Student Life ..........................4 A ca d e m ics.......................... 42 Sp o rts................................... 72 Organizations ................. 100 P e o p le ............................... 120 In d e x ................................. 186
WILD SURF PUNKS, Chris Southerland and Darius McCracken, seniors, display their WILD SIDE at the wipe out pep rally. *Photo by Jody Ewing
Burkburnett High School 109 Kromer Rd. Burkburnett, Texas 76354 817-569-1411 Enrollment 943
JUNIOR CLASS SHOWS the enthusiostic Bulldog spirit of the wipe-out pep roily. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
INVADING THE CAMPUS sixth grade students like Spencer Wade could be seen flipping around the school. ‘ Photo by Jodie Mdlrorh
COMPARING HAIR STLYES Chuck Shovers, Cody Goode, ond Keldo Roskom, seniors, work on the senior homecoming float, "Grease." ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
w f and fac S tudents ulty began the year not knowing w h en or w h e re school would be held. Junior high renovation forced school administra tors to m ove the sixth grade students into the high school math wing. Moth classes were forced to move info tem porary buildings in the bock parking
lot. Sixth graders could be seen run ning, jumping, and flipping around the compus. With oil the t e m p o r a r y c h a n g e s , th in gs were rother wild. Implecorion of a new athletic pro gram, increased the enthusiasm of the student body. The slo gan " O ra n g e and Black Arrack," wos evidence that
we were going to begin taking o new walk. The students hod on attitude that mode oil activities, g o o d an d b a d , seem more excit ing. The informal year wos not just a normal walk down the beaten path; in ste a d , it wos A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE. *Jody Ewing
ORANGE AND DLACK AT TACK, the new slogan, was diplayed at the first season's gome in lowo Park. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
DRESSED FOR SURFING, Vance Morris, senior, presents his yearbook design to the Derrick Staff.
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aving no single trendsetter to follow, students diversified and tried new ideas. As all the new ideas em erged, school took on a life of its own. For exam ple, students enjoyed ideas such as hairstyles with shoved ports of the head, carry-out personal pizzas for lunch and portable buildings for moth classrooms. From the alarm clocks to the bed times, from the hair styles to the shoe styles, from September to June, students found numerous w ays to break the monotony and odd excitement to their high school lives. Student life took a sharp turn as students dared to walk on the WILD SIDE. *Susie Burks
GIVING A TWIRL to her loshes. Carmen Castillo, senior, is caught primping before drill teom practice, just to achieve thot WILD look. ‘ Photo by Susie Qurks
NEVER BEEN . . . Quite like this fN uring a year of changes and reform s, stu d en ts showed their true colors of spirit ond commaradare. Because the jun ior high building was under construc tion, the sixth grad ers moved into the math w ing. The high school moth teachers used the portable buildings on the back parking lor for their class rooms. The high school students, though a little ap prehensive ot first, w e lc o m e d the young students to the compus.
FtHISHING THE WALL. Dote Srubbtefietd, junior, marks that "something good is happening ot BHS." ‘ Photo by Susie
Despite the devi tle red wagons, as ations from the reg e v e ry class fried ular doily patterns, their hand at creat school spirit and ing a winning entry. pride continued to All competition be swell am ong the tween the classes students. To begin s t a y e d on th e his first year as head friendly level, and coach, Coach Wat the support of the son created a con football team re test to involve the m ained an initial c o m m u n ity ; if goal. asked the citizens to Though these are enter their ideas for only a few of the a team slogan. The happenings, many student body made different changes the final decision, and events shaped which was "Orange the course of the and Black Attack.” year. Somehow the This slogan soon op- school and its spirit p e a r e d e v e r y have never been where. Homecom q u ite lik e th is. ing floats succeeded *Joelle Koncelik a second year on lit
TAKING THE RIDE of his life, Mr.Terry Phillips is pushed by Jeff Ports, sen io r .in th e NHS chuckwogon entry in the wheelbarrow race ot the Northside gome pep roi ly. ‘ Photo by Jomes Phil lips
D IS P L A Y IN G HER SCHOOL spirit, Mrs.Jon Atchley wears o t-shirt bearing the "O ro n ge and Block Attack" motto. •Photo by Susie Burks
PORTABLE MATH WING is just one example of how changes altered school life. ‘ Photo b y Jodie Mcllrorh
Sfudenf Life y
en io rs took advantage of their lost year to d e v e l o p their lives before grad uation. Each per son had to choose which route they would end up tak ing in life. No mat ter which d e ci sion, e v e r y o n e to o k ....................
John Cline
< Student Life
D ana M cGrow
Todd Bishop
Chris Robertson
Mario Moore
Student Life
WITH HER COMPACT in hand. Julie Stephens, senior, points her lips fire engine red jusr ro get "that” look. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
UTILIZING HER LIGHTED mirror, DeeDee Contwell, junior, thickens her eye lashes ro complete her moke up routine. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
Student Life
CAUGHT FIXING HER hair, Kristi Whittaker, senior, uses her tongue-in-cheek expression ro show her frustration with uncoop erative hoir. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
Beauty & Beast ifh a hunW d r e d places to be and very little time to get there, the quest for fashion was o frenzied search for the unusual and wild. Fashion was an essential value that evolved into an art form. How ever, students went through the moon ond bock to look the way that they
did. Girls, in search of just the right look, hod their hair per manently waved, bought curling irons ond hot rollers ond spent their extra money on new cos metics. The guys, not to be outdone, lift e d w e ig h ts , shoved the sides of their heods ond moussed the hair that they hod left.
WITH THE LENSES of junior Devono King’s mirrored sunglasses, Kelly Griffin, junior, corrects her both ersome contacts. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
It wos in the midst of the fre n z ie d quest that fashion evolved into on art form, but it wos on ly offer students worked so hard to look like they did. Joelle Koncelik
SPORTING HIS HAIR par tia lly sh o v e d , C o d y Goode, senior, quietly observes the junior var sity football gome that is in progress. ‘ Photo by Jodie Mcllroth
Student L ife ^ I
Are we having fun yet? ctivities start ed right oway os the football seoson be gan on the first Fri day. The first few weeks come and went, and every one was left asking w here tim e hod gone. Pep rallies were not os spirited initially os they hod been in the past; however, spirit soon
Student Life
manifested itself in the student body. Other eorly activi ties, such os home co m in g , ca u se d school spirits to soar. By the time Christ mas break arrived no one seemed to know how it hod appeared so quick ly. By the tim e prom danced into everyone's thoughts, students
were asking, "Are w e h o v in g fun yet?" Time went by so quickly thot no one hod thought about whether or not a n y o n e else w as h o vin g fun. They just knew that they w ere going with the the rimes, and those tim es seemed to be the b e st tim e s y e t. •Susie Burks
WITH THEIR PILLOWS In orm, Krista Miller and Korhy Homilron, sophomores, leod the woy to the band bus for the Cleburne football gome. •Photo by Susie Burks
WRAPPING FOR SRIPIT Cody Goode ond Jody Ewing represent the senior doss ot the wipeout pep roily. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
TAKING A BREAK from rhe books, economics teacher, Mr. Phillips, en joys a gome of Monop oly with his doss to dem onstrate rhe principles of economics. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
A D M IRIN G HER CRE ATION, Julie Antwine, senior, checks out the looks of 'Sandy G John ny' during the construc tion of the homecoming floor. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
CHECKING ON STUDENTS walking behind them, Ju lie Stephens ond Terry Schmidt, rush to doss durin g ro in y w e o th e r. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Student Life^^
RINSING AFTER BRUSH ING, Jeff Walker, soph omore, hurries fo corch
HAVING NO BREAKFAST, Tonyo Williams, senior, munches apple Pop-torts on the w a y to class. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing FINISHING HIS HOME WORK, Charles Perry, senior, solicits help from Renee Berry, sopho more, and Darius McCrocken and Gina Go m ez, seniors, before school. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Student Life
his ride to school before the fordy bell. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
MORNINGS Mad minutes of day rom fhe sound L T of the olaim 1 clo ck to the sound of fhe morn ing fordy bell, stu dents rushed from b e d to s c h o o l. Some rushes includ ed taking showers, eating breakfast, driving to school ond preparing for the first class. For others it included doing homework, takin g m o ke up tests, ta lk in g to friends, and catch
ing the bus. In general, those who awoke before 8:15 A.M. hurried less than those who awoke later. Morn ing routines varied from student ro stu dent, as some stu d e n ts h ad ze ro hour, while some hod late arrival. "When you have zero hour you lose one hour of sleep and you're more tired," Chris Draper, sophomore, said.
VOTING FOR MOTTOS, Robert Ludwig, sopho m o re , o n d J a m e s McMahon, senior, use their morning time to participate in a spirit rais er. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
"You try to sleep just a little longer, so then you're more rushed to make if on tim e." *Susie Burks
WITH LITTLE TIME left to get ro school. Dee Dee Cantwell, junior, blow dries her hoir in a rush. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Student Life1^
EXPRESSING MIXED EMO TIONS offer the Disney spec tacular routine at the last home gam e, Liz Key, Sheila Landrum, Marla Moore, and Sheri Ostrom stand with the other seniors presented dur ing halftim e. ‘ Photo b y James Phillips C O M BIN G T R A D IT IO N A L CHEERS with a new and un usual props, created a new look for the cheerleaders. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
DISPLAYING SPIRIT STICK ERS during the football season, Allyson Atchley and Mindy Goode solicit sales before the bell rings In senior hall. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
DANCING AND BOPPING to the bear, Joelle Koncelik, Kristen Cornelius, and Chuck Shovers promote the senior float at the pep rally. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
REVENGE FEELS GREAT to Coach Koulavotos who throws the pie in the face of C oach Donny Nix. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
■A WILD ATMOSPHERE could be felt of ?fhe beginning of the school year. I ’ Photo by Jody Ewing [ c e l e b r a t in g AMERICAN FREEDOM durI ing the 200th anniversary of the signing I of the Constitution, Tracy Bright, KenIneth Herman, Mark Jensen, Jody Ewling, Brod Myers, Jeff Fox, and Sara I Denner pledge their allegiance to the I flog. ’ Photo by Steven Schoffner CKEY AND COMPANY perform ot Iftim e during the Hirschi gam e, lioto by Trey Morris
Crossing over
he range of events that in triq u e d our liv e s sparked a sense of dedica tion to m oke this the WILDEST year of our life. An array of new spirit, cre ated by the implication of o new a th le tic d ire cto r, brought about many new slogans, sayings, ond tradi tions leading to o determin ing otfitiude to moke things go wild. The traditions continued but with on extra flare of unique style. The student b o d y p a r tic ip a te d in celebrating the 200th anni versary of the signing of the
BOO! DESCRIBES IT oil during the week of Halloween when the Stu dent Council decorated the halls with lights, spooky music, and spider webbs. 'Photo by Jody Ewing
Student Life
Constitution by dressing up in red, white and blue. The Drill team paid special tribute to Wolf Disney's 50th anniver sary by choreographing o tremendous routine. The halls were vividly dec orated through out the year by the student council. In Oc tober the gobblins come out while in December good ol' Santa and his reindeers decked the halls. Throught the year, the change was evident that we were definitely on A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE. *Jody Ewing
IMPROVING OUR CAMPUS, Mr. I Lawson, beautification chairrr carries a shrub to plant In fron the cafeteria. 'Photo by Trey Mi
RED, WHITE & BLUE cover the halls while Jodie Mcllroth, Craig Wlnsor, ond Srocey Patrick cel ebrate the signing of the Con stitution. 'Photo by Trey Morris
ESTABLISHING NEW TRADITIONS, the football team, cheerleaders, ond coaches stand and listen to the fight song offer o defeat from the Hlrschi Huskies. 'Photo by James Phillips
FRESHMEN PLACE SECOND, os J. D Cockorell and Chris Boudy show off the freshmon homecoming floor, ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
OH HEAVENLY DOG was the sopho more homecoming floor theme; which won third place and was displayed by Kyle Owen, Stacey Porrick, and Kim Hawkins. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
5*0*? Love The
Bulldogs J
I'LOVE THE BULLDOGS" is what Trocy \doms computed on the juniors float Revenge of the Nerds. ‘ Photo by Susie Durks
STANDING AT ATTENTION, senior drill teom member, Jamie Howard pre pares for the homecoming pre-game activities. ‘ Photo by Steven Schaffner
RESHMEN PLACE SECOND, os J. D lockorell and Chris Boudy show off the eshmon homecoming floor. *Phoro iy Susie Burks
OH HEAVENLY DOG wos fhe sopho more homecoming floor theme; which won third place ond wos displayed by Kyle Owen, Stacey Porrick, ond Kim Howkins. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
LOVE THE BULLDOGS” is whot Tracy dams computed on the juniors floor evenge of the Nerds. ‘ Photo by Susie urks
STANDING AT ATTENTION, senior drill teom member, Jamie Howard pre pares for the homecoming pre-gome activities. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
Sheila Landrum Cody Goode
Juliet Mdlrath Vance Morris
Kelda Roskam Charles Perry
Kristen Cornelius Todd Dishop
Today's Menu Lg. Pizza . . . $9.95 Hamburger . $1.40 Burrito $ .85 French Fries •$ 65 Hof Dog . . . $ .85 Sundae . . . . $1.09 Candy Bcr . $ .42
EATING IN CARS pleases Laura Schroeder, senior, as she receives her ham burger or the Sonic DriveIn. *Phoro by Jody Ewing
READING THE FIRST issue of the Bulldog Times, Pam Roy, editor, enjoys her lunch break. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Student Life
DRIPPING MOZZARELLA CHEESE, Tina Ortiz, soph omore, enjoys o fast car ry out pizzo. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
VING IN STYLE, "Johnny G y ” cruise to the pep roily the help of Senior Class dent Jody Ewing. ‘ Photo by Burks
MOMENT OF JO Y, for home coming queen Juliet Mcllroth ond king Cody Coode, os the couple is presented to the fans. •Photo by Steven Schoffner
HOMECOMING Glows through rain
^ Jlo w in g wifh oil its tra dition ond excitement, homecoming highlighted the schedule of foil events. Events started at the be ginning of hom ecom ing week with the starting of the float building. Based on the rheme, ''m o vies,'' each class constructed its float on a little red wagon. Cruising into first place, the seniors built o red ’57 Chevrolet convert ible to symbolize their mov ie choice, "Grease." The freshman class knocked off second place with their "Rocky" entry. Using o real English bulldog, the sopho mores came in third with their "Oh Heavenly Dog" entry, while the juniors' brainchild, "Revenge of the Nerds," computed in or
fourth place. Halftime highlighted the events of the game with the presentation of the classes princes and princesses and the crowning of the king and queen, Cody Goode and Ju liet Mcllrath. Despite the rained on loss to the Vernon Lions, students continued enjoying their evening in the Community Center at the final home coming event, the dance, sponsored by the Student Council. Even wifh the surprise roins during the gam e, homecoming glowed with its past traditions ond cere monies, and came alive, once again, wifh all the spirit that the student body had to offer. *Susie Burks
ARRANGING HER MUM, Keri Cely. sophomore, receives help from Allyson Atchely ond Mindy Goode, sophomores. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
PRINCESS AND PRINCE ore junior Jodie Mcllrath, freshman Jeff Martin, sophomores Soroh Sternodel ond Timothy Summers, ond freshman Kosey Johnson. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
Student life
After hours Students stay involved T h e final school I bell did not sig nal on end, but o beginning. It started with a mod dash to the lockers, then o scurrying moss of people rushed to the parking lot. Eve ryone separated, going his own direc tion to whatever or wherever he con sidered important. S o m e of th e things students en joyed doing were catching m ovies, making the drag.
R E X A L IN G AFTER SCHOOL, Nicole Eleozer, senior, takes rime to en joy o Coke or the Eosy Shop. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik STUDYING FOR EXAMS. Jeff Fox, ond Jeff Ports, seniors, spend rime pre paring for the DIG TEST' ‘ Photo by Mike Droziel
Student Life
going bowling, go ing doncing, ond ta kin g sh o p p in g trips. Regardless of the person, some thing was alw ays available from en tertainment to the more serious route of working on offer school job or doing homework. M any ad va n tages come from af ter hours activities. "They give you o ch a n ce to e a rn some money ond be on your own,"
Mike Fortner, se nior, said. Still another view point wos, "Y o u con go out ond hove fun without al ways being told to be quiet," Felitio Lee, freshmon, said. It did not seem to matter who or how old the student wos, many woys were found to stay in v o lv e d o ffe r h o u r s . * J o e II e Koncelik
Leisure and lunacy
verydoy, fourth L h hour brought a period of 30 min utes of leisure or lun o c y th a t w a s known os lurtchtime, during which students either ote on campus or off campus. Those who ate in the cafeteria chose between the meal of the day and the snack bar. Those choosing to dine off campus ate at the various eat ing establishments
FIN ISH IN G HIS M ILK SHAKE in the Ag born, Todd Wood, senior, uses his lunch period to take o break from it all. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
in the community, or they went home. Those students who left the cam pus felt the time crunch of having on ly half of an hour to go, ear and return. "I go off campus for lunch, ond it seems like there are al ways two carloads of people in front of me that cause me to waif even longer to e a r ," S h e ila Atkinson, senior, said. Whatever the
choice, each stu dent found his or her ow n unique w ay of spending the thirty-minute break in the day. *Susie Burks
COMPLETING HER MEAL in the cofererio, Brooke Obenosky, sophomore, eots her ice creom sand wich. ’ Photo by Stocey Patrick
SHARING A SHAKE, Jesse Williams, junior and Car men Ortiz, sophomore, enjoy some time togeth er. ‘ Photo by James Phil lips AFTER RECEIVING CANES. Morfi Chuculote, sopho more, wolks her odmirer, Chucky Clemondor, senior, to doss. ‘ Photo by Shree Sisupo
Student Life
ACCEPTING AN INVITA TION. Carmen Ortiz gives Jesse some positive reassuronce. ‘ Photo by James Phillips
GETTING THAT LO O K, April Dougherty, junior, o n d C in d y C o m e r lin,freshman, shop for fhe p erfect outfit ot Suzannes. ’ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
SELECTING PERFECT EN TERTAINMENT, Aoron Johnson, freshmon, se lects o video movie to w atch with his pols. •Photo by Joelle Konce lik
PREPARING FOR SPEECH, Art Deosley, freshmon, ond Joelle Koncelik, se nior, spend mony o hour sorting through informa tion. ’ Photo by Mike Droziel
EARNING A BUCK. Melisso C orden os, senior, takes Liso Zrowko, junior, o rd e r or th e D a iry Queen. ’ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
Student Life
Life brings annoying A
dding an element of conti nuity to everyday life, habits helped students to fe e l more familiar with their surroundings. Though h ab its went mostly unno ticed, they g a v e the students a sense of familiarity. Habits ranged from a fa vorite lunch place to a favorite soft drink to a cruise aroung the drag.
Some students ad mitted to consum ing too much sugar, biting their nails, d a y d r e a m in g in class, overeating, g o ssip in g, b e in g negative, procrasti nating, and the list continued. Though some habits were healthier than oth ers, students decid ed that they would have felt insecure without the calming routines.
”My worst habit is probably wasting time," Brian Jensen, junior said.'l begin on a project and end up read in g, which for me is usu ally more enjoya ble.” As t h e y s a id , "W hen the going g o t t o u g h ; th e tough went shop ping, bit their nails, h eard the latest gossip, procrastinat e d . . . " *Susie Burks
DOING SOME TOUCHUPS, W e n d y N e e le y , sophom ore, perform s fhe hobif of fixing her make-up between doss es, o rituol common to m any girls. ‘ Photo by Steven Shaffner
Student Life
Special friends create
Lasting memories \ V / h e th e r exT T citemenf or companionship, fun or friendship, dating played an impor tant part of high school. Both rela tionships and friend ships made going out entertaining. First there were the relationships. The couples that stay together re
WITH INQUIRING MIND. Jesse Williams, ask Car men Ortiz to go out with him ‘ Photo by James Phillips
gardless of circum stances. A special bond was created which involved a mutual understand ing based on faking long walks, holding hands, arguing, and making up. A ls o , s p e c ia l friendships w ere started. Those were relationships where som eone was al
ways there to talk to, someone ready to listen to a prob lem, and someone to call a friend. No matter into which category the relationship fell, dot ing played an im portant role in the lives of the students. *Joelle Koncelik
P O N D E R IN G M O V IE CHOICES. Scott Patrick and Je a n n a M eyers, seniors, scan the adver tisem ents. ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
Student Life /
CARRING OUT GROCER IES at United gives Keith Dell, senior, o chance to earn o few extra bucks after school. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris WAITING FOR CUSTOM ERS Shoron Lewallen, se nior, displays her friendly e m p lo y e e o rtitu d e . ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
POPPING WITH INTEREST. Jennifer Williams, fresh m an, and R e b e cca G raves, senior, pops bubbles while catching a basketball game. ‘ Photo by Susie Durks
HABITUALLY IN CONVER SATION, Scott Patrick, se nior, ties up his porents line ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
FIGHTING IMPENDING BOREDOM, Kafhie Besher, freshman, enjoys her happy habit. ‘ Photo by Bonnie Brewer
ADDICTED TO CAFFEINE, Christi McAlister, junior, and Melissa Cardenas, senior, enjoy their soft drinks at the Coke ma chines. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
Student Life
Wild Side Footprints
Footprints make impressions For the second year, the Derrick staff asked the stu dent body to select the winners of spe cial awards, which w ere ca lle d the Footprint awards. These winners left the strongest im pressions on the stu dent body in their
Student Life
respective catego ries. The results were kept secret until publication. Now the Derrick staff identifies the Footprint awards. The wildest hair w as com bed by Kevin Carpenter and Kristin Ranilla, sophom ores. The
media messengers were rumored to be seniors Jody Ewin g a n d J o e l l e Koncelik, and that rumor was true. Se nior Donna Camerlin ond sophomore Robert Lu dw ig charmed their way into the fickle flirt spots, while junior
Heather Andersen and senior Vance Morris tickled the fancy of the student body so much that they were the jovi al jokers. Keeping in fash ion, seniors Chris Gil bert and Liz Key w ere stylishly vogue. Junior
Jam es Henderson and freshman Ro c h e l l e Manuel were the dynamic dancing duo, and freshman Jana Al brecht and senior Cody Goode were the most athletic students around. *Susie Burks
Making Mad $$Money$$ n order fo ad vance in a moferiolistic society, som e students worked port time for extra money. This money afford ed some students extra cosh for cars, clothes; dates, gas and spending mon ey. On a more se rious side, some stu d e n t s u se d the
DUSY AT WORK Dovid Rariden, junior, rings up the de portment number of mer c h a n d i s e at Wal -Mart . ’ Photo by Trey Morris
money to pay the insurance payments on their cars, os well os ro save for col lege and to build o bonk account. "I work port time be cause I wont to," Regina Anderson, junior, commented. ” 1 like having the ex tra m o n e y to spend without hav ing to osk my par-
ents for it." Working while still in high school gave students extra spending money and, ot the same tim e, p r e p a r e d them for the future. *Deanna Houk
READING THE LABELS, Jody Ewing, senior, de cides which bottles need ro be stocked on the shelves. ’ Photo by Mike Broziel
Student Life
Mr. & Miss DHS Keldo Roskam
Cody Goode
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Cody Goode Juliet Mdlrath
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Charles Perry Gina Gomez
Vance Morris Kelda Roskam
All School Hondsome & Beauty Dale Stubblefield
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Timothy Summers Kelda Roskam
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Finalists ♦Photos by Stacey Patrick
Matt Summers Keldo Roskam
Jody Ewing Sheila Landrum
Jeff Potts Pam Roy
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Charles Perry Gfoa Gomez
Cody Goode Kristen Cornelius
Brooke Hayes Sheila Landrum
All School Favorites Vance Morris
Heather Andersen
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Michael Ivory Dale Stubblefield
Vance Morris Kelda Roskam
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Student Life
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Lewpyne Battles Michelle Conroy
Jeff Martin Kasey Johnson
Sophomore Favorites
Michoei Whaley;
Carmen Ortiz
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ACADEMICS ith classes sometimes hard to find and to reach on time because of all the portable buildings, academ ic life appeared to be on the wild side. How ever, students and teachers were flexible, and they did settle down to a year of learning. The freshmen learned what it w as like to be in high school classes, which terrified some. The sophomores felt more at home seeing familiar faces in the halls, while the juniors studied for their college entrance exam s. Standing on the threshold of graduation, seniors faced new graduation requirements. For their final year many seniors were preparing for college, and others w ere laying back and raking it easy. Academics, the major but hard part of school life, w as nec essary for everyone to prepare for the future. *David Canter
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Who's Who
Christopher Robertson Social Studies — Midwestern — History "He hos o deep, strong, interest in his tory. In fact, he knows more about history than any high school student I hove ever known.” Mr. Jim Sternodel
Seventeen students earned the Who's Who award, which names them as the most outstanding senior student in that depart ment. Teachers selected them on the basis of achievemnet, attitude, and scholastic ability
Becky Fagan Marketing — Southwestern — Phar maceutical engineering "Becky hos done o super job in mar keting for two years. She hos won the Area DE. CA. contest lost year ond won first in state in General Merchandise." Mr. Troy Stewart
Jody Ewing Speech ond Drama — Texas A&M — Political Science "Jody's strong leadership abilities ond his participation in mony activities ore sure ro guronree him o successful fu ture.” Mr. Jerry Pink
Dione Mitchell Home Economics — Midwestern — Psychology "She is o well rounded person in all areas of school, and has token six courses In the home ec. deportment in the lost four years while maintaining a A overage." Mrs. Poulo McNeil
WILD FLAMES ARE bursting in fronr of juniors Parry Murillo's ond Niro Riggin s eyes in chemistry lob. *Phoro by Mike Droziel
Mark Jensen English — Brigham Young — Com puter Engineering "Mark, who Is a clean-cut, intelligent, mannerly young man with a sense of humor and fairness, is self-motivated and loves to learn." Mrs. Donna Clampltt
Von Nguyen Science — Midwestern — Science "She has on extremely good attitude and is always posifve ond willing to try her best. Because she constonfly gives 100%, Von always will be a success." Mrs. Shelley Sweatt
Mott Summers Foreign Language — University of Tex as — Liberal Science "Matt, who has exceptional ability, shows outstanding academic perfor mance, because he is always prepared for a challenge, meets up with respon sibility and class expectations." Mr. Lonnie Womack
Kelda Roskam Choir — Southwestern — Music ond Business "She has as much potential to achieve her goals in Music Education as any person that I have taught." Mrs. Jon Atchely
Pom Roy Journalism — W ayland Baptist — Sec ondary Education "Winning the national Quill and Scroll News award, placing first in district UIL feature writing, and second in the state Texas Press Women's contest indicate Pam's outstanding journalism talents." Mrs. Anne Gillespie
Vonesso McCormick Athletics — West Virgino — Cosmeology 'Vanessa has the gualifies of an athlete ind a student. She has what every oach looks for in an athlete, but few ire fortunate to find.” Coach Linda Richards
Brian Jones Business — Texas A&M — Marketing "He will be successful because he has o good attitude, excepts challenges, is conscientious, ond has obtained a good business ond academic background." Mrs. Jeon McNabb
Roger Blackmon Trade and Industry — Vernon Regional Junior College — Auto ond Diesel Me chanics "Roger has shown the ability to adapt to any challenge. He has displayed the initiative ond the reasources to reach his goals.” Mr. David Ress
Cosey Gohogon Vocational Agriculture — Tarleton — Agriculture Education "He has shown outstanding leadership ability as chapter president for two years, as a district officer and as an active member in Texas Club Lamb Association.” Mr. Jake Fite
Cody Goode
tthletics — University of Oklahoma — ihysical Education jCody cares about his school, teampates, and is also active in other ac uities. He is a very enjoyable athlete p coach because he works so hard." Coach Jerry Watson
WAITING FOR BUS. Jody Ewing. Susie Burks, Pom Roy. ond Trey Morris, seniors, look forward to competing in journalism a t TWU in D e n to n . •Photo by Mrs. Gillespie
LOADING THE BUS, Chris Robertson, senior, assist Jacquie Martin, freshman with her uniform bog. •Photo by Susie Burks
Laura Schroeder Band — Midwestern — Education "Laura has determination, dedication, willingness to help others, and mony musical ideos. She is also o first class young person, who is o fine model for others.” Mr. Ben Hoaldridge
Renae Mills OEA — Midwestern — Education "She is not only dependable, coop erative, ond loyal, but also has on ex cellent attitude, work habits, and ini tiative. She meets all the qualities of o good office em ployee." Mrs. Wanda Smith
Spirit Award n loving memory of Feme Bloodworth, a special oword hos been established to annually honor o jour nalism student with outstanding ded ication, service ond achievement. Mrs. Bloodworth, o former speech, dromo, English, ond journalism teach er, sponsored the paper from 1969 to 1977. Under her leadership "The Spir it" ond its staff won numerous store awards ond set new trends in Texas high school journalism. The first Feme Bloodworth Journal ism Spirit Award honored Jody Ewing, Derrick editor for two years. Breaking the mold of o basic picture book with innovative graphic layouts, Jody brought the latest trends in year book design to his staff. Also, to con vert the copy shipping method to computer, Jody found it neccessory to work mony nights until midnight in the journalism room. While Jody l-o-v-e-s his publication, he is also like Mrs. Bloodworth in that he is involved in numerous important tasks like speech, drama, student council, ond in his senior class os its president. — Mrs. Anne Gillespie — adviser
Nam Nguyen Mathematics — University of Texas — jlecrrical Engineering IfNam, who possesses o quiet deter1nination to succeed at whatever he loes, is not satisfied with just doing his vork. He is inquisitive ond intellectually 1lifted." Mr. Bon Brown
"Jody spenf more hours on This publication and shouldered more responsibilities than any other student editor I hove seen in m y 10 years of teach ing.” Mrs. Anne Gillespie
Music odds class Melody + Harmony = Creative flow
ideos, ropes, ond compact disks blast wild mu sic with different b e a ts, b e c a u s e young people love music. It is the ulti mate social activity of h igh sch o o l teenagers. The bond, choir, ond drill team oil hove one thing in common, "m usic," the internotionol language. These organiza tions show their tal ents by expressing themselves with ei ther pitching their
vo ices to music, ploying musical in struments, or chore ographing ond per form ing routines. Although music is the bases of these groups, they each still work differently with it. Doth the bond and choir concen trate on vario u s styles of music by creating a flowing sou nd b e tw e e n melody ond harmo ny, while maintain ing o perfect bal ance with rhythm ond tempo.
