
Activities: Basketball, volleyball How does your hair describe you? Calm, peaceful Best ice cream flavor: Cookie dough Hidden talent: I can sing. Favorite movie: The Notebook *B eth
B o d en h o m
Activities: Band, A FJR O TC , Baseball Favorite breakfast food: Coffee Prized possession: My trom bone Hidden talent: Rifle spinning Collest thing you won: A draw ing contest *L a u ren
R io s &
B r it t a n y Z ie g e n b e in
Ashlyn Hamm Kyle Hancock Britlynne Hanlon Makayla Harder
Jonathan Hardman April Harrimon Cody Harrimon Ami Harris
Joe Harris Melissa Harrison W hitney Harry Alex Hawkins
Chandler Helms Bret Henderson Tony Holland Bryce Hollingsworth
Courtney Hoover Chelsea Huddy Christopher Ingram Presley Jackson
Haley January Dakota Johnson M atthew Johnston Mehalley Johnston
Anthony Jones Emily Jones Landen Jones Marcus Jones
Phillip Jones Anthony Joplin Joy Joss Brian Keksi
Kenzie Kindt M arkel King Joshua Kinnaird Kayla Kinnaird
James Kuehn Garrett Lam Hailley Land Shelby Lane
^Jaym e [Bolf]
Activities: Basketball, Volleyball, Softball Favorite movie: The Notebook Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road I f anyone could play you in a m ovie, who would it be? Freddy K rueger Favorite piece o f clothing: My Fat Babys (boots) * M e lis s a D ie h l
, .
r-Ti at
^ A u stin [McShan]
Activities: M artial arts, soccer, and tennis Prized possession:
X -b o x
Coolest thing ever won: 4th in state science fair Favorite thing about high school: You don't get called a kid anymore Favorite cartoon:
F a m ily G u y
Alias: Bill Nye! * K a tr in a
P h a m
J u lia
R ay m on d
Tanner Lawless Bret Lewis Jennifer Lewis Catherine Loftus
Breanna Long Ryan Looney Curtis Lowers Dillon Luke
Nico Lynott Joshua Mardis M arina M arroquin Logan McBeath
Sarah McClain Justin McDonald Megan McFadden Aaron McKinzie
Austin McShan Ryan Meek Zachary Mire Patricia Montojo
Daniel Moore Melissa Moore Brooke Mora M att M urphy
Steven Musgrave Oscar Newberry William Nicholes Lori Nicholson
Jesse Norris Ana O'neill Young M in Oh Kyle Orris
Tre'von Owens Riley Painter Alejandra Parham Brady Payne
Jessica Perrin Dalton Peters Mitchell Petersen Shannon Phelan
^Haleigh [Prejean]
Extracurricular Activities: B asketball/Volleyball Signature dance move: T h e "Stanky Leg" Nickname: "Parmesan" Hidden talent: Singing Favorite movie: The Notebook *Hope Di
|^A udrianna LTuckGr]
Favorite activities: Tennis, Volleyball Favorite breakfast food: Cereal Hidden talent: Sing Dr.Pepper or Coke: Dr. Pepper Dogs or cats: Dogs
*C o d y
G o n z a lez
Kaitlynn Pickrel Haleigh Prejean Brianna Prince Andrew Raleigh
David Ramsey Shawn Raymond James Reed Tori Reynolds
Trevor Ricketts Jacob Rios Kaitlyn Robertson M iranda Robinson
Christina Rodriguez Mateo Rodriguez Andrew Roth Dylan Sander
Mitch Saville Troy Schaefer Aaron Schmidt John Scott
Benjamin Sharp Erika Shultz Nathaniel Sigler Alex Skinner
H annah Slater Jonathan Smith Joshua Smith Krystal Snell
Katie Starkey Justice Taylor Paul Teague Joseph Thomas
Sheridan Thompson Cameron Troester Scott Tsai Adriana Tucker
Ashley Turner Chris Turner Dee Walker Larissa Walls
^A lex [Hawkins]
Extracurricular activities: Band Prized possession: My rosary from Italy. Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla. Favorite movie: Scream or The Ring. What's your favorite thing about high school? G etting to see the diversity o f people and their "clicks". * B r a d
G a rra tt
^ A u stin [Dodd]
Activities: Basketball, Football Favorite breakfast food: Breakfast burritos Prized Possession: A thletic awards and my bible Best ice cream flavor: Vanilla or Century Sundae Favorite cartoon show: Dragon Ball Z * L in d a
B e r r e le s
Connor Walton Amber W arren Blake Watkins Brittney Weary
Zach Weaver Trevor Wessling Ryan Whitaker Braxton White
Alexis Williams Alysia Williams Chrissy Williams Justin Williams
David Williamson Q uinten Willingham Angelica Zaragoza
Administration *Del [Hardaway] Principal *Jennifer [Bell] Vice Principal *Shane [Gilbreath] Vice Principal Judy Albers Alex Alejandro Alisha Allen Brad Avens Adri Balis Alysia Barr Bob Barrow Michael Baughman Dallas Bayless Amy Behrens Rosemary Bentley Patrick Birk Anna Black Ryan Black Tom Black Duward Blackwell Gloria Bond Scott Boswell Patsy Buhs Jeremiah Butchee Ricky Butler Brenda Campbell Sheryl Carpenter Larry Carter Keri Cely Sandra Chalenburg Virginia Clack Joe Cook Donald Cowan Toni Cowardin 164
Robert Daiker Billy Dalke Kay Dalke Mike Davis Johnny Divine Phillip Dowling Linda Ellett Amy Fischer Pamela Francis Nancy Frazier Tammy Gerstner Rae Gillen Camilla Griffith Shirley Gritton Lea Anne Hardy Allen Hennan Erin Hinson Laura Hollingsworth Natalie Husen Shannon Johnston Bobbie Jones Clinton Kerr Melinda Kleckner Alex Koulkovatos Ronnie Lawson Carla Leach Michael Leach Beverly Lee Lana Liggett Jack Madding Joe Mariotti Paula Me Neil Kelley McGowan Curtis McNeil Jeannie Miller Denise Miracle Missy Mire James Mize Becky Montgomery James Moseley Tim Mullins Joe Nemecek Shane Newman Janet Niles Danny Nix Susie Nix Ruth Ottmann Charles Pyle Faculty
Mandy Reed Linda Richards Mark Sanders Karen Sanderson Sherry Sands Ellen Scharlach Melanie Selvidge Lee Seman Sue Shipley Sharon Skaggs Debbie Smith John Starling Sandy Tandberg Phil Taylor Natalie Thompson Loy Triana Courtney Veal Gary Waitman
Marie Watson Sarah Wood
Danny Taylor, S u p erin ten d en t
Bill Darland Jason Durst Billie Gorham Curtis H eptner Carla Morrow
T erry Moschgat Ray Ono
Burkburnett ISD Board of Trustees
Most Likely to [Succeed]
Katy Bodenhorn Spencer Rhoton Etta Forrestal
J u s tin Roberston Monica L yn ott
Joel Smith Julia Raymond
Zach Zoet Kalea Correll
Jason Beach Hali Rangel
Most Likely to Succeed
Senior [Favorites] Jo el S m ith Kasi Bailey Jason Beach
K a le a C o rre ll
Kelly Raymond Tommy Dalke
Travis Devore M'Kensi Orf Senior Favorites
Julia Raymond Ryan Mills
- !
K a t h e r in e P a tte r s o r J u s t i n R o b e rs to n
Senior [Handsome & Beauty]
A u s tin A n d e rso n
Megan Fernandez Jason Beach.
M 'K ensi O rf
J.R. Griffith Alissa Hight
Kalea Correll Jered Phillips
Keenan Stubblefield Kasi Bailey
Jordan Beach Senio, H aSSlfK Sfy 169
J unior [Favorites] B ailey McGowan
Bobby Sanders Kayla Smitb
Lorenzo B arnes
Gage Derzapf Cbevy Gil
Mark Broomfield Ashley Greene 170
Junior Favorites
Perry Halverson Kristen Moore
Leah Forrestal Miles Henderson
J unior Handsome & Beauty] M ark B room field K ayla Smith.
Isaiah Haygood Leah Forrestal
Jessica Sanchez Bobby Sanders
Gage Derzapf Corsi Crumpler
Gage Derzapf Reba Brown Miles Henderson
Michael Askew Amber Wherry Junior Handsome & Beauty
Sophomore [Favorites] K ris ti P ic k e tt Abbey Anderson Andrew Schutte
N a th a n D u rst
Canon Cornelius Courtney Criswell
Tyler McLelland Karsyn Vroom 172
Sophomore Favorites
Hannah Green Scotty Anderson
Dean Gulker Danielle Ongay
Sophomore Handsome & Beauty] Hannah. G reen A n drew S c h u tte
Austin Parkey Audrey Wallace
r> \v
Brittany Griffin Canon Cornelius
riF S n V
Tyler McLelland Kaylie Bingham
Kristi Pickett Stephen Ellis
Scotty Anderson Courtney Criswell Sophomore Handsome & Beauty
Freshm an [Favorites]
B rian K eksi A ustin Dodd Alex Skinner
M ikayla A rzate
Ryan Meek Kaitlyn Robertson
Logan McBeath Hailey Land Freshman Favorites
Ju stin McDonald Angelica Zaragoza
Tony Holland Presley Ford
Freshman Handsome & Beauty] Logan McBeath. Dalton George Catherine Loftus
H aw k in s
Austin Dodd Angelica Zaragoza
Macy Cooke Joey Harris
Dillon Luke Chandler Helms
Tony Holland Kaitlyn Robertson Freshman Handsome
t Bank F riendly , R eliable , L ocal L en d in g L ead er * Construction * First Time Home Buyers *Investor Properties
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C la * c ^ c . c T
w w w .fstb n m 176
Business Partners
ORDON iblotoanablui 904 W. Kramer Burkburnett, Texas 76354 (940)569-1801 w w w Richard, Shari, Erin and Jennifer- From tracking down those last few
SPO RTS PERFORM ANCE W illiam B re la n d , P T
P aige B lair, L A T
Board Certified Clinical Training Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy
Director of Athletic
Sonic Drive-In 205 S. Ave. D Burkburnett, TX 76354 Go Bulldogs!
seniors fo r photos to running a quick CD of a team photo needed fo r a deadline, you are all ready and willing to go the extra mile to help make this publication possible. The Derrick Yearbook Staff would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Gordon Photography fo r all their help with this year's publication.
JJoomtown cDruf)
P.O. B ox 805 314 S. O k la h o m a C u t O ff
B u rk b u rn e tt, T X 76354
Phone (940) 569-5600
Business Partners
Dr. Morgan B. Moore
O p to m e tr ist 902 Kramer Rd. Burkburnett, Texas 76354
y i Party Supplies for All Occasions 11 Congratulations Bulldogs! ”111
9 4 0 -5 6 9 -4 1 3 4 * Contact Lenses * Designer Sunglasses *Injuries, Emergencies *Today's trending eyewear W. B E R N A R D F U D G E
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£12 Sheppard Rd S69-S207 *
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3 20 E. T h ird St.
B u rk b u rn e tt 5 69-2201
3 4 1 5 M cN eil, Ste. 102C W ichita Falls
Take Glendale Exit
6 9 1 -6 6 9 9 em ail: b u rk @ fu d g e a n d e ld e r.c o m
Family ow ned
Matt Horn,
8c N N ortex E ngine 8c Equipm ent, Co.
