4 50 80 106 130 196
Burkburnett High School 109 Kramer Rd. Burkburnett, Texas 76354 817-569-1411 Enrollment 900
FROM EVERY ANGLE More electives, par tially clo sed cam p u s, and voting for President h e lp e d stu d e n ts a p proach life from many angles. Many new angles of a c a d e m ic s w e re brought into focus with the addition of a sev enth class period to the day. The variety of elec tives was expanded with the in c re a se of new ones. Courses such as Wildlife/Recreation I and Equine Science I were added to the curricu lum. A new rule from the
F O O T B A LL TEAM , B A B ES, co a ch es, and cheerleaders pray together after the Home coming game. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
school board closed the campus during lunch for the Freshman Class. This new angle on lunch will spread to all classes by the year 1992. Seniors who were old enough had the oppor tunity to vote for the first time. George Bush was chosen as the 41st Pres id e n t o f th e U n ite d States in November. New rules, acad em ic c h a lle n g e s , a n d increased spirit m ade the y e a r u n f o r g e t t a b le FROM EVERY ANGLE . 'Kristin Spessard
STRUTTING THEIR STUFF, the Bull dog Marching Band plays dur ing a halftime perform ance 'Photo by Craig Winsor
B e rn
MONSTRATING HIS “SENIOR”, Rodney Miller leaves his irk on Mike Pillows, freshman. ioto by Craig Winsor
SHOWING HIS SPIRIT, Principal Bill Darland wears his Bulldog ribbon to a pep rally. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
ENCOURAGING 18-YEAR-OLDS to vote, NHS set up this display in senior hall prior to the Pres idential election. 'Photo by Steve Albrecht
SENIOR DRUM MAJOR, Donnie Vanadore watches as Sharon Keith, senior, tries to catch a football at the Homecoming gam e. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
DRESSED TO IMPRESS, Bulldog m ascot Heather Andersen, senior, relaxes after a pep rally. 'Photo .by J. Carter
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tudent life was approached from m any a n gle s throughout the year. From practices to games, homework to tests, dances to club meetings, many kept busy before and after school. Seniors looked forward to gradu ation; juniors waded through various tests; sophomores settled down into their second year; and freshmen ad justed to new surroundings. With the addition of another class period, new campus lunch rules, and a new parking sticker requirement, students and faculty were faced with many adjustments FROM EVERY AN GLE. #Kristin Spessard
SHOWING THEIR SPIRIT, juniors com pete for the spirit stick dur ing the Homecoming rally. Pho to by Craig Winsor CHEERING THEIR FLOAT, the Se nior Class gives excitement to their last Homecoming pep ral ly. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
M A K IN G THEIR P R E S E N C E known, freshmen led by the P e an u ts G a n g e x p e rie n c e their first Homecoming p ep ral ly. Photo by J. Carter
SHOWING CLASS SPIRIT, the Sophomore Class encourages their float to victory. 'Photo by J. Carter
Classes inspire team Even though the soph omores won the spirit stick more often than the other classes, they all created the excite ment needed to inspire the football team to vic tory. By beginning the Bull dog chant, the seniors manifested their past ex perience. Not only did they dress up to the them e, Roll O ver the Rams, they did the Con g a around the gym. The high kick also could be seen in the stands.
The juniors' spirit could definitely be heard. They u s e d v a r io u s n o ise makers such as pots and pans, whistles, and tin cans containing rocks. “ Our class spirit has d e c re a s e d sin ce last year but we still make our presence known," S ta ce y Patrick, junior, said. Standing on the gym flo o r in s te a d of the stands, originated with the Sophom ore Class. Many people could be seen on other students'
shoulders. Although the freshmen were new to the rallies, their excitement was ev ident. Being right next to the band, they tended to dance while yelling. “At first it was hard for us to have spirit but as soon as we felt like part of the school, it was fun and easy to yell for the Bulldogs," John Gillespie, freshman, said. Together the classes showed class participa tion FROM EVERY ANGLE. 'April Daugherty
WEARING CAVE ATTIRE, seniors Kim Keeling, April Daugherty, Heather Lindsey, Regina Anderson, and Jamie Atkinson applaud the passing float. 'Photo by Stacey Patrick
USING BULLDOG LETTERS with the flip side spelling FRESHMAN, the Freshman C lass silently shows school spirit 'Photo by J. Carter
WEARING THEIR SHADES, the Boomtown Babes maintain the b e a t a t the V ernon rally. •Photo by Kathy Ott DURING THE RALLY, Jerry Wat son. head co ach , motivates the student body. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
DURING THE MORNING pep rally, the cheerleaders helped create a m otivating atm o sphere for the football team. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
HOLDING THE BANNER, the football team listens as Jerry Watson, head co a ch , gives words of preparation for the evening's gam e. 'Photo by J. Carter
Pep rallies prepare fans A ft e r th e b a n d played the fight song to open the Friday pep ra llie s, the fo o tb a ll team would make their w ay across the gym w h ile th e s tu d e n ts ch e e re d from every angle. "It's excitin g since e v e r y o n e th e r e is cheering you on to prep a r e yo u fo r th e gam e," J.J. Barry, jun ior, said. After the seniors used c o n fe t t i to c r e a t e more liveliness in their class section,the a d ministration ruled that confetti would not in
WAVING THEIR CONFETTI, the Senior Class adds creativity to the first pep rally. *Photo_by J. Carter
crease their chance of winning the spirit stick. They claimed it creat ed a mess that the jan itors did not have time to clean. The spirit stick was awarded to the grade that had the most life. Skits by the c h e e r leaders, such as the one portraying cartoon characters and enthusiam from the Babes during the band's Pee W ee H erm an so n g , helped create excite ment that co uld be seen in the gym FROM EVERY ANGLE. 'April Daugherty
HELPING TO COO L down the Demons by sitting on the ice are John Gillespie, freshman p residen t. J.D . C ro ck a re ll. sophom ore president .Joel Merkins, junior secretary, and Heather Andersen, senior pres ident. 'Photo by J. Carter
Floats portray cartoons Student Council chose cartoons as the Home coming float theme. The floats were judged on color, creativity, and class participation. Mr. Ray Ono, Mayor Pat Nor ris, and Mrs. Rita Hudson were the com m unity judges. Lan d in g first p la c e was the sophom ores' float, Alf. Alf pulled his spaceship covered with crepe paper while the S p a c e O d yssey 1000 song played. Freshmen flew into s e c o n d p la c e w ith RED BARON vs. SNOOPY, wins second place for the Freshman Class while he sat on the roof of the doghouse. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
Snoopy versus the Red show c o u ld b e se e n Baron as he sat on top of around the boat. While his doghouse, wearing the juniors w aved green his red scarf. The Pea /'spinach" rags, the car nuts G a n g a c c o m p a toon ch aracters threw nied Snoopy and threw gum to everyone. The cheerleaders cre peanuts to the crowd. Driving the Flinestone's ated a skit consisting of mobile, Fred and Barney several cartoon ch a ra c captured third place for ters. Not only did the the seniors. The seniors floats offer different car sa n g the Flinestone's toons, but the students theme song as the man- also p o rtra y e d m any powered car circled the characters. Familiar Sat gym. urday morning cartoon Popeye and Olive Oyl characters ca m e alive sailed into fourth p lace in the gym FROM EVERY with the juniors' float. All ANGLE. c h a r a c t e r s from the ‘April Daugherty
ALIEN LIFE FORM stands beside the juniors' winning float after the announcement. 'Photo by Craig Winsor WHILE APPLAUDING POPEYE and Olive Oyl, juniors wave their green "spinach" rags. 'Photo by Craig Winsor YABBA DABBA DOO represents the seniors' float theme as Ter ry Overton, Russ Russell, Victo ria P e rry , a n d C h ris s Vanderford portray the char acters of the "Flinestones." 'Photo by Craig Winsor
BABYSITTING BAND MUMS, Kim Berry, senior, watches them while other band members march. 'Photo by J. Carter
BAND AND BABES practice ly in the morning for the e v e n in g 's p e r f o r m a n c e . 'Photo by J. Carter
FO O TB A LL TEAM MEMBERS w ave their hands in the air af ter the Homecoming gam e to show loyalty. ‘ Photo by J. Car ter
GETTING PUMPED UP, the Junior Class yells loudly at a pep rally. ‘ Photo by Kathy Ott
Rallies raise spirit
ING THEIR TICKETS .TracyM el, sophomore, and Dann im, senior give their mone Ir. Robert Richards in senic ‘ Photo by Ric Uythoveni
WAVING RALLY RAGS , Bulldog fans show their spirit at a foot ball gam e. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
During football sea son, students focused on pep rallies and Fri d a y fo o tb all actio n . Preparatio ns for the g a m e started in the wee hours of the morn ing, when the b an d and Babes rehearsed their halftim e perfor m ance on the field. Meanwhile, students bought tickets for the gam e in senior hall as the fight song played over the speaker sys tem. Pep rallies provided an opportunity to re le a s e te n s io n fe lt thro ughou t the d a y and to prepare for the gam e.
“Pep rallies get us so pum ped up that we can 't wait to get on the field," senior foot b a ll te a m m e m b e r Scott Morris, said. At the gam e, fans ch eered and w aved “rally rags," sold by the band booster club, to show their support for the team. G am es alw ays en ded with a prayer cir cle led by Coach Wat son and a resounding yell of “Dog Pride!" With so much partic ipation from students and fans, football sea son was loaded with spirit FROM EVERY AN GLE. 'Kristin Spessard
Royalty crowned With rainy conditions prevailing during the first gam es of the season, the beautiful weather at the Homecoming game was a pleasant change of pace. During the halftime, Rob Johnson and Dale S t u b b le fie ld w e re nam ed H om ecom ing King and Queen. Other nom inees in cluded seniors Heather Andersen and Brent Bat tista; Kerri Landers and Steve France; and Jodie Mcllrath and Michael Ivory. Class princes and prin
cesses were also intro d u c e d . R e p re sen tin g the Freshman Class were Miller Spessard and Kristi Darland. The Sophomore Class chose Scott New man and Marlowe Dwy er as their prince and princess. Timothy Summers and Roby Potts tied for Junior Class prince and Sarah Sternadel was chosen as princess. It was a close gam e, but the Graham Steers m anaged to pull ahead in the last minute, leav ing the sco re 2 2 - 2 1 . 'Kristin Spessard
ORE BEING CROWNED, Rob Johnson, arterback, and Dale Stubblefield, lerleader, await results. SHMAN PRINCE, PRINCESS, Miller ssard and Kristi Darland, em erge i behind the letters.
TYING FOR PRINCE, Roby Potts and Tim othy Summers, juniors, escort princess Sarah Sternadel.
S DISPLAY CO R IG A TED letters i by the Student Council. As the sentitives were announced the es appeared from behind one of tters.
All photos on these pages by Craig Winsor.
SOPHOMORE CLASS REPRESENTITIVES , Scott Newman and Marlowe Dwyer wait in the spotlight.
A SLOW DANCE is the prefer e nce of Brandi Bilyeu, sopho more, and her date, George
Doest, at the Hom ecom ing dan ce in the cafeteria. ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
Rock rules
Since everyone has his or her favorite kind of music, a survey was tak en at the beginning of the y e a r so students could choose their fa vorite style and artist. Out of 571 polled, 67 percent chose rock as their favorite and Gunsn-Roses as best group. Thirteen percent vot ed soft rock as their pref erence, and George Mi chael received the most votes.
Seven percent of the votes pointed "Strait” to country with George as the favorite. Both re lig io u s a n d classical received two percent of the votes. Amy Grant won best re ligious artist and Mozart represented cla ssic a l fans. Even though Rock was the clear favorite, stu dents e n jo y e d music from a variety of angles. 'Kristin Spessard
M U S IC ^ J_ 1 7 f
Using the
RIGHT COMBINATION Whether it was putting the finished homework up or trying to find that unfinished hom ework that was due first hour, the majority of the stu dents' day began by go ing to their lockers. Lockers were a part of everyone's daily life at school. It began when the students picked up their class schedules in late August. The dread of having a bottom lock er lingered in most stu
dents' minds. Unless the students were fortunate enough to receive a locker that was still decorated from the previous year, it was up to them to decorate it. The students used everything im aginable to d e c o r a t e ra n g in g from wrapping paper to tin foil. The tin foil cre ated the popular shiny look. Most students at least had a mirror for the in-
between-class glances, pictures of friends, and the self-stick note pads for reminders or notes. Even though they of ten were a nuisance, the lockers offered a p lace to talk to friends in be tween classes. Not only did the students chat, but they also cau ght fall ing books, hit their heads on top lockers and tried to figure out who shoved their books in their locker now. 'April Daugherty
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AFTER GETTING SCHEDULES, jun iors Amy C a n te r an d Emily Nemecek work on decorating. Photo by Stacey Patrick
8 1
ON THE LAST d ay of summer vacation, senior Dean Howell tapes his carpet in his locker. ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
IN BETWEEN CLASSES, senior Brad Kelly looks for a lost folder for his next hour class. "Photo by Craig Winsor
BEING SMALL ENOUGH to fit, sophom ore Emily N em ecek considers e scap e as the door begins to shut. "Photo by Kathy Ott
i i
AFTER LAST HOUR, sophomores D o n d ra L a w s o n , S h a n e McLaughlin, and JD Crockarell gather their books. "Photo by Stacey Patrick
REACHING DOWN LOW, soph omore Merinda Newberry gets her h om ew ork. "Photo by Stacey Patrick
GIVING G Q LOOK, seniors Russ Russell and Scott Morris model their b a g g y Jeans. ’ Photo by Stacey Patrick
FUZZY EXERCISING BEARS are the decoration on Junior Deb b ie K e tc h u m 's sweatshirt, ’ Photo by April Daugherty
KEEPING FASHIONABLY WARM|| Junior Ed Hemphill wears Iona Johns under his t-shlrt. ’Photo b| April Daugherty
IG THE TIME, Mrs. Nancy >r's first hour show their of watches. 'Photo by Daugherty
LOOKING AT RESULTS, sophomore Jenna Morris and senior Michelle Hill wear decorated shirts. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
Dressing for Fashion
is modeled by io,r 25° ^ B°y d b e fo re pol. Photo by Stacey Patje a n l o o k
From b a g g y pants to wide assortment of color with a special machine boat shoes for the guys co m binatio ns ran gin g that splattered the paint and from high waisted from pink to black. For a c r o s s th e t-shirt or jeans to decorated shirts th o s e w ho d e c id e d sweatshirt. Another work for the girls, the students against the high tops, of art consisted of ribprovided the usual wide the forever comfortable bons of all colors that range of fashion that did bo at shoes prevailed, were twisted and glued not always remain in the The moccasin-like shoes at each end. school dress code. varied in colors. W atches with interBaggy jeans and dress As far as the girls were changeable bands were pants could be seen on c o n c e r n e d , the high a high item on the girls' the guys. Bugle Boy was waisted jeans that fold- Christmas lists. Not only the desired name. ©d over were a big hit. did they use different “ They are so m uch Sweaters took a large color bands, but colorful more comfortable, be- turn. They had beads, ribbons also. ca u se you c a n m ove sequins, and m etallic Whether it was church around more e a sily ," material sewn on them, dress or t-shirt, jeans, Donnie V an ad o re, se- Some girls even created and sneakers^ all angles nior, said. their own. The spin shirts of fashion could be seen High tops w ere still becam e popular quick- every day on campus. popular but now in a ly. The shirts were m ade 'April Daugherty
With the exception of the last period bell, the most anticipated sound of the day was the lunch bell. Students loved that time of the d ay more than any other because they had a ch an ce to relax and forget school for 30 minutes. "B y th e tim e lunch g e t s h e re , m y b ra in needs a break!" Angier Crawford, junior, sqid. Students sp e n t their Iu n ch tim e in v a rio u s ways. Some ate in the cafeteria, others went home, and many ate at se v e ra l e a t e r ie s throughout town. A new cam pus lunch
rule left freshmen with the cafeteria as their on ly legal eating destina tion. "I don't think it is fair that we cannot eat off c a m p u s b e c a u s e we have waited so long to be able to," freshman Penny Hutchison said; > According to the '88 decision of the school board, this rule was to spread to all classes by the year 1992. No matter where stu dents w ent for lunch, they ap p ro ach ed that free time from every an gle and loved every min ute of itl 'Kristin Spessard
)SED CAMPUS FOR freshi left them with the cafe3 as their only place to eat, 3to by J. Carter
EATING A PIZZA, senior Allen Evans and sophomore Mike Potts spend their break at Pizza Hut. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
DURING THEIR LUNCH break, juniors Melissa Bales and Becky Newell eat at Golden's. "Photo by Kristin Spessard
C I Tl <DE <R
APPLYING FINISHING TOUCHES, Ms. B everly Le e , business teacher, applies lipstick on se nior Johnny Hawkins just before the pageant begins. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard ROSES IN HAND, Brad Rlx. Miss NHS, practices his charming look before the show. 'Photo by J. Carter P R A C T IC IN G HIS “ L O O K ” , Steve Chism, senior, rehearses In the journalism room the day before the pageant. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
Pageant shows charm ipstick, nail polish, a n d high h e e ls3t's what Cinderfel"girls" were made en " b e a u t if u l" ntestants com petin a tale n t and auty p a g e a n t to termine the winner an engraved glass iper and the title of iss Cinderfella''. le p r e s e n t a t iv e s nn journalism, choir, ICO, NHS, FFA, FTA, A, b a n d . B a b e s, d cheerleaders en
tertained a ca p tive a u d ie n ce with their p o ise , ta le n t, a n d stage presence. C o n ra d g e "C o n nie" Brown, Miss Choir, won the coveted title of "Miss Cinderfella 88 " .
“ I feel the judges picked me over the other "girls" because I used my high voice to sing instead of a re co rding," C o n ra d ge said. The other p la c e s were filled as follows:
first runner-up, Jam es "Ja m ie " Henderson, Miss FFA; second run ner-up, Roby "Robin" Potts, Miss Cheerlead er; third runner-up, Dallas "Dolly" Nunn, Miss Babe; and fourth runner-up. Dale "Gail" Callen, Miss Band. S tu d e n t C o u n c il sponsored the event to raise money for a m a rb le w all to be erected on the cam pus. 'Kristin Spessard
LO O KIN G ABSOLUTELY GLAM OUROUS, Dallas Nunn, junior, waits for the p ageant to begin. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard SMILING AFTER VICTORY, C o n r a d g e B ro w n , s o p h o m o r e , celebrates backstage. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard. NERVOUSLY AWAITING RESULTS, contestants Johnny Hawkins, Brad Kelly, Dale Callen, Roby Potts, and Dallas Nunn hold hands for sup port. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
A little R & R
Since most students were not lucky enough to have huge amounts of free time due to the a d d itio n of a n o th e r class, they took advan tage of the time that they did have. While some students had their group hobbies such as sports, others just spent their time alone for some p e ace and qui et. "W hen my buddies and I get together, we like to goof around on our bikes and practice freestyling," junior Tim Torres said.
The usual time co n sumers such as talking on the phone, sleeping, and watching television still prevailed. The new cra ze was Nintendo, a video con sole, that included sev eral different cartridges that were sold separate ly. Mario Brothers was th e m o st p r e fe r r e d game. Students were ready for the weekend by the time it finally m anaged to arrive. While some stu dents spent the time w ith th e ir boy friend/girlfriend, others
spent it with their friends. After cruising the Burk drag for a while, most students went to Wichita to cruise Kemp. "My friends and I usu ally just meet in Wichita where we all get in one c a r ," ju n io r Sta r Kosechata said. “Then we cruise looking for guys." No matter how the stu dents spent their free time, pastimes from eve ry angle could be dis covered. ‘ April Daugh erty
DURING RESEARCH ON her theme. Junior Star Kosechata spends many hours of her free time in the library. 'Photo by J. Carter
LOOKING FOR SWIMSUIT, fresh man Amy Schumacher and se nior Kim Keeling take time t< shop at J C Penney. 'Photo b Stacey Patrick
AFTER LONG DAY of working at Wal-Mart, junior Craig Winsor demonstrates sleeping, which Is his favorite pastime. 'Photo by Stacey Patrick
WITH REMOTE IN hand, soph omore Stephanie Spain spends her free time by watching tele v ls io n . "P h o to b y S t a r Kosechata
JOGGING AFTER SCHOOL, jun ior Kyle Owen keeps up with the beat while listening to his w alkm an radio. 'P h o to by Stacey Patrick TALKING, TALKING. TALKING on the phone is how sophomore Je n n y Morris re laxe s a fte r s c h o o l. 'P h o t o b y S ta r Kosechata
KEEPING SHELVES STOCKED at King's Supermarket is one way junior Steve Ketchum earns ex tra money after school. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
RECEIVING CORRECT CHANGE from Mrs. Alice Bryan makes Sandy Demel smile while she works at Braum's. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
RINGING UP PURCHASES, senior Kathy Koch concentrates on giving back the right amount of money at King's. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard WORKING THE REGISTER. Sheila Goff, senior, rings up m edica tion for a customer at the City Pharm acy. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
PREPARING A PIZZA, senior Ed die Alaniz adds the final ingr© dients to obtain that perfec taste at Mazzio's. 'Photo b) Kristin Spessard
CHECKING DISPLAY CASE, jun ior Craig Winsor keeps the pho to departm ent organized at Wal-Mart, "Photo by Kristin Spessard
Profitable pursuits $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ While most students headed straight home after school to unwind in front of the tube, others went right to work with only a few short minutes to relax. In pursuit of e xtra sp en d in g m oney and job experience, students spent their free time af ter school and on week ends working at various establishments in town. While some students worked to fulfill the re quirements of a school work program , others took on part-time jobs
on their own. "I work so I won't al ways have to ask my mom and dad for mon ey," Jennifer Whitehill, junior, said. Many students earned extra money to be able to buy things such as clothes, cars, and ster eos, and to save money for a college education. Taking on a part-time job helped many stu dents gain a new pro spective on an angle of their future in the work force. ‘ Kristin Spessard
ON SWEAT DAY. Beverly Man足 ner! an d Tamm y Lad ym an , so p h o m o re s, a n d M elod y Cleveland, Junior, support Be Drug Free week. 'Photo by Tim Torres
SIGNS WERE HUNG throughout the week by Student Council to promote Drug Awareness Week. Freshmen Kelly Slefkas and Nikki York sit in Senior Hall after school. 'Photo by J. Car足 ter
LOOKING AT SCHEDULES. John Gillespie and Nikki York, fresh足 men, review Drug Awareness Week. 'Photo by Stacey Pat足 rick
WHILE HYPNOTIZING STUDENTS, Dr. R.E. Bellows, guest speaker, explains to the student body how the process works. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
The “Be Drug Clean — Wear Green" slogan be g a n Drug A w are n e ss W eek for the e n tire school district. The stu dents wore gre e n to show th a t th e y su p ported the fight against substance abuse. On Tuesday, Dr. R.E. Bellows, master hypno tist, a p p e a re d as the guest speaker. As he told how drugs affected the body, the hypno tize d students e n te r tained the audience by doing funny things such as listening to their shoes that were supposedly ra dios. They also couldn't say their name without
h avin g their finger in their right ear. The administration a p proved W ednesday to be “ Sweat Out Drugs" day. Substance abuse discussions led by teach ers were given to each second hour. Sin ce Thursday was th e G r e a t A m e ric a n Smoke-Out, the students cam paigned to get all of their peers not to smoke for that one day. Bringing the festivities to a close on Friday, the w in n e rs w e re a n nounced for “ Flush the Pot" contest. A com ode was placed in Senior Flail filled with counted ca n
dy that the students gu esse d the number. The p riz e w as $10 awarded to Carl Brunk, so p h o m o re , w ho guessed the 491 c a n dies. Splitting the candy were Keri Cely, junior, and John W aterm an, freshman, who tied for second. The p articipatio n in the school's fight against drugs was demonstrat ed by STU CO and SADD's decorations, stu dents, and faculty FROM EVERY A N G LE. 'A p ril Daugherty
FLUSH THE POT winners are Carl B ru n k , s o p h o m o r e , w ho guessed the 491 pieces, junior Keri Cely and freshman John Waterman who tied for se c ond. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
Getting Around
W alkin g, riding the requirement prom pted bus, driving a car, or be every student and fa c ing dropped off by a ulty member to place an parent were some of the orange and black em ways that students got blem on his or her wind shield. to and from school. A n o th e r m o d e of Becoming acquainted w ith th e ir " s e c o n d "transpo rtatio n" seen h o m e /' som e sopho about the cam pus after mores and most Juniors s c h o o l w as a s k a t e began to drive a new board. The brightly col c a r , a u se d c a r , or ored board on wheels regained popularity as a mom's car. " I d riv e m y se lf to h o b b y for m an y stu school so I won't be late dents. No m atter how stu for drill te a m ," senior Jodie Mcllrath said. dents got there, they did To prepare new driv so FROM EVERY ANGLE. ers, driver's education ‘ Kristin Spessard was offered as a local credit course. The class GETTING UP HIGH, freshman Bale performs a skate taught fundamentals of John board stunt while Dondra Law driving and basic rules of son, so p h o m o re , w a tc h e s . ‘Photo by Tim Torres the road. A new parking sticker
COMPLYING WITH NEW sticker rule, senior Regina Anderson applies a parking seal to her Ch ristm as p re se n t, a new Grand Am.
PASSING THE TIME, Je re m y Armstrong and Lathen Keath, freshmen, wait for the bus after school. ‘ Photo by Kristin Spes sard
AFTER LUNCH BREAK, senior Brandon Johnson arrives back at school on his motorcycle. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
STILL WAKING UP, seniors David Rariden and Steve McCullough gather their books and head for first hour. 'Photo by Kristin Spessord AFTER FIELD PRACTICE on a Fri day morning, drill teamers Jen nifer Williams and Wendy Wil son, freshmen; Aimee Antill, sophomore; and Kelly Griffin, senior, head back to school. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
REMEMBERING FIRST DATE, seni ors Scott Morris and Kristin Spessard spend a sunny after noon at the waterfalls. "Photo by April Daugherty BIGGEST OF BUNCH, senior Ja son Meadows' balloon sent to him by sophomore Tonya Rush ing gets a special corner in the office. "Photo by J. Carter
Dest Dotes ...
We went to Bennigan's, At dinner, she dropped to a rpovie, and to the her plate.of spaghetti in waterfalls where we had to my lap. / our first kiss. On our w ay into the She served me dinner by movies, his ex walked up candlelight with soft mu bnd pulled him aw ay by sic and flowers. thb arm. My b oyfriend won a After asking me to take huge teddy bear for me me to the Olive Garden, at the county fair that he picked me up on his said "I love you." motorcycle in the rain. He sang romantic songs My best friend set me up to me in the car ail the on a blind d a te who way to dinner. c a m e to my h o u s e w earing clo th es from the ’70's. Never again.
However hard or easy it may be, dating has always been a part of the high school years. It did not matter whether the stu dent dated or not, there was always a friend who was in lala land due to that special per son. At times, the best of friends had a rough time if one had a boyfriend while the other one did not. "Having a best friend with a boyfriend is rough at times be cause he is always there when I need to talk," senior Jenny Wiemer said. "But if you live with it, you just learn to hold a lot inside." For those students whose
lO RE QUIET EVENING at e seniors Regina Anderson Dean Howell check out a ileo from Burk's R e n t-A Irie. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
AFTER EVENING OUT. senior Russ Russell and Stacey Patrick, junior, get caught by surprise a t B e n n in gan 's. 'P h o to by Craig Winsor
boyfriend or girlfriend attend ed another school, the day tended to linger on. "Even though my girlfriend goes to Notre Dame, I get to see her everyday," junior Joel Merkins said. Since some students tended to ge t carried aw ay in the halls, the “Hands Off" policy was enforced. If the couples w ere c a u g h t show ing too much affection, ISS was as signed to both. No matter whether the stu dent was involved in or trying to ge t involved in a serious re lationship, at least one angle of dating affected them. 'April Daugherty
ON VALENTINE’S DAY. junior Roslyn Cheney holds her flow ers from her sweetheart, soph omore Chris Keeling. 'Photo by J. Carter
STACKS OF DIRTY dishes to wash at Mazzlo's makes junior Roby Potts blue. 'Photo by Kris足 tin Spessard
TO HER SURPRISE one stand, she g la n ce d at day, senior Victoria Perry the pond behind her strolled out of her house house where she saw her on her way to work only antenna sticking out of to find an empty spot the water . . . her ca r where her car had been was totally submerged. just a few minutes ear足 How's that for depress足 lier. Unable to under足 ing? "courtesy photos
What m akes you blue? Since up and down emotional patterns are common among teens, all of the pressures and new rules often m ade it easy for students to get "the blues." Some students found th e m s e lv e s b o g g e d down in schoolwork and others dreaded taking tests and reading long novels. An extra class period also a d d e d to the homework load. "It really depresses me w hen som e te a c h e rs think their class is the on ly one you have, so they lo ad you with hom e work," junior Diana C ar denas said. "I also hate when you have three hours of homework to
do, and you don't get off work until late." Another cause of "the blues" was failed rela tionships. Searching for the perfect mate some times ended in depress ing results. Senior Jeff Nickens was depressed when he "got dumped" by a girl he really liked. "I get upset when my girlfriend is in a b ad mood," Justen Noakes, senior, said. With so much to do, stu d e n ts had a hard time getting to see their friends, especially seni ors. "It really upsets me that most of my friends are seniors and have
DEPRESSED FROM SITTING all day, Ch ad Davis, sophomore, passes the time in ISS. 'Photo by J.J. Barry
WITH DROOPING FACE, junior Stace y Patrick starts on her enormous stack of homework. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
early dismissal because I don't get to see them very much," senior Pen ny Fleming said. Other causes of de pression w ere fa ilin g g r a d e s , c a r w re cks , speeding tickets, restric tion from parents, and bills. "I get depressed be c a u s e I am a lw a y s broke," junior Craig Win sor said. "My car and in surance payments are so high that I never have much money left." Even though man y things g o t students down, they usually over cam e their challenges and "the blues". ‘Kristin Spessard
Kristin Spessard Brian Jensen
Eileen San Diego Davwf R ariden Steve McCuttough
Jamie Atkinson Brad Ri*
Photos by J. Carter
Kim Keeftmj Steve France
Kerri Landers Tim Summers
Jodie MclCratfi Ro6 Johnson
Photos by J. Carter
40 T
Yanci Dwyer Johnny Hawkins
Mar(owe Dwyer Clarence Hujfitovver
Heather Andersen James Henderson
)tos by J. Carter
Victoria Pern* Rob Johnson
Jodie MclCratfv Johnny Hawkins
Photos by J. Carter
Kim Keeling Brent Battista
Tricia Smitfi Tim Summers
Sarah StemadeC Kevin Carpenter
Tina Ortiz Scott Newton
Photos by J. Carter
Kascy Jofmson Jeff Martin
Micfietle Conroy Parrisft Mattfiews
Photo by J. Carter
Linda Cordova Brad Owen
Kasey Johnson Parrish Matthews
'y fr ia r fd t d
M ar Cowe Dwryer Scott Newman
Tracy Tigert Brad Owen
s r
Photos by J. Carter
C hristy Spack G rant M artin
Kristi DarUmd Trent Mays
â&#x20AC;¢Photos by Tim Torres
N yifca Sm ith M iU er Spessard Lisa Irwin Erik Kirkpatrick
S & ia & fa
Derma Jennings Matt Spencer
fiotos by Tim Torres
DURING B IO LO G Y II CLA SS, senior Marc Haenel and junior Aaron Fullerton use the micro scope during their experiment. "Photo by April Daugherty
hile the class of '89 was the last class on the 21-22-22H plan, juniors, sophom ores, and freshmen en joyed coordinating new electives into their acad e m ic schedule. More options were added to essential graduation requirements. Computer math ematics, Chemistry II, and advanced Texas studies offered more variety in all subject areas. Local credit courses such as ACT/SAT preparation aided students in academ ic development. Science courses such as an imal science allowed students to study the field in more depth. Computer math pro vided an opportunity to learn more about mathematics while learning about comput ers in the process. The new routine of a seven period day lent a new angle to the year. 'Kelly Siefkas
FERNE BLOODWORTH JOURNALISM SPIRIT AWARD "As yearbook co-editor, Kristin exhibited special self-motivation, determination and dedication to always accomplish the task in an excellent and creative way." Mrs. Anne Gillespie
FERNE BLOODWORTH DRAMA SPIRIT AWARD "To Shane there is no best, only better. Mrs. Ferne Bloodworth would be both proud and honored to have known him. With his talent and desire the stars are the limit." Mr. Jerry Pink.
