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Random Selection 2:00
Sports Pg 36
Activities Pg 72
Perrick 2006
Volume 66
KQudcM S^CiiOK 109 Kramer Rd Burkburnett, TX 76354 D istrict 5 AAAA Enrollment: 966 (940) 569-1411
Title Page
f Selection f
Opening ith the w orld random ly changing, people are constantly adjusting their lives to the technological advances. W ith the devastation th a t the September hurricanes unleashed upon the Am erican South, students and faculty joined together to donate blood and relief supplies. Besides the visible destruction of the hurricanes, every Am erican driver experienced a crunch at the gas station w ith the higher prices. Besides being hit at the pump, minors behind the wheel are subject to a new law prohibiting anyone under 18 from talking on a cell phone w hile driving. "I really can't stand the new cell phone law," jun io r Am y Hastings said. "I can't even call my parents to tell them where I am if I'm late."
To prom ote the yearbook techno them e, the staff held a random draw ing for an iPod Shuffle. W hen sales ended, junior Elizabeth G erstner w on the prize. A fter the bond issue w hich included a new football stadium failed last spring, the district updated the stadium w ith handicap accessible ramps, restrooms, and seating w hich was ready for the season opener. Behind the stadium , an up-todate softball field for the spring season was under construction w hen school opened. "I'm excited about the new upgrades like the scoreboard, the locker rooms, and the concession stand," senior Leah M oo dy said. "I'm glad th a t we can call it ours." -Ali Garcia, Kyle Caskey, and Marissa Brown
AT THE SITE of the new softball field, Coach Hennan and varsity players meet to check the building progress.
junior Elizabeth Gerstner tells her friends,"iWon the iPod Shuffle.�
OUTFIT junior Adrienna Smith delivers a pass for senior Lyka Walton to give blood.
A HAND, senior Peterman and freshmen Lauren Swartsell and Leslie Swartsell donate supplies to hurricane relief efforts.
TO OBEY phone law, s Christman takes time to talk before driving away.
R andom Selection
Student Life long w ith th eir everyday lives of school, jobs, and friends, students w ere invo lved in extras such as h o m e co m in g and Friendship Festival activities. For the annual h o m e co m in g flo a t and skit contest, student c o u n c il chose Superheroes as the them e. For the second year in a row, the Class of 2006 claim ed first place w ith Batman as their skit. "I'm so happy th a t w e w o n again," said Jill M axw ell, senior class president. "It's amazing th a t w e pulled together to achieve this. It's the one event that really makes us bond as a class." D uring the yearly Friendship Festival, students helped o u t at various booths and participated in the mud volleyball to urn am en t. Team "It Doesn't Matter" w o n first place and Six Flags Tickets. W ith their hectic lives, students still fo un d tim e fo r the extras.
â–ş â–ş
-Hannah M cGown
Student Life D ivider
SPORTING DRUG FREE attire, Desiree Griffin and Christine Harris wear matching shirts for "buddy day" proclaiming their friendship and opposition to drug use.
WITH THEIR COLORFUL bubblegum flags poised and ready to twirl, members of the color guard prepare for their stunt during homecomings pregame show.
Trendy Technology Gadgets advance into fashion
ooking into any crowded mall or department store, one can see the prolific nature o f technology. Often overlooked though is the fashion statement made when owning entertainment technology. As prices o f technology continue to fall, teens are now able to grab up the latest techno items ranging from hip cell phones to versatile media players. W ith their continually use o f technology, teens have become known as the "Plugged-in Generation." Teens are more connected with their peers, allowing news to move more quickly. For most teens, listening to music keeps them going. W ith portable media devices making a splash in the market, the Sony PSP and A pple iPod allows teens to take their entertainment on the go. Since the iPod's release, it has evolved into the
iPod Video, a flexible platform able to play everything from the latest Greenday songs to current photos from last night's party to the newest TV episode o f Lost. A dditionally, it has becom e fashionable to flaunt iPods and bling-bling cell phones with the latest Hollister fads. Expanding their independence, portable USB drives have allowed teens to w o rk freely between computers. Besides entering into the portability trend, teens are creating more independent films, songs, and artwork digitally. For example,this yearbook co ver was created using the A dobe Creative Suite. In years past, technologically advanced gadgets were only fo r geeks and the rich, now technology has becom e trendy to wear and use in everyday life. -Kyle Caskey
WHILE STRECHING FOR a pregame show, sophomore Missy Albin chats with her friends on her cell phone. It is not uncommon to see
teens stay in contact with one another through voice, text, and photos on their cell phones. Staff Photo
Trendy Techno
BEING PLUGGED-IN, senior Kevin Seman works on revisions of the yearbook cover in Adobe Creative Suite using his latop. With Kevin's laptop, the yearbook staff was able utilize digital artwork that has not been seen in previous yearbooks. Photo by Kyle Caskey
TAKING A BREAK, senior Denny Bass selects a new song from his iPod playlist. Photo by Marissa Brown
HIBITING THE LATEST technology, lidents layout their devices that assist b entertain them everyday. Some fdents carry around leading-edge Itops, cell phones, and music players, ph as iPods. For those interested in liability, USB Jumpdrives become
lif t D o e s
fashion accessories. To highlight the ability of digital effects, this photo was altered to allow for several devices to be moved around and merged with another picture. The ease of digital photography allows teens to tailor pictures to their needs and demands. Photo by Kyle Caskey
t e c h n o lo g y
iG y
TAKING A LUNCH break, seniors Shae Whitlock and Allie Dilbeck text each other the latest fashion tips while at McDonald's. Text messaging has become the latest medium to exchange information quickly that is not rivaled by any form of communication except Morse Code. Photo by Kyle Caskey
role in your fash ion ?
"I can never find shirts at stores, so I have to buy them on the Internet basically."
-Rusty Ellett towage B ^ BrtaH 'V . Oct. SI tLA l*>M
I Absolutely. Eletronics are ju st '{another way to express jindividuallity."
-Shae Whitlock
"Yes, I buy a lot of my clothes o ff the Internet because there is more o f a variety to choose from." -Ricci Perritt
ffm Batman battles mSm boldly fo r first W e won! W e won first... twice! For the second year in a row the seniors defeated all other classes in the yearly hom ecom ing float com petition. The seniors met at the Superior Pallet Company, where the Class o f 2006 built their float, the Batmobile. Construction started the Sunday before hom ecom ing Friday. However, class officers and general meetings allowed time to plan o u t
the pep rally skit and float before the week began. "It to o k a w hile to decide w hat materials to use," vice president Maranda Bice said. "Once we found everything, we were able to get to work and finish the float fast." Increasing the skit to fo u r minutes made it easier to portray the Dynamic Dogs as the Burkburnett Bulldogs w hile the villains represented the Bridgeport Bulls. -Kyle Marshall
CALLING FOR HELP, Batman played by Greg Montgomery breaks free of the villains' clutches. After the Bridgeport Bull captured Robin, Batman received help from the Dynamic
Dogs. "It was pretty clean to play Batman, "Greg Montgomery said. "The costume was original, the float was great, and the skit was awesome. It was a fun experience."
REHEARSING THEIR VILLAINOUS attitudes, Shawn Peterman as Mr. Freeze and Greg McNew as the Mad Hatter get into the zone before the skit takes place. The two villains tormented townspeople to the song "Don't Laugh at Me."
Senior Float
DODGING THE SINISTER side ol John Mills as Two-Face, Shannon Tanner, playing Robin, ducks in a defensive maneuver. Both heroes and villains fought a choreographed battle to the song Kung-Fu Fighting. Photos by Travis Felty
WHILE WAITING FOR the judges to tally the scores, the senior class takes a minute to reflect on their group performance. A moment later the judges gave the results and the class erupted into applause. "It was awesome to have won our senior year," Lindsay Shipley said. "It makes being a senior that much sweeter." WITH MOVES LIKE the running man, the villains of Gotham City prepare to terrorize its citizens with acts such as the wedgie. The villains were portrayed by Kyle Marshall, Jennifer Dye, Shawn Peterman, Matt Bell, Kurt Lobaugh, Desiree Griffith, Cody Allison, and Cory Brinkley. Photo by Travis Felty PREPARING FOR THE pep rally, Candace Haynie, Michelle Rush, and Molly Turner ponder on the upcoming skit. The trio each participated in the fight scene in which the Dynamic Dogs conquered the villains.
CRUISING IN THE Batmobile, Greg Montgomery shows off the senior class float. The class chose to limit the number of flowers by using painted wood and cardboard to imitate a sleek car surface.
Student Life
FINISHING SECOND FOR the first time, juniors rejoice in their victory. Their work finally paid off when they broke through their two-year losing streak. Photo by Travis Felty
Juniors finish second place
DANCING TO THE music, Jeanine Young, Andrea Minjarez, Rachel Kenney, and Allison Gray play their part as the Bridgeport Bulls dance squad in their homecoming skit. Photo by Travis Felty
A fter coming in last the past tw o years, Class o f '07 captures second place with “The Incredibles" "This hom ecom ing was a lot better than the last tw o years because there was a lot more team work involved and we worked really hard," Orlando Flores said. Numerous juniors participated in the construction o f their half city half jungle float and in choreographing the dance routines in their skit. The juniors finished only tw o points behind first place. -Kelly Finn
DURING THE SKIT, all juniors playing parts as characters from The Incredibles" performed in a dance routine
Junior Float
Also in their skit, juniors performed in a dance off, defeating the Bridgeport Bulls. Photo by Travis Felty
SHOWING OFF THEIR Incredible outfits, E.J. Carrion and Trey Horn await their performance. Photo by Travis Felty
WHILE DANCING TO "Don't Cha," freshmen Jason Beach, Justin Robertson, Seth Barrells, Keenan Stubblefield, and Wesley Wise amuse the audience. Photo by Travis Felty DRESSED AS SPIDERS, the freshman danced their way to third place. The freshmen worked all week to perfect the choreography. Photo by Travis Felty
Freshmen capture third place The freshmen's interpretation o f Spiderman made a name for themselves by capturing third place. The freshman class had many options fo r their float. They chose skyscrapers “to capture the effect o f NYC," freshman Taylor Lile said. Assigning the roles, however, was not as easy as building the float. "The class voted on w h o received the main parts and the class president chose the remaining roles," Grant Stine said. -Amber Bice
COMPLETING THEIR FIRST homecoming skit, freshmen Derek Dowling and Jordan Beach cleared the stage. Photo by Travis Felty
TAKING THE LEAD, Brandon Quigley shows his skills as Spiderman while doing back handsprings. Photo by Travis Felty
Freshm an Float
AFTER THE RAT is stolen by the Bridgeport Ninjas, Chelsey Griffin and Brittiny Casteen, the Ninja Turtles, fight their way to victory to win back the rat. Photo by Travis Felty
Sophomores fight to fourth
AFTER RETRIEVING THE rat, played by Kelsey Bergin, the Ninja Turtles do a victory dance to show their appreciation. Photo by Travis Felty
W ith Ninja Turtles as the theme o f their skit, the sophomores dropped from a rare second place as freshman to fourth place in the hom ecom ing pep rally. W ith a sewage pipe as their float, the sophomores emerged as Ninja Turtles ready to save the day and their rat friend from the Bridgeport Ninjas. After an intense round o f battle, the rat was recovered. "Even though we got fourth this year, I still had a lot o f fun w ith o u r skit," Leland W etzel said. -Brittney Baker & Carly Moree
AFTER PERFORMING THEIR skit for the crowd, the sophomores hurry to clear the floor for the juniors'float. Photo by Travis Felty STRIKING A POSE, sophomore Jamie Runyon played the role of a Ninja Turtle in her class homecoming skit. Photo by Travis Felty AFTER BANGING ON the trash can, sophomores Lindsey Foley and Shonna Bell play it cool as
Sophomore Float
they wait for the rat to be taken away by the bad Ninja. Photo by Travis Felty
PREPARING TO CHEER on the Bulldogs, senior Matt Bell held up the Homecoming 2005 banner, created by the Dog Squad. (Top Left) TEARING THROUGH THE banner, the varsity football team races onto the field. Junior Dan Williams waved the flag at the front of the pack. (Bottom Left) CLEARING THE FIELD for the football game, Dog Squad senior Shawn Peterman carries the torn banner above his head. (Below) Photos by Travis Felty
Bulldogs take the win again For the second year in a row, the Bulldogs to o k the win hom ecom ing night defeating the Bridgeport Bulls 28-21. The game began with a slow start; the score at the end o f the first quarter was zero to zero. The Dogs scored the first to u ch d o w n o f the game in the second quarter, but after tha t it was a back and forth ball game. The pre-game show by the band and co lo r guard prepared and excited the fans fo r the game to come. -Brittney Baker & Carly Moree
[LOWING THEIR CAPTAIN nelle Rush, the drill team ps their place on the field. Babes, directed by Laurie ngsworth, played a big role jetting fans pumped for the Mp "My favorite part of the
game is victory lines," senior lieutenant Molly Turner said. "It's so fun when the football guys run by and we get to cheer for them. It really helps get the crowd going." Photo by Travis Felty
AS SHE SALUTES, senior Drum Major Marissa Brown introduces the Bulldog Brigade at the homecoming pre-game show. After the Brigade s performance, she changed into a black dress for the halftime
presentation of Homecoming Court. "It's such an honor to be able to lead the band, but having to run backfield for the performance destroyed my hair for halftime," Brown said. Photo by Travis Felty
Hom ecoming Gam e
The junior class prince and princess are Sam Wise and Am ber Cox.
Photos by Travis Felty
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"It was such a blessing to be on the field, and I'm sure it will be one of the highlights of my senior year." -Maranda Bice
"It was an honor to be nominated, and the outcome was surprising. It's definitely a step up from prince.â&#x20AC;? -Dakota Orf â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am so grateful for the experience of being nominated. I will never forget the cheers from the band as I walked by." -Marissa Brown
The sophomore class prince and princess are Nate W heeler and Beth Williams.
The freshmen class prince and princess are Keenan S tubblefield and ulia Frayser.
Hopes were up and tensions were just as high as the king and queen
“It's really neat to be nominated by your classmates. I feel so honored." -Amber Cox
nominees stepped onto the field at halftime. Finally, the names were called over the loudspeaker. Lindsey Means and Dakota O rf came to the 50 yard line, faces lit up w ith bright smiles, to receive the
"I was glad to even be nominated and winning was just surprising.” -Bethany Williams
crow n and medal from last year's queen, Victoria Wetzel. "I was so excited to be o u t there,” senior Lindsey Means said. "The cheerleaders were so supportive and
"I was so excited to get to be out on the field with Julia." -Keenan Stubblefield
NG AND QUEEN finalists [ Melissa Foote and W ill p<er.
BEFORE PASSING ON th e crown, former queen Victoria Wetzel prepares to take the field with the Bulldog. Photo by Travis Felty.
KING AND QUEEN finalists are Maranda Bice and Alex Evans.
cheered fo r me as I walked by them. I was also glad tha t Victoria was there to pass on the crown."
-Marissa Brown
KING AND QUEEN finalists are Marissa Brown and Kyle Rogers. Student Life
Teens start new trends In fashion, teens are either "in" or "out." Fashion is a means of expression, and in the halls the individuality of the student body is apparent. "In" styles of this season include: layering of clothing, bold, bright colors, and vintage style jeans. Accessories of
VARIOUS FASHIONABLE ACCESSORIES adorn school teens. Accessories included jean and corduroy handbags, a Livestrong bracelet, formal sterling watches, a leather belt with spinners, vintage hoop earrings,
school pride "bulldog" ring, designeri wallet, checkered sweat armband, modern reading glasses, aviator sunglasses, metallic and sequin flats, "clean" tennis shoes, and also polka dotted and bright colored flip flops. Photo by Zach Shipp
the season include large belts, long chunky beaded necklaces, boleros, colorful flats, and sequin purses for the girls, and for the guys, flashy belt buckles, clean shoes, and "live strong" bracelets. Techno trends such as cell phones and iPods are also great accessories. -Ali Garcia
te O w in â&#x2013;ş
LOOKING INTO THE distance, senior Kyle Harpole" sports a pink polo and vintage jeans.
EMBELLISHING A BLACK lace blouse and Roman sandals, senior Michelle Rush struts her stuff.
BEARING A CERULEAN blue polo, senior Alex Gwin displays faded jeans and a matching belt and kicks.
la o r a n C om n s ►
rn a t
'EARING HER OWN style, senior
SHOWING OFF HIS coral polo,
jctoria Collins models a vintage
junior Drew Aaron also wears
under a white button-up, junior
azer, T-shirt, and a peasant skirt.
camouflage shorts and flip flops.
Claire Zellner adds black heels.
M Pam ►
plo, junior E.J. Carrion completes
ADORNED IN UNIQUE threads, senior Amie Primm takes fashion
fe statement with stylish pink trim.
design to the next level.
FLAUNTING AVIATOR GLASSES, junior Travis Felty displays his leather jacket and rock^TJ-shirt.
Pep rallies pump pupils for halftime
WITH STADIUM LIGHTS shining down on him, freshman Dog Squad member Zac Moehnke raises his hand high and sings into his megaphone to celebrate a Bulldog victory. A ll photos by Travis Felty
SHOWING THEIR SPIRIT Bulldog fans Leah Moody, Kyle Marshall, and Brittany Quigley dance to
the band's performance. During third quarter, a few band members play for the students.
In order to excite students fo r athletic events, pep rallies and halftimes showcased theBabes', band's, co lo r guard's, and cheerleaders' various talents. At the pep rallies, cheerleaders often performed dances that went along with the theme. They also led class chants and co lo r shouts. "I love performing at the pep rallies and getting the crowd on their feet and motivated," senior cheerleader Brittany James said. Providing a halftime boost, the band and co lo r guard performed their "Candy Land" show, along with the Babes' routines, w hich changed periodically. "Halftime is such a rush," co lo r guard member Holly W o o d said. "I love it!" -Hannah McGown
CONCENTRATING ON THEIR difficult steps, the cheerleaders perform to "These Boots,â&#x20AC;? for the students at the Dukes of Hazzard pep rally.
16B Pep Rally/Halftime
DISPLAYING THEIR BULLDOG pride, the mascots, Lena Veith and Zac Moenhke participate ii the homecoming float competition before the game.
FINISHING THEIR KICK routine to "Magnificent Seven," the Boomtown Babes perform at the "Rock the Raiders" pep rally. The Babes practice diligently daily and perform at every football game during halftime. "This being my senior year, Babes has been a great experience," Molly Turner said. "I loved the chance to perform for my family and friends." PLAYING THE MARIMBA, Levar Cook, Myles Garratt, and Phillip Rand perform in the percussion pit during the band's halftime performance. The band's percussionists stand on the sideline and play several different instruments while the color guard twirls rock candy flags in the distance on the Burkburnett football field.
CHEERING TO THE band's "Hey Song," senior Lyndsay Cash performs for the crowd during a football game. The cheerleaders dance to every song the band plays.
DANCING TO THE band s music, color guard members Lindsay Shipley, Elissa Anderson, Amy Hastings, and Alyssa Willeford portray Andy waltzing with his Raggedy Ann.
Student Life
TO CELEBRATE HIS loss, freshman Wayne Henderson belly flops into the mud. He emerged covered from head to toe in the mud. "The Dirty Dolls lost their second game. Photo by Travis Felty
AFTER THEIR MATCHES, students clean themselves off using the fire hose. Students came out of the mud pits drenched with mud, so there was a continuous line for the fire hose even though the winning teams had to play again. Photo by Zach Shipp PAINTING WARRIOR STRIPES, sophomore Dawn Mackin smears mud on senior Will Baker s face in preparation to psych themselves up for their match as fellow 'Roadkill" teammate junior Angela Early looks on. Photo by Travis Felty
16D Student Life
DOG SQUAD MEMBERS sophomore Lance Maxwell and Damien Paulk along with Mrs. Aida Peterman pause for cold bottled water in the cooler. They watched the matches from the shade of the Dog Squad tent.
ING THE BALL, senior A/alton starts a game as nate Dalaney Henson on. 'The Dirty Girls" won irst game which they I against "Guard Gravy." by Travis Felty
AS THEY GO under the net to switch sides with "The Dirty Dolls to signify a new game, sophomores Kelsey Sterkle and Britney Casteen of "Shazam" laugh about their first game. Photo by Travis Felty
Students dive in mud pits for Dog Squad
WITH A SPLASH of mud, freshman Jessica Joss attempts to pass the ball to her teammates on "Guard Gravy.â&#x20AC;? Photo by Travis Felty CREATING A MUD tidal wave, junior Phil Shaver falls face first into the mud while attempting to pass the ball to his teammates. Photo by Zach Shipp
Once again, the main activity fo r students during the Friendship Festival was the Dog Squad sponsored mud volleyball team tournament. "My favorite part was getting dirty and hanging o u t with my friends in the mud," sophom ore Nick Morales said. In the single elimination tournament, the winners, "It Doesn't Matter," received Six Flags tickets as the first place prize. The team included Austin Richter, Tommy Peoples, Nathan Bayless, M atthew Midgett, Scott Correll, and Travis Torries. "We won just because we're better than everyone else," Bayless said. "We're that good!" -Hannah McGown and Christina Boatman
M ud Volleyball
Students, faculty dress up to resist drug use Students and staff celebrated the annual Drug Awareness week by dressing up in STUCO chosen themes each day. On M onday, students dressed in co w b o y attire to "boot o u t drugs." Students were encouraged to wear camouflage on Tuesday to "hide from drugs." Buddy proved to be most popular as most students and some teachers could be seen wearing matching outfits. United W ay collected a dollar from each student wishing to "put a cap on drugs." On Friday students wore orange and black for spirit day. "I liked bud d y day," Liz Rogers said. "It gave me a chance to decorate a shirt fo r the first time." -Hannah McGown
A GROUP OF students, Michael Struckman, Kaillee Brown, and Melissa Foote, proudly display their caps. Photo by AH Garcia DECKED OUT IN all black, senior Kevin Seman dresses like a ninja to hide out from drugs. Other students wore camouflage to hide. Photo by Marissa Brown
SHOWING THEIR BULLDOG spirit, students gather together to show o ff their black and orange attire. On Friday the halls were filled with school colors since students were part of organizations such as Babes.
Drug Awareness Week
PROCLAIMING THEIR FRIENDSHIP, Krystel Thompsd and Amber Tatum show off "I'm with stew-pid" shirts. On tB back their shirts said "your moj goes to college,' a popular phrase from Napoleon Dynamitl
SSING LIKE NERDS, the i teachers gather in the ray to show o ff their outfits, teachers referred to
themselves as "the math nerds." Faculty in the English and foreign language wing also dressed alike for buddy day.
SPORTING SENIOR T-SHIRTS, Shae Whitlock, Lyndsay Cash, and Bonnie Smithee show their pride in finally becoming seniors
The girls shirts were created by computer print outs, unlike most homemade shirts which were made with fabric paint.
I 0 r
O’SIX * WITH BRIGHT YELLOW shirts and color coordinated pink bandanas, seniors Danielle Goode and Lindsey Means show that they won't do drugs, i love
making my own shirt," Goode said. "It's so fun to get together with friends and make shirts we can wear later.” Photo by Mrs. Miller
WEARING GOOFY HATS, Katiya Jackson, Shay'na Simmons, Greg McNew, and Danielle Goodrich put a cap on drugs. Photo by Ali Garcia
LOOKING SOPHISTICATED IN matching blazers, jeans and heels, seniors Robin Reid and Shay'na Simmons dress up for buddy day.
Student Life
Teens sacrifice Saturday, help improve community
CLEANING UP FRIENDSHIP Park, Shannon Tanner, Courtney Carpenter, and Ms. Beverly Lee of the STUCO group scoop the freshly cut grass into dumpsters. The students worked for several hours and
still did not finish the task of cleaning up the cut grass. At Friendship Park, students also planted flowers around the entrance sign. At other project sites, participants cleaned up playgrounds and removed
weeds and stickers. "I really enjoyed cleaning up the park > and the messes that were already there,' Courtney Carpenter said. "It looked so much better once all the grass and weeds were picked up.'
items in the Burkburnett neighborhoods. Almost 5,000 pounds of food were collected with the donations from Hardin and Evans also adding to the total. Photo by Janelle Goettman.
GRABBING UNITED BAGS, students from the PALs group prepare to go door-to-door to collect food and other items such as soap and diapers for the Faith Ministries. "I loved the feeling of helping out," PAL
Bethany Lynch said. "Collectir food was fun, and most peopl were so willing to give. It was worth it to give up my Saturds in order to be a part of something that affects so ms lives in such a positve way.'
In the annual Teens Make a Difference Day, area teens helped out around town at seven job sites doing things such as picking up trash. "I felt like I was doing something worthwhile by helping people out," M att Bell said. "We were really changing people's lives." Approximately 150 people assisted throughout the day in some way whether it was handing out pizza, collecting food, or driving participants to different jobs sites. "Kids who are normally sitting there are out helping people," assistant principal Brad Owen said. -H annah M cGown
PLACING CANNED FOODS in the trailer, seniors Katiya Jackson, Victoria Collins, and Bonnie Smithee help those less fortunate by collecting food items. Students collected canned food, coats, and other
Teens Make a Difference Day
GATHERING LOOSE LEAVES, seniors Jennifer Hensley and Texann Cox clear the yard of St. Jude's Catholic Church while Tina Cerrutti rakes in the background. Other students worked inside the church.
HAULING TREE BRANCHES at St. Jude's Catholic Church, Christopher Pemberton strains as he moves branches with senior Isaac Cerrutti. Students also worked to clean up the church grounds in other ways.
REFURBISHING THE FLOWERBEDS at Friendship Park, Monica Lynott, Kayla Reid, Natalie Szczrchowski, and Jessica Muller plant flowers. By planting flowers, students helped beautify the community.
AFTER WORKING AT their project sites, Michael Albers and Mike Wright receive their pizza. Sponsors from the Nonprofit Management Center of Wichita Falls helped distribute the food. Photo by Janelle Goettman
Student Life
C inderfella 2 0 0 5 Every other year, the Boom town Babes sponsor the Cinderfella pageant as a fundraiser. Clubs and organizations enter a male member in hopes o f taking home the coveted Cinderfella crown. This time, nine contestants com peted for the title. Senior Kurt "Crystal" Lobaugh com peted as Miss Baseball, junior Lane "Laney-Jane" Anderson com peted as Miss Ag, and senior Bobby "Barbie" Morris com peted as Miss Counseling Center. Junior Travis "Tonya Periwinkle" Felty com peted as Miss Yearbook, senior Nate "Star" Bayless com peted as Miss
Basketball, and senior Ryan "Cookie Swan" Cruz com peted as Miss DECA. Senior Alex "Alexis Gwen Stefani" Gwin com peted as Miss NHS, senior Shawn "Seductive Sally" Peterman com peted as Miss International Club, and senior Cory "Ginger" Brinkley com peted as Miss Football. The contestants performed a talent then p ut on their favorite dress and com peted in an evening gow n com petition. "I got to act crazy and wear a dress and w in a crown all in the same night," senior Nate Bayless said. "It was the highlight o f my senior year. I'll never forget it." -Marissa Brown
SHOWING OFF HIS talent, senior Ryan Cruz performed a dance and prop routine with an umbrella to the song It's Raining Men by Gladys Knight. Photos by Marissa Brown.
STRIKING A POSE on stage, senior Shawn Peterman competes in the evening gown portion of the pageant. Peterman represented the International Club.
BEHIND THE SCENES, senior Nate Bayless, junior Lane Anderson, and senior Bobby Morris primp for the evening
gown segment of the competition. Senior Alex Gwin peeks over their shoulders to trl to get a look in the mirror.
BEFORE HIS DEBUT, junior Travis Felty perfected his look backstage. Members of the Babes were available to help each contestant with make-up and outfitting.
WORKING THE CROWD, junic Lane Anderson danced with a hula-hoop to Shania Twain's / Man of Mine. Anderson competed as Laney-Jane representing FFA.
ER THE ANNOUNCEMENT ne runners up, senior Nate ess received the title of p Cindefella 2005. Jake rajack, as reigning queen, bed the crown to Nate.
BEFORE HIS DEBUT, senior Alex Gwin had a small fight with his wig, and unfortunately, his wig won. Later while twirling his ribbons, Gwin lost his wig and regained his head.
"The best part o f Cinderfella was w atching all the guys like it way too much!" -Cory Brinkley
"I got to mess around and have fun. It was awesome.â&#x20AC;? -Ryan Cruz
"W hen 1was ribbon dancing, caught my ribbon in my wig and it flew o ff Then 1 came o ut with it on backward s." -Alex Gwin
Jr o v id e s o m e ftainment while the judges prated and made a ion, sophomores Cody p and Steve Schutte played fal songs in the break
including The Beaties' Let it Be. The band had a third member, sophomore Tyler Cummings (not pictured). The boys volunteered to help in the Babes biannual fundraiser. Photos by M. Brown.
STRUMMING OUT HOTEL California on his guitar, senior Kurt Lobaugh plays his rendition of the popular 70s rock song for the talent portion of the pageant.
"I loved working with Lauryn Siniscalchi and M ichelle Rush on my hula-hoop dance. It took me forever to get the count." -Lane Anderson
Student Life
GENRES Academics ith m any students pursuing th eir e du ca tio n w ith diverse goals, academ ics have been an im p o rta n t influ e nce in encouraging students to fo llo w th eir o w n genre. "I to o k Pre-AP English and history because they are n ot easy, and I have to apply m yself fo r the challenge," freshman Lexi Shipley said. In the age of the M illenials, those born after 1 982, statistics have proven th at being smart has becom e "cool." M ore students are ta kin g AP tests and more plan to attend college. "The most positive characteristic I see in teens today versus teens o f the past is a w illingness to accept change," math teacher Mr. Carl Hogue said. "Teens to da y feed and thrive on every new d e v e lo p m e n t in the w o rld of technology." As students progress to w ard th eir high goals and great expectations fo r to m o rro w , they realize th at selecting the right genre co u ld alter the future.
â&#x2013;ş â&#x2013;ş
- Janelle Goettman
ROLLING THE DICE, sophomore Brenner Schmitt uses a visual aide to better understand calculations used by probability in Mr. Hogue's geometry class. Photo by Erica Scantlin
CONDUCTING AN EXPERIMENT, senior Michelle Lucier titrates a solution of lei nitrate into a solution of potassium iodate to produce i solid lead iodide. Photo M Bro\
Advanced Mode AP ÂŁ ALPS advance toward graduation s M fh jstuclents being p 'M ^ e m p i' higher e>qrectWions in the college world, students have been driven to take more advanced classes such as Avanced Placement and ALPS. These classes offer a more enriched curriculum , challenging students to take the extra step. AP or Advanced Placement is the equivalent to a freshman college course that is offered on a high school campus. After finishing the class, the students can take a standardized test offered by AP Strategies that can qualify students fo r college credit. The test
is scored from 1-5, w ith 5 being the highest possible score. Colleges then award credit depending on that score.
ÂŽ It h a s ta u g h t me to work th ro u g h th in g s th a t I don't understand and to never give up no m atter how h ard it is. ^ -Paul McBroom
The ALPS, o r Advanced Learner Programs, rather than presenting students w ith more d ifficu lt material, like AP, ALPS challenges students to take a different approach to classes using their ow n intuitive creativity and
original reasoning. ALPS juniors and seniors are also allow ed to take an independent study course. This is a real college course offered through distance learning. "This year 15 ALPS students are pursuing college credit w ith tu itio n paid by BISD," ALPS co ordin a tor Sue Kincaid said, "This is a record num ber o f students in any one year. As college tu itio n gradually increases along w ith graduation requirements, students are recognizing the numerous benefits o f earning college hours w hile in high school." -Michelle Alfert and Janelle Goettman
I g i How has AP/ALPS enriched your life? ^ "More opportunities have been opened up for me, because I know that colleges care more about the classes I take than just my GPA." -Kyleigh McKeever
"I don't know how my life would have been different had I taken regular courses. Yet I have never regretted my choice to take these courses." -Ryan Griffin
Advanced Mode
I have learned to work hard for the goals I want to reach in life. You get out of things what you put into it." - Caitlin Arzate Photos by Michelle Alfert
PREPARING TO MAKE the first cut, junior Janelle Goettman begins to disect a pregnant cat in Coach Loy Triana's classroom. For his semester final, a disection project was required for his classes. Photo by Kelly Finn
USING THE MAP as a visual aide, Mr. Phil Taylor teaches his AP U.S. history class about the Vietnamese conflict. Photo by Michelle Alfert
WORKING INDIVIDUALLY IN ALPS, freshman Brady Giles reads To Kill a Mockingbird to prepare for an in-depth discussion. Freshmen and sophomores can take a combined ALPS and English I and II course. Staff Photo
A CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT for Pre-AP English I is reading for class. Focusing in Mrs. Lorene Teed's class, freshman Taylor Lile studies her Mythology book Photo by Michelle Alfert
WORKING WITH THE board, senior Lauryn Siniscalchi watches as Mrs. Allyson Baughman explains functions in pre.AP Pre-Calculus. Photo by Michelle Alfert
FOCUSSING ON THE discussion seniors Ricci Perritt and Brittnie Fannon, listen intently during Mrs. Janet Niles French III class. Photo by Erica Scantlin
STANDING AT THE head of the room, seniors Jeremy Goreczny and Alex Pappas look towards the class ready to give their presentation. Photo by Staff.
hfltiinis ftrmofiiV ilckrtW
IN FRONT OF the Spanish class sophomores Haley Duren, Sara Gonzalez, and Kyle Weldon give an oral report. Photo by Erica Scantlin
AS THEY CONVERSE in ASL groups, Michelle Rush, Chrissy Powell, Missy Albin, and Katt Willis rehearse their signing skills. Photo by Erica Scantlin
Dialects exploring different cultures helps in learning languages W n order to gain a seifle o f know ledge a bo u t tbJfeifferent cultures around the w orld, students take language classes to help enhance their understanding, com m unication, patience, and attention span. To help students acquire an edge on German culture, Mr. Steve N orton gives them the chance to w atch German soaps and sample a variety o f German cuisines. "Show and tell! It was great," said senior Charlene Lam brecht as she recalled her favorite experience in German class. In Mrs. Janet Gum's and Mrs. M argaret Fuentes' Spanish classes, students
learn a b o u t the different Spanish speaking countries as well as h o w to form a sentence in Spanish. Being in a language class has taught ju n io r Carly M oree that, "speaking a different
UDI like how all th e stu d e n ts and th e teachers can relate w ith one another w ith o u t having to speak. -Amber Bice
language is d ifficult. W hen new people from other countries m ove here and don't know o u r language, we should be patient with them.". W hen the o pp o rtun ity
arises in Mrs. Lynn Reichert's ASL (American Sign Language) class, the students are given a first hand experience o f ASL w ith a deaf substitute. "I like h o w all the students and the teacher can relate with one another w ith o u t having to speak," sophomore A m ber Bice said. From a culture day to drawing up vacation plans and explaining them in class, French students gain a w ide ability o f skills and experience. Senior M ichelle Lucier decided that taking French w o u ld be interesting because, "my ancestors were French and my name is French." -Erica Scantlin
PRACTICING HIS HAND movements, Leland Wetzel sharpens his ASL skills. Photo by Erica Scantlin SHOWCASING VERB TENSES, Alex Barnes directs her classmates eyes to the board while styled in festive clothing to match the music.
EXPLAINING A MATH problem, Mrs. Anita Lockwood helps students at Gateway with their tasks. Photo by Travis Felty HELPING A CHILD tie his shoes, senior Brady Dalton works at the Burkburnett Boys and Girls Club. Photo by Orlando Flores
Disconnected Students gain credits in off campus programs & V$ÂŽrkyProgram and CM e xvaWare the two o ff campuWprograms offered. W ork Program gives students the opportunity to gain work experience, and at the same time earn high school credit. "Work Program has taught me to be more beneficial to my company," senior Brady Dalton said. The students are required to work 15 to 20 hours a week, although some students do exceed the required am ount o f hours needed. Students must also keep up a passing grade in all their classes to be able to participate in the W ork Program. "Since I'm in the W ork
Program, I have to p ut extra effort into my school work, since most o f my free time is spent working," ju n ior M ichaela Bergin said. Gateway is the oth e r o ff campus program offered to students. It is a
00 W o rk P ro g ram h as ta u g h t me to be more beneficial to my company. 00 -B rady D alton
self paced program that allows students to gain necessary credits to graduate. "Gateway has helped me learn a lot more because I'm getting the
help tha t I need tha t I co uldn 't get in a regular classroom setting," senior Kim Toms said. G ateway students are in the same room all day and are allowed to leave cam pus fo r lunch, b u t the students must fo llo w the rules. They lose this privilege if they are tardy back to cam pus twice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It's hard being here at G ateway because you want to be w ith y o u r friends at the high school campus,"senior Chelsea Toalson said. "Gateway is somewhat a good thing because there aren't as many distractions over here as there are at the main campus." -Orlando Flores
FILING PAPERS IN the office, seniors Shae Whitlock and Lyndsay Cash work for the higt school. Photo by Orlando Floret TYPING AT THE computer, senior Shay'Na Simmons works for coach Alex Koulovatos for the work program. Photo by Orlando Flores
USING COMPUTERS TO finish their work, senior Heather Kemp and junior Amber Winter receive help from Mrs. Terri Griffin. Photo by Travis Felty
LOOKING THROUGH HER English book, senior Kim Toms searches for the answer to a question in her assignment. Photo by Travis Felty
PREPARING A DRINK order, senior Amanda Durdaller works at Sonic after school for the Work Program. 'Working at Sonic for the work program is really great because it helps me finish off high school, and at the same time I can earn money." Photo by Orlando Flores
What do i-Preaw?
i-dream of becoming a teacher for young kids. I've always wanted to be a teacher, especially because I think it is .so important to help kids." -Elissa Anderson
"i-dream of becoming an X-ray technician someday. Hopefully, I will be able to serve in the military at the same time because it is such an honor." -Sabrina Berreles
"i-dream of becoming a computer networker after I graduate. Mostly because computers just seem to come easy to me." -Justin Church
USING NEW KNOWLEDGE , Janelle Goettman gives a presentation over the cultivation of bacteria. Janelle worked with the microbiologists at SAFB. Photo by Melinda Kleckner
RECEIVING AN HONOR, Challena Franks is awarded by her supervisor at the SAFB Meteorolgy Department. Photo by Conni Marshall
USING THE COMPUTERS, Jeanine Young teaches young students about technology while at Hardin Elementary. Photo by Conni Marshall
i-Pream Preant Week provides insight into real world PW pi
HANK SPONSORS, Dream students, like Misty rds, make gift baskets for dunteers involved. These its were sent to show the nts' appreciation. Photo by ilie Alfert NING TO TEACH, Nicole iga reads a book to the â&#x2013; garten class at Hardin mtary. However, Dream goes beyond BISD, and hcludes neighboring school Its , such as City View. I by Conni Marshall.
To give a heads-up on life H the real w orld, the sc h to I offers a week o f "on-the-job" experience to juniors w h o wish to explore a particular career. Often, high school students are confused a b o u t w h a t path they wish to take in life. Others may know w h a t career to pursue, b u t change their minds soon after graduation. Dream W eek allows juniors to explore w ork in any field they choose to give them experience in a real world w ork environment. "During my Dream W eek at United Regional, I was able to watch a baby being born," ju n ior Lane
Anderson said. "There's nothing like it. I loved it! For 10 years, the Dream W eek program has been sponsored by Mrs. M elinda Kleckner and Mrs. Conni Marshall w h o are in
A t -first, I w a sn 't sure of going into cosmetology, but after visitin g th e Boutique I now know th a t th is is the perfect field for m e .^ -Amber Cox
charge o f all arrangements required to give juniors their dream opportunity. These sponsors work to get businesses and organizations involved in the program willing to
contribute their services and time to help further students' w ork experience. Juniors are allowed to w ork with engineering, teaching, health care, and hom e improvement, to name a few. Seventy students participated in Dream W eek with the help of nearly 41 employers such as SAFB, BISD, North Texas Rehab, and Pruitt Ford. "Students are fascinated by the whole atmosphere, where they can actually see the connection between school and the workplace,â&#x20AC;? Mrs. Kleckner said. -Michelle Alfert
PLEADING HIS CASE junior Bridges Crumpter argues in a mach debate In Mrs. Linda Kalski s criminal justice class. Photo by Rebecca Lucier TAKING GREAT CARE to sew her fabric correctly, freshman Rosa Riggio works on her pajama pants. Staff Photo
Additional Components Electives expand student interests ■ o help even o ut the w o p lo a d o f academic core classes, students can pick elective courses to fit into their schedule. The purpose o f an elective course is to expose the student to areas they enjoy other than the required core classes o f academics. "I chose HealthScience Technology II because I plan to become a registered nurse and work in the newborn nursery," junior Marti Roland said. "I want to know as much about the medical field as possible before college." The electives allow the students to learn about their particular area o f interest, w hether it is a career-based decision or just a subject the student wants to learn more about.