426 Front St.
4 2 0 S outh Ave. D
W ichita Falls, Texas 76301
B u rk b u rn e tt, T X 7 6 3 5 4 Bus: 9 4 0 -5 6 9 -5 2 3 7
Jim M orris General M anager email: knnortexengine@ fax: 940-322-0789 178
Business Partners
M r. & M rs. Bobby Z entgraf
w f@ fu d g ean d eld e m
Bus. 940-322-0786
m h o rn @ farm e rsin su ran ce .co m
’ ' BRIAN’S J V; i RAlNT'-Sc B O by ' QUALITY y o t i S K ) C A f y t r l t s 't
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y ^
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i 306 S3 A M b
I Burkburnett, I X Briah Rush-Owner
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* * S p c > rt^ T ^ 'S U i r f e
H urry o n into
* C a r T )e c -a U >
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u e n a e ^
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r f e
1212 Kemp Blvd.
Am y Neal
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a n n e r s
222 £ 31?D i BU-RKBU-RNSTT
H ours: Tues-Sat 10-6
Phone: 723-6275
David Doerre, D.D.S. General Dentistry
L O V E L Y N A IL S F or the Finest Nails & Design Excellent Professional
___ /
115 North Ave. D Burkhurnett, TX 76354
Office: (940) 569-4901
M anicurists Solar Nails, Gel Nails, S culptured, Acrylic, M anicure & D eluxe Spa Pedicure
3002 Midwestern Pkwy Suite B Mon-Sat 9-7 Sun 12-5
^Fax: (940) 569-3999 692-7421 Business Partners
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B u rk b u rn e tt
W M m m m em m
Fidelity 301 South Ave. D Burkburnett, Texas Phone: (940) 569-9000 Fax: (940) 569-9003
4 1 7 N. A ve C 940-569-2191 Go Bulldogs!!!
Scott Lam, D.C.
Ken Strickland
906 W. K ram er Rd.
B urkburnett, T X 76354
l£ l W
Store M anager Vx—_ — <
Clinic: (940) 569-7169 705 Sheppard Road
B urkburnett, T X
9 4 0 -569 -39 94
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T ropical Paradise T a n n in g 8c Full Service Salon 3 u rk £ > u rrie « , TX P r u lt4 F o r d .c o m 912 Sheppard Rd 569-5226
Tena Tanner O w n er
B urkburnett, TX C o n g ra tu la tio n s ^ ^ 5 )
Julia Fr^yser Sen'cr 0as6 2 0 0 9 180
Business Partners
940-569-9800 TEL: 940-569-9802 M O N -F R I 11:30 AM - 9 :30 PM S A T -S U N D A Y
408 S. Ave. D Burkburnett, TX 569-5181
12:00 - 9 :30 PM 9 0 4 B W . K ra m e r Rd. B u rk b u rn e tt, T X 76354
4218 Kemp
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 (940)692-5777
America's largest Independent Tire Dealer since 1960 Walter McCarley
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Janey Roberts
Pam Saber 6 0 0 8TH ST. *120
4 1 2 douth five. © Burkburnett, Texas
WICHITA FALLS, TX 76301 9 40 687 -0272
9 40 687-0294 FAX WWW.IBHRT.COM
Custom Services Residential & Commercial Custom Built Homes Concrete Construction \
Oil Field Construction Roustabout & Backhoe Services Brad Boyd Cell: 631-1341 Hm: 569-0920
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r ° /V D m ° * V CUSTOM CWFOOT SOLUTIONS rich a rd m e e ka m
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[A] Aaron, Michael 38, 41, 59, . 84, 140, 151 Aaron, M oore 109 Aase, Clinton 63, 128 Aase, Mallorie 49, 95, 152 Abair, Jesse 92, 128 Abbott, Ila 112 Acheson, Brianna 76, 94, 140 Acheson, Ryon 111, 112 Adams, Brittany 43, 53, 55, 110,112 Adams, Bryan 128 Adams, Clay 140 Adams, Dusty 35, 140 Adams, Emily 31, 76, 91, 97, 140 Adams, Natalie 2 1 ,3 1 , 112 Albers, Ben 9, 69, 80, 128 Albers, Judy 164 Alejandro, Alex 164 Alexander, Charles 112 Alfonzo, Q uinton 128 Allen, Alisha 164 Allen, Devon 35, 140 Allen, Emily 32, 33, 140 Allen, Rex 110, 112 Allen, Zach 80, 140 Alley, Randi 29, 55, 74, 128 Alley, Shaylene 128 Almendarez, Bruno 141 Almendarez, M anuel 112 Alvarez, Josh 63, 84, 128 Amey, Alise 88, 111, 112 Anderson, Abbey 36, 141, 172 Anderson, Austin 55, 111,
112 Anderson, Elissa 32, 35, 55, 78, 96, 112 Anderson, Kendra 77, 101, 152 Anderson, M acey 10, 36, 80, 141 Anderson, Scotty 99, 141, 172, 173 Ansohn, Kacy 2 9 ,6 1 , 112 Arbogast, Blake 14, 36, 78, 86, 141, 151 Arbogast, Brandon 128 Arnold, Ashley 46, 141 Arnold, M ark 32, 73, 152 Arzate, M ikayla95, 152, 174 Askew, Michael 128, 171 Askins, Brandon 152
Askins, Trevor 152 Avens, Brad 46, 47 , 164 Ayala, Laura 152
[B] Back, Bethany 112 Back, Jacob 141 Baggett, C ourtney 9, 29, 55,
128 Bailey, Kasi 17, 27, 36, 37,
3 8 ,4 1 ,5 1 ,6 1 , 110, 112, 127, Baker, Cara 9, 55, Baker, Dakota 64, Balis, Adri 164
103, 109, 168, 169 128 152
Bamburg, M att 71, 112 Barboza, Bobby 11 3 Barker, Brittany 101, 141 Barker, Jake 73, 87, 153 Barker, Robert 141 Barnes, Adam 71, 113 Barnes, Isaiha 73, 83, 153 Barnes, Lorenzo 14, 21, 57,
60,71,83, 97, 103, 128, 170 Barr, Alysia 164 Barrager, Zach 141 Barrells, Caryn 11 3 Barrow, Bob 25, 164 Battista, Rilee 128 Baughman, M ichael 87, 164 Baxter, Christian 128 Bayless, Dallas 27, 164 Beach, Jason 15, 71, 84, 108, 113, 167, 168, 169 Beach, Jordan 7, 17, 21, 23, 41,55, 60, 71,84, 108, 109, 113, 169 Beason, Jace 99, 141 Beason, W ade 49, 59, 98, 103, 110, 113 Behrens, Amy 164 Belcher, M atthew 43, 93, 141 Bell, Dakota 153 Bell, Kiersten 35, 36, 55, 60, 128 Bell, Will 153 Benavides, Ashley 111, 113 Bennett, M attie 32, 35, 44,
100,101,153 Bentley, Laura 129 Bentley, Richard 153 Bentley, Rosemary 164 Berg, Audriana 49, 129
Bergin, Dane 45, 55, 129 Berreles, Linda 51, 129 Berreles, Rey 87, 153 Bess, Brooke 113 Bingham, Kaylie 36, 76, 141, 173 Birdwell, Caleb Birk, Patrick 95, 164 Bishop, Chris 141 Bishop, Jake 36, 41, 86, 129 Biter, Breanna 32, 46, 153 Black, A nna 19, 164 Black, Ryan 164 Black, Tom 164 Blackmon, Robert 55, 57, 71, 83, 97, 129 Blackwell, Duward 164 Blackwell, lan 43, 129 Blair, Paige 71 Boatman, Am ber 94, 153 Boatman, Joe 129 Bodenhorn, Beth 35, 36, 37, 5 1 .5 5 , 129 Bodenhorn, Calliope 35, 36, 153 Bodenhorn, Katy 19, 23, 35, 3 6 . 3 7 . 5 1 . 5 5 , 104, 108, 109, 113, 167 Boenigk, Gianluca 84, 129 Bolden, T.J. 32, 33, 153 Bolden, Tiana 42, 43, 113 Bolduc, Kristyon 66, 153 Bolen, Brodie 55, 98, 111, 113 Bolf, Clayton 129 Bolf, Jayme 77, 90, 101, 153 Bolf, Tiffany 153 Bond, Gloria 164 Bonnin, Rachael 129 Boswell, Scott 9, 63, 69, 71, 164 Bower, Lucas 80, 141 Box, Danielle 101, 141 Boyd, Chelsea 74, 88, 89, 113 Bradberry, M organ 35, 153 Bradley, Andre 72, 141 Bradshaw, Kelsey 43, 141 Brandi, Tyler 43, 153 Brandon, M elinee 113 Brantley, J.D. 141 Brantley, M elanie 32 Briscoe, Jenny 74, 129 Brookman, Regan 9, 29, 60, 129 Broome, Shannon 129 Broomfield, M ark 9, 17, 36, 3 8 ,4 1 ,8 6 , 87, 129, 170, 171 Brown, Colton 129
Brown, Reba 29, 55, 74, 129, 171 Browne, Tyler 153 Brugm ann, Kassie 46, 101, 141 Brunson, Bari 19, 77, 90, 97, 153 Bruso, Steven 64, 153 Bucchi, Ashley 32, 153 Buhs, Patsy 19, 164 Burg, Kelsey 129 Burlton, Bailey 5, 3 1 ,1 2 9 Burlton, John-Jerrad 73, 97, 154 Burns, Ashley 55, 80, 130 Bussa, Celena 130 Butchee, Jerem iah 69, 7 1 ,83, 164 Butler, Jesse 113 Butler, Rick 164 Butler, Taylor 9 1 ,1 4 2
[C] Cahayla, Ben 41, 55, 7 1 ,1 3 0 Campbell, Brenda 164 Canada, Labria 32, 142 Canava, Angelica 71, 72, 94, 130 Cannon, Holly 9, 74, 8 8 ,8 9 , 100, 101, 130 Caporale, Brittany 114 Carey, Justin 43, 86, 142 Carkuff, Chandler 130 Carlson, Tyler 43, 154 Carlson, Zach 130 Carpenter, Courtney 38, 41, 5 5 ,5 7 , 59, 80, 114 Carpenter, Sheryl 164 Carrion, Sam 21, 55, 61, IN Carroll, Colten 84, 114 Carroll, Dalten 72, 142 Carroll, Jacob 99, 142 Carter, Dustin 45, 72, 99, 142 Carter, Jake 73, 97, 154 Carter, Kirsten 29, 36, 142 Carter, Larry 164 Cary, Steffen 154 Casey, Dustin 25, 55, 106, 114 Cash, Landon 72, 142 Castaneda, Ashton 142 Castro, Casey 41, 55, 88, 89 96, 97, 130
