Burkburnett High School Yearbook Derrick 2005

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Derrick 2005


In Addition

Everyone C ounts

Student Life-pg.4

People - pg. 24 IN ADDITION TO * displaying their various decade’s attire, seniors Erin Shaver, David Organiscak, and Rebecca Johnson show their support for Drug Awareness Week. S taff photo ry EVERYONE COUNTED ■ ^ •D U R IN G the volleyball tournament, as juniors Kim Toms, Cami Robinson, Michelle Rush, Lauryn Siniscalchi, Kyle Alexander, Brandon Laubscher, and senior Aaron Lake showoff their team spirit before a game. Staffphoto D A D DIN G IT UP, seniors Matt Fox, Trey Torries, and Random Reeves perform their presentation in English. S ta ff photo A KEEPING SCORE OF the * game, students dressed “Prep” to display their spirit at Rider. Photo bv Jon Whetzel

Adding it up Academics-pg. 100

Keeping Score Sports-pg. 114















various activitie s, freshm an b a n d m e m b e r Heather Smith w aits b e n e a th th e blea che rs with her peers as th e rain d e la y e d starting tim e fo r th e h o m e c o m in g g a m e against Vernon. S ta ff




fo rm e r a n d c u rre n t students re m a in e d close friends th ro u g h o u t th e ir high sch o o l years. This p h o to w as ta k e n in 1997, during cu rre n t senior Jenna Johnson's b irth d a y p a rty . Courtesy p hoto YEARS,





$ p 3 |h e license p la te on th e seniors' flo a t w raps up th e e n d o f fo u r years a t BHS fo r th e '05 seniors. W e will a lw a ys re m e m b e r th e tim es w e shared w ith fondness, th a n k yo u BHS. S ta ff p hoto "



)ERRICK 2005


Keeping Count

KEEPING CO UNT OF th e school days a h e a d , students g a th e re d a t th e p o le to p ra y fo r th e num erous

trials a n d tribulations th e y w o u ld fa c e thro u g h th e year. See you a t the Pole b e g a n a t 7 a.m . so

students w e re a b le to witness th e sun rising as th e y shared their fellow ship tim e . S ta ff Photo

Burkburnett High School 109 Kramer Road Burkburnett, TX 76354 (940)-569-l4ll "Enrollment: 1003 District: 5 AAAA w w w .esc9.net/burkburnettisd/burkh igh. htm Title Page



Keeping Count s the year commenced, school officials found ^themselves trying to Keep Count of all 1003 students, the largest enrollment of students since 2002. With UIL officials Keeping th Count the same for 4A, the lurking possibility o dropping into 3A passed last spring.


From the moment students students would use the camera Texas Public Schools. With 180 days of schoo walked through the school to cheat on tests or homework. Adding to the excitement, seniors found themselve doors, they found that the rules that had been so important last 2004 marked the celebration of Keeping Count o f the days. 150 Years of Education in year had changed. -B. Hunt and Z. Melsoi The long disputed rule strictly stating that ID cards must be worn at all times had been revised. Now students only had to have them on their person instead of wearing them. “Wearing the IDs never bothered me,” senior Kacey Murray said, “but I’m glad we don’t have to worry about it.” Also pleasing students, cell phones were allowed to be carried on campus. Previously, cell phones would be confiscated if seen by a teacher. Now the phones only had to be turned off or on silent. KEEPING COUNT OF th e various te a m s as to u rn a m e n t a t Friendship Park. Helpir w ith th e organizing o f this event W' e y w o n or lost their gam es, student Camera phones, however, were th also th e Dog Squad and their sponsor N co u n cil sponsor Ms. Beverly Lee w o rk e d to to be taken on sight for fear that stay organized during th e m ud vo lle yb a ll Mark S chroeder. S taff photo 2


WITH THE NEW rule stating ■ th a t students c a n have c e ll phones a t school seniors Lindsey Burks and B r o o k e B a ra d ta k e tim e o u t to te x t th e ir friends. Photo by Jon

Whetzel 0



PUBLIC e d u c a tio n , fo rm e r

principal Mrs. Billie Gorham te a c h e s a visiting class in th e n ew ly o p e n e d “ Little Red S chool House" a d ja c e n t to Hardin Elem entary. Children w o re overalls and long dresses. C ourtesy photo 3 TO SHOW HOW early schools adm inistered punishm ent fo r b reaking th e rules, a student wears th e D unce C a p . Courtesy photo

Counting Back 71 -1 st tim e fe m a le s >uld w e a r pantsuits. 88-Sm oking a re a fo r idents on ca m p u s w as inned an d fa c u lty luld only sm oke in on e Jnge. S tudents w e re Jed parking stickers. 92-1st tim e a p o lic e fice r p a tro lle d ca m p u s lunch. ■93- The first y e a r fo r fe b lo ck schedule. 98-First ye a r ID B adges pre issued a n d th e bmpus closed fo r ich.

“When I was in school, we could leave for lunch. Schools are more strict due to liability issues and fear o f law suits, as well as increased violence.” Mrs. Hollingsworth ‘87

“Punishment has changed since being beat with a paddle was an option. There was nothing like hearing Coach Oates say, ‘Grab the desk’ in health.” Coach Black ‘95

“When I was in school, students could be punished with a paddle, so not as many spent time in AEC, OCS, or D-Hall constantly like today.” M s. Alley ‘86

“The dress code has changed because girls couldn’t wear jeans or dresses that were 3 in. above the knee. Boys had to wear shirts tucked in and hair only to the collar.” Mrs. D. Smith ‘73

Keeping Count



• w ith p a trio tic songs, th e high school and m id dle school bands play a t th e Friendship Festival. S taff photo ~) ANTICIPATING THE ' NEXT m o ve, freshman Taylor Felty w aits fo r th e m u d d y volleyball. Felty p la ye d on th e te a m 'The Burninators'.

S taff photo O YELLING



’ e x c ite m e n t at the H om ecom ing g a m e , seniors Danielle M ichaud, L a c y Heptner, Rachel W a lck, Joseph C asteen, Jake A ndrajack, and Brittany Hunt e n co u ra g e th e te a m . S taff photo

Counting Back 1909-’82- Comer Drug Fountain favorite lunch hangout

“For our homecoming, the juniors made mums and on Friday delivered them to school in new cars loaned by local dealerships. Later, we drove the cars in the big float parade downtown.” Mr. Leonard ‘72


“Student life was different with open campus at lunch and girls were not allowed to wear pants. Later, only pantsuits (top and pants matching) were allowed. Also, there was a student smoking area.” Mrs. Barrick ‘74

Student Life Divider

“During my school days student life wasn’t dull as one student became the school streaker, running naked along side the English wing. Another time a student set o ff a smoke bomb in Algebra II.” Mrs. Ellett ‘76

“Our best prank was pretending it was our teacher’s birthday and throwing a class party. We brought food and made her a cake. It was not her birthday, but she saw all the food and let us party anyway.” Mr. Dowling ‘81

1923-JR. SR. Sunrise River Breakfast at 5 a.m. 19 2 4 -SR boys entertain girls with marshmallow roast at river bridge

Dances were a common pastime and were often held in the gym and Youth Center, which is now (AEC) Gateway.

^Student Lifei In A ddition n addition to the hustle and bustle of the everyday school life, students still found time to just kick back and have fun together. Between preparing the homecoming bats and students helping with the Friendship estival, we all certainly had our hands full. Homecoming week began n students preparing the Its and skits at their bective stations and fling together at the end o f

the week, in the gym, when each class presented its work. “Student Council members chose a musical theme, because it sounded like it would be a lot

I DDITION TO their flo a t, Dog S quad iinbers Trey Shay, Russell Thompson, :p o m Reeves, M a tt Bell, L a n c e llw e ll, and Kyle Petersen d a n c e d to

th e ra p p in g o f Shawn P eferm an and M a tf Fox a fte r th e o th e r classes p e rfo rm e d fheir re s p e c tiv e skits. Photo by Zack Melson

of fun,” senior Student Council president Merrill Sweatt said. The first place float/skit award went to the juniors who did a reenactment o f "The Wizard of O z.” Second place went to the freshmen, third to the seniors, and fourth to the sophomores. “When I first heard that we had won I was so excited,” junior Molly Turner said. “We had worked many hours and it was great that it all paid off.” The annual Friendship Festival again included the mud volleyball tournament. Winning their second tournament was “The Aces-In-The Holes.” Students, in turn, still found time to add fun to their life, in addition to improving their academic performance. -B. Hunt and Z. Melson In Addition


Pep assemblies, halftime shows inspire crowd

WITH A LATIN th e m e , th e ban d

perform s their show during p re ­ g a m e on h o m e c o m in g . S taff




To pump up the school before important football games, pep rallies were performed by various school groups. Halftime showcases the band’s and babes’ talents. The performances show the students’ 'dedication and school spirit. “I feel my best when we’re performing halftime because the crowd’s excitement is contagious,” colorguard member Crystal Wong said. -Hannah McGown and Lindsay Shipley

cheerleaders, senior Kathleen Dalke announces th e c o a ch e s.

WHEN G IV IN G A p e p talk, seniors Mike Williams and A ndy Slye, th e varsity fo o tb a ll te a m captains, discuss Denison's All S tate Running Back. A fte r Mike Williams asked w h a t th e big d e a l was, A n dy Slye p o in te d to his arm and replied with, "All S tate this." Photo by Jon




Pep Rally/Halftime

Photo by Jon Whetzet



p e p rally, th e JROTC presents th e A m e rica n fla g fo r th e N ational A nthem . The JROTC also presented rifles and sabres. Photo by Zack Melson JOKING WITH th e c ro w d , th e Dog Squad gets re a d y to begin a d efense c h a n t. The Dog Squad b e g a n m any chants and p ro v id e d a c o m ic relief during to u g h gam es. Photo by Jon Whetzel





g a m e , th e ch e erleaders and Dog Squad perform the tra d itio n a l p re -g a m e routine while listening to th e school song and w a itin g fo r the fo o tb a ll te a m 's e ntrance. FEATURING THEIR HIGH k ic k routine to th e song "Think,' the drill te a m p e rfo rm e d a t the p e p rally. A fte r th e p e p rally, th e drill te a m show cased their p om routine a t th e gam e .

Photo by Jon Whetzel

Student Life

DRESSING UP AS trees, juniors Sheena Griffin, C andace .Haynie, Lindsey Sykes, Leah M oody, C a m i Robinson, Lauren Dean, and Katiya Jackson e x c ite d ly a w a it fo r their turn to




p la ye d b y junior Kyle Harpole, sat o ff to th e side w aitin g fo r his turn to join th e juniors in their skit o f "The V/izard o f Oz.“

Photo by Zack Melson


Junior Float

perform in th e skit. "I lo ve d being a tree, and it w asn't very hard," junior C a n d a c e Haynie said. "It w as a lo t o f fun hanging o u t w ith m y friends."

AS GLENDA THE g o o d w itch , junior C helsea Raines, chants "There's no p la c e like h o m e ," she w aves her m a g ic w a n d around D orothy to send her

b a c k to Kansas. Also pictured is Molly Turner as Dorothy, Jin M a x w e ll as Toto, and Kyle Marshall as th e Tin Man. Photo

Superior Pallet C o m p a n y . The p e o p le involved in th e skit w e re responsible fo r their ow n costum es. "I lo v e d it! It was cool to h a ve such an a w e so m e costum e," said junior

Molly Turner. “My shoes th e o u tfit, and thanks m om w ho found b e ca u se th e y m ade m uch better."

by Zack Melson

Courtesy photo

AFTER W IN N IN G FIRST p la c e fo r th e first year, th e juniors, w ho w ere s h o cke d and e x c ite d , c ro w d e d around their Emerald C ity flo a t fo r a group picture. Float assembly to o k p la c e a t

mar to r the it

BY THEIR flo a t rs Molly Tuner, w h o p la y e d thy, a n d Kyle Marshall, th e Ian, w a it to help lo a d th e a w a y . A fte r winning their p la c e a w a rd th e juniors


g a th e re d to g e th e r to c e le b ra te w hile th e senior song w as p la y e d . “ W e w e re so e x c ite d ," said junior K y le Marshall, “ It w as g re a t to kn o w th a t p e o p le like d our skit and

flo a t b e c a u s e w e had a lo t o f fun p re p a rin g it." Juniors used c o lo re d balloons to m a k e th e ra in b o w a n d c a rd b o a rd w ith g re e n p a p e r to m a k e Em erald C ity. Photo by Zack Melson

J u n io rs follow yellow b rick s to first place For the first time, the class o f 2006 captured first place in the homecoming float contest. From the theme of musicals, the juniors chose " The W izard o f Oz," building the Emerald City for the float, which was built at Superior Pallet. Flying Vernon Lions replaced the evil flying monkeys. "Homecoming was a lot o f fim this year because our class won," Christine Harris said. "I was surprised that we beat the seniors, but hey...so did the freshmen." -Hannah McGown

j u n io r 1elle Rush, w h o p la y e d th e : scro w , and Kyle Marshall, Tin Man, d a n c e d th e o f in their ' W izard o f Oz‘ I "I had c o m e up w ith m y NG



c o s tu m e th e night b e fo re , and I used real hay," said junior M ichelle Rush "and no w I kn o w I shouldn't h a v e d o n e th a t b e c a u s e I w as real itc h y .1'

Photo by Zack M et son

HIS TRICYCLE, ju n io r Kurt Lobaugh p la y e d th e p a rt o f th e evil w itc h o f th e West. During his e n tra n c e th e song "W itchy W o m a n " was p la ye d in th e b a c k g ro u n d . Also RIDING

p ic tu re d are juniors Kristi W a g g o n e r and Lyndsay Cash w ho dressed up as flow ers and he lp ed role o u t th e yellow brick road. Photo by Zack


Student Life


SHO W ING OFF THEIR d a n c in g

abilities, freshmen line dancers A ndreanna Leaper, Brianna Fleming, Austin C rook, Hunter Rhude, and Q uay G rant d a n c e in "Moulin Rouge" costum es.

freshman class m em bers Jam ie Runyon a n d Sara S ch u tte perform a flashy dance routine to IN


“Diamonds Are a Girl's Best C r i c i n A " Di i r » \ / r \ n


w e re a c c o m p a n ie d b y Tressa S toiloff, Lauren D evereaux, and several b a c k u p dancers w ith their props in th e b a c k g ro u n d . M any o f th e freshm en p a rtic ip a te d in th e

skit b y helping to build thal flo a t, m a king their flash! costum es, or m aking a dance routine a n d w riting the skit ta b e p e rfo rm e d on th a t davj

Photo by Zack Melson

Freshm en's 'Moulin Rouge'

places second With the musical "Moulin Rouge" being the theme for the freshmen float, they captured second place with their own interpretation of how Satine chose the Burkbumett Bulldogs over the Vernon Lions. Freshmen chose to re­ create a glitzy stage setting from the film for their float which was built at Pruitt Ford the week of the events. "It was hard at first with all of the arguing that took place earlier that week, but we were able to pull it all together and win second place," freshman Austin Crook said. -Lindsey Burks


Freshman Float

M O U L IN flo a t, freshm en Brianna Fleming and A ndreanna Le a p e r p re p a re fo r their p e rfo rm a n c e . Their flo a t was d e c o ra te d w ith Christmas DISPLAYING


R o u g e " h o m e c o m in g

lights, fe a th e r boas, and massive a m ounts o f glitter. "Building th e flo a t itself was p ro b a b ly one o f th e easier things w e did," said freshm an Chelsie C a p o ra le .


their first hom econ p e rfo rm a n c e , freshman Ta Felty introduces the 2008 c to students and faculty. Ph

by Zack Melson

[THE CAR co m e s th ro u g h to

a w a y , th e senior girls Ic e d a n d c h e e re d in their bdle skirts a n d rolled up blue hs. The c a r w as built a t trie D eeb's house during th e

w e e k o f h o m e c o m in g , starting on Sunday. M any students ch o se to m a k e flo w e rs and help p a in t th e ve h icle . The seniors d e c id e d to use real tires instead o f "m a n -m a d e " tires to

m a k e it look "m ore realistic." The flo a t also had hydraulics w hich to o k only a fe w days to Install, a n d a fe w m o re days to figure out. Photo

by Zack Melson

S e n io rs given th ir d p la c e w ith ' G rease ' It was a shocking turn o f events when one o f the judges Tobin McDufif of TV 3 announced the float places. "I better step back behind the table before I announce this one," M cDuff said. The crowd roared with "boos" as he announced seniors placed third with their reenactment of "Grease." "We're not going to let a faulty judge get us down," senior Gordon Rooney said. "In the hearts and minds o f the seniors, some other students, and faculty we won and that's all that matters." -Kristi Baxley

IN THE CAR ra ce . A ndy Slye "Danny" races J a c o b G u ffe y "S carface." S c a rfa c e had a c a rd b o a rd c a r th a t he ra c e d against Danny w h o drove the senior flo a t. Photo by Zack


RTRAYING THE PARTS o f ‘ dy and Danny, B e th ■la w a y and A n dy Slye a c t th e song Y ou B etter Shape I w earing fifties-inspired [fumes while others swing

d a n c e d to g e th e r. "Even th o u g h I d o n 't kn o w h o w to d a n c e , I had a lo t o f fu n a c tin g like a c o m p le te idiot," senior A n d y Slye said.

IN THE PROM scene o f th e skit, Merrill S w e a tt and J a c o b Mills swing d a n c e to th e "Handjive." Couples p e rfo rm e d th e swing d a n c e w ith stunts in th e skit.

Photo by Zack Melson

Photo by Zack Melson

Senior Float


w ith a television, sophom ore Bridges C r u m p le r dressed up like a c o w b o y to fit th e role in the Willy W onka skit. FRAMING



handstand, sophom ore Jaclyn W hitm ore is held up by Misty Edwards while she was d a n c in g w ith her classm ates as O om pa

Loom pas. "The d a n c e was very fun, and I liked be in g an O o m p a L o o m p a fo r th e day," Jaclyn W hitm ore said. Photo


by Zack Melson

"Willy Wonka."

M AK IN G AN ENTRANCE on th e W o n ka flo a t, sophom ores Jessica Muller, A m b e r C ox, and Ann N guyen p re pare to present th e judges w ith c a n d y

baskets. "W e g a v e all three judges runts, nerds, b o ttle c a p s , and w o n k a bars," A m b e r C o x said, "along w ith o th e r w o n ka ca n d y." Photo by Zack Melson

sophorr Rusty Ellett struts his stuf Willy W onka. The sophom p la c e d fourth. Photo by i





s o p h o m o re Phillip Shavei prepares fo r th e role o f the blueberry child in th e musicc

Soph class float finishes fourth place Once again the sophomore class placed fourth in their homecoming float of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." "The beginning was very stressful," president Lane Anderson said, "once everyone pitched in it worked out well. We worked hard this year." Rushing to finish in time, class members worked from 6 to 10 each night at Trey Horn's house. "This year was definitely better," Lisa Hardin said. "We had a lot of workers and everyone was very dedicated. I can't wait until next year since the week was so exciting." -Jaclyn W hitmore


Sophomore Float



INER OF THE B u r k b u r n e tt

am ber o f C o m m e rc e a rt ite st a t B urkburnett M iddle ool, seventh g ra d e r La nce c a d o stands b y his a w a rd ­ in g design b e fo re th e

h o m e c o m in g gam e. The c o n te s t th e m e w as "Gushing w ith Pride." D og S quad seniors C a m e ro n C astro a n d M a tt Fox display th e sign at the h o m e c o m in g gam e. The

C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e used M e rca d o 's Design to p ro m o te th e dinner and a u c tio n fundraiser S aturday a t th e C o m m u n ity C e n te r. Photo by

Zack Melson

For the first time since 2001, the Dogs won homecoming. They beat Vernon 7-0 in the last nine minutes of the game when senior Leon Ames (7) scored the only touchdown on a 14-yard run. With the game being delayed 45 minutes because o f lightning, the Dog Squad had to wrap up the runthrough sign and the band, cheerleaders, Babes, and Dog Squad and fans waited in the weight room or under the stadium for the storm to pass. -Lauryn Siniscalchi

y trfh r

tfiDPfr dJUDKS


OFF HIS d a te , th e

Id o g m a s c o t Lena V ieth bs th e fe m a le Bulldog ly e d b y Jake V an D onge. je m a s co t tre a te d m e like a jicess. Being a b ulldog

p ro v id e d m e w ith m a n y new points o f vie w ; I b e c a m e a girl a n d a d o g all in o n e d a y. I was ve ry upset w h e n he s to o d m e up a t th e d a n c e ," V an D onge said. Photo by Zack Melson

Dogs sh u t-o u t th e Lions, 7-0 at hom ecom ing

BEFORE THE PRESENTATION of th e h o m e c o m in g floats, senior M organ Reynolds and th e ch e e rle a d e rs p e rfo rm stunts in their class skit's costum es.

UP IN A stunt, junior L in d say C a s h is held up by seniors Brittany Q uigley and Kim C o le m a n and junior L a u re n M e r c a d o . Photo by Zack

Photo by Z. Melson


Homecoming Night


O rganiscak, Wetzel take top honors hom ecom ing night The crisp night air welcomed the silent crowd just before the two names were read over the speaker. The two names were those of David Organiscak and Victoria Wetzel. "I was really shocked that I even made it on the ballot. Then to end up winning surprised me," said David Organiscak. While the band was playing "Concerto de Alvarez," the drill team presented the entire homecoming court. Trinity Harris and Matt Perkinson, last year's king and queen, returned to pass on the traditional crown and medal. -Summer Sink


Class of 2005

H O M E C O M IN G Q U E EN W E N T to Victoria Wetzel. Victoria is a member o f Student Council and BPA.

H O M E C O M IN G K ING WENT to David Organiscak. David is senior D rum M ajor o f the band ana president o f NHS.

KING AND QUEEN finalists are Brooke

KING AN D QUEEN finalists are Beth

KING AN D QUEEN finalists are Crystal

Barad and Mike Williams.

C a lla w a y and A n d y Slye.

W ong and J a c o b G uffey.

Homecoming Court


C lass of 2006 JUNIOR CLASS PRINCE and

princess are Lindsey Means and G reg M o n tg o m e ry.

"Homecoming was exciting because it was fun participating in the float and skit. Preparing to step onto the field for halftime was also fun." - Greg Montgomery

RECEIVING T H E crown from last s homecoming king and queen, seniors Organiscak and Victoria Wetzel stand to greet the crowd. S ta ff Photos

Class of 2007 SOPHOMORE

How did you feel about Âťeing nominated for lomecoming King or Jueen?

pven though I didn't win, I felt onored that the school nominated he for queen." - Brooke Barad



and princess are A m b e r C o x and N a te Brown.

"I was excited to get nominated by my class and to be out on the field with my friends and family watching." - Nate Brown

Class of 2008

ttt was a privilege to be nominated |y my peers." - Mike Williams

Ut felt good to be nom inated by my llass. It was fun preparing the |omecoming skit." - Jacob Guffey


princess are A m b e r Bice and Leland W etzel.

"It was cool to follow in my sister's footsteps. I really enjoyed being on the field with my parents and grandparents watching me from the stands." - Amber Bice

Homecoming Court


Teen's individuality establishes fashion Fashion on campus was definitely more about personal style than Hollywood trends. Many students chose clothing with styles from different decades, such as fifties-inspired pencil skirts, vintage jackets and T-shirts, and stilletto heels. "I think that the new style of shoes and little accessories are what make this years' fashions stand out," freshman Tressa Stoiloff said. Others preferred a more DISPLAYING


STAYING IN STYLE m e a n t also


having just th e right shoes fo r th e o u tfit. Brown and b la ck shoes w e re th e m ost p o p u la r a m o n g girls, b u t m e ta llic and b rig h t-c o lo re d shoes p ro v e d to b e very e y e -c a tc h in g .

fo o tw e a r, guys chose a m< la id -b a c k a p p ro a c h to fashk Flip-flops, and b o o ts made b ig scene, b u t tennis shf w e re th e m ost-w orn aroi cam pus.


fa v o rite am o n g stude A nything could accessorized with as long c e n co m p a ssed bright cc a nd flashy looks. P o j arrangem ent and photos I Lindsey Burks, Kyle Cos/d and Brittany Hunt



laid-back, comfortable style consisting of their favorite T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, windpants, or shorts. Accessories such as belts, shoes, scarves, pins, and flashy jewelry were also used to accent otherwise dull clothing. A variety of footwear also played a big role in fashion. From high-heeled flip-flops to old-school inspired tennis shoes, many students decided their outfits based on their shoe selection. -Lindsey Burks


was a b o u t m ore th a n just clothes. Students carried anything from designer purses, to beaded bags, and everything in b e tw e e n . Fuzzy, striped, and bags w ith crazy print w ere also a fa v o rite a m o n g students. SHO W ING OFF ANYTHING th a t th e y could, guys chose a m ore rustic a p p ro a c h to fashion. B etw ee n flashy b e lt buckles and m a tch in g le a th e r wrist bands, to w a tch e s and stylish n e ckla ces guys ce rta in ly d e v e lo p e d their ow n taste.

THE CELL phone rule being changed, students fo u n d them selves m ore a p t to ta k e their phones to school with them . D ifferent typ e s of WITH



ce ll phones w e re flip phones and regular phones. "Being a b le to bring our ce ll phones to school with us m akes life a lot easier," said senior Kristi Baxley.

a fe w m ain rules on style in 2005. Girls w o re pin-on flow ers on alm ost everything, from Tshirts, to belts on their jeans. D iam onds w e re also a fa v o rite a m o n g guys and girls. Brightc o lo re d je w e lry was also a

>RNED IN HER w h ite

flats, 9-length shorts, m a tc h in g d b a n d , a n d an o ff-th e ilder to p , junior M ic h e lle shows o ff her o w n trend.


S H O W IN G OFF A c o m fo rta b le

distressed capris, and m a tc h in g b rig h t ye llo w shoes a n d to p , junior Kristi W a g g o n e r shows her style.

p o n c h o , denim mini-skirt, and b la c k heels, senior S a r a h M o ra le s displays her personal fall styles.

PO SIN G TO WEAR a m ore


WEARING A STRIPED dress shirt,

junior Kurt L o baugh displays his personally-established trend. A shirt a n d jeans w as a fa v o rite trend.

a c o m fo rta b le pair o f jeans, and stylish b ro w n boots, senior J a ke A n d ra ja c k flaunts his ow n style.

age-inspired o u tfit, junior k Evans proudly displays his j buckle, T-shirt a nd VANS pis shoes.



WHITE T-shirt w ith a pink flo w e r, junior Allie D ilbeck dresses to impress her friends. She adds pink shoes to a c c e n t her jew elry. EMBELLISHING A

HITTING A PENSIVE stance, senior Tyler G a ffn e y displays his ow n a p p ro a c h to a c o m fo rta b le style with ta tte re d jeans and stripes.







s o p h o m o r e B ecky P otter hurries to stop th e ball b e fo re it to u ch es th e ground and earns a p o in t fo r th e opposing te a m .

RUSHING FORWARD TO th e n e t to b lo ck th e ball, th e Dog Squad Team m oves fo rw a rd , re adying them selves fo r the n e x t play. S taff Photo

Mud volleyball helps clubs raise money For the fourth annual Friendship Festival, the people of the community gathered to stroll in the park, to grab a comdog with a friend, or to listen to the bands playing at the amphitheatre. And then there are those students who gathered to get down and dirty with mud volleyball. "It meant a lot to me playing on such a pretigious team and winning was even better," junior A u s tin R ic h te r said. "I am also going to miss my friend and my teammate Andy Slye." With a total of 22 teams participating, a total of $550 was raised. -Michelle Rush 16B Mud Volleyball


R oddy starts th e g a m e , while o th e r "Go Team Go" m em bers w a tc h th e ball h e a d to w a rd th e net. D IV IN G FOR a ball, freshm an Tyler Hunt struggles to g e t o u t o f th e slippery m ud. Tyler' p la y e d on his youth group's te a m c a lle d N etw ork. "I really e n jo y e d m ud volleyball, and I th o u g h t it was a lo t o f fun," Tyler Hunt said. “ I g o t to d ive in th e m ud and I was w ith all m y friends from church. I d e fin ite ly plan on doing m ud vo lleyball again n e xt ye a r h o p e fu lly w ith the same te a m ," AFTER


Je re m e y C a to n a n d D a v i d O r g a n i s c a k b o d y slam e a c h other. "Go Team Go" w o n their first g a m e . S taff Photo

PREPARING FOR THE volley, senior A a ro n Lake, junior Kyle A le xa n d e r, Je re m y Shelton, ju n io r C o b y Hill, a n d senior J a c o b Mills w a it fo r th e o th e r te a m 's return. S ta ff Photo

li\ L ® *




senior Brittany Hunt s tre tc h e s fo r a last m inute save w ith the support o f her te a m m a te senior Ja ke A n d ra jack. S ta ff



f r e s h m a n S te ve S ch u tte re c o o p e ra te s a fte r a rough m a tc h as a Burninator. C A TC H IN G



f r e s h m a n Krystel Thompsen co n ve rse w ith a te a m m a te b e h ind her. S ta ff Photo BENDING



te a m m a te , senior A aron Lake o ffe rs senior J a c o b Mills a hand. S ta ff Photo

Student Life


H I Keeping Count] Editors' Note: In 1854, the Permanent School Fund was created under the influence o f Governor Elisha M. Pease marking the beginning o f Texas public schools. The Derrick staff joins in the 2004 Texas sesquicentennial celebration by preserving highlights o f the Burkbumett

school history on this spread and in the sidebar feature "Counting Back" on the division pages. Our main sources were the 1922 and 1924 Derrick yearbooks, Superintendent Dan Taylor and yearbook adviser Mrs. Anne Gillespie. -Brittany Hunt and Zack M elson

^ fc k h e n rancher Samuel Burk Burnett sold 16,997 acres ^ T t o Wichita Falls investors Joseph Kemp and Frank Kell, the town of Burkbumett was founded June 6, 1907. With the help of President Theodore Roosevelt, a post office named Burkbumett which combined Burnett's two names opened that year and soon the settlers joined the state in providing public education to the children. • 19 08 A one-room school opened in a house with five students and one teacher, but ended the term which lasted from November to April with 70 students. • 1 9 0 9 A four-room frame structure for four teachers was built. • 1 9 1 1 A brick, three-story school was built at an enormous expense to the town. • 1914 The first BHS senior class graduated five. • 1919 A two-story red brick high school building was built to relieve overcrowding. • 1 9 2 3 A newer high school opened because o f overcrowding. It became the current middle school in 1963. • 19 3 8 Mr. J. G. Hardin provided financial aid that made possible the building o f the $90,000 Hardin Elementary School which is still used. • 1941 Sheppard Air Force Base was established near Burkbumett causing the town to grow. Between 1957 and 1967 the population almost doubled from

4,555 to 8,750 residents.

• 1959 BISD opened Sheppard Elementary near the base and in 1987 changed the name to John G. Tower after a Texas senator. • 1961 As the town grew south, a third elementary school, Southside opened. In 1978 it was renamed I.C. Evans after Superintendent "Bull" Evans. • 1963 The high school moved to its current location on Kramer Rd. Among the students attending BHS in ‘ 63 was Danny Taylor, who in 1985 became superintendent o f the district. • 1987 Under Superintendent Taylor, the middle school building built in 1923 was totally renovated. • 1998 The citizens passed a $13.74 million district-wide bond program which included major renovation o f the high school on Kramer. • 2000 The improvements from the bond issue included a new gym, cafe, classroom wing and rotunda with a bronze bulldog sculpture, which changed the front exterior o f the school.

IN 1963, OPEN w indow s and bicycle s w ere a c o m m o n site o f th e fro n t o f th e new high school w hen it m o v e d to Kramer Road, (a b o v e right)

high school building b e c a m e Burkburnett M iddle School, it was re n o va te d in 1987. Earlier, a c a fe te ria was built b e tw e e n BMS and th e sixth g ra d e building. AFTER THE 1923

16D 150 Years of Public Education

‘Little Red School’ creates living history To create a living museum to preserve the heritage of one-room schools in Texas, the B u r k b u r n e t t Independent School District had the high school carpentry students recreate a one-room schoolhouse near the site of the early schools in Burkburnett. "Last spring, the

local elementary students dressed in period costumes and spent a day at our one-room school with a schoolmarm or schoolmaster," Superintendent Taylor said. "They were provided lunch in pails, learned lessons the old way, and enjoyed jacks, marbles, and jum p rope at recess."

m r C elebrating 150 Years — of Public E ducation IN 1911, WHAT was c a lle d "One of th e g re a te st u ndertakings e v e r p u t o ve r in B u rk b u rn e tf h a p p e n e d w hen th e to w n e re c te d its first brick school building. It was very e xpensive and seem e d enorm ous fo r so small a to w n fo r th e tim e . The school auditorium was used fo r all e n te rta in m e n t purposes and was a g a th e rin g p la c e fo r th e surrounding areas.

IN 1914, THE first five students

g ra d u a te d from Burkburnetf High School. They w e re am o n g th e student b o d y p ic tu re d in fro n t o f th e 1911 school. On th e fa r le ft, is a p ictu re o f one o f th e rare c o p ie s o f th e first B urkburnetf High School g ra d u a tio n com m encem ent a n n o u n ce m e n ts of 1914. W hen th e c e re m o n y d a te c h a n g e d , th e g ra d u a tes just m a rk e d through th e d a te p rin te d on th e a n n o u n ce m e n t.

Sljr S?minr (SIohs of

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?qu?sts mwr prespun? at tip

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IN 1922, THE first y e a rb o o k was c re a te d and n a m e d Derrick a fte r th e oil derrick seen on th e e d g e o f th e 1919 school cam pus. A student m a rke d in his y e a rb o o k th e e x a c t one.

1919, ANOTHER s c h o o l building w as e re c te d to m a k e ro o m fo r th e students w ho c a m e in w ith th e oil b o o m o f 1912, w h ich g a v e Burkburnetf its n ick n a m e , B o o m to w n . IN

IN 1922, AFTER th e oil boo m , co n stru ctio n on a new high school b e g a n b e cause the 1919 school was to o cro w d e d . The class of 1922 held c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises in th e ne w school's auditorium, e ve n though th e classes in the new building did n o t begin until S e p te m b e r 10, 1923.

Student Life


WHILE TOURING EUROPE M a tt Morrow, Patrick Lile, M ichael Tilles, Mrs. Sheryl C arpenter, Ashley Hales, Marc Beason, Shelby C a rpe nter, Carson M cG ow an , and Mrs. Kelley M c G o w a n visit th e C o lo g n e C athe dra l. The annual trip to Europe provides students with an o p p o rtu n ity to p a rtic ip a te in several tours and learn new historical fa cts. ’It was am azing to see th e e c o n o m ic and cultural change s o ccu rin g in Berlin since th e fall o f th e Berlin Wall," Mrs. C a rp e n te r said .Courtesy Photo



daugher, BCIS te a c h e r Mrs. Bobbie Jones sits in fro n t o f the Basilica in V en ice . Courtesy

Kelly Finn and freshm an Shelby C a rp e n te r visited C e n tre C o u rt a t W im bledon. Courtesy





IN UVALDE, Texas, S haw n P e te rm a n g o e s g in th e Frio River w ith his A fte r spending tim e his fa m ily, Shawn


P e te rm a n tra v e le d to C orpus Christi. W hile in C orpus Christi, his fa m ily w e n t to several b e a c h e s a n d fished as o fte n as possible. C ourtesy Photo

S um m er fun am ounts to life-long m em ories With a cooler summer than in the past, students kept themselves cool by visiting Castaway Cove, the new waterpark in Wichita Falls. Some students chose to spend their free time in the city limits. After two long weeks o f camp, band members participated in a softball game. Other students had the opportunity to travel out of town. Senior Zack Melson went sight seeing with his sister in Maine. Also traveling out o f town, junior Shawn Peterman went tubing when visiting

THE tw o ks o f sum m er c a m p , senior t m em bers Jerem ey on and Z ach R oddy g e t ly to start a p o in t in a >all g a m e . C ourtesy Photo R COMPLETING

Uvalde, Texas. BCIS teacher Mrs. Bobbie Jones traveled to Italy with her daughter. "It was a fairy tale trip to places I've always dreamed o f visiting and it was amazing to walk where famous people had walked since the 9th century," Mrs. Jones said. Mrs. Sheryl Carpenter took her annual trip to Europe with a group of students. -Summer Sink VISITING FAMIILY In Athens, G re e c e , junior Michelle Rush visits th e Tem ple of A p o llo . C ourtesy Photo


A BREAK from a long c a r ride, senior Z a c k M e ls o n a n d his sister Jessica Melson visit th e shore near a lighthouse in Maine. C ou rtesy ENJO YIN G


Student Life


DEDICATING HIS TIME to help out, senior Jonath an W hetzel works w ith th e Babes a t Evergreen Nursing Home. The Babes had to pull up w eeds, till th e soil, m a ke a new flo w e r

b e d , and pla n t flowers. A fte r finishing their w ork, th e y w e re tre a te d to le m o n a d e and w e re asked to g o inside and g re e t th e residents. Photo by

AFTER QUIETING THE c r o w d 'Teens M ake a D iffe re n ce ' organizer Mrs. A id a P eterm an informs th e a u d ien ce o f the schedule fo r th e day. Photo by

TILLING UP THE loose mulch, junior Jordan Dubski, freshm an S avanna Nash, sophom ore M onica N ew som e, and f r e s h m a n Tressa S toiloff use hoes and rakes to c le a r o u t

Jon Whetzel


Teens Make a Difference

M e rritt Adkins

WITH BASS GUITAR in hand, senior Randon Reeves plays in his b a n d A e r g o . R a n d o m ' s band e n te rta in e d students a fte r th e y h a d returned from th e jobs. Photo by Jon Whetzel

REPLACING THE GLASS covj on a flu o re sce n t light fixturi junior Shawn P eterm an and iJ Ron Brooks help mail im p ro ve m e n ts a t th e Boys ail Girls Club. Photo by J. WhetzA

th e flo w e r beds. Fifteen Babe m em bers w e n t to E vergreen Nursing Home and 10 h e lp e d p a in t Mrs. Tam m y Bryant's BCIS classroom. Photo by Jonathan

PLANTING FLOWERBEDS ViJ f r e s h m e n Bethany Willie N a th a n Wheeler, Tyler H Lyonel Lewis, sophorr C asey Burts, senior 2a Hawkins and Emily Brady.



ck , senior PALs m em bers b G u ffe y an d C r y s t a l t g h elp o u t in their munity. Helping lo a d th e are adults Mrs. Teresa

Davis a n d Mr. Mark Price. PALs w e n t d o o r to d o o r asking fo r c a n n e d fo o d s to d o n a te to th e c a n n e d f o o d drive. “ It w as ve ry self-satisfying to h elp o u t as m u ch as

possible," senior Erin Shaver said. "I fe lt th a t Teens M ake a D iffe re n c e Day really show ed th e c o m m u n ity th a t teens c a re eno u g h to help o u t."

Photo by Jon W hetzel

Teen w orkday helps o th ers in com m unity The second annual ‘Teens Make a Difference Day’ brought students together to return their gratitude to the community that supports them. “It was great to be able to do work where it was needed,” senior Merritt Adkins said. “At first I wasn’t very keen about giving up my Saturday morning, but it really was a good day.” From sorting, cleaning, gardening, and painting each student found a way to make themselves useful where work was necessary. -Brittany Hunt


SCRUBBING THE TOP o f o n e o f

purnett Library, junior Chris |b e rto n works to finish his I b e fo re 1:00 w he n th e pnts w ere to m e e t a t th e |ol. Photo by Jon W hetzel

th e Jubilee Christian C e n te r buses, senior H eather Carlson stands on to p o f a la d d e r to re a c h th e grim e. Photo by Jon

W hetzel

BEFORE STUDENTS LEFT fo r their assigned stations, senior Russell and his band, Thompson Shallow F ield p la y e d songs trying to w a k e up th e c ro w d . A long w ith Russell, senior Jon

Zellner p la y e d bass quitar, sang b a c k u p , and Ben Zellner an '02 g ra d u a te p la y e d th e drums. O n ce th e y finished, th e team s started their work. Photo by J.


Student Life


w e e k, seniors Rebecca Johnson and Shannon C ra b b w e a r b u d d y shirts displaying their po litica l pride. The b a c k o f the shirts displayed “W '04"

as a c a tc h phrase fo r their party's c a m p a ig n . A p o rtra it o f G e o rg e W. Bush was also c a p tu re d on th e fro n t o f th e h a n d m a d e b u d d y shirts. Photo

A WANTED ad, seniors Christa King and Karrie W a l k e r "Buddy Up A gainst Drugs." They used iron-on transfer sheets. Photo by

by Lorene Teed

Lorene Teed

OUT IN th e ir c a m o u fla g e , freshm en Leland W e tze l and Kristin Jones sign in th e fro n t of their ASL classroom. "ASL and C a m o m ixe d well. We e n jo yed

w e a rin g our c a m o a n d 'hiding ou t' from drugs," Mrs. Ly nn R e i c h a r t said, “I'm g la d m y walls are blue so I c o u ld see my students." C a m o u fla g e a ttire in clu d e d shirts, pants,


HIS W AY to class, junlA Kyle Marshall shows o ff h i c a m o u fla g e . Kyle to o k thl phrase "Hide from Drugs' to.” n e w level w ith fo lia g e pinna o n to his shirt. S ta ff Photo




Five Drug Free Week them es sp u r creativity Student Council's annual Drug Free Week provided several days to show off one's creativity. Students showcased their personality and creativity with the five themes "Hide from Drugs," "Clash Against Drugs," "Deck Out Drugs," "Buddy Up Against Drugs," and "Bulldogs Don't Do Drugs." "My favorite day was 'Deck Out Drugs,"' said freshman Stephanie Seman. "I dressed in the '50s decade because 1 could say 'groovy' and 'swell' and nobody could think I was crazy." -Summer Sink


Drug Awareness Week


ja c k e ts , hats, skirts, and th e o c ca sio na l leaf, th e te a ch e rs to o k advantc o f th e d a y to wear t f a t i g u e s . Photo by Mar



TAKING A BREAK during class,

rs Jill M a xw e ll a n d Karissa Iw e l l dress fu nky. Clash in flu e n c e has sp re ad Into Jrug w e e k days. S t a f f D



s e n io rs A n g e la Fortin, K arrie W a l k e r , a n d Terrel W hite a d m ire e a c h other's clashing clo th e s. M ism atching c lo th e s p ro v e d to b e d iffic u lt fo r som e

N G TO SAVE a fe w bucks,

S H O W IN G OFF HER '50s style


p o o d le skirt, freshm an Danielle G o o d ric h show cases her drug aw areness while "D ecking O ut Drugs" during Drug Free W e e k.

a fa v o rite in Drug Free W eek. Seniors A m b e rly Booher and A n g e la Fortin dress in their fa v o rite decade. A ng e la dressed in th e '20s d e c a d e as

I k Summer Sink b o u g h t her style dress from G o o d Will, prder to dress like th e pks, senior C rystal W on g : \ a to g a . S ta ff Photo

S ta ff Photo

o f th e TLC's "W hat N o t to W ear" fans as th e y dressed fo r th e d a y . Mixing p a tte rn s and colors th a t clashed h e lp e d th e students "Clash A gainst Drugs."

STEPPING INTO THE g ro o ve of th e 70s disco dance m o v e m e n t, senior M i c h a e l Z ie g le r shows o ff his d a n cin g abilities w e aring b e llbotto m s.

Photo by LaVelda Barrick

Photo by LaVelda Barrick

a fla p p e r, a young w om a n showing g re a t disdain fo r c o n v e n tio n a l dress. A m berly dressed as a hippie, one w ho a d v o c a te s liberalism, from the '70s. S taff Photo

Student Life


unpeople Everyone Counts hether it’s a unique new fashion trend or ai exemplary display of character, our schoo certainly reminds us that everyone counts The different faces and facets of life of ead student contribute to the individuality of our school defining this school’s unique atmosphere. Character has become an important measure of our school’s integrity. An award is given every month called Character Counts to a teachernominated student who displays unique character qualities and outstanding kindness. The most populated class, following common tradition, was the freshman class with 269 students. Following close behind them was the sophomore class with 262. However, in an uncommon twist of events in the numbers, the 248 seniors numbered more than 220 juniors. “We had a lot of military families moving in, but we also had some moving out,” Mrs. Debbie Smith said. “Just when W p. e

f> vr»ppt expect

t t ip m e

m mKp num oer

f 01

students to balance something 24

People Divider

new comes along.” end with variations in the The teacher count dropped numbers, the fact th; from 112 to 89, because many Everyone Counts will n< teachers retired or moved. change. Though the year will likely _ b . Hunt and Z. Melson t li

RECEIVING CHARACTER COUNTS a w a rd , s e n i ° r Mike Williams thanks Mrs. El l en S c h a r l a c h w ho was th e te a c h e r th a t

fo o d s a n d tw o o f her students junior lj Lobaugh a n d sophom ore J a rj M cC rory w a tc h as she speaks with Ml

n o m in a te d

Williams. Photo by Rebecca Johnsonl


Mrs. Scharlach

te a c h e s

HELPING COOK IN food ■ class, Principal Del Hardaway prepares a hot dog in a bun while senior B r it ta n y Roderick and Candice Dorsey wait their turn. Photo bv Jon Whetzel W HILE BUILDING " C A N D Y houses, seniors Shannon Crabb and Angela Fortin take time out to have fun during AP English class IV. Photo by Summ er Sink T PLAYING CHARLIE’S ^ • G R A N D P A for the sophomore skit ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’, ’ Nate Brown walks around with a cane and old hat while Lane Anderson comes forward. Photo by Zack Melson


'13-1 st Student body rollment count-31 114-1 st senior class count-5 l a f f l r o i W >21-lst Derrick’s Beauty id Popularity contests ised $485 with votes to iy for 1st annual 122-Faculty only numbered 15 p77-Largest student body krollment count-1309

“When I was a freshman I experienced my most embarrassing moment at freshman initiation because I had to roll down the math wing saying, ‘Seniors are great’ as I rolled over.” Mrs. Bohuslav ‘73

“As a freshman in band during a routine everyone went one way except me. 1 went about 20 yards before 1 realized I was the only one there. I did an about face and marched back.” Coach Richards “68

“My special memory was Coach K making me apologize and hug a stop sign that 1 had rolled past in his Driver’s Education class.” Nurse Long ‘91

l B

“While trying out for senior cheerleader in front o f the whole student body I forgot my cheer. I was so embarrassed that I just knew I wouldn’t make it- but I did.” Coach Cely ‘90

Everyone Counts


Who's Who Who's Who is a distinguished award given each year to a senior that has shown aptitude in a particular subject. These students are elected based on a criteria of a 3.0 or higher grade point average, citizenship, enthusiasm, and talent. The teachers of each subject are responsible for the selections.