Additional Com ponents
For instance, the rise o f technology in criminal forensics has sparked a growing interest the criminal system. “In criminal law, I've learned a b o u t general trial
I took g u itar because it is a class w here you can take your em otions and p u t them into song, ““ -Challena Franks
procedures and the bringing o f justice o f those people w h o broke the law," senior Bo Starkey said. An added bonus to taking electives is that some o f the courses co un t as college credit. These classes are known as the College Tech Prep courses.
Tech Prep programs were set up to be successful at com m unity colleges. They are an o p p o rtu n ity to see w h a t it takes to succeed in college and a chance to earn free college credit to help students get started. The high school also offers many o th e r various electives specializing in areas such as the arts, autom echanics and fam ily and consum er sciences. "The most memorable event in my art class was drawing o u r self-image because I was able to see myself in a different light," senior Jacob Shipp said. W ith a variety o f electives to choose from , students have a golden o p p o rtu n ity to explore different fields o f interest. -Janelle Goettman
APPLYING A COAT of black paint to her crane for art class senior Michelle Lucier paints in deep concentration. Photo by Jennifer Caskey
PREPARING TO DIG in, Greg McNew is ready to attack the banana pudding. Ryshelle Leaper and Kayce Holan watch in amusement. Staff Photo
SITTING WITH HER guitar, junior Challena Franks anticipates the moment when she can begin to play another song. Staff Photo ANXIOUSLY AWAITING TO become weekend parents, sophomore Lindsey Foley and senior Scott Harris wait for Mrs. Jeannine Miller to scan their babies. Photo by Janette Goettman
d NOW PLAYING â&#x2013;ş
ow playing during the 2 0 0 5 2006 sports season are the various Bulldog teams. The Dogs had to sharpen th e ir skills to stay ahead of the new c o m p e titio n as new 5-4A school D enton G u yer jo in e d the district. The Boys Track team started the season w ith a v ic to ry from last spring at the Track and Field D istrict meet at the Bulldog track. The boys 1 600 m relay team, the girls 400 m relay team, and several individuals advanced to Regionals. Greg M o n tg o m e ry advanced in the 110 meter hurdles, long ju m p , and w e n t to State in the triple ju m p . "I was really impressed w ith the c o m p e titive nature o f the athletes at the State meet and was honored to be able to race w ith them," senior M on tg om ery said. A lo ng w ith new hopes and past experiences, the Bulldogs are Now Playing w ith the hearts o f champs. -Shannon Tanner
Sports Divider
HURDLING OVER A cross country obstacle, junior Carly Moree and freshman Katherine Patterson race for the finish line at the Brewer 6-mile relay meet. Photo by Kelly Finn
SOARING HIGH ABOVE the rest, senior Danielle Goode spikes the volleyball over the n as her teammates prepare for block from Denton Guyer. Phoi by Kelly Finn
Now Playing
W. Varisty Volleyball Lady Bulldogs accomplish goals with team unity The Varsity Volleyball team worked to become one of the best defensive teams in the area. Com peting in a tough district, the ladies had to fight hard. They had to rely on defense, since they didn't have a lot of height on the team. There were a lot of new players on the team. "Mixed w ith the experience, we played all of our games close," Coach Linda Richards said. "This year was really fun," senior
Lindsey Means said. "The younger classmen really stepped up and did well." Lindsey Means was awarded the AllD istrict Libero. She did extrem ely w ell as the team's defensive specialist. The team had an overall record of 9-18. "Even though we didn't finish as well as we had hoped, it was the closest team I've ever been on," senior Danielle Goode said. "I w ouldn't trade the experience for anything." -Kelly Finn
........................................... — — —j VS THEM
1 2 —-------Round------- — 1 2 3 — ------- Guyer------- — 1 0 0 ---- ------ Denison ------ -----3 3 0 ~ — ------ Denton------- -----2 0 0 -------- WFHS ------- ---- 3 0 0 — ----- Sherman----- ---- 3 0 0 — --------Rider-------- — 3
Varsity Volleyball
2 0
3 3 3 3 3
IN A HUDDLE, senior Desiree Griffith (1), junior Rachel Kenney (13), sophomore Kalia Nix (3), senior Kristen Merkel (14), senior Danielle Goode (4), and junior Lindsey Miller (9), strategize for the upcoming points. The varsity team demonstrated a lot of teamwork. Photo by Kelly Finn BEGINNING A RALLY, senior Danielle Goode (4) tosses up the ball to serve it to the opposing team. Danielle displayed a lot of talent and determination in recovering from ACL surgery, and still was a key player. She contributed a lot to the team. Photo by Kelly Finn
"Being on the team as a freshman gave me a lot of good experience. It showed me what it is like to be part of a unified team. -Kalea Correll
PARING FOR THE opposing l's block, junior Rachel ley throws her arms up to the point. Photo by Kelly
RETERNING A SERVE from the opposing team, senior Lindsey Means, the team's Libero, prepares to bump the ball. Photo by Kelly Finn RESUMING THE PLAY, senior Desiree Griffith smashes a server over the net to the opposing team's side. Photo by Kelly Finn
-------------------------Is great how we came pgether as a team, l/ithout teamwork, we loudln't have done as veil this year." Lindsey Miller
VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TEAM memebers are (front row) Lindsey Means, Danielle Goode, Desiree Griffith, (second row)
Lindsey Miller, Christine Harris, Janessa Chancey, (back row) Rachel Kenney, Kristi Waggoner, Kristen Merkel,
Kalea Correll, Kalia Nix, and Brittney Tanner. Not pictured is Coach Linda Richards. Photo by Gordon Photography Studio
V O L L E V B A L L t^ y
THE JUNIOR VARSITY volleyball members are (front row) sophomore Lauren Devereaux, sophomore Brittany Tiemann, (second row) junior Jessica
Muller, sophomore Taylor Simpson, sophomore Kristyna Butler, junior Elizabeth Gerstner, junior Kiera Fannon, (back row) sophomore Carrie Harvey, junior
Abigail McKay, sophomore Karri Gibson, sophomore Jenny Cooke, Junior Cortney Cannon, and sophomore Krista Adams. Photo by Gordon's Photography
Denton Guyer
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Volleyball teams' scores reflect a difficult district The Junior Varsity vollyball team 's leadership, team work, and attitude was overall tremendous, contrasting their district scores. "Volleyball this year was a great experience because not only did we win more games but we grew together as a team," sophomore Karra Gibson said. The Lady Bulldog's Junior Varsity team went 48 in district and 9-17 overall. "I really enjoyed coaching this team," Coach Robert Daiker said. "They showed a lot o f heart and a willingness to learn. By the end of the season they really started playing well. I feel these girls are going to contribute at the next level 40
JV/Freshm an Volleyball
and I am very proud o f them ." Although the freshman volleyball team 's district scores result in slightly more losses than wins, the team still lifts their heads high with a winning spirit and does not let their losses overcom e their victories. The Lady Bulldog's freshman team went 5-7 in district and 11-15 overall. "We had a great time this year," Coach J'Bill M errick said. "We won a tournam ent, and made huge strides to becoming a quality volleyball team." Despite the difficult district, the volleyball teams fought hard to stay in the games and their battles resulted in team work and friendships. -Angela Dalke
SPIKING THE BALL, sophomore Carrie Harvey (12) sends the volleyball right to the opposing team's side. Junior Courtney Cannon (8) and sophomore Lauren Devereaux (11) are
underneath Carrie, prepared any return blocks or spikes fi the opposition that maythrov the balance of power into the opponent's favor. Photo by K Finn
FRESHMAN VOLLEYBALL libers are (front row) Hope lovatos, Helen Ono, (second
row) Taylor Lile, Cheyenne Guiterrez, Katherine Patterson, (back row) Natalie Szcechowski,
m.m H
Hali Rangel, and Katherine Frazier. Photo by Gordon's Photography
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V SHOOTING A SPIKE, sophomore Carrie Harvey (12) sends the ball soaring over the net. Photo by Kelly Finn
B3Y TO SET, freshman iJen Devereaux (11) waits to he ball up for a back-court 1p from sophomore Karra 1pn (7) at a Junior Varsity I p. Photo by Kelly Finn
LEAPING INTO THE air, freshman Natalie Szcechowski (12) sends a spike, set up by freshman Cheyenne Guiterrez, soaring to the other court.
Freshmen Helen Ono and Taylor Lile are ready to dig out and send back any return block from Denison. Photo by Kelly Finn
SOARING FOR THE ball, freshman Hali Rangel gets ready to dig the ball, as freshmen Cheyenne Guiterrez (17) and Chelsea Boyd prepare to cover for Rangel.
Varsity Football ✓; Dogs win homecoming game The Dogs began, the season by winning three of the first four games, including homecom ing for the second year in a row. District, however, did not go quite as well for the Dogs; they finished w ith an 0-5 record for district. The Dogs finished with the same exact record as last year, 37. "It would be nice to drop to 3A," coach Bill Dalke said. "Most schools in our district are twice as big and it is going to be tough staying in 4A." Despite the losing record, the Dogs were
dedicated to their sport. T h e big picture is we played hard in district," coach Bill Dalke said. Some games came down to a fe w plays that decided the outcom e of the game. T h e season was disappointing in a lot of ways," ju n io r Nate Brown said. "We should have won at least 7 of the 10 games." Brown, w ho is one of the team's key players returning next season, believes that "Next year is our year."
21 14 49
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Scholarship gm* VISITO R
-C arly M o ree
1 ............
VS Decatur--------------Iowa Park--------------Hirschi---------Brideport--------------Vernon---------------Denison---------------Rider-------------------- WFHS—tSherman--------Denton-----
THEM 31 3 20 21
47 17 21 18
TAKING A TIME out during the second quarter, the Dogs huddle up to talk strategy. Coach Bill Dalke discussed the previous play with senior Cody Allison (52), while the other players talked among themselves about the plays to come, and encouraged each other to keep up the work and the lead. Photo by Travis Felty
27 21
ON THE SIDELINE, Coach JJ Barry and senior Kurt Lobaugh (12) converse about upcoming plays during the homecoming football game. After playing four hard quarters of football, the Bulldogs went on to gain the important win against the Bridgeport Bulls, 28-21. Photo by Travis Felty
Varisty Football
Preston-Clement 1
BUY FOOTBALL TEAM members [front row) Kyle Harpole, Patrick i, Jacob Boswell, Brad Dalke, y Brunson, Quenton Ficklin. and row) Brett Stine, Alex s, Kurt Lobaugh, Rusty Ellett, ny Wise, Dakota Orf, Trey Horn, b row) Coach JJ Barry, Chris
Dye, Patrick Lile, Gary Easter, Tommy Peoples, Jason Brown, Scott Correll, Richard Neuharth, Trainer Chuck McCandless, Coach Scott Boswell, Jon Morris, Zach Bradley, Nick Nixon, Chad Battista, Jared McCrory, Travis Torries, Coach Craig Rickman, (fifth row) Coach
Jason Thomas, Cody Allison, Abram McKay, Luke Hoover, Nate Bayless, Dan Williams, Nate Brown, Coach Dale Brown, (back row) Coach Stacy Atkins, Ian Albin, Matt Midgett, Marcel Klein, Josh Hayter, Brant Frazier, Chad Battista, Coach Brian Major. Photoby Gordon's.
"Before games I go to my house or Frazier's and play NCAA, go to Subway, and then take a 30 minute nap." -Nate Bayless
AFTER THE HANDOFF, junior Nate Brown (5) a tte m p ts to gain a first down. Senior Cory Brinkley (3) prepared to m ake a block so his te a m m a te could continue to gain yardage. Photo by'Travis Felty COMING OFF OF the fake handoff, junior Nate Brown (5) confuses the opposing Vernon Lions' defense. Quarterback Trey Horn (1 T) looked dow nfield and prepared to pass to a receiver. Other
members of the offensive line looked to block for Horn so the Lions could not interrupt the pass play. Although the Dogs played a hard game, they lost to the Lions 47-17. P hotoby Travis Felty
like to take a nap, eat ome tuna, and then play Box with the team in the icker room before our ames." <yle Harpole
Iowa Park
JV FOOTBALL MEMBERS are (front row) Coach Barry, Cody Burks, Andrew Richardson, Justin Houston, Joseph Calderon, Trainer McCandless (second row) Coach Boswell,
Scott Bavouselt, Kyle Dye, Kaleb Simpson, Tyler Hunt, Coach Rickman, (third row) Coach Atkins, Joey Gallego, Lyn Barnes, Jonathan Frank, Kyle Petersen, Coach Major, (fourth
row) Coach Thomas, Evan AlbiiJ Phillip Shaver, Hunter Rhude,' I Keaton Green, Joey Durdaller, I Ernest Davis, Coach Brown, (back row) Coach Dalke. Photq by Gordons Photography
DIVING TO TACKLE the opponent, junior Brett Stein (5) works to prevent the Huskies from gaining more yards. The Junior Varsity team worked all year long. Of the four games
they lost, three were only los a few points. They worked v as a team and fought throug! tough times together," Coacl Dalke said. Photo by Kelly F\
JV, Freshman players finish the season strong The Junior Varsity team finished up a good season w ith an overall record of 6-4. The team worked diligently throughout the season. M embers of the junior varsity team w ill be playing on varsity next year. These players have gotten a lot of experience throughout the last few years. "They never gave up and fought hard till the end of each and every game," Coach Dalke said. "Their knowledge of the
JV/Freshm an Football
game w ill help them to be successful in the future." The freshman hamm ered through com petiton, holding a district record of 4-1. W ith nine overall wins and only one loss , the team had a great season. "These guys worked very well together," Coach Butler said. "They have a very bright future if they continue to work hard and strive to get better everyday." -Kelly Finn
5HMAN FOOTBALL TEAM FIBERS are (front row) Josh ston, Seth Barrells, eron McAllister, Derek reaux, Raymond Herd, Ian pies, Ronnie Hall, Johnathan
Barns, (second row) Kelly Watkins, Tyler McKeever, Julian Garcia, Travis DeVore, Justin Robertson, Bobby Harrimon, Jacob Starkey, (third row) Tommy Dalke, Brady Giles,
Kaleb Longrow, Jesse Watson, Jason McDaniel, Trent Sharp, Mike Wright, (back row) Jason Beach, Jay Ghoul, Stetson Copus, Derek Dowling, Brad Deeb, and Jordan Beach.
Iowa Park
STRUGGLING TO ESCAPE the opponent's grasp, sophomore Johnathan Frank (3) fights to continue toward the endzone.
ICHING THEIR MMATES from the sidelines waiting for their turn on the IJunior Varsity team pers anticipate the hing plays.
PUSHING AWAY FROM an , opposing player, freshman Jason Beach (1), strong and balanced, carries the ball away from Hirschi's endzone, toward the other side of the field. The
Freshman players worked well together as a team, and displayed strong defensive and offensive play, losing only one game, 12-13 to Rider. Photo by Kelly Finn
DODGING A TACKLE from the opposing team, freshman Jay Ghoul (20) fights to gain more yards, working toward the end zone in hopes of a touchdown. Photo by Travis Felty
JV/Freshm an Football
Tennis Bulldog tennis scores third in District competition After a terrific season with much shared laughter and friendship, the Bulldog tennis team says goodbye to seniors, hello to new talent, and gets ready to step in next season. "O ur team hung o ut together during the summer and bonded with each other early, so that during the first practice in August you could tell that they w ould w ork well together," Coach Carey Caldwell said. "This is the tightest team I've played w ith in my fo u r years on varsity," senior M att M o rro w said. "I'll be really sad to leave these guys." The varsity team led an 8-6 season, w on the Hirschi tournament, beat the 13th in state team, and placed third in District.
The ju n io r varsity team finished the fall season w ith a record o f 5-4. Leadership was a key quality on the varsity tennis team. New members were brought under the wings o f the o lder members and everyone learned something new. "The kids knew h o w to have fun together, b ut when it was time to get to work, they enjoyed that just as m uch," Coach Caldwell said. Coach Caldwell also shared in the glory w ith the team after winning the 4A Coach o f the Year award. W ith the fall season closing, the teams practiced fo r the spring season. -Shannon Tanner
REPRESENTING THEIR TEAf senior varsity tennis captains Karissa Caldwell and Matt Morrow maintained their positions on the varsity team] four years. Morrow was co captain of the team last year and Caldwell has been a key player in District matches all four years. Photo by Zach Shipp
RETURNING HIS OPPONENT S forehand, junior Michael Smith works to keep his feet moving in a match against Wichita Falls
High School. Michael has played for the Bulldogs tennis team for the past three years. Photo by Zach Shipp
PREPARING TO SEND the bj back over to her opponent, I sophomore Hilary Galbraith keeps her stance and concentrates on her aim anc precision. Hilary has been ar important player on the varsi team for the past two years. Photo by Zach Shipp
SITY TENNIS TEAM ibers are (front row) Kyle shall, Shelby Carpenter, Morrow, Hilary Galbraith an Roddy, (second row)
Coach Carey Caldwell, A.J. Norris, Michael Smith, Courtney Carpenter, J.R. Griffith, Karissa Caldwell, Coach Jason Sleagle, (back row) Ryan Madarang,
Ashley Baird, Brady Dalton, Heather Zillweger, and Paul McBroom. The varsity tennis team ranked third in district. Photo by Zach Shipp
"B e in g a s e n io r o n th e te n n is te a m has b e e n so m u c h fu n ! I lo v e h a v in g m y D a d as m y co a ch , and h a n g in g o u t w ith m y te a m m a te s o n a n d o f f th e c o u rt."
-Karissa Caldwell SENIOR VARSITY TENNIS members are (front row) Paul McBroom, Brady Dalton, Kyle Marshall, Nathan Roddy, (back row) Matt Morrow, and Karissa Caldwell. Photo by Zach Shipp
JUNIOR VARSITY TEAM members are (front row) Dustin Casey, Jordan Miller, Joel Smith, Colby Wilson, Kayla Kemp, (second row) Jason Wilson, Marie Oehlerking, Allison Pool, Andy Degilia, Keagan Garcia,
Nick Morales,(back row) Coach Jason Sleagle, Shane Hassell, Skye Jones, Caitlin Phelan, Jessika Evans, and Coach Carey Caldwell. The junior varsity team had a 5-4 record. Photo by Zach Shipp
'm really looking prward to college bnnis, b ut I'll be sad p leave such a closenit team." Matt Morrow
Bulldog golf teams tee off for a successful year Under the leadership and coaching ability o f head coach Kay Dalke, the golf team has grown tremendously. "I remember freshman year when Maranda and I were the only ones on the team," senior Victoria Rousseau said. " N ow we are co-captains o f a team o f 10." Both the boys and girls teams started the golf season with a com bination o f new and returning players. "I have enjoyed returning to golf because o f all the new courses we have played," sophom ore M ichael Albers said. Sophom ore Lindsey Foley was the newest addition to the girls golf team and she said, "Being new wasn't bad. The girls were all really nice and
welcom ing. W e have all becom e really good friends." Hackberry Creek, Squaw Creek, and Doral are among the different courses the boys played. W h ile at Doral, Grady Coker lead the boys w ith a 77. "Grady has w orked diligently to im prove his game, and it is showing as he leads the team in scoring," Coach Dalke said. The girls also com peted at several tournaments. Am ong these were Tanglewood and Squaw Creek. "The m ajority o f these girls have been on this team together at least tw o years, so they are very close and get along great," Coach Dalke said. -Maranda Bice
w oinuuLBUS U
AFTER A SUCCESSFUL day of tournament play junior Jennifer Renick helps senior captain Vic Rousseau load the golf clubs c the back of the school bus. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sii my freshman year the friends I made on this team have becort big part of my life. Even though is more of an individual sport yc a team and helping them out is important," Jennifer Renick sai
LOOKING AT THE flag on the green, sophomore Amber Bice makes sure that she is angled correctly toward the pin. "I really enjoyed playing at Tanglewood," Amber Bice said.
ON THE PUTTING, green junior Sarah Welter carefully lines up her shot before preceding. Sarah has a special routine she goes through before taking every shot.
READYING HIMSELF FOR his r shot, Michael Albers checks hi stance. First golf tournamets < be very nerve racking. The sc; thing that has evered happene golf was when I was standing < the first tee at our first tournament," Michael Albers ss "Everyone was watching, and I hoping that I would not miss it!
5ITY BOYS GOLF team bers are (front row) Michael s, Tommy Dalke, Layne
McBeath, Zach Tittle, (back row) Paul Vandenberg, Grady Coker, Kordan Kildew, and Kelly
Virdell. Not pictured is Derek Dowling and Coach Kay Dalke. Photo by Travis Felty
"The coolest miniature golf course I have ever played on was in Florida. The reason I enjoyed this one so much is because it had real grass instead o f the usual fake kind.â&#x20AC;? -Grady Coker
PERFECTING THEIR PUTTING technique, freshman Tommy Dalke and sophomore Layne McBeth compete in a putting contest. The golf team practices at River Creek at least every other day during their class time to improve their golfing skills.
VARSITY GIRLS GOLF team members are (front row) Victoria Rousseau, (second row) Lindsey Foley, Sarah Welter, Jennifer
Renick, (back row) Maranda Bice, and Amber Bice. Not pictured are Taylor Lile and Hope Koulovatos.
I T h e m ost fun I [re ever had on a m ini|f course was w hen I lyed in the dark at rrtle Beach." -Lindsey Foley
Cross Country Boys' and girls' teams place third in District A fter hours o f struggle, weeks o f preparation, and a full tw o months o f conditioning, both cross country teams placed third at District in W ichita Falls. This achievement qualified seven runners and one alternate fo r each team fo r the Regional I meet in Lubbock, Texas. W ith new head girls' coach Mr. Loy Triana, many new advances were taken. "We had many ups and downs, b ut it was all a bo u t developing the kids," Coach Triana said. "I was really excited about getting to Regionals fo r the first time in fo u r years.” Leading the boys' team fo r his third year was
senior David Ford, w h o placed fifth at District and 21st at Regionals. "I just enjoy running; it helps to keep me in shape, plus I love the com petition at meets like Regionals,” David Ford said. Leading the girls' team were senior Shannon Tanner and ju n io r Amanda Collie, running fo r their fou rth years. Tanner placed ninth at District; Collie placed fifth at District and 95th at Regionals. "It was a lot o f fun to be able to run varsity and only be a freshman; I'll definitely be back next year,” freshman Helen O no said. -Shannon Tanner KEEPING HIS KNEES up to dash through mud at the OSU Jamboree meet, freshman Matt Torres strides toward the finish. Torres has run for the cross country team for two years. Bulldog varsity runners have attended the OSU Jamboree for several years. Photo by Kelly Finn STRUGGLING THROUGH THE heat, junior Amanda Collie keeps her head held high at the Brewer 6-mile relay. This was the only relay meet in the cross country season. This was Collie's fourth year to run. Photo by Kelly Finn TAKING A BREAK to celebrate their win, the girls' varsity team enjoys their third place victory at the Lake Wichita District meet. Two Bulldog runners made All District in the meet, placing in the top ten. Courtesy Photo
Cross Country
ISITY GIRLS CROSS itry members are (front row) hel Kenney, Monica Lynott, inon Tanner, Amanda Collie, ond row) Carly Moree, ina Aubin, Helen Ono, lerine Peterman and Coach
Loy Triana. Not pictured are Kelly Finn and Courtney Durst. The varsity girls finished third in their district meet in Wichita Falls, qualifying seven runners and an alternate to regionals.
PULLING AHEAD OF the pack, senior Shannon Tanner concentrates her pace at the OSU Jamboree. Tanner placed All District for the team. Photo by Kelly Finn
I felt really honored to be able to run w ith such talented runners, especially since this is my first year on varsity. Next year should be a blast." -Monica Lynott
BEARING DOWN AGAINST the winds of Oklahoma, senior David Ford digs into the mud of a hill at the OSU Jamboree. David placed in the top 10 runners in the meet, placing first for the Bulldogs. Photo by Kelly Finn
VARSITY BOY CROSS country members are (front row) Chase Whitt, Shawn Peterman, Matt Torres, Sean Brown, Jared Phillips, David Ford, (second row) E.J. Carrion, Brent Enderline,
Orlando Flores, Kordan Kildew, Sam Carrion, (back row) Bryan Lamach, Mark Stephens, Cameron Cremeens, Steve Schutte, and Coach James Mosley. Staff Photo.
I still enjoy running ke same as w hen I rst started. It just besn't change fo r -David Ford
Varsity Basketball Lady Bulldogs finish a tough season in 4A The Lady Bulldogs started the season off very promising winning the first six games. District did not go as well for the Lady Dogs; they finished with a final record of 57 in district play. "We didn't reach all the goals we had set for this year," Coach Alex Koulovatos said. The main challenge facing the ladies was the teams they were playing. "We played in a very tough district, but our girls stepped up every game and
played as hard as they could,” Coach Koulovatos said. The varisty w ill be losing five seniors this year that have been w ith the program for four years. The team w ill have six returning varsity members from the '05-'06 season. As for next year, hopefully the drop to 3A w ill help the Lady Dogs reach th e ir goal of w inning district and making the playoffs. "I think we are going to be more successful next year in 3A," jun io r Heather Rarick said. -C arly M o ree TRYING TO BREAK the press of
g ir l s
b asketball
37 26 49 38 38 50 47 21 44 37 39 51
-------- — Denison---------------S herm an ------------— ------- ...... Rider— - — — r --------------- ...... WFHS— --------------------- -Denton Guyer............ — ------- — Denison-............... — Sherman-.............. ........ ......... ...... Denton-.............. ------- ........WFHS................ ------------ -Denton Guyer............
Varsity Girls Basketball
THEM I 48 59 30 65 28 43 52 58 40 60 46 25
the Broncos, junior point guard Rachel Kenney (13) looks to pass the ball to sophomore Sara Schutte (30) out of the trap. The tough press of the Denton varsity posed a difficult challenge for the Lady Dogs and their ability to get into half court offense. Photo by Kelly Finn.
SHOOTING A WIDE open threepoint shot on the baseline, senior guard Desiree Griffith (11) trys to increase the Lady Dogs' score. Sophomore Alex Barnes (32) and senior Lindsey Means (10) prepared to rebound the ball by blocking out the Broncos in case the shot bounced off the rim. Photo by Kelly Finn.
SITY BASKETBALL TEAM ibers are (front row) Carly ee, Lindsey Means, an Koulovatos, (second
row) Danielle Goode, Desirbe Griffith, Courtney Durst, Rachel Kenney, Elizabeth Gerstner, (third row) Alex
Barnes, Sara Schutte, Katiya Jackson, Jenna Inglish, Capri Williams, and Heather Rarick Photo by Gordon's
"Once on my summer team, our opponents' parents were threatening to get shotguns and even called the cops. That is the craziest thing to happen." -Katiya Jackson
LOOKING DOWN THE court, senior Katiya Jackson (25) dribbles the ball while looking to make a pass. Photo by K. Finn. WITH A LOOK of concentration on her face, senior Katiya Jackson (25) focuses on making a free throw. Photo by K. Finn.
"The craziest thing to ever happen was last season when Shauna Runyon passed out in the middle of the court. It was so scary." -Lindsey Means
BUNG THE BASKETBALL ly down the court, senior guard Megan Koulovatos â&#x2013; ys to score a layup on the m Broncos during the fast
break. Seniors Lindsey Means (10) and Katiya Jackson (25) trailed the ball and made themselves available for a pass in case of a trap. Photo by Finn.
GOING UP STRONG, sophomore Alex Barnes makes a post move. Seniors Desir&e Griffith (11) and Katiya Jackson (25) rebounded. Photo by Kelly Finn.
Varsity Girls Basketball
S ] H r)
USvsthem] 45
Denton Guyer
Denton Guyer
members are (front row) Janessa Chancey, Courtney Durst, Lauren
Devereaux, Cortney Cannon, Elizabeth Gerstner, (back row) Carrie Harvey, Capri Williams,
Stephanie Duchesne, Jam1 Runyon, Haley Duren and Kiera Fannon. Photo by Gordon's Photography.
SURROUNDED BY DEFENDERS junior Janessa Chancey fights through the crowd and successfully shoots a basket against Denison. With all eyes on the ball, it soars to the
basket as Jamie Runyon s beneath the net, prepared any rebound that might co her way. Photo by Kelly Finn.
JV, Freshman teams' work provides winning record The junior varsity basketball team's work paid off, reflecting their district record of 9-3 and their overall record of 19-5. "The girls worked hard and improved as the season advanced," Coach Denise Miracle said. "These girls were a lot of fun but sometimes they were challenging to coach. However, I enjoyed every m inute of the season and these ladies did a good job this year." The junior varsity team did outstanding, going second in 54
district, losing to an undefeated Denton. The freshman girls basketball team also com peted skillfully, going an undefeated 12-0 in district and 220 overall. "This season was unreal and exciting," Coach J Bill M errick said. "To go undefeated is a great accom plishm ent for this team. They d efinitely have a bright future and so much potential at Burkburnett. They work so well as a team."
JV/Freshm an Girls Basketball
-Angela Dalke
Brooke Taylor, Kaleigh Morris, Katherine Patterson, LaKrishna Hale, Taylor Lile, and Alise Amy.
IJS vsl
Breanna Luney, ca Lynott, Helen Ono,
Hope Koulovatos, Chelsea Boyd, Tracy Newberry, Amanda Olive, (back row) Natalie Szcechowski,
5HMAN BASKETBALL VI members are (front
Denton Guyer
Denton Guyer
WITH TWO OPPONENTS from Denison hot on her trail, junior Janessa Chancey (12) dribbles to the basket. Photo by Finn
FOR A LAY-UP, more Capri Williams (10) ? 2 points for the Lady The team spent fces perfecting their shots. by Kelly Finn. f
LEAPING FOR THE goal, freshman LaKrishna Hale (32) jumps above a defending Denton Guyer team member, determined to make a basket. Photo by Kelly Finn.
NTH PERFECT FORM, eshman Monica Lynott (21) hoots for the score, in their ,st game at home, against enton Guyer. Photo by Kelly
SHOWING HER SKILLS, junior Kaleigh Huntley (30) races down the court with teammates sophomore Capri Williams (10), juniors Kiera Fannon (31), and Janessa Chancey (12) in tow.
V a r s it y B o ys B a s k e tb a ll Dogs prove they are 'back in '06' A fter last year's lessthan spectacular season, the Dunkin' Dogs were o ut to prove that they were 'Back in ’06.' W ith only six returning varsity players, the Dogs were ready to face the d ifficult road ahead. To help prepare them fo r this challenge, the Dogs had to go through some very excruciating practices. "Practices were very fun, but at times, were hard and frustrating, b ut in the end, it helped us get to where we are today," senior Greg M ontgom ery said. A fter the practices were done, the hungry Dogs were ready to face the opposition. i The Dogs got o ff to a very successful start w ith a pre-season that included a
► us
60 If: 57 ,| 47 65 53 46 i 71 63 50 83 i 49 i 65
consolation victory over rival school W ich ita Falls O ld High in the Fantasy o f Lights tournament. A fte r the success o f pre season, it was tim e fo r District. W ith a roaring start, the Dogs found themselves w ith a 3-1 record, and a 4-2 record at the halfw ay mark, losing only to WFHS and Sherman. Determined to prove they were playoff-w orthy, the Dogs came o u t w ith a vengeance during the second half o f the season, earning a spot in the playoffs by defeating Denison. "O ur guys have worked extremely hard, and we co uldn 't be prouder. It’s been a terrific year," coach Danny Nix said. The Dogs ended the season w ith an 8-4 record in district and 22-9 overall. -O rlando Flores
-------------- Rider—------------------- -— -Denton— — — — — ...„.W F H S ................. -------------- Guyer---------------------------- Denison— ----------—..............Sherman------- — — .................Rider-------- -------------------- Denton------------.................WFHS................. —--------— Guyer................. -------------- Denison-................ .................Sherman-..............
Varsity Boys Basketball
THEM 47 40 60 55 51 70 65 57 57 52 48 69
DURING A FASTBREAK transition, senior Allen Smith goes to the basket strong, ending in an dynamic slam dunk on one unlucky Coyote. This dunk was a pivotal moment in the game and had the crowd and student section on their feet. Sadly, the Dunkin' Dogs lost this meeting with Wichita Falls 60-47. Photo by Kelly Finn. HOLDING HIS FINISH after releasing the ball, senior Ryan Briscoe launches a shot from deep behind the three point line while he is heavily guarded by a WFHS Coyote. The Coyotes were one of the toughest teams the Dogs played. Out of the three times they played, the Dogs won once. Photo by Finn
SITY BOYS BASKETBALL nbers are (front row) pger Jonathan Simmons, Carrion, Kirtis Ames, Aaron s, Austin Richter, Allen
Smith, David Ford, Mark Stephens, manager Alex Gwin. (back row) Cameron Cremeens, Greg Montgomery, Ryan Briscoe, Abram McKay, Nathan
Bayless, Bobby Morris, Bryant Cloud, Shawn Peterman, and Justin Mymbs. Head coach is Danny Nix. Photo by Gordon's Photography
"If I could, I'd play Kobe Bryant, because I think he's the best basketball player and I like to play the best." -Austin Richter
ATTEMPTING TO BREAK the tie, freshman Jay Gould takes a shot over a Denison Yellow Jacket. Photo by Kelly Finn MAKING HIS WAY up the court, senior Austin Richter dribbles carefully to evade the defender. Photo by Kelly Finn
"If I could, I'd play Michael Jordan, because he is the greatest of all time and I'd like to see if I could score on him. -Justin Mymbs
PG IN STRONG, senior pn Bayless makes a lay-up. [was a crucial moment in Pogs 53-51 victory against [on. Photo by Kelly Finn
PUTTING THE OFFENSE in a lockdown, senior Allen Smith gives it his all in an incredible display of defense against Denison. Photo by Kelly Finn
KEEPING CONTROL OF the ball, senior Justin Mymbs begins his take off for a lay-up as fellow senior Austin Richter looks on. Photo by Kelly Finn
Varstiy Boys Basketball
USvsTHEM Rider
j 70
! 66
O ld high
Denton Guyer
68 ! 69 t 50
I 73
O ld High
Denton Guyer
\ 99
JV BASKETBALL MEMBERS are (first Row) Jacob Johnstonbaugh, Keyle Monk, Brett Stine, Heath Cage, Orlando Flores, Brent Enderlein,
E.J. Carrion, (second Row) Drew Aaron, Kyle Willett, John Belovosky, Keith Stevenson, Desmond Strickland, Jason Bryant, (back Row) Tyrell Brown, Sean Brown, Cameron
Cremeens, Kyle Fournier, j Dudley Duncan, Kory Liviningston, Mark Stephens, and Jordan Fauntleroy. Photo by Gordon\ Photography
Freshman, JV reaping benefits of tough off season practice B o th th e fre s h m a n a n d JV b o y s b a s k e tb a ll b o th h a d a g re a t
th e m o re c h a lle n g in g p o in ts o f th e se aso n . "P la y in g R id e r w a s
season b e g in n in g b a c k
th e b e st p a rt o f th e
in A u g u s t a t th e s ta rt o f
y e a r," said A rro n
s c h o o l. T h e JV fin is h e d
T h o m p s o n o f th e
w it h a re c o rd o f n in e
fre s h m a n te a m .
w in s a n d th re e losses
W it h R id e r h a v in g
a n d th e fre s h m e n w it h
a s tro n g b a s k e tb a ll
a re c o rd o f 10 w in s a n d
te a m , b o th th e JV a n d
z e ro losses!
th e fre s h m e n w e re
" U n s e lfis h p la y a n d
p u m p e d a fte r s e c u rin g
c o a c h a b ility w e re th e
t w o s u c c e s s fu l
s tro n g e s t p o in ts o f th e JV te a m , th e y also
v ic to rie s .
p la y e d as a te a m fro m
announcm ent of
th e b e g in n in g o f th e
m o v in g to d iv is io n
season u n til th e last
A A A , b o th te a m s h a v e
g a m e /' C o a c h James M o s le y .
h ig h e r g o a ls f o r th e
T h e JV te a m a ll a g re e d th a t th e lo n g b u s rid e s w e re o n e o f
JV Boys Basketball
W ith th e
c o m in g ye ars.
Adam Roberts
WATCHING AND WAITING Keith Stevenson looks on as Donald Hall shoots the ball over two opponents heads. The JV
boys team pulled of an ama victory over the Denton Broncos with a final score c to 88. Photo by Adam Robt
Jordan Beach, Calvin Eaton, Demarcus Smith, Aaron Thompson, Derek Dowling, Jason Beach, and Anthony Gibbs. Photo By Gordon's Photography
LLJ 3 =
(second Row) Robert Barboza, Seth Barrells, Richard Harrimon, Jonathan Barnes, Colten Carroll, Jesse Walton, (third row) Adam Barnes, Justin Roderick,
O ld high
Denton Guyer
O ld High
Denton Guyer
53 --V
EXTENDING THE LEAD over Denton Guyer freshman Jason Beech scores two more points. Photo by Adam Roberts. IN THE AIR Aaron Thompson aids his teammate Chris Fraizer in blocking a member or the Denton Guyer freshman basketball team. The freshman
team ended up steam rolling to another victory. The freshmen finished the season with a record of 10 wins and no losses Photo by Adam Roberts
Freshm en Boys Basketball
Soccer Soccer girls shoot for a successful season T h e s o c c e r te a m
sa id . "W h e n w e p la y in
h a d m a n y re tu r n in g
c o ld w e a th e r w e h a v e
v a rs ity p la y e rs . W ith
to s tre tc h a n d w a rm u p
th e h e lp o f C o a c h
m o re , b u t w it h w a rm e r
B ecky H edges and
w e a th e r w e a re less
C o a c h P a tric k B irk, th e
lik e ly to p u ll a m u s c le
JV a n d v a rs ity s o c c e r
o r in ju r e o u rs e lv e s ."
te a m s w e re a b le to
A n e w season
im p ro v e a n d w o r k o n
a lw a y s b rin g s n e w
skills. "T h e c o a c h e s w e re
c h a lle n g e s w it h n e w
a b le to h e lp m e
n e w s ta n d a rd s ,
im p ro v e o n a c c u ra c y
a c c o r d in g to C o a c h
s o c c e r m e m b e rs a n d
a n d m y s h o o tin g ," said
H e d g e s . T h e g irls
JV m e m b e r E liz a b e th
s o c c e r te a m s k e p t
R o d riq u e z .
p u s h in g fo r w a r d to
W ith u n u s u a lly w a rm te m p e ra tu re s in
w in . "T h e g irls w o rk e d
J a n u a ry f o r th e k ic k o f f
re a lly h a rd th is se aso n ,"
o f th e s o c c e r season,
C o a c h H e d g e s sa id .
p r a c tic in g w a s m u c h
"O n e t h in g th a t
m o re e n jo y a b le .
c o n t r ib u t e d th e m o s t
"P la y in g in w a rm e r w e a th e r is a lo t b e tte r," ju n io r C o u r tn e y Jones
w a s th e te a m w o r k th e y s h o w e d ." -M . Bice & A . Bice SWEEPING BACK TO kick th ball, junior Courtney Jones keeps her balance as she wd on her kicking skills. Courtne] has been on the soccer team for three years. Photo by Trai Felty
IN ORDER TO prepare for the upcoming games, senior Arlene Gutierrez practices on dribbling the ball down the field. WORKING ON HER passing skills, sophomore Alyssa Turner practices after school to improve this talent.
Girls Soccer
FOCUSING ON IMPROVEME^ senior Lyka Walton carefully handles the ball down the fielj The girls soccer team practid dribbling and passing skills everyday in order to compete better offensively. Photo by Travis Felty
jSITY SOCCER MEMBERS front row) Jamie Simmons, | Matthews, Jeanine Young, an Houck, lylene Gutierrez, Ina Polk, Arlene Gutierrez,
(second row) Jordan Sheffield, Cheyenne Kubala, Julie Alaniz, Jordan Rickard, Cara Simmons, Nicole Ysasaga, Heather Zamora, (back row) Coach
Patrick Birk, Tina Griffith, Lindsey Miller, Britney Wise, Courtney Jones, Blair Wuthrich, Kristen Brown, and Coach Becky Hedges.
"Last year we beat Sherman 3-0. W e had to win to go to play-offs. A fter we won, everyone was jum ping up and dow n and it was the most exciting moment." -Capt. Britney Wise
ABOUT TO CATCH the ball, freshman Blair Wuthrich looks up preparing to engage the soccer ball. Photo by Travis Felty TO COMPLETE AN after school drill, junior Lindsey Miller works individually as Coach Patrick Birk helps a teammate. Photo by Travis Felty
most exciting in soccer was we w ent to . O n e o f the ran over my leg and my knee. A t least bus ride was fun."