The Who's Who award was given to eighteen senior students by teach足 ers from e a ch depart足 ment. They were select足 e d on th e b a s i s of sch o lastic ability, achievem ent, and atti足 tude.
MARKETING AND D.E. “Deena Is personable, friendly, and a hard worker who has d e termination to su cceed ." Mr. Troy Stewart
“Steve should be able to take the creativity he has displayed in dram a and have a happy and productive future." Mr. Jerry Pink
“By spending many extra hours as yearbook co-editor, April showed dedication to design ing an award winning book." Mrs. Anne Gillespie
“Sue is very conscientious and d e p e n d a b le . She h as e x pressed an interest in the area of home econom ics." Mrs. Sue Warren
CHOIR “Heather will attain whatever goals she makes for her life. S h e Is a c o m p e t it o r , a n achiever, and a leader." Mrs. Jan Atchley
“I have never had In my 18 years of te a c h in g a better math student than Brian. He is always seeking know ledge." Mr. Ron Brown
“ His determination and dedi cation to m eet his goals will cau se Brett to a ch ieve a high level of success." Mr. Ben Hoaldridge
“Eileen has writing flair, inter pretation skills, and sensitivity which e x c e e d s th at of her classm ates." Mrs. Vera Ward
“ As Spanish C lu b president and as a student, Regina al ways displayed the maturity to take care of responsibilities In a d v a n c e ." Mrs. Ja n e t Gum
ALLEN EVANS SO CIAL STUDIES “Allen is a pleasant individual who is polite and willing to aid other students. He is alw ays prom pt with his w ork." Mrs. Sheryl Carpenter
"While taking 1f semesters of business, Robin's attention to d etail resulted In a c c u ra te work which is critical In busi ness." Mrs. Jean McNabb
"Brad is success oriented, c a pable, and has one of the best attitudes w e've seen in stu dents in our departm ent." Mrs. Shelly Sweatt
"Micheal always displayed a winning attitude. He w as a player that helped others and went that extra mile." C o a ch Jerry Watson
OFFICE EDUCATION "Brenda displays dependabil ity, initiative, and good atti tude on the Job. Her work and attendance is excellent." Mrs. W anda Smith
"A s c a p t a in of the tennis team, Kim was a good leader who was always willing to help her fellow team m em bers." C o a ch Carey Caldwell
"Always doing more than was required of him, Daken has shown outstanding leadership ability in the past four years." Mr. Jake Fite
i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
USING PROPER PROCEDURE, Mrs. Paula McNeil shows seniors Mark Ford and Kelly Griffin how to change diapers. ‘ Photo by J.J. Barry
A NEW DADDY, Joel Merkins shows off his twin boys In child developm ent class in an un usual way. ‘ Photo by J.J. Barry
CONCENTRATING ON SEWING, senior Michelle Hill breaks aw ay long enough to com e through with a smile. ‘ Photo by J. C ar ter
P r e p a r in g
f o
r f u t u r e
am ily lifestyle In the ad van ced child d e ve lo p m e n t classe s, students re c e iv e d an e g g th a t w as to be cared for as a child for a week. In order to receive a grade, the students had to name it, fill out a birth certificate, and write a 24-hour written account of what they did with their child that day, a c cording to teacher Mrs. Paula McNeil. The e g g was also to be dressed and taken everywhere with the stu dent. The students were a llo w e d to h a v e a babysitter for their child. The Home Econom ic
division also offered oth er classes such as home and family life. "This was a class like no other class," Scott Boyd, senior, said. "We could express our opin ions without worrying about anyone else. Eve ryo n e sh o u ld b e ex posed to a class like that." Apparel design. Indi vidual and family life, and parenting and child development were also offered. The A p p are l Design class was cre a te d for the study of apparel de sign and construction; the study of fibers and
fa b ric s; and em p lo y m en t p o ssib ilitie s in these areas. This class ga ve Mrs. Paula McNeil a c h a n c e to interact one on one with the stu dents since the class was a lab class. "The classes gave the students an increased awareness of life and life e x p e r ie n c e s , " Mrs. McNeil said. The HECE officers in cluded Jodie Mcllrath, p r e s id e n t ; M e lissa Downes, vice-president; Roslyn Cheney, secre tary/treasurer; Donna Pruett, historian; Laura Brantley, reporter; and Robin Learst, parliamen tarian. *Kim Hawkins
COMPARING THEIR EGGS, jun iors R o b y P o tts a n d J o e l Merklns are surprised to realize that their babies look alike. 'Photo by J.J. Barry
TAKING SEWING SERIOUSLY, se nior Michael Ivory tries hard not to mess up. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
Maps and surveys a id
octal studies Social studies covered a wide range of topics from how ancient civili zation was created to the stu d y of hum an em otion and to d a y 's morals. World history covered the vast spectrum of his torical events. Students studied about the Mid dle East, Russia, and Western Europe. They learned about ancient Egypt all the way up to the present Arab/Israeli conflict. The history of America was brought into focus in United States history. The course started at the end of the Civil War and co n ce n tra te d on the
presidents and changes in American culture. “My students hold de bates, participate in in dividual and group proj ects, and read books of historical value to further in c re a se their know l e d ge of American histo ry,” Mr. Jim Sternadel, history teacher, said. World G eography in volved the study of land use methods. The course also co n ce n tra te d on various cultures and lo c a t io n s a r o u n d th e world. For those students with a more active interest in history, the a d v a n c e d Texas History course was offered. The course co v
ered subjects from the oil boom to the future of the state's econom y. Governm ent clarified the different jobs that are involved in the Unit ed States government. From voters to the Pres ident, students gain ed knowledge about all po sitions in the country's government. Economics and Free Enterprise ex plained the three types of e c o n o m ic system s and how they work. S o c io l o g y w a s a course in which students learned about their own feelings and the feelings of those around them. 'Kristin Spessard
LEADING CLASS DISCUSSION, sociology teacher Mrs. Diana Bohuslav reviews her students on social issues. ’ Photo bv J.J. Barry
WITH THE HELP of her aid, senioi Rodney Miller, Mrs. Sheryl C a r penter makes a lesson plan foi her world g e o g ra p h y class, ‘ Photo by J.J. Barry
USING A MAP to help students lo c a t e co u n trie s , M r,Jerry Boren, history te a c h e r, d e scribes WWII. 'Photo by Stacey Patrick
USING A VISUAL aid, Mr.Jim Sternadel, history teacher, ex plains a topic to his honors world history class. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
CATCHING UP ON world affairs, Katherine Wright, freshman, reads about Martin Luther King in the latest issue of Time m ag azine in Mr. Sternadel's history class. 'Photo by Stacey Patrick
Getting the scoop
rom a ll angles The job of a journalist involved capturing the year from every angle. Several classes taught all aspects of journalism, from p h o to g ra p h y to editorial writing. The Bulldog Times pub lished eight issues after a series of deadlines and plenty of work. S ta ff m e m b e rs re ce ive d the 1988 ILPC tops in state for division AAA A, the 1988 Quill and Scroll International First Place Award, and the 1988 THSPA State Champion Award for the first time since 1977. "I was excited to see a g o a l that w e strived hard for to becom e a re ality in all three co n
tests,” Regina Anderson editor and three year staff member, said. Photography students c re e p e d all o ver the c a m p u s to " g e t the good shots.” They were taught how to develop film and m ake prints for b o th y e a r b o o k a n d newspaper productions. Due to m any extra hours of work, the '88 Derrick received the AllTexas with special hon orary mention award in the fall. “The editor set his goal to produce an aw ard winning book that would receive state recogni tion," Mrs. Gillespie, jour nalism a d v ise r, sa id . "Because of his d e d ica
tion and strong leader ship, the book received this high honor." Before the '89 Derrick was even published, it had already been cho sen for an honor. The Derrick was chosen by Taylor Publishing C o m pany to be distributed to sa le s re p re s e n ta tiv e s across the nation for dis p la y b e c a u s e of the b o o k's layo u t d e sig n , th e m e d e v e lo p m e n t, and utilization of graphic arts. Whether it was taking the sharpest picture or writing the best article, the journalism classe s did their part to capture the year from all angles. 'Steve Albrecht
PHOTO STAFF MEMBERS: (b a ck) Tim Torres, J.J. Barry, Jeannette Wendt (front) Judith Abella. Kathy Ott, Paula Irwin, J. C ar ter, Star Kosechata, and April D augherty. ‘ Photo by Mike Braziel
REVIEWING TYPES OF editorials Mrs. Anne Gillespie, journallsnr advisor, prepares Judith Abel la, senior, an d Daw n V e a l sophom ore, for N e w sp a p e writing in Journalism I. 'photc by J. J. Barry
EAKING FOR LUNCH, senior jv e Albrecht, junior C ra ig nsor, and seniors Kim Keeling d April Daugherty, play on e m e rry -g o -ro u n d a t :Donald's at Denton. 'Photo J. Carter
BULLDOG TIMES STATE cham p members are (b a ck) Tim Tor res, Kristin Rannlla, Paula Irwin, C h ris H e n d e r s o n , A n g ie r
Crawford, Steve Chism (front) Regin a Anderson, Steve Al brecht, Eileen San Diego, and Tina Ortiz. 'Photo by J. Carter
HEADING FOR THSPA conven tion in Denton, journalism stu dents who hitch a ride on the hood of old yellow are (back row) John G illespie, Kristin Spessard, Penny Hutchison, Kim Keeling, April Daugherty, Tim Torres, J. Carter (front row) Angier Crawford, Regina An derson, Chris Henderson, Craig Winsor, Kelly Siefkas, Tina Ortiz, Steve Albrecht, and sponsor Mrs.Anne Gillespie. 'Photo by Lou Toft
USEFUL HINTS FROM m ath teache r Mr. Eddie Manning help senior Lorena Palomino understand her homework In morning tutorials. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by Ric Uythoven
TRYING TO FINISH before the bell, sophomores Detrlc Kelly and Cindy Daniels work on their a lg e b ra assignm ents. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
SOLVING AN EQUATION, junior M ike P le t t s a n d S e a n e Vicknair, senior, work together to find the correct answer in m ath c la ss . 'P h o to b y Ric Uythoven
Alath courses provide
umber sense Whether it was a lg e bra, geometry, or trigo nometry, math provided a ch alle n ge for many students. Various choices were a va ila b le to fulfill the three cre d it m ath re quirement. Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, g e om etry, trigonom etry, elementary analysis, ca l culus, an d co m p u te r math were the courses students s e le c te d to strengthen their mathe matical skills. The new math course, com puter math, incor porated geometric and a lg e b r a ic e q u a tio n s w ith c o m p u t e r p ro grams. Students learned how to develop graphs, solve problems and en ter form ulas into the computer.
G e o m e t r y h e lp e d stimulate creative and logical thought process es and develop reason ing by using definitions and theorems. Students in the Alge bra I and II courses stud ied linear equations, in e q u a lit ie s , w o rd p ro b le m s, fa c t o r in g , fu n ctio n s, system s of equations, and opera tions with radicals. E xte n d in g p a st the regular curriculum, up per level math courses were offered to those students who wished to further their study of m a th e m a tics beyo nd high school. Trigonome try utilized the b a sic number theory d e ve l oped in algebra courses to solve geometry prob lems. Calculus, designed
UIL MATH TEAM members Tuan Nguyen, Tony Fidaleo, Vu Do, Brian Jensen, and Jerry San Diego plan their competition strategies. ‘ Photo by Kathy Ott
EXHIBITING NORMAL CLA SS RO O M b e h a v io r , Mr. Nem ecek's Honors Algebra II class works on a class assign ment. ‘ Photo by Kathy Ott
for students with a thor ough knowledge of col lege m athem atics, in v o lv e d a s tu d y of elem entary functions, properties of limits, and techniques of integra tion. UIL math team mem bers, Brian Jensen, Tony Fidaleo, Vu Do, Patrick Farabee, Tuan Nguyen, and Jerry San D iego were chosen in January to com pete in calcula tor and number sense at UIL meets. "I decided to try out for the math team be c a u s e I lo ve so lvin g problems," Tony Fidaleo, sophomore, said. With a variety of class es o ffe re d , stu d en ts learned the principles of math from all angles. 'Kristin Spessard
TYPING INTO COMPUTER, Shar on Thompson saves Important inform ation in Mrs. P e g g y e Fulcher's office. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
MARKING DOWN ABSENCES, M elody M cReynolds finishes one of her tasks in the atten d a n ce office. ‘ Photo by J. C a r ter
School offices offer
orking skills O f f ic e E d u c a t io n courses presented many options for students to learn about office man agement skills, principles of banking and financial institutions, and basic of fice tasks. The Prelab class was built around training for employment in an of fice. Students learned th e sk ills n e e d e d throughout the first se mester, then toward the end of the second se m e s te r th e y w e re placed in jobs. "Information Process ing helped students to develop skills relating to office machines, mainly
c o m p u t e r s ," Mrs. W anda Smith, office ed ucation teacher, said. Business Financial A p plications g a v e an intro duction to principles of banking and financial in stitutions. The second se mester the students took Office Support Systems, an introduction to office procedures. In the Co-op work pro gram, Mrs. Smith places students in the atten d a n c e o ffice and the c o u n s e lo r 's o f f ic e , where they work a mini mum of 15 hours per w eek. These students fulfilled their credit re quirem ent an d m ad e
Office Education
money while doing so.' A total of 40 students worked as office aids in the counselor's o ffice, main office, attendance office, vocational office, and vice-principals' of fices. These students did not receive a credit for this co u rse , but they per formed such tasks as an swering phones, running errands, and distributing mail. "The students did a great job and I really a p preciated all the work they did," Mrs. Alice Bry an , sch o o l se c re ta ry , said. 'Paula Irwin
PR EP A R IN G A PRO G R A M , Michelle Brugmann, senior, or ganizes data to be processed in office prelab. 'Photo by J.J. Barry
A N S W E R IN G THE PH O N E, Yesenia Palomino, junior, per forms one of her attendance office duties. 'Photo by J. Car ter
CONNECTING A CALLER to the proper office, senior, Steve McCullough demonstrates one of his duties in the principal's office. 'Photo by J. Carter
Classes emphasize
riting skills Sore fin g e rs , tire d eyes, and writer's cramp becam e part of the ex citing life of writing es says, short stories, and discussion questions. With the new rule that teachers had to give an essay question on one test a six weeks, the im portance of good pen manship and writing hit an all-time high. Since the Freshman Class will have to pass a writing sample on their junior ex it level test, the school district put a new em phasis on writing skills. Every English class from
freshmen to seniors had to write a type of com position in English. Improvement in writ ing was stressed in the new p ra c tic a l writing class taught by Mrs. Kay Blancett and Mrs. Nancy Richter. "W e wrote d e scrip tive, spatial, and persua sive papers," Mrs. Rich ter, English teacher, said. "We also learned how to fill out applications, write b u sin e ss le tte rs a n d memos, and practice for the TEAMS test." Writing was a vital part of any class whether it
was an English III class or World History. Ever since learning to print in first grade, each student has b e e n required to e x press himself in writing. "Writing has becom e a w ay of life in every class and it isn't fun," Tim Clem ent, junior, said. The idea of having to w rite a fiv e -h u n d re d word them e blows the human mind, but with the right approach and proper training students p ro d u ce d an a c c e p t able paper. ‘ John Star ling
LfcAKNlNG TO WRITE, Juniors Johnette Doyle and A n ge la Remlly work in a group in Mrs. D iana Bohuslav's sixth hour English III class. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
CHECKING HIS GRAMMAR, Da vid G reen o, Junior, c o n c e n trates deeply on his English as sign m en t. ‘ Photo b y C r a ig Winsor
SIX WEEKS EXAMS require writ ing skills shown by sophomore. Jason Shroad. and senior, J a son Jones in Mrs. Kay Blancett's practical writing class. "Photo by Paula Irwin
OFFERING HER HELP. Mrs Bev erly Brannon, librarian, assists sophomore, J. Carter, on his re search paper. "Photo by Craig Winsor
WEARING THINKING HAT. Stoney Strickland, sophomore, lis tens to instructions from English teacher Mrs. Melanie Selvidge. "Photo by Craig Winsor
REPLACING CHROME TRIM, Jim my Ketchum, senior, works on a car In auto body. 'Photo by Stacey Patrick
USING A DRILL, Heath Tyler, se nior, performs one of his many tasks In auto body. 'Photo by Rlc Uythoven
RECEIVING AN INSTRUCTION, Mike Caraw ay, senior, listens carefully to Mr. J.D. Allen, auto body instructor. 'Photo by Rlc Uythoven
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Various tools shape
o-Ed skills W renches, hammers, and sanders-in contrast to the traditional pencil and paper-were need ed by various students to a p p ro a c h v o c a tio n a l courses from a different angle. With a combined en rollment of over 85, the number of students in auto body and auto me c h a n ic s c o u r s e s in creased from last year. This increase was due to the fact that “ more boys 15 and over were inter e ste d in d rivin g a n d learning about it," a c cording to Mr. J.D. Allen, auto body instructor.
The “auto mechanics course used the latest techniques in addition to the p ro v e n m eth o d s used in skilled iabor. The a u to m e c h a n ic s course," Mr. David Ress said, “offers students the op p o rtu n ity to a p p ly mental knowledge to a physical model." Both classes em pha sized the use of comput er systems in the field. Using these skills, auto students attained a ba sic working knowledge of the automobile and la n g u a g e . They were expected to be at entry le v e l fo r t e c h n ic a l
school by the time the course was completed. The building trades courses also contributed to the development of the d e p artm e n t. The classes assisted in a new addition to the Senior Citizens' building. They also helped with the res toration work on the Hawkins' historical home. The hands-on experi ence of the auto and building trades courses contributed to the vo ca tional department's ed u c a tio n FROM EVERY ANGLE. "Kelly Siefkas
PAINT AND BODY work lie a h e a d fo r s e n io r s T e rry Overton and Kenny Reed in auto body class. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
SANDING A CAR, senior John G odo smoothes the surface to be p a in te d in a u to b ody. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
Advance classes a id
ollege bound o
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5'Wflh °the° S d v a n c e d student in mind, a c a dem ically ch allen gin g classes were added for the college bound indi vidual. In the subject of sci ence, three new classes were added: Biology II, Chem istry II, an d lab management. Biology II taught the function of the life forms on earth. Chemistry II expanded on what was learned in Chemistry I. Lab man
a gem en t provided an opportunity for students to e x p e rie n c e a c o l le g e -ty p e situation in helping other students with their labs. A no ther new c la s s , computer math, substi tuted for a math or com puter credit. The course showed students how to do mathematical equa tions with computer pro grams. "It teaches quick ways to find answers through
the use of computers,” Am i C a r r , c o m p u te r math student, said. Spanish III and French III had been offered for many years, but this was the first tim e a n y o n e took either of the class es. With the addition of these challenging class es, the stature and qual ity of the school's a c a d e m ic re co rd g re a tly increased. 'D avid C a n ter
LISTENING TO TAPES, senior Kim Keeling receives instructions in French ill class from teacher, Mrs. Ja n e t Niles. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
LAUGHING AT RESULTS, seniors M arc H a e n a l a n d M e lissa Woods do a lab experiment in Chemistry II. 'Photo by Je a n nette Wendt
LOOKING THROUGH MICRO足 SCOPES, seniors Lisa Zrowka, David Canter, Marc Haenal, and junior Aaron Fullerton ex足 periment in Biology II class sev足 enth hour. "Photo by J. Carter
CONSULTING LAB PARTNER, Dion King, senior, discusses the results with Raymond Downing, se n io r. In honors p h y sics. "Photo by Ric Uythoven
WORKING ON LAB, senior Brad Rix reads a tem perature in Chemistry II. "Photo by Jean 足 nette Wendt
HOLDING IT STEADY, sopho mores Scott Fortin and Jeff Daron, assist Jam es Christo pher, sophomore, as he repairs a lamb ca g e . ’Photo by Star Kosecheta
WORKING ON RACK, A g Me chanic students Heath Roberts and Skyler May, sophomores, learn welding skills. ’ Photo by Star Kosecheta
READY TO AIM, Nick Cunning ham. junior, demonstrates cor rect procedure in firing a ri fle.’Photo by Craig Winsor
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N ew electives expand
0 AG program
V o c a tio n a l A g ric u l ture was no longer re stricted to livestock and welding. With the addi tion of nine new classes, AG has expanded into several diverse fields. Wildlife and Recrea tion M a n a g e m e n t, a new statew ide experi mental class, is a course d e sig n e d to exam ine the importance of wild life and outdoor recre ation with emphasis on using natural resources. "I think wildlife and recreatio n al m a n a g e ment is fun and it has helped me develop new
career interest in many recreational fields," Nick C u n n in g h a m , ju n io r, said. In addition to outdoor re la te d co u rse s, stu dents also becam e fa miliar with carp e n try, plumbing, masonry, and to o l in d e n t if ic a t io n through the Agriculture Mechanics course. "A G M echanics is a good course because I have learned to work with metal fabrications," Roger Marshall, senior, said. Also, a highly innova tiv e E q u in e S c ie n c e
BEFORE BEGINNING WELDING, teacher, Mr. Jake Fite, offers last m inute instructions to so p h o m o re , Don W illiam s. “Photo by Craig Winsor
an d R e cre atio n M a n a ge m e n t student, P.J. Nixon junior, takes aim while Micah Tabion, senior, Jo e Kurszewski, sophomore, and Roger Marshall, senior, look on. “Photo by C raig Winsor
c la s s d e v e lo p e d on campus. This course was created in order to de velop know ledge per taining to reproduction an d m a n a g e m e n t of horses. A G re la te d studies h a ve not only d e ve l oped into an exact sci e n c e throughout the world, but also in the classroom as well. "The w ay the state has set up th e new courses lets students have a broader range of fields to choose from," Mr. Jake Fite, AG teach er, said. *Nita Riggins
LEARNING WORD PROCESSING, Tina Taylor, Junior, co n c e n trates on her work In micro computer applications class taught by Mrs. Amaryllis Mullins. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
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TOUCHING HER CHOICE on the computer, Kristi Gibson, fresh man, listens to program with A ndrea Babb, freshm an. In physical science. 'Photo by Rlc Uythoven
LISTENING TO LECTURE, Mrs. Nancy Frazier's intro computer class learns how to program. 'Photo by April Daugherty
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TYPING IN SPECS, Derrick coeditor, April Daugherty, uses the co py vision computer pro gram for summlttlng yearbook co py In journalism class. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
USING NEW COMPUTERS in physical science, senior, Jodie Mcllrath, and sophomore, Jen ny Morris, learn new skills. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
Computers expand
cademics classes °fh©' 0s© ofccbfnputers expanded from state req u ir e d co m p u te r courses to the experi mental use of com put ers in science classes. In addition to Business Data Processing and In troduction to Computer Programming, computer m ath b e c a m e a v a il able. Students used this course to fulfill mathe matics or computer re quirements. "Everyone will com e in contact with computers at some point in their fu ture whether directly or
indirectly," Mrs. Nancy purchased through state Frazier, c o m p u te r in- and federal funds. stuctor, said. "For this "I feel that the com reason, students need to puters have added in be exposed to the ba terest to the physical sci sics of these machines in ence program with the order to dispel some of great visibles that are in corporated in each les their fears." Physical science class son," Mrs. Conni Mar es experimented with a shall, science teacher, new d e v e lo p m e n t in said. Gifted and Talented, technology. Through the reading improvement, Texas Learning Technol ogy Group, the science and journalism also in department received a corporated the use of six com puter lab. The computers in their curric computer program was ulum. *Kim Keeling used by only 37 other schools in Texas and was
BLENDING WATER COLORS, jun ior, Wendy Neely, experiments with different hues and values In Art I. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
1 SINGING CHRISTMAS CAROLS, Amber Shulte, senior, and Ru dolph prepare for the annual ch oir C h ristm a s p ro g ra m . ‘ Photo by April Daugherty
PRACTICING DUET ACTING, Kim Quick and Misty Parks, fresh men, do their Job at obtaining their fine arts credit. ‘ Photo by Paula Irwin
SINGING DURING CHOIR, sen iors Heather Andersen and Ju dith A b e lla p re p are during sixth hour choir class for Christ mas caroling. 'Photo by J.J. Barry
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SIDE BY SIDE, senior C h u ck C a g e , and junior Korey Chan dler, perform their music at halftime. 'Photo by Terry Morris
Students take more
ine arts classes
Enrollment in dram a and choir almost dou bled from last year a c cording to Mrs. Brenda Baker, vice-principal. The number of mem bers in band reached 106. Totals from all the arts classes climbed to 115. Part of the reason for the sudden interest was that it becam e a re quirement for students to have a fine arts credit to graduate. "Students are always trying to find new ways to express their person ality," senior Paula Irwin
said. Many obtained their fine arts credit from Mr. Jerry Pink's drama and sp e e ch classe s. "The classe s were a lot of fun," Missy Greenw ay, freshm an sp e e ch stu dent, said. Some students in choir took their music very se riously, but most were there just to have fun and learn about the art, acco rd in g to Mrs. Jan Atchley, choir director. “ I'm encouraged by the interest and I hope this indicates a positive
future for choral music at BHS," Mrs. Atchley said. Mr. LeRoy Messenger, art teacher, was also imp r e s s e d by th e in creased interest in his program. Students ex pressed their artistic tal en t through co n to u r draw ings, w aterco lo r paintings, and ceramics. ” l hope the art pro gram grows even more in the next few years," Mr. Messenger said. From every angle, stu dents pursued their fine arts cre d it. 'H e a th e r Lindsey
LEARNING AEfOUT TESTS, seniors Kelly Griffin, Kim Clark, Scott Nunn, and Tamika Whitaker lis ten for tips in the ACT/SAT prep class. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
Local credit includes
CT/SAT classes One new angle of a c ademics was the intro duction of subjects that cam e under the title of local credits. However, only two courses were formed under this head ing. Driver's education was offered as a sem ster course for the first time, This course allowed stu dents to study car main tenance and financial m anagem ent in more depth. The ACT/SAT prepara tion class was used to prepare juniors and seni
ors for college entrance exam s and help them ch o o se c o lle g e s best suited for them. "The ACT/SAT prepa ration course helped us to becom e better a c quainted with the tests needed for co llege," se nior Kim Clark said. "It helped us work on our vocabulary, math, and English skills by taking sample tests and w atch ing special videos." The a c a d e m ic d e c a th a lo n te a m c la s s never cam e about, but the school did have four
young p e o p le partici pate in the high school bowl at MSU in the fall. The bowl co ve red a wide variety of subjects from literature to sports an d w as d ire c te d by Mrs. Vera Ward, English teacher. The co m peti tors were David Greeno, Marc Haenel, Brian Jen sen, and Kenneth McCallister. They p la y e d well, but were beaten by W ich ita Falls High School for the consola tion trophy. *David C a n ter
A C A D E M IC D EC A T H A LO N MEMBERS Marc Haenal, David Greeno, Kenneth McCallister, and Brian Jensen prepare to challenge their minds at the High School Bowl. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
LEARNING DRIVING PROCEDURES, the driver's class receives helpful hints from C o ach Alex Koulovatos. 'Photo by Tim Torres
PREPARING TO TAKE a sample test, seniors, Raymond Downing and Regina Anderson gear up their minds in the ACT/SAT prep class. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
BEFORE HIRSCHI GAME, the Freshman team fires up to play for the District Championship. They w on the g a m e 38-6. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by J. Carte
he "O range and Black Attack" was on the growl for the second year with the sports angle looking sharp. From football in the fall to baseball in the spring, sports measured up to expectations with the tennis team starting the year off by winning the fall district championship and the freshman football team winning district championship with a 9-0 record. Every athlete com bined his spirit and "Dog Pride" to play and perform like a true Bulldog. Being part of a team was a great honor, whether it was football, basketball, track, volleyball, golf, tennis, cross country, swimming, baseball, or soccer. Although it was not always possible to win, each team member tried to show their true angle. *John Starling
SEESAW SEASON "I thought the season went well at the start, but it tapered out in the end. In district we were too inconsistent/' — Coach Jerry Watson. Under the leadership of seco n d year h ead co ach Jerry Watson, the Bulldogs finished the season with a record of 4-5-1. Although the record constitutes a losing sea son, the gam es lost were very close ones. In many cases, they lost in the fin a l s e c o n d s o f th e game. Two of the highlights
o f th e s e a s o n w e re beating state ranked ri val Iowa Park, 28-12, and tying state ranked Ver non in a hard fought gam e 21-21. This season was one of happiness and winning, but on the other hand, one of heartbreak and defeat, according to se nior G e ra ld Bradford. *J.J. Barry
28 12 14 21 21 0 35 14 14 8
’ E VARSITY TEAM: (First row) Lance Stone. Gerald Bradford. Terry Overton. t,!,* n 0!. Y BlakleY. Wesley Wilson. Dion King. Mike Whaley. Kevin iranan. Rodney Miller. Steve Coleman. Timothy Summers, (third row) Kevin v-arpenter, Michael Ivory. Kevin Walker. Scott Morris. Dennis Raynor. Joel Merkms, Shone Gilbert. Rodney Reyes, (fourth row) Mark Ford. Michael Harm gion. bcott Newton, Kenny Johnson. Russ Russell. John Ullum. Rusty Ellis, (fifth ® ‘ Pirkle. Travis Gwynn. Rob Johnson. J.J. Barry. Brennan Moore. Roby r-'Br.I', ?Ymo Down'ng. Brent Battista, (last row) Jerry Watson. James Teter. e Johnson. Jackie Stephens. Steve Oates. Ron Miller 'Photo by Craig Winsor
CONCENTRATING ON CATCH ING a pass, split end Gerald Bradford fights a Graham Steer in the first quarter of the game. The Dogs lost 23-22. 'Photo by Terry Morris DIVING FOR A TOUCHDOWN, ta ilb a c k M ichael lvory(20) soars through the air in the Ver non gam e. The final score was a tie at 21-21. 'Photo by Terry Morris ELUDING A TACKLER, quarter back Rob Johnson (10) scam pers down the sidelines during the Iowa Park game. The Dogs won the gam e 28-12. 'Photo by Terry Morris FIGHTING FOR YARDAGE, full back Mark Ford (33) lunges to avoid a tackle in the Hirschi gam e. 'Photo by Terry Morris
/W in n in g/ / b ig / "C o n sid e rin g the injuries to k e y personnel, our se a so n w as very su ccessfu l. The c h a n g e s w e m a d e a b o u t a t m id -se aso n im p ro v e d our o ffe n sive a n d d e fe n sive o u tp u t/' — C o a c h Ron Miller With the Fresh m an team winning cham pi onship and the JV team placing second, the fu ture of varsity football looks prosperous from both angles. The JV district title was d e cid e d in the g a m e b e tw e e n Hirschi a n d Burk with both teams 4-0 at the time. It w as a close contest; however, the Dogs cam e up a lit
tle short ending with a score of 19-14. They fin ished the season with a record of 6-3-1. The freshmen finished the season with a per fect record of 9-0, p la c ing them number one-in district. The Freshmen won most of their gam es handley, outscoring their o pponents 285 to 80. *J.J. Barry
6 27 13 14 6 25 7
JV TEAM MEMBERS: (First row) Aaron Lewis. David Mitchell, (second row) Jimmy
Ryan. Conradge Brown. Stoney Strickland. Parrish Matthews. Richard Rivera. Curtis Prince (third row) Ron Miller, Michael Downing. Chris Keeling. Robert Carper, Brad Owen, Jayson Kalb. Orlando Reyes. James Teter. (last rQjw) Bobby Wiemer. Richard Glasscock. Will Spragins. Shane McLaughlin. Danny Bodine, Scott Newman, Bennie Bedford *Photo by Craig Winsor
GETTING WARMED UP, Danny Bodine (52), and Lance Stone (80), exercise before a gam e. “Photo by Stacy Patrick BOUND FOR TOUCHDOWN, Miller Spessard (5), heads for the end zone. 'Photo J. C a r ter MAKING A TACKLE, freshmen Brian Cham berlain (87), and Ernie Cook (30) attempt to bring down a Vernon Lion. They won the gam e 31-0. 'Photo by Stacy Patrick BREAKING A TACKLE, tailback Conradge Brown tries to break free of a defender in the gam e against Rider. The Dogs lost the gam e 24-13. 'Photo by J. Carter
FRESHMAN TEAM MEMBERS: (Front row) Rusty Thomas. Dan Wilson. Brian Chamberlain, Dwayne Drake, Matt Carter, Billy Bilyeu, (second row) Daniel Hale, Dave Shackleton. Joel Adams, Alex Romero, Alfred Espinoza. Ben Malone, Shawn Tigerina. (third row) Scott Slater, Mark Harris, Chris Shackelford, Steve Hadley, Barney Fudge, Chad Rowland, Ernie Cook, Greg Leonard, (last row) Kress Lochridge, Erik Kirkpatrick, Dennis Cox, Damon Perry, Steven Smith, Miller Spessard, Chad Riggins 'Photo by Craig Winsor
30 20 31 28 48 27 35 28 38
12 8 0 6 24 24 0 0 6
PRACTICE GIVES ‘COLD FEET’ Cold, bitter days lim ited the golf and soccer teams' practices. The girls' and boys' golf team s p ra c tic e d every day after school a t River C r e e k G o lf course. The teams were also ab le to c o n c e n trate on technique dur ing the golf class offered for the first time. When the weather was bad, the teams practiced in the gym. "We had a more struc tured practice program
thanks to C o ach Miller," Lee Wynne, senior, said. With m ore p la y e r s than in the past, the soc cer team m anaged to o u tsco re their o p p o nents in many of their gam es. If the weather did not permit practice, the team w atch ed instructicnal films about soccer inside. The soccer and golf teams put in many after school hours to perfect th e ir g a m e s . 'D a v id Canter
SOCCER TEAM MEMBERS are (front ro w ) Brian C h a m b e r la in , R ic Uythoven, Dent Keltner, C y Jones, John Godo, David Canter (middle row) Roy Pasamonte, Robert Tur ner, Kevin Trahan, Ernie C ooke. Matt Carter, Derek Rowland, Rusty
Thomas, Trent Mays, C o a ch Bob Carper (b ack row) Chad Rowland, Mike Parvin, Scott Nunn, Miller Spessard, Aric Meyer. Jo e Johnston, and W ade Green. ‘Photo by John Spessard
ENDING HIS MAN. Roy amonte, junior, stops the snsive m an from Notre ne. ‘ Photo by John Spesi
THE BREAK AWAY, Brian Cham berlain, freshman, blows by his Notre Dame defender. ‘Photo by John Spessard HITTING SHAG BALLS, freshman Yulanda Worth and senior Pen ny Fleming practice after their first Sa tu rd a y tournam ent. ‘ Photo by Kristin Spessard
GOLF TEAM MEMBERS: (front row) Katherine Wright, Kim Ber ry, Yulanda Worth, Tiffany Ter rell, Kerri Landers, Penny Flem in g ( m id d le ro w ) D a n n y Roberts, Mark Christian, Keith
L e W a lle n , M ic h a e l C h ism (back row) C o a ch Ron Miller, Randy Williams, Allen Evans, Lee W ynne, Rodney Miller, Chris Maffett. ‘ Photo by J.J. Barry
Starting the season with August workouts and only one returning starter, the Varsity Vol leyball team ended with a 4-24 record. After placing third in the W ichita Falls High School tournament and fourth at the Vernon Re gional Junior C o lle g e tournament, they post ed a district record of 010. "Even though we had a to u gh se a so n , the
Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs
Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs
T o lleyba , I
team pulled to geth er and fought hard in every g a m e ,” senior Melissa Woods said. The Freshman and JV also started their season with August workouts. Freshm en had a new co ach , Ms. Janelle Bow ers. They posted a re cord of 7-15 and a dis trict record of 5-9. JV posted a record of 4-20 and a district re cord of 1-10. "Jan n ie Bartley
VARSITY 0 Justin NW 1 0 0 1
Hirschi Azle Castleberry Boswell
0 4 0 1 2
Justin NW Hirschi Azle Castleberry Boswell
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4
THE JV MEMBERS are (front) Suzi Burchett. Tracey Stubblefield, Kim Shaversj Dondra Lawson, Lori Green, (b ack) C o a ch Alex Koulovatos, Amy Huh fington, Jeannette Wendt, Kristi Roe, Feletia Lee, Sharon Jackson. Tonycfl Duncan, and Denise Thibodeaux.