Ag. Science






"Sum m er is a stro n g stu d e n t in science. She is very enthusiastic about ex p erim en tin g a n d truly enjoys discovering. Look forw ard to g reat things from h er in the future." -M rs. Francis

"Jacob is an o u tsta n d in g m a th stu d e n t. H e has m a in ta in e d high A 's this y ear while taking both Pre-A P Pre-Calculus a n d A P Statistics. H e does n ot h esitate to ask questions a n d is always willing to help others. H e has b een a joy to have in class." -M rs. Baughm an


Family and Consumer Science:




"Torrey has d e d ic a te d m any hours o f her life to Ag. Science a n d FFA. Being greatly involved in livestock judging, she helped her te a m qualify for S tate judging. A nother highlight o f her junior year was her stee r w inning first at the Fort W orth Stock Show." -M r. W aitm an

"Kristian is an optim istic a n d carin g young lady. H er d ed icatio n a n d w illingness to d o an y task that is n e e d e d is e v id en t in the classroom a n d onthe-job. W ith these tra its she will be successful an d an asset to an y business." -M rs. S m ith

"Karrie is an involved young lady who has also chosen all 3 FCS teach ers in a variety o f courses. She is co n sid e rate, thoughtful, a n d very capable. W e look forw ard to hearing o f her m any life accom plishm ents." -M rs. M iller, M rs. S ch arlach , M rs. Gritton

Who's Who







"A ngela's in te re s t in th e m e d iev al a n d ren aissan c e perio d s o f literature are n o t only her hobby, but h er passion. She ca n literally ta k e the w ritte n w ord o f those tim e periods a n d 'breathe life' in to th e m for all to u n d e rs ta n d a n d appreciate." -M rs. B arrick

"Although active in drill te a m a n d sen io r class leadership, B rittan y d e v o te d tw o y ears to yearbook s ta ff a n d co m p e te d in U IL jounalism .A s co-editor, she w as in stru m e n ta l in cre a tin g the clev er th e m e a n d beautiful '05 co v er design." -M rs. Gillespie

"It seem s th at n o assig n m en t is too m u n d a n e for Jacob. H is com p leted task will always show thought, p atien ce , a n d craftm an sh ip . T hese are th e qualities th a t Jaco b has shown to his instructors o f art at BHS." -M rs. C lack and M r. Tw itty




RACHEL WALCK "Rachel is a very m atu re young lady. H e r dependability, responsibility, great com m unication skills, a n d d ed icatio n m ake her 1 an excellent stu d e n t a n d valuable em ployee." -M s . Lee

MARRISSA MABEE "M arrissa listens, then thinks, th e n works. D espite h er job a n d o th e r activities, she is still able to be co u n ted on. W hen ev eryone else is read y to quit a n d play, M arrissa finishes the job. She will be m issed." M r- Barrow

JEREMIAH HASTINGS ' Jerem iah is presid en t o f our A C appella choir. H e is greatly respected by stu d en ts a n d d irector. H e knows when som ething n e e d s to be d o n e without being asked. H e also has excellent leadership skills a n d is very m ature." -M r. Cowan

Who's Who


Female Athlete Vocational Tech

Social Studies




"Kim has been an o u tsta n d in g athlete for our girls' athletic program . She is such a w onderful lead er that she encourages all our young athletes to strive to uphold our Lady Bulldog tradition." -C oach R ichards and C oach Koulovatos

"A nthony displays an ex cellen t w ork a ttitu d e . W hen given a ta sk he sees it through to the e n d . H is in terest is always grow ing. A n th o n y 's enthusiasm fo r his w ork is contagious as others follow exam ples he sets." -M r. R ess & M r. Mullins

"Bryan has n o t only excelled in acad em ics at BHS but he is also a very d e p e n d ab le a n d trustworthy s tu d e n t. H e is a p erfec t exam ple for other s tu d e n ts to follow. H e is just a g reat kid to be around." -C oach Atkins

Foreign Languages



' :‘. W

Male Athlete







"D espite her busy schedule, R ebecca has m ade tim e to study three years o f F rench. She is a conscientious s tu d e n t, always striving to learn a n d use the language, as opposed to just m aking a good grade. H e r positive attitu d e a n d leadership have been an asset to my classes." -M rs. N iles

"Rebecca Wilhelm is a le ad er a n d also an o u tsta n d in g stu d e n t. She excels at almost everything she does. She leads in A F JR O T C an d in her o th er courses, too. R ebecca leads by exam ple, being the best she can be in all areas." -M S g t. Bill Fox

"Jacob is a young m an th at w e know we could always co u n t on to play very hard and be an ex cellen t te a m m a te . W e wished we had many m ore s tu d e n t ath letes like him!" -Coach Nix

Who's Who


Computer Tech

Health Tech




"M ichael Burris is a p rem ier s tu d e n t c itiz e n . H e is c o m m itte d to ac a d e m ic ex c elle n ce as w ell as perso n al c h a ra c te r a n d in tegrity. H e has e a rn e d th e resp ect o f his peers a n d his te ach ers through his g en u in e e ffo rts a n d sincerity." -M r. Davis

* Jen n a Jo h n so n is a d e d ic a te d a n d h ard w o rk in g senior. A s a te a c h e r assistan t to M rs. M ullins, th e c a m p u s tech n o lo g y facilitato r, J e n n a w as a d e fin ite asset. J e n n a is w illing to tak e on an y assignm ent given to h e r / -M rs. K leckner

"F aith is a very a tte n tiv e , conscientious stu d en t. H e r assig n m en ts are always n e a t a n d tu rn e d in on tim e. She listens in class a n d does n o t cause an y u n n ecessary disruptions a n d always has great class participation." -M rs. M inderm an

Bloodworth Award i

Two students acquire honor

KIM STRADLEY "Kim has shown leadership as co-editor o f the new spaper in 2004-2005 by w riting excellent new s stories a n d by producing quality new spages. She also served as th e paper's featu res e d ito r in 20032004." -M rs. Tang

S en iors Zack M elson and K im Stradley w on the e ig h te e n th an n u al F ern e B loodw orth Journalism S pirit A w ard . T h is aw ard is in m em o ry o f M rs. Bloodw orth, a w ell known and o u tstan d in g B H S journalism teach er in th e six tie s and se v e n tie s w h o d ied in a 1987 p lan e crash. "I started th is aw ard in her h onor to recogn ize o u tstand in g sen iors in p u b lication work," M rs. G illesp ie , yearbook ad viser said . "Mrs. Bloodworth w ould have en joyed w orking w ith Zack and K im in journalism as M rs. T ang and I have."

ZACK MELSON "D ed icatin g three years to the yearbook publication, Zack served as co-editor in 05 an d assistant e d ito r in '04. W ith his leadership, o u tsta n d in g co m p u ter skills an d calm spirit, he has 'K ept C o u n t’ o f both sta ff a n d pages." -M rs. Gillespie

Who's Who


flU ^ o o l M iss and Mr. BH S Beth Callaway

Mike Williams 30

Miss and Mr. BHS

Leon Ames

Crystal Wong

David Organiscak

fill School Most Likely to Succeed Karrie Walker

Rebecca Johnson


Merrill Sweatt


David Organiscak

Gordon Ro0ney

Z^ck Meison Most Likely to Succeed


Favorites Britni Berry

Michael Ziegler 32

All School Favorites

Russell Thompson

Victoria Wetzel


Beth Callaway

t *

Nate BrOWfl

fill School Handsome and Beauty w eteeT


Leon Ames

Beth Callaway

Mike Williams

Dakota Orf

All School Handsome and Beauty


S e n io rs

Favorites Merrill Sweatt

Mary Spurlock

Beth Callawai

f9Wd David Organiscak 34

Senior Favorites

Tyler Swartsell

Random Reeves

<§£niors Handsome and Beauty Oominique u m iiu u c Sims

Merrill i y x c i i 111 sw eatt

Jordan McLain


i i


Beth Callaway


or^nTscak Senior Handsome and Beauty


Senior Stats Males:




WATCH OUT!!!. 73% of seniors have cars

62 % of seniors have JOBS Smarty Pants 44 % of seniors are in AP classes

f( Vs First Bank 300 E. 3rd Street 569-2221 Members FDIC

Cody Adams Footbali (9-12), T rack (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12)

M erritt Adkins Drill Team (10-12), N H S (11-12, h istorian 12) Band (9), Color Guard (9), N ew spaper (10)

N athan Aldrete S o cce r(9 -11), P hoto joum alism ( 12)

Sarah Allen Band (9-12, librarian 11-12, senior class reporter. 12) J a z z Band (10-12), A C A P Choir (10-11)

Leon Ames Football (9-12), B ask etb all (9-12), T rack (9-12)

Jacob Amey Football (9-12), B ask etb all (9-12), Baseball (9-12), S T U C O (12)

Erin Anderson Band (9-12), C hoir (9-12), International Club (9-12)

M attias Andersson



.Senior Class. What Really Counts... Faulty judging lead the seniors to a devastating crash at homecoming. The seniors received third place for their float, which was a rendition o f Grease. "It was disappointing at the time, but looking back now I think everyone knows exactly how well we did, and that's all that matters," vice-president Brittany Hunt said. Homecoming King and Queen went to

SH O W IN G PRIDE FOR their class, senior class officers president Jake Andrajack, vicepresident Brittany Hunt, secretary Beth Callaway, and reporter Amy Landrum were on top o f their jobs . Officers were responsible for making major decisions. P hoto by Jon Whetzel

David Organiscak and Victoria Wetzel. Seniors also found themselves working hastily on completing all the applications, tests! and student aid forms necessary for college. "We are taking the ACT, SAT tests, visiting our counselors, filling out scholarship and financial aid applications, all that good stuff, and we are really working to prepare ourselves for college,"! senior class president Jake Andrajack said. | -Kristi Baxley

J a k e Andrajack B aseball (9-12), S T U C O (9-12), N H S (11-12), C la ss P resident (11-12)

Ridawn Arthur Victoria Aubin S o ccer (10-12), Tennis (9-10), N MS (12), International Club (12), A C A P C h o ir (9-10), FFA (10)

Matthew Baker J R O T C (9-12), Tennis (10), Bow ling ( 10)

Brooke Barad Drill T eam (9-12), S T U C O (9-12, S ecretary 9), N H S (11-12), BPA (12), N ew sp ap er (11), U nited Way L eadership (12)

Cory Battista Kristi Baxley Color G uard (9-12), S T U C O (9-10), International Club (9-12), Y earbook (12)

Amanda Bayless A C A P C h o ir (9-12, sec. 11, section leader 12), Volleyball (9-12, m anager 11-12) Softball (9-10), N H S (12), TA FE (11-12), BPA (12)

Levi Beasley B aseball (9-12), FFA (11-12)

Elizabeth Beason FFA (9-12), S occer (9-12), International Club (12), Track (11), C h e s s Club (12), FC CLA (9), G uitar (12)

Britni Berry' B asketbaU (9-10), Track (10-12), PALS (12), TA FE (11-12)

Brad Biddy

Ebony Bisson Zach Bolding Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12)

Amberly Booher Girl s C h o ir (9), J V Tennis (9-10), A C A P C h o ir (10-11) N H S ( I 2 ) , KeyClub (12)

Steven Brooks J R O T C (9)

Tira Brown Victoria Brown Volleyball (9-11), T rack (9-12), B asketbaU (9-10)

Sean Bryant Jessica Burke DriU Team (10-12), S T U C O (12)



Lindsey Burks Drill Team (9-12), International Club (10), Y earbook (12)

M ichael Burris Band (9-12, Vice P res. & section leader 12), J a z z Band (9-12), C hoir (12), N H S (11-12)

M ichael Cahoe J R O T C (12), International Club (12)

Beth Callaway Drill Team (9-12, Lt. 11-12), C lass R eporter (9-11), S ecretary (12), Track (9), S T U C O (9-12), U nited W ay (12), TA FE (11-12), PALS (12), N H S (12)

Kyle Caporale FFA (9-12)

H eather Carlson Colorguard (9-12) Interact Club (1112)

Jesse Carr D ram a Club (9-12), J R O T C (9-10)

Titus Carr T rack (9), Colorguard (10), International Club (10), S occer (9), B aseball (9), S T U C O (9-10)

Joseph Casteen B aseball (9-12), PALS (12), N H S (12), S T U C O (11-12), U nited W ay (12)

Cameron Castro S o ccer (9-12), S T U C O (12), Football (9-11), Dog Squad (10-12), Interact Club (11-12), PALS & TA FE (11-12)

Jeremey Caton Band (9-12), J a z z Band (11-12), B rass Q uintet (11-12), C hoir (12)

Courtney Clarkin S o ccer (9-10), D ram a Club (9-12), Intl. Club (10), Fall Production (10), N ew spaper (11-12, O p E d/E ditorials E ditor (11-12),

Kimberly Coleman B askeubali (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), T rack (9-12), Cheerleading (10 & 12), N H S (11-12)

Shane Combs Mathew Cottrell J R O T C (9-10), B asketball (11-12)

Tiffany Cottrell Exceptional Learners Club (10-12)

Shannon Crabb N H S (11-12), French H onor Society (11, G rafton High School), French Club (10-1 l,P res. 11,G H S )

Kathleen Dalke Volleyball (9-12), Track (9-12), C heerleading (10-12), N H S (11-12), FCA (9-10), S T U C O (9-12), C lass O fficer (P res. 9-10)

Rebekah Davis International Club (11-12)

Carrie Deeb PALS (11-12), Cheerleading (10-12), International Club (11-12), N H S (12),

TAFE ( 11- 12)



fM tii

Anthony Derubbio Building T rad es, & Auto Tech

Ross Dilbeck FFA (9-12)

Toni Dimarzio S o ccer ( 9 - 11), C heerleading (10), S T U C O (9), N H S (12)

Bethany Disney E L C (9-12)

Reginald Dixon Candice Dorsey S o ccer (9-12) S T U C O (11)

Deedra Dorsey C osm otology (11-12), S T U C O (11), S o ccer (9-10)

Sam antha Dossey International Club (11-12)

Erik Polumbo With little spare tim e left to count at the Id o f the day, students are encouraged to stay isy. Senior Erik Polumbo definitely has only a w spare m om ents to waste. Upon graduating, Erik plans to attend liege in Florida. He one day hopes to become famous ESPN correspondent. "My dream job is to becom e a famous sPN broadcaster or anchorman," he said. Outside o f school, he enjoys golfing, ;hing, playing basketball, and doing about any |nd o f water sport imaginable. He also enjoys ual teenage activities, such as being with his iends. Playing sports is not the only activity that

he excels in. Erik is a member o f the Bulldog chapter o f the National Honor Society and works to maintain a high GPA. "Being able to play sports is the thing I will miss the m ost about high school," he said. Reflecting on his high school memories, he recalled that his most embarrassing moment happened on the baseball field. "As a sophomore playing baseball, I threw a ball over the home plate backstop from center field to get a runner out," he said. With all o f his high school involvement, he is prepared for college. His m otto to live by is "Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there." -Lindsey Burks


2 . A t e o n Czrirls 3. “ Pirates o f the C-oribbeorx

4 . (O ffice S f ’oee 5

JLLING UP TO m a k e a asket, senior Erik Dlumbo displays g o o d >rm as he w orks o u t in a c tic e . A large m ount o f Erik's tim e as spent in b a ske tb a ll 3 well as o th e r classes, lany o f these p ra c tic e s ere held during and rte r school consisting o f j p entire te a m . Photo

y Lindsey Burks

/ he Notebook

'O o z e d S C o n ftA s e d s ST AT E



Matt Patterson 315 S. Ave D 569-1407



Tarnisha Durrah Nicole Farland D riUTeam (10-12), A C A P C h o ir (1012), N H S (11-12), Girls C hoir (9)

Jennifer Fielding Jason Fisher B asketball (9-11), N H S (11-12), International Club (12)

M atthew Fonville Football (9-12), B asketball (9), B aseball (9-10), Powerlifting (11-12), S T U C O (10-12), FCA (10-11)

Travis Fore Angela Fortin N H S (11-12), A C A P C h o ir (11), N ew spaper (12). International Club

( 12)

Bryan Fox Football (10-12), Powerlifting (10-12), N H S (11-12)

TOP 5 SuperH eroes

Merritt Adkins Attending Burkbumett schools since she was an elementary student, Merritt Adkins has aquired the true Bulldog spirit. Merritt is a member o f the Boomtown Babes drill team and National Honor Society. Merritt’s other activities include going to the movies, and playing her violin. “You can sleep when you’re dead,” Merritt said is the m otto that she lives by. After high school Merritt plans to follow through with a childhood

1, Spiderman 2, Superman 3, Batman 4, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5, Captain Planet Dr. David Doerre, DDS General Dentistry 111 N. Ave D 569-4901

Hays Home & Auto 401 E. 3rd Street 569-2271



DRILL TEAM p r a c t i c e M erritt Adkins works on her highkick te c h n iq u e w ith her te a m m a te Molly Turner to b e tte r p re p a re herself fo r th e to u g h criteria th a t c o m p e titio n season brings. Besides being a m e m b e r o f drill te a m M erritt e n jo ye d literature in Mrs. T e e d ’s English class. S ta ff photo DURING

dream and attend Texas A&M at Galveston to major in Marine Biology. “My ideal job is to be in the Pacific Ocean near Australia studying the Great Barrier Reef and how to preserve it, ’’she said. “ I will miss my friends the most after high school is over, because in college you can only be close to your roommate,” she said. “Students do not just go around saying ‘Hi my name is Bob.’ They go there to learn.” -Kristi Baxley

M att Fox Dog Squad (12), N ew sp ap er (11), O IL S peech (9-12, V, P res. 1(1-12), O IL D ebate (9-10), A C A P C h o ir (12), Ini I. Club (11-12), B aseball (10-11), G uitar (12), D ram a (10), O IL A cadem ics

Clellan Franks S o c c e r (9-10)

Kimberly Freeman B and (9-12)

Tyler Gaffney S o ccer (9-12), FC A (9-10)

Brendon Garcia V.I.C.A. (S ec. 12)

Gina Gee Ryan Geer B and (9-12), A C A P C h o ir (12)

Stacey Geer N H S (11-12), J V Tennis (9-11)

Jerem iah Gibson Tennis (9-12), D ram a (9-10)

Whitney Gilmore S o ccer (9-11), International Club (10), FC C LA (10), C hoir, Library aide (9, 12)

Hillary' Godwin Bryan Gonzales S occer

Kristina Gonzalez Volleyball (9), S o ccer (9-11), S T U C O (9-11), International Club (11-12), Football Trainer (9-12), Key Club (12), In te ract Club (12), T A F E ( 12)

Brady Graham Tim Green B ask etb all (9-10), B aseball (9-12), B P A ( l l)

Jacob Guffey Football (9-12), B ask etb all (9), B aseball (9-12), S T U C O (9), PALS (12), T A FE (12), FCA (9-12)

Priscilla Guffey S T U C O (9-12), In teract Club (12), Drill Team (9-12), Y earbook (11-12), N H S (12)

M atthias Gutierrez International Club

Sara Hardy Color Guard (9), International Club (10), BPA (11-12), N H S (11-12)

Kristian Harris



Faith Hassell FCCLA (11-12, pres. 12), International Club (12), A F JR O T C (9-12)

Jerem iah Hastings Band (9-12, Section leader 12), A CA F C h o ir (9-12, V. P res. 11, P res. 12) N H S ( 1 1-12), J a z z Band (10-12), Perc. F.nsomble (9-12)

Nick Haudenshild Zach Hawkins Football (9), S occer (9), C rim e Stoppers (11-12), A F JR O T C (9-10),

Tim Hawley Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), V.I.C.A. (12)

Nyesha Haygood B ask etball (10-12), Track (10-12)

Zac Helmick B ask etb all (9-10)

Lacy Heptner Drill Team (9-12, Lt. 10-12), N H S (1112), S T U C O (9-12), PALS (11-12), N ew sp a p er) 10),TA FE (11-12), Q uill & S croll (10

Jeff Holden Football (9), B ask etb all (9-10), Tech P rep School Board (11-12)

Chris Horton Stacie Horton Softball (9), S occer (9-12), FFA (1012, V. P res. 11, P res. 12)

Aaron Howell B ask etb all (9-10)

Cody Huff FFA (9-12)

M ichael Hulme Brittany Hunt C ro ss Country (9-10), Softball (9), Drill Team (9-12, Lt. 10-12), S T U C O (9-12), C lass O fficer V. P res. (11-12), Yearbook (11-12, E ditor-in-C hief (12), N H S (12), Quill & Scroll (11-12)

Leland Isaacs

Tabitha Jarrell Donna Johnson Band (9-12), J a z z Band (12), Girls C hoir (10), A C A P C hoir (12), G uitar (12)

Rebecca Johnson Tennis (9-12), N H S (11-12, T re s. 12), Interact Club (10-12, P res. 11-12), Band (9), N e w sp a p e r(1 0 -ll, Editor II)

Christopher Kelley



Jam ie Kemp T h e a tre A rts (9 ,1 2 ), Auto Body (10), A uto lo c h . (11), V .I.C.A. (10-11)

Michele Kenney B ask etb all (9-12), band (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), N H S (12), TA M E (12), Softball (9-12), FFA (12), Track (9-12), S T U C O (9-12), FCA (9)

Kurtis Kildew S o ccer (9-12)

Casey Kimbler S o ccer (9-11)

Christa King Color G uard (10-12), A C A P C h o ir (912), N H S (12)

Aaron Lake Amy Landrum B a s k e t ball (9-11), Volleyball (9-10), N H S (11-12), S T U C O (9-12), FCA (911), Golf (9,11-12, C ap t. 12), C la ss O fficer R eporter (12)

Rebekah Langston Color G uard (9-12), Intl. Club (10,12), In teract Club (11-12), A F J R O T C (910, Drill Team 9-10, Color Guard 9-10)


WIDavid O rganiscakJ Walk into the band hall efore, after, and on ccasion during school, and ou’ll witness David liganiscak conducting the ulldog Brigade. In his third and final ear at Burk High School, >avid has made an impact ot only in band, but on his llow students. “The journey o f a lousand miles begins with ne step,” is his m otto. Outside of school, 'avid enjoys playing asketball with his brother, well as baseball, and

studying photography. He also manages to include a job in his schedule. Along with being the senior Drum Major, David is also the president o f the National Honor Society. “Being able to hang out with m y friends is what I’ll miss the most about high school,” he said. After graduating high school, David plans on being a business major and becoming a chief executive officer o f a large company or firm. -Lindsey Burks



McPonalds m Taco Pell

LEADING THE BAND during a p e p

rally, Drum M ajor David O rganiscak keeps th e Bulldog Brigade to g e th e r w ith Marissa Brown. Photo by Jon w hetzel DURING



D avid O rganiscak and R e b e c c a Johnson d e v e lo p their film in th e d a rkro o m . Photo by Jon Whetzel

I n S I n L-

931 Red River E xpressw ay O ffice : (940) 569-3444 Fax: (940) 569-3454 Tony C orsaut Broker/O w ner



Christina Lankford Eric Lapointe-Spurrier Katelyn Lawson Volleyball (9), N ew spaper (10-11), A C A P C hoir (9-12), N H S (11-12), J a z z Band (10-12), International Club (9), Q uill & Scroll (10-12)

Mackenzey Lawson N ew spaper (11-12, E nterainm ent Editor 11, Editor 12), Band (9-12, S ec. 11, Public relations & S ect. leader 12), International Club (9-10). D ram a Club (9-12), Bowling (10), Quill & ScroU (11-12).

Adriana Limon S occer (9-12), Lady Pups (11), International Club (10-12), Band (9), N H S (12)

Chris Lindsay A F JR O T C (9-11), International Club ( 12)

Robert Long Jasen Loughlin S occer



Danielle M ichaud Bom and reared in Burkbumett, Danielle Michaud has deep roots in the community. Danielle mentors elementary students during PALs II. Danielle is also a member o f the local National Honor Society, Boomtown Babes drill team and TAFE. Danielle plans to

Cnnpr 1♦ Reese's 2. Snickers 3♦ M & M’s 4* Starburst 5, Butterfinger Michael R. Tugman P.C. Certified Public Accountant 308 S. Ave D Burkburnett, TX 76354 Office: (940) 569-2244 Fax: (940) 569-3753



WORKING ON A routine fo r an u p c o m in g gam e, Danielle M ichaud p ra c tic e s during drill te a m . Photo by Summer Sink PRACTICING HER KICK te c h n iq u e Danielle M ichaud works through a kick routine to stay in shape during o ff season fo r drill te a m .

Photo by Rebecca Johnson

go to college to further her education and j receive her teaching degree. “My dream job is j to teach early childhood or second grade,” she said. Danielle is always ready to lend a helping hand whenever she is needed. “I will miss seeing my friends everyday,” she said. -Kristi Baxley

Courtney Lubke M arrissa Mabee D ram a (9-12), S o ccer (9-10), N H S (12), International Club (12)

Stacey M cCarthy Shayla McCraw S o ccer (9-10), C heerleading (11-12), H ealth O ccupations(9-12)

Jordan M cLain Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), T rack (9, 11), V.I.C.A. (12)

Zack Melson Y earbook (10-12, A ssista n t F d ito r 11, E d itor-in-C hief 12), Band (9-11), J a z z Band (9-11), N H S (11-12), Q uill & Scroll (11-12)

M elissa Mendoza Danielle M ichaud Drill Team (9-12), PALS (11-12), N H S (12). B P A (9 )

Jacob Mills Travis M itchell F ootball (9-12), FFA (12), B ask etb all (9-10), B aseball (9)

M att M oehnke Brady Moore B aseball (9-12), S T U C O (9-12), B ask etb all (9), C rim e Stoppers (12)

Lisa Moore Sarah M orales Drill Team (10-12, Lt. 12), Girls C hoir (9-10), A C A P C h o ir (12)

Kyle M orris Football (11), International Club (12), Powerlifting (11), L acro sse (9-10, at an o th er school)

Aaron M uschamp

H eather Myer PALS (12), TA FE (12), In teract Club (12), Football Trainer (10-12)

Tiffany Nettles B and (9-12, h istorian 12), International Club (11-12)

Traci Nurre Band (9-10), International Club (1 0 ,11, 12)

Ashleigh Organ Color Guard (9-12), Key Club (12), FFA (9)



David Organiscak N H S (11-12, P res. 12), Band (9-12), Drum M ajor (12), B ass Q uintet (11-12) Trumpet Q u a rte t (10)

Alien Pappas S occer (9-12), N H S (11-12), B PA (12), C ross Country (9)

M ichelle Patino Jo h n Pena B ask etb all (9), Football (10), Bow ling (10), Baseball (9-12), Dog Squad (11), N H S (12)

Jaym e Perry International Club, S T U C O

Tovorris Pickett B ask etb all (9-12)

Erik Polumbo C ross Country (9 Bit burg H .S), S occer (9 Bitburg H .S.), B ask etb all (910 Bitburg H .S., 11-12 Burk H .S.), Football (10 Bitburg H .S.), B aseball (10 Bitburg H .S.), N H S (10 Bitburg H .S. 11-12 Burk )

Laura Potter

Torrey Potts FFA (9-12), B ask etb all (9), Volleyball (9)

Brittany Quigley C heerleading (10-12), PALS (12), T A FE (12), S T U C O (9-12), International Club (11-12), S occer (9-11), Volleyball (9)

Chris Raines FFA (11-12), FCCLA (10-12), Exceptional L earners (10-12)

Pamela Rangel FFA (10), S T U C O (12), International Club (12), Drill Team (12)

Daniel Reattoir A F JR O T C (9-12), F lt.C C (10), Sq. Cd. (10-11), SE A (11), Deputy Grp. C C (12)

Random Reeves Dog Squad (9-12), Football (9-10), N H S (11), G uitar (10,12), International Club (11-12), Powerlifting (9) S T U C O (9-10)

M organ Reynolds C heerleading (10-12), Powerlifting (1112), Volleyball (9),Softball (9), Track(910),C ross Country (11), FFA (9), S T U C O (9-10).

Justin Robinson Football (9-12) B asketball (9), T rack (9-12)

Zach Roddy Tennis (9), A C A P C hoir (12, se c t. leader), Band (9-12, Rep. 10, P res. 11, S ect. Leader 11-12), J a z z Band (1012), N H S (11-12)

Brittany Roderick S occer (9-12), S T U C O (11-12), Lady Pups (11)

Jeremy Roe Football (12), Powerlifitng (12)

Consuelo Romero Drill Team (9-12), S TU CO (12)



Gordon Rooney Tennis (10-12), S T U C O (9-12), M odel U nited N ations (9), T .A .F .E . (11-12), C rim e S toppers (11), S o ccer (10-11), PALS (11-12), U nited Way Team (12), D ebate (12), Bowling (10), FCA (11)

Chase Roosa Dominique Rousseau Shauna Runyon B ask etb all (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), T rack (9), S T U C O (C la ss S ec. 9-10), N H S (12), FCA (9-11)

Ludovica Sandei C ro ss C ountry (12)

Brady Sands G olf (9-12)

Scott Sandsmark S o c c e r (11)

Jesse Schiewe B ask etb all (9-11)

[Ashleigh Organ] Encompassing several nuine feelings at one tim e what senior Ashleigh rgan does the best. She has lived in Burk id also has attended Burk hools all o f her life, and is uly a hometown girl. "My favorite activity itside o f school is watching )nic commercials with my other," she said. Ashleigh is well-known r being outspoken. She has ceived a well-renowned putation, as well as many iends across the campus r her particularly

Which Activity Counts the Most To You? “Band and Basketball because they both show great aspects of life.” - Terrel White

interesting character. When Ashleigh graduates, she will miss one thing in particular, that is. "I will miss having Mrs. Owen scream 'That's Gorgeous!' when you com plete a m ove in color guard," Ashleigh said. Ashleigh is involved in Key Club as well as being a four-year member o f the color guard. Ashleigh plans to pursue a , career in cosmetology upon graduating from high school.

“Guitar because I ’m in love with playing it.” - A lex Schultz “Lunch because it helped me cure the feeling inside.” - Jeremy Caton

-Lindsev Burks

PRACTICING HER FLAG routine, senior Ashleigh O rgan goes through th e routine one last tim e b e fo re th e c o lo r guard p e rfo rm a n c e . Photo by S. Sink SIPPING HER S O N IC drink, Ashleigh

O rgan shows ho w she enjoys her fa v o rite Sonic co m m e rc ia ls a fte r school. Photo by Lindsey Burks

"Photojournalism because it's what I want to do." -Nathan Aldrete "Newspaper because it was exciting to bring opinions to the student body." -Courtney Clarkin Seniors


Alex Schultz Heather Scott Drill Team (M anager 12), S T U C O (1012), International Club (10-12), Choir ( 12)

Amber Shaffer S occer (10-12), D ram a Club (10-12), International Club (12)

Erin Shaver Color Guard (10-12 L t. 12), PALS (12), TA FE (12), N H S (11-12), In te ract (1012, service chairperson), A C A P C hoir (9), S T U C O (9-12), B ask etb all (9)

Brooke Shelton Volleyball (9-12), SoftbaU (9,11-12), T rack (9-12), FCA (9-12), B ask etb all (9-10)

Dominique Sims B asketbaU (9-12), S T U C O (11-12), Key Club (10-12), International Club (10-12), Vollevball (9-10), S occer (910). T rack (9-10,12), N H S (10-12)

Summer Sink Color Guard (9-12, Lt. 10, C apt. 11-12), Tennis (9-10), N H S (11-12), Y earbook (12), Key Club (11-12)

Joshua Siple


Cafeteria Foods

Russell Thompson Chances are if you have attended a Friday night football game you have seen Russell “Joe” Thompson showing his true Bulldog spirit. Being an active member o f Dog Squad for three years, he looks up to sponsor Mark Schroeder as a mentor. “He has always been there for me, always pushing me to be the best I could be,” he said.

1. Pizza 2. Spicy Chicken Wraps 3. Curly Fries 4. Chicken Nuggets 5. Cookies

Bundy, Young, Sims & Potter Inc. Architects/Planners/ Interior Design 1005 9th Street Suite 200 Wichita Falls, Tx 76301 (940)761-2404 w w w .bysp.com



AT Teens M ake a D iffe re n ce Day, senior Russell "Joe" Thompson perform s fo r th e c ro w d . M any students a n tic ip a te d his perfo rm a n ce s. PERFORMING

BEFORE A PEP rally Russell ta ke s tim e o u t to ta k e a p ictu re beside Lena V eith, th e school m a sco t.

Russell plans to attend college to become a paramedic and also to continue to play music. “My dream is to play music in front of millions o f people,” Russell said. “There are chords in the hearts of the most restless, that can not be struck without emotion” is a mottc that Russell said he lives by. -Kristi Baxley

Andy Slye Football (9-12, C’npt. 12), Baseball (912), B ask etb all (9-12), S T U C O (9-12), N H S ( 11- 12), F C A ( 9- 10)

Andrew Smith Band (9-12), J a z z B and (9-11), N H S (11-12), A C A P C h o lr(1 2 )

Lyndsay Smith N H S (11-12), U IL Science (11-12), S T U C O (9-12), T A F E (12), PALS (12), A C A P C h o ir (10-11), Key Club (10-12 S ec. /T reas. 12) B P A (11-12, P res. 12)

Jacob Springstead International Club (12), BPA (12)

M ary Spurlock S o cce r (9-12), FFA (10)

Chris Strader S o cce r (10-11)

Kim Stradley Color G uard (9-12 Lt. 10-12), A C A P C h o ir (9-11, V. P res. 10, T re as. 10-11), N H S (11-12), N ew sp ap er (11-12, E d ito r 12), International Club (10), In te ract Club (10,12)

M errill Sweatt S T U C O (9-12, Rep. 10, S ec. 11, P res. 11-12), Tennis (9-12, C ap t. 12), In te ract Club (10-12), PALS (12), T A F E (11-12), TA M E (10), N H S (1112), Y earbook (9)

Becky Taylor Devaney Terry C h ee rlead e r (10-12), S T U C O (9-12)

Johnny Thom as Brad Thompson


DRESSING UP LIKE their buddies.

seniors Beth C a lla w a y and A n d y Slye are ca rrie d o n to th e gym flo o r b y their m a n -m a d e ve h icle . Several students w a tc h e d as this flo a t arrived.

M a tt Hogan, Russell Thompson, A lex Schultz, C o u rtn e y Clarkin, and M a cke n ze y Lawson show o ff their T-shirts. Students "buddied-up" against drugs.





Russell Thompson Interact Club (11, 12), Dog Squad (9, 11-12), M ascot (9)

Trent Thompson Football (9-10), V.I.C.A. (12)

Elizabeth Toalson Band (9-12, J r . C lass Rep. 11)

Alexandra Torres C hoir (9-10)

Trey Torries S occer (9-12), N H S (11-12), V .I.C.A. (12), N ew spaper (12)

Tony Triggs Football (9-12), BasketbaU (9-12), T rack (9-12), FCA (9-10)

Brandi Trout N H S (11), Lady Pups (11), International Club (11), BPA (11-12), T A FE (11)

Brittany Turner S occer (9-10)




spirit, senior Morgan Reynolds cheers fo r the c ro w d . C heerleaders p la ye d a m ajor role during p e p rallies.






c h o re o g ra p h e d d a n c e routine to G r e a s e , seniors M ichael Ziegler, Brooke Barad, Am anda Bayless, C a m e ro n Castro, H eather Myer, Joeseph

C a ste e n , Alysha Wessling, M a tt M oehnke, D evany Terry, and Brittney Q uigley show o ff w h a t th e y learned th e w e e k o f h o m e c o m in g . Seniors p e rfo rm e d a d a n c e to th e

"Hand Jive". St u d e p ra c tic e d in th e Burkbu Boys & Girls C lub gym ft hour o f preparation the b e fo re their big performo Photo by Zack Melson

J a k e Van Donge Dor Squad (12), U IL C h o ir (12), Key Club (11-12), International Club (12), S T U C O (10-12), N ew sp ap er (11, p h o tographer)

D .J. Vieth S o cce r (9-12), Football (11-12), Dog Squad (11-12)

Rachel Walck S T U C O (12), FCA (12), N H S (11-12), Softball (9-12), D EC A (12)

H eather W alker

Karrie W alker B and (9), Color G uard (10-12), N H S (11-12, S ec. 12), In teract Club (10-12), Tennis (9-10), Lady Pups (11)

LaTonya W ashington T rack (11), C h o ir 12)

Alysha Wessling Drill Team (9-12, Lt. ll,C a p t.l 2 )

Victoria Wetzel S o ccer (9-10), C heerleading (10-11), International Club (11), BPA (12)

Jenna Johnson M When it com es to piring others to push m selves, Jenna Johnson veil known for being that >e o f motivator. N ot only is she an raordinary student, but : also possesses several :cial talents that few )ple realize. “I tap dance for the iketball team; they love ’ she said. Her favorite m otto, dinners never quit and itters never win” com es m her m om. Her involvement in

girls' basketball is not Jenna's only interest. She also excels academically. “Coach Leonard has inspired me the most because I felt like I learned things, and he made algebra fun!” she said. In the future, Jenna plans to attend college to become a pharmacist. Attending Burk schools for her entire life, Jenna says the one thing she will miss the m ost about being in high school is all o f the close friends she has made.


1 * Spongebob Squarepants 2. Family Guy 3* South Park 4, The Proud Family 5* Tom & Jerry

-Lindsey Burks

PRACTICING FOR A b a s k e t b a l l g a m e , Jenna Johnson m oves the ball d o w n th e c o u rt a n d looks fo r an o ffe n sive p la ye r to pass it to.

Matt Horn

Photo by Summer Sink IN HER m a th b o o k, Jenna Johnson tries to finish her h o m e w o rk in class so th a t she c a n h a ve m ore tim e fo r o th e r things. W ORKING

Photo by Summer Sink

4200 S. Ave. D 569-5238 Seniors


Jonathan Whetzel Football (9-10), S occer (12), International Club (10-12), A C A P C h o ir (11), G uitar (11-12), A F JR O T C (12, Drill T eam , PT Team 12), Y earbook (11-12)

Terrel White Band (9-12, V. P res. 11, P res. 12), B ask etb all (9-12), Key Club (11-12, V. P res. 12), S T U C O (11-12)

M arisia W hitten Rebecca Wilhelm A F J R O T C (9-12), N H S (11-12), S occer (9), B ask etb all (9-10), BPA (12), PALS (f2)

Coby W illiams M ike W illiams Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), PALS (11-12), TA FE (11-12), N H S (12), FCA (10-11)

Travis Wineinger Shawn Winter

“It's not whether you win or lose, it's ♦♦♦

Random Reeves With his easy-going lifestyle, it is easy to see why senior Random Reeves lives by the m otto "Everything happens for a reason." Random has attended Burk schools since he was in the second grade. Through the years he established a unique personality that everyone is familiar with. "When I had to pay for my lunch in pennies is the most embarassing thing that happened to me during high school," he said. Meeting people and making new friends is one o f Random's biggest interests.

...how funny you are!" -Rebecca Johnson ...where you are eating after the game that matters." -Shauna Runyon ...Oh wait, y es it is!" -Jake Andrajack ...if you gave 100% -Brooke Shelton

HIS GUITAR fo r his p e rfo rm a n c e , senior Random Reeves sits on his a m p lifie r b e fo re th e c o n c e rt. Photo by Jon TUNING


312 E. 3rd Street Burkburnett, TX 569-8042

PLAYING HIS GUITAR, Random and his fe llo w b a n d m em bers perform in th e c a fe te ria on Teens M ake a D iffe re n ce Day. Photo by

Jon Whtezel



"Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Taylor, and Mrs. Barrick are all teachers who love what they do, so it makes them more passionate about their students as well," Random said. Upon graduating, Random plans to go to Berkely in California, then try to get on a major tom with his band which is his dream job. Random is also a fouryear senior member of the Dog Squad. "I'm in a band, not 'the' band, even though those guys are awesome," he said. -Kristi Baxley

Amber Wise Cassie Wise T r a c k (10-11)

Crystal Wong C olor G uard (9-12, U . 10-12), S T U C O (9-12, V. P res. 11-12), N H S (11-12, V. P res. 12), PALS (11-12), T A P E (1112), Iennis (9-10), Key Club (9-12, P re s .12), Crim e S toppers (10-11, Pres. 11) In teract Club (10, S ec./T reas. 10), Lady Pups (11), International Club (10)

M att W right Track (10-12), Autobody (11), Auto T e ch (12)

Blake Wuthrich S o cce r (9-12), B aseball (9), Football (9), FCA (9-12)

Jonny Zellner Football (9), S o ccer (9-10), V .LC.A . (12)

M ichael Ziegler PALS (12), S o ccer (11-12), Yearbook (11), Q uill & Scroll (11), T A F E (12), A C A P C h o ir (11)

Amber Fehr

T arnisha Burrah Daniel! Hexamer Amanda Lawson Colby McKee

Cheri Armstrong Kevin Jennings rV First Bank

E L C (10-12)

Tyler Swartsell Dog Squad (11-12), B aseball (M anager, 11-12), EL C (10-12)

Jenna Johnson B ask etb all (9-12), SoftbaU(9-10)

AFTER THE startling news th a t th e seniors /e d third p la c e , th e y still m a n a g e d to p to g e th e r fo r their senior song. S ta ff p hoto



Favorites Meagan Sims

Rogers 54

Junior Favorites




Greg Montgomery

Junior Handsome and Beauty M ichelle Rush

Candace Haynie

i Kyle Harpole

t • j i\ / w L l l l d S C y ]V IC 3 T1 S

Alex Evans

Dakota Orf Junior Handsome and Beauty


i Juniors Judges tally junior float; it adds up to first place After winning first place, juniors excitedly gathered together and rejoiced the victory. "Homecoming took a lot of planning and organizing," president Jill Maxwell said. "I now have a new respect for leaders of groups." The juniors won first place with their homecoming float and skit as the musical "Wizard o f Oz." "This year I feel like I have a lot more responsibility, " vice-president Maranda Bice said. "It took a lot of new leadership skills that I had to possess." Class officers' jobs consist o f planning and organizing homecoming, getting plans and decorations ready for prom, and various Student Council events. -M ichelle Rush

Kyle Alexander Eduard Alexeenco Cody Allison Dean Andres Victoria Baker

William Baker Josh Barnett Denny Bass Chad Battista Steven Bauer

James Bavousett Nathan Bayless Scott Beaver Matt Bell Brandi Berryman



SHOW SPIRIT junior class o ffic e rs m e f in fh e ro fu n d a to g a th e r around th e b u lld o g statue. The junior class o ffic e rs consist o f Jill M axw ell as president, M aranda Bice as v ic e president, K y le


Marshall as treasuer, an d reportef Bonnie Smithie. Class officers p u l to g e th e r fundraisers decorate V ic to ry Hall a n d are involved with; m any o th e r school a ctivitie jl

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel

Alicia Bevington Stephanie Beyer Maranda Bice Zack Bradley Cory Brinkley

Brittany Briscoe Ryan Briscoe Jason Brown Marissa Brown Renee Brown

Kirk Bryant Amanda Bucchi Jesse Bunger Karissa Caldwell Cody Calvillo

Lyndsay Cash Kyle Caskey Isaac Cerruti Chelsea Christman Summer Cissell

Corin Clement Bryant Cloud Victoria Collins Texann Cox Darrell Crosley

Ryan Cruz Brady Dalton Ben Davis Lauren Dean Allie Dilbeck



Nicole Dobbs Cortney Dolan Matt Dorton Amanda Duke Jennifer Dye

Gary Easter Alex Evans Brittnie Fannon Rusty Farias Chuck Fleming

Melissa Foote David Ford Brant Frazier Anna Frohling Ali Garcia

Melissa G off Danielle Goode Jeremy Goreczny Ashley Grant Sheena Griffin

Desiree Griffith Tina Griffith Joseph Guilliams Arlene Gutierrez Raphael Gutierrez

Alex Gwin James Hair Ani Hakobyan Ashley Hales Brandon Harding




Kyle Harpole Christine Harris Scott Harris Ariel Hawkins Candace Haynie

Jennifer Hensley Matt Hickey Jessica Hicks Coby Hill Jonathan Hinkelman

Brett Hoffman Christopher Holmes Luke Hoover Jenna Inglish Jessica Isaacson

W hat Counts? "Health class because it helps me I out." -Kat Willis I "Chemistry because I try my hardest, do my homework and extra credit and still barely pass."

-Ben Davis "AP Chemistry because it is | something I've never [ done before." -Shannon Tanner JYING TO REMEMBER her I om bination, Desiree stands i i th e h allw ay as she ge ts i er books fo r her n e x t class. ! boto by Jonathan W hetzel

iD e s i r e e G riffith X A ctiv ities: B ask etb all, V olleyball, T rac k , NHS Q: W h a t is the n icest thing you've done for som eone? A: "I u sed to alw ays ru b m y d a d 's feet afte r a lo n g ru n ." Q: W h a t m otto do you live by? A: "E v e ry th in g h ap p en s fo r a reaso n ." Q: W h a t do you want to do with your future? A: "I w a n t to b eco m e a successful ch ild p y sch o lo g ist a n d get m a rrie d ." Q: W h a t is an extrem e sport you would love to try? A: "I w o u ld go sk y d iv in g ." -Interview by M ic h e lle Rush



Lindsay Ishoy Katiya Jackson Anthony James Brittany James Megan Koulovatos

Charlene Lambrecht Brandon Laubscher A.J. Lewis Patrick Lile Justin Lillis

Kurt Lobaugh Angelica Lopez Veronica Lozano Brian Luce

I Kyle C askeyX Activities: International Club, HAM Radio, TAME Q: What do you want to be remembered for? A: "For my hair, intelligence, creative ideas, and manners." Q: What hobbies do you love? A: "I like to make movies and films, work on computers, and write fictional stories." Q: What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? A: "My first grade teacher was able to turn my life around by teaching me how to read." -Interview by Michelle Rush



1H I t<l k siiS j | |?f gPjph1;nil

W hat Counts? "Child Development because it teaches skills for developing children and other areas of my life." - M a t t Bell "Science because it teaches me things I didn't know like what is in my food." -Michelle Lucier "AFJROTC because it shows m e what I need to know for military life." -Rapheal Conherrez

IN CLASS, Kyle works in y e a rb o o k on the co m p u te rs. Technology was one o f his jobs as well as a c a d e m ic editor. Photo LISTENING

by S taff

Michelle Lucier Ashley Lupo Kyle Marshall Jill Maxwell Paul McBroom

Chance McCraw Jared McCrory Victor McDonald Hannah McGown Steven McNeil

Gregory McNew Lindsey Means Loryn Mercado Kristen Merkel Matt Midgett

John Mills David Minzer Tiffany Moffett Greg Montgomery Leah Moody

Justin Moore Bobby Morris Matt Morrow Queen Murray Justin Mymbs

Miguel Nieves William Nygren Dakota Orf Alex Pappas Jamie Pappenfuss



Jeffrey Parker Christine Parrish Christopher Pemberton Timothy Pemberton Tom m y Peoples

Kristina Perez Ricci Perritt Shawn Peterman Brandon Phillips Natalie Pool

Richard Price Chelsea Raines Jeff Reed Robin Reid Jeremy Reis

Stephen Rickard Cami Robinson Nathan Roddy Kyle Rogers Victoria Roland

DECKING OUT AGAINST drugs, senior A m b e r S haffer, junior Shawn P eterm an, L y n d s a y C a s h , Desiree G riffith, and



senior Jerem y C a to n dress up to support Drug Free W e e k.

Courtesy Photo

GETTING READY FOR Christmas, junior V ic to r ia Rousseau helps p u t up the ro tu n d a tree.

Victoria Rousseau Michelle Rush Stephen Salas Alto Kevin Seman Katelyn Shearman

Joshua Sheik Lindsay Shipley Jacob Shipp Shayna Simmons Meagan Sims

Lauryn Siniscalchi Allen Smith Sage Smith Bonnie Smithee Samuel Starkey

Who Counts? "My m am maw because she is everything I want to be someday."

-Shayna Simmons "My friends because they listen to me." -Jennifer Williams I "My mom because I she supports me." -Scott Beaver m


I HE FOLLOWS th e le c to r's hands to k e e p p te m p o , Kevin rehearses a p e rfo rm a n c e , Sem an i m e m b e r o f th e drum w hich helps k e e p th e jin d on b e a t. Photo by Jm m er Sink


JEHKevin Seman JE A ctiv ities: B a n d P e rc u s s io n Q: W h a t is th e b est th in g about being an upper cla ssm en ? A: “ N o t b e in g a lo w er c la ssm a n .” Q: H ow would you describ e yo u rself in three words? A: “ C re a tiv e , in te llig e n t, a n d w itty .” Q: D o you have any unusual hobbies? A: “ D ra w in g c a rto o n s .” Q: W h a t are your a sp ira tio n s for the future? A: “ T o be a c a r to o n is t.” Q: W h a t do you want to accom p lish in life? A: “T o get m a r r ie d .” -Interview by Lauryn S in isca lch i



Lauren Strosahl Michael Struckman Lindsey Sykes Ashlie Tacker Shannon Tanner

Brent Theurer Michael Titles Chelsey Toalson Kimberly Toms Andrew Tucker

Molly Turner Crystal Valdez Michael Vasquez Paul Vasquez Rosalie Vazquez-Perez

I Ricci P e rrittX A c t i v i t i e s : B and, C o lo r G u a rd , In te r n a tio n a l C lu b , a n d K ey C lu b Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:

H ow is th is year different from la s t year? “H a rd e r classes a n d m o re s tre s s .” W h a t is the b est advice th at you have received and who w as it from? “O u r G o d w ill n e v e r give us m o re th a n we can h a n d le .” -G r a n d m o th e r Is there so m eth in g th at m ost people don’t know about you? “ I ’ve alw ays w a n te d to jo in th e P eace C o rp s .” -Interview by Lauryn S in isc a lc h i

Who Counts? "Jessica Simpson because I want to m arry her after she divorces Nick."

-James Whitmore "My grandma because she's very understanding. She helps keep the family together with her strength." -Chance McCraw

WHIILE PRACTICING HE routine in the cafeteric R icci preapres fo r a Frida night g a m e . Color guar p ro v id e d a visual e ffe c t t th e band show whic re c e iv e d a superior rdtins

Photo by Summer Sink



Kristi Waggoner Andrea Walker Lyka Walton Spencer West Heather Wheeler

Shae Whitlock James Whitmore Jennifer Williams Kaline Willis Katherine Willis

Britney Wise Justin Workman Nicholas Zillweger


BUDDYING UP AGAINST drugs, ju n io r N a th a n Bayless and D a k o ta Orf support Drug Free W e e k. S ta ff Photo

AT FRIENDSHIP FESTIVAL, junior R aphael Gutierrez w a tch e s fo r cars as junior Melissa Foote crosses.