latherall, Zack 154 iaudle, Keri 142 iely, Keri 164 Hiafin, Devin 63, 97 halenburg, Sandra 164 Hiamberlain, Richard 114 Hiancellor, John 43, 154 hancellor, Kristen 114 hancellor, Miranda 32, 114 ihapa, Dakota 87, 154 ihapman, Jared 35, 130 Mders, Cody 142 Mders, Kayla 114 ihoens, Kyle 142 houinard, Gade 31, 32, 154 Hiristman, J.R. 64 :humley, J.D. 41, 82, 130 ihun, Minwoo 142 Hssell, Heather 32, 35, 154 lissell, Lance 71, 114 Hack, Virginia 19, 164 Hampitt, Ciara 94, 142 Hark, Kaytlyn 32, 35, 142 Heaver, Casie 94, 154 Hement, Tyler 87, 154 Hendenon, Hannah 49, 154 Hines, Zack 154 Hopton, Sarah 130 lonnett, Kristopher 154 look, Joe 164 look, Jordan 59, 114 look, Levar 35, 63, 104, 114 looke, Macy 69, 74, 88, 101, 154, 175 ooper, Emily 3, 130 opus, Stetson 71, 110, 114 ornelius, Canon 71, 86, 98, 103,142, 172, 173 Horrell, Kalea 7, 15, 29, 60, 69, 74, 101, 106, 108, 114, 119, 167, 168, 169 Jouch, Kristen 31, 154 Iowan, Donald 33, 164 lowardin, Toni 164 lowhey, Samantha 115 lowhey, Sean 87, 154 Dozby, Ryne 55, 71, 83, 97, 130 Zrabtree, Travis 154 Crawford, Trevor 154 treed, Dalton 73, 154 Cremeens, Caitlyn 31, 142 jCriddle, Jason 80, 130 Griddle, Leighton 80, 155 Criswell, Cory 130 Criswell, Courtney 142, 172, 173 Crook, Justin 115 Crosley, Stephanie 155
Crumpler, Corsi 130, 171 Culver, Samantha 32, 130 Cummins, Dylan 9, 17, 55, 84, 130 Curren, Blaine 73, 87, 155
[D ] Daiker, Robert 100, 165 Dalke, Billy 71, 165 Dalke, Kay 165 Dalke, Tommy 7, 17, 19,71, 82, 106, 111, 115, 168 Dalton, Brett 80, 142 Damron, Becca 35, 155 Daugherty, Brielle 46, 96, 97, 142 Daugherty, Zoe 43, 95, 155 Davis, Amanda 32, 155 Davis, Elizabeth 31, 155 Davis, Jessica 25, 143 Davis, Joseph 130 Davis, Josh 143 Davis, Kaila 32, 143 Davis, Kyle 143 Davis, Mike 165 Davis, Rylee 44, 51, 82, 143 Davis, Tyler 93, 130 Deeb, Brad 7, 55, 92, 93, 115 Deeb, Brent 86, 143 Degavage, Michael 71, 83, 115 Dehart, Dalin 74, 101, 143 Deihl, Melissa Derubbio, Joe 93, 155 Derzapf, Gage 71, 131, 170, 171 Devereaux, Derek 61, 71, 92, 93, 115 Devore, Travis 15, 71, 108, 115, 168 Diaz, Hailey 90 Dickey, Shea 10, 31, 143 Dickson, Sean 35, 155 Dickson, Zachary 115 Diehl, Melissa 5, 35, 36, 37, 51,53, 107, 115 Dilbeck, Stephanie 32, 155 Dillaman, Cassandra 43, 155 Divine, Johnny 165 Dobbins, Scott 17, 71, 97, 143 Dodd, Austin 41, 73, 86, 87, 99, 155, 174, 175
Dominguez, Jorge 25, 110, 115,118 Dominguez, Tania 36, 38, 41, 91, 143 Douglas, Almetta 32, 131 Dowling, Andrea 31, 143 Dowling, Derek 57, 60, 71, 82, 84, 85,98, 115 Dowling, Phillip 165 Drage, Melissa 35, 36, 37, 51, 55, 60, 106 Dresbach, Morgan 155 Dubski, Jaelyn 9,31, 131 Dubski, Joseph 99, 155 Duchesne, Ashley 143 Dugan, lan 43, 131 Dugan, Reagan 43, 155 Duke, Hope 35, 51, 131 Duke, Sam 17, 98, 131 Duncan, Heather 21, 31, 60, 131 Duncan, William 87, 155 Duprey, Brandon 143 Durst, Nathan 3, 10, 78, 97, 143, 172
[E] Eaton,, Calvin 115 Edgmon, Raelyn 46, 80, 143 Edwards, Diamond 64, 155 Edwards, Jessie 46, 155 Elless, Dustin 115 Elless, Stephen 35, 143 Ellett, Linda 165 Elliott, Blake 49, 116 Elliott, Lance 72, 143 Ellis, Stephen 173 Ellyson, Ashlye 80, 155 Elphick, Michael 86, 99, 143 Enriquez, Melissa 143 Evans, Jessika 45, 116 Evans, Zachary 35, 93, 155 Ewing, Zane 35, 87, 156
[F ] Fair, Devin Helton 72 Falto, Kelli 143 Farias, Kristi 116 Ferber, Alexis 131
Fernandez, Margaret 77, 90, 156 Fernandez, Megan 31, 55, 59, 105,116, 169 Fields, Dalton 43 Fields, Michael 131 Fischer, Amy 165 Fogle, Scotty 43, 131 Fogle, Skyler 43, 156 Ford, Presley 77, 90, 91, 156, 174 Forrestal, Etta 23, 100, 101, 108, 111, 116, 167 Forrestal, Leah 23, 29, 74, 97, 131, 170, 171 Forrestal, Taylor 57, 72, 131 Foster, E'dajonai 31, 32, 156 Foster, Robyn 46, 144 Fowler, Tanner 55, 71, 97, 131 Francis, Pamela 165 Franke, Kayla 32, 101, 156 Frayser, Julia 7, 15, 27, 31, 61, 116 Frazier, Chris 63, 84, 85, 116 Frazier, Jenna 31,55,97, 131 Frazier, Kami 77, 156 Frazier, Kati 31, 55, 60, 116 Frazier, Kyle 71, 131 Frazier, Nancy 165 Frischmann, Ben 35, 42, 43, 115,116 Fuller, Joseph 35, 156 Fulton, Haylee 13, 31, 156 Fulton, Louis 131 Furman, Tony 97
[G] Galbraith, Laura 35, 156 Galbraith, Nathan 35, 55, 131 Galliton, Tyler 99, 156 Galvin, Rikki 9, 31 Garcia, Jarred 72, 144 Garcia, Jeramey 73, 156 Garcia, Julian 71, 116 Garcia, Mario 84, 156 Garcia, Marlisha 116 Garcia, Patricia 32, 43, 131 Garcia, Raushanda 46, 156 Garratt, Brad 35, 51, 131 Garza, Alec 63, 144 Garza, Jacob 131 George, Brian 72, 97 Index
George, Dalton 156, 175 Gerstner, Chris 144 Gerstner, Tammy 165 Getchell, Nathan 144 Gibbs, Anthony 84, 85, 116 Gibbs, Derrell 17, 71, 84, 144 Gibson, Dakota 46, 72, 93, 144 Gieretz, James 43 Gil, Chevy 42, 43, 132, 170 Giles, Brady 55, 69, 71, 109, 116 Gillen, Rae 165 Gilmore, Tyler 29, 32, 116 Gipson, Dakota Glidewell, Annelisa 132 Glover, Quan 71, 96, 97, 117 Goff, Kim 21, 42, 43, 105, 117, 127 Goff, Raymond 32, 144 Goff, Travis 72, 144 Golden, Brandon 73, 156 Gonzales, Alejandro 55, 78, 117 Gonzales, Heath Taylor 117 Gonzalez, Cody 51, 144 Gordon, Kyle 73, 156 Goreczny, Brandy 117 Gould, Jay 71, 84, 111, 117, 122
Graves, Lacy 132 Green, Ashley 46, 156 Green, Destiny 59, 117 Green, Garrett 156 Green, Hannah 10, 71, 72, 144, 172, 173 Greene, Ashley 132, 170 Gregory, Melody 55, 132 Griffin, Aaron 72, 86, 144 Griffin, Brittany 35, 144, 173 Griffin, Kyle 43 Griffith, Camilla 19, 165 Griffith, JR 38, 55, 57, 64, 80, 111, 117, 169 Grinnell, Casey 144 Gritton, Shirley 165 Groves, Emily Salas 46, 78, 80, 94 Guerrero, Jose 72, 132 Guffey, Kristin 71, 72, 117 Guilbeau, Micha 38, 144 Gulker, Dean 35, 144, 172 Gunnoe, Alicia 144 Gunnoe, Shawn 156 Gutierrez, Mylene 94, 132
CBQ Hair, Jamie 31, 144 Hall, Jack 25 Hall, Ronnie 71, 97, 111, 117, 122 Hall, Samantha 144 Halverson, Perry 35, 132, 170 Halvorson, Scott 35, 46, 144 Hamblin, Tyler 72, 145 Hamm, Ashlyn 31, 157 Hancock, Kyle 44, 73, 87, 99, 157 Hanlon, Britlynne 32, 101, 157 Hansen, Aaron 145 Harbeck, Billy 132 Hardaway, Del 63 Harder, Makayla 32, 157 Hardman, Jonathan 35, 157 Hardy, Lea Anne 165 Harlan, Shianne 43, 82, 145 Harrell, Tramaine 35, 46, 145 Harrimon, Amanda 132 Harrimon, April 157 Harrimon, Bobby 71, 98, 117 Harrimon, Cody 87, 157 Harris, Amanda 117 Harris, Ami 157 Harris, Joe 21, 35, 99, 157, 175 Harris, Sarah 132 Harrison, Marissa 101 Harrison, Melissa 157 Harry, Whitney 90, 157 Hawkins, Alex 3, 35, 82, 103, 157, 175 Hayes, Ryan 145 Haygood, Isaiah 9, 17, 38, 41, 69, 71, 97, 132, 171 Head, Bonnie 117 Helms, Chandler 35, 95, 157, 175 Helton-Fair, Devin 145 Henderson, Bret 73, 157 Henderson, Miles 55, 132, 170, 171 Henderson, Wayne 117 Hennan, Alien 165 Hennan, Brenna 100, 101, 145 Hennan, Brooke 23, 76, 100, 101,145 Henrion, Ashley 35, 97, 132 Henson, Dalaney 71, 72, 118
Herd, Raymon 71, 83, 118 Hernandez, Devin 118 Hetcel, Shawn 132 Hicks, Demetri 72, 97, 132 Hight, Alissa 118, 169 Hill, Steve 71, 83, 97, 132 Hines, Will 118 Hines, William 97 Hinson, Erin 165 Holari, Aaron 72, 145 Holland, Emarie 94, 132 Holland, Tony 35, 93, 157, 174, 175 Hollingsworth, Bryce 73, 87, 157 Hollingsworth, Laura 165 Honkomp, T.J. 32, 118 Hoover, Courtney 101, 157 Houston, Josh 71, 118 Howard, Michael 145 Hubbard, Joel 46, 47, 99, 145 Huddy, Chelsea 13, 14, 95, 157 Humphrey, Lauren 145 Hunt, Brad 132 Hurst, Leah 3, 29, 132 Husen, Natalie 19, 165