"W e fa k e o piece of music and work on making it m o re e x tr a o rd i nary,'' Troy York, senior drum major soid. Probably, the on ly difference be tw een the bond ond choir is that bond works with tuning instruments ond the choir works with toning voices together. "Learning to sing a song cor rectly in harmony, deriving pleasure in performing it, and gaining on appreci
CHOIR singing tion of •Photo
STUDENTS ENJOY under the direc Mrs. Jon Archely. by Mike Broziel
ation for music is our g o a l, " Mrs. Jon Atchley soid. O n th e o th e r hand, drill team is m ore co n cern e d with counting out e a ch and e v e ry b o d y m o ve m e n t and sfrenghtening the level of perfor mance with style, grace, ond person ality. "The more excit ing and fast paced the music, the bet ter we dance," Liz K e y, Babes' cap tain, said. *Deanna Houk
TAKIN G A NAP Mike Fortner, senior, reloxes on his woy to the New man Smith High School Speech and debate rourn a m e n t. ‘ P h o to b y Joelle Koncelik PRACTICING FOR SPEECH Jody Ewing, senior, helps Joelle Koncelik, senior, prepare for the compe tition. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Travel provides extra learning Since not all ac adem ic activities happened on cam pus, students took trips across the state to attend competi tions, workshops, and conventions. The speech team attended various high schools ond colleges for tourna ment action. UIL students trav
eled to Denton for training in the Fall. Journalism students traveled to conven tions which helped them to create bet ter publications. FTA had a large conven tion in February to elect new store of ficers. They per formed skits which helped decide the officers. The Spanish
Club p la n n e d a summer cruise to Mexico. Traveling to dif ferent schools and touring parts of Tex as were an impor tant part of learn ing. The trips were an all-around learn ing e x p e rie n c e . *David Canter
UIL HOPEFUL WINNERS traveled to the Fall UIL training conference in Denton at North Texas State University. •Photo by Mrs. Anne Gillespie
Academics _
How m any hours do you spend STUDYING for o TEST?
Freshmen .82 Hours Sophomores 1.27 Hours Juniors 1.12 Hours Seniors 1.26 Hours
JAMES PHILLIPS, SENIOR, contemplates the pho tography test answers. ’ Photo by Craig Winsor
SENIORS DRIAN JONES, Diane Mitchell, ond Juliet Mcllroth focus on their ca reer exploration rest. •Photo by Craig Winsor
DURING A HALF-rim e performonce, Jason Dol ton ond Tami Richards ploy their horns while C arrie G ro v e s, J. D. Crockorell, ond Michelle D ru g m o n n ro c k ro ''Rockin Robin." ‘ Photo by Croig Winsor
DRILL TEAM MEMBERS understand that before the performonce comes the practice. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
STANDING AT ATTEN TION, Freshmen Becky Costeen, Vicki Fore, ond Nikki Sleeper wait for rhe drum major’s command. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Academics ^
d e v e l o p in g a pictu re
fo r th e B u lld o g T im e s ,M ik e B r o z ie l c h e c k s th e c o n t a c t sheers. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS TRIPS out during a pho tography session. The students ore Stacey Pat rick, Stocye Ledbetter, Bonnie Brewer, Jam es Phillips, Trey Morris, Jodie M c lro th , S te ve n Schoffner, ond Croig Winsor. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Spread the word Journalism tells all
sin g m o re graphics, spof color, ond modular layouts, the journalism d e p o rtm e n t took a wolk on the wild side with Mrs. Anne Gillespie su pervising The B u lld o g Tim es staff pro duced eight issues. "Putting together a newspaper is a lot of hard work ond long hours, but it's
neot to see oil the things the staff con accomplish,'' Pom Roy, editor, soid. Photography stu dents learned to take pictures, to de velop film ond to moke prints. Those students who accepted the challenge of being on the yearbook stoff spent mony hours compiling this Derrick. Jody Ewing,
editor, atten ded two summer work shops. "The work shops taught me how to m oke o book that would not only please the student body, but olso w ould com pare to the best high school year books in the na tion,'' Jo d y soid. *Wendy Wilson
Victory or defeat? Students take various tests or some, rests ore the thrill of victory and for others they ore the agony of defeat. To prepare for o major test, some students spend mony long hours s t u d y i n g . " S o m e ne e d to study G t least on hour to two hours, but not oil in one ni g h t . I n s t e a d , spread it out over periods of nights,” Mrs. Shelly Sweott advises her science
students. Along with the many hours of study i n g c o m e the m ony different types of tests that ore taken during the school year. They include regu lar academic rests, such as scan tron, fill in the blank, true and false, multiple choice, and essay. Also, the guidance office administers the TEAMS test and the Stanford
Achievement Tests. To prepare for college juniors and seniors rest their skills on the ACT and SAT rests. These tests indicate a knowl edge of what stu dents know or what they don't know. Test taking doesn't end with graduation day, it's just the beginning of o lifetime of various test taking. *Shree Srisupa SNEAKING A PEEK? Soph omore Srocey Patrick looks os if she is trying to fin d o test a n sw e r. •Photo by Croig Winsor IN THE HALL isolored from e ve ryo n e , John Bishop, freshmon, takes his English make-up rest. •Photo by James Phillips
G IV IN G D IR E C T IO N S AROUND campus ro Jes se Loveless, sixth grader, is helpful junior Chad Crain. ’ Photo by Jodie Mcllrath
TRYING TO TEACH with out a blackboard, makes giving moth instructions hard for Mr. Eddie Man ning in the portable class room. ’ Photo by Jodie Mcllroth
YEARBO O K STAFF c e le b r a t e s N a tio n a l Yearbook Week. (Top row) Scotte Word, Vonce Morris, K.C. Howleff, De anna Houk, David Confer (middle) Joelle Koncelik, Wendy Wilson, Kristen Cornelius, Shree Srisupo, (front row) Nito Riggins, Jo dy Ewing ond Susie Burks. ‘ Photo by Mike Braziel
NEWSPAPER STAFF MEM BERS who ore relieved from meeting the dead lin e s o re A n g ie r Crow ford, Steven Albrect, Eileen Son Diego, Regino Anderson, Steve
Chism, Bill Hogberg, Pom Roy, Kim Howkins, Tino Ortiz, Down Goode, Rick Clorke ond sponsor Mrs. A n ne G ille sp ie ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
FIRST ISSUE OF the Bull dog Times for the year is inspected by Pom Roy, editor, ond staffers Kim Hawkins, Rick Clorke ond Tino Ortiz. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
YEARBOOK STAFF MEM BERS Nito Riggins ond Da vid Conter leorn to use the new yearbook com puter. ‘ Photo by Mike Broziel
Students + School =
omework, nor one of students' fovorite posrimes. goes with school like loces go with shoes! Through out the school yeor students hod their shore of homework. 5tudents often were disoppoinred to find rhor on the nights rhor they wonted ro parry, they hod stocks of
homework to be done. One senior, however, claimed nor to hove hod this problem. "This hos been my eosiest y e o r for h o m e work,'' Stan Theirgood said. "I usually didn't hove much ond when I did I'd do moybe half of it. Then I'd get bored so I'd go out! Ms. Frozier always as
signed the most homeowrk for me, but I usually man aged to get it oil done!" The rest of the stu dents monoged to do their homework, too. By sticking it out on the wild side and doing homework, sarisfoction was felt from everyone! *K. C. Howletf
ON THE GYM floor, junior Sheila Goff finishes up homeowrk before Dobe procrice *Phoro by Susie Burks
SENDING HIGH SCHOOL students to the portable buildings, junior high sixth graders. Spencer Wode and Omor Romero, try out the moth wing three years early. 'Photo by Jodie Mcllroth IN THE BOONDOCKS. Mr Ron Brown's geometry students do their work in o smoll trailer. 'Photo by Jomes Phillips
Learning in a box Math moves to trailer rooms unning from the 1^ trailers when ir I l w o s ra in in g , and perspiring when rhe trailers becam e unbeara bly stuffy and hot made having class in rhe portables an unforgettable and wild experience. The small com pact quarters of these rectangular areas were cram ped an d crowded. The trail ers were nor al ways the quietest place to be either, as rhe sound of
voices carried. The p o r t a b l e classrooms ap peared on rhe high school campus be cause rhe renova tion of rhe junior high building was nor finis hed on time. Therefore, the seventh and eighth graders were placed in rhe sixth grade building, and rhe sixth graders were moved to the high school math wing. This caused the math classes to be placed in the trailers.
Students will always remember seeing rhe little sixth graders parading around cam pus, ashing questions. It seemed as though these little people were nomads search ing for a place to sertle. As wild as life was with rhe p ort ab le rooms, they were a big part of school life. Without them who knows where rhe stu dents would ha ve been placed. *David Canter
IN A LAND far for owoy, marh srudenis meet in the portable classrooms which seem almost inac cessible 'Photo by Jodie Mcllroth
SHOW ING THE TECH NIQUES of greor defense, James Henderson, junior, guards Denmark Jensen, senior, in on all-year bas ketball drill. ‘ Photo by Mike Broziel
PREPARING FOR HALF TIM E ro u tin e , A n ita Owen instructs the Babes during first hour class. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
ON THE WAY ro school, sophomore Jeff Walker finishes his homework, hoping ro get oil of ir done! ’ Photo by Jody Ewing
SEN IO R C H ER YL EKIS does her science home work before first period. •Photo by Jody Ewing
R E LA X IN G IN P O O L, sophomore Jonine Hasse studies for a biology rest. •Photo by Craig Winsor
JA M M IN ON K E Y S , Scotte crams in lasr min ute homework on the computer, while Big Al ond Moose check it out •Photo by Susie Burks
How many PEOPLE hove been caught SLEEPING TAKING ADVANTAGE OF Mr. Tex Yeager's empty couch, sophomore Roslyn C he ney sneaks o quick nop. ‘ Photo by Jomes Phillips
Learning by Osmosis leep is one of America's fa S vorite pastimes
ond on essential el ement thot is really o major factor in every student's life. All students at one time or another hove hod to face one of those boring, stole cl ass es in which the only way t h e y con g e t
through the doss is to sleep through it. Even when one misses sleep ot bedtime he a l w a y s seems to catch up on it in class, even in those interesting dosses. The most com mon ex cu se for sleeping in closs was explained by junior Terry Overton. "I
sleep in closs be cause I usually stay up too lore talking on the phone," he said. H o w e v e r , no matter whot one's excuse is, sleep or o lack of it determines one's attitude and academ ic abilities e v e r y d a y ot school. *Nira Riggins
GYM TIME Students 'sweat' for grades
onsisting of two classrooms ond three gy m oreos, the g y m complex ployed o mojor role in aca demic life. Not only was the gym o site for both the girls' MAXXING OUT ON the weights, Aoron Johnson, freshmon, lifts the lood * P h o to b y S t e v e n Schoffner
ond boys' P.E. class es, but olso it was o place for health classes. During first hour the Babes used the gym to practice on their drillteom rou tines. Also, the vol leyball team prac ticed on skills os o class, just os the boys yeor round boskerboll closs did.
Since students were given written rests os well as skills tests e v e r y six w e e k s on whot they hod learned in closs, the gym com plex contributed in on important, differ ent, ond sometimes wild woy to aca demic life on cam pus. *Scorre Word
SWEATING FOR TIME, Scotty Roberts, junior, h o ld s ju n io r M orvin Smith s feet ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner FIRST GUY IN Burk to be in on all girls' heolth closs, Wes Fuller, senior, tries to concentrate in closs ‘ Photo by Mike Broziel
R ESEA R C H IN G IN LI BRARY, Brad Meyer ond Jeff Fox, seniors, prepore rheir Constitution poper. ‘ Photo by Mike Broziel
LO O KIN G UP BO O KS, Jody Ewing, senior, uses the card cotolog.‘ Photo by James Phillips
LEARNING THRILLS STU DENTS when it comes time for o lecture in Eng lish doss.
NOT EVEN DRAFTING closs con k e e p R e y Reyes, senior, awake.
C O L L A S P IN G A F T E R TRACK, Shone Gilbert, freshmon, corches some Zs.
EXH A U STED FRO M WORK, office ossisront, Michoel Brantley, senior, takes o snooze in Mr. Ye ager's office.
•Photos by Jomes Phillips
Self Expression Allows for development B
esides studying the essentiol ac ademic classes such as math and Eng lish, some students elected to fake cre ative academ ic classes such as art, drafting, speech, or dram a which al lowed them opporfunities at selfexpression. Art students ex pressed their artistic
i d e a s in w a t e r paintings, linoleum prints, and sketches. Drafting students related their talents on p a p e r with s c a l e s u s e d for pi c t o r ia l s. T h e y c o m p l e t e d hun dreds of pictorials a n d w o r k e d on housing diagrams. Speech and dra m a students e x pressed themselves
in speech contests, a c t i n g , a n d debates. Many won contests and a few qualified for state. Also, the drama stu dents perform ed the UIL one-act play "Green Pastures.” These a c t i v ie s helped students de velop their creative talents. *K.C. Howleft
CREATING DIFFERENT PIC TURES, Stan Thlergood, senior, finishes a drawing In art doss. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
SHOWING OFF TALENTS, Brad Nix sophom ore, ond Jenny Wiemer, jun ior present the steps of o theme paper. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris RESEARCHING ABOUT MUSIC, Chuck Coge, jun ior, reads information for his GT project. ‘ Photo by Sara Denner
Scooping to write dreaded
Reasearch Papers T
a k i n g no tes , writi ng e x e r cises, and answer ing essay tests are some forms of writ ing rhat students are faced with every day. Probably one of the most dread ed is writing the 500 word theme and the term research paper. The w o r d research often scares students, since it m eans a careful searching of a fact for the truth about a topic. In short, this calls for a some-
rimes troublesome reochers who ossign trip to the library for long writing assign locating inform a m e n ts h a v e o tion, taking reada ready ond good re b le a n d usefu l ply. "Writing o re notes, and devel oping an outline for search paper forces the report. Once students to get their this is completed, hands on different the notes must be kinds of material, organized ond o cross reference it, rough draft written. ond support an Students often arguement," Mrs. ask their English Dianna Dohuslov, teacher the some junior English teach question that Roby er, said. "Most im Potts asked; "Why portant, it teaches should I hove to students how to use write o research pa the library os o mas tered skill.' per?" Most English *Deanna Houk
LOOKING FOR MAGAZINES, Mike Former ond Mark Jensen .seniors, seorch for orricles. *Phoro by Jomes Phillips
Academics ^
Food for thought Taste budds teach culture ^11 cooking ond eating of school wos not confined to the lunchroom and the home econom ics lob. More and more teachers use food preparation to en hance learning in their various sub jects. Besides being o learning experi ence it usually turns out to be quire fun. For o cultural ex perience fhe for eign language closses cooked
s o m e t h in g from that native country. For o South of the border taste Span ish students cooked sopopios before Thanksgiving holi days ond served them topped with honey to faculty members. French students prepared crepes. Some "Fren ch Chefs" even adorned white hots ond practiced flip ping crepes. Of course, Home Ec. I
classes worked on c o o k i n g va r i o u s foods ond how to attractively serve them. In sociology doss students celebrated o United Notions cul tural day, and pre pared foods from mony notions. "All of t h e s e f o o d s brought the customs ond cultures of oth er countries more v i v i d l y to our m in ds ," Deonno Houk soid.*Dovid Confer
EN JO YIN G DELICIO U S F O O D Mr. W o m ack, tastes plaranos cooked by his students. ‘ Photo by Stocey Patrick
H E L P IN G PREPARE S O P A P IA S . Je n n y Wiemer, junior, opens o p a c k a g e of biscuits. •Photo by Mike Brozlel
IN DRAFTING CU SS. Dus tin Loveless ond David Mott w ork on scaled draw in gs. ’ Photo by Jomes Philips
RECITING THEIR LINES, the d ro m o d e p o r t m e n t preforms their play for the Head Start Program. ’ Courtesy photo
IN DEEP CON CENTRA TION. Mike Porvln, soph o m o re , m e a su re s a drafting layout. ’ Photo by Jomes Philips
DRAW ING A SKETCH. Shree Srlsupo, senior, contemplates on o new design. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
STUDYING THE SCREEN. James Henderson and Shawn Payne, juniors, practice using the com puter. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner NAMING SOM E C O L LEGES Mr. Bob Carpenter ond Mrs. Gloria Bond, counselors, show some requirements to sopho more Steve Ketchum. •Photo by Craig Winsor
Preparation for life Leads to m ore prom ising future esides learning the b asi cs, readin, 'riting, and 'rifhmic, students progressed through the last four years of their public edu cation, prepared in various ways for life after high school. For example, vo cational classes of fered training to stu dents with hands on working skills. These
vocational students learned how to re pair o car's body or e n g in e , how to draw plans, how to raise anim als, or how to farm In this new com puter age doto pro cessing and com puter classes prepared the stu dents for computer literacy in business and home usage.