SETTING A SLAM, Tracy Tigert (9) positions the ball for Allyson Atchley(8). ‘ Photo by J. Carter GETTING DOWN LOW, Suzi Burchett (3) saves a point. ‘ Photo by Judith Abella JUMPING UP HIGH Kristi Poe (II) and Tonya Duncan (8) reject the ball. ‘ Photo by Judith Abel la
VARSITY MEMBERS ARE C oach Linda Richards, Coach Alex
Koulovatos, C oach Janelle Bowers. Keri Cely. Sandy Jones. Christi Stivers. Melissa Woods, Amber Schulte. Heather Ander sen, Allyson Atchley, Patti Williams, Tamika Whitaker, Kasey Johnson, and Tracy Tigert.
FRESHMEN TEAM MEMBERS are (front) Marcy Medlllin, Mary Provence, Kristi
Gibson, Coach Janelle Bowers, Danyella Edwards, Belinda Scott, Anglia Thomj as, (back) Nykia Smith, llara King, Kristi Darland, Cynthia Stephens, Brandi I Farrow, Shannen Gibson, Aille Martin, Katherine Wright, Ereina Castro, and I Melissa Torrez.
TAKING IT UP, C laren ce Hight ower, 33, slams it home against Hirschi. 'Photo by Terry Morris
TAKING IT ALL With the best record in the school's history, the varsity basketball team completed a very suc cessful year, w inning state championship. Winning the District Cham pionship for the first time in 16 years was just the tip of the ice berg for the team. The Archer City Tournament Championship was also claimed by the Bulldogs. The District Champion ship was decided at the Bulldog gym against Bos
well. The Dogs defeated the Pioneers 68-63. The playoffs b e ga n with a Bi-District win a g a in s t Cedar Hill, 85-78. The Area Cham pion ship against Brownwood followed with a win of 61-58. "The team this year had an attitude that we w e re n 't g o in g to be beat," C o ach Danny Nix said. "That way of think in g w on us a lo t of gam es." 'John Starling
VARSITY TEAM MEMBERS are (front row) Tim Clem ent, Jam es Henderson, Mi chael Ivory, Steve Chism, Mike Denham , John Star ling, Eric Thiergood (b a ck
row) Jason Meadows, J.J. B arry, Brian H ightow er, D am eon P a g e , Claren ce Hightower, Paul Barrager, T h a lm u s P r e je a n , an d C o a ch Danny Nix.
CUTTING THE NET, Co ach Dan ny Nix celebrates the District Championship win against Bos well, 68-63. "Photo by Terry Morris
SHOOTING A THREE, John Star ling, 25, puts up a jump shot during a gam e against Mineral Wells. "Photo by Tim Torres
TAKING A JUMPER, J.J. Barry. 23, d is p la y s p e r fe c t form against Iowa Park. "Photo by Terry Morris
obody P lays Harden W ith th e m o tto "Nobody Plays Harder" c o n s t a n t ly on th e ir minds, the JV and fresh man basketball teams posted successful sea sons with the freshman team capturing district championship. At every huddle the teams chanted "NPH" in unison, a c c o rd in g to Scott Slater, freshman team coach. The JV finished 15-6 with a 6-3 district record. T h e y lo st o n c e to Castleberry and twice
to Hirschi. Four juniors and only one sophomore started, according to JV C o ach Greg Leonard. The freshman District Basketball Cham ps won all nine district gam es ending 22-1. The loss, 6557, cam e from Archer City's JV. "We played with a lot of enthusiasm and inten sity which was the key to our success," freshman Brian Chamberlain said. #J.J. Barry
JV 14-6 BURK-49 BURK-51 BURK-55 BURK-66 BURK-64 BURK-56 BURK-61 BURK-59 BURK-67
JV TEAM MEMBERS: (front row) Robert Jones, Aaron Lewis, Mike Plett$, Tracy Mi chael, Heath Roberts, Stoney Strickland, Gary Smoot
(b a c k row) C o a c h Greg Leo nard , Robert Ludwig, Sean Brennan, Tony Hack ney, Daren Colem an, Brian Jensen, David Radke.
UTING IT UP for two, Lee 5utu, (35), shoots again st FHS. 'Photo by J. Carter STRETCHING UP HIGH, Sean Brennan, (42), goes for points in the gam e against Mineral Wells. 'Photo by J. Carter
FROSH TEAM MEMBERS: (front row) Trent Mays, Dan足 iel Blue, Brian H a n c o ck , John Bale, Matt C a rte r, Grant Martin, Brian Cham 足 b erlain (b a c k row) Billy Bilyeu, Alex Romero, Jason
B LO CKIN G A PASS, Stoney Strickland, (10), displays d e 足 fensive techniques. 'Photo by J. Carter
Acheson, Eric Jeffreys, Ste足 phen Smith, Dennis Cox, Erik Kirkpatrick, Miller Spessard, Lee Coutu, Ch ad Rowland, Ernie Cooke, C o ach Scotl Slater.
J. 93
ATTEMPTING JUMP SHOT, Tracy Tlgert, (20), puts down two against Bowie. ‘ Photo by Terry Morris
GAINING XPERIENCE The varsity girls en dured a tough year, fin ishing district play with a record of 1-8 and a over all record of 4-22. This season was one of some turmoil with some varsity letterman dropping bas ketball. “We had a tough sea so n , b u t w e s tu c k th ro u g h it ," S ta r Kosechata, junior, said. “Even though we had a unsuccessful record, we p u lle d t o g e t h e r to cre a te our closeness.
We'll be prepared for next year." The future of the team is sure to improve due to the e x p e r ie n c e th e y gained this past season. “For an inexperienced and youthful team, the girls played with ch arac ter and heart, and im proved throughout the se a so n ," C o a c h A lex Koulovatos said. “ With this improvement it looks go o d for the future." *J.J. Barry
VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBALL m em bers are (front row) M arlowe Dwyer, Jen n ife r Marsh, Tam ika W hitaker, Amy Huffington, Yanci Dwy er, San d y Jones, (m iddle row) Kasey Johnson, Heath
er Andersen, Erika Hamp ton, Feletia Lee, Rosalyn F lo y d , Kristi R o e , T ra cy Tigert (b a c k row) Amber A n t w in e , C o a c h A le x Koulovatos, C o a ch Donna McGill, and Renee Davis.
CONCENTRATING ON BASKET, Kasey Johnson, (21), attempts a jump shot against Bowie. ‘ Photo by Terry Morris
GETTING ALL EXCITED, Co ach Alex Koulovatos jumps into the air as he watches the activity out on the court. 'Photo by Ter ry Morris
LAYING IN TWO, Heather An dersen, (13), puts down the open layup against Justin NW in a hom e d istrict g a m e . 'Photo by Terry Morris
t rfrwr
WINNING DISTRICT Coming together paid off in the end for the Freshman Girls' team when they won the Dis trict championship un der the d ire c tio n of Coach Ann Sly. The Freshman Girls fin ished their season with a perfect 8-0 record in dis trict. The Junior Varsity Girls had a good record as well with a 7-2 record. They only lost to Justin Northwest and Azle. With the good seasons
posted by both teams the future looks bright for the varsity team , a c cording to C o ach Don na M cG ill, of the JV team. "Our team tried real h ard a n d it sh o w e d when we won the District C ham pionship,” Nyika Smith, freshman, said. “We hope that we have another successful year next year." 'John Star ling
JV TEAM MEMBERS: (front ro w ) S t a r K o s e c h a t a , Anam aria Afre (middle row) Keri Cely, Lisa McDonald, Yasmin G arcia (b ack row) Amy Huffington, Jenny Mor ris, Sharon Ja ckso n , Patti
96 r
Williams, LaShawn Taylor, Rosalyn Floyd, Lori Green, Melissa Davis, Co ach Don na McGill.
P R A C T IC IN G HER JUMPSH O T S , s e n io r T a m lk a W h itaker a n d freshm an C a rla O sborne p ra c tic e during class. 'Photo by J. Carter
HAVING HANDS FULL, fresh man Melissa G o n gaw are watches a runaway basket ball go by. 'Photo by J. C ar ter
SHOWING PERFECT FORM, sophom ore Jen n y Morris p r e p a r e s fo r th e n e xt gam e. 'Photo by J. Carter
RESHMEN TEAM MEMBERS: front row) Ja m ie Nunn, harla Crawford, Carla Oslorne, Nyika Smith (middle p w ) C y n th ia Step h e n s, p ra King, Dawn Keltner, _
Terri Watson (b a c k row) Melissa Gongaw are, Steph anie Capehart, Allison Mul lins, Lanny Persinger, Enez Brown, C o ach Ann Sly.
© &
SMASHING DISTRICT With the addition of a new coach , the tennis team received a new look. New uniforms con sisted of team shirts and te a m s w e a ts t h a t helped keep the team looking good. New benches added to the courts ga ve am ple room for equipment, and the new bleachers bought by the team 's fundraising efforts, gave fans a place to sit. The varsity team's win ning year b e ga n with duels against Weather
ford, Hirschi, and Vernon. They earned top honors and a d v a n c e d to re g io n a l w hen d istrict took place. JV b egan with duels against Hirschi and Ver non. They co m p le te d their 5-1 season by d e feating Iowa Park. “ I cam e to Burk be cause I love this area," said C o ach Carey C a ld well. "I enjoy working with the team and when it comes to hard work, they are always ready." ‘ Kim Keeling
JV TENNIS TEAM: (front row)
R e b e c c a D a v is , A llis o n Padron, Jo d i Kahoe, Tina Ja n s (m id d le row) S t a c y Purdie, Emily M affett, C o re y Under w ood, Thai N gu y e n , Ja so n Shroads, Daniel Eddy (b a c k
row) Denise Longhenry, Jen nifer Longhenry, Denna Jenn in g s , M ic h a e l W a g le r , W ayn e Blue, Tommy Arens, M a r ia G o n z a l e z , C o a c h C a r e y C a ld w e ll. ‘ Photo by C ra ig Winsor
KING WINNING SHOT, freshn Amy Schum acher closes a match. 'Photo by J. CarJG PERFECT FORM, senior id Rariden practices after doI. "Photo b y Craig Winsor
G IV IN G PEP TALK, C o a c h Carey Caldwell prepares the team for a work-out. 'Photo by Craig Winsor STARTING TO RALLY, freshman Emily Maffett hits a forehand. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
ARSITY TENNIS TEAM members :re (front row) Debbie Ketchm, Leslea Watson, Stephanie pain, Brandia Norton, Dale rubblefield, Kim Keeling, Amy phumacher, Jam ie Atkinson, facie Staton, Holly Harris (back
row) Quyhn N guyen, Stevie Ketchum . Ja so n Jo n e s, Art Beasley, Justen Noakes. David Rariden, David Phillips, Chris N ew , B la k e M c C la in , an d C oach Carey Caldwell. 'Photo by J. Carter
/ g o in g / EXTRA With cold winter winds still blowing, the girls' and boys' track teams began practices in Feb ruary. While the girls' team was comprised of mostly freshm en, th ey w ere strong and had a good attitude. " S in c e our re g io n ch an ged , com petition w as a lot to u g h e r," C o a c h Donna M cGill said. B e c a u s e th e cro ss country team p la c e d second in state, the girls'
strongest point was dis tance running. W ith six r e g io n a l qualifiers back from last year, the boys' team had a good foundation for the season. "The sprint and mile r e la y t e a m s w e re good,'' Jeff Pirkle, senior, said. Whether it was with the hurdles, the shot put, or long distances, the girls' a n d boys' track teams always went that extra mile. "Kristin Spes sard
l „(ffo,nt ,ow> B,andV G 'eg°'y- Serena Barnett, S i n fn h ^ h' Stephanie Klmbro. Cynthia Stevens. Dawn Veal. im r , S ' v? Jn (middle row) Feletla Lee. Kasey Johnson, ten Ri«v?n< a ! A , Hu,,ln9ton. Shelly Boatman. Barbie Cobb Chish n ™ ^ ~ (b<i Ck ,OW? Hrea,her Andersen. Tamika Whitaker. Christi Stivers. Diana Cardenas. LaShawn Taylor, Jenny Wlemer Wendv Neely. Trlcla Smith. Crystle Coker. Melissa Isaacs Mary H arrislisa McDonald. Ken Cely 'Photo by Judith Abella
BOYS’ TEAM MEMBERS (front row) Brian Calton, David Bangs, Bennie Bedford, Dennis Raynor. Rodney Reyes (middle row) Kevin Trahan. Derrick Walker, Curtis Prince. Rob Johnson. Conradge Brown. Brad Owen. Scott Cornstubble (back row) Jackie Barker. Jeff Pirkle. Ste phen Phillips. Scott Nunn. Jesse Williams. Joe Hanold. Michael Downing. ‘Photo by Craig Winsor
RUNNING LAPS AROUND the tra c k h elp Lisa Irwin, freshm an. Shelly B o a tm a n , so p h o m o re , Karla Jo hnso n, freshm an, a n d J e r r i B le v in s , j u n io r , g e t w a r m e d u p fo r p r a c t i c e . 'P h o to by Ju dith A b e lla
FINISHING A DISTANCE run. seniors J o e H anold a n d Je sse W illiam s a n d S te p h e n Phillips, so p h o m o re , look to the finish lin e d u r in g p r a c t i c e a f t e r sch o o l. 'P h o to by Ric Uythoven
POWERFUL LEG MUSCLES help L a u ra Enns, s o p h o m o re , fly o v e r th e hurdles du ring fifth hour tra c k p ra c tic e . 'Ph oto by Judith A b e lla
FEELING EFFECTS OF the wind c h ill f a c t o r , s e n io r J e n n y W iem er trys to k e e p warm dur ing fifth hour tra ck p ra c tic e . 'Ph oto by Judith A b ella
HITTING IT HARD “When we played with the usual ‘Dog Style,’ we had no problems living up to our standards.” — Scott Boyd Sw inging b a c k into a ctio n , the b a se b a ll team looked forward to another successful sea son after last year's Dis trict Championship. After workouts began in early February, the team was ready for a c tion. Only the rain could stop them, and even then they worked out in the gym. The team returned AllDistrict first basem an Brennan Moore, and Player of the Year, pitch er, Rob Johnson. Coach James Teter and assis tant C o ach Ron Miller began their second sea son as skippers of the team. "The team la c k e d
b a se b a ll
depth but m ade up for it w ith e x p e r i e n c e , " C o ach Ron Miller said. "They worked hard and I'm real proud of them.” With most of the main spots left open because of graduation it g a v e y o u n g e r p la y e r s a chance to play. "W e had a g re a t team last year, but the spots to fill m ade it a tough season,” said Rob Johnson, senior. 'John Starling TALKING PLAYS OVER, C o ach James Teter. seniors Rob John son and Jeff Pirkle walk back to the mound as seniors Scott Boyd and Dion King return to their p o sitio n s. 'P h o to by Stacey Patrick
KING A SWING, senior Russ ssell hits balls into the batting ige. "Photo by Stacey Pat-
SW IN G IN G ON TH RO UG H, sophomore Brad Owen pitches while C o a ch Jam es Teter looks on. "Photo by Stacey Patrick
m BL
GETTING A SINGLE, freshman Rusty Thomas p ra ctice s his swing. "Photo by Stacey Pat rick
/ fans show / SUPPORl/ “The fans made it worth going out and playing the best we c o u ld .” — Jason Meadows Fans lent moral sup port and loyalty in many different ways but al ways showed true Bull dog spirit. At home basketball games, some fans paint ed their faces orange and black or wore hats th a t sh o w e d " D o g Pride." Others w aved banners and some even tried their hand at slam ming during halftime. “We jumped on a mini trampoline to make a dunk shot and then land ed on a big mattress," Rodney Miller, senior, said. These antics were a c co m p an ied by music and cheers from the crowd. W hether it was for football, basketball, soc cer, or track, the condi tion of the weather sel dom affected the loyal FANS
fan. For exam ple, the day of the basketball District C ham pionship was cold, wet, and mis erab le; how ever, the fans packed the gym to support the team. “Some of the football games were pretty wet towards the end of the season, but I would nev er have missed them," J. Carter, sophomore, said. Some fans took the gam e seriously and oth ers treated it as a social function. “I went to the gam es to see the kids I had in class," said Beverly Lee, business teacher. “I also loved seeing us win." 'John Starling WEARING PAINTED FACES and hats, students cheer on the varsity basketball team during the Hirschi gam e. Burkburnett won the gam e 78-61 'Photo by Terry Morris
IOTING FOR FREE THROW, is hold up their hands and II "woosh" during the Bos>11 gam e. The Dogs won 68. 'Photo by J. Carter
BRAVING THE COLD, fans sup port the football team during the JV gam e against Boswell. 'Photo by J. Carter
FACULTY MEMBERS ALSO enjoy ch eerin g on the basketball team at the Boswell gam e. “Photo by Terry Morris
LOYAL BULLDOG FANS come out to watch the track team at the February Boomtown Re lays. "Photo by Kristin Spessard
FANS OF ALL ages show up to support the Bulldogs in their gam e against Hirschi. ‘ Photo by Terry Morris
PLAYING HIS TRUMPET at a home football gam e, senior Chuck C a g e en tertains the crowd dur ing half time. 'Photo by Terry Morris \
ro m o tin g te a m w o rk a n d sc h o o l p rid e fr o m e v e r y a n g l e , o r g a n i z a t i o n s b ro u g h t a sp a rk o f e x c ite m e n t to c a m pus a c tiv itie s. A lm o st 25 o rg a n iz a tio n s g a v e stu d e n ts a c h a n c e to s o c ia liz e , to co n trib u te to th e s c h o o l a n d c o m m u n ity , a n d to trave l. Im p ro v e m e n ts w e re m a d e b y clu b s to e n h a n c e th e sc h o o l's a p p e a r a n c e . Stu d e n t C o u n c il d o n a t e d a m a rb le w all e n g r a v e d with th e sc h o o l n a m e , th e m a s c o t, a n d th e p h ra se , "H o m e o f th e F ig h tin g B u lld o g s” . O th e r o r g a n iz a t io n s w e re in v o lv e d in c a m p u s c le a n -u p in c o n ju n c tio n with the B e a u tify Burkburnett C a m p a ig n . From c h e e r le a d e r s a n d b a n d to a c a d e m ic o rg a n iz a tio n s, th e se g ro u p s w o rk e d to b rin g th e sch o o l p rid e from all a n g le s of c o m p e titio n . *Kim K e e lin g
DRILL TEAM OFFICERS: Alicia Preston. Jun ior lieutenant; Kristin Spessard. captain, and Michelle Brugmann and Jo d ie Mcllrath. senior lieutenants. Not pictured is sophomore lieutenant JD Crockarell. •Photo by Tim Torres
WITH JUKEBOXES AS a b ack drop, the Babes get ready to perform a routine to "At the Hop" during halftime of the Vernon gam e at Bulldog sta dium. Photo by Terry Morris
CONTEST ON THEIR minds, jun iors Renee Berry an d Marti Chuculate gather their good luck flowers in the cofeteria. ‘ Photo by Kristin Spessard
KICKING HIGH TO a m edley of Am erican songs, the Babes perform during the halftime of a Wichita Falls Texans' basket ball gam e in February. 'Photo by John Spessard
BO O M TO W N BA BE M EMBERS: (front row) JD Crockarell, Alicia Preston, K ristin S p e s s a r d , M ic h e lle Brugmann. Jodie Mcllrath (second row) Becky Newell, Sheila Goff. Kim Clark, Kelly Griffin, Victoria Perry,
Alicia Slayden, Brandi Farrow, (third ro w ) B e c k y G o in s , Je n n if e r Whitehill. Marti Chuculate, Jenny Robertson, Kelli Darland, Renee Ber ry, Lynn Lee, Sarah Sternadel, Mrs. Anita Owen (last row) Michelle Jar-
rett. Penny Hutchison, Kristi Darland, Jennifer Williams, Wendy Wilson, Nicole Ducioame, Ereina Castro, Cindy Camerlin, Aimee Antill. Linda Cordova.
bes keep up tradition With 19 new members on the team, the Boomto w n B a b e s e x p e r i enced the year from a different angle. "This year reminded me of the first years of the Babes,” Mrs. Anita O w en, d irecto r, said. "While no two years are alike, this one brought new c h a lle n g e s th at ga ve me a new outlook. I h a ve never w orked with a group with more heart.” The B a b e s s ta rte d p ra c tic in g in July for football season. They perform ed a fun-time jazz, a pom-pom, a high kick, and a fan routine on the field. The Babes turned their attention toward co n test immediately after the last football gam e in November. Because the
team choreographs its own contest material, the o fficers and Mrs. Owen spent many hours of extra work preparing three routines to take to Tyler in February. The girls also partici pated in many fund rais ers to pay for their cos tumes and props. At co ntest the girls performed a high kick ro u tin e to " Jo u r n e y Across Am erica,” an off beat novelty routine to "Fa t,” and a patriotic prop routine to a medley of Civil War songs. "Contest was so much fun,” said Ereina Castro, freshman. "I was so ner vous, but it is the part of drill team I will remember the most." The B abes brought home a sw eepstakes award, a best in class for
novelty, a best in class for prop, and a judges' citation for scoring all 1's, the highest score on a scale of 1-5. The team went on to compete at a contest in San Antonio with 100 other team s from all over the state. They received a su per-sweepstakes award and a best in class in choreography. Captain Kristin Spes sard and officer Alicia Preston were chosen to represent the Babes as members of the All-State drill team. Even though over half of the team was com prised of new members, their dedication kept up the winning tradition of the Babes. 'Kristin Spes sard DRILL TEAM
WITH MIXED EMOTIONS, flag c o r p m e m b e rs A n g e la Dubose, Alicia Romine. Donna Pruett, and Sharon Keith watch the gam e. 'Photo by J. Carter
DURING SUMMER BAND, mem bers practice standing at at tention. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
KEEPING IN STEP, sophomore Brigade members Kathy Bell, Bill Phipps, and Lori Keen march during the Vernon half time. 'Photo by J. Carter
TIME FOR HALFTIME as K> Owen, junior, and Charles Bi ry, senior, prepare to marc "Photo by J. Carter
THE BAND MEMBERS include (front row) K Berry. K Stice. C Morgan. 0 Bangs. M Ford. P McCraine. C Kapraun. K Sau cier. R Davis. K Morgan. V Fore. C Har rington. C Osborne. M Smith. F San Die go (second row) B Casteen. W Moore. S Johnson. K. Miller. K Wright. J. San Diego. B Cochran. K. George. D Eddy. Y Worth. C. C age. B McClain. C. Groves. C Hig
gins (third row) S Capehart. B Phipps K lochridge. B Lambert. K Bell. S Zara go/a. K Bragg. C Lafayette. I Richards. B Prince. D Walker. M Braziel. P Hanlon. T Nguyen (fourth row) K Bangs. S Mgs senger. D Callen J Fennessy C Welter. D Pate. A Padron. C Klameth. D Snyder. L Spain. T Nguyen. S. Summers. K Bragg.