[I] Iannone, Bradley 72, 145 Ingram, Christopher 157 Irions, Stephanie 35, 145 Iselin, Logan 145 Ishmail, Jermaine 118
[J] Jackson, Joshua 86, 145 Jackson, Presley 157 Jalowy, Brandt 49, 63, 71, 103,118 Jalowy, Riley 36, 38, 41, 57, 67, 94, 145 January, Daniel 133 January, Haley 31, 158 Jara, Miles Perez 72 Jarrett, Chance 118 Jenkins, Leighton 55, 71, 97, 133 Johnson, Brandon 86, 133
Johnson, Clinton 92, 133 Johnson, Dakota 73, 96, 97, 101, 158 Johnson, Dwayne 43, 84, 133 Johnson, Jadyn 94, 145 Johnson, Shamiqua 35, 43, 88,133 Johnston, Matthew 73, 97, 158 Johnston, Mehalley 77, 158 Johnston, Shannon 165 Jones, Anthony 97, 158 Jones, Bobbie 165 Jones, Dayna 133 Jones, Emily 32, 90, 101, 158 Jones, Ethan 86, 145 Jones, Kala 145 Jones, Kyle 92, 133 Jones, Landen 80, 158 Jones, Marcus 99, 158 Jones, Meredith 35, 55, 60, 133 Jones, Phillip 23, 35, 93, 158 Joplin, Anthony 73, 158 Joss, Jessica 3, 32, 35, 118 Joss, Jody 35, 46, 146 Joss, Joy 13, 77, 90, 158 Judd, Gage 133
[K] Kahler, Misty 133 Karabel, Beth 32, 35, 146 Karl, Sonja 25, 32, 133 Kedrowski, Chris 43, 64, 133 Keksi, Brian 78, 87, 99, 158, 174 Keksi, Casey 55, 98, 133 Kelso, Kayla 118 Kemp, Kayla 80, 118 Kerr, Clinton 165 Kilcrease, Taylor 92 Killian, Chris 43, 78, 97, 133 Kimball, Alexa 35, 36, 46, 146 Kindt, Kenzie 31, 101, 158 King, Markel 63, 87, 97, 158 King, Preston 83, 97 Kinnaird, Joshua 158 Kinnaird, Kayla 101, 158 Kleckner, Melinda 19, 165 Klusmeyer, Hayli 35, 133 Klusmeyer, Robert 118 Knight, Tiara 30, 31, 55, 1191 Kotulek, Hailey 133
j ulovatos, Alex 165 ulovatos, Hope 74, 103, I 119 j aft, Terry 133 jfebs, Zach 98, 99, 107, 119 loll, Bethany 31, 32, 38,55, ill 33 {loll, Mikayla 95 lehler, Kaitlyn 146 |ehn, James 35, 158
[L] ilgat, Kaylani 133 ger, Cy 97, 134 | liberty, Brandi 31, 146 pn, Garrett 87, 158 jmb, Miranda 80, 134 ||nd, Hailley 77, 90,91, 158, 174 pie, Shelby 32, 43, 158 I porte, James 119 Ijwless, Tanner 159 ;[wson, Ronnie 165 ach, Carla 165 ach, Michael 165 ; e, Beverly 41, 165 i e, Colt 146 istner, Amber 119 [wis, Bret 72, 98, 159 iwis, Jennifer 159 iwis, Lyonel 119 pick, John 146 kgett, Lana 165 lie, Taylor 7, 19, 29, 36, 61, | 74, 88, 89, 111, 119 pdsay, Shelbie 111, 119 piker, William 119 ptle, Edward 35, 134 pfton, Britneigh 119 pftus, Catherine 31, 159, | 175 pftus, Peter 55, 78, 99, 134 pndrow, Caleb 60, 92, 119 png, Breanna 46, 159 pngacre, Austin 103, 134 poney, Ryan 159 prenzo, James 63, 71, 84, | 134 pudermilk, Parker 110, 119 pwers, Curtis 73, 99, 159 pke, Dillon 73, 159, 175 pnch, Seth 71, 134
Lynott, Monica 23, 41, 55, 60, 78, 88, 104, 109, 119, 167 Lynott, Nico 78, 87, 97, 159
[M] Mackey, Terrance 72, 97, 146 Madding, Jack 165 Mahaffey, Garrett 42, 43, 134 Mardis, Josh 43, 80, 99, 159 Marion, Tyler 35, 43, 134 Mariotti, Joe 165 Marley, Elizabeth 19, 66, 146 Marlin, Adelicia 35, 55, 119 Marroquin, Marina 21, 35, 77, 95, 96, 103, 159 Marroquin, Sabina 10, 19, 23,27, 35, 36,57, 103, 146 Martin, Channing 146 Martin, Courtney 25, 146 Mason, Brandi 32 McBeath, Logan 13, 14, 73, 87, 99, 159, 174, 175 McCafferty, Jon 120 McClain, Katy 31, 97, 146 McClain, Sarah 35, 67, 97, 159 McCleskey, Anthony 134 McCleskey, Joshua 134 McCleskey, Krystal 146 McDaniel, Tucker 17, 71, 120 McDonald, Justin 73, 159, 174 McFadden, Megan 94, 95, 159 McGee, Alex 97 McGowan, Bailey 19, 29, 41, 55, 60, 78, 134, 170 McGowan, Kelley 19, 165 McKeever, Tyler 55, 71, 97, 104,120 McKenzie, Jordan 134 McKinzie, Aaron 35, 159 McLelland, Tyler 46, 72, 99, 146, 151, 172, 173 McManus, Danny 134 McMullen, Dylan 146 McNeil, Curtis 165 McNeil, Paula 165 McNew, Tyler 80, 146 McShan, Austin 93, 159 McWhorter, Josh 134 Meek, Alex 32, 35, 134
Meek, Ryan 35, 159, 174 Meese, Megan 134 Mejia, Joseph 29, 120 Mello, Michael 146 Melvin, Shelby 101 Mendoza, Albaro 146 Mendoza, Christian 41, 78, 86, 134 Mendoza, Lorena 134 Merkle, Shannon 35, 146 Merrill, Ali 32, 97 Michaud, Sean 7, 120 Middleton, Damion 134 Miller, Andrew 98, 99, 120 Miller, Brandon 55, 135 Miller, Chris 55, 92, 135 Miller, Colin 99, 135 Miller, Damien 49, 120 Miller, Jeannine 60, 165 Miller, Jordan 25, 37, 38, 53, 55, 107, 110, 118, 120 Mills, Ryan 61, 69, 78, 92, 93, 109, 120, 168 Miracle, Denise 165 Mire, Elijah 71, 135 Mire, Kristen 135 Mire, Missy 165 Mire, Zachary 13, 87, 159 Mize, James 165 Moehnke, Zach 98, 99, 120 Molina, David 135 Molina, Jory 86, 147 Monk,'^licole 36, 55, 60, 135 Monroe, Jasmine 135 Monroe, Raven 147 Montgomery, Becky 95, 165 Montojo, Patricia 80, 159 Moore, Brenna 78, 82, 91, 147 Moore, Daniel 43, 46, 160 Moore, Kristen 135, 170 Moore, Melissa 31, 32, 94, 160 Moore, Taryn 38, 41, 55, 59, 61, 109, 120 Mora, Brooke 160 Morales, Brittany 135 Morales, Matthew 99, 135 Moree, Ben 99, 135 Morgan, Justin 147 Morgan, Trevor 71, 83, 120 Morris, Kaleigh 32, 55, 88, 1 1 1 ,120 Morris, Steven 97, 135 Morrisett, Jessica 35, 43 Morrow, Derek 43, 135 Moseley, James 165 Motley, Jonathon 43, 82, 120 Moudy, Tyler 17, 35, 147
Mullens, Jace 21, 41, 55, 135 Mullins, Lindsay 44, 45, 147 Mullins, Tim 165 Murphy, Bre 147 Murphy, Leighton 63, 121 Murphy, Matt 160 Murphy, Michael 147 Musgrave, Steven 17, 35, 160 Musial, Carla 31, 67, 135 Musial, Victoria 64, 66, 135 Myers, Brad 55, 59, 135 Myers, Gihye 121
Naef, Malachi 55, 71, 97, 135 Nash, Cody 135 Nauman, Miranda 121 Nelson, Ronnie 55, 98, 121 Nemecek, Joe 165 Nettles, Blake 136 Neuharth, Taylor 147 Newberry, Oscar 160 Newberry, Tracy 106, 121 Newman, Shane 165 Niblett, Ryan 93, 147 Nicholes, William 43, 73, 160 Nicholson, Lori 32, 46, 160 Nicholson, Victoria 66, 136 Niles, Janet 165 Nix, Danny 84, 165 Nix, Kelsey 41, 66, 121 Nix, Kody 10, 36, 41, 46, 47, 57, 140, 147, 151 Nix, Susie 165 Norris, Jesse 43, 82, 160 Norris, Will 82, 121 Northrop, Brant 147 Noyes, Caleb 82, 147
[O ] O'Neill, Ana 46, 82, 160 O'Neill, Teresa 147 Ogunleye, Temi 71, 86, 147 Oh, Young Min 73, 87, 160 Ongay, Danielle 31, 147, 172 Ono, Helen 41, 55, 60, 78, 88, 89, 108, 109, 121
Orf, M'Kensi 7, 15, 27, 105, 108, 121, 168 Orris, Kevin 136 Orris, Kyle 160 Ottmann, Ruth 165 Owens, Tre'von 160
[P] Painter, Riley 101, 160 Pan, Junyao 121 Parham, Alejandra 43, 46, 160 Parham, Nathania43, 136 Parker, Pattie 29, 74, 103, 121
Parkey, Austin 99, 147, 151, 173 Patterson, Daniel 147 Patterson, Katherine 21,41, 55, 60, 78, 88, 104, 109, 121,125, 168 Patterson, Kendall 35, 147 Patty, Ryan 10, 49, 98, 147, 151 Paulk, Damien 32, 36, 43, 121
Paxton, Ashley 31, 148 Payne, Brady 160 Payton, Kelly 88, 89, 136. Pearce, D.J. 136 Penner, Sammie 97, 148, 151 Pentzer, Amanda 136 Peoples, Ian 3, 5, 61, 78, 92, 93, 109, 121, 127 Perdue, Laura 148 Perez, Heather 148 Perez-Jara, Myles 148 Perrin, Jessica 35, 160 Petcoff, Kinley 136 Peters, Dalton 73, 97, 160 Petersen, Kellie 3, 31, 148 Petersen, Mitchell 35, 63, 73, 160 Peveto, Doug 148 Pham, Katrina 7, 19, 31, 36, 37, 51, 55, 61, 103, 122, 127 Phelan, Megan 19, 25, 32, 33, 35, 53, 55, 63, 110, 122,127 Phelan, Shannon 25, 160 Phillips, Jered 5, 38, 55, 61, 78, 96, 122, 169
Pickett, Kristi 10, 57, 82, 148, 172, 173 Pickrel, Josh 49, 59, 136 Pickrel, Kaitlynn 161 Poivre, Jessica 64 Ponath, Amanda 136 Pounds, Alayna 35, 148 Prejean, Haleigh 90, 97, 161 Prince, Brianna 77, 161 Prince, Rachel 136 Pugliesi, Joe 72, 148 Pyle, Charles 165