Since most stu dents after high school becom e o parent, home ond family living dosses tau gh t pra ctical child core. To teach the students this re sponsibility, they took core of a "a baby e g g " for a week. *David Can ter
HELPING A FRIEND. An dre Dovis, senior, holds the pot for Jimmy Hall, junior. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
MAKING A CASSEROLE. Pepiro Dloz, senior, gets help from Mrs. Sue War ren. ‘ Photo by Trey Mor ris
PREPARING A SOPAPIA. P o u lo Irw in , ju n io r, watches as Young Chon, sophomore, assists Keith Curtis, junior, in cooking. •Photo by Mike Drozlel
SPORTS ith the arrival of the new coaches, one might say that sports was walking on the wild side. The adoption of the term "Dog Pride" and the new slogan "O range and Block Attack,â&#x20AC;? which cam e from the community contest, w ere two ideas Jerry Watson, athletic director, promoted. "I believe this school has great potential of having on excellent athletic program because of the attitude the students ho ve," Coach Watson said. The student body united together to give the sports program a new spirit. After every football gom e the cheerleaders. Babes, bond and football players met on the field for a moment of prayer and the ploying of the fight song. As a whole, the sports programs spread its wildly spirited attitude throughout the walk of life. *Vance Morris
UNDER THE HOOD Roger Blackm o n ond Joson Randolph, seniors, e x amine the motor.*Phoro by Trey Morris
LEARNING ECONOMICS P L A Y IN G M o n o p o ly Shorlo Collins ond Jennie McCallister, seniors, and
Kofhy Maddox, junior, listen to Mr. Terry Phil lips.‘ Photo b y Jam e s Phillips
SHAVING A STEER Lee Keep, junior, prepares the onimal for an oper ation. ‘ Phoro by Trey Morris
PROGRAMING THE COM PUTER are Vance Morris and Cody Goode, seni o rs.‘ Photo by Ste ve Schoffner
Taking a new
DIRECTION "It was a progressive change that will benefit the team for m any years to com e.” Cody Goode \ \ / irh new athletic director ” ond head football cooch Jerry Watson, the football team took o new direction. Coach Watson brought in many new ideas ond traditions such os the saying of the Lord's Prayer before ond after the gome ond the phrases "Orange ond Block Attack," ond "Dog Pride." Although the Bulldogs encountered o
HAVING A BREAK. Rob Johnson (10) quenches his thrisr. *Phoro by Trey Morris
tough season, they still man aged to keep their high spir its os they continued to strive toward victory. "In time, the coaching change will bring about mony good things for the team,” Charles Perry, senior fullback ond defensive end, said. "The program has a very promising future in store for if." *Vance Morris
STRETCHING FOR YARDS. Jeff Pirkle (30) obtains the first down against the Vernon Lions. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
LOOKING FOR OPENINGS. Stoney Srricklond (10) runs for o touch down.'Photo by Trey Morris
STOPPING THE OFFENSE. Orod Owen Conradge Drown (37), ond Thalmus Prejeon (67), get excit ed.'Photo by Trey Morris ( 4 4 ),
CABINING oicnHlmew the JV ot 5-4 ond the Doth freshmen ot 4-5 expe
rienced successful football seasons. The highlights of the JV season come when they de molished the Hirshi Huskies 48-6, ond when they over come a rough Mineral Wells Roms team 28-8. "The team was really en thusiastic this year which brought us a lor of wins,” D a ll a s Nunn, the JV quoterbock, soid. The freshmen, who tasted high school football for the
first rime, began o new scheduling system in which they went to athletics during third period for one hour ond returned or three-thirty for the remaining practice pe riod. "The scheduling was al right because the varsity cooches were out there and practice was over sooner in the evening," Brad Owen, freshman fullback, said. "I think we still would rather h o v e it sixth p e r i o d . " *Vance Morris
THE 1987
BULLDOGS VARSITY lowo Pork Carter Riverside Duncan Cleburne Northside Graham Vernon Hlrschi Mineral Veils Azle
Dogs 18 27 6 3 33 12 6 7 8 6
Opp. 25 6 0 14 0 20 31 41 6 28
"Our second seoson wos much more exciting ond enjoyable because w e were more prepared." — Mike Parvin isagreeable weather coached by Mr. Bob Carper. played havoc to both Although the team was the soccer ond golf teams as young, it matured greatly they attempted to practice over the course of the sea outdoors in the winter for son. The golf team, coach by their spring season. Bitter cold, snow, ond rain Mr. Ron Miller, also had a repeatedly forced them to promising season. The team indoor drills and meetings consisted of three girls ond during valuable practice six boys who chose to ven time. The golf course and ture to the golf course and soccer fields were often o attend after school practices. muddy mess. The team had many return Having to forfeit their first ing male golfers who of seoson last year for an in- fered a great deal of ex eligable ployer, the soccer perience to the team. This team hoped for a better combination produced a seoson. Four out of fifteen very hopeful and dedicated freshman made the team, team. *David Canter
PREPARING TO PLAY. Chris Souther land, senior, hunts in his golf bog for his tees ond golf bolls. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
STICKING THE MAN, Sean Harbour, senior, stops a Son Angelo ottocker. *Photo by Steven Schoffner
JUNIOR VARSITY lowo Park Wichita Falls Hirshi Rider Vernon Graham Vernon Hirschi Mineral Wells
Dogs 12 12 12 8 7 37 12 48 28
Opp. 00 14 6 14 13 25 6 8 8
FRESHMEN lowo Pork Wichita Foils Vernon Hirschl Graham Vernon Rider Wichira Falls Mineral Wells
DING FOR YARDS, Ramond ing (6) shakes off the defendlto by Trey Morris
ON THE RUN, Dallas Nunn (9) rrles ro escape the grasp of the defender.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Photo by Trey Morris
Dogs 20 20 8 7 7 2 8 28 6
Opp. 6 17 26 28 10 20 14 0 0
DETERMINATION Receives third place "Even though our young team didn't allow us to achieve os much this season, w e mointoined o winning attitude." Vanessa McCormick to start the season Having with only two returning
Varsity players, the Varsity volleyball team worked at a disadvantage. The Lady Bulldogs had an 11/10 record this season. They were 4 and 4 in district which put them in third place over all. "This year the team was unique in a way that we
had two freshmen playing,” Coach Linda Richards said. Chosen for District play were Teresa Barnes, senior, and Jana Albrecht, fresh man, all-district first team; Di ane Mitchell, senior, alldistrict second team, and Heather Andersen, all-district honorable mention. *Cory Bale
GIVING HER a l l . Parti Williams, sophomore, returns the boll onto the court. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
JY WITH HANDS. Allen Evons, tees up for o long drive durfrer-school practice. ‘ Photo by Winsor
PULLING IT ALONG. Keith Dell, se nior, brings the boll up the field in hopes of scoring against the Son Angelo Bobcats. ‘ Photo by Steven Schaffner
GOLF TEAM TTING IT FLY, Eileen Beeks, junior, 'ings with deodly accuracy ot Riv-
Sports ^
Vclsity scores big
"Although some of the ployers do not ossoclote with eoch other outside of the gym , they ploy ond oct os if they were brothers on the court." -Todd Bishop. fter o slow start, the varsity Bulldogs progressed into o very com parable team. The team ex perienced mony new changes, including new uni forms ond a new style of ploy. The old style, a slower type of ploy, was mainly ployed on the half court. The new style consisted of o foster type of ploy. Mony people began to coll the teom the "Breokin' Bull dogs." "We hove a smaller and much quicker teom this year, which enabled us to
MAKING A JUMP, Cody Goode, se nior, catches the rebound. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
push the boll up ond down the court,” Coach Donny Nix said. "The best characteristic of the teom wos their ability to pull together ond be come o close knit team." The teom finished the sea son 14-13 ond 7-3 in district. Although the Bulldogs did not moke play-offs, the sea son wos o complete success according to Coach Donny Nix. *Vance Morris SEARCHING FOR OPENING, Todd Dishop, senior, tries to escape the tough M ineral W ells d e fe n se . •Photo by Trey Morris
HOLDING THE BALL. Brian Jones se nior, awaits the call for the referee. Photo by Trey Morris
DY FOR ACTION, Tereso Domes, or, woirs for a serve. *Phoro by / Morris
DEFORE THE GAME, Vonesso McCor mick, senior sets the boll up during worm-ups. 'Photo by Trey Morris
LADY BULLDOGS VARSITY Azle Hirschi Grohom Vernon Azle Grohom Hirschi Vernon
Dogs 0 2 2
Opp. 2 0
0 1 2 0
2 2 2
QUEEN AND BEAU Vanessa McCor mick and Cody Goode stand be tween nominees Todd Bishop and Tracy Adams, and Michael Ivory and Teresa Barnes. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Girls end up snort "This team was very young ond our age ond inexperience really got the best of us." — Heather Andersen ' ' I t wos o very long sea- team.” ■ son" was a thought of "Even though the season many lody varsity players. ended with a 2-8 record in Each found that the hard district, the spirit was high, work, long practices, and de and a sense of accomplish termination was just not ment was felt in every play enough to beat the tough er, according to Coach Koucompetition facing the girls lavatos. every game throughout the " I think w e ac t u a l ly long season. gained experience by losing ''Overall we were a very some go m e s, " Ja n a Al young team, and we did brecht, freshman, said. our best," Jan Cantwell, jun *Cory Bale ior, said. ''We will definitely UP AND OUT Vonesso McCormick be ready for next year with (45) reaches to gain control of the a much more experinced boll. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris Sports
UP FOR TWOI Jana Albrecht, (12) jumps for a basket against a Mineral Wells rammett. ‘ Photo by Trey Mor ris
UP FOR TWO, J.J. Barry, sopho m ore, shoots for the Bulldogs. •Photo by Trey Morris
1987-88 VARSITY TEAM VARSITY Vernon Mineral Wells Graham Hirschl Azle Vernon Mineral Wells Graham Hirschi Azle
Dogs 79 67 47 66 72 82 66 54 60 60
Opp. 45 65 57 60 71 67 54 60 88 56
GO FOR IT Michael Ivory, junior, reaches for the basket. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Sports ^
STRUGGLING Girls face tough odds "W e practiced hard and played the best w e could; it just wasn't our year," -Mindy Goode
fter long hours of hord practice, the J.V. ond freshman teams faced tough competitions, ond the com petition got the best of them The Junior Varsity ended their season with o 3-5 re cord in district. The freshman team finished with o 2-6 standing in district. Although both teams hod on overall bod season, they grew stronger in preparation
for years to come. ” 1think that when we ore able to ploy on varsity level, our t e a m will not be stopped," Marlowe Dwyer, freshman, said. "We ore still young and there is o lot of tolent in our teom once we get our act together." *Cory Dole EYE TO EYE Dondra Lawson, freshmon, ond ond her opponent face off during the Azle gome. ‘ Photo by James Phillips
ON THE ALERT Tracy Adams (20) defends the hoop against Mineral Wells. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
The 1987-88 Varsity
Lady Bulldogs VARSITY Azle Hirschi Vernon Mineral Wells Graham Hirschi Azle Vernon Mineral Wells Graham
STRUGGLING FOR POINTS Heather Andersen (32) maintains control of the ball against Mineral Wells. •Photo by Trey Morris
Dogs 42 42 47 50 36 35 36 33 36 42
Opp. 61 52 66 41 49 50 46 56 32 65
OLD AND NEW Meet for onother seoson
"W e have a great and promising future ahead of us/' -Paul Barringer b ask etb al l R eturning players on the JV found
a newly remodeled gym. The g y m fl o o r w a s resurfaced wifh new lines in cluding the three point line. The gym was repainted ond new computerized scoreboards were installed. The basketball booster club recorpeted the boys' ond girls' dressing rooms. "The rem odeled gym gives you a better atmo sphere to ploy in," forward Seon Brennan soid. "It mokes you proud of what your school has." The junior varsity ond freshman basketball reams both concluded very success ful seasons. The freshman, who hod o new coach, Scott Slater, begon with on 13-0 record before losing a gome.
"We really begon the seoson right this year," Chris Boudy soid. "The only teom (Graham Frosh) that beot us hasn't lost since 7th grade ond we beat them the sec ond rime." They also won the Vernon freshman cham pionship. "I think the program here is on the way up, ond we hove a great organization with o lot of good young athletes," Coach Sloter said about his first year of coach ing the teom. The JV, who is led by Coach Greg Leonard, expe rienced success also. "We hod o better team this year," Mark Ford, return ing JV guard, soid. "We hod better teom unity which brought us o lot more wins." *Vance Morris SHOOTING FOR TWO. Sreve Chism, junior, fakes a jump shot ‘ Photo by Donnie Grewer
NG HER DY, Trocy Tigerf, freshruns post her rivol in the gam e ist the Azle Hornets. ’ Photo by ■s Phillips
GO FOR ITI Erika Hampton, soph omore, jumps for the boll against an Azle player. ’ Photo by James Phillips
JUNIOR VARSITY Azle Vernon Mineral Wells Grohom Hirschi Azle Vernon Grohom
Dogs 32 33 31 32 31 31 26 22
Opp. 42 50 35 20 33 66 22 18
FRESHMEN Vernon Mineral Wells Grohom Hirschi Azle Vernon Grohom
40 38 33 20 38 30 18
33 13 40 40 37 36 36
PREPARATION HeaW^wrosoul reparation, the heart and soul of any team sport, shows the outcome of game. Sports without prac tice results in an average show of an athletes ability. The saying "You play like you practice" is one of the spoken phrases by coaches. The actual game is just a exhibition of the practice that the team has put in. One of Coach Nix's fa mous quotes, "If you prac tice halfwoy, you will only be an average player,and if
IN YOUR FACEI Senior Cody Goode shoots the boll Qs the defender, jun ior Jomes Henderson, contests the shot. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
V t v t i 90 ^
you practice your hardest, great things will happen,” is exactly true of a practice session. One can not begin to ex plain the dedication and commitment it takes to do one's best in all the practice sessions and be the best ath lete one can be. At game time the team sees the opponents in the different colored jerseys and realizes that its time to show whot they have learned in practice. *Vance Morris
PREPARING FOR COMPETITION, freshman David Mitchell pumps iron to strengthen his legs. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
MAKING A LAY-UP. Shone McLughlln, puts In two points. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by Trey Morris
BASKETBALL JUNIOR VARSITY Vernon Mineral Wells Graham Hirschi Azel Vernon Mineral Wells Hirschi Azel
Dogs 59 47 49 73 38 50 52 52 53
Opp. 73 45 73 57 50 61 58 51 74
FRESHMEN Vernon Mineral Wells Graham Hlrschi Azle Vernon Graham Hlrschi Azle
Dogs 48 47 60 54 68 56 56 49 71
Opp. 36 29 68 46 30 50 55 26 41
ACES HIGH Dueces wild "Tennis gives me the opportunity to excell by competing ogoinst fellow teommotes os well os students from other schools/' — Brad Rix During the fall season, the tennis team competed in the Team Tennis Chompionship and odvanced to the Re gional Team Competition. After being eliminated from the fournoment, the Bull dogs ployed duol marches where they defeated Fort Worth Brewer, 6-0. The tennis ream hod three
home gomes which included the Burk JV Tournoment, the Burkburneff Tournament, ond the District Tournoment. "We went into the spring season with our youngest players ever," Coach Dovid Rix said. "But the hord work of the youn ger players mode up for their lock of inexperience." *K.C.Howlett
SHOWING GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP Mott Summers, ond Tommy Reyn olds, seniors, congratulate eoch oth er for o good gome. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
USING BACKHAND SWING. Freddy Mendozo returns the serve during o practice gome. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
TAPING UP TIGHT, junior Michoel Ivory watches os Cooch Nix pre pares him for practice. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
SLAMMING THE OALL, sophomore Clarence Hightower shows his sruff. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Sports <
Track returns to win "Track has given me the opportunity to win with honor ond the discipline to lose ond still be proud knowing that I hove alw ays done my best." — Charlotte Cooke fter girls' frock won dis trict for the third yeor in o row ond the boys' track won their second yeor in o row, both teams started the 1988 seoson well prepored ond ready to win. Returning from regionols were seniors Jeonne Oft, Te resa Domes, and Cody Goode; ond junior Michael Ivory. The girls' frock placed third over-oll ot regionols.
Competing ond placing in state w e re C h o ro le fte Cooke, senior, in the 800 meter run; Jenny Wiemer, senior, in the two mile run; ond Rob Johnson,junior,in the high jump. All three placed seventh in state. Doth girls' ond boys' cross country teoms qualified for r e g io n o ls w ith J e n n y Wiemer, senior, going on to state. *Joelle Koncelik
PREPARING TO RUN, girl frocksfers exercise ro help prevent Inju ries.’ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
LEADING THE PACK, Chorolefte Cooke, senior, sets the pace for girls' track. ’ Photo by Joelle Koncellk
FOOTDALL QUEEN RECEIVES crown or the Azle pep roily. The queen Gino Gomez ond finolisr Keldo Roskom ond Julier Mcllrorh wotch the pep roily. * Photo by Croig Winsor
WATCHING WITH ANTICIPATION, sophomore Potty Willioms supports the JV bosketboll teom during the Minerol Wells gome. * Photo by Stacey Patrick
f FANS Backing T^^illdogs "A Crowd gets you pumped up for the gome and you feel like you've got to prove something" John Starling
ans arrive at sports events showing loyalty in different woys but always lending moral support. In hope of rooting the team to victory, some fans dress in oil school colors ond wear Bulldog accessories such as earrings, necklaces, hots, and burtons. Some even wove Bulldog banners ond throw confetti. The weather seldom ef足 fects the fruely loyal fan. They just wrap in a blanket, put up the umbrella or drink more coffee or hot choco足 late.
Some fans come to cheer on relatives ond others to cheer their peers. Frankly, some fans see gomes os a social function while other fans take the gome quite se足 riously. Fans le a v e the g o m e h a p p y or tim es whether the dogs won or lost. "I go to the gomes to see the students I hove in class," Diono Bohuslav said. "I also go to the gomes because it is my olmo motor, ond I like to carry on tra d itio n ." *Vance Morris and Scotte Word BOARDING THE FAN chartered bus Mrs. Jon Atchley, choir director ond Mr Russell Miller, BISD business monoger prepare for the fun ride to ,he Cleburne football game. * Pho足 to by Susie Burks
PUSHING ONE ANOTHER, Jeanne On and Charlone Cooke, seniors, work together to Increase their speed. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik A R O U N D THE DEND, D o b b y Cook.senlor, ond Jessie Williams, Junior, keep In shape for the track season. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik ON YOUR MARK Jessie Williams, Junior, Dobby Cook, senior; Andre Dovls, senior; Detrlc Kelly, fresh man; ond Derrick Hicks, senior get set to race. ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncellk
KEEPING HIS PACE Jomes Phillips, se nior, runs cross country at the Lub bock Invitational ‘ Photo by Jenny Wlemer
TAKING A DREATHER. Jesse Wil liams, Junior, ond Dobby cook, se nior, rest after o roce ‘ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
RIDING THE PINE, these ployers worch the gome. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
HITTING WITH FORCE, Scott Doyd, junior, bots during practice. ‘ Photo by Stocey Patrick
G ^ ^ ^ ^ o v e s
^ Season Starts Early ► "The new additions to the program will produce a better and more organized program for our team /' — Gerald Bradford
fter coming in second place in ine district 3A4A, the 1987 baseball team had several members to re ceive district awards. They were Chris Carter, Cody Goode, Rob Johnson, Brennon Moore, ond Chuck Shav ers. The baseball team en tered this season wifh many new changes. The field was equipped with a water sprin 98
kler system and a new equipment building was built. Also, the team re ceived new uniforms. After being assitant coach for several years, coach James Teter moved up as head coach. Coach Ron Mill er become assistant coach. The baseball began its workouts in early February. * Scotte Ward
DISPLAYING AMERICAN PRIDE Kevin Greene says the Pledge of Alllgonce during a pep rally. * Photo by Trey Morris
BRAVING THE COLD, groduote Rod足 ney Eodes ond Deeno Hansen come prepored with o blanket for the foot足 ball gome with Mineral Wells. * Photo by Steven Schoffner
WITH AND WITHOUT a blanket band directors Mr Ted James ond Mr Mark Cartwright watch the foot足 ball battle * Photo by Trey Morris
GREETING YOUNGER FANS, the Bull足 dog moscot roofs on the crowd * Photo by Craig Winsor
tudents are walking on the wild side, being turned on and involved in m any organizations. Clubs are geared toward achieving the feeling of accomplishment by teaching members team work, leadership, and sociability. Students are involved in m any fund raising proj ects, such as FTA selling M&M's to FFA cooking beans. These organizations work together to sup port field trips, contests, banquets, conventions, and food and toys for the underprivileged ot Christmas. These organizations work hand in hand, which im proves the community. "The groups hove sparked a new w ay of doing things which creates a good attitude in all activities," Vance Morris, senior, said. *KRISTEN CORNELIUS
ON THE ALERT. Brennon Moore, jun ior, prepores for the seoson. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
PRACTICING HIS PITCH, Bob John son, junior, gets reody for o long seoson, ‘ Photo by Srocey Patrick
WARMING HIS ARM, Chris Carter, senior, prepares for the seoson. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
BEFORE THE GAME, Coach Miller prepares the team for ploy. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
CELEBRATING THE CONSTITUTION, Student Council m em bers Jodie Mcllrofh, junior, Sfocey Patrick, and Croig Winsor, sophomores, deco ra te th e h a lls in a p a trio tic theme.‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Student Council (bock row) Kenneth Korr, Kim Hawkins, Kim Slice, Brod Rix, Jody Ewing, Dionne Mitchell, Renee Do vis. Merindo Newberry, Loshawn Taylor, (middle row) Lori Elheroge, Scott Nunn, Kim Le, Carmen Ortiz, lino Ortiz, Rochelle Zoccordi, Jessico Stubblefield. Drad Owen, (front row) Croig Winsor, Sfocey Patrick, I iz Key. Dole Stubblefield*Photo by Suzie Burks
THINKING IT OVER, the Student Council mokes decisions concerning the Homecoming festivities, ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
THE WHEELDARROW race is abour to be gin ond Tereso Domes, senior, ond choir teacher Jon Atchley prepare to win *Photo by Craig Winsor
Groups lead to learning "Consisting of the top two percent, grodewise, of oil the students, the Notional Honor Society displays good leadership and honorable character. They ore the best of the best," Mrs. Diana Bohuslav, NHS sponsor, said. The students in NHS have sold candy canes to raise money for their Awards ban quet in May. However.they also raised money for the Wichita County Humane So ciety. According to the NHS constitution they con only do projects that benefit the school and the community. The offices for NHS ore Jeff Potts, president; Pom Roy, vice president; Sara Denner, Secretory; Pom Bowles, treasurer, and reporter, Susie Burks. Storting off the year the French Club hod fund raisers of sponsoring donees, selling
This is the first year that the students have taken such an active part in the leadership of the r i
— Mrs. Jan e t Gum. candy ond selling jewelry. They hod o cor wash and a goroge sale. The m oney was raised for a trip to Paris scheduled for this summer. However, some of the mon ey went to the Foreign Lan guage deportment. "The French Club mem bers were workers this year ond seemed very enthusi astic about o trip to France," Mrs. Michelle Hunt soid, "I hove enjoyed working with
them." The officers ore Missy Un derwood, president; Tuon Nguyen, vice president; Kim K e e lin g , se c re to ry / treasurer. This is the first year for Spanish Club to conduct o conned food drive for the needy f a m ilie s of Burkburnett. The students went door to door collecting conned foods, two days pri or to Thanksgiving. Th e c lu b a ls o so ld "Designs" jewelry for Christ mas and in the spring they sold school mugs ond condy. The sponsors Mr. Lonnie W omock ond Mrs. Janet Gum, planned a trip for their organization to Mexico or on independent tour of Son An tonio, Texas. ‘ Kristen Corne lius
National Honor Society
SOCIALIZING WITH FRIENDS. Eileen San Diego, junior, ond Pom Roy, senior, folk to Soro Denner, senior, or the NHS induction ceremony. ‘ Photo by Suzie Burks
(bock row) Mark Jensen, Jeff Ports, Mott Summers, Jeff Fox, Brad Myers, (middle row) Charlotte Honkins, Pom Bowles. Pom Roy, Nam Nguyen, (front row) Von Nguyen. Susie Burks, Louro Schroeder, ond Kelda Roskom BAGGING UP GROCERIES Spanish Club members Troy Kasper, Heath er Andersen, Regina Anderson, ond Tracy Cox, prepare to donate food to rhe needy. ‘ Photo by James Phil lips
Exploring new directions The Science ond History Club began the year with o very large turn out of new mem bers. The group planned various field trips ond proj ects to further intrique their interest in the fields of sci ence ond history. One of the more popular trips was o trip to Fort Worth to see the Omni Theater. Also, the group planned on adven ture trip to explore nature ond its surroundings. The club raised money by selling various kinds of candy bars. The group's sponsors were Ms. Cheryl Richardson, Mr. Robert Sternodel, Mr. Jom es Phillips, ond Mrs. Kothy Zotz. The Student Council be
TAKING A VOTE Robert Sternodel, senior, ond Ms. Cheryl Richordson take o count of honds concerning o fie ld trip. ‘ Photo b y S te v e n Schaffner
lt is really fun getting to hove fun and learn more with my friends. r 1 — Robert Sternodel
gon the year by welcoming the sixth graders to campus. The council also paid special tribute to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the signing of the constitution by decorating the halls in red, white, ond blue, and spon sored a dress up day. When October orrived, the group transformed senior hall info the "haunted hall." The an-
BEFORE THE MEETING, the Sci/Hi club members discusss the meetings a g e n d o . ‘ P h o to b y S te v e n Schaffner
nuol toy drive was in De cember. The group decided to confiue with the Christmas Doll. "The Doll was something dif ferent which go ve us o chance to spend o port of Christmas together," Scotte Word, senior, said. "All the festivity ond the good punch led to o very memorable evening." The officers, led by Mrs. Anito Owen, were Dole Stubblefield, president; Liz Key, vice-president; Stacey Patrick, secretory; ond Croig Winsor, porlim entorion. *Jody Ewing
SHARING HER OPINIONS. Mrs. Aniro Owen, sponsor, voices her opinions about o school assembly. *Photo by Susie Burks
Young band demonstrates PRIDE Camaraderie manifested it ride!” Inferjecfing the self among the members of sharp yell into the al 1 * The quality of the brigade. The ritual of ready intense atmosphere began the band season in this year's perfor joining hands and singing the early part of August m ance is much "friends” before leaving the band hall for a performance when senior drum major better and I am exemplies this unique bond Troy York began leading v e ry im pressed among each member. The every marching bond per with our first divi team also set the a goal to formance. win the sweepstakes award Even though the band sion rating. by receiving a first division in was smaller than it hod been Mr. Ben Hooldridge all competitions. in the past, and its members Encouraged by Mr. Hoalwere generally younger, lem at first," Mr. Den Hoaldridge and their pride, the th e y p e rfo rm e d w e ll dridge,director, said, "but if band aspired to higher enough to receive all 1's at the district marching contest. you put them in charge and levels of performance that "Such a young band, full have faith in them they will attribute to the band's suc cess. *Susie Burks of freshmen, posed a prob- give you 100 percent.” » p
fir * ?
The 1987 Marching Band PRACTICING FOR CONCERT the wind section of the bond prepares before rhe Christmos concert. •Photo by Mike Braziel
Band officers
Loura Schroeder, Tuan Nguyen, Donnie Vonodore, Jason Dolton, Nicole Dusone, Chris Robertson, Wendy Hutchinson, Troy York, Cheryl Morgan, Robert Sternadel, Kbthy Maddox, Charles Berry, Pam Neal *Photo by Susie Burks
Spanish Club (Back raw) Mr. Lonnie Womack, Tonya Williams, Shannon Schaffner, Jenny Wiemer. Heather Andersen, Debra Ellis, (middle row) Nira Rig gins, Regina Anderson, Keri Cely. Laurie Spain, Melissa Daugherty, Merinda Newberry, Kim Le, Mrs. Janet Gum, (front row) Carmen Ortiz, Audrey Elizondo, Jeanne Ort, Troy Kaspor, ond Christina Henderson ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
French Club
Junior Notionol Honor Society
(first row) Kim Keeling, Melissa Underwood. Tuon Nguyen, (second row) Laurie Etheridge, Wendi Moore, Heather Roberts, Kim Hawkins,Cindy Daniels, Lori Weiss, (third row) Brandi Webb, Jennifer Whitehili, Karhie Besher, Deena Hanson, Cye Jones, Chris Snyder, (fourth row) Cynthia McKee, Krista Miller, Shannon Cox, Ken Herman, Jamie Atkinson. Bobs Powell, Kathy Hamilton, Mrs. Michelle Hunt, (fifth row) Michelle Smith, Craig Winsor, Kenneth Kahrs, Brent Smith, Tony Kennedy, Kurtis Hub bard, Dustin Thomas, Mike Wright ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
p row) Shone Gilbert, Steve McCullough, Brandon Johnson, David Irden, Kim Stice, Brad Rix, (middle row) Melissa Woods, Eileen San go, Cathy Maddox, April Daugherty, Jomie Atkinson, Kristin [ssord, (front row) Donnie Roberts, Kim Keeling, Kelly King, ond |n Jensen ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
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CREATING NEW PARTNERS, Victoria Perry, junior, ond Liz Key senior, place rheir prop routine 'dancers' on Kristin Spessord, junior. ’ Phoro by Susie Burks
IN PERFECT STEP rhe line performs rheir spectoculor high kick routine or rhe pre-game show for homecom ing. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
Doomtown Babes (back row) Becky Newell, J.D. Crockarell, Becky Goins, Jenny Morris, Kelli Darland, Renee Berry, Brenda Robertson, Mrs. Anita Owen, Lynn Lee, (third row) Jennifer Hawthorne, Kim Clark, Kelly Griffin, Misty Rouse, Kerri Landers, Jodie Mdlroth, Victoria Perry, Sheila Goff, Michelle Jarrer, Sarah Sfernadel, (second row) Jomie Howard, Kelly Pore, Sheri Ostrom, Christina Burden, Julie Antwine, Sheila Landrum, Valerie Andrus, Deanna Houk, Gina Gomez, Michelle Barfield, Carmen Castillo, Carrie Groves, Rochelle Zaccardi, (front row) Michelle Brugmann, Marla Moore, Kristin Spessard, Liz Key, Alicia Preston, Debi Jackson
Z - Organizations
SHOWING TRUE DEDICA TION ,Troy York, senior, leods the band in its halftim e p e r f o r m a n c e . •Photo by Trey Morris
PREPARING TO LEAVE the field, Wendy Hutch inson, and Cheryl Mor gan, juniors, stand ot at tention with the flogcorp. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
P LA Y IN G THE X Y L O PHONE, Teeno Skelton, freshman, performs ot the pre-gome show be fore the Homecoming gome. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
Sweating it out he choice of o new gen eration is here, we're DHS ond we re ready to cheer. The cheerleaders yelling this ond other cheers at sum mer comp at the University of Oklahoma qualified them for the oword of excellence. Only 18 other squods out of 69 earned this rating. The squad also received the coveted "Spirit Stick" ond four superior ratings dur ing the four day comp. Heather "Howie" Andersen, mascot received runner-up for best mascot. The girls began doily prac tices while also attending two-a-day football practices. This new job gave the cheer leaders o chance to cheer up the boys while in a prac-
A' The FCA is really on the move and will grow even stronger and bigger in years to come. 1 1 — Vance Morris tice by having the "cold drinks" ready for the fighting Bulldogs. "This year we hove more class participation during the pep rallies," Juliet Mcllrath, cheerleader said. "It mokes it o lot easier ond more fun." Fellowship of Christian Athletes announced many thought provoking selections during third p erio d an
WEEPING THE LOSS of o dead Hlrschi football player the cheerleaders perform o skit durring the pep rally. •Photo by Craig Winsor
nouncements in hopes of es tablishing o more unified school based on higher mor al principles. "We got off to a good start," Coach Rix, sponsor, said. "This wos the largest group we've hod in years." In January members at tended the state convention in Dallas. The purpose of FCA is to give coaches and ath letes the adventure of fol lowing Christ and the fellow ship with other Christian athletes. FCA is an organization that is open to all students who participate in a sport. Coach David Rix, Coach Ron Miller, and Coach Donna McGill sponsored the group, which met every Friday morning. *Wendy Wilson
HUGGING A FAN, Heather Andersen pleases a young Bulldog supporter. •Photo by Jody Ewing
Kicking to the top "Boomtown Babes requires a good mentol arrifude, the ability to perform in front of people, ond the desire to get along with your squad," D e a n n a H ouk, se n io r, said. "This makes a girl a pos itive and dependable asset to the group." For the first time in Babes history they have had a two-year captain, Liz Key. "This is the first time in 10 years that I have been able to work with such on expe rienced group of girls," Mrs. Anita Owens, sponsor, said. "This is the largest group of seniors. I will hove to replace 17 girls next year.” The group ventured in a new and exciting direction when they were invited to be one of the 50 squads compering to perform at the Dallas Mavericks half-time. "We chose to take the Dis-
' ' The difference between our squad and others is that we hove Mrs. Owen who works with us on any matter. — Jodie Mcllrarh
ney routine because it is nor just another routine; it is more like a production," Gina Gomez, senior said. "The fans really got o kick our of all the characters and spectacular costumes." At contest, along with the Disney routine, the squad performed an ethnic high kick routine to "Scotland the Brave." Also, they created "special people" to form a unique prop routine to the
song "Long Tall Texan." The girls creatively constructed the dummies out of plastic bottles, cons, string, ond poles. "I think every one was amazed when they saw tri ple the number of girls in the gym, it was very different from past performances," Debi Jackson, senior ond of ficer, said. "My three years in drill ream has taught me to get along with people who might have a different angle of things, but if we all work together as a group, things turn out s p e c ta c u la r,’ ' Michelle Barfield, senior, said. *Jody Ewing
SITTING IN FORMATION, the squad prepares to pep up the team at the pie in the face pep-rally. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
DELIVERING THE FRUIT. Cosey Gohogon and Greg Mullins present Mrs. Shelley Sweort her apples from VoAg. ’ Photo by Trey Morris
Future Homemakers of America (bock row)Liz Key. Morlo Moore, Sheilo Londrum. Dione Mitchell. Tonyo Williams. Rochelle Zaccordi (front row) Cindo Winney, Dole Stubblefield, Angelo Dabb (front row) Pom Roy. Keldo Roskom, ond Mrs. Poulo McNeil ’ Photo by Jomes Phillips
s pojjrawv'.