Sophomore F avorites Amber Cox


H |

y mm

down 66

Sophomore Favorites


Rusty Ellett

Handsome and Beauty Amber Cox

Lexi Garcia



Nate Brown

Hr t t i M c g flll H oU C k

Trey Horn

Kade Thompson

Sophomore Handsome and Beauty


Sophom ores I Sophomores Bribe judges with 'W illy Wonka' candy To keep the sophomore class in order, class officers performed their duties. "Being able to lead the class and helping anyway possible with the students and officer team was the best," Lane Anderson said. "Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory" was the float. There were Oompa Loompas and dancing in the skit like there was in the movie. The class officers exercised their leadership in the float building. Also staying late at night to work on float, the sophomore class worked as much as they could. "During homecoming week, it was hard to get everyone to cooperate, but in the end we brought it all together," Ann Nguyen said. -Ashlie Tacker

Drew Aaron Amy Abbott Adriana Alaniz Julia Alaniz Ian Albin

Michelle Alfert Donna Allen Megan Allen Kirtis Ames Josh Anderson

Lane Anderson Lindy Anderson Kelly Andrus Kayla Armstrong Deanna Aubin



S o p h o m o re C lass O ffic e rs are p r e s id e n t Lane Aderson, v ic e p r e s id e n t Elizabeth Gerstner, se cre ta ry Ann N g u ye n, a n d class o ffic e r h e lp er Trey Horn.

"Being a b le to help and being in vo lve d in our class a c tivite s werg th e b e st things a b o u t being ari o ffic e r," N guyen said. Photo by

Jonathan W hetzel

Ashley Baird Brittney Baker Brandi Barnes Lorena Barnes Jamie Bassett

Marc Beason Greg Beeson Michaela Bergin Burgundy Bisson Joe Blackburn

David Brantley Brandon Briscoe Blake Brookman Andrea Brooks Amanda Brown

Kaillee Brown Kellee Brown Kristen Brown Nate Brown Ryan Brown

Sean Brown Tyrell Brown Celeste Bryant James Bryant Josh Bullard

Jacob Burrell Joseph Calderon Wesley Camp Cortney Cannon Stewart Carr

tilu l



E.J. Carrion Danny Castillo Tina Cerruti Janessa Chancey Steven Christopher

Rockelle Cloud Grady Coker Amanda Collie Jonathan Collins Justin Cornish

Scott Correll Michael Cossey Amber Cox Cliffton Cox Cameron Cremeens

Michael Cross Bridges Crum pier Amanda Cunningham Kyle Daignault Angela Dalke

Ernest Davis Joseph Davis Jessie De Los Santos Blake Deeb Olicia Delacruz

Ashley Demel Justin Devore Natalie Dominquez Jessica Dossey Jordan Dubski



Amanda Duke Dawn Duncan Joseph Durdaller Angela Early Misty Edwards

Sarah Elphick Rusty Emro Todd Emro Kiera Fannon T ravis Felty

Nickolas Femholz Quenton Ficklin Kelly Finn Crystal Fisher Autumn Fleck

W hat Counts?

i P a t r i c k D avis I

"Powerlifting, because it teaches me not to give up."

A ctiv ities: JV fo o tb all, A P classes

-Becky Potter

"International Club because we do a lot o f fun things." -James Bryant "English because I love to write in my spare time." -Alex Talley 3NCENTRATING



jper, Patrick Davis focuses c o m p le tin g his w ork. AP 3S an a d v a n ta g e to him. “I iew it w ould bring along pportunites th a t regular psses w o u ld n 't o ffe r me," said. Photo by Ashlie


Q: W h a t are your g o a ls in life? A : "O ne m a jo r goal I have is g o in g to college. I k n o w it o p en s m a n y o th e r d o o rs. T h ese th re e y ears o f high s c h o o l are th e m o st im p o r ta n t for m e. T hey p av e th e w ay fo r th e rest o f m y life." Q: W h a t counts m ost in your life? A: "M y fam ily is really im p o rta n t to m e. T h ey b ack m e up n o m a tte r w hat's g o in g o n in m y life." Q: W h a t cou rse adds the m ost to your life and why? A: "T hat w o u ld d e fin itle y be biology. It's b een a ch allen g in g co u rse alre ad y b u t I k n o w it w ill be a lot o f fun." -A sh lie T acker



i M o n i c a NewsomeUT A c t i v i t i e s : S oftball, D ance T eam , I n te r n a tio n a l C lu b , S tu d e n t C o u n c il Q: W h a t is unique about you? A : "W ell, m y style is d iffe re n t a n d th e m a n y ta le n ts I have." Q: W h at is the b est q u ality th at you p osses? A: "I like to m ak e people laugh a n d I'm m o stly n ic e to people. Q: W h at's your m ost em barrasing moment? A: "At th e football gam e w h en I feel d o w n the sta irs tw ic e a n d th e n I w as s n o rin g on the bus rid e ho m e. Q: W h at do you want to do in the future? A: "A te a c h e r b ecau se 1 love c h ild re n "



W ho Counts? I "My mom counts the most to me because she has been there for everything and I don't know where I'd be without her." -Frankie Foster

"Brooke Barad counts because she is always there for me and is like my big sis." -Jordan Dubski



spirit, M onica Newsome shows o ff her Babe uniform Drill Team o ffe re d her mam things. "Everyday something n ew and g re a t happens, she said, "Babes is a lot o fun." Photo by Ashlie Tackel

Kayla Gilbert Janelle Goettman Bre Gonzales Melissa Gonzalez Courtney Goodrich

Tiffany Goodrich Allison Gray Amelia Gregory Gary Griffin Iylene Gutierrez

Timaree Hale Donald Hall Josh Hanley Jack Hardin Lisa Hardin

Chance Hardnock Linda Hardy Amy Hastings James Hawthorne C.J. Haynes

Josh Hayter Zach Hector Korey Hefferon Matthew Hilbum Matt Hogan

J.D. Holden Trey Horn Megan Houck Justin Houston Kaleigh Huntley



Cody James Tiffany James Kayla Johnson Tonya Johnson Courtney Jones

Tyneshia Jordan Rachel Kenney Brittney King Kayla King Jade Lafferty

Joshua Lagat Preston Lindsay Neal Liston Candy Loggins Allison Lopez

Bethany Lynch T yler Lynn Zachary Marberg Ashley McCallister Jared McCoy

In Memory o f Cassandra McKee. 1-13-89 to 11-30-04 Michael McCoy Kyleigh McKeever Amber McKenzie Allyssa Meese

Jesse Mendoza Kelsey Michael Lindsey Miller Aaron Mills Cueneshia Mims



W hat Counts? "Science because I want to be a zoologist and oceanographist."

-Janessa Chancey "Baseball because it never gets boring."

-Michael Organiscak "Criminal Justice helps me make good decisions.�

-Erik Zoet

ITH HIS VARSITY fo o tb a ll rsey on, Dan Williams ands n e x t to th e b u lld o g atue. F ootball players ip p o rte d th e te a m e ve ry am e d a y b y w e a rin g their rseys. Photo by Ashlie


i D a n W il li a m s ! A ctiv ites: V a rsity F o o tb all Q: W h o is your favorite footb all player? A : "M y fa v o rite fo o tb all p la y er is Roy W illiam s. H e d o e s n 't let a n y th in g sto p h im fro m re a c h in g his goals, a n d th a ts w h at k in d o f p la y er I w a n t to be." Q: H ow is V arsity footb all different from F resh m an or JV ? A: "V arsity fo o tb all is p lay ed at a m uch fa ste r pace. T h e e m o tio n s are also m uch m o re in ten se!" Q: W h a t m otivates you? A: "M y b ro th e r is th e n u m b e r o n e p erso n w ho m o tiv a te s me! H e gives m e great a d v ic e a n d helps m e keep m y head up w h en th in g s go w rong." -Jaclyn W hitm ore




A n d re a Polk I

A ctivites: JV B ask etb all, A P classes Q: W h a t is your favorite th in g about th is sch ool? A: "F ootball gam es, e v e ry o n e co m es o u t to s u p p o rt th e te a m a n d it's ju s t so fun!" Q: W h o do you lo o k up to and why? A: " W ell, I look up to m y m o m a n d d a d because th ey b o th h ad h o rrib le c h ild h o o d s a n d th ey have co m e back a n d g iv en m y s is te r a n d m e th e b est life. E ven th o u g h we h ad to m o v e they are alw ays there." Q: W h a t do you ch erish the m ost? A : " G o d , I b eliev e i f y o u hav e Jesu s C h ris t the L o rd in y o u r life th e p o ssib ilitie s are en d less. -J a cly n W hitm ore



W ho Counts? "Just everyday people because high school wouldn't be the same without this unique social atmosphere." -L exi Garcia

"Mrs. Miller counts because she is an awesome teacher and understands everything." -Kristen Trones


A n d re a Polk has a smile on her fa c e . C om ing from a school w ith 600 students, Burk, w ith o v e r 1,000 was a big c h a n g e fo r her. Photo j

by Ashlie Tacker

Adam Roberts Marti Roland Jennifer Samples Erica Scantlin James Scott


Phillip Shaver Zachary Shipp Melissa Sibayan Cara Simmons Jaime Simmons

Jonathan Simmons Stephanie Skinner Adrienna Smith Aubri Smith Mitchell Smith

Dustin Snyder Janelle Spurrier Brian Stafford T.J. Steele Adam Staples


WITH A M O MENT to spare, Bre

friendship festival, Ashley M cC allister helps out th e c o m m u n ity . S ta ff photo

Gonzales and Dustin Snyder ta k e a break in Mr. M e tc a lfs English class.





Mark Stephens Brett Stine David Stock Jayme Sykes Alexandra T alley

Ricardo T ay lor Timothy Teets Meagan Thomas Kade Thompson Renier T orres

T ravis T orries Kristen T rones Matthew Turkett Jimmy Vanadore Blake Veitenheimer

Dean Ventura Lena Vieth Robert Warren Sarah Welter Jaclyn Whitmore

RELAXING AFTER THEIR skit of "Willy W onka," Patrick Davis a n d M itch Smith rest on their flo a t. S taff photos



MS. LEE in th e ro tu n d a , M a tt Hogan gives a hand in p u ttin g up Christmas d ecorations. HELPING

Phillip Whitten Daniel Williams Amber Winter Samuel Wise Nikki Wood

Jeanine Young Nicole Ysasaga Brittany Zamora Claire Zellner

Nicole Garmon Skye Jones

W hat Counts?

I Nick R ain esX

"Guitar because I get to express m y self through m y music."

A ctiv ities: Junior R O T C , A cappella C hoir, Church Band

-Steven Christopher • V "Driver's Ed because it allows m e to get a license and a car."

-Erica Scantlin "Spanish III because you need it to get a decent job. -Neal Liston LUTING




Raines stands tentively. Being a p a rt o f OTC a llo w e d students to lin k n o w le d g e o f th e litary a n d aquire a sense w h a t it w as like. Photo

Ashlie Tacker

Q: If you cou ld c h o se one word to describe y o u rself w hat would it be? A: "Devoted because I'm faithful to church and I'm d ed ica ted to m y schoolw ork as a sophom ore." Q: W h a t are your in terests or hobbies? A: "I love to sin g and to hang out w ith friends." Q: W h a t is one th in g you've alw ays wanted to do in your life and why? A: "I've always w anted to go sk yd ivin g because it seem s like it w ould be a rush. I've also w anted to go to space, that w ould be awesome." -A sh lie T acker



freshman Favorites Drake Calloway


Aifonzo 80

Freshman Favorites



AB t er

scSe j


oteve Schutte

freshman Handsome and Beauty AMn







Leland Wetzel

Amber Bice

Dylan Alfonzo

Nate Wheeler

Freshman Handsome and Beauty


Freshm en® ‘M oulin R o u g e’ float snags second place in co m p etitio n The freshmen created a colorful float displaying the stage of the Moulin Rouge. Their skit included a dance competition between the Burk girls and Vernon girls. “I was excited about winning second even though I thought the seniors were awesome,” reporter Tressa Stoiloff said. “The officers were helpful in calming everybody down at times.” Freshman officers helped plan and organize the building of their float. Building took place at Pruitt Ford and lasted from about 4 to 9 in the evenings. Freshman officers represented their class by helping with homecoming, decorating Victory Hall and Winter Ball, and any other behind the scene jobs needed. -Brittany Hunt

Justin Adams Krista Adams Michael Albers Evan Albin Missy Albin

Samantha Allen Brandon Alvarez Amanda Amey Amanda Arbogast Rachel Autrey

T yler Baker Audri Barnard Alexandria Barnes Lyn Bames Ben Barnett






president Tressa S toiloff, v ic e president Am ber Bice, s e cre ta ry/tre a su re r Sarah W eary, an d re p o rte r Shelby C a rp e n te r. Freshman o ffic e rs ran fo r their

positions th e first m o n th o f schagjn ”1 ran fo r freshm an se cretaif b e c a u s e I trie d o u t in Middle School," said freshm an So m W eary. "I also th o u g h t it w ould be a lo t o f fun helping w ith activities*

Antonio Barragan Danielle Bass Scott Bavousett Nathan Beard Melissa Bell

Shonna Bell John Belovosky Kelsey Bergin April Bevington Amber Bice

Amy Blackwell Angela Blair Christina Boatman Jimmy Boatman Chris Bobillo

Jeremy Bower Courtney Brantley Stephanie Broomfield Ally Brosius-Hood Staci Brown

Josh Brownhill Justyn Brugmann Jasmin Bryant Jason Bryant Kevin Bryant

Billy Burke Cody Burks Kristyna Butler Kindel Byrne Elaina Cadle



Drake Calloway Chelsie Caporale Shelby Carpenter Chase Carter Jennifer Caskey

Brittiny Casteen Kellie Chalmers James Chase Philip Check Ryan Civiletto

Jenny Cooke Stephanie Cooper Katy Comelison Justin Cossey Josh Cray

Austin Crook Morgan Cross Billy Crow Quanicia Cubby Tyler Cummings

Allison Davis Matt Davis Lauren Devereaux Kenneth Devore Erin Dougherty

Stephanie Duchesne Dudley Duncan Haley Duren Courtney Durst Brent Enderlein



Michelle Evans Michelle Farland Jordan Fauntleroy Taylor Felty Jackson Flannery

Lindsey Foley Stephenie Foote Daniel Fortin Kyle Fournier Trey Fournier

Zachariah Fournier Jonathan Frank Thomas Furman Hilary Galbraith Joey Gallego

Cassandra Garlington Shelton Garvin Chris Gibson Karra Gibson Patrick Gilbert

W hat Counts? I "My mom I because she's I always there for I me when things ■get rough." I-Beth Williams

J HIS LOCKER, S te v e llp u tte is preparing fo r I n e xt p e rio d class.

« oto by Lindsey Burks

XSteve SchutteX Activities:

Tennis, Marching Band, and Jazz Band

Q: W h at is your favorite place to eat? W hat is your favorite food or meal there? A: “Home, o f course! My favorite food is spaghetti.” Q: W ho is your favorite teacher and why? A: “Mrs. Ellett is awesome because she teaches well and is more friendly than my junior high teachers.” Q: W ho is your biggest inspiration? A: “ My parents because they do so much for me.”



Ben Gilmore Tiffany G off Jeremy Goines Kyndra Golden Dexter Gonzales

Chris Gonzalez Sara Gonzalez Danielle Goodrich Brandon Gorman Quay Grant

Keaton Green Michael Gregory Chelsey Griffin Ryan Griffin Gabriel Gutierrez

Erica Hairston Pierce Halverson Randall Hanson Bradley Hardy Michael Hargis

XSarah SchutteX Activities:


Q: W hat is your favorite place to eat? W hat is your favorite food? A: “My favorite place to eat is Taco Bell, and my favorite food is chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and green beans.” Q: W hat is your most embarrasing moment? A: “ Showing off in front of my friends on my dirtbike, taking it out, and slamming into my grandpa’s car.” - Lindsey Burks

What Counts? “Health because we learn lots on how to prevent disease from ever happening.” -Jasmine Jones

BEFORE A GAME. Sara! prepares fo r a match.




Kelly Harpole Carrie Harvey Shane Hassell Katelyn Hatfield Billy Hayes

Chelsie Helmuth Daniel Henson Rebecca Herd Lacie Hernandez Michael Hernandez

Sean Herwig Jessica Heyne Anthony Hibbs Curtis Hill Kayce Holan

Billy Holman Tyler Hunt Lyndsay Isaacs Tyler Jenkins Paige Johnson

a im

T.J. Johnson Jacob Johnstonbaugh Jasmine Jones Kristin Jones Amanda Keating

Elizabeth Keksi BreAnna Kerr Kordan Kildew Kelsey Kinney



Cheyenne Kubala Kaleb Lacy Charles Lambert Heather Lambert Brandon Lasseter

Andreanna Leaper Ryshelle Leaper Brad Levesque Britney Lillis David Limon

Kory Livingston Brandon Long Rebecca Lucier Dawn Mackin Ryan Madarang

Alicia Matthews Layne McBeath Josef McCarthy Laura McCasland Ashley McCleskey

SUPPORTING DRUG WEEK, fre s h m a n Tyler Hunt dresses up G re a t Plains style. PREPARING FOR THEIR skit p e rfo rm a n c e , freshm en Austin C rook, Hunter Rhude, Josh Brownhill, and junior C o ry Brinkley g e t re a d y fo r their e n tra n ce .



Crystalynne McFeley Brianna McKee Nicolas McManus Laura McNeese Stephanie Miller

Kyle Monk Alexis Monson Ashley Montgomery Nicholas Morales Matthew Moudy

Steven Mullins Shawn Neeley Chelsey Neises Kaila Nix Alaina Norris

Kalen O'Connor-Loncar Samantha Ortiz Michael Palmer Cody Persinger Stacy Pickett

W hat Counts? “Soccer because it has been my life for years.” -Wesley Swick

JNTAINING GOOD RM, M ichelle Evans c tic e s her layouts on tra m polin e.

I Michelle Evan s i Activities:

Band, Gymnastics, singing, and acting

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration? A: “ Greg Sipe, my youth minister, who taught me to stand up for my faith and what is right.” Q: What is your favorite quote? A: “You can only see as far as your headlights but you can make the whole trip that way.” -E. L. Doctorow Q: Where is your favorite place to shop? A: “Stonebriar M all”

Kristina Polk Christine Powell Justin Price Blake Reinke Hunter Rhude

Andrew Richardson Andy Rickard Savannah Roberson Elizabeth Rodriquez Elizabeth Rogers

Ronny Rouleau Jamie Runyon Grant Sanders Jordan Sanders Brenner Schmitt

Sara Schutte Steve Schutte Robert Seitz Stephanie Seman Kayla Senters

* Cody BurksX Activities: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:


Football, Baseball, Jazz Band, Band

What is your most embarrassing moment? “When I threw up on a waitress at Hooters.” How would you like to be remembered? “As a good guitar player...or something like that.” What is the best advice you’ve received? “Watch out for the electric fence.” Who is your favorite teacher and why? “Coach Mosely because he’s a good teacher.”


What Counts? “B a s k e t b a l l because of my family tradition o f playing.” -Andreanna Leaper

FROM THE MOUNDJ fr e s h m a n C o d y Burkl pitch e s during a summel g a m e . Courtesy photo I

|T IN G FLOWERS FOR Teens M a ke a f fe n c e Day,' freshm an Tyler Hunt th e c o m m u n ity. Photo by Jon I tzel

Alex Shipp Tyler Shuck Ashley Sifuentes Kaleb Simpson Meagan Simpson

Dustin Sims Lindsey Sirilla Chanel Smith Heather Smith Randi Smith

Jordan Springstead Joseph Stafford Shelly Stanley Ryan Staples Kelsey Sterkel

PLAYING CHESS WITH freshm an Ben G ilm ore, Billy Burke shows his skill. Burke w o n 2nd p la c e in th e A d u lt under 1300

SE section in Houston. Burke has b een playing seriously fo r six years. Photo by

Ashley Hand



Keith Stevenson T ressa Stoiloff Desmond Strickland Wes Swick Jamie Tasker

Brittney Taylor Krystel Thompsen Cassie Thompson Brittany Tiemann Ashley Torries

Nicole Townsie David Tracy Alyssa Turner Doyle Vernon Kelly Virdell

Corey Wade Krystal Walker Robert Walker Shalamaar Walker Chris Ward

PERFORMING A CHAIR ro utin e during their



ho m e co m in g p e p rally skit, the freshman girls represented Sir Bulldog w ith their da n cing to a ttra c t th e lovely Satine. The freshmen re ce ive d second p la c e fo r their p e rfo rm a n ce and skit. Photo by Zack




Horace Warren Malia Watson Sarah Weary Lena Webb Kayla Weldon

Kyle Weldon Victoria Welter Leland Wetzel Nathan Wheeler Kristopher Whetzel

Jessica White Jessica Whitney Justin Wiles Kyle Willett Beth Williams

Bobby Wilson Holly Wood Nycole Young Heather Zillweger

W ho Counts? I 1 I I

“My mom because she is paying the bills on my car.” -Justin Adams



SFORE A PEP r a l l y , Ip s h m a n Tressa S toiloff : te p a re s fo r th e g a m e .

IT re s s a Stoiloff I Activities:

Softball, Babes, United Way, STUCO, and International Club

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration? A: “My friends and family because they push me to be the best that I can be.” Q: What is the best advice you’ve received? A: “Be careful in everything you do because you never know what could happen good or bad.” “Life is too short to tiptoe around everything.”



H Faculty 1 Leonard again receives T each er of Year' aw ard As a second time teacher of the year and a BHS graduate, Mr. Greg Leonard has seen many changes occur over the years in the student body and o f course the building. "When you went from class to class in bad weather you got soaking wet because the campus wasn't connected," he said. "We also had more students, about 1300." After 25 years of teaching math, Mr. Leonard still faces challenges in his career. "The biggest challenge of teaching is getting students to understand just how important school really is to the rest of their lives," he said. "Education will determine how much they make, their college and what kind of lives they will lead." -Marissa Brown

Del Hardaway Principal

Janie Avey Vice-Principal

Dudley Roberts Vice-Principal

Judy Albers Special Ed. A ide

Tona Alley A tte n d a n c e O ffice

Stacy Atkins Football, T ra ck

Adri Balis Library A ide

LaVelda Barrick Pre-AP Eng II, A P Eng IV

Bob Barrow D ram a

Ally'son Baughman M athem atics

Michael Baughman W orld Geography, C oach

Rosemary Bentley Registrar

Patrick Birk Girls' Soccer

Ryan Black C om m unications A pplications

Tom Black Special Ed., AEP



EXPLAINING THE QUIZ on th e b o a rd , T e a ch e r o f th e Y ear Mr. G reg Leonard shows ho w to solve

p roblem s b y using th e quadratic: form ula. He te a c h e s Algebra II classes. S ta ff photo

Duward Blackwell A EC D irecto r

Diana Bohuslav W riting Lab

Gloria Bond C ounselor

Tammy Bryant K eyboarding, BCIS

Rick Butler H ealth , C oach

Carey Caldwell T e n n is, U.S. H istory

Kim Caldwell Counselors' S ecretary

Ron Callaway G ovt., A p G o v ern m en t

Sheryl Carpenter G eography, H istory

Larry Carter Algebra, Algebra T railer

Keri Cely C oach, H ealth , Biology

Mary Cheney D esktop Design

Virginia Clack A rt

Sherry Coombes Principal's Secretary

Don Cowan A Cappella, G irls' Choir

Toni Cowardin M ath, English

Ken Cunningham M ath , Ag

Robert Daiker Biology, Volleyball, Softball

Bill Dalke V arsity Football

Kay Dalke English I, G o lf

Lane Davis Band

Phillip Dowling Econom ics, Psychology

Teri Doyle W. Geography, Eco

Linda Ellett M ath em atics

Amy Fischer IPC

Jeannie Fonville English

M Sgt Bill Fox A F JR O T C

Pam Francis A P C hem istry, H IP C

Nancy Frazier BCIS

Tammy Gerstner Edu. D iagnostician



Anne Gillespie Yearbook, Photojournalism

Shirley Gritton P .F.D ., Apparel, W ork Program

Janet Gum-Fowler Spanish 1, Spanish II

Carl Hogue G eo m etry , M ath M odels

Laurie Hollingsworth D rill T e am , Aerobics, Fitness

Cline Johnson Boys' Cross C ountry, T ra ck

Bobbie Jones BCIS

Linda Kalski C rim inal Justice

Clint Kerr Special lid..Applied A cadem ics

Sue Kincaid Pre-A P English I & II ALPS

Melinda Kleckner BCIS

Alex Koulovatos D river's Ed., Basketball

Barbara Kucharczyk Special Populations A ide

Ron Lawson English IV, S cience Fiction

Carla Leach Special Ed.

Mike Leach Econom ics, Baseball, Football

Beverly Lee M arketing, S tu d ent A ctivites Dir.

Bryan Lehman A gricultural M echanics

Greg Leonard A lgebra II

Lana Liggett C ounselor

Anita Lockwood G atew ay

Beverly Long N urse

Conni Marshall Physics, Principles of T ech.

Becky McCleskey C .M ., W riting Lab, Soccer

Kelley McGowan C o n te n t M astery

Jean McNabb A P English III

Curtis McNeil Biology, E nviro nm ental Science

Paula McNeil G atew ay

J Bill Merrick A lgebra I, Basketball

Martin Metcalf English I, II




fa c u lty are Ryan Sisk (c o m m u n ic a tio n a p p lic a tio n ), Don l y a n (A C a p p e lla a n d Girls' Choir), ije ld a Barrick (P re-A p Eng II and AP Eng

Jcannine Miller PA L S,C hild D evelopm ent

Patsy Minderman H ealth Science

Denise Miracle S cience, BB, T K

James Mize AEP

Camille Moody Spanish I, III, IV

James Moseley W orld H istory, A thletics

Amaryllis Mullins Technology F acilitator

Tim Mullins Building T ra d e s

Joe Nemecek M ath em atics

Janet Niles F ren ch , ESL

Danny Nix A thletic D irecto r, Basketball

Susie Nix G u id an c e Counselor

Stephen Norton G e rm a n , U.S. H istory

Carl Osman Librarian

Ruth Ottmann In te g ra te d Classroom

School adds 9 to fill faculty

IV), Patsy M inderm an (h e a lth scie n ce ), Adri Balis (library a id e ), a n d Mike M c A d o o (instrum entals). S ta ff photo

With nine new teachers, the faculty count remains about the same. The count clocks in at 112 faculty members with 86 of those teachers. New faculty members include Mrs. Adri Baldris, library aide; Mrs. LaVelda Barrick, English; Mr. Ryan Black, communication applications; Mr. Don Cowan, choir; Mr. Brian Lehman, Ag/welding; Mr. Mike McAdoo, guitar; Mrs. Patsy Minderman, health occupations; Mrs. Mandy Reed, content mastery; and Lt Col Sam Starkey (AFR), AFJROTC. -M a r issa Brown



Brad Owen Science, Football

Patricia Pepper F u nctional Living Special Ed.

Aida Peterman A dm inistrative A ssistant

Todd Pyle Biology, IPC

Mandy Reed C o n te n t M astery

Lynn Reichert A m erican Sign Language

David Ress A utom otive Technology

Linda Richards Volleyball, T rack, H ealth

Ellen Scharlach N u trition, Food Science

Mark Schroeder Resource, C R P

Melanie Selvidge English, C red it Recovery

Lee Seman M athem atics

Sharon Skaggs A EP A ide

Debbie Smith A tte n d a n c e Office

Wanda Smith B C IS II Lab, B C IS II C o o p

FROM DRUGS, Mrs. Janet Gum Fowler displays her support fo r 'Drug Awareness W e ek' by w earing her c a m o u fla g e shirt and vest. During th e w eek she also dressed as a fla p p e r on 'Deck o u t Drugs Day.'




HER SUPPORT fo r Drug Awareness W e e k, BCIS te a c h e r Mrs. N a n c y Frazier displays her c a m o u fla g e overalls and T-shirt. She dressed up fo r "Hide From Drugs Day" sponsored by th e student council. SHO W IN G

MODELING HER FUR ja c k e t c a lle d a "m outon," Mrs. Jean M c N a b b shows o ff som e o f her clo th e s from th e 50s in support o f Drug Awareness W e e k. The squaw dress, an Indian style dress, hanging behind her w as m a d e b y hand b y her m other.

WHILE LISTENING TO the s song p e rfo rm e d by the Bi Brigade, Mr. Mark Schr< shows his support of fo o tb a ll te a m and displc school spirit at h o m e c o m in g game. S ch ro e d e r is also the sp fo r th e Dog Squad.

Sandy Tandberg G eo m etry

Lisa Tang Journalism , N ew spaper, R eading

Phil Taylor A P U.S. H istory, W orld G eo.

Lorene Teed Pre-A P English I, Senior English

Loy Triana A P Biology, A & P

Rick Twitty A rt II, III, IV

Gary Waitman Ag Science

Vera Ward English II

Marie Watson C hem istry

Mark Wilson Special Ed.


1111 -

(fro n t row ) C aroline Green (M a n a g er), Liz W estbrook, Tracy Bullock, Eileene Edwards, Robin Sterkel, (se co n d ro w ) J o y c e G ale Emro, Christin Bultena, Bonnie G oreczny, Terri Hayter, and Ja net A ya la . N o t p ic tu re d are M a rg a re t Collins, N e ttie Sandoval, and Laurie Grant.

3if ■

^ 3 5 * ’ '


Taylor, school board leads BISD district

panny Taylor BHS Senior 1965

Graduating from BHS in 1965, Danny Taylor, who served on the faculty from 1974 to 1977, became superintendent o f BISD in July 1985. Serving the district with Mr. Taylor in '04-'05 are school board members Troy Mills, president; Scott Lobaugh, vice president; Curtis Heptner, secretary; and trustees Jerry Johnson, Matt Horn, Gary Dilbeck, and Christy Stiegerwald. -M a r issa Brown

S u p e rin te n d e n t D a n n y T ay lo r



1 GIVING THEIR AP ^ • English IV presentation, seniors Beth Callaway, Amy Landrum, and Shauna Runyon tell about the story ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and how it related to the sto r y ‘Beowulf.’ Photo by Brittany Hunt ^ IN CELEBRATION OF ^ • Fiesta Patricias in Mrs. M oody’s Spanish III class, s o p h o m o r e Danny Castillo dresses “Macho.” Photo by Mrs. Camille M oody. 2 IN THE WRITING lab D . sophomores Orlando Flores and Trey Horn practice- for the writing TAKS during Mrs. LaVelda Barrick’s Pre-AP English II class. Photo by Jonathan Whetzel


Counting Back

“In math, I remember how impressed I was when Mr. Nemecek ‘really’ knew everyone’s name by the second day of school.” Mrs. Francis ‘89

100 Academic Divider

“My English teacher, Mr. Lawson, was a man with a great passion for what he did. I’m glad to see things haven’t changed. Mr. Seman ‘81

“My math teachers Coach Leonard and Mr. Nemecek are two o f the main reasons I’m a mathematics teacher today.” Mrs. Baughman ‘90

“When I graduated, the commencement was conducted in the SMALL gym with no air-conditioning! We had to make very short speeches before everyone expired.” Mrs. Gum ‘71

1922- English, Latin, Spanish, mathematics, science, domestic econom y, manual trainini history, physical educatio were offered. 1923- Hom e Ec. Dept, won 39 prizes at TexasOklahoma Fair 1930- Declamation and essay writing teams went to state 1937-38- Typists competed at district 1939- One-act play won county

^Academics A dding it Up etween core subjects and electives, students found themselves Adding it Up. With grades being a crucial element of their high school life, students had to work to retain their igibility in order to participate in school activities id sporting events. Numerous advanced ses are offered for students > show interest in them, only do they look great a student’s college

application, but they also help boost a student’s GPA, Points are added to their • GPA depending on what they are taking, Pre-AP and Honors is 10

f'lG IT UP, Mr. Joe N e m e c e k shows Kurt Lobaugh step b y step h o w to systems o f e qua tio ns during his 3ra II class. C e rta in criteria was

required to b e ta u g h t b y te a c h e rs in order to p re p a re students fo r th e TAKS te s t in February a n d April. Photo by Jonathon

W hetzel

points and AP is 20. Students can also take AP tests to earn college credit. “I take advanced classes because they improve my GPA,” said senior Merritt Adkins, “plus they better prepare me for college.” TAKS classes are offered to help the students that didn’t pass the test the first year and for those who have moved from other states. If a student does not pass one of the subjects of the TAKS test, then he will not get his high school diploma. “I’m taking the TAKS practices seriously,” said junior Candace Haynie, “because it is important to me that I do well.” Students keep Adding it Up to get the grades they need to pass. -B. Hunt and Z. Melson Adding it Up


F or what purposes do you most use your com puter at home? "Chatting , playing games, and image editing." -Zach Shipp

"To chat, to shop online, to do school stuff. That's about it." -Lyndsay Cash

DRAWING DIGITAL GRAPHICS, senior Chris Lindsay and junior Lyndsay Cash work vigorously a t c o m p le tin g their task.

Photo by Kyle Coskey

102 Technology

"Go online, do research, use Word, school stuff basically." | -Jake Andrajack

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT fo r junior Sum m er Cissel, freshm an Keely Harpole, a nd senior Danielle M ichaud. Harpole and M ichaud e xp lo re th e w orld o f

M icrosoft O ffic e while Cissel I a h e a d in M icroType Pro. They 1 d iligently in Mrs. Kleckner's BCIS Class

Photo by Kyle Coskey

px»f®|g§ y

IN DESKTOP DESIGN, Mrs. C heney's students c re a te a rt on th e c o m p u te r.

Photo by Kyle Caskey FOLLOW ING THE DIRECTIONS, students w ork in Mrs. Kleckner's BCIS class. Photo

b y Kyle Caskey

Technology of Today chool updates com puters w ith XP jWith the release o f H alf Life 2 dreaded "lock-up" or the computer jDoom III, home computer users crashing making the costly financial However, compatibility issues don to update their PC for the came about when the Windows 98 urce demanding games. and Windows X P computers tried to Joining this mass wave of communicate. This issue resulted in umers, BISD began to upgrade the changing o f the students' iging stock o f computers. The passwords from a personalized one to a randomly ade has brought o f the computers “T he tem porary generated numerical Windows 98 to passw o rd s m ade it password. "It's a pain to log Idows XP, easy for other ting in a demand stu d e n ts to log in and the temporary nore RAM. into your acco u n t.” passwords made it easy for other students As the upgrades -Scott Beaver to log into your implemented, lology students ran into account," Scott Beaver said about the problems remaining with the rent experiences. "I don't have to worry about computers. As the year progressed, students fig my work," junior Ashlie had to keep count o f their numerical p r said. [Now students can operate passwords. -Kyle Caskey routers without the fear o f the

KEEPING THE PACE, S teven Hargis and

Johnny Thomas finish an assignment via c o m p u te r a t G a te w a y . Photo by Kyle




IN ASL I, students p ra c tic e signing basi v o c a b w ith h elp from Mrs. Lyn Reichert. Photo by Marissa Brown. WORKING ON A G e rm an assignmen junior A lex P appas busily translats G e rm a n v o c a b u la ry words.

Learning New Languages Study in cr ea se s b ilin gual com m u n ication s To enhance their high school great experience." Mr. Steve Norton's German experience, students enroll in foreign language classes, including students are expected to translate American Sign Language, French, English sentences into German using German, and Spanish, which offer the correct grammar and sentence an exciting look at other cultures structure. They also go to Bavarian House in Lawton to experience and their languages. German cuisine. American Sign "The language is Language, taught by “I took ASL to be Mrs. Lynn Reichert, able to b etter very intriguing," said Sarah offers an in depth view com m unicate w ith sophomore Welter. of deaf culture and a m inority.” study of signing. Spanish students -Jeremiah H astings "I took ASL in in Mrs. Camille order to better Moody's Spanish III communicate with a lingual and IV classes attend B a l l e t minority," senior Jeremiah Hastings F o l k l o r i o , a history o f Mexico said. presented through dance. Students in Mrs. Janet Niles's "The dancers performed French III class have the entertaining histories o f different opportunity to attend the play parts o f Mexico with colorful, Cyrano De Bergerac in Dallas. authentic costumes," junior Alex "The play was really exciting,” Gwin said. senior Crystal Wong said. “It was a -Marissa Brown 104 Foreign Language

DURING FRENCH III class, Mrs. Janet h and C rystal W o n g express their drug l spirit by w e aring clothin g from > fa v o rite d e c a d e . Mrs. Niles chose the while Crystal chose a n c ie n t Greece.

Why did you choose your language over the others offered? "Spanish seemed like a challenge and I thought it would be fun." -Chance McCraw

s nice to be able to talk >ople across the room hout anyone hearing you." -Jeremiah Hastings

BNG ON A Spanish I assignm ent, t e n Tyler C um m ings an d M ichelle I d ask Mrs. J a n e t Gum fo r help, ipm dressed as a F lapper from th e i n support o f drug w e e k . Photo by i a Brown

"My father is German and I thought it would be interesting to learn." -Sarah Welter

AFTER THE SHOW, students in Mrs. C a m ille M o o d y 's Spanish III a n d IV classes m e t w ith th e c a s t fro m B a lle t F o lk lo rio . The d a n ce rs w o re colorful, a u th e n tic , tra d itio n a l, Hispanic a ttire a n d p e rfo rm e d th e history o f M e xico thro u g h d a n c e . Students p ic tu re d are (fro n t ro w ) Danny Castillo, O rlando Flores, E.J. Carrion, (s e c o n d row ) M ichele A lfe rt, M atthias Gutierrez, M e g a n Morales, A driana Limon, Justin Houston, M ichael O rgainiscak, Neal

Liston, Drew Aaron, M arc Beason, Trey Horne, (third ro w ) Mrs. C am ille M oody, A utum n Fleck, Kyleigh M ckeever, C h a n c e M cC raw , Sarah Elphick, Jaclyn W hitm ore, Melissa Sibayan, Mark Nichols, A lex Gwin, and Rusty Farias. "The show was very in fo rm a tive but e ntertaining as w ell," sophom ore Jacyln W hitm ore said. “ It was a very d iffe re n t e x p e rie n c e , but I learned new info rm a tio n a b o u t M e xico and its history." Courtesy Photo




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Early planning helps students succeed

PREPARING FOR A scie nce test, senll L a cy H eptner listens and ta ke s notes! Mr. Loy Triana's A n a to m y and PhysioloJ class o f seniors. Photo by Kyle Caskey j

SENIOR PREPARATIONS • Fillout applications for multiple colleges. The application process may become pricey with varying admittance fees for each college. • Upon arrival o f the acceptance letter from the college, apply for as 1 Always obtain good grades. This many scholarships as increases the chances "PSAT is im portant possible. of being accepted because it gets me • In January of into the first choice college or university. ready for a te st I senior year financial need to tak e to be aid and Pell Grants 2 Take the ACT and accepted into a good become available. SAT in the spring of college." • In spring the junior and senior -Kyle M arshall THEA test needs to years. be taken to determine placement if SAT or ACT scores did not meet 3 Research the colleges’ preferred enrollment criteria. test, to increase the chances of not • After acceptance into college, taking the wrong one. schedule an appointment with the 4 Take the ACT or SAT as often as counselor to get enrolled in classes possible for preparation for the final needed for the career plan o f choice. -Ali Garcia test during the senior year. Keeping count o f procedural steps for college helps students be prepared for post-secondary education, according to counselor Susie Nix. EARLY PREPARATIONS


LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITIES. J e ff Holden searches fo r scholarshil IN SPARE TIME, seniors Brooke Bara Beth C a lla w a y fill o u t applicj

Photo by Kyle Caskey

106 College Process

KRING FOR THE ACT, senior pnder Schultz reads up on o ra tio n s fo r th e te s t In th e selors' o ffic e . Photo by K. Caskey

WHILE WORKING IN th e counselors' o ffic e eig h th hour, senior Erin Anderson closely e xa m in e s a c o m m o n Texas freshm an admission brochure. "I w ould like to a tte n d Vernon C o lle g e fo r m y

basics, and eve n tu a lly, I w o u ld also like to re c e iv e a d e g re e w here I c a n work w ith th e latest te c h n o lo g y fo r m y c a re e r,� Anderson said. Photo by

Marissa Brown

What are your future plans for your post­ secondary education? "I w a n t to a tte n d V C fo r tw o years to g e t m y basics, a n d th e n MSU fo r a m a jo r in te a c h in g a n d b e c o m e an e le m e n ta ry school counselor." -H e a th e r M ye r

am c o m m itte d to UTA fo r th e psketball program on scholarship, p d I w a n t to m a jo r in in tern a tio n a l Lisiness." -D o m in iq u e Sims

"I w ould like to g o to UT, play baseball, m ajor in public speaking, and m inor in high school education." -J a c o b G u ffe y



IN AP CHEMISTRY II. junior S h a n n o n Tanner does titrations o f tw o ch e m ica ls fo r a lab. Tanner tried to figure o u t th e a c id ity o f th e chem icols.

IN AP ENGLISH III class, Mrs. Jean M cN a b b 's students listen to a guest sp e a ke r from th e AP S trategies com pany. The students learned

te ch n iq u e s to im p ro ve their writing j o rd e r to score higher on th e es$ se ctio n o f th e AP test. Students q| a tte n d e d a w orkshop a t th e MPEC. I

Why did you take A P classes opposed to regular courses?


"I took AP classes, so I would be better prepared for the AP tests." -Jill Maxwell

108 AP Classes

"I wanted to be challenged by the course work," -Michele Kenney

"I chose to take AP classes' increase my chances getting into a great college." -Terrel Whi

A chievem ent in AP Advanced co u rses challenge stu d e n ts

G IV IN G A PRESENTATION In Mrs. Barrick's AP English IV class, Jason Fisher and Z achary Roddy g a v e a sp e e ch o ve r a n c ie n t G reek M yth o lo g y. M ichael Burris w as also in their group. S taff Photo

\ s students begin to choose AP classes are also set on a college and career paths, some higher GPA scale. A 100 in an AP opt to enroll in Advanced class is a 6.5. The higher scale is iment (AP) courses. AP courses supposed to balance the difficult a wide variety o f opportunities coursework. Additionally, the higher students including advanced, scale gives an incentive to students ■ paced curriculum, a higher who intend to apply to college. scale, and "The higher GPA hration for the AP “T he higher GPA is great because it is great b ecau se it makes the AP class rhe curriculum m akes th e AP grading fair," senior AP classes are class grading fair,” Crystal Wong said. it to provide a "The work, and -Crystal W ong especially the tests, enging and collegeenvironment. For are much harder, so lple, in his AP US History when you make a bad grade, it ;s, Mr. Phil Taylor expects his doesn't destroy your GPA." nts to take notes from lectures Finally, AP courses provide college professor would. preparation for the AP tests taken in I like the class because we get a May. The AP tests are an r view o f the details o f history," opportunity to receive college credit r Kyle Rogers said. "Also, we hours before even setting foot on a have all the worksheets or college campus. work." -Marissa Brown

COMPLETING AN AP Statistics assignment, senior Erik Polum bo works on a p o in t estim ation problem . WORKING ON AN assignment, Mr. Sem an's AP Calculus class co n c e n tra te s on their w ork. Photo by Kyle Caskey.



Why did you choose advance math and science courses? "I like and challenge myself with AP Chemistry II." -Matt Morrow

"To g e t ahead in college, wonderful teachers, and prepare for the AP Test." -Crystal Wong

"Open more possibilities and I want to study a scientific courses at the university." -Ludovica Sandei

STUDYING INTENTLY IN Mr. Seman's PreAP Pre-Cal class, seniors M ichael Burris, M ichael Ziegler, and V icto ria Aubin prepare fo r their n e xt test. Photo by

Kyle Caskey.

ANSWERING STUDENTS QUESTIONS, Mrs. Baughm an goes o v e r th e previous night's assignment. Junior M ichelle Lucier, senior Jake A n d ra ja ck, juniors

Tina G riffith. Danielle G o o d e , and Kl Sem an brow se through their assignri lo oking fo r an y problem s they I questions on. Photo by Kyle Caskey I

110 Math and Science ^



MRS. FRANCIS' STUDENTS test various reactions. Photo by Kyle Caskey SENIORS ZACH RODDY and Crystal W o n g m easure w ith a P robw are d e v ic e .

Photo by Kyle Caskey

unding Continuing Success

pdation supports math & science departments Tie M ath and Science To teach students better, APS rtment has received funding has offered training for Mr. Seman, Advanced Placement Services, Mrs. Baughman, and Mr. Nemecek. company helps schools through “This program allows us to us means in association of teach our advanced classes better,” Mr. Lee Seman said. rs, like the Priddy Foundation. M ore training for math teachers )ne method o f support for the and science department came throughout the district came from the Partnership for the purchase of Higher Achievement >Ware." “ P r i d d y Program which This allows us to F o u n d a t i o n improves the fete required AP w anted to help classroom skills for 'gy labs now,” a re a schools.” math teachers from -oy Triana said. -Mr. Loy Triana the elementary to high Chem II has school level. iments on disks,” As the year continued, APS’s r Zach Roddy said. “My •uter was formatted differently, help was felt throughout the math vasn’t able to work on them. So and science departments. This muchneeded assistance allowed for gave me a computer to use.” students and teachers to keep count this was similar for the newly fed biology books that now better. -Kyle Caskey jde digital version.

JUNIOR RICCI PERRITT com bines ch e m ica ls in Mrs. Francis' 2nd hour PreAP Chem istry class. Photo by Kelly Finn



Dreams versus reality Juniors join the work force for a week Dream Week, a nine-year Department, and the Wichita Falls program sponsored by Mrs. Melinda Wildcats. All o f the businesses that contributed their Kleckner, Mrs. Conni Marshall, and participated Ms. Barbara Kucharczyk, is a services and most importantly their program established to give juniors a time and effort to help further the new experience o f the work force. students’ experiences. Students were given the The sponsors were in charge of opportunity to all arrangements new required to make the “It allowed me to experience aspects of career dreams o f juniors m eet people and fields. Students were become reality, for have connections able to work with example, pairing the students with the for the fu tu re.” clothing, and even -Chance McCraw work on engineering career fields of choice. The program projects. included 65 juniors, about 15 new During the week, juniors businesses, and 32 businesses all Chance McCraw and Ashley Hales together involved in the program. worked with the County Judge. New businesses included: Brook “We were able to see what other Medical, Hardin Elementary offices do, city politics, and debates. School, In Style Real Estate, It allowed me to meet people and Orthopedic Sports and Therapy, have connections for the future,” Park Plaza Pharmacy, Vernon junior Chance McCraw said. College, Wichita County Health -Ali Garcia 112 Dream Week

EXPERIENCING THE EMERGENCY me field, juniors S p e n cer W est and Bi B e r r y m a n w o rk e d with Trans A m b u la n c e Service during the v

Courtsey Photo

What did you learn from your dream week experience? "\ learned about things that go

unnoticed in society." -Christine Harris

1 learned how to differentiate between different trees at River Bend Nature Works." -Ricci Perritt

learned how the real world brks and operates." -James Whitmore

class, junior Brown instructs a class on Behavior, a course o f o f how p e o p le a c t, a t V C . A


S H O W IN G OFF THEIR le a rn e d skills, juniors

Jennifer Hensley. Christine Harris, Desiree G riffith , a n d Robin Reid present their p o ste r th e y m a d e while w orking fo r th e

W ich ita C o u n ty Children's Home. The poster in clu d e d inform ation th a t th e y learned a n d e x p e rie n c e d o ve r th e w e e k . Courtsey Photo



ra S p o rts n n Keeping Score ith the constant competitive vigor that drive our school, evenpne found themselve Keeping Score. Noginatter where studenl were competing they continuously sacrifice their time and effort Mamke th programs a greater success. Last spring, the boys’ soccer team finished out the season third in district. They moved on to the playoffs, and in their game against Palo Duro they were defeated only in double overtime. “I was disappointed at the outcome of the last game of the playoffs,” senior Tyler Gaffney said, “but we worked a lot and will continue to work steadily.” Last spring, the girls’ varsity softball team had a successful year. They made it to the playoffs, but in the playoff game against Crowley, the team was defeated by one run. “I was so excited that we made it to playoffs,” said senior Rachel Walck. “The best part about it was how our parents and people from the community came out and supported us.”

The football team found themselves working to improve their game on the field. Practice was Monday through Thursday, and football players often stayed

after to get individual h from coaches. All in all, athletes w Keeping Score. -B. Hunt and Z.

SCO RING THE W IN N IN G to u c h d o w n in th e

D efense held ground until the signaled th e end o f th e game, Bulldogs 7 and Lions 0. Photo I

fourth q u a rte r o f th e h o m e c o m in g g a m e , senior Leon A m es (7 ) runs it up th e m iddle. It had b e e n a tig h t g a m e against Vernon.