[R ] Raleigh, Andrew 161 Raleigh, Tori 3, 35, 136 Ramsey, David 161 Rangel, Hali 3, 15, 31, 32, 55, 108, 122, 167, 169 Rarick, Amanda 148 Rarick, Ashley 74, 88, 89, 136 Ratcliff, Chelsea 122 Raymond, Julia 19, 23, 27, 36, 37, 3 8 ,4 1 ,5 1 ,5 5 ,5 7 , 63, 78, 103, 104, 110, 122, 167, 168 Raymond, Kelly 17, 27, 38, 55,57, 80, 122, 168 Raymond, Shannon 31, 38, 55, 59, 122 Raymond, Shawn 87, 161 Redding, Kyle 92 Reed, Adam 35, 44, 99 Reed, James 73, 161 Reed, Jason 64, 66, 122 Reed, Mandy 51, 166 Reed, Vincent 92, 93, 122 Reid, Kevin 86, 97, 148 Reola, Jacob 5, 36, 55, 122 Reprogal, Sabrina 46, 97, 148 Reynolds, Myles 122 Reynolds, Tori 32, 161 Rhoton, Spencer 5, 43, 53, 55, 78, 122, 167 Rice, Hanna 78, 148 Richards, Linda 166 Ricketts, Trevor 35, 161 Riddle, Kaitlen 122 Riggio, Rosa 123 Riley, Amy 123 Rios, Jacob 32, 33, 35, 93, 161
Rios, Lauren 21, 32, 35, 37, 51,55, 105, 123 Rios, Tracy 72, 136 Roan, Catie 148 Roark, Justin 98, 136 Roberson, Cory 92 Roberson, Heather 35, 136 Roberson, Jordan 93, 148 Robertson, Justin 3, 7, 19, 41, 55,57, 98, 108, 109, 123, 167, 168 Robertson, Kaitlyn 77, 90, 97, 161, 174, 175 Robinson, Miranda 32, 35, 101,161 Rock, Amanda 123 Roderick, Justin 123 Roderick, Samantha 101, 148 Rodriguez, Christina 95, 161 Rodriguez, Mateo 161 Rodriguez, Sonia 94, 136 Rodriguez-Huert, Luis 136 Rogers, Ashleigh 123 Rollins, David 123 Romine,Jazz 123 Romine, Zach 73, 83, 97 Rooffener, Ashley 136 Ross, Brittany 31, 32, 33, 80, 148 Roth, Andrew 17, 35, 43, 161 Rushin, Dakota 99, 148 Rushin, Wendell 136 Russell, Courtney 148 Russell, Lindsay 123
[S] Salas-Groves, Emily 149 Sanchez, Jessica 137, 171 Sander, Dylan 35, 73, 87, 99, 161 Sanders, Bobby 32, 137, 170, 171 Sanders, Jackie 17, 49, 71, 92, 137 Sanders, Mark 166 Sanderson, Karen 166 Sandoval, Chris 43 Sandoval, Devin 43, 137 Sands, Sherry 166 Santiago, Miguel 72, 86, 97, 137 Saville, Allie 23, 55, 94, 123
Saville, Mitch 23, 33, 35,43, 161 Schaefer, Taryn 149 Schaefer, Troy 43, 161 Scharlach, Ellen 166 Schmidt, Aaron 43, 161 Schultz, Barbara 65, 123 Schutte, Andrew 149, 172, 173 Scott, John 97, 161 Scott, Nikki 71, 72, 137 Scroggin, Tyler 10, 46, 99, 149 Selvidge, Melanie 166 Selvidge, Merideth 9, 53,55, 137 Seman, Lee 166 Sharp, Benjamin 162 Sharp, Kalea 27, 43, 55, 59, 105,120,123 Sharp, Trent 71, 123 Shaw, Justin 35, 137 Shearman, Clayton 98, 99, 137 Shepherd, Joyche 124 Shipley, Colton 124 Shipley, Lexi 32, 35, 55,124 Shipley, Makenzie 29,149 Shipley, Sue 166 Shores, Lee 124 Shores, Tori 103, 149 Shults, Jessenda 31 Shultz, Erika 46, 162 Siegrist, Wren 43 Sifuentes, Christian 137 Sigler, Nathaniel 73, 97, 162 Silo, Joy 97, 137 Simpson, Dakota 32 Singer, Josh 124 Skaggs, Sharon 166 Skelton, Brittney 35, 44, 45, 124 Skelton, Misty 32, 35, 44, 4 149 Skinner, Alex 32, 33, 41, 8C 90, 162, 174 Skinner, Andrew 93, 149 Skinner, Kimbra 64, 66, 12^ Slater, Hannah 80, 162 Slayden, Devin 92, 124 Smith, Alyssa 55, 124 Smith, Amber 137 Smith, Anthony 32, 78, 97, 124 Smith, Debbie 166 Smith, Demarcus 124 Smith, Dustin 55, 110, 124
i l l , Joel 7, 15, 17, 19, 35, 5 5 ,5 7 , 80, 103, 108, 124, 167, 168 !iiith, Jonathan 162 [Lith, Joshua 44, 162 [[tith, Kalynn 53, 55, 137 lith, Kayla 31, 36, 55, 60, J 137, 170, 171 j lith, Kaylynn lith, Lacy 124 [Lith, Rebekah 35, 125 [Lith, Ronald 72, 137 [Lith, Stephen 137 ijell, Krystal 32, 162 !larks, Jade 32, 149 j eyrer, Tia 43, 137 !afford, Aaron 149 Lndifer, Cari 137 iLndifer, J.C. 149 ipnley, Elizabeth 125 itrkey, Jacob 35, 53 , 117, 1125 prkey, Katie 32, 35, 44 , 162 trlin g , John 166 ipbbins, Jacob 125 fengel, Casey 149 Ephens, M arissa 14, 57, 78, 94, 137 prnadel, Tishia 64, 137 Evens, M arissa [ne, G rant 125 pne, Brendan 125 jbne, Chris 93, 149 pn e, Dillon 72, 149 pn e, Katherine 21, 43, 125, i 127 pne, Kristen 125 (reet, Kyle 55, 92, 93, 125 jubblefield, Keenan 3, 15, 92, 93, 103, 108, 125,
jvartsell, Lauren 57, 64, 66, 178, 97, 125 kartsell, Leslie 64, 66, 78, 97, 125 Ivistowicz, Vanessa 149 rkes, Ronald 149
[T] p io n , Gage 138 Llley, Geoff 9, 80, 138 pndberg, Sandy 166 toner, Christian 86, 149
Tarrant, Chris 32, 38, 42, 78, 1 2 4 ,1 2 5 Tate, Luke 149 Tatum , A m ber 32, 35, 107 Tatum , Kelsey 32, 149 Taylor, Brooke 88, 105, 125 Taylor, Justice 162 Taylor, Phil 166 Teague, Paul 162 Teeter, Kenny 149 Terry, Isaiah 55, 71, 83, 97, 138 Terry, Sean 93, 150 T hannert, Joe 84, 87 Thomas, Joseph 87, 162 Thomas, Reyna 150 Thom ason, A ndrew 150 Thome, Branden 83, 138 Thom pson, Aaron 84, 85, 109, 126 Thom pson, A m anda 35, 138 Thom pson, Jacob 86, 150 Thom pson, Natalie 166 Thom pson, Sheridan 32, 162 Thompson-Kribbs, Enrique 43 , 138 T iem ann, Corey 150 Tim berland, Richie 65 Tisdale, Taylor 41, 55, 138 Todd, Colton 63, 138 Todd, Trey 67, 150 Toft, Cassandra 25, 138 Tofte, Jerrod 55, 63, 71, 138 Torres, Dion 9, 35, 138 Torresillas, Johnathan 150 Trebing, M atthew 42, 43, 138 Triana, Loy 103, 166 Troester, Cam eron 162 Troester, Thomas 138 Tsai, Scott 162 Tucker, Adriana 13, 77, 80, 162 Turner, Ashley 162 Turner, Chris 99, 162 Turner, Robert 82, 138 Tyler, Ashley 150
Umfress, Fredrick 150
Valez, Raquel 97 Veal, Courtney 19, 166 V eitenheim er, Dylan 138 V eitenheim er, Logan 138 Velez, Gladys 150 Velez, Raquel 138 Voris, Justin 126 Voris, Staci 35, 126 Vroom, Karsyn 101, 150, 172
W ade, Kyle 138 W aitm an, Gary 166 W alborn, Kilie 95, 138 W alker, Brady 55, 60, 92, 138 W alker, Dee 32, 35, 97, 162 Wall, Larissa 77 Wallace, Audrey 36, 76, 91, 97, 150, 173 Walls, Larissa 1 3 ,3 1 ,1 0 1 , 162 W alton, Connor 163 W alton, Parker 150 W arner, Kymberly 101, 150 W arren, Am ber 31, 83, 90, 163 W arren, Robert 32, 139 W aters, Josh 139 W atkins, Blake 73, 93, 163 W atkins, Kelly 126 W atson, Jesse 78, 126 W atson, Jordan 150 W atson, M arie 166 W atson, Nic 25, 32, 150 W atson, Niketa 94, 139 W atts, M egan 29, 55, 150 W eary, Brittney 31, 163 Weaver, Austin 139 W eaver, Zach 163 Wells, India 150 Wessling, Trevor 43, 163 W heat, Sylvia 150 W heeler, Hilary 150 W herry, Amber 31, 67, 139, 171 W hitaker, Peyton 91, 100, 101 ,1 5 1 W hitaker, Ryan 73, 87, 99, 163
W hite, Addison 32, 91, 139 White, Braxton 32, 163 Whitfield, Atriell 72, 151 Whitfield, Paris 71, 86, 139 W hittaker, Gavin 71, 97, 139 W iedenbeck, David 86, 139 Wiese, Derrick 151 Wilkins, Anthony 139 Willett, Taylor 14, 36, 76, 151 Williams, Alexis 43, 163 Williams, Alysia 163 Williams, Chrissy 163 Williams, Christina 31, 67, 139 Williams, Devin 151 Williams, Jonna 32, 139 Williams, Justin 163 Williams, Kailee 35, 46, 151 Williamson, David 73, 163 W illingham, Quinten 163 Willis, Sarah 35, 151 Wilson, Colby 55, 80, 126 Wilson, Jason 7, 55, 80, 126 Wise, Wes 92, 126 W itt, Chase 107, 126 W itt, Connor 35, 151 Wood, Cory 43, 126 Wood, Dylan 92, 139 Wood, Kelly 35, 55, 139 Wood, Sarah 166 W ord, Tonya 49, 126 W right, Josh 120, 126 W right, Kylie 151 Wyatt, Casie 139
r a
Yeary, Travis 126 Young, Robert 35, 43, 139
[Z] Zamora, Heather 67, 94, 126 Zamora, Veronica 127 Zaragoza, Angelica 31, 77, 163, 174, 175 Zaragoza, Vella 35, 67, 127 Ziegenbein, Brittany 21, 37, 51, 55, 106, 110, 127 Zoet, Zach 19, 32, 35, 42, 43, 53, 55, 112, 127, 167
[nostalgic] Colophon In o r d e r to illu str a te th e m any
W hen the end o f another year has
w ays in w h ic h th e a v e r a g e h ig h sch ool
finally rolled around, it's amazing what will come to mind upon reflection. T h e endless
stu d e n t b a la n c e s h is o r h e r h e c tic
parade o f tests, games, pep rallies, and lunches will mingle with the sweet sound o f
O r g a n iz e d C h a o s.