Future Teachers of America (front row) Damon Mink, Drod Rix, Melisso Woods, Kelly King, Shoron Keith. Pom Quoshnock (middle row) Kendro Grout, Steven Albrect, Wendy Hutchinson. Donno Pruett, Cheryl Morgan, Louro Schroeder (bock row) Jeonne Meyer. Sondro Nesevlch, Kim Stlce. Kim Derry, Michelle Drodley, Pot Thornton, Troy York. Renoe Mills, Kristi Stivers, and Mrs. Shelley Sweat. WITH LOVING TOUCH, Lee Keep, junior gives a nice worm welcome to his dogs. *Photo by Trey Morris
GETTING IT DOWN, Juliet Mcllroth, Dole Stubblefield, Eileen Deeks. Keri Cely, ond Allyson Atchley pump the fons up with spirit ot the Minerol Wells pep roily. *Photo by Jody Ew ing
Fellowship of Christion Athletes Liso McDonald, Jeanne Otr, Rodney Miller, Dione Mitchell, Vonce Morris, Heather Andersen, Steve Chism, Eileen Deeks, Lee Wynne, Soro Denner, ond Drod Rix
Cheerleaders (bottom row) Diane Mitchell, Allyson Atchley, Mindy Goode. Dole Stubblefield, Eileen Deeks, (top row) Keri Cely. Juliet Mcllroth, Keldo Roskom, ond mascot Heather Andersen ‘ Photo by Mike Broziel
PASSING OUT BALLOTS, Coach Rix exploins about .the duties for FCA officers. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
111 <
Bringing in the bucks "Education for living ond making o living," the Distrib If helps you utive Education of America motto, describes the idea of learn more about DECA. Members were en o career before rolled in o Marketing ond Dis you actually moke tributive Education closs, ond worked in a port rime job a lifetime decision which involved soles. The or about one. r 1 ganization raised money by — Scott Boyd selling advertisements for the Shrine Circus. The organization attend ed competition in Wichita the field of homeconomics Falls and were ranked os such os food related jobs, some of the highest leaders. child care, or home services. "One of our moin goals The officers of the organiza tion, sponsored by Mr. Troy wos to be oble to associate Stewart, were Cole Preston, with the public by being di president; Kevin Phillips, vice rectly involved with if on on — president; Jennifer Haw everyday basis," Christina thorne, se cre ta ry; ond Burden, senior,said. "I really felt good when we gave Denise Draper, treasurer. Home Economics Cooper our onnuol Thanksgiving ative Education , HECE, con food bosket to some people sisted of seniors and juniors that really appreciated our who hoped to some day group efforts to aid the hove a career involved in needy."
DECA OFFICERS 1988 ore Jennifer Hawthorne, Cole Preston, Denise Draper, ond Kevin Green.’ Photo by Jomes Phillips LEADING THE MEETING. Christina Dur den, senior, osked for some input from members of HECE, ’ Photo by Trey Morris
The officers of the organ ization, sponsored by Mrs. Sue Warren, ore Christina Burden, president; Gino Go mez, vice-president; Sheri Ostrom, secretory; Scott Boyd, reporter. Office Education Associ ation was organized by stu dents aimed or entering o profession dealing with of fice related careers. The or ganization encouraged o membership drive by hav ing o contest among mem bers. To fund the organization's activities the members sold Tom Wot products. The of ficers for the group, spon sored by Mrs. Wanda Smith, were Jamie Howard, pres ident; Robin Dingmon, vicepresident; Kim Schuman, re porter; Valerie Andrus, parlimenfarian; and Rochelle Zaccardi, historian. *Wendy Wilson
Young minds prepare for future Future Farmers of America sold fruits, sausages, turkeys, hams, ond provided the an nual "slave sale” ro fund their May awards program, various competitions, and lo cal projects. Their major proj ect involved keeping a part of the highway median on Interstate 240 and 44 clean by participating in rhe new state "Adopt-A-Highway” program. The 77 senior and 20 jun ior members were spon sored by Mr. Jake Fite and Mr. Robert Richards, Vo-Ag teachers. Future Teachers of Amer ica, sponsored by science teachers Mrs. Shelley Swearr ond Mrs. Conni Marshall, par ticipated in a teach-in at the elementary and junior high schools in rhe fall and spring. In November they spon sored rhe Teacher Appreci-
If's admirable that students would give a little of their time and effort to help someone in need of love and attention. 1 ' — Pom Roy otion Week, while in De cember, the organization hosted the Child Develop ment Center and the annual Christmas Doll. Jeanna Meyer, senior, served as District president and was head of the organ izations successful effort in hosting the District FTA con vention. At rhe convention, Donno Pruett was elected to
represent the group in onother term for rhe office of president. Kelly King, junior, wos olso elected to serve os a store officer. Future Homemakers of America worked of better ing themselves through sup porting community, state, and national service organ ization projects, such os Cys tic Fibrosis ond the Wichita Falls State Hospital. "Our spring convention helps each of us learn how to be more involved and productive in our lives,” Keldo Roskom, president, said. "N othing can stop us now” wos the theme for this 12 member organization h e a d e d by Mrs. Poulo McNeil, home economics teacher. *Wendy Wilson
SHARING HER VIEWS, Keldo Ros kom, senior, speaks ro fhe FHA members. ‘ Photo by Srocey Patrick PRESENTING A GIFT to her new friend, Michelle Drodley, senior, helps with rhe Head Start Christmas Party. ‘ Courtesy Photo
113 ^
WELDING A FENDER. David Thomp son, senior, shows his ability to do the job well ‘ Photo by Stacey Pat rick
Autobody VICA (top row) Brennen Moore, Tim Johnson, Larry Jockson, Jack Willioms, Shown Payne, Todd Moorman, (front row) Mr. J.D. Allen, Jimmy Kerchum. 5teve Coleman, David Thompson, and Dale Glover. ‘ Photo by Stocey Patrick
Auto Mechanics VICA (bock row) Andre Davis, Dorius McCracken, Travis Gwynn, Mark Tackett, Lyle Johnson, Mr. Dovid Ress (front row) Kenny Besher, Brent Stewart, Jose Romirez, and Tina LeBrum ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Auto Mechanics VICA (bock row) Richard Blackmon, Derrick Hicks, Roger Marshall, Dovid Lambert, Greg Mullins, Perry Pott, Troy York, Kevin Odom. Teresa Leistner, Mr. Dovid Ress (front row) Tom Edwards, Jason Randolph, and Roger Blackmon. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
DECORATING THE TREE, the OEA or ganization helped to promote a holiday spirit. ‘ Photo by Stacey Pat rick
Home Economics Coop Education (top row) Charles Perry, Scott Boyd, Laura McAlister, Shonnon Flory, Mark Boatman, (bottom row) Gina Gomez, Christina Burden, Sherry Ostrom, Tracy Bright, Tommy Milter
run Like water?
Distributive Education Coop back row) Chris Southerland, John Buettner. Johnny Medollin, Chris larrer, Oeon Howell, Brad Kelly, Devona King, Becky Fagan, (fronr ow) Kevin Phillips, Donno Comerlin, Laura Nickels, Tommy Holland, Jeeno Honsen, Juliet Mcllroth, Jennifer Hawthorne, ond Corri Giner f Photo by James Phillips
Office Education Association (back row) Becky Flaherty, Liz Key, Marla Moore, Kristeen McCallister, (front row) Pam Bowles, Kerri Rasmussen. Sharon Thompson ‘ Photo by Steven Schaffner
HEADING THE GROUP, Mr. Ron Law son, English teacher, welcomes the organization m eeting of SADD. •Photo by Steven Schoffner
Quill and Scroll Jomes Phillips, Trey Morris, Regina Anderson, Mike Drozlel, (middle row) Joelle Koncelik, Deanna Houk, Kim Hawkins, Shree Srlpusa, (front row) Pam Roy, Jody Ewing, Susie Burks ’ Photo by Steven Schoffner
Thespians (back row)5teven Albrecht, Jody Ewing, Susie Burks, Bill Hagberg, Cody Welter, Paula Irwin, Shane Gllbert,(front row) Shoron Keith, Joelle Koncelik, Jerry Toft, Cori Callahan, Sandy Madsen, Lori Weiss ’ Courtesy photo
VOTING FOR OFFICERS Thespians elect their leaders. ’ Photo by Shree Srisupo
LISTENING VERY ATTENTIVELY, stu dents learn about drunk driving •Photo by Steven Schoffner
VICA teaches skills VICA has trained me with many skills that will benefit me for many years. 1 — Jason Randolph Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, or VICA is o con glomeration of three voca tional organizations thot teach skills ond trades work ing with ones hands. The two auto reloted groups went on o field trip to the Automotive Composi tions in Dallas. The guest speaker was from the Ari zona Automotive Institue. The officers of Auto Me chanics, sponsored by Mr. David Ress, were Roger Blackmon, president; Brent Stewart, vice-president; ond Joson Randolph, secrotory/treasurer.
The officers of Auto Body, sponsored by Mr. J.D. Allen were Jackie Williams, pres ident; Jimmy Kerchum.vicepresident.Tim Johnson, sec retary/treasurer; Brennon Moore, Sergeant ot Arms. Building Trades began the year by undertaking the tosk to work on o play ground set for the children or I.C. Evan s e le m e n ta ry school. "It is o very good play set," Mr. Tim Mullins, sponsor, said. "We hove seen about 95 children play ing on the set all ot one time." * Kristen Cornelius
TUN IN G THE EN G IN E. R o g e r Blackmon, senior rokes o breok from repairing the motor. *Photo by Trey Morris
GETTING IT STRAIGHT. Shone Neese ond John Poper, juniors, aid in build ing the boseboll concession stand. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
117 <
PEOPLE oing wild! Wild! Wild! Wild! This is the yeor for o w alk on the wild side. All of the students, teachers, and faculty mode this a yeor aside from the rest, a year to remember! Preparing for college, seniors still found time to create wild w ays for their "fish" to walk down senior hall. Juniors finally mode the long awaited purchase of their senior rings, while sophomores received their driver's licenses. Finally, the freshmen met the challenge of their new experience of high school, which included being initated by seniors and trying to find their w a y to class and trailers. Then, with a final touch of tradition, the year come to on end os seniors mode their final walk ot graduation. Everyone as sociated with Burkburnett High School knew that the people mode this a year for a walk on the WILD SIDE. *Deanna Houk
Lending Helping Hands fter on accident in the fall which injured three students, classmates decided to form a new organization on campus, SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving). Mr. Ronnie Lawson, Eng lish teacher, served as co ordinator for obtaining a SADD chapter. After electing officers the one hundred plus group, mode posters for each class room to remind students how dangerous it is to drink ond drive. They olso passed out drinking and driving con tracts between teens ond parents. The officers were Heather Andersen, president; Vance Morris, vice-president; Troy York, secretory; Liz Key, treasurer; and Tino Ortiz, parlimentarian. Six seniors and three jun iors were selected from the newspaper ond yearbook
Participating in theater is the ulti mate involvement with imagination m aking it both challenging and entertaining. 1 ' Joelle Koncellik staffs for membership in Quill and Scroll, the Interna tional Honorary Society. The seniors were Joelle Koncelik, Trey Morris, James Phillips, Kim Hawkins, Dean na Houk, ond Shree Srisupo. The juniors were Mike Braziel, Eileen Son Diego, and Regina Anderson. Two year members Susie Burks, Jody Ewing, ond Pom
Roy, who received the Quill ond Scroll's Notional Gold Key Award, helped Mrs. Anne Gillespie initiate them at the spring banquet. To become o Thespian, speech ond drama students hod to earn 10 points in var ious ploys by either acting, working with make up, de signing costumes or sets, or working with lighting or tech nical jobs. Mr. Jerry Pink, speech and drama teacher, awarded the 1987 Best Thespian awards to Jody Ewing and Joelle Koncelik, ond in 1988 the award went to Shane Gilbert ond Susie Burks. He olso began on Aword of Ex cellence in honor of Mrs. Feme Bloodworfh, which was given to Julie Stephens. ♦Kristen Cornelius
Melanie Arthur English
Jeff Baber Science
Roy Baggett English
Wes Beard Administrator
Kay Blancett English
Diana Bohuslav English
Gloria Bond Counselor
Gerald Boren History
Ronald Brown Math
Malcom Cagle Math
No smoking
Board Arranges renovation T he school board ond ■ superintendent, Dan ny Toylor, incorporated high school and junior high for the foil semester. Due to remodeling at the junior high, the sixth grad ers resided in the high school moth wing while the school board ar ranged for portable build ings to fake the place of rhe used classrooms. "I think that putting the sixth groders in our math wing is unfair,'' senior Shree Srisupa, said. On the other hand, most of the sixth groders
enjoyed being of the high school. "I think school in the high school building is fun," Julie Gillespie, sixth grader, said. "When we go bock to the junior high, it's going to be gross."' A n o th e r issue p re sented to the board wos the s m o k in g / n o n smoking issue. The board voted to make the cam pus "smokeless" except for o few designated areas for teachers; how ever, student smoking was banned entirely.
Some teachers dislike the segregation factor. "I don't like if," Mrs. Ja n ice Jones/ science teacher and non-smoker, said. "The smoke in the teachers' lounge didn't bother me that much, but I don't agree with sep arating us; it makes it harder to talk to each oth er and be friends." Others believed it was a good policy. "It's better this w ay be cause it keeps up the campus image," Michael Brantley, senior, said. *Joelle Koncelik
& I
WITH NEW LOOKS for the summer, Kristi Whittaker waits in line for senior pictures. â&#x20AC;˘Photo by Susie Burks
Laura Gostnell Special education
Rosa Gregory
Janet Gum Spanish
Sandra Hamilton English
Mary Harris Diagnostician
Michele Hunt French
Janice Jones Science
Ronnie Lawson English
Deverly Lee Typing
Greg Leornard Mnth
Computerized Report cards change
ince Mrs. Am aryllis Mullins was the computer teacher, she be cam e the person in charge of the computer ized report cards when BI5D converted to cofrv puter reporting in the foil semester. "I figured that I spent 75 hours programming ond reprogramming the com puter os w ell os checking the system for bugs ond the doto sheers for errors for the first six weeks alone," she said. The computerized pro cess involved the teach ers bubbling in the grode
^24 ^
sheers then Mrs. Mullins would feed them into the scontron. The scontron, on op tical m ark read e r, would then place these results on o row doto sheet. These sheets were processed directly into re port cords. The reaction to the new computer grading varied from . . . "Just an other waste of time," Mr. Charles Darnell, drafting teacher, said. "We hove so many requirments we hove to fill that we barely hove rime to teach any more." . . . to "I like them because you don't hove
to do os many reports, Mrs. Nancy Fraizer, com puter teacher, said. "All you hove to do is fill in the grode sheets and the rest is done for you."' Students g e n e r a lly liked the convienence of having only one cord. "At leosf it's easier to keep up with one piece of paper instead of all the different cords," Jeonne Ott, senior, soid. Mrs. Mullins summed it up os, "Well . .. they're different!" *Joelle Koncelik
Pamela Camp
Dob Carpenter Counselor
Donna Clampitt
Dob Carper English
Dill Darland Principal
Tammy Darland Science
Charles Darnell Drafting
Sue Fite Gifted/Talented
Peggye Fulcher Attendance
Anne Gillespie Journalism
CELEBRATE LEARNING BECAME Superintendent Danny Taylor's theme when welcoming back faculty and setting goals for the year. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks:
LENDING A HELPING hand, Mrs. Gloria Skelton assists Mrs. Janet Murphy, sixth grade reading teacher, with her name tag at the Thanksgiving reception for new faculty. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Steve Oates
Anita Owen Activity Director
Robert Richards VoAg
Linda Richards
Sheryl Richards
Nancy Richter English
David Rix
Zell Schmidt VOE Director
Gloria Skelton Dean of Girls
Scott Slater History/Ath
Jackie Stephens English
Michael Strahan Aide
Debora Strickler Math
SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS are Danny Tay lor,J.IV Gohagon,Bill Elder, Lorry Holtzen,Lorry Dutton, Dan Schaffner.Carl Low,Don McKinnis and Lynn Londrum. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing NECK AND NECK Jeff Potts, senior, with Mrs. Diana Bohuslav, rushes past Russ Russell, junior, with Mr J.D Allen. ‘ Photo by James Phillips
Eddie Manning Math
Kay McBride Special ed/ E.D.U.
David McClellan Eco./Govf.
Donna McGill Athletics
Jean McNabb Typing
Paula McNeil Home ec.
Ron Miller Bus./Ath
Carole Mize Aide/Spec Ed.
Leroy Messenger Art
Toni Moenning Special Ed.
PROCESSING REPORT CARDS Mrs; Amdryrllis Mul|ins, computer teocher, rushes to meet her d e a d lin e . ’ Photo b y Mike Broziel
SEPARATING AND SORTING, Mr. Roy Baggett and Mrs. Sandy Hamilton return books to the English workroom after the as bestos p i the ceiling had been removed during the summer. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
A a ro n M a rs h a ll Vo-Ag 11 12 BuWing Tiodes 12
Mendie Allison S V Ie m h 9 1 0 11, V O E 1 2
Valerie Andrus M
VQ£ 12. Srudenf CourxM 12, W Iw rn 10 11 12, o l 9 1 1, ftA 12. OEA 11. OEA PorHomenfonon 12, T«x1< 9
Julie Antwine D r* T e a m 9 1 0 11 12. 5*uder» C o o n c i 9 1 0 11 12, C 10»
Sec-Treas. 9,10
Monica Arthur Sheila Atkinson frendi d v b 10, VoUeytx* Monoger 12
Charlotte Ayers Qosfcerboll 9 10; Cbo)r 9 10 11 12, Trodi 9. VoOey-boll Monoger 11. Trock Manager. Bosfcefbai Manage*
Angelo Babb FHA Viee-PresJbent 1 2
Michelle Barfield Drill leom 10 11 12, SitxJeot Couocll 9 1011 12. Bond 9
Tammy Barfield Annette Barker OoskefboU 9. Student Cound 9, French Club 11. HECE 12. OEA 11, V O -A G 9 11
Teresa Barnes JV Volleyboll 9 10, Vdrslry VoMeyboll 11 12. Baskerboll 9, JV BoskerboH 10, Vorsfry BoskefboU 11 12, Trock 9 10 11 12, FCA 11 12. AlkDfcfrla 2nd Team Volleyball 11. Obfdcr Track 10 11
Seniors end
rom promoting spirit to The class officers organ participating at pep ral ized meetings a week be lies, the senior class officersfore Homecomming to carried our mony duties. work on the floor. After President Jody Ewing or winning first place for their ganized all closs meetings floot they felt that their while vice-president, Cody hard work and determina Goode kept updated on tion paid off. closs needs. Juliet Mcllroth, "The most memorable secretory, kept written in time of this year was win formation on activities and ning first place with our meetings, and Vance Mor floot ond knowing that we ris, reporter, mode sure were the best,” President everyone knew when the Jody Ewing said. *Deanna meetings were scheduled. Houk
TAKING SOME TIME-OUT. Jody Ewing, Juliet Mcllroth, Vance Morris ond Cody Goode, class officers meet in front of the new Bulldog pointed on the refinIshed gym floor. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
TURNING EXTRA WILD ot the li pep roily, the seniors decked oil <with streamers, party hots, ai rrosh bog costumes before their: nior yell. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsorl
Donald Sturgill
Shelley Sweatt Science
Phoebe Todd Attendance
Virginia Turner Special Ed
Vera Ward English
Sue Waren Home Ec.
Marie Watson
Lonnie Womack Spanish
James Wright Science
Kathy Zofz History
F AC U L T Y O R I E N T A T I O N MEETING, organized by Mrs. Gloria Shelton, dean of girls, helps new faculty members learn campus rules. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
ENTERING TEACHER EVALUA TIONS Mr. Bill, parlond. prin cipal, enters his results into the computer. ‘ Photo by Croig Winsor
Tracy Bright I HECE 12
John Buetfner
' DECA'12. French Club 11
Christina Burden
Drill Teom 9 10 11 12. HECE 11 12(Pres. 12)
Susie Burks
Drom adub 9 10 11 12, Thespion Club 10 11 12.. Student (jounclMO11 (Sec./Tres. 11), Yearbook 11 l2(Assr. Editor 12). NHS 11 12(Reporfer 12). Quill O Scroll 11 12. Gifted 6 Tolented 10 11 12, PACE 11, G(rls, Store Nominee. Newspaper 6 Yearbook Photographer ,11’ Spectrum 12, UIL drama/Speech Team 12
Tajuana Burris
Oaskerboll 9, Choir 9 10
Donna Camerlin
Student Council 9. French Club ?, Promo 9 11, Choir 10. DECA 11 12
Melissia Cardenas
HECE 11 12(Vlce-Pres. 11). FFA 9, OoskerboH 9. Cheerleoder 10 11/ FHA 9. Srudenf Council 9 10-
Bryan Carlile
Chris Carter 1011 Carmen Castillo
FoorboH 9 10 11 12. Oaseboll 9 10 11 12, Oaskerboll 9
Student Council 9 10. NHS 11 12. OEA 12, Cheerleoder 10, Yearbook 11. Drill Teom 11 12'
Scott Clark
Football 9 10 11 12, Oaskerboll 9 10 11
Chuck Clemandot French Club 10 11
TAKING a BREAK, Todd Wood wes Fuller, and Mlcha Tablon seniors, rolk about the week-
end. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris PREPARING FOR GRADUATION, Angelo Bobb ond Deonno Houk
help Ken Hermann dress for pic tures. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Keisho Barrett
Basketball 9, Choir 12, Trock Manager 12, Spanish Club 12
Marla Beck
HECE 12, Boskerboll 9 11 , Trock 9, Class Fovorite 9, Nomlnored Class Fovorite 11
Keith Bell EFA9 10 11 12(Sec.
11 ),
Baseball 9 10 11 12, Soccer
Michele Bienicewicz
OEA Pre-Lob 11, VOE 12
Belinda Bilyeu
HECE 11 12
Todd Bishop
Football 9 10 11 12, Basketball 9 10 11 12, Trock 9 10 11 12
Roger Blackmon
French Oub 9 10, VICA 11 12,(Pres. 12)
Mark Boatman
VICA 1.1, HECE 12
Pamela Bowles
Bond 9 10. VOE 12. NHS 11 12(Tteasurer)
Michelle Bradley
Bond 9 10 11. flogs 11. FHA 9. FTA 10 11 12. OEA 12
Laura Brantley
French Club 11. HECE 12, Dromo Club 11
Michael Brantley
VoAg 9, Building Trodes 10, HECE 12
9: i O - i r i 2, 'S d / H I . C I l ^ d
Jason Dalton
1;j . ^ V l c e - f r e s . 12 ). \ ' 5 ^ n c h C l o b y i ^ - 1 0 ) , F r A IQ ^ h b ^ W h o I2 s ' S and
Andre Davis 1, Tractv9 11 *12j Football JO r^ICA Club 12
Sara Denner NHS 11 'l2 (5 ec.'l2 ); tennis-9-10 X 1 - > :jtb d e h r Cobndj
i - p. f £ v h j I L G / t Qrib/i\i i i
Denise Draper ~
oega 11 12(Tres'_12)' Volleyball Manager. 10.: , posketboll MqnQgeL.10 -
Tom Edwards - / G d tL'J
-12 s
Cheryl Ekis
/ Ddnd.9'101 1 '
Nicole Eleazer - , 'B a n d ^
1 0 - 11-1 2 ^
Jody Ewing - 'sbdeni C p u H cl(vip ,11'42JPres(denr 11). $/o)e+li5lory, I toil Competitor 9, Safely Committee 9 1 0 (Chai[man , 1 ,10) I French'Club'lCl 11 .\Clpss'fre>ldgnMp 11 12,'UIL i ‘O ne-Actflgy ) 0 2 f l ) l 2 r^ogypU)rdln-Amb 9 Ssddor 10; \ Best Supporting Actor IO.CIok,Favorite Nominee. 10 11. I Speech Te o ral V 4 2 .Yeprbool<-Co-£dItpt11. UllStore . ' Hondr Crew V I.Boys Srare Nominee Disffici XII Srudent 'Cpuridl Presld«ntjl'1. Quill6 Scroll'll; 12. Thespian T i I2y0ryg Awareness Committee 11 12 . .Yearbook Editor - - 4 2 . bAR Good ptiiemorrhe: Ygar 12. Wtjo srWpa .'-^mona Hiqh'School Students, Tftesplon of the-Yepr in
'\ 1 y / r
J '
Rebecca Fagan
DEOV11 12J Volleyball 1CT Spanish Clubb 10
Shannon Flory
Srudent ColincilV flO, OoskerbOll 9, Dr'llHearn Monoger ' \ '“10 11 . FTA^I Y. HEC6-T2s.