Jonathan Whetzel

114 Sports Divider i

IN THE AIR to m a k e it over ' th e 12'6" pole, senior ‘04 Roy Kerns c o m p e te s a t the district m e e t last spring. He p la c e d fifth w hich a llo w e d him to a d v a n c e to regionals. Photo

by Barb Kucharczyk 'J

1 ® IP ;


IN THE G AM E against * Rider, junior Desiree Griffith sprung o ff th e ground and hit th e ball b a c k to th e opposing side o f th e co u rt. The Lady Bulldogs w o n their g a m e , 25 to 19. Photo by Summer Sink T WHILE COMPETING IN his tennis m a tc h e s against Denison, junior M a tt Morrow sends th e ball b a c k to the opposing side and w a tch e s fo r his o p p o n e n t's n e x t m ove.


Photo by Summer Sink

Counting Back !2- Girls and Boys pbles team won phita County Tennis et I7-28 -Tennis team goes ;tate p7- 1st in state mile run 15-1 st Football queen :ted 57-Baseball team won inty >7,’39-Football gional Championships

“My senior year we won district in every sport. We also finished in the top 8 in football, top 10 in baseball, and top 20 in basketball. We were so good that everybody came to the games.” Coach Owen ‘91

“My most memorable experiences were the baseball and soccer trips and the football and basketball playoff games. I also remember that I had a blast in NHS with Mrs. Nix as sponsor.” Coach Daiker ‘91

“Both football and basketball teams won district my senior year (1973). I think 1991 was the only other time this happened.” Coach Nix ‘73

“Our volleyball team had a chant we would do before each game. Each girl had to dance in front o f one o f the players. T alk about being uncoordinated.” Mrs.McCleskey ‘99

Keeping Score


Varsity volleyball starts year with eight returning lettermen; six to graduate |

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Continuing as a hard working volleyball team, the Lady Bulldogs come back to the season with only two new faces. The ladies played well as a team, and being able to know how most of their teammates played helped unify the team. With a 3-7 district record the Lady Bulldogs did not advance to playoffs, but still continued to play diligently all year. "There were three new new teams in district and everyone had a really good team," said Kim Colemen, a returning letterman. "The district was very hard and the championship was up for grabs". The Lady Bulldogs were very welcoming to juniors Desiree Griffith,

and Danielle Goode who were the newcomers for the 2004 season. The team held consistency through the season with a high percentage o f kills and blocks for better team stats.


>A W < ^£


Rsniscn Psnton Rider Sheman Od Hi^i Demon Denton Rider Sherman Od Hicfi

2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1

3 2 3 3 3 0 3 3 1 3

The team had a lot determination throughJ the season and stajj together. "We didn't do va well, but our record does show how good our tea really was," senior K1 Colemen said. The three new distil teams added to I competition that v already there and made ladies work for every poii The year ended with o f the returning ei graduating. The returning van were seniors M iche K enney, Shauna Runy Brooke Shelton, Kathli D a lk e , Heather Wall Kim Coleman, jun Kristen Merkel, Lindsey Means. -Ashley H

"Before the gam e we sit in a circle and make-up games with the volleyball. Then we do the header gam e to warm up." -Kathleen Dalke




games, Shauna and I g e t to do a special warm-up." -Kim Coleman r


116 Varsity Volleyball



M ichelle Kenney (6) K athleen Dalke (7) get r to b lo c k th e hit. Photo b )


ITY VOLLEYBALL TEAM je rs are (fro n t ro w ) e G riffith .Lindsey Means, nd ro w ) Shauna Runyon,

Kim C o le m a n , K athleen Dalke, Danielle G o o d e (b a c k ro w ) Kristen M erkel, M i c h e l l e K e n n e y , H eather W a lke r,

Brooke Shelton. N o t p ic tu re d is c o a c h Linda Richards. Photo

by G ordon Studio


GETTING READY TO hit th e ball over, Brooke Shelton (9 ) flies through th e air as Kim C o le m a n (1 2 ) w aits to assist her in th e g a m e w ith Old High.

Photo by Jon Whetzel. JUMPING FOR THE hit, Kathleen Dalke (7 ) scores a poin t as M ichelle Kenney (6 ) and other te a m m a te s fo llo w th e ball. In a close g a m e , Rider wins 3-2.

Photo by Summer Sink.

G THROUGH THE hands High, Brooke S helton (9 ) Is through as Shauna p (11) w a tch e s. Lady

Bulldogs lose a to u g h final district m a tc h to O ld High in a 3-1 fin a l ta lle y . Photo by Jon


BLOCKING THE BALL, Kim C o le m a n (1 2 ) and Brooke Shelton (9 ) g e t a b o v e th e net, as Shauna Runyon (1 1 ) and

Danielle G o o d e (4 ) prepare fo r a return from th e Old High d e f e n s e . Photo by Jon


Varsity Volleyball


members are (front row) Lindsey Miller, Jordan Rickard (second row) Christine



Harris, Jessica Muller, R achel Kenney, Kiera Fannon, (back row) Kristi Waggoner, Cortney Cannon,

Elizabeth Gerstner, Courtney Dm Megan Houck, and Courtney JOT

Photoby Gordon Photography







JV V<S>U-EY£*U0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

Dsniscn Denton 9'ermai Rider Shenvsn CUHi^i Denson Qsnten Rider CUHtfi

2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2

Volleyball team s find district games rough Even though they lacked experience, the Lady Bulldogs went 3-7 in district and 13-8 overall. "At the beginning o f the season we had a sense o f inexperience, but as tim e went on we seemed to evolve as a team," freshman Carrie Harvey said. "It became more fun as our skills improved, although we won m ore games before district than during." The shift in districts changed a lot. The Lady Bulldogs had to play some tough teams such as Denison and Sherman. Despite the tougher competition, the team pulled through and played a decent season. “We played well all year," Coach J'Bill M errick

said. "I am proud o f these girls and hope they enjoyed this season.” However, the ju n io r varsity was the opposite. They did very well at the beginning o f the season. D ue to adding teams to the district, the end was rough. "Having the leadership o f the upperclassm an helped me im prove greatly" said sophom ore Jordan Rickard. The Lady Bulldogs ju n io r varsity went 7-19 overall. They ended the season 1-9 in district. "We started off the season really well but faded off at the end," said Coach Robert Daiker. "We had a good mix o f experience and enthusiasm, which made coaching this team very enjoyable." -J o n a th a n W h etzel

118 JV Freshman Volleyball

^ B h Bb b i LEAPING IN THE air, C o u rtn e y D o la n d (7 ) spikes th e ball, while Rachel Kenney (1 3 ) and C o rtn e y C a nnon (1 0 ) k e e p

their e y e on it. Two Cc d e fe n d e rs spring into the a tte m p t a stop. Photo

Jonathan Whetzel

iM A N



iers are (front row) Karra |i, Lauren Devereaux (second

ro w ) Jenny Cooke, B rltanny Tiemann, Courtney Durst, Kristyna Butler (back row) Sara Schutte,

Missy Albin, Carrie Harvey, Kayla Nix, Jalmie Runyon, and Kayla Weldon. Photoby Gordons


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>A W <^£



0 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 0 2

1 ® l i » i


Dsniscn Denton Rider Srevmzn Od Hi^i Derison Qsntcn Rider 9'ermai Od Htfi

2 3 2 0 2 0 3 2 2 1

SETTING UP THE BALL, freshman Lauren D evereaux d e pend s on f r e s h m a n Missy Albin fo r the fo llo w through. The Lady Bulldogs w on 2-1. Photo by

Jonathan Whetzel

IfJG THE BALL, Lindsey Miller la k e s a p o in t a t th e g a m e 1st th e C o yo te s. Jessica ■pr (5 ) and C o u r t n e y

Fannon (1 0 ) w a tc h as th e p la y is set up to b e spiked by Christine Harris (3). Photo by

Jonathan W hetzel

THE LADY BULLDOGS, Kristi W a g g o n e r ( 2 ) and L i n d s e y M iller (9 ) w ork as a te a m to a d v a n c e th e ball o ve r th e net.

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel

READY TO SLAM th e ball into th e C o y o te s , C ourtney Durst (1 ) serves th e ball as hard as she c a n to the W ichita Falls C oyotes. Photo by Whetzel

JV Freshman Volleyball





After homecoming victory varsity football players find district challenging Like all the other sports for Burkbumett, the shift in district was tough for the varsity football team. The adding of Denison and Sherman made the season tougher. The Varsity Football team had a head start with spring practice, getting ready for the upcoming season. Then with after school practice in the fall, the team pushed on with the overhanging expectations from the previous year. “Spring Football made me stronger,” senior Jacob Amey said. “It helped make my hands ready to catch the ball as the games got closer.” With two narrow wins against Bridgeport and Vernon, the Bulldogs

started out with a 3-2 lead going into district. The weather didn't help either. The Bulldogs played hard despite the wet and cold elements. The Bulldogs had a season turner at the







VAT^iTY FOOTBALL 6 19 54 42 7 44 7 17 14 14

Decstcur bwa Park Hirsdii Pric^spcrt Verrai Dsnison Ridsr QdHi^i Shaman Qaitcn

30 21 6 41 0 45 31 21 23 17

Denison game losing 45in double overtime. "It was 1 disappointing to have I game decided by a i call," said headcoach I Dalke. "We beat a Denison Yellowjackets!" The Bulldogs had very tough time in dist going 0-5, but pulled overall. "We knew going i the season that we hat very tough schedule district," Coach Dalke s "Six o f the teams we pla went very deep into playoffs, and yet in foil five o f our games, if play went the other way would have won. We \ oh so close to going 6-‘ 7-3. It was a very toi disappointing season." -* -Jonathan Wh<

"The last two years the varsity has been short on numbers so it's been hard to play both ways, and live up to our full potential." -Bryan Fox

"Having more trainers made it fun because all four o f us girls got really close." -Heather Myer

REACHING FOR THE tac Leon A m es (7 ) throws do Rider runningback successfully stop the first c

Photo by Jonathan Whetz

120 Varsity Football

| y team members are (front jrainers Heather Myer, Kristina lez, Jennifer Dye, and Bonnie l e e , (second row) Kurt gh, Jacob Guffey, Andy Slye, Triggs, Brant Frazier, Leon Dakota Orf, William Gates, Brinkley, Jacob Amey, (third Tommy Peoples, M ik e

Williams, Matt Fonvllle, Spencer West, Patrick Llle. Tim Hawley, Nate Brown, Jay Robinson, D.J, Vleth, Alex Evans, (fourth row) Luke Hoover, Chad Battista, Bryan Fox, Chris Pickle, Gary Easter, Jordan McLain, Cody Allison, Zach Bolding, Chuck Fleming, Matt Mldgett, (flth row) Nate Bayless, Jeremy Roe,

Matt Hickey, Jason Brown, Kyle H a rp o le , Cody Adams, Jared M c C r o r y , Dean Andres, Zach Bradley, (back row) Brad Owen, Stacy Atkins, Scott Boswell, Dale Brown, Bill Dalke, Brett Manning, Rick Butler, Brian Major, Craig Rickman, and Jason Dodd. Photo

by Gordon's Photography

WITH Tony le a p pass. th e

HIS EYES on his o p p o n e n t, Triggs (9 ) prepares to in th e air to d e fle c t a Due to his intim idation, pass was in co m p le te .

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel USING A BURST o f speed, Mike W illia m s (4 0 ) sprints past the line to m a k e th e first dow n. The Bulldogs w on their h o m e c o m in g , 7-0. Photo by

Jonathan Whetzel

j THE DEFENSE is on th e sAndy Slye (1 0 ) a n d Bryan '<j6T) p ra c tic e snaps. The 1jgs had a p ro b le m w ith Jed snaps d u e to th e

rainy w e a th e r. It k e e p th e players to k e e p w arm te m p e ra tu re .

also h e lp e d lose, m oving in th e c o ld



USING HIS SIZE and speed to his a d v a n ta g e , Mike Williams (4 0 ) prepares to blast through a Vernon d e fe n d e r. Pumping

up th e c ro w d , Williams ran 25 yards d o w n the sideline to gain th e first dow n. Photo by

Jonathan Whetzel

Jonathan W hetzel

Varsity Football


members are (front row) Tony Luina-Quintero, Patrick Davis, Justin Gates, E.J. Carrion, Justin Houston, Dan Williams, Quenton Fickland, Sammy Wise, (second row) Trainer Jason Dodd, Gary Griffin, Kyle Petersen,


H Football H >A W <?6

Josh Hayter, Joseph Calderon , Matt Peoples, Lane Anderson, Jon Morris, Coach Craig Rickman, (third row) Coach Rick Butler, Coach Brian Major, Trey Horn, Scott Correll, Jesse Mendoza, Ian Albin, Phillip Shaver, Skylar Schroeder,

Travis Torries, Nick Nixon, Cocjm Brad Owen, Coach Bill DallS Coach Stacey Atkins, Coach DqB Brown, (back row) Coach Seen Boswell, and Coach Brett MannlM

LOOKING FOR A hole J V p la ye r G ary Griffin (5 ) runs as Hirschi players close in on him. Racing to assist him in th e p lay

are Travis Torries (78) and Morris (52). Their work pak as th e y d e fe a te d Hirschi 41

Photo by Gordon Photography


m x K M X w a . JV F44T£AU12 32 40 26 0 14 0 7 12 20

Dscatxr Iowa Park Hirschi Erktopport Verrcn fteniscn Pidsr Qd Hdf\ Shsrman Dsntcn

14 6 22 0 19 14 22 14 19 13

JV, Freshman teams break winning streak The Freshman and JV football teams had a rough year compared to previous seasons. The Freshman team came out with two wins seven losses and one tie. On the other hand, the JV team finished with four wins five losses and one tie record. The freshmen's highest scoring games were both 2014 against Hirschi and Bridgeport. "When we tied the game against Sherman I was so excited," freshman Cody Burks said. "Coach had told us that we could have lost by 82 points, so it was so great that we tied them." The JV team's highest scoring game was 32-6 against rival Iowa Park. JV often practiced

122 JV, Freshman Football

against the Varsity to help toughen them up. JV and freshman would practice all week from around 1:30 to 4:30 each day to prepare for the week’s game. JV usually said a quick prayer before the kickoff. “The greatest part of the game to me is kickoff,” sophomore Josh Hayter said. “Your heart is beating real fast and you’re ready to go down as hard as you can and light somebody up. It’s the greatest feeling on earth.” Even though the season wasn’t without its ups and downs the teams were still proud of what they accomplished and many look with high hopes to the future upcoming seasons. -Priscilla Guffey

Photo by Summer Sink

T fl

HMAN FOOTBALL TEAM Hbers are (fro n t ro w ) Mt B avousett, Kelly Virdell, jb Simpson, K eato n G reen, le y S w ick, K aleb Lacy, | Fournier, C ody Burks

(s e c o n d ro w ) Hunter Rhude, A n d re w Richardson, Joseph G a lle g o, Chris Gibson, Sean Herwig, Justyn Brugmann, T.J. Johnson, J o n a th a n Frank, D avid Limon (b a c k ro w )

C o a c h Jay Hill, Leland W etzel, Tyler Shuck, Ronnie Rouleau, S te ve n Mullins, Evan Albin, Tyler Hunt, Kyle W eldon, C o a c h Mike Leach, and C oach Jam es Moseley. Photo by

G ordon Photography



u n n m


FKES+tMAN F<X>TSA1_L 6 6 20 20 0 16 & & 20 0

Decatur lewa Pale Hirsdii Eridopport Verrcn Pteriscn Ridsr Qd H$l Shsrmai Dsnton

22 21 14 14 21 26 35 35 20 21

WORKING FOR A v ic to ry over th e Hirschi Huskies, JV player Patrick Davis (7 ) carries a Husky d e fe n d e r w ith him as he struggles fo r th e first dow n.

Photo by Summer Sink

> ING FOR MORE y a rd a g e , "h a n N a th a n W hee le r : the B ridgeport de fe n sive 3 rs w ith him as te a m

m a te s Leland W e tz e l (22), Sean Herwig (73), a n d Evan A lbin (7 8 ) rush to help. Photo

by Summer Sink

RUNNING THE BALL d o w n th e fie ld is JV p la ye r S c o tt Correll (12). Assisting him is Phillip Shaver (77). Photo by Summer

DURING THE BRIDGEPORT g a m e freshman S c o tt Bavousett (7) gets re a d y to pass th e ball to an o th e r te a m m em ber. Photo


by Summer Sink

JV, Freshman Football



Tennis m

"The competition, I have learned while playing varsity tennis, will stay with me for the competitive world that awaits all of us after high school." -Gordon Rooney

VARSITY TENNIS PLAYERS, are (fro n t ro w ) Kyle Marshall, Merrill S w e a tt, N a th a n Roddy, Ashley B a ird , Brady Dalton, Karissa C a ld w e ll, M a tt Morrow, Shelby C arpenter,Jill M axw ell, M ichael

Smith, Hilary G albraith, G ordon R o o n e y , Kelley Finn, D r e w Aaron, R e b e c c a Johnson, and Paul M cBroom . and (b a c k ro w ) C o a c h Jason Slagle, and C o a c h C a re y C a ld w e ll.C o a c h

C a ld w e ll was announced al th e Texas 4A C o a c h of fw Y ear in la te N ovem b er. He le| th e te a m to fo u rth place 1 district play. Photo m

SENIOR VARSITY TENNIS players are R e b e c c a Johnson, G o rd o n Rooney, a n d Merrill S w e a tt. The seniors w e re a m a jo r p a rt o f th e Bulldog tennis

te a m . They comp1 th ro u g h o u t th e fall and s; season to aid th e tear points fo r district stam

Summer Sink.

Tennis team places fourth in fall play In November, Coach Carey Caldwell was announced as the state 4A “Coach of the Year�. Coach Caldwell was nominated for this honor, and the selection committee of the Texas Tennis Coaches Association determined that he was best qualified. Throughout the beginning of the year the team played with dedication and determination. They played hard for all of the fall season, and they walked away with five wins, and nine losses which placed the Bulldogs fourth in district. The district for tennis consisted of Rider, Old High, Denison, Denton, and Sherman. To prepare for the team, the players started 124 Tennis

two-a-days on August 2 to condition and practice for the upcoming season. In October, off-season started again which was composed of weight lifting, conditioning and footwork drills for five weeks, until January. Then in January, more tournaments were played and players got a chance to shine individually instead of as a group. A highlight for the players was winning the Hirschi Tournament. "This team got better and better as the year went along," Coach Caldwell said "I am very proud o f them." The Bulldog tennis captains expressed congratulations to Coach Caldwell on his Coach of the Year award. -Ashley Hand

Photo by Summer Sink

[ENNIS MEMBERS are (fro n t Ryan Griffin, Jerem iah on, N ick Morales (s e c o n d S te v e S ch u tte , Bug Bisson, h Elphick, Shane Hassell

(b a c k ro w ) C o a c h Slagle, H eather Zilw eger, A.J, Norris, Syke Jones, Ryan M a d a ra ng , a n d C o a c h C a ld w e ll. JV tennis was c o m p o s e d o f 17 tennis

m em bers. They finished th e fall season w ith 3 wins a n d 3 losses In their district play. The C o a c h e s w e re also proud o f th e m . Photo by Summer Sink

"Our team is a lot closer this year. We all finally realized that our differences are part of who we are and the whole team was able to accept each other for being themselves." -Merrill Sweatt

IN A MATCH against Denison, ju n io r Karissa C a ld w e ll serves th e ball to her c o m p e titio n . Here, Karissa c o m p e te d in a singles m a tc h to help th e te a m score. Photo by Summer Sink

1ING INTO THE air, junior 1 McBroom m akes c o n ta c t ’ phe ball as he returns it to o p p o n e n t. Photo by

per Sink

SERVING THE BALL, S t e v e S c h u tte p ra c tic e s his serving te c h n iq u e s to p re p a re fo r his u p c o m in g gam es. Photo by

Summer Sink

SERVING TO A te a m m a te , junior M a tt M orrow p ra c tic e s his fo llo w through. M a tt co n tin u e d to w ork on his g a m e . Photo by Summer Sink

TENNIS CAPTAINS ARE returning m em bers, junior M a tt Morrow, senior Merrill S w eatt, and senior G ordon Rooney. Photo by

Summer Sink

Tennis 125

V a rs ity G irls G o lf te a m m em bers are (fro n t ro w ) Jennifer Renick, (s e c o n d ro w )


V ic to ria Rousseau, A m b e r Bice, M aranda Bice, D o m i n i q u e R ousseau, (b a c k ro w ) Sarah

W e lte r, A m y Landrum, anj Danielle G o o drich. Photo J

G ordon Photography

"If I c o u ld pla y go lf w ith any person I w ould play w ith Phil Mickelson b eca u se he has such g re a t spirit. He isn't in it fo r th e m o ney." -A m y La nd ru m

Golf team tees off w ith fall success Both the varsity boys and girls golf teams coached by Mrs. Kay Dalke posted wins in the fall tournaments. “For the first time in years, the girls golf team should qualify for regional's and the boys team will be very competitive at district,” Coach Kay Dalke said. The varsity boys golf team tied for first place out of seven teams at the Doral tournament. They also placed fourth out of fourteen at Tanglewood and second out of twelve at Woodlawn. “I have never practiced with my school in Sweden or played with a team,” senior Mattias Andersson said. “I enjoyed being able to practice with the team 126 Golf

here everyday.” The girls team placed first out o f twelve at Richardson, first out of five at Glen Garden, and second out o f fourteen at River Chase. “Being really close as a team has made golfing more fun,” said junior Victoria Rousseau. “So did playing on nicer courses.” The JV team earned seventh out of twelve at Willow Springs. “I enjoyed being able to improve my golf skills on a nice course with courteous workers for free,” said sophomore Marc Beason. The golf team practices at the River Creek G olf Course and competes in both Fall and Spring golf tournaments. -Priscilla Guffey

G O IN G THROUGH A p ra c tic e round, a t River C re e k G olf M a ttia s Course, senior A n d e r s s o n hits th e ball as

freshm an Kelly Virdell looks M attias is a foreign exchc stu d e n t from Sweden. PI

by Summer Sink

p ity Boys G o lf te a m [nbers are M a ttla s lersson, Brady Sands, G rad y

C o k e r ,C o b y Hill, P a u l V a n d e n b e r g , Photo by

G ordon Photography

JV Boys Golf team members are (front row) Layne McBeath, Travis Felty, Matt Davis, Curtis Hill, (back

row) Michael Albers, Kordan Klldew, and Marc Season. Photo by Gordon


CHIPPING ONTO THE g re e n , junior M aranda Bice focuses on her te ch n iq u e . M aranda has b e e n a p a rt o f th e girls golf te a m fo r three years. Photo by

Summer Sink

ON THE p u ttin g green, r Dominique Rousseau ices her p u ttin g skills as om o r e Sarah W e lte r

cheers her on. Dominique's sister V ic to ria , w h o is a junior, is also a p a rt o f th e girls g o lf te a m . Photo b y Summer Sink

PUTTING ON THE green is senior Brady Sands w ith freshman Curtis Hill. Sands has b e e n on th e g o lf te a m fo r fo u r years.

FOCUSING ON THE ball, freshman A m b e r Bice works to p e rfe c t her p u ttin g skills. Photo

by Summer Sink

Photo by Summer Sink

Golf 127


'rose CantryJ BOYS CROSS COUNTRY te a m m em bers are (fro n t ro w ) David Ford, Austin Richter (b a c k row )

Rusty Ellett, O rlando Flores, and Justin Mymbs. N o t p ic tu re d are T om m y Peoples a n d G reg

M ontgom ery. The ere c o u n try te a m p la ce d district. S ta ff photo.

“I joined Cross Country mainly because I w anted to get in shape for basketball and there w ere a lot o f girls at the m e e ts .” - Austin R ichter

C ro ss C o u n tr y p la c e s fo u rth ; F o rd a d v a n c e s to re g io n a ls “3,2,1 and they’re off!” Doubling the team’s size from last year the Cross Country team gained experience for the future. With early morning and after school practices, the team worked to achieve their goals for the year. To prepare for district the team worked more on speed work and higher volumes of tempo runs. “Practices were hard and long, but they conditioned us for the meets,” junior Tommy Peoples said. “We had morning practices that were very early.” Leading the boys cross country team was junior David Ford and sophomore Rusty Ellett. Leading the girls cross country team were sophomore Amanda Collie and sophomore

128 Cross Country

Deanna Aubin. Overall, the team placed fourth in district and junior David Ford advanced to regionals. “I was extremely proud o f how we had many of our runners starting to become more dedicated,” coach Loy Triana said. “I feel this will be good for us in the future.” The runners plan to continue to condition themselves for next year. “Over the summer I want to establish better workout ethics and run more over the summer with coach Triana,” junior Austin Richter said. The race is over but the cross country team for next year is aspiring to better themselves, according to coach Triana. -Michelle Rush and Lauryn Siniscalchi

RUNNING IN THE c o u n t r y , s o p h o m o r e Am anda C ollie p a rtic ip a te s in th e high e n d u ra n ce district cross

co u n try m e e t. She pi Ttt h in th e race. Am C ollie p ra c tic e d before a fte r school. Courtesy Pb

| CROSS COUNTRY te a m pers are (fro n t ro w ) Id a C ollie, (b a c k ro w ),

Shannon Tanner a n d R achel Kenney. N o t p ic tu re d are C arrie Harvey, C o u rtn e y Durst,

D eanna Aubin, and R o la n d . The te a m s c o a c h e d b y Loy Triana.

Marti are

“The hardest part about being in Cross Country this year, was trying to exceed what you think is almost impossible." - Amanda Collie


RUNNING AT A brisk jog, s o p h o m o r e O rlando Flores ke e p s a g o o d p a c e , (b e lo w ) WITH HIS GOAL in sight, junior Austin Richter prepares to pass his o p p o n e n t. Courtesy Photo

SIDE BY side through ins, freshm an C arrie freshm an C o u rtn e y p t to re a c h th e ir

o p p o n e n ts. Both cross crountry te a m s b o th p la c e d fo u rth in th e C a m p Perkins m e e t.

TOGETHER IN THE ra c e so p h o m o re Deanna Aubin and s o p h o m o r e Rachel Kenney ra c e to w a rd th e finish line.

Cross Country 129

Lady Dogs open season ! w ith to u rn am en t trophy







The Lady Bulldogs started the season by claiming the Union Square Classic trophy. They defeated Lake Dallas 47-42 to win the tournament, which was the first time the Lady Bulldogs had won this tournament. Tournament MVP went to junior Katiya Jackson and Michele Kenney was honored with the AllTournament award. “This team is the closest team I have ever been on,” said junior Lindsey Means. “I will never forget being on this team and I wouldn’t change anything about it.” The Lady Bulldogs suffered a casualty when senior Dominique Sims tore her ACL in a game during the earlier part of the

season. “I am so proud of how the team stepped up after my injury,’ senior Dominique Sims said. “They did a great job out on the court.” Their six returning

>A W <^£


VANITY £A:><£T£AU46 36 52 51 31 42 27 36 43 50

Ridsr Daiton Shaman Derism OdHi^i kiefer Ctentcn Shamai Ctenison Od Hi^i

27 76 50 70 41 33 44 49 53 37

varsity players were sera Kim Coleman, Dominic Sims, Shauna Runjf Michele Kenney, Jer Johnson, and junior Kat Jackson. “We didn’t accomp] what we had hoped, but season itself, I feel, wa success.” said coach A Koulovatos. “The team a couple o f injuries be: district and had a g season with the injuries.’ The Lady Bulli placed fifth in district 16-13 for the season. “Even though season didn’t go as plan it was really good,” junior Megan Koulov “We were a really < team and we hope to this as a learning experi to make next year bette: -Priscilla G

"The day of a big gam e I eat a hot dog with ketchup and Doritos at school and I have to drink lots of strawberry Gatorade." -Heather Rarick

"After a big gam e I like to go to El Chico and eat cheese enchiladas with queso on top. They are so incredibly good!" -Jenna Johnson

STEPPING INTO PLACE to th e ball, senior Kim Co1 (2 0 ) is assisted by junior I J a c k s o n (25). Photo b,


130 Varsity Girls Basketball

Varsity feketbal

THE GIRLS VARSITY b a s k e tb a ll

players are (fro n t ro w ) Danielle G oode, Lindsey Means, (s e c o n d ro w ) Megan Koulovatos, Kim C o lem a n, Jenna Johnson, Desiree Griffith, (b a c k ro w ) Shauna Runyon, D om inique Sims, M ichele Kenney, and Katiya Jackson.

Photo by Photography OFFERING




n e e d e d to senior M i c h e l e K e n n e y (3 1 ) are senior Kim C o le m a n (22) and junior Desiree G riffith (11). Photo by

Summer Sink

WFHS es, sophom ore H eathe r (20) fights to g e t th e to th e b a ske t as junior




Lindsey Means (1 0 ) looks fo r a w ay to assist. The Lady Bulldogs lost to th e C o y o te s 31-41. Photo by Jon Whetzel

RACKING UP THE points against

Sherman, senior Jenna Johnson (1 4 ) scores a po in t on her free th ro w as junior M e g a n

K o u l o v a t o s (12) and senior Shauna R unyon(21) g e t ready to assist her if n e e d e d . Photo

by Summer Sink

Varsity Girls Basketball


-n r

JV TEAM MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Kaleigh Huntley (s e c o n d M oree, Rachel r o w ) C arly Kenney, C am i Robinson, Elizabeth Gerstner, Kiera

J / fe k e tb a !

> a v /<7^-

Fannon, Jenna Inglish, Renee B r o w n (b a c k ro w ) A l l y s s a Meese, Kristen Merkel, C o rtn e y C annon, R ebecca P otter, Janessa C hancey, H eather

Rarick, S tephanie Skinner, rij A n d re a Polk. The JV team c o a c h e d b y Denise M ir®

ATTEMPTING A FIELD g o a l , Lauren D evereaux (1 3 ) shoots over her Lady C o y o te o p p o n e n t. For this g a m e ,

freshm an Devereaux m o v e d up to the Junior' te a m due to team i


Photo by Photography


th e m

JBJBIMMJOT <JV£A£<ET£AU42 52 40 41 49 59 24 35 44

Ridsr Qsnton

23 45


38 20

Cteniscn Od Hirjn Ridsr Qsntcn Dsnieon Od Htfi

33 34 40 29 33

JV, Frosh teams exceed set goals The junior varsity and freshman girls' teams wrapped up the season with accuracy and were able to exceed multiple set goals and accomplishments. The JV team finished the season with an over all 16-3 record. They also went on to finish the season with an 8-1 record in district. "Last year the team tied for district champions and they also hope to win district out right," JV coach Denise Miracle said. "Our team has been playing together since seventh grade, so we played well together," sophomore Carly Moree said. "We get better and better every year." The freshman team ended their season with an

over all 13-5 record. They also went on to finish the season with a 8-2 record in district. They got second in district. "Our team wasn’t so much just a group o f girls, but a group of friends that were brought to together because o f the game. It brought us closer together," freshman Courtney Durst said. "The season went well; it was very successful. I thought the girls did an excellent job. They improved from the beginning of the season to the very end of the season ," freshman coach J'Bill Merrick said. -Ali Garcia

132 JV, Freshman Girls Basketball

Photo by Jonathan Whet

ill MEN TEAM MEMBERS are t ro w ) Lexi Monson, M alia on, C arrie Harvey, irn e y Durst, D aw n M ackin,

Lauren D e ve re a u x (b a c k ro w ) S te p h a n ie Duchesne, Haley Duren, Jenny C o o k e , Sara S ch u tte , Ja m ie Runyon,

A le xa n d ria Barnes, Kristyna B u tle r. The freshm en te a m w as c o a c h e d b y J'Bill Merrick,

freshman j y feketbal


Photo by G ordon's


V »W 4W








I M ;V

m m

■ 911

33 35 36 46 42 27 36

Ridsr Dsntcn Shsrmai Dshson Od H#i Ridsr Ctentcn Qsriscn CWHtfi

57 24 34 23 16 43 20 14

PREPARING TO PASS th e ball to sophom ore Allyssa Meese (50), s o p h o m o re R e b e c c a P otter scans o u t her Lady C o y o te o p p o n e n t. Photo by Jonathan


IPTING A FREE t h r o w , !|han Carrie Harvey (1 4) f th e ball w hile th e |>n Lady Y e llo w ja cke ts

and fe llo w Lady Bulldogs w a tc h on. The final score was 3 5 - 2 9 . Photo by Priscilla

G uffey

HELPING TO INCREASE th e Lady Bulldog's score, junior Jenna Inglish (22) a tte m p ts a fre e th ro w shot while te a m

m em bers, junior Kristen Merkel (25) and sophom ore C o rtn e y C annon (21) w a tc h anxiously.

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel

JV, Freshman Girls Basketball


Bulldogs place fourth in district


in 03


Fans roared as the Varsity Boys basketball team took on another unforgettable season with a 4-7 in district. With only seven returning varsity players the Bulldogs placed fourth in district. “I am very proud of our guys,” Coach Danny Nix said. “There has been a lot of adversity but the team stayed together as a team giving everything that they had.” After school and early practices helped the team prepare for district. “Practices were hard and required a lot of endurance; there was a lot o f conditioning,” junior Bryant Cloud said. “But the hardest part was keeping a level head at all times.”

Winning the second game against Rider High, coaches and the players were enthused. “In our first game against Rider, they beat us for the first time in 12 years, and we were not

VAtS>iTY £ASKET£AU51 73 60 44 53 55 78 63 70 57

Shaman Qaiscn Od Hicfi Refer Daiton Shaman Cteniscn Od H$i Refer Daitcn

64 84 58 64 60 52 63 73 65 61

planning on that happenjj again,” coach Nix said. Sticking together as team was crucial for tfl players to achieve tha goals, according to coaj Michael Baughman. “Even though peoj get hurt, you can not let injury sidetrack j because it is still a teari junior Justin Mymbs sa “You still have otj obligations to yj basketball season.” Ending with a 4 district record. “This season was because I got more play tim e,” junior Nat Bayless said. “The te came together and pu through the tough times. -Michelle R -Lauryn Siniscli

"Steve Nash had an im pact on my basketball career because we play alike and he has a strong work ethic. -Erik Polumbo

"Steve Francis had an im pact on my basketball career because he accomplished anything he started." -Prince Murray

134 Varsity Boys Basketball

FINISHING THROUGH layup, senior Erik PolumD* puts th e Bulldogs in thel

yARSITY BOYS b a s k e tb a ll i m e m b e rs a re (fro n t ro w ) p M o n tg o m e ry, Austin er, N a te Brown, Tovorris

^SING THE BALL, senior p Murray (4 ) scores tw o s to p u t th e Bulldogs in th e 3 during th e fo u rth quarter, seniors Tony Triggs (32)

P ic k e tt, Andy Slye, Terrel W hite, Erik P olum bo, William G a t e s , Justin M ym bs (b a c k ro w ) C o a c h Danny Nix, C o a c h

M ichael Baughm an, C o a c h Jam es Moseley, Allen Smith, Leon Am es, Tony Triggs, N a th a n Bayless, J a c o b A m e y,

a n d J a c o b A m e y (4 2 ) w a it fo r th e rebound. It was a close gam e w ith th e Bulldogs crushing th e C o y o te s 60-58.

JUMPING PAST OLD h i g h defenders, senior Tov or r i s P i c k e t t puts th e Bulldogs on th e b o a rd . Photo by Jonathan

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel.


Prince Murray, C o a c h J o e Thannert, m a n a g e r M a tt C o ttr e ll. Photo by Gordon's

Photography o f Burkburnett.

BEING WATCHED BY Old High defenders, junior N athan B a y l e s s (25) to u ch es the b a c k b o a rd w ith ease, as he puts th e Bulldogs in g o o d spirit with a winning o u tc o m e . Photo

by Jonathan Whetzel.

Varsity Boys Basketball


-iffl -iffl

rs u - j- i- I fe k e tb a l


* u

JV TEAM MEMBERS are (fro n t r o w ) D avid Ford, Tyrell Brown, Justin G ates, E.J. Carrion, Jim m y V a n a d o re , B rett Stine, Ricardo Taylor, O rlando Flores, Dean V en tu ra (s e c o n d row )

Jim m y S c o tt, A lex Gwin, Sean Brown, N eal Liston, Rusty Ellett, Mark Stephens, G ary Griffin, A n th o n y Barger, D onald Hall (b a c k ro w ) C am eron C rem eens, Kirtis Am es, A aron

Gibbs, Shawn Peterrrid Bryant C lo ud, A n th o n y Jarhe Ryan Briscoe, B obby Mon a n d J a c o b Shipp. Photo i

USING HIS JUMPING te c h n iq u e to m a k e a basket, junior Shawn P eterm an (1 5 ) strives fo r an increase o f tw o points against th e W ich ita Falls

C o yo te s. Bobby Morris a n d Dean V entura (24) rJ help d e fe n d the Dogs f<| n e x t play. Photo by Jon

G ordon's Photography




JV 5 A & <ET£A U -

69 46 69 45 72 77 67 53 65 53

Hirsdli Sherman

Rsniscn Od Hicft Rider

Rental Renisen Od Hi^i Rider Rental

56 66 53 62 59 66 55 66 53 63

Freshm an, JV improve in play Playing another great year of basketball, the JV and Freshman boys finshed off the season well. JV ended with a 17-6 record and advanced to district ending with a record of 6-4. Freshman completed the season 14-10 and held a record of 7-3 in district. Practices were held every day during school last period, which also extended to later hours. The JV team was headed by coach Mosely. He helped the JV members learn how to play a good game on the court. “Coach Moe did a great job this year," Terrell Brown said. "He worked extra and came in on days he didn't have to. I learned teamwork which is a major skill needed in the game of

life." Coach Baughman taught freshman boys the skills and techniques needed during each practice. “The season was pretty awesome and all o f the guys got along well," Josh Brownhill said. "My basketball skills have improved through the many hours of practicing and I hope next year will be better." With standards set, the boys have something to live up to in the following years. Coach Baughman was pleased with the boys' performance through out the year. "We had a great season," he said. " The team met all expectations and exceeded them. " -Jaclyn W hitmore

136 JV, Freshman Boys Basketball


HMAN TEAM MEMBERS are i t ro w ) Keith S tevenson, la n W heeler, Brent irlein, Jason Bryant, J a c o b istonbaugh, Kyle M onk,

Kyle W illet, Q u a y G rant, Joey G a lle g o , D esm ond Strickland ( b a c k ro w ) Tony Barragan, Kory Livingston, Josh Brownhlll, Evan Albin, D udley Duncan,

Kyle Fournier, H orace W arren, Jr., Jordan Fauntleroy, Hunter Rhude, a n d John Belovosky.

Photo by Photography



feketbal >A W <^£


m m onn FKE&tfMAM £A £K E T £A L L

53 52 55 57

39 66 60 53 67


lcwa Park Shsrmai Qsnscn Od Hi^i Ridsr Denton Derieon Od Hi#i Rider Dentai

40 45

39 60 46 33 23 79

61 37

WITH ONE MINUTE le ft in the fourth quarter, A nthony James (2 1 ) raises th e Dogs score by tw o points w ith an o p e n layup as B obby M oris (3 1) stays close. Photo by Jon Whetzel

© FOR A basket, H orace i ?n (2 3) shoots th e ball in I air. Sherm an players = p t to a d v a n c e p a st th e rp sscro re , end ing in a 52-

45 win fo r Burk. S c o tt B a vo u se tt (4 2 ) w a tc h e s intensely as Sherm an B earcats p ro c e d e to th e b a ske t. Photo

FOLLOWING UP ON a layup, fre s h m a n Horace W arren (2 ) releases th e ball while Evan A lb in (4 2 ) positions himself.

by Summer Sink

Photo by Jon Whetzel

PASSING THE BALL to a JV p l a y e r , Bryant C loud (34) avoids th e b lo ck from Old High as Ryan Briscoe (10) b e co m e s open. Photo by Jon Whetzel

JV, Freshman Boys Basketball



Soccer u

"We have improved more this year than any other year. We cooperate better; we listen to the coaches more we play hard; and we just have more fun.� -Angelica Lopez

VARSITY SOCCER TEAM m em bers are (fro n t row ) C helsey Halmoth, AN Hood, D eanna Aubin, Lindsey Miller, A n g e lic a Lopez, C a r a S i m m o n s , Jaim e Simmons,

Ashley Patino, (s e c o n d row ) Julia Alaniz, Brittany R oderick, Britney Wise, A rlene Gutierrez, A driana Limon, Mary Spurlock, M e g a n Houck, Kristen Brown, Brittney Baker, Jordan Rickard,

(b a c k ro w ) C o a c h Birlcf Elizabeth Beason, C a n d ic e J Dorsey, C o u rtn e y Jones, StaciJ Horton, M ichelle P atino, Am bel S h a f f e r , V icto ria Aubin, a n j C o a c h M cC leskey.

G irls so c c e r t e a m s im p ro v e sk ills w h ile p r o m o tin g u n ity Both of the girls soccer teams started out differently. The coaches used a new system to get the girls in shape and to get them brushed up on their soccer skills. "We have improved a lot this year," Adriana Limon said. "We talk to each other a whole lot more and move the ball around more than ever before." At the beginning of the school year during preseason, the soccer coaches had the girls working on fundamentals, strength, and conditioning. The girls would do stations three days a week and weight lifting two days a week. The team didn't have any scrimmages at all until late October and early

138 Girls Soccer

November because they were still working on improving their game performance. "I can really see a difference in the way the girls are playing this year than they did last year," Coach Becky McCleskey said. "The Junior Varsity team has improved tremendously." The record stands at 36-1 for the Varsity and the JV has a 2-3-1 record. "Our team has a great season ahead o f us," Mary Spurlock said. "We're going to win more because our team is really coming together. This year we'll get past the first round of playoffs if we work together." -Hannah McGown and Lindsay Shipley

PRACTICING HER POSITION as g oalie, Jordan Rickard c a tc h e s th e ball and prepares to th ro w it b a c k to her te a m m a te s .

Rickard was a m em ber varsity te a m , which p ra c tic e s regurlarly. S


b Soccer 2

JV GIRLS SOCCER m em bers are (fro n t fro w ) S taci Brown, Jessica Heyne, (s e c o n d row ) Alyssa Turner, Jeanine Young, lylene Gutierrez, Alicia M a t t h e w s , (thrid ro w ) D a w n Duncan, Am ber McKenzie, Kristina Polk, Ashley Sifuentes, C h e ye n n e Kubala, (b a c k row ) C o u rtn e y Brantley, A m a n d a Keating, Lyka W alton, N icole Ysasaga, Cassie Thompson, C o a c h B e cky M cC leskey and Elizabeth Keksi. Photo by

Gordon's Photography


DIVING TO PREVENT th e ball fro m g e ttin g past her, Elizabeth Keksi p ra ctice s te n d in g th e g o a l and keeping th e o th e r te a m from scoring.

S ta ff Photo

W KING ON HER ball handling 1is- Jeanine Y oung juggles I ball. The te a m s regularly ' [k e d on basic skills during

class and a fte r school p ra c tic e s to im p ro ve their f u n d a m e n t a l s . Photo by

Jonathan W hetzel

WORKING ON FUNDAMENTALS Britney Wise juggles th e ball. The te a m w o rk e d on drills to im p ro ve their g a m e . S t a ff

ON THE PRACTICE field, Stacie H o rto n prepares to kick the ball and pass it to her te a m m a te s . S taff Photo


Girls Soccer 139

Male soccer players join on one team







Improving their soccer skills, the Varsity soccer team faced tough competition in district. Due to ineligibility and injuries, the freshman, JV, and Varsity teams were consolidated to one. Inability to play was not the only set-back the team experienced. New district competition proved tough. "Having Sherman and Denison in our district is an outstanding addition to district to me, because it allows us to play with a wider range o f variety," D J Vieth said. Many team members felt this way about district games. "With the talent displayed on the team this year, I'm really looking forward to a good season," coach Jon Sonnenburg said. - L. Burks and K. Baxley

CONCENTRATING ON THE m o v e m e n t o f th e ball, senior Kurtis Kildew a tte m p ts to dribble th e ball thro u g h th e d e fe n se of senior A llen

Pappas. Building skills tc m a in ta in g o o d co n tro l of tha ball and striving to exhibit g o o d fo rm w as an ob jective iij p r a c t i c e . Photo by Kyk



IMP' m m w :



I8 IIS 1 P

"When someone asks me what skills 1 bring to the soccer team, 1can truthfully answer leadership and confidence." - Allen Pappas

" I believe that I bring leadership as well as control to the soccer team this year. Oh, and nice hair too!" - Tyler Gaffney

MANEUVERING THE BALL sd Tyler G a ffn e y a tte m pts tol around a Denison defer

Photo by Jonathan Whetze

140 Boys Soccer

’S VARSITY SOCCER players are i t row) Michael Hargis, Jake Is, Allen Pappas, Ernest Davis, r Gaffney, Trey Torrles, Zach berg, Wes Swlck, (second row) jc h Mike Strickland, Adam

Staples, Bryan Gonzales, Brandon Laubscher, DJ Vleth, Cameron Castro, Jonathan Whetzel, Kyle Alexander, Michael Ziegler, Tyler Baker, (back row) Mark Nichols, Jasen Loughlln, Ed Alexeenco,

James Bavousett, Kurtls Kildew, Stephen Salas, Nicholas Haudenshlld, Chris Picket Blake Wuthrich, Blake Deeb, Nate Germann, and Coach Jon Sonnenburg, Photo by Gordon's.


BLOCKING A DEFENDER senior Allen Pappas turns th e ball to w a rd th e goal. The Bulldogs d e fe a te d th e Dension Y e llo w ja cke ts '1-0. Photo by

Jonathan Whetzel APPLYING PRESSURE IN th e b a c k fie ld , senior C a m e r o n C astro pushes a Dension o ffe n d e r to w a rd th e side line.

Photo by Jonathan Whetzel

jEPING THE BALL close, senior Vieth challeng es senior nfs Kildew a tte m p tin g to M the ball. The te a m

w o rk e d on strategies in an a fte r school p ra c tic e to p re p a re th e m fo r th e Denison g a m e . Photo by Kyle Caskey

LOOKING UP TOWARD the bail, senior Blake W uthrich aw aits th e c h a n c e to gain possession o f th e ball in o rder to flick the

ball to senior foreign e xch a n g e student Leo C erqueira. Photo

by Jonathan Whetzel

Boys Soccer 141

I I S oftball 1 think we've got a lot of strong weapons on the team. The season will fall into place as long as we work as a unit." -Leah Moody

VARSITY TEAM MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) H eather W alker, Rachel W a lck, Brooke Shelton.

(b a c k ro w ) Sarah W eary, Lorena Barnes, Am anda Bucchi, Lindy Anderson,

C o rtn e y C annon, Cortnej Dolan, Allie D ilbeck, LeaM M o o d y, and C arrie Harvey.

CROUCHING LOW IN a defensive position, varsity te a m m e m b e r, junior C o rtn e y D o la n a n tic ip a te s a possible

play. Suppoting te a m m a te , senior Bro, Shelton stands ready plQ] sh o rtsto p . P h o t o b y S. Sintt

Softball girls slide into season success With an ever changing and improving team, the softball season shot off to a great start. "This has been a great season," said Coach Camille Moody. "The girls have great attitudes, are extremely hard working, and are open to criticism. I have seen the team improve so much over the years, and I am so proud of these girls." Building a winning team requires a considerable amount of effort, both for the players and the coaches. "The biggest challenge of playing any sport is getting along with your teammates," sophomore Lindy Anderson said. "Everyone wants to do their own thing, so it takes some

142 Softball

effort for the team to work together." As with all sports, softball has its challenges, but it also has its many rewards. "The best part of playing softball is sharing a victory with your team," junior Leah Moody said. "It's great when you can all sit back and say 'Yeah, we did it.'" Each year, the team looses seniors and experienced players. The freshmen taking their places have added challenges. "Being a freshman on the team, it's hard to live up to the coaches expectations," freshman Tressa Stoiloff said. "I also try really hard to be just as good as the uperclassmen." -M arissa Brown


IOR VARSITY MEMBERS are n t ro w ) C helsey Griffin, e y Sterkel, S heena Griffin, agan Thomas, Taylor

Simpson, a n d Tressa S to ilo ff ( b a c k ro w ) Lyndsay Isaacs, Kyndra G o ld e n , Ashley M cC le ske y, Krista A dam s,

Brittiny C a ste e n , A le xa n d ria Barnes, Kristyna Butler, and Lindsey Sirilla, C o a c h M o o d y

S ta ff Photo

"I think all the teams will do really well because Coach Hennon is doing a great job; we have some great players.� -Kyndra Golden

RELEASING THE BALL, varsity te a m m em ber, senior Rachel W a lc k follow s through to the end o f th e p itch . R achael had 17 strike outs in the Graham scrim age. Photo by S. Sink.

SITING PUMPED UP fo r th e ' ft inning, varsity softball If elders g a th e r on th e F Cher's m ound a nd c h a n t

"Three up!" Traditionally, th e o u tfie ld e rs shout b a c k "Three d o w n !" m e a n in g th e first three b a tte rs are th e first th re e outs.

COMPLETING A PITCH, junior varstiy te a m m em ber freshm an Krista A dam s finishes w ith a fo llo w fhrough.