the three o'clock bell and the smell o f
P u b lish in g , fe a tu r e d a 7 3 /4 " b y 10
concession stand hot dogs. W hen the tassels have been tu rn ed ,
c o n ta in e d 1 0 0 -w e ig h t e n a m e l p ages.
life still goes on. It's refreshing to think that, despite the chaos, the one great constancy is change. O u r tim e here is b u t a
sc h e d u le , th e D e r r ic k c h o s e th e th em e o
T h e b o o k , p r o d u c e d b y T aylor
1 /2 " b la ck m a tte lith ic o te c o v e r and
H e a d lin e s w e r e 4 8 p o in t T y p e w r ite r , su b h e a d s in 18 p o in t G e n e sis, b o d y cop in 1 0 p o in t S e v ille , a n d c a p tio n s in 8 p o in t G en e sis.
m om ent. T h ere will be m ore after you, but
B o o k s w e r e so ld fo r $ 5 5 w ith ?
none like you. And w hether a new and nervous
n a m e o n th e c o v e r , $ 5 0 w ith o u t a nam
freshman or senior ready to move on,
o r d e r e d a n d p r o d u c tio n c o sts totaled
somewhere in the high school process you'll
$ 2 8 , 5 0 0 . P o r tr a its w e r e ta k en by
figure out that the whole point has been to make memories w orth looking back on later.
a n d $ 6 0 a t r e le a se tim e . 3 5 0 b o o k s wei
G o r d o n a n d B lu n c k P h o to g r a p h y . T h e D e r r ic k b e lo n g s to th e In te r sc h o la s tic L e a g u e P ress an d th e B u r k b u r n e tt C h a p te r o f Q u ill and
*Katy B odenhorn
S c r o ll.
from th e [ed itors] [meli] Your witty and sarcastic ways kept us on our toes, but you were always willing to step up whenever a deadline came creeping up too fast, [allie] Oh man, y< totally came through for us, and especially for not even being in the class! T h a t overachiever m indset helped us out so much! We owe a ton o f quality photos to y( [lauren] You techie girl, you. You were always hip on those designs and kept things fresh and creative. You definitely were the person to go to for a different perspective, [dragej You are hilarious, but we bet you don't realize it. You acquired that journalist dedication and it showed through your work. Your mellow am laid-back ways also kept us chill, [katrina] Your kindness towards everyone m ade you that one essence o f soul that we needed. T h at, and you were our hard-working fashion plate. | k asi j You m ade sure to take this class seriously, but o f course not too seriously. We appreciate you so m uch. A nd your laugh, [brittany] You and Lauren are such a daring duo! You were always our constant and really stepped it up this year. You're really loud, though...:) a| Thanks for always being prepared to do the stanky leg or any dance in class...oh. And your work, too. [brad] T h e male presence. Thanks for not going crazy in a class full of girls. |hope] You were a great team player with ju st about anybody. T hanks for being so easy-going. |beth] Dang girl, you always were dedicated to whatever your assignment was, even if there were technical difficulties. Small, but mighty! [rylee] You're so positive and dedicated and always have ; good story to tell. You never gave up. Stick with it! *[katy] Giiiiiiiiiiirl... you and me made such an editor tag team that it was ridiculous. You are the words, I am the photos. It took a lot o f work, but it was so fun. You were kind of like the Mr. Miagi and I was just the karate put it in a m ore vast realm, I suppose...Thanks for teaching me everything and being a real good friend through it al. You, Katy Bodenhorn, I will not forget.-Julia *(julia] W hat to say to Julia Ray? I can't tell you how grateful I have been for you. W e're different, but it works so well. We balance each other out. You were si good at keeping things low-stress and were always so willing to do anything and everything. Your unfailing enthusiasm, positivity, and jokes kept things sane and sunny. I look up to you! You'll be brilliant at whatever else you choose to do because you have the best attitude ever. You are GREAT, and I really mean that. 1 steal your phrase..."Uy!" -Katy *[czar reed] You're one of my favorite people. Really and truly. You can go from acid wittiness to serious life lessons in one class period and it's pretty great. You've m ade an impact. Hope you know. (-KB) Home skillet! You have taught me so much, from why not to be a pharmacist and how cool farm shows are, to always rem em bering to make sure you are happy with whatever you do. You have been such an influence to me, especially as I prepare to go out and be an adul will rem em ber all those im portant things you ever told me. Never forget us. We love you! (-JR)
V/e G»dt «oT hi& °
M jM j^ g g S S J 'W lS ff< S
» 111
1 WaTiTrtNIfc•>.*>»/».»■?
E liz a b e th
[ S ta n le y ]
M y b e a u tifu l fre e -sp ir ite d ch ild ; so fu ll o f life & en ergy! S tay fo c u e d o n y o u r g o a ls & n e v e r g iv e up! I h a v e n o d o u b t y o u w ill g o fa r in life! I lo v e y o u so m u ch , M om
Ro6ert [Klusmeyer]
Congratulations my grandson. You're a big boy now. Love, Gram, Papa and Family
F rom being a C ookie M onster fan to living on X-Box Live 24-7, you have becom e q uite the young m an. W e are so very p ro u d o f you. W e love you m ore than all the grauins o f sand o n all the beaches in th e w hole w orld. Love, M om , D ad, B radley and Katie
E liz a b e th
[ S ta n le y ]
H ey N ae N ae, I love you so m uch. Y o u 're th e coolest R en ae I know! R em e m b e r to always have fu n in life & life life to its fullest! D o n 't re g re t th e past! Always look fo rw ard . Love y o u r fav o rite sister, Shelly Belly
Kristin [Guffey]
Sister- W h a t a belessing it has b e e n to w atch you tra n sfo rm in to a b eau tifu l y o un g w om an. Y ou've lea rn e d to g ro w in grace th ro u g h adversity by allow ing G od's love to sh in e th ro u g h you. H ow cool is that? C ongratulations! W e L ove you! M om , Pops, Jac o b , & Jayson
Brocfie [Bofan]
Love ya! / Dad, M om Sc B rook
Justin [Roderick]
Congrats! You m ade it. We are so p ro u d o f you. Love, Mom, Sam antha, & MawMaw
Katrina [Pham]
K atrin a, Y ou have b ro u g h t so m uch jo y to o u r lives w ith y o u r k in d h e a rt and b eau tifu l sm ile. K eep believing in y o u rse lf like we believe in you a n d you will receive everything y ou w ant o u t o f life. W e love you always, M om m y & D addy
H ope
[ K o u C o v a to s ]
Bar6ara [Schultz]
C hiquita, Do n o t ev e r give up! I love y o u r tenacity & zest fo r life. Always t's h a rd to believe th a t o u r little princess is 8 & graduating! W e a re p ro u d o f y o u r iind spirit an d y o u r w illingness to help jthers. o u r only advice is d o n 't fo rg et to nance" a n d "dream .â&#x20AC;? W e love you fo rev er !nd always! G od Bless you! ilom & D ad
dopey, fh e past 18 years have b een a ro lle r coaster [ide, a n d I w o u ld n 't chan g e th em fo r Inything. Y ou've tu a h Og t m e som e valuable I / O pssons in life. G ood luck w ith all y o u r tature endeavors. R em em b er to rea c h fo r h e stars an d n o th in g less! Love y o u r big sis, tfe g
Z a c h a ry
[ M
re m e m b e r th a t p ersistance is a Love, M om
Ronnie [Nelson]
B o u d reau x , E very day d o y o u r best. G od will d o th e rest. Y ou have m ad e us very proud! W e love you! M om & Dad Y ou have always veen an in spiration to me. H av e a fantastic tim e in college! R ochelle
Brooke [TayCor]
We love you and are so very You have g one fro m b eing m y "little bubba" to a w onderful y o u n g m an. I am so p ro u d to call you m y son. Always follow your dream s an d let G od g u id e you in all th at you do. W e love you. Love Always, M om a n d M att
B o b b y
[H arrim on]
"Press On!" Bobby "Press On!" Love you, Nannie and Papa
Alejandro M. [Gonzales]
A lejan d ro , W e a re extrem ely p ro u d o f th e young man you have becom e. B efore you a re som e o f th e m ost exciting ad v en tu res o f your life. Enjoy every m in u te & m ake each count. W e a re blessed to have you as o u r son. Love, M om an d Dad
Megan [PfieCan]
pro u d o f you. Mom, Breeann, Brendee, Brice,
Megan, See Captivating. Love your "groupie"
MiMi & PaPa
Brady [Giles]
Wade [Beason]
W ade, E ig h teen years have com e an d gone. Y ou've h a d us lau g h in g every single m in u te. W e L ove You! M om an d D ad
Kasi [Bailey]
B rady Cole, C ongratu latio n s, you m ad e it! W e are p ro u d o f you a n d yo u r accom plishm ents. Always strive to be th e best you can be in all th a t you do. T h e re is n o th in g you ca n n o t achieve. O n e day you will be D r. B rady Giles. W e love you an d wi
always be h e re fo r you. D o n 't fo rg et to call home!
W e lo v e y o u , M om an d Dad
Yearbook [Seniors]
Y ou a re G od's m asterp iece, created in His im age & by H is d ivine design. W ith faith, h o p e a n d love H e gave you th e strength to m ove m o u n tain s, sh ap ed th e desires o f y o u r h e a rt, a n d m ad e you th e amazing p erso n you are. A n d Y O U a re my blessing fro m G o d a n d I love you very much! Love, M am a, D addy a n d Hali
* [Editors
Julia, Katy, Lauren, Brittany, Meli, Allie, Melissa, Kasi, and K atrina.... W hat a group! N ever a dull m om ent (thank goodness) with you ladies around. T hanks for your dedication, integrity and most o f all the laughter. Much love to you all. Czar Reed
Yin Yang... com plementary opposites within a greater whole. For Julia: "Appreciate u mutch I do." For Katy: "In Russian, appreciate you I do's." Reed
Tiara [Knight]
MeCissa [DieftfJ
Y ou're truly a blessing from God and an absolute jo y to have as a daughter and sister. You've grown from an adorable infant into a beautiful young woman. Keep God at the head o f
T he "little girl" is all grown up...and making us proud! Love, Mom & Daddy
your life and th ere won't be anything you can't achieve. Love, Mom, Dad & R obert
Katy [Bodenltom]
Jutian [Garcia]
( â&#x2013;
Knows she is a d a u g h te r o f G od A n am azing exam ple o f courage and stren g th T ells th e tru th no m a tte r th e consequences Y earns fo r perfectio n
Intensely creative p o u r s w e e t J u lia n , pu h a v e b le s se d o u r liv es sin c e th e d a y iu w e r e b o r n . W e a re so p r o u d o f |u . A lw a y s r e m e m b e r to e n jo y th e b m e n t . W e lo v e y o u . M o m , D a d , J a r r e d , R o b e r t, J e r a m e y , S o p h ie a n d Isa b ella
Sim ply divine
Jufian [Garcia] M om , Chris, Scott, B eth, Calliope, Josh, N evaeh, Mimi, M oonpie, Megan and Meli
I "great" g ra n d so n w ith th e v ir tu es o f p n e sty , tr u th fu ln e ss, r e sp o n sib ility & iad ersh ip . W e lo v e you! L IV E L O N G A N D P R O SPE R !!