Mike Fortner
Debate 9710 ;11 12,(VtcefPr-es. 1-1/Pres! l2); Academlc . Art-Ajmerkon Scholar lO.W ho’s Who 11
Jeff Fox
- ^Tennis 4 W 1 f * 2 ,G /J. 9 10; NH5 11 12 ,
Manager helps team F
ilming the games and keeping the books are just two of the re sponsibilities tnar Jeff Potts enjoys os manager of the varsity basketball ream. Also, he is the score keep er and travels every where with the team keeping their m orale high. "I like being basketball manager because I get a chance to be an impor tant port of the team." Jeff said. Along with his manag er duties, he also has var
ious responsibilities as NHS presid en t con du ctin g meetings. "Since I do so much, I hove to work harder at everything I do and find extra time to study,'' Jeff said. Jeff, who has been manager for three years, plans to major in commu nications at U.T. Austin or Baylor.*Deanna Houk GETTING EQUIPMENT OUT. Jeff Potts, senior, prepares the team.‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Jeff Clement John Cline
FFA(Senrlniol 10. Sec 12). A g 9 10 11 12
Dustin Coburn Eva Coker
HECE 11. VOE 12. OEA 12. Varsity Monoger 12
J.V. Footboll
Sharia Collins
Sponish Club 9 10 11
Dobby Cook
Track 9 10 11 12( Regional* 11). Cross Counrry 9 10 11 12. Autobody 12. Auto Mechonics 11. VICA 11 12
Charlotte Cooke
Trock 9 10 11 12(Cross Counrry 12), Bond 9 10 11. FHA 12
Charice Cooper
Bond 9, OEA 12
Erika Cordova Kristen Cornelius
Drill Teom 9 10, Studenr Council 9 10 12, Qoss Princess 9 10, Qoss Beauty 9 10 11, Yearbook 5toff 12
Steve Cox
Footboll 9 10 11. Boskerboll 9
Jana Curry OEA 11.12
Editor writes creatively
f 'C H l
ooking for on outlet for her creative writing tal ents, Pom Roy, senior, joined the Bulldog Times staff her junior yeor ond now serves os editor. Her responsibilities con sists of supervising produc tion, helping with feature writing, ond editing pages. When nor rushing for a deadline, Pom spends the remainder of her spore time writing free verse poetry LOOKING OVER FEATURES, Pom Roy, senior, enjoys reading the Bull dog Times. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
and perfecting feature writing. She has won first place in District UIL fea ture writing, second place in a local feature writing contest, ond received o notional Quill ond Scroll writing award. "My friends ond fam ily's support has really helped me to keep my com m itm ents to my tasks,” Pom soid. Pom plans to go to col lege ot Wayland Bopist University ond major in education. ‘ Deanna Houk
Cam Groves
Drill Teom 9
11 12
Dill Hagberg 9 10 11 12(Drill Sergeonr 12). Thespion 12. Newspoper Sroff 12
Trina Haley Bond 9 10 11. FTA 10 11 12, DECA 12, FFA 12
Sharloffe Hankins Debore 12. NH5 12, U ll Ready Writing 11 12
Sean Harbour
Soccer 12
Debrenda Harrelson
Mike Harris Vo Ag Coop. 11 12. Footboll
9 10 11
Kim Hawkins French Club 12. Cheerleader 11-
Jennifer Hawthorne Drill Teom 9 10
DECA 12(Sec. 12)
Brooke Hayes Marketing 1 Z Footboll 10
Ken Hermann Bond 9 10, Student Council 9. French Club 12
Derrick Hicks Track 9 10 11 12. Footboll 10
ENJOYING THE RIDE, Pom Roy, Michelle Barfield, ond Keldo Roskam travel to Denton to train for UIL spring competition. 'Photo by Susie Burks
WITH ARTISTIC FLARE. Wendy Wilson adds creativity to the Derrick. 'Photo by Shree Srisupa
Ronnie Fowler Amy Fuhrmon Wes Fuller
FoorbolJ 9 10 11 12, Vo Ag 9 10 11 12
Casey Gahagan
Vo Ag 9 10 11 12(Tres. 10, Pres
Connie Gibson Chris Gilbert Cindy Gilmore HECE 11 12
Gina Gomez
Drill: Team } 0 11 12, HECE l2(Vlce-Pres), Student Council 9 10
Cody Goode
Vlce-Pres. 12. Football 9 10 1112, Oaskerboll 9 10 11 12. Trock 9 10 11 12. Baseball 9 10 11 12. All-School Favorite 11
Rebecca Graves
Tennis 10 11
Kevin Green
Football 9 10 11. Qasketboll 9 10 11, Trock 9, Auto Mechonlcs 11 12
Amy Grcthe
ROTC Drill Team 11. ROTC Rifle Team 11. ROTC Color Guard 11, ROTC 5taff 10 11, Trqck 9. FHA 9
DISCUSSING SENIOR ANNOUNCE MENTS, rhe class officers meet ro select three choices. ’ Photo by Susie Burks
Wal-Mart Pharmacy 100 Red River Ex. 569-0006
Donny Joncas Brian Jones 'oosterboM/i . i V t k *
* 9V
* 1!%
-Who'1 2
Kirk Kemp S v o A g ? HO, Vo Ag COrOP Traihfrig .1^ 12
Scott Kearns Foorball 9
10 ' 1T\1276dS<frbdU
10 11 12 ,
Liz Key - rsiuienrCouneil 9 10 11 T2 ( Vice-Pres, 4 q : Team 9 10 1,T H2(Li:, 10. Gopf. 41'12). PACE 10 14 12. FHA 12(Sec. 12)
Lena Kinnaird Mitch Kirkpatrick
,S6ccef/t1 '12
Joelle Koncelik
, Speech 6 D e b o te ie o m 'l 1^ 1?(fc<>Pres, 12): Hpnor Thesplon 9^10 11,12(Vioe-R[eJ: 1,1. Pies.' f i ) . pond/9 10 1 1 Sttjdent|Coun'al'9|'l6' 5ci/Hrflyb\11 12. l.f.A . Stbfe I Spe«h JournotTient 1 2|\UIL Re^ionois Speech. Toy'rno'ment 1 t: Veortiook S'tatf t t 'v U f lC ^ A c r PfayV To(1-L iiffel,Cprp-9) WKoJs)Wh6 ' 12 .' 0 ro/hO(C1u b V j 0'; ’ 11 12(Pies. .11VQoarified.iprtllL^tdre Solo G.EsembleContest 1 0 1 1. 5A D D 12 . Outstanding Academic Achleverneot.Awor<19
Dawn Greeno Kauffman /
DECA41 12
Sheila Landrum
Class President 9, NHS 11 12, Student Council 9 10 11, OEA 11 12. FHA 12, Drill Teom 9 10 1112;
Regina Lederer Sharon Lewallen
President plays busy tune erving as FTA presi dent and participating in band, keeps Laura Schroeder busy before, during, and after school. Laura, who is head li brarian ond 2nd Lt., plays m ellow p h o ne during marching season, french horn in concert, and key board in the jazz band. She also parficapafed in Jr-Sr Bond Day at MSU. "Band has really re warded me,” she said. "I
have gained leadership a b ilitie s and I h a v e learned what if takes to be a good musician. Band is like no other class I have ever taken. I have learned how hard work and determination can really pay off.” During the two years she served Os FTA pres ident, she attend state, district, and local conven tions for three years. Some of her other duties
are conducting meetings, helping with the scrap book, and keeping a bal ance on current sales. Laura plans to attend MSU and try out far a mu sic scholorship. She wants to major in education. *Deanna Houk R E A D Y F O R S AL ES , L a u r o Schroeder, senior, pocks her M&N bag.*Photo by Jody Ewing
/ I
/ I" ®
I i i ll
F U N D R m s in g A(
Michelle Hofmoier
Tennis 10 11, FCA
11 ,
OEA 12
Tim Holdbrook
Drama Club 10, VICA 12(Sec 12)
Lisa Hood
Trock 11
Deanna Houk
Bond 9, Sroge Bond 9, Drill Teom 10 11 12, Yearbook Sroff 1112, Student Council 9 10 1 1
Jamie Howard
Drill Teom 9 10 11 12, HECE 11(Sec./Tres. 11), VOE 12(Pres. 12)
K.C. Howlett
Yearbook Stoff 12
Tony Hyden
Vo Ag 9 10 11, OEA Pre-Lab 11
Paul Hulen
Debra Jackson
Student Council 10 11 12, Drill Teom 10 11 12(Lr. 12), French Club 11 12(Vice-Pres. 11)
Denmark Jensen
NHS 11 12, G/T 11 12, Basketball 10 11 12 '
Michael Johnson
Speech & Debote 11, Basketball 12, Spanish Club 10 11 12, Dromo Club 11, Soccer 11
Lyle Johnston
Matt loves tennis
urprisingly, it was not M atthew Sum m ers choice to join the tennis team. He was scheduled into tennis class his eighth grade year. "I hod to m ake a choice, either pick-up balls for the team or join the team; I decided to join the team," Matthew said. Since joining the team,
he has enjoyed ploying tennis and practices for 8 to 10 hours o week. "My favorite pro tennis player is Yannick Nooh, a great player, who is ex cellent in both doubles and singles." Matthew has earned many honors in his four years of high school. He is o two year member of the National Honor Soci
ety, o Notional Merit Scholarship Honorable Mention Student, ond o semi-finalist for the Na tional Hispanic Scholarship Program. He plans to enroll ot ei ther Stanford or Princeton and mojor in Studio or Commerciol orf. *Deanna Houk
WAITING TO SERVE, Mart Sum m e r s d e m o n s t r a t e s t he "perfect" form, *Photo by Don nie Brewer
Seniors I ___
135 * ■
Renae Mills T Bond 9 to 11, FTA4CJ ft I^ R o d / lS ), O E A 'l 1 12
Diane Mitchell - Cheerleadef l i l t Voileyboll 9 1Q't 1 Hi, SKtdem / ^Council .11 i?. FHA "I2 jfte j. jS j/F C A ,!^
Johnny Moon
Autobody. Building Trades
Marla Moore Student Council 9 10 11 1 2 . DrIIJ Teqm 9 10,11 12(U 12). Class Reporter 11, FHA 12(tres 12). OF A 12
Todd Moorman Trey Morris Footboll 9. Staff Photographer 12. Vo Ag 10 11 12(Studenr Advisor 11)
Vance Morris Footboll 9 10 11 12. Basketball 9 16-1112, Baseball 9 10 11 12. Studenr Coundl 12 , Fellowship OfChristioo Athletes 12, Senior Closs Reporter
Greg Mullins - Football 9. Vo Ag 9 10 11 12, Auto Mechanics 12
Band 9 10
Pamela Neal
I 2 (firy Lt of Druir» C o rp rl 1, D/Opn Capf . ' -1 2 ). Student Council 9
Sandra Nesevich
Bond 9 10 11 12. HEC£ 12. FIA I t t2
Nam Nguyen
NH5 1112
Van Nguyen
NHS 11 12
WITH DEEP CONCENTRATION. Kftsreh Cornelius -ond Wendy Wilson,seniors, work on their Layouts. ‘ Phoro by Jody Ewing
Jason Mays Juliet Mcllrath Cheerleader 10 11 12, Class Sec/Ties 11 12, Student Council 9 10 11. HECE 11(flep. 11), Class Favorite 10 11. All School Favorite 11 , Homecoming Princess 1 1 , Homecoming NOmlnee 12, Class Oeoury 11
Laura McAlister Basketball 9 10, Volleyball 10(Manoger 1 1) Ttock 9 10 HECE 12
Glen McCarthy Vanessa McCormick
Volteyboll 11 12, Baskerboll 9 10 11 12, Trock 9 10 11 12(Reglonols 9), FCA 9 10 11 12(Pres. 11), FHA 12
Darius McCracken Dana McGraw Jeanna Meyer
Bond 9 10 11, Cheerleader 9 10, Studenr Council 9 10. Spanish Club 9 10. Tennis 9, FTA 10 11 12(Disfria Pres. 12), Sroge Bond 9, Dromo 10
Brad Meyer Randy Michael Gary Miller
Vo Ag 9 10 11 12(Sen. 12). Football 10 11 12
Thomas Miller
CLASSMATES CHILL OUT in senior hall. Todd Bishop and Vonce Morris head for the pep roily. *Photo by Jody Ewing
First Notional Bonk 300 East 3rd. 569-2221
Clifford Provence Jason Randolph
12 (Sec/Tres.
11 12),ITS 10 11 12.
John Ramsey > Ag 9 10, Aurobody 1 t 12. Football 9-10
Rey Reyes
Tommy Reynolds 10 Tracy Roberts
Tennis 9 10 11 l2(ftegionol Semifinals 11), Sponish Club
HECE 12. Tennis 9 10 11, VOAg9(tres. 9)
Valorie Roberts
Teacher's Aide 12 Volleyball 11
Christopher Robertson
Bond 9 10 11 12(Quorrermosrer 11 12. Staff i t : 12).' So/Hi 10 11 12(Sec/Tres. 11 12). Boys' Srore 11, Who’s who 12
Kelda Roskam
FHA9 10 l2(Pres. 12, Project Cholrrpon'10). Cheerleader 9 10 12. NHS 12. 4-H 9 l0(fteCTeoHon leoder 10). Bond 9 10, Closs Sec. 9, Most Talented 10. Oklohomo Honor Society 10
Pam Roy
NHS 11 12(Vice-Pres. 12); FHA l2(Historian 12). Newspoper Stoff 11 12(Ediror 12),G/T 10 11 l2^Girls' Srore Participant 12, Who's Who 11, Notionol Journalism Gold Key Aword 11. Quill 6 Scroll 11 12
Prscilla Sapata Terry Schmidt
Sponish Club 10. FTA 11, Student Council 12
TAKING A REST Cosey Gahogon and John Cline, seniors, sir for a while in Ag. ‘ Photo by Trey Mor-
CRUSING FOR LUNCH, K.C. Howlett ond Dono McGrow, seniors, feost on hamburgers ond shakes or Sonic Drive-In ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Laura Nickel
Srudenr Council 9 10 11, Gymnosfics 9 10 11. Drill Teom 11(Lr Copt 11), Cheerleader 9 10
Roxeanne Norris Sheri Osfrom
Student Council 9 10, Drill Teom 9 10 11 12, HECE 12(Sec/Tres 12)
Jeanne Ott
Trock 10 11 12, Cross Country 11 12, FCA 12. Spanish Club 12
Kelly Pate
Student Council 9. Drill Teom 9 10 11 12
Scott Patrick
Trock 9 10 11 12, Cross Country 9 10 12
Charles Perry
HECE 12, FoorbQli 9 10 11 12
James Phillips
frock 9 10; 11 12; Cross Country 10 11 12. One A a Ploy 11, Stoff Phofoghapher 12
Kevin Phillips
VICA 10. DECA 11 12(Vice Pres. 12)
Derra Porch 12 Jeff Potts
HECE 12(Porl. 12), Student Council
12, Choir 9 10
Boskerboll Monoger 10 11 12. NHS 11 12(Pres. 12)
Cole Preston
Athlete has high hopes ost c o m m o n l y known for his ded ication and success in foot ball, basketball, track, ond weight lifting, Stan Thiergood only appears to be the all around sporty type. Actually, he holds m any interesting hobbies ond original, high set goals for the future. Stan, who started mod
eling classes in October, thinks of modeling os a fun hobby and possible a future career. He goes to closs once a week and learns runway modeling and fashion coordination. Stan plans to attend Arizoro Automotive ond Drafting Institute for draft ing and architecture. He hopes to become a suc
cessful architect. Then, lat er he wonts to get into real estate, hotels, ond horse breeding. "I would like to collect exotic automobiles ond own several larger luxu rious houses throughout the United States ond Eu rope." said Stan. ‘ Deanna Houk
PRACTICING HIS MODELING. Sran Thiergood poses for the comers. ‘ Photo by Stacey Pactrick
Joy Szoloky Micoh Tobion '
Vo A g 9 10 11 12
Liz Toylor Stan Thiergood Foorboll? 10 11 12. Track? 10 11. BosHeiboll9
Matthew Thies Dustin Thomas David Thompson
Aurobody 1 1 1 2 ,
Jerry Toft
Missy Underwood James Vanriper Soccer 11,12
Wesley Virdell
Baseball 10 11. Aurobody 12, Auto Mechanics 11
Brian Waddell
WAITING FOR ACTION, the var sity footboll teom owoifs the be ginning of the pep rally. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Laura Schroeder
Bond 9 10 11 12(Llbrorlon 12, Drill Seorgent 12),FTA 10 11 12(Tres 11, Pres 11 12), NHS 11 12
Kim Schuman Chuck Shavers
Bose' ill 9 10
12, Foorboll 10 11
Chris Southerland
Foorboll 9 10 11, Trock 9 10, Golf 11 12, DECA 12, French Club 9 10, Srudenr Council 12
Shree Srisupa Julie Stephens
French Club 9 10, Srudenr Council 11 12, OEA 11, Dromo 12
Robert Sternodel
Bond 9 10 11 12(Assr. Stoff Lr 12). Scj/Hi 9 10 11 l2(Pres 12, Vice-Pres. 11), French Club 11 12. FTA 10
Brent Stewart
VICA 12(Vice-Pres. 12)
Rena Stewart
HECE 11/Student Council 9 10
Sonja Strome Matt Summers
G/T 9 10, Tennis 9 10 11 12(Regionol Semifinol 11. District Champion 9), Bond 9 10, NHS 11 12, National Merit Scholarship Honoroble Menrion, Notional Hispanic Scholarship Semifinolisr, Sroge Bond 9 10, Acodemic lerrer 9 10, Acodemic Aword in English 11
Tracy Swearingen
OBSERVING NEW BORN, Chris Gilbert and Am y Fuhrman, seni ors, listen closely to the mother’s instructions. ‘ Photo by Jody Ew ing
Trocy Adams Laura Agee Eddy Alaniz Sreven Albrecht Heather Andersen
Regina Anderson Jamie Atkinson Cory Bale Mike Bartley Brent Battista
Eileen Beeks Charles Berry Kim Berry Richard Blackmon Kalee Bosson
Officers have 'class' kept up the students spirit with the "Revenge of the 89 senior ring and pre Nerd s '' h o m e c o m in g paring for prpm the junior float and other events class officers were faced that helped to moke this with a lot of responsibility. year memorable for the "Being an officer re entire junior class. quired some work, but it's The junior class officers really a lot of fun because are Dale Stubblefield, you get to plan and president; Scott Boyd, vichoose the things your c e - p r e s i d e n t s e c r e class can get involved in/' t a r y / treasurer, Jod ie Yonci Dwyer, reporter, Mcllroth; and reporter, said. Yanci Dwyer, *Nita Rig The junior class officers gins choosing the B etween design of the class of
Scotte Ward
Athletics 9, 10, 11. 12, Auto Mech Sgt -ot-Arms 11 Yeorbook 12. STUCO 11 12
Steven Whitmore Kristi Whittaker Mason Wiese
Billy Williams Philip Williams
Vo Ag 9 10 11 12, Footboll 9 10 11 12, Basketboll 9
Teresa Williams Student Council 9. DE 12
Tonya Williams
Wendy Wilson
Yeorbook Staff 9 12. Art Club 10 11. Dromo Club/Thespion 10 11 12
James Wolf Todd Wood
Footboll 9 10 11 12, V o Ag 9 10 1 1 12. Baseball 10 12
Troy York
Bond 9 10 11 12(Dfum Mojor 12), Student Council 11. VICA 12, FTA 12. Sci/HI 12
Rochelle Zaccardi
Drill Teom 9 10 11. Student Council 9 10 12(Sofety Com 12), OEA 12, FHA 12(Porl. 12) It was a dirty job. bur the Derrick staff would like to rhonk Kristen Cornelius and Scott Ward for,helping, choose rhe drape that would look best on ANYONE
RAISING BULLDOG SPIRIT, the se nior doss yelled The chonrs ond cheers to pep up rhe reom. •Photo by Trey Morris
Burk Auto 602 Sheppard Rd.
Pate Insurance Agency 313 East 3rd 569-3317
Trevor Ceorley Stephen Chism Thomas Christ Kim Clark Chris Clorke
Nikki Coffey Crystle Coker Peggy Coker Steve Col man Scott Cornsfubble
Sholoy Cowles Trocey Cox Chad Croin John Creggor Fronk Curts
LEADING SPANISH MEETING are officers Nita Riggins and Regina Anderson. ‘ Photo by Stocey Pat rick
146 ~> Juniors
L O A D IN G UP DUS . J o d ie Mcilrathjuntor,prepares for a long bus ride. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Scoff Boyd Gerald Bradford Mike Braziel Mark Brouwer Becky Brown
Donnie Brunson Michelle Brugmon Tammie Burkeff Charles Cage Lori Campbell
Dovid Confer Dee Dee Canfwell Jon Canfwell Mike Corowoy Ami Carr
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS ore Dole Stubblefield, Scott Boyd, Jodie Mcllrorh, ond Yohcl Dwy er: ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
CHEERING ON BULLDOGS Scott Boyd, Mark Ford, ond Mike Den im show super spirit! ‘ Photo by James Phillips
Rent-A-Movie Jon Lee Town 569-3712
Steve France Paul Golloup Kerry George Shane Gilbert Dale Glover
John Godo Sheila Goff Keeane Gomez Kelly Griffin Kendra Grout
Trovis Gwynn More Haenel Jimmy Hall Marcia Hall Joe Honold
Karate Kid L
ooking for o chal lenge, Keith Curts discovered his calling in Ka rate. Keith become interest ed in Korote when he was 14 years old and since then he has ad vanced from a white belt to a brown belt, only One step away from the mas ter black belt. Keith practices four hours a day and partic-. ipates in many demon strations throughout the area. He practices Chi nese Kenpo Karate but
he specializes in selfdefense techniques. Presently, he is training to be a korate Instructor. However, his future plans involve Karate as well. One day Keith hopes to open his own studio. "Karate Is something most people know very little about," he said."But it is very unique and con be d e a d ly w hen qpplied." *Nita Riggins WITH POWERFUL FORCE , Kelrh Curts; junior, practices karate techniques. ‘ Courtesy photo
Keifh Curts April Dougherty Ariel Dejesus Sondy Demel Micheol Denham
Chris Downes Raymond Downing Yonci Dwyer Cherie Ellis Allen Evans
Rebecca Flaherty Penny Fleming Mark Ford Paula Fore Linda Fowler
Two Timer
ualifying for stare 100 runners. She also tw o co n se cu tive placed sixth in the two years, Je n n y W iemmile er run, which happens placed twelfth out of 101 to be her fovorite event. "I consider it to hove runners at the state cross country meet in George been on honor to be at state of oil," she soid. town. "When I wos little I al However, being a dy ways enjoyed running namic tracksfer is only around the neighbor one of Jenny's attributes. hood with the older kids Besides frock Jenny en and trying to keep up joys basketball, softball, with their pace," Jenny bowling, and church ac tivities. Jenny is also sec soid. Last year Jenny placed retory of the Spanish fourteenth in cross coun Club. " E v e n tho u gh m y try at store out of over schedule is full of sports STRETCHING BEFORE PRACTICE, activities,'' she said,"I Jenny Wiemer.prepares for o would like to do more." cross country run. ’ Photo by *Nita Riggins
Stocey Patrick
Kenny Johnson Robert Johnson Joson Jones Sondy Jones Joe Jordon
Kim Keeling Lee Keep Sharon Keith Brad Kelly Jimmy Kerchum
Candy King Devono King Dion King Kelly King Kathy Koch
SHARING THEIR LUNCH, Kristi Sti vers and Jenny Wiefner. enjoy a break from a busy school doy. ‘ Photo by Croig Winsor
OBSERVING SHEEP SHEAR ING, Marsho Flail, junior,, leorns some of the proce dures in vo lve d in sh eep core. ‘ Photo by Trey Morris
Red River Ford Sheppard Rd.