f Henderson. J Key (back row) 0 Berry K Cove. I' Thornton M Spencer S Bright K Owen K Miller. I Battles. P Jackson. R Learst. T Skelton A Romine A Dubose. S McCufcheon. S Keith. B Powell K Maddox D Pruett W Hutch inson. I Taylor. D Morgan. P Quashnock. J Weitzel. K Mitchell, and C McLaughlin
nd sweeps district After two years of first d iv is io n r a tin g s a n d sw eepstakes, the Bull d o g B rig a d e w a n te d more, and they got it. As a result of summer re hearsals, the band a d va n ce d to the region marching contest for the first time. Under the leadership of senior drum m ajor Donnie Vanadore and junior drum major Mike Wright, the Brigade took third p la c e at region and was nam ed alter nate to the state con test. "This is the only band I've had who has m ade alternate to state at it's first time to region," Mr. LOOKING OVER BAND, Mr Ben Hoaldridge, director, considers his next instructions. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
Ben Hoaldridge, band di band, the members ex ce lle d individually as rector, said. The Brigade followed well. "This is probably the this victory by entering a year we have had the state -w id e O klaho m a m a rc h in g c o n te st at most students in a dis tr ic t b a n d ," Mr. Cameron University. The b an d took first Hoalridge, band direc place among 4-A bands tor, said. With football season and also won first place overall in the "superior" over, the band traded the football field for the category. s ta g e . C o n c e r t a n d To honor the band's efforts. Mayor Pat Norris sight-reading contests later p ro c la im e d No as well as a spring com vember 18 as Band Day. petition trip filled the With 31 members in band's busy schedule. O nce again, the Bri the All-District band, two m e m b e rs in the All- gade's pride and efforts Region/Area Orchestra, yielded a result — suc 18 members in the All- cess. 'Eileen San Diego Region band, and four members in the Area
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY of ficers are president Kim Kee ling, secretary April Daugherty, vice-president Jam ie Atkinson, treasurer Kristin Spessard, and reporter Eileen San D ie go . •Photo by J. Carter
INDUCTION BEGINS AS officers April D au gh erty, Eileen San Diego, and sponsor Mrs. Sheryl Richardson Carpenter sign the NHS book. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
aking the grades National Honor Society members not only work hard for school grades, but they also work for the community. The 40 m em bers of NHS have m aintained their 3,5 grade point av erages throughout their high school career. With the help of its of ficers and sponsors, the National Honor Society prom oted com m unity s e r v ic e a n d s c h o o l pride. Throughout the year the academ ic club par ticipated in many com munity p ro je cts. NHS
m e m b e rs c o l l e c t e d food from the commu nity to distribute to the n e e d y f a m ilie s in Burkburnett. They coor d in a te d th e c a n n e d food drive with United Supermarkets. '■'NHS is a very active club," Terri Hardy, junior, said. “1 enjoyed participafing in the fund raisers especially the ca n n e d food drive. I think we do a very good job at help ing out the community." In O ctober new NHS members were inducted into the society. The ser vice consisted of a c a n
dle-light cerem ony and a p ledge recited by the in d u c t e e s . T h e n e w m em bers im m ediately joined in the fund raisers by selling can d y canes at Christmas time. First year sponsors Mrs. Sheryl Richardson C a r penter a n d Ms. Marie Watson worked togeth er to plan club activities. "It was my first year w orking with students outside a classroom sit uation," Ms. Marie W at son said. "I found the students to be energet ic, bright, and industri ous." #Kim Keeling
(Back row) Shannon Schaffner, Michael Harrington, Brad Rlx, David Greeno, Brian Jensen. David Rariden, Michelle Smith, (middle row) Ms, Marie Watson, Terri Har dy. Kim Keeling. Christine Henderson. Kel ly King. Kim Stlce,
DOING DIRTY WORK, seniors E ile e n S a n D ie g o , A p ril Daugherty, Brian Jensen, and Kerry G eo rge clean the tro phies In Sr. Hall. 'Photo by J. Carter HARD AT WORK, ju n ior Ed Hemphill tags Christmas candy canes for delivery. 'Photo by Kristin Spessard
Aaron Fullerton, Kristin Spessard, Kathy Hamilton, Kerry George. Giang Nguyen, Mrs, Sheryl Carpenter, (front row) Jamie Atkinson, Eileen San Diego, Melissa Daugherty, Lynn Lee, Kerl Cely. Thu Nguyen, Jerry San Diego, Quynh Nguyen, Brad Tillman ‘Photo by J. Carter
FFA CLUB MEMBERS: (b a c k row) Sco tty Brown, Robert C a sey, John Lindsey, Shawn Ross, Pat Hanlon, David Ol iver, Michael Reddln (middle
row) Jaso n Jon es, Danielle K a lb , Tren t M ays, A m b e r Antwine, Nita Riggins, Heath Roberts, P.J. Nixon, Jo e Kurszewski (front row) Steve n
K earn s, Lon n y G o in s, N ick C u n n in gh am , Tam m y Reitz, Kim Hawkins, Ja m e s Christo p h e r, a n d D a k e n Y o rk. 'Photo by Tim Torres
The Future Farmers of America and the Future Homemakers of America contributed to the com munity through numer ous projects such as the slave sale and the bak ing of goodies for needy groups at Christmas. FFA sponsored several projects to fund their May awards ceremony. Besides the annual slave sale, FFA sold fruits, sau s a g e s , tu rk e y s, a n d ham s. The clu b also co m p e te d n various stock shows and stayed involved in several local projects including the "Adopt a Highway" pro gram. FFA Sweetheart, Kim Hawkins, junior, compet
ed in the district p a g e a n t a n d p re s e n te d a w a rd s at th e Burkburnett Stock Show in January. "Being involved in FFA has helped me develop a lot of responsibility and showed me that hard work really d o es p a y off," Kim said. F u tu re F a rm e rs of America is sponsored by Mr. J a k e Fite, V o -A g teacher. FHA strived to better the community through various projects. During the Christmas season, FHA m em bers bought Christmas presents for the patients at the State H o sp ita l a n d b a k e d cookies for the Head-
start Christmas Party. "FHA has m ade me a better le a d e r," presi dent Ya n ci Dwyer, se n io r, s a id . “ It h a s ch anged my outlook of other p e o p le aro u n d me." Future Homemakers of Am erica is sponsored by Mrs. Paula McNeil, home econom ics teacher. The to p fiv e o ffic e rs are Yanci Dwyer, president; K e lli D a r la n d , v ic e president; Lynn Lee, secre ta ry ; D a lla s N unn, treasurer; a n d R e n ee Berry, reporter. 'Nita Rig gins
AS FFA SWEETHEART, junior Kim Hawkins demonstrates her abil ity to drive a tractor on her farm. 'Photo by Stace y Patrick
COUNTING THEIR ORANGES, sophom ore Hector Morales and senior Jason Jones select the fruit to be distributed. ‘ Photo by Paula Irwin
F F A C L U B O F F I C E R S include Jam es Christopher, reporter. Steven Kearns, student advisor; Lonny Goins, sentinel; Tammy Reitz, secretary; Daken York, president, and Nick Cunning ham, vice-president. ‘Photo by Tim Torres
FHA CLUB MEMBERS; (b a c k row) Jen n y Weimer, Renee Berry, Dallas Nunn, Leslie Wat son. Tanya Lyne (front row) Cinda Winney, Christi Stivers, Jodie Mcllrath, Yanci Dwyer. Wendy Moore, Dawn Bangs. Marti Ch u cu late . ‘ Photo by Paula Irwin SETTING ACTIVITY DATES, Jodie Mcllrath, Marti Chuculate, Dal las Nunn, Renee Berry, and Yanci Dwyer discuss the month ahead. ‘ Photo by Paula Irwin
BPA CLUB MEMBERS: (front) Paula For© Ladonna Bedford, Yesenla Palomino, Sharon Thompson, Tina Taylor, Angela Dubose, Rita Pyne (back) Lori Nolen, Julie Boyd, Cher-
FIFTH HOUR HECE: (top picture) Kel
ly Griner, Tracey Cox, Gwen GuilHams, R ich a rd C la r k , C ry sta l Bouder, Lori Nolen, Kelly Beatty,
le Ellis, Michelle Remlly, Sheri Cray, Peggy Call, Dawn Goode, Robin Martin, Michelle Brugmann, Kim Le, Kristine Veal, Julie Kolhorst 'Photo by Star Kosechata
Roslyn Cheney, Dlpn King, Jennifer Roper, Shana Burt, John Lawlor, Tra c y Beem an, Sue Michels, Scott Bright, 'Photo by Rlc Uythoven
plcture) (front> Laura Bentley. Kassle
flmWmwMmmt n? Gall0UP'Jodief l P l l Ke"yl i (second Row JthLm U t f Ralornino- Robln Learst. David Gossett, Shannon
DURING THE FACULTY Christmas luncheon, BPA members Mlccl Burris, Kim Le, a n d Sharon Thompson take a snack break. ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
DECA MEMBERS ARE Kelli Darland, A licia Preston, Sheila G off, D een a Hansen, C ra ig W insor, a n d Jo h n M edillin ‘Photo by Kathy Ott
ff to work they go Distributive Education of America, DECA, cor related a Marketing and Distributive Ed u catio n class with a part time sales job. The organization com peted in Lubbock, tak ing a hundred word test and also role-playing. The c lu b o f f ic e r s , sponsored by Mr. Troy Stewart, were president. D e a n H o w e ll; v ic e president, Kerri Landers; secretary, Deena Han sen, and treasurer, Craig Winsor. Business Professionals of America, BPA, former ly OEA, consisted of seni ors and juniors working in BPA MEMBERS PRESENT gifts to the living skills class students. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
the business community. "BPA provides an op portunity for students to participate in businessrelated activities," Mrs. W anda .Smith, sponsor, said. ''They develop skills that will provide entrylevel em ploym ent op portunities upon gradu ation." The organization sold Tom W at products to fund their contest trip to Ft. Worth. Com m unity projects consisted of making per sonalized calenders for senior citizens, helping with the Headstart pro g ra m , a n d d o n a tin g kitchen utensils for the living skills program. The officers for the group were president, Michelle Brugmann; vi c e - p r e s id e n t , Ja n
C a n tw e ll; s e c re ta ry , Robin Martin, and histo rian, Johnette Doyle. Home Economics C o o p e ra tiv e E d u catio n , HECE, allow ed juniors and seniors to experi ence working in a job re lated to home econom ics. “I enjoyed working in the community," Kathy Elliott, junior, said. "I liked helping the needy fami lies in Burkburnett by giv ing out T h an ksgivin g food baskets." The officers of HECE, sponsored by Mrs. Sue Warren,’were president, Jo d ie Mcllrath; secre tary/treasurer, Roslyn Cheney; reporter, Laura Brantley; historian, Don na Pruett, and parlia mentarian, Robin Learst. ‘Kim Keeling
BUILDING TRADES MEMBERS: C o ry Leo nard , Tim M cC o y, Roger Marshall, Shane Neese, D an n y Tatu m , Ja m e s Roy, Keith Asklns 'P h o to b y Ric Uythoven
USING SPRAY GUN, David Gossett, junior, paints a bed while sophomore Bill Graham observes the process. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
kills for the future VOCATIONAL INDUS TRIAL CLUBS OF AMERI CA, VICA, involves three sep arate classes that teach students skills in auto body, auto m e ch an ics, and building trades. The Auto Body and Auto M echanics clubs com peted in com peti tion in W a c o d u rin g March. The m em bers com peted in two divi sions. The speed and skill d iv isio n d e te rm in e d which m echanic dem onstrates the best skill in a ce rta in am ount of time. In other areas of com petition, students en tered a project display showing skills in rebuild ing and remodeling. The levels of com petition were area, regional, and state. The officers of Auto
Body were Arvill Parkey, president; Kenny Reed, v ic e -p r e s id e n t; Brian W hittm an, s e c re ta ry / treasurer, and Brent Bat tista, reporter. The officers of Auto M echanics w ere Mark Tackett, president; Leon C r a b t r e e , v ic e - p r e s ident; Lannette Castro, secretary; and Theresa Leistner, treasurer. Building Trades spon sor, Mr. Tim Mullins d e scribes the organization as "construction with a future." The club contributed several projects to the com munity. They built b e n c h e s w hich w ere u s e d on th e t e n n is courts, painted the Haw kins' home for "T ale s a n d T ra ils of Boom town," built an add-on for the senior citizens, and m ade renovations
on the Youth Center. Mr. Mullins coordinat ed a program with local construction com panies that offered jobs during scho o l for clu b m em bers. "Building trades gives g o o d e x p e r ie n c e in working in groups and working with w ood," C o ry Leonard, senior, said. Building Trades officers were John Paskus, pres ident; Sco tt Cornstubble, vice-president; Cory Leonard, secretary; Tim M cCoy, treasurer; Danny Tatum, sgt. of arms; and Eddie Blevins, parliamen tarian. By using their skills of carpentry and construc tion, the VICA club co n tributed to the commu nity in many ways. *Kim Keeling
AUTO BODY MEMBERS: John Lindsey, Mike Caraw ay, John Godo, Robert Casteen, Robert Casey, Ronny McMullen, Spen cer Tyler, Brent Battista, Arvlll
LENDING A HELPING hand. Mr. Tim Mullins, building trades sp o n so r, a id s so p h o m o re s Marty Mullins and Kurt Morgan with their class project. ‘ Photo by Ric Uythoven
Parkey, D avid O liver, Brian Wlttman, Craig Bllyeu, Mr. J.D. Allen, Heath Tyler, and Kenny Reed. ‘ Photo by Rlc Uythoven
AUTO MECHANICS MEMBERS: Frank McCurley, Heath Tyler, Rusty Ellis, Ricky Haley, Kenny Besher, Lannette Castro, The resa Leistner, Terry Osborne, Marcia Hall, Mark Tackett, and Mr. David Ress. Photo by Ric Uythoven
are (front row) Yesenla Palomino. Trlcla Smith. Car men Ortiz, Tina Ortiz, Lorena Pal omino, Melissa Daugherty, Mr, Ron nie Lawson, Alicia Slayden. Michael THE SADD MEMBERS
Whitaker, Michelle Muslck, Kim Mor gan, (back row) Scott Newman, Brad Rlx, Heather Andersen, John Gillespie, Kristin Spessard, and Scott Morris. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
PLAYING MUD VOLLEYBALL, Ricky Cheatheam, Kenny Bragg, Ken Kahrs, and Allison Padron repre sented the French Club at the WalMart Mud Volleyball Tournament for United Way. 'Courtesy photo
ndraisers profit clubs Organizations such as SADD, SCI/HI, and FCA all participated in ben eficial fund raising proj ects. SA D D , S tu d e n ts Against Drunk Driving, under the direction of Mr. Ronnie Lawson, sold doughnuts every Friday morning second semes ter. SADD's officers includ ed Heather Andersen, president; Carmen Ortiz, vice-president; Tina Or tiz, secretary, and Kristin Spessard as treasurer. " H o p e fu lly w e will have enough money to send some students to a seminar and possibly go toward a scholarship," Mr. Lawson said. SCI/HI, the S c ie n c e History Club, was spon so re d b y Mr. Jim
Sternadel and Mrs. Sher yl Carpenter. They sold c a n d y and carnations fo r V a le n t in e 's D a y , sponsored a bake sale, and held a ca r wash. SCI/HI's officers were Thuy Nguyen, president; S h a r o n K e it h , v i c e president; Kenny Bragg, secretary/treasurer; and Babs Powell, reporter. F C A , d ir e c t e d b y C o a c h Ron Miller, sold doughnuts every morn ing first semester. "W e h a ve d o n a te d part of the money to go toward the marble sign a n d to H e a d sta rt a t Christmas time," C o ach Miller said. FCA officers included Gerald Bradford, presi dent; Russ Russell, vicepresident; Timothy Sum m ers, s e c re ta ry , a n d
Shane Gilbert, treasurer. F re n c h C lu b w as sponsored by Mrs. Jan et Niles. The students inter ested in the French lan g u a g e p a rticip a te d in the mud volleyball tour nament at Wal-Mart. French C lu b officers w ere D e e n a H an se n , p r e s id e n t ; J e n n if e r H e lm s,v ic e -p re sid e n t; Babs Powell, secretary, and Thuy Tran, treasurer. They also planned a trip to D a lla s in th e spring. The trip included dining at a French res taurant and taking in a French movie. *Arhi Carr and Heather Lindsey STUDYING BEFORE SCHOOL, se nior Kristin Spessard an d junior Tina Ortiz support Drug Aw are ness Week by wearing SADD shirts. 'Photo by Tim Torres
SCI/HI MEMBERS: (front row) Delton Pate, Aaron Fullerton, Teena Skel ton, Mike Wright, (m iddle row) Mrs.Sheryl Richardson Carpenter, Kathy Maddox, Babs Powell, Eileen San Diego, Lori Keen, Tina Taylor,
Tuan Nguyen, Kenny Bragg (back row) Shannon Schaffner, Kim Stlce, Mr. Jim Sternadel, Steve Albrecht. Thai Nguyen, Brent Smith, Kenneth Kahrs, Charlie Berry ’ Photo by April Daugherty
FRENCH CLUB MEMBERS are (back row)
THE FCA MEMBERS: (back row) Mr. Jerry Watson. Joe Hanold, Parrish Matthews. Bobby Wiemer. Derek Rowland, Shane Gilbert, Jenny Robertson. Dale Stub blefield, Brad Owen. Mike Potts, Kevin Trahan, Jeff Plrkte. Mark Ford, Russ Russell, (middle row) Chris Maffett. Coach Ron Miller, Vancl Dwyer. Gerald Bradford. Brandla Norton, (front row) Kim Clark, Rodney Miller, Jenny Wiemer. Sarah Sternadel, Chrfstl Stivers, and Stacey Pat rick. ‘Courtesy photo
Michelle Sweeney, Chris Kapraun. Marc H aenel, Jen n ifer Helms, Je a n n e tte Wendt, Lance Stone, Kenneth Kahrs, (front row) Thuy Tran, Wendy Moore. Mrs. Ja n e t Niles, Deena Hansen. Narumol Ufamkul, and Allison Padron. ‘Photo by 1 Judith Abella SELLING CHO CO LA TE DONUTS, Coach Jerry Teter, Coach Ron Miller, and seniors ■' Steve France and Rodney Miller raise money for FCA. "Photo by Stacey Patrick
MAKING CONVENTION PLANS, Kelly King, senior, and sponsor Mrs. Shelley Sw eatt discuss their ideas. 'Photo by J. Carter
TRACING LITTLE HANDS, soph omore Kim Thompson partici pates in the FTA Head Start Christmas party, with the child she sp o n so red . 'P h o to bv Kathy Ott
DRESSED AS SANTA, senior Brad Rix and his helper, freshman Penny Hutchison, distribute presents. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
CUTTING OUT ANGELS, senior Steve Albrecht shows his spon sored child how it's done at the Headstart program. The pro gram was sponsored by FTA to help children from families in need. ‘ Photo by Kathy Ott
FTA MEMBERS ARE (front row) Krista
Bangs, Tina Taylor, Sharon Keith, Cynthia Stevens, Tammy Elliott, Pam Q uashnock, Tonya Martin, Dawn M agee (second row) Shelley
Sweatt, Wendy Hutchinson, Steve Albrecht, Kim Stice, Tina Jans, Pen ny Hutchison, Keri Cely, Conni Mar shall (third row) Kim Thompson, Amy Rogers, Kim Berry, Kelly King,
Donna Pruett, Kristin Spessard (b ack row) Jessica Stubblefield, Shannon Vlcknair, Brenda Robert son, Brad Rix, and Amy Canter, "Photo by J. Carter
Jhe vision of tomorrow
"The eyes of to d ay with a vision of tomor row'' was the state con vention theme of the Futu re T e a ch e rs of Am erica, FTA, and the convention was lead by senior Kelly King, state president. Kelly traveled to many District conven tions to relay news to the state office. " S t a t e c o n v e n tio n was really sw ank be cause we got to meet FTA members from all across the state," senior Kim Stice, state secre tary, said. District president, se nior Donna Pruett, or
ganized and hosted the FTA District Convention along with the other dis trict officers. Both sem esters FTA members were involved in the '■‘teach-in", where they chose a teacher in junior high or elementary school to assist or re place for a day. The annual Headstart Christmas party, which h e lp e d c h ild r e n of needy families enjoy the season, was sponsored by FTA. Local president, senior Brad Rix, played the role of Santa Claus and dis tributed many gifts to
the children. "It was really exciting to work with the kids through the teach-in, P.E.A.K., and Headstart program s," Brad said. "Knowing that I play a role in America's future gives me a sense of a c complishment." FTA was sponsored by scie n ce teachers Mrs. Conni Marshall and Mrs. Shelley Sweatt. "This is one of the most hardworking and enthu siastic groups that we have ever h ad ," Mrs. Sweatt said. 'Steve Al brecht
SPANISH CLUB MEMBERS: (back row) Shannon Summers, Debra Ellis, Marti Chuculate, Lorena Palomino, Mr. Lonnie Womack, Michael Whitaker (front row) Jenny Wiemer, Nita Riggins,
Heather Andersen, Tina Ortiz, Yesenia Palomino, Carm en Or tiz, Tonya D u n ca n , M atine M ace, Sheila Zaragoza, Mrs. Janet Gum. 'Photo by Judith Abella
READ IN G FOR PART, senior Shane Gilbert an d freshman Erik Kirkpatrick try out for the One A ct Play. 'Photo by April Daugherty
roups have new outlook Members of the Inter national Thespian Socie ty and the Drama Club boasted many victories last spring. With honors ranging from first place in District UIL and One Act Play competitions to a r e a , r e g io n a l, a n d state qualifications. To become a member of the In te rn a tio n a l T h e s p ia n S o c i e t y , speech and drama stu dents must earn points by participating in plays or e a rn in g points by competing in extracur ricular speech and de b a t e to u r n a m e n ts throughout the year. The remaining Thespi ans were seniors Steve Albrecht, Cori Callahan, Shane G ilb e rt, P au la Irwin, Sharon Keith, and Sandy Madsen. The Drama Club was com prised of sp e e ch an d d ra m a stu d e n ts who participated in the
competitive activities of the department. Quill and Scroll , the international honorary journalism society, was comprised of journalism students from the news p a p e r a n d y e a rb o o k staffs who were in the top third of their class and dem onstrated su perior work. The news p a p e r r e c e iv e d first p la ce in the Quill and Scroll competition. The n ew m e m b e rs were Steve Albrecht, J. Carter, Angier Crawford, April D a u g h e rty , Kim Keeling, Tina Ortiz, and Kristin Spessard. T w o -y e a r m em b ers Regina Anderson, Eileen San D ie g o a n d Mike Braziel helped Mrs. Anne Gillespie, yearbook and newspaper sponsor, ini tiate the new members at the spring banquet. After enjoying a trip to San Antonio last sum
mer, the members of the Spanish C lu b returned to school with plans to tour Mexico in the sum mer 1989. To raise money for the trip, the club sold post ers, can dy, and suckers. The officers are Nita R ig g in s , p r e s id e n t ; Heather Andersen, vicepresident; Je n n y Wiem er, s e c r e t a r y ; a n d Yanci Dwyer, reporter. T h e c lu b is c o sponsored by Spanish t e a c h e r s Mr. L o n n ie W om ack and Mrs. Jan et Gum. #Paula irwin CAUGHT BY SURPRISE, senior Regina Anderson eats dessert at the Quill & Scroll banquet last spring. 'P h o to by Mike Braziel
row) Tommy Gates, Bill Phipps, John Gillespie, Mr. Jerry Pink. Michelle Rogers, Kelly Bucy, Shane White, Carle Wallace. Monica Broday, Wil liam Henderson, Aaron Fullerton,
QUILL AND SCROLL members are (back row) J. Carter, Tina Ortiz, April Daugherty, Kim Kee ling, Kristin Spessard, Angier Crawford, (front row) Eileen San Diego, Regina Anderson, and Mike Braziel. 'Photo by Tim Torres
(middle row) Paula Irwin. Steve Al b rech t. C a ro ly n B la n ce tt. Kim Quick, Lisa Edgerton. (front row) Brad Tillman, Dent Keltner. Jodie Kahoe. Misty Park, Krissy Danielson. •Photo by April Daugherty
sophomores Jodie Kahoe. Tiffany Terrell, and senior Paula Irwin took top honors at Duncanville High School. 'Photo by J. Carter INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN MEMBERS
are seniors Shane Gilbert, Paula Irwin, and Steve Albrecht. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS Jessica Stubblefield, tres.; Amy Canter, sec.; April Daugherty, vp; an d D ale Stubblefield, pres. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
WITH ALL EARS, the Student Council listens to Mrs. Anita Owen's ideas on the Home c o m in g d a n c e . ‘ Photo by Stacey Patrick
EARNING EXTRA POINTS for state convention, sophomore J. Carter fills the candy machine after school. ‘ Photo bv April Daugherty 126
DECORATED BY STUCO, the bul letin board in Senior Hall wel com es back students on the first day of school. ‘ Photo bv Stacey Patrick
row) Kyle Owen, John Gillespie, Aaron Fullerton, Kim Clark, Alicia Preston, Amy Schum acher (third ro w ) R o n n y S m ith , M e liss a Daugherty, Yesenla Palomino, Car
men Ortiz, Dean Howell, Michelle Brugmann, Brad Kelly, Jannie Bar tley (second row) Stacey Patrick, Tonya Duncan, Penny Hutchison, Roby Potts, Brad Rlx, Kim Stice (front row ) M ich a e l W h itake r, April
Daugherty, Lorena Palomino, Tina Ortiz, Dale Stubblefield, Amy C an ter, Je ssic a Stubblefield, Emily Nemecek. ‘Photo by J. Carter
eading state office Last April, the Student Council was elected to the state office of vicepresident at the State C o n ve n tio n w hich in volved over 3000 stu dents in Austin. They not only p e r fo rm e d a sk it t h a t centered around Uncle Sam and chose Jam es Brown's "Living in Amer ic a " as th eir th e m e so n 's, but a ls o c a m p a ig n e d for over two hours. As the vice-president sch o o l, th e y w ere in charge of the state con ventio n, They sta y e d backstage as the ca n didate schools prepared to perform their skits. They checked in all of the schools running for the offices and carefully ch ecked to see if the costs of their cam paign m aterials rem ained in the budget.
April Daugherty was chosen by the council to represent the state of fice. The Student Council sponsored the dances at the Youth Center af ter each home football gam e. "The dances gave us a ch ance to wind down after the ga m e ," said s e n io r Russ R u s se ll. "W hether we won or lost, everyone still went and had a good time." Other d a n c e s spon sored by STUCO were the Homecoming dance in the cafeteria and the Christm as Ball at the Community Center. The theme for the Christmas Ball was "A Winter Won derland." After football season, STUCO focused on stu dent-oriented projects such as Drug Awareness Week and Cinderfella.
D u rin g H a llo w e e n , they transformed Senior Hall into a Haunted Hall by d e co ra tin g it and playing spooky music in between classes. A ro u n d C h ristm a s, STUCO not only spon sored a toy drive but a food drive also. The food drive w as a su c c e ss since the students got extra points, up to five, for every can of food that they brought. The 1200 items that were collected were distribut ed to the needy families of the area. The goal of the Stu d e n t C o u n cil was to raise enough money to purchase a marble wall that stated, "Home of the Mighty Bulldogs." With the help of fun draisers, the wall finally becam e a reality. 'April Daugherty
AFTER THE HOMECOMING loss to Graham , the cheerleaders sw a y to th e sc h o o l so n g . "Photo by C raig Winsor
eeping spirit up From football to bas ketball the cheerleaders "pumped-up" the play ers and “ p e p p ed -u p ” the fans. The cheerleaders be gan their year with try outs last April. After the final girls were selected by the student body, the cheerleaders' hard work began. They attended cam p at Oklahoma University in June where they re ceived three blue first place ribbons and one red second p la ce rib bon. The cheerleaders were also nominated for the a w a rd of e x c e l lence. Heather “Howie” An dersen won first runnerup in the award of ex
ce lle n c e for m ascots. The m asco t co uld be seen performing her wild and crazy routines at football gam es and pep rallies. After cam p the cheer leaders enjoyed a one month break before ge t ting back to work with the fo o tb a ll te a m a t tw o -a -d a y s. The girls provided the team with lots of spirit and plenty of Gatoraid! “Cheerleading is a lot of fun and my memories will never be forgotten," Dale Stubblefield, third year cheerleader, said. Throughout the cam pus the ch e e rle a d e rs and m ascot promoted spirit FROM EVERY AN GLE, *Kim Keeling C O N C E N T R A T IN G ON BAL ANCE, Laura Elder, sophomore, p ra ctice s her leg lift during p re -ga m e activitie s. "Photo Terry Morris
DEMONSTRATING HER GYM NASTIC skills, Laura Elder, soph om ore, Is c a u g h t by fellow cheerleaders. ’ Photo by J. Car ter
COSTUMED AS MICKEY Mouse, senior Kalee Bosson cheers on the crowd at the Homecoming pep rally, “Photo by Craig Winsor ENTERTAINING THE CROWD, senior mascot Heather Ander sen pretends, to eat the ball at a football gam e; “Photo by Terry Morris
LEADING THE RALLY, the cheer leaders build spirit by perform ing their new cheer. ‘ Photo by Craig Wlnsor
CHEERLEADING SQUAD MEM BERS, (lower)Dale Stubblefield. Kerri Landers, Kasey Johnson, K alee Bosson, Tracy Tigert. Carm en Ortiz.(upper) Janet Waddle, Laura Elder, and Kerl Cely build a pyramid. “Photo by Craig Wlnsor
DISCUSSING DRUG WEEK, seniors Lance Stone, Ka trina Terner, Kim Le, Rita Pyne, Kristine Veal sit in Sr. Hall. 'Photo by Kathy Ott
rom e v e r y a n g le , stu d e n ts a n d fa c u lty b ro u g h t a v a rie ty o f a c tiv itie s to th e sch o o l. Seniors to o k tim e o u t from su m m er jo b s to h a v e their sen io r p ic tu re s ta k e n , a n d juniors g a in e d th e p riv ile g e o f b e in g c a lle d u p  p e rc la s sm e n . S o p h o m o re s b e g a n to d rive , w hile the fre sh m e n b e c a m e p a rt o f th e high sch o o l sce n e. W ith th e a d d it io n o f o n ly fiv e fa c u lt y m e m b e rs th e m ost n o tic e a b le c h a n g e w a s th e a d d itio n o f Mrs. B re n d a B a ke r a s v ic e  p rin c ip a l in c h a r g e o f girls. W h e th e r n e e d in g a w o rd o f w isdom or a n e w s c h e d u le , th e 900 m e m b e rs o f th e stu d e n t b o d y q u ic k ly b e c a m e a c q u a in t e d with this n e w a n g le o f adm in istratio n . *Nita R ig g in s
JUDITH ABELLA Photography 12
Drama 10-12(Pres. 11). Thespian Soclety(Pres. 1 ™ T A 1 1 - V a r l. 12). STUCO 12 SADD 11 Scl/HI 12. Newspaper 11-12(Asst. Ed. 12), Yearbook 12. Quill 8c Scroll 12. Debate 12. One
Volleyball 9-12. Basketball 9-12, Track 9-12. Spanish Club 11(VP 12). SADD Pres. 11 - 12.F C A 11, Mascot 11-12. Sr. Pres.. Soph. Fav., All-School Fav. 11. Homecoming Queen nom. 11
Spanish Club Pres. 11. Newspaper 10-12(Ed. 12). JV Tennis 9-10, Quill 8c Scroll 11-12
JAMIE ATKINSON NHS 11-12(VP 12). French Club 10-12(VP 11). Sr. Reporter. Varsity Tennis 10-12, STUCO 9. Basketball 9. Girl's State 11
Volleyball 9-10, Yearbook 11. DECA 12
Football 9-10.12, Track 9-12, Jr. Handsome, Homecoming King Nom.
CHARLES BERRY Band 9-12. Scl/HI 10-12
STUCO 9-10. Band 9-12(lt. 11-12, All-State Soloist 11-12), F.T.A. 11-12(Dlst. Flnaclal Sec. 12. Reporter 12), SADD 11-12
Making things happ en From working on the Hom ecom ing float to deciding on graduation announcements, the Se nior Class officers made many important d e ci sions. H eath e r A n d e rse n , president; Kerri Landers, vice-president; Kim Kee ling, secretary/treasurer; and Jamie Atkinson, re porter; kept the Senior C lass pum ped up for pep rallies and involved in school activities. "Being an officer gave me the opportunity to
m ake im portant d e c i sions that affected the school and the Senior Class," Jam ie Atkinson said. The class officers also decided on graduation a n n o u n c e m e n ts a n d m em ory b o o ks. "Kim Keeling SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS are ( b a c k ) H e ath e r A n d e rse n , president; Kerri Landers, vicepresident; (front) Jam ie Atkin son, reporter; and Kim Keeling, secretary-treasurer. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
Football 9-10, Basketball 9-10, French Club 9, Baseball 9-12, Frosh Pres., Soph. Pres.. Jr. VP, STUCO 9-11. Frosh Fav., FHA 12, SADD 11. HECE 11
Football 9-12. Baseball 10-12, Track 11-12, FCA 12(Pres.)
Band 9-12(Drlll Sgt. 11-12, Headquarter Master 12), Yearbook/News Photographer 10-11, Scl/Hi 11-12
Drill Team 9-12(lt. 11-12). STUCO 9-12. Spanish Club 10. OEA 12(Pres.)