STANDING AT THE plate, varsity te a m m em ber, freshman Carrie Harvey prepares her stance. Photo by Summer Sink.




baseball HE

Five returning players provide high standards

VARSITY TEAM MEMBERS w ere (fro n t ro w ) Brady M oore, Joseph C asteen, Kurt Lobaugh, Levi Beasley, Tyler Swartsell,

(s e c o n d ro w ) J a c o b G u ffe y , Ja ke A n d ra ja ck, M a tt M id g e tt, C o ry Brinkley, Andy Slye, D a k o ta Orf, John Pena, (b a c k

ro w ) c o a c h Butler, Rusty Faric Brant Frazier, Kyle Harpol T om m y Peoples, Md M oehnke, and c o a c h Leach.!

With only five returning lettermen the team focused on bringing players up from the JV team. “We have some very strong kids coming up from the JV to challenge for those spots,” coach Leach said. “Our players last year gained valuable experience” First team all-district pitchers for 2004 were Kurt Lobaugh and Matt Midgett. Cory Brinkley was first team all-district designated hitter. Second team selections included Jacob Guffey and Dakota Orf. Honorable mention went to Andy Slye. “Our kids are excited and have set high goals for themselves,” coach Leach said. “With a little hard work and old-fashioned luck we can play with the best.” - P riscilla G uffey

SWITCHING THE BALL into his throw ing hand, junior C o r y Brinkley prepares to th ro w th e ball to th e p itc h e r or to second base to stop a steal.

"M y fa v o r it e m e m o r y w a s p itc h in g a o n e h itte r a g a in s t FW B re w e r my ju n io r ye ar. W e w e re d o w n 2 -0 in th e 1st in n in g a n d c a m e b a c k to w in th e g a m e . "

-Joseph Casteen

" M y fa v o r it e b a s e b a ll m e m o ry w as my ju n io r year w hen c o a c h L e a c h to ld m e I w a s g o in g to c a tc h th e b a ll to w in th e g a m e . T h e s h o c k in g p a r t w a s t h a t I d id ."

-Matt Moehnke

144 Baseball

DURING THE SCRIMAGE against Old High, senior J o s e p h C a s t e e n was one o f nine players to p itch . The scrim ages

lasted until all possible pit< had throw n an inning, scores w e re n o t recor

Photo by Mrs. Laura Andra

J A M MEMBERS w e re (fro n t H Korey H efferon, M ichael jlniscak, Bridges C rum pler, Âť| Stine, Justine N e w la n d , >pnd ro w ) Chris G reen,

A d a m Friday, Trey Horn, M arc Beason, M a tt Peoples, G re g o ry M c N e w , (b a c k ro w ) M itc h e ll Smith, John Mills, Kade T h o m p s o n , a n d c o a c h C ra ig Rickm an.

FRESHMAN TEAM MEMBERS w e re (fro n t ro w ) Kyle W illett, K e a to n G reen, Justin Price, Q uay G rant, Kaleb Lacy, (s e c o n d ro w ) S c o tt B avousett,

C o d y Burks, C o d y Perslnger, N a th a n W heeler, (b a c k row ) Justin Strickland, Chase C arter, Kyle W eldon, and Leland W etzel. Photos by Gordon's


WAITING FOR AN o p p o rtu n ity to steal, junior D a kota Orf leads o ff th e b a g while he w a tc h e s th e pitcher. Players w e re to steal w hen given the signal b y th e c o a c h e s w ho sto o d behind first base and third base. Photo by Mrs. Laura


THE PITCH, junior Harpole w a tc h e s th e as he starts th e w ind w e re g ive n signals

w h ich to ld th e m w h e th e r or n o t to swing a w a y , bunt, or s t e a l . Photo by Mrs. Laura


STRETCHED OUT IN th e splits, senior Ja ke A n d ra ja ck c a tc h e s a ball th a t is throw n short a t first base during Fall Ball. Som e

players p a rtic ip a te d in a Fall le a g u e th a t o ffe re d extra p re p a ratio n fo r th e Spring season. Photo by L. Andrajack

Baseball 145

Lifters set goal to place in top 3


RISING UP FROM his squat position, senior Bryan Fox successfully c o m p le te s lifting

475 lbs, w ith junior Luke Hoovi s p o ttin g from behind. Photo t

Wendy M cC rory

Power, the ability to do something, is not the only characteristic needed by the members of the powerlifting team. With practice dates Monday through Thursday after school, the team strived to reach their set lift goals. "We all work very hard and support each other all the time," junior Alex Evans said. Due to previous accomplishments, as of placing top three since 2002, the team hopes to continue this streak. The team meets with all 4A and 5A schools in the metroplex area which allows the team a variety of competition. -Ali Garcia & Jaclyn W hitmore

"I like to win and succeed, so I work harder in order to become a better athlete and go all out for the team." -Alex Evans

"Making goals and accomplishing them. I lift everyday after school and eat right to improve my ability to lift my maximum goal." -Jordan McLain

146 Powerlifting

PULLING THE WEIGHT up th e ground, junior Alex I d e a d lifts 415 lbs. while C Fleming m akes sure he d< lose his b a la nce .

/ERLIFTING TEAM MEMBERS (fro n t ro w ) Karra Gibson, Evans, (s e c o n d ro w ) Kyle tner, S am m y Wise, M a tt ille, N ick Nixon, (third ro w )

Je re m y Roe, Jason Brown, N a te Brown, C h a d Battista, Z a ch Bolding, (fo u rth ro w ) Tim H awley, Josh Hayter, Ian Albin, K athleen Dalke, Jordan

McLain, (b a c k ro w ) Bryan Fox, Jared M cC rory, C o d y Adam s, Dean Andres, and Zack Bradley. Photo by Bill Fox

REPRESENTING THE FEMALE p o p u la tio n was senior Kathleen Dalke. Dalke s q u a tte d 225 lbs. during th e Burk m e e t while s o p h o m o re Trey Horn sp o tte d her from behind. STRIVING TO EXHIBIT form junior Jason Brown 300 lbs. in th e Burk S p o ttin g from behind Kyle Harpole m akes sure d o e sn 't lose his b a la n c e .

IE THE TEAM w a t c h e s , |r Jared M cC rory squats jibs, during th e Burkburnett |t. Spotters, Luke H oover

a n d M a tt M id g e tt, w a tc h to m a k e sure M cC ro ry doesn't lose his b a la n c e a n d d ro p th e w e ig h t.

DURING THE BURK p o w e rliftin g m e e t, senior C o d y A dam s b e n c h presses 355 lbs. as c o a c h Brian Major w a tc h e s on.

good squats m e e t. junior Brown

Three spotters stay on guard to m a k e sure A dam s c a n sustain th e considerable w eight.

Photos by Wendy M cCrory

Powerlifting 147




VARSITY GIRLS TRACK m em bers are (fro n t ro w ) Lisa Hardin, Desiree G riffith, Christine Harris, Kiera Fannon, Kim Toms, K athleen Dalke,

"To prepare for a track meet, I drink Gatorade, eat light food, and get pumped up by 'C a u g h t Up"

-Lisa Hardin

T ra c k sp rin ts to v ic to rie s The track teams continue to succeed at the various sprints, relays, and jumps. The spring o f 2004 brought the girls’ 800-meter relay team to 10th at regional with Danielle Goode, Desiree Griffith, Brooke Shelton, and Kim Coleman. At district they placed first. For the boys team in 2004, David Ford placed 14th in the 2-mile run and Greg Montgomery landed 4th in the triple jumps and 9th in hurdles. The 4 by 2 team set the school record with seniors William Gates and Tony Triggs and ‘04 grads Casey McCluskey and Chase Roberts. “Pole vaulter Kathleen Dalke looks forward to a strong regional,” Coach Linda Richards said. -Kyle Caskey 148 Track

RUNNING HER FINAL lap around th e tra c k , sophom ore Rachel Kenney strives t o m aintain a set p a c e while running her laps. CATCHING HIS BREATH, a fte r a strenous p ra c tic e , N a te Brown receives a d v ic e from C o a c h C line Johnson.

Rachel Kenney, (s e c o n d row ) Am anda C ollie, S tephanie B room field, A n g e la Early, D eanna Aubin, V ic to ria Aubin, (b a c k ro w ) Jasmine Jones,

Q u a n icia C u b b y, Karra Gibso Brittany Tiemann, an d Sharing Turner. Team c o a c h e d by kJ C eiy, Denise M iracle and L® Richards. S ta ff Photo

BITY BOYS TRACK ib e rs are (fro n t ro w ) G reg tg o m e ry , Tovorris P icke tt, d Ford, William G ates, |e Murray, N a te Brown,

(s e c o n d ro w ) Erik P olum bo, Shawn P eterm an, A n th o n y Jam es, Rusty Ellett, Jason Brown, T om m y Peoples, (th ird ro w ) Leon Am es, Sean Brown,

Allen Smith, Tony Trlggs, C o d y Willis, a n d A n d y Slye. ( b a c k ) Luke Hoover, C o d y Adam s, C h a d B attista, Jared M cC rory. Z a ck Bradley, a n d Shawn W inter.

Track “I prepare for events by listening to my music, especially ' N e v e r S c a re d

-Allen Smith


RUNNING ON THE p r a c t i c e field, long dista n ce runners A n g e la Early a n d Marti Roland work to c a tc h up with A m a n d a Collie.

'IING AROUND THE tra c k , ' Ellett sprints during tic e fo r 4 0 0 -m e te r e v e n t tra ck m e e t.

RACING TO THE end, senior Kim C o l e m a n , junior D e s i r e e G riffith, a n d so p h o m o re Rachel Kenney k e e p up their p a c e .

PASSING AN OPPONENT, junior Kim Toms races to w a rd th e finish line w ith stam ina and end u ra n ce .

KEEPING GOOD FORM, so p h o m o re Sean Cross builds up his endu ra n ce to prepare fo r a m e e f. S taff Phofos

Track 149

WHILE CONVERSING -*• • A BO U T upcoming events the International Club sponsors Mrs. Janet Gum-Fowler and Mrs. Lynn Reichert hand out the fundraising candy. Photo by Jonathan Whetzel ^ TO PREPARE FOR the ■4" game, Ms. Beverly Lee gives senior student council president Merrill Sweatt the gift bag for her to give to the Rider student council officers to symbolize good sportsmanship. Photo by Jonathan Whetzel TO RAISE M O NEY for J . Drama Club, senior Lisa M oore prepares to sell candy. The Drama Club sold 2500 pieces o f candy. Photo by Jonathan Whetzel

Counting Back 1922- 1st Yearbook “Derrick” 1924- 1st Pep Squad 1933- 1st BHS Band “Spring Fling activity week which included Sadie Hawkins Day was a favorite event. Also, Mr. Dan Taylor took 17 o f us to the National Student Council Convention in Portland, Oregon.” Mr. Schroeder ‘77

“My favorite activities were Friday night football games and Saddie Hawkins Week when the girls could ‘marry’ their favorite guy.”

“1 loved building class floats because our class got to be together every night to make the hundreds of flowers. Our floats were full-sized trailers pulled by cars in the homecoming parade. Mrs. Fonville ‘78

“When my brother was in high school, I loved football season because the cheerleaders would com e to the players’ houses to decorate and bring snacks. Thursday, my mom would serve Orange Crush." Mrs. Selvidge ‘82

1940- 1st newspaper “The Bulldog Growl” 1940- 1st STUCO 1940- 1st year for elected cheerleaders I 1978- 1st Drill Team I “Boomtown Babes” I

150 Activities Divider


niActivities Keeping Up rying to Keep Up with their numerous clubs " ^and organizations J students worked to stay involved inJschool functions. Clubs were not only a contributing part of the school Ddy, but also provided students a chance to express lemselves in helpful and artistic! ways.


Some organizations went ough a few changes, tional H onor Society tnged their admission de point average from a

3.75 to a 3.5. “Mr. Seman decided to change the GPA standard,” said NHS president^ senior David Organiscak, “because he wanted

PING UP ON cu rrent N a tio n a l Honor lie ty events, seniors M erritt Adkins, Stradley, N ico le Farland, Erin Shaver, hinique Sims, an d Ja ke A n d ra ja ck n to president D avid O rganiscak

e xp la in future plans. NHS is one o f several clubs th a t w orks to raise m o n e y fo r positive causes such as ly m p h o m a tre a tm e n ts and research to c o n tro l o th e r d e a d ly diseases.

people that made 90s and above in regular classes to still have a chance to be in NHS.” Another change was the new choir teacher, Mr. Donald Cowan, who took over the choir after Mrs. Nancy Thompson resigned. “I was so excited when I met the new choir teacher,” said senior Nicole Farland. “He was so nice and really knew a lot about singing.” UIL Marching Band Contest was moved up by a couple of weeks, which meant the band had to be prepared to compete much sooner. Band numbers increased from 84 to 97 with the new members. With the numerous changes to the activities students were definitely Keeping Up. -By B. Hunt and Z. Melson

Photo by Zack Melson

Keeping Up 151


PERFORMING AT A p e p rally, Bulldog Brigade snare line, freshm an Erin D ougherty, senior Jerem iah Hastings, and freshm an Layne M cB eath

display th e drum fe a tu re from

M a la g a fo r th e cro w d . The drum line also performed c a d e n c e s such as B-Ville[ M a tc h b o x . Photo by MelsoriM

Band continues streak of success; earns su p erio r ratin g at UIL contest For the third year and counting, the Bulldog Brigade received a superior rating at UIL Regional Marching Band Competition. "I was so proud o f the band's performance," senior drum major David Organiscak said. "We did a wonderful job." In preparation for the competition, the band attended a two week band camp in August where they worked on music, marching fundamentals, and the beginning of the show. The show had a Latin theme and consisted of La

Suerte de los Tontos, Concerto de Alvarez, and M alaga. '1 really enjoyed this show because we got to add a lot of techniques like backsticking and drum to drum work," senior Jeremiah Hastings said. In May, the band went to Orlando, Florida, and participated in the "Magic Music Days" festival and parade at Disney World. "I had a great time in Florida," sophomore Cat Muse said. "I loved hanging out with my friends at Disney World." -M arissa Brown

COLOR GUARD MEMBERS are (fro n t row ) Michelle Farland, Hannah M cG ow n, Elizabeth Rogers, Holly W o od, (se co n d r o w ) Lindsay Shipley, Erin

Shaver, Kim Stradley, Crystal W ong, S um m er Sink Ashleigh O r g a n , (b a c k ro w ) M elissa G o ff, Ricci Perritt, H eather Carlson, R ebekah Langston,

152 Band

Christa King, Karrie W alker, and Kristi Baxley. The g u ard bro u g h t c o lo r and a d d e d a finishing to u c h to th e band's h a lftim e show. Photo by Gordon's.

SERVING AS DRUM majors junior Marissa Brown and se D avid O rganiscak. To prefj fo r th e season, th e y atteri a c a m p a t UTA in June.

BAND MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) J. R. ith (8 th g ra d e ), B obb y Wilson, Pierce erson, Z ach R oddy, Lindsay Ishoy, Daniel n, N ick Zillw eger, M ichelle A lfe rt, Kasi sy (8 th g ra d e ), (s e c o n d ro w ) D o n n a Z

Johnson, C a th e rin e Muse, Taylor Felty, Layne M cB eath, D avid O rganiscak, Brenner S chm idt, Jerem iah Hastings, C o d y Burks, Erin D ougherty, (b a c k ro w ) Jo e B lackw ell, M ichael Burris, S te ve S ch u tte , a n d Mr. Lane Davis.

W h a t w as y o u r m ost m e m o r a b le band e x p e r ie n c e ?

"I'm really proud that I made the All State Band. It's a great honor." -Tyler Cummings

"I almost got arrested for wearing a ski mask at a football game." -Andrew Smith

D MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Mr. C a rtw rig h t,

>avis, D avid O rganiscak, Marissa Brown, Mr. , (s e c o n d ro w ) Hannah M cG o w n , Melissa , Ashleigh O rgan, Kristi Baxley, S um m er M ichelle Farland, Ricci Perritt, Christa King, Shaver, R ebe kah Langston, H eather son, Karrie W alker, Kim S tradley, Holly jd. C rystal W on g, Lindsay Shipley, 3eth Rogers, (third ro w ) S c o tt Beaver, hanie Sem an, Julie Alaniz, A.J. Norris, >y Wilson, N ick Zillw eger, Jason Bryant, >y Patino, N y c o le Young, C h e y e n n e la, Pierce Halverson, (fo u rth ro w ) Daniel h, Jennifer Renick, M ichelle Evans, Crystal pz, Danielle Bass, M a tth e w M oudy, Sarah , Donna Johnson, Erin D ougherty, Hilary raith, H eather Zillw eger, A m y B lackw ell, row ) H eather Smith, K a yce Holan, Audri prd, C helsey Neises, A m a n d a Duke,

A n g e la Dalke, Christine Harris, Elizabeth Toalson, Erin Anderson, Kim Freeman, Kevin S em an, C a t Muse, (sixth ro w ) C helsey Toalson, H eather La m b e rt, C e le ste Bryant, Tiffany N ettles, Tina G riffith, Taylor Felty, A ndrew Smith, A n d y Rickard, Ryan Staples, S c o tt B avousett, Ryan G eer, Brenner S chm itt, (s e v e n th ro w ) D avid Limon, Preston Lindsay, Z ach R o d d y,A d a m Roberts, Lindsay Ishoy, J e re m e y C a to n , Jerem iah Hastings, C o d y Burks, Myles G a rra tt, Krystel Thompsen, M a c k e n z e y Lawson, C h a n c e M cC ra w , (e ig h th r o w ) M ichele Kenney, Jam ie Bassett, Aaron Mills, A lex Shipp, Tyler Jenkins, Layne M cBeath, S te p h e n Rickard, Kyle Rogers, Tyler Cummings, Z a ch Shipp, Jam es B avousett, M ichael Burris, (b a c k ro w ) Terrel W hite, Tyler Lynn, N athan Beard, a n d S teve S chutte. Photo by Gordons

"On the Nashville trip, everyone thought I wet my pants." -Ashleigh Organ




Which Babes routine has been your all time favorite?

BABES OFFICERS ARE Senior C a p t. Alysha Wessling, Junior Lt. M ichelle Rush, Senior Lt. Brittany Hunt, Senior Lt. Lacy

Heptner, Senior Lt. Beth C a lla w a y , S o phom ore Lt. Lexi G a rcia , and Senior Lt. Sarah Morales. C ourtesy photo

SERVING AS CAPTAIN wad senior Alysha Wessling, who] to o k o v e r a fte r Lindsef W ithrow g ra d u a te d in '04,

"Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" because it was so fun and flashy." -Danielle M ichaud

"The routine 'Devil Went Down to Georgia' was my favorite." -Molly Turner

"The "On Broadway' prop routine that I saw in sixth grade." -Beth W illiams

154 Drill Team

BABES MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) S o phom ore Lt. Lexi G a rcia , Senior Lt. Brittany Hunt, Junior Lt. M ichelle Rush, Senior C a p t. Alysha Wessling, Senior Lt. L a cy Heptner, Senior Lt. B e t h C a l l a w a y , Senior Lt. Sarah Morales, Kristen Trones, V ic to ria W elter, (s e c o n d ro w ) N ic o le Farland, K a c e y Murray, Jesi Burke, C onsuelo Romero, Danielle M ichaud, Brooke Barad, Priscilla G u ffe y , Lindsey Burks, M erritt Adkins, A m b e r C o x, Christina B oatm an, (third row ) M onica N ew som e, Lisa Hardin, Tiffany M o ffe tt,

Melissa F oote, C helsea Christman, Hea: Kem p, . Jam ie Tasker, Kelly Harpole, N Turner, C a m i Robinson, Lauren Dean, Cqnd< Haynie, A n d re a Minjarez, Ashley Torries, (b; ro w ) O licia Delacruz, S ta c y P ickett, Savari Roberson, Kellie Chalm ers, Frankie Fo Jaclyn W hitm ore, Janessa C hancey, Ld Siniscalchi, Ashley Hales, Beth Williams, Jo( Dubski, Jessica Muller, Chelsie Caporale, Tressa S toiloff. Babes D irector is Lc Hollingsworth. Photo by Russell's Photograp

THEIR FIRST routine, th e Drill t i p e rfo rm e d a flashy p ro p ine d a n c in g in co lo rfu l 5 to salsa music. The drill

te a m p e rfo rm e d th e p ro p routine o n c e a t h o m e , and th re e o th e r tim e s aw ay.

C ourtesy p hoto

HITTING THEIR ENDING position th e drill te a m is all smiles as th e y w a it fo r applause from th e c ro w d . They p e rfo rm e d

their hlgh-kick routine to th e music 'Think' a t Rider, hom e, Sherman, and also a t a p e p rally. C ourtesy photo

M Drill Team ![ Squad gets a feel for marine life while competing in San Antonio

PING ALL TOGETHER men S ta cy P icke tt, sie C a p o ra le , Jam ie pr, and junior C a n d a c e

Haynie successfully pull o ff their sw itch le a p as Lindsey Burks w a tc h e s fo r any mistakes.

Photo by D a vid Organiscak

The Boomtown Babes started their year with 47 members, 18 o f which were new members, and with Alysha Wessling serving as the captain. For football season the Babes performed a prop, pom, high-kick, and military routine to numerous show tunes performed by the band. "Sometimes it was difficult to dance to live music," senior Nicole Farland said, "but it always was great, and we all loved the feeling of school unity." Following football season, the Babes began to prepare for competition, which was held in San

Antonio. The girls performed a black and white high-kick routine symbolizing good against evil to a "Cotton-eye Joe mix," a precise pom routine to "Simply Irrestible," and a modem M ario Brothers mi 1i t ary routine to songs from the classic Nintendo game. After competing, the girls were able to spend a day at Sea World, a marine water park in San Antonio. "I loved Sea World," senior Merritt Adkins said. "It was what I really looked forward to when 1 heard we were going to compete in San Antonio." -Brittany Hunt Activities 155

n Choir m

PARTICIPATING IN THE A C a p p e lla ch o ir Christmas c o n c e rt, freshm en N y c o le Young, C helsey Neisses, M ichelle Evans, S tephanie

Sem an, and Taylor Felty $inj Christmas carols. The a! C a p p e lla ch o ir led th e school in singing carols a t th j c o n c e rt. S ta ff photo

Choral program sings a new tune under leadership from ‘old pro’ Unsatisfied with his retirement and missing the challenges of directing a high school choir, former Rider choir teacher Mr. Don Cowan answered the request from BISD to direct the high school choir. “They called me to help re-establish the choir,” said Mr. Cowan. “I am totally enjoying this job. We’ve layed a fabulous foundation and have come so very far in such a short period o f time. We’re looking ahead to a future that has sweepstakes in it.” A Cappella choir is for students who excel in their musical abilities. The choir

members also have the chance to perform every year in TMEA and Solo and Ensemble. Molly Turner and Michelle Alfert advanced from region try­ outs to state try-outs. “At state try-outs, Molly and I had a ton of fun,” said sophomore Michelle Alfert. “Even though I didn’t make it, next year I will, and in the future I will become an opera singer!” The Girls Choir is for girls who enjoy singing and need a fine arts credit. The girls choir worked on their musical reading abilities. -Lindsay Shipley

MEETING WITH GIRLS C h o i r officers, Mr. C o w a n discusses a new song fo r an u p c o m in g c o n c e rt. The o ffice rs help ch o o se th e music to sing.

156 Choir

TALKING TO STUDENTSl c o n c e rt, Mr. C ow an exp how g la d he is to be ot re tire m e n t and he if1 students to join choir.

W hat does being in Choir mean to you?

S CHOIR MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Laura I :a s la n d , Jo rd a n Sanders, N ic o le Townsie, a Senters, Sam Allen, C a m i Robinson, Tira m, Brittany Z am ora, Ashley M o n tg o m e ry I ond ro w ) Kyndra G o ld e n , R e b e c c a l e r , Lea W atty,- Brandy Baker, K e llie

C h a lm e rs , Susan Irions, Ashley Frayser, Shelly S ta n le y a n d Cassandra G a rlin g to n . The Girls C h o ir p e rfe c ts th e ir m usical re a d in g and singing abilities. The students also learn h o w to re a d music a n d sing in d iffe re n t languages.

“It means that I have a family at school that I can grow with musically” -Molly Turner

S ta ff Photo

“In choir, I have learned new things that make singing fun.” -Zach Roddy

KPPELLA MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Carrie P ey, Kaillee Brown, Kim Toms, A m a n d a e ess, Lindsay Ishoy, P aige P e a rce , Lorena e es, A drienna Smith, Brittiny C a ste e n , Molly J pr, Sarah Morales (s e c o n d ro w ) D anielle " drich, Melissa Bell, Leslie Johnson, N ico le p nd, M ichelle A lfe rt, Erin A nderson, Christa

K ing, A m y Hastings, Jessica Dossey, Sierra Fannon (th ird ro w ) Jared M c C o y , M a tt Fox, Ryan G eer, A n d re w Sm ith, S teven Christopher, Z ach R oddy, B obby Wilson, Ben B arnett (fo u rth ro w ) Justin L a m b e rt, Chris Green, J e re m ia h H astings, Justin C hurch and M ichael Burris.

S ta ff pho to

“I like being a part of the choir because you get to sing and have fun. ” -Ashley Montgomery



W hat was your most interesting story?

NEWSPAPER MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Chris L in d say, Jake V an D o n g e, Trey Torries, E.J. C arrion, M a c k e n z e y Lawson (c o -e d ito r), Kim S t r a d l e y (c o -e d ito r), (b a c k ro w ) Mrs. Lisa

Tang, C o u rtn e y Clarkin, N ata lie Dominquel Kayla G ilbert, Tina C erruti an d A ng ela Fortin N o t p ic tu re d w as C o d y Willis a n d Jenhifei Hensley.

YEARBOOK MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Z a c k M e ls o n (c o -e d ito r), Brittany H u n t(c o -e d ito r), Brandon Phillips, Priscilla G u ffe y , Ali G arcia, Marissa Brown, Jo n a th a n W hetzel, Lauryn S iniscalchi, (b a c k ro w ) Kristi Baxley, Lindsey

Burks, Ashlie Tacker, Jaclyn W hitmore, Kv C askey, Sum m er Sink, Lindsay Shipk M ichelle Rush and Mrs. A nne Gillespie. N p ic tu re d was Hannah M cG o w n.

QUILL AND SCROLL m em bers are (fro n t row ) Zack Melson, Brittany Hunt, C o u rtn e y Clarkin, M a cke n ze y Lawson, Tina Cerruti, (s e c o n d row ) Kayla Gilbert, E.J. Carrion, Ali G arcia, Kyle C askey, A ng e la Fortin, (b a c k ro w ) Hannah

M cG o w n , Lindsay Shipley, Summer Priscilla G u ffe y a n d Lindsey Burks. N ot picti was Trey Torries, Jennifer Hensley and II Stradley. This honorary so c ie ty was sponsJj b y Mrs. A nne Gillespie and Mrs. Lisa Tang. I

“Probably my Gateway story. It had a lot of controversy.” -Trey Torries

“The change story because it was nice to receive compliments.” -Natalie Dominguez

“All of them! They were all equally great!” -Ali Garcia

158 Journalism

I W ING A LAYOUT, rbook s ta ff Priscilla G u ffe y , any Hunt, Z a ck Melson, say Shipley a n d Hannah Sown brainstorm .

FIGHTING TO BEAT th e d e a d lin e , seniors C o u r t n e y Clarkin, M a c k e n z e y Lawson a n d Kim S tradley w ork on a p a g e la yo u t. Photo by S. Sink

Journalism , Journalism skills keep students informed, commemorate the year

IE COMPLETING A book page on th e puter, junior y e a rb o o k [fibers Lauryn Siniscalchi

a n d M ichelle Rush w ork as a te a m to finish a story b e fo re th e shipping d a y. Photo by

Summer Sink

Journalism students of the school worked as a team to complete stories and draw layouts. Teamwork became critical while trying to beat the deadlines. Newspaper members often found themselves brainstorming and searching for interesting stories. The monthly newspaper kept students informed o f current events, new policies, and new movies and trends. “Sometimes it is really frustrating on deadline days because files can sometimes get lost on the computer,” said Mackenzey Lawson, newspaper co-editor. “But after it is finished, the

reward is awesome.” Yearbook members photographed several sporting events, student activities and wrote stories throughout the year. Creating the “memory book” for the year provided an opportunity to also display one’s talent. "Being on the yearbook staff fine tuned my skill for future careers in writing," junior Brandon Phillips said. Quill and Scroll honored 13 students by induction into the international honorary journalism society. - Summer Sink

Activities 159


AFTER AN FFA m e e tin g , Lane Anderson props th e la m b on his knee. He is p o rtra yin g h ow an FFA m em ber w ould successfully show a lam b.

Lane is an FFA o ffic e r, and orj o f his responsibilities is to sho1 o th e r students how to disp|<j their livestock. Photo by Ashli

FEELING THE MUSCLE on his pig. Ross Diibeck m akes sure she is d e v e lo p in g c o rre c tly b e fo re he ta ke s her to a show. Photo

HALTERING HER STEER, Line Sykes trains him to be r o b e d ie n t, b e fo re the W orth S tock Show. Photc

by Ashley Hand

Ashley Hand


Responsibility and desire; im perative for FFA members FFA is an organization that involves competing and the showing of livestock. In showing livestock there is a wide range of animals that are brought before a judge. There are numerous kinds of shows that many FFA members attend. Every year there are jackpots that are scheduled every weekend, and there are major shows as well. At the end o f every school year there is a county show that all schools in that county are invited to. “I love to show; it is

what I have done all my life,” said junior Lindsey Sykes. “I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t show anymore.” Preparation involves walking, feeding, and doctoring the pets. It is time consuming and only the best and most dedicated win in the end. For members that show year round, it adds up quickly, but if an animal wins a major show with anything such as a pig, steer, broiler, goat, or lamb, the payback usually is a hefty amount of money. -Ashley Hand

What are your favorite FFA activities?

MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) D onna A llen, er;; Lindsey Sykes, v ic e president; S ta c ie i, president; K atelyn S hearm an, treasurer; Sary W a itm a n , sponsor, (s e c o n d ro w ) | Kinney, Sam Allen, Ashley H and, a n d M e rc a d o , (th ird ro w ) S teve n Mullins, 3, M ichele K enney, A n th o n y Barger, a n d B rookm an. (fo u rth ro w ) Kyle W e ld o n , Raines, Torrey Potts, B rooke S helton, lo p h e r C a p p y , Travis M itche ll, a n d Tim

P e m b e rto n , (b a c k ro w ) K ayla W e ld o n , Elaina C a d l e , A lex Graves, Ross D ilbeck, Z a c k Bradley, Travis Torries, a n d Q u e n to n Ficklin. FFA m e m b e rs n o t p ic tu re d are Lane Anderson, Lindy A nderson, S a m a n th a Allen, A d riana Alaniz, Kyle C a p o ra le , M a tt Davis, Lee Foster, N a th a n G erm ann, Kyle Gerstner, Justin Price, a n d Brandon Long. Tyler Shuck, C o d y Huff, Daniel Henson a n d N ic o le Townsie. Photo by

“My favorite thing to do is show pigs and steers. I like the competition.” -Lindsey Sykes

S ta ff ——

"The best part of FFA is the competition and all the girls." -Lane Anderson

ipFFICERS ARE Donna Allen, re p o rte r; 1 y Sykes, v ic e president; S ta c ie Horton, : |ent; K atelyn Sherm an, treasurer, and |r W aitm an, sponsor. O ffice rs n o t p ic tu re d [ pne Anderson, secre tary; Ashley Hand,

sentinel; and Travis Torries, student advisor. O ffice rs are responsible fo r any FFA activities, or m e e tin g s th a t are to b e held th ro u g h o u t th e year. They also tra v e l to d iffe re n t c o m p e titio n s . Photo by S taff

"I like the conventions that we go to, and the people we meet." -Stacie Horton




FLIGHT MEMBERS are (fro n t row ) Justine N ew land, Chris W ard, David S tock, S c o tt Harris, Raphael Gutierrez, Josh Barnett, R ebecca Wilhelm

(s e c o n d ro w ) Christine Powell, G rant Sanders, S te w a rt Carr, Lisa M oore (b a c k ro w ) TJ Teets, Jam es W h itm o re and Joshua C ray.


FLIGHT MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Nick Raines, V ic to r M cD onald, Joseph S ta ffo rd , Am anda A m ey, J o n a th a n

W h e t z e l (b a c k row ) Jet Blackburn, Chelsie Helmui J e re m y G erm ann, Rob« S e a g o a n d Ken Devore, i


Ashley M cC allister, Billy Burke, M ichael Cassey, Tracy M um m e ( b a c k ) Sean Herwig, Josh Hanley, Jessica Isaacson, Jaram ie Strayhorn, Jesse Bunger a n d N a th a n Beard.

DELTA FLIGHT MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Brian S ta ffo rd , C rystal M cFeley, Kristin Jones (s e c o n d ro w ) Levi Reattoir, Shane Hassell, Jennifer C askey,

Mary Parker, Ashley Derr Jim m y B o a tm a n (b a c k ro Justin W orkm an, She# Garvin, Je rem y Goreczny a Faith Hassell.

( f r o n t ) Isaac Cerruti, Myles G arratt, Danny Castillo, A licia Bevington, Daniel Reattoir, R e b e cca Herd (s e c o n d ) Brandi Berryman, April Bevington,

members are (front row) Daniel Reattoir, Alicia Bevington, Raphael Gutierrez. Andrew Tucker. Ashley McCallister (second row) Matthew Baker, Victor McDonald, Joseph Stafford, ROTC COLOR GUARD


Tim Teets, Rebecca Herd (back row) Levi Reattoir, Jimmi Boatman, Michael Gregory, April Bevington, and Josh Barnett. Not pictured is Jennifer Caskey.

FLIGHT MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Josh Lagat, Chris Kellner, C assandra G arlington, Brianna M cke e , S tephanie B room field, Joycelin Johnson, ECHO

(b a c k ro w ) A ndrew Tuc Josh Bullard, Michael Gref Crystal V aldez and Matt Baker. (Bo S tarkey n o t pictued) I

mile race, Daniel LAUNCHING THE BALL Into the air air, Danny Castillo, Michael Jimmy Boatman tries to score a sy. and Chris Ward run at the point In flickerball. Fllckerball is a > Tech competition. The Boys favorite among cadets during PT. am placed fourth at the Drill Cadets do PT every other Thursday. . Courtesy Photo Photoby David Organiscak. MNG THE ONE


AFJROTC Cadets learn military skills; program under new leadership

* A DRILL s e q u e n ce a t th e Tech Drill c o m p e titio n , Drill Team stands at

a tte n tio n

during c o m p e titio n .

C ourtesy Photo

AFJROTC cadets have excellence in all we do,” completed another year of Lt.Col. Starky said. “These establishing basic military are things valuable in all principals to their daily aspects of life, not just the military.” lives. Cadets have traveled to Cadets learned military skills, such as first-aid, Arlington High School and American government, and Texas Tech University to war history while applying participate in various drill leadership and fellowship competitions. Cadets have performed in football abilities to their objectives. A new addition was games, pep rallies, and Lt.Col. Samuel Starkey who other school events. Cadets performed in was assigned to take over also drillteam, leadership duties for the colorguard, rocketry, and numerous program. presenting the “Our objective is to parades colors. teach the core Air Force -Brandon Phillips values of; “integrity first, service before self, and



IN AUTO MECHANICS Dean Andres, Bryan Fox, a n d London Hair w ork on cle a n in g th e h e a d o f an e ngine b lo c k . The students learned m any

im p o rta n t skills having to d w ith cars, from clea ning th engines to fixing c a rb u re to rs . Photo by Dayj,


Auto mechanics, building trades repair cars, build FFA showroom The members of Vocational Industrial Clubs of America work on building and fixing things from cars to leaf blowers to buildings. For the first time since the classes began, there were no girls in either auto mechanics or building trades. In auto mechanics, Mr. David Ress teaches students about the interior of cars and how the engine operates. The students get direct experience when working with the vehicles. "I love learning about the cars and how they

work," junior Jesse Bunger said. "I'm learning life skills that will really come in handy later." In building trades, students learn how to build things from full-scale buildings to birdhouses. Their major project was building the FFA showroom. They built it to include wheelchair accessible bathrooms and wheelchair ramps. "This is what I want to do as a career when I get older," senior Anthony DeRubbio said. "It's a fun class." -Hannah McGown

USING A POWER saw, A ubrey C lem ons w orks on his latest p ro je c t. The building trades classes o fte n fix e d things around cam pus.

164 VICA

WORKING ON A truck, s< M a tt W right ta ke s a closer as o th e r students look on 4 w o r k . Photos by D


How do you think these skills will help you later in life?


A -d a y s are ro w ) senior Jon Zellner, senior Trey es, senior Tovorris P ic k e tt, sponsor D avid


Ress, (b a c k ro w ) senior A n th o n y DeRubbio, junior Kirk B ryant, senior Ja ram ie Strayhorn, and senior Shown W inter.

“I can fix my own car and will never have to hire a mechanic.� -Darrell Crosley

MECHANICS MEMBERS ON B-days are ro w ) Bryan Fox, London Hair, D ean es. M a tt Turkett, Rich Price, sponsor Mr, d Ress, (s e c o n d ro w ) M a tt D orton, Trent


5ING TRADES MEMBERS are (fro n t row ) ey C lem ons, A n th o n y DeRubbio, sponsor Mullins a n d C o d y A dam s. The building

Thompson, Mike S truckm an, M a tt W right, Darrell Crosley, Phillip W h itte n , (b a c k ro w ) Jesse Bunger, Joel Quintanilla, Chris Meyers, Denny Bass, a n d Z a ch Bolding.

tra d e s students built m ost o f th e A g buildings on th e school grounds, and a d d e d m any w h e e lc h a ir ram ps to buildings.

"Someday I am going to own my own shop, and make a living from this." -M att W right

"I am going to school to become a professional mechanic." -Jon Zellner



W hat is your favorite club activity?

TAFE MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) R e b e c c a W ilh e lm , Merrill S w e a tt, G o rd o n Rooney, Travis Mitchell, Jacob G u ffe y , M ichael Ziegler, Lyndsay Smith, (s e c o n d ro w ) Erin Shaver, C a m e ro n C astro, Lauryn Siniscalchi, M ichelle Rush, Christine Harris, Kyle Marshall, Ali G arcia, Danielle M ichaud, Mike Williams, (third row )

G reg M o n tg o m e ry , Crystal W ong, Jal A n d r a j a c k , Joseph C a steen , Carrie Dee H eather Myer, Jill M axw ell, Brittany Quiglj (b a c k ro w ) Britni Berry, Austin Richter, Be C a l l a w a y , L a c y H eptner, Kristina Gonzal M aranda Bice, a n d Karissa C a ldw ell.

TAME MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) sophom ore Janelle G o e ttm a n , junior Leah M o o d y, junior C h a n c e M cC ra w , junior Kyle C askey, (b a c k ro w ) junior Ali G a rc ia , junior Kyle Marshall, junior

A lex Gwin, a n d senior M ichele Kenne D e c e m b e r, m e m bers p a rtic ip a te d in annual b rid g e -b u ild in g co n te st, having c o n s tru c t bridges o u t o f to o th p ic k s and fa1

“I love going on the field trips. We always learn a lot and have fun.” -Kyle Caskey

“I enjoy bridge-building. It challenges you to think outside the box.” -Chance McCraw


*i ■J m i i



“I like judging the doordecorating contest.” -Brittany Quigley

166 TAME and TAFE

CONSTRUCTING BRII OU T o f toothpicks marshmallows, ji Kyle Marshall and G w in w ork on a r c h i t e c t u i a chievem ents. Marshall, the 1 sponsor, holds a y Christmas party foi m em bers a t which g a th e r ideas fo r bri building. Courtesy P

THE ANNUAL TAME stm as p a rty senior S t a c e y e r a n d junior C h a n c e ✓raw w ork on m arshm allow ges. Courtesy p hoto

DURING THE TAFE s p o n s o r e d M ix-it-up Day, Tressa S toiloff, Q u e e n Murray, G e n e v a Reed, a n d Jenny C o o k e sit to g e th e r a t lunch. C ourtesy p ho to


Clubs sponsor, participate in decorating, engineering rftidctyTlieElf Wnfc wur


pNTING THE W INNING w ith an a w a rd fo r th e original h o liday design, m em bers Erin Shaver and


Austin R ichter g ive a ribbon to Mrs. Kincaid's third hour class. TAFE m e m b e rs also ju d g e d in th e c o n te s t. S ta ff photo.

The students in TAME and TAFE participate in many different activities, such as bridge-building or door-judging throughout the school year. TAME members learn about engineering and even get to experience it firsthand in the annual bridge-building contest. They also go on field trips to area industries and MSU to learn more about engineering. Guest speakers come to tell the group about different types of engineering. "I love going on the field trips," junior Leah

Moody said. "We get to see so many engineering opportunities." In TAFE, members participate in projects such as organizing the doordecorating contest. The door-decorating contest was organized to promote holiday spirit. "Since I was a judge, I got to look at all the doors and see which one I liked best," senior Crystal Wong said. "I really had fun." They also organized teacher appreciation week, baking cookies and and gift bags for all of the teachers. -Hannah McGown



BPA, FCCLA, United Way Team


WAITING Williams, Reinke, m em bers sponsor,

BY THE bus, Jennifer Alyssa Turner, Blake and Chris Raines, of FCCLA w ith Mrs. Shirley G ritton,

g e t re a d y to g o on a field trii The clu b w e n t to Petrolia fofl m e e tin g , to A bilene f, regionals, a n d to th e S tate Fa

S ta ff photo

Organizations add up to a full schedule for students’ activities The newest addition to school organizations is a club called the United Way Team. The student-led team has raised funds to give to charitable organizations in Burkbumett. "My favorite activity that we participated in was a car wash to raise funds for needy families in Burkbumett," junior Brant Frazier said. FCCLA members found themselves busy with activities from going to the state fair to participating in the community Christmas parade. "We attended the

regional contest for the first time in Abilene in February," sponsor Mrs. Shirley Gritton said. Business Professionals of America also found themselves occupied by preparing themselves for their regional contest. "This year, four members attended the competition to compete in five different areas: database competition, advanced word processing, desktop publishing, graphic design promotion, and presentation promotion team," sponsor Mrs. Melinda Kleckner said. - L. Burks and K. Baxley

DISCUSSING PLANS FOR United W ay, Trey Horn, Justin Mymbs, and Austin Richter, w ork o u t future plans fo r th e organization. S taff Photo

168 BPA/FCCLA/United W ay Team

PRACTICING FOR CO J a c o b Springstead, one o regional BPA contes prepares as BPA Kristian Harris looks on.

W hat are the benefits of being in your club?

MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Lyndsay Smith: id en t, R e b e c c a W ilhelm : V ic e President, la n e y Terry: S ecretary, B ethany Lynch:

Historian, (b a c k ro w ) R andom Reeves, J o n a th a n W hetzel, Allen Pappas, C laire Zellner, a n d J a c o b Sprlngstead.

“ It's a good learning e x p e rie n c e fo r future careers in th e business profession." - R andom Reeves

lA MEMBERS ARE (fro n t ro w ) Chris Raines,

rin e A dam s, V ic to ria Baker, Jennifer ms, (b a c k ro w ) Tonya Johnson, V e ro n ic a

W AY TEAM m em bers




a re (fro n t ro w ) A m b e r Bice,

Lozano, Alyssa Blake Reinke.




and “ In FCCLA, w e are ta u g h t va lu a ble leadership skills and h ow to b e a b e tte r citizen." - RiDawn A rth u r

Ashley Frayser, Brant Frazier (b a c k row ) O rlando Flores, Leland W etzel, and Trey Horn.

"U nited W ay has given me th e ability to give b a c k to th e c o m m u n ity." - Brant Frazier



Why did you choose to join 1C, Key Club, or Crime Stoppers?

INTERNATIONAL CLUB MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) J a n e t Niles, sponsor; Kyle Caskey, president; Isaac Corrupt, v ic e president; A id a Peterman, sponsor; Steve N o rton , sponsor; (se con d ro w ) Joseph Gulliam s, Lyka W a lto n , Pam ela R angel, Brittany Q uigley, Brittany James, Shawn P eterm an, A d ria n a L im o n , Kristen Tranes, Carrie Deeb, Kristina G o n za le z, R andom Reeves. C.J. Haynes, R icardo Taylor, Dean V e n tu ra , (third ro w ) T iffa n y N ettles, Texann Cox, M o n ic a N ew so m e, Lisa Hardin, C ha n ce M cC raw , Leah M oody, Lindsay SNpley, Hannah M c G o w n , C a t Muse. S co tt Beaver, (fo u rth ro w ) Tina G riffith, J e n n ife r Hensley, A n g e la

Dalke, M atthias G u tie rrez, C o d y James, E.J. Carrion, Dominic® Sim s.Lauryn Siniscalchi, A ni H akobyan, L udovica Saudi Sam anthan A lle n , D onna A lle n , ( fifth ro w ) James Bryant, Melisl Bell, L ena V eith, M a tt Fox, Priscilla G u ffe y , Kristi Baxley, Jehrifl W illiam s, Traci Nurre, Lizz Beason, Kim Freeman, Tracy Mufriiji (sixth ro w ) A n g le a Fortin, Sarah W eary, A lic ia Matthew? V ic to ria A u b in , J e n n ife r Caskey, Staci Brown, Rebekah Davl V ic to r M cD on a ld , (seventh ro w ) Erin Anderson, Stephann B ro o m fie ld ,A m a n d a K eating,Tressa S toiloff,R iD aw n Aftfjj Faith Hasell, Jon W h e tze l, A llie Davis,Dennis Bass, (baek.rol J e ff Parker, M a tt Bell, Kyle Morris, Jake V an D o n g e a n d C jl Lindsay.

KEY CLUB MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) C ry s ta l W o n g , president; Terrel W hite, v ic e president; Lyndsay Smith, se cretary/treasurer; (b a c k ro w )

Hannah M cG o w n , A m b e rly Booher, Sumra Sink, Ashleigh O rgan, Erin Shaver, Dominiq] Sims a n d M ichael O rganiscak.

“I joined International Club, because I enjoy learning about different cultures.” -Brittany Janies

“Key Club is the club I chose because I like doing work for the community.” -Ashleigh Organ

“I chose to join Crime Stoppers because I enjoy helping prevent crime.” -Dominique Rousseau

CRIME STOPPERS MEMBERS are (fro n t row ) Dominique Rousseau, president; V i c t o r i a R o u s s e a u , v ic e president; Brady M oore, secretary/treasurer; Ms. Lee, sponsor; Zachariah

170 IC, Key Club, C rime Stoppers

H a w k i n s , co-historian; Judith McKee I M ichelle A lfe rt. N o t p ic tu re d are Jafl G o e ttm a n , co-historian and Jesi Burk.

W IN G OFF THE new [n a tio n a l C lub shirt, A n g e la e a n d sponsors Mrs. Niles Mrs. G um c o n c lu d e an •national c lu b m e e tin g .

DISCUSSING UPCOMING KEY C lub events, seniors Ashlelgh O rgan, A m b e rly Booher, Erin Shaver, Lyndsay Smith, a n d C rystal W o n g finalize plans.


IC , K E Y C L U B , & -m r C R I M E S T O P P E R S -H -U -

Organizations strive to make difference in school, community

ING ABOUT PUTTING an I’d crim e, Brady M oore, Ms. and V icto ria Rousseau o th e r C rim e S to p p e r bers their n e w sign. The

C rim e S toppers h a ve a pho n e nu m b e r th a t is a v a ila b le to all students to unanim ously le a ve in fo rm a tio n a b o u t crimes.