-Staci Brown
JV SOCCER MEMBERS are (front row) Cynthia Baker, Alyssa Turner, Breanna Kerr, Staci Brown, Silke Stawowski
(back row) Coach Becky Hedges, Cassie Thompson, Ashley Sifuentes, Elizabeth Keksi, Abby McKay, Stephanie
Broomfield, Elizabeth Rodriquez and Coach Patrick Birk. Photograph by Gordon's Photography
Soccer Soccer teams practice to improve the score Beginning the year w ith a new team and new coaching staff, the soccer team had high hopes to excel from previous years. "Despite losing several graduates since last year," soccer coach Patrick Birk said, "this year's team still has potential to do very well this season." Last year, all the teams were com bined into one. But, with new talent and experience, the team has been able to split again into a JV and Varsity team. Practicing hard after school, the boys are trying to master the techniques that will give them a prosperous season and a stronger team. -Michelle Alfert & Janelle Goettman
FINISHING A RIGOROUS practice, the Junior Varsity team huddles together to discuss upcoming game plans. Both
teams have trained intensely for this season. However, according to Coach Patrick Birk, only powerful practices and strong
team unity, could give the ne soccer teams hope to achie' their "goals" for success. Ph by Travis Petty
i'am u 0t K â&#x20AC;&#x153;Soccer is d ifferent thar oth e r sports, because you have to be a more versatile player. It requires a player to be p ro ficie n t at both offense and defense.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
-Chance McCra
VARSITY SOCCER MEMBERS are (front row) Patrick Lile, Scott Bavousett, Justin Price, Stephen Salas, Lance Maxwell, Keenan Stubblefield, Derek
Boys Soccer
Devereaux, (back row) Coach Kyle Redding, Chance McCraw, Ian Peoples, James Bavousett, Mark Nichols, Blake Deeb, Brandon Laubscher, Kyle
Alexander, Steven McNeil, and Coach Marquis Muse. Photo courtesy of Gordon's Photography
1MING UP THEIR muscles, Ir Ole Steinhubl and hman Michael Hargis run llaps for endurance Itice. The entire soccer
team is allowed free practice time in which they are permitted to use for improving their own self-discipline skills. Photo by Travis Felty
DRIBBLING THE BALL, freshman Keenan Stubblefield practices individually for the upcoming games. Photo by Travis Felty
In soccer I have learned that if I w ant something to happen, I must keep on trying. Coach Muse has taught me to w ork hard and to never give up."
-Kyle Street
GUARDING THE GOAL, freshman Nick Organ keeps a careful watch for oncoming possible goals. Preparing a block, he gets ready to stop the ball. Photo by Travis Felty
VARSITY MEMBERS ont row) Kyle Street, Nick Kaleb Lacey, Wesley lAlbin Laubscher, Matt fjs, Vincent Reed, (second
row) Michael Hargis, Jeremy Miner, Sean Michaud, Chase Witt, Ryan Mills, (back row) Coach Kyle Redding, Josh Singer, Josh Brownhill, Brad
Deeb, Ole Steinhubl, Andres Delagarza, and Coach Marquis Muse. Photo courtesy of Gordon's Photography
AIMING TO KICK the ball, Ian Peoples focuses on his task. With tough competition ahead, the team had to work to improve their game. Photo by T. Felty
Softball Early spring w eather provides for excellent start As clouds cleared and temperatures rose, the com petition heated up for the Bulldog softball team. W ith the excitement o f a new field, the softball team geared up their skills and welcom ed new members. They welcom ed a new pitcher, junior Brittney Tanner. "It's really great to be a pitcher here and have Coach Hennan as my pitching coach,'' junior Brittney Tanner said. "N ow I can practice pitching everyday instead o f only once or tw ice a week." The softball season started o ff w ith scrimmages against Keller and Graham and pre-season games against Abilene and Iowa Park. , Teamwork, friendship, and a tad bit o f drama helps to keep the team
together. "I'm hoping this year we win a p la yo ff game, that w o u ld make it the perfect year fo r me," ju n ior Lindy Anderson said, "I think we're going to have a winning season." "M y favorite part a bo u t this team is tha t we're all like sisters," senior Leah M o o d y said. "W e take care o f each other, we have fun together, and we can always co u n t on one another fo r support.â&#x20AC;? A passion fo r the game is always im portant when playing on a team. "I like playing on this team m uch more than my old school," Tanner said. "We're extremely dedicated here. W e look forward to playing and we don't find excuses to quit." -Shannon Tanner
GETTING GEARED UP for a catch, junior Cortney Cannon steadies her stance during a play at the varsity game in Abilene. Courtesy Photo
DISCUSSING HER PREVIOUS pitch with Coach Allen Hennan junior Brittney Tanner checks the status of the bases befon her next pitch. Courtesy Phot
m em
PRACTICING THEIR FORM freshman Harley Simpson, sophomore Lindsey Sirilla, sophomore Kayla Weldon, and junior Kellee Brown crouch for catching drills at the Friendship
CONGRATULATING EACH OTHER the varsity softball t gathers at the mound durinc their game against Abilene ISchool. Courtesy Photo Park softball fields. The teams practiced at these fields until the completion of the new softball complex adjacent to the school behind the ROTC buildings. Courtesy Photo
PSYCHING THEMSELVES I for the game, senior Leah Moody and junior Lindy Anderson watch from the sidelines. Courtesy Photo
BITY SOFTBALL TEAM bers are Leah Moody, le y Dolan, Lorena Barnes, hey Cannon, Brittney br, Carrie Harvey, Sarah
Weary, Briitiny Casteen, Kristyna Butler, Kelsey Sterkel, Chelsey Griffin, Tressa Stoiloff, and Chessa Adame. The team was able to enjoy a field of their
own after the new high school softball complex was completed for spring competition. (Not pictured is Lindy Anderson). Staff Photo
"I love hanging o u t with the girls on the team. It's fun to have a group o f friends tha t you can always have fun with and w ork together at the same time." -Leah Moody
PERFORMING A PERFECT release, junior Brittney Tanner pitches to a player in the varsity scrimmage at Graham. Senior Leah Moody and junior Lorena Barnes prepare for a hit. Tanner recently moved to Burkburnetf from Petrolia and was also active in varsity volleyball. Courtesy Photo JUNIOR VARSITY SOFTBALL members are (front row) Taylor Simpson, Chelsea Boyd, Lexi Garcia, Harley Simpson, Etta Forrestal, Kristi Stephens,
(back row) Coach Camille Moody, Lyndsay Isaacs, Alise Amey, Ashley McCleskey, Kellee Brown, Kayla Weldon, and Lindsey Sirilla. Staff Photo
o far we've had me successes, but hink we will ivelop a strong Inning team." jnndy Anderson
Baseball Bulldogs anticipate 'state or bust' The varsity baseball team starts the season with high ambitions and confidence. Together, the players set high goals, including 25 wins and making it to the play offs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;W e need to play together, support each other, and do w hatever is necessary to help the team," coach Leach said. "W ith good teamwork, we should do really well." Dakota O rf said, "Go big or go home." The next few years also look hopeful fo r the Bulldogs. "We have a large freshman turno u t with several promising players," Coach Leach said. W ith several returning starters, the varsity team
carries a lot o f potential. A main focus o f the players this year is team unity. M any o f the varsity players have been teammates fo r many years. "W e've been playing together fo r a long time and we know all each others strengths and weaknesses," senior Cory Brinkley said. "W e all love each other!" ju n io r M a tt Peoples said. The upcom ing season looks bright fo r the Bulldogs. "It's the best team we've had in a long time," senior M att M idget said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We're guaranteed the playoffs". -Kelly Finn
ROUNDING THE BASES, senior Tommy Peoples passes first and heads for second. Being in football earlier in the year, gave him a distinct advantage over other players. Photo by Finn OFF THE WINDUP junior Scott Correll prepares to throw the baseball. Correll has a mean arm on him, and his opponents know this when he steps to the pitcher's mound. Photo by Finn
"My most embarrasing moment was when I gave up a walk off home run to Mineral Wells while Dakota was in the hospital. I lost the game for him." -Kurt Lobaugh
VARSITY BASEBALL MEMBERS are (front row) Nate Wheeler, Quay Grant, Trey Horn, Kurt Lobaugh, Keaton
Green, Bridges Crumpler, (back row) Coach Mike Leach, Leland Wetzel, Cory Brinkley, Dakota Orf, Brant Frazier, Tommy
Peoples, Kyle Harpole, Kade Thompson, and Coach Rick Butler. Photo by Gordon's Photography
BASEBALL MEMBERS are nt row) Brett Stine, Marc son, Cody Persinger, Nate eeler, Justyn Brugmann,
Chase Terrell, (back row) Casey Burt, Kyle Weldon, Adam Friday, Leland Wetzel, Mitchell Smith, and Coach Craig Rickman.
FRESHMEN MEMBERS ARE (front row) Brodie Bolen, Ronnie Nelson, Matthew Bamburg, Ryan Acheson, William Linker, (second row) Seth Barrells, Cory Monroe, Myles Reynolds, Justin Robertson, Bobby
Harrimon, (third row) Jacob Starkey, Zach Moehnke, Wade Beason, Grant Stine, Kenny Wolgamot, (back row) Dustin Smith, Justin Crook, Andrew Miller, Colton Shipley, and Austin Anderson.
DURING WARM UPS, senior Brant Frazier (8) prepares to catch a pass. The baseball team received new uniforms which helped them appear professional. DODGING A PITCH, senior Cory Brinkley avoids being hit by the oncoming baseball. Cory has been in baseball all four years of high school. Photos by Kelly Finn
PARING TO MAKE contact the ball, returning starter or Dakota Orf stands in Pipation. "I really enjoy Sng baseball," Dakota said, nk we are going to be great
this year because we have seven returning starters. We all think that this season is a once in a life time chance, and we're excited to see the outcome." Photo by Kelly Finn
"My most embarrasing moment in baseball was when I hit my first home run. I tripped and fell flat on my face while running around the bases." -Keaton Green
Powerlifting iiw
Anticipations weigh heavy on lifters
W ork, reliability, and a passion to succeed are all characteristics needed by anyone in life. But fo r the Bulldog powerlifting team, this list also includes core strength, dedication, and willingness to reach a goal. "These kids are all working really hard this season," Coach Stacy Atkins said. "They're getting better everytime they come to practice. They really want to succeed.â&#x20AC;? Team members had the option o f practicing either after school or during the given class period. "W e have a large team this year, so I hope we'll get to send some kids to
Regionals," Coach Atkins said. Last year the team advanced seven members to Regionals. "After putting fo u r years into this, I've made lots o f great friends at different schools," senior Jared M cCrory said. "I've also gained a lot o f respect from coaches at schools like O ld High and Hirschi." Besides being a way in w h ich lifters can tone and strengthen their bodies, pow erlifting also serves as a benefit to the foo tb all team. Several o f the players play foo tb all in the fall and then pow erlift in the w inter to stay in shape fo r next season. -Shannon Tanner EXECUTING A WINNING squat lift, senior Jared McCrory completes his event at the Childress meet. McCrory won first place in his weight class at the meet. He has lifted for the team for four years and has been a major place holder on the team all four years, (above) Courtesy Photo SHOWING OFF HIS power face, junior Nate Brown participates in the dead lift at the Childress meet. Brown has been a part of the powerlifting team for two years and has been an key part of the team, (right) Photo by Wendy McCrory LIFTING 500 POUNDS for the dead lift at the Saint Jo meet, senior Chad Battista captured first place for his tremendous performance, (left) Photo by Jared McCrory
WERLIFTING TEAM VIBERS are (front row) Kyle
arson, Kaleb Simpson, Harley pson, (second row) Trent rp, Joseph Calderon, Alex
Evans, Nate Brown, Nick Nixon, Chad Battista, (back row) Josh Hayter, Jason Brown, Jared McCrory, and Zack Bradley. Staff Photo
squat, senior Jason Brown competes in the meet at Childress. Brown placed fifth in the meet. Courtesy Photo
"Powerlifting allowed me to lift with different people, develop a strong w ork ethic, and gain all around character when it came to com peting.â&#x20AC;? -Alex Evans
senior Alex Evans executes perfect form in the squat event at the Childress meet. Alex placed first in his weight class at the meet and has been a part of the team for four years. Courtesy Photo EXHIBITING FLAWLESS FORM
senior Zack Bradley lifts 475 pounds during the squat event in Childress. Bradley received first place in his weight class at the meet. He has been a part of the lifting team for two years. Photo by Wendy McCrory
Caleb Simpson performs a 160 lb squat at the Childress meet while a volunteer spotter pays attention from behind in case Simpson might fall. Photo by Wendy McCrory
enjoy lifting ecause it allows me ) strengthen my ody while meeting pts o f cool people." oseph Calderon
Track & Swimmin Team members advance to regional meets The 2005 track season was a big success fo r the Burk track teams. The boys team too k first in the district meet last spring, w hich was hosted at the BHS track. 2005 regional qualifiers included David Ford, Tony Triggs, Greg M ontgom ery, W illiam Gates, Eric Polumbo, Brett Stine, Nate Brown, Dakota Orf, and Tovorris Pickett. The team had success in many events such as the mile relay, 800, high jum p, long jum p, triple jum p, 300 hurdles, 110 hurdles, and the 200. Greg M ontgom ery to o k first in regionals for triple jum p, and went on to com pete in state. The girls team to o k
5th in district. Regional qualifiers included Desiree G riffith, Kiera Fannon, Deanna Aubin, Rachel Kenney, Kim Coleman, Kathleen Dalke, and Courtney Durst. Regional qualifying events included triple jum p, 1600 relay, 200m dash, discus, 300 hurdles, long jum p, and shotput. The one-man swim team, Drew Cain, set some new school records in 2006. Fie set a new record in both the 200 and 500 yard free style race. Drew placed 2nd in district in the 100 yard back stroke, and 3rd in the 200 yard IM, qualifying fo r regionals. -Kellv Finn LEAPING THROUGH THE air sophomore Jonathan Frank practices jumping hurdles di an after school practice. Ph by Kelly Finn
"Success only comes before work in the dictionary." -G reg M ontgomery
GIRLS TRACK MEMBERS are (front row) Lauren Devereaux, Courtney Durst, Desiree Griffith, Stephanie Duchesne, Lauren Swartsell, Leslie Swartsell, (second row) Rachel
Kenney, Angela Early, Amanda Collie, Lakrishna Hale, Katherine Patterson, Monica Lynott, Natalie Szczechowski, (back row) Alise Amey, Dawn Mackin, Deanna Aubin, Kiera Fannon,
and Becky Potter. Not pictured are Taylor Lile, Shannon Tanner, Stephanie Broomfield, Ashley Sifuentes, and Janessa Chancey. Staff Photo
Rachel Kenney (top) and teammate junior Deanna Aubin (bottom) prepare for their upcoming meet. Both Girls are returning members. Maintaining good form is essential while jumping hurdles to avoid injury. Photos by Kelly Finn
AS THE ONLY swimmer at
BHS, newcomer sophomore Drew Cain performs the butterfly with good form to finish the race. Cain placed third in the Lewisville meet after competing in the 200 yard IM. Courtesy Photo
Fannon prepares to throw pc. Staff Photo
BOYS TRACK MEMBERS are (front row) John Barnes, Nate Bayless, Greg Montgomery, David Ford, Ronnie Hall, Travis DeVore, (second row) Jared McCray, Chad Battista, Nate Brown,
Trent Sharp, Lance Cissel, Chris Frazier, (third row) Allen Smith, Lyn Barnes, Jonathan Frank, Patrick Davis, Phillip Shaver, Tyrell Brown, (fourth row) ,Will Barker, Quenton
"Hard work paid off for me last year, and hopefully will take me farther to state this season." -Kiera Fannon
Ficklin, Ian Albin, Andrew Richardson, Ryan Worthy, (back row) Sean Brown, Nick Nixon, Zack Bradley, Travis Torries, and Kelly Watkins.
► ►
Activities A
student's in v o lv e m e n t in activities are like the songs in
an album. They each play a uniq ue role th at helps c o n tib u te to their a ctivity as a w ho le. Each o f the clubs invo lved themselves w ith the c o m m u n ity by p articipating in services ranging from blood drives to fo od collections. "I fe lt really good after d o n a tin g blood," senior Jill M axw e ll said, "but w he n they said I had W e st N ile virus, ! felt a little queasy." Drama, Babes, band and c o lo r guard entertained the p u b lic in c o m p e titio n s and performances. "Being in so m any activities makes me feel very involved," NHS treasurer Lindsay Shipley said. "I really feel like a c o n trib u tin g m em ber o f society." From debate to the perform ing arts and from fine international cuisine to c o m m u n ity service the activities at high school are as random as they could be. -Kyle Marshall
a w B W ii d; ASSISTING AT A station for the
Hotter-N-Hell 100, senior PAL Maranda Bice pours a power drink for a cyclist. The PALs group has assited for several years at the event.
£•:i11« S b B H H H WORKING A T THE blood drive marketing teacher Ms. Lee tie a cape on junior Amanda Colli who delivered appointment notes to those who voluteerel to donate blood.
DURING THE THIRD movement of Candide Land, the color guard used pink "butterfly wing" flags.
â&#x2013;ş During every halftime, the brigade marched dow n memory lane with a show based around the ch ild ho o d game Candy. Land. The co lo r guard em ployed 10 different types o f props including gum balls and Raggedy Ann dolls. For the fourth year running, the band earned a superior rating at Region marching contest and then proceeded to Area contest fo r the second year where they placed ninth overall. "It was an honor to march w ith my band against the com petition," sophomore Steve Schutte
Freshman Ali Minzer held hen flags high on the 50 yard line at Memorial Stadium.
said. "Basically, it was totally w icke d ." Band students also have the o pp o rtun ity to audition fo r the TMEA bands. Seventeen students made District, 16 students made Region, and 11 students made Area. On top o f preparing a Grade 4 piece o f music, the band dedicated the Christmas concert to a devoted band booster, Tommy Thornton, w ho was battling cancer. The band raised almost $900 in donations at the concert to help Tommy w ith medical bills and oth e r needs. -Marissa Brown
TO BEGIN A halftime
performance, the color guard don Raggedy Anne and Andy costumes to compliment the band's theme, Candide Land.
Marissa Brown and sophomore Stephanie Seman. The girls led the band in performances. Photo by Gordon's Photography. ENDING THE PEP assembly,
band director Lane Davis sings along with the school song signaling, "We are no. 11". Photo by Travis Felty.
AT THE ANNUAL Christmas concert, band members presented Tommy Thornton with a "Living Christmas Card
featuring the Peanuts characters. Several m em bers the band constructed and painted the five foot tall card!
"Band has taught me that you have to be dedicated to the things that you love."
JA Z Z BAND MEMBERS are (front row)
Michelle Alfert, Nicole Young, Joel Smith, Katy Bodenhorn, Danielle Bass, Hilary Galbraith, Anna Strader, Lane Davis (director), (second row) Kasi Bailey, Cody Burks, Cat Muse, J.R. Griffith, Zach Zoet, Pierce Halverson, Dan Fortin, (back row) Brenner Schmitt, Tyler Cummings, Steve Schutte, Layne McBeath, Alex Shipp, Jacob Starkey, Taylor Felty, and Adam Roberts.
MEMBERS ARE (front row) pa Duke, Angela Dalke, Michael , Rebekah Smith, Melissa Drage, y Skelton, Adelicia Marlin, A.J. I, Heather Smith, Liz Rogers, nd row) Cheyenne Kubala, Amy well, Paige Johnson, Andy Rickard, non Motley, Christine Harris, J.R. h, Joel Smith, Mathew Moudy, py Sirilla, Brenner Schmitt, Dan | Melissa Deihl, Hillary Galbraith, row), Nick Zillweger, Jacob Starkey,
Bobby Wilson, Julie Alaniz, Rebeka Johnson, Taylor Felty, Pierce Halverson, Cat Muse, Tina Griffith, Tiffany Collie, Tyler Gilmore, Michelle Evans, Katy Bodenhorn, Adam Roberts, Jason Bryant, Dustin Ellis, Zach Tittle, Alex Shipp, Jacob Reola, Jordan Cook, Steven Rickard, Heather Zillweger, Anna Strader, Danielle Bass, Scott Bavousett, (fourth row) Jennifer Rennick, Neil Kendall, Ben Frischmann, Kyle Rogers, Stephanie Seman, Kyle Street, Keenan Stubblefield, Cody Burks, Chance McCraw, Phillip Rand,
Steve Schutte, Zach Zoet, Tyler Lynn, Alexandria Minzer, Jessica Joss, Krystel Thompson, Ricci Perritt, Holly Wood, Chelsea Neisis, Marie Ohlerking, Lindsay Shipley, Amber Tatum, Kacy Ansohn, Alyssa Willeford, Melissa Goff, Hannah McGown, Amy Hastings, April Bevington, Vella Zaragoza, Alexandria Alaniz, Elissa Anderson, Lexi Shipley, (back row) Marissa Brown, Myles Garratt, Layne McBeath, James Bavousett, Tyler Jenkins and Zach Shipp. Photo courtesy of Gordon's Photography.
BOOMTOWN BABES The Boom town Babes danced during halftim e at football games, a pep rally, a basketball game, and at com petition. The football routines consisted o f high kick to "Magnificent Seven,â&#x20AC;? Prop to "On Broadway," and Pom to "Land o f a Thousand Dances." The Babes went to Galveston fo r their com petition and stayed at M o o d y Gardens.They did a high kick, pom, and a prop routine. "M y favorite type o f dance that we do w ould have to be pom," senior M olly Turner said. "In pom
Michelle Rush has helped the team by polishing the dances and spending most of her free time making up some of the competition dances. Michelle has been on the drill team since her sophomore year.
faces, the drill team performs to "'Land of a Thousand
we get to be energetic and it is fun to dance to. The music is fast and I get into the moves." During the year, the drill team did many fundraisers including selling El Chico cards, doing a raffle, selling cookie dough and Swans, and teaching the little girls a dance to perform at a foo tb all game. "M y favorite dances that we do w o u ld have to be kick and pom," sophom ore Savannah Roberson said."It gives me a chance to have fun and dance." - Christina Boatman
AFTER FINISHING THEIR high kick routine at the "Rock Rider" pep rally, freshman Natalie Adams, senior Ashley Urioste, senior Tiffany Moffett, and junior Jaclyn Whitmore get ready to leave the basketball court. Photo by Travis Felty WHILE PERFORMING AT a pep
rally the drill team does their high kick routine while the band plays "Magnificent Seven". The
Drill Team
Dances,'" ending their flashy pom pom routine in four staggered diamonds.
dance team performed a hii kick routine, pom routine, a prop routine at the football games. Photo by Travis Fem
What has been your most memorable moment in Babes?
S OFFICERS ARE Senior Captain
He Rush, Senior Lieutenant Molly r, Junior Lieutenant Monica Newsome,
Senior Lieutenant Chelsea Christman, Sophomore Lieutenant Keely Harpole, and Junior Lieutenant Lisa Hardin.
"W hen we fle w to Orlando, Florida and com peted in Disney W o rld .â&#x20AC;?
"Competition season. I like com peting against other teams."
B MEMBERS ARE (front row) Tiffany
t, Junior Lt. Monica Newsome, Melissa Lauryn Siniscalchi, Sophomore Lt. Harpole, Senior Capt. Michelle Rush, I Lt. Chelsea Christman, Senior Lt. Turner, Ashley Urioste, Candace , Lauren Dean, (second row) Britney tacy Pickett, Ashley McCleskey, Jaclyn bre, Janessa Chancey, Nadja Jordan, h Trones, Andrea Minjarez, Jordan I, Amber Cox, Andrea Polk, Taryn I (third row) Dina Kadrowski, Nicole ie, Tiffany Goff, Savannah Roberson,
Kellie Chalmers, Chelsea Caporale, Tressa Stoiloff, Jamie Tasker, Ashley Torries, Bethany Williams, Jasmin Bryant, Christina Boatman, Kristin Guffey, (fourth row) Breanna Luney, Julia Frayser, Hali Rangel, Blair Wuthrich, Kati Frazier, Katherine Patterson, Natalie Adams, Chelsi Frazer, Angela Hayes, Katrina Pham, Megan Fernandez, Shannon Raymond, Tiara Knight, Denise Suarez, Brittanie Lemley, and Kayla Childers. Babes director is Laurie Hollingsworth. Photo by Gordons Photography
What's the biggest misprint you've ever made?
Michelle Alfert, Marissa Brown, Ali Garcia, Janelle Goettman, (second row) Hannah McGown, Lindsay Shipley, Maranda Bice,
(third row) Shannon Tanner, Kevin Seman, Kyle Caskey, (last row) Kelly Finn, Adam Roberts, Erica Scantlin, Carly Moree, and Orlando Flores.
YEARBOOK SEVENTH PERIOD members are (front row) Lindsay Shipley, Paige Johnson, Amber Bice, Maranda Bice, Kevin
Seman, tri-editor Kyle Caskey, (back row) Hannah McGown, Kyle Marshall, Carly Moree, Angela Dalke, and Autumn Fleck.
YEARBOOK EIGHTH PERIOD members are (front row) Adam Roberts, Erica Scantlin, tri editor Ali Garcia, tri-editor Kyle Caskey, Christina Boatman, Michelle Alfert, Janelle
Goettman, (back row) tri-editor Marissa I Brown, Orlando Flores, Hannah McGownl Travis Felty, Kelly Finn, Shannon Tanner, Zach Shipp. Not pictured was Lena Viet
QUILL AND SCROLL members are (front row)
, *1 speljed raggedy as raggitty. I constantly misspell words."
Yearbook and Quill & Scroll
ENING TO THEIR MP3 jrs, juniors Adam Roberts Orlando Flores look up the
r graphic artist Kevin n works on his laptop to p his own designs, seniors
correct spellings of names to write captions for their spread. Photo by Travis Felty
Hannah McGown and Lindsay Shipley take a look at the artwork that will be throughout the book. Staff Photo
Yearbook and Quill and Scroll
Since there wasn't a school newspaper this year, the yearbook provided the only form of mass com m unication and entertainm ent in publication form. Production of the yearbook began early, w ith students attending a sum m er workshop to help develop ideas. The staff worked together to create the yearbook on tim e, and students could be
seen working after school to com plete the needed deadlines. "I've m et people I w ouldn't normally meet," Travis Felty said. "I like working together to make such a good end result." The Q uill and Scroll Society is an international high school honor society for journalism students, who excel on their publications.
WORKING ON THE computer, triÂ
presentation. Only the editors could complete certain spreads because they were kept secret until the yearbook was released
editor seniors Kyle Caskey, Marissa Brown, and AN Garcia work on the pages for
-H annah M cG ow n
DRILL TEAM MEMBERS are (front row) Victor McDonald, Jeffrey Williams, Kacy Ansohn, Kayoe Holan, Jermaine Ishmail, Zachary Zoet, Jessica Malousek, Matt Hernandez, Brian Lamach, (second row) Neil Kendall, Stephanie Broomfield, Grant Sanders, Jonathon Motley, Ryan
Griffin, Marlisha Garcia, Kalea Sharp, Chris Kellner, (third row) Scott Harris, Rebecca Herd, Joshua Lagat, Ashley McCallister, Christine Powell, Damien Paulk, (back row) Jeremy Goreczny, Danny Castillo, Andrew Tucker, and William Norris.
COLORGUARD MEMBERS ARE (front row) Alicia Bevington, Brian Lamach, Marlisha Garcia, Zachary Zoet, Kayce Holan, Alyssa Smith, Matt Hernandez, (second row) Scott Harris, Ben
Frischmann, Will Norris, Andrew Tucker, Ashley McCallister, Cory Wood, (back row) Danny Castillo, Rebecca Herd, Joshua Lagat, Dam Paulk, and Christine Powell.
PHYSICAL TRAINING MEMBERS are Jermaine Ishmail, commander Danny Castillo, Rebecca Herd, Jessica Malousek, Stephanie Broomfield,
(back row) Scott Morris, Jeff Williams Brian Lamach, Kalea Sharp, and Stephanie Thompson.
ROCKETRY MEMBERS ARE (front row) Alicia Bevington, Neil Kendall, Zachary Zoet, Jonathon Motley, Stephanie Broomfield, Chris Kellner,
Cory Wood, (back row) Will Norris Isaac Cerruti, Sean Herwig, Kim( Bethany Back, Brittany Adams, a Ben Frischmann
ORIENTEERING MEMBERS ARE (front row) Brian Lamach, Will Norris, Joshua Lagat, Stephanie Broomfield, Danny
Castillo, (back row) Jessica Isaacson, Ben Frischmann, and Cory Wood.
FLAG DETAIL MEMBERS are (front row) Kayce Holan, Kacy Ansohn, Bethany Back, Kalea Sharp,
(back row) Zachary Zoet, Brian Lamach, and Jeff Williams.
tly as Lt. Colonel Samuel ;ey speaks about military America. When they're
I Isaac Cerruti reads his pges to see who will be at be. Besides practicing
not practicing drills or working out, cadets learn about life in other countries and what it takes to live the military life.
during class, members devoted hours to after school practice, determined to perfect their technique. Staff photo.
A nother year o f AFJROTC greeted incoming members with new experiences and returning cadets continued learning the various aspects o f military life. N ot only were cadets taught basic military principles, b u t they also learned to respect their com m unity and appreciate life in America. "Being in ROTC has taught me discipline and to set a good example fo r others," freshman Jeff W illiam s said. "The experience has been better than I had expected com ing in."
Members traveled to Arlington and San Antonio to com pete with high schools all over the state in drill competitions. Students prepared for these com petitions with determined dedication. "There's nothing really hard a bo u t the drills, they just require a lot o f practice," sophomore Stephanie Broomfield said. "W e have to do them over and over to get them perfect." Aside from the competitions, members were also seen performing at pep rallies and football games. -Autumn Fleck
Bill Fox inspects their uniforms. Cadets were to keep their shoes shiny, their uniforms wrinkle free and their hair neat.
sophomores Jennifer Caskey, Jeramy Cook, Joshua Cray, and Robert Seago wait as Major Sgt.
What's your favorite.part of being an FFA member?
FFA MEMBERS ARE (front row) Quenton Ficklin, sentinel; Travis Torries, reporter; Lindsey Sykes, president; Lane Anderson, vice president; Kyle Weldon, secretary; Kayla Weldon, treasurer; Kelsey Kinney, student advisor, (second row) May Judd, Jessika Evans, Cheyenne Kubala, Rebecca Potter, Nick Nixon,
Kyle Peterson, Mr. Gary Waitman, sponsor, (third row) Justin Roderick, Chase Witt, Lindy Anderson, Anthoi Barger, Quay Grant, (fourth row) Blc Brookman, Matt Turkett, Dudley Duncan, Matt Davis, Jimmy Boatmf (back row) J.D. Holden, Tim Pembeton, Demarcus Smith, A.J. Lewis, and Chris Pemberton. Photi by Staff
"Being able to show (animals, judge horses, and meet people are great things about FFAVj-
FFA OFFICERS ARE (front row) Kyle Weldon
treasurer; (back row) Travis Torries, repo
secretary; Lindsey Sykes, president; Lane
Quenton Ficklin, sentinel; Kelsey Kinney,
Anderson, vice president; Kayla Weldon,
student advisor; and Gary Waitman, advis
tsor Mr. Gary Waitman ibutes the product to el Peeler for the
organization's annual fundraiser. FFA sold meat and fruit to raise money around the holidays. This helped fund their many trips.
â&#x2013;ş The National FFA Organization was founded in 1928 to help young future farmers in their agricultural education. It has grown plenty over the past 78 years. Now, FFA members are always busy w ith enough activities to rival the most technologically savvy o f BHS students. In the fall, the group attends leadership contests and livestock shows. The spring sees them at career developm ent events, as well as judging livestock and horses. "Judging," ju n io r Lane Anderson said, "really helps me
FFA understand w hat they're looking fo r in our competitions." Since FFA is all about educating its members for a career in agriculture, it's no surprise that there are numerous money-making opportunities available. Fundraisers such as the meat and fruit sales and a Christmas auction help pay fo r trips around the area and the state. A dditionally, showing goats, steers, and swine can be a rewarding endeavor; a prize-winning animal can go for hundreds o f dollars. -Zach Shipp POWER TOOL IN hand, Matt
Midgett grinds on a plow disk. FFA taught members how to keep their farming equipment running properly.
Chuck Flemming takes his order for the fundraiser. FFA members had to work to go to their favorite activities. MSURE THAT all those who
ed meat and fruit from the Undraiser receive what paid for, Kurt Lobaugh and lary Waitman double
check the orders while Matt Dorton looks on. For FFA, the meat and fruit fundraiser was a large part of the end of second semester.
Matt Dorton constructs a feeding trough to feed the animals.
DECA Club Skills USA Carpentry
W hether it be dealing with cars, saws, or the business world, DECA, Club Skills USA, and Construction Carpentry ■ prepare students fo r future jobs. DECA, sponsored by Ms. Beverly Lee, is a club w hich students join to learn more a bo u t the business w orld. It also helps students understand several econom ic situations. Club Skills USA is another club that teaches and prepares students w ho plan on working in the autom echanic business. Teacher and sponsor o f
PLACING AN ORNAMENT on the Christmas tree, senior Judith Mekee helps decorate. DECA
members helped decorating the tree which stood all December in the rotunda.
the club, Mr. David Ress, teaches students the repair o f autom obiles. "Club Skills USA is im portant because I plan on going to school fo r this type o f career after high school," Rich Price said. In order to inquire various building skills, students join Construction Carpentry. Carpentry is sponsored by Mr. Tim Mullins. This clu b has various projects such as building small sheds. “I really enjoy being in carpentry because it helps me fo r my future job," senior Chad Battista said. -Amber Bice
IN THE SHOP, junior Dustin Snyder reorganizes one of the tool boxes by putting drill bits back into their proper places.
USING A CHOPSAW, junior Justin Devore cuts a piece of 4x4 for a building project in his carpentry class. FILING A PIECE of wood, junior Josh Anderson operates a lathe to complete a furniture leg. This machine helps with the shape and design of the leg.
UNDER THE HOOD of the car, sophomores Chris Ward and Lyndsay Isaacs work on the engine of a truck during class.
Lyn dsa y says th a t she enjoi th is typ e o f hands on work, gives you a good feel of wor w ith c a rs , ’ Lyndsay said.
W hat do you like most about this club?
A MEMBERS ARE (front row) Judith 'ee, Robin Reid, Kristi Waggoner, Allie :ck, Ms.Beverly Lee (sponsor), Alicia
Bevington, (second row) Matthew Hilburn, Ryan Gilbert Cruz, Corin Clement, John Mills IV, and Nate Brown.
SKILLS USA members are are (front row) Mr. (sponsor), Kirk Bryant (president), Darrell Crosley urer), Lyndsay Isaacs (secretary), Rich Price iresident), Danny Castillo (sgt. of arms), (second
row) William Baker, Jesse Bunger, David Minzer, Steven Bayer, Aubrey Clemons, (back row) Justin Evans, Mike Struckman, Chris Ward, Phillip Whitten, and Josh Bamburg.
Whitten, (back row) Chad Battista, Brandon Briscoe , Dustin Snyder, and Chris Pemberton.
|Mr. Tim Mullins (sponsor), Kyle Gerstner, [Ida Duke, Partick Gilbert, (second row) .don Alvarez, Jeremy Bower, Phillip
"I like h o w w e get to go to a c o m p e titio n in W a c o to show o ff o u r projects."
If you could be in any cartoon, which one w ould it be?
TAME MEMBERS ARE (front row) Alex Gwin, Ali Garcia, Kyle Marshall, Chance McCraw, Janelle Goettman, Pierce Halverson, (back
row) Michelle Alfert, Marlisha Garcia, Bobby Wilson, Heather Smith, Taylor Felty, and Jot Smith. Not pictured: Lauren Rios.
TAFE MEMBERS ARE (front row) Greg Montgomery, Christine Harris, Kyle Marshall, Ali Garcia, Maranda Bice, Jill Maxwell, Krystel Thompson, Janelle Goettman, Victoria Collins (second row) Karissa Caldwell, Drew Aaron, Michelle Rush, Lauryn Siniscalchi, Lindsey Foley, Amber Bice, Misty Edwards, Jordan Sanders, Jessica Whitney (third
row) Allison Davis, James Whitmore, Isacc Cerruti, Danielle Goode, Lexi Garcia, Bonnie Smithee, Meagan Houck, Chelsie Caporale, Deanna Aubin (back row) Amy Vail, Spoon Horn, Lane Anderson, Amie Primm, Desiree Griffith, Katiya Jackson, Shayna Simmons, Jaclyn Whitmore, Robin Reid, i Orlando Flores. Club Sponsor is Mrs. Jeannine M
Lindsay Shipley, Brylynn Hurst, and Ms. Beverley Lee. Not pictured: Elizabeth Kek
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would be in 'Family Guy', because its so funny and crazy."
"I would be Bugs * Bunny. W h e n I was little, I w ould always * pretend to be him?-
"I would be in 'Fairly Odd-Parents' so I could have anything I wished for.''
TAM E/ TAFE/ Crime Stoppers
row) Officer McClure, Janelle Goettman,
:tman discusses with Ms. fly Lee and Mrs. Janie Avey it a reward that will be i to students for their aide.
This encourages any student with information about a crime to call the Crime Stopper's hotline to help stop crime. Staff photo
TAME, TAFE, & Crime Stoppers
To make a difference in the com m unity, TAFE, TAME, and Crime Stoppers have been lending their talents and broadening their horizons. TAFE, or Texas Alliance o f Future Educators, visit students th ro u g h o u t the school district daily to give them an extra boost and an extra "PAL." In their ow n way, Crime Stoppers have w orked tow ard stopping crime w ith in the school and all o f Burkburnett. Just by calling the Crime Stopper hotline, students can leave
p members design these jes out of toothpicks and After many trials and
calculations, these bridges will be sturdy enough to enter the annual Bridge Building Contest in December. Staff photo
Mrs. Gritton's class takes 2nd place in TAFE's door decorating contest. To raise spirit, TAFE
anonymous tips that may help the Crime Stoppers solve a crime. As future engineers, TAME, or Texas Alliance fo r Minorities in Engineering, gives members hands-on experience to gain a better understanding o f science. "W e get to stretch outside o f the box and do things others don't, like going to Austin for com petition," sophomore Taylor Felty said. By getting involved in different clubs, students are able to take the extra step with experience. -Michelle Alfert
challenged each class to design the best door in support of the upcoming homecoming game. Photo by Mrs. Jeannine Miller.
Activities ti
BPA FCCLA United W ay BPA, FCCLA, and United W ay are clubs that help give students the knowledge in order to prepare for future careers. Business Professionals o f America develops leadership and dedication in students. "I joined BPA because it is a club in w hich I can experience the real world and get ready fo r college," ju n ior Sarah W elter said. To better prepare themselves fo r life after high school and knowledge fo r fam ily life, students get involved in Family, Career, and Com m unity Leaders o f
America. FCCLA lets members help other people o u t w hile building leadership. A nother leadership building club is United W ay. United W a y sold things and were even involved in Drug Free W eek in order to earn money fo r the school and com m unity. They chose to sell breakfast foods before school started in order to raise money. "I like doing United W a y because I like giving to and helping the com m unity," Misty Edwards said. -Amber Bice
SITTING DOWN FOR the conference lunch break, United Way members sophomore Lacie Hernandez, juniorTina
Cerruti, and senior Zack Bradley plan for future fundraisers, as junior Ashley Baird looks on. Photo by Janette Goettman
BPA/ F C C LA / United Way
DISCUSSING PLANS WITH FCCLA members Kelsey Nix, Alyssa Turner, and Kimbra
BPA members, club president Bethany Lynch discusses upcoming events as Sabrina
Skinner, sponsor Mrs. Shirley Gritton shows the agenda for upcoming events.
Cooper listens. BPA membe met frequently in order to st well informed on any new activities .
What is the most fun thing you have done in this club?
v MEMBERS ARE (front row) Michelle ft, treasurer; Sabrina Berreles, vicetident; (second row) Matt Bell, Jasmine
Jones, Sarah Welter, Alex Pappas, and Kevin Seman.
"For our Christmas party, w e w e n t to eat and w e n t ice-skating."
sLA MEMBERS ARE Kelsey Nix, Kimbra
[rED WAY MEMBERS are (front row) Del
paway (sponsor), Tina Cerruti, Amy Vail, p Scantlin, Alex Talley, Zack Bradley, ! ond row) Matt Morrow, Nathan Roddy,
Skinner, and Alyssa Turner.
Brady Dalton, Ashley Baird, Sarah Elphick, Melissa Sibayan, (back row) Nathan Bayless, Leland Wetzel, Kyle Weldon, Kayla Weldon, Michaela Bergin, and Misty Edwards.
"W e w e n t to A bilene and spent the night and stayed up late."
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was fun making and selling the sausage biscuits and pigs in a blanket." Activities
W hat has been your rnoSt embarrassing moment while you've been in high school?