Band 9-12(Stdte Solo and Ensemble 9-12), AllRegion Orchestra 12). Scl/H110. French Club 9
French Club 9-10. Drama Club 9
MAKING A STATEMENT, Jam es H e n d e rs o n , se n io r, stru ts through Senior Hall. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
SINGING FLINSTONES' THEME so n g, seniors g e t into the Homecoming Pep Rally. 'Photo by J. Carter
Football 9. Basketball 9, Track 9, Soccer 10-12. Yearbook 11-12, Scl/H111
Basketball 9-11, VOE 12(VP)
Football 9, Auto Body 9-12
AMI CARR Yearbook 12
Baseball 9-10. Basketball 9-12(Capt.12). Golf 1012. FCA 11-12. Football 11, Newspaper 11-12, Cross Country 11-12
Drill Team 9-12, STUCO 9-12. SADD 11
FHA 9. Vo-Ag 10, Cross Country 9,12, Track 9-12, HECE 12
AW AITING THE B EIL, sen io rs A p ril Daugherty, Scott Boyd, and Kim Keeling sit In senior hall. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
SENIOR CLA SS PRESIDENT Heather dersen displays the spirit stick wot a ttk a fa a p e p rally. 'Photo b y S ta c e y Patrl
Spanish Club 11, HECE 12
FCA 9, Drama 10-11, One Act Play 11, SADD 1112, NHS 11-12(Sec. 12). STUCO 10-12(VP 12. State VP 12), Yearbook 12(Co-edltor). Girl's State Nominee 11. Hugh O'Brian Nominee 10, PACE 10. Quill and Scroll 12
Basketball 9-12. Football 11. Soccer 12
Band 9-10. Track 9-10. Basketball 9-11. Football 11-12
FCA 9.12. STUCO 9-11. Basketball 9-12, Spanish Club 12(Reporter). FHA 12(Pres.)
Cars provide hobby Jim m y Ketchum , se nior, has developed his natural abilities into a notable talent. Through his accomplishments in auto body, Jimmy has a c q u ir e d se v e ra l awards. As a junior, his project, a 1956 Chevy, received first in regionals and sec ond in state. “Participating in state competition was great; showing something that I made was a lot of fun," Jimmy said. Jimmy plans to attend USING SKILLFUL HANDS, Jim m y
Ketchum works on a c a r in auto body. 'Photo by S ta ce y Patrick
MSU and finish his basics. Afterwards, he hopes to attend a prestigious col lege and earn a degree in law. “Being active in auto body," Jimmy said, “has m ade me realize that the harder you work for som ething, the more you c a n acco m p lish , and it m ade me feel good to be recognized for so m e th in g I h ad achieved." *Nita Riggins
MARK FORD Football 10-12. FHA 10. B a s k e t b a l l ^ Soccer
Golf 10-12. VOE 11. FCA 12
Band 9-12(Jazz Ensemble 9-12). Tennis 9-10, FTA 10, French Club 11-12
Soccer 11-12
Tennis 9. STUCO 9. Drill Team 9-12, DECA 12
Tennis 9-11. Drill Team 10-12. HECE 12
Senior serves state From y e a rb o o k c o editor to state Student Council vice-president, April Daugherty, senior, carried many responsi bilities. April was involved in many school activities such as SADD, NHS, Stu dent Council, and year book. As sta te v ic e president, April had the responsibility of delegat ing the power of the president. She assigned different state projects th a t c o n c e r n e d the state Student Council. She was also in charge of the state convention. April has a tte n d e d s e v e r a l c a m p s fo r
STUCO including Texans' War on Drugs and the N a tio n a l L e a d e r s h ip Training Cam p. " B e in g s ta te v ic e president, I met so many p e o p le who h ad the same goals as I did," she said. "Everyone at the cam ps was so friendly. The kids a cc e p te d me for what I am instead of what I am no t." "Kim Keeling STATE STUCO VICE-PRESIDENT, senior April Daugherty, reviews a list of jobs to be done. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
French Club 9-10.12. G/T 9-12. FTA 12
Basketball 9. DECA 11-12
French Club 10-12(Pres. 12). FHA 10(VP 10). DECA 11-12
Band 9, French Club 9. Drama 9-10, Track 9-10, Football 9-11, Jr. Fav. Nom.
STUCO 12. FHA 12
Vo-Ag 9-10. Auto Body 11-12, Baseball 12
DECA 11-12
THE FIRST BUNDLE of The Bulldog Times newspaper is opened by editor Regina Anderson, senior, while senior Eileen San Diego looks on. "Photo by Tim Torres
YABA DABA DO. Russ Russell, senior, alias Fred Flintstone. is congratu lated by a fellow senior for his per formance in the Homecoming pep rally. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
SENIORS DEAN HOWELL French Club 9. Basketball ’ ^ “ ' ^ f s T U C O 42
WENDY HUTCHINSON PAULA IRWIN FHA 9 Basketball 9-10, Volleyball 9-10, STUCO 11. Spanish Club 11. Speech 9-11. O n eA ct Play 9-12. Newspaper 12. Yearbook 12
G/T 9-12, Science Fair Winner 11,12, NHS 11-12
Track 9. Football 9-10, FFA 9-10. NHS 11-12
French 9-10. Volleyball 9-12. Basketball 9-12. Track 9-12
Student stays busy " A c t iv e " truly d e scrib e s senior Ja m ie Atkinson. Besides being a mem ber of the varsity tennis team, she is also vicepresident of N ational Honor Society and Senior Class reporter. “Things can get hard a n d s tre s s fu l s o m e times," Jam ie said. “ I wouldn't be able to do these things without the g reat co o p eratio n of both my manager and coach." In a d d itio n , Ja m ie helped restore an an tique house for Trails and T a le s of B o o m to w n , s p o n s o r e d a c h ild
through FTA, and volun teered for United Way. Jam ie plans to attend Te xas A&M University and major in engineer ing. “ Being active and in v o lv e d in sch o o l will hopefully m ake it easier for me to be outgoing and successful the rest of my life," Jam ie said. *Nita Riggins PREPARING TO SERVE, Jam ie Atkinson p lays her favo rite sport, tennis. ‘ Photo by April Daugherty
Band 9-10, Tennis 11.12(Capt. 12), NHS 1112(Pres. 12), French Club 10-12(Sec. 11), Sr, Sec., STUCO 12, Yearbook 12, Sci/HI 10(Repor1er). Jr. Beauty Nom.
Band 9-12(Sgt. 11-12), Flag Corps 10-12 Thespians 9-12, STUCO 9-10,12, Spanish Club 10(Tres. 10), PACE 10. SADD 11, Scl/H111(VP) 12 FTA 10-12 '
Basketball 9-10, STUCO 11-12, DECA 11-12
Band 9-12(Lt. 11-12), NHS 11-12, FTA 10-12(State F|n. Sec. 11. State Pres. 12)
Drill Team 9-11, STUCO 9, Homecoming Princess Nom. 9-11(Queen Nom. 12). Jr. Beauty. Sr. VP. DECA 12, Cheerleader 12
Volleyball 9, Tennis 11. STUCO 11-12, SADD 11, Spanish Club 11, FTA 12, FHA 12, BPA 12
Auto Mechanics 11-12, VICA 12(Tres.)
Drama 9-10, French Club 12. Yearbook 12, STUCO 12, SADD 12
Band 9-12(Capt. 11-12, State Solo & Ensemble 10-11, All-Region Orchestra 12), NHS 11-12, FTA 12. Spanish Club 12, Sci/Hi 11-12. OEA 11, SADD 11
Ag 9-12, Auto Mechanics 1^
BPA 12(Sec.)
ADDING FINISHING TOUCHES Kristin Spessard, senior, prepares the Senior Class float for the Homecoming pep rally. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
First National Bank 300 East 3rd 569-2221
Building Trades 10-12, FFA 9.12
NHS 11-12
STUCO 9-10. Soph. Reporter. Jr. Sec.. Drill Team 9-12(lt. 12), Jr. Princess. Homecoming Queen Nom.. HECE 12(Pres.). FHA 12. Photographer 11
Football 9. Soccer 10-12, Cross Country 12, Track 12
Athlete sets goals From quarterback to centerfielder, Rob John son has earned sporting awards which confirm that the 6'2", 180 pound senior is a dynamic ath lete. Johnson has acquired several honors through sports, such as All-District in football both his soph omore and junior years, and All-District baseball player of the year as a junior. "Rob was a quiet type leader, but his presence on the p ra c tic e field and in the gam es was certainly felt," C o a c h Jerry Watson, athletic di rector, said. Rob plans to attend
OSU and play baseball throughout college. He also hopes to develop a career based on base ball and hopes to play professionally. The most im portant thing he has le a rn e d fro m his a t h l e t ic a c h ie v e m e n ts is "se t your goals high and never s to p w o r k in g to a c h ie v e th e m ." *Nita Riggins CO LLECTIN G HIS THOUGHTS, Rob Johnson prepares to go b ack out on the field at a foot ball gam e. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
Band 9-12(Band Council 11), Flag Corps 1011(lt. 11), FTA 10-I2(sec. 11, District Cor, Sec. 11), SADD 11
Band 9, Football 11-12, FCA 11, SADD 12
Frosh Sec.
Tennis 9-12, Scl/HI 11
Track 9-12. STUCO 10-12, Soccer 10-12, Cross Country 10-12, Football 9-10, Auto Body 11
FFA 9-12, Auto Body 11-12
LOOKING LIKE BATMAN, senior drum major Donnie Vanadore leads the band. 'Photo by Terry Morris
Spomer Travel Service 207 E. 3rd St. 569-5231
S en io r s PERRY PATT VICTORIA PERRY Drill Team 9-12. STUCO 9.12. Soph. VP. M C A 12, Frosh Beauty. Frosh Princess
LENORA POWELL Band 9.11-12. French Club 11-12(Sec. 12). Scl/HI 12(Reporter), FTA 12. Newspaper 12, STUCO 12
BRETT PRINCE Band 9-12(State Solo & Ensemble 11). G/T 9-12
DONNA PRUETT Band 9-12. Flag Corps 10-12(Sgt. 11. Lt. 12), FTA 10-12(VP 11. District Pres. 12), HECE 12(Hlstorian), Newspaper 9-10, SADD 11
STUCO 11-12. SADD 11, FTA 12. FHA 12
Band 9-12(Sgt. 11. Librarian 11-12). FTA 11-12, Spanish Club 10(Sec.), Scl/H110, Flag Corps 1012
Animals motivate senior Lo v e of a n im a ls is leading Donnie Roberts, senior, into the career of veterinary medicine. Donnie's interest in be com ing a vet started when his dog Blackie be cam e a d iab e tic and needed shots tw ice a day. Donnie is very dedi cated to his goal of be coming a vet and works at the Burk Animal Hos pital. “I work before school so I end up late quite a bit," he said. Donnie also works af ter school every day and on Saturdays. Working at the vet's has prepared Donnie for his future.
14 2
“ I'v e le a rn e d a lot about m edication, ani mal parasites, and differ ent diseases," he said. “ I've assisted in m any different surgeries and I even sp a y e d my d o g with very little help." Donnie plans to con tinue his training at Okla homa State University. "Kirn Keeling FEEDING A CAT, Donnie Rob erts starts his rounds at the of fice. ’ Photo by Craig Winsor
Tennis 9. FHA 9. STUCO 9-10, Golf 11, Spanish 1112(VP 11, Pres. 12), Yearbook 11-12, FFA 12
STUCO 9-12. FTA 11-12(Pres. 12). Tennis 9-11. Spanish Club 10. NHS 11-12. G/T 11-12. SADD 12 FCA 9-11
NHS 11-12
Tennis 9. HECE 12
HECE 12. Cheerleader 10
Football 9-12. Baseball 9-12, FCA 12(VP). SADD 11
Band 9-12(State Solo & Ensemble 10-12. Stage Band 11-12, Quartermaster 11-12. Sgt. 12). Newspaper 10-12. NHS 11-12(Reporter 12). Sci/Hi 12, Spanish 12, Quill & Scroll 11-12
HECE 11-12
Volleyball 9-12. Track 9-12. Band 9. SADD 12
French Club 9-10. BPA 12
USING HER MEGAPHONE, senior Dale Stubblefield cheers with the band. She was elected the 1988 Football Queen. 'Photo by J. Carter SHARPENING HER SKILLS, foreign ex chan ge student Judith Abella prac tices rolling film in photo journalism. 'Photo by Steve Albrecht
Pizza Hut 900 W Kramer Rd. 569-3315
HECE 11-12, Tennis 9-10. STUCO 9
Drill Team 9-12(Lt, 10-11, Capt. 12). NHS 1112(Tres. 12), Frosh Tres., Soph. Tres.. STUCO 9-10, SADD 11-12(Tres. 12). FTA 12. Academic letter 11 Girl's State Nominee 11. G/T 9. PACE 10. Quill & Scroll 12, Yearbook 12(Co-edltor)
Basketball 9-12. Yearbook 12
Band 9-12(Llbrarian 12). FTA 11-12(Dlstrlct Sec. 12. Historian 12). Scl/HI 9-12. STUCO 9-12. NHS 1112. Spanish Club 10. G/T 11-12. SADD 11
Track 9-12. Cross Country 10-12. Basketball 1012, Volleyball 12. FTA 11. Spanish Club 12. SADD 12. FCA 12. FHA 12
Football 10-12, French Club 9-10,12
Cheerleader 10-12, Tennis 9-12. STUCO 912(Pres. 11-12). FCA 11-12, FHA 11, Homecoming Queen 12. All School Beauty 11, Jr. Fav.
Football 9-10, Track 9-10, Auto Mechanics 11-12, VICA 12(Pres.)
German Club 9, Scl/HI 9, French Club 9-12(Tres. 12), FHA 12, STUCO 12
Football 10. Soccer 10-12. Auto Body 11-12
Band 9-12(Drum Major 11-12, Band Chaplain 11. Jazz Ensemble 10-12). Spanish Club 9-10(Pres. 10), SADD 11. FTA 11-12
SEANE VICKNAIR Soccer 9.12. Band 9-12
SORTING CANDY CANES. t members Kelly King and Branc Johnson, seniors, prepare car canes for delivery. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Photo bv I tin Spessard
Band 9-12(Drlll Sgt. 12). Scl/HI 11-12, Track 10,12
Cross Country 9, Track 9, Volleyball 10, Drama 910, Thespian 11, Band 9-12, Italian Club 9
Track 9-12, Basketball 11-12, Volleyball 10-12, FHA 12
Track 9-12(State 10-12), Cross Country 912(State 9-12), Basketball 9-11, Spanish Club 1112(Sec. 11-12), SADD 12, FCA 12, FHA 12
Football 9-12, Basketball 9, Baseball 10-12
Auto Body 12(Sec/Tres. 12), Vo-Ag 9-12
DECA 12, Golf 9r12, FCA 11-12
Vo-Ag 9-12(Reporter 10-11, Pres. 12)
Band 9
14 5
'JUNIORS Brlana Acheson Anl Afre Steve Alkens Allyson Atchley Brandi Austin
Karen Baker Stacy Baldwin Melissa Bales Dawn Bangs Michael Barfield
Ja ckie Barker Paul Barrager J.J. Barry Ladonna Bedford Renee Berry
Guys inspire class Planning prom, choos ing class rings, and finally becom ing upperclass men, were Just a few of the responsibilities that the Junior Class officers shouldered. “I enjoy being a junior class officer because I get an upfront view of what Is ahead for our class," Mike Whaley, re porter, said. In the hom ecom ing pep rally, the officers represented the Junior C la s s with th e flo a t
“ Popeye". Every mem ber of the class partic ipated in the organizing of the float, and several wore costumes portray ing familiar characters. Those not w e a rin g a costume w aved green "spinach rags" In sup port. The junior class officers are Roby Potts, presi dent; Scott Newton, vi c e - p r e s id e n t ; J o e l Merkins, treasurer; and Mike W haley reporter. *Kim Hawkins
JUNIORS Craig Bllyeu Michael Black Daryl Blakley Eddie Blevins Jerri Blevins
Julie Boyd Sean Brennan Scott Bright Monica Broday Peggy Call
Cori Callahan Diana Cardenas Kevin Carpenter Robert Casey Robert Casteen
JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS. Roby Potts, S c o tt N ew ton , Mike W h a le y, o n d Jo e l M erklns meet before school. 'Photo by Star Kosechata
AFTER TEAMS TESTS, the Junior Class lets off steam by social izing In the gym. 'Photo by Tim Torres
Lanette Castro Teresa Catherall Kerl Cely Korey Chandler Michelle Chavis
Roslyn Cheney Mike Chism Marti Chuculate Richard Clarke Tim Clem ent
Melody Cleveland Brian Cochran Daren Colem an Karl C o ve Shannon C o x
Potts leads class Being president of the Junior Class, Roby Potts sometimes finds it diffi cult to maintain an A-B ave ra ge white staying Involved with his many activities. Roby's main interest Is in drama. Although this is only his second year, he has already starred as the main ch aracter in two plays. He p layed God in the school pro duction of "Green Pas tures" and L'll Abner in the community theatre play "L'll Abner." “I think it is great to have the ability to tem
p o rarily b e so m e o n e else," Roby said. Roby has m ade UIL AllStar C ast at both district and regionals. He plans to continue his actin g and hopes to receive a scholarship in drama. "I enjoy doing cheerful comedies; 1 hate to be depressed!" Roby said. 'S ta ce y Patrick THE PERFECT POPEYE, Rob y
Potts escorts the junior float at the H om ecom ing p e p rally. "Photo by C raig Winsor
JUNIORS Angler Crawford II Sherri Cray Nick Cunningham Kelli Darland Melissa Daugherty
Barry Dlson Vince Dominquez Melissa Downes Stormy Downing Johnette Doyle
Chris Draper Angela Dubose Kathy Elliot Tammy Elliot Rusty Ellis
Diana strides for success Junior Diana C arde nas is involved in track a n d cro ss co u n try. E v e n th o u g h sh e spends most of her time running, she still finds tim e to study and be a member of NHS. Diana has been run ning in track meets BUILDING HER STAMINA, Di a n a C a rd e n a s runs laps a ro u n d th e t r a c k a fte r school. ‘ Photo by Stace y Patrick
s in c e e le m e n t a r y school. "N o one e n co u r a g e d me to run, it was just something I've al ways enjoyed doing,” Diana said. To Diana there is a b ig d iffe re n c e b e tween track and cross country. "Track is more seri ous and competitive, where cross country is more laid back and you get to see more scenery,” Diana said.
Finding time for her studies is not hard. She studies whenever she has free time. Being in NHS and in honors his tory gives her incen t iv e to k e e p her grades up. Diana enjoys being in NHS because she feels it will be a good opportunity to learn, grow, and meet other people with similar at titudes toward school. *Kim Hawkins
14 9
JUNIORS laurle Etheredge Ch ad Flkes Brldgett Frerlch Richard Fuller Aaron Fullerton
Martha Galloup Yasmin Garcia Benllde Garrine Shalae Gilbert Shell! Gilbert
Sarah Glougle Becky Goins Lonny Goins Dawn Goode Mindy G oode
Kevin Goodner David Gossett David Greeno Kelly Griner Byron Grubbs
Gwen Guilllams Kathy Hamilton Erika Hampton Terri Hardy Michael Harrington
ju n io rs
JUNIORS ~| April Harris Holly Harris Mary Harris Janine Hasse Kim Hawkins
Jennifer Helms Ed Hemphill Christine Henderson Curtis Hervey Matt Higgins
Clarence Hightower Jon Hofmann Tjm Howard Kurtis Hubbard Melissa Isaacs
Melissa swims on team M elissa D a u g h e rty , junior, who has been swimming since she was two years old, b e ga n swim m ing on a team when she was in sixth grade. She is one of the two p e o p le on th e h igh school swim team. “I think there are a lot of people who are inter ested in swimming and I really wish they would help me get a full team started," Melissa said. Every day after school
Melissa goes to MSU to work out. The workouts usually consists of two or three miles. Her freshm an year, Melissa placed sixth in a district meet in the 100 yard b ack and breast stroke, qualifying her for regionals. Melissa does not plan to use swimming as a career, but she wants to swim on the MSU swim team while being a premed student. Her ulti mate goal is to be a pe diatrician. *Kim Hawkins
D E M O N S T R A T IN G G O O D FORM , M elissa D a u g h e rty practices after school. 'Photo by J. Carter
[“JUNIORS Patrick Jackson Kenneth Kahrs Troy Kaspar Steve Kearns Debra Ketchum
Steve Ketchum Kevin King Floyd Knapp Jeneen Knox Julie Kohlhorst
Star Kosechata John Lawlor Robin Learst Lynn Lee Missy Lelstner
Goins’ success leads FFA B e in g in F u tu re Farmers of Am erica since he was nine, jun ior Lonny Goins a p proaches life from an angle different from his family. His family is not in volved in FFA, but his neighbor, Mr. Ja k e Fite, Ag teacher, en couraged him to join
FFA. For his FFA project, Lonny shows a steer, s p e n d in g a n h o ur e v e ry d a y w orking with it. Last year Lonny won Star Chapter Farmer and Reserve Cham pi on at the Burk show. He has placed first in the Fort W orth Fat
Sto ck Show, District Beef Show, and a t the W ichita Falls County show. He won showman ship awards at three of those shows. B e sid e s b e in g in volved in FFA, Lonny also en joys hunting and fishing. *Kim Haw kins DISPLAYING HIS PLAQUE, Lonny Goins holds the proof of his achievem ents. ‘ Photo by Tim Torres
JUNIORS Johnny Lindsey Dustin Loveless Shane Loveless Robert Ludwig Tanya Lyne
Matlne M ace Sandy Madsen Chris Maffett Charlene McCallister Paul McClurkan
David McGarry Cynthia McKee Ronny McMullen Joel Merklns Tim Metiz
Krista Miller Katrena Mitchell Chikaka Mlzumoto G eorge Mobley Wendy Moore
Kim Morgan Angela Musick Wendy Neely G reg Nessel Becky Newell
Mazzloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pizza Sheppard Rd. 569*2225
"JUNIORS Scott Newton Glang Nguyen Tuan Nguyen Quynh Nguyen Thu Nguyen
Lori Nolen Brandla Norton Dallas Nunn Rhonda Oliver Carmen Ortiz
Tina Ortiz Kyle Owen Yesenia Palomino Mike Pan/In Roy Pasamonte
Junior shows dedication Striving to reach her ultimate goal of be co m in g a te a c h e r, Keri Cely, junior, en joys being in Future Teachers of America. "It m ay h elp me make my decision of whether or not to go into the field of edu cation," she said. In addition to FTA, Keri is in v o lv e d in S A D D , alt s p o rts , c h e e r le a d in g a n d NHS, Keri feels that SADD is helping students, b e c a u s e th e y c a n talk about the prob
lems teenagers fa c e with the pressure of al cohol. Even th o u g h Keri has been playing in all sports for years and has lettered in each, volleyball is her favor ite. She has n e v e r gone to state or re g io n a l, but “I think it would be a great ex perience and honor to go ," Keri said. “Keri is a very ded ic a te d yo u n g lad y; she will alw ays give you 100 percent in all that you ask her to d o ,'' C o a c h Lin d a
Richards said. “ She's the ty p e of person that you enjoy having in your program, be cau se of her enthusi asm." Being involved in all these things has not s t o p p e d Keri from ke e p in g her g ra d e s up. She feels grades a re im p o rta n t a n d that it is an honor to be in NHS. *Kim Haw kins W EARING BULLDOG "TATOO” , Keri C e ly ge ts ready to perform a cheer betw een quarters. 'Photo by C raig Winsor
JUNIORS Delton Pate Stacey Patrick Matt Plckell Michael Pletts Roby Potts
Alicia Preston Jerry Raleigh Kristin Rannila Dennis Raynor Angela Remily
Rodney Reyes Brenda Robertson Jenny Robertson Kristi Roe Derek Rowland
Shondra Salazar Jerry San Diego Shannon Schaffner Steven Schaffner Lori Shuck
Alicia Slayden Brent Smith Michelle Smith Tricia Smith Chilloa Stahr
Wal-Mart 100 Red River Ex. 569-2248
JUNIORS Robert Stark Sarah Stemadel Shelley Stone Timothy Summers Craig Szczeplnskl
Tina Taylor Eric Thlergood Pat Thornton Brad Tillman Tim Torres
Kevin Trahan Spencer Tyler John Ullum Rlc Uythoven Johanna VanHouten
WATCHING THE BAND as they march In, junior Drum Major Mike Wright keeps an eye out for mistakes. ’ Photo by J. Car ter
JUNIORS Janet Waddle Mandl Ward Leslea Watson Jeannette Wendt Mike Whaley
Jennifer Whitehill Patti Williams Clnda Winney Craig Winsor Mike Wright
Cecilia Zaragoza
cheers from the Junior Class. 'Photo by J. Carter
Gateway 905 Sheppard Dr. 569-5271
members flip through catalogs to pick the theme for the 1989 p ro m . 'P h o to by S ta r Kosechata
SOPHOMORES Randy Albrecht Almee Antlll Amber Antwlne Krista Bangs Lewayne Battles
Eugene Beam Art Beasley Bennie Bedford Eric Beeks Jimmy Beeson
Kathy Bell Kathle Besher Brandi Bllyeu John Bishop Lana Blake
Soph. Officers organize peers Sophomore class officers had m any responsibilities to keep the class organized. P la n n in g e v e n ts , se ttin g tim es, a n d making sure everyone knew a b o u t th e m were just a few of these responsibilities. The class worked together to make their H om ecom ing flo a t, which won first place. The theme was "Alf". Without the organ ization provided by the officers, this would not have been possi ble.
"W e could not have won first p la ce without the effort put forth by our c la s s m em bers," JD Crockarell, president, said, The o fficers w ere proud of the enthuSiam shown by their fellow members. ‘ Ami Carr SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFI CERS are (front row) JD
Crockarell, president; Jessi c a Stubblefield, reporter; (back row) Emily Nemecek, secretary; and Kasey John son, vice-president. ‘ Photo by Star Kosechata
SOPHOMORES! Carolyn Blancett Daniel Blue Shelly Boatman Danny Bodlne Jason Bowles
Frankie Bowley Rhonda Bowley Jimmy Boyett Kevin Bradley Kenny Bragg
Kim Bragg Conradge Brown Cart Brunk Suzl Burchett Shane Burnett
A CALIFORNIA RAISIN costume Is sophomore Kasey Johnson's contribution to the cartoon theme. ‘ Photo by Stacey Pat rick
CONGRATULATIONS ARE GIV EN to the sophomores by Mr. Bill Darland. ‘Photo by Craig Winsor
SOPHOMORES Brian Calton Cindy Camerlln Kevin Campbell Amy Canter Kelvle Carllle
Tracey Caron Robert Carper J. Carter III Cassandra Casados Becky Casteen
Angellque Castro Trina Cavender Lee Chambers Errlca Chancellor Tracy Chavis
Richard Cheatheam Mark Christian James Christopher Rhonda Clarke Barbie C obb
MAKING A PRINT, sophomore J.