Deeno Hansen Sheila Harbour Sracy Harrison Rhonda Harfzell Johnny Hawkins
Jamie Hinnanf Tommy Holland Dean Howell Wendy Hutchinson Paula Irwin
Linda Ivory Michael Ivory Brian Jensen Brandon Johnson Casey Johnson
"THE PERFECT RING" hod many different descriptions as juniors Steven Chism, Regina Andersbn, o nd S te v e n A lb re ch t choose their favorite styles. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by Susie Burks
Steve McCullough Frankie McCurley Max McDonald Jodie Mcllroth Jason Meadows
John Meddillin Dolly Merritt Aric Meyer Sue Michels Jerry Miller
Rodney Miller Damon Mink Dori Mitchell Drennon Moore Cheryl Morgan
Ivory ploys oil sports ynamic athlete, Mi ch ae l Iv o ry , has been interested In sports ever since he was old enough to play them. Mi chael first became inter ested in sports because watching them on televi sion made him want to play sports. Michael has played a variety of sports such as football, basketball, base ball, and track. His favor ite sports ore football and baseball. “If I didn't play sports I wouldn't have anything to do or not as many friends," Michael said. "I just love being around
people and having fun!" Michael achieved an honorable mention in both b a s k e tb a ll and baseball. He also took second place in the 200 merer relay. However; Michael is nor only exceptional in sports. He was nominated for class favorite his freshmen and Sophom ore years. "It's hard ro balance everything and I have to make some sacrifices that I hate," Michael said. “However, I always try to put my class work first." *Nifo Riggins
David Lambert Kerri Landers Kim Le Stacye Ledbetter Theresa Leistner
Cory Leonard Heather Lindsey Kathy Maddox Roger Marshall Robin Martin
Yvette Martinez Kenneth McCallister Kristy McCallister Suzanne McClure Tim McCoy
Babe stays involved s a leader, Kristin Spessard has very lit tle free rime beyond her various school activities. She is a member of the Boomtown Babes, has served as an officer for two years and is also a member of the All State Drillteam. Next year she plans to try out for Babes captain. She is also a member of National Hon or Society and served as
KEEPING GRADES UP. Kristin Spessard starts her new reading assignment. ‘ Photo by Jodie Mcllrath
freshm an and sopho more class secretary. She served on the Student Council for two years and was active in PACE. Kristin competed in the UIL typing contest in March. "When it comes to bal ancing all of my time con suming activities," Kristin said, "I fry to get my pri orities straight and put lots of effort info all of my responsibilities." *Nita Rig gins
Victoria Perry Vinny Persinger Jeff Pirkle John Poper Lenora Powell
Brett Prince Donna Pruett Rita Pyne Pam Quashnock Jose Ramirez
David Rariden Kerri Rasmussen Jerry Reardon Kenny Reed Michelle Remily
He's got the beat T
alented Vinny Per anxious to get his chance. r,"l want to be in a rock singer loves playing drums! band, but it's a hard busi "When I wos seven ness to make if in," Vinny years old I first saw Kiss," said. he said. "I wanted to Vinny got his first set of play like Peter Criss, so I drums when he was 15 started beating on gar years old. bage cans and stuff,7 "I could never give it Ever since, Vinny has up now," he said. "It's been obsessed with the about fhe only thing I can drums. He practices in his get enjoym ent from .” garage for at least one *Nita Riggins hour a day and about six KEEPIN G THE BEA T, V in n y hours on the weekends. Persinger practices hi? trap set in Vinny has not had ex his garage. *Photo by Craig Winperience playing in front sor of an audience but, he is
Scoff Morris Potty Murillo Shone Neese Norma Neff Alena Nessel
Jeff Nickens Jusfen Nookes Scott Nunn Kevin Odom David Oliver
Terry Osborne Terry Overton Arvill Parkey Perry Pott Shown Poyne
P.TCHING JV ACTION, Micheal try observes the gome offer jsify pracrlce. ‘ Photo by Jodie [Irarh
ATTENDING THE MEETINTG, jun iors listened os. Herff-Jones rep resentatives discussed class rings, ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Ju n io rs
AmberS c h u l t e ! 3 r e n d oScruggs SusanSki nner CindySmi t h K ri s tiSmi t h
Marvi nSmith Ronni eSmith L o u r i eSpai n K ri st i nSpessard JohnS t a r l i n g
A l l e nStephens KimS t i c e C h r i s t iS ti ve「5 LoneeStone Mi c h e l l eStrahan
DaleS t u b b l e f i e l d 仁h ealSwi t z e r Mi MarkTackerr DannyTatum Kat「i naTerne「
Jn i o r s
Kassie Renick Kim Rice Tomi Richards Nira Riggins Brad Rix
Donnie Roberts Scotty Roberts Chris Robertson Jennifer Roper Misti Rouse
James Roy Dovid Rush RusS Russell Eileen Son Diego Krystal Sappington
HARD AT WORK. Dean Howell constructs a bike at Wal-Mart. *Photo by James Phillips
LOOKING FOR HOMEWORK. Scott Boyd searches his iocker for his missing assignm ent. â&#x20AC;¢Photo by Jody Ewing
Briono Acheson Anomorio Afre Sreve Aikens Kelsho Ansell Allyson Archley
Srocy Boldwin Kathryn Bales Dawn Bongs Mike Borfield Jackie Barker
Paul Borreger J.J. Barry Lodonna Bedford Renee Berry Craig Bilyeu
Officers Promote he tenth grade year, the year was difficult, dull often the most diffi was not in any sopho cult, was a busy year for more's vocabulary. They most sophomores. It was won the spirit sticks at pep difficult in the sense that rallies and seem ed to homework seemed five give the school new spirit. times worse than before. This sophomore class S o p h o m o re s w e re and it's officers hod spunk proud to no longer be and enthusiasm all year. fre sh m e n , y e t th e y They olso fended to be o longed to be "upper bit " on the wild side!" classmen". Even though *K.C. Howletf
Sharon Thompson Thuy Tran Hearh Tyler Donnie Vanadore Larry Wade
Derrick Walker Brandie Webb Cody Welter Rick Whitaker Tamika Whitaker
Jenny Wiemer Lynette Wilkinson Jesse Williams Randy Williams Tony Williams
Wesley Wilson Brain Wirtman Melissa Woods Lee Wynne John Yeager
Daken York Lisa Zrowka
HANGING HIS IMAGE, David Canter (alias £| Wave Dave) takes a fashion turn with s .new clip-on earrings. ‘ Photo by Jody ■vjng DRTING CANDY CANES, Kim Keeling and imie Atkinson help organize the NHS cany cane fund raiser. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
Manhattan Department Store 218 East 3rd. 569-2612 Robbies House of Hallmark 312 East 3rd. 569-3632
Roberr Cosey Robert Costeen Lonnette Costro Tereso Cotheroll Keri Cely
Korey Chandler Michelle Chavis Roslyn Cheney Michael Chism Young Chon
Marti Chuculote Richard Clarke Timothy Clement Brian Cochran Sean Connolly
FINDING CLASS ENLIGHTNING in English.II, are Eddie Blevins, Erika Hampton, Lo y Kittrell, Jesse Hatch, arid R o b e rt H olling sworth. ’ Photo by Bonnie Brew er
JUST JOKING AROUND, Barfield buddies up with'9 ol' pal Joel Merkins. ’ Photc Trey Morris. .
Daryl Blakley Eddie Blevins Jerri Blevins Bos Bouwmeesrer Henk Bouwmeester
Julie Boyd Jerry Brantley Sean Brennan Bonnie Brewer Scott Bright
Denise Brightman Peggy Coll Cori Callahan Diana Cardenas Kevin Carpenter
^PORTING EACH OTHER ore icers Stocey Patrick, Carmen tiz, and Sarph Sfernodel.(Not fared is Allyson Atchley) Voto by Craig Winsor
EVEN CO LD WEATHER can't keep loyal fans from exhibiting spirit at the Mineral Wells game, ’ photo by Trey Morris
Wal-Mart 100 Red River Ex.
•«> 159 ^V \T
Stormy Downing Johnet Doyle Chris Draper Angelo DuBose Tonyo Duncan
Audrey Elizondo Kathy Elliot Tommy Elliott Rusty Ellis Laurie Etheredge
Chad Fikes Tammy Fouquef Bridgette Frerich Richard Fuller Aaron Fullerton
Freestyler arrives lthough many stu dents have bicycles, few ride them with tech niques like freestyler Tim Torres. "I got into freestyling when ! brought axle pegs for my bike to knock over trash cans, and I just start ed doing other tricks on them," Tim said. This new student from Campbell, California, was part of o freestyle team, the Chain Reaction, with six other guys. They par ticipated in preshows, demonstrating their tricks, such as lawn mowers, bar
hops, backward wheelies, furillo spins, and frame stands. "I don't worry about becoming the best,” Tim said, " I'm just freestyling because I like it!" Tim enjoys downhill racing. His other hobbies are drawing and listening to new wave music like New Order and Depeche Mode. *K.C. Howlett and Tina Ortiz SHOWING HIS STUFF, Tim Torres practices his latest trick. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Karl Cove Robert Cox Shannon Cox Leon Crabtree Angier Crawford
Sherri Cray Nicholas Cunningham Phillip Daniels Kelli Dorlond Melissa Daugherty
Joyce Davis William Dennis Steve Dietrich Vince Dominquez Melissa Downes
Sweet sixteen he sophomore year brought new free doms, more responsibili ties, and most important — o driver's license! This year most sophomores no longer hod to hitch rides or eat cafeteria food, instead the choice was their own, ond they loved if! "I don't hove my li cense yet," Joel Merkins said,"but I drive anyhow. I just go home for lunch, which is o lot better than eating in the cafeteria!"
Whether the choice was Hardie's, Onio's, Son ic, or home, sophomores become more and more anxious os they got closer to their "sweet sixteenth” birthday. "I wos not allowed to cor dote until I wos 16, so I wos very anxious for my b irth d a y this y e a r / ' Stacey Patrick said. Turning sweet sixteen and oil the things that go with it mode most soph omores enjoy their year a lot better. *K.C. Howleft
Byron Grubbs Gwen Guillioms Rickey Holey Kofhy Homilron Eriko Hampton
Terri Hordy Laura Hornsberger Michael Harrington April Harris Holly Harris
Mary Harris Ricky Horrold Charles Horfzell Janine Hasse Jesse Hatch
Spanish comes easy Spanish class Tlearn;oisjustsome, another credit to however, to others like Vince Dominguez,it is a basic w a y of life. Vince's mother is Spanish so this language is spoken every day in his home. "My mom is Spanish and she always speaks to me in Spanish and 1 an swer her in English," Vince said. "This helps her with her English and ir helps me with my Spanish ot the same time." Besides his Spanish doss, Vince enjoys being a band member. He has played the drums in band for the past four years. Vince's good grades re
flect his effort and initia tive in all his dosses. How ever, Spanish remains his favorite class. He is in Lon nie Womack's third peri od. "Although I know some Spanish, this class has enhanced my ability to speak it a lor," he said. "I've gotten much better in areas such os the al phabet." ' Vince lived in Spain for three years, but he has no desire to live there or to be an exchange stu dent." ”! think," he said, "I had rather stay in the grand old U.S. of A ." *K.C. Howlett
Martha Galloup Gilbert Garcia Yasmin Garcia Shalae Gilbert Shelli Gilbert
Sarah Glougie Lonny Goins Becky Goins Down Goode Mindy Goode
Kevin Goodner David Gossett Texana Green Dovid Greeno Kelly Griner
DELIGHTED WITH TOYS his Bi ology doss collected, Mr. Jim Wright displays his favorite o n e . *Ph o ro b y J o d ie Mcllrath
WAVING THE FLAG, Steven Schaffner celebrates the BiCentennial celebration of the Constitution. ‘ Photo by Jodie Mcllrofh
Troy Kospor Sreven Keorns Tony Kennedy Debbie Kefchum Sreve Kefchum
Kevin King Floyd Knopp Jeneen Knox Julie Kohlhorsf Star Kosechofo
Freddie Loviolefre John Lawlor Mike Loyne Robin Learst Lynn Lee
Snapping new interest n esides being secretory ■^of student council, president of her doss, and o track enfhusist, Stacey Patrick likes to spend most of her time behind rhe comero. "I wont ro be o portrait photographer because I enjoy working with peo ple," she soid. ’Also, I wont to do free lonce work so I con do more creative things with my comero," Stacey is currently in photography closs ond has token o three day course or MSU on photog raphy. With these classes
and her father's help, Stacey has assisted and token photos for o mod eling agent. ’’I like to work with arristics subjects, like out doors, elegant houses, ond other settings dealing with composition," she soid. Stacey plans on enter ing photography contests and hopes to hove mony prize winning photos. * K.C. Howlert SEARCHING FOR A NEGATIVE. Stacey Patrick checks her con tact sheets In photography class. •Phorb by Trey Morris
Kim Hawkins Ed Hemphill Christine Henderson Mott Higgins Clarence Hightower
Jon Hofmonn Robert Hollingsworth Guy Hood Tim Howard Kurtis Hubbard
Sandra Ibarra Melissa Isaacs Jeff Jock Patrick Jackson Kenneth Kohrs
STUDYING HIS B O O K, Vince Dominguez reviews for his Span ish exom , ‘ Photo by Croig Winsor
SOPHOMORE BAND MEMBERS, Kyle Owen, Cori Callahan, Kris tin Rannillo, ond Scott Bright leave for Cleburne. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Timothy Metlz Krista Miller Katrena Mitchell George Mobley Wendy Moore
Kim Morgan Wendy Neely Greg Nessel Becky Newell Scott Newton
Tuan Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Thu Nguyen P.J. Nixon Lori Nolen
Brandio Norton Brooke Obenoskey Rhonda Oliver Carmen Ortiz Tina Ortiz
CATCHING SOME Z’S Cori Callohon travels to Demon to the U ll practice meet. ‘ Photo by Susie Durks
Missy Leistner Johnny Lindsey Dustin Loveless Shone Loveless Robert Ludwig
Tonya Lyne Sandy Madsen Chris Moffett Sean Maxey Charlene McCallister
Paul McClurkan David McGarry Cindi McKee Ronny McMullen Joel Merkins
BEFORE SECOND PERIOD, Mindy Goode tries to remember her lock combination. ‘ Photo by Jody Ewing
PRACTICING THEIR TECHNIQUE during doss, Jon Hofmon and Tim Howard blow their saxo phones. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
The Melon Patch 910 kramer 569-4849 Mazzios Pizza 900 Sheppard Rd.
Jerry Son Diego Shannon Schoffner Sreven Schoffner Jeonerte Schucherr Lesley Scorr
Lori Shuck Alicio Sloyden Dorboro Slusser Brenf Michelle Smirh
Trida Smith Chilloo Stohr Robert Stork Soroh Sternodel Shelley Stone
Timothy Summers Croig Szczepinski Tino Toylor Eric Theirgood Patrick Thorton
Kyle Owen Mike Porvin Deiron Pore Sfocey Patrick Matt Pickell
Michael Pletts Roby Potts Alicio Preston Jerry Raleigh Kristin Rannila
Dennis Raynor Angelo Remily Rodney Reyes Mott Riley Heather Roberts
Brenda Robertson Jennifer Robertson Kristi Roe Derek Rowland Shondo Solozor
VISITING WITH FRIENDS. Mr, Carper's English class waits for the tardy bell to ring. â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Photo by Bonnie Brewer
Deanna Ackerman Joe Akins Lezlie Akins Jona Albrecht Randy Albrecht
Aimee Anfill Amber Antwine Annilee Ballentine Krista Bangs Lewayne Bottles
Aaron Baxter Eugene Beam Arthur Beasley Bennie Bedford Eric Beeks
Freshmen find
New World Qeing a freshman was showing class spirit. Entering high school, an experience to remem ber. Just the thought of rhe freshmen looked for stepping into Senior Hall ward to participating in on the first day of school pep rallies and other required a great deal of school functions. Their en courage on the fresh thusiasm helped them to men's part. take second place in the Adjusting to demand homecoming float con ing teachers and sched test. ules took patience ond With all their liveliness endurance. However, the ond spunk, rhe freshmon freshman class officers did class gave new meaning not let the pressures of to being a freshman. school keep them from *Shree Srisupa
Tim Torres Kevin Trahan Marie Tuni Spencer Tyler John Ullum
Ric Uythoven Janet Waddle Jeff Walker Fernando Wallance Mandi Ward
Mike Waterman Leslea Watson Lori Weiss Eric Welter Michael Whaley
Jennifer Whitehill Parti Williams Cindo Winney Craig Winsor
Michael Wright Crystal Yancey Lisa Young Dallas Nunn
AZED AND STUNNED, Chris p e r finds rhot his locker is |n[ ‘ Photo by Jodie Mcllrarh lOF! WOOFJ WOOF! RoderIBarnes wins barking contest lames Henderson falls to his jes in defeat, ‘ Photo by Ities Phillips
John's Point ond Body 101 West 3rd.
Cornelius Insurance Agency 305 Eost 3rd. 569-3498
Kenny Bragg Kim Bragg Conradge Brown Carl Brunk Reed Buettner
Suzi Burchett Shane Burnett Brian Colton Cindy Camerlin Kevin Campbell
Amy Canter Kelvie Carlile Tracey Caron Robert Carper Jay Carter
BUSY AT WORK Quentin Walker concentrates on a spelling test. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by Jody Ewing
Dob Carter Insurance
Durkburnett Informer Star
Jimmy Beeson Kathy Bell Veronica Bernal Kathie Besher Brandi Bilyeu
John Bishop Lana Blake Carolyn Blancerr Daniel Blue Shelly Boatman
Danny Bodine Chris Boudy Jason Bowles John Boyerr Kevin Bradley
PICTURE PERFECT POSE describes officers J.D. Crockarell (pres.), Denise Dewvoll (v-p), Casey Johnson (sec.) ond Tomi Vest (rep.). ‘ Photo by Jodie Mcllrorh
EVEN ON A CHILLING night, spirit is shown ot o football game. •Photo by Craig Winsor
Durkburnett Florist and Gifts 904-A Kramer Rd. 569-2261 Onio's Pizza and Hoagie House 906-A Kramer Rd. 569-5211
Chad Corfifzson Chris Corley Angelo Crabtree 5am Crabtree Joe Cregger
J.D. Crockarell Jerald Curtis Cindy Daniels Jeff Daron Chad Davis
Melissa Dovis Renee Davis Cathy Demel Denise Dewvall Katrina Dilbeck
Burkbusters arrive T
he school m ay not not compare to the few hove Ghosfbusters, seconds it took to demol but it does hove the ish it," Nicole said. Besides spending time Burkbusters. The Burkbus ters ore freshmen Nicole after school with the signs, Hofmaier and Aimee An- Nicole enjoyed ploying till, who mode the buster tennis, drawing and vis signs that the football iting with her friends. teom ron through at the Aimee worked or Cindy & beginning of each game. Company os a reception N icole ond A im e e ist. spent long hours after These two freshmen school on Mondays mak added to the over oil spir ing the buster signs. "The it of the school by making m any hours used to the buster signs. moke the buster signs did *Shree Srisupo
Cossandra Casados Rebecca Casfeen Angeligue Castro Trina Cavender Lee Chambers V Tracy Chavis Richard Chearheom Mark Christian James Christopher Rhonda Clarke
Joe Clemons Tammy Cocolo Shannon Coke Michelle Conroy Linda Cordova
Setting a Carreer:
FOOTBALL ootball, almost every When he is nor ploying, one's favorite contact Dovid enjoys hunting, sport, and the Dallas fishing, drog racing, ond Cowboys, often called working out with weights. Am erica's team , both A fter p lo y in g high head David Mitchell's list school football he plans of favorites. to ploy in college ond His ability to block, eventually for the NFL. For o guy who is only 5 tackle, ond run the foot ball has earned him the feet toll ond 120 pounds position of fullback ond he has big ideas ond linebacker on the JV dreams. He works hard every day in hope of team. some day fulfilling his KEEPING IN SHAPE for football, dream to ploy for the DalDavid Mitchell works on leg lifts. los C o w b o ys. *5hree •Photo by trey Morris Srisupa
Amy Fvons Jennifer Fennessy Anthony Fidoleo Shelly Fletcher Rosolyn Floyd
Vickie Fore Scoff Fortin Drain Fox Denise French Dole Frerich
Perry Gollogher Donold Green Lori Green Wade Green Charles Groves
DURING AID S AW AREN ESS week, Kristie Nlchens, freshcnon, and Brad Nix, junior, learn the focrs from nurse Lerho Moore, •Photo by Susie Burks
PUZZLED IN G/T CLASS. Bill Phipps concentrates Intensely while creat ing on ICO crystal, 'Photo by Craig Winsor
Alexander's Service Station 024 East Ord. 569 Snappy Stop
Mitzy Dilbeck Karen Dobbs Tonya Dorron Michael Downing Mike Drevyonko
Nicole Ducioame Troy Duhon Marlowe Dwyer Kim Eodes Laura Elder
Peter Elizondo Debra Ellis Jason Englebright Laura Enns Daniel Espinoza
HOPING TO WIN, the cheer leaders and "Burkbusters” hold the Homecoming victory sign before the big game. ‘ Photo by Steven Schoffner
INITIATING FRESHMEN AMUSES seni ors Carm en Castillo ond Juliet Mcllrafh during the first few weeks of school. ‘ Photo By Susie Burks
Burkburnett Bank 017 East Third 569-1444
Eddie Hysell Moyra Iborro Broody Ingrim Nolon Issocs Shoron Jackson
Michael Jacobs Michelle Jorrett Dono Jennings Kevin Jensen Aoron Johnson
Dena Johnson Kosey Johnson Mory Johnson Joe Johnston Robert Jones
Cy Jones Joyson Kolb Chris Koproun Chris Keeling Lori Keen
CALLING LONG DISTANCE to for mer school friends: In Panomo, Lisa Wjbon enjoys the few min utes to discover the latest about her ex-clossmates. •Photo by Wendy Wilson
Durdens Garage 801 East 3rd. 569-0562
Liso Gubernofh Tony Hockney Tami Hamberger Dana Hamilton Pat Hanlon
Sue Harris Tommy Headrick Jaralyn Hicks Chad Higgins Brian High
Brian Hightower Timothy Hill Nicole Hofmaier Bobbie Hosmer Joanne Hosmer
Billy keeps busy
a block belt in B eing karate and taking
port in Scouts as Sr. Patrol leader of Troop 155 takes up most of Billy Phipps's time. In addition, Billy partic ipates in bond and ploys the French horn. He has been playing since the seventh grade. "It takes a lot of prac tice and hard work but I enjoy it,” he said. Other than ploying the French horn Billy is cur
rently involved in the Sci bote. ence/History Club. "I like debating with When he is not occu people over difficult situ pied by school activities ations," he said. "You ei or homework, Billy likes ther hove to be 'for or to spend his spore time against' the subject mat reading fiction novels and ter, because there is no in ploying the mind bog betw een.Being in de gling gome, Dungeons bate, I think, will help me and Dragons. He also en later in life." Billy plans to pursue a joys fishing ond has en tered in a few fishing tour career in low and wonts to attend either Rice or naments. Billy, who has o lot of Boylor to achieve his low energy left over is also in degree. *5hree Srisupo G/T and is active in de-
Jacquie Martin Jeff Marfin Parrish Matthews Schuyler May Sheryl McCutcheon
Shane McLaughlin Polly McCraine Joesph McDonald Lisa McDonald Tonya Medford
Freddy Mendoza Tracy Michael David Mirchel! Tara Moore Kurt Morgan
Jenna Morris Jenny Morris David Mott Morty Mullins Misty Munsch
STANDING IN LINE, freshman John Bishop waits ro receive his fifty dollars from Mr. Bill Dorlond, principal, for perfect atten dance ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
Detric Kelly John Kennedy Kevin Kilcreose Jessie Kinnoird Scott Kirkpatrick
Joe Kurszewski Tommy Ladyman □so Lambert Dondra Lawson Feletio Lee
Aaron Lewis Angel Lewis Silvia Lewis Cindy Link Heather Loyd
Julie Mandrell Beverly Mannen Rochelle Manuel Jason Mardis Jennifer Marsh
RELEASING EXTRA ENERGY be fore school; Rochelle Manuel, Deno Johnson, ond Quentin Wolker do the latest donee •Photo by Susie Burks
Owens & Brumley 101 S. Ave. D 569-3361
Dophanno Reyes Orlando Reyes Richard Rivera Danny Roberts Heath Roberts
Reyna Rodriguez Amy Rogers Jennifer Ross Apryl Rouse Brian Rush
James Ryon Kristy Saucier Chris Scobee 5helley Scott Jane Shannon
John Shannon Kim Shavers Jason Shroads David Sldd Teena Skelton
Steve Sloyden Nikki Sleeper Kristy Slusser April Smith Chris Snyder
Stephanie Spain Will Sprogjns Stacie Sfoton David Stephens Sfoney Strickland
Emily Nemecek Merinda Newberry Scoff Newman Thai Nguyen Katherine Oft
Brad Owen Johnny Owens Bill Payton Paul Petcoff David Phillips
Steven Phillips William Phipps Jason Potts Mike Potts Thalmus Prejean
Curtis Prince Stacey Purdie David Radke Stacy Randal Tammy Reitz
DOG PRIDE SHOWS around the gym before the home coming pep roily. *Phoro by Jody Ewing
PUPPING TO LEAVE K C Howlert. senior, rorns cort wheels in onficipO' tlo n o f g r o d u o t lo n . •Photo by Joefte Konce-
DISPLAYING HIS FIND INGS, Superintendent Danny Taylor opens the junior high cornerstone which contained one of the first Derrick year books. ‘ Photo by Mike Drazlel
I LEARN ING DIFFERENT V A YS, the Sponesh doss es uses the gam e Twister to help leorn the colors in o different longuoge. •Photo by Jornes Phillips
SCRAPING OFF PAINT, the Notional Honor Soci ety lends a helping hand by helping to restore on old house for the beau tification project. ‘ Photo by Susie Burks
Jessica Stubblefield Tracey Stubblefield Shannon Summers Michelle Sweeny LoShawn Taylor
Jamie Terer Denise Thibodeaux Kimberly Thompson Tracy Tigerr Maria Torrez
David Tracey Tiffany Tyler Tomi Vest Michael Villegos Michael Waddell
Teresa Wade Michael Wogler Quentin Walker Mechelle Walls Jenny Weitzel
Grant Wheeler Michael Whitaker Bobby Wiemer Don Williams Lisa Wilson
Thomas Wyatt Thomas Zellers Terasa Zimmer Kristie Nickens Shirley Horriff
Bond. Gtodo (A ) 70' Boren. Gerald ( T ) ...................................... Bosson, Kalee (1 1 ).................................................................. ,7 a Boudy. Chris ( 0 9 ) ........................................ „ Boumeester. Bos (1 0 ).......................................................... Boumeestet. Henk (1 0 )..........................................................
36. 156 Acheson. Briono (* 9 )v f72 Ackerman Deanno (09) ^ ^^ ^44 Adorns. Trocy ............................................... Afro, Arvomorio ^ 144 f jg A9 M . L o u r a (1 1 ) ......................................... AJKem. Steve (10) [ i72 Akins. Jo e ...................................................... ^2 Akins. le z ie (09) 144 Alonlz. Eddy (1II) 29. 41 84.172 Albrecht. Jona (09) ^
104.115.129 Bowles, Pom (12) Boyd. Ju»e (10) ofl H 5 145 155 Boyd. Scott (1 1 ) 9®‘ 115' U S Boyett, John (09) Bradford. Getold (1 1 )............................................................ Bradley. Kevin (09) . ■ *- •• ~ Brodley. MJcheBe ( 1 2 ) ........................................ *12* **°' J ? 9 Brogg, Kenny (09) Bragg. Kim (09) Brantley, Jerry (10) Brantley- Louro (12) • • • ’f* Brantley, Mlchoel (12) - *' Z V Braziel M ke (1 1 )....................................................**®' 145' J9® Brennan. Seen (10) ■ * • ,1 1 Brewer. Bonnie (10) ‘J 9 Bright. Scott (1 0 ).......................................................... 159' *$? Bright. Trocy (1 2 )................................................... *^» *^9 Brightman. Denise (1 0 )............................................................^59 Broberg, Joorme (1 2 )................................................................... Brouwer, Mark ( 1 1 ) .............................................................. Brown. Becky (1 1 ).................................................................. **^ Brown, Conrodge (0 9 ) 61. 76, 174 Brown, Ron (T )......................................................................... 122 Brugmonn, MicheBe ( 1 1 ) ...............................................*06' *65 Brunk, Carl ( 0 9 ) ....................................................................... *76 Brunson. Donnie (1 2 ).............................................................. *65 Buertner. John (1 2 ).......................................................... **5» 130 Buertnet, Reed (0 9 )................................................................ *76 Burchett. Suzi (0 9 ).....................................................................*76 Burden. Chrisrlno (1 2 ).....................................106. 114. 115. 130 Burkett, Tom m ie....................................................................... *65 Burks. Susie (1 2 )............................. 46. 55. 104, 116, 130. 192 Burnett. Chris (0 9 ).....................................................................174 Burris. Mlcd (1 2 )....................................................................... *30
A R X K W ' S '” * ? ! « 149 Albrecht. Steven (1 1 )............................ 1iH 1 Z ii6. UA. 116 126 ^ Alien. JD (T ) ..........................................................