'Last year Zach Melson, Andrew Smith, ' and Rachel Walck told me they were going to make shirts for Buddy Shirt Day that said 'I am in calculus' and that I should make one too. At school, people thought it was weird but I told them that people in my calculus class are wearing it too. Joke's on me; they lied."
"When I was at a,campfire, we were . playing capture the flag in the dark. I didn't see that there was a creek .behind me and I ran that way.-d fell in the. creek and got wet-and dirty, and I . screamed like a girl.'-Theboys haifagoodlaugh."
INTERACT CLUB MEMBERS are (front row) Michelle Rush, Lauryn Siniscalchi, Maranda Bice, Jill Maxwell, Krystel Thompsen, (back
row) Michelle Alfert, Dustin Elless, Christina Boatman, Autumn Fleck, and Angela Dalke. Not pictured: Bo Starkey, president.
KEY CLUB MEMBERS ARE (front row) Alex Pappas, Ricci Perritt, Kyle Rogers, (second row) Amanda Collie, Marlisha Garcia, Chelsea Christman, Sabrina Berreles, Chance McCraw, Adriana Alaniz, Elissa Anderson
(third row) Jeremy Goreczny, Skye Jones, Katt Willis, Erica Scantlih, Kelsey Michael, Challena Franks, Adam Roberts (back row) Mr. Lawson, Kaci Bailey, Lexi Shipley, Kryste Thompsen, and Lindsay Shipley.
INTERNATIONAL CLUB MEMBERS are (front row) Lyka Walton, Lindsey Shipley, Corin Clement, Austin Anderson, Bradie Bolen, Jasmine Jones, Crystalynne Mcfeley, Samantha Fuentes (second row) Mrs. Peterman, Brandon Quigley, Chelsey Griffin, Carrie Harvey, Melissa Bell, Kelsey Sterkel, Krystel Thompsen, Kyleigh Mckeever, Amanda Collie,
Courtney Betts (third row) Matt Bell, Adrianna Clintc Monica Lynott, Kasi Bailey, Lexi Shipley, Monroe Bradley, Heather Smith, Nycole Young (back row) Silke Stawowski, Nadja Jordan, Madlen Gohlke, Zi Zoet, Leah Moody, Ashley Montgomery, Jennifer Hensley and Jacob Reoka. Not pictured: Angela Dt and Monica Newsome
I "Before Babes practice staffed I was, . listening to a song'fp my!car. As-I got out I was dancing and I didn't realize . that people were watching me. Some of them'were.giving me the 'What, the . heck is she doing'.lpdk.‘ •
Int. Club,/Key Club,/Interact Club
MEETING is held in the ry, Interact Club members, ding freshman Cassie y, freshman Lexi Shipley, or Kyle Rodgers, junior Amy
Hastings, sophomore Christina Boatman, and freshman Dustin Elless give senior Bo Starkey, president, their undivided attention.
Interact, Key, & International Clubs The International, Key, and Interact Clubs allow students to fellowship with o th e r peers to learn o f foreign cultures or contribute to com m unity service or charities. The International Club not only broadens its students' know ledge o f o th e r cultures, b ut it gives the students a practical taste o f these cultures. It also prom otes diversity among the students. "I like being in International Club because we get to try delicious foods o f foreign lands and we get to experience other customs," freshman Kasi
Bailey said. The Key Club volunteered fo r many com m unity service projects th ro u g h o u t the year. Their goal was to make the com m unity a better place to live for everyone. The Interact Club members are dedicated to getting up early on Veteran's Day, September 11th, and other patriotic holidays to p ut up flags around the com m unity. The Interact Club chooses one charity a year to raise money and give their support. -Angela Dalke AT THEIR CULTURAL feast, International Club members freshman Kasi Bailey, and sophomore Melissa Bell are served by Mrs. Aida Peterman.
PARTICIPATING IN THE International Club's meeting, freshman Lexi Shipley tastetests an item of foreign cuisine.
flNG HER DUES, freshman a Anderson hands senior pah McGown, viceJdent, the money she owed fey Club, which they use to
put toward community service projects. They meet on a regular basis and devote their time volunteering to improve the community and environment.
ENJOYING AFTER SCHOOL food treats, Sophomores Melissa Bell and Samantha Allen build a taco.
Choir, ELC
Returning for a second year as BHS choir director, Mr. Don Cowan focused on bringing the choir together to improve their talents, along with recruiting new members for A Cappella. "The choir, mainly their attitude, but also their musical ability, has improved by great strides," director Mr. Cowan said. “This is due in large part by the dedication and perserverance of the choir officers." A Cappella choir's schedule proved to be busy as the members performed upon many occasions. The group sang for children at the state hospital, international students at Sheppard Air Force Base and made time for a Christmas concert for their
fellow students at school. A Cappella's president, junior Michelle Alfert, traveled to Midland in January and sang her way to fourth chair in the All-State Treble Choir, bypassing many other hopefuls. The Girls' choir worked to improve their music reading skills and learned how to control their voices. Another group that kept busy was the Exceptional Learners Club. Members took part in activities to improve math and English abilities, helped decorate the Christmas tree, and made things to sell. "I enjoy being in ELC because I get to see my friends," junior Lee Foster said.
DURING LUNCH THE A Cappella and Girls’ choirs combine to entertain the high school students with a small performance. "I thought the choir did a really good job," junior Michaela Bergin said. "It added a bit of cheer among the student body." Choir teacher Mr. Cowan
directed the group in singing the school song and the Fight Song. "I enjoyed being able to share a piece of the choir experience," junior and A Cappella vice president Amy Hastings said. The choir performed for all three lunches in the fall. Photo by Marissa Brown
DISCUSSING ALL-STATE PLANS, junior Michelle Alfert speaks with choir director Don Cowan in the choir room. Michelle took 4th chair in the All-
State Treble Choir this past January and participated in the annual TMEA convention, in Sa Antonio in February. Photo by 1 Zach Shipp
ADDING ANOTHER ORNAMENT to the tree, Kevin Jennings gets into the holiday spirit. ELC
members helped decorate tl Christmas tree that stood in rotunda. Staff Photo
-Autumn Fleck
W hat's your favorite song to sing in the shower?
'ELLA MEMBERS ARE (front row) Lindsey Lawson, la LeCoure, Shelby Carpenter, Heather Smith, Amanda .auren Rios, Marie Oehlerking, Elaina Cadle, Jessjca r, Lexi Shipley, Kindel Byrne, (second row) Kaleigh Morris, [Johnson, Danielle Goodrich, Kaillee Brown, Shelby law, Michelle AJfert, Raechel Arno, Amy Hastings, Meagan
Phelan, Molly Turner, Amber Tatum, Carrie Harvey, (third row) Summer Cisseil, Jessica Joss, Laura McCasland, Joseph Guilliams, Jared McCoy, Ryan Mills, Nicholas Raines, Tyler Gilmore, Jon M cC afferty, (back row) Jeffrey Williams, Chris Green, M a tt Bell, Spencer West, Steven Christopher, and Brenner Schmitt. Photo b y Kyle Caskey
I CHOIR MEMBERS are (front row) Sheniqua I Jessika Evans, Kyndra Golden, Brandy Baker, fnaar Walker, (second row) Angela Hayes, jny Back, Tonya Johnson, Chelsea Koschak,
Kensi Orf, Krista Adams, (back row) Kelsey Bowen, Samantha Fuentes, Dina Kedrowski, Keagan Garcia, Melinee Brandon, Elissa Anderson, and Nadja Jordan Photo by Zach Shipp
ARE (front row) Daniel jian, Bradley Hardy, J.R. Christman, Swartsell, Leslie Swartsell, Jason
"Rain Drops Keep Falling on M y H ead.' I dance, too."
"'Somewhere O v e r the Rainbow.'"
Reed, (back row) Renier Torres, president; Lee Foster, Kevin Jennings, Andrew Lind, and Kimbra Skinner. Staff Photo
Would you rather buy a ticket to outer space or journey to earth s center?
"I would rather go to outer spape, so I could wish upon every star!".,
SPEECH AND DEBATE team members are (front row) Jordan Miller-LD Debate; Marie Oehlerking-CX Debate; Chance McCraw-CX Debate, Persuasive Speaking; Kyle Caskey-LD Debate, Persuasive Speaking;
(second row) Janelle Goettman-lnformative Speaking Michelle Alfert-lnformative Speaking; Marissa Brown Prose Interpretation; Chelsea Rains-Poetry Interpretation.
G-FORCE MEMBERS ARE (front row) Lindsay Shipley, president; Judith McKee, Taryn Moore, Shelby Carpenter, Kayla Johnson, (second row) Kristin Guffey, Hope
Koulovatos, Courtney Carpenter, Leslie Johnson, Krystel Thompsen, (third row) Danielle Goodrich, Arick Johnson, Kindel Byrne, Katelyn Hatfield, Mrs. Bond -sponst
DRAMA CLUB MEMBERS are (front row)
(Not pictured are) Jean Buhat, Challena Franks, Kelsey Michael, Amie Primm, Stephanie Seman, and Harley Simpson.
Gary Easter, president; Marissa Brown, Chelsea Rains, and Janelle Goettman.
Debate/ Drama/G-Force
formance of The ndale Avenue Women's Id Murder Mystery, the ting French maid Chelsea
Rains points a gun at fellow cast member Jean Buhat, playing the character of Daphne, daughter of Lady Bishop, played by Harley Simpson. Photo by Marissa Brown
Debate, Drama, fi-Force
Over the course of the year, Mr. Bob Barrow's drama students were hard at work building sets, running lights, and memorizing lines in order to produce some astounding productions. To prepare for their sidesplitting fall production of The Farndale Avenue Women's Guild Murder Mystery, the cast and crew spent hours and afternoons rehearsing for opening night. Debate and public speaking students toiled for hours while pouring over Newsweek and Time magazines, and constantly kept up with the world's current events, in order to build numerous files used in competition. Sponsored by Hardin College Myth #1
principal Mr. Don Fritsche, the students gained worldly knowledge and confidence in public speaking. New to campus is GForce, an organization designed to motivate students to enroll in college. The GForce itself consists of academically prepared high school students who have been trained in college application. "Not only has G-Force allowed me to help others with college," sophomore Leslie Johnson said, "it has encouraged me to pursure college myself." With peers motivating peers, the pursuit for higher education is expected in increase immensely. -Janelle Goettman RESEARCHING ON THE web, senior Chance McCraw further investigates a possible topic for persuasive speaking. Photo by Kyle Marshall
an encyclopedia source, freshman Jordan Miller double checks his information. Photo by Kyle Marshall LE POSTING AN important
puncement on the Go jter Bulletin board, pomore Shelby Carpenter
and freshman Courtney Carpenter humorously imagine their lives after high school. Photo by Marissa Brown
the newspaper, Kyle Caskey checks up on the current events. Photo by Kyle Marshall
Cheerleaders 8 c Pog Squad The spirit squads prom ote an encouraging, fun, spirited atmosphere in school. Some o f the memorable ways the cheerleaders help to prom ote spirit is by decorating the cafeteria with signs, writing creative cheers fo r the classes to chant at pep rallies, and pepping up the crowd at football games, pep rallies, and basketball games. Each class gets their ow n cheer that rhymes with their class year and encourages the students to stand up, yell, and participate in pum ping up
the Dog Squad has flags and banners set as they wait for the football players to run through the banner of their own creation.
Anticipating the run-througH the Dog Squad attempts to stall the crowd and wait patiently for the football team's entrance.
the foo tb all players for their game. The Dog Squad members encourage the crow d to stand up and cheer by being crazy, doing w ild somersaults and jumps, and shouting fo r victory fo r the Bulldogs. The Dog Squad members spend much selfless time creating the banner fo r the runthrough at foo tb all games. They also support o th e r activities such as the Bulldog Brigade by creating banners tha t wish them good luck. -Angela Dalke
with their pom-poms, the cheerleaders pump up the crowd at a pep rally with their creative way to cheer.
freshman Zac Moehnke and freshman Damien Paulk raise the football players' adrenaline to be pumped for the game. AT THE PEP rally, the cheerleaders pump up the students to promote a bulldog win and show support for the football team.
sophomore Sara Gonzalez and senior Brittany James support the football team in their fight
for the game. They pep UP * crowd to lead the Bulldogs ir a spirited success. Photo by Travis Felty.
CHEERLEADERS ARE (front row) omore Kelsey Bergin, sophomore Missy , junior Ann Nguyen, (second row) senior h Mercado, senior Lyndsay Cash, senior i Waggoner, senior Brittany James,
senior Renee Brown, (back row) senior Lindsey Means, junior Heather Rarick, sophomore Sara Gonzalez, and junior Elizabeth Gerstner. Photo by Gordon's Photography.
W hat's the best daydream you have had at school?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Child Development we had to choose someone to be our 'husband' and I daydreamed that I was married to tarzan.'
ISQUAD MEMBERS include (front freshman Zac Moehnke, junior Lena I, freshman Brandon Quigley, (second junior Michael Cossey, sophomore
Lance Maxwell, senior Matt Bell, (back row) freshman Damien Paulk, senior Shawn Peterman, senior Gary Easter, and junior Cody James. Photo by Gordon's.
"I dreamed that I was in basketball and Coack K was yelling at Heather Rarick. He got so angry that he turned into, the Hulk!"
Cheerleaders/Dog Squad
W h a t is the funniest experience you have had in' your organization?
p e r f o r / ii,
PALS MEMBERS ARE (front row) Christine Harris, Jill Maxwell, Greg Montgomery, Ali Garcia, Kyle Marshall, Maranda Bice, Karissa Caldwell, Jeannine Miller; (second row) Bonnie Smithee, ShayNa Simmons, Orlando Flores, Danielle Goode, Kelly Finn, Janelle
Goettman, Katiya Jackson, Megan Houck, Lane Anderson; (back row) James Whitmore, Isaac Cerru Drew Aaron, Amie Primm, Jaclyn Whitmore, Bethan1 Lynch, Deanna Aubin, Victoria Collins, Desiree Griffith, Trey Horn. Not pictured: Lexi Garcia.
JUNIOR NHS MEMBERS are (front row) Elizabeth Gerstner, Kiera Fannon, Jaclyn Whitmore, Sarah Welter, Lisa Hardin, Angela Early, Kelly Finn, Rusty Ellet, Kayla Gilbert, (second row) Lindy Anderson, Amanda Collie, Janelle Goettman, Lexi Garcia, Andrea Polk, Amber Cox, Andrea Minjarez, Drew Aaron, Marc Alan Beason, Courtney Betts, (third row) Michaela Bergin, Lane Anderson, Orlando Flores, Dawn Duncan, Deanna Aubin, Rachel Kenney, Abigail McKay, Tina Cerrutti. Kaillee Brown, (fourth row)
Mitchell Smith, Travis Torries, Sean Brown, E.J. Carrion, Kyleigh McKeever, Angela Dalke, Carly Moree, Zach Shipp, (fifth row) Joseph Calderon, Is Albin, Kayla Johnson, Bethany Lynch, Sarah Elphi Autumn Fleck, Amy Hastings, Adam Roberts, Catherine Muse, (sixth row) Kelsey Michael, Monri Bradley, Erica Scantlin, Caitlin Phelan, Alex Talle; Challena Franks, Trey Horn, Mark Nichols, Josh Hayter; (back row) Nate Brown, Brett Stine, Kriste Brown, Megan Houck, Jordan Rickard, Jon Morris
SENIOR NHS MEMBERS are (front row) Kyle Marshall, Judith McKee, Alex Gwin, Christine Harris, Lindsay Shipley, Molly Turner, Chance McCraw; (second row) Bobby Morris, Jill Maxwell, Karissa Caldwell, Maranda Bice, Brittany James, Michelle Rush, Lauryn Siniscalchi, Robin Reid, Shawn Peterman, James Bavousett, Ali Garcia; (third row) Jeremy Goreczny, Isaac Cerruti, Matt Morrow, Shannon Tanner, Chelsea Rains, Marissa Brown, Matt Bell, Michelle
Lucier, Jennifer Hensley, Leah Moody; (fourth rov Starkey, James Whitmore, Patrick Lile, Melissa 0 Hannah McGown, Kyle Caskey, Kevin Seman, Pi McBroom, Rosalie Vazquez; (fifth row) Megan Koulovatos, Desiree Griffith, Danielle Goode, Nat Bayless, Brant Frazier, Alex Evans, Alex Pappas Kyle Rogers, Nathan Roddy; (back row) Matt Mdi Dakota Orf, Kurt Lobaugh, Luke Hoover, Bonnie Smithee, Scott Beaver, Nick Zillweger.
'When I missed lunch because our ride's key got stuck in the keyhole, and we spent an hour trying to get it out."
The time I was lighting a *candle at the NHS inductions and spilled the hof wax all over the table.'
USSING THEIR PLANS for pcoming inductions, NHS ;rs Chance McCraw, Judith se, Alex Gwin, Molly Turner, Marshall, and Lindsay
Shipley look ahead to improve the NHS program for this year and for future years. Not pictured is Christine Harris. Photo by Lee Seman
From tutoring to playtim e both NHS and PALs have always been associated w ith helping and im proving their com m unity. The National H onor Society participated in several projects including w orking at the PPG picnic, selling candy canes, participating in the Light the Night walk, and the Headstart Christmas Party. "I was excited about the Headstart party and getting to see the kid I sponsored," Desiree G riffith said. NHS only accepted those juniors and seniors
with a grade point average at or above 3.50, a decision made by the officers from the previous year. The Peer Assistance and Leadership Program, was founded to benefit the young members w ho need positive role models. In PALs I, members bud d y up w ith children from elementaries such as Hardin, Tower, and I.C. Evans. PALs II members w ork with the special populations class at BHS, and also assist Headstart w ith a younger generation o f students. -Kyle Marshall BEING A MENTOR to her younger PALee, senior Victoria Collins meets her new friend for the first time. Photo by Mrs. Miller
DONATING GIFTS FOR the Headstart Party, NHS members Nathan Roddy, Paul McBroom, Marc Beason, and Nick Zillweger turn in their presents. DING A CLOSER
onship, PAL members ido Flores, Janelle tman, Trey Horn, and Lane rson participate at the
Chaparral Ranch low ROPES course. ROPES is an acronym for realistic opportunities through physical experience sessions. Photo by Mrs. M iller
Norms, fun, PALs I members Lexi Garcia and Bonnie Smithee try to walk a mile in someone else's pants.
Student Council stayed active through the year, improving the school and com m unity by taking part in a variety o f activities.. Among the tasks the Student Council tackled was the planning o f activities fo r Homecom ing W eek, including the superhero-themed pep rally. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I enjoy being in StuCo because it gives me an opportunity to be involved in the student bod y and make im portant decisions," freshman Kasi Bailey said. Student Council also coordinated the annual canned food drive,
s i u u e i u s
Sherman, StuCo officers Jill Maxwell, Kyle Marshall, and Molly Turner return with a candy filled football. This tradition, which
year, promotes good sportsmanship and friendliness between the two teams. Staff photo.
i u u i f j c u e
h i
e v e
collecting goods to provide foo d fo r the less fortunate during the holidays. Students were able to earn bonus points in classes and free tardies from the attendance office fo r bringing cans. "Even tho u gh I had to unload a ton o f cans from the math wing, I was still glad I could help the com m unity," senior Lindsay Shipley said O verwhelm ed w ith an assortment o f goods, Student Council collected a total o f 5,220 lbs, exceeding last year's total by 1,000 lbs. -Autumn Fleck
English wing, freshman Courtney Carpenter carries a box of goods. English teachers offered bonus points for cans.
ORGANIZING CANS ON a cart, junior Cody James helps prepare the goods for delivering. StuCo sent all collected goods to Faith Missions. Staff photo. LOADING A TRUCK with cans, senior Bobby Morris gathers goods from the math classes. StuCo spent first period collecting around the school.
â&#x2013; M CK4G ES
PUSHING CARTS FULL of canned food, seniors Kyle Marshall and Karissa Caldwell, freshman Courtney Carpenter and sophomore Shonna Bell
make sure the cans are secu so they won't fall. Though StuCo members were able to miss class to help collect, the task wasn't easy. Staff photo
If you could be the leader of a foreign country, which one would it be?
bers are (front row) Nycole Young, tney Carpenter, Kasi Bailey, Taylor Lile,
OR STUCO MEMBERS are (front row)
Anderson, Lisa Hardin, Monica some, Andrea Polk, Elizabeth Gerstner,
Ashley McCleskey, (back row) Amber Bice,Jasmine Jones, Lindsey Foley, Shonna Bell, and Angela Blair.
(back row) Drew Aaron, Orlando Flores, Trey Horn, Jordan Rickard, Kristen Brown, Brittney Baker, and Lexi Garcia.
"China, because I would be the tallest person there and I could eat Chinese food every day."
IOR STUCO MEMBERS are (front row)
ers Jill Maxwell, president; Kyle Marshall, president; Molly Turner, reporter; ond row) Allie Dilbeck, Lyndsay Cash, jyn Siniscalchi, Lindsay Shipley, Leah
Moody, Brittany James, Ali Garcia, (back row) Shae Whitlock, Patrick Lile, Victoria Rousseau, Shay'Na Simmons, Katiya Jackson, Maranda Bice, and Karissa Caldwell. Not pictured: sponsor Ms. Beverly Lee.
rtists of th eir o w n d om ain , punks, preps, nerds, goths, w h a te ve r they're called, the school is
made up of random individuals. A t the beginning o f the school year, the high school consisted of 966 unique students. U n lik e previous years, the sophom ore class to ta lle d 269 students, the largest of all the classes. "W ith so m any sophom ores, it is easy to make friends," Tyler C um m ings said. The freshman class placed second w ith 257 students, fo llo w e d closely by the juniors w ith 239 students. Smallest in num ber, the senior class num bered the least at 201 students. "I d o n 't like h o w the senior class keeps shrinking every year," Hannah M c G o w n said. "It upsets me that I'm no longer in the to p ten percent." Even w ith all the differences, the . I . 11 .. . 1 I . SCnOOl Still Continues to have the best random selection o f individuals. -Lindsay Shipley
results, sophomores Christina
S S X â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S S S S T n S S E T i& u
USING A LITTE elbow greas juniors Madlen Gohlke, Silke Stawowski, and Jordan Sheffl wash the windows at St. Judj church for Teens Make a I Difference Day. Staff Photos I
J 102 People Divider
Q: How has BHS changed since you graduated in '91? A: "It has changed mostly in appearance . W e definitely have more technology and more ways to apply it." Q: What is the biggest change between teaching and being a vice principal? A: "The biggest difference is being a part o f the day to day running o f the school. I enjoy the increased responsibility and really appreciate the fact that I now get to associate with all BHS students." Q: How do you picture BHS in five years? A: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I see BHS as achieving higher academic and
Del Hardaway Principal
Janie Avey V ic e Principal
Brad Owen V ic e Principal
Judy Albers Special Ed. A id e
Tona Alley A tte n d a n c e O ffic e
Stacy Atkins Football. Track
Adri Balis Library A ide
La Velda Barrick Eng III. Pre-APEng II, AP Eng IV
Bob Barrow Theatre Arts
Allyson Baughman M athem atics
Michael Baughman World G eography
Rosemary Bentley Registrar
Patrick Birk Girls Soccer
Ryan Black C om m unications Apps.
Tom Black
104 Faculty
athletic standards. I also hope to see continued updates to o u r cam pus and athletic facilities." Q: What is your fondest high school memory? A: "M y fondest high school memory is my senior year o f athletics. Both the girls and boys teams w on district in every sport.â&#x20AC;? Q: What advice would you give to the 06 graduates about life after high school? A: "Pursue y o u r goals imm ediately. Do not p ut o ff anything, fo r tom o rro w is not a promise b u t a privilege. M ost o f all, do not be afraid to take risks." -Brittney Baker
transferred to the middle school, Mr. Brad Owen, coach and science teacher, was selected to fill the position . Staff Photo
Du ward Blackwell AEC Director
Diana Bohuslav W riting Lab. TAKS C oordir
Gloria Bond C ounselor
Patsy Buhs H om ebound/C M
Rick Butler Health, C oach
Carey Caldwell Tennis, History
Kim Caldwell Counselors' Secretary
Sheryl Carpenter History, G eography
Larry Carter Algebra I
Keri Cely Science, C oach
Mary Cheney Desktop Design
Virginia Clack Art I
Sherry Coombes Principal's Secretary
Donald Cowan Choir
Toni Cowardin English, Math
Ken Cunningham AEP Math, A g
Robert Daiker Biology, A thletics
Bill Dalke Varsity Football
Kay Dalke English I, G o lf
Lane Davis Band
Johnny Divine G u ita r Program
Phillip Dowling Economics, Governm ent
Linda Ellett A lgebra I
Amy Fischer S cience
Pam Francis HIPC, Chemistry
Nancy Frazier Tammy Gerstner D iagnostician
Anne Gillespie Yearbook, Photojournalism
Shirley Gritton P.F.D.. Apparel, Work Progrc
Janet Gum-Fowler Spanish II
Lea Ann Hardy, R. N. School Nurse
Carl Hogue G eom etry, M ath Models
Becky Hedges BCIS I. JV Soccer C oach
Laurie Hollingsworth Boom town Babes, Fitness
Natalie Husen C o n te n t Mastery
Shannon Johnston English I, English II
Bobbie Jones BCIS
Linda Kalski Criminal Justice, Vem on C olleg e
Clint Kerr Special Ed.
Sue Kincaid English, ALPS
Melinda Kleckner BCIS I. BCIS ft, BCIS C oop
Alex Koulovatos Girls Basketball, Dr. Ed.
Ron Lawson English IV, S cience Fiction
Carla Leach Team 3
Mike Leach Economics, Baseball
Beverly Lee S tudent A ctivitie s Director, M arketing
Bryan Lehman A g M echanics
Greg Leonard Algebra II
Lana Liggett Counselor
Anita Lockwood G a te w a y, M ath
Conni Marshall Physics, Prin Tech
Kelley McGowan C redit Recovery
Jean McNabb Curtis A. McNeil iology, Environm ental Systems
Paula McNeil Jack Merrick Jeannine Miller Patsy Minderman Denise Miracle
106 Faculty
Q : W h a t is the name of your top playlist?
A: "Yummy." -Pam Francis Q : W h a t technological advancem ent are you looking fo rw ard to the most?
Ron Callaway The recipient of last year s Teacher of the Year" award, Mr. Ron Callaway, taught Government and AP Government for 30 years. He len went on to retire at the end of the 2005 school year. He now enjoys his part-time job and playing cowboy music.
A: "A gradebook program that really works!" -Bobbie Jones Q : W h a t is your favorite com puter program?
"The com puter game NHL 2005." -Lee Seman
Q : W h a t is the one piece of technology that you couldn't live without?
A: "Does a garbage disposal count?" -Jean McNabb Q : If you w ere stranded on a desert island, w hat one piece of technology w ould you want?
"My laptop com puter with high speed wireless internet." -Del Hardaway
Linda Richards Health, C oach
Karen Sanderson Librarian
Ellen Scharlach N utrition a n d Food Science
Melanie Selvidge English, Credit Recovery
Lee Seman M athem atics, NHS
Sharon Skaggs AEP A ide
Debbie Smith A tte n d a n c e O ffic e
Jennifer Smith C o n te n t Mastery, W riting Lab
Lt. Col. Sam Starkey Senior Aerospace S cience Instructor
Sandy Tandberg G eom etry
Lisa Tang English, Com m Apps
Phil Taylor US Gov, US History. W orld G eo.
Lorene Teed Pre-AP Eng I, Eng II & III
Loy Triana S cience, A th le tics
Gary Waitmann A griculture, FFA
Vera Ward English II, IV
Marie Watson Chemistry
Mark Wilson Team 3
Sarah Wood D iagnostician
School Board â&#x2013;ş Superintendent Danny Taylor Curtis Heptner President
Jerry Johnson V ic e President
Christy Steigerwald Secretary
Gary Dilbeck Board M em ber
Billy D. Darland Board M em ber
Billie Gorham Board M em ber
Ray Ono Board M em ber
108 Faculty
Juniors, seniors vote teach er aw ards t o fltl-flROUIID ►
fliiYson bfluctvwn
fa. t o t HwctK
Mo s M ie p u m ►
J m n M ills
Most ( M in t ►
bcsr D mssed ►
Ms. M arie Winson
M rs. flrtbs PcnvES
I Faculty
M'Kensi Orf
Julia Frayser
Ryan Mills 110 Freshm an Favorites
Keenan Stubblefield
ulia Frayser
Nicolette Morales
am Carrion
Wes Wise
Keenan Stubblefield Freshm an Handsom e/Beauty
Freshmen â&#x2013;ş The hom ecom ing float theme for the freshmen was Spiderman. W ith dancing spiders, bulls fighting the bulldogs, and gymnastics, the float had it all. Their float was made into a New York City skyscraper. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The float was hard,and we didn't know what to expect," vice president Kasi Bailey said. W ith the float, came new experiences. The first day o f school was nerve-racking and scary fo r students. Freshmen experienced making friends, new classes, and an overall new environment. "I felt scared not knowing where my classes were," Rebekah Smith said. -Paige Johnson
Ila Abbott Ryon Acheson Brittany Adams Natalie Adams Rex Allen
Alise Amey Austin Anderson Elissa Anderson Kacy Ansohn Racchel Arno
Bethany Back Kasi Bailey Zachary Baker Mathew Bam burg Robert Barboza
112 Freshmen
REPRESENTING THE FRESHMAN class is secretary/treasurer Taryn Moore, reporter MoniCi Lynott, vice-president Kasi Bailey, and president Helen Ono.
Adam Barnes Johnathan Barnes Seth Barrels Jason Beach Jordan Beach
Stephen Beason Brooke Bess Katy Bodenhom C ynthia Bohler Brodie Bolen
Tiana Bolden Kelsey Bowen Chelsea Boyd Shelby Bradshaw Jean Therese Buhat
Jesse Butler Brittany Caporale James Cardon Courtney Carpenter Samuel Carrion
Colten Carroll Dustin Casey Kristine Casey Miranda Chancellor Kayla Childers
Tiffany Collie Levar Cook T aylor Cook Stetson Copus Kalea Correll
Freshm en 113
Tommy Da Ike Activities: Football, Golf, and Advanced Classes Q: Who has been your favorite teacher? A: "Coach Black is hilarious in com m unication applications." Q: W hat is your best Quality? A: "I'm nice to just about every one." Q: What's your most prized possession? A: "My Fam ily, definitely."
Samantha Cowhey Christopher Crawford Justin Crook T om m y Dalke Bradley Deeb
Andrea Degelia Andres Delagarza Shawn Demers Derek Devereax , Travis Devore
Zachary Dickson Melissa Diehl Christopher Dodd Jorge Dominguez Ana Dougherty
Derek Dowling Melissa Drage Calvin Eaton Dustin Elless Blake Elliot
114 Freshmen
Random Selection "HOT 103.9 is my favorite music station.
"69.7 and 79.1 are my favorite music stations."
"106.3 THE BUZZ is my favorite music station."
Jessika Evans Megan Fernandez E tta Forrestal Julia Frayser Chelsi Frazer
Christopher Frazier Katherine Frazier Benjamin Frischmann Julian Garcia Keagan Garcia
Marlisha Garcia Anthony Gibbs Brady Giles T yler Gilmore Cecil G off
Kimberly G off AlejandroGonzales Brandy Goreczny Jarrin Gould Destiny Green
DENTS SIT ENTICED as they take notes in Mrs. Ellett's Algebra I s. Mrs. Ellett took time to prepare her students for the math S that they would be required to take later in the year.Staff Photo
IN FRESHMAN ENGLISH I class, Marlisha Garcia, Brittany Skelton, and Hope Koulavatos listen to Mrs. Johnston speak Staff Photo
Freshm en
John Griffith Kristen Guffey Cheyenne Gutierrez Dustin Hale Lakrishna Hale
Ronald Hall Zachary Hanley Chas Hardy Richard Harrimon Amanda Harris
Angela Hayes Wayne Henderson Sheniqua Henry Dalaney Henson Ray m on Herd
Devin Hernandez Alissa Hight Tim othy Honkom p T im othy Horn Joshua H ouston
COMPLETING HER WORK, Allison Pool concentrates on a math problem in Mrs. Ellett's class. Photo by Travis Felty
116 Freshmen
THE TWO FRESHMEN on the varsity tennis team, J.R. Griffith and Courtney Carpenter, practice doubles in the off season. Photo by Kelly Finn
J.R. Griffith ctivities: Band, Varsity Tennis, Pre-AP Classes. : W hat's your favorite quote? : "I didn't do it." : W hat's one thing you have always wanted to do? "I have always wanted to go snowboarding." : W hat is your favorite technology? "Porta Pottys"
Random Selection "Punk Rock is my favorite type o f music." -Ashleigh Rogers "Christian is my favorite type of music." "Rock is my favorite type of music."
Cameron H unt Jermaine Ishmail Chance Jarrett Rebeka Johnson Jessica Joss
May Judd Kayla K em p Robert Klusmeyer T iara Knight Lindsey Kochanski
Chelsea Koschak Hope Koulovatos Dillon Kramer Albin Laubsher Brittanie Lemley
Lyonel Lewis Taylor Lile Andrew Lind Tara Linker Caleb Londrow
Freshm en 117
Parker Loudermilk M onica Lynott Jessica Malousek Andrea Marley Adelicia Marlin
Cam eron McAlister Jon McCafferty Jason McDaniel T yler McKeever Tim othy McMillen
Brooke Mercado Sean Michaud Andrew Miller Jordan Miller Ryan Mills
Jeremy Miner Alexandria Minzer Zachary Moehnke Taryn Moore Trace Moore
DRESSED IN COSTUMES, Tiara Knight, Angela Hayes, and Shannon Raymond act out Greek Mythology in Mrs. Teed's Pre-AP English I class. Staff Photo
118 Freshmen
Nicolette Morales Kaliegh Morris Jonathon Motley Leighton Murphy Erica Muschamp
Ronald Nelson Tracy Newberry Kelsey Nix Corey Norm an William Norris
Marie Oehlerking Amanda Olive Helen Ono M'Kensi O rf Nicholas Organ
Katherine Patterson Richard Paulk Ian Peoples Katrina Pham Megan Phelan
Marie Oehlerking ctivities: Color G uard, Tennis, hoir, and Debate | W hat would you say has been the most memorable experience in high school? : "First tim e I m arched in M emorial Stadium with the band."
Random Selection '"The Dukes o f H a z a rd has the best
sound track." '"G rin d has the best
sound track." â&#x20AC;˘: In only four words describe yourself. : "Busy, Creative, Smart, Spazzy." â&#x20AC;˘: Who has been your favorite teacher? : "Mr. Nemecek"
"'V arsity Blues' has
the best sound track."
Freshm en 119
Jared Phillips Allison Pool Brandon Quigley Phillip Rand Chelsea Ratcliffe
Hali Rangel Shannon Raymond Jason Reed Vincent Reed Jacob Reola
Myles Reynolds Rosa Riggio Amy Riley Lauren Rios Justin Robertson
Am anda Rock Justin Roderick Ashley Roe Ashleigh Rogers â&#x20AC;&#x2122; David Rollins
H ali Rangel Activities: Volleyball and Babes Q: Where do you plan to be in 8 years? A: "Graduated from college and becoming a lawyer."
Random Selections "'N ever A g a in ' is my
favorite song."
Q: If you could change one thing at BHS what would it be? A: "I wish we had off campus lunch."
"Another one bites the dost' is my favorite
Q: W hat is your most prized possesion? A: "My family and friends would have to be my most prized possesions."
'One W ish' is my
120 Freshmen
favorite song."
Alyssa Saville Barbara Schultz Kevin Seymour Kalea Sharp Trent Sharp
Gerald Sheppard Colton Shipley Lexi Shipley Harley Simpson Joshua Singer
Brittney Skelton K im bra Skinner Shawn Skinner Alyssa Smith Anthony Smith
Demarcus Smith Dustin Smith Joel Smith Lacy Smith Rebekah Smith
ACTING IN ORPHEUS and Eurydice (left), Joel Smith proposes to Lexi Shipley, (above) Alex Gonzales acts as the man who marries them during Mrs.Teed's Pre AP freshman class. Photo by Z Shipp
TRYING TO CONCENTRATE, freshman Kyle Street plays the snare drum at one of the Burkburnett Bulldogs football games. Photo by Travis Felty
Freshm en 121
Rebekah Smith Activities: Band, Track and Advanced Classes. Q: W hat has been your favorite thing about high school? A: "My friends and teachers." Q: What's your favorite quote? A: "God will never leave you." Q: W hat is the best advice you can give someone? A: "Never give u p ."
Tim othy Smith Shelbie Snyder Elizabeth Stanley Jacob Starkey Kristi Stephens
Grant Stine Katherine Stone Anna Strader Keenan Stubblefield Kyle Street
Denise Suarez Lauren Swart sell Leslie Swartsell Natalie Szczechowski Chelsea Tappan
Amber Tatum Brooke Taylor Heath Taylor-Gonzalez Aaron Thom pson Zachary Tittle
122 Freshmen
Random Selections "Cross Canadian Ragweed is my favorite musical artist."
"50 Cent is my favorite musical artist."
"Eminem is m y favorite musical artist."
M atthew Torries Dustin Valentine Larquisha Washington Shelli Waters Kelly Watkins
Jesse Watson T revor Wheeler Jennifer Wilkinson Alyssa Willeford Jeffrey Williams
Steven Williams Colby Wilson Jason Wilson Wesley Wise Chase W itt
Cory Wood Michael Wright Blair W uthrich Travis Yeary Heather Zam ora
Vella Zaragoza Brittany Ziegenbein Zachary Zoet
CARRYING THE FLAGS, freshman Elissa Anderson gets ready to perform with the color guard in Candide. Staff photo
Freshm en 123
Sara Schutte
Malia Watson
Leland Wetzel 124 Sophomore Favorites
Sara Schutte
Dylan Alfonzo
Nathan Wheeler Sophomore Handsome/Beauty
Sophomores ► Completing their first year in high school, the sophomores are no longer known as "fish". "No longer being called a fish makes me think that we are more mature and it also means I only have three more years!” Justin Price said. W ith Ninja Turtles as the skit theme fo r the sophomores, the students were awarded fourth place. “W e weren't surprised or disappointed that we won fo u rth ,” Jordan Sanders said. Finishing the hom ecom ing skit, sophomores experience other activities. Classmates get their license, order class rings, and strut their barely worn letter jackets. - Amber Bice
Eric Abernathy Chcssa Adame Justin Adams Krista Adams .Michael Albers
Evan Albin Lcann Albin Dylan Alfonzo Samantha Allen Brandon Alvarez
Amanda Amoy Amanda Arbogast Caitlin Arzale Paulina Arzatc Tyler Baker
REPRESENTING THE CLASS of 2008 are class president Tressa Stoiloff, treasurer/reporter Shelby Carpenter and class vice-president Amber Bice.
Audri Barnard Alexandria Barnes Lyn Barnes Danielle Bass Scott Bavousett
A m anda Beach N athan Beard Geoffrey Belcher Melissa Bell Shonna Bell
John Belovosky Kelsey Bergin Sabrina Berreles April Bevington A m ber Bice
Amy Blackwell Angela Blair Christina Boatman Jim m y Boatman Chris Bobillo
Jeremy Bower Stephanie Broomfield Staci Brown Joshua Brownhill Justyn Brugmann
Jasmin Bryant Jason Bryant Cody Burks Kirstyna Butler Kindel Byrne
J ;t r n m
"It I could IIat on to only one CD for the rest of my Hitt II would bo Black I yod Boas because they are ftml"
P l â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ilko ( ;lUo\Yi\V
Sho!h\ (Dupontor
V, IklSy' V sU UM
JouuitVv H v u u k 'v V \lS U Y t\
Kollk' V'y m c K
v V vV\
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t m
o r i
Q. What is your favorite quote? A. "God helps those who help themselves." Msgt. Fox
L m uen D evoroau x
I liUtUt ( iUllo M k lwol ( ulTcc Aiulivw
o o
Q. Why did you join AFJROTC and do you plan to continue it after high school? A. "I joined AFJROTC because I heard that it would help me if I joined the air force. After high school I will attend college level AFJROTC and then join the air force as an air craft designer." J
C ody Burks
B rittin y C nsteen
Activites: AFJROTC & AFJROTC Honor Guard
It I could ll:iliin to only one CO for the rost of my lllii it would bo Bslrlozs tlym phoulo I t n tit is tlcjuo.