A buelo & Abuela 193
Had [Rangel] Lauren [Rios] Veda [Zaragoza] F ro m b irth d ay parties to cell phones a n d boyfriends, we have seen you girls grow up.
W e h o p e you always
M y, h o w tim e flies! Y o u can 't b eg in to im a g in e h o w p r o u d w e all are o f
rem ain close friends.
you! W e lo v e y o u so m u ch ! L o o k
o u t w orld ! H e r e c o m e s m y b a b y girl!
Y our Fam ilies
W e lo v e you! M o m , H e a th , G r a n d m a , & G ran dpa
Lauren [Rios]
HflCi [RangeC]
L auren, W e h a v e se e n y o u g r o w u p in to a b e a u tifu l y o u n g lad y. Y o u a re v e r y sm a rt a n d ca n d o a n y th in g y o u set y o u r m in d to d o . W e are very proud o f you. M ay all y o u r d r e a m s c o m e tr u e . L ove, N a n n y & P ap a
H a li B r o o k e , G o d h as b le sse d u s w ith a b e a u tifu l, ta le n te d y o u n g lady. H e
h as a lso b le sse d y o u w ith a a b e a u tifu l v o ic e . W e lo v e a n d w ish y o u the
Y o u r d a d an d I are so v e r y p r o u d o f y o u . Y o u h a v e g ro w n u p to b e su c h a c a rin g an d lo v in g y o u n g m a n . W e lo v e y o u b unches! L o v e , M o m a n d D ad
b e st in th e n e x t c h a p te r o f y o u r life . K e e p s in g in g a n d sm ilin g . L ove, M o m , J a y , D a d , J e ss ie , an d fam ily
Lauren [Rios]
Lauren [Rios]
B r itta n y
[Ziegen6ein] You have b ro u g h t so m uch jo y to o u r lives. W e are so p ro u d o f all your accom plishm ents and the kind, caring young lady you've becom e.
You're my favorite granddaughter! O f course you're my only one! I'm so proud of you and know you'll achieve whatever you set out to do in your life after high school. Love ya, Nani
Lauren [Rios]
Lauren, I am so proud of all that you have accomplished with your tenacity and your desire to succeed. There is no limit to your future. Congratulations. Love, Dad
Always reach for your dream s. W e love you! Love, M om, Dad, & H arrv
Julia [Raymond] Congratulations! Have fun as you begin your new lives. We will always be here for you. O u r prayer: "Be joyful always!" 1 Thess. 5:16 Love, Mom and Dad
I can't believe my beautiful little girl is already a senior and going off to college. You have always been my shining star. I wish nothing but wonderful things for you in the future. I love you always. I Congratulations. Love, Mom and Esteban
Spencer [Rhoton] D ear Spencer, You are a joy and a blessing! We adm ire your strong faith, individuality, patriotism, and determ ination. A favorite phrase o f your namesake, Spencer W. Kimball: "Lengthen your stride!" We love you. Dad and Mom 195
Derek [Dow ting]
C o n g r a tu la tio n s, h ig h sc h o o l g ra d u a te ! W is h in g y o u th e b e st in s u c c e e d in g at L ife's n e x t se t o f o b sta c le s. N o m a tte r w h a t, alw ays c o n tin u e to r e a c h th e to p a n d o n c e t h e r e , "E xpand y o u r h orizon ." R each as fa r as y o u p o ssib ly c a n . It's a w o n d e r fu l w o r ld o u t th e r e , n o w g o a n d g e t it. L o v e , U n c le G r e g a n d A u n t W o lfie
B o, G o d b le sse d o u r fa m ily w ith a w o n d e r fu l son! Y o u a re th e "Prince" o f o u r fa m ily a n d w e all lo v e y o u so d e a r ly . W e c h a lle n g e y o u to p u t o n th e fu ll a r m o r o f C h rist a n d se e k G o d 's sp e c ia l p u r p o se fo r y o u r life.
L ove, M o m , D a d , S is, N o n n ie , G r a d d y , M im i, a n d P a p p a
Julia [Frayser] D e a r J u lia C ristina: M y L o r d b le s se d m e w ith a b e a u tifu l little a n g el...Y O U !!! It h as b e e n m y h o n o r a n d p r iv ile g e to h a v e b e e n a b le to ra ise y o u , te a c h y o u , g u id e y o u , a n d lo v e you! I am O n A ugust 3, 1991, you becam e my sister. You a re sm art, funny, beautiful, an d u nique No one will take your place in my h e a rt and life. 1 thank G od H e let us be to g eth er. I thank you for everything you have d o n e for me.
Love you, Ashley
so v er y p r o u d o f y o u . I lo v e y o u w ith all o f m y h ea rt. M om xoxo
Julia [Frayser]
Zack [Dickson]
J u lia (B o o m to w n Babe)! Y o u 'v e g iv e n us m a n y o p p o r tu n itie s to b u ild a "sense o f pride" fille d w ith sp ecia l m o m e n ts a n d g r e a t m e m o r ie s to last a lifetim e! Y o u a re in d e e d a o n e -o f-a -k in d g r a n d d a u g h te r ! T h a n k
y o u so m u c h . M ay y o u alw a y s b e as h a p p y as y o u m a k e o th e r s . C o n m u c h o am or! A b tie lo & A b u e la
Naialie [Adams]
You've become a fine young man. I am so proud. I love you, sweetheart. Mom and Dad Sean and Seth
Rex [Allen]
SW EETHEART, I am so p ro u d o f you! I love you, Dad
Congrats!!! W e a re so p ro u d o f you! Y o u a re a g r ea t b ig b r o th e r an d a w o n d e r fu l y o u n g m an .
L o v e,
D a d , M o m , D e v o n , A le x , R ob ert, and A licia
C o u r tn e y
[ C a r p e n te r ]
"Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, at all the times you can.,to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." -John Wesley We are so proud o f you and all your accomplishments. T h e future is yours. Love, Momma and Dad
H e le n K a th e r in e
[O n o ]
C o u r tn e y
[ C a r p e n te r ]
[ C a r p e n te r ]
Corky, You are the greatest little sister anyone could ask for. I would not have wanted to spend my childhood with anyone else. You have always been there for me, in good times and in bad. You have grown up to be a beautiful person, inside and out. I love youl Shelb
Hey Courtney, I hope you have a great time at college. Come back and visit "the hood" every now and then. I don't know who I am going to get in trouble
HeCen [Ono]
HeCen [Ono]
[ P a tte r s o n ]
W e h a d tw o little lam b s W h o se fle e c e w as w h ite as sn o w W h a te v e r c o lle g e o n e p ick s W e h o p e th e o th e r w ill g o . M u ch L o v e , M att, K elli, R ay, J a n a & C o p e
C o u r tn e y
H e le n A g ir l s h o u ld b e tw o th in g s: classy a n d fa b u lo u s. -C o c o C h a n e l L ove you, D ad and M om
with at church anymore. Canon
W e h o p e y o u will always b e as happy as you a re in this p ictu re . Y o u 're a big p a rt if our lives, a n d we love y o u so m uch. Y ou deserve th e best! "Knock em ' d e a d stinky....excuse m e th a t was m y bo-bo." L ove, T y le r an d M aryl
K a th e r in e [ P a tte r s o n ]
KP- Live, L augh, Love! Live life to th e fullest! Love G od with all y o u r h e art an d soul! N ever fo rg et to laugh! W e love you, M om & Dad
Hefen [Ono]
M ay y o u alw ays h a v e a lo y a l fr ie n d at y o u r sid e , a sm ile fo r th e w o r ld a n d o n e p r e tty dress! W e lo v e y o u so m uch! Pa Pa a n d N a n a m a 1 C o r in th ia n s 2 :9
HeCen [Ono]
H e le n G o o d L u c k in c o lle g e . I k n ow you'll d o w e ll, b u t r e m e m b e r w h en you c o m e in to to w n , P m th e K in g o f the H o u se! L ove, C ope
Ben [Frischmann]
Samantha [Cowhey]
S am antha, K eep sh arin g yo u r beautiful smile and y o u r giving h e a rt with th e w orld. "Give to th e w orld th e best you have an d the best will com e back to you." W e a re so p ro u d o f all yo u r accom plishm ents! G ood luck with your n u rsin g career. Love, M om , Jo e (Larry), and Sean
B en, W e a r e so p r o u d o f y o u a n d lo v e y o u so m u c h . W h a t a s p le n d id a n d u p r i g h t y o u n g m a n y o u 'v e b e c o m e ! C o n g r a tu l a ti o n s a n d b e s t w ish e s f o r y o u r f u t u r e . R e m e m b e r to a lw a y s p u t y o u r t r u s t in t h e L o r d a n d H e w ill a lw ay s b e t h e r e f o r y o u . L o v e , M om an d D ad
5am [Carrion]
Keenan [Stubblefield] F r o m th e tim e y o u w e re b o rn , y o u h av e b ro u g h tjo y & la u g h t e r to t h e w h o le fa m ily . W h e r e h a s th e tim e g o n e ? O u r b a b y is now ' a y o u n g m an !
W ay to go! W e a re very p ro u d o f you.
W e a r e v e ry p r o u d o f
Reach fo r th e stars an d aim tow ards y o u r
y o u a n d lo v e y o u
fullest ability. T h is p ic tu re shows y o u r strengths and calm ness only tw o weeks after m ajor surgery. F o rev er m y fig h ter
v e ry m u c h . L o v e , M o m , D a d , 8c D y la n
with a stro n g an d g entle h eart. Love, M om , EJ, a n d family
P h il. 4 :1 3
Katea [Sharp]
M'Kensi [Oifj Kensi, W e have w atched you grow from a p re tty little girl into a b eau tifu l young w oman! W e a re p ro u d o f you in every way. W e love you, M om & D ad Kensi,
K a lea ,
R each fo r th e stars!
I am so p r o u d o f y o u . I lo v e you
R em em b er, th e best years
m o r e th a n a n y th in g . N e v e r g iv e up
o f y o u r life a re yet to
a n d b e lie v e in y o u r se lf.
come! I love you.
L ove, M om
D akota
KaCea [CorrefCJ
Justin [Rjo6ert5onJ
W h a t a jo y y ou h av e b e e n y o u r e n tire life. K eep y o u r g e n tle sp irit as y o u r p u rs u e y o u r d ream s. D ad, M om , L a u re n , W ill, a n d S co tt
Justin, Y o u h a v e g r o w n fr o m a c u te , r e d -h e a d e d little b o y to a sm art, h a n d so m e guy! W e a re so p r o u d o f w h a t y o u h a v e b e c o m e ! Y o u are a g r e a t b r o th e r a n d so n to h a v e. W ith lo v e , M o m , D a d , K a itly n , an d C hase
Andrew [MifCer]
Kacy [Ansohn]
C o n g r a tu la tio n s, D rew !
W e a re so p r o u d o f you!
L o v e ya!
D ad and M om
K acy, W a tc h in g y o u g r o w in to a b e a u tifu l y o u n g lad y has b e e n a joy. Y o u r fa ith in G o d , lo v e fo r y o u r fa m ily , d e te r m in a tio n (B u lld o g grit!), c h a r a c te r ...I c o u ld g o o n fo r e v e r . Y o u 'r e a m a zin g . T o k n o w y ou is to lo v e y o u . Y o u 'll a lw a y s b e m y b ab y g irl a n d n e v e r to o o ld fo r b u tterfly
k isses.