£5ST5Sff?ii>: »;« »:«:« ^ AndeRon. Regno (11)
55. 104. 105. 118.144. 146. i49.
Andrus. Valerie (1 2 )...................................... j? ? Ansel I Kebho (1 0 )............................................................... * Anrfll, Aknee (09) ............................................................... - 0 Antwlne. Am ber(0 9 )....................................... • ■• • •• Anrwlne. Ju »e(12)......................................... 13. 35.108. 28 Arthur, Melanie (T )............................................................... Arthur. Monlco ( 1 2 ) ................................................................. Ask ins. Donald (1 1 )........................................... Afchley. Alyson (1 0 )....................................... 16. 17. 111, 156 Atchley. Jon ( T ) •*Atkinson, Jo m ie (1 1 )........................................... *05' 144' ^ Atkinson. Shefio ( 1 2 ) .................................................. Ayers. Charlotte (1 2 ).......................... 120
Babb. Angelo (1 2 )................................................112. 126, 130 Bober, Jeff (T )......................................................................... 122 Boggett. Roy (T ).......................................................... 122. 125 Baldwin, John (0 9 )............... Baldwin. Stocy (1 0 ).............................................................. 156 Bole. Cory (1 1 )............................................................ 144. 192 Bales. Kathryn (10) .............................................................. 156 BoUenflne. Annflee (0 9 )........................................................172 Bongs, Down (10) ...............................................................156 Bangs, Krbto (0 9 ).................................................................172 Barfield. Mkhefle ( 1 2 ) ..................................... 106. 126. 134 Barfield, Mike (1 0 )...................................................... 156. 160 Barfield. Tommy (1 2 ).......................................................... 126 Barker, Annette (1 2 )............................................................ 126 Barker, Jodde (1 0 )...............................................................156 Barnes, Roderick (1 0 )............................................................ 171 Barnes. Teresa (12) ................................................61, 64, 126 Barreger, Poul (1 0 )................................................................ 156 Barrett. Ketsho (12) .............................................................129 Bony, J J. ( 1 0 )........................................................ 36, 63, 156 Bartley, Mike (1 1 ).................................................................. 144 Bottlsto. Brent (1 1 )........................................................ 36, 144 Battles. Lewoyne (0 9 )..................................................40. 172 Baxter. Aoron (0 9 )................................................................ 172 Beam, Eugene (0 9 ).............................................................. 172 Beard, Wes ( T ) ...................................................................... 122 Beasley. An ( 0 9 ) .......................................................... 21. 172 Beck. Mario (1 2 )............................................................ 35, 129 Bedford, Bennie (0 9 )..............................................................172 Bedford, Lodonno (1 0 )..........................................................156 Beekj. Eileen (1 1 )................................................. 79. 111. 144 Beeks, Eric (0 9 )...................................................................... 172 Beeson, Jimmy (0 9 ).............................................................. 173 Bell, Kathy (0 9 ).................................................................... 173 Bell. Keith (1 2 )....................................................... 26. 79. 129 Bernal. Veronica (0 9 ).................................................... 173 Berry. Charles (1 1 )................................................... 106^ 144 Berry. Kim ( 11 ) ............................................... 112.144 Berry. Renee (10) ............................................... 14.10*. 156 Berber. Korhie (0 9 )............................................. 25, 105 173 Berber. Kenny (12) ........................................ ( i* Btenlcewlcz. Michele (12) ............................ 129 Bllyeu. Belinda (1 2 )..................................... 129 Bllyeu. Brandi (0 9 )....................................... 173 Bllyeu. Craig (1 0 )................... .u Bishop. John (0 9 ).................................... 149 173 Bishop. Todd (12) 9. 16, 35, 82. 84. 129. 137 Blockmon. Rlchord ( 11 ) 116 1<4 ^ 02) 45. 71. 0 6 . 129 Bloke. Lano (0 9 )............................ 17, Blokley. Daryl (1 0 )................. 15« Bloncelt. Carolyn (09) Bloncelt. Kay (T )........... Blevins. Eddie (1 0 )............... rsa rnn Blevins. Jem ( 10 ) ............... 1S9' Blue. Daniel (09) , Boorman. Mark ( 12 ) ................. ™ Boatman. Shelly (09) . . JC I Bodlne, Danny (09) Bohuslav, Diono (T) ................. iZ l. iT )
Cage, Charles (1 1 )...................................................................145 Cogle, Matcom ( T ) ...................................................................122 C all. Peggy (1 0 )....................................................................... 159 Callahan. Cori (1 0 )....................................... 116,159, 165, 166 Callahan, Seoni (1 2 )......... Colton. Brian (0 9 ).....................................................................174 Com erlin, Cindy ( 0 9 ) ....................................................... 21, 174 Com eriln, Donna (1 2 ) 29. 115. 130 Comp. Pomelo ( T ) ...................................................................123 Cam pbell. Kevin (0 9 ).......................................................92. 174 Cam pbell, Lori ( 1 1 ) ................................................................ 145 Confer, Am y (0 9 ).....................................................................174 Conter, David (1 1 )......................................... 55. 145. 157, 192 Cantw ell, Dee Dee (1 1 ) 10, 15, 145 Cantw ell, Jon (1 1 )...................................................................145 Caraw ay, Mike (1 1 )................................................................ 145 Cardenas, Dfone (1 0 ).............................................................. 159 Cardenas, Mefissio (1 2 ) 21, 25, 130 Coriile, Bryan ( 1 2 ) .................................................................. 130 Coriile, KeM e (0 9 ).................................................................. 174 Carfton. Rodney (11) Coron. Trocey (0 9 ).................................................................. 174 Carpenter, Bob ( T ) ........................................................... 70, 123 Carpenter, Kevin (1 0 ) 26. 36. 159 Carper, Bob (T )......................................................................... 123 Carper. Robert ( 0 9 ) ................................................................ 174 Con, Ami (1 1 )................................................................. 66,145 Carter, Chris (1 2 ) 99, 115. 130 Carter, Jo y ( 0 9 ) ....................................................................... 174 Cartwright. Mark (T )............................................................... 9 7 Casodos, Cossondro (09) ....................................................... 175 Casodos. Dovtd (1 1 ) . . , Casey, Robert (1 0 )...................................................................160 Casteen, Rebecca (0 9 )............................................................ 175 Cosseen. Robert (1 0 ).............................................................. 160 CasriHe. Cormen (1 2 ) 5. 106. 130, 177 Castro. Angeiique (0 9 )............................................................ 175 Casa©, Lonnerre (1 0 ).............................................................. 160 Catheroll, Tereso (1 0 ). . . Covender, T.ina (09) . . Cay too Jock ( 1 1 ) . . . Ceoriey, Trevor ( 11 ) ................................................................ 144 Cely. Keri (1 0 ).................................................. 17, 105, 111. 160 Chombets, Lee (0 9 )................................................................ 175 Chombers. McVoy (12) . . Chompmond, Karmen (12) Chandler. Korey (1 0 )................................................... 160 Chavis. Gwendolyn (10) . . Chovis, MicheBe ( 1 0 ) .............. 160 Chavis. Trocy (09) .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . f J 5 Cheatham. Rlchord (0 9 )...................... 175 Cheney. Rosfyn (1 0 ).................... 62. 160 Chism. Michoei (10) . . . jx/) ChUm. Sieve ( 11 ) i 55.88.111 Chism. Sieven ( 11 ) ........... Chon. Young (1 0 )............................. w 160
Christ. Thomas (1 1 )........................................................ 146 Christian, Mark ( 0 9 ) ...................................................... 175 Christopher, Jornes ( 0 9 ) ......................................................175 Chuculote, Mortl ( 1 0 ) .................................................22.160 Oompftt. Donna ( T ) ...................................................... 123 Clark. Kim (1 1 )...........................................................106.146 Clark. Scott ( 1 2 ) ............................................................ 130 Oarfce, Chris ( 1 1 ) .......................................................... 146 Oorke. Rhoodo (0 9 )......................................................175 Clarke. RJck (1 0 )......................................................... 55,160 Gemondof. Chuck (1 2 )................................................ 22.130 dement, Jeff (12) .............................................................. 131 Oement. Tim ( 1 0 ) .............................................................. 160 demons, Joe ( 0 9 ) ..............................................................175 dine. Jo ta ( 1 2 ) ............................................ 6. 131.140.167 Coburn. Dustin (1 2 )............................................... 131 Cochran. Brian (1 0 )........................................................160 Cocola. Tommy (0 9 )..................................................... 175 Coffey. NWd ( 1 1 ) ..........................................................146 Coke. Shannon ( 0 9 ) ..................................................... 175 Coker, Crystal ( 1 1 ) ....................................................... 146 Coker, Evo ( 1 2 ) ............................................................ 131 Coker, Peggy ( 1 1 ) ........................................................146 Collins. Shorio ( 1 2 ) .....................................................71131 Caiman. Steve ( 1 1 ) ......................................................116 Connolly, Sean ( 1 0 ) ..................................................... 160 Conroy. MicheBe ( 0 9 ) ................................................ 40.175 Cook. Bobby (1 2 ).......................................................95,131 Cooke. Chorione (1 2 )..............................................94. 95,131 Cooper, Charlce (12) .......................................................... 131 Copeland, Deno ( 1 2 ) ............................................................... Cordova, Erfso (1 2 )...............................................................131 Cordova. Undo ( 0 9 ) ............................................................175 Gorfflzson, Chod ( 0 9 ) ..........................................................171 Corley, Chris ( 0 9 ) ................................................................ 174 Cornelius. Kristen ( 1 2 ) ........... 16. 34, 55, 131.136,143.197 Cornsrubbte. Scott ( 1 1 ) ........................................................144 Cove, Karl (1 0 )..................................................................... 161 Cowles, Sholoy ( 1 1 ) ............................................................ 144 Cox. Robert (1 0 )...................................................................161 Cox. Shannon ( 1 0 ) ....................................................105,161 Cox. S t e v e ........................................................................... 13l Cox. Trocy (1 1 )..........................................................104,144 Crabtree, Angelo ( 0 9 ) ....................................................... 174 Crabtree, Leon ( 1 0 ) ............................................................ 161 Crabtree, Sam (0 9 )..............................................................174 Crain, Chod (1 1 ).................................................................. 144 Crawford, Angler (1 0 )................................................ 5 5 ,1& Cray, Sherri ( 1 0 ) ...................................................................16“ Cregger, Joe ( 0 9 ) ................................................................ 174 Creggor, John ( 1 1 ) ..............................................................144 Crockarell. J D (0 9 )............................................. 106, 173,174 Cunningham, Nicholas (10) ................................................16* Curry, Jana ( 1 2 ) ...................................................................13' Curtis, Jerald ( 0 9 ) ................................................................ *74 Curts, Frank ( 1 1 ) .................................................................. 144 Curts. Keith ( 1 1 ) ....................................................69. 147,141
Dalton, Jason ( 1 2 ) ...................................................... 106* I p Daniels, Cindy (0 9 ).................................................... 105,174 Danleb. Philip (1 0 ).............................................................. ** Darlond, Bffl ( A ) ................................................ 123,127,16* Doriond. Kelli ( 1 0 ) .............................................. 39, 106.1& Darlond, Tommy ( T ) ............................................................*2* Darnell, Charles (T )..............................................................*2i Daron. Jeff ( 0 9 ) .................................................................. 174 Daugherty, Aprfl ( 1 1 ) .......................................... 21.105,142 Dougherty. Mefisso ( 1 0 ) ..............................................*®5. *6‘ Davis, Andre (1 2 )..................................................95. 116,132 Davis, C h o d ........................................................................ 174 Davis, Joyce ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ *^' Davis, Melissa ( 0 9 ) ..............................................................174 Davis, Renee ( 0 9 ) .................................................... *92.174 Dejesus, Ariel ( 1 1 ) ..............................................................*4' Demel, Cathy ( 0 9 ) ............................................................. P Demel. Sondy ( 1 1 )............................................................. *^ Denham. Mike ( 1 1 ) ....................................................* ^ ' * " Denner, Soro (1 2 )........................................... 16. 104. 111. 132 Dennis. VBBom ( 1 0 )............................................................** Dewvall. Denise ( 0 9 ) ................................................. *73' *” Diaz-Granodas. GrtsekJo ( 1 2 ) ............................................ * v Dietrich, Steve (10) ............................................................*^j Dflbeck, Korrino (09) ........................................................ Dtfbeck, Mirzy ( 0 9 ) ............................................................. 177 Dlngmon, Robin ( 1 2 ) ........................................................... Dobbs. Koren ( 0 9 ) ...................................................... Dominguez. Vince (10) ............................................ cn Dorton. Tonyo (0 9 )............................................................. J7! Downes. Chris ( 1 1 ) ............................................................. ^ Downes, Mefisso ( 1 0 ) ....................................................... Downing, Michoei (0 9 ).......................................................... _ Downing, Raymond ( 1 1 ) 7 ^ Downing, Stormy (1 C ^ ..................................................... Doyle. Johnet ( 1 0 ) ..................................................... •; Drop«, Ovts ( 1 0 ) 16Z Ss Draper, Denise ( 1 2 ) ....................................................114' w Draper, Frederick (10) ..................................................... .... Drevyanko, Mike ( 0 9 ) .........................
I_____ I_____I_____■
ur walk ends w ith m a n y hopes fulfilled ond carried over for an other y e a r. Our goals, actions, ond hopes p lo y e d o very important port ofr^ o u r jo u r n e y down life's unchart ed'paths. For weeks, months, and finally semesters the stu dents, teachers, and administrators wait ed for the comple tion of the junior high building and for the sixth graders to leave outbuild ing Qurlng the ren o v a tio n , D o n n y Toylor, superinten dent, discovered one of the copies of the first Derrick in a locked box in the
cornerstone of the buildings. The "new sports program" headed b y C o a ch Je rry Watson started the Dogs off into the right direction. The sports participants and fans showed an abundant amount of true "Dog Pride" putting the destina tion of Bulldog Ath letics on the right path. The organizations and clubs unified to moke our campus stronger with lead ership and dedica tion. The various gro u ps w e re al w a ys supporting ond representing our compus in the best ways. Academic excel
DRESSED TO THRILL Re gina Anderson, junior, tries on the perfect outfit for the Ju nior-Senior Prom. ’ Photo by Joelle Koncelik
MOURNING THE DEATH of o Hirschi football play er, the ch e erlea d e rs along with John (Dubbo) Cline, perform o skit sat irizing the hopeful out come of the DIG' gome. •Photo by Trey Morris
lence took the poth in uncharted areas with our district host ing the UIL compe tition. Sw itching from classrooms to portable buildings was a wild aspect of the math deport ment. Some teach ers began to teach in a more modern way with the aids of games, hands on e xp e rie n ce , and other new ways of provoking thought. The people con tinued to maintain traditions ond char acte ristics w h ile progressing into to day's modern soci ety. The events that w e e xp e rie n ce d were definitely A Walk on the Wild Side. *Jody Ewing
Kefchum. Jimmy (11)Kefchum. Sreve (10) . Key. Liz (1 2 )............... Kllcreose. Kevin (09) King. Condy (11) King, Devono (11) • King. Dion (1 1 ).. • King. Kelly (11) •• King. Kevin (1 0 ) ... Klnnolrd. Jessie (09) . Klnnolrd, Leno (12) Klrkpofrlck. Mlrch (12) Klrkpofrlck. Scoff (09). Klffrell. Loy (12) .. . Knopp. Floyd (10) .. Knox. Jeneen (10) Koch. Kofhy (11) . • Kohlhorsf. Julie (10) .. Koncelik. Joelle (1 2 ).. Kosechofa. Sfor (10) Koulavofos. Alex (T) . . . Kurszewski. Joe (09) . .
116. 150 ...................70. 166 . 16. 29. 102. 106. 112. 115. 136 161 150 150 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i t 115, 150 ! 105. 112. 150 166 181 136 136 161 160 166 166 150 166 16. 21. 29. 49, 55. 116. 136. 192 166 . 16 181
. 181 Lodymon. Tommy ( 0 9 ) ..................................... . . 116. 151 Lambert, David (1 1 )......................................... 181 Lambert, Uso (09) ........................................... 36, 106, 151 Landers, Kerri ( 1 1 ) ....................................... 126 Landrum. Lynn ( A ) ............................................. 106, 112, 136 Landrum, Sheila ( 1 2 ) ................. 16, 31, 32, 34, 166 Lavlolefte. Freddie ( 1 0 ) ..................................... 126 Low, Corl ( A ) .......... V 166 Lawlor, John (1 0 )............... '*■■ 16. 118. 124 Lawson Ron ( T ) ............... 6 6 . 161 Lawson, Dondro (0 9 )............... . . . . . • 166 Layne, Mike ( 1 0 ) ........................ 102. 105, 151 Le. Kim (1 1 ).................................. 166 Leant, Robin (1 0 ).................................•»’-*. 116 LeBrum. Tlno (1 2 )..................................... 54.151 Ledbetter, Srocye (1 1 )...................... .................136 Lederer. Glno ( 1 2 ) ....................................... 124 Lee. Beverly ( T ) .................................................. 161 Lee. Felerlo (0 9 ).................................................. . 108. 166 Lee. Lynn ( 1 0 ) .................................................... .167 Leistner, Missy ( 1 0 ) ... . . 151 Leisfner. Thereso (1 1 ) ... . 151 Leonard, Cory (1 1 )............................................. .124 Leornard, Greg (T) . . Lewallen, Sharon ( 1 2 )....................................... . . . 27, 136 181 Lewis, Aoron (09)............................ Lewis, Angel (0 9 ).......................... 181 Lewis. SlMo ( 0 9 ) ............. 181 Undsey. Heather (1 1 )..................... ................. 151 Lindsey, Johnny (10) . . . . 167 Unk. Qndy (09) . . 181 Loveless, Dusrfn (10). . . 67. 167 Loveless, Shane (10) .. .167 Loyd, Heorher (09) . . . 181 Ludwig. Robert (10). . . 15. 29. 167 Lyne. Tanyo (10) . . .................167
M Maddox, Kathy (1 1 ) ... Madsen, Sandy (10) . . . Moffett. Chris (10). . . Mandrell, Julie (09) . . Mannen. Beverly (09) . . Manning, Eddie (T ). . . Manuel. Rochelle (09) . . Mardls. Jason (09) . . Manh. Jennifer (09) . . Marshall. Aoron (12) Manhall, Roger (11) Martin, Jocqule (09) Mortin. Jeff (09) . . Mortln. Robin ( 11 ) Martinez. Yverte (11). Matthews, Porrish (09) Moxey. Seon ( 10 ) . May, Schuyler (09). . . Mays, Jason (12) McAlister. Lauro (12) McBride, Koy (T). . . McCallisrer. Charlene (10) McColllster, Jennie (12) McColllster, Kenneth ( 11 ) McColllster, Kristy ( 11 ) McCorthy, Glen (12) McClellan, Dovld (T) McClure, Suzonne ( 11 ) McClurkon. Poul (10) McCormick, Vonesso (12)
M 71. 105, 106, 151 . 118, 167 167 181 181 .125 29, 181 181 40. 181 128 116. 151 46, 182 17. 40, 182 151 . . 151 40. 182 167 182 .137 115, 137 125 167 71 151 25. 115, 151 137 125 151 167 45. 81, 84. 137
McCoy. John (11) . . 151 McCoy, Tim (1 1 )........... . 116. 137 McCracken, Dorlus (12). 162 McCrolne, Polly (09) . . . 105. 152 McCullough, Steve (11) 152 McCurley. Fronkle (1 1). 182 McCutcheon. Sheryl (09) 162 McDonald. Joesph (09) 162 McDonald, Uso (09) .. 152 McDonald, Mox (11). . . 167 McGarry. Dovld (10). . . 125 McGill, Donna (T) . 140 137, 8 . McGrow, Dona (12) .. . . 16, 54. 102, 108, 145, 146, 152 Mdlrafh, Jodie (11) 177 137, 16. 17. 96. 111, 115. 128, Mdlrath, Juliet (1 2 ).. . 105, 167 McKee, Clndl (10). . . 126 McKlnnls, Don (A). .. 182 McLughlln, Shone (09) . 15 McMahon. James (12) .. 167 McMullen. Ronny (10) . . 125 McNabb, Jeon (T) . .. 125 McNeil, Paulo (T) .. 152 Meadows, Jason ( 1 1 ) .. . 182 Medford, Tonyo (09) 152 115. Medlllln, Johnny (11) .. 162 .92, Mendoza, Freddy (09) . . . 160. 167 Merklns, Joel ( 1 0 ) ... 152 Merritt, Dolly (1 1 )......... 125 Messenger. Leroy (T) . . 168 Mefiz, Timothy (10) . . . 152 Meyer, Arlc (1 1 ) ........... 137 16, 64, Meyer. Brod (12) . . 137 . . . 23. Meyer, Jeonno ( 1 2 ) .................... 137 Michael, Randy ( 1 2 ) .................. 162 Michael, Tracy (09) ................ 152 Michels, Sue ( 1 1 ) ...................... 137 Miller, Gary (1 2 )........................... 152 Miller, Jerry (1 1 )........................... 105. 168 Miller, Kristo ( 1 0 ) .................................. 152 111 Miller, Rodney ( 1 1 ) ...................... 99, 125 Miller, Ron (T) ........................ 115. 137 Miller, Tommy ( 1 2 ) .................................. 112. 138 Mills. Renoe ( 1 2 ) ........................................... 112. 152 Mink, Damon ( 1 1 ) .................................... Mitchell, Dovld ( 0 9 ) ...................................... . . . 91. 175, 162 Mitchell, Diane (12) ............................... 4 4 , 102 , 111. 112. 138 152 Mitchell, D o ri(11).......................................... 168 Mitchell. Kotrena ( 1 0 ) ................................. 125 Mize, Carole (T) .................................. 168 Mobley, George (09) . ............................... 125 Moennlng, Toni (T) . . .................................... 138 Moon, Johnny (1 2 )........................................ 99, 116. 152 Moore. Brennon ( 1 1 ) .................................... 176 Moore. Letho (T )............................................. Moore, Morlo ( 1 2 ) ................................... 16, 108, 112, 115, 138 162 Moore, Toro (09) . . . 105, 168 Moore, Wendy ( 1 0 ) ...................................... . 116. 138 Moorman. Todd (12) .................................... Morgan, Cheryl (1 1 ).................................... , 112. 152 168 Morgan, Kim (1 0 )........................................... 162 Morgan, Kurt (0 9 ).................. 162 Morris, Jenno (09) . . 108, 182 Morris, Jenny ( 0 9 ) ......... 153 Morris, Scott (1 1 )......... 48. 54, 118, 138 Morris. Trey (12) . . . Morris. Vonce (12) . . 3. 16. 29. 33, 35. 55. 71. 111, 128, 137. 138, 192. 208 Mott, Dovld (0 9). . . .67. 162 Mullins, Amoryrllls (T) . 125 Mullins, Greg (12) .. 112, 116. 138 Mullins, Morty (09) . . . 182 Munsch. Misty (09) . . 162 Murillo, Potty (11) .. 153
N Neal, Pom ^12). . . Neeley, Wendy (10) Neese, Shone (11) Neff, Normo (11) .. Nemecek, Emily (09) Nemecek. Joe . . Nesevlch. Sondro (12) Nessel, Aleno (11) Nessel, Greg (10) . . Newberry. Merlndo (09) Newell. Becky (10). . . Newman. Scott (09) . . Newton, Scott (10) . . Nguyen, Nom (12) . . . Nguyen. Quoctuoh (10) Nguyen, Quynh (10) . . Nguyen, Thol (09) . . Nguyen, Thu (10) . . Nguyen, Tuan (10) . . . Nguyen, Von (12) Nickel. Louro (12). Nlckens, Jeff (11) . . Nickens. Krlsr'e (09) Nix, Donny (T) . . Nixon. P J (10)
N . . . . 106, 138 . 24, 168 . . 117, 153 153 183 . . 112, 138 .153 168 102, 105. 183 108. 168 41. 183 168 47. 104, 138
105, . 46, .. ..
168 183 . 168 106, 168 104, 138 115, 139 .153 176, 185 16. 91 168
Nookes, Justen (11) Nolen, Lori ( 1 0 ) ......... Norris, Roxeonne M2) Norton, Brondlo (10) . . Nunn, Dallas (10) Nunn, Scott ( 1 1 ) .........
o Oates, Steve ( T ) .............. Obenoskey, Brooke (10) Odom, J^evln ( 1 1 ) ......... Oliver, Dovld ( 1 1 ) ......... Oliver, Rhondo ( 1 0 ) . . . . Ortiz, Carmen ( 1 0 ) . . . . . Ortiz, Tlno (1 0 ) ................ Osborne, Terry (11) . . . . Ostrom, Sheri ( 1 2 ) ......... Oft, Jeonne (1 2 ).............. O tt, Kotherlne (0 9 )......... Overton, Terry (11) Owen, Anfto (T) . . . . . . . Owen, Brod ( 0 9 ) ........... Owen, Kyle ( 1 0 ) ........... Owens, Johnny (09) .