It I could listen to only ono CD tor Iho cost of my IIto It would ho Roba McCntira because It has my favorite songs on It,"
R1CADY FOR AN AJROTC event, sophomore Jim m y Boat man stands erect in his m ilitary attire, - Co it riser Photo
Q. If you could pick one word to describe you, what would it be and why? A. "Loyal - My loyalties lie in AFJROTC. They respect me and I respect them." '
Katy Cornelison Joshua Cray Autsin Crook Morgan Cross Quanicia Cubby noyiiusitj.
x m s k m .rn ,
T yler Cummings Allison Davis M atthew Davis Lauren Devereaux Kenneth Devore
Stephanie Duchesne Dudley Duncan Haley Duren Coum tey Durst Kyle Dye
Brent Enderlein Michelle Evans Jordan Fauntleroy Taylor Felty Brianna Fleming
m trivw
Lindsey Foley Stephanie Foote Daniel Fortin Kyle Fournier Trey Fournier
Zachariah Fournier Jonathan Frank Samantha Fuentes Thom as Furm an Hilary Galbraith
Joseph Gallego Shelton Garvin Christopher Gibson Karra Gibson Patrick Gilbert
Benjamin Gilmore Tiffany G off Jeremy Goines K yndra Golden Dexter Gonzales
Chris Gonzalez Sara Gonzalez Danielle Goodrich Quay Grant K eaton Green
Michael Gregory Chelsey Griffin Ryan Griffin Sasha Grossi Gabriel Gutierrez
Pierce Halverson Bradely Hardy Keely Harpole Carrie Harvey Shane Hassell
Katelyn Hatfield Daniel Henson Rebecca Herd Lace Hernandez Michael Hernandez
130 Sophomores
Karuiom Selection Activities: Basketball & International Club My favorite music is country because that's what I grew up listening
Q. Is it hard to juggle basketball
l o ."
-Chelsey Neises
A. 'My favorite music is Reggae because it's very Deaceful." - Josh Brownhill
Vly favorite music is R&B iecause it's so fun and elaxing to me." Tressa Stoiloff
practice, games, and school all at the same time? "Yeah, but it could be worse."
Q. W ho is your role model and why? A.
"My dad. H e works really hard to give my family and me food so why wouldn't he be?"
Q. If you could travel any place in the TAKING A PAUSE before his next shot, Kyle Fournier catches his breath while holding his basketball at rest.
world, where would it be and why? "France. I have French roots and it'd be cool to pursue them ."
Sean Herwig Kristina Hight Curtis Hill Kayce Holan William Holman
Ozzy H orton Tyler Hunt Brylynn Hurst Lyndsay Isaacs Tyler Jenkins
Leslie Johnson Paige Johnson Terence Johnson Jacob Johnstonbaugh Jasmine Jones
Kristin Jones Armandina Kedrowski Elizabeth Keksi Christopher Kellner Justin K emp
Neil Kendall Breanna Kerr Kordan Kildew Kelsey Kinney Cheyenne Kubala
Caryl Kuehn Kaleb Lacey Lindsey Lawson Andreanna Leaper Julianna Leaper
Bradely Levesque Britney Lillis Kory Livingston Brandon Long Rebecca Lucier
Dawn Mackin Ryan Madarang Alicia Matthews Lance Maxwell Layne McBeath
Laura McCasland Marcus McChesney Ashley McCleskey Crystalynne McFeley Brianna McKee
132 Sophomores
"Rondom Selection Activities: Bowling, Softball, & Dance I think The Lion King and Pocahontas had the best musical score because they had good songs." - Ashley Sifuentes
Q. How long have you been dancing? A. "One year." Q. W ho do you look up to and why? A. "Melissa Foote. She is a great person and dancer and my best friend."
"I think Top Gun had the best musical score because the music is awesome." - Neil Kendall
I think Without a Paddle lad the best musical score because it had a jood mix." Courtney Durst
Q. How much practice do you have to put into being successful in Babes? A. "Any spare tim e I have; all I do is dance so that I can be the best I am.
AS S H E S E A R C H E S for answers, Tiffany G off arduously works to finish a history assignment.
Q. W hy did you decide to start dancing? A. "I always have loved to dance and when I saw that all my friends were on the dance team, I thought it would be lots o f fun."
Stephanie Miller Kyle Monk Ashley M ontgomery Nicholas Morales M atthew Moudy
Steven Mullins Chelsey Neises Jordan Neuharth Kaila Nix Jane Alania Norris
Kalen O'Connor Loncar Samantha Ortiz Daniel Peeler Cody Persinger Erica Peterson
Kondom SdectJon Activities: Softball & International Club "If I could play any instrument, I would play the guitar because I love my guitar." - Chris Ward
Q. W hat do you do in order to calm your nerves before a softball game? A. "Listen to music and sing really loud."
If I could play any instrument, I would play the drums because they're really loud and it would drive my parents insane.â&#x20AC;? - Staci Brown â&#x20AC;&#x153;If I could play any instrument, I would play the violin because it sounds pretty and is nice to listen to." - Christina Boatman
Q. W hat is your motto? A. "Live today, and don't worry about tomorrow."
W H IL E W O R K IN G ON her portfolio project, Chelsey Griffin, works to create a M y Class page for her BCIS class.
Jason Petty Stacy Pickett Kristina Polk Christine Powell Justin Price
N athan Reinke H unter Rhude Andrew Richardson Charles Rickard Savannah Roberson
Elizabeth Rodriguez Elizabeth Rogers Ronald Rouleau Jamie Runyon Grant Sanders
134 Sophomores
Q. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? A. "Greece, because it is beautiful and has an interesting history.
Jordan Sanders Jessica Saville Brenner Schmitt Sara Schutte Stephen Schutte
Stephanie Seman Kayla Senters Jordan Sheffield Alexander Shipp Ashley Sifuentes
Kaleb Simpson Meagan Simpson Lindsey Sirilla Heather Smith Randi Smith
Jordan Springstead Joseph Stafford Shelly Stanely Kelsey Sterkel Keith Stevenson
T ressa Stoiloff Desmond Stickland Jamie Tasker Brittney Taylor Chase Terrell
Krystei Thompsen Cassie Thom pson Stephanie Thom pson Brittnay Tiem ann Ashley Torries
Nicole Townsie Justin T racy Alyssa Turner Joshua Venables Kelly Virdell
Corey Wade Krystal Walker Shalamaar Walker Christopher Ward Malia Watson
Sarah Weary Lena Webb Kayla Weldon Kyle Weldon Leland Wetzel
Caitlin and Paulina Arzate work to plant flowers at Friendship Park on October 22nd, Teens Make a Difference Day. Just doing something good for the community was the best part of Teens make a Difference Day because I always want to be doing something helpful for someone else," said Paulina Arzate." - Staff Photo
oldest schoolhouse, located in St. Augustine, Florida, Jasmine Jones absorbs the unique experience as she holds school bell's string in her hand. "While I was in Florida, I had a blast! I went to St. Augustine and saw many museums. I even saw the oldest school house in the U.S. Also I went to a Simple Plan concert. I had fun!" - Courtsey Photo
136 Sophomores
"Ronctom Selection Activities: Band, drama, FUMC youth group "My favorite iPod is the type that plays music and is a phone. That would be awesome to have." - Lindey Foley
Q. W hat are your top three priorities? A. "Faith, love, and peace, those seem to
"My favorite type of iPod is the iPod Video because it's the newest and it plays videos." - Shelton Garvin
My favorite type of iPod is :he iPod Video because rou can watch music rideos." Lena Webb
FR O M T H E P O D IU M , Stephanie Seman directs the marching band on the football field.
cover it. Q. Being only a sophomore, how does it feel to become a drum major? A. "Oh man, I'm lovin' it. It's something that I've wanted to do and that I love doing. There's ju st something about marching band that can light a fire. It's an awesome experience." W hat is your motto? Q. A. "Probably a delightful combination o f "fife is beautiful" and "let it be". I don't like to see people sad because life is so great. Sure things can get rocky, but "there will be an answer, let it be."
Jadyn Whitmore
Allison G ray i
Tina Cerruti
Lane Anderson
Sammy Wise
Nate Brown 138 Junior Favorites
Amber Cox
Nate Brown
Sammy Wise
Trey Horn Junior Handsom e/Beauty
Juniors ^
BREAKING FROM THE traditional number of class officers, the junior class had
only two class officers. President Lane Anderson and vice president Lisa
Hardin handled everything from the class homecoming skit to prom. Photo by Flores
Andrew Aaron Adriana Alaniz Julia Alaniz Ian Albin Michelle Alfert
D onna Allen Kirtis Ames Joshua Anderson Lane Anderson Lindy Anderson
Deanna Aubin Ashley Baird Brandy Baker Brittney Baker Josh Bamburg
Performing their rendition o f "The Incredibles" fo r the superheroes them e, the Class o f 2007 placed second which showed m uch improvement over the last tw o years. "The flo at building is one o f the most fun things we get to do as a class,â&#x20AC;? class president Lane Anderson said. "I enjoy being able to lead my class this year." So between hom ecom ing, Dream Week, planning prom fo r the seniors, and planning fo r college entrance tests w ith the PSAT, the ju n io r class w orked through numerous random events.
-Adam Roberts
Anthony Barger Lorena Barnes Marc Beason Gregory Beeson Michaela Bergin
Cortney Betts Burgundy Bisson M onroe Bradley Brandon Briscoe Blake Brookman
Kaillee Brown Kellee Brown Kristen Brown Nathaniel Brown Sean Brown
Tyrell Brown James Bryant Joshua Bullard Casey Burt Joseph Calderon
Cortney Cannon Stewart Carr E.J. Carrion Danny Castillo Tina Cerruti
Janessa Chancey Nicholas Chapman Joshua Christopher Brittany Clark Rockelle Cloud
Grady Coker Christinn Cole Amanda Collie Jonathan Collins Sabrina Cooper
Justin Cornish David Correll Michael Cossey Amber Cox Cliffton Cox
Cameron Cremeens John Crum pler Amanda Cunningham Angela Dalke Ernest Davis
* rn m
A MEMBER OF Triple M JBD, Marc Beason pauses for a break after one of his games during the mud volleyball tournament at the Friendship Festival. Photo by Travis Felty
142 Juniors
ALSO A MEMBER of Triple M JBD, Matt Peoples makes sure that everyone knows his name during the mud volleyball tournament at the Friendship Festival. Photo by Travis Felty
r^ c tn d o m S e /e c fib n s
Activities: A Cappella Choir, Jazz band, "Jazz and Christian music are my favorite types of music. I love the message it sends through the lyrics." -Julia Alaniz
TAME, Interact, BPA, Crime Stoppers, Pink Darlings, and church ch oir
"R&B is my favorite type of music because some of the things they say makes me think." -lylene Gutierrez
"Hippity hop is my favorite type of music because it has a tight flow." -Mark Stephens
Q: If you could change one thing about BHS what would it be? A: "How some teachers are treated by rude students and others."
Q: WORKING ON HER All-Region music, Michelle Alfert proudly wears her choir robe. Photo by Travis Felty
What would you say has been the most memorable experience in high school? "Going to Area auditions for All- State choir and making 14th chair (in the STATE)." In only four words describe yourself. "Intelligent, practical, generous, and accepting."
Joseph Davis Laiken Davis Blake Deeb Jose Delval Ashley Demel
Justin Devore Natalie Dominguez Jessica Dossey Chase Dougherty Jordan Dubski
Amanda Duke Dawn Duncan Joseph Durdaller Angela Early Misty Edwards
Russell Ellett Sarah Elphick Rusty Emro Todd Emro Justin Evans
Kiera Fannon Travis Felty Camila Ferreira Q uenton Ficklin Kelly Finn
A utum n Fleck Orlando Flores Harvey Foster Challena Franks Ashley Frayser
Lane Anderson
T ^o n d o m
S e le c tio n s
Activities: PALS, FCA, STUCO, class president, church youth, Red Rider Riding Club, BHS livestock judging.
"If I had to listen to one CD for the rest of my life it would be Lynard Skynard's Greatest Hits."
Q: What is o n e thing you want to do
-Ian Albin
b efore you graduate high school? A: "W in grand cham pion swine at the "If I had to listen to one CD for the rest of my life it would be George Strait 50 Number Ones ."
co un ty show."
Q: What is your best quality?
-Tyrell Brown
A: "I'm o u t going." "If I had to listen to one CD for the rest of my life it would be Tell All Your Friends by Taking Back Sunday." -Brett Stine
144 Juniors
Q: What is the best advice you would give to som eone? RIDING HIS HORSE, Shorty, junior class president Lane Anderson prepares for roping. Courtesy photo.
A: "Try hard, stand up f o r w h a t you believe in, and do y o u r best." j
Adam Friday Paul Gann Lexi Garcia Nichole G arm on Myles G arratt
Jeremy Germann N athan G erm ann Elizabeth Gerstner Kyle Gerstner Aaron Gibbs
K ayla Gilbert Janelle G oettm an M adlen Gohlke Breann Gonzales Melissa Gonzalez
WORKING ON THE journalism door for Mrs. Anne Gillespie, Kelly Finn stayed after school to finish making the door decoration for the "Decorate Your Door" contest during Homecoming Week. The contest was sponsored by the BHS chapter of TAFE. The finished product is shown on the left. Staff Photos
WORKING ON AN assignment in BCIS, Arick Johnson concentrates to make sure he has everything correct. Photo by Orlando Flores THE BHS CHAPTER of TAFE's "Decorate Your Door" contest was won by the Bulldog Brigade. The winning door is shown on the left. Staff Photo
Allison Gray Amelia Gregory Iylene Gutierrez Donald Hall Joshua Hanley
Lisa Hardin Henry Hardnock Linda Hardy Mercedes Harrison Amy Hastings
James Hawthorne Joshua Hayter M atthew Hilbum M atthew Hogan Justin Holden
Trey Horn Megan Houck Justin Houston Cody James Tiffany James
WAVING THEIR BAGS in the air, Kelly Finn, Drew Aaron, and Orlando Flores help out with Teens Make A Difference Day. Courtesy Photo
146 Juniors
IMPRESSING THE JUDGES, E Carrion and Brett Stine act a scene from the junior class homecoming skit of The Incredibles. Staff Photo
N ate B row n
R a n d o m S e /e e fto n s
"If I were in a band I would name it The Kickers, because I like soccer.” -Jamie Simmons
Activities: Football, powerlifting, track, and DECA
Q: Where do you plan to be in 8 “If I were in a band I would name it Everlasting Effect, because our effect on the music world would be everlasting.” -Josh Bamburg
years? "In the NFL.”
Q: Who has been the most influential A:
to you in high school? "M y dad!"
Q: What do you want to be "If I were in a band I would name it Mixed Up, because we would play all kinds of music." -Kyle Peterson
remembered for? A: "The things 1 did and the person 1 was." CONCENTRATING ON GETTING the weight up, Nate Brown works out in his spare time to prepare for powerlifting and next year's fo otba ll. Photo by Felty
Q: A:
What is your favorite quote? "Patience is a virtue."
Arick Johnson Joycelin Johnson Kayla Johnson Tonya Johnson Courtney Jones
Nadja Jordan Rachel Kenney Brittney King Kayla King Marcel Klein
Joshua Lagat Brian Lamach Allison Lopez Bethany Lynch Tyler Lynn
Juniors 147
Ashley McCallister Jared McCoy Michael McCoy Abigail McKay Kyleigh McKeever
Amber McKenzie Allyssa Meese Jesse Mendoza Kelsey Michael Lindsey Miller
Andrea Minjarez Ashley Mitchell Carly Moree Jonathan Morris Jessica M uller
Tina Cerruti
^ ^ e /e c tlo n s
Activities: Football Student Trainer,
"I think Titanic had the best soundtrack because it was so meaningful to the movie." -Jennifer Renick
C hurch Y outh Com m ittee, United Way, and Advanced Classes.
Q: Who has been most influential for you in high school? A:
"1 think that Top Gun had the best soundtrack because it is one of the coolest movies ever and the music fits it well." -Jon Morris
"I think that Save the Last Dance had the best soundtrack because I really liked a lot of the songs in the movie." -Frankie Foster
148 Juniors
"Mrs. Teed w ith o u t a shadow o f a d o u b t. I still go talk to her and I had her as a freshman."
Q: What is your most prized possession? A:
"Call me vain, b u t it's my hair straightener."
Q: What is your favorite technology? A: DRIVING THE GATOR, Tina Cerruti helps the varsity football team as a trainer. This is Tina's second year as a trainer, and her first with the varsity. Staff Photo
"I love the cell phone;it makes life so easy.â&#x20AC;?
Catherine Muse Monica Newsome Ann Nguyen Mark Nichols Nicholas Nixon
Karen Norris Cara Pair Mary Parker Jake Parris Ashley Patino
M atthew Peoples Kyle Petersen Caitlin Phelan Andrea Polk Nicholas Raines
Heather Rarick Levi Reattoir Kayla Reid Jennifer Renick Jordan Rickard
Adam Roberts Alfred Rodriquez M arti Roland Jennifer Samples Erica Scantlin
Phillip Shaver Zachary Shipp Melissa Sibayan Daniel Sickman Cara Simmons
Juniors 149
Jaime Simmons Jonathan Simmons Stephanie Skinner Adrienna Smith Aubri Smith
Michael Smith Mitchell Smith Brian Stafford Silke Stawowski Ole Steinhubl
Mark Stephens Brett Stine David Stock Alexandra T alley Brittney Tanner
Tim othy Teets Meagan Thom as Stephen Thom pson Renier T orres T ravis T orries
Kristen Trones Matthew Turkett
Amy Vail
150 Juniors
BEING AN ANGEL, James Bryant grabs an angel off of the Headstart Angel Tree located outside of the library. Sponsors purchased shoes and other Christmas gifts for needy children in Burkburnett. Photo by Orlando Flores
T £ -a n d o m ^ 5 e fe c tto n s
"My favorite iPod is the shuffle because it is random just like life." -josh Bullard
Activities: football, basketball, foreign exchange student
Q: What has been the biggest change for you since last year? “My favorite iPod is the nano because it has enough space for all my tunes but can fit in my pocket.” -Patrick Davis
Q: What's your favorite quote? A:
“My favorite iPod is the mini because it is small, cute, and real easy to manage." -Lindsey Miller
Coming from a big city in Germany, to the small tow n o f Burkburnett.
WARMING UP BEFORE he begins practice, Marcel Klein plays basketball for the junior varstiy team. Photo by Felty
"Don't let the disappointments o f tod a y ruin the dreams o f tom orrow ."
Q: What is your best advice you could or would give to som eone? A: "Come to Germany, you won't regret it!"
Lena Vieth Robert Warren Sarah W elter Jaclyn W hitmore Phillip W hitten
Daniel Williams Amber W inter Samuel Wise Jennifer W itt Nikki Wood
Jeanine Young Nicole Ysasaga Brittany Zamora Claire Zellner Erik Zoet
Junior 151
j^^osjyuHoj Every spring, exemplary students of the graduating class are named to join the ranks of fe llo w distinguished recipients of the prestigious Derrick's W ho's W h o award. These students are elected based on a criteria of a 3.0 or higher grade point average, citizenship, enthusiasm, and talent. The departments of the major subjects are responsible for the selections. For many students, this is the "Oscar" of their high school journey. -Kyle Caskey
D e r r i c k MP3
| E
C o m puter
152 Derrick's Who's W ho
SH AN N O N TANNER "Shannon has been such a hard-w orking and motivated student. From the first day she arrived, she has gone above and beyond the call o f duty to represent o u r school and prepare herself for
D e r r i c k MP3
"Bonnie is an outstanding student and employee Her initiative, dedication, and commitment to BHS make her a unique individual. Bonnie w ill be an asset to any organization she participates
JENNA INGUSH "Jenna is a good student, is kind, polite, and exhibits strong character traits. She works well with her classmates. She uses her design skills to an idea and take it to the finished project in Desktop Design. She is a to have in class." -Mrs. Cheney
â&#x2013; 9 I
"Chance is an enthusiastic student w ho has excelled in both AP Statistics and AP Calculus this year. He adds "life" to any classroom. He has the ability to achieve any goal that he sets for himself."
D e r r i c k MP3
M a r k e t in g
ALLIE DILBECK "Allie's outgoing personality brings enthusiasm to the classroom, workplace, and competition. She is a mature and dependable student and employee." -Ms. Lee
D e r r i c k MP3
D e r r i c k MP3
D e r r i c k MP3
F o r e ig n
E n g l is h
S o c ia l S t u d ie s
L anguage
"Since 7th grade Pre-AP English, Alex has shown a passion for the study o f literature. From Jonas in The Giver to Hamlet, Alex realizes m ankind's need to be heard and understood despite their flaws
"Kyle has taken German for three years and is currently enrolled in a German course at MSU. He always tries to use his skills, both on the jo b and at school. Kyle is an excellent student and an
"Karissa is an extremely dedicated student that gives a tremendous am ount o f effort to everything n o t only academics, b u t also other activities such
D e r r i c k MP3
K â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
A g S c ie n c e
LINDSEY SYKES "Lindsey is a an exceptional Ag. Science student and FFA member. She has excelled in leadership, career, and skill developm ent in all phases o f the program. These w ill allow for endless opportunities in the fields o f agriculture."
D e r r i c k MP3 j
H ealth T ec h
"Jennifer is seldom absent She is always w illing to help in any way and takes p artin class discussions. She turns in assignments on time and does n o t complain about them. Jennifer is a very good student " -Mrs. M inderman
Who's W ho
D e r r i c k MP3
IE! f e s?
Male A th l e t e
"Kurt is a terrific, young man w ho always brings an excellent attitude to whatever team he plays on. He is an athlete you can always co u n t on to be a great teammate and to w o rk his hardest" -Coach Nix
"Jeremy is always up-beat and has a good time. He works hard and has a positive attitude w hile he is doin g it. He is q uick to volunteer and is very reliable." -Lt. C olonel Starkey
D e rric k
ROSALIE VAQUEZ PEREZ "Rosalie began her freshman year sharing her family's culture in PFD class and has continued being an active part o f o u r department and school. She is quiet and reserved, b ut a person who gets the jo b done. She is an h on o r student in d a pleasure to have in class." -Mrs. G ritton , Mrs. Miller, & Ms. Scharlach
154 Derrick's W ho's W ho
A M A N D A DUKE "Amanda has been a consistent, committed member o f band since the sixth grade. Her attitude has always been one o f respect and integrity th ro u gh o ut the process o f growing and learning. When we have students like Amanda, we are able to achieve o u r goals as a g ro u p ."
D errick
D rama
CHELSEA RAINS "It's all she's ever wanted to d o. It's all about her dream." -M r. Barrow
D e r r i c k MP3
J o u r n a l is m
E ditors W in S pirit A ward
HANNAH McGOWN a four-year journalism student and yearbook )-student life and co-senior class section editor, Hannah has contributed greatly to the ipartmept. She has competed in UIL journalism , acing fourth in both feature and news istricL" -Mrs.
D e r r i c k MP3
Tri-editors Marissa Brown, Kyle Caskey, and Ali Garcia received the nineteenth annual Feme B loodw orth Journalism Spirit Award. The spirit award, in memory o f the form er journalism teacher w ho died in a 1987 plane accident, honors the most outstanding journalism seniors. 'These three editors brought different talents to the yearbook and exhibited a rare congeniality w h ich created a harm onious staff and a superior pub lica tio n," said Mrs. Anne Gillespie, journalism teacher w h o started the award. " In fact, I believe these editors have produced the most creative o f all Derricks."
MARISSA BROWN "Serving on the yearbook staff for three years, including one as a tri-editor, Marissa contributed greatly to the Derrick's production with her strong leadership skills. She also placed in UIL journalism writing events at District competition." -Mrs. Gillespie
A rt
TIFFANY BITER â&#x2013; Tiffany displays a mature artistic temperament I believe that this coupled with her passion [fend creativity w ill serve her very well in future mdeavors." -M r. Cook
KYLE CASKEY "Kyle, two-year staffer has given 100% of himself to meet the demands as a yearbook tri-editor. He used his advanced computer skills to enhance the book's techno theme and creative design, which won an award at the summer yearbook workshop." -Mrs. Gillespie
ALI GARCIA "Serving as one of the tri-editors of the Derrick, Ali is a three-year journalism student. She has devoted numerous hours to the production of the last three award winning yearbooks. She has attended workshops and graciously helped new staffers." -Mrs. Gillespie
W ho's W ho
Maranda Bice
Molly Turner
Lindsey Means
Alex Evans
Dakota Orf
Nate Bayless 156 Mr. and Miss BHS
lolly Turner
Ricci Perritt
Christine Harris
Allen Smith
Kyle Caskey
Alex Gwin M ost Likely to Succeed
Lindsey Means
Allison Gray
Nate Brown 158 All School Favorites
ndsey Means
Kalea Correll
Sara Schutte
Keenan Stubblefield
Nate Bayless
Trey Horn All School Handsome/Beauty
Maranda Bice
Ali Garcia
Desiree Griffith
Greg Montgomery 160 Senior Favorites
Alex Evans
Kevin Seman
Lyndsay Cash
Allie Dilbeck
Lindsey Means
Kyle Marshall
Alex Gwin
Kyle Harpole Senior Handsome/Beauty
Seniors: Random Individuals of
Senior Song: "Goodbye To You" Michelle Branch
Senior Flower: SunflcJwer GATHERING AROUND THE bulldog, the senior class officers are Jill Maxwell as president with Maranda Bice as vice president and Kyle .Marshall as secretary and Molly Turner as reporter.
Males: 106 Females: 90
Even tho u gh the Class of 2006 is comprised o f random individuals, they came together to achieve first place in the H om ecom ing festivities. "I'm so proud tha t we won again," Desiree G riffith said. W ith the ir various activities, seniors often found it hard to com plete everything. "College applications are such a hassle," said Ricci Perritt. "Right now that's the largest stress in my life. There's just so m uch to d o - filling out, SATs, scholarships.â&#x20AC;? -Hannah McGown
M att Patterson 3 15 S. Ave D 569 -1 4 07
Kyle Alexander Soccer (10-12), N H S (11-12)
Cody Allison Football (9-12), Basketball (9), Baseball (9-10)
Dean Andres Powerlifting (9-11), Football (9-11), T ra ck (9-11)
Dennis Bass In te ract Club (9-12), In ti Club (9-12), Bowling (9), S T U C O (9-12)
Chad Battista Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), T ra ck (9-12)
Jam es Bavousett Soccer (9-12), B and (9-12), N H S ( 11-12), T A M E (12)
Nate Bayless Football (9-12), Basketball (9-12), T rack (10-12), N H S (11-12) Baseball (9), FCA (9-12), U n ite d W ay (12)
Scott Beaver N H S (11-12), Intl. C lu b (II), B and (11), G olf (10)
162 Seniors
Matthew Bell N H S ( 11-12), D og Squad (9-12), Intl. C lub (9-12), U IL Choir (11-12, Publ. M an ag er 12), FC A (12), BPA (12), Basketball (9-11), Cross C o u n try (11)
Brandi Berryman A F JR O T C (9-11)
Alicia Bevington A F JR O T C (9-12), D E C A (12), R ocketry (9-11), D ram a Club (9)
Maranda Kay Bice FC A (9-1 2 ),S T U C 0 (9 -I2 c la s s v .p . 9, 11-12), C h eerlead er (10), G o lf (9-12), PALs (11-12), In te ra c t Club (9-12), Y rbk(10,12),T A F E ( 11-12), U n ite d W ay (11-12)
Tiffany Biter Zack Bradley Football (9-12), T ra c k (9-12), P ow erlifting (10-12), U n ite d Way(12)
Cory Brinkley Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12), Pow erlifting (9-12)
Brittany Briscoe
Ryan Briscoe Basketball (9-12), S T U C O (10), FCA (12), Cross C o u n try (12)
Jason Brown M arissa Brown B and (9-12, section le ad er 10-11, D ru m M ajor 11-12), Yrbk (10-12, e d ito r 12), N H S ( 11-12), D ram a Club (11-12), U IL Lit. C rit. (10-12), U IL Editorials (11-12), U IL Prose In te rp re tatio n (12)
Renee Brown Basketball (9-11), C heerleading (1012), T ra ck (10-12), G -Force (12)
Kirk Bryant V IC A ( 11-12, pres. 11-12)
Amanda Bucchi Softball (9-11)
Jesse Bunger A F JR O T C (9 ,l 1), V ICA (12)
Karissa Caldwell T e n n is (9-12, captain 12), PALs (1112), FCA (9-12, pres. 12), S T U C O (912), N H S (11-12), T A F E (11-12)
Chenoa Casburn Lyndsay Cash Volleyball (9), C heerleading (11-12), BPA (12)
Kyle Caskey Yrbk (11-12, ed ito r 12), U IL LD D ebate (11-12), Intl. club (9-11 v.p. 10, pres 11) N H S (11-12), TA M E (9-12)
Isaac Cerruti N H S (11-12), PALs (12), A F JR O T C (912) In tl. Club (10-12, v.p. 11)
Seniors 163
Chelsea Christman A F JR O T C (9), Babes (9-12 Lt. 12), Key Club (12)
Summer Cissell U IL Choir (11-12), D ebate (9), A F JR O T C (9-10), B P A ( 12)
Corin Clement Football (9), G o lf (9-10), D EC A (12), Intl. C lu b (l 1-12, Pres. 12)
Victoria Collins PA L s(12)
Texann Cox Darrell Crosley Ryan Cruz A F JR O T C (9-10), T e n n is (11), D ECA ( 12)
Brady Dalton T e n n is (9-12), U n ite d W ay (12), FCA ( 11- 12)
Lauren Rishell Dean Softball (9), Babes (9-12)
Levi Dewberry Baseball (9-11)
Allie Dilbeck Softball (9-12), N H S (11-12), T A F E (10), S T U C O (9-12), Volleyball (9)
Cortney Dolan Softball (9-12), VolleybaU.(9-12)
Matt Dorton A uto T e c h (9-11), VICA (10), Ag (11-
Amanda Duke B and (9-12, Section lead er 11-12), Key Club (12)
Amanda Durdaller Babes (9), D ram a Club (11)
Chris Dye Football (11-12)
Jennifer Dye Football tra in e r (9-11), S T U C O (9-12), FCA (9-12), BPA (12)
Gary Easter Basketball (9-10), Football (9, 11-12), D og Squad (10-12), D ram a Club (9-12, pre s. 12), T rac k (11 -12), T A M E (9-12)
Taieb Edris Alex Evans Powerlifting (9-12), Football (9-12), N H S ( 11-12)
164 Seniors
Sierra Fannon G irls' Choir (9), U IL Choir (10-11)
Charles Fleming M elissa Foote Babes (9-12), T e n n is (9-11)
Derrick Forrester Basketball (9-11)
Brant Frazier Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12), Basketball (9-10), FC A (9-12), S T U C O (9-11), U n ite d W ay (11-12), N H S ( 11-12)
Ali Garcia Y rb k ( 10-12,e d ito r 12), Q & S(11-12), PALs (11-12), N H S ( 11-12), T A M E (912), U n ite d W ay (11-12), S T U C O (9-10)
M elissa Golf Color G u ard (9-12, cap. 12), N H S( 11-12), FFA (9-10, rep o rter 10), In tl. Club (9-10), Key Club (9), D eb ate (9)
Danielle Goode PALs (12), Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (912), T ra ck (9-10), N H S (11-12), FC A (9), T A F E (1 2 )
RECEIVING A KISS he won't soon forget, Kyle Marshall gets personal with a seal in Australia. Kyle went with a group of students over the summer to visit The Land Down Under,' where he also met other marsupials.
Kyle Marshall â&#x2013;ş Kissing seals isn't all Kyle arshall is good for. As cretary o f NHS, vice-president STUCO, secretary o f the aior class, a Varsity Tennis lyer, and a PALs member, le Marshall uses his unique lalities to help im prove irkburnett High School. Kyle intends to attend Texas ch in the fall. "I'm really looking forward taking classes th a t will tually benefit me in the ture," Kyle said. "Even though miss my friends, it will be a sat experience." Once away from the hectic hedule o f his high school reer, Kyle plans to visit unique ices w hich will further his ucation o f different cultures. -Lindsay Shipley
Would you rather ride a polar bear or win a medallion ? 'Polar bear because if it were snowy, I would look like I was levitating.' -Hannah McGown
'Would it be a magical medallion?' -Amanda Bucchi
WORKING ON THE computer, Kyle writes a story for the yearbook. Kyle is one of the activities editors and contributed to m anvof the new designs.
"Polar bear hands down! You might get to gallop around and round up penguins.' -Jill Maxwell
ADMITTING THAT HE is indeed a muggle, Kyle joins the rest of the world with their love of the Harry Potter books. He received his copy while in Australia.
Or. David Doerre, DDS General Dentistry 111 N. Ave D 569-4901
Hays Home & Auto 401 E. 3rd Street 569-2271
Seniors 165
Senior Favorites; Board dames
PORTRAYING HER I B UL L D OG s p irit, I Michelle Rush sits with the high school mascot. I Michelle is a big contributor to the school's I spirit. She is present and enthusiastic at every pep rally and every school game.
Michelle Rush ^
â&#x2013;Ą B
Matt Horn
4200 S. Ave. D 569-5238
Jeremy Goreczny A F JR O T C (9-12), Bowling (9), Key Club (12), N H S (11-12), FCA (11-12), VICA (9-10)
Ashley Grant Softball (9-10)
Christopher Green Sheena Griffin Softball (9-11), S T U C O (9-10), BPA ( 12)
Desiree Griffith Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9-12), T rack(9-12), N H S ( 11-12), P A L s(12), T AFE (12)
Tina Griffith B and (9-12), Soccer (10, 12), Jazz B and (11), Intl. Club (11)
Joseph Guilliams Raphael Gutierrez A FJR O T C (9-12, Flight C o m m an d er 11. C ad e t C hief 12)
166 Seniors
High kicks, splits, and precision timing aren't the only aspects that make M ichelle Rush unique. M ichelle is involved th ro u g h o u t the school not only as the captain o f the Boom town Babes, b ut also is involved in NHS, STUCO, and drama. A fter graduating, M ichelle plans to attend the American College in Athens, Greece for one year. "Going to Athens w ill be a great experience tha t not too many people experience,"' M ichelle said. Outside o f her filled schedule, M ichelle enjoys dancing, listening to music, spending time w ith her friends, and keeping up w ith fashion. -Lindsay Shipley
STRETCHING BEFORE PRACTICE, Michelle Rush prepares for a workout. As the captain of the drill team, Michelle teaches, dances and polishes routines.
PAYING ATTENTION TO a guest speaker, Michelle listens to a lecture on financing college. Michelle is excited about attending a college in Athens.
Alex Gwin N H S (11-12, pres. 12), Basketball (912),T A M E ( 11-12) B aseball(9), FCA ( 12)
Jam es Hair Brandon Harding Kyle Harpole N H S ( 11-12), Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12), Pow erlifting (9-10)
Christine Harris B and (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), track (911), PALs (11-12), N H S ( 11-12, historian 12), T A F E (11-12), U n ite d W ay (11)
Scott Harris A F JR O T C (9-12)
Candace Haynie B ab es(10-12), S T U C O (9-12)
Jennifer Hensley
M att Hickey Football (9-11), Basketball (9-10), T ra c k (9)
Jessica Hicks FFA (9-12), Volleyball (10)
Coby Hill G o lf (9-11), FFA (9-12)
Neil Holmes
Luke Hoover Football (9-11), Pow erlifting (9-11), T ra ck (9-10), N H S (11-12), FFA (12)
Jenna Inglish Basketball (9-12), Softball (9-10)
Jessica Isaacson A F JR O T C (9,11-12), Football T ra in e r (II)
Katiya Jackson Basketball (10-12), PALs (12), STU C O (11-12), T ra ck (9), D ram a Club (10), Cross C ountry (9,12), T A F E (12)
Anthony Jam es Basketball (10-12), T ra ck (9-12)
Brittany James C heerleading (10-12), N H S ( 11-12), S T U C O (12), FC A (12), Intl. Club (911), Soccer (9)
Skye Jones T e n n is (9-12), D ram a Club (10), Key Club (12)
Heather Kemp
Seniors 167
Kara Kirkpatrick Softball (9-10). Volleyball (9-10)
Megan Koulovatos Basketball (9-12), Softball (9-12), Volleyball (9), S T U C O (9-12), FCA (9-
Charlene Lambrecht Soccer (9-10), D ram a Club (12)
Brandon Laubscher Soccer (9-12), Football (9)
A .J. Lewis Football (9-11), Powerlifting (9-12), T ra ck (10-12)
Patrick Lile Football (9-12), Soccer (9-10,12), ALPS (9-12), N H S ( 11-12), FCA (12), S T U C O (12), Intl. Club (9-10)
Justin Lillis G o lf (10)
Kurt Lobaugh Baseball (9-12), Basketball (9-10), Football (9-12), N H S ( 11-12), S T U C O (9-12)
M ichelle Lucier J N H S (9 -B e n Eielson H igh School), N H S ( 1 1-12)
Brooke Lupo Cosmetology (11-12)
Kyle M arshall S T U C O (9-12, sec/t res. 11, vp 12), PALs (11-12) Class O fficer (10-12, vp 10, sec/tres 11-12), T e n n is (9-12), T A M E (9-12), Y rbk( 12), N H S (11-12, sec. 12). T A F E (11-12), FCA (9-12)
Jill Maxwell PALs (11-12), Class Pres. (9-12), S T U C O (9-12, sec/tres 10-11, pres. 12), Babes (9-10). T e n n is (10-11), N H S ( 1112), U n ite d W ay (11-12), In te ract (12), T A F E (11-12)
AS THE BUILDINGS of Gotham City dance in the background, the townspeople, Hannah McGown, a girl scout selling
168 Seniors
cookies; Jill Maxwell, a baby eating a lollipop; Stephen Salas, a nerdy boy; and Jason Brown, an old man hobbling along with a
cane; pretend to go about their normal everyday business in the homecoming skit before they get attacked by villains.
WITH A THERMOMETER in H mouth, Bo Starkey gets his j temperature taken before g'v blood to make sure he is healthy.
Paul M cBroom Tennis (9-12),N H S( 11-12)
Chance McCraw B and ( 9 -1 2 ),N H S (il-1 2 ,v p 12), D eb ate (9, 11-12), Soccer (11-12), Key Club (12), U IL A cadem ics (10-12), In tl. Club (9-11. vp 10), T A M E (9-12)
Jared McCrory Pow erlifting (9-12), T ra ck (9-12), Football (9-12)
Hannah McGown C olorguard (10-12), Key Club (10-12, vp 1 2 ),N H S ( 11-12), Intl. Club (1012), Q&S (11-12), Yrbk (10-12), T e n n is (9), ALPS (12) U IL A cadem ics (10,12)
Abram McKay Basketball (9-12), Football (10-12), Soccer (9-11), Varsity Club (10-11), N H S (10-12), FCA (9), B and (9)
Judith McKee S T U C O (9 ), N H S (11-12, P arliam en tarian 12), BPA (12)
Steven M cNeil Soccer (12), Basketball (9-10), A F JR O T C (9)
Gregory M cNew Baseball (10-12), D ram a Club (9,12)
James Whitmire ^ Taking steps tow ard his felong dream o f becom ing a lilot, James W h itm o re is a hember o f AFJROTC. Also in jALs and NHS, James says PALs 11 • i i I his favorite school activity lecause he gets to help others. He plans to go to college to tu d y engineering and then lecom e a pilot. ”1 got into ROTC because I /ant to becom e a p ilo t in the lilitary," James said. “Flying is a ling I've always wanted to do." O utside o f school James njoys hanging o u t w ith his 'iends and w o u ld like to buy a lo torcycle before he raduates. Always a daredevil, kmes says one o f the strangest nings he's ever done is bungee [imping at the age o f 11. -Hannah McGown
AFJROTC uniform, James Whitmore smiles proudly as he thinks of all of his JROTC a c h ie v e m e n ts . James enjoys helping the community, which is a major role the AFJROTC fills at school.
One day you wake and you are alone in Burk, what would you do? ’Steal everything in Wal-Mart. I need 12 bikes that I can't ride.’ -Kyle Rogers
'In all honesty, I would go back to sleep.' -Rosalie Vasquez
his busy life, James relaxes at McDonald's with some fellow PALs on their way back from visiting with their young friends from H a rd in .^ -
’I would go test drive all the cars at a car k)t...in my birthday suit.’ -Molly Turner
with his PALee from Hardin Elementary, James and his fifth grade buddy prepare to play a game of Battleship.
P.C. C ertified Public A ccountant 308 S. Ave D Burkbumett, TX 76354 Office: (940) 569-2244 Fax: (940) 569-3753
Seniors 169
Would you rather walk on the moon or sword fight with Captain Hook?
Danielle proclaims "We Got This!'. Although not part of the official uniform, members of the volleyball team wore the camouflaged shirts every day there was a game.