C a rte r sp e n d s tim e a fte r school to meet a deadline. *Photo by Kristin Spessard
CLAPPING HER HANDS to the beat provided by the band, sophomore Tracy Tigert keeps the crowd active at a home football gam e. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo by J. Carter
SOPHOMORES Michelle Conroy Linda Cordova Chris Corley Sam Crabtree Joe Cregger
J D Crockarell Jerald Curtis Cindy Daniels Chad Davis Melissa Davis
Renee Davis Brian Deason Cathy Demel John Denehy Denise Dewvall
Brian hits balls, books
Brian Fox sits high on the junior varsity tennis ladder and also receives h ig h s c o r e s in th e gradebook. Tennis is not the only sport that this sopho more enjoys. He also en joys soccer and basket ball as well. However, what he enjoys most is go ing out with friends and playing tennis. "Tennis is a favorite sport of mine because I ca n accom plish many things and there is al w ays a c h a lle n g e or
goal to overcome." Brian takes four honors classes and plans to at tend Texas A&M or Tex as Tech. He plans to earn a masters degree in business to reach his career goal of becom ing a banker or finan cier. "I am interested in the econom ic state of the w o r ld ," B rian s a id . 'Heather Loyd
RACKET IN HAND, sophomore Brian Fox Is caught Just before he hits the courts. 'Photo by Craig Winsor
f SOPHOMORES Katrina Dilbeck Mltzy Dilbeck Karen Dobbs Michael Downing Mike Drevyanko
Nicole Ducloame Troy Duhon Marlowe Dwyer Kim Eades Laura Elder
Debra Ellis Laura Enns Jennifer Fennessy Tony Fidaleo
Twister leads cheers Participating in cheerleading and gymnastics keeps Laura Elder, soph omore, busy. La u ra has b e e n in gymnastics for 12 years and with the Twisters, a g y m n a stic te a m , for four, in the Twisters, Lau ra competes in numer ous competitions. She h as e a r n e d m a n y aw ards including first place at a class IV meet in Dallas in 1986. Because gymnastics is a very p recise sport, Laura has had a few mi nor injuries; however, she still keeps a good out look on things. "Y o u c a n n o t h a ve fear of doing stunts after an injury or you will not
accom plish anything," she said. She does not have a favorite pro, but she likes Bill Karolyi, co a ch of the 1988 U.S. Olympic team. Laura plans to attend Texas A&M even though it does not have a gym n a s tic p ro g ra m . She would like to try co a ch ing someday. "I will just have to wait and see what happens," she said. "That is three years aw ay, and a lot c a n h a p p e n in three years." *Ami Carr PERFORMING A STUNT, Laura El der stands on the shoulders of senior Dale Stubblefield ‘Photo by J. Carter
SOPHOMORES Shelly Fletcher Rosalyn Floyd Misty Ford Vickie Fore Scott Fortin
Brian Fox Dale Frerlch Kurt Glasscock Lori Green W ade Green
Charles Groves Lisa Gubemath Tony Hackney Dana Hamilton Pat Hanlon
C had Higgins Jeralyn Hicks Brian High Brian Hightower Tim Hill
pers, sophomores Tracey Stub blefield and Rhonda Clark ex ch a n ge ideas in the library. ‘ Photo by Craig Winsor
Burk Florist & Gifts 904-A Kramer Rd. 569-2281 Burkbumett Informer Star 417 Ave. C 569-2191
SOPHOMORES Nicole Hofmaler Bobble Hosmer JoAnne Hosmer Amy Hufflngton Eddie Hysell
Mayra Ibarra Brandy Ingram Nolan Issacs Sharon Jackson Michelle Jarrett
Dana Jennings Kevin Jensen Aaron Johnson Kasey Johnson Mary Johnson
Joe Johnston C y Jones Robert Jones Jayson Kalb Christopher Kapraun
GETTING INTO RALLY, sopho more students draw attention to themselves. ‘ Photo by J. Carter
SOPHOMORES ~| Chris Keeling Lori Keen John Kennedy Jessie Klnniard Rhonda Kuhn
Joe Kurszewskl Tammy Ladyman Lisa Lambert Dondra Lawson Feletia Lee
Aaron Lewis Angel Lewis Silvia Lewis Cindy Link Heather Loyd
Julie Mandrell Beverly Mannen Rochelle Manuel Jason Mardis Jennifer Marsh
gives sophomore James Ryan an opportunity to be close to the action on the sideline. ’Photo by J. Carter
Fletcher, sophomore, listens to a lecture In Driver's Ed class. ’Photo by Star Kosechata
Bob Carter Insurance 440 Ave. C 569-4407 Rent-a-Movle Jan Lee Town 569-3742
16 5
fSOPHOMORES Jeff Martin Parrish Matthews Schuyler May Sheryl McCutcheon Polly McCralne
Joseph McDonald Lisa McDonald Shane McLaughlin Melody McReynolds Tonya Medford
Tracy Michael David Mitchell Tara Moore Hector Morales Kurt Morgan
Carolyn works on debate cases A c h ie v in g h ig h g o a ls , so p h o m o re C a r o ly n B la n c e t t p la c e d third in de bate in UIL district and the Wichita Falls Invi tational tournament. "Hopefully I will de bate my way to state by the time I'm a se nior," she said. H aving h ad co m peted in TFA, UIL Dis trict, and Regionals, Carolyn has gained much experience in debate. "Debate is the most
16 6
im p o rtan t th in g to me," she said. She plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin and later go into law at Harvard. "I want to be Attor ney G e n e r a l," she said, "and hopefully someday serve on the S u p re m e C o u r t ." 'Steve Albrecht DEVELOPING DEBATE CASE, Carolyn Blancett prepares to com pete. She won sec ond p lace In speaker points at the Trinity High School c o m p e titio n . 'P h o to b y Paula Irwin
SOPHOMORES Jenna Morris Jennifer Morris David Mott Marty Mullins Misty Munsch
Veronica Navarro Emily Nemecek Merinda Newberry Scott Newman Thai Nguyen
Kristie Nickens Katherine Ott Brad Owen John Owens Jeff Parton
KEEPING IN TUNE, sophomores Dondra Lawson and JD Crock arell sing in choir. ‘Photo by J.J. Barry AFTER PLAYING SCHOOL song, sophomore Lewayne Battles gives his arms a break. ‘Photo by Craig Winsor
SOPHOMORES William Payton Paul Petcoff David Phillips Stephen Phillips Bill Phipps
Jason Potts Michael Potts Thalmus PreJean Curtis Prince Stacy Purdle
Edith Quarles David Radke Tammy Reitz Daphanna Reyes Orlando Reyes
Melynda Rhodes Richard Rivera Danny Roberts Heath Roberts Reyna Rodriguez
AFTER THE RALLY, sophomores Jenny Morris, JD Crockarell, Kim Shavers, and Amy Canter take their winning float apart. â&#x20AC;¢Photo by C raig Winsor
Movies To Go 710 Sheppard Rd
SOPHOMORES Amy Rogers Jennifer Ross Shawn Ross Apryl Rouse Bilan Rush
Jimmy Ryan Kristy Saucier Jane Shannon John Shannon Kim Shavers
Jason Shroads David Sidd Paula Simmons Teena Skelton Steve Slayden
Giving her all Competitive — It is one of the best words that describes Felitia Lee and her brillant sports streak. “I guess the reason why I play sports is to prove to myself that I ca n do something.” Felicia said. "Not only do it, but do it well." She said that sports, as well as academ ics, is what she is relying on to go to college. “ So m e tim e s it is hard to give 110 per-
cent all of the time, but you have to do it to achieve your goals." she said. Felitia has partic ip a t e d in sp o rts such as so ftb a ll, bo w lin g, s o c c e r, basketball, track, and volleyball. "Everybody has a competitive sp a rk ," she said. "Sports, for me, is a good way to get it o u t ." 'S t e v e Al brecht
AIMING FOR GOAL, Felltla Le e p re p a re s to shoot. ’Photo by Tim Torres
SOPHOMORES Nlkkl Sleeper Kristy Slusser April Smith Gary Smoot Chris Snyder
Stephanie Spain Will Spragins Stacie Staton Stoney Strickland Jessica Stubblefield
Tracey Stubblefield Shannon Summers Michelle Sweeney Denise Thibodeaux Kimberly Thompson
Emily shows leadership FT A district presi there is never a dull vantages include be dent Emily Nem ecek m o m e n t/' Mrs. Sue ing clo se r sin ce he enjoys spending time Fite, G/T teacher said. k n o w s a b o u t th e with school activities. "You can always ex "latest" and he is al She is also sopho p e c t the u n e xp e ct ways on hand to bor m ore c la s s s e c r e ed." row money from," she tary/treasurer and a Emily's hobbies in sa id . " A d is a d v a n member of Student clude reading, play ta g e is not being able Council. ing the p ian o , and to ge t out of studying Emily represented sp en d in g tim e with for a test since he usu the d istrict a t FTA friends. ally knows about it be state convention in Having her father, fore I do." October. Mr. J o e N e m e c e k , Right now Emily is in She is also in the teach math here has terested in becom ing Gifted and Talented its a d v a n ta g e s and an elementary or high class. disadvantages. school teacher. 'Ami "With Emily in class. "Som e of the a d Carr
■■■■■■I 17 0
SOPHOMORES! Tracy Tigert LaShawn Taylor Marla Torrez David Tracey Tiffany Tyler
Narumol Utarnkul Dawn Veal Shannon Vlcknalr Mike Villegas Michael Waddell
Teresa Wade Mike Wagler Quentin Walker Jenny Weltzel Mechelle Wells
Michael Whitaker Bobby Wiemer Don Williams Lisa Wilson Min Yi
Lisa Young Fran Zaragoza Thomas Zellers Teresa Zimmer
fH PAINTED FACE, Emily m ecek heads for the m eco m in g p e p rally. ioto by J.J. Barry
Robbie’s House of Hallmark 312 E. 3rd 569-3632 314 E. 3rd
FRESHMEN Jason Acheson Joel Adams PeQQy Andrade Tommy Arens Andrea Babb
Corey Baker John Bale David Bangs Serena Barnett Steve Barnett
Taking fresh outlook Freshmen m ade the transition to high school an easy one with their fresh outlook helping them to join in with the whirlwind of clubs and activities around them. Many freshmen joined language clubs, v o ca tional youth organiza tions, or Student Council. Others participated a c tively in sports. Although many of them focused on tennis, football, bas ketball, and track, some took a new interest in the golf, baseball, vol le y b a ll, a n d s o c c e r events not offered at the junior high. Freshmen d isp layed much enthusiasm when backing their team. Pep rallies were a fun way for them to show school
spirit and pride with their fellow classes. In keeping with the Homecoming cartoon theme, the Freshman Class float was enti tled "Snoopy vs. the Red Baron." C la s s v o lu n t e e r s d re sse d a s C h a rlie Brown, Lucy, Schroeder, and other mem bers of the Peanuts G an g in support. The float won second in school co m p e titio n p lacin g ab o ve both the juniors an d the seniors. " W e w e re re a lly thrilled that our hard work paid off in win ning second p lace ," John Gillespie, class president, said. 'Kelly Siefkas
LEADING FRESHMEN CLASS, of ficers Blake M cC la in , v ic e president; John Gillespie, pres ident; Denna Jennings, secre tary; and Jannie Bartley, re p o r t e r ; m e e t fo r c la s s discussion. ‘Photo by Kathy Ott
PLAYING HIS TRUMPET dui Ing a summer practice be fore school starts, freshma Blake M cClain keeps thi b eat while he endures th< heat. ‘Photo by Craig Wir sor
FRESHMEN — I Jannle Bartley Lee Bernard Billy Bilyeu Daniel Blue Michael Bolden
Dena Boyd Charles Bragg Rachel Brantley Enez Brown Scotty Brown
Kelly Bucy Dale Callen John Cantwell Stephanie Capehart Angelic Cardin
Blake — trumpeter, officer Blake's dad, Jimmy From class office to band, freshman Blake McClain, was band di M c C la in c a m e a t rector at Burkburnett school from every an for 14 years. The band gle. hall was named Mc Blake entered band C la in Hall a fte r he in sixth grade, and he died in 1975. “ I have a special is presently playin g the trumpet for the feeling when I'm in the Bulldog Brigade. band hall," Blake said. "M y d a d w as a In September, Blake band director and I w as e le c t e d v ic e guess that is where I president of the Fresh go t my musical tal men Class. “Some of my class ent,” Blake said. “That is one of the reasons mates pressured me to run," Blake said. why I like music."
As vice-president, Blake worked on the fresh m en 's s e c o n d p la c e float, “ Snoo py." Besides being one of three freshmen who m ade the varsity ten nis team, Blake also p a r t ic ip a t e s in his church youth group and is in the G/T pro gram. T h ro u g h m any ways, Blake comes at life From Every Angle. •John Gillespie
17 3
Matt Carter Erelna Castro Brian Chamberlain Mark Cleveland Windy Cobb
Sean Conroy Earnest Cooke Katina Cooper Lee Cootu Dennis Cox
Angela Crabtree Dena Crawford Sharia Crawford Krlssy Danielson Kristi Darland
Hobbies fill Amy’s time Trying to keep busy with all of her hobbles and interests has not been hard for fresh m an A m y S c h u macher. Tennis rates highest am ong her interests and she has ta ke n m an y le sso n s a n d played in various tour naments. Much of her summer was spent taking les sons or playing in local tournam ents where she w on tw o first place trophies in girls' 16 singles and dou bles, as well as a sec
ond In 16 doubles. “ I like playing tennis because I get to play with a lot of different people," Amy said. Amy is one of three freshman members of th e v a r s it y te n n is team and she trav eled with them to regionals. Music is also a large part of Amy's life, and she has played the pi ano for several years. She has been a na tional member of The Guild for two years a n d m e m o rizes 10 songs each year for
competition. Although clubs o c c u p y m u ch o f her t im e , w r it in g a n d friends are am ong her favorite things. From tennis, to mu s ic , to her v a rio u s clubs, Amy com es to life From Every Angle. •Penny Hutchison LITTLE RED-HEADED GIRL, Amy Schum acher, prepares to a cco m p a n y the fresh man float. 'Photo by J. C a r ter
FRESHMEN — I R ebecca Davis Angle Deen Vu Do Dawn Doolittle Dwayne Drake
Stevie Drury Daniel Eddy Lisa Edgerton Danyella Edwards Alfred Espinoza
Patrick Farabee Brandi Farrow Robin Flkes Marshall Ford Chris Foster
PEANUTS GANG SITS In front of the Freshmen float while awaiting the decision of the Judges at the Homecoming pep rally. ‘Photo by J. Car ter
freshmen Tina Jans and Al lison Padron hang up spirit signs. ‘Photo by Tim Torres
y Park, freshman, adjusts the k of her Woodstock costume. >to by J. Carter
FRESHMEN Barney Fudge Nicole Garza Tommy Gates Kristi Gibson Shannon Gibson
John Gillespie Mike Glashan Melissa Gongaware Samantha Graham Missy Greenway
Rhonda Grlner James Grubbs Daniel Hale Tammy Hall Brian Hancock
Coral Harrington Dellnda Harris Mark Harris Erik Henderson William Henderson
Mickey Holcomb Larry Holloway Heath Holtzen Penny Hutchison Lisa Irwin
AS HE PRACTICES In backyard. Miller Spess kicks his favorite ball. *Pn by Kristin Spessard
17 6
FRESHMERl Tina Jans Eric Jeffreys Denna Jennings Karla Johnson Lameshla Johnson
Sharon Johnson Jodi Kahoe Danielle Kalb Lathen Keath Jenaya Kelsey
Dawn Keltner Dent Keltner Justin Key Kevin Kilcrease Stephanie Klmbro
Miller lives for sports Every season brings a v a r ie t y o f n e w sports to keep fresh man Miller Spessard busy. This outgoing ath lete, who helped lead the freshman football team to district cham pionship, has been in volved In sports since early childhood. "If there is a ball in the sport I will play It,” Miller said. He has played soc
c e r for e ig h t years and was a member of Scramblers '74 when they won the state championship in 1987. Most of his summer was spent playing his fourth ye a r of golf, which paid off when he won his first local tournament. Most of his spare time is spent listening to his favorite tapes or challenging his moth er to ping-pong duels;
however, he still finds tim e to k e e p his grades up. Miller's work will pay off later in life if he has the ch ance to fulfill his am bition of playing professional sports. By playing football, s o c c e r, b a ske tb a ll, b a se b a ll, and golf. Miller takes on sports From Every A n g le . 'Penny Hutchison
17 7
r FRESHMEN llara King Erik Kirkpatrick Chris Klameth Tamara Kunkel Chris Lafayette
Billy Lambert Vihn Le Keith Lewallen Scott Lewis Melissa Lightfoot
Kress Lochridge Denise Longhenry Tim Lynch Emily Maffett Dawn M agee
Ben Malone Ailie Martin Grant Martin Tonya Martin Johnny Massey
Trent Mays Blake McClain Kasey McLaughlin Jimmy Medford Marcy Medillln
FILIN G , DELI VERINI RECORDS are two of th Red River Ford Sheppard Rd. 569-2275
many jobs that Krissy Danie son performs. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC; Photo b Kathy Ott
FRESHMEN Scott Messenger Katrina Miller Troy Miller Jimmy Mooney Martin Morales
Dena Morgan Karla Mullens Allison Mullins Mike Murphy Chris New
Jamie Nunn Carla Osborne Rachonda Osburn Larry Ostby Allison Padron
Teen volunteers time While som e teens w e re sw im m in g or w a tch in g TV, Krissy Danielson, freshman, was doing volunteer work. She worked at the S h e p p ard USAF Re gional Hospital in the eye clinic every Mon d a y through Friday from 7:30 to 4:30. All d ay she would answer the telephone; this in clu d e d m any ques tion and com plaints
she would have to ex church youth group, plain. She would also and having fun with p r e p a r e th e n e x t her friends. “I like to have some day's patient files and body I ca n confide run errands for the in," Krissy said. doctors. Krissy is also one of "I had a lot of odds and ends type jobs the few freshman who which I enjoyed a lot." took algebra in eighth Krissy said. "It meant a grade and is now tak lo t kn o w in g th a t I ing geometry. Through her friends could help out." Some of Krissy's oth and summer job Krissy er interests include co m es at life From tennis, keyboarding, Every Angle. 'John Gil p a rticip a tin g in her lespie
FR E SH M E N ^^^^J
[- FRESHMEN Dameon Page Misty Park Beth Pate Damon Perry Lanny Perslnger
Joely Picard Heidi Plckerign Michael Pillow TJ Proctor Mary Provence
Kim Quick Jimmy Rasmussen John Ray Michael Reddin Todd Richard
Competition excites New H avin g s ta rte d playin g tennis at age four, Chris New continues to play competitively and excel in the sport as a freshman. "When I was four in Germany, i would go with my family to p la y te n n is ," Chris said. "T h e y taught me how to hit the ball over the net." Although he had never played on a tennis team, when
he moved to Burk he a d v a n c e d to th e number one position on the eighth grade team. Chris is presently on the varsity team and aspires to play with the sam e pow er of Mats Wilander. "I like the smooth ness and consistency of his groundstrokes and the style he dis plays on the court," Chris said. Chris enjoys singles especially.
“j enjoy the thrill of com peting in singles, b ecause I ca n pump myself up to win. and if I don't win it is no b o d y 's f a u lt b u t mine," Chris said. P in g - p o n g , g o lf , and some occasional so cce r are som e of Chris' other interests. He is also in the G/T class and a d va n ce d math programs. Tennis is one of the ways Chris com es at life From Every Angle. •John Gillespie
INGING HIS RACKET, Chris yv prepares to hit the ball jile playing his favorite sport, inis, after school. "Photo by binette Wendt
FRESHMEN Chad Riggins Art Ritchie Rhonda Robertson Mlchell Rogers Alex Romero
Alicia Romine Chad Rowland Daniel Salsman Kyle Sargent Amy Schumacher
Belinda Scott Chris Shackelford Jennifer Shackelford Dave Shackleton Kelly Siefkas
Jason Sleeper Nyika Smith Stephen Smith Christy Spack Matt Spencer
Miller Spessard Cynthia Stephens Cynthia Stevens David Stewart Teddy Stile
Pate Ins. Agency 343 E 3rd St. 569-3347
f FRESHMEN Shawn Stllphen Tiffany Terrell Anglia Thomas Atesha Thomas Rusty Thomas
Shawn Tijerina Melissa Torrez Ryan Trahan Robert Turner Ursula Ulery
Jeremy Ullum Corey Underwood Troy Wadsworth Carle W allace Valerie W allace
Katrina helps teens Katrina Miller, fresh man, is one of many t e e n s in W ic h it a County helping peers b e c o m e a w a re of te e n a g e p ro b lem s and how to deal with them from a different angle — STAGE. She is the only fresh man, as well as the o n ly B u rk b u rn e tt member, of the newly formed group STAGE (Student Theater for Awareness, Growth, and Education). “The main purpose of the group is to In form teens of options
th e y h a v e w hen f a c e d w ith p r o b lems," Katrina said. They perform skits on a wide variety of subjects such as peer pressure, drug abuse, alcoholism, and AIDS. The members per form skits for various a g e groups at church es, schools, and many o th e r lo c a t io n s throughout the area. Katrina would like to c o n t in u e h e lp in g teens by becom ing a child psycologlst. “ I fe e l th a t kids should alw ays have
som eone to talk to and should never hold their feeling inside/' Katrina said. K a trin a is a ls o a member of the band and has been playing the piano for seven years. Katrina Is using a dif ferent angle of her life to help others to un derstand their prob lems. 'Pen n y Hutch ison PRACTICING HER MUSIC, Katrina Miller plays the xy lophone. ‘ Photo by April Daugherty
FRESHMEN Marsha Walls John Waterman Terri Watson Tamara Welch Shane White
Gayland Williams Jennifer Williams Talea Willis Wendy Wilson Jam es Woosley
Yulanda Worth Katherine Wright Chris Yellott Hui Y! Nikki York
Jeffrey Zinn
TAKING A BREAK, freshman Matt Carter rests during the halftime of a football game. 'Photo by J. Carter
state editorial write-off at the journalism convention, John Gillespie, freshman, displays his award. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
Wal-Mart Pharmacy 100 Red River Ex. 569-3308
J.D. Allen
Voc. Ed
Ja n Atchley
Secondary music
Brenda Baker Vlce-prlnclpal
Kay Blancett
Diana Bohuslav
G loria Bond
G erald Boren
Beverly Brannon
Ronald Brown
A lice Bryan
DISCUSSING CAMPUS IM PROVEMENTS are school board members Larry Holtzen, Bill El der, J.R. G ahagan, Superinten dent Danny Taylor, President Carl Law, Lynn Landrum, Don McKlnnls, and Barney Fudge. ‘ Photo by Craig Wlnsor
WEARING SWEATS TO support Drug Awareness Week, teach ers Mr. Bob Carper, Mr. Ron Law son, an d Mrs. M elanie Selvidge discuss the week's events. ‘ Photo by Jeannette Wendt
The Burkbumett Bank 317 E 3rd St S69-S201
18 4
FACULTY C arey Caldw ell Tennis
Pam ela Cam p
Bob Carpenter
Bob Carper English
Anne Darland Library Aide
Bill Darland
Tammy Darland Biology
Charles Darnel! Industrial Art
G eorge Easter Science
Ja ke Fite Vo-Ag
Baker joins staff Hardworking and anx classroom teacher. ious — that is the best She was involved in w ay to d e s c rib e the the C am p u s Im prove w ork h a b it s o f Mrs. ment Team, the Second Brenda Baker, new vice ary School Principal's Ass o c ia t io n , a n d the principal of girls' affairs. This was her first year Association of Second to work with high school ary School Curriculum Di students and her first rectors. She also worked on the student hand year in Burkburnett. High school turned out book and was in charge to be very different from of scheduling. She wants to be an ef what Mrs. Baker expect ed. fective worker and not "W hen you think of overlook the problems of high sch o o l kids you teens. "I try very hard," she think of trouble and just . . . yuckl It is not like that said, "to keep an open at all," she said. “Maybe door to all students." other schools have those 'Steve Albrecht kinds of problems, but I don't see Burkburnett High School like that at all." Mrs. Baker form erly taught in City View and Petrolia for 10 years as a WORKING ON HANDBOOK,
Mrs. B re n d a B a k e r, v i c e principal, makes needed revi sions. 'Photo by Ric Uythoven
18 5
r FACULTY Sue Fite
Nancy Frazier Computers
Peggye Fulcher Attendance
Anne G illespie
Laura Gostnell Spec.Ed.
Jan et Gum
Sandra Hamilton
Mary Harris Diagnostician
C lin e Johnson
Alex Koulovatos
Ron Lawson
Beverly Lee
G reg Leonard
Math, Ath,
Eddie M anning
M alcom Marks
Connl Marshall Science
Kay McBride
Special Ed./EDU
David M cClellan
Donna M cGill
Je a n M cNabb
Paula McNeil Homemaklng
Leroy M essenger Art/Hist,
Ron Miller
C aro le Mize
Spec. Ed. Aide
Letha Moore
School Nurse
Am aryllis Mullins
Tim Mullins Voc. Ed.
Jo e Nem ecek
Janet Niles
Susie Nix
FACULTY Steve Oates
Terry Phillips History
Jerry Pink
Toni Rains
Special Ed.
David Ress
Voc. Ed.
Linda Richards
Robert Richards
Sheryl Richardson
David Rix
Zell Schm idt Voc. Ed.
M elanie Selvldge English
Scott Slater Hlst./Athletlcs
W anda Smith Voc. Ed.
Ja ck ie Stephens Eng./Ath.
Troy Stewart Voc. Ed.
M ichael Strahan Spec. Ed. Aide
Donald Sturgill Math
Shelley Sweatt Science
Phoebe Todd
Virginia Turner
Spec. Ed./H. Bound
Vera Ward English
Sue Warren Homemaking
Jerry Watson Athletic Director
Marie Watson
Lonnie W omack
Jam es Wright Science
Tex Yeager Vice-principal Ben Hoaldridge Band director
SR. BABIES REGINA ANDERSON W e are so proud o f you. You deserve the best Love, Mow,
Dad, Sissy, Tracy, and Blake
CHARLES FRANKLIN BERRY Congratulations, Charlie! W e’re so very proud o f you. You're, one o f our many Blessings in life. W e Cove you for just Being you. M om and Dad
got the hang of Thursdays. Love, Dad and Mom
BRENT ANDREW BATTISTA Congratulations! Words can not Repress how much we Cove you ami flow protuf o f you we are. A ll our love, Your motfier and father
KIMBERLY DAWN BERRY Congratulations! You have always fulfilled our fondest expectations. Continue to be the person you are as you prepare fm the future. Love, Mom and Dad
TREVOR LEWIS CEARLEY Congratulations to a very special son. I’m so proud o f the sensitive, responsible, young mai that you've 6ecome. I love you, Mom
STEPHEN DANIEL CHISM Congratulations, we are so proud of you and wish you tfte very test in the future. Thanks for adding sunsftine to our fives. Love, Mom, Ron, and Mike
SHALAY MECHELLE COWLES Through your eighteen years of trials and tribulations, you have succeeded. This would not have been possible if it weren’t for God. W e are so very proud of you. Don't ever give up and always thank the one who watches over you. W e (ove you, Granny and Mom
SR. BABIESi APRIL MARIE DAUGHERTY Congratulations! Always walk with God and you w ill continue to attain your dreams. Love and best wisfies from your proud
MICHAEL DENHAM Congratulations! We're proud of you and your accomplishments! Good luck in college — y a have a bright future ahead! To bro’!
Love, Mom, Dad, and family
Congratulations! From Hardin Primaiy to senior at Burk High. You thought time was standing ;tiS, but it was really flying by. Love, Mom, Dad, and Marlowe
6een a pride and joy. W e loved
PAULA FORE Congratulations! You finally made it. Tfte worid is at your Jeet I love you dearfy. I wisfi you the best life possible. Love
always, Mother
SHANNON NEWMAN GILBERT Tour birth gave greater meaning to tfus manner: THOU, Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Cfirist Jesus. II Timothy 2 :1 Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Squeaker! You've watching you do a good job playing football Good luck, in the future. W e love you, Mama and
KERRY LEE GEORGE To a son we have been proud of since the day you were bom. Best o f luck in the future. Love, Mama and Daddy
JAMES MILTON HINNANT Congratulations! W e’ve known you were specialfrom the day you were bom. You continue to brighten our lives. Good hick in t he future. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations1 . W e are so proud o f you. You fiave brought so much happiness to our fives. Good hick in the future. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! Thank you for being such a wonderful son! Good hick in whatever you choose to do. Love, Mother
HOORAY.' HOORAY.' W e or very proud o f you and all that
You are tfie tight in our fives. W e wifi always be proud o f you.
you have accomplished. Good hick in the future Love, Mom and Dad
Poohâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s folks
KIMBERLY SHAWN KEELING Congratulations Kimmie! T flunks for 18 years o f enjoyment W e are vety proud to have you for our daughter. Good hick in tfie future. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! Look out wort fiere she comes. Our very best wishes for your future May ail your plans and dreams come tn Love, Dad, Mom, Shawn, and Hofi6it
far u
HEATHER DAWN LINDSEY Congratulations! I am vety proutf of you and all o f your accomplishments. I fiope off of your dreams come true. Love always, Mom
STEVEN McCullough Congratulations Steve! Burkbumett High School graduating class o f 19 89. TftW A&rM graduating class o f 199j Mom and Dad
Congratulations! Our 6est wishes to you in your future years. W e wifi always 6e very proud of
Congratulations! We're proud of you! W e love you loads. Mom, Dad and the girts
you. Love, Mom and Dad \
ir -A
Congratulations! W e are very proud o f you and w e Cove you and ftope ad o f your dreams come true. Mom, Dad and Melissa
Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! You've 6een our pride and joy from the. first day you were bom. Thanks for continuing to brighten our fives. Good tuck in the future. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! You were an answer to your father's prayers
the day you bom. Today, my prayers were answered — my son, a kind, loving, wise man. Proverbs 22:6 Love, Mom
PAMELA QUASHNOCK Congratulations! W e fiave 6een proud of you since tfie day you were bom and tfian&you/or 6eing such a 6fessing. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! Afways
remember, anything worth having is wortfi working for. Best o f tuck in alt your endeavors. Love Mom, Dad, and James
CongratulationsI A job very well done. Your future is sure to be fitted with success. W e love you. Mom, Dad, Danny, and. Cyndy
You will always be the sunshine in our fives, we are very prowl of you! Love, Mom and Dad
RUSS RUSSELL Congratulations! We're very proud o f you and your accomplishments. Good hick and happiness in the future. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations! W e are very proud o f you and w isfiyou the best in the future. W e love you very much. Mom, Dad, and Miller
Congratulations! You’re one of a kind and that makes you special! We're proud to be your parents. Best o f luck to you in the years that follow . Love, Mom and Dai
Who would o f thought that this little girl could bring so much joy to so many people. Tfuin& you you Dale for trying so hard. Love, Mom and Dad
DAKEN WILLIAM YORK Congratulations! You made it! Best o f hick in the future. Love, Mom and Dad
car r i
May God bless you and watch
over you. A ll our best Dad, Carol and Rachele.
COLOPHON Volume 49 of the Burkburnett High School Derrick was printed by Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas. With the aid and supervision of Mrs. Anne Gillespie and Taylor representative Walter Adams, the Derrick was designed through the use of Typevision. The type used throughout the book was Avant Garde and Avant Garde Bold In var ious sizes. Headlines were set in 30-point, body copy in 10-point, picture captions In 8polnt, and page numbers In 10-polnt. The cover was Llthocote with 4-color pro cessing, and 750 copies were printed using 100-pound enamel paper. The 200-page Derrick cost .$25 and the production cost was estimated at $18,950.
BRICK STAFF MEMBERS: (front row) April Daugherty, a Riggins, Stacey Patrick, Kim Hawkins, Kristin Spesrd, (m iddle row) Paula Irwin, Kim Keeling, Steve >recht, Ami Carr, (b a ck row) David Canter, J.J. BarHeather Lindsey, John Starling, C ra ig Winsor. loto by J. Carter
Photo editor. . . Craig Winsor Assistant. . . Stacey Patrick Photographers: J. Carter Rlc Uythoven Tim Torres Judith Abeiia Jeannette Wendt Pauia Irwin April Daugherty J.J. Barry Star Kosechata Katherine Ott
19.99 Derrick, we t r lw o capture through rese pages, whetherit p e now or lim e future, we opp that Jt will remind you ot the good times at rkbum wiflgh. i_ rll Daugherty and Kristin Spessard a most memorable moments. As ycfffllp
Co-editor . . . ..... Kristin Spessard C o-editor April Daugherty Academ ic editor...... 1 David canter Advertising editor............. Paula Irwin Sports editor .............. JohnStarling Sports assistant J.J. Barry Organization editor . . . . Kim Keeling Assistant editor . . . . . Heather Lindsey Senior e d ito r Nita Riggins Junior editor ............... Stacey Patrick Assistant editor .............Kim Hawkins Sophomore editor. . . . . . . . . Ami Carr Freshman e d ito r John Gillespie Assistant editor . . . . Penny Hutchison
AFTER 50 YEARS of combined sen/ice. Zell Schmidt, vocation al director, and Wes Beard, as sistant p rincip al, c e le b ra te their retirement at a school lun cheon. ‘Photo by J. Carter
SHAKING THE HAND of a young Bulldog fan, m ascot Heather Andersen, senior, entertains the crowd at a football gam e. ‘ Photo by Terry Morris
KEEPING GOOD FORM, se flag corp m em ber P Quashnock performs with band during halftime. ‘ Pf by Terry Morris
The last angle
Even though the year brought many new ad justm ents, students found their own ways of adapting to different sit uations. Many found ways to enrich their curriculum with the addition of nu merous new academ ic courses, elective cours es, and a seventh peri od. “Without the seventh class period, I would not have been able to take an e x tra ch e m istry course," Brad Rix, senior, said. Freshmen learned to live with the closed cam pus rule, e s p e c i a l l y when they knew that other classes were soon
VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM members celebrate their vic tory after the Archer City tour nament. 'Photo by Terry Morris
to join them. Nationally, G e o r g e Bush was elected Pres id e n t of the United States and two Babes marched in the inaugeral parade. Students b e ca m e a unified, spirited group which supported the Bulldogs in every sport. “The support we re ceived when we won district m ade it even better," Steve Chism, varsity basketball team member, said. W h e t h e r it w a s through sports, acad em ics, or club activities, stu dents found ways to ex press themselves FROM EVERY ANGLE. ‘ Kristin Spessard
GETTING A LIFT from sopho more Shawn Ross, Matt Carter, freshman, goofs off after lunch in the cafeteria. 'Photo by J. Carter
, . ,u , fl9> 6 0 . 7 7 . 132. 143 Abella. Judith (1 2 )........................... Achoson. Briana (11) 172 Acheson. Jason ( 9 ) .......................................... y ji Adams. Joel ( 9 ) ............ .. • ................................. 70 71 a d v a n c e d a c a d e m i c s ............................. g - ■100 146 Aire. Ani ( 1 1 ) ......................... Agee. Laura (12) Aikens. Sieve (1 1 ) .............................." ! ” ” ! ‘ m .’ 132 Alaniz. Eddie (1 Z )............................ 158
Anderson. Hegina ( 1 2 )
7, 32.