Lejd [Sftipfey]
L o v e , D ad
Lexi [Shipley]
T o o u r lovely g ra n d d a u g h te r:
Ihea Rhea, lam so proud o f my little sister and best friend! [hank you so much for the outfits you've dressed pe in and all the fun we've had together. Even pough we may both grow older, we will always ave each other. I love you so much. Love, Lindsay
Lexi [Shipley]
T o o u r b e a u tifu l little g r a d u a te . Y o u
Y ou o n c e said "I h av e m y fishing p o le a n d
h a v e b e e n a j o y to raise a n d y o u m a k e
m y g ra n d p a . W h a t m o re d o 1 need?" Y ou
us p r o u d ev e r y d ay. W e lo v e y o u and r e m e m b e r W W M & D D . L o v e, M o m , D a d , a n d L ibby
w e re sw eet th e n a n d m o re so now . N e v er c h an g e , stay close to G o d , a n d H e'll tak e c a re o f you. L ove, G ra n d p a , G ra n d m a , & A u n t Kelly
Chase [W itt]
Ian [Peoples]
Jacob [Starkey]
B ig J a k e, It's hard to believe you're a senior. We have watched you grow into a wonderful, caring you man. We are very proud of you and what you have become. Always follow your heart and you dreams. We love you. Mom, Dad, and Connor
Ian, We are extremely proud o f you as a son and brother. You've achieved great things but the best is yet to come. Believe in yourself, work hard and put God and family first and you will accomplish anything you set out to do. Love, Dad, Mom, Tommy, Matt, Emilea
Pattie [Parker]
W e a r e so p r o u d o f y o u . S till s m ilin g a n d e a s y -g o in g a fte r all t h e s e y ea rs. C o n g r a tu la tio n s. M om & D ad
Pattie [Parker]
Pattie sweet as apple butter Puts o u r hearts all in a flutter. All the best, Pepa & M ema P arker
Pattie [Parker]
From first steps, first day o f school and Memaw's shadow it seems just like yesterday. O u r baby girl is all grown up now, and look how beautiful she is. We are so proud o f you. Love, Memaw and Mom
Pattie, Thank you so much for being my shoulder to cry on, the sun behind my clouds, and my angel. No m atter the distance between us 1 will always be there for you. For the past 17 years you have been there for me through the laughs and the tears and the pain. I'm so grateful to have you as much cousin, my sister, and most o f all my best friend! I love you. Jess
Monica [Lynott]
B ra n d y
[G o re c zn y ]
D ear B randy, Y ou may n o t believe it, b u t I am p ro u d o f you. Follow y o u r h e a rt a n d believe in yourself. "Do n o t follow w here th e path may lead. G o, instead, w here th e re is n o p a th an d leave a trail." - R alph W aldo E m erson
Love, Jeremy
It seems like yesterday you were my little m onster. Now...make sure you enjoy yourself d uring the next p art o f your journey. W e are very p roud o f you. Love, Mom and Dad
Jordan [MiCCer]
Jordan [Cook] Jordan (Charlie Brown), From the second you were born until today you have been a precious gift from heaven. Although we miss the sweet little boy, we are so proud of the awesome Christian man you have become. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Jerem iah 29:11 Love, Mom and Dad
Jordan, You have always been the light of our lives. As you begin your future, great things are waiting on you to pursue them and make them yours! As you embark on this new chapter of your life remember what 1 always say: â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Make me proud!* We are proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad
Shelbie [Lindsay]
Acfi [Martin]
A deli, W e h o p e y o u r d ream s take you to th e co rn e rs o f y o u r smiles, to th e highest o f y o u r hopes, to th e w indow s o f your o p p o rtu n itie s, a n d to th e m ost special places y o u r h e a rt has ev er know n. So P ro u d o f you! L ove M om i an d P a p i;)
Tiana M iCiani [Bo [dm]
We are so proud o f you. You have grown into a beautiful Love, Mom, Dad, JW , Brianna, Memaw, & G randm a B renda
W ow ! O u r c h u n k y b a b y girl all g r o w n u p , so tall a n d slim . W e are so p r o u d o f w h o y o u h a v e b e co m e, a n d w e lo o k fo r w a r d to se e in g all o f y o u r d r e a m s c o m e true! L o v e , M o m an d D ad
Tracy [Newberry]
A lw ays b e a u tifu l in sid e a n d o u t. Y o u 'v e b r o u g h t n o th in g b u t j o y to th e lives y o u ve to u c h e d . F o llo w y o u r h ea rt an d y o u r d re a m s. B e p r o u d o f y o u rself. Y o u h a v e b e c o m e an in c r e d ib le y o u n g
woman! Love, Mom! 204
c o w g ir l, w ith c a k e fr o m h e a d to to e , y o u 'r e still th e h a p p y m e m o r ie s o f th e p ast, th e jo y f u l m o m e n ts o f th e p r e se n t, a n d th e h o p e o f th e fu tu r e . Y o u k e e p u s sm ilin O g ,7w e 're so p r o u d to ca ll y o u o u r "R osey girl". L o v e a lw ays, D a d d y , B r o th e r , N a n n y , 8c G randpa.
Vincent [Reed]
Colby, You have brought so m uch joy to o u r lives. You have grow n up to be a w onderful young man. We are very proud o f you! Dad, Mom,
V in c e n t, C o n g r a tu l a ti o n s o n b e in g a B H S g ra d u a te ! T h e r e h a v e b e e n s o m e r o u g h s p o ts , b u t t h r o u g h it all y o u h a v e c o m e o u t a s t r o n g e r p e r s o n W e lo v e y o u . S e n io r s 2 0 0 9 !
L ove, M o m , R ocky, C a m e ro n , J o s h u a , K e n n o n ,a n d P a ig e
Jonathon [Motley]
Jermaine [Ishmail]
W e a r e so p r o u d o f y o u a n d a ll y o u h a v e done! Y ou h av e m ad e v e ry g o o d p la n s f o r y o u r fu tu re a n d w e k n o w y o u w ill s u c c e e d i f y o u sta y c o m m it te d a n d fo c u s o n y o u r g o a ls . W e lo v e you! M o m ,D a d ,T a b it h a , a n d S a b r in a
I lo v e y o u so m u c h so n . I c a n t b e lie v e m y b a b y b o y is all g ro w n u p . A lw ay s k e e p y o u r h e a d u p . L ove, M om
Josh [Houston]
Jo sh , congratu latio n s o n graduating! I know we m ig h t n o t always g et a lo n g ,T u t you are a g re a t b ro th e r. Please know I will always b e h e re no m a tte r w hat life brings. Pm p ro u d to have a b ro th e r like you. I love you, Justin .
Josh [Houston]
Josh [Houston]
Josh [Houston]
Jo sh , it's h a rd to believe my little m o to r m o u th is g rad u a tin g . Y ou've g ro w n in to a fine v o u n g m a n any P aP a w ould be p ro u d of. Stay tr u e to y o u rself a n d you will go far. I love you, P aP a
E ven th o u g h y o u 're all grow n up, you'll always b e o u r "Josh-W ee-W uh." You have g ro w n to "be such a kind 8c loving y o u n g m a n W e have n o d o u b t your d e te rm in a tio n & fig h t will g et you w here you w an t to b e in fife. W e c o u ld n 't be ro uder! W e love you m o re - M om & lad
Tommy [DalkeJ
C ongratulations, Josh! W e a re very p ro u d o f you. W e a re su re this is o n e o f m any accom plishm ents you will achieve in y o u r lifetim e. R em em b er we will always be p ro u d o f you in w h atev er you choose to do. Love, Poppy & G ram m y. P.S. W e spent y o u r g ra d u a tio n m oney. (Just kidding!)
Josft [Houston]
T om m y, W ay to go, Josh! W e a re so p ro u d o f you. W e know N anny is up th e re in H eaven sm iling a n d so happy th at h e r Jo sh is grad u atin g . Always rem em b er how m uch y o u r fam ily believes in you and loves you. Love, G ran d p a 8c G ranny Y oung, 8c M ee Maw
S o m a n y g r e a t m e m o r ie s-- a n d y o u w ill m a k e m a n y m o re. W e lo v e y o u a n d a re v e r y p r o u d o f th e y o u n g m a n y o u h a v e b e c o m e . Y o u r fa m ily P r o v e rb s 3 :5 -6
Taylor [Life]
A list [Army]
Alise, "To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream not only plan but also believe." -Anatole France. We are so very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad, &Jacob
T ay lo r... "W hat lie b e h in d us a n d w hat lies b efo re us a re tiny m atters c o m p ared to w hat lies w ithin us." -R alph W aldo E m erson W e a re so p ro u d o f you. O u r love always, M om an d D ad
Taryn [Moore]
Derek, T h e Lord bless you, and keep you: T h e Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: T he Lord life up his countenance to you, and give you peace. Numbers 6: 24-26 W e're proud of you! Peace, Love and Happiness to you Always, Mom, Dad, Lauren & Jaime
[T aryn, W e a re so p ro u d o f th e b eautiful lyoung lady you have becom e-bo th inside land out. W e know G od has am azing things [planned fo r you (J e r.2 9 :11). W e love you dearly! M om a n d D ad
Kflti [Frazier]
Joel [Smith]
Joel, We are so proud of our youngest Jedi. And remember- "DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY." Let God guide your path and you will always succeed. We love you- Mom and Dad
Tyler [ McKeever]
Always rem em b er th a t n o m a tte r w h ere you are , n o m a tte r how close o r far, I will always love you! T y ler,
B ubba
Y ou a re such an incred ib le young man I h ope you find yo u rself years from now , it's w h ere you've w an ted to be, an d
a n d we c o u ld n 't b e p ro u d e r. H u rry and
yo u 're follow ing th e d ream s we c o u ld n 't reach h ere.
g et th a t b each house! Love,
Je n
M om , D ad an d Kyleigh
Kati [Frazier]
Always o u r ray of sunshine...a tiny beam of light breaks through a window, bright eyes pop open...that bubbly personality blesses our day. A loving spirit, always full o f hugs and kisses...a compassionate servant's heart...a smile that can brighten any day...God has plans for you! ( Je r 29:11) Lean not on your own understanding (Prov 3:5-6). Seek his will in ALL you do! You are o u r pride and joy. Love, Momma & Daddy
Megan [FemandeZj
Pelie. R em em b er th e key to success in life is to slick to God's plan and you have a life filled w ith wisdom , know ledge, understanding, an d th e stren g th to p rotect those special gifts. W e love you very m u ch a n d a r e p ro u d o f you. Love, M om ,D ad, S ister.G randm a, a n d G randm asita
2008-2009 [Derrick] Yearbook Staff katy [bodenliorii].......... julia [raymond]............. •••.[asst. editor] brittany [ziegenbein] lauren [rios] hope [duke] linda [berreles] melissa [diehl] melissa [drage] kasi [bailey] katrina [pham] allie [saville] "■ brad [garratt] beth [bodenhorn] rylee [davis] codv rgonzalezl ..... [advisor] mandy [reed] J
L o