"Captain Hook, I want a rematch." -Kyle Marshall
"Walk on the moon, fighting Captain Hook means wearing green tights." -Patrick Lite
"I would sword fight, 'cause us ninjas don't fight fair." -Kevin Seman
111S lijlt 15B 59B F 931 Red River Expressway Office: (940) 569-3444 Fax: (940) 569-3454 Tony Corsaut Broker Owner
Lindsey Means Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9-12), C heerleading (12), T ra ck (10), FCA (10-12), STU C O f 10)
Loryn Mercado C heerleading (10-12), FFA (9-12)
Kristen Merkel S T U C O (-10), BPA (11-12), Basketball (9-11), Volleyball (9-12), Softball (9-10), FFA (11), FCA (9)
Matt Midgett Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12), P ow erlifting (9-12), N H S ( 11-12)
John M ills B and (9-10), Baseball (10-12), DECA (12), U IL Choir (12)
David Minzer Football (9), A uto T e c h ( 11-12)
Tiffany Moffett Greg Montgomery Basketball (9-12), T ra ck (9-12), Football (9), T A F E (11-12), PALs (1112). U n ite d W ay (12)
170 Seniors
anticipate whether or not the ball will go over the net, Danielle flies into the air spiking the ball. Danielle was a member of the varsity team.
^ TYPING ON THE computer,
Danielle completes an assignment. She worked in each of her classes to maintain a high GPA.
â&#x2013;şGDanielle oode No matter w h a t the season, Danielle G oode can be seen practicing fo r volleyball, basketball, or track, b u t don't rule her o u t as a dum b blonde: she's also active in NHS and PALs. "I love PALs because I feel as tho u gh I'm really making a difference in those children's, lives," Danielle said. "This past year I feel like I've helped so many people through PALs and NHS." Danielle plans to go to M idwestern State University to becom e a radiologist. "The main things I will miss a b o u t high school are just the everyday things like playing sports and being w ith friends everyday," Danielle said. -Hannah McGown
Leah Moody Volleyball (9), Softball (9-12), STU C O (9-10, 12), Intl. Club (9-12), U IL Choir (10), N H S ( 11-12)
Bobby Morris Basketball (9-12), S T U C O (9-11), N H S (11-12), FCA (12), Cross C o u n try (12)
Matt Morrow T e n n is (9-12), N H S ( 11-12), T A M E (910), U n ite d W ay (12)
Chris Myers Football (9-10), A uto te ch (9-11), Baseball (9)
Justin Mymbs Basketball (9-12)
Richard Neuharth D eb ate (10), Football (9-11), Basketball (10), Baseball (9-10)
Robin Nunn Dakota Orf Baseball (9-12), Football (9-11), Pow erlifting (9-10), T ra ck (10-12). FCA (9-10), N H S (11-12)
Alex M . Pappas A LPS (9-12), U IL A ccounting (11-12), U IL M ath (10-12), N H S (11-12), Key Club (11-12, secretary 12), BP A (12)
Jaim e Pappenfuss Christine Parrish Paige Pearce Girls Choir (9), Softball (9), D ram a (910), U IL Choir (10)
Christopher Pemberton Tim Pemberton F F A ( 10-12)
Thomas Gettemy Peoples IV Football (9-12). Baseball (9-12), N H S (1112), Basketball (9), Cross C ountry (11), T ra ck (11-12), Powerlifting (10)
Ricci Perritt B and (9-12), Colorguard (9-12), Key Club (10-12, pres. 12), N H S (11-12), D eb ate (11), ALPS (9-12), In ti Club (10)
Shawn Peterman In ti Club (9-12), D og Squad (9-12), T A M E (9-12), Basketball (9-12), N H S (11-12), T rack (11-12), Cross C ountry ( 12 )
Brandon Phillips Y rb k ( 10-11), Football (9)
Becca Potter Powerlifting (9-10), Football train er (10), Basketball (9-11), Cross C ountry (9), FFA (9-12)
Rich Price VIC A (12, pres. 12), FFA (12), Auto T e ch (9-12)
Seniors 171
Amie Primm Joel Quintanilla Chelsea Rains D ram a (9-12), N H S ( 12), Speech (912), U IL Poetry In te rp re tatio n (9-12), In ti Club (9-12), U IL Choir (9-10), S T U C O (9-10)
Robin Reid N H S (11-12), T A F E (10-12), D ECA ( 12 )
Austin Richter Basketball (9-12), Cross C oun try (1112), PALs (11)
Stephen Rickard B and (9-12)
Nathan Roddy T e n n is (9-12),B and (9-10),N H S ( 1112), U n ite d W ay (12)
Kyle Rogers B and (9-12, J r R ep 11, v.p. 12, sect. le ad er 12), N H S (11-12), Key Club (1112, treasurer 12), In te ra c t club (12)
AS THE JUDGES announce the placements, the senior class yells and jumps with their arms upraised with joy at the news they won their homecoming skit.
Griffith and Christine Harris stand in amazement of their achievement. LIVING IT UP at Texas Roadhouse, senior
Babes get together for food and fun over the summer to enjoy their time off before school starts. Courtesy Photo
172 Seniors
Victoria Rousseau G o lf (9-12 Co-captain 12), S T U C O (912, reporter 10)
M ichelle Luccia Rush Babes (10-12, Lt. 11,C aptain 12), S T U C O (9-12), N H S (1 1-12), Volleyball ((9), Basketball (9), In ti Club (11), D ra m a Club (9-12), T A M E (11-12)
Stephen Salas Soccer (9-12, C aptain 12), S T U C O (12), Basketball (9), T e n n is (9-12)
Erica Scott FFA (10-11), Big Sis M e n to r (11), JR O T C (11, elem en t lead er, flight guide, drill team )
Kevin Seman N H S ( 11-12), BPA (12), T e n n is (9), B and (10-11), Y rb k ( 12)
Katelyn Shearman Joshua Robert Sheik J R O T C (9-10), T ra ck (9-11), Cross C o u n try (10-11)
Lindsay Leigh Shipley B and (9-12, Soph. rep. 10, sec. 11-12), C olorguard (11-12), U IL choir (9-10), N H S (11-12, treasu rer 12), S T U C O (912), In ti Club (9-12, vp 12), Q&S (1112), Yrbk (11-12), C rim e Stoppers (9-12), Key Club (12), G F O R C E (12, pres 12)
Greg Montgomery
WEARING THE BLOOD drive cape, Greg Montgomery is a w a l k i n g a d v e rtis e m e n t for the local blood drive. Greg not only donated blood, but also took time away from his schedule at the blood drive.
He shoots, he scores! Greg Montgomery not only excels in is extracurricular sports ptivities, b u t also exceeds in his cademic endeavors. Greg is not only an active lember in basketball and track, ut also plays a role in PALs, \FE, and United W ay. "Basketball has been fun, ut also sad," Greg said. "I'm oing to hate having to say oodbye to my team and Daches, b u t at least I'll have le unforgettable memories re've shared." Looking ahead, Greg plans ) attend college and study to ecome a psychologist. In his spare time, Greg njoys cooking, w atching TV, nd listening to music.
-Lindsay Shipley
Senior Favorites: Super Heroes
3 â&#x2013; S piderm an
BRANDISHING HIS BATTLE scar, Greg Montgomery shows that he is a top notch citizen. Greg gave blood during the high school blood drive in October.
Captain Planet Wonder Woman
ANSWERING THE PHONE, Greg works in Office Link. Greg's clear voice makes it easy for others to understand him when he takes their messages.
First Bank Member of FDIC 300 E. 3rd Street 940-569-2221 Burkburnett 76354 107 W. Cash 940-592-4619 Iowa Park 76367 410 Kell Blvd. 940-691-0000 Wichita Falls 76309
Seniors 17 3
WITH HER RIFLE just a white blur, Melissa practices her flourishes. She worked even after guard season was over in order to stay trained so she would be prepared for tryouts for the Texas Tech guard.
Would you rather run through a field of stickers or swim in hot lava? "the stickers but only if they're scratch and sniff." -Alicia Bevington
"Swim in hot lava, because with my Special lava suit nothing can touch me." -Maranda Bice
"Swim in a field of stickers." -Jennifer Dye
WORKING ON BIOLOGY homework, Melissa completes her work for Coach T's AP class, a subject that will help her in her anthropology studies in college.
Bundy, Young, Sims & Potter Inc. A rc h ite c ts /P la n n e rs/ Interior Design 1005 9th S tree t Suite 200 W ichita Falls. Tx 76301 (940) 761-2404 w w w .bysp.com
Ja c o b Shipp Shay'na Simm ons PALs (12), BPA (12), In ti Club (10), T A F E (1 2 )
M eagan Sims Softball (9-11), S tudent Council (9)
Lauryn Siniscalchi Babes (10-12), S T U C O (10-12), Yrbk (911), N H S (11-12), T A F E (11-12), T ra ck (9), In ti Club (11), FCA (10-11)
Allen Smith Football (9-10), Basketball (9-12), T ra ck (9-12)
Sage Smith Basketball (9-10), S T U C O (9-10), FFA (12), T A F E (11), FCA (9)
Bonnie Sm ithee PALs (12), N H S (11-12), Football tra in er (10-11), S T C U O (9). Class officer ( 9 , 11), BPA ( 12)
Bo Starkey In te ract C lub( 11-12, pres. 12), A FJR O T C (11-12), N H S (11-12), FBLA (9-10), Basketball (9-10)
174 Seniors
TEACHING THE NEW freshman members different flagwork for next year, Melissa works to create complex routines.
Participating in five clubs th ro u g h o u t her high school career has caused Melissa Goff to develop a very unique personality. N o w she has narrowed it d ow n to c o lo r guard captain, NHS, and AP classes w ith a jo b to top it all off. "Fm so busy this year,â&#x20AC;? Melissa said. "I barely have tjme fo r a life w ith my jo b , home w ork, and o f course, guard." W ith plans to pursue color guard in college, Melissa intends to go to Texas Tech to study anthropology. "Guard has affected me so m u ch ,â&#x20AC;? she said. "I've made so many lifelong friends that I will miss so m uch. I hope college w ill be as m uch fun as high school." -Hannah McGown
LING OUT THE float with linon Tanner as Robin by its I Batman and the Batmobile p their first appearance in
L auren Strosahl M ike Struckm an A uto T e ch (10-12), VICA (11-12)
Lindsey Sykes FFA (9-12)
A shlie T acker Softball (9-11), Yrbk (11)
Shannon Tanner N H S (10-12), Cross C o u n try (9-12, M V P 11), T ra ck (9-12, cap tain 10), Basketball (10-11, m a n ag er 11) FEA (910), D ra m a (11)
Anthony Thom pson M ichael Tilles BPA (12), U IL choir (9)
Chelsey Toalson B and (9-11, Librarian 10-11)
Kim Tom s C heerleading (9-10), Volleyball (9-10), Basketball (9), Softball (9-10), T ra ck (911), Choir (9-11), Football m a n ag er (910), W restling m a n ag er (9-10), FCA (910), R o d eo Club (9-10)
Andrew Tucker M olly Turner U IL Choir (9-12, v.p. 11, sec. 12), Babes (9-12, Sr. Lt. 12), Class officer ( sec/tres 10, rep o rter 12), S T U C O (11-12, rep o rter 12) N H S (11-12, reporter 12)
A shley U rioste Babes (9-12), Voile vball (9-10), Softball (9-10)
the skit. Batman came out to save the citizens of Gotham City from the evil-doers who tried to ruin the day.
LAYING BACK ON the cot, Amanda Bucchi has her arm sterilized by the OBI nurse in preparation for giving blood.
Since the minimum age to give was seventeen, most of those who donated blood were seniors.
Seniors 17 5
Crystal Valdez M ichael Vasquez Paul Vasquez Rosalie Vasquez N H S (11-12), D ra m a (9)
K risti W aggoner Volleyball (9-12). Babes (9), Class reporter (9-10), FCA (10-12), S T U C O (9-12), D EC A (11-12), C heerleading (12), T A F E (10-11)
Lyka W alton Soccer (9-12), In ti Club (11-12, reporter/historian 12), BPA (12)
Spencer W est G o lf (9-10), Football (11). Baseball (9), FFA (12), Choir (12), D og Squad (9-10)
H eather W heeler Basketball
What is the most random thing that you have ever done? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was pushed around in a cart full of Depends in Wal-Mart." -Chelsea Rains
"I jumped off the roof o f . my house/ -Spencer West
"I got into a light saber fight with my friends at Wahmart." A -Scott Beaver
"I climbed out of the window in math' class : and fell in an anthill,". . -Megan Koulavatos
"I jumped out of a moving truck into a lake when it was 50 degrees." ' H I ^-H eather Wheeler
176 Seniors
PRACTICING A NEW song, Alex Evans plays the guitar. Alex enjoys music and it is one of his pastimes. While unable to be in the guitar class in the high school, Alex still practices on his own.
Alex ^ Evens ^ Look fo r the most outrageous individual in BHS, and you'll find Alex Evans. W ith his quirky personality, Alex is an extreme co ntribu tor to the school. Alex is not all brawn, he also has brain. Alex is not only in pow erlifting and foo tball, he is also an im portant member in the National H onor Society. In his spare time, Alex enjoys playing his guitar and practicing his many kazoo tunes. Alex is also an avid member in his church yo uth group. A fter college Alex plans to attend Sam Houston State. "I want to major in religion, because Jesus is the reason fo r the season," Alex said. -Lindsay Shipley
STUDYING FOR ONE of his classes, Alex is serious about his studies. Alex is in many advanced classes which include Honors Economicsand AP English IV. !â&#x2013;ş
IN THE HALLWAY, Alex says hello to his role model, Mr. Owen. Alex enjoys having Mr. Owen as the new vice principal.
S hae W hitlock Volleyball (9), Softball (9-10), STU C O (9-12), B P A ( 11-12)
Ja m e s W hitm ore P A L s(12), N H S (11-12), A F JR O T C
Cody W illis T ra ck (9-11) N ew spaper (11), VICA ( 12)
K att W illis Choir (9-10), C h eerlead in g (10), Key Club (12)
Britney W ise Ju stin W orkm an N ick Zillweger N H S (11-12), B and (9-1, Sr. rep 12), T e n n is (9)
Kevin Jennings ELC (9-12)
A aron M uschm ap Gregory Otten
Victoria Roland Paulus Vandenberg
WING OFF HIS watermelon-sized stomach, Ivans wears the empathy belly during Mrs. p Child Development class. This wearable lancy helps students experience how it feels [pregnant. Photo by Mrs. M iller
Seniors 111
2006 Senior Babies Lauren Strosahl Your school years have gone by so fast, it is hard to believe you are graduating. We are so proud of you, Buddy! All our love, Mom, Dad and Devon
Chelsea Christman Hello, our little Princess. Eighteen years ago you filled our hearts with so much love. It was the starting of our dreams, w hat life had in store for you? Who would have known th a t you would have grown into such a fine young lady. In fa c t, one of the finest ever seen. Love, Mom & Dad
17 8 Baby Ads
Ronnie Smithee You are an amazing, brilliant, funny, determ ined, beautiful young w om an who has blessed our lives with such joy and laughter! You are the most precious g ift w e have ever been given. W e are so very proud o f you and your accomplishments! Congratulations Bean! We love you, Mom, M em aw, Papaw & Family
Chelsea Christman A sister is God's way of providing me with life. He doesn't want me to walk alone. Through all the years, the smiles and the tears, football cheers (Dance's) and baseball games. I"ve never found a friend so true as you, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;I'll love you Sis my whole life through.â&#x20AC;? Love, J.R.
>11kn o w you are se n ior w hen...
"...people ask if you are the sub for a teacher." -Ryan Briscoe
Anthony James
A lex G w in
The sun set on the horizon, when Mars aligns with Jupiter. With every breath we take. His time has come. Pride, strength, courage, and calm. Behold what will com e to pass with his presence. People of the world take notice. His knowledge will change the world. LISTEN!!! Love, Mom & Dad
Alexander Hunter, We are so proud! There is nothing you cannot achieve. We look forward to sharing in each of your future accomplishments. God truly blessed us when He gave you to us. Always keep Him in your life. We love you very much. Go Monk! Mom & Dad
Denny Bass
M a tt Hickey
Denny, We are proud of you! Your determination has paid off. You are intelligent, good looking, and you have the biggest heart and compassion for people. We consider it an honor to know you. Thank you for being who you are. Always know you are loved! Love, Dad, Mom, & Elizabeth
Matt, Graduation is finally here! You have made us very proud-With the help of God, you have becom e a man of integrity. We love you so much and we look forward, with you, to your great future. With much pride and love. Mom, Dad, Leeah, & Melissa
Anthony Thompson
w ,
Lindsey, What a wonderful young lady you have turned out to be. Always smiling, laughing, and caring. Keep God first in your life and keep dreaming those dreams. You will always be our little PUNKY! Love, Dad, Mom, Chance, & Ashley
Anthony, You are our Special young man. We are very proud of you. Good luck as yog begin a new chapter ip your journey of life. Always rem em ber we are always here for you. God bless yog always, We love you very much, Mom, Wayne, Russell, Sweetie, & Willie
Anthony, It's been real. It's been fun. It's been real fun being your brother all these years. I love you, Deuces, Russell
Baby Ads 179
2006 Senior Babies A
Tiffany Moffett You have becom e an awesome young lady, you bring so much joy to our family. We are very proud of you. Remember, friends are temporal but family is forever. Trust God always because He has a plan for you! I
Tiffany Moffett
g iS ST it
Love you forever. Mom and Dad
Tiff, You are a very special part of our family. You will always be our baby girl. You have grown to be a very lovely and sweet young lady. Stay close to God and the family and you can do and be anything. Love, Maw Maw & Pawpaw M offett
Greg M cN ew
Tommy Peoples
Greg, We are so proud of you! As you start the next part of your life journey remember this: Stay focused, stay true to your beliefs, have strength and courage, look to God for guidance and always know that you're loved. Love, Mom, Dad, Tyler, & Alexandra
These past 18 years have g o n e b y so fast. W e c a n 't b e lie v e you are g ra d u a tin g a n d w h a t a g rea t ind ivid u a l you have b e c o m e . W e love you a n d kn ow you w ill s u c c e e d in w ha te ve r you choose to d o in life. Just rem em ber to p u t G o d first a n d everything else w ill fa ll in to p la c e ! You are a g re a t son, brother, a n d friend. Love, Mom , Dad, M a tt, Jan 8c Emilea
Lindsay Shipley
Chelsea Rains
Lindsay, You were a beautiful baby (AND LOOK AT YOU NOW). You have been a blessing to us, stay true to yourself and continue to grow in Love. You have blossomed, and can do anything you put your mind to. We are proud of you. Love. Grandpa & Grandma
Chelsea, You are a wonderful daughter! You are kind, goodhearted, and talented young lady with a bright future ahead. Trust in God and le t Him guide you. Remember we will always be here for you. With love. Mom & Bubba
iw l
180 Baby Ads
Chelsea, Before you began perform ing on stage, my dishwasher was your favorite place to play. We are so proud o f you! Much love, Nanny & Papa
u kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...you can look back and say 'Wow! W as I really that short as a freshm an." -M elissa Goff K arissa C a ld w e ll
Karissa C a ld w e ll
To my sisterMy laughter, my comfort, my shirt thief, my smile (no, really..), my sidekick, my Inspiration, and my best friend, then and forever. I know God will continue to bless your life, as you bless mine and so many others. Congratulations babe! I love you!! --Julie
Hi Karissa, You have grown from an eversweet baby into an accomplished, determined young lady. We are impressed with the leader you have becom e. Thank you for your strength and your example. You are a true blessing to us and to the world. Matt. 5:16 Love, Mom & Dad
Charlene Lambrecht
A n d rew S. Tucker
As long as I'm living, m y b a b y you'll be. W e love you, M om and Dad
DeanAndres Ian, prds cannot express how proud I am of the young hn you've b ecom e. When the times g o t tough; you t going. I truly believe th a t you will go fa r on your Irney of life no m atter which path you take. I love you son, Mom
Andrew, You've grown up to be an outstanding young man and have amazed us with your achievements. Not bad for a "Little Man". You were ment to be a leader & we'll always support you on your quests, whatever they may be. Love, Mom, Dad, &A.C.
Kyle Harpole Congratulations, Kyle. We are very proud of you! May God grant you the serenity to a c c e p t the things you cannot changeThe courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. M atthew 6:33 We love you! Dad, Mom, and Keely
Baby Ads 181
2006 Senior Babies Marissa Brown Hey Marissa W e love yo u- you are cre ative , w itty , fu n n y, a n d fre e spirited. You're ta le n te d in so m a ny things- co okin g , music, singing, p la yin g "nam e th a t tu n e " a n d "w a lkin g dictionary.* W e kn ow you w ill d o w e ll in everything you do. Love 8c Peace, M om a n d Joey
M a ris s a B ro w n Marissa, Congratulations on all you've accomplished.
Marissa Brown Marissa, You are the best Christmas present that we ever received! Thank you for all the joy that you have brought into our lives! We look forward to all that you achieve in the future knowing you will go to great heights. We love you. Grand Z 8c Gram Z
Marissa Brown Marissa, You b ring m usic to o u r ears 8c jo y to our hearts. The 18 years to this
We're proud of you.
g ra d u a tio n w ill b e o n ly th e b e g in n in g o f the g o o d things in store fo r you.
Michele & Kim Greg, Vickie, 8c Andie
W e are so p rou d o f you. W e love you. Dad, Tamra, Danika, Devin, M am a 8c Papa
A li G a r c ia Ali, It has been such a jo y sharing the past 18 years w ith you. You have ta u g ht us all how to b e b e tte r in some way. Your futu re w ill b e so bright. W e are loo kin g forw ard to sharing it w ith you. W e love you dearly, Your fa m ily
182 Baby Ads
iu know
you are senior when...
"...your mom cries when you take your cap and gown pictures." -Sheena Griffin
Kyle M.arshall
L in d s a y S hipley Lindsay, We are so proud of you; you have becom e the perfect young lady. The past 18-years have been a remarkable journey and we look forward to what the future has in store for you. Be yourself and remember we will always be here for you. Love, Mom and Dad
The last of the Marshall's is a senior! It is so hard believe that you are about to graduate. We are all very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Know that you have a family who loves you more than anything and who is cheering you on every step of the Way. We love you! Mom, Dad, Loren, Tim, & Granny
Kevin Seman Kevin, W hether it's a cardboard c a r from the past or th e adventures o f Pacman in the present, you have alw ays been the most cre ative o f our children. Your im a g in a tio n , in te llig e n c e , and c re a tiv ity w ill o pen doors fo r you- step through them a n d show th e w orld w h a t you c a n do. W e are so proud o f you. Love always. M om a n d Dad
H annah M cG ow n Peanut, W hat a beautiful person you are. W e couldn't be prouder. You continue to bring such joy into our lives. We lave you oceans, Mom & Dad
AH G arcia All.
We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. W e are privileged to have known you for the past 18 years. You are always putting others before yourself and making others happy. You definitely have a heart the size of "TEXAS." Best of luck in all you do in the future. We know you will go far in life. Love always, Dad and Trena
Baby Ads 183
2006 Senior Babies C h a d B a ttis ta
Chad B attista
Chad, To our football star. One of us was blessed by you a t birth and one was blessed the day you walked into my life. We are so proud of you. You make each day more special and com plete our hearts.
Chad, Congratulations, you've m ade it! We are so proud o f you and all of your achievem ents. Nothing can stop ypu from reaching your goals. We love you. Mom, Mike, & Caleb
We love you. Libbie, Dad. Shelby & Dalton
C h a d B a ttis ta Chad, Some things never change! Still raiding the fridge. We dre so proud of you. God hos speciol plans for your life. Ail our love. Grandma & Papa Battista
J i l l M axw ell M y b a b y sister. I am so proud o f you. I c a n â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t b e lie v e you're a lready g ra d u a tin g . I guess you are right I am g e ttin g o ld. You are an in c re d ib le y o u n g w om a n a n d I k n o w you ca n d o anything. You are so kindhearted a n d alw ays p u t others b e fo re yourself. You to u c h the hearts o f everyone you m e e t-w h e th e r th e y a d m it it or not. C o n g ra tu la tio n s a n d I wish you the best o f lu ck. W e love you very m uch. Love you alw ays, Vanessa & Braden
J ill Maxwell
J ill Maxwell
You are the sweetest and most caring young lady we kn'ow. Always putting others before yourself. We w ant you to know how proud we are of you and w hat a blessing from God you are. W hatever you decide to do with your life you'll be great a t it. Just rem em ber it's OK to let everyone else see the side of you th a t we love so much. All our love, Mom & Dad
We are so proud o f you Jill for all you have accomplished. You have been blessed so m uch with a w itty personality and joyful heart. You are absolutely beautiful both inside and out. Stay focused on w hat G od has planned for you and your future. Remember, you will always be our little "Punkin." We love you very much, Grammie & Pappaw
184 Baby Ads
i)u kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...you're tired of filling out forms." -Ryan Cruz
\yan Briscoe ran, 'atching you grow has been ie of our biggest joys. We are >very proud of you and all bu have accomplished. We Ive you and encourage you to Lrsue your dreams-- you can phieve what you believe! Love, Dad and Kim
Maranda Bice
h in d s a y S h iple y Big Sis and Bubba, it's hard to believe how fast the years have flown by. I can still remember when we would play house and Spencer would always want to be the dog! I know that both of you will make your dreams com e true. Love you! Philippians 4:13 Love, Lexi
M aranda Bice Kay Kay,
p Maranda Kay!
|/hat a wonderful joy it has |e:en to share so many of your le'S most memorable moments, l/alk with Christ's Light and Love I your heart! Forever my love, Granmare
W e have b een through so m uch together! Thank you fo r alw ays having m y b ack. You are such an aw esom e girl a n d I have alw ays lo o k e d u p to you! Thank you fo r b e in g m y sister a n d also m y best friend. Stay strong a nd trust in G o d always! I lo v e you! Your sis, Kissie
H annah M cG ow n
Maranda Bice
M aranda Kay,
bd I known you were going to p w up to be an angel, I would pt have called you a ptten t o f when you were three pars old.
This is the d a y th a t the Lord has made; le t us rejoice a n d be g la d in it. Psalm 18:24
Love, Pop
W e thank G o d everyday th a t He n ot o nly gave us the blessing o f bein g your parents o nce , b u t tw ic e . W e love you a nd are So Proud o f You. Mom 8c Dad
Baby Ads 185
2006 Senior Babies James Whitmore James, We are so proud of you. Aim high and shoot for the stars. You are our special gift from God. We know that there is nothing beyond your reach ... Go for it! All of our love. Dad, Mom, Jaclyn, and Jordan
Jam es W h itm o re I James, Wow, I can't believe you're ] leaving. Things have definitely j changed from when we were _j kids. Thanks for always being 9 there and being someone who I could look up to. Good luck a Yaking off" in this new part of ■ your life. I'm right behind ya. 9 I love you, A Jaclyn I
Robin Reid Robin, You cam e into the world at 1 lb, 8oz.ll We knew then that you qj had passion, persistence, and a perservering spirit for life. Letting nothing hold you back. We are blessed to be a part of your life -Congratulations!! Love, Dad, Mom, Marcus, Kayla, & Kevin Jr.
Je re m y Goreczny
J e re m y Goreczny
-Jeremy Michael-
These 18 years have gone by so fast, but they are p a c k e d full o f memories with you. Thank you for that. Our wish fo r you is that you live your dreams. With all our love. Dad & Mom
You are finally a senior and heading off to college. Geez how time flies! Shoot for the stars! I wish you the best of luck in college and life! I love you so much! Your sister. Brandy Lee
1'" 4 *
186 Baby Ads
A m a n d a B u cch i
Charlene Lambrecht
To My Two Children, I pray you tw o a wonderful long & joyous life, since you are both just starting out with a whole new life to learn. Proud of you both. Love ya always, Momz
Set out on your journey with trust; And heed if your path at beginning should be among brambles and dust. And hardships may hinder and stay; Walk with faith, and be sure you'll get through it. For where there's a will there's a way
>u kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...you can fondly recall cartoons that the freshmen are too young to remember." -M arissa Brown Shaelyn W hitlock
Shaelyn W hitlock
Shoe, Your Nana was the first to hold you and welcome you to this world...You always had a special bond that was like no other. We w atched you grow into a beautiful young lady and couldn't be more proud of you. Congratulations! Love, Pappaw
Shoe, I've always looked up to you... literally!! You're the best big sister I've ever had- Okay, so you're the only big sister that I have ever had... but I wouldn't trade you for any other big sister in the world!! I'm proud of you. Sissy! Love you. Morgan (Mo)
Shaelyn W h itlock
Shaelyn W hitlock
Shaelyn, I've w a tc h e d you grow from a little girl in to a b e a u tifu l, in te llig e n t, yo u n g lady! I'm very prou d o f you a n d the person th a t yo u've b e co m e . Keep on m a kin g th e right decisions, n o m a tte r how u n p o p u la r they m ay be. I lo ve you very much! D on't ever settle! Love. Papa Bear
Shaelyn Marie. The years have flown by... It seems like only yesterday I held you in my arms. I'm so proud of you and truly blessed to be your Mom. I pray the choices you make will create a life of happiness with every step you take. Love, Mom
Shaelyn W hitlock
Alex Pappas Alex,
haelyn Marie, t/ords cannot truly express how blessed we are to have ou in our lives. We are so very proud of you! This is a /onderful tim e in your life... Always follow your heart ind reach fo r your dreams! We love you. Mom and Dad
W e are so very proud o f the w on d e rfu l yo u n g man you have beco m e . Your accom plishm ents are noth in g short of outstanding. Your compassion, desire, a n d w illingness to help others w ill serve you w ell as you realize your goals. M ay your EVERY dream co m e true! Love you always. M om a n d Dad
Alex Pappas Alex,
I would say Good Luck little brother, but that doesn't seem right since you are 5 inches taller than me! So instead. Best of Luck younger brother. I know you will succeed in anything you attempt. Have fun at college. Love ya. Allen
Baby Ads 187
2006 Senior S h aw n P eterm an Shawn (Punkin' head) P e te rm a n ,. G o d answ ered our prayers when he gave us the g ift o f YOU! W e have e n jo ye d your crazy sense o f humor a n d love o f life. Alw ays rem em ber our m om ing study tim e a n d use th a t Christian kn o w le d g e to be your life ’s fo u n d a tio n . Work hard a n d keep Jesus a t th e ce n te r o f your life and G o d w ill bless you in all th a t you do! Love ya. Dad a n d Mom
Victoria Collins Lit You w e re a beautiful b a b y and have turne d into a beautiful young w o m a n . I am ve ry p ro u d o f you and feel blessed t o have you as a d au g hte r. Love always, Mom
S h aw n P eterm an Shawn, I remember driving down the highway when you were just three years old. You were singing the words to a song, "I thought it was me. I thought it was me," Well, it IS you-2006 Graduate! Congratulations! I am so very proud of you! Love, Grandma Aggie
Matt Morrow
S h aw n P eterm an W O W ! How tim e flies... It's hard to believe th a t n o t lo n g a g o I w a n te d to strangle you fo r b e in g a b ra tty little brother! A n d n o w you are all grow n up a n d you’re m y little 'BIG’ brother. I am so proud o f the y o un g m an th a t you have becom e. Alw ays stay strong a n d fo cu se d and rem em ber w hether near or far, n o m a tte r how BIG you get, you w ill alw ays b e my little brother. I love you a n d am very proud of you! Love--Steph
M a tt M orrow Matt, Paw Paw would have been very proud of you. Keep cam ping and hunting. You're a wonderful grandson. Love, Grandma
188 Baby Ads
Matt, You've grown into a very nice young man, so mannerly and polite. We are so proud of you and your achievements. Ifs been a tough year for our family and you've helped pull us through. We love you, Mom, Dad, & Derek
ni kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...you can find all your classes , but you still say you were lost when you come in late." -M ike Struckman
Brant Brazier
jb b a ,
o m atter how much we eny it, w e actually do ve each other.
I love you soo much! Even though a t times it might not show. Everyday I look back and wish that we spent more time together! Hope you have fun in college! I'll miss you soo much!
Love, Jen
Love, Kati
Dakota Orf ikota, hat g re a t m em ories you have given ! W e hope th e "strong w ill" th a t G o d jve you since birth w ill b e your most >sitive asset as you e n te r these next ages in life ! You have w h a t it takes be successful. M ay those "goreous res'ALWAYS look u p fo r g u id a n ce ! W e love you, Dad, Mom , 8c Ken si
Brant Brazier Son, I prayed for w hat seemed like forever for a baby, but God alone knew the timing. He blessed me with an angel who always brightens my day; who fills my hours with joy ...and "ball". But the greatest blessing of all fe the privilege to have w atche d you grow into not just a big man in stature, but of faith, character, and heart. You've always m ade us proud! Just always rem em ber to keep your focus on God and He will guide you in the w ay you should go. Prov. 3:5-6, 16:3, Phil 4:13 Love ya Bud, M om ma and Daddy
Dakota O rf Kota, I am so proud of the person that you have becom e. I am blessed to have a brother like you! Thanks for always being there when I needed you the most! Good luck in college. I will miss you. I love you, Kensi
MY "BLAZE" BOYS M a de m e fe e l im portant. You c o u ld alw ays m ake me smile. Brothers "FOREVER". Lookin' g o o d these days! A lw ays in m y heart. Zillions o f ways to m ake m e laugh. Everlasting memories. Better n o t ever fo rg e t mel O n e o f a kind. You c a red a b o u t me. Sure w ill miss you in my life! I love you Blaze Boys, Kensi Orf
Dakota O rf Baby Ads 189
2006 Senior Babies K u rt
L ittle m an, W h a t a jo y yo u a re . Y ou h a ve b ro u g h t so m uch fu n a n d la u g h te r in to o u r lives. Y ou h a ve h e lp e d to k e e p us y o u n g . K e e p th e Lord first in y o u r life a n d yo u 'll see w hat a g re a t p la n he has fo r you. W e lo v e yo u , M o m & D ad
K urt Lobaugh Kurt #12 W e have always enjoyed w atching you grow and excel in all you have done. You will always be Baby Kurt! Love, Brandon, Chad, & Kerry
J u stin Church Justin, Though you've had many adversities to pull you back, you held your head high and pulled through. We are so proud o f you. Love you with all our hearts. Mom & Bob
Gregory Montgomery Greg, Great potential was evident in you from a very early age. Now it shines out into the world. Continue to grow into the wonderful man we know you are destined to be. We love you. Mom, Dad, Brandi, Myisha, Blake, & Junior
H a n n a h McGotvn Hannah, You have becom e such an amazing woman. We are all very proud of you. I know that whatever you put your efforts into will be briliiant. You are the best sister/friend and aunt that anyone could ever ask for. We love you very much, Laurie, Mark, & Ariana
K y le Rogers Kyle, We are very proud of your many accomplishments so far and know you will have many more. You are a wonderful, kind young man who has a great future. Remember you can do anything you put your mind to. We will always (30 here to support you. We love you very much. Mom & Dad
190 Baby Ads
>u kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...you've mastered getting to school in five minutes." -Amanda Durdaller
Cory Brinkley
Cory Brinkley
Cory, I am so proud to call you my little brother. You are capable of achieving anything you want out of life, and I know the best is yet to com e. Emma and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. We love you Uncle Bubba! Sheena & Emma
Thanks for being my running buddy for 18 years. I know it wasn't always easy being my son but you rose to every challenge I put in front of you. I couldn't ask for a better son or friend than you've been to me. I'm proud of you. Love, Dad
Sheena G riffin
Cory Brinkley
Sheena. Through your generation we hope for a better world. Your beautiful soul shines through your eyes and lights everything around you. Be blessed with true love and great happiness. Work hard, play hard, and love with great passion. Our love for you runs deep, Memaw & Shotzie Grandma
We are so proud of you and proud to be your parents. Thank you for always letting us share in all that you've done. You have accomplished so much. Stay true to your faith, love life and go for it all. We love you! Mom &. Dad
Sheena G riffin
Sheena Griffin
Sheena, The most important thing any person will do in life is raising a child. I am so proud of you for the person you have grown into but you have always been my pride and joy. Love, Dad
Sheena, Wow I can't believe you're graduating, you have become such a special young lady. Keep an open mind and an honest heart and your dreams will com e true. I'm so proud of you and I love you very much. Mom
Sheena G riffin
Sheena Griffin
Sheena, Be yo u rse lf! Listen t o th e n a g g in g v o ic e . Trust her she know s!! Luv, U ncle Lee
Sheena, Thanks for protecting me in this chapter of our lives. It's tim e to turn the page, and start the next phase in your life. Good luck in your adventures. Love, Chelsey
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2006 Senior Babies Lyndsay Cash
H annah M cG ow n Hannah, You're unpredictable and loads of fun. I love you dearly.
To our curly haired Drama Queen who's grown into such a beautiful caring young lady bringing so much joy into our lives. Always put God first and never forge t you are our precious angel. We are so proud o f you. We love you. Mom, Dad, and London
Aunt Terri
M a tt B ell Malt, We are proud of you for everything you have accomplished. You are a wonderful grandson, and we love you so much! Never give up on your dreams. Psalm 32:8-1 will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine eye. Love, Mimi and Pop
Matt Bell
M att Bell
It seems like yesterday that you were this small. You have grown to be a kind considerate, and caring young man. We love you so much and wish you all the happiness you deserve. Just remember, you are a very special person, so set your goals high and le t God quide you! We will always be behind you in all you strive to do.
You are the best brother I could ever have. You've helped me through my struggles and picked me up when I have fallen. Though sometimes we fight, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s okay. Its our job. Not once have you failed to uphold your responsibility as my big brother. I love you with every b e a t of my heart.
Love Always, Mom and Dad
192 Baby Ads
Love, Melissa
u know you are senior when... "...sewing is your hardest class." -Kurt Lobaugh
J e n n ife r D ye in. n though I w a n te d to send you ;k a fte r your first w ee k, I n o w c a n 't igin e g ro w in g u p w ith o u t you. W e really d iffe re n t, b u t your e p e n d e n t a ttitu d e is som ething have in co m m on a n d it w ill help i s u c c e e d in life. Have fu n in leg e a n d c o n tin u e to just b e irself. Love, Bubba
Parent could have asked d for a better son. intinue to put God first and He guide you on unknown paths d make rough plac.es into '.el ground. Isaiah 42:16 Love, Mom and Dad
Jennifer Dye S w eet Pea w ith the b la n kie ... such m em ories o f our precious b a b y girl. Your b e a u tifu l smile a n d cheerful, ca refree personality have brought such jo y to o u r lives. Your individual, in d e p e n d e n t spirit has b een more than e n te rta in in g . W e are so proud o f the c o n fid e n t person yo u've b eco m e . Love, M om a n d Dad... Psalm 91:11
Brady Dalton Well little brother, what can I say? We are getting old! I am so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. You are the greatest brother and friend a girl can ask for. Depend on God, stay close to Him and life will be amazing. Love you, Amber
V ic to r ia C o llin s
>tin, u've almost g o t the sketball down... still working the hair. u have the heart and soul of champion and have m ade us proud. WŠ love you! Dad, Corrine, Brint, Kim, Kayla, Ryan, and Abby
Bobby Morris pby, pngratulations son on ALL ir accomplishments - We are y proud of you. You know ir mother is with you each ly and how she is smiling [cause you're hers. Continue [set your goals high son for b sky's the limit! We love you Dad, Trina, Kaleigh
Victoria, It was a pleasure watching you grow from a little girl on a rocking horse to the beautiful young woman you are today. Love you. Dad
J a r e d M c C ro ry They said, "you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make it. You said, "Watch me." We are so proud of you. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, & Joel
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2006 Senior Babied
194 Baby Ads
Loryn Mercado
Loryn Mercado
Life is sure to throw some surprises your way, but no m atter w hat we will always be here for you... We are so proud o f you! G ood Luck! Love, Mom and E.J.