P Porkey, Arvill ( 1 1 ) . . . . Parton. Jeff ( 0 9 ) .................. Parvln, Mike ( 1 0 ) .............. Pate, Delton ( 1 0 ) ................ Pate, Kelly ( 1 2 ) ___ Patrick, Scott ( 1 2 ) ................ Patrick, Stocey ( 1 0 ) ........... Pott, Perry (1 1 ).................... Poyne, Shown (1 1 ).............. Poyfon, Bill ( 0 9 ) .................. Pennington, R ebecco(11) . Perez, Lllo (1 1 ).................... Perry, Chorles ( 1 2 ) .............. Perry, Victoria ( 1 1 ) .............. Persinger, Vinny ( 1 1 ) ......... Petcoff, Poul ( 0 9 ) ......... Phillips, Terry (T ).................. Phillips, Dovld (0 9 ) ........... Phillips, James ( 1 2 ) ........... Phillips, Kevin ( 1 2 ) .............. Phillips, Stephen ( 0 9 ) ......... Phipps, Bill (0 9 ).................... Picked, Mott ( 1 0 ) ................ Pillars, Shelly (1 2 )................ Plrkle. Jeff (1 1 ).................. Pletts, Michael (10) Poper, John (1 1 )................. Porch, Derro ( 1 2 ) ............... Potts, Jomes ( 1 0 ) .............. Potts, Jason (0 9 ) .................. Potts, Jeff (12) .................... Potts. Mike (09) ............... Potts, Roby ( 1 0 ) .................. Powell, L e n o ro (1 1 )........... Prejeon, Tholmus (0 9 )......... Preston, Alldo ( 1 0 ) ............. Preston. Cole (1 2 )................ Prince, Brett (1 1 )................ Prince, Curtis ( 0 9 ) ............. Provence. Clifford (12) Pruett, Donno (11) . Pugliesi, Joe (10) . Purdie. Sfocy (09 ). Pyne, Rlto ( 1 1 ) . . .
Q Quashnock, Pom
R Radke. David (09) . Ralrden, Dovld (11)
Dubose. Angelo (10) . Dudoome. Nicole (09) Duhon. Troy (09) . . Duncan. Tonyo (10) . . Dusone. Nicole . . Dutton. Lorry (A) . . Dwyer. Morlowe (09). Dwyer, Yoncl (11) ..
162 177 177 162 106 126 41. 177 145. 147
177 Eodes. Kim (09) . . 96 Eades. Rodney . 116. 102 Edwards. Tom (1 2). . . 102 Ekls. Cheryl (12) . . . 126 Elder. Dill (A) . . . 177 Elder, Louro (09). . . 2 0 . 102 Eleazer. Nicole (12) 105. 162 Elizondo, Audrey (10) . . 177 Elizondo, Peter (09) . . 162 Elliot. Kothy (10) 162 Elliott. Tommy (10). . . 147 Ellis, Cherie (11) . . . 105. 177. 166 Ellis. Debro (09) . . 162 Ellis. Rusty (10) . . 177 Englebrlght. Jason (09). . . 177 Enns. Louro (09) . . . . . 177 Espinoza. Doniel (09) . . 102. 105. 162 Etheredge. Lourie (10) . . 79, 147 Evans. Allen (11) .. 176 Evans. Amy (09) . . Ewing. Jody (12) . 12. 16. 17. 26. 29. 01. 44. 47. 46. 49. 55. 64. 102, 116. 126. 102. 192
F Fagan. Becky (12) Fennessy. Jennifer (09) FIdaleo. Tony (09) . . Flkes. Chod (10 ). . . Fite. Sue (T) . . Flaherty. Becky (11). . . Fleming. Penny (11). . . Fletcher, Shelly (09) . . Flory. Shannon (12) .. Floyd. Rosolyn (09) . . Ford. Jeff. . . Ford. Mork ( 1 1 ) ... Fore. Poulo (11) Fore. Vickie (0 9). . . Fortin. Scott (09) . . , Fortner, Mike (12). . . Fouquet. Tommy (10) . Fowler. Llndo (11) Fowler. Ronnie (12) . . Fox. Brlon (09) . . Fox. Jeff (12) France. Steve (11) French. Denise (09) . . French. Ginger (09) . . Frerlch. Bridgerre (10). . Frerich. Dole (09) . . Fuhrman. Amy (12) Fulcher, Peggye (T) . . Fuller, Richard (10). . . Fuller. Wes (T) . . Fullerton, Aaron (10) . .
Gahagan. Cosey (12). Gahagan. J R (A) . . Gallagher. Perry (09) . Galloup. Mart ho (10) . Galloup. Paul (11) . Garcia. Gilbert (10). . . Garcia, Yosmln (10) . . George. Kerry (11). . . Gibson, Connie (12) . . Gilbert. Chris (12) . . Gilbert. Shone (11). .. Gilbert, Shell! (10) Gillespie. Anne (T) . . Gilmore. Cindy (12) Glner. Corrl (12) . . Glougle, Soroh (10) . . Glover. Dole ( 1 1 ) . . . ,
IF 44. 115. 132 176 176 162 123 115. 147 147 176 115. 132 176 16 36. 145. 147 147 178 178 49. 65. 132 162 147 133 178 64. 104. 132 146 178 162 178 133. 141 123 162 130. 133 162
45. 112. 130. 140 126 176 163 146 163 163 133 29. 133. 141 63. 105. 116. 146 163 55. 123. 192 133 . 115 163 116. 146
Godo. John (11) 106. Goff. Shello (11) - 106. Goins. Becky (10) . . . Goins. Lonny (10). 14. 34. 96. 106. 115. Gomez. Glno (12) Gomez. Keeone (11) Goode. Cody (12) .2 . 12. 16. * . 26. 29. 32. 33. 34. 45 71. 62. 64. 90. 126. 55. Goode. Down (10) . 16. 17. 39. 111. 163. Goode. Mindy (1 0 ). . . Goodner. Kevin (10). . . Gossett, Dovid (10). . . Gostnell. Louro (T) . . 25. Graves. Rebecca (12) Green. Donold (09) 97. 114. Green. Kevin (12) . . Green. Lori (09) . . Green. Texonno (10) . . Green. Wode (09) . . Greeno. Dovid (10) . Greeno. Down Kouffmon (12) Gregory. Rosa (T) . . Griffin. Kelly (11) Griner. Kelly (10) . . Grafhe, Amy (12) . . . 112 Grout. Kendra (11) . . . 106, Groves. Corrl (12) . . , Groves. Charles (09). . . Grubbs. Byron (1 0 ). . . Gubernorh. Liso (09). . . Gullllams. Gwen (1 0 ). . 105. Gum. Joner (T) . . 116. Gwynn. Trovls (11). . .
H Hackney. Tony (09) . Haenel. More (11) Hagberg. Bill (12) . Haley. Rickey (10) . . Haley. Trino (12) Hall. Jimmy (11). . . Hall. Mardo ( 1 1 ) ... Hamberger. Toml (09) . . Hamilton, Dona (09). . . Hamilton. Korhy (10) . . Hamilton. Sondro (T) Hampton. Ertko (10) . . Haney. Trocy (12) Hankins. Shartorre (1 2 ). . . Hanlon. Pot (09) . . . Hanold. Joe (11) Hansen. Dee no (11). .. Harbour. Seon (1 2 ). . . Harbour. Shello (11) . . Hardy. Terri (10) . . , Harnsberger, Louro (10 ). . . Harrelson. Dehbrendo (12). Harrlff. Shirley (09) . . Harrington. Michael (10). . . Harris. April (10) . . Harris. Holly (10). . . Harris. Mory (10) . . Harris. Mike (12). . . Harris. Sue (09). . . Harrison, Srocy (11) Harrold. Ricky (10) . . Hartwell. Ross ( 1 1 ) .. . Hartzell, Chorles (10) . . HortreII. Rhondo (11). . . Hasse. Jonine (10) . . Hatch. Jesse (10) Hawkins. Johnny (11) Hawkins. Kim (10) . . Hawkins. Kim (12) . . Hawthorne. Jennifer (12) . . Hayes. Brooke (12) . . Headrick, Tommy (09) . . Hemphill. Ed (10) . . . Henderson, Christine (10) . . Henderson, Jom es(11). . . Hermann. Ken (12) . . Hicks. Derrick (12). . . Hicks. Jerolyn (09) . . Hicks. Nolon (09) . . Higgins. Chod (09) . . Higgins. Mott (10). . . High. Brlon (09) . . Hightower. Brlon (09). . . Hightower. Clorence (10). . Hill. Timothy (09) . . Hlnnant. Jomle (11) . . Hobbs. Rlchord (10) Hofmaler. Michelle (12) . . Hofmaler. Nicole (09) . Hofmann. Jon (10) . . Hold brook. Tim (12) Holland. Tommy ( 1 1 ) .. . Hollingsworth. Robert (10) . Holtzen. Lorry (A ). . .
146 146 163 163 133 146 55. 132 163 167 163 163 124 133 176 133 176 163 176 163 136 124 146 163 133 146 134 176 164 179 164 124 146
Hood. Guy (10). Hood. Liso (12) . Hosmer. Bobble (09) Hosmer. Joonne (09) Houk. Deonno (12) Howard. Jomle (12) Howard. Tim (10) Howell. Deon (11) Howlett. K.C. (12) Hubbard. Kurrls(lO) . Hulen. Poul (12) . . Hunt. Michelle (T) . . Hutchinson. Wendy (11). Hyden. Angle (10) . Hyden. Tony (12) . Hysell. Eddie (09)
165 135 179 179 55. 106. 116. 130. 135. 192 106. 135 165. 167 115. 149. 155 55. 135. 140. 166. 192 105. 165 135 105, 124 106. 107. 112., 149 135 160
I Ibarra. Moyro (09) Ibarra. Sondro (1 0 ). . Ingram, Brondy (09) . Irwin. Poulo (11) . . Isaacs. Melisso (10) Issocs. Nolon (09) Ivey. Srefney (12) Ivory, Llndo (11). .. Ivory. Mlchoel (11) .
1 160 165 41. 160 69. 116. 149 165 160
149 33. 37. 63. 64. 90. 149. 153
H 179 146 55. 116. 134 164 134 69. 146 146 179 179 . 12. 105. 164 124. 125 67. 160. 164 104. 134 179 146 96. 105. 115. 149 76. 134 149 164 164 134 165 164 164 164 . 124. 164 134 179 149 164
. . 160. 37. 102. 55. 105. 116. 106. 114. 115. 34. 105. 29, 70. 90. 16. 105. 130. 95. 116.
164 149 164 164 149 165 134 134 134 179 165 165 171 134 134 179
93. 179 165 .179 179 39. 91. 165 179 149 135 179 165. 167 135 115. 149 160. 165 126
Jack. Jeff (10). . . Jackson Debi (12) Jackson. Lorry (12) . . Jackson, Portlck (10) . . Jackson. Shoron (09) Jacobs. Mlchoel (09). . . James. Ted (T) . . Jorrett, Michelle (09). Jennings. Rennee (09) . Jensen. Brlon (11). . . Jensen. Kevin (09) . . Jensen. Mork (12). . . Johnson. Aoron (09) . . Johnson. Brandon (11) . Johnson. Cosey (11). Johnson. Deno (09) . . Johnson. Kosey (09). Johnson. Kenny (11) Johnson, Lyle (12) Johnson. Mory (09). . . Johnson. Mlchoel Johnson. Rob (11) .. Johnson. Tim (12) . . Johnston. Joe (09) Johnston. Lyle (12). . Joncas. Donny (12). . . Jones. Brlon (12). . . Jones. Cy (09) . . Jones. Jonlce (T) . Jones. Jason (11) . . Jones. Robert (09) . . Jones. Sondy ( 1 1 ) ... Jones. Stocy (09) . . Jordon, Joe ( 1 1 ) ..
165 106. 135 116 165 160 160 97 106.160 160
105. 149 160
16. 46. 65. 104. 21 . 105. 149. 160. 17. 40.
135 160 149 173 161 160 150 116 160 135 32. 36. 74. 99. 150 116 160 135 136 45. 62. 136 105. 160 124 150 160 150 150
102. 105. 165 160 160 104. 105. 166 75. 136 166
Kahrs. Kenneth (10) . . Kolb. Joyson (09) . Kapraun. Chris (09). Kaspar. Troy (10) . . Kearns. Scott (12). . . Kearns. Steven (10) . . Keeling. Chris (09) Keeling. Kim (11). Keen. Lori (09) . . . Keep. Lee (11). Keith. Shoron (11) .. Kelly. Brod (11) Kelly. Derrlc (09) . Kemp, Kirk (12) Kennedy. John (09) . . Kennedy. Tony (10) . Kenyon. Tommy (11) Kerry. George (11). Ketchum. Debbie (10)
36. 105. 150. 157 160 71. 112. 150 112. 116. 150 95. 115. 150 95. 161 136 161 105. 166 146 166
Colophon The Derrick, Volume 48, Durkburneff High School, wos printed by Toylor Publishing Co., Dallas, Texas. It wos designed under the supervision of Mrs. Anne Gillespie ond the Toylor representation of Walter Adorns. For the first time, the Derrick wos produced on o computer using Taylor’s Typevision programs on an IBM computer system. Serif Gothic type wos used throughout the book. The headlines were set in 30-point Serif Gothic Bold; body copy, in 10-point Serif Gothic,- picture captions, in 8-point Serif Gothic, page numbers, in 10-point Serif Gothic Bold. The paper used wos 80-pound Motte. The cover wos Lithocote with 4-color processing. The press run wos 650. There were 192 regular pages with on 8poge 4-color insert. The cost wos $25 per book, and production cost ron about $16,250.
The Derrick Staff *Photo by Sara Denner
Jody Ewing
Assistant editor.............................. Susie Burte Academic editor | .. jjjj.. . : . . . David Canter Advertising editor Joelle Koncelik Organization coeditor . . . . . Kristen Cornelius Organization co-editor . . . . . . W endy Wilso editor .............................. Vonce 1 sports assistant ........ M r
■ ■ 1 .. llliiw ^ i Junior editor . ! ! ! ' ' ' J F
Sophomore editor . . .
'' ’
Freshmon editor . . ' ' 'i t L Sponsor . . . . . M Shree Snsupo ■ ’ * ■ ■ ■ ■| • • Mrs. Anne Gillespie
. *—■Mike Braz phy staff: Bonr Drew Susie Bui Jodie Mcllrc Tjey Moi ,' Stacey Patri ; JomeS^hilii Steven Schaffn Craig Wins
169 Raleigh. Jerry (10) 116. 154 Ramirez. Jose (11) . . . . . 140 Ramsey. John (1 2 ). . 183 Randal. Srocy (09) 116. 140 Randolph, Joson (12) . 165, 169 Rannila. Krlsrln (10) . 27. 154 Rarlden, Dovld (11) 115. 154 Rasmussen. Kerri (11)- • ■ . 169 Raynor. Dennis (10) .. 154 Reardon. Jerry (11) . . 154 Reed, Kenny (11)- •• 183 Reitz. Tommy (09) 169 Remiiy. Angelo (10). . . 154 Remily. Michelle (11) .. 155 Renick. Kossle (11) . . . . . 116 Ress. Dovld (T) • 184 Reyes. Dophonno (09) 184 Reyes, Orlondo (09). . . . 63. 140 Reyes. Rey (12) . .. 169 Reyes. Rodney (10) . . . . 93. 140 Reynolds. Tommy (12) .155 Rice. Kim (11) .. 126 Richards. Undo (T) . . 126 Richards. Robert (T) . . . . 155 Richards, Toml (11). . . 103. 126 Richardson. Sheryl (T) . . . 126 Richter. Noncy (T )......... 55. 105. 146 155. 192 Riggins. Niro ( 1 1 ) ......... 169 Riley. Mart ( 1 0 ) ........... 184 Rivera. Richard (0 9 ) ........... 65. 102. 105. 111. 112, 155, 178 Rlx, Brod (1 1 )............... 111 . 126 Rix, Dovld (11) . . . 184 Roberts. Donny (09) . 105. 155 Roberts. Donnie (11) 105. 169 Roberts. Heorher (10) . . . 184 Roberts. Heoth (09) . . 155 Roberts. Scotty (11) 140 Roberts, Trocy ( 1 2 ) .. . 140 Roberts. Valorie ( 1 2 ) ........ 108. 169 Robertson, Brendo (10) . . 8 . 9 106. 140 Robertson. Chris (12) . . 44. 155 Robertson, Christopher (11) 169 Robertson, Jennifer (10) . . 184 Rodriguez. Reyno (09). . 169 Roe, Kristi (10) 184 Rogeis, Amy (0 9 )......... 155 Roper, Jennifer (11) . . . . Roskam. Keldo (12) . . 2. 16. 31. 32. 33, 35. 46. 96. 104. 111. 112, 113, 134, 140 184 Ross. Jennifer ( 0 9 ) ............. 184 Rouse. Apryl (0 9 )............... 108. 155 Rouse, Misti (1 1 )............... .169 Rowland, Derek ( 1 0 ) ................. 155 Roy. Jomes (1 1 )................. Roy. Pom (12) . . . 18, 31. 46, 55. 68. 104. 112. 118, 131. 134, 140 184 Rush, Brian ( 0 9 ) ................. . 155 Rush, David (1 1 ).................... 126. 155 Russell, Russ ( 1 1 ) ........... 184 Ryan, Jomes (0 9 )...............
s Salazar. Shondo (10) W v SanDiego, Eileen (11). . . ; Sopota. Priscillo (12) . . . , Soppington, Krystal (11) . | Saucier, Krisry (09) . . I Schaffner, Don (A) . . | Schaffner, Shonnon (10) . | Schaffner, Steven (10) . . I Schmidt, Terry (12) . . . | Schmidt. Zell (T) . . i Schroeder. Louro (1 2 ). . i Schuchert, Jeanette (10). i Schulte, Amber (11) . . . i Schuman, Kim (1 2 )......... Scobee. Chris (09). . . it Scott, Lesley ( 1 0 ) ........... Scott, Shelley (09). . . it Scruggs, Brendo (11) . . ji Seabron, Brian (12). . . |i Senters, Guy (09) . . fi Shannon. Jone (09) . . . | Shannon, John (09) . . | Shavers, Chuck (12) | Shavers, Kim (09). . . v. Shroads, Joson (09). . || Shuck, Lori (10). . . I Sldd, Dovld (09) . . r Skelton, Glorlo (A) . . j: Skelton, Teeno (09) . . ft Skinner, Suson (11) . . . . |j Slater, Scott ( T ) ............. |i Slayden, Alldo (10) . . tj Slayden, Steve (09) . . . t Sleeper, Nikki (09) . . |' Slusser. Borboro (10) | Slusser, Krisry (09) . . r Smith. April (09) . .
s ............................................ 169 55, 104, 105. 155. 170 ............................................140 155 .............. 184 126 ..................................... 105, 170 ........................ 54, 163, 170 ......................13, 140 126 18. 47. 104. 106, 112. 136, 141 ............................170 156 ............... 141 . 184 170 184 156 184 184 . 2. 16, 141 184 184 170 184 123. 126, 127 107.184 156 126 170 184 184 170 184 184
Smith. Brent (10). Smith, Cindy (11) . . Smith, Kristi (11) . . Smith, Morvln (11) Smith. Michelle (10) Smith, Ronnie (11) . . Smith. Trldo (10). . . Snyder, Chris (09) Southerland. Chris (12) . . Spain. Lourle (11)- • • Spain, Stephonle (09) Spessard. Kristin (11) - ■ ■ Spragins. Will (09). . . Srisupa. Shree (12) . . Stahr. Chllloo (10). . . Stork. Robert (10). . . Starling, John (11) Staton, Stacie (09) . . Stephens. Allen ( 1 1 ) .. . Stephens, Dovld (09) . . Stephens, Jockle (T) . Stephens, Julie (12) Sternodel. Robert (12) Sternodel, Soroh (10) . . Stewart, Brent (1 1 ). . . Stewart. Reno (12). . . Stice. Kim (11) Stivers. Kristi (11) .. Stone. Lonce (11) . .. Stone. Shelley (1 0 ). . Strahan, Mlchoel (T) . Strahan, Michelle (11)- •• Strickland, Stoney (09) Strickler. Deboro (T) . . Strome, Sonjo (12) Stubblefield, Dole (11) . Stubblefield. Jessico (09) Stubblefield. Trocey (09) Sturgill, Donald (T) . . Summers, Mott (12) Summers. Shonnon (09) . Summers, Timothy (10) . Swearingen, Trocy (12) Sweott. Shelley (T) . . Sweeney, Michelle (09) . Switzer, Mlchoel (11) . Szoloky. Joy (12) Szczeplnski, Craig (10) . .
T Tabion. Micoh (12) . . . Tockett, Mork (11) Tatum. Donny ( 1 1 ) .. . Taylor, Donny (A ). . . Taylor. LoShown (09) . . Taylor. Liz (12) . . Taylor. Tlno (10) . . . Terner, Korrino(11) . Teter, Jomle (09) . . Thelrgood, Eric (10). . . Thelrgood. Ston (12) . . Thibodeaux. Denise (09) . Thios, Motthew (12) . . , Thomas, Dustin (12) Thompson. Dovld (12) Thompson, Kimberly (09) Thompson, Shoron (11) Thornton, Pot (11) Tigert, Trocy (09) Todd, Phoebe (T) Toff, Jerry ( 1 2 ) ............. Torres, Tim (1 0 )............. Torrez. Mario (09) Tracey, Dovid ( 0 9 ) ......... Trahan, Kevin (10) Tran. Thuy (1 1 )............. Tunl, Morie ( 1 0 ) ......... Turner, Virginia (T) Tyler, Heoth (11) Tyler. Spencer (10) . Tyler. Tiffony (09) . .
u Ullum. John (10) . . . Underwood, Missy (12). Uythoven. Rlc (10) . .
170 156 156 156 170 156 170 105. 184 |. 78. 115 141 105. 156 184 105. 108. 151 156 184 55. 67, 118. 141, 192 170 170 156 184 156 184 126 10 . 13 . 141 103. 106 . 141 17. 38. 108. 159. 170 116. 141 141 102. 105. 112,. 156 112. 150 . 156 156 170 126 156 76. 184 126 141 6 . 32. 33. 37, 102, 111. 112. 145. 156 102. 185 185 127 31. 46, 93. 104. 135 . 141 185 17. 32. 38 . 170 141 112!. 127 185 156 142 170
T 130. 142 116, 156 156 123. 126. 186 ___ 102, 185 142 170 156 185 170 6 6 . 142 185 142 105, 142 . 116. 142 185 115. 157 . 112 . 170 85. 87. 185 127 118 142 162. 171 185 185 171 157 171 127 157 171 185
Vanadore, Donnie (11) Vonderford, Chrlss (11) Vonrlper. Jomes (12) Vest, Toml (09). . . Villegas. Mlchoel (09) Vlrdell. Wesley (12) . .
106. 157 142 173. 185 185 142
w Waddell, Brlon ( 1 2 ) ............................................................... ^ Waddell. Mlchoel (09) Waddle. Jonet (10) ............................................................. 171 Wade. Lorry ( 1 1 ) ..................................................................1^7 Wade. Tereso ( 0 9 ) ................................................................. *®® Wagler, Mlchoel ( 0 9 ) .............................................................^®® Walker, Derrick ( 1 1 )............................................................... ^®7 Walker. Jeff (10) ..............................................................14, 171 Walker. Quentin ( 0 9 ) ....................................... 174, 181. 185 Wallace, Fernondo (1 0 ) ......................................................... 171 Wollace, Tonyo (0 9 )................................. Walls. Mechelle (09) ........................................................... 1®® Word, Mondl (10) 17< Ward. Scort ( 1 2 ) ............................................... 3 5 , 55. 143. 192 Ward, Vero ( T ) ........................................................................1^7 Woren. Sue ( T ) ....................................................... 69. 127 Waterman, Mike (1 0 )............................................................. 171 Watson. Jerry ( T ) ..................................................................... 73 Watson, L e s le o (lO )................................................................171 Watson, Morie ( T ) ........................................................................ 1^7 Webb. B ro ndle (1 1 ).......................................................1®®' 1®7 Weiss, Lori (1 0 )..................................................... 1°5- H®* 171 Weltzel. Jenny ( 0 9 ) ............................... 1®® Welter. Cody (11) .........................................................H ® ' 1®7 Welter. Eric ( 1 0 ) ...................................................................... i7 i Whaley. Mlchoel (1 0 )...................................................... 39. 171 Wheeler, Gront (09) 1®® Whitaker, Mlchoel (09) Whltoker. Rick (11) 1®' Whitaker, Tomiko (11) 1®7 White, Poulo (1 2 )........................................................... .... . Whitehlll, Jennifer (10) 1°®- i ? l Whitmore. Steven (1 2 )................................................... 1*® Whittaker. Krlsri (1 2 ).................................................10- 1 2 1 1*® Wlemer, Bobby (09) - •1®® Wlemer. Jenny (1 1 ) ...................... 65, 6 8 . 105. 147, 150. 157 Wiese. Mason (1 2 )....................................................... 1*® Wilkinson. Lynerte (11) 1®7 Wilkinson, M o ry (1 1 )................................................................ Williams. Billy (12) *J® Williams. Don (09) 10® Williams. Jock (12) Williams, Jennifer (09) •••••• J® Williams, Jesse ( 1 1 ) .......................................... S ' S ' IS Williams, Pottl (10) 21 Williams, Phil ( 1 2 ) ....................................................... Williams. Rondy ( 1 1 )............. J j" Williams. T o n y o .................................................................... Williams. Tereso ( 1 2 )............................................................. ] Williams, Tony ( 1 1 ) ............................................ • Williams. Tonya ( 1 2 ) .......................................... Wilson. Uso (0 9 )...................................................... „ 185 Wilson. Wendy (1 2 )....................................... 55. 0 4 . 13#. 143 Wilson, Wesley ( 1 1 ) , . . . . . .......................................... Wlnney. Clnda ( 1 0 ) ......................................... •- • ” ] Wlnsor. Craig (10) , 16 . 5 4 . 102.105. 171 Wittman. Brian ( 1 1 ) .................................................. , Wolf. Jomes ( 1 2 ) .................................................. Q5 " Womack. Lonnie ( T ) ...............................................................™ Wood. Todd (12) . . . . ..........................................«*•<*}• J g Woods. Mellsso ( 1 1 ) . . . . . . . ............................ o t " J in Wright. Jom es................................................................. 127> Wright. Mlchoel (10). . . . . . ................. ...................... Wright. M ike.............................................. .................... Wyatt. Thomos ( 0 9 ) ........................................................ • Wynne. Lee
Y Yancey. Crystol Yeager. John (11) York, Doken (11) . York. Troy. . Young. Uso (10) . .
171 105. 142 171
Zaccardi. Rochelle (12) Zellers. Thomos (09) Zimmer. Tereso (09). Zotz. Korhy
Y 171 157 157 106. 107. 112. 116, 143 171
z 102. 108. 112. 143 185 185 127