Andrade. Peggy (9) ............................................ ' i rw ' A n tia Aimee ( 1 0 ) ............................................. 33. 0 9 . Antwine. Amber ( 1 0 ) ...................................... Appleton. Kristeen (12) 98. Arens. Tommy ( 9 ) .......................................... Armstrong. Jason (9) Armstrong. Jeremy ( 9 ) ................................. Arthur. Melanie (F) Ask ms, Keith ( 1 2 ) ......................................................... ... Atchley, Allyson ( 1 1 ) ................................................
172 158 58 172 32
:::: 'i:* * ; m.' a * » }» Austin, Brandi ( 1 1 ) ................................................
Babb. Andrea ( 9 ) ............................................................. ^ Baker, Andrew (9) Baker. Brenda ( F ) ..................................................... 1®^. *®3 Baker, Corey ( 9 ) .................................................................... \ Baker. Karen ( 1 1 ) ................................................................. ^ Baldwin. John (11) Baldwin. Stacy ( 1 1 ) ............................................................ 1^® Bale. Cory ( 1 2 ) ...................................................................... I®2 Bale, John ( 9 ) ....................................................... ®2. 9 3 . 172 Bales. Melissa ( 1 1 ) ..................................................... 23. 146 Ballentine, Annilee (10) B A N D ........................................................................... 110. I l l Bangs, David ( 9 ) ....................................................... 100, 172 Bangs, Dawn ( 1 1 ) ..................................................... 1 1 5 ,1 4 6 Bangs. Krista ( 1 0 ) 111. 123, 158 Barfield. Mike ( 1 1 ) ................................................................ 146 Barker. Jackie ( 1 1 ) .................................................. 100. 146 Barnes, Roderick (11) Barnett, Richard ( 1 2 ) ............................................. 116, 132 Barnett, Serena ( 9 ) .................................................. 100, 172 Barnett. Stevie ( 9 ) ...................................................................172 B arrager, Paul (1 1 ) ..................................................... 90. 146 Barry. J J . ( 1 1 ) ................................ 60. 82. 90. 9 1 , 146, 193 Bartley. Jannie (9) 127, 172, 173 B A S EB A L L ................................................................. 102, 103 BASKETBALL.................... 90. 9 1 . 9 2 . 9 3 . 9 4 . 95. 96. 97 Battista. Brent ( 1 2 ) ................... 38. 4 2 . 82, 119, 132. 188 Battles. Lewayne ( 1 0 ) ............................................. I l l , 167 Baxter, Aaron (10) Beam. Eugene ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 158 Beard, Wes (F) ........................................................................194 Beasley. Art ( 1 0 ) .......................................................... 9 9 . 158 Beaty, Kelly ( 1 2 ) ..................................................................... 116 Bedford. Bennie ( 1 0 ) 84, 100, 158 Bedford. Ladonna ( 1 1 ) ........................................... 116. 146 Beeks. Eileen ( 1 2 ) ............................................................... 132 Beeks, Eric ( 1 0 ) ................................................................... 158 Beem an. Tracy ( 1 2 ) .......................................................... 116 Beeson, Jimmy ( 1 0 ) ............................................................ 158 Bell. Kathy ( 1 0 ) ............................................... 110. 111 158 BeraaL Veronica (10) Bernard. Lee ( 9 ) ................................................................. . . . 173 Berry. Charles ( 1 2 ) .................... 110. 111. 121 132, 188 Berry. Kim ( 1 2 ) 12. 87, 111. 123. 132 Berry. Renee ( 1 1 ) ....................... 108. 109. 115. 146 Besher, Kathie ( 1 0 ) .................... ............................. 158 Besher. Kenny ( 1 2 ) .................... ............................. 119 Bills, Tammy (10) Bilyeu, Billy ( 9 ) ........................... 85. 9 3 , 173 Bilyeu. Brandi ( 1 0 ) .................... .................. 17. 158 Bilyeu, C raig ( 1 1 ) ...................... ................. 119. 147 Bishop, John (1 0 )......................... ............................. 158 Black, Michael (1 1 ).................... ............................. 147 Blackmon. Richard (12) Blake, Lana ( 1 0 ) ......................... ............................. 158 Blakley. Daryl ( 1 1 ) .................... 82. 116, 147 Blancett, Carolyn ( 1 0 ) ............ . . 125, 159, 166 Blancett, Kay (F )......................... 184 Blevins. Eddie ( 1 1 ) .................... 147 Blevins, Jerri (11) 100. 101. 116, 147 Blue, Daniel (9) Blue, Wayne (10) . . ..................................98 BLUES ........................ ...................... 26. 27 Boatman. Shelly (10) 100. 101. 159 Bodine, Danny (10). 84. 85. 159 Bohuslav. Diana (F) .................... 58, 184
173 Bolden, Michael ( 9 ) ......................................... 184 Bond. Gloria ( F ) .............................................. 59. 184 Boren. G erald ( F ) ............................... 129, 133 Bosson, K alee (1 2 )................................. 116 Bouder, Christal (11) .............................................. Bouder. David (12) Boudy, Chris (10) 159 Bowles. Jason (10) ....................................... Bowley, Frankie (10) .................................................... •• •159 133 Bowley, M ary (12) .......................................... 159 Bowley, Rhonda (1 0 )................... 173 Boyd, D ena ( 9 ) ................................................................... 116 Boyd. Julie ( 1 1 ) j •■ j • • 134 Boyd. Scott (12)................................. 21 ' l 0 2 - 1 3 3 ' 159 Boyett, Jimmy (1 0 ) ................................. 116, 117 BPA . Bradford. G erald ( 1 2 ) ............................... 8 2 . 8 3 . 121. 133 Bradley, Kevin (1 0 ) .............................................................. . 159 .1 7 3 B r a g g . C harles ( 9 ) ................................................io n io i B ragg. Kenny (10) ......................................... *2 ®* *2 *' 159 B ragg, Kim (10) ..................................................................... . 159 Brannon. Beverly (F) ............................................................ 184 Brantley. Jerry (12) .1 1 6 Brantley, L au ra ( 1 2 ) ................................................. .1 7 3 Brantley, R achel ( 9 ) ................................................. Brass, Kenneth (10) Braziel, Mike ( 1 2 ) .................................. 1 H , 125, 133. 188 Brennan, S ean ( 1 1 ) ............................................... 9 2 , 9 3 , 147 Bright, Scott ( 1 1 ) ............................................... 1 1 1 ,1 1 6 , 147 Broday, Monica ( 1 2 ) ....................................... 1 25, 133, 147 Brouwer, Mark ( 1 2 ) ................................................................. 133 Brown, Becky ( 1 2 ) ................................................................... 133 Brown, C on rad ge ( 1 0 ) ..................... 2 5 , 8 4 , 8 5 , 100, 159 Brown, Enez ( 9 ) ................................................................ ®7, 173 Brown, Ronald ( F ) ................................................................... 184 173 Brown, Scotty ( 9 ) ...................................................... 1 Brugm ann, Michelle ( 1 2 ) ........... 6 5 , 108, 109, 116, 127 Brunk, C arl ( 1 0 ) ............................................................ ®1» 159 B ryan, A lic e (F ).............................................................. 2 8 , 184 Bucy, Kelly (9) .............................................................. 125. 173 Burandt. Thomas (11) Burchett, Suzi (10) ®®»8®« 159 Burnett, Chris ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 159 117 Burris, Micci ( 1 2 ) ................................................................ Burt, S h ana ( 1 2 ) ........................................................... 116* 133
C adw ell, Amy (12) C ag e, Chuck ( 1 2 ) ............................................... 7 7 , 106, 111 C ag le, Malcom (F) Caldwell, C a re y ( F ) ..................................................... 9 9 , 185 C all. Peggy ( 1 1 ) ......................................................... 116. 147 C allah an , Cori (1 1 ) .................................................................. 147 C allen, Dale (9) ................................................. 2 5 , 111, 173 C alton, Brian ( 1 1 ) ...................................................... 1 00, 160 Cam erlin, Cindy ( 1 1 ) ............................................ 1 09. 160 C am p, Pam ela (F) .................................................................. 185 Cam pbell, Kevin (10) Cam pbell, Lori ( 1 2 ) .................................................................. 133 C anter. Amy ( 1 0 ) 18. 123, 126, 1 27, 160, 168 C an ter, David ( 1 2 ) .................................... 7 1 , 8 6 . 134, 193 Cantw elL D eanna (12) C antwell, Jan (12) .................................................................. 134 Cantwell, John ( 9 ) .....................................................................173 C ap eh art, Stephanie ( 9 ) ................................... 9 7 , 111, 173 C aporale, Bradley (12) C a ra w a y , Mike ( 1 2 ) ........................................... 6 8 , 119, 134 C ard en as, D iana ( 1 1 ) .................................... 100, 147, 149 C ardin, Angelic ( 9 ) .................................................................. 173 Carlile, Kelvie ( 1 0 ) .................................................................. 160 C aron, T racey ( 1 0 ) .................................................................. 1 60 C arp enter, Bob ( F ) .................................................................. 1 85 C arp enter, Kevin ( 1 1 ) 4 4 , 8 2 , 147 C arp enter. Mrs. Sheryl ( F ) ............................ 5 8 , 1 12, 121 C arp er, Bob ( F ) .................................................... 8 6 , 184, 185 C arp er, Robert (F) ...................................................... 8 4 , 160 C arr, Ami ( 1 2 ) .............................................................. 1 3 4 ,1 9 3 C arter. J. ( 1 0 ) ............................ 6 0 . 6 1 . 6 7 . 1 25. 126. 160 C arter. Matt ( 9 ) .......................... 85. 8 6 . 9 3 . 174, 1 83. 195 C artw right, Mark (F) C asad o s, C a ssa n d ra ( 1 0 ) ....................................... 160 C asey , Robert ( 1 1 ) ......................................... 114, 119, 147 C asteen, Becky ( 1 0 ) ................................................. . . I l l , 160 C asteen, Robert (1 1 )................................................. . . 119, 147 C astro, Angelique ( 1 0 ) ............................................ 160 C astro, Ereina ( 9 ) .................................... 8 9 , 109, 174 C astro, Lanette ( 1 1 ) ............................... . . 119, 148 CatheraU, Teresa ( 1 1 ) ............................ ................. 148 C aven der, Trina ( 1 0 ) ........................................................ 160 C earley , Trevor ( 1 2 ) ................................................. 134, 188 Cely, Keri (1 1 ) ------ 3 1 . 8 9 . 9 6 . 1 00, 113, 123, 129, 148. 154 C ham berlain. Brian (9) . 8 5 , 8 6 , 8 7 . 9 3 , 174 Cham bers, Lee (10) . . . . 160 Chancellor. Errica ( 1 0 ) . . 160 Chandler. Korey (11) . . . 7 7 . 116, 148 C haney, W anona (9) C havis, Gwendolyn (11) C havis, Michelle (11) . . . . 148
C havis, T racy (10) C heatheam , Richard (10) CHEERLEADERS ............. C heney, Roslyn (11) Chism, Mike ( 1 1 ) ................ Chism, Steve ( 1 2 ) ............. Chon, Young (11) Christ, Thomas (12) Christian, M ark(10) Christopher, Jam es (10) C huculate, Marti (11) C IN D E B F E L L A .................. C lam pitt, Donna (F) C lark, Kim ( 1 2 ) .................. C larke. Rhonda (10) C larke, R ichard (11) Clem ent, Tim (11) C leveland, Mark (9) C leveland, Melody (11) C LO SIN G .......................... Cobb, Barbie (10) . Cobb, Windy ( 9 ) -----C ochran, B rian (11) Coker, C rystle (12) . C olem an, D aren (11) Colem an, Steve (12) CO LOPHON.................... C O M PU TERS.................. Conroy, Michelle (10) Conroy. S e a n (9) Cooke, Ernie ( 9 ) . . . . C ooper, K atrina (9) C opeland, Robert (12) C ordova, Linda (10) C orley, Chris (10) . C om stubble, Scott (12) Coutu, Lee ( 9 ) ............... C ove, Karl ( 1 1 ) ............. Cow les, S h alay (12) C ox, Dennis (9) . . . . C ox, Robert (11) C ox, Shannon (11) C ox, T racey ( 1 2 ) ............. C rab tree, A ngela (10) . . C rab tree, Leon (11) C ra b tre e , Sam (10) C rain . C h ad (12) Craw ford. Angier (11) Craw ford, Dena (9) . C raw ford, Sh aria (9) C ra y . Sherri (11) C reg g er, Joe (10) C reg g er, John (12) C rockarell, JD ( 1 0 ) . . . . C unningham , Nick (11) C urtis, G ary (12) Curtis, Jerald (10) C urts, Fran k (12) C urts, Keith (12)
Daniels, Cindy (10) Daniels, Jam es (11) Danielson, Krissy (9) D arland, Anne (F) D arland, Bill ( F ) . . D arland, Kelli (11) D arland, Kristi (9) D arland, Tam my (F) Darnell, C harles (F) D aron, Jeff (10) D ATIN G .......................... Daugherty, April (12) D augherty, Melissa (11) D avis, C h ad (10) D avis, Donald (10) D avis. Jam es (11) Davis, Melissa (10) Davis, Morris (11) Davis, R eb ecca (9) Davis, Renee (10) Deason, Brian (10) D E C A ......................... Deen, Angie (9) . . Demel. C ath y (10) Demel, Sandy (12) Denehy, John (10) Denham, Mike (12) Dewvall, Denise (10) . . . Diaz, H elena (12) Dilbeck, Jam ie (9) Dilbeck, Katrina (10) Dilbeck, Mitzy (10) Dison, B arry (10) Do. Vu ( 9 ) .................. Dobbs, K aren (10) Dominguez, Vince (11) Doolittle, Dawn (9)
................................ 135 Downes, Chris (12) . . . . . . 149 Downes. Melissa (11) 84. 100, 162 Downing. Michael (10) . 43. 7 1 . 79. 82. 135 Downing, Raymond (12) ................................ 149 Downing, Stormy (1 1 ). . .................... 66. 149 Doyle. Johnette (11) 17. 85. 175 Drake, Dwayne ( 9 ) .......... .................... 124, 125 DRAMA.............................. ................................ 149 Draper. Chris (1 1 ) .......... 162 Drevyanko, Mike (1 0 ). . . .................... 108, 109 DRILL T EA M ...................... ....................... 30. 31 DRUG AW ARENESS. . . ........................... 175 Drury. Stevie ( 9 ) ............... 110, 111. 116, 149 Dubose. Angela ( 1 1 ) . . . .................... 109. 162 Ducioame. Nicole (10) . 162 Duhon, Troy ( 1 0 ) ............... . . 88. 89. 124. 127 Duncan. Tonya (11) Dutton. Larry (A) 15. 41. 47. 94. 162 Dwyer, Marlowe (10) Dwyer, Yanci ( 1 2 ) .......... 41. 43. 94. 115. 121. 135. 189
Eades, Kim (10) ......................................................................162 Easter, G eorge (F) .................................................................185 Easter. M arva (9) Eddy, Daniel ( 9 ) ................................................ 98. I l l , 175 Edgerton, Lisa ( 9 ) ..................................................... 125, 175 Edwards. Danyella ( 9 ) .............................................. 89, 175 Elder. Bill (A) 128. 129. 162 Elder, Laura (10) ................................. Elliott. Jesse (12) . . . 116. 149 Elliott. Kathy ( 1 1 ) ..................................................... Elliott. Tammy ( 1 1 ) ................................................... . . . 123. 149 . . . 116. 136 Ellis, Cherie ( 1 2 ) ........................................................ . . . 124. 162 Ellis. Debra ( 1 0 ) ........................................................ Ellis, Rusty ( 1 1 ) ................................................... 82, 119. 149 Enns. Laura ( 1 0 ) .............................................. 100, 101. 162 Espinoza. Allred ( 9 ) ................................................... 85. 175 Etheredge, Laurie ( 1 1 ) .............................................. 150 Evans, Allen ( 1 2 ) ......................................... 23, 54.. 87. 136
F A C U L T Y ......................... FA N S................................... Farab ee, Patrick (9) . . . Farrow , Brandi (9) . . . . F A S H IO N ......................... F C A ...................................... Fennessy. Jennifer (1 0 ). F F A ...................................... FH A ...................................... Fidaleo, Tony ( 1 0 ) .......... Fikes, C had ( 1 1 ) ............. Fikes, Robin ( 9 ) ............... FINE A R T S ....................... Fite, Jake ( F ) .................... Fite, Sue (F) .......... Fleming, Penny (12) . . . Fletcher, Shelly (10) . . Floyd, Rosalyn (1 0 ). . . . FO O T B A LL....................... Ford, Chrystal (9) Ford. Mark ( 1 2 ) ............... 56. 82. 83. Ford, Marshall ( 9 ) ................................... Ford, Misty ( 1 0 ) ........................................ Fore. Paula ( 1 2 ) ................................... Fore, Vickie ( 1 0 ) .......... Fortin, Scott ( 1 0 ) ............. Foster. Chris (9) ................................... Fouquet, Tammy (11) Fox, Brian ( 1 0 ) ...................................... Fran ce, Steve (12) ............................ Frazier, N ancy (F )................................. French. Denise (10) FRENCH C L U B ...................................... French, Bridgette (11) ....................... Frerich, Dale ( 1 0 ) .................. FRESHMEN.................... F T A ............................................................ Fudge. Barney ( 9 ) ................................. Fulcher, Peggye (F) . . . Fuller. Richard (1 1 ).............................. Fullerton, Aaron (11) . 50, 71, 113, 121
.................184 . . 104. 105 .................175 89. 109. 175 20, 21 . . 120. 121 . . H I . 162 .................114 .................115 . . . 6 3 . 162 .................150 ................. 175 76. 77 ....................185 186 87. 136 . . . 163. 165 . 94. 9 6 , 163 82. 83. 8 4 , 85 121. 136. 189 ................... 175 ................... 163 116. 136. 189 . . . I l l , 163 72. 163 ................... 175 . . . 161, 163 40. 121. 136 74. 186 . . . 120, 121 ................... 150 ................... 163 ..................... 172 122, 123 85. 176 186 ......................150 125, 127, 150
G ahagan, J R (A) Galloup, Martha ( 1 1 ) ............................................. 116. 150 Galloup, Paul (12) ................................................................ 136 G arcia, Yasmin ( 1 1 ) ................................................... 96, 150 Garrine, Benilde ( 1 1 ) ........................................................... 150 G arza, Nicole (9) ...................................................................176 G ates, Tommy ( 9 ) ....................................................... 125, 176 George, Kerry ( 1 2 ) .............................. I l l , 113, 136, 189 GETTING A R O U N D .................................................... 32. 33
Gibson, Kristi (9 ). . . . . 74. 89. 176 Gibson, Shannon ( 9 ) .......... 8 9. 176 Gilbert, Sh alae (11) . . . . . 150 Gilbert, Shane (12) . . . 52, 82. 121, 124, 125, 136, 189 Gilbert. Shelli (11) . 116, 150 Gillespie, Anne ( F ) ............. 186 Gillespie, John (9) . . 9, 30, 61. 120. 125. 127, 172, 176, 183 Glashan, Mike ( 9 ) ............... ..................................................176 G lasscock, Kurt (10) . . ..................................................163 G lasscock. Richard (10) . . ....................................................84 Glougie, S arah ( 1 1 ) .......... . . 150 Godo, John ( 1 2 ) ............. 69. 86, 119, 136 Goff, Sheila ( 1 2 ) .................. .................. 28. 109. 117, 136 Goins, Becky ( 1 1 ) ............... . 109. 150 Goins, Lonny ( 1 1 ) ............... 114. 115, 150. 152 G O L F ...................................... ........................................ 86. 87 G ongaw are, Melissa (9) . . . . 97. 176 98. 137 Gonzalez, Maria (12) . . . . Goode. Dawn ( 1 1 ) ............... . 116. 150 . . 45. 150 Goode, Mindy ( 1 1 ) ............. Goodman, Christy (9) . 150 Goodner, Kevin ( 1 1 ) .......... Gossett, David ( 1 1 ) ............. . 116. 118. 150 186 Gostnell, Laura ( F ) ............. 118 G raham . Bill ( 1 0 ) ............... . . 176 G raham , Sam i ( 9 ) ............... G reen, Lori (10) .................. .............................. 88. 96. 163 G reen, W ade ( 1 0 ) ............... 86 Greeno, David ( 1 1 ) ............. .................. 66. 79. 113, 150 G reenw ay. Missy (9) . . . . 176 100 Gregory, Brandy (9) . Gregory, Rosa (F) Griffin. Kelly (12) . . . 33, 56. 78. 109, 116. 136 Griner, Kelly (11) . . ............................... 116, 150 Griner, Rhonda (9) . . .............................................176 Grout, Kendra (12) . . .............................................137 Groves, Charles (10) ............................... 111. 163 . . 150 Grubbs, Byron (11) . . .............................................176 G rubbs. Jam es (9) . . . .............................................163 G ubem ath, Lisa (10) . 116, 150 Guilliams, Gwen (11) .............................. 124, 186 Gum, Janet ( F ) .......... 82 Gwynn, Travis (1 2 ). .
Hackney, Tony (10) . . . . Hadley, Steve ( 9 ) ............. H aenaL M arc (1 2 ) ............. H aggerty. Katrina (12) Hale, Daniel (9) ............... Haley, Rickey (11) . . Hall, Jam es ( 1 2 ) ............... Hall, M arcia (12) ............. Hall. Tammy ( 9 ) ............... Haltom, Sheryl (11) Hamilton, D ana (1 0 ). . . . Hamilton, Kathy (11) Hamilton. San dra (F) Hampton, Erika (11) . . . Hancock, Brian ( 9 ) .......... Hanlon, Pat ( 1 0 ) ............... Hanold, Joe ( 1 2 ) ............... Hansen, Deena (12) . . . . Hardy, Terri (1 1 ). . Harrington. C oral (9) Harrington, Michael (11) Harris, April ( 1 1 ) ............... Harris, Delinda ( 9 ) .......... Harris, Holly ( 1 1 ) ............. Harris, Mark ( 9 ) ............. Harris, Mary ( 1 1 ) ............. Hartwell. Ross (12) Hartzell, Charles (11) H asse, Janine (11) . . . . Hawkins, Johnny (12) . . Hawkins, Kim (11) . . . . HECE ................................. Helms, Jennifer (11) . . . Hemphill. Ed ( 1 1 ) .......... Henderson, Christine (11 Henderson, Erik ( 9 ) .......... Henderson, Jam es (12) . Henderson, William (9) . Hervey, Curtis ( 1 1 ) .......... Hicks, Jeralyn ( 1 0 ) .......... Higgins, C had ( 1 0 ) .......... Higgins, Matt ( 1 1 ) ............ High, Brian (10) ............... Hightower, Brian (10) . . , Hightower. C laren ce (11] Hill, Michelle (12) Hill, Timothy ( 1 0 ) ............ Hinnant, Jam ie (12) . . . Hoaldridge, Ben (F) . . . Hofmaier, Nicole (10) . . Hofmann, Jon (1 1 ) ............ Holcomb, Micki ( 9 ) .......... Holland, Tammy (12) . .
.............................. 9 2 . 163 ............................................ 85 50. 70. 7 1 . 7 9 . 121, 137 . 8 5 . 176 119 137 119. 137 176 163 186 94. 150 93. 176 111 , 114. 163 . . . 1 0 0 . 1 0 1 . 121 53. 117, 121. 137 . . . 113. 116, 150 ................. I l l , 176 8 2 . 113. 150 ............................. 151 ............................. 176 .................. 99. 151 .................. 85. 176 . . . 100. 151. 186
................................ 151 24, 25. 41. 42. 137 114. 151, 193 .................... 116. 117 .................... 121. 151 20. 113, 151 61. 113. 151 .................... 111. 176 . 41. 90. 133. 137 .................... 125. 176 ................................151 ................................163 .................... 111. 163 ................................151 ................................163 .................... 90. 163 45. 90. 151 21. 56. 137 ................................163 . 137. 189 1 1 1 . 187 164 151 176 137. 190
Holloway, Larry (9) ............................................................. 176 Holtzen, Brandon (9) Holtzen, Heath ( 9 ) .................................................................. 176 Holtzen, Larry (A) HOME ECONOMICS 56, 57 HOMECOMING 1 0 .1 1 ,1 4 ,1 5 HONORS . . . . 38, 39, 40. 41, 42, 43, 44. 45. 46, 47. 48. 49, 52. 53. 54, 55 Hood, Guy (11) Hosmer, Bobbie (10) . . . . 164 Hosmer, Joanne (10) . . . . 164 Howard. Tim (11) . . . 151 Howell. Dean (1 2 ). . 18. 35. 127, 138, 190 Hubbard. Kurt is (11) Huffington, Amy (10) . . 88. 94. 96, 100. 164 Hutchinson, Wendy (12) . 111. 123, 138, 190 Hutchison, Penny (9) . . 61. 109. 122, 123, 127. 176 Hysell, Eddie ( 1 0 ) .......... 164
Ibarra, M ayra (10) . . Ingram, Brandy (11). Irwin, Lisa (9) . . . . Irwin. Paula (12). . . Isaacs, Melissa (11) . Isaacs, Nolan (10). . . Ivory, Linda (12) Ivory, Michael (12) . .
164 . . 164 49, 100, 101. 176 60. 61. 125, 138. 193 ....................... 1 0 0 ,1 1 6 ,1 5 1 . 164 .............................................. 138 38. 54. 57. 82. 83. 90. 138
Jackson, Patrick (1 1 ). . . H I . 152 Jackson, Sharon (10) . 88. 96. 164 Jam es, Ted (F) ............... 98, 123. 175. 177 Jans. Tina ( 9 ) ................. . 109. 164 Jarrett, Michelle (1 0 ). Jeffreys, Eric (9) .......... . . 93. 177 Jennings, D ana (10) Jennings, Denna (9) . 49. 98. 164, 172, 177 39. 54. 63. 79. 92. 113, 138 Jensen. Brian (12) . . . .............................................. 164 Jensen, Kevin (1 0 ). . . . . 28. 29 J O B S ............... . . 164 Johnson. Aaron (10) . . . 33. 138. 144 Johnson, Brandon (12) ................................ 138, 159 Johnson, C asey (12) . Johnson. Cline (F) . . . . . 82. 186 Johnson. K arla (9 ). . ................................... 100. 101. 177 46. 47. 89. 94. 95. 100. 129. 158. Johnson, Kasey (10) 164 . . 82. 138 Johnson, Kenny (12) . 177 Johnson, Lam eshia (9) .1 6 4 Johnson. Mary (10) . . 15. 38. 40. 42. 82. 83. 100. 102. Johnson, Rob (12) 138. 140 111. 177 Johnson, Sharon (9) 86. 164 Johnston, Joe (10) . . . . 86. 164 Jones, Cy ( 1 0 ) .......... 67. 99. 114. 115. 138. 190 Jones, Jason (12) . . . . . 92. 164 Jones, Robert (10) . . . 89. 94. 138 Jones, Sandy (12) Jordan, Joe (12) 60. 61 JOURNALISM . . ...1 4 6 JU N IO RS....................
Kahoe, Jodie (9) . . . Kahrs, Kenneth (11) . . . . Kalb. Danielle ( 9 ) ............... Kalb. Jayson ( 1 0 ) ............... Kalenak. Chris (11) Kapraun. Christopher (10) Kaspar. Troy ( 1 1 ) ............... Kearns, Steve ( 1 1 ) ............ Keath, Lathen ( 9 ) ............... Keeling. Chris (10) 7. 36. 40 Keeling. Kim (12) . 113. 125. Keen, Lori (10) .......... Keith. Sharon (1 2 ). . . Kelly, Brad (1 2 ). . . Kelly. Detric (1 0 ). . . Kelsey. Jenaya (9) . . Keltner. Dawn (9) . . . Keltner, Dent (9) . . . . Kennedy. John (10) . . Ketchum, Debbie (11) Ketchum. Jimmy (12) Ketchum, Steve (11) . Key, Justin ( 9 ) ............ Kilcrease, Kevin (10) Kimbro, Stephanie (9) King, Dion ( 1 2 ) .......... King. Ilara (9) . . King, Kelly (1 2 ). . . . King. Kevin (11) . . . .