O llie! W o w ! C an you b e lie v e w e are seniors? It seems like yesterday that I w e w ere fig h tin g over w ho was g o n n a drive G a m p a w 's truck. I think I th a t w e have b ee n lo o k in g forward to I our senior year forever! Through everything you have alw ays been there fo r m e a n d you are truly my best I friend! G O O D LUCK! Love you cuz! K a w e e aka Karah
Loryn Mercado
Loryn Mercado
You've made us laugh and you've made us cry, But most of all, you've made us proud! We love you, Ollie! Pootis and Bubba
Loryn, I am so proud of you and I wish you the best o f luck. GO UT! Love, Gampaw
Loryn Mercado
Lyka Walton
Sis, You have o fte n b een my ray o f sunshine on a c lo u d y day; M a de me smile w hen I d id n 't see the need; But most o f all you have b ee n my shining star to le a d th e w ay. I am so very proud o f you a n d the a w esom e yo u n g la d y you have b e co m e . I hope you reach all your goals a n d then some... A lw ays rem em ber to k e e p your fe e t on the g rou n d a n d your eyes on G od. Love you bunches, Mom
I love you, not just because you're my daughter but because you're a very special person to me. I don't think you ever realize how much you have going for you and what a unique individual you are. Congratulations on your ; graduation. I love you always. Love, Mom
Loryn Mercado
Lyka Walton
Gamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Girl, Gama's Girl... You are a special blessing to us. The memories we have are cherished. You will always hold a special place in our hearts and we will always be here for you. You will always be Gamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Girl! We love you (love you more), Gama & Reg
Lyka, It's been a long road to get to where you are today. Your bright smile, inquisitive mind, and your desire to be the best has served you very well and will continue a t the next levelcollege. You are the love of m' life... My sole reason for smiling. Love, Dad
>u know you are senior when... "...everything is your last everything." -Renee Brown
K r i s t i W a g g o n er
Jason Brown
Kristi, Through all the obstacles in life, always believe in yourself, as your Dad and I believe in you and you will succeed. We are very proud to be your parents. Always remember we are here for you. Love You Bucus, Dad & Mom
Congratulations, You've made
K r is ti W aggoner
Lauren Dean
Krfg, I can't believe my little sister is graduating from high school. We have had many great memories. For example, putting on plays for Mom and Dad. And I know we have many more to make. Whatever you do, "Don't leave me hanging." Love you, Casey
Lauren, Congratulations! We made it! I thank God for you. You have always been a blessing to me. I wish you the best in all you do and always remember to keep your eyes on the Lord. No matter what, you're only a phone call away. Love you, Dad
it! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Strive to be the best you can be in all that you do. We love you and will always be here for you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Kristin
H ill
Lauren Rishell Dean
Coby, Congratulations! You m ade it. Since you were born you have been a joy, with tha t big soft heart and g re a t smile, No m atter w hat you have been through, you have ke pt th a t smile on your face and a g re a t attitude. We know th a t w hatever you decide to do you will succeed a t it. We love you and are very proud o f the man you have becom e. Love, Dad, Mom, and Curtis
LaurenIt has been a precious journey arriving to this chapter in life. From the little girl to the beautiful young woman you are today. Keep love in your heart and embracing all those you encounter. Know how special you are and most of all, never stop "dancing" to life's music. Love you with all of our hearts, Mom & Tristan
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2006 Senior Babies Megan Koulovatos Desiree, Your name was derived from the word desire. We longed for you. hoped for you and prayed to God for you. Our desire for you now. is that you follow the plans the Lord has for you. Love, Mom and Dad
A lth o ug h you w ere bom eig h te e n years ago . it seems lik e o n ly yesterday. Y ou've fille d o u r lives w ith love, pride a n d e x c ite m e n t! W e love your ca refree spirit a n d desire to m ake others laugh. You're alw ays c o m p e titiv e , d e te rm in e d a n d happy. You're o u r# 1 p o in t guard! G o d Bless You! Love You Forever! M om a n d Dad
Megan Koulovatos
Megan Koulovatos
When we were younger you always bossed me around as if you knew everything! You said, 'I'm older than you and I'll always be the bigger sister!" Now, look who's bigger! I guess older sisters don't know everything! Love your little sister, Hope or t il Meg'
M eg, C o n g ra tu la tio n s I am so proud o f you. I have e n jo y e d w a tc h in g you grow u p over th e past c o u p le o f years. You are th e little sister I never had. From sharing toys to sharing clothe s I am so g la d w e have b e c o m e so m uch closer. I d o n 't kn ow w h a t I w o u ld d o if you w e re n 't just tw o houses over. G o o d Luck as you start a n e w c h a p te r in yo ur life . Just rem em ber I w ill a lw ays b e here fo r you a n d I w ill a lw ays b e w a tc h in g over m y 'little sister." I love you! Love. Kelli
Molly Turner Molly, M olly M o-M olly, Banana Fana r-o Folly. It looks like w e are lau g h in g together. But seriously, since w e w ere little a n d w ^ w ere all e ach other had, w e've been close. So, you're fin ally graduating. Through the almost e ighteen years th a t I have kn ow n you, yo u've been annoying, sw eet, funny, m oronic, a n d simple. But's that's all the g o o d things. I b e t your life is g o in g to be p henom enally aw esom e. I wish you the best o f lu ck and, w ith a brother like m e you're g o in g to nee d it. Love, M a tth e w (The coolest b rud d e rin the w orld)
Molly Turner To our b ab y girl Molly. You have been a breath of fresh air since you c a m e in to our lives. You have m ade us proud in so m any ways as you have grown in to a b e a u tifu l, young lady. You have grow n to be kind, generous and funny, as you have learned to love yourself and others. Always fo llo w the path you have begun a n d b e true to yourself a nd G od. Follow Proverbs 3:5, 6. W e love you. M am a a nd Daddy
196 Baby Ads
Molly Turner C o n g ra tu la tio n s to our precious grandd arling, Molly, W e are so proud o f you a n d your a ccom plishm ents. You have grow n in to such a b e a u tifu l person b oth inside a n d out. O u r wish fo r you on yo ur jo u rn e y o f life is love, happiness, success, a n d p e a c e a n d m ay all yo ur worries be like a fe a th e r fo r G o d to lif t from your shoulders. W e love you, P oo-paw & M e em a w
Brooke hupo Brooke, You're more than your dad and I could of dreamed. You're wonderful, you're beautiful, you're talented, and most of all you have made an honorable young lady. Love. Mom, Meagan, and Grandma
>u know you are senior when... "...everyone is shorter than you... oh wait." -Jill M axwell
K a t iy a J a c k s o n
D a n ielle Goode
D anielle You have b een an inspiration to all of us the w a y you have ta ke n on responsibilities in your life. W e are so proud o f you a n d all o f your accom plishm ents. You have grown u p to b e a b e a u tifu l yo un g la d y and a responsible a du lt. Love you, Mom, Roni Lee G randm a & G randpa
See. I am send in g an ang e l ahead of you to guard you a lo n g the w a y a n d to b ring you to th e p la c e I have prepared. Exodus 23:20 Love. Reggie
11.1â&#x2013; 11
K ara K irkpatrick
M ichael S truckman It seems the work is never done; however planning for the future now may eliminate the need for tools with big, long handles. We have forseen great things for you. We wish you good fortune in all your endeavors. Good Luck Mom & Dad
Matthew Midgett
Idtthew, Your name means a "gift from God" and that is what you bve been to us. Thank you for being such a good son. You have pen a joy to your family. Always remember to keep your life Christ entered.
hilippians 4; T3
We love you, < Mom and Dad
Thanks fo r alw ays bein g there fo r m e and w a tc h in g o u t fo r me. I really look u p to you. I wish you the best in w hatever com es your way.
love, Kelcie
Kara Kirkpatrick We are so proud o f you. Your sparkling blue eyes are forever in our hearts. Graduation marks an end to a time in your life, but how wonderful it has been. We know whatever path you choose will be the right one for you. We wish you love & happiness. We love you, Mom & Dad
Kara, It has truly been a g ift to have such a w onderful sister. I have so m any memories I w ill cherish forever. There are so m any opportunities in life & I have fa ith you w ill m ake the right choices. You are very b e a u tifu l a n d in te llig e n t w ith a lo t o f p o te n tia l. I wish you the best life has to offer. Love, Kayla
Baby Ads 197
2006 Senior Babies Ricci
M iss Betty's Cam p Fire Discovery Group M embers a re a l l grow n-up and gradu atin g.
C o n g ra tu la tio n s to R ic c i P e r ritt, H a n n a h M cG ow n, a n d J e n n ife r H ensley
Ricci Nicole, I hope the rest of your life is as w onderful for you as the past eighteen years have been for me. I wish for you m any more joys than sorrows and success in w hatever you choose to do.
Ricci, I love
I love you, Mom
you, Grandma
Patrick d i e
Rosalie Vazquez-Perez
Patrick, As your high school days are a t an end, know th a t your in te llig e n ce , in te g rity a n d strength w ill le a d to happiness. You have m ade us so proud a n d w e love you very much. W e'll alw ays b e your n um ber one fan. Mom, Dad a n d Taylor
Rosalie, our "Bella." We are so proud of you. We will keep you in our prayers. Keep going up; keep dreaming high. We will be there to support you in every way. You are the best! God Bless You! %
198 Baby Ads
Love, Mom, Dad, and Ruben
pu know you are senior when... "...you don't have to carry a backpack." -Karissa Caldwell
\Lauryn Siniscalchi uryn, ku've m ade us very proud with all you have complished. There are many wonderful horizons in your rare. Congratulations. ve - Dad
Nick Zillweger Nick, From th e first d a y o f preschool to your senior year, yo u 've given us so m any proud a n d m em orable m om ents. W e kn ow G o d has special plans fo r your fu tu re . W e love you! M om & Dad Nick, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really proud o f you. I kn ow you'll m ake it fa r in life. Love, Heather
Luke Hoover We enjoyed every moment with you. You're a special person. Thanks for beign a great parf of our lives. We wish you all the Luck. We Love You, Mom, Dad, and Matt
Lauryn Siniscalchi Lauryn, My precious daughter, you are my special gift from God. Congratulations, your journey has just begun. Love, Mom
Lauryn Siniscalchi Lauryn You are our little angel. We are so proud of you. You're life is a miracle! We love you. Mama & Pap
Cody Allison Cody, I've had so much fun with you, and plan to have a lot more at college. I'm glad I chose to be your best friend in life. Love, Sis Cody, your Laid-Back personality has always been a challenge, but also a lot of fun. We Love You Mom & Matt
Baby Ads 199
2006 Senior Babies C hristine H a rris Christine, Remember your heritage. G uard your heart fo r it a ffe c ts everything th a t you do. Look straight ahead, fix your eyes on w h a t lies before you. Mark o u t a straight p ath fo r your fe e t; then stick to the path a n d stay safe. You are a b e a u tifu l princess in 'G o d â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sight. He is alw ays there to ke ep a n d g u id e you. W e love you. Mom & Dad
Allie Dilheck Allie, You've always been easy to love, a joy and delight to be with, and great entertainment! Bless you for always making the "loadâ&#x20AC;? lighter. You are an incredible girl - go shine your light! We love you, Mom & Dad M att 5:14-16
Christine Harris Christine, A.we, our baby sister is already all grown up and graduating. Thanks for making all of us feel older. But that's okay, you "nose" we love you anyway. We know you'll be great a t anything you put your mind to. Keep faith in God and rem em ber who you are. Be good and don't fo rg e t about us when you b ecom e the next Oprah =) Love, Dan & Flo, Hannah &Trin
200 Baby Ads
Allie Dilheck Allie, Remember that w e will always be "behind" you! We love you, Blake & Anna
'Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord o f three strands is not quickly broken." Ecci. 4:12
m kn o w you are se n ior w hen... "...you find out exactly what senioritis is all about."' -Maranda Bice
\m a n d a D u rdaller
A m an da D u rdaller
ust one of the miracles in my
M andy, You m ay n o t have b een bom in to our fa m ily, b u t you are o n e o f our o w n (p oo r you). Seriously th o u gh w e are so g la d you are part o f ourfa m ily.Y o u are a very u n iq u e person a n d w e are so p rou d o f you. G o o d lu c k on your fu tu re endeavors. R em em bering the past a n d lo o k in g to w a rd the future. Love your a w esom e fa m ily, N anny, Marisa, Skip,Tempie,Chris, Lisa, C a itlin , Tessa, & G ranny
e. There's a time to hold on nd a time to let... No I don't link I know that one. May God bid you and keep you in the pirn of His hands as we do in hr hearts, lorn & Family
A m anda D u rdaller
Lindsey Means
baddy's Lil Girl, Mways k n o w I lo v e rou. Trust in G o d and He will le a d th e way. D ad
Lindsey, We are so proud of all you have accomplished. You have been such a bright spot in our lives. While it's sad to see you graduate, its exciting to see you go out into the world. You're a beautiful young woman and we love you so very much. Love, Memaw & Papa
Landon H a ir ie ll Babe w h a t ca n w e say w ith you I our lives there has never b ee n a dull lom e n t. W e w a n t you to k n o w how bry proud w e are o f you a n d w ho pu have b e c o m e a n d no m a tte r [hat you d o in your n e w jo u rn e y in |e. W e w ill alw ays b e prou d to ca ll pu our son a n d brother, longratulations! Love, D ad,M am a Saffy, Laci, Jam ie & Boobear
Lindsey Means Lindsey, Since the d a y G o d blessed us w ith you w e knew you w ere special. It has been a privilege to share all your accom plishm ents these past 12 years. W e pray G o d blesses you w ith even more success a n d happiness as you step in to your n e xt adventure. C ongratulations Missy M oo- Keep G o d as your guid e -ne ve r settle- and know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re so loved. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;D on't ever loose th a t Light in your Eyes.' Love, Mom, Dad, & M atthew
Ja m e s B a v o s e tt bmes, pver the years I've watched pu grow from this little boy into ( fine young man. I am so koud of you. Enjoy the next fhbpter of your life. Follow your (reams and shoot for the stars br God is watching over you. Love, Mom
Baby Ads 201
2006 Senior Babied Michelle Rush M ichelle, W a tch in g you grow has b een the most w on d e rfu l fe e lin g fo r m e a n d your father. You g ave us endless joy! Sometimes you surprised us w ith your d e te rm in a tio n a n d your strong w ill to a ccom plish your goals. So c o n tin u e a n d reach fo r your higher goals, W e kn ow you c a n su cceed! W e love you so m uch a n d w e wish you health, success a n d happiness throughout your life. Your m other & fath e r
Spencer, We are so proud of you! May each memory of growing up that we've made together be a strength and guidance in your future. Walk through the open doors that God has prepared for you and remember that happiness comes from the inside. All our Love, Mom & Dad
Ashley Urioste
Ashley Urioste
Ashley, As you leave childhood and move forward to adulthood, never look back because everything is in front of you and you have earned it. Love ya baby!
Shopping then and still shopping now! Love, Grandma
A sh le y U rio ste Ashley, You w e re Born A Princess and som e things n ever change! Love Ya, M om m a & Sam
202 Baby Ads
Spencer West
Ashley Urioste When you w ere born, I knew you would always keep me going. No m atter w h a t cam e around the corner you w ere always there to push me through. Others m ay n ot understand our bond b ut you know how much I love you. I have w a tche d you grown and m ature and could never be more proud, you have fa c e d and o vercom e so much adversity in your fe w short years th a t have m ade you the strong, in d ep e nd e nt w om an of tom orrow . Love Always, Mom
>u know you are senior when... "...your lowest grade is in your work program class." -Brady Dalton
Leah Moody Leah, You are a gift from God, a true blessing in our lives. From a dancer, to a gymnast, to an amazing 3rd baseman, from a nurse for your Bubba to a vet, God will really bless you for staying true to Him in word and deed. We love you Mom, Dad, & Kyle
V ic to r ia Rousseau V ic to ria I w a n t to start o ff b y saying how proud I am o f you. W e have b een to g e th e r through th e ups a n d do w n s a lo n g the road. I kn ow this year has b een e sp e cia lly to u g h on you, b u t you m a de it through. You are more than a little sister to m e, you are m y best friend. I love you very much. K eep G o d in your heart a n d in all you do. C ong ra tu la tio n s! I love you D om inique
Victoria Rousseau Victoria, You have co m e across some challenges and conquered them , and we know you will still do so with God's help. We love you and will always be there for you. Mom & Dad
Extreme Makeover (Front Row) Tommy Peoples, Nate Bayless (Second Row) Cody Allison, Dakota Orf, Kyle Harpole, Matt Midgett, Kurt Lobaugh (Back Row) Brant Frazier, Cory Brinkley
Stephen Kyle A lexan der Kyle, You have alw ays been a w o n d e rfu l ch ild a n d n o w a yo u n g m an. Stay fo cu se d on your dreams a n d ke ep your fa ith in G od. Most o f all, d o n 't fo rg e t how m uch w e love you, a n d th a t w e w ill a lw ays be here fo r you as your life truly begins. W e Love You, M o m , Dad, & Family
Baby Ads 203
2006 Senior Babies Bo Starkey Congratulations Bo, We never imagined arriving a t this point in our lives when we took this picture. Best of luck in your future endeavors. We love you, Mom & Dad
Corin Clement We are so proud of you and love you very much. Enjoy life, your talents (Masta C), and be happy doing all of it. This is just the beginning. Love you, Mom & Dad
Paige Pearce WHAT MOMENT What moment was it That changed my life like no other? Maybe the one where I found I was to be a mother. Or could it be the moment That nearly stopped my breathing When I saw your little picture And w atched your small heart beating. Could it be the time when they Laid you on my chest, Or maybe when you smile at me. Was that what I like best? Now here we are and once again I find that I can 't breathe, As I watch you grow into the lady I always knew you'd be. I look back over the memories It has happened so very fast. It's all been one great moment, From the first to the very last. -Rebecca Pearce
Zach Bradley Zach, the head of our house. Thank you for always being there for your mom. I've always been able to d epend on you, I love you very much, Mom (Becky)
H e a th e r W h ee ler We are so proud o f you. Hard to believe you are a t this point in life already. We hope you b ecom e all you can be. Love, Mom, Dave, Nate, Hillary and Zach
204 Baby Ads
u kn o w you are se n io r w hen... "...You replace the lei around your review mirror with your senior tassels." -Victoria Rousseau
Austin Richter A u stin, N o t m a n y o ld e r b ro th e rs c a n lo o k u p t o th e ir y o u n g e r b ro th e r, b u t I d o in so m a n y w ays. It's b e e n fu n c o a c h in g you a n d your frie n d s , I a m v e ry p ro u d o f w h a t y o u h a v e w o rk e d fo r a n d a c h ie v e d in b a s k e tb a ll. L o ve , Brint & Kim
Judith McKee Congratulations JuJu! Our Prima Ballerina We are so proud of you. Love You More, Mom, Dad, Colby, & Brianna, Uncle Kenneth, Aunt Robin & Joycelin and Nana & Papa!
Austin Richter Austin Boston, I am so p ro u d o f th e person you h a ve g ro w n up to be. I a dm ire your individuality, fun loving spirit and e sp e cia lly your com passion. I h a ve lo v e d e v e ry m in ute o f being you r m om . I love you Bub! M om
Shannon Tanner Shannon, The road seem ed so lon g until w e g o t to this p o in t; n ow , w e d o n 't know where the miles have gone. You've shared and brought so m uch jo y to our lives. W e are so very proud o f the w om a n you've becom e, o f the choices you've m ade, a n d o f your plans for the future. O u r c u p runneth over... Mom, Dad, a n d Christian
Baby Ads 205
You know you are a senior w hen... "...you only have a few months left and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re counting everyday." -Robin Rei
Shay'na Simmons
Mr. O w e n , rem em ber the sn o w b a ll fights at W o lfe Creek?
You Are Loved May God reach down 8c love you in His own special way.
May you know you're loved, each 8c every day. May you see, from God's dear eyes, the value of your worth. May His love show you the most precious things on this earth. We are proud of you Angel, Mom 8c Dad
Congratulations '06 Yearbook Staff on the Workshop Design Award! AN Garcia teaches Janelle Goettman and Autumn Fleck to crop pictures.
fC T t^ /e C o s f o e / Your curly hair is the perfect style fo r you, brush once a day, pick, shake and run. Hopefully w ith your smarts someday you w ill make lots of m oney so you can put your dad and me in a great retirem ent home. Learning in school is easy, now comes the hard part. Keep your head straight and always do what is true and good to your heart. The whole fam ily is proud of you and we thank you. Love, Om om , Heydad, Jennifer, Pop, Grammy, M ike, Family in Fresno, Alex, TC, CC, & the fam ily in Heaven.
206 Baby Ads
ZD 0 6
M arissa Brown A li G arcia K yle C askey eniors '06, w e 'v e been th ro u gh it allp rt of. W e 'v e learned so m uch, pruggled th ro u gh all kinds of [roblems, and rejoiced after so m any ictories. But w h e n it all boils d o w n , /e really d o n 't k n o w m uch at all. But w e're going to say some things n yw ay. M a ke sure y o u r iPod is on hold. D o n 't dye y o u r hair the day before icture day. D o n 't w ea r suspenders. D o n 't trip in the cafeteria. [low there is some useful kn ow led g e, mad to help. -Editors '06
THE YEAR, the editors have gained a sense of imaraderie, a sense of achievement, and have officially started completely drive each other crazy. But through it all, they and finally finished the book, for if they had not, you buld never have had the chance to read this caption.
Editors' Page 207
S y r fid b u m e t H ig h File
2 00 5 - 2006
Aaron, Drew...... 16A, 58, 86 101, 140, Abbott, Ila ........ Abernathy, Eric. ....67, Acheson, Ryon.. ....65, Adame, Chessa.. Adams, Brittany ....80, Adams, Justin... Adams, Krista... 40, 93, Adams, N atalie. 76, 77, 75, 90, Alaniz, A driana. Alaniz, Ju lia...... . 61,7 5 , Albers, Judy..., Albers, Michael. ..21, 48, 49, Albin, Evan.... 44, Albin, Ian ....71, 98, Albin, Missy...6 , 28, 97, 125, Alexander, Kyle ....62, Alfert, Michelle. ...75, 78, 86
98, 146 112
126 112
126 112
126 126 112
140 140 104 126 126 140 126 162 89,
AT WINTER BALL, students
danced to a variety of songs ranging from country to rap to pop music. Such songs as the
208 Index
â&#x20AC;˘ t*
History View â&#x2013;ź
90, 93, 94, 140, 143, 210, 212, 219 Alfonzo, D y la n ..................125, 126 Allen, D onna.......................140 Allen, R ex ............................112 Allen, Sam antha.................. 91, 126 Alley, T o n a ......................... 104 Allison, C o d y ............. 9, 162, 199 Alvarez, B randon................ 85, 126 Ames, K irtis......................... 57, 140 Amey, A lise 55, 65, 70, 112 A m ey, A m anda.................. 126 Anderson, A u stin .....67, 90, 112 Anderson, Elissa..l 6 C, 32, 75, 90, 91, 93, 123 Anderson, Joshua................ 84, 140 Anderson, L ane 22, 23, 82, 8 6 , 98, 99, 101, 138, 140, 144, 158 Anderson, Lindy ...64, 65, 82, 98, 140, 217 Andres, D e a n ..................... 162, 181 Ansohn, K ac y ............ 75, 80, 112 Arbogast, A m an d a............ 126 Amo, R aechel......................93, 112 Arzate, Caitlin......................26, 126 Arzate, Paulina....................126
"Cha Cha Slide" and the "Electric Slide" were also played. Winter Ball was held a t the Mask a t Temple.
Atkins, Stacy Aubin, D eanna Avey, Ja n ie
44, 104 51, 70, 71, 8 6 , 98, 140 87, 104
Back, B ethany..............80, 93, 112 Bailey, K asi 90, 91, 101, 112 Baird, Ashley................ 8 8 , 89, 140 Baker, B randy......................93, 140 Baker, B rittney...................101, 140 Baker, T y le r................................126 Baker, W illiam ....15, 16D, 71, 85 Baker, Z achary...........................112 Balis, A d ri........................... 104, 224 Bamburg, Joshua................. 85, 140 Bamburg, M atth ew ....59, 67, 1 12 Barboza, R o b e rt.................. 59, 112 Barger, A nthony.................. 82, 141 Barnard, A u d ri........................ ..127 Barnes, A dam ....................... 59, 113
other b etw een a song, seniors Michelle Rush, Molly Turner, Kristi W aggoner, Lauryn Siniscalchi,
Barnes, A lexandria.... 29, 52, 53 12 Barnes, Jo h n ath an ..... 45, 59,71 11 Barnes, L o ren a.................. 65,14' Bames, L y n .................44, 71, If Barrells, S eth ..l 1, 45, 59, 67, 111 Barrick, L aV elda 104, 22 Barrow, B ob ..................104,22 Barry, C o ach......................... . Bass, D anielle................. 75,11 Bass, D ennis...................... 6 , 1< Battista, C h a d 68 , 69, 71,8 162,1 Bauer, S teven............................. ! Baughman, A lly so n ..2 7 ,104,1 Baughman, M ichael........104,1 Bavousett, Ja m e s 62, 75, i 162,2 Bavousett, S cott...44, 62,75,1 Bayless, N ath an 22, 23, 57,' 89, 98, 156, 159, 162,1 Beach, A m an d a........................1 Beach, Jason...11, 45, 59, 71,1 Beach, Jordan 11,45, 59,
and sophomore Kaila Nix re a fte r dancing to a couple their favorite songs. Courn Photo
, N ath an ......... ...127 n, M a rc ... .67, 98, 341, 142 n, Stephen.... ..113 ....67 n, W ade........... 98, 162 r, S co tt............ 141 n, Gregory...... sr, Geoffery.... ...127 vlatthew ...9, 13, 89 90, 93, 97 98, 163, 192 vlelissa,... 90, 91, 127 shonna..... 12 , 00, 101, 127 osky, John. 58, 127 ...104 :y, Rosemary.. l, Kelsey.... 12 , 97, 127 l, M ichaela..... 89. 98, 141 es, Sabrina...32, 89, 90, 127 ...163 man, Brandi.... ...113 Brooke.... C ourtney....... 90, 98, 141 gton, Alicia..... 80, 85, 163 gton, April...... 75, 127 A m ber....48, 49, 78 84, 8 6 , 8 8 , 101, 124, 125, 126, 127 Maranda 15,49 72, 78, 98, 101, 156, 160, 162, 163, 185 l, B urgundy... ,...141 Tiffany..., ...155, 163 104 , Ryan.... 104 , T om well, Amy.... 75, 127 well, Duward.. ....105 Angela.... 01, 127 nan, Christina. 77 78, 90, 91, 127 ban, Jim m y 82, 27, 128
1A FAST dance, juniors Hayter, Joseph Calderon, Peoples, Spoon Horn, and barrion ta ke a breather.
Bobillo, Christopher.... ....... 127 Bodenhom, K athryn 75, 113 Bohler, Cynthia.... ...113 Bohuslav, D iana..... ....... 105 Bolden, Tiana.... ...113 Bolen, Brodie 67, 90, 113 94, 105 Bond, Gloria..., 44 Boswell, S c o tt... Bowen, K elsey ....... 93, 113 Bower, Jerem y... 85, 127 Boyd, Chelsea.,., 55 65, 113 Bradley, M onroe.... 90 98, 141 Bradley, Z ack......69, 8 8 , 89. 163, 204, 216, 219 Bradshaw, Shelby... 93, 113, 214 9, 23 , 6 6 , 67, Brinkley, Cory 163, 191 Briscoe, Brandon.... .85, 141 Briscoe, B rittan y ... ...163 Briscoe, R yan .....56, 57, 163, 185 Brookman, Blake 82, 141 Broomfield, S tephanie. . ..61, 70, 80, 127 Brown, Dale 44 Brown, Jason....69, 163, 168, 195 Brown, Kaillee 18,93 98, 141 ....64, 65, 141 Brown, K ellee... Brown, K risten...61 , 98, 101, 141 Brown, M arissa..... 3, 15, 75, 78, 79, 94, 98, 155, 163, 182, 207, 212, 223 Brown, N ate.... 6 8 , 69, 71 , 85, 98, 138, 139, 141, 147, 158 Brown, Renee .97, 163 Brown, Sean . 5 1, 58 98, 141 Brown, Staci.... 61, 127 Brown, Tyrell 58, 141
To g e t more relaxed, Peoples and Horn untied their ties and wore them loosely around their necks. Courtesy Photo
Brownhill, J o s h ........ 63, ;127, 131 Brugmann, Justyn 67, 127 Bryant, James 141, 150 Bryant, Jasmin .77, 127 Bryant, Ja so n . 5 8 ,7 5 ,1 2 7 Bryant, Kirk 85, 163 Bucchi, Am anda 163,175 Buhat, J e a n ..... 9 4 ,9 5 ,1 13 Buhs, Patsy ...105 Bullard, J o s h .. 141 Bunger, Jesse.... .85, 163 Burks, C o d y ........ 23, 44, 75, 127, 128 Burt, Casey .67, 141 Butler, Jesse ....113 Butler, Kristyna . 40, 65, 127 Butler, Rick . 6 6 , 105 Byrne, Kindel 93., 94, 127
Cadle, Elaina.... Caffee, Michael.... Cain, Andrew . Calderon, Joseph
.93, 128 .75, 128 71, 128, 222 44 , 69, 98, 141, 209 Caldwell, Carey .. 105 Caldwell, Karissa.... 8 6 , 98, 100, 101 , 153, 163, 181 Caldwell, K im.... ...105 Calloway, D rake... ....128 Cannon, Cortney ..40, 54, 64, 65, 241
DURING A SLOW dance, seniors Allie Dilbeck and Dakota Orf prepare to begin tw o-stepping to a popular
Caporale, Brittany 113 Caporale, C helsie..... ...77 , 86 Cardon, James 113 Carpenter, Courtney ...20 ,9 4 , 95, 100 , 1 01 , 113 Carpenter, Shelby 93, 94, 95, 126, 128 Carpenter, Sheryl 105 Carr, Stewart 141 Carrion, E .J........ 10, 16A ,5 1 , 57, 5 8 ,9 8 , 141, 1146, 209 Carrion, Samuel 51, 59, :1 11 , 113 Carroll, Colten 59 113 Carter, Chase 128 Carter, Larry 105 Casbum, Chenoa 163 Casey, Dustin 113 Casey, Kristine 113 Cash, L yndsay....l 6 C, 19, 30, 97, 101, 161, 163, 192, 222 Caskey, Jennifer.................81, 128 Caskey, Kyle...78, 79, 94, 95, 98, 153, 155, 157, 163, 206, 207 Casteen, Brittiny ..12, 17, 65, 128 Castillo, D anny........ 8 0 ,85, 141 Cely, Keri 105 Cerruti, Isaac...21, 80, 81, 86 , 98, 163 Cerruti, T in a......... 21, 8 8 , 89, 98, 138, 139, 141, 148, 212, 213 Chalmers, Kellie . . . 77, 128 Chancellor, M iranda.... 113 Chancey, Janessa.,.39, 54, 55, 70, 77, 141 Chapman, Nicholas................... 141 Cheney, M ary.............................105
country song. They were both adorned in matching purple formal w ear a t the event, Courtesy Photo
Index 209
77, 113 3, 77, 90, 164 Christman, J.R . 93, 128 Church, Justin 32, 190 Cissel, L ance................................ 71 Cissell, S um m er.................93, 164 Civiletto, R y a n ......................... 128 Clack, Virginia...........................105 Clark, B rittany.......................... 141 Clement, Corin.,85, 90, 164; 204 Clemons, A ubrey........................85 Clinton, A drianna 90, 224 Cloud, Rockelle........................ 141 Coker, G rady..................... 49, 142 Cole, Christinn...........................142 Collie, A m anda 50, 51, 70, 72, 90, 98, 142 Collie, T iffa n y ................... 75, 113 Collins, Jo n ath an ......................142 Collins, V ictoria........ 16A, 20, 8 6 , 98, 99, 164, 193 Cook, Je ra m y .................... 81, 128 Cook, Jo rd an ..................... 75, 113 Cook, L evar.....................16C, 113 Cooke, Jenny ..................... 40, 128 Coombes, S herry...................... 105 Cooper, Sabrina................. 8 8 , 142 Cooper, Stephanie.....................128 Copus, S tetson..........45, 113,218 Comelison, K aty....................... 129 Cornish, Justin .......................... 142 Correll. Kalea............ 39, 113, 159 Correll, S c o tt..................... 6 6 , 142 Cossey, M ichael.................97, 142 Cowan, D on............................... 105
Cowardin, T oni..........................105 Cowhey, S am antha...................114 Cox, A m ber........ 14, 7 7 ,9 8 , 139, 142 Cox, C liffto n ............................. 142 C o x ,T e x a n n ........................ 21, 164 Crawford, C hristopher.............114 Cray, Josh.............................81, 129 Cremeens, Cam eron ...51, 57, 58, 142 Crook, A u stin ............................ 129 Crook, Ju stin .......................67, 114 Crosley, Darrell................... 85, 164 Cross, M organ............................ 129 Crum pler, Bridges.3 4, 6 6 , 142 Cruz, Ryan.......... 22, 23, 85, 164 Cubby, Q uanicia....................... 129 Cummings, T yler...................... 129 Cunningham, A m anda.............142 Cunningham, K en..................... 105
o ve ra ll at the lo cal scie n ce fair w ith the ir new appro ach to "The C a pturing and U tiliz a tio n of W a ste d Energy."
Childers, K ayla Christman, Chelsea
M ic h e lle A lfert and Janelle G oettm an cam e in first place
210 Index
Daiker, R o b ert...........................105 Dalke, Angela 7 5 ,7 8 ,9 0 ,9 8 , 142, 212 Dalke, Bill 44, 105 Dalke, K ay..................................105 Dalke, T h o m a s...... 4 5 ,4 9 , 114 Dalton, Brady ....30, 89, 164, 193 Davis, Allison 8 6 , 129 Davis, Ernest 44, 142
Davis, Joseph............................. 143 Davis, Laiken............................. 143 Davis, L ane.................................105 Davis, M a tt...........................82, 129 Davis, P a tric k ..............................71 Dean, L au ren 77, 164, 195 Deeb, Blake.....................1, 62, 143 Deeb, Bradley..............45, 63, 1 14 Degelia, A ndrea..........................114 Delagarza, A n d res...............63, 114 Delval, Jose.................................143 Dem el, A shley...........................143 Demers, Shaw n..........................114 D evereaux, D erek 45, 62, 114 Devereaux, Lauren 40, 54, 70, 128, 129 Devore, Justin......................84, 143 D evore, K en n e th ...................... 129 D evore, T ravis 4 5 ,7 1 , 114 Dewberry, L evi..........................164 Dickson, Z achary...................... 114 Diehl, M elissa......................75, 114 Dilbeck, A llie 7 ,8 5 , 101, 152, 161, 164, 200, 209 Divine, J o h n n y ..........................105 D odd, C hristopher....................114 Dolan, C o rtn ey ................... 65, 164 Dominguez, Jorge..................... 114 D om inquez, N atalie..................143 D orton, M a tt.......................83, 164 Dossey, Jessica.................... 93, 143 D ougherty, A n a .........................114 D ougherty, C h ase..................... 143 Dowling, D erek 1 1, 45, 59, 71, 114 Dowling, P hillip.........................105
AFTER CAPTURING SECOND place o v e ra ll at the high school fa ir, senior Kyle M a rsh a ll advances to the re g io n a l fa ir
Drage, Melissa................... 75 t Dubski, Jordan..................77 t 141 Duchesne, Stephanie..54, 70,125 D uke, A m anda..75, 85, 143, 154 16. Duncan, D aw n ................. 98,14; Duncan, D udley..........58, 8 2 ,12< Durdaller, A m anda.,31, 164, 20. Durdaller, Joseph.............44 , 14 Duren, H ale y .............. 28, 54,12 D urst, C ourtney .........54, 7 0 ,12S
if D ye, C h risto p h er ]g D ye, Je n n ife r.............. 9, 164,19 Dye, K y le ......................... 44, l j
Early, Angela 16D, 70,98, L Easter, G ary .................94,97, ll Eaton, C alvin.....................59,1 Edris, T aieb.......................li Edwards, M isty ....33, 86 , 89,1 Elless, D u stin ........75, 90, 91,1 Ellett, L inda...................... 1 Ellett, R usty...................7,98,1 Elliott, Blake..................... 1 Elphick, Sarah.............. 89, 98, 1 Em ro, R u s ty .....................1 Em ro, T o d d ...................... 1 Enderlein, B rent........ 51, 58,1 Evans, A lex.......... 15, 69, 98,1
with his project " B r a i n Strain which tested the effects of bi puzzles on intelligence level Photo b y la n e lle Goettman
158, 160, 164, 176, 177 is, Jessika...............82, 93, 1 15 is, Ju stin 85, 144 is, M ichelle 75, 129
hon, Brittnie.......................... 28 pon, K iera 40, 54, 55, 70, 71, 98, 144, 165 ptleroy, Jordan 58, 129 1 T aylor 75, 8 6 , 129, 212, 213 L Travis 16A, 22, 78, 144 iandez, M egan 77, 115 pira, C am ila........................ 144 lin, Q uenton 71, 82, 144 , K elly 7 8 ,9 8 , 144, 145, 146, 211, 212 her, A m y ............................. 105 k, A utum n....78, 90, 98, 144, 206 ping, Brianna...................... 129 ping, C h u c k ................. 83, 165 ps, O rlando 51, 58, 78, 79, 8 6 , 98, 99, 101, 144, 146 y, L indsey 12, 35, 49, 8 6 , 101, 129, 137 te, Melissa 15, 18,77, 165 te, Stephenie...................... 129 tt, D a v id 51, 57, 71 restal, E tta .................... 65, 115 fester, D errick .....................165
Fortin, D an iel.....................75, 129 Foster, H arvey................... 93, 144 Fournier, K y le 58, 129, 131 Fournier, T r e y ......................... 129 Fournier, Zachariah................ 129 Fox, Bill............................... 81, 105 Francis, P a m ............................ 105 Frank, Jonathan....44, 45, 70 , 71, 129 Franks, Challena ...33, 35, 90 , 94, 98 , 144 Frayser, A shley........................ .144 Frayser, Julia 14, 77, 110, 1 1 1 , 115 Frazer, Chelsi......................77, 115 Frazier, B rant 6 6 , 67, 98, 165 Frazier, C hristopher...59, 71, 115 Frazier, K atherine 41, 77, 115 Frazier, N a n c y ......................... 105 Friday, A dam ......................67, 145 Frischm ann, B enjam in 75 , 80, 115 Fuentes, Sam antha 90, 93, 129 Furm an, T h o m a s.................... 129
Galbraith, Hilary...............75, 129 Gallego, J o e y .....................44, 130 Gann, P au l..................................145 Garcia, Ali 1, 7 8 ,7 9 , 8 6 ,9 8 , 101, 155, 160, 165, 182, 183, 206, 207, 212
Garcia, Julian.......................45, 115 Garcia, Keagan.....................93, 115 Garcia, Lexi ..65, 8 6 , 98, 99, 101, 145 Garcia, Marlisha...80, 8 6 , 90, 115 G arm on, N icole........................ 145 G arratt, Myles............16C, 75, 145 Garvin, Shelton........130, 137 G erm ann, Jerem y .....................145 G erm ann, N ath an .....................145 Gerstner, Elizabeth..3, 40, 54, 97, 98, 101, 145 Gerstner, K y le .................... 85, 145 Gerstner, T a m m y .....................105 Ghoul, J a y ....................................45 Gibbs, A aron.............................. 145 Gibbs, A n th o n y .................. 59, 115 Gibson, C hris............................. 130 Gibson, K arra.............. 40, 41, 130 Gilbert, K ayla......................98, 145 G ilbert, P atrick................... 85, 130 Giles, B rad y....... 2 7 ,4 5 ,7 1 , 115 Gillespie, A nne...........................105 G ilm ore, B en ............................. 130 G ilm ore, T yler............. 75, 93, 115 G oettm an, Janelle 27, 32, 78, 8 6 , 87, 94, 98, 99, 145, 206, 2 1 0 , 212 Goff, C ecil..................................115 Goff, K im berly 80, 115 Goff, M elissa 75, 98, 165, 174 Goff, T iffan y ............ 77, 130, 133 Gohlke, M adlen....... 90, 102, 145 Goines, Jerem y ......................... 130 Golden, K yndra 93, 130 Gonzales, Alejandro................. 121
Gonzales, B reann......................145 Gonzales, D e x te r......................130 Gonzalez, Chris......................... 130 Gonzalez, M elissa.....................145 Gonzalez, S ara 28, 96, 97, 130 G oode, Danielle.... 19, 36, 38, 39, 8 6 , 98, 165, 170, 197 Goodrich, Danielle 19, 93, 94, 130 G oreczny, Brandy.....................115 Goreczny, Jerem y 28, 80, 90, 98, 154, 166 Gould, Jarrin 57, 115 Grant, Ashley.............................166 G rant, Q uay............... 6 6 , 82, 130 Gray, Allison.... 10, 138, 146, 158 Green, C hristopher ,...93, 166 Green, D estiny.......................... 115 Green, K ea to n 44, 6 6 , 67, 130 Gregory, A m elia.......................146 Gregory, M ichael......................130 Griffin, Chelsey ...12, 65, 90, 130 Griffin, R y a n 26, 80, 130 Griffin, Sheena 166, 191 Griffin, T erry...............................31 Griffith, Desiree..4, 9, 38, 39, 52, 53, 70, 8 6 , 98, 154, 158, 160, 166, 172, 196 Griffith, John 75, 116, 117 Griffith, T in a 6 1 ,7 5 , 166 G ritton, Shirley 88 , 105 Grossi, Sasha..............................130 Guffey, K ristin ......... 77, 94, 116 Guilliams, Joseph 93, 166, 223 Gum-Fowler, Jan et 106, 219 Gutierrez, A rlene.................60, 61
tough study of the validity of he pregnancy tests, juniors I Hardin and Jaclyn
W h itm o re re ce ive d th ird place o ve ra ll a t the lo cal scie n ce fa ir and q u a lifie d to com pete at regionals. Photo by Coettman
EXPERIMENTING W ITH THE effects of sub lim ina l m essaging in th e ir p ro je ct "C ryptic Control, ju nio rs C a rly M ore e and Kelly
Finn advance to the regional science fair after placing fourth o ve rall at the high school fair. Photo by lane lle Coettman
Index 211
Gutierrez, Cheyenne 4 1 ,1 1 6 Gutierrez, Gabriel....................130 Gutierrez, Iylene 61, 146 Gutierrez, Raphael.................. 166 Gwin, A lex 16, 22, 23, 57, 8 6 , 98, 99, 153, 157, 161, 167, 212, 79 0
Hair, James....................... 167, 201 Hale, D u stin ......................116 Hale, Lakrishna 55, 70, 116 Hall, D onald.......................58, 146 Hall, R onald........... 45, 71, 116 Halverson, Pierce... 75, 86 , 130 Hanley, Josh..................... 146 Hanley, Z achary.............. 116 Hardaway, D el 89, 104, 219, 220
Hardin, Lisa
7 7 ,9 8 , 101, 140, 146, 211,212, 223 Harding, B randon............ 167 Hardnock, C hance...........146 Hardy, Bradley..................93, 130 Hardy, Chas...................... 116 Hardy, Lea.........................106 Hardy, L inda....................146 Harpole, K eely ..................77, 130 Harpole, K yle...16, 6 6 , 161, 167, 181 Harrimon, R ichard 45, '59, 67, 116
Harris, A m an d a....................... 116 Harris, Christine ....4, 39, 75, 8 6 , 98, 157, 167, 172, 200 Harris, S c o tt...............................80 Harris, S c o tt...............35, 80, 167 Harrison, M ercedes................. 146 Harvey, C arrie 40, 54, 65, 90, 93, 130 Hassell, Shane...........................130 Hastings, Amy ..16C, 75, 91, 93, 98, 146 Hatfield, K atelyn 94, 130 Hawthorne, Jam es...................146 Hayes, Angela...77, 93, 116, 118 Haynie, Candace.......... 9, 77, 167 Hayter, Jo sh 69, 98, 146, 209 Hedges, B ecky.................. 61, 106 Henderson, W ay n e 16D, 116 Hennan, Allen.............................64 Henry, Sheniqua.............. 93, 116 Hensley, Jennifer 21, 90, 98, 153, 167, 198 Henson, D alaney 17, 116 Henson, D aniel.........................130 Herd, R aym on.................. 45, 116 Herd, R ebecca.................. 80, 130 Hernandez, D evin....................116 Hernandez, Lacie 8 8 , 130 Hernandez, M ichael 80, 130 Herwig, Sean......................80, 131 Hickey, M a tt............................ 167 Hicks, Jessica............................ 167 Hight, A lissa............................. 116 Hight, K ristina..........................131 H ilbum , M atthew 85, 146 Hill, C oby........................ 167, 195
Hill, C urtis.................................131 Hogan, M a tt............................. 146 Hogue, C a rl 24, 106 Holan, Kayce 35, 80, 131 Holden, J . 82, 146 Hollingsworth, Laurie.............106 H olm an, Billy...........................131 Holmes, C h risto p h er.............. 167 H onkom p, T im o th y ............... 116 Hoover, L u k e 98, 167, 199 H orn, T im o th y .........................116 H orn, Trey ....10, 66, 86, 98, 99, 101, 139, 146, 159, 209 H orton, O z z y ...........................131 Houck, M egan....61, 86, 98, 146 H ouston, Joshua 45, 116 H ouston, J u stin 44, 146 H unt, C a m e ro n ....................... 117 H unt, T y le r 44, 131 H untley, K aleigh....................... 55 H urst, Brylynn 86, 131 Husen, N atalie..........................106
Inglish, Jen n a.................... 152, 167 Isaacs, Lyndsay ...65, 84, 85, 131 Isaacson, Jessica................. 80, 167 Ishmail, Je rm a in e..............80, 117
Jackson, K atiya... 19, 20, 53, S 98, 101, 167,191 Jam es, A nthony...................... \ n James, Brittany..96, 97, 9 8 ,101J 161 Jam es, C o d y 97, 10 0 ,14ÂŤ James, T iffany........................ 146 Jarrett, C h an ce....................... i n Jenkins, T y le r 75, 131,212 Jennings, K e v in ...............93,177 Johnson, Arick 94, 145,147 Johnson, Jo y celin.................. 147 Johnson, K ayla.......... 94, 98,141 Johnson, L eslie.......... 93, 94,131 Johnson, Paige........... 75, 78,13â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Johnson, Rebeka............. 75, l l 1 Johnson, T .J ............................13! Johnson, T o n y a............... 93,14' Johnston, S h annon................ 10 Johnstonbaugh, Jacob..... 58,13 Jones, Bobbie...........................10 Jones, C ourtney.........60, 61,14 Jones, Jasm ine..89, 90, 101,13 21 Jones, K ristin...........................13 Jones, Skye........................90,16 Jordan, N a d ia 77,90, 93,14 Joss, Jessica 17,75, 93,11 Judd, M a y .........................82,11
SCIENCE FAIR FIRST place w inne rs are (front row ) Alex G w in , M ic h e lle Lucier, T yler le nkin s, Shannon Tanner, Tina C erruti, Abby M cK a y, (back
row ) M ic h e lle A lfe rt, Janelle G oettm an, K yle M a rs h a ll, Jaclyn W h itm o re , Lisa H a rd in , Kelly Finn, and C a rly M ore e. Staff Photo SCIENCE FAIR ENERGIZERS w e re (front row ) T y le r Jenkins, A li G a rc ia , Janelle G oettm an, Angela D a lk e , T a y lo r Felty, M ic h e lle A lfe rt, (back row ) Lisa
212 Index
H a rd in , M a tt M oudy, Alex Gv M arissa B row n, Kelly Finn, Bobby M o rris , M ich e lle Luck and M rs. C onni Marshall.