Three clubs had one further understand our objective, to make a world and its development.” Key Club volunteered difference within BHS and several activities in the community. for throughout the year. Their International Club, Key Club, and Crime Stoppers goal was to make the are clubs with open community a better place for all its residents. membership to all students. “I enjoy Key Club International Club met of the many on a regular basis to help because promote diversity among projects we do to help the students. The club often community,” senior Terrel took field trips pertaining to White said. Crime Stoppers worked the culture being studied. “International Club toward eliminating crime learned about the culture, within the school. The club customs, and attributes of provided a phone number different societies,” junior so anyone could call and Chance McCraw said. leave an anonymous tip. -Lindsay Shipley “These have helped us to Activities


D ram a & Debate

PREPARING FOR an u p c o m in g c o m p e titio n , senior R ebecca W ilhelm a n d junior A n d re w Tucker research a d e b a te to p ic as Mr. Don

Fritchie assists. D e b a te tegnj m em bers spent a lo t o f time researching to p ic s on th l in te rn e t to d e v e lo p a very w d e p th a rg u m e n t. S taff Photo I

th e c o n stru ctio n o f th e c a k e . C o n s tru c te d o u t o f PVC p ip e and gossamer, th e c a k e stood t5 fe e t. Photo by Summer Sink

productions, seniors Brad 81 a n d Shawn W inter re p a ij m a lfu n ctio n in g light fixfj


Phenomenal year for dram a and debate taught confidence and public speaking Throughout the year, the drama students worked to memorize lines, build sets and perform several sensational productions. The fall semester brought many rehearsals with it. Preparing for the play "Steel Magnolias," drama students spent afternoons and hours at school preparing for opening night. "The people I get to work with are the best part about being in the play," junior Stephanie Seman said, who performed as Shelby in the play. "They are all crazy, like me, and

make it really interesting." Debate also helped students gain confidence in public speeches and conquer stage fright. Sponsored by Hardin principal Mr. Don Fritchie, students met every Thursday for practice in order to prepare for competition. "This year has the highest turnout rate for students in debate,� senior Matt Fox said. “Hopefully, with many great additions and under the guidance of Mr. Fritchie, we'll go as far as State this year." -Summer Sink

PUTTING THE FINAL tou ch e s on th e three tiere d c a k e used a t the 75th anniversary Thespian C onvention, dram a students

stabilize bases and a tta c h decorations, Mr. Robert B a rro w , th e d ra m a te a c h e r, was in ch a rg e o f organizing



Photo by Summer Sink

172 Drama and Debate


In your future, how d o you plan on using the skills acquired from Drama or Debate? M A CLUB MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) A u b re y

nons. A m b e r S haffer, Lisa M oore, C h e lse a s, M ichelle Rush a n d T iffany Jam es

(s e c o n d ro w ) S hawn W inter, Am anda Durdaller, Leland Isaacs, Brad Biddy, Marissa Brown a n d Janelle G o e ttm a n .


"When I begin my conquest o f the world, I will use what I learned in debate." -Jacob Mills


DH A N D DEBATE te a m m e m b e rs are (fro n t

C helsea Rains-Poetry In te rp re ta tio n ; Kyle :ey-LD; Tina Cerruti-LD; (b a c k ro w ) ic e M c C ra w -C X ; R e b e c c a W ilheim -C X ;

: I

p resident J a c o b Mllls-CX; a n d v ic e president M a tt Fox. S p e e c h a n d d e b a te w as re ­ established a fte r a y e a r o f furlough. S ta ff

p hoto

"I want to pursue an acting career in my future." -Amanda Durdaller

ARSING FOR THE fall p ro d u c tio n o f Steel

no/fas, senior Lisa M oore, junior C helsea , and A m a n d a Durdollor run thro u g h their Chelsea Rains p la y e d Truvy, th e o w n e r o f

th e b e a u ty salon, and A m a n d a Durdollar p la y e d Annelle, Truvy's assistant. S te e l M a g n o lia s was p re fo rm e d in th e Black Box Theatre. S taff photo

"Acting in suspenseful action movies is my goal." -Shawn Winter

Activities 173

How does it m ake you feel when you help others?



a re R e b e c c a M aranda B ice, v ic e -


J o h n s o n , president;

pre sid e n t; Erin Shaver, service chair; Shannoi C ra b b , Merrill S w e a tt, a n d H eather Carlson. I

“Helping others is a h e a r t w a r m i n g experience.” -Michelle Alfert

ELC MEMBERS ARE Tyler Swartsell, Renier Torres,

Chris Raines, Tiffany C o ttre ll, Miquel Nieves,

a n d RiDawn Arthur. The ELC m a d e signs te a c h e rs as a fundraiser. S ta ff photo

A DO NA TIO N to Father Hoa, R e b e c c a Johnson and C a m e ro n C astro d o n a te m o n e y to help a co u n try in need. The

In te ra c t C lub d o n a te d $500 to help a c o lo n y in V ie tn a m . The clu b sponsors pro in d iffe re n t countries. Courtesy photo

“I enjoy helping others because it makes me feel nice.” -Bradley Hardey

“I help children at the Boys and Girls Club, and it feels good.” -Chris Raines

174 Interact, ELC


SIGNS, s tu d e n ts Torres, RiDawn A rthur B radley Hardey m a k e signs hers.

HELPING THE INTERACT c lu b p u t up flags fo r V e te ra n s' Day, junior A m a n d a C ollie unrolls th e fla g . C ourtesy p hoto






// /

Clubs participate in com m unity by v o lu n teerin g for projects




rina Lankford, Tyler pe ll, Chris Raines, a n d J.R. fm an m ade w e lc o m e fo r all th e high school

te a ch e rs. The te a c h e rs hung th e signs on their doors to w e lc o m e students a n d o th e r visitors to th e classroom .

It The Interact Club and starving or hurting. the Exceptional Learners makes me feel special to Club allow students to know that I’ve helped volunteer for various someone in need.” The Exceptional community school projects. The Interact Club is a Learners Club is a club that part o f the Rotary Club. completes special projects The Members put up the flags for the community on R ag Day and other ELC made welcome signs for the teachers. patriotic holidays. The club plays The club also raises Monopoly to improve their money to send overseas. It sponsors and raises money math skills and puts puzzels every year for an together to keep their minds active. international project. “I like ELC because we “I enjoy being in the paint,” J.R. Christman said. Interact Club,” said Erin Shaver. “We send money “I enjoy painting things for overseas to a place where other people.” -Lindsay Shipley little children might be

S ta ff p hoto

Activities 17 5


DURING A PEP rally, c h e e rle a d e rs Shayla M cC ra w , Brittany James, a n d E liza b e th G erstner hold up Ann N guyen while Carrie D eeb a n d R enee

Brown s u p p o rt Morgan R e y n o ld s . The cheerleader regularly p e rfo rm e d a t pe, ra llie s . Photo by Jonatho,

W hetzel

Pups consolidate with Dog Squad, help cheerleaders promote spirit For the first time, the Dog Squad and Lady Pups joined to form one pep squad to encourage school spirit with the cheerleaders. The spirit squads help promote school spirit by various activities such as making signs and cheering at pep rallies, football, or basketball games. The cheerleaders created the signs that hang in the cafeteria and inspired the crowds at football and basketball games. They also worked to create signs for pep rallies and performed at some pep rallies “Cheerleading gives me

a sense of school pride,” cheerleader Brittany James said. “And I also love the feeling o f teamwork that I have when performing a stunt.” Dog Squad members also create signs including the run-through at football games and the signs that hang in victory hall. On Friday mornings, members sold buttons, ribbons, and miniature footballs that promoted school spirit. “My favorite thing about being the mascot is all the hugs I get from little kids,” Lena Vieth said. -Hannah McGown

ch icke n d a n ce , th e cheerleaders and Dog Squad enterta in the cro w d a t th e Old High p e p rally. The C heerleaders and

Dog Squad d a n c e d to m a n y o f th e songs th e b a n d p la y e d a t p e p rallies and fo o tb a ll g a m e s . Photo by Jonathan


17 6 Cheerleader/Dog Squad


AFTER PLAYING THE De nison Y ello w ja cke ts, th e Dog Squad and ch e e rle a d e rs listen to th e a lm a m a te r. In th e fall, th e

school's alm a m ater c h a n g e d to re p e a t “ all ha alm a m a te r." Photo

Jonathan Whetzel

W h a t is your fa v o rite thing a b o u t helping p ro m o te school spirit?

(fro n t ro w ) senior la M cC ra w , senior Britni Berry, senior |ny Q uigley, senior M organ Reynolds, j>r K athleen D alke, senior C arrie D eeb, k ro w ) s o p h o m o re E lizabeth Gerstner,


ju n io r B rittany Jam es, junior Loryn M e rc a d o , junior Renee Brown, junior Lyndsay Cash, and s o p h o m o re A nn N guyen. The c h e e rle a d e rs w e re sponsored b y Mrs. A n ita O w e n . Photo by

G ordon's P hotography

"I liked selling and beads mornings and e ve ryth in g was

th e buttons on Friday m aking sure c o p a s e tic ." -M a tt Fox

"I like g e ttin g th e cro w d e x c ite d to be a t th e fo o tb a ll and basketball gam es." -E lizabeth G ers tn e r

SQUAD MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) Ir R andom Reeves, junior M a tt Bell, bmore C o d y Jam es, an d senior D.J. V ieth, ro w ) freshm an Lance M axw ell, senior jSwartsell, junior Shawn P eterm an, senior pron C astro, senior M a tt Fox, junior G ary

Easter, freshm an Cueneshia Mims, (b a c k row ) s o p h o m o re Lena V ieth, and seniors Russell Thom pson, Trey Shay, and Ja ke V an Donge, The Dog S quad is sponsored b y Mrs. Barbara Kucharczyk and Mr. Mark Schroeder. Photo by

G ordon's Photography

"W e g e t to be on th e field and b e crazy and n o t g e t in trouble fo r it." -S h aw n P eterm an

Activities 177

If you could be in one reality show, which one would it be and why?

r £


NHS MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) David O rganiscak, p re sid e n t; Crystal W ong, vice-president; R e b e c c a Johnson, treasurer; Merrill S w e a tt, reporter; Karrie W alker. Secretary; M erritt Adkins, Historian; Summer Sink, p a rliam e n ta rian ; (se con d ro w ) Erin Shaver, Manissa M abee, Katelyn Lawson, A m a n d a Bayless, Kristian Harris, Kathleen Dalke, Kim C ole m an , M ichele Kenney, Toni Dimarzio, Ebony Bisson, (third ro w ) S ta ce y Geer, N ic o le Farland, Brittany H unt. Jake A nd ra ja ck, D anielle

M ic h a u d . Rachel W alck, Carrie D eeb, Joseph C asteen, P jH G u ffe y , Ashley Hand, ( fo u rth ro w ) A n d y Slye, Beth C alffiffl Brooke Barad, L a c y H eptner, D om inique Sims, Erik P olum bq||a Pena, (fifth ro w ) A n d re w Smith, Zack Melson, Am beriy Bckm! Lyndsay Smith, L u d o v ic a Sandei, A lle n Pappas, Shannon Qfafj Sarah A lle n , Christa King, (b a c k ro w ) Sara Hardy, Kim Stra3| Zach Roddy, M ichael Burris, Jerem iah Hastings, V icto ria Aud R e b e c c a W ilhelm , A d ria n a Lim on.

JUNIOR NHS MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) J u dith M ckee, Rosalie

M cC raw , Kevin Seman, Tina G riffith, (fo u rth ro w ) Luke M a tt M id g e tt, A le x G w in , D akota Orf, A le x Pappas, Matt M a tt M orrow, Shannon Tanner, Paul McBroom, Micheljet (fifth ro w ) Kyie Harpole, Brant Frazier, Bobby Morris, Bayless, Shawn Peterm an, M aran d a Bice, Jill Maxwell, C a ld w e ll, Kyie Rogers, N athan Roddy, Kyle Caskey, (back Justin W orkm an, Melissa G o ff. Manissa Brown, Ricci Hannah M c G o w n , S c o tt Beaver.

X A Si

lO f llC P “The Extreme Makeover Home Edition because I would want to help the families in need.” -Heather Myer

Vazquez, A ni Hakobyan, M iche lle Rush, Lauryn SiniscalcN, Brittany James, Robin Reid, Desiree G riffith, D an ie lle G o o d e, Isaac Cerruti, N ick Zillw eger, (se con d ro w ) J e n n ife r Hensley, Lindsay Shipley, Leah M oody. Kyle Marshall, Christine Harris, Ali G arcia, Jeremy G oreczny, Josh Barnett, Patrick Lile, (third ro w ) M egan Koulovatos. Bonnie Smithee, A llie D ilbeck, Kurt Lobaugh, Kyle A lexander, A le x Evans, Tom m y Peoples, C hance

“Survivor, because I’ve always wanted to try to do the things they do, like eat crazy things.” -Greg Montgomery

“Fear factor because they do crazy stuff.” -Matt Midgett

PALS MEMBERS ARE (front row) Cameron Castro, Kristian Harris, Crystal Wong, Jake Andrajack, Gordon Rooney, Lacy Heptner, Carrie Deeb, Danielle Michaud, Mike Williams, (second row) Jill Maxwell, Christine Harris, Kyle Marshall, Ali Garcia, Joseph Casteen, Heather Myer, Jacob Guffey, Britni Berry,

Jeannine Miller, (back row) Brittany Quigley* Sweatt, Maranda Bice, Karissa Caldwell, Montgomery, Lyndsay Smith, Rebecca Wilhelm Shaver, Dominique Sims, Austin Richter. Not pictur Beth Callaway, and Michael Ziegler.

178 NHS, Pals


OWING OFF THEIR m uscles, or Joesph C a s te e n a n d his ee in te ra c t w ith each

o th e r b y p laying cards, PALs m e m b e rs m a d e annual trips to e le m e n ta ry schools.

ENTERTAINING THEMSELVES WITH b o a rd gam es, senior Britinl Berry a n d her PALee

c o m p e te w ith e a c h o th e r fo r fun. Board g a m e s w ere o fte n used to help PALs in te ra c t

M NHS & PALS M Activities prom ote leadership, character while helping others

JNG OVER THE c a n d y c a n e s, junior Molly Turner looks r th e na m e sheets w ith

junior V ic to ria Collins. C a n d y c a n e s are sold yearly to raise m o n e y fo r NHS projects.

Sacrifice and dedication were two contributing catalysts to NHS and PALS members. Members displayed their character and leadership abilities in a variety o f ways throughout the year. National Honor Society, sponsored by Mr. Lee Seman, participated in several service projects. NHS members volunteered their time at the PPG company picnic. Peer Assistance Leadership, directed by Mrs. Jeanine Miller, went through changes while sustaining the fundamental

elements o f the activity. For instance, in previous years the PALS members were separated into two separate classes; this year the two PALS classes combined into- one class. “I enjoy my one on one time with my PALee because I build a friendship and feel like I am making a difference in their lives.� senior Beth Callaway said. NHS and PALS provided members the opportunity to demonstrate their character, leadership, and academic capabilities. -B ra n d o n P h illip s

NHS, Pals 179





g o o d s a p a p e r b a g breaks as senior Brittany R oderick, juniors Jill M axw ell, and Lindsay S h ip le y a tte m p t to ta k e it

outside to be loaded. Student* were generous in their giving sd it was not uncom m on for the overloaded bags to breakj S ta ff photo

S tu d e n t C o u n c il p a rtic ip a te s in fo o d d r iv e fo r c o m m u n ity With much to do around the school and community, Student Council has often risen to the task. Student Council participated in the annual food drive, Drug Awareness Week, decorated Winter Ball, planned Homecoming Week, and sponsored mudd volleyball. National Drug Awareness Week took place in October with each day portraying a different theme. “The themes were fun,” senior Danielle Michaud said. “I really liked dressing up with my buddy Lacy

Heptner.” Student Council also organized the canned food drive for the less fortunate. Canned goods, tuna, and peanut butter were collected by different classes. School officials offered free tardies and bonus points to help motivate students to donate food. “I enjoyed the canned food drive, because I was able to help out the needy and earn extra credit in some of my classes,” said senior Beth Callaway. Student Council successfully collected about 4,000 lbs o f canned goods. -Brittany Hunt

LO A DING CANNED G O O DS are junior V ic to ria Rousseau, seniors D om inique Rousseau, M errill S w e a tt, Jake A n d ra ja ck and C a m e ro n Castro.

180 Student Council



freshm an Shelby senior Dominique fre s h m a n Am ber sophomore Angela up the cans.


Carpe Rouss Bice, Dalke

W hat event will you remember most from high school?

IIO R STUCO MEMBERS are (fro n t ro w ) | leers Merrill S w e a tt, president; C rystal |>ng, v ic e president; junior Jill M axw ell, Ir e ta ry ; junior Kyle Marshall, re p o rte r; Ic o n d ro w ) P am e la Rangel, H eather S c o tt, In in iq u e Rousseau, Beth C a lla w a y , A m y ijjidrum, G o rd o n R ooney, R e b e c c a W ilhelm ,

(th ird ro w ) D idaw n Arthur, Brittany Quigley, Priscilla G u ffe y , Erin Shaver, Melissa M endoza, Brittany R oderick, Brittany Hunt, (fo u rth row ) K athleen Dalke, J a c o b A m e y , Terrel W hite, Lyndsay Smith, D om inique Sims, M ichelle Kenney, a n d C a m e ro n C astro. S ta ff Photo

“Basketball games because 1 could scream and be crazy the whole time.” -Jak e Andrajack



i helle


are (fro n t ro w ) Marshall, Jill M axw ell,



AN D SOPHOMORE STUCO umbers are (fro n t ro w ) M ichelle A lfe rt, Erin -Pgherty, Holly W o o d , A m b e r Bice, Shelby | rpenter, Tressa S toiloff, R achel Kenney, Lisa 'p in , (se co n d ro w ) M o nica N ew som e,


ro w ) Lauryn Siniscalchi, Karissa C a ld w e ll, M a ra n d a Bice, Molly Turner, a n d Lindsay

Kaleigh Huntley, Lena V ieth, Trey Horn, A m b e r C o x, Elizabeth Gerstner, Allyssa Meese, Drew A aron, (th ird ro w )A n g e la Dalke, Lexi G arcia, Allison G ray, Ann N guyen, Jordan Dubski, Kristen Trones, M e g a n Houck, and Sam Allen.

“PALS, because I loved the look on the kids faces the first time we visited, it was so fulfilling.” -Jill Maxwell

“Being in Babes is the event I will remember.” -Monica Newsome

Activities 181

2005 Senior Babies Rebekah Davis

Samantha Dossey


Sami, Through all th e bum ps in life, lean on your fa ith a nd re m e m b e r w e lo ve you unconditionally!

You are the light of my life! I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished. I wish you the very best in the bright future you have ahead of you. (Proverbs 22:6)

Granny, M om , a nd Jess

More. First, and Always! Love Dad

Christopher Kelley

Rebecca Johnson

It has b e e n w o n d e rfu l having you as m y son. I'm so p roud to b e your m o th e r.

R ebecca, W h a t a bright spot you are in our lives - Keep smiling!

Love always. M om

Love, Mom and Dad

Russell Thompson Russell, Since the moment you took your first breath, you were so loved. We are very proud of you. You are a very special young man. Good luck as you begin a new chapter in your life. Always remember we are always here for you. God Bless You Always, We love you very much. Mom, Wayne, Anthony, Sweetie, and Wilie

Brady Graham Born To Ride! Brady. Seems like only yesterday that you were this small and we could confine you to the backyard. We are so very proud of you. May God bless you in whatever you decide to do in life. We love you. Mom & Dad

T , .-W" •'" 'W

Hey Brother, These past 16 years with you have been great but it’s time now for you to grow up and be a man. Thanks for all the great memories and all the ones to come. Love you with all my heart, your brother. Anthony

182 Senior Baby Ads

Y M OST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... .was working TIRElessly for a solid week with the rest o f the 05 Seniors to create a homecoming float and skit equal to other in the world. After we had performed our virtual miracle on the gym floor we were robbed o f our well deserved t place title. " -Jacob M ills

Donna Johnson

Donna Johnson

Donna, We are so proud of you. For a sweet, quiet girl you have always worked to do your best in school and In band to become the young lady you are now. With your sweet spirit and determination, God will guide your future. Philippians 4:13. Love. Dad, Mom, and Rebeka

Donna, You h a ve a lw ays b e e n a g re a t sister a n d friend. You ha ve really inspired m e to k e e p on w ith school and w ith ban d . I'll alw ays love you! Your be st b u d d y and sister, R ebeka

Priscilla Guffey

Jonathan Whetzel

Priscilla C . G u ffe y

You a lw ays had fa ith in th e Lord a n d you h e lp e d m e regain mine. Thanks fo r all you did. R em em ber to "Trust in th e Lord" as you ta u g h t m e to do. Your Best Friend, Patrick

W e a re so p ro u d o f you, an d are still w ith yo u in spirit a n d love. N anny, P oppy, & D a d d y

Michael Burris

Michael Burris

I can't believe the baby brother they brought home to me 18 years ago is graduating. I guess those ba ba books I read to you paid off. Never quit being your unique self. I will always be proud to say you are my brother. Your sister will always be here to support and embarrass you. Love. Melissa

Michael, From the moment you were born you have always brought us such joy. We know you will excel in all you do. We love you and are so proud of the strong moral person you have grown to be. Love. Dad and Mom Proverbs 3:5-6

M elissa M endoza

Melissa Mendoza

Melissa. Wow! My baby is graduating. We are so very, very proud of you. Live life to the fullest. Love with all your heart. Never quit dreaming. Reach for the stars baby girl!

Missa, C ongratulations Baby Girl. I am so very proud o f you. it was a long ro a d b u t I knew you w ould find your w ay. G re a t things a w a it you.

Love always. Mom 8c Dad

All m y love forever, Your Nanie

Senior Baby Ads


2005 Senior Babies Rehekah Davis

Samantha Dossey


Sami, Through all th e bum ps in life, lean on your fa ith a n d re m e m b e r w e lo ve you unconditionally!

You are the light of my life! I am so proud of you and all you have accompiished. I wish you the very best in the bright future you have ahead of you. (Proverbs 22:6)

Granny, M om , and Jess

More, First, and Always! Love Dad

Christopher Kelley

Rebecca Johnson

It has b e e n w o n d e rfu l having you as m y son. I'm so p roud to b e your m o th e r.

R e b e cca, W hat a bright sp o t you are in our lives - Keep smiling!

Love always, Mom

Love, Mom and Dad

Russell Thompson Russell, Since the moment you took your first breath, you were so loved. We are very proud of you. You are a very special young man. Good luck as you begin a new chapter in your life. Always remember we are always here for you. God Bless You Always, We love you very much. Mom, Wayne, Anthony, Sweetie, and Wilie

Hey Brother, These past 16 years with you have been great but it's time now for you to grow up and be a man. Thanks for all the great memories and all the ones to come. Love you with all my heart, your brother, Anthony

182 Senior Baby Ads

B rady Graham Born To Ridel Brady. Seems like only yesterday that you were this small and we could confine you to the backyard. We are so very proud of you. May God bless you in whatever you decide to do in life. We love you. Mom & Dad

Y M OST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... .was working TIRElessly for a solid week with the rest o f the '05 Seniors to create a homecoming float and skit equal to other in the world. After we had performed our virtual miracle on the gym floor we were robbed of our well deserved t place title. " -Jacob M ills

Donna Johnson

Donna Johnson

Donna, We are so proud of you. For a sweet, quiet girl you have always worked to do your best in school and in band to become the young lady you are now. With your sweet spirit and determination, God will guide your future. Philippians 4:13. Love, Dad, Mom, and Rebeka

Donna, You h a ve alw ays b e e n a g re a t sister a n d friend. You ha ve really inspired m e to k e e p on w ith school and w ith ba n d . I'll alw ays love you! Your best b u d d y and sister, R ebeka

Priscilla Guffey

Jonathan Whetzel

Priscilla C. G u ffe y

You a lw ays had fa ith in th e Lord and you h e lp e d m e regain m ine. Thanks fo r all you did. R em em ber to "Trust in th e Lord" as you ta u g h t m e to do. Your Best Friend, Patrick

W e are so p ro u d o f you, a n d are still w ith yo u in spirit a n d love. Nanny, P oppy, & D a d d y

Michael Burris

Michael Burris

I can't believe the baby brother they brought home to me 18 years ago is graduating. I guess those ba ba books I read to you paid off. Never quit being your unique self. I will always be proud to say you are my brother. Your sister will always be here to support and embarrass you. Love, Melissa

Michael, From the moment you were born you have always brought us such joy. We know you will excel in all you do. We love you and are so proud of the strong moral person you have grown to be. Love, Dad and Mom Proverbs 3:5-6

M elissa M endoza

Melissa Mendoza

Melissa, Wow! My baby is graduating. We are so very, very proud of you. Live life to the fullest. Love with all your heart. Never quit dreaming. Reach for the stars baby girl!

Missa, C ongratulations Baby Girl. I am so very proud o f you. it was a long road b u t I knew you w ould find your w ay. G re a t things a w a it you.

Love always. Mom & Dad

All m y love forever, Your Nanie

Senior Baby Ads


MY M O ST M EM ORABLE M O M EN T... "... was seeing the smile on Mr. Schroeder's face when we beat Iowa Park in football our junior year.

Jenna Johnson

Jenna Johnson

To our fravorite Granddaughter, Jenna, We are so proud of you. You are a wonderful granddaughter with a bright future and the ability to go far. When times get tough, just remember, "If it were easy, everyone would do it!" All our love. Grandma and Grandpa

Jenna, There's no time to kickback now. A new phase Of your life if just beginning. Keep that smile and your positive attitude. Above all, keep your dream alive. Thank you for all the joy you bring us but most of all, thank you for being such a great daughter. Love, Mom and Bob

Anthony DeRubbio

Ashleigh Organ

To Our Little Rocker, C ongratulations, you m a d e it. W e are so very proud o f you! Keep on Rockin'!... M om -Dad-Joseph

There is so m u ch to say to you as you start a n ew c h a p te r o f your life. O ne o f th e m ost im p o rta n t is th a t I'm p roud o f you. You m a k e life interesting a n d yo u DO live life to th e fullest. I lo ve yo u b a b y girl! M om m a

Rebecca W ilhelm

Dominique Rousseau

R e b e cca , Your Mom and Dad are so proud o f you. You have b e e n flying high since you co u ld w alk. Keep your spirits flying high and you will a ch ie v e g re a t things. Love, M om and Dad

Dominique Rousseau D om inique, I am so proud o f you. You are such a b e a u tifu l person inside and out. Thanks fo r h olding m y hand through g oo d tim es a n d bad, through scary tim es and even crossing the street. Most o f all, thanks fo r b e in g my best friend. Friends w e 've becom e, b u t sisters w e 'll alw ays be. Keep G o d in your heart a nd all th a t you do. I love you, V icto ria

184 Baby Ads

D om inique, You are our little angel. W e are very p roud o f yo u and blessed th a t G o d sent us you. C o n tin ue to g ro w in Christ. W e lo ve you, M om 8c Dad

2005 Senior Babies Clellan Franks

A.J. Cooke


To m y a d o p te d son,

G o d really bless m e w h e n he g a v e m e yo u fo r m y d a u g h te r. You'll a lw ays b e m y Sunshine. I lo ve you w ith all m y h eart. W ith G o d 's Love. G o d Bless y o u Love, M om

W ith G od's love. G o d bless you. W e love you, Brenda and C lellan

Beth Callaway W h a t a lovely young la d y you ha ve grow n up to b e. W e re very proud o f you. Love you, Mom a n d Dad

Nicholas H audenshild O u r little ’BOO*. W hile you w ere g ro w in g u p w e had m a n y ups a n d d ow n s b u t you have a lw a ys fa c e d th e m w ith such d e te rm in a tio n a n d the result has b e n n w o rth it. N ever lose the desire to s u c c e e d b e ca u se it is such a w o n d e rfu l q u a lity . You have grow n in to such a w o n d e rfu l yo u n g m an a n d w e c o u ld n 't b e m ore p rou d o f you. K e e p re a ch in g a n d striving for your dreams...it is w h a t w ill h elp you fo r th e rest o f yo ur life . You c a n d o a n yth in g th a t you have th e desire to do. just rem em ber to b e honest a n d sincere w ith others, a n d w ith yourself. W e love you. M om a n d Dad

Cody A dam s Cody, Its hard to believe how fast the years have flown by. Seems like yesterday we were playing store, but now it is your turn to accomplish all your hopes and dreams. Just remember I'm here for you now and the years to come. I wish you the best because you deserve nothing less. Love, Ericka

Beth Callaway M ay G o d bless you in all you do. W e wish you well. All our love, your fam ily

Cody Adam s C ody, We adm ire your strength and are proud o f th e m an you have b e c o m e . Your life has just begun, so set your goals high and alw ays know w e will be there fo r you. Love, Mom and Dad

Baby Ads 185

2005 Senior Babies Katelyn Lawson

Nathan Aldrete

For I know the thoughts I think towards you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope...You will seek me and find me... Jeremiah 29:11-13 Let the Lord be your confidence... Prov. 3:26 Love Always, Mom, Dad, & Lindsey

Nathan, With all the hardships irr your life, you have made the decision to turn your life around and finish school. Now you get to walk down that aisle at graduation. In the words of your HI* brother. How Awesome Is That!" Love, Mom, Tanner, Grandma, Grandpa, and your family

Courtney Anne Lubke

Angela Fortin

C ourtney, You are a be a u tifu l and ta le n te d young wom an w ith m uch po te n tia l. Trust in th e Lord little m o o nflow er. G o d has a special plan fo r you. W e will alw ays love yo u very much. Mom and Dad

A ngela, Your a b ility to sto p and smell th e roses a lo n g life's w a y has alw ays a m a z e d us. You are a w o n d e rfu l g ift to us. W e are so p ro u d o f you! Luke 12:27-31 Love, Dad a n d Mom

Crystal Wong Crystal, Since you were born, you have been the center of our world. You have a true and pure heart that shows in everything you do. We are very proud of all your accomplishments and know you will go far in the future. Congratulations, We love you Mom and Dad

186 Baby Ads

Christy Torres C o ngratulations, w e love you a n d are p roud o f you. A lw ays p ray fo r g u id a n c e , and re m e m b e r "W hen I was a child, I used to ta lk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; w hen I b e c a m e an adult, I p u t aside childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11

V M OST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... was when I had to pass my test in Mrs. Baughman's class and my dog Muffin died the day before. 1 went to class that i and Mrs. Baughman had attached a balloon to my desk, bought a blueberry muffin loaf, and made a sign that said o it for Muffin." I was sad at the time, but now it's funny. 1 still failed the test." -Brooke Barad

Daniel Reattior

Daniel Reattior

Daniel. You have made us very proud. Congratulations and best of luck in all you do. 1 alone know the plans I have for you, plans for prosperity and not for trouble, plans to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 With lots of love always, Mom and Dad

Daniel, I'm proud you are my brother and my friend. Congratulations and best wishes for the future. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.' Proverbs 3:6,6 Love, Levi

Daniel Reattior Congratulations Daniel. May you always follow your dreams. May you make the most of every day and find hdppiness and success in all your future endeavors. We are so proud to be blessed with such a special grandson. Remember we are always here for you. Love You Always, Grandpa and Grandma Brunk

D aniel R eattior C o n g ra tu la tio n s a n d blessings fro m all your M ichigan Family. W e lo ve you! 'I will instruct th e e a n d te a c h th e e in th e w a y w hich th o u shalt g o : I will g u id e th e e w ith m ine e y e .' Psalm 32:8

Victoria Aubin Vicki. Congratulations to the one who makes us and everyone feel happier. You are an inspiratioin to all who come in contact with you. Keep following your dream to success. Love You, Uncle Carl and Aunt Carol

Bryan Fox Bryan, Your successes in high school h a ve b e e n g re a t. D on't le t a n y b o d y e v e r tell yo u "you c a n 't d o th a t.' Failure is a c h o ic e ; ch o o se to WIN! Love, M om , Dad, Tony

A ndrew Smith Andrew, We are so very proud of the young man you have become. You are such a joy. blessing, and we look forward to what God has planned for you. Keep your eyes on God. and 'He will direct your paths.' We love you so much. Mom and Dad

Baby Ads 187

MY M OST M EM ORABLE M O M EN T... "...was making captain for Boomtown Babes. Nothing that big had ever happened to me before. It's a lot of work, but I wouldn't take it back for anything. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me so far." -Alysha W essling

Erik Bryan Polumbo

Jesi Burke

"Sports do not build c h a ra c te r. They re v e a l it!"


So caring, diligent, and smart! We are so proud of you! You were a cute, adorable dancer at two and you turned into a talented, beautiful dancer as a senior. Keep smiling and stay true to your ambitions and all your dreams will come true! Love Always, Mom and Dad

Erik, W e are e x tre m e ly p roud o f you. C o n g ratula tion s on all your successes in high school. W e h o p e all your dreams c o m e true in c o lle g e a n d b e y o n d ..th e sky is th e limit! Love, Mom and Dad MjWB

Priscilla Guffey

Jon W hetzel

Hey Sis, We've known each other since birth, and though my mom and your dad didn't get a chance to marry, we still became a family. Mom is very proud of the young lady (and Mommy) you've become, and I know that Daddy is too. I love you sis! Ashleigh

Dear Jonathan, You're g ra d u a tin g from high school. C ong ra tu la tio n s! Y ou've w orked m a n y years to a chie ve this g oa l a n d n o w y o u ’re g o in g to accom p lish it. Since you w ere a baby, w e have b ee n prou d o f you. N ow your fu tu re is ahead of you w ith m any oppo rtu n itie s. W e 've d o n e the best to e p u ip you to fa c e your fu tu re . Take hold o f th a t fu tu re a n d m ove on to b e tte r yourself. You are lo v e d very m uch. M om a n d Dad

Jacob Amey

Jacob Amey

You m a d e m e laugh You m a d e m e cry But there is no oth e r I am m ore proud to call m y brother

Don't value th e things in your life, b u t value th e w h o in your life. W e are very proud o f you. All our love, Dad, M om , and Alise

I love you, Alise

188 Baby Ads

2005 Senior Babies Jerem iah Hastings

Jerem iah Hastings

Jeremiah, We are proud of you. You are a gift from God. Always follow the Lord as He leads and guides you. You have a passion for excellence and there are awesome days ahead. Pursue your dreams knowing you are loved and supported. Love. Mom and Dad Jeremiah 29:11

Bubba, You c a n alw ays lean on m e fo r support. You are a g re a t person. N ever fall a w a y from G od's destiny fo r you, You are headed fo r greatness. Your little sister, A m y Hastings

Jesse C arr

Mackenzey Lawson

Jesse, Y ou've b ro u g h t jo y to our lives!


W e lo v e yo u ve ry m uch. Y our Family

From your first moments of life, you have been independent minded-rolling up on your side and smiling every time the nurses would lay you on your stomach in the hospital nursery. Your independence and fun nature have been your strength. Let them guide you through a happy, fulfilling life. Mom, Dad, and Ashley Isaiah 40:31

A m berly Booher

Brooke B arad

Amby, In all the world, there's only one you—one unique person with your special qualities. May you always follow your heart, knowing that those who love you, believe in you and find so much joy in the wonderful person you are! Proverbs 22:6 Our love, prayers, & blessings. Dad and Momma

Brooke (Possum), It is impossible to put into words how incredibly proud we are of you. What a pleasure it has been to watch you grow into a beautiful, intellegent and responsible young woman. Thank you for being so special. Congratulations and with all our love. Mom and Dad

Josh Siple

Lisa K. Moore

C o n g ra tu la tio n s Lil' Joshie W e are so p roud o f yo u fo r g ra d u a tin g a y e a r early. W e all lo ve you, M om , G ra n d p a , B ubba and Baby Jon

Lisa, You have always b e e n so b eautiful. W e all love you. Take c a re and stay close to your fam ily. W e are proud o f you! Love, Mom, Dad, Sean, and Beau

Baby Ads 189

2005 Senior Babies Brooke Shelton 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Do you n o t know th a t in a race all the runners run, b u t o n ly o n e gets the prize? Run in such a w a y as to g e t the prize. 25 Everyone w ho co m p e te s in the g am e goes in to strict training. They d o it to g e t a c ro w n th a t w ill n o t last; b u t w e d o it to g e t a cro w n th a t w ill last forever... Love, M om a n d Dad

Joseph Casteen It seems like only yesterday we took you to your first day of school. Graduation day approaches quickly, we experience pride, joy, and yes a little sadness. Our little boy has turned into an outstanding young man. Remember where ever life takes you enjoy it. Congratulations. Love, Dad, Mom, and Brittiny

M ichaelJ. Hulme

W e are proud o f you. G o o d luck in all th a t you do!

W e Love You, Mom and Dad

From th e first d a y of kindergarten to your senior ye a r in high school, you have b e e n so m uch fun to b e around. Be smart, m a k e g o o d ch oices and k e e p smiling. W e are very proud o f you, Mom and Dad

Eric Spurrier Bookie- My life has been blessed having you in it!! ‘Ka-Choo’ Love ya. Mom Son- n o t flesh o f m y flesh nor b on e of m y b o n e b u t m iraculously still my own. Love, Dad Eric- w e are all so proud o f you. Love, G randpa a n d Grandm a

190 Baby Ads

Consuelo Romero

Hija e sto y m uy orgullosa d e ti y c o m o eres. Doy gracias a Dios p o r d a rm e una hija herm osa y llena d e alegria. Tu presencia es mi fe lic id a d . Eres y seras mi NINA BONITA. Dios te b e n d ig a , te quiero m u ch o , te deseo un fu tu ro Ileno de o p o rtu n id o d e s c o n v ie rte tus suenos re a lid a d eres in teligente. Bueno Suerte, Mom


Andy Slye

IY M OST MEMORABLE M OM ENT... L was when I made Babes my 10th grade year. I didn't think 1 was going to make it, but I’m so glad that I did. I have iproved so much since I made the team and it has helped me make lieutenant. -Sarah M orales

Christopher Kyle Caporale

B rittany Turner

Kyle, You have always found the world around you full of wonder and excitement. Our lives are made richer because of you and we look forward to where your future will take you. You have made us proud I We Love You and Congratulations, Mammalu, Mom, Craig, and The Crew

Once a little cutie, now a grown beauty. I am so proud of you as my daughter. Brittany, you are a true gift from God and the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever touched me. You are a wonderful and bright young lady. May all your dreams come true and all of your goals In life be achieved. Congratulations on your graduation day Baby Girll I Love You, Mom

Mary Spurlock Mary Elyse, We thought you were cute then, and we still think you're the cutest. We are very proud of you. and love you with all of our hearts. We will always be here for you. We love you Pooh Pie, Dady Barry, Mama Kim, Sissy Amber

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Sarah Morales

Leland Isaacs

Sarah, We are all very proud of you! You will do great in everything you do. Keep all your focus on God. Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, And his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." We Love You, Mom, Dad, Nick, and Matt

It has been a c h a lle n g e , b u t w e m a d e it to g e th e r! I am very proud o f you. W herever this world ta ke s you, just re m e m b e r to finish w h a t you start, and ha ve fun along th e w ay. I love you. Mom

Travis Jam es M itchell

Travis Jam es Mitchell

1 Corinthians 16:13 Congratulations Son. you've completed an important phase of your life. You stand at the threshold of your future where your faith in Jesus Christ will ensure your success. Meet every endeaver with sound judgment and enthusiasm. God Bless You. Love, Dad & Susan

C ongrats Bro! A lthough there w ere tim es w hen w e conspired to have you “ e lim in a te d " haha w e are sure proud o f you now! Love, Jason, Tiffany, Sandra, & Alicia

Baby Ads 191

MY M O ST M EM ORABLE M O M EN T... "... was basketball season my junior year. I made a lot o f strong relationships while playing in the Jazz Band. I know the will last a life-time. -M ichael Burris

Shannon Crahb Shannon, Thanks fo r all th e 'jo y , th e love, and th e laughter you have given our fam ily. You are th e best "lilcrabkid" ever. W e are so proud o f you! Love, Dad, M om , Jen, Kevin, and Doug

Victoria Wetzel As life long friends, w e 'v e b e e n through it all! G o o d luck in everything yo u do! C arrie

C arrie Deeh C aw w y, From beginning to end w e 'll b e to g e th e r. Through our friendship a n d troubles, I'll lo ve you til th e e nd. Our fig h tin g brings us closer and our closeness strengthens our friendship. Love always, Blake

Carrie Deeh Carrie, W e 'v e given you pieces o f a d v ic e , words of e n co u ra g e m e n t, and love. Y ou've ta k e n these gifts and used th em to b e c o m e a very special young lady. Rock on... Love, Mom & Pops

Carrie Deeh C o n g ra tu la tio n s Sis. W e are so proud o f you. N ever g ive up on your dream s. You are an inspiration th a t know s no bounds. G o o d Luck! Love You Always, Mimi & G ra m p a

192 Baby Ads

2005 Senior Babies Kim berly Stradley

Kim berly Stradley

Klmba, I'm so thrilled that you're pursuing your dreams and heading for culinary school... With your natural talent in the kitchen, you'll become a pastry chef in no time! Who knows? Maybe one day you'll even replace Emeril! Best of luck, kiddo. Baml Love ya lots, Melba Toast

Kimberly, Where has the time gone? We are so proud o f the intelligent, caring, sensitive, and beautiful young woman you've become! With your courage and great outlook on life, there are no limits to where you can reach. Never forget "from whence cometh" your strength. Love always, Mom and Dad

Cameron Castro

Cameron Castro

C a m e ro n , C o n g ra tu la tio n s! W e love yo u a n d are v e ry p ro u d o f th e m an yo u h a ve becom e. W e wish yo u no th in g b u t g o o d luck fo r th e future. Love yo u C a m , M other, R ocky, V in c e n t, Joshua, & Kennon

Jacob Guffey Jacob, Those beautiful blue eyes and mischieveous grin stole our hearts the day you were born; but it's what's on the inside that makes my heart swell with pride today. God has truly blessed me with any mother's dream. Always remember son; "you do not belong to yourself, for God bought you witti a high price." I Cor. 6:19-20 I Love You! Mom

Kim berly Coleman Baby Sis, It seems like yesterday you would follow us around and look to us for guidance. So, it is hard for us to believe that, today, you are all grown up and ready for the world. Remember that we are always here for you. Love, Alex & Tyler

From Diapers To D iplom a W ith N othing But Love In b e tw e e n N anna a n d Dad

Jacob Guffey Bubba, I k n o w you're go ing to miss m e and m y pestering yo u all th e tim e . Thanks fo r alw ays b e ing there fo r m e. I lo ve you! Your #1 Fan, Sister

Kim berly Coleman O u r sunshine. O u r joy, is all grow n up. How proud w e are o f you, your q u ie t, sw eet, g e n tle spirit. We have n o d o u b t you w ill b e successful in w h a t ever p ath you choose. " Trust In the Lord w ith all your heart; and lean not on your o w n understanding; In all your ways a c k n o w le d g e him, and he w ill direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ALWAYS. Love, Mom, Dad, Alex. Tyler

Baby Ads 193

2005 Senior Babies ___________________ .

M atthew Fonville

Shauna Runyon Son,

Shauna Rae, I've always looked up to you (until I outgrew you), always admired you, always glad that you were my big Sis. Thanks for all the funny, wonderful memories. Good luck in college. I'll miss you.

W hen your fa th e r a n d I trie d to think o f som e wisdom to share w ith yo u as yo u clo se d this c h a p te r o f your life, we fo u n d th a t Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "Sim ple M an" contained e ve ryth in g w e wish fo r you in our hearts. W e love you dearly. M om and Dad

Love, Jamie Lynn

S im ple M an

Shauna Runyon

M am a to ld m e w hen I was 9 yo u n g C om e sit beside m e, m y only son A n d listen close ly to w h a t I say. A n d if you d o this It w ill help you some sunny day. Take your tim e...D on't live too fast. Troubles w ill c o m e a n d they will pass. G o fin d a w o m a n , a n d you'll fin d love. A n d d o n 't fo rg e t, son. There is som eone u p above.

Shauna Rae, Y ou've brouhgt us so m u ch jo y and

laug h te r-an d


fe w


m om ents. You are a g ift from G o d a n d w e 'v e throughly e n jo ye d b e in g your parents. Your zest fo r life is fu n to w a tc h . You have everything you n e e d to co n q u e r the w orld. W e're prou d of you. Proverbs 3 1 :2 9 -3 1 .

A n d b e a sim ple kind o f man. Be som ething you love and understand. Be a sim ple kind o f man. W o n 't you d o this fo r me, son. If you ca n?

Love a n d Prayers. M om & Dad

Courtney Clarkin

Forget your lust fo r the rich man's g old All th a t you n e e d is in your soul. A n d you c a n d o this if you try. All th a t I w a n t fo r you, my son. Is to b e satisfied.

W e first m e t you on a stormy H allow een night. You w ere bom in a most in trig u in g way...in the h a llw a y o f a hospital. You w ere b e a u tifu l! Everyone said G o d had sm iled d ow n on your fa c e ! Your life has alw ays seem ed to fo llo w this sort o f path...full o f fu n . frivolity, and drama...our little dram a que e n ! R em ember to never miss a single d a y o f your life . Find ways to make e a ch d a y m a tte r-n o t only to you. b u t also to others. Rem em ber to trust your instincts a n d kn ow th a t life is n o t a c o m p e titio n , b u t a g ift to b e shared. To have shared so m uch o f life w ith you w as a true blessing. All our love. Mom. Dad. a n d Corey

Boy d o n 't worry...you'll find yourself. Follow yo ur heart and nothing else. A n d you c a n d o this if you try. All th a t I w a n t fo r you, my son. Is to b e satisfied. -Lynyrd Skynyrd

Alysha W ess ling

Alysha Wessling

Alysha, The dream s o f a life tim e W ere e njoyed w ith this smile. As you g ra d u a te know You're th e light o f our lives. W e love you Alysha. Mom, Dad, Trevor and Brian.

Alysha, You know you are loved by all of us, but i wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a complete privilege it has been to be your mother. You made being proud of you so easy. I love you Alysha. Mom

194 Baby Ads


Y MOST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... . was when Random Reeves, Trey Torres, and myself dressed up in Robin Hood costumes for Mrs. Barrick's English iss for a report. -M att Fox

Aaron hake

Erin Anderson

Yeah, P oochie! Love, M om , Pop, & Travis

Isn't she c u te ? The a p p le o f our eyes. G o d bless, and Mom and Dad lo v e yo u very m uch.

Aaron hake

Brittany Quigley

C o n g ra tu la tio n s 'A lo v e w ith o u t e n d -A m e n " Dad

Brittany, I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Stay focused on your goals and what God has planned for you. Live life to the fullest and your life will always be filled with joy. We love you very much. Mom, Glenn, Brandon, Jo-Jo, & Isabella Rose

Brooke B arad

B ritni Berry

Brooke, This w as th e first c h a p te r o f m y life a n d it w as w o n d e rfu l o p e n in g it up w ith you. This c h a p te r o f high school will close, b u t I k n o w in m y life you will b e b y m y side to o p e n m a n y m ore. I lo v e you, Britni Berry

Britni, C o n gratulations on a jo b w ell d o n e . W e are very proud of all of your a ccom plishm ents. G o d bless you, Love, M om , Dad, &. Kim

B ritn i Berry Britni, I c a n 't b e lie v e this p ic tu re w as 18 years a g o ! W e h a v e b e e n thro u g h so m u ch to g e th e r, I love you dearly. You h a ve have a lw a ys m a d e m e smile, G o d bless, Love, Brooke

Brooke B arad Beth C allaw ay Beth I love you! You are the best frie nd I c o u ld have ever asked for! I am so blessed fo r you a n d I c a n 't w a it to see w h a t you g e t in to next! You are a mess o f the best kind. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! Love. Brooke Brooke I c a n n o t p u t our friendship in to words. You m ean the w orld to m e a n d I d o n 't k n ow how I w o u ld have g o tte n through the last 4 years w ith o u t you! You are g o in g to g o so fa r in life a n d I plan to be there a t your side every step o f the w ay! I love You! Beth

Baby Ads 195

MY M OST M EM ORABLE M O M EN T... "...was the choir trip. We performed in Colorado, went white water rafting, and saw the Cave of the Winds among other things. It was a fun time and the camaraderie and team spirit was great. -Angela Fortin

Lyndsay Smith

Lyndsay Smith Still just as p re tty a n d sw eet!

Lyndsay Jean,

Granna a n d Paw Paw

In m y daughter's eyes, I ca n see th e future, a re fle c tio n o f w ho I am and w h a t will be...I co u ld n o t have m a d e it through th e last e ig h te e n years w ith o u t you. You have alw ays bro u g h t m e jo y and m a d e m e proud. Love, M om a "For I know th e plans I have fo r you, says th e Lord...to give you a future a n d a hope." Jerem iah 29:11

Lyndsay Smith C o ngratulations, Big Sis! Love, Ian

Jacob M ills It has bee n such a w o n d erfu l e x p e rie n c e to w a tc h you grow . Life has m a ny changes, b u t you c a n s u c c e e d a t w h a te v e r you m a ke u p your m ind to do. R e m e m b e r ho m e is alw ays w here your h eart is. W e love you so m u ch and wish you th e very best. M om ,D ad a n d Jared

Brittany Roderick

Brittany, A lw ays: re m e m b e r th a t w e love you ve ry m uch... work hard, ne ve r g ive up, b e th e be st yo u c a n be, and you can a c h ie v e anything life offers.

Love you, M om a n d Dad

196 Baby Ads

2005 Senior Babies A llen Pappas Allen. Having you for a brother was sometimes a bummer. Any chance you leave for college this summer? Just kidding - Good luck and never lose sight of your goals.

Allen, L ike a blink o f an eye, tim e has passed by, and you have grown into a wonderful young man. We are proud o f your accom plishments and your drive to succeed, both on and o ff the soccer field. May ALL your dreams com e true!