. . 98. 125. 177 . 120. 121. 152 . . 114, 177 . 84. 164 ............... 111. 121. 164 ...................................152 . 114, 115. 152 . . 32. 177 . . 35. 84. 165 42. 55. 61. 70. 99. 112. 132, 134. 139. 190. 193 ............... 110, 121. 165 110. 111. 123. 139. 190 19. 25. 127. 139 .6 2 .1 7 7 . . 97. 177 . . 86. 125. 177 ...................... 165 . . 20. 99. 152 . . 68. 135, 139 . . 28. 99. 152 . 111. 177 ................. 177 . 100. 177 . 71. 82. 102. 116. 139 . . 89. 97. 100. 178 113, 122. 123. 139. 144 152
.................165 49 . 8 5 . 9 3 , 124. 178 . . . 111. 178 152 152 . . . 28. 139 ............... 116. 152 3 6 . 6 0 . 9 6 , 152 7 9 8 8 . 89. 94. 95. 186 165 ................................178 7 3 . 114. 165
Kinnaird. Jessie (10) Kirkpatrick. Erik (9) Klamath. Chris ( 9 ) .. Knapp, Floyd ( 1 0 ) .. Knox. Jeneen (11) . . Koch. Kathy ( 1 2 ) . . . Kohlhorst. Julie (11) Kosechata. Star (11) Koulovatos. Alex (F) Kuhn. Rhonda (10) . KunkeL Tam ara (9). Kurszewslri. Joe (10)
Ladyman. Tammy ( 1 0 ) ............................................. J®3 Lafayette. Chris (9 ).................................................. “ {• } ' “ Lambert, Billy ( 9 ) .................................................... 11 e* i oq 165 Lambert. David ( 1 2 ) ................................................ I ^
: : : : : : : : : : :
4 o .8 7 .i 2 9 .1 3 2 .1 3 9
Landrum, Lynn (A) Laviolette. Freddie (11) Law. C arl (A) Lawlor. John ( 1 1 ) ..................................................... }!? Lawson Ron (F ) 184. loo Lawson. Dondra ( 1 0 ) 19. 3 2 . 8 8 . 165. 167 Le. Kim (1 2 )............................................. 116. H 7 - I 3 0 - I 33 Ledbetter, Stacye (12) Lee. Beverly (F )...................................................... • • * 2 4 . 186 Lee. Feletia ( 1 0 ) 8 8 . 9 4 . 100. 165. 169 L e e .L y n n ( l l ).................................................. 1 0 9 .1 1 3 .1 5 2 Leistner. Missy (1 1 )................................................................ *|j2 Leistner. Theresa ( 1 2 ) ............................................. 119, 139 Leonard. Cory ( 1 2 ) .................................................. H®» 129 Leonard. Greg ( F ) ................................................ 8 5 . 9 2 . 186 LewaDen. Keith ( 9 ) ..................................................... 87, 178 Lewis, Aaron ( 1 0 ) ................................................ 8 4 . 9 2 , 165 Lewis. Angel ( 1 0 ) ...................................................................188 Lewis, Scott ( 9 ) ........................................................................178 Lewis, Silvia ( 1 0 ) ...................................................................185 Lightfool Melissa ( 9 ) ........................................................... 178 Lindsey, Heather ( 1 2 ) 7 , 139, 190, 193 Lindsey. John (1 1 ) ........................................... 1 1 4 ,1 1 9 ,1 5 3 Link. Cindy ( 1 0 ) ..................................................................... 165 LOCAL C R E D IT S 7 8 , 79 Lochridge, Kress ( 9 ) ........................................ 8 5 , 111, 178 LO C K ER S 18. 19 Longhenry, Denise ( 9 ) ............................................. 98, 178 Longhenry, Je n n iie r ................................................................98 Loveless, Dustin (1 1 )..............................................................153 Loveless, Shane (1 1 ) ..............................................................153 Loyd. Heather ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 165 Lu. John (11) Ludwig, Robert ( 1 1 ) .................................................. 9 2 , 153 LU N C H 2 2 , 23 Lynch. Tim ( 9 ) ..........................................................................178 Lyne, Tanya ( 1 1 ) ..................................................... 1 1 5 ,1 5 3
Mace, Matine (1 1 ).................................................... 124. 153 Mace, Penny (12) Maddox. Kathy ( 1 2 ) ........................................ 111. 121. 139 Madsen. Sandy ( 1 1 ) ..............................................................153 Moffett, Chris (1 1 ) ............................................. 8 7 .1 2 1 ,1 5 3 Maffett, Emily ( 9 ) ................................................. 9 8 . 9 9 , 178 M agee, Dawn ( 9 ) .................................................... 123. 178 Malone, Ben (9 )............................................................ 8 5 , 178 MandreD. Julie ( 1 0 ) ................................................................165 Mannen. Beverly ( 1 0 ) 30. 165 Manning, Eddie (F )..................................................... 6 2 , 186 M anuel Rochelle (1 0 ) 19, 165 Mardis, Jason (1 0 )...................................................................165 Marks, Malcom ( f ^ ................................................................ 186 Marsh. Jenniier ( 1 0 ) 9 4 , 165 M arshall Conni (F ).................................................... 1 2 3 ,1 8 6 M arshall Roger ( 1 2 ) ................................ 73, 118, 139, 191 Martin, Ailie (9) 89, 178 Martin. Grant ( 9 ) ................................................. 4 8 . 9 3 . 178 Martin. Jam es (12) Martin. Jeff (1 0 ) ............................................................ 4 6 ,1 6 6 Martin. Robin (12) ............................................ 55, 116, 139 Martin, Tonya ( 9 ) ............... io*i 170 Massey, Johnny ( 9 ) ............................................................ 178 ................................................................................. 6 2 . 63 Matthews. Parrish ( 1 0 ) .................... 46. 4 7 . 84. 121. 166 May. Schuyler ( 1 0 ) 7 2 , J 66 Mays, Trent ( 9 ) 48, 8 6 . 9 3 . 114! 178 McBride. Kay (F ) .................................................... jgg McCalhster, Charlene ( 11) 116, 153 McCallister. Kenneth (1 2 ) 7 9 * 14Q McClain. Blake ( 9 ) 48, 9 9 . I l l , 172] 178 McCleDan. David ( F ) * jg e McClure. Suzanne ( 12) ........................................ 14Q McClurkan, Paul (11) ................................... J 53
140 McCoy. John ( 1 2 ) ........................................................... McCoy. Tim ( 1 2 ) ......................................................... } } » ■ * ! ? M cCraine, Polly ( 1 0 ) .............................m v o r r inn ton McCullough. Steve ( 1 2 ) .................. 3 3 , 3 9 . 6 5 . 140, 190 McCurley. Frank ( 1 2 ) •• • ice M cCutcheon. Sheryl ( 1 0 ) ....................................... McDonald. Joesph ( 1 0 ) .......................................a c i n o t e e McDonald. Lisa ( 1 0 ) ......................................... 36- 10° - J 3 ® McDonald, M ax ( 1 2 ) .............................................................. M cGarry. David ( 1 1 ) .............................................i n 0 6 186 M
^ f a jX
40. a
75. m
im . n s .
Nixon, P J ( 1 1 ) ....................................................................7 3 ,1 1 4 Noakes, Justen ( 1 2 ) 9 9 , 141, 191 Nolen, Lori ( 1 1 ) ........................................................... 1 1 6 ,1 5 4 Norton, B randia ( 1 1 ) 9 9 , 121, 154 Nunn, D allas ( 1 1 ) ....................................... 2 5 , 4 5 , 115, 154 Nunn. Jam ie ( 9 ) .............................................................. 9 7 , 179 Nunn, Scott ( 1 2 ) ......................................... 7 8 , 86, 100, 141
O ates, S teve ( F ) ............................................................. 8 2 , 187 Odom, Kevin ( 1 2 ) ....................................................................141 McKee. C i n d i ( U ) .................................................................... 153 O FFIC E EDUCATION.................................................... 6 4 ,6 5 McKinnis, Don (A) OHver, David ( 1 2 ) 114, 119, 141 J7* McLaughlin. K asey ( 9 ) .......................................... • Oliver, Rhonda ( 1 1 ) ...............................................................154 McLaughlin. Sh ane ( 1 0 ) .................................... 19- 8 4 . 166 O P E N IN G ................................................................................. 2 . 3 McMullen. Ronny ( 1 1 ) ............................................ Ortiz. C arm en ( 1 1 ) ............. 4 5 . 1 20. 1 24, 127, 1 29, 154 McNabb. Jean ( F ) ............................................................... ■- J ? ? Ortiz. Tina ( 1 1 ) ............. 4 4 , 6 1 , 1 2 0 , 1 24. 125, 127, 154 McNeil. P au la ( F ) ......................................................... 186 O sborne. C a rla ( 9 ) 9 7 . I l l , 179 McReynolds. Melody ( 1 0 ) ...................................... - 6 4 . 166 O sborne, Terry ( 1 2 ) .................................................... 119, 141 M eadows. Jason (12) ......................................... 3 4 , 9 0 . 140 O sbum . R ach o n d a ( 9 ) ..........................................................179 Mediord. Jimmy ( 9 ) .................................................................. Ostby, L arry ( 9 ) .......................................................................179 Medford, Tonya ( 1 0 ) ................................................................J ™ Ott. Katherine ( 1 0 ) ...................................................... 6 0 , 167 Medillin, Johnny ( 1 2 ) ............................................................. “ 7 O verton, Terry ( 1 2 ) ............................. 11, 6 9 , 8 2 , 141, 191 Medillin. M arcy ( 9 ) ...........................- ......................... ^7 ® O w en, A nita ( F ) ........................................................... 109, 126 Mello, C harlotte (12) O wen, B rad ( 1 0 ) 4 6 , 4 7 , 8 4 , 100, 103, 121, 167 Merkins. Joel ( 1 1 ) ............................ 9 . 56, 57. 82. 147. 153 O wen. Kyle ( 1 1 ) 3 7 , 1 1 0 , 1 1 1 . 127. 154 Merritt. Dolly ( 1 2 ) .....................................................................J 4 ? O w ens, John ( 1 0 ) .................................................................... 167 M essenger, Leroy ( F ) ............................................................. *8 6 M essenger, Scott ( 9 ) ................................................. I l l * 1 7 9 Metiz, Tim ( 1 1 ) ..........................................................................*®3 Meyer. Aric ( 1 2 ) 86. 140 M ich ael T racy ( 1 0 ) ............................................... 13, 9 2 . 166 Michels. Sue (12) 5 3 . 1 16, 140 Padron. Allison ( 9 ) .................9 8 , 1 11. 1 2 0 . 121, 175, 179 Miller, Jerry ( 1 2 ) ....................................................................... H ® P a g e , Dam eon ( 9 ) ............................................... 9 0 , 180 Miller, K atrina ( 9 ) ...................................................... 1 7 9 , 1 8 2 Palom ino, Lorena (12) . . . 6 2 , 1 16, 1 20, 1 24, 127, 141 Miller. Krista ( 1 1 ) .....................................................................153 Palom ino, Y esen ia ( 1 1 ) . . . 6 5 , 1 16, 1 20, 1 24, 127, 154 Miller, Rodney ( 1 2 ) ............. 3, 5 8 , 8 2 , 8 7 , 1 21, 1 40, 192 Park, Misty (9) .......................................... 7 6 , 1 25, 175, 180 Miller, Ron ( F ) ....................................... 8 2 , 8 4 , 8 7 , 1 21, 186 P arkey, ArviU ( 1 2 ) ........................................... 119, 141 Miller, Troy ( 9 ) .......................................................................... 179 Parton, Jeff ( 1 0 ) ......................................................................... 167 Mills. Matt (9) P arvin, Mike ( 1 2 ) ............................................... 8 6 , 154 Mink. Damon (12) P asam o n te, Roy (11) ......................................... 8 6 , 87, 154 M itchell David ( 1 0 ) .................................................... 8 4 . 166 Paskus, John ( 1 2 ) .............................................. 141, 191 M itchell K atrena ( 1 1 ) ............................................... I l l # 153 PA STIM ES........................................................................... 3 6 ,3 7 Mize, C aro le ( F ) ....................................................................... 15® P a te . Beth ( 9 ) ............................................................................180 Mizumoto, C hikaka ( 1 1 ) ........................................................ 1 5 3 P a te , Dell on ( 1 1 ) ............................................... I l l , 121, 155 Mobley. G eorge ( 1 0 ) ................................................................153 Patrick, S ta c e y ( 1 1 ) ............... 2 7 , 3 5 , 121, 1 27, 155, 193 Moenning, Toni (F) P a tt, P erry ( 1 2 ) ......................................................................... 142 Mooney, Jimmy ( 9 ) .................................................................. 179 Payton, William ( 1 0 ) ...............................................................168 Moore, B rennan ( 1 2 ) .................................................... 8 2 , 141 Perry, Dam on ( 9 ) ............................................... 85, 180 Moore, Letha ( F ) ........................................................................186 Perry, Victoria ( 1 2 ) ............................. 11. 2 6 , 4 2 , 109, 142 Moore, T ara ( 1 0 ) ....................................................................... 166 Persinger. Lan ny ( 9 ) ............................................ 4 8 , 9 7 , 180 Moore, Wendy ( 1 1 ) ............................... I l l , 115, 1 2 1 , 153 Persinger, Vinny ( 1 2 ) ............................................................ 142 M orales, H ector ( 1 0 ) ................................................. 1 1 5 , 166 P e tco fi Pau l (1 0 ) .................................................................... 168 M orales, Martin ( 9 ) .................................................................. 1 7 9 Phillips, Terry ( F ) .................................................................... 187 M organ, Cheryl ( 1 2 ) ................................................. I l l , 141 Phillips. David ( 1 0 ) ............................................ 9 9 , 168 M organ. Dena ( 9 ) ....................................................... 1 11. 179 Phillips, Stephen ( 1 0 ) 100, 101, 168 M organ, Kim ( 1 1 ) ...................................................... 1 20. 153 Phipps, Bffl ( 1 0 ) ....................................... 1 1 0 .1 1 1 ,1 2 5 .1 6 8 M organ, Kurt ( 1 0 ) ...................................................... 1 19, 166 P icard , Joely ( 9 ) ...................................................................... 180 Morris, Jenna ( 1 0 ) ......................................................... 2 1 , 167 PickeH Matt ( 1 1 ) ...................................................................... 15® Morris, Jenny ( 1 0 ) ......................... 3 7 , 7 5 , 9 6 , 9 7 , 1 67, 168 Pickerign. H e i d i ...................................................................... 180 Morris, Scott (12) ............................... 2 0 . 3 4 . 8 2 . 1 20, 141 Pillars. Shelly (12) ................................................................. 142 Mott. David ( 1 0 ) ....................................................................... 1 67 Pillow, M ichael ( 9 ) ............................................................8* 180 Mullens, K arla ( 9 ) .....................................................................179 Pink, Jerry ( F ) ..................................................... 125. 187 Mullins, Allison ( 9 ) ...................................................... 9 7 , 179 Pirkle, Jeff ( 1 2 ) ................................ 8 2 . 100. 102. 121. 141 Mullins, Amaryllis ( F ) ................................................. 7 4 , 186 Pletts, M ichael ( 1 1 ) .............................................. 6 2 , 9 2 ,1 5 5 Mullins, M arty ( 1 0 ) .................................................... 1 1 9 , 167 Potts, Mike 2 3 , 121, 168 Mullins, Tim ( F ) ............................................................ 1 1 9 .1 8 6 Potts. Roby ( 1 1 ) . . 15. 2 5 . 2 6 . 4 5 . 5 7 . 8 2 . 127. 147. 14& Munsch. Misty ( 1 0 ) .................................................................. 1 67 Murillo. Patty ( 1 2 ) ....................................................... 1 4 1 ,1 9 1 PoweD, Babs ( 1 2 ) .............................................. I ll# 121, 142 Murphy, Mike (9) .....................................................................1 79 P rejean . Thalmus (10) .............................................. 8 0 , 168 M USIC................................................................................... 16. 17 Preston, Alicia ( 1 1 ) 108, 109, 117, 127, 155 Musick, A ngela ( 1 1 ) 120. 153 Prince, Brett ( 1 2 ) .................................................. 5 4 , 111, 142 Prince. Curtis ( 1 0 ) ................................................ 8 4 . 100. 168 Proctor, TJ ( 9 ) ........................................................................... 1®® Proven ce. M ary ( 9 ) 89. 180 Pruett, Donna ( 1 2 ) ....................... 110, 111, 116, 123, 142 Pugliesi, Joe (11) 167 N avarro, Veronica ( 1 0 ) .......................... Purdie, S ta cy ( 1 0 ) 88, 168 Neely, Wendy ( 1 1 ) ................................. 7 6 . 1 00. 153 Pyne. Rita ( 1 2 ) ................................................... 116. 130. 142 Neese, Shane ( 1 2 ) ...................................................... 1 18, 141 Nemecek. Emily ( 1 0 ) ............. 18. 19. 127. 158, 1 67. 171 N em ecek. Joe ( F ) ......................................................... 186 Nessel. G reg ( 1 1 ) ................................. 153 New. Chris ( 9 ) ......................................... 99. 1 79, 181 New. Jon (9) Q uarles. Edith ( 1 0 ) •• Newberry, Merinda ( 1 0 ) ......................................... 19. 167 Q uashnock, Pam ( 1 2 ) 111. 123, 142. 191. 1 Newell. Becky ( 1 1 ) ............................................ 2 3 , 109. 153 Quick. Kim ( 9 ) 7 6 - } 2 3 ' }® 9 Newman. Scott ( 1 0 ) 15. 4 7 . 84. 1 20. 167 QUILL & SC R O LL...................................................... 124Newton, Scott (11) 4 4 . 82. 147, 154 Nguyen, G ia n g ........................................................... 1 13, 154 Nguyen. Quynh ( 1 1 ) ......................................... 9 9 . 1 13, 154 Nguyen, Thai ( 1 0 ) .............................................. 9 8 . 121, 167 Nguyen, Thu ( 1 1 ) ...................................................... 1 13, 154 Nguyen. Tuan ( 1 1 ) ............................................ 6 3 , 121, 154 Radke, David (1 0 ) ........................................................ 9 2 ‘ N H S.................................................................................. 1 12. 113 Rains, Toni ......................................................................... .. Nickens, Jeff ( 1 2 ) ........................................................... 141 R aleigh. Jerry (11) ...................................................... i i e * H 2 Nickens. Kristie ( 1 0 ) ................................................... 167 Ram irez, Joee ( 1 2 ) ..................................................... Niles. Janet ( F ) ................................................... 7 0 , 121. 186 R an n ila. Kristin ( 1 1 ) ................................................... . AO Nix, Danny (F) ............................................................. . 9 0 . 91 R ariden. David ( 1 2 ) .......................... 33. 39. 9 9 . 1 13 . « Nix. Susie (F ).................................................................. 186 Rasm ussen. Jimmy ( 9 ) .......................................................
asmussen. Kerri (12) ay, John ( 9 ) ................. aynor. Dennis (11) eddin, Michael (9) . . eed, Kenny (12) . . . . eitz. Tammy (10). . . . emily. Angela (11) emily. Michelle (12) . enick. Kassie (12) . . . , ess, David ( F ) ............. eyes, D aphanna (10) eyes, Orlando (10) . . . eyes, Rodney (1 1 ). . . hodes. Melynda (1 0 ). ichard. Todd ( 9 ) .......... ichards, Linda ( F ) . . . . ichords, Robert (F) • ichards, Tami (12) . . . ichter, Nancy (F) iggins. Chad ( 9 ) .......... iggins. Nita ( 1 2 ) .......... itchie. Art (9) ............... ivera. Richard ( 1 0 ). ix. Brad ( 1 2 ) .......... 24. 39. 55.
.................142 180 82. 100, 155 . . 114, 180 6 9 . 119, 143 115, 168 6 6 . 155 116, 143 116, 143 119, 187 168 84. 168 . 82, 100, 155 168 180 89. 187 13. 187 111. 143. 191
............................ 85. 181 114. 124. 143, 192. 193 181 ............................ 84. 168 7 1 . 113. 120. 122. 123, 127. 143 ix. David ( F ) ...........................................................................187 aberts, Danny ( 1 0 ) ................................................... 87, 168 aborts, Donnie ( 1 2 ) ...................................... 142, 143. 192 aberts, Heath (1 0 ) ........................................... 7 2 , 114, 168 aborts, Scotty (12) 143 abertson. Brenda (1 1 )........................................... 123, 155 abertson, Jenny ( 1 1 ) .................................... 109, 121. 155 abertson, Rhonda ( 9 ) ......................................................... 181 edriguez. Reyna ( 1 0 ) ......................................................... 168 ae. Kristi ( 1 1 ) .............................................. 8 8 , 89. 94. 155 agers, Amy ( 1 0 ) ..................................................... 123, 169 agers. Michell ( 9 ) ................................................... 125. 181 amero. Alex ( 9 ) ................................................... 8 5 , 93. 181 amine, Alicia ( 9 ) ........................................... 1 1 0 ,1 1 1 ,1 8 1 aper. Jennifer (12) ................................................ 1 1 6 ,1 7 4 ass. Jennifer ( 1 0 ) ................................................................... 169 ass. Shawn ( 1 0 ) ........................................... 1 1 4 .1 6 9 .1 9 5 ause. Apryl ( 1 0 ) ....................................................................169 awe, Shanon ( 1 2 ) ................................................... 116, 143 awland, C had ( 9 ) ...................................... 85, 86, 93. 181 owland, Derek ( 1 1 ) .......................................... 86. 121. 155 oy. Jam es (1 2 ) ........................................................................ 118 ash, Brian ( 1 0 ) ......................................................................169 ushing, Tonya ( 1 0 ) .................................................................34 usselL Russ (12) . . . 11. 20. 35. 43. 8 2 . 103. 121. 137. 143. 192 yan. Jimmy ( 1 0 ) ............................................... 84. 165, 169
H D D ............................................................................ 120. 121 ilazar. Shonda ( 1 1 ) ............................................................155 zlsman, Daniel ( 9 ) .............................................................. 181 an Diego, Eileen ( 1 2 ) ...................................... 3 9 . 54, 111 an Diego. Jerry ( 1 1 ) .............................................. 1 1 3 ,1 5 5 appington, Krystal ( 1 2 ) ...................................... 1 1 6 ,1 4 3 argent, Kyle (9 )...................................................................... 181 aucier, Kristy ( 1 0 ) ................................................... 1 1 1 .1 6 9 chaffner. Shannon ( 1 1 )............................... 1 1 3 ,1 2 1 .1 5 5 chaffner. Steven ( 1 1 ) ......................................................... 155 chmidt, Zell ( F ) ........................................................ 187. 194 chuhe. Amber ( 1 2 ) ........................................... 7 6 . 89. 143 chumacher. Amy ( 9 ) .................... 36. 99. 127. 174, 181 CI/HI ......................................................................... 120. 121 cott. Belinda ( 9 ) ......................................................... 89. 181 cruggs, Brenda ( 1 2 ) ................................................. 55. 143 elvidge, Melanie ( H ....................................... 67. 184, 187 ENIOR ADS ...........................................................................188 ENIORS.....................................................................................132 hackelford, Chris ( 9 ) ................................................. 85, 181 hackelford, Jennifer ( 9 ) .......................................................181 hackleton, D ave ( 9 ) ................................................. 85, 181 hannon. Jane ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 169 hannon. John ( 1 0 ) .................................................................169 havers. Kim ( 1 0 ) .............................................. 8 8 , 168. 169 hroads. Jason (1 0 ) ............................................. 67. 98. 169 huck, Lori (1 1 )........................................................................ 155 idd, David ( 1 0 ) ......................................................................169 iefkas. KeDy ( 9 ) .................................................. 30. 61. 181 immons, Paula (1 0 ).............................................................. 169 Jcehon, Teena (1 0 ).......................................... I l l , 121, 169 ■later. Scott ( F ) ..................................................... 85, 93. 187 Hayden, Alicia (11) . ................................... 109, 120, 155 layden, Steve (10) .............................................................. 169 leeper, Jason ( 9 ) ...................................................................181 leeper. Nikki ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 170 lusser. Kristy ( 1 0 ) ................................................................ 170 Hy, Ann ( F )................................................................................. 9 7 anith. April ( 1 0 ) ..................................................................... 170 •mith. Brent (1 1 ) ....................................................... 1 2 1 .1 5 5 mith. Cindy ( 1 2 ) ...................................................................143 mith, Kristi ( 1 2 ) ....................................................... 1 1 6 .1 4 4 mith. Levitt a (9) mith. Michelle ( 1 1 ) ........................................ 111. 113, 155 mith. Nyika ( 9 ) ........................................... 49. 89. 9 7 . 181
................. 127. 144 Smith, Ronnie (12) . . . 85. 9 3 , 181 Smith, Stephen (9) . . . 44. 100. 120. 155 Smith. Tricia (11) .................187 Smith. W anda (F) . . . . . . 92. 170 Smoot, G ary (10) . . . . Snyder, Chris (10) . . . . . 170 ..............................I l l Snyder, Dawn (9) . . . . . 87 S O C C E R ......................... SOCIAL STUDIES____ . . 58. 59 SOPHOMORES . . ................... 158 .................. 48. 181 Spack, Christy (9 ). . . . Spain. Laurie (12) ................. 111. 144 Spain. Stephanie (10). 37, 99. 170 SPANISH C L U B .......... ................. 124, 125 Spencer, Matt (9) . . . . 4 9 . 111. 181 34. 39. 52, 6 1 . 108, 109, 112, Spessard. Kristin (12) . 113. 120. 123. 125. 139, 144. 192. 193 Spessard, Miller (9 ). . . 15, 49. 85. 8 6 . 9 3 . 176. 181 SPIR IT............................... . 9. 12. 13 Spragins. Will (10) . . . ...................................... 84. 170 St a hr. Chilloa (11) ..................................................155 156 Stark, Robert (11) . . . . Starling, John (1 2 ). . . . 90. 91 144. 193 Staton, Stacie (10) . . . ................................. 9 9 . 170 Stephens, C ynthia (9 ). ......................... 8 9 . 9 7 , 181 ................................. 8 2 . 187 Stephens, Jackie (F) . . Sternadel, Jim (F) . . . . ................................. 59. 121 Sternadel. S a ra h ( 1 1 ) . 15. 44. 45, 109, 121, 156 Stevens, Cynthia (9 ). . ................................. 100. 123 Stew art, David (9) . . . 181 .............................................187 Stew art. Troy ( H .......... Stice, Kim (12) ............. 1. 113, 121. 123. 127, 144 Stile, Teddy ( 9 ) ............. 181 Stilphen. Shawn (9) . . 182 Stivers, Christi ( 1 2 ). . . . . 8 9 . 100. 115. 121. 144 Stone, L an ce (12) . . . . . . . 82. 8 5 , 121. 130, 144 Stone, Shelley (11) .............................................156 Strahan. Michael (F ) . . .............................................187 Strickland, Stoney (10) 67. 84. 92. 93. 170 Strickler. Debora (F) Stubblefield, Dale (12) 15. 38. 9 9 . 121. 126. 127. 129. 143, 144. 162. 192 Stubblefield. Jessica (10) 123. 126. 127. 158. 170 Stubblefield, T racey (10) 88. 163. 170 S T U C O ................................. .................. 126. 127 Sturgill. Donald ( F ) .......... ................................ 187 Summers, Shannon (10) . 111. 124. 170 Summers, Timothy (1 1 ). 15. 40. 44. 82. 156 Sw eatt Shelley (F) .......... 122. 123. 187 Sw eeney. Michelle (10) .................. 121, 170 Szczepinski. C raig ( 1 1 ). ................................ 156
Tabion, M icah (12) 73 Tackett. Mark (12) 119. 144 Tatum, Danny (12) 13. 118 Taylor. Danny (A) Taylor. LaShaw n (10) ................. 9 6 . 100. 171 Taylor, Tina (11) . . . . 74, 1 11. 116. 121. 123, 156 T EN N IS................................................ ............................ 9 8 . 9 9 Terner, K atrina ( 1 2 ) ....................... ..................................... 130 Terrell, Tiffany ( 9 ) ............................ ................. 8 7 . 125. 182 Teter, Jam es (F )................................. 82, 84. 102. 103. 121 THESPIANS ...................................... ....................... 124. 125 Thibodeaux. Denise ( 1 0 ) ............... ......................... 88. 170 Thiergood. Eric ( 1 1 ) ....................... .................. 11. 90. 156 Thomas, Anglia ( 9 ) .......................... ......................... 89. 182 182 Thomas. Atesha ( 9 ) .......................... Thomas, Rusty ( 9 ) ............................ 85. 86. 103. 182 Thompson. Kim ( 1 0 ) ....................... 122. 123. 170 Thompson, Sharon ( 1 2 ) .................. . . . 64. 116. 117. 144 Thornton, Pat ( 1 1 ) ............................ ....................... I l l , 156 Tigerina, Shaw n ( 9 ) ....................... ......................... 85. 182 Tigert. Tracy ( 1 0 ) .................... 47,, 89. 94. 129. 160. 171 Tillman, Brad ( 1 1 ) ............................ 1 1 3 .1 2 5 .1 5 6 Todd. Phoebe ( F ) . . . ..................................... 187 Torres, Tim (1 1 ). . . . .................. 6 0 . 61. 156 Torrez, M aria (1 0 ). . .....................................171 Torrez. Melissa (9) . ......................... 89. 182 Tracey. David (10) . .....................................171 TRACK ....................... 100. 101 Trahan, Kevin (11) . 82. 86. 100. 121. 156 Trahan. R yan (9) . . 182 Tran, Thuy (12) . . . . ....................... 121. 144 Turner, Robert (9) . . 86. 182 Turner, Virginia (F) . .....................................187 Tyler, Heath (1 2 ). . . ................. 68. 119. 144 ....................... 119. 156 Tyler, Spencer (11) . Tyler. Tiffany (10) . . .....................................171
Ulery, Ursula ( 9 ) ............. Ullum. Jeremy ( 9 ) .......... Ullum, John ( 1 1 ) .......... Underwood. Corey (9) . Utamkul, Narumol (10) Uythoven. Ric (11) . . . .
82. 98. 100. 121. 86.
182 182 156 182 171 156
Vanadore, Donnie (12) . . Vanderiord, Chriss (12) VanHouten. Johanna (1 1 ). Veal, Dawn (10) . . . . Veal. Kristine (12) . . Vest, Tami (10) V1CA Vicknair. Sean e (12) . . Vicknair. Shannon (1 0 ). . . Villegas. Mike (10) . . VOCATIONAL ED. . . VOCATIONAL AG. Volleyball . . .
Waddell. Michael (10). Waddle. Janet (11) . . . W ade, Teresa (1 0 ). . . . Wadsworth, Troy (9) . . W agler, Mike (10) . . . . Walker. Derrick (12) . . Walker. Kevin (12) Walker. Quentin (10) . W allace, C arie (9 ). . . . W allace, Valerie (9) . . Walls, M arsha (9) . . Ward, Mandi (11) . . . . Ward. Vera (F) ............. W arren. Sue (F ) ............. W aterm an. John (9 ). . . W aterm an, Mike (12) . Watson. Jerry ( F ) .......... Watson. Leslea (11) Watson, M arie (F) . . . . Watson, Terri ( 9 ) .......... Webb. Brandi (11) Weitzel, Jenny (10) Welch, T am ara (9) . . . Wells. MecheUe (10) Welter. Cody (12) Welter, Eric ( 1 2 ) .......... Wendt, Jeannette (1 1 ). Whaley. Mike ( 1 1 ) ____ Whitaker, Michael (10) Whitaker, Tamika (12) White. Shane ( 9 ) .......... Whitehill, Jennifer (11) Wiemer. Bobby (10) Wiemer. Jenny (12) . . . Wilkinson. Norma (12) Williams. Don (10) . . . Williams. G ayland (9) Williams. Jennifer (9) . Williams. Jesse (1 2 ). . . Williams. Patti (11) . . . Williams, Randall (12) Williams, Tony (1 2 ) . . . Willis. T alea ( 9 ) ............. Wilson. Dan ( 9 ) ............. Wilson, Lisa ( 1 0 ) .......... Wilson, Wendy ( 9 ) . . . . Wilson, Wesley (1 2 ). . . Winney, Cinda (1 1 ). . . Winsor, C raig (11) . . . Wittman, Brian (12) Womack. Lonnie (F) . . Woods. Melissa (12) Woosley, Jam es (9) . . . Worth, Yulanda (9) . . . Wright, Jam es (F) . . . . Wright. Katherine (9) . Wright, Mike (11) . . . . WRITING.................. Wynne. Lee ( 1 2 ) ..........
3. 141. 144 . 11. 144 156 100. 171 . 116. 130 118. 119 62, 144 . 123. 171 . . 171 , 69 . . 72. 73 . 89
68 88
. 171 . 129. 157 171 .1 8 2 98. 171 100. H I . 145 82. 145 ........................171 125. 182 182 ........................183 ........................157 ........................187 ........................187 31. 183 .145 . 82. 121. 187 . . 99. 115. 157 113. 187 97. 183
1 1 1 . 171 183 171 I l l 145 145 60. 88. 121 157 . . 82. 147 157 120. 124, 127 171 78. 89. 94. 97. 100 145 . 17. 125 183 ............................ 109, 157 84. 121, 171 100. 101. 115. 121. 124. 145 145 . . 73. 171 183 109 100 . 101 , 145 . . 89. 96, 157 87, 145 145 183 .8 5 171 ....................... 33. 109. 183 ......................... 43. 82. 145 ................................ 115. 157 29. 37. 61. 117. 157. 193 . 119. 145. 192 .............................. 124. 187 . . 70. 89. 145 183 . . 87. 111. 183 187 . . 59. 87. 89. 111. 183 .................... 121. 156. 157 . 67 87. 145
. . 187 . . 183 . 183 145 .171 114. 115. 145. 192 30. 183 ..................... 171
Y eager. Tex (F) . . Yellott. Chris (9) . Yi. Hui ( 9 ) ............. Yi. Kyung (1 2 ). . . Yi. Min (10) . . . York, Daken (12). York. Nikki (9 ). . . Young, Lisa (11) .
. . 157 .1 7 1 111. 124 171 171 183 . 71. 145
Z aragoza. Cecilia (11) Z aragoza. Fran (10) Z aragoza. Sheila (11) . Zellers. Thomas (10) . . Zimmer. Terasa (10) . Zinn, Jeffrey ( 9 ) ............... Zrowka. Lisa ( 1 2 ) ..........