Courtesy Photo
K ram er, D illon.........................117 Kubala, C heyenne 61, 75, 82, 132 K uehn, C aryl............................ 132
OJ to OO
-O -o
ski, L in d a. , ....34, 106 rowski, Arm andina....77, 93, 131 si, Elizabeth.... ...61, 86 , 132 ner, Chris t i p , Heather ....31. 167 t i p , Justin . 132 t i p , Kayla.,.. 117 [dall, Neil ....75, 80, 132, 133 iney, Rachel ...10, 38, 39, 51, 52, 70, 71, 98, 147 f, B reA nna.... 61, 132 jr, Clint..., 106 lew, Kordan ...49, 51, 132 caid, S u e ... ,. .106 g, Brittney . ....147 g, Kayla 147 ney, Kelsey.. 82, 132 ppatrick, K ara. .......168, 197 pkner, M elinda ...106 n, Marcel.... 147, 151 smeyer, R o b ert. 117 ght, T iara.... hanski, Lindsey ,...117 bhak, C h elsea.. ....93, 117 ilovatos, Alex .. ....30, 106 Ilovatos, H o p e . ....41, 55, 94, 117 ilovatos, M egan..53, 98, 168,
[teaching |
Lacy, K ale b .......................63, 132 Lagat, Joshua.....................80, 147 Lamach, B rian 51, 80, 147 Lam brecht, C harlene..............168 Laubscher, Albin...............63, 117 Laubscher, B randon.........62, 168 Lawson, Lindsey.............. 93, 132 Lawson, R on......................90, 106 Leach, Carla.............................. 106 Leach, M ike....................... 6 6 , 106 Leaper, Andreanna...................132 Leaper, R yshelle...............35, 132 Lecours, A m anda..............93, 137 Lee, Beverly..20, 85, 8 6 , 87, 106 Lehm an, B ryan........................ 106 Lemley, Brittanie..............77, 117 Leonard, Greg................. 106, 109 Levesque, B rad.........................132 Lewis, A .J.......................... 82, 168 Lewis, L y onel...........................117 Liggett, Lana............................. 106 Lile, P atrick 62, 98, 101, 168, 198, 222 Lile, T aylor..27, 41, 55, 70, 101, 117
Lillis, B ritney................... 77, 132 Lillis, Ju stin .............................. 168 Lind, Andrew................... 93, 117 Linker, M athew ......................... 59 Linker, T ara.............................. 117 Livingston, K o ry ............ 58, 132 Lobaugh, K u rt...l, 9, 23, 6 6 , 83, 98, 154, 168, 190, 219 Lockwood, A n ita............ 30, 106 Londrow, C aleb.............. 45, 117 Long, Brandon..........................132 Lopez, Allison...........................147 Loudermilk, P ark er............... 118 Lucier, M ichelle..24, 35, 98, 168, 212
Lucier, R ebecca..............132, 224 Lupo, A shley.................. 168, 196 Lynch, Bethany ..20, 8 8 , 98, 147 Lynn, T y le r ......................75, 147 L ynott, M o n ica...21, 51, 55, 70, 90, 118
M ackin, Dawn 16D, 70, 132 132 Madarang, Ryan M ajor, Brian 44 Malousek, Jessica.. ....80, 118 Marley, Andrea 118 Marlin, Adelicia ....75, 118 M arshall/C onni.... .. 106, 212 Marshall, Kyle 9 16B, 78 86 , 98, 99, 100, 101, 161, 162, 165,
prTina Cerruti placed 11th [of 12 projects advancing to [ionals atMSU. Her project utthe effects of teaching
M cKay, A b ram ......... 57, 169 McKee, Brianna.......................132 McKee, Judith 84, 85, 94, 98, 99, 169, 205 M cKeever, Kyleigh ...26, 90, 98, 148 McKeever, T y ler...45, 118
a ffec t
168, 183, 210, 212 Matthews, Alicia... 61, 132 Maxwell, Jill 8 6 , 90, 98, 100, 101, 162, 168, 184 Maxwell, L ance 16D, 62, 97, 132 McAlister, C am eron.4 5, 118 McBeath, L ayne....... 49, 75, 132 McBroom, P aul.........98, 99, 169 M cCafferty, J o n ... 93, 118 McCallister, A shley.80, 148 McCasland, Laura.93, 132 M cChesney, M arcus...............132 McCleskey, Ashley ..65, 77, 101 , 132 M cCoy, Jared 93, 148, 219 M cCoy, M ichael......................148 McCraw, Chance..62, 75, 86 , 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 152, 169, 220 M cCrory, Ja re d ...67, 6 8 , 69, 71, 169, 193 McDaniel, Jason.4 5 ,7 1 , 118 McDonald, V icto r.................... 80 McFeley, Crystalynne ....90, 132 McGowan, K elley.................. 106 McGown, H annah 75, 78, 79, 91, 98, 155, 168, 169, 181, 183, 185, 190, 192, 198 McKay, Abigail..40, 61, 98, 148,
styles on long term memory also received Outstanding Presentation Award at the local Science Fair. Photo by Janelle Coettman
sophomore Taylor Felty makes 6th place overall in the local Science Fair. Her project, "Saving Energy through
Thermostat Settings," has qualified her to participate at the Regional Science Fair at Midwestern. Photo by Janelle Coettman
Index 213
McKenzie, A m b er....................148 McMillen, T im othy................. 118 McNabb, Jean............................106 McNeil, C urtis................... 106 McNeil, Paula.................... 106 McNeil, Steven..................62, 169 McNew, G regory.. 8 , 19, 35, 169, 180 Means, Lindsey 14, 19, 39, 52, 5 3 ,9 7 , 156, 158, 159, 161. 170, 201
Meese, Allyssa.................... 148 Mendoza, Jesse..................148 Mercado, B rooke.............. 118 Mercado, L oryn........97,170, 194 Merkel, K risten........... 38, 39, 170 Merrick, Jack.............................106 Michael, Kelsey ...90, 94, 98, 148 Michaud, S ean................... 63, 118 M idgett, M a tt....83, 98. 170, 197 Miller, Andrew...................67, 118 Miller, Jeannine 107, 109 Miller, Jeannine 8 6 , 98, 106, 109 Miller, Jordan ....94, 95,118, 214 Miller, Lindsey..38, 39, 61, 148 Miller, Stephanie....................... 133 Mills. Jo h n ..................... 8 , 85, 170 Mills, R y a n 63, 93, 110, 118 Minderm an, P a tsy ....................106 Miner, Je re m y ................... 63, 118 Minjarez, A ndrea 10, 77, 98, 148 Minzer, A lexandria 75, 118 Minzer, D avid.................... 85, 170 Miracle, D enise......................... 106
Mitchell, Ashley........................ 148 Mize, Jam es............................... 107 M oehnke, Zachary.... 16B, 67, 96, 97, 118 M offett, T iffany 7 6 ,7 7 , 170, 180 M onk, K y le 58, 133 M onroe, C o ry ..............................67 M ontgom ery, A shley 90, 133 M ontgom ery, G reg... 8 , 9, 57, 70, 71, 8 6 , 98, 160, 170, 173, 190 M oody, Leah 16B, 64, 65, 90, 98, 101, 171, 203, 217 M oore, T a ry n ..............77, 94, 118 M oore, T race............................. 118 Morales, N icholas..................... 133 Morales, N ico lette 110, 119 Moree, Carly 36, 51, 78, 98, 139, 148, 21 1, 212 Morris, Bobby 22, 57, 98, 100, 171, 193, 212 Morris, Jonathan 98, 148 Morris, Kaleigh........... 55, 93, 1 19 M orrow, M a tt 8 9 ,9 8 , 171 Moseley, Jam es 51, 107 M otley, Jo n a th o n 75, 80, 119 M oudy, M atthew 75, 133, 212 Muller, Jessica..............21, 40, 148 Mullins, A m aryllis....................107 Mullins, Steven..........................133 Mullins, T im 85, 107 M urphy, Leighton..................... 119 M uschamp, E rica...................... 119 M uschmap, A aro n ....................177 Muse, C a t 7 5 ,9 8 . 149 Muse, M arquis......................62, 63 Myers, C h ris.............................. 171
M ym bs, Ju stin ................... 57, 171
Neises, C helsey
75, 131, 133, 216 Nelson, R o n ald .................. 67, 119 N em ecek, J o e 107, 109 N euharth, Jo rd an ...................... 133 N euharth, R ich ard....................171 Newberry, T racy................ 55, 119 Newsome, M onica....77, 90, 101, 149 Nguyen, A nn.......................97, 149 Nichols, M ark .............. 62, 98, 149 Niles, J a n e t......................... 28, 107 N ix, D an n y.................................107 Nix, K aila.,38, 39, 102, 133, 208 Nix, K elsey................... 8 8 , 89, 1 19 Nix, Susie.................................... 107 N ixon, N icholas...........69, 82, 149 N orm an, C orey..........................119 N orris, Alaina......................75, 133 Norris, K aren ............................. 149 Norris, W illiam .................. 80, 119 N orton, S tep h en ....................... 107 N unn, R o b in...............................171
O 'Connor-Loncar, Kalen 133] Oehlerking, M arie 75, 9 3 ,94j 119,215, 22fl Olive, A m anda 55, 93,119 O no, H ele n 41, 51, 5 5 ,11<| O rf, D a k o ta ..14, 6 6 , 67, 98, 156j 171,201 O rf, M 'kensi 93, 110, 111, 11$ Organ, N icholas................ 63,11$ O rtiz, Sam antha....................... 131 O tten , G reg o ry ........................ \l\ O ttm an n , R u th ........................ 10' Owen, B rad.......................104, 20i
Pair, C ara.................................. 14 Pappas, Alex ..28, 89, 90, 98,11 Pappenfuss, Jam ie................... 11 Parker, M ary.............................H Parris, Jake................................V Parrish, C h ristin e.................... 11 P atino, Ashley.......................... 1' P atterson, K atherine...36,41,5 5 5 ,7 0 ,7 7 , 110,1 Paulk, R ichard...16D , 80, 96, 9
Ihr- Germs
■Quc$\v§)n& M )£)<§>ihd'S£s MATf.
Breath of Life, freshman Jordan Miller was awarded one of the
third place spots given at the local science fair. Photo by Janelle Coettman
W ITH HER PROJECT, "The Battle of the Germs,"'freshman Shelby Bradshaw was recognized by
Dr. Morgan Moore with the Health Care award. Photo b) Janelle Coettman
119 ce, Paige 171, 204 Lr, D aniel......................83, 133 berton, C hristopher...21, 82, 85, 171 berton, T im o th y 82, 171 Lies, Ian..45, 62, 63, 1 10, 119 bles, M atthew ..142, 149, 209 bles, T o m m y 6 6 , 171, 180 Itt, Ricci ...7, 28, 75, 90, 157, 171, 198, 222 Inger, C ody.................. 67, 133 rm an , A ida........16D, 90, 91, 107, 219 rm an, Shaw n..3, 8 , 9, 13, 22, 51, 57, 97, 98, 171 p e n , K yle 44, 69, 82, 149 rson, E rica...........................133 I , Ja so n ............................... 134 p , K atrin a................... 77, 119 Bn, C aitlin ................... 98, 149 an, M egan................... 93, 119 tips, Brandon...................... 171 bps, Jered......................51, 120 ptt, Stacy ..77, 134 I, A ndrea 7 7 ,9 8 , 101, 149 [K ristin a 61, 102, 134 [ A llison....................116, 120 pr, Rebecca 70, 82, 171 pll, Christine................80, 134 [, Ju stin ........................62, 134 [, R ich ard...........85, 153, 171 |m , A m ie 16A, 8 6 , 94, 98, 172, 220 [ T o d d ..................................107
Quigley, Brandon
11, 90, 97, 120 Q uintanilla, Joel.........................172
Raines, Nicholas Rains, Chelsea
93, 149 94,95, 98, 154, 172, 180, 223 Rand, P hillip.............16C, 75, 120 Rangel, H a li.................41, 77, 120 Rarick, H eather 97, 149 Ratcliffe, Chelsea..................... 120 R aym ond, Shannon..77, 118, 120 Reattoir, Levi............................ 149 Reaves, A m ber...........................109 Redding, K y le.......................62, 63 Reed, Jason 93, 120 Reed, M a n d y ............................. 107 Reed, V incent 63, 120 Reichert, L ynn ...........................107 Reid, K ayla 21, 149 Reid, R obin....19, 85, 8 6 , 98, 172 Reinke, N ath a n .........................134 Renick, Jennifer...48, 49, 75, 149 Reola, Jacob................ 75, 90, 120
Ress, D avid................85, 107, 222 Reynolds, M y les 59, 67, 120 Rhude, H u n ter 44, 134 Richards, L inda 39, 108 Richardson, Andrew...44, 71, 134 Richter, A ustin 57, 172, 193, 205 Rickard, A ndy 75, 134 Rickard, Jordan..61, 98, 101 , 149 Rickard, Stephen 75, 172 Rickman, Craig.................... 44, 67 Riggio, R osa 34, 120 Riley, A m y ........................120 Rios, Lauren.................... 8 6 , 93,120 Roberson, Savannah.......... 77, 134 Roberts, A dam 75, 78, 79, 90, 98, 149 Robertson, Ju stin .... 1 1, 45, 67, 120
Rock, A m anda.................. 120 Roddy, N athan ....89, 98, 99, 172 Roderick, Ju stin ..........59, 82, 120 Rodriguez, E lizabeth 61, 134 Rodriquez, A lfred ............ 149 Roe, Ashley........................ 120 Rogers, Ashleigh................ 120 Rogers, E lizabeth ............... 75, 134 Rogers, K y le ...15, 75, 90, 91, 98, 172, 190 Roland, M a rti....................149 Roland, Victoria................ 177 Rollins, D av id................... 120 Rouleau, R o n n y ................ 134 Rousseau, V ictoria....48, 49, 101, 173, 203 Runyon, Jam ie.............12, 54, 134
Rush, M ichelle..9, 16, 28, 76, 77, 8 6 , 90, 98, 166, 173, 202, 208
Salas Alto, Stephen ..62, 168, 173 Samples, Jennifer......................149 Sanders, G ra n t................... 80, 134 Sanders, Jordan.................. 8 6 , 135 Sanderson, K aren.............108, 224 Saville, A lyssa............................121 Saville, Jessica............................135 Scantlin, E rica 78, 89, 90, 98, 149 Scharlach, Ellen......................... 108 Schm itt, Brenner..24, 75, 93, 135 Schultz, Barbara........................ 121 Schutte, Sara...52, 124, 125, 135, 159 Schutte, Steve 23, 51, 75, 124, 135 Scott, E rica................................ 173 Seago, R obert...............................81 Selvidge, M elanie.............108, 224 Seman, Kevin ... 6 , 18, 78, 79, 89, 98, 160, 173, 183 Seman, L ee ................................ 108 Seman, Stephanie 75, 94, 135, 137 Senters, K ayla........................... 135 Seymour, K evin........................ 121 Sharp, Kalea 80, 121 Sharp, T ren t 45, 69, 71, 121
M a r ie O c h le rk in g
ISwHI .mH L[' ER PROJECT, "Kid's Worst [mare," freshman Marie prking tested whether lead II surrounding playgrounds
could result in lead poisoning Marie received a Health and Safety Award sponsored by Matt Patterson Insurance.
SHOWING TEXAS TECH pride, Credit Recovery and Content Mastery went all out for the door decorating competition
judged by the GO Center members. These doors received third place for their outstanding decoration.
Index 215
3, 150 Sm ith, Adrienna.... Smith, Allen........ 56, 57, 71, 157, 174 Sm ith, Alyssa........ ............80, 121 . 59, 121 Sm ith, A nthony.... ...150 Sm ith, A ubri......... 108 Smith, D ebbie....... Smith, Demarcus.. .....59, 82, 121 67, 121 Sm ith, D u stin ....... Sm ith, H eath er..... 75, 8 6 , 90, 93, 135 ,. .108 Sm ith, Jennifer..... 75, 8 6 , 121 Sm ith, Joel............. 174 Sm ith, K elli.......... 121 Sm ith, L acy .......... 150 Sm ith, M ichael..... 67, 98, 150 Smith, M itchell..... ...135 Smith, Randi......... Smith, R ebekah.... 75, 121, 122 122 Smith, Tim othy..., Smithee, Bonnie.....19, 20, 8 6 ,9 8 , 99 , 152, 174, 222 84, 85 Snyder, D ustin...... Snyder, Shelbie..........................122 Springstead, Jord an ...................135 Stafford, B rian...........................150 Stafford, Joseph.........................135 Stanley, E lizabeth.....................122 Stanley, S helly...........................135 Starkey, B o 90, 91, 98, 168, 174, 204 Starkey, Jacob 45, 67, 75, 122 Starkey, Sam uel................. 81, 108 Stawowski, Silke 61, 90, 102, 150 Steinhubl, O le .................... 63, 150
Stephens, K risti 65, 122 Stephens, M ark ....51, 57, 58, 150 Sterkel, K elsey 17,65, 90, 135 Stevenson, K eith 58, 92, 135 Stine, Brett...58, 67, 98, 146, 150 Stine, G ra n t 67, 122 Stock, D avid.............................. 150 Stoiloff, Tressa..65, 77, 126, 131, 135 Stone, K atherine....................... 122 Strader, A nna......................75, 122 Street, K yle 63, 75, 121, 122 Strickland, D esm o n d 58, 59, 135 Strosahl, L auren........................17 5 Struckm an, M ichael..18, 85, 175, 197 Stubblefield, Keenan... 1 1 ,1 4 , 62, 6 3 ,7 5 , 110, 111, 122, 159 Suarez, Denise.....................77, 122 Swartsell, Lauren....3, 70, 93, 122 Swartsell, Leslie 3, 70, 93, 122 Sykes, L indsey 82, 153, 175 Szczechowski, N atalie 21, 41, 55, 70, 122
T acker, A shlie............................ 175 Talley, A lexandra 89, 98, 150 Tandberg, Sandy....................... 108 Tang, L isa..........................108, 224 Tanner, Brittney ..39, 64, 65, 150
school, sophomores Jasmine Jones and Chelsea Neises hang out at Friendship Park. Many
216 Index
students attended the "Movie in the Park" every Saturday night and the Fourth of July fireworks celebration. Courtesy Photo
Tanner, Shannon 8 , 20, 51,701 7 8 ,9 8 , 152, 175, 205,212 Tappan, Chelsea...................... J22ÂŤ Tasker, Jam ie..................... 77,135 T atu m , A m ber 18, 75, 93, 122 Taylor, B rittney....................... 135 T aylor, Brooke.................. 55,122 Taylor, Phil........................27,108 T aylor Gonzalez, H eath......... 122 Teed, Lorene 27, 108,121 T eets, T im o th y ....................... 15(j Terrel, Chase...................... 67,133 Thom as, M eagan................... 15| T hom psen, K rystel 18, 90,94 13] T hom pson, A aron............. 5 9 ,12| T hom pson, A n th o n y ..............17| T hom pson, Cassie............. 6 1 ,13i Thom pson, K ad e...................... 6 T hom pson, K rystel.............75, 8 T hom pson, Stephanie...... 80,13 T hom pson, Stephen................15 T iem ann, B rittan y ........... 40,13 Tilles, M ich ael........................11 T ittle, Z achary.............49, 75,11 Toalson, Chelsey.................... 1' T om s, K im ........................ 31,11 Torres, R enier................... 93,1! Torries, Ashley.................. 77, L Torries, M atth ew 50, 51,6 .
Shaver. Phillip 1 7 ,4 4 ,7 1 , 149 Shearman, K atelyn.................. 173 Sheffield, Jordan 61, 102, 135 Sheik, Joshua.............................173 Sheppard, G erald......................121 Shipley, C olton..................67, 121 Shipley, Lexi.,75, 90, 91, 93, 121 Shipley, Lindsay...9, 16C, 72, 75, 78, 79, 86 , 90, 94, 98, 99, 101, 173, 180, 183, 185 Shipp, A lex.........................75, 135 Shipp, Jacob............................... 174 Shipp, Zachary............ 75, 98, 149 Sibayan, Melissa.................89, 149 Sickman, Daniel.................93, 149 Sifuentes, Ashley 61, 70, 133, 135 Simmons, C a ra ..................61, 149 Simmons, Ja im e ............... 61, 150 Simmons, Jo n ath an 57, 150 Simmons, S hayna 19, 30, 8 6 , 98, 101, 174, 206 Simpson, Harley ...64, 65, 69, 94, 95, 121 Simpson, Kaleb...........44, 69, 135 Simpson, Meagan.............. 40, 135 Simpson, T ay lo r......................... 65 Sims, Meagan.............................174 Singer, Joshua.................... 63, 121 Siniscalchi, L auryn 27, 77, 8 6 , 90, 98, 101, 174, 199, 208 Sirilla, Lindsey 64. 65, 75, 135 Skaggs, Sharon...........................108 Skelton, Brittney................75, 121 Skinner, K im b ra.. 88 , 89, 93, 121 Skinner, Shaw n......................... 121 Skinner, Stephanie....................150
Torries, T ra v is.............82, 98,1 Townsie, N icole................77,1 Tracy, D avid..................... 85,1 Triana, L o y .................. 27, 51,1 Trones, K risten.................77,1
SPENDING THE DAY at Lake Tahoe, senior Zack Bradley appreciates the breathtaking view of the w ater. Like many
students, Z ack took advantaf of sum m er vacation and wen a trip with his family. Courte Photo
ker, A ndrew
j THEIR WAY to Abilene, ! br Lindy Anderson and lor Leah Moody are set for â&#x20AC;&#x2122; r lunch on the bus, having
OO o
,Amy 86 , 89, 150 Hez, Crystal...........................176 entine, D u stin ...................... 123 Idenberg, P au l.............. 49, 177 buez, M ichael............... 176 buez, Paul............................. 176 Iquez-Perez, Rosalie ...98, 154, 176, 198 lables, Joshua....................... 136 Ih, L ena................ 16B, 97, 151 Bell, K elly ..................... 49, 136
Wade, C orey ............................. 136 Waggoner, Kristi,......... 39, 85, 97, 176, 195, 208 W aitm an, Gary.., Walker, Krystal..,...................... 136 Walker, Shalamaar 93, 136 W alton, Jesse. . ....59 W alton, Lyka..3, 17, 60, 90, 176, 194 Ward, Chris ....84, 85, 136 Ward, Vera. ....108 Warren, R obert. ,...151 W ashington, Larquisha 123 Waters, Shelli . . 123 W atkins, Kelly..., 45, 123 W atson, Jesse.... .. 45, 123 W atson, Malia.... ,...124, 136 W atson, Marie ,...108, 109 Weary, Sarah.......................65, 136 W ebb, Lena....................... 136, 137 Weldon, K ayla 64, 65, 82, 89, 136 W eldon, K yle....... .28, 67, 82, 89, 136 W elter, Sarah..48, 151 West, Spencer 93, 176, 202 W etzel, Leland 29, 6 6 , 67, 89, 124, 125, 136 Wheeler, Heather 176, 204 Wheeler, N athan ....14, 6 6 , 67, m OO C'T OO
bste, Ashley ..76, 77, 175, 202
80, 99, 175, 181 Jkett, M atth ew 82, 150 p er, Alyssa 60, 61, 8 8 , 89, 136 p er, Molly ...9, 1 3 ,7 7 ,9 3 ,9 8 , [ 99, 100, 101, 156, 157, 162, 175, 196, 208
125, 137 Wheeler, T revor........................ 123 Whitlock, Shae 7, 19, 30, 101, 177 W hitm ore, Jaclyn..76, 77, 8 6 , 98, 138, 151, 211, 212 W hitm ore, Jam es 8 6 , 98, 169, 177 W hitney, Jessica 86, 137 W hitt, C hase................................ 51 W hitten, P h illip 85, 151 Wiles, Justin............................... 137 Wilkinson, Jennifer...................123 Willeford, Alyssa.16C, 75, 123 W illett, K y le 58, 137 Williams, B e th ...... 1 4 ,7 7 , 137 Williams, C ap ri.................... 54, 55 Williams, D an iel 13, 151 Williams, Jeffrey 80, 93, 123 Williams, Steven 59, 123 Willis, C o d y ................................177 Willis, K atherine 28, 90, 177 Wilson, B o b b y 75, 86, 137 Wilson, C olby............................ 123 Wilson, Jason............................. 123 Wilson, M ark ............................. 108 Winchell, R ich ard .....................137 W inter, A m ber.................... 31, 151 Wise, B ritn ey ...................... 61, 177 Wise, Samuel ...14, 138, 139, 151 Wise, W elsey 11, 63, 111, 123 W itt, C hase.................. 63, 82, 123 W itt, Jennifer............................. 151 W olgamot, K e n n y ......................67 W ood, C o ry ......................... 80, 123 W ood, H o lly........................75, 137
DURING THE FOURTH movement of Candide Land, the marching band executes a difficult pass-through manuever
W ood, N ikki.............................. 151 W ood, S arah.............................. 108 W orkman, Ju stin ...................... 177 Wright, D akotah....................... 137 Wright, M ichael..........21, 45, 123 W uthrich, B lair...........61, 77, 123
Yeary, T rav is.............................123 Young, Jeanine 10, 33, 61, 151 Young, N ycole 90, 101, 137 Ysasaga, N ico le.. 33, 61, 151
Zam ora, B rittan y............... 151 Zam ora, H eather.................61, 123 Zaragoza, Vella.................... 75, 123 Zellner, Claire................... 16A, 151 Ziegenbein, Brittany...........123 Zillweger, H eather...............75, 137 Zillweger, Nicholas...... 75, 98, 99, 177, 199 Zoet, Erik............................. 151 Zoet, Zachary 75, 80, 90, 123
affectionately known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;the show that just met the 8 minute time limit." Photo courtsey of Annetta Reusch
packed sandwiches in advance The two were headed to a softball game with the rest of their team. Courtesy Photo
Index 2 17
A Year of 3W2d@ 88 Events T WAS THE year o f the iPod with the introduction o f the nano, the iPod video, podcasts, and dow nloadable books. Cingular also launched a line o f cell phones outfitted with iTunes. There are plenty o f nifty gadgets to go along w ith the iPod, such as radio docks or car adapters.
GO CENTER, THE new organization that promotes higher education, sponsored a doordecorating contest to highlight different colleges and universities. The contest, held to encourage students to think about their future plans, was won by Mr. Cowan's seventh period ch oir class. They featured Julliard School o f Music and received a pizza party as their prize. Second and third place winners were Mrs. Carpenter's and Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Husen's classes.
218 Closing
AFTER FFA FRESHMAN Stetson Co pus's steer w on National Grand Cham pion at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Del Frisco's D ouble Eagle Steak House b o u g h t it fo r $75,000. Stetson raised Husker and was fully responsible fo r him. He plans to use the money fo r college. WHEN THE VALEDICTORIAN and salutatorian give their speeches during graduation at the W ich ita Falls Kay Yeager Coliseum, the audience may be able to hear them since the new $385,000 sound system was installed in July 2005.
P I K E Jfiyf
LC l<
W ITH THE NEW Cinemark theater in W ichita , teenagers indulged in a metroplexlike setting at the movies. Cinemark features 14 auditorium s w ith stadium seating and an arcade, allowing people to revel in luxury w ith reclining seats. Century City now offers movies fo r only tw o dollars per showing. Th allows students on a tig h t budget to have a night o u t on the tow n w ith o u t breaking the bank.
JUNIOR MICHELLE IERT made All-State bir. This was the first ; in seven years that one had received this lor. "Making All-State )ir was such a great om plishm ent fo r me," helle said. "I now feel I can co nq u er the Id." M ichelle performed at :e in February in San onio.
SEVERAL SENIORS SIGNED w ith colleges. Nathan Bayless signed with a fo o tb a ll scholarship to San Angelo State University. Zach Bradley signed fo r a foo tb all scholarship at Trinity Valley Junior College and Kurt Lobaugh signed f o r a baseball scholarship at Brookhaven Junior College in Addison, Texas.
A CAPPELLA CHOIR member ju n ior Jared M cC oy recently sang on the same stage tha t helped launch country stars' careers, such as LeAnn Rimes. Even tho u gh Jared is autistic and has tro ub le connecting w ith people, he has never had trouble connecting with music, according to his m other w ho said he has perfect pitch. A fte r taking vocal lessons from Jayne Lybrand, Jared performed at Johnnie High's Country Music Revue in Arlington. He sang George Jones' â&#x20AC;&#x153;He Stopped Loving Her Today."
EVEN THO UG H TEACHERS were reluctant to announce their retirements, Mrs. Janet Gum revealed that she w ould be retiring after teaching at BHS since 1983. As the 1971 valedictorian, Mrs. Gum says tha t a notable event o f her career is the fact that she has been m oved to fo u r different rooms around the school. A fter eight years as the "vice principals' administrative assistant," Mrs. Aida Peterman, an integral part o f the school system, will be moving to San Antonio. "I feel as though this is w hat I'm supposed to do in life," Mrs. Peterman said. "I love working w ith the students, so many people here have affected me positively." Both wom en are sponsors o f the International Club.
AS THE FINAL deadline fo r the yearbook neared, principal Mr. Hardaway announced the possibility fo r final exam exemptions. Even though it might not be approved by the school board, the true goal is to improve attendance and academic achievements. -Hannah McGown
Closing 219
THE NEW SOFTBALL complex on campus opened for play in February. The Varsity Lady Dogs won their opening game 5-0. Photo by Kyle Caskey
QUALIFYING FO freshman Marie Oehlerking and senior Chance McCraw advance in CX Debate. McCraw attended the state competition last year. Staff Photo
Ill 11
g jjjjjll
WITH THE APPROVAL of the new fall modified block schedule, Principal Del Hardaway tackles the task of scheduling classes. Staff Photo
REPLACING THE DESKS in the OCS cubicals with stools created an incentive to stay out of OCS. Staff Photo
SHOWING HER DESIGNS, senior Art Primm and teacher Bob Barrow awa the UIL competition where Primm we chosen as one of six to attend state
220 Closing
Random 4 Selection Closing 4
dapting to the random ly changing w orld, the students and staff ushered n the end o f another school year vith several key changes. W ith the UIL reclassification md realignment, Burkburnett )ecame a 3A school. Joining a district w ith Vernon, Hirschi, Iowa ?ark, and Graham w ill provide earns the chance to com pete on i level playing field. "W e can now com pete w ith |eams from similarly sized schools," athletic director Danny Mix said. As we say good-bye to another Ichool year, we also leave behind ihe block schedule. For the 2006E007 school year, M ondays w ill pave all eight classes, then fuesdays and Thursdays w ill be Apays and W ednesdays and Fridays w ill be B-days. "I believe the new schedule is fn appropriate way to blend the
tw o types of schedules," drama coach Bob Barrow said. "I am to ta lly in favor of the block schedule and w ill do w hat it takes to keep the longer periods." For the first tim e, UIL instituted a Theatrical Design com petition. Senior Am ie Primm entered sketches in the Individual Costume Design category and was one of six in all of Texas to advance to the state com petition. "It w asn't easy com ing up w ith designs, but through research I found some inspiration and managed to pull it off,"Primm said. For the first tim e in 10 years, the OCS room was em pty of students one day in January. "W e are so appreciative of the students efforts to stay out of OCS and their excellent job ," vice principal Janie Avey said. -A li G a rc ia, Kyle Caskey, and Marissa Brown Closing 2
Random Selection ► QUALIFYING FOR REGIONALS and giving BHS nine points, sophomore, Drew Cain won both a silver and bronze UIL district swim medal. Courtesy Photo
senior class are Alex Gwin, Ricci Perritt, Patrick Lile and (not pictured) Karissa Caldwell.
Senter Mall in a movie banner, everyone has “plugged in” to the popular iPod.
POSITIONING THE PLAQUES, seniors Bonnie Smithee and Lyndsay Cash work to hang the eight awards won by BPA at their regional competition.
MEMBERS OF THE National Auto SI USA recently traveled to Waco with Mr. Ress for competition. Eight members advanced to the state lev
222 Closing
^ Autographs
Autographs 223
Random Selection
AFTER A HEATER belt caught fire in the new gym in February, this group of friends entertained themselves with each other's company. Though it was very cold outside, students enjoyed the half hour of sixth period they missed.
TOUGHING OUT THE cold weather, sophomore Andy Clinton, librarians Ms. Karen Sanderson and Mrs. Adri Balis, and sophomore Rebecca Lucier wait by the community center while the local fire department determines the cause of the alarm.
HUDDLING TOGETHER FOR warmth, English teachers Mrs. Melanie Selvidge, Mrs. La Velda Barrick, and Mrs. Lisa Tang wait for permission to return to the school after the fire alarm sounded on the coldest day of this winter.
224 Autographs
^ Autographs
People Editors S e n io r E d ito r s
Lindsay Shipley Hannah McGown
Ali Garcia Marissa Brown Kyle Caskey
J u n io r E d ito r s
Adam Roberts Orlando Flores
Student Life Editors
S o p h o m o r e E d ito r s
Hannah McGown Kyle Marshall
A m b e r Bice Stephanie Thom pson Erica Scantlin
Baby A d Editor Maranda Bice
Adviser Anne Gillespie
Academics Editors Janelle Goettman M ichelle Alfert Orlando Flores Erica Scantlin A c t iv i t ie s E d ito r s
Kyle Marshall Angela Dalke Autumn Fleck Staff
Amber Bice Kelly Finn Janelle Goettman Zachary Shipp P e o p l e E d ito r s Fresh m en
Christina Boatman Paige Johnson Adam Roberts
Phoio Editors
F a c u lty
Carly Moree
Sports Editors Shannon Tanner Brittney Baker Kelly Finn Carly Moree Staff
Angela Dalke Orlando Flores Paige Johnson
Kelly Finn
g Staff j Kevin Sem an I Zachary Shipp S h annon Tanner
Computer Editors
â&#x2013;ş Derrick 2 0 0 6 C
l o
W ith th e iPod u shering in th e wave of p o rtab le m edia devices, th e D errick S taff took notice of th is new techno trend. Com bining th e iPod w ith a flashy them e borrow ed from Apple, th e staff was able to create a yearbook illu stratin g th e emerging "Plugged In Generation." Much th a n k s goes o u t for A pple's su p p o rt and perm ission to use th e iPod and its them e. The 7 3/4" by 10 1/2" book features a Four-Color cover w ith th e iPod fashioning th e title and school inform ation. Pages were 80 weight enam el p ap er containing headlines in Jester, sjubhead in Cityscape, body in A thena, and captions in Bern. C aptions were set in 8 p o in t font and body w as 10 p o in t font. A to tal of ab o u t 6 0 0 books were sold a t $36 and $40. Production costs were estim ated a t $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 . The Taylor Publishing sales representative w as Cheryl C hrism an. Student p ictu res were ta k e n by Life T ouch and Gordon Photography took team photos. The Derrick belongs to th e Interscholastic League Press Conference and Quill and Scroll.