Love ya, Alex

Love you always, M om and Dad

Candace a n d D eeD ra Dorsey

Pamela Pangel

You were a blessing when you were born, and have been a blessing each day of your life. You are terrific young ladies. I am proud of you. You will both be successful as long as you follow your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad, Garrisyn, Amber, Kolbie, Katrina, Charles, and Jayden

Pamela. I am so proud of you. You have really come of age and a young adult. I can only wish you the very best in your future endeavors. I have learned a lot from you as to what the teenagers of today are all about. Thanks. Love, Dad Congratulations Mija.

Stacey Geer

p ^ \.

A lle n "Pappy" P a p p a s

J o rd a n M cC lain

Stacey, In sp ite o f m any problem s, you've always been an o ptim ist. Y ou've kept going w hen others would quit. Y ou're a very sm art, beautiful, confident young lady and we're very proud o f you. Reach for the stars, baby girl, and continue to shine. W e love you! M om , Dad, Stephanie, Brandon, and C hristopher

Yes, we are proud! K eep on the tra ck you are on a n d nothing can stop you. Our 26th P resid en t said "Far b e tte r it is to d are mighty things, to w in glorious trium phs even though checkered by failure, than to ran k w ith those poor spirits w ho n eith er enjoy o r suffer m uch because they live in the gray twilight that know s n eith er victory n o r defeat." 1 know you have the courage an d discipline to d o just that! O h . he also said ..."D o n 't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but n ev e r hit soft!" K eep hitting hard! D ad

T ra vis Pore

T a b ith a J a r r e ll Tabitha,

Travis, Bam! Y ou've gone from m ud pies to becom ing a chef! W e are all so proud Dream big and keep A w esom e B-B-Q! Jerem iah W e love you! All your family

m aking gourmet o f you! cooking! 29:11.

You have always been my happy, beautiful little girl. No m atter what don't ever change. I am very proud at all that you have accomplished. You keep the future bright. Love always and forever Mom

2005 Senior Babies Erin Shaver Erin, From a baby bundle of joy and sunshine to a grown bundle of joy and sunshine - you are an absolute gift from God! Always look to Him for guidance and inspiration. Erin - we are all so proud of you and we love you dearly. Mom, Dad, and Phil

Heather Scott Heather, Sweetheart the years have flown by. it's been hard at times, just the three of us. I would do it all over again, to watch you grow up. Tyler and I will always be there for you. Love you, Dad and Tyler

fw^Mlv .u

Michael 'Williams Mikey, We are so proud of all that you have accomplished and are blessed to have you as our son. As you leave your high school years behind and face the future, allow God to guide you in the choices and decisions you make. With all our love. Mom and Dad

Kristina Gonzalez Kristina, B efore yo u w e re born, I c o u ld h a ve n e ve r im a g in e d fe e lin g so m u ch lo v e fo r a n yo n e . W e are so proud o f th e person yo u ha ve becom e. Strong and in d e p e n d e n t a n d a little b it crazy... OK a lo t crazy! R e m e m b e r w h o you are an d alw ays live on your o w n terms. W e lo ve you so m uch. M om a n d Dad

K FH R H SnfiS i mKHM

H ea th er Carlson

Karrie Walker and Michelle Patino

Heather. You have grow n in to a w on d e rfu l yo un g lady. You possess an inner b e a u ty th a t shines through your g e n tle a n d generous spirit. G o d has prepared w on d e rfu l things fo r you. so step b o ld ly in to your fu tu re a llo w in g Him to light your path. Love. Mom m y a n d Daddy

Karrie and Michelle, Here's to a great year with my two best friends! I can't believe this is it...we're seniors. We all know it's not the end of our friendship though. I look forward to many more years of laughs. I love you both. Your friend, Christa King

198 Baby Ads

IY M OST MEMORABLE M OM ENTS... . were Mr. Hardaway always bailing me out o f trouble and o f course the many friendships I have encountered over my gh school years at BHS." -Stacie Horton

Kathleen Dalke

K athleen, W e are so p ro u d o f th e y o u n g w o m a n you have b e co m e ! W e'll n e v e r fo r g e t th e days o f “C h a lk y Dalke," sitting in C onnie's lap, c h ic k e n p o x a n d a cast, staying “fo c u s e d ," a n d e a tin g a t McDonald's! W e lo v e you! M om a n d Dad

C arrie Deeh

Kathleen Dalke

Kat, Seems like ye ste rd ay Brian saved your life (s p a g h e tti)! Don’t worry a b o u t c o lle g e - you're th e sm artest b lo n d e w e know ! Love yo u to th e m o o n and back! Kristi, Brian, Jacquelyn, A n g e la , Tom m y, and Brad

Victoria Wetzel

Carrie, S ince d a y o n e w e 'v e b ee n in th e w a g o n to g e th er. N ow th a t w e're g ro w n a n d m u ch bigger, w e d o n 't q u ite fit. K n o w th a t you w ill alw ays b e w e lc o m e in m y w a g o n w ith m e. I k n o w th a t you w ill alw ays m ake room fo r m e in yours as w e ll. I cherish every m o m e n t th a t w e have had together, a n d I tru ly h ope th a t our mem ories rem ain in our hearts. Thank you fo r all y o u 've b ee n to m e. G o d Bless You! I lo ve you! V ic to ria W e tze l

C arrie Deeb Carrie Dawn, We are so proud of you, watching you grow into the young lady you are today. May happiness and success always be your goal. Stay true to yourself and know we love you. Granny and Grandpa

V ictoria, You are truly one o f a kind! W h a t a blessing to be your parents and brother. Your love fo r th e Lord and fo r p e o p le has ta u g h t us so m uch! Thank you fo r sharing your life w ith us and w e c a n 't w a it fo r th e future. Keep your eyes on the prize! W e will lo ve you forever! Dad, Mom, and Lebo

Baby Ads 199

MY M O ST M EM ORABLE M O M EN TS... "... were my junior year when we beat Iowa Park 21-20 in overtime to a sold out Bulldog crowd; going to playoffs in baseball; being nominated for Homecoming King which was a shock and an honor." -Jacob Guffey

Jak e A n d ra ja c k The love a n d pride th a t w e have for you is indescribable. You have grow n from our tin y 4 lb. b ab y in to a w on d e rfu l yo un g man w ith a huge love fo r the Lord. As you m ove in to this n ew adve n tu re c a lle d a d u lt life, set your goals high, a n d c o n tin u e to seek G ods g u id a n c e in all you do, fo r an e x c itin g a n d w on d e rfu l life a w a its you. Rem em ber always: Trust in the Lord w ith all your heart a n d lean n o t on your o w n understanding; in all your w ays a c k n o w le d g e him, a n d he w ill m ake your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6. Love a n d prayers. Mom a n d Dad

Jak e A n d ra ja c k W ell. I guess it is fin a lly here. M y little brother is a b o u t to g ra d u a te high school, a n d e n d 10 straight years o f Andrajacks a t BHS. I c o u ld n ’t be a n y m o re proud to say th a t you’re my brother. It has been a blast w a tc h in g you grow in to the person you have b eco m e . You have so m any ta le n ts a n d gifts th a t you c a n use fo r w ha t a n d w ho you choose. Use them right. A lw ays have c o n fid e n c e th a t G o d is right there w ith you, a n d w ith him, you ca n accom plish anything. N ever le t a nyo n e or anyth in g hold you back, a n d never settle fo r g o o d enough. Isaiah 40:30. Love. Josh

J a k e A n d ra ja c k Jakey, I am so a m a ze d b y th e person you have b e c o m e . Your lo v in g heart a n d g iv in g spirit are an inspiration to m e daily. I c a n 't b e lie v e th a t m y little brother is g ra d u a tin g . I wish you the best, even th o u gh I k n o w you w ill s u c c e e d in w h a te ve r you p u t your m in d to . M ay th e Lord bless you a n d k e e p you always. Love a n d G o d ’s blessings Your b ig sis Julie

Jake Andrajack & Brin Shaver W o w ! It is so hard to b e lie v e th a t th e cousins who n e e d e d re fe re e s to c o n tro l th e fights th a t broke out b e tw e e n th e m h a ve g ro w n into tw o a w e so m e young adults. W e are so p ro u d o f b o th o f you, a n d th a n k G od for th e blessings yo u h a ve b ro u g h t in to all o f our lives. W e wish you b o th happiness a n d success. K eep G o d close to your hearts. W e lo ve you, Your Families

Summer, Brittany, M erritt and Kacey We have loved watching the four of you (morph) oops we mean grow into beautiful, smart, young ladies. True great friends are hard to come by. Stay close always. We love you all and consider each of you as wonderful blessings in our lives. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 Love, Mom and Dad Hunt

B rittany H unt W e are so prou d o f you a n d all your accom plishm ents. Rem em ber to alw ays trust in the Lord w ith all your heart a n d lean n o t on your o w n understanding. Dad says la y o ff the high ones. Proverbs 3: 5-6 W e love you. M om a n d Dad

200 Baby Ads

12005 Senior Babies K risti Baxley Kristi, (a .k .a . M e a th e a d ) Look fo r all o f life's greatness a n d jo y in simple places. Love you, M om a n d Dad P.S. D ad says I g o t you!

Kristi, You have and always will be my light and my heart. Since day #1 you have always made me very happy and proud of you. Never settle for anything less.You can and have always done anything you set your sights to. Reach for the stars, grab hold and never let go. Love you. Mom

Lindsey Burks

Lindsey Burks

You are our little angel. Our precious gift from God. and a true blessing to us. You have made us very proud of what a wonderful young lady you have grown up to be. Your dad and I both know that you will be able to achieve what you want in life. Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad

It is a g re a t pleasure to h a ve you as our G ra n d d a u g h te r. You are a b e a u tifu l, smart, and well m a n n e red young lady. W e lo v e you ve ry m uch. Love, N anny & PawPa

Lindsey Burks

Lindsey Burks

Even th o u g h I m ig h t b e a little ta lle r th a n y o u n o w yo u k n o w I will a lw a ys look up to y o u Big Sis. I lo ve you ve ry m u ch a n d I am ve ry p ro u d o f you. Love, C o d y -(th e little b ro th e r)


K risti Baxley

C o n gratulations - Looks like yo u finally m a d e it! W e are very proud o f you. Love, A u n t Della & Uncle Larry

Zack Melson

Zack Melson

Smile Zack, you've almost made it! So many opportunities for success are ahead. Keep your faith and find your niche. We love you and are very proud. Congratulations! Mom and Dad Give Instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser, Teach a man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:9

Zackie-pooh, C ongrats little brother! W e love and pray fo r m a ny blessings. M ay you alw ays have som eone to iron the wrinkles o u t o f your Sunday pants, sew b u tto n s on your shirts, a n d pla y v ide o gam es a n d foosball w ith la te a t night. ‘A n d he has given us this com m and:W hoever loves G o d must also love his brother.* John 4:21 W e just wish all G o d s com m ands w ere so easy to obey. Love. Er a n d Jess

Baby Ads 201

2005 Senior Babies Tovorris D. Pickett

K r is tia n H a r r is

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in th e LORD w ith all Tovorris' heart and lean n o t on Tovorris' understanding; in a il Tovorris' ways a c k n o w le d g e him, and he will d ire c t Tovorris' paths. W e love you! Your Family

Mahalo for all the wonderful memories-from the terrible 401, to the Skylon Tower, the Merry Mist, the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Space Mountain to our most favorite place Hawaii the Reef, Hilo Hottie's, Pearl Harbor, the Market, and Waikiki. My hope for you is Ke Ola Nani because you've made my Ola Nani. Aloha MaKou ia'oe Nanny

K ristian H arris

K ristian H arris

Kristian, It has been the greatest thrill of our lives in watching you grow from a beautiful little girl to an amazing young lady. God has blessed you with many talents & abilities that we know you will use to glorify Him & have a rich & rewarding life. We love you very much! Mom & Dad

M ay your fu tu re b e as brig h t as yo u are. Love, D a d d y Rick

Stacie Horton Little Sis, Even thou gh you m a y c a tc h th e b ig g e r fish, I'll always be your big BROTFIER. G o o d Luck. With all m y love, Your Brother, Brian

Brady Moore We have tremendously enjoyed each inning played so far, but there are many more exciting ones ahead. God has a wonderful plan for your future, and you will have our support all the way. We love you more than you can say! Love. Mom & Dad

202 Baby Ads

Stacie Horton

S tacie, You will ne ve r kn o w th e TRUE blessing G o d b e s to w e d on us th e d a y you c a m e into our lives. W e are so p roud o f you. W e kn o w your future will b e m a g ic a l a n d bright, M ay yo u n e ve r lose your sparkle. W e lo ve you a n d wish yo u th e best. Love, Mom a n d Dad

[Y M OST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... . was getting to the semi-finalist round in mud volleyball with my teammates Karrie Walker, Summer Sink, David rgamscak, Terrel White, and Zach Roddy. Go Team GO! -Jeremey Canton HI

D.J. Vieth You w e re a 2 lb. 10 oz. m iracle th a t has g ro w n in to such a loving, kind, smart, a n d very d e te rm in e d y o u n g m an. W e have e n jo y e d every m in u te through these e x c itin g 18 years, 14 o f w hich you have spent re volving a ro u n d a g a m e c a lle d so ccer. That little ro un d b all has ta u g h t you a life tim e o f lessons, some t o use on a n d o ff th e fie ld . You have a lw a ys g iven 110% in all th a t yo u 've d o n e . The friendships you have m a de a lo n g th e w a y, som e o f w hich you n o w c a ll brothers. C am eron C.. Tyler G.. Bryan G. K e e p this all close a t heart a n d re fle c t b a c k , b u t alw a ys re a c h fo rw a rd . W e are prou d o f you. Love, M om, & Dad

D.J. Vieth I a m so p rou d to have you as m y b ig brother. You have alw ays lo o k e d o u t fo r me, a n d have alw ays given your advise, freelyl I have end u re d a n d e n jo y e d m ore trips to soccer gam es In 14 years w ith smelly boys, some th a t are just like brothers to o . I w ill a lw ays b e proud o f you D.J. C ongratulations! Love your sister, Lena A n d to m y other brothers: Tyler. C am eron, a n d Bryan, thanks fo r the g re a t memories. C ongrats Seniors ‘05.

D .J. Vieth You are my first g ra n d ch ild a n d have a special p la c e in m y heart. I am very proud o f you and k n o w you will s u c c e e d in life. C ongratulations. Love. M em aw Rock on!

D J . Vieth

D J . Vieth

W e are so v e ry p roud o f you! C o n g ra tu la tio n s love, N anny & G ra n d p a

Looking d o w n from h e a ve n he w o u ld simply say...

C o n g ra tu la tio n s a n d w e will see yo u in C a n cu n. W a y to Go! A u n t D aw n & U ncle Keith

D.J. Vieth You arrived in our lives a little early (3 months, you little preemie) and you have been achieving things early ever since. Always know we've got your back and support you in all that you do. We are very fortunate to have you in our lives. Now go out in the world and shake things up a little. Congratulations, Uncle Steve, Aunt Kim, Brady, & Peyton

D.J. I'm m ig h ty proud o f you son, m ig h ty proud. P a w p a w 's Little Man

M e r r it t A d k in s

W e lo ve you! Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Claire

Baby Ads 203

MY M O ST M EM ORABLE M O M EN T... "...w as when I scored the only touchdown against Vernon to win Homecoming my senior year. -Leon Ames

Danielle a n d Jonny

Danielle JSXichaud

Good friends are few and far between. We hope you tw o stay friends forever.

As beautiful as you are, it is your inner beauty that always shines through. You are truly one of a kind.

Love, Mom & Mom Love, Mom

Jonny an d Rie You were our sweet babies then and our sweet babies now. Love, Mom & Mom

Lacy Claire H eptner Dear Little Sis, I can't believe how much you have grown up over the years. I am very proud of everything you have done and the person you have become. I hope to see you next year at UNT. Love, Ryan

K a r r ie W a lk er Karrie, You have b rou ght so m uch joy to our fam ily! G o d has richly blessed m e, and I pray he blesses you as well. I love you! Mom

204 Baby Ads

Jon Zellner Jonny, You h a ve a lw a ys b e e n our little m an. Our “ ta k in g c a re o f business m a n ." You h a ve so m u ch g o in g on fo r you. W e k n o w you c a n d o anyth in g yo u w a n t to do. W e lo v e you. M om a n d Dad

Lacy Claire Heptner Claire Bear, The 1st 17 yrs of growing and maturing into a smart and beautiful young woman are only the beginning of what God has planned. We are very proud of you and love you more and more each day. Trust in the Lord and let Him lead you in all you do as a Chapter in the book of Life is about to begin. "You Go Girl" Love, Dad and Mom

2005 Senior Babies Cory B attista

Cory B attista

C ory, My p ra y e r fo r yo u is th a t yo u k n o w lo ve th a t surpasses k n o w le d g e and th a t yo u are fille d to th e m easure o f all fullness o f God. W e lo v e you, N anny & P oppy

The Lord has a w o n d e rfu l plan fo r your life, son. M ay he g ive you th e desire o f your h e a rt and m ake all your plans s u cce e d . Jer. 29:11, Numbers 6:24 Love, M o m m a & D addy

Cory B attista

Cory B attista

Bubbie, You are always putting your foot in your mouth but w e still love you anyway. Love your little sisters Rilee& Ashtin

Cory B attista


Cory, We love you so much and we are so proud of you. Always embrace God's love and grace in your life. Keep trying to reach your goals and you will get the prize. Phil. 1:9 Phil. 3:14, Eph. 3:16-20 We Love you, Daddy & Momma

Cory B attista

Cory, We are so proud of you. You always have a way of making me laugh. Remember grandma's kitchen is always open. PaPa says to catch the Big One. We love you. Grandma & PaPa

Heather Myer Dear Heather, You are the light of my life and the joy in my heart. You are a truly special young woman and I am so blessed to have you as my daughter. I am the proudest mom in the world. I love you, Mom

W hen I lo o ke d a t this pictu re I c o u ld n 't help b u t laugh - OCS a t tw o ! I love you son, D addy

2005 Senior Babies

H ffiB n n n j

Tyler Gaffney

T yler Gaffney

Time has flo w n , it's hard to believe. The man you have b eco m e , the things you w ill achieve. Y ou've d o n e so m uch already a n d w e're so very proud. O n e thing's fo r ce rta in , you'll a lw ays stand o u t in the crow d. N ow ...go ta c k le the w orld as you've d o n e on the fie ld . Faith, hope a n d love m ay you never yield. 1 Cor. 13:13 W e are alw ays here fo r you. Bub. Love, Mom, Dad, a n d Shelby

Watching you grow has been a wonderful thing. We know you will succeed in whatever you decide to do in the future. But remember one thing, never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Love always, Grandma and Grandpa

Tyler Gaffney

T yler Gaffney

TylerC ongratulations! W e are very proud o f you. N o w you are p re p a red fo r th e rest o f your life. Love, Uncle D.L., Christy, Racheal, Justin, Tyran, Isaiah, and Zaylan

W e 'v e disa g re e d on a lo t o f things b u t o n e thing th a t I k n o w w e b o th a g re e on is th a t it'll b e g o o d to g e t you o u t o f th e house! I h o p e you s u c c e e d in anything a n d e ve ryth in g yo u d o in life. Love, Shelby

Tyler Gaffney

T yler Gaffney Tyler,

TylerC ongratulations! you all th e best.



Love, Uncle Gary, A un t Kelli, Brandon, Kira, and Papa Jack

What can we say? Our hearts are filled with so many emotions as we look back in awe of the wonderful memories you have given us. Remember this always, you may leave our house soon, but you will never leave our hearts. God Bless You Tyler, Love Mom and Dad

Tyler Gaffney

Morgan Reynolds

Tyler, it is with great pride that I am able to be a part of your life and to add a few words to the many others written here. I remember a 3 foot boy on the soccer field chasing a ball half as big as he was, and still is. Tyler...just don't stop the chase.

You have gone from a beautiful baby girl to a beautiful young woman. Your brother and I are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Keep up the good work. We love you and will always be here for you.

Love you for you. Gram

We love you lots. Mom and Myles.

[Y MOST MEMORABLE M O M ENT... . was starting a student led Bible study, and knowing that I stepped up as a spiritual leader in school, and influenced hers to take a stand for their faith in Jesus Christ. -Jo n ath an Whetzel

Sara H ardy Sara, I am ve ry p ro u d o f you and all of your a c c o m p lish m e n ts. Y o u 've m a d e it th ro u g h a lo t a n d b e c a m e a g re a t person because of it. C o n g ra tu la tio n s. I lo v e you, Bubby

Sara H ardy Y o u're our little precious Darlin'l W e lo v e y o u and wish yo u th e be st fo r you always. Love, M om a n d Dad

Sara H ardy Sara, W e are so very proud o f you. Lots o f love, Mom and Dad

M ich elle P atino M iche lle Ashley H eather Patino, A lw a ys fo llo w your dreams and b e lie v e In yourself. Because w ith an id e a d e te rm in a tio n a n d the right tools, you c a n d o grea t things. Do things th a t m ake a d iffe re n c e , work hard, laugh, hope, have lasting friends. The start o f som ething n e w brings som ething great, anyth in g is possible. There is o n ly o n e you, a n d you w ill pass this w a y b u t o n c e ; so le t your instincts, your in te lle c t a n d your heart g u id e you. C ongratulations! Proud to b e Mom

Devaney Terry

Devaney Terry

Devaney, Congratulations on a great achievement. We are VERY PROUD of you. There are many challenges ahead of you-but ALWAYS put God first and He will guide you in the right direction. You will always be “OUR LITTLE GIRL" and “OUR SISSY." We Iqve you so much. Mom. Dad, Isaiah, and Sean

Devaney. C ongratulations! You are a t o n e o f several crossroads you w ill co m e to in the fu tu re . Just fo llo w your heart. If you m ake a w ron g turn you w ill alw ays fin d your w a y b ack. Let your heart le a d you where you w a n t to g o a n d d o n 't le t a nyo n e else d e c id e for you. W e love you a n d wish you the best!

Devaney Terry

Devaney Terry

D evaney, W e are so p roud o f your a cco m p lish m e n ts. K eep w o rkin g ha rd ...th e be st is y e t to c o m e .

A p a rt o f m e lives within you. I am in your h eart and w ith you ALWAYS!

Grandma Jolene Grandpa Junior

M am aw

W e lo ve you, P a p a w a n d G ra m m y

Baby Ads 207

2005 Senior Babies Sarah Allen

Sarah Allen

I know you're g e ttin g older b u t I'll n eve r fo rg e t th e w onderful tim es w e 'v e spent to g e th e r. Thanks fo r all th e life lessons. I love you. your little sis, Donna

Time go e s b y to o fast. It's hard to b e lie ve your 18 and g ra d u a tio n is alm ost here. W e are ve ry p roud b y th e yo u n g la d y you ha ve b e c o m e a n d blessed to ca ll yo u our d a u g h te r. W e lo ve a n d p ra y fo r yo u e ve ry d a y . Love, Mom and Dad

Sarah Allen

Trey Torries

Thanks for being such a great sis and having us around when we just had to be somewhere. You've become such a beautiful young lady and we hope and pray that you accomplish your life dream. Love always. Your 2 little sisters, Donna and Samantha

Life’s b a ttle s d o n 't a lw a ys g o to th e stronger or fa s te r m an; But sooner or la te r th e m an w h o wins is th e one w h o thinks he ca n . Love always, Dad, Diana, Loryn, Brooke, Lance, Ashley, Travis, 8c M a tt

Bryan Gonzales It will b e g o n e b e fo re you kn o w it, The fingerprints on th e w all a p p e a r higher and higher. Then suddenly th e y dissappear.

Trey Torries Trey-Bo! Feelin' Froggy? "Then LEAP" Be c o o l 8c G o o d Luck. Love always, Your "Little" Bros, Lance 8c M a tt

A flicke r o f tim e has go n e by and you have grow n up. Bryan, w e are so proud o f you and w e will cherish your handprints forever. W e love you! Mom and Dad

208 Baby Ads

Rachel Walck Rachel, It seems like only yesterday that I was taking this picture and now here you are today. You are such an inspiration to me and everyone who knows you. Always keep your positive attitude and you will succeed in everything. Love always. Mom

V M O S T M EM O RA BLE M O M E N T ... was getting to go to guitar class on 'A' days, Mr. McAdoo is our new guitar teacher. He is an AWESOME addition to school, and I'm glad I get to take his class." -Random Reeves


Blake W uthrich Blake, Thank y o u fo r th e jo y yo u h a v e g ive n us. W e are lu c k y to h a ve such a w o n d e rfu l, responsible, and ca rin g son. M ay G o d Bless a n d k e e p yo u as yo u ch o o s e your p a th s in life. L ove Always, M om & Dad

M errill Sweatt In th e blink o f an eye... You're all g ro w n up! W e lo ve yo u & are so p roud o f you

M om , Dad, & The rest o f th e C re w

-G o Bulldog S o cce r!

M ich ele Kenney M ichele, You will a lw a ys b e our little girl! But w e send you into th e w orld w ith m u ch love, kn o w in g th a t som ething w o n d e rfu l is g o in g to ha p p e n . Love, M om a n d Dad

Summer Sink Summer, You are th e light o f m y life! I wish yo u th e best of e v e ry th in g th a t life has to o ffe r. I love you dearly, M o m m ie

Baby Ads 209

2005 Senior Babies Zac Helmick

Rebekah D avis

It's hard to b elie ve you are a senior. W e p ray all your hopes and dream s c o m e true. W ith a little hard work you c a n acco m p lish it all. M ay G o d bless you. Have a g re a t senior year. W e Love You, Dad & Mom

R ebekah Elisabeth Davis, You are such a blessing and I th a n k G o d fo r you. I pray fo r G od's will in your life a n d His richest blessings upon you. All m y love, Mom

Jake V an Donge

J a k e V a n Donge



The past two years you have added so many great memories to our family. You have a bright future ahead of you, just keep your head up. Keep God in your heart and you will go far. Love, Moma Rox & Nettie

You were Jenni's wish and our dream come true. Now, you hold the future in your hands. We are so proud of you, son, As you start a new chapter in your life, remember that we all have choices. Choose happiness and reach for the stars. All our love, Mom & Dad

Ryan Geer



c a p a b l e , c o m p e te n t, cre a tiv e , courageous and c a re fu l. Prove It. It's our d a y to love you be tte r. Love, Harry and Mom

210 Senior Baby Ads

Sum m er Sink, B rittany Hunt, M erritt A dkins, Kacey M urray I have attained so many unforgettable memories from the three < you. Forever known as The Four," I know we will always keep touch. Stay true to yourselves and never forget where you cam from. Don't forget The Picture," the snowy New Year's Eve and 1h many trips to Hurricane Harbor. I can't even begin to explain th impact ya'II have had on my life, through the good times and th bad. I know all three of you will succeed in all that you do. I love < of you. "I thank the Lord upon every remembrance of you."-Phil 1:3 -Summer

OST MEMORABLE M OM ENTS tty most memorable high school moment would be my junior year whenever I dressed up really cute and then spilled d punch down the front o f my pants during lunch. It was pretty funny. Hmm... I lovingly refer to the rest of that day as he Walk O f Shame." - Rebecca Johnson

Brycen "Chase" Roosa

T errel W hite

To m y Chaser, I'm so p ro u d o f you. You h a ve w o rk e d so hard to g ra d u a te . I will a lw a ys b e here fo r you. Love, M om

Terrel, R em e m b e r ho w well w e raised you and d o g o o d in life. W e are proud o f you son. W ith love, Your Family

Alexander Schultz

Zach H awkins

Congratulations! We re so glad we've gotten to know you over the years! You are such a great person and a wonderful addition to our family! Best of luck in everything you do,


God bless! Roy, Kimberly, Ali, Lexi, and Alex

Ifs unbelievable how fast the time has passed. You've become such a wonderful caring person. You brighten the life of everyone. It’s a blessing to be related to such a strong compassionate young man. We love you Zach. Keep God first on everything. Love. Dad, Jen, Nick, and Ceciley

Brittany, Many things changed for me these last four years, but you were always uniquely consistent. It's strange how small events can make big differences in people’s lives, and if 1 had not changed my schedule to take Spanish in 8th grade I would not be who I am today. Our friendship has evolved enough that we trust each other enough to take on this massive project o f a yearbook together, and working on it every day was a labor o f love. I'm eternally grateful for all the highs we had together, and all the lows you have kept me sane through. Love, Zack


We extend our sin cerest th a n k s to all those who m ade th is book possible, especially to Mrs. A nne Gillespie, who put countless hours into th is yearbook. We hope th a t you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed m aking it. -B rittany Hunt and Zack Melson

The years have flown since the days o f Mrs. Garrison's Spanish I class in junior high. Though veVe only been close for five years I feel like I have known you my whole life. Being Co Editor-in -hief with you has been one o f the greatest privileges o f my life. Your good humor and tolerance >f my computer ignorance got me through the rough days. I couldn't have done it without you, aid I don't just mean Yearbook I mean everything. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend, truly will cherish your friendship always. With love, Brittany

Senior Baby Ads 211

Index Summing it Up A aron, D rew .............................. 6 8,105,124 A bbott, A m y ........................................................68 A dam s, C ody ............................. 36,121,147 A dam s, Ju stin ......................................................82 A dam s, K rista...................................... 82,143 A dam s, S u z a n n e ....................................... 169 A dkins, M e rritt 36,151. 154, 178,203,210 A laniz, A d rian a .................................................. 68 A laniz, Ju lia ............................... 6 8,138,153 Albers, J u d y .........................................................94 Albers, M ichael...........................................82,127 A lb in ,E v a n ........................................ 82, 123, 137 Albin, I a n ................................... 68,122,147 Albin. M issy................................ 81,82,119 A ld rete, N a th a n .........................................36,186 A lexander, K yle.......................16C, 56, 141, 178 A lexeenco, E d u a rd ................................... 56,141 A lfert, M ichelle 6 8 ,1 0 5 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 7 ,1 7 0 A lfonzo, D y lan 80, 81 A llen. D o n n a .............................6 8,161,170 A llen, M eg an .......................................................68 A llen, S am an th a.................8 2 ,9 2 ,1 5 7 ,1 6 1 ,1 7 0 A llen, Sarah........................................ 36, 153,178 Alley, T o n a ..........................................................94 Allison, C o d y .............................................. 56,121 A lm en d arez, A m an d a A lvarez, B ran d o n ............................................... 82 A m es, K irtis................................................ 68,136 A m es, Leon...3 0 ,3 3 ,3 5 ,3 6 .1 1 4 ,1 2 0 ,1 2 1 ,1 3 5 , 149,204,212 Am ey, A m a n d a ................................... ..... 82,162

B . 6 9 ,124 Baird, Ashley..... .157 Baker, B randy...... 69, 138 Baker, B rittney.... Baker, M atthew ... ......37, 162 Baker, Thom as 82, 141 Baker, T y le r...... Baker, V ictoria.... 56,169 Baker, W illiam .... ......56 94 Balis, A dri Barad, Brooke.... ...3, 14, 15, 37, 106,154,178, 187, 189, 195 Barger, A nthony.. 136.161

B arn ard , A u d ri.................................................... 82 B arnes, A le x a n d ria ............8 2 ,1 3 3 ,1 4 3 B arnes, B ran d i..................................................... 69 B arnes, L o re n a ................... 69 ,1 4 2 ,1 5 7 B arnes, L y n ...........................................................82 B a rn e tt, B e n ................................................82,157 B a rn e tt, Josh.......................................56,162, 178 B arragan, A n to n io ..............................................83 B arrag an , Lisa Barrick, L a v eld a .................................................. 94 Barrow , Bob.................................................. 94, 172 B arto n , Byllie Bass, D a n ie lle ..............................................83,153 Bass, D e n n y ................................................. 56,170 B assett, J am ie..............................................69,1 5 3 B attista, C h a d ..................... 5 6 ,1 2 1 ,1 4 7 B attista, C o ry ............................................... 37, 205 Bauer, S tev e n ........................................................56 B aughm an, A llyson.............................................94 Baughm an, M ich a el 94, 135 B avousett, J a m e s................5 6 ,1 4 1 ,1 5 3 B avousett, S co tt........................ 8 3 ,1 2 3 ,1 4 5 ,1 5 3 Baxley, Kristi..................... 3 7 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 7 0 ,2 0 1 Bayless, A m a n d a ................3 7 ,1 5 7 ,1 7 8 Bayless, N a th a n ..................5 6 ,6 5 ,1 2 1 ,1 3 5 ,1 7 8 B eard, N a th a n ....................8 3 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 2 Beasley, L ev i........................37,144,221 Be ason, E lizab eth .............. 3 7 ,1 3 8 ,1 7 0 B e a so n ,M a rc ...................... 1 8 ,6 9 ,1 0 5 ,1 2 7 ,1 4 5 B eaver, S co tt..............................5 6 ,1 5 3 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 8 Beeson, G r e g ...............................................69,215 Bell, M a t t ............................... 5, 5 6 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 7 ,1 7 8 Bell, M elissa........................ 8 3 ,1 5 7 ,1 7 0 Bell, S h o n n a ..........................................................83 Belovosky, J o h n ................................................... 83 B entley, R osem ary..............................................94 Bergin, K elsey.......................................................83

B ergin, M ich a ela ........................................i#> B ern ard , A u d ri......................................... Berreles, Sabrina Berry, B ritn i 32, 37,166,177,178,195 B erry m an , B ra n d i............................ 56,112 B evington, Alicia.................................. 52 Be vin g to n , A p ril................................... 82 Beyer, S tep h an ie......................................... Bice, A m b er... 1 5 ,8 0 ,8 1 ,8 3 ,1 2 6 ,1 2 7 , IS Bice, M a ra n d a 5 6 ,5 7 ,1 2 6 ,1 6 6 ,17< B iddy, B rad .................................................3' Birk, P a tric k ........................................... 9< Bisson, B urgundy...................................61 Bisson, E bony.........................................,3 Black, R y an .............................................. . Black, T o m ............................................... . B lackburn, J o e ...................................... Blackwell, A m y ......................................-...8 Blackwell, D u w a rd ................................ .i>;i Blackwell, J o e ......................................... ^ Blair, A n g e la .........................................H B o atm an , C h ristin a............................... ...I B o atm an , Jim m y .......................................1 Bobillo. C h ris ............................................... Bohuslav, D ia n a ......................................... B olding, Z ach .....................................37,1.' B o n d , G lo ria .......................................... Booher, A m berly.................23,37,170,1' Boswell, S co tt..........................................1 B ottrell, T iffan y Bower, Jerem y ........................................ B radley, Z ack ........................ 57,121,1 B ran tley , C o u rtn e y ............................... B ran tley , D a v id ......................... ............ B rinkley, C o ry ........................ 5 7 ,88,1 Briscoe, B ra n d o n ...........................v... Briscoe, B rittan y ................................. . .


A m ey, J a c o b ................... 28. 36,121, 135, 188 A n d erso n , E rin .............. 107, 153,157, 170, 195 68 A n d erso n , Josh...... A n d erso n , L a n e ............. 25, 68, 122, 160, 161 68, 142 A n d erso n , L indy ........... ......36, 126, 127 A ndersson. M a ttia s ...... A ndrajack, J a k e ......... 4, 16A, 16C, 27,, 37, 102, 144, 145, 151, 166, 178, 180, 200, 218 ......56, 121, 147 A n d res, D e a n ................ 68 A ndrus, Kelly...... 82 Arbogast, A m a n d a ...... 53 A rm strong, C heridaw n 68 A rm strong. Kayla...... 37, 169, 170 A rthur. R id a w n .... 94, 121, 122 A tkins, S tacy..... .68, 129, 138, 148 A ubin, D e a n n a ...... A ubin, V icto ria........37, 138, 148,170, 178, 187 82 A utrey, R achel...... 94 A vey, J a n ie .....

Informal Awards The Informal Awards, sponsored by the yearbook, give students the chance to vote for more personality oriented honors. These honors were awarded to Leon Ames and Beth Callaway for Most Memorable, Terrel White and Merrill Sweatt for Wonderfully Well-Rounded, Tyler Gaffney and Kristi Waggoner for Fashion Flare, Allen Smith and Rachel Kenney for Class Clowns, Zack Melson and Karrie Walker for Super Scholars, Nate Brown and Kim Coleman for Amazing Athletes, Michael Ziegler and Rebecca Johnson for Constantly Kind, Andrew Smith and Donna Johnson for Seriously Shy, Rusty Ellett and Rachel Walck for Famous Flirts, Greg Beason and Heather Myer for Motor Mouths, and Tyler Cummings and Dominique Sims for Terrific Talent.

212 Index

Most Memorable Leon Ames Beth Callaway

â– |

Wonderfully Well-Roun Terrel White Merrill Sweatt

roe, R y a n ...................................... 5 7,1 3 6 ,1 3 7 k rn an , B lak e........................................ 69, 161 ks, A n d re a .....................................................69 ks, S te v e n .... .. 37 m field. Stephanie ......8 3 ,1 4 8 ,1 6 2 ,1 7 0 us-H ood, Ally 83 m , A m a n d a ...... ......69 m f D ale..... ............................121,122 rn , J a s o n .. 57, 121, 147, 149 fn , K aillee.... ..............................69, 157 ’n , K cllee. ......69,218 n , K risten ......69, 138 n , M arissa........57, , 113,153,158, 178,224 n , N a t e .....15,25, 3 2 ,6 6 ,6 7 ,6 9 ,1 2 1 , 135, 147, 148, 149,214 n , R e n e e ...... ........... 57, 132, 176,177 n , S e a n ... n. S taci...... n ,T i r a ...... n ,T y re ll n , V ictoria .. nhill. Josh. n a n n , Justvn it, C e le ste ......

......69,136, 149 ......83 ,1 3 9 ,1 7 0 .... 37, 157 ......69, 136 37 ......83, 88 ......83,123 69,1 5 3

it, J a s m in .... it, Jason.. it, K e v in ... it, Kirk it,S e a n . . it, T a m m y li, A m a n d a d , Josh...... sr, Jesse , Billy..... , Jessica...... ,C ody.. , Lindsey b ,T a m ish a H, J a c o b ......

.... 83 .....83, 153 ......83 ......57, 165 37 95 57. 142 ......69, 162 ......57,162 ......83, 162 37, 154,170, 188 ....8 3 ,9 0 ,1 2 3 ,1 4 5 ,1 5 3 ......3 ,3 8 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 8 ,2 0 1 53 ... .69 , M ichael...29,38, 109, 153, 157, 178, 192 -, K ristvna ......83, 119,133,143 ,R ic k ......9 5 ,1 2 1 ,1 2 2 , K indel . 83


Class Clown

C a d le , Elaina .................................... 83, 161 C ahoe, M ichael...... ................................... 38 C a ld e ro n , Joseph... ......69, 122 C aldw ell, C a re y .... 95 C aldw ell, Karissa... ....23,57, 124, 125, 166, 178 C aldw ell. Kim 95 C allaw ay, Beth II, 1 4 ,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 2 , 33,34, 35, 38, 100, 106, 154, 166, 178, 195.212 Callaw ay. Ron .......................................... 95 Callow ay, D rake 80, 84 Calvillo, C ody ........................................... 57 C am p , W esley ............................................. 69 C a n n o n , C o rtn e y ......69, 118, 132,133,142 C aporale, Chelsie... ..... 10, 84, 154 C aporale, K yle..... ......38, 161, 191 C arlson, H e a th e r ............ 2 1,38, 153, 174, 198 C a rp e n te r, Shelby .....................18, 84, 124, 180 C a rp e n te r, Sheryl ...................................... 18,95 C a rr, Jesse...... .................................... 38, 189 C arr, Stew art .................................... 69, 162 C a rr, T itus ............................................38 C arrio n , E .J....... .70, 105,122, 136, 158, 170 C a rte r, Chase .... 84, 145 C a rte r, Larry 95 C ash, L yndsay ......9, 13, 5 7 ,6 2 ,1 0 2 ,1 7 7 C askey, Je n n ife r.... ......84, 162, 170 C askey, Kyle .57, 158, 166, 170, 178, 221 C assey, M ichael...... ................................. 162, 163 C a s te e n , Brittiny.... ......84, 143, 157 C a s te e n , Joseph...4, 38, 144, 166, 178, 190,219 C astillo, D a n n y ......7 0 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 5 ,1 6 2 ,1 6 3 C astro , C am ero n ..13, 38, 141, 166, 177, 178, 180, 193 C a to n , Jerem ey 16B, 19. 38,62, 153, 203 C ely, K eri 95 C erqueira, Leo 141,223 C erru ti, Isaac ......... 57, 162,170,178,221 C erru ti, T in a .. 66, 70, 158 C halm ers, Kellie 84, 154, 157,218 C h an c ey , Jan essa ......70, 75, 132, 154 C hase, J a m e s 84 C heck, Philip .... 84 C h en e y , M ary 95 C h ristm an . Chelsea . . 5 7 ,1 5 4 ,2 1 8 C h ristm an , J.R . C hristopher, Steven ......70, 79, 157 C hurch, Justin . 157 Cissell, Sum m er ......57, 102,218 C iviletto, R yan 84 C lack, V irginia 95 C larkin, C o u rtn ey 38, 158, 159, 194

C le m e n !, C o rin ................................................. 57 C loud, B ry a n t.................................... 57, 136, 137 C loud, R o ck ellc................................................... 70 C oker, G ra d y ................................................70, 127 C o lem an , K im ....13, 28, 38, 116, 117,130,131, 149, 178, 193, 214 C ollie, A m a n d a ................ 70, 128,129,148, 149 C ollins, J o n a th a n ................................................70 Collins, V ictoria................................................... 57 C om bs, S h a n e .......................................................38 C ooke, A. J. C ooke, J e n n y .............................84, 119, 133, 167 C oom bcs, Sherry.................................................. 95 C ooper, S tep h a n ie ...............................................84 C o m cliso n , K a ty .................................................84 C ornish, Ju stin ..................................................... 70 C orrcll, S co tt................................................. 70, 122 Cossey, J u s tin ...................................................... 84 Cosscy, M ichael................................................... 70 C o ttrell, M ath e w ......................................... 38, 135 C o ttrell, T iffa n y .................................................. 38 C o w an , D o n .........................................................95 C o w ard in, T o n i................................................... 95 C ox, A m b er........................ 12, 15,6 6 ,6 7 , 70, 154 C ox, C liffto n .........................................................70 C o x ,T e x a n n ................................................57,170 C rabb, S hannon...22, 25, 38, 174. 178,192, 221 C ray , Josh.............................................84,162 C re m een s, C a m e r o n ........................70,136 Crook, A u stin .................................. 10 ,8 4 ,8 8 C rosley, D a rre ll................................................... 57 C ross, M ich ael.............................................. 70, 149 C ross, M o rg a n ..................................................... 84 C row , Billy............................................................. 84 C rum ple r. B rid g es.........................12,70,145 C ru z, R y an ............................................................ 57 Cubby, Q u an ic ia................................. 84,148 C um m ings, T y le r..................... 8 4 ,1 0 5 ,1 5 3 ,2 1 4 C u n n in g h a m , A m a n d a ..................................... 70 C u n n in g h a m , K e n ..............................................95

D D aig n au lt, K y le.... D aik er, R o b ert....... D alk e, A n g ela........ D alk e, Bill *........ D alk e, K a th le e n ....

Seriously Shy Andrew Smith Donna Johnson

........................................ 70 ........................................ 95 70, 153,170,180,217 ...................... 95, 121, 122 6, 38, 116,117, 147,148,

177, 178, 199 D alke, K ay .... ....................................95 D alto n , Brady................ ........................... 57, 124 D avis, A llison............ ........................... 84,170 D avis, B en ..... ....................................57 D avis, Ernest ........................... 70, 141 D avis, Jo se p h ................................. 70, 7 1, 78, 122 95 Davis, L a n e .......................................... Davis, M att ......84, 127 Davis, R cbckah .....................38, 170,210 D e Los Santos, Jessie ...................................... 70 D e a n , Lauren ..... 8. 57, 154 D ccb , Blake...... ..... 70, 141 D ccb , C a rrie .... 11,38, 166, 170, 176, 177, 178, 192, 199,219 D em cl, A shley..... ..... 70,162 Dcrubbio, A n th o n y ..... .......................28, 39, 165 D evcreaux, Lauren ..... 10,84, 119, 132, 133 D evore, Justin .....................................70 D evore, K en n eth ..... 84, 162 Dilbeck, Allic .......... 16A, 57, 142, 178 D im arzio, T o n i ............................ 39,178 D isn ey , B ethany..................................................39 D ixon, R eg in ald..................................................39 Dobbs, N icolc ................................58 D o d d , Jason ..... 121,122 D o lan , C o rtn e y ................................. 58,118,142 D om inquez, N a ta lie .................................70, 158 D orsey, C an d ice .... 2 5 ,3 9 ,1 3 8 D orsey, D e ed ra .... 39,197 D o rto n , M att ..... 58 D osscy, Jessica .... 70, 157 D osscy, S am antha 39 D ougherty, Chase D ougherty, Erin 84, 153 D ow dy, D aniel D ow ling, Phillip 95 Doyle, T eri 95 Dubski. Jo rd an ... 2 0 ,7 0 ,7 2 ,1 5 4 D u ch esn e, Stephanie . 84, 133 D udley, J e n n a D uke, A m an d a 58 D uke, A m an d a .. .7 1 ,1 5 3 D u n c a n , D aw n ......71, 139 D u n c a n . D udley 84 D urdaller, A m an d a ..... 173 D u rd allcr, Joseph ......71 D u ren . H aley. 84, 133 D urrah. T a m isha 40

Famous Flirts Rusty Ellett Rachel Walck Index 213

..84,119,129, 133 54, 58, 121

Early, A n g ela ..................................... 71,148, 149 Easter, G ary ........................................58,121, 177 E dw ards, M isty ............................................ 12,71 Ellett, L in d a.........................................................95 EUett, R u sty ............... 12,66,128,136, 149.213 Elphick, Sarah..................................... 71,105, 125 Em ro, R u sty .........................................................71 Em ro, T o d d .................................................. ...... 71 E n d erlein , B re n t................................................ 84 Evans, A lex 16A,55, 58, 121, 146,147,178 Evans, M ichelle................................... 85,8 9 ,1 5 3

Fonville, M atth ew ....................40, 121, 147, 194 F oote, M elissa...................................... 5 8 ,6 5 ,1 5 4 F oote, S tephcnie................................................. 85 F ord, D a v id ............................... 58, 128, 136, 149 F ore, T ravis.......................................................... 40 F ortin, A n g e la 23, 2 5 ,2 7 ,4 0 ,1 5 8 ,1 7 0 , 186, 196 F ortin, D an ie l......................................... 85,153 F oster, F ra n k ie ....................................... 72,154 F oster, L e e ........................................................... 72 F ournier, Kyle...................................................... 85 F ournier, T r e y ............................................85, 123 F ournier, Zachariah............................................ 85 Fox. BUI..................................................................95 Fox, B ry a n 28,40, 120,121, 146,147,187 Fox, M a t t................5, 13.41, 157,170, 177,195 F rancis. P a m ........................................................ 95 F rank, J o n a th a n .....................................85,123 F ranks, C h a lle n a................................................ 72 F ranks, C le lla n ....................................................41 Frayser, A shley.................................. 72, 157, 169 F razier, B ra n t................... 5 8 , 121 144, 169,178 F razier, N a n c y ....................................................95 F reem an , Kimberly.......................... 4 1 ,1 5 3 ,1 7 0 F riday, A d a m ......................................... 72,145 Frohling, A n n a .................................................... 58 Fuller, Jason F u rm a n , T hom as.................................................85


F an n o n , B rittn ie ........................................58, 157 F an n o n , C o u rtn e y .......................................... 119 F an n o n , K iera.......................... 71,118,132, 148 F an n o n , S ierra.................................................. 157 Farias, R u sty .......................................58,105, 144 F arlan d , M ichelle..............................85,105, 153 F arlan d , N ico le 4 0 ,1 5 1 ,154,1 57,178, 218 Fauntleroy, J o r d a n ........................................ . ..85 Fehr, A m b er...................................................... ..53 Felty, T a y lo r.................................... 4 ,1 0 ,8 5 , 153 F elty, T ravis................................................ 71, 127 F em holz, N ickolas......................................... ...71 Ficklin, Q u e n to n ...............................71, 122, 161 Fielding, J e n n ife r.......................................... ...40 F in n , K elly............................................ 18,71, 124 Fischer, A m y.................................................... ...95 Fisher, C rystal.................................................. ...71 Fisher. J a s o n ............................................... 40, 109 F lan n ery , Jackson .......................................... ...85 Fleck, A u tu m n ............................................71, 105 Flem ing, B ria n n a ............................................ ...10 Flem ing, C huck................................. 58,121, 146 Flores, O rlan d o 72, 100, 105,128, 129, 136, 169 ...85 Foley, L in dsey ....... ...95 Fonville, Jeannie...

G affn ey , T y le r 16A,41, 140.141,206,215 G albraith, H U ary............................... 8 5 ,1 2 4 ,1 5 3 G allego, J o e y ...............................................85,123 G a n n , Paul............................................................72 G arcia, Ali.5 8 ,1 5 8 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 8 ,2 1 7 ,2 2 4 G arcia, B re n d o n ................................................ 41 G arcia, Lexi.......................6 7 ,7 2 ,7 6 ,1 5 4 G arlin g to n , C a ssan d ra.................... 85 ,1 5 7 ,1 6 2 G a rm o n , N ico le..................................................79 G a rra tt, M yles....................................7 2 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 2 G arvin, S h elto n .......................................... 85, 162 G ate s, Ju stin .......................................72 ,1 2 2 ,1 3 6 G ate s, WiUiam.................................. 121,135,149 G e e , G in a .............................................................41 G e e r, R y a n ................................ 41, 153, 157, 210 G e e r, S tac ey .............................. 41, 167,178,197 G e rm a n n , J e re m y .....................................72,162

Amazing Athletes Nate Brown Kim Coleman 214 Index

G e rm a n n , N a th a n ............................................. 72 G e rs tn e r, Elizabeth...6 8 ,7 2 ,1 1 8 ,1 3 2 ,1 7 6 ,1 7 7 G e rs tn e r, K yle............................................72,147 G e rs tn e r, T am m y ...............................................95 Gibbs, A aro n........................................ 72,136 G ibson, C h ris............................................. 85,123 G ibson, Je re m ia h ......................................41 125 85,119, 147,148 G ibson, K a rra .............. .73,158 G Ubert, K ay la . G ilb ert, P atrick .................................................... 85 G illespie, A n n e ..........................................96,211 GUmore, B e n ....................................................... 86 G ilm ore, W h itn e y ...............................................41 G o d w in , H illary ..................................................41 ..7 3 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 0 , 216 G o e ttm a n , Janelle.. 5 8 ,1 5 3 ,1 7 8 G o ff, M elissa........... 86 G o ff, T iffa n y ........... 86 G o in es, J e re m y ....... ..86,1 4 3 ,1 5 7 G o ld e n , K yndra.. ................... 73 G o n zales, B re ...... 41, 141 G o n zales, B ryan.................................. 86 G o n zales, D e x te r................................ G o n zalez, Chris................................................... 86 G o n zalez, K ristin a 4 1 ,1 2 1 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 0 ,1 9 8 G o n zalez, M elissa...............................................73 G o n zalez, S a ra .................................................... 86 G o o d e, D an ie lle 5 8 ,1 1 2 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 3 1 ,1 7 8 G oo d rich , C o u rtn e y ........................................... 73 G oo d rich , D a n ie lle .................... 2 3 ,8 6 ,1 2 6 ,1 5 7 G oodrich, T iffa n y ...............................................73 G o reczn y , J e r e m y .............................58,178 G o rm a n , B ra n d o n ..............................................86 G rah am , B rady.................................................... 41 G r a n t, A shley...................................................... 58 G r a n t, Q uay..................................1 0 ,86,145 G rav es, A lex a n d er..................................... 161 G ray , Allison........................................................ 73 G ray , R ash o n d a ....145, 157 G re e n , C hristopher 6,1 2 3 , 145 G re e n , K e a to n ....... G re e n , M ay G re e n , T im ............. G regory, Amelia.. G regory, M ichael G riffin , Chelsey. G riffin , G ary G riffin , R yan... G riffin , Sheena G riffin ,T e rry G riffith , D esiree.. ..5 8 ,6 2 ,1 1 3 ,1 1 5 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 , 13 1 ,1 48,149,178

Constantly Kind Michael Ziegler Rebecca Johnson

G riffith , T in a ............................. 58,153,170,17; G ritto n , Shirley.......................................... 96,16 G uffey , J a c o b ........ 11,14,15,2 1 ,4 1 ,1 0 7 ,1 2 ] 144, 166,178,193,2C G u ffey , Priscilla..... 4 1 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 8 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 0 ,17J


G uilliam s, Joseph...................................... 58, \1 G um -Fow ler, J a n e t..................................96, If G u tie rrez, A rlen e..................................... 58,1: G u tie rrez, G abriel..................................... G u tie rrez, Iy len e...................................... 73, f G u tie rrez, M a tth ia s......................... 41,105,1' G u tie rrez, R aphael..............................58,65, li G w in , A lex........................ 58,105,136,166,1

H H air, Ja m e s........................................................ H a irsto n , E ric a ......................................... ....... H akobyan, A n i.................................. 58,170,1 H ale , J o n a th a n ......................................... H ales, A shley........................................18,58, H all, D o n a ld ......................................... .....73, H alm o th , Chelsey........................................... H alverson, P ierc e......................................86, H a n d , Ashley............................................161, H an ley , J o sh .............................................. 73, H an so n , R andaU .................................. . H ard aw ay , D e l...................................... H a rd in , J a c k ............................................ H a rd in , Lisa...............................73,148,154, H ard in g , B r a n d o n .................................. . H ard n o ck , C h a n c e .................................-.... H a rd y , B radley.............................................. H a rd y , L in d a ........................................... H ard y , S ara........................................ 41,178, H argis, M ich a el.........................................86. H argis, S te p h e n ............................................ . H arpole, K elly....................................87,102 H arpole, K yle 8, 55,59,121,144,145, H arris, C h ristin e....59,113,118,119,148, 16( H arris, K ristian 2 6,41,168,178 H arris, S co tt........................................... .;..59 H arv ey , C arrie....... 87,119,129,133,142. .

D urst, C ou rtney. D ye, J e n n if e r ....

H assell, F a ith ...............................29,42,16; H assell, S hane....................................8 7 ,12f

Terrific Talent Tyler Cummings Dominique Sims

.tings, A m y ............................................. 73,157 itings, J c re m ia h „ 2 7 ,4 2 ,1 0 5 ,1 5 3 , 157, 178, 189 field, K ate ly n ................................................ 87 idenshild, N ick ..................................... 42, 141 M ans, A riel......................................................59 wkins, Z ach.................... 2 0 ,4 2 ,1 7 0 ,2 1 1 , 220 M e y ,T im ...............................42,121, 147 k th o m e , J a m e s .............................................. 73 U s, Billy........................................................... 87 [good, N yeslia................................................ 42 m es, C .....................................................73,170 m ie, C a n d a c e ............................ 8 ,5 5 ,5 9 ,1 5 4 k e r, Josh................................ 73,122, 147 to r, Z ach......................................................... 73 fe ro n ,K o re y ..........................................73, 145 m ick, Z a c ...............................................42,2 1 0 m uth, C helsie........................................ 87, 162 [d erso n , A ngela sley, J e n n if e r 59, 113, 158,170, 178 Ison, D a n ie l....................................................87 itner, L a c y 4 ,4 2 ,1 0 6 ,1 5 4 ,1 6 6 , 178,204 d , R e b e c c a ............................................87,162 n a n d e z , L acie............................................... 87 n a n d e z , M ich a el..........................................87 wig, S e a n ......................................8 7 ,1 2 3 ,1 6 2 a m er, D a n ic ll............................................... 53 n e , Jessica 87, 139 » , A n th o n y ....................................................87 3S, Christopher ® y ,M a tt............................................... 59,121 ts, Jessica........................................................ 59 u rn , M a tth e w ............................................... 73 C o b y ............................................ 16C, 59,127 Curtis.. 87, 127 J a y ................................................................ 123 te lm a n , J o n a th a n ........................................59 ■man, B ren t nman, B r e tt....................................................59 an , M a tt...................................................73 ,78 ue, C arl........................................................... 96 in ,K a y c e ............................................... 87,153 73 le n , J . ................................... le n , J e f f ................................................ 42,106 ingsworth, L a u rie........................................ 96 n an , Billy........................................................ 87 nes, C h risto p h er...........................................59 k, A li..............................................................138 ver, L u k e.................... 5 9 ,1 2 1 ,1 4 6 ,1 4 7 ,1 7 8 i,T re y ..6 7 ,6 8 ,7 3 ,1 0 0 ,1 0 5 ,1 2 2 ,1 4 5 ,1 4 7 , 168,169

H o rto n , C hris...............................................42, 105 H o rto n , S ta c ie 42, 138, 139, 161, 199.202 H ouck, M e g a n 67, 73, 118, 138 H ouston, J u s tin ..................................73, 105, 122 H ow ell, A a ro n ..................................................... 42 H uff, C o d y ............................................................ 42 H ulm e, M ichael......................................... 42, 190 H u n t, B rittan y .......... 1 6 C .2 7 ,42, 154,159,178, 200,21 0 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 8 H u n t, T y le r ............................16B, 2 0 ,8 7 ,8 8 ,1 2 3 H u n tle y , K alcigh....................................... 73,132

] I m , G in ju Inglish, J e n n a Irions, Susan Isaacs, Lcland Isaacs, L yndsay Isaacson, Jessica Ishoy, Lindsay

59,1 3 2 ,1 3 3 157 ......42, 191 87 143 59,1 6 2 ....................6 0 ,1 53,1 5 7

r Jack so n , K a tiy a .......................8 ,6 0 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 Jam e s, A n th o n y ....................... 6 0 ,1 3 6 ,1 3 7 ,1 4 9 Jam e s, B ritta n y ................ 6 0 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 6 , 177,178 Jam e s, C o d y ................................ 74,1 7 0 ,1 7 7 Jam e s, T if fa n y .....................................................74 Jarrell, T a b ith a .....................................................42 J e n k in s, T y le r....................................... 87,153 Je n n in g s , K e v in .................................................. 53 J o h n so n , C lin e ......................................96,148 Jo h n so n , D o n n a ................................ 42, 153, 213 Jo h n so n , J e n n a .. 2 9 ,5 3 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ,2 1 7 Jo h n so n , Jo y celin ......................................162 Jo h n so n , K ayla.....................................................74 J o h n so n , L eslie...........................................157 Jo h n so n , P aige......................................................87 Jo h n so n , R e b e c c a 2 2 ,2 8 ,3 1 ,4 2 ,1 2 4 ,1 7 4 , 178,214,221 Jo h n so n , Stephanie Jo h n so n , T . J . .......................................... 87,123 Jo h n so n , T o n y a ...................................... 74,169 Johnstonbaugh, Jaco b ........................................ 87 Jo n es, B obbie........................................... 18,96

Jo n es, C o u rtn e y ................................ 74, 118,138 Jo n es, J a s m in e ........................................... 87, 148 Jo n es, K ristin........................................ 22, 87, 162 Jo n es, Skye................................................... 79, 125 Jo rd a n , T y n c sh ia 74

i1£ Kalski, L inda 96 K eating, A n ia n d a . 87, 139, 170 K eating, Brad Kcksi, Elizabeth 87, 139 Kelley, C hristopher.... 42 K ellner, Chris ... 162 K em p, H e a th e r 154 K em p, Jam ie 43 K enlcy, Joshua K en n ey , M ichele.... 4 3 ,1 0 8 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 , 131, 153, 161, 166, 178 K en n ey , R achel ..66, 74, 118, 129, 132, 148, 149,213 K err, B rcA n n a .........................................87 K err, C lint ......96 K erry, Jessica K ildcw, K ordan ....8 7 , 127 K ildcw, Kurt is 43, 140, 141 K im bler, Casey 43 K in caid , Sue 96 K ing, B rittn ey 74 K ing, C hrista. ........ 2 2 ,4 3 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 7 ,1 7 8 K ing, Kayla 74 K in n aird , N ath a n K in n ey , Kelsey ......87,161 K leckner, M elinda.... ......9 6 ,102 K och, K aycee Koulovatos, Alex ......96 Koulovatos, M e g a n ... ......60,131, 178 K ubala, C h ey e n n e ... 8 8 ,1 3 9 ,1 5 3 K ucharczyk, B arbara. ......96

u Lacy. K aleb L a ffe rty , J a d e ...... L agat, Joshua L ake, A a r o n . .

Zack Melson Karrie Walker

1 r L


.....8 8 ,1 2 3 ,1 4 5 74 74, 162 16C, 43,195

L am bert, C harles................................................ 88 L am bert, H e a th e r...................................... 88, 153 L am bert, J u s tin .......................................... 157 Lam brccht, C h arlen e .........................................60 L a n d ru m , A m y..................................4 3 ,1 0 0 ,1 2 6 L angston, R cb ck ah .............................43,153 L ankford, C h ristin a .................................. 44 Lapointc-Spurrier, Eric.......................44,1 9 0 Lassctcr, B ran d o n .............................................. 88 Laubscher, B ran d o n ................................... 60, 141 Law son, A m a n d a ................................................53 Lawson, G abby....................................................60 Lawson, K a te ly n ................4 4 ,1 7 8 ,1 8 6 Law son, M ack en z ey 44, 153,158,159, 189 Law son, R o n ........................................................ 96 Leach, C arla......................................................... 96 Leach, M ik e................................................ 96,123 Lcapcr, A n d r e a n n a ..................................... 10,8 8 Lcapcr, R yshclle..................................................88 Lee, B everly....................................... 96,150, 170 L ehm an, B ryan....................................................96 L eo n ard , G re g .....................................................96 Levesque, B ra d ....................................................88 Lewis, A .J............................................................. 60 Lewis, L yonel....................................................... 20 Liggett, L a n a ....................................................... 96 Lile, P atrick..................................18,6 0 ,1 2 1 ,1 7 8 Lillis, B ritney........................................................ 88 Lillis, J u s tin .......................................................... 60 Lim on, A d ria n a 4 4 ,1 0 5 ,1 3 8 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 8 Lim on, D a v id ............................ 8 8 ,123,153 L indsay, Chris............................4 4 ,1 0 2 ,1 5 8 ,1 7 0 L indsay, P re s to n ........................................74,153 Liston, N e a l.................................7 4 ,7 9 ,1 0 5 ,1 3 6 Livingston, Kory................................................. 88 Lobaugh, K u rt 9, 1 6 A ,2 4 ,6 0 ,101,121,144, 178 Lockw ood, A n ita ................................................ 96 Loggins, C a n d y ...................................................74 Long, Beverly.......................................................96 Long, B ra n d o n ....................................................88 Long, R obert........................................................44 Lopez, A llison......................................................74 Lopez, A ngelica..........................................60,138 Loughlin, J a s e n ............................................ 44, 141 L ozano, V eronica...................... 60,169,221 Lubke, C o u rtn e y .........................................45,186 Luce, B rian...........................................................60 Lucier, M ichelle..........................................61,178 Lucier, R eb ecca..........................................88,157 L uina-Q uintero, T o n y ......................................122

Greg Beeson Heather Myer Index 215

Lupo. Ashley........................................................ 6 * Lynch, B ethany......................................... 74,169 L ynn, Tyler................................................ 74, 153

....88, 133 M ackin. D a w n ............................. 88, 125 M ad aran g . R y an .......................... M ajor. Brian................................... 121, 122, 147 121, 122 M an n in g , B re tt............................ 74, 141 M arberg, Zachary......................... 96 M arshall, C o n n i............................ M arshall, Kyle.... 8,9 , 22, 56,61, 124, 166, 178, 217 M artin ez, A ndres

TAKING TIME OUT from playing their ow n basketball g a m e , th e Varsity Lady Bulldog's basketball te a m spends tim e learning m ore about

Io n ]

M atteson, Ashley M atthew s, A licia...............................8 8 ,1 3 9 ,1 7 0 M axwell, Jill 8, 23, 56,61, 108, 124, 166, 178, 180 5, 177 M axw ell, L a n ce...................... M cA doo, Mike 88, 127, 153 M cB eath, L ayne..................... M cBroom , Paul...................... 61, 124, 125, 178 16? 88 M cC arthy, Josef.................... 45 M cC arthy, S tac ey ................ 88, 157 M cC asland. L a u ra............... M cC lain, J o rd a n ................... 45, 146, 147, 197 88. 143 M cCleskey. Ashley................ 96, 138, 139 M cCleskey, Becky................ 24, 74, 157 M cC oy, J a re d ........................ 74 M cC oy, M ichael.................... M cC raw , C h an c e...61, 105, 153. 166, 167, 170, 178

b a ske tb a ll w ith Lisa Leslie, a WNBA m e m b e r o f th e LA Sparks during an enriching trip to a n OU ladies b a ske tb a ll g a m e . Courtesy photo

fcoLoENj [ w w p 3 rj h 7 : [M^nufrrcnJ [ln^ [SoMenJ ^ / g a e ] [ ^ [ p a r v u m j

45, 176,177 6 1 ,1 2 1 ,1 4 7 6 1,162, 170 89.162 18,96 6 1 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 5 9 , 170, 178 89.162 M cK ee, B ria n n a.......... 74 ....53 170,178 M cK ee. Ju d ith ............ 74, 105 M cK eever, Kvleigh...., 74, 139 M cK en zie, A m b e r.... 35,45, 121 M cL ain, J o r d a n ......... ....89 M cM an u s, N icolas..... ..96 M cN ab b , J e a n ............ M cN eese, K atherine ......89 M cN eese, Laura......... 96 M cneil, C u rtis............. ......96 M cN eil, P au la...... ......61 M cN eil, S te v e n .... 61, 145 M cN ew , G reg o ry..... M ean s, Lindsey.....15, 33, 55,61, 116,117,131 74,1 3 2 M eese, AUyssa..... M elson, Z a c k ........1 9 ,2 9 ,3 1 ,4 5 ,1 5 8 , 159, 178, 2 0 1 ,2 1 1 ,2 1 5 ,2 2 2 74,122 M en d o za, Jesse...... 45 M en d o za, M elissa...... ..... 1 3 ,6 1 ,1 6 1 ,1 7 7 M ercad o , L o ry n .... M erkel, K ris te n ..... ..... 6 1 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 3 . ..96 M errick, J ’Bill . . 96 M etc alf, M a r tin .... 74, 124 M ichael, K elsey.... M ichaud, D a n ie lle .... 4 ,4 5 ,1 0 2 , 154, 166, 178, 204 61, 121, 144,147,178 M id g e tt, M a t t ...... M ild ren , D an iel 97, 178 74, 118, 119,138 M iller, L in d se y ..... 89 M iller, S tep h a n ie.... 74, 153 Mills, A a ro n ..... 11, 16C, 45, 173,196 Mills, J a c o b ...... 61, 145 Mills, Jo h n ...... 74, 177 M im s, C u en esh ia......

M cC raw , Shayla.......... M cC rory, J a r e d ...... M cD o n ald , V ictor M cF eley, C ry staly n n e M cG o w a n , Kelley M cG o w n , H a n n a h

......75, 154 M in jarez, A n d r e a .... ...6 1 M in zer, D a v id ...... 97 M iracle, D en ise...... 75 M itchell, Ashley..... 45, 161,166. 191 M itchell, T ra v is ...... 97 M ize, Jam e s . . M oehnke, M a t t .......................................... 45, 144 M o ffett, T if f a n y ........................................ 61,1 5 4


M onk, K y le................................................... M o n so n , Alexis.......................................... 89,,13 M o ntgom ery, A shley 89, If M ontg o m ery , G reg.... 15,54,61,128,135,14 166, r M oody, C am ille......................................... 9 7 ,1( M oody, L eah................ 8 ,61,142 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 0 , V M ooney, R ay m o n d .................................. M oore, B rady............................45,144,170,2 M oore, C raig M oore, Ju stin ................................................... p] M oore, L isa...............45,150,162,1 M orales, M e g a n ........................................ M orales, N icholas......................................89,1 M orales, S arah................. 16A, 45,154,157,1 M oree, C arly....................................... .......75,1 M orris, Bobby............61,136,137,1 M orris, J o n a th a n .75, ] M orris, K y le 45, i M orrow , M a tt 18,61,115,124,125, j) M oseley, J a m e s ................................. 97,123, M oudy, M a tth e w ......................................89, M uller, Je ssic a ........12,75,118,119, M ullins, A m aryllis................................... M ullins, S tev e n .................................. 89,123, M u llin s,T im .................................................... M u m m e, T r a c y .................................75,162, M urray, K acey ......................................... 154, M urray, P r in c e ................................ 134,135, M urray, Q u e e n ..........................................61, M uscham p, A aro n .............................. M use, C a th e rin e ................................75,153, M yer, H e a th e r 45,107,120,121,166, 205 M ym bs, J u s tin ............ 54,61,128,168,

N ash , S av an n a .............................................. N eeley , S haw n.............................................. N eises, Chelsey....................................89 N em e cek , J o e ........................................ ...... N ettles, T if f a n y ......................... 45,153 N ew ell, T im o th y N e w la n d , Christopher N e w la n d , J u stin e ....................... 75,145 N ew som e, M o n ica......... 20,72,75,15^ N g u y en , A n n ................... 1 2 ,6 8 ,7 5 ,17( Nichols, M a rk .............................. 75,10! N ieves, M iguel.............................................

U tiliz a tio n

W asted







ON GOLDEN POND: The Study o f M icronutrient D e ficie n cy in G olden A lga, P. parvum' title d the e xp erim ent p e rfo rm e d by se n io rs Crystal W ong and

216 Index

Sum m er Sink. They w e re a w a rd e d first p la c e locally, alo n g w ith a trip to Phoenix, Arizona to p a rtic ip a te in the International S cience Fair.

RECEIVING SECOND PLACE in th e O ustanding S cientific A c h ie v e m e n t c a te g o ry , so p h o m o re Janelle G o e ttm a n e x p e rim e n te d w ith 'The

C a p tu rin g and Utilizatior W a ste d Energy.' Goeti w as a w a rd e d honoi m e n tio n and atte n d e d International S cience Fair.

es, J a n e t.................................................. 97, 170 ..D a n n y 97, 135 , K aila......................................................89,119 , Susie............................................................. 97 ton, N icholas.................................75,122,147 rris, A la in a.................................... 89,125, 153 rris, K a re n ........................................................ 75 rto n , S tep h e n......................................... 97, 170 n n , Robin ire , T ra c i................................................ 45,170 gren, W illiam .................................................. 61

ponnor-Loncar, K a le n .................................. 89 , D a k o ta ....3 3 ,5 5 ,6 1 ,6 5 ,1 2 1 ,1 4 4 ,1 4 5 ,1 7 8 a n , A shleigh................................. 4 5 ,1 5 3 ,1 7 0 aniscak , D av id ... 14,15, 16B, 3 0 ,3 1 ,3 4 ,3 5 , 46,151, 153,178 laniscak, M ich a el......................... 75, 105,170 pz, S a m a n th a .................................................. 89 n an , C arl.......................................................... 97 e n , G regory m a n n . R u th .................................................... 97 e n ,B r a d ................................ 9 8 ,1 2 1 ,1 2 2 ,1 4 7

P erez, K ristina..................................................... 62 P e rritt, R ic ci.......................62,64, 113, 153, 178 P erry, Ja y m c .........................................................46 P crsinger, C o d y 89, 145 P e te rm a n , A id a ...........................20,9 8 .1 7 0 ,2 2 1 P e te rm a n , Shaw n...5, 1 9 ,2 0 ,6 2 ,1 3 6 , 149, 170, 177,178 P e te rse n , K yle............................... 5 ,7 6 ,1 2 2 P etty , Jason P e tty , Jerem y Phillips, B ra n d o n ................................................. 62 Pickcl, C h ris........................................ 121, 141 P ick e tt, S tacy ............................................... 89, 154 P ick e tt, Tovorris 46,135, 149, 165,202 Polk, A n d re a ........................................ 76,132 Polk, K ristin a ............................................... 90, 139 Polumbo, Erik...4 6 ,1 0 9 ,1 3 4 ,1 3 5 , 149, 178, 188 Pool, N a ta lie .........................................................62 P o tte r, Laura.........................................................46 P o tte r, R e b e c c a ................. I6B, 71, 76, 132, 133 P o tts, T o rre y .....................................26,46, 161 Powell, C h ris tin e .........................................90, 162 P rice, J u s tin ..................................................90, 145 P rice, R ic h ard .......................................................62 Pyle, T o d d .......................................... 98

Quigley, B ritta n y

R eid, R obin......................................... 62, 113, 178 R cin k e, Blake 90, 168, 169 R eis, Jerem y 62 R en ick , J e n n ife r .... 76, 126, 153 R ess, D a v id ...... ......98, 165 R ey n o ld s, Lynn R ey n o ld s, M organ ..... 13,46, 176, 177, 206 R hudc, H u n te r ... 1 0 ,8 8 ,9 0 ,1 2 3 R ichards, L inda ......98 R ich ard so n , A n d rew 90, 123 R ichter, A ustin I6 B, 128,129, 135, 166, 167, 168, 169, 178 R ick ard , A n d y 90, 153 R ick ard , Jo rd a n .....76, 118, 138 R ick ard , Stephen 62, 153 R ick m an , C raig ..... 121, 122,145 R oberson, Chris R oberson, S avannah..., 90, 154 R oberts, A d a m ....... ..... 77,153

R oberts, D udley R obinson, C an ii..... R obinson, Justin R od d y , N a th a n .... R od d y , Z ach ......I6 B, 19 R oderick, B ritta n y .... R odriquez, Elizabeth Roc, Jerem y Rogers, Elizabeth Rogers, Joe Rogers, Kyle R o lan d , M arti R o lan d , V ictoria R om ero, Consuclo R ooney, G o r d o n .......31


respond to th e c h e e r by c la p p in g alo n g w ith th e c o m p lic a te d rhythm . Photo by

94 157 121 178 178 196 90 ..46, 121, 147 90, 153

....8,62, 132, 154, ..... 46, ..62, 124, 46, 109, 153, 157, ..25,46. 138, 180,

54 ,6 2 , 153, 178 ..77, 129, 149 62 46. 154. 190 47, 124, 125, 166, 178

Rouleau, R onny 90. 123 Rousseau, D o m in iq u e... 47, 126, 127,170,180 Rousseau, V ictoria.... 62 63, 112, 126, 170,180

1 3 ,4 6 ,1 6 6 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 7 ,1 7 8 , 195

Q uintanilla, Joel



p e r, M ich a el...................................................89 pas, A lex.................................................. 61, 178 bas, A lle n 4 6 ,1 4 0 ,1 4 1 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 8 ,1 9 7 penfuss, J a m ie ............................................... 61 per, Je ffre y ...................................... 62,170 per, M ary ................................................. 76, 162 ris,Jak e ............................................. 76,141 rish, C h ristin e................................................. 62 mo, Ashley..........................A........ 76, 138,153 mo, M ich e lle...........4 6 ,1 3 8 ,1 9 8 ,2 0 7 pee, D e stin e y .................................. 76,157 br, D an ie l kberton, C h risto p h er.......................21,62 tb e rto n , T im o th y ...........................62,161 a, J o h n ................................. 4 6 ,1 4 4 ,1 7 8 pies, M a tth e w ..............................76,122, 145 pies, T o m m y 6 2, 1 2 1 ,128,144,149, 178 per, P a tric ia ....................................................98 tz, Jason

R aines, C h e lse a ........................................8 ,6 2 R aines, C hris.............................. 4 6 ,1 6 1 ,1 6 8 ,1 6 9 R ain es, N icholas............................76 ,7 9 ,1 6 2 R angel, P a m e la ...........................4 6 ,1 70,197 R arick, H e a th e r............ 76 ,1 3 0 ,1 3 1 ,1 3 2 R easo n er, R yan R ea tto ir, D a n ie l........................4 6 ,1 6 2 ,1 6 3 , 187 R ea tto ir, Levi........................................ 76,162 R e e d , G e n e v a ......................................76,167 R e e d , J e f f .............................................................62 R e e d .M a n d y .......................................................98 R eeves, R a n d o m 5, 20, 34,46, 169, 170,177 R eich ert, L y n n ..............................22 ,9 8 ,1 5 0 R eid , K ayla........................................................... 76



a lo n g w ith th e c h e e rle a d e rs ' yells, th e c ro w d in th e student s e ctio n a t th e Sherm an g a m e

Jonathan Whetzel

ammmmmammmmmimmat l|IH A f ik f tllN

UMI IlfA A ÂŤ f l H l M

r* * i9 *-

juniors p Marshall an d Ali G arcia re a w a rd e d w ith th e first pe A rt a w a rd an d third be O utstanding S cientific

| ER



A c h ie v e m e n t. Marshall and G a rcia w e re a w a rd e d w ith S ubw ay co u p o n s a n d a W alM art g ift c a rd fo r their a ch ie ve m e n ts.

GIVEN TO senior Jenna Johnson consisted o f a M icro b io lo g y a w a rd and fourth p la c e in O utstanding S cientific A c h ie v e m e n t. AWARDS




ty p e o f earplugs w o rked best, s o p h o m o r e A ngela Dalke re c e iv e d th e Heatlh and S a fe ty aw ard.

Index 217

seniors Ginju Im and G ordon Rooney share a slow d a n c e on th e dance floor. Numerous


freshman Kellie Chalmers, sophom ore Kellee Brown, junior C h e ls e a C hristm an, and junior S um m er



218 Index


students a tte n d e d STUCO's W inter Bali w ith their d a te s or just w ith a group o f friends.

Photo by Summer Sink

Cissell senior their w ere

d a n c e all to g e th e r while N icole Farland laughs a t p e rfo rm a n c e . Dances only as fun as th e

Salas A lto, S tep h e n .....................................63,141 Sam ples, J e n n if e r................................................77 S andei, Ludovica...............................4 7 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 8 S an d ers, G r a n t........................................... 9 0 ,1 6 2 S an d ers, J o r d a n ......................................... 90,157 S ands, B rady................................................47,127 S an d sm ark , S c o tt................................................47 S can tlin , E ric a ...............................................77,7 9 Scharlach, E lle n ............................................ 24,98 Schiewe, Jesse ...................................................... 47 S chm itt. B re n n e r.................................................90 Sch ro ed er, M ark ..................................................98 S chroeder, Skylar............................................... 122 Schultz, A le x ........................4 8 ,107,211 Sch u tte, S a ra ......... 1 0 ,8 0 ,9 0 ,1 1 9 ,1 3 3 Schutte, S te v e 16C, 8 0 ,9 0 ,1 2 5 ,1 5 3 ,2 2 0 S co tt, H e a th e r ............................................ 4 8 ,1 9 8 S cott, J a m e s.................................................77,1 3 6 Seago, R o b ert......................................................162 Seitz, R o b e rt........................................................ 90 Selvidge, M ela n ie ................................................98 S em an , K ev in .....................................6 3 ,1 5 3 , 178 S em an , L e e ...........................................................98 S em an , S tep h an ie................................90,153 S en te rs, K ayla...................................... 90,1 5 7 Shaffer, A m b e r.................................... 4 8 ,6 2 ,1 3 8 Shaffer, M egan Shaver, E rin 4 8 ,1 5 1 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 6 ,1 6 7 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 4 , 1 7 8 ,1 9 8 ,2 0 0 ,2 2 0 Shaver, Phillip........................................ 1 2 ,7 7 ,1 2 2 Shay, T r e y ...................................................... 5 ,177 S h earm an , K a te ly n ................................... 63,161 Sheik, J o sh u a ........................................................ 63 S helton, Brooke 4 8 ,1 1 6 ,1 1 7 ,1 4 2 ,1 6 1 ,1 9 0 Shelton, Je re m y ................................................ 16C Shipley, L indsay 6 3 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 8 , 180 Shipp, A lex 91, 153 Shipp, Jaco b ..................................................6 3 ,136 Shipp, Z achary.....................................7 7 ,1 0 2 ,1 5 3 Shuck, T y le r .................................................9 1 ,1 2 3 Sibayan, M elissa......................................... 77,105

students w o u ld m a k e th e m , b u t th e y w e re a g re a t reason to g e t all dressed up fo r W inter Ball. Photo by Brittany Hunt

Sifuentes, A shley...............................9 1 ,1 3 9 ,2. Sim m ons, C a r a ...........................................77,1 Sim m ons, J a im e ........................................ 77, J Sim m ons, J o n a th a n ........................................ S im m ons, S h ay n a......................................... Simpson, K aleb ...........................................91,1 Simpson, M e a g a n ...................................... 91,1 Sims, D o m in iq u e 3 5 ,4 8 ,1 0 7 ,1 3 1 ,1 5 1 ,1 178,: Sims, D u stin ..................................................... Sims, M e a g a n ...............................................54, Siniscalchi, L a u ry n 6 3,154,158,159,1 170, Sink, S um m er 2 3 ,2 6 ,4 8 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 7 0 ,1 210, Siple, Jo sh u a ................................................ 48, Sirilla, L in d se y ............................................91, Skaggs, S h aro n ............................................. . S kinner, S tep h a n ie....................................77, Slabaugh, Alicia Slye, A n d y 6 ,1 1 ,1 4 ,4 9 ,1 2 1 ,1 3 5 ,1 4 4 , 178, Sm ith, A d rie n n a ........................................ 77* Sm ith, A lle n ............................... 63,135,149, Sm ith, A n d r e w 4 9 ,153,157,178,187, Sm ith, A u b ri................................................I I Sm ith, C h a n e l.............................................. . Sm ith, D e b b ie............................................ . Sm ith, H e a th e r .......................................... 91. Sm ith, L y n d say 49,16 6 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 0 ,1 7 8 Sm ith, M ich ael.......................................... Sm ith, M itc h ell.................................77,78 Sm ith, R a n d i................................................;.. Sm ith, Sage...................................................... Sm ith, W a n d a ........................................... Sm ithee, B o n n ie ..........................56,63,121 S n y d er, D u s tin .............................................. S onnenburg, J o n ....................................... S pringstead, J a c o b .....................26,49,16$ S pringstead, J o r d a n ............................... Spurlock, M ary ............................. 34,49,131 Spurrier, J a n e lle ............................................ S taffo rd , B rian.......................................... J S taffo rd , Joseph.........................................9. S tanley, Shelly............................................ 9 Staples, A d a m ............................................| Staples, R y a n ............................................. 9 Starkey, B o ................................................. 6 Starkey, Sam Steele, T e r r y ................................................ Stephens, M ark ..........................................1 Sterkel, K elsey ...........................................9 S tev en so n , K e ith ........................................ .

Rufca, A n d rew R unyon, J a m ie .................................... 1 0 ,90,119 R un y o n , S h au n a 47, 100, 1 1 6 ,1 17,131,194 Rush, M ich elle 9 , 16A, 19, 5 5 ,6 3 ,1 5 4 ,1 5 8 , 159, 166, 178

IN M A TC H IN G REDS, s< Jake A n d ra jack and Bril Hunt spend their tim e 01 d a n c e floor. Photo by S. S

h e, B re tt.......................................... 78,136,145 ck . D a v id .... .....78,162 iloff, T re ssa ......10,2 0 ,9 2 ,9 3 ,1 4 3 , 154,167, 170 ader, Chris 49 adley, K im ....2 9 ,4 9 ,1 5 1 ,1 5 3 ,1 5 8 ,1 5 9 ,1 7 8 , 193 ly h o rn . J a ram ie...... .....162,165 ck lan d , D e s m o n d .. 92 ck lan d , J u s tin .... .....145 c k lan d , M ike .... 141 asahl, L au ren ...... . 64,220 ickm an. M ichael ... 64 trt sell, T y le r...... ......34,53, 144, 177 ;a tt, M errill 11. 3 1 ,3 4 ,3 5 ,4 9 ,1 2 4 ,1 2 5 , 15 0 ,166,174,178, 180,212 ck. W e s ...... ......92,123,141 ck , W e sley ..... ..... 123 [nfo rd . C lay les, J a y m e ...... ......78 es, L in d se y ..... ......8,6 4 ,1 6 0 ,1 6 1 â–


ker, Ashlie 64, 158 ley, A le x a n d ra ..................................7 1 ,78 dberg , S a n d y ................................................ 99 g, L isa............................................................. 99 n e r, S h an n o n ..................... 6 4 ,1 0 8 ,1 2 9 ,1 7 8 ker, J a m ie ....................................... 9 2 ,154 lor, Becky........................................................49 lor, B rittn ey ....................................................92 lor, Phil............................................................ 99 lor, R ic a rd o .................................. 78 ,1 3 6 ,1 7 0 d .L o r e n e ........................................................ 99 ts, T im o th y ........................................... 78,162 r y ,D e v a n e y ..................................4 9 ,1 6 9 ,2 0 7 n n e r t. J o e ..................................................... 135 urer, B ran d o n urer, B re n t.......................... 64 m as, Jo h n n y ........................................ 49,103 m as, M e a g a n .... ..................78,143 ................ 16C, 92 m psen, Krystel.. m pson. B rad ...... ...........................49 m pson, C assie... ..................9*ÂŁ 139 m pson, K ad e ..... ................. 67,145 m pson. Russell., .5 ,2 1 ,3 2 ,5 0 ,1 7 7 m pson. Stephen ....................6 7 ,7 8 Impson, T re n t.... ...........................50 jn a n n , B rittany.. 9 2 ,1 1 9 ,1 4 8

dance, rio rs Joseph C a s te e n and Irrie Deeb are all smiles as fy m o ve around th e floor. [ARING



T ig re tt, T iffan i Tillcs, M ichael T oalson, Chclsey T oalson, Elizabeth T o m s, Kimberly T o rres, A le x a n d ra ...... T o rres, Christy T o rres, R en ier T orrics, Ashley.... T orries, T ravis...... T orries, T rcy ...... T ow nsic, N ic o le.... T ra c y , D a v id . . T rian a, Loy T riggs, T o n y ..... T ro n e s, K risten T ro u t, B ran d i...... T u c k er, A n d rew T u rk e tt, M a tth e w .... T u rn e r, Alyssa T u rn e r, B rittan y ..... T u rn e r. Molly T u rn e r, Shannon T w itty , R ick......

... 18,64 64, 153 . 50, 153 64, 148, 149, 157 ......50, 78, 186 .....186 78 9 2 ,154 ..... 78, 122,161 ..... 50, 141, 158,165 ..92,157 92 99 ......50,121, 135,149 ......76. 78, 154,170 50 ......64, 162,172 ......78 92, 139, 168,169 ..50,191 8,9 , 54,64, 154, 157 .. .148 99

V aldez, C ry stal...................................64, 153,162 V an D o n g e, J a k e 13,51, 1 5 8 ,170,177 ,2 1 0 V an ad o re, J im m y ...................................... 78,1 3 6 V a n d e n b e rg , P a u l............................................. 127 V asquez, M ich a el................................................ 64 V asquez, Paul........................................................ 64 V azquez-Perez, R osalie............................64,1 7 8 V eitenheim er, B lake...........................................78 V en tu ra, D e a n ................................... 7 8 ,1 3 6 ,1 7 0 V e rn o n , D oyle......................................................92 V ieth, D .J...........................5 1 ,1 2 1 ,1 4 1 ,1 7 7 ,2 0 3 V ieth, L e n a ....................................13,78, 170,177 V irdell, Kelly....................................... 9 2 ,1 2 3 ,1 2 6

W a d e , C o rey . 92 W aggoner, K risti 9 , 16A, 6 5 ,1 1 8 ,1 1 9 ,2 1 5 W a itm a n , G a r y ....................................................99 W alck, R achel 4 ,2 7 ,5 1 , 142,143, 178,213

W in te r Ball w as held a t th e M askat Tem ple, instead o f th e W om an's Forum, on January 8th. Photo by Brittany Hunt

W alker, A n d r e a ...................................................65 W alker, H e a th e r 51, 116,117, 142 W alker, K arrie 22, 23, 26, 51, 153,178, 198, 204, 215, 222 W alker, K rystal.................................................... 92 W alker, R o b e rt.................................................... 92 W alker, S h ala m aar............................................. 92 W alto n , L y k a.....................................65, 139, 170 W a rd , C hris........................................ 92, 162,163 W a rd , V e ra ...........................................................99 W arre n , H o r a c e ........................................93,137 W arre n , R o b e rt................................................... 78 W arre n , Sade W ashington, L a T o n y a....................................... 51 W atso n , M a lia ........................................... 93,133 W atso n , M arie..................................................... 99 W a tty , L e a .......................................................... 157 W eary, Sarah......................................9 3,142, 170 W ebb, L e n a ...........................................................93 W e ld o n , K ayla.................................. 93, 119, 161 W e ld o n , Kyle.............................. 93, 123, 145,161 W e lter, S arah .............................. 78, 105,126,127 W e lter, V ictoria.......................................... 93, 154 W essling, Alysha.........................51, 154,188,194 W est, S p en cer....................................65, 112,121 W etzel, L c la n d 15, 2 2 ,8 0 ,8 1 ,9 3 ,1 2 3 ,1 4 5 , 169 W etzel, V icto ria 1 4 ,1 5 ,3 0 , 32, 33, 51, 192, 199 W heeler, H e a th e r................................................65 W heeler, N a th a n ...........................2 0 ,8 1 ,9 3 ,1 4 5 W h etzel, J o n a th a n ...20, 52,141, 158,162,169, 170,188,207 W h etzel, K ristopher............................................93 93 W hite, J e s sic a ............................................ W hite, T e rre l....2 3 ,5 2 ,1 0 8 ,1 3 5 ,1 5 3 , 170, 2 1 1,

..6, 14, 15, 24, 30, 33, 52, 121 166, 178, 198 Willis, C ody 149, 158 Willis, Kalinc 65 Willis, K atherine ......65 W ilson, Bobby ..... 93, 153, 157 W ilson, M a rk ....................................................... 99 W incingcr, T ra v is.............................................. 52 /y W in ter, Shawn 52, 165, 172,173 Wise, A m ber 53 Wise, Britney ..65, 138, 139 W ise, Cassie 53 W ise, Sam uel........................ 66, 79, 122,147 W ong, C ry stal.........1 4 ,2 1 ,2 3 ,3 0 ,5 3 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 6 , 170,178, 186,216 W ood, Holly ..........93,153 W ood, Nikki . 79 W orkm an, Justin ..65,162,178 W right, M att ......53 W uthrich, Blake 53,141


Zam ora, B rittany.. 79,157 Z cllner, Claire 79,169 Z ellncr, J o n n y 21 , 53,165, 204 Ziegler, M ichacl...23,32,5 3 ,14 1 , 166,178,214 Zillw eger, H e a t h e r ... ..93,125, 153 Zillw eger, N icholas............................65, 153.178 Z o et, Erik.............................................................. 75

W h itelan d , Cally W hitlock, S h a e ..................................................... 65 W hitm ore, J a c ly n 12,78, 105,154,158 W hitm ore, J a m e s .............................6 5 ,1 1 3 ,1 6 2 W h itn ey , Jessica.................................................. 93 W h itte n , M arisia.. W h itte n , Phillip.................................................... 79 W ilde, D an ie l W iles, J u stin ..........................................................93 W ilhelm , R eb ecca ....28,52, 162,16 6 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 2 , 178 W illett, K yle.................................................93,145 W illiams, BetJi....................2 0 ,8 1 ,9 3 ,1 5 4 W illiams, C oby..................................................... 52 W illiams, D an ie l...................... 7 5 ,7 9 ,1 2 2 W illiams, J e n n if e r ..........6 5 ,1 6 8 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 0

ADORNED IN A b la ck pin stripe

suit, senior Britni Berry shows o ff her unique d a n c e m oves out on th e floor. Berry a ttra c te d

Williams, Mike

Y Young, Jc a n in c Young, N ycole.. Y sasaga, Nicole

79,139 93,153 79,139


m any as she d a n c e d and even g a v e students a fe w pointers as she m ingled around the c ro w d . Photo by Brittany Hunt

Index 219

ec Closing


Keeping Count ^ ^ k i t h 2004 marking the 55th election, politica officials found themselves Keeping Corn of the electoral votes. It was a tight race, bu ^^^G eorge W. Bush won re-election with 28 votes to John Kerry's 252. Bush not only won in th Electoral College, but also seized the popular vote. Students that were 18 years keep people healthy," freshman old found themselves voting for Tyler H unt said. As the year came to a close the candidate that they thought would serve as a good president. seniors found themselves no "I voted because P. Diddy's longer keeping count of the days 'Vote or Die' campaign stressed the importance of voting to me," senior Andrew Smith said. Between the election and inauguration the world was shocked December 26, when a fault line shifted causing a 9.0 earthquake in the Indian Ocean. The earthquake procured a tsunami that hit 11 countries. The death toll numbers soared to the high count of 178,000 dead and 142 missing. Students joined the community by sending money or helping the tsunami victims DURING YOUTH GROUP, junior L a u r e n in other ways. Strosahl, freshm an S teve S chutte, seniors "My church youth group Erin Shaver, and Zach Hawkins m a k e relief made relief packages to help p a c k a g e s to send to tsunam i victim s. The 220 Keeping Count

left of school, but realizi that soon they would have keep count o f the years ahe of them. -B. Hunt and Z. Mels

p a c k a g e s c o n ta in e d necessities sue toothbrushes, to o th paste, soap, clippers, hair brushes, wash towels, bandaids. Photo by Diana Hunt





• e le c to ra l process, Levi Beasley and V eronica Lozano c o u n t th e ballots fo r th e m ock e le c tio n in Mr. Schroeder's c o m m u n ic a tio n classes. ^




shirts, R e b e c c a Johnson a n d Shannon C ra b b display support fo r G e o rg e W. Bush in th e '04 e le ctio n. O




■■^•text messages, school o fficia ls started enfo rcing the ce ll phone p o licy in the S tudent H andbook and c o lle c te d phones a t school. a INTERNATIONAL 4 . MEMBERS Isaac


Cerruti, sponsor A ida Peterm an, and Kyle C askey g a v e $200 to Dr. Terry Johnson to b e n e fit tsunami victims.

Closing 221

IKeeping Count

AS THE LAST d a y o f school * neared, th e h a t boxes in the ba n d hall w ere c o u n te d and p u t in order fo r n e xt year. 1

Photo by Rebecca Johnson 'J AFTER KEEPING COUNT of ■'“ • th e days le ft o f school, students co u ld c e le b ra te th e end o f th e ye a r th e w a y Travis Felty does as he clicks his heels in th e e m p ty hallw ay. Photo by

G rady C oker

222 Keeping Count





• fo u n d w earing th e ye llo w 'Livestrong' b ra c e le ts m a d e p o p u la r b y Lance Armstrong's c h a rita b le organization. A

KEEPING COUNT OF their ' grades, seniors Kar r i e W alker and Zack Melson serve as th e to p tw o graduates. The '05 g ra d u a tio n will b e a t Kay Y e a g e r Coliseum in W ichita Falls fo r th e se co n d year.

Autographs JOE 1y ;:k

OFF HIS muscles, Brazilian fo re ig n e xc h a n g e s tu d e n t Leo C erqueira take s a break during s o c c e r p ra c tic e . SH O W IN G

C O UN TING BACK TO 91, c o a c h Brad O w en a ttends p h o to g ra p h y class with future w ife Linda C o rd o va .

Autographs 223





Editorial Writing in Jenna Organiscak.




and big hair, juniors Ali G arcia and Marissa Brown display how n o t to w e a r hair and m ake u p ,

SITTING ON HER so cce r ball,

Ashley Sifuentes takes a short break from p ra c tic e .

224 Autographs



With the beginning of the year marking the celebration of 150 years of Public Schools in Texas, schools were Keeping Count of the years. The Derrick has been honored in Taylor Publishing's Yearbook Yearbook several times including Volumes 51,52,55,59, and, most recently, Volume 63 with 64 being a semifinalist. The 7 3/4" by 10 1/2" book features a Lexotone Black 075 cover with the school colors, tallies, and the words K eeping C oun t in Bondoni 2 and Camponeli. Pages were 80 weight enamel paper containing headlines in Opus, subhead in Gourmand, body in Times, and captions in Vanguard. Captions were set in 8 point font and body was 10 point font. A total of about 600 books were sold at $35 and $38. Production costs were estimated at $32,000. The Taylor Publishing sales representative was Cheryl Chrisman. Student pictures were taken by Life Touch. The Derrick belongs to the Interscholastic League Press Conference and Quill and Scroll.

STAFF MEMBERS EDITORSIN-CHIEF Brittany TT i O Hunt & Zack M elson Senior Class Editors Lindsey Burks & K risti Baxley Junior Class Editors Lauryn Siniscalchi & Michelle Rush i

Sophomore Class Editors Jaclyn W hitm ore & Ashlie Tacker X X. k/X X X X V

Freshman Class Editors Lindsay Shipley, & Hannah McGown Babv Ad Manager Priscilla Guffey Facultv Editor M arina 1 V1 Cll IjjC I Brown Photo Editors Summer Sink & Tnnathan Whetzel TV ilvL I xjv

Assistant Photo Editor Ashley Hand

Student Life Editors Zack Melson, Brittany Hunt, & Summer Sink Student Life Staff Hannah McGown, Marissa Brown, & Lindsay Shipley Academic Editors Ali Garcia, Marissa Brown, & Kyle Caskey Activities Editors Lindsay Shipley, Hannah McGown, & Brandon Phillips

Snorts Editors Jonathan Whetzel & Priscilla Guffey Assistant Snorts Editors Michelle Rush, Lauryn Siniscalchi, & Ashley Hand Sports Staff Jaclyn Whitmore, Ashlie Tacker, Lindsay Shipley, Lindsey Burks, & Kristi Baxley

Adviser Anne Gillespie

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