P a n o ra m ic C H A N G E
Practicing for new 3A district m atches, junior Ryan Madarang plays on the resurfaced tennis courts. In the new 9th Grade Center, vice principal Brad Owen directs freshm en Emily Cooper and Heather Roberson on the first day of school. Taking her picture for the first all color yearbook, sophomore Nicolette Morales wears a bright color. Photos by Kelly Finn
adVIEW pus life 8c a c a d e m ic s
endlessMOTION TJCTvities 8c s p o rts
p e o p le ......... fa c u lty .......... fre s h m e n ..... sophomores. juniors........... seniors..........
.............. 34
.9 6 98 104 116 128 140
panoramicCHANGE LEAVING THE S C H O O L in a hurry, students rush to beat a crowd o f people to the student parking lot. P h oto by Kelly Finn
EXPERIMENTING WITH ELECTROLYSIS in AP Chemistry n, senior Angela Dalke monitors the amperage needed to split a Copper (II) Bromide solution. P h oto by J a n elle Goettmarx
PRESENTING THE C O LO R S at the hom ecom ing pep rally, the AFJRO TC Honor Guard displays the United States flag while the band played the National Anthem. S ta ff P h oto
Panorama n. [pan-uh-'ra-muh, -'ra-muh] an unobstructed and wide view o f an extensive area in all directions; a continuously passing o r changing scene o r an unfolding o f events
B u r k b u r n e t t H igh S c h o o l 1 0 9 W . Kr a m e r B ur k burnett, TX 7 6 3 5 4 D is t r ic t 6 A A A En r o l l m e n t : 9 6 3 (9 4 0 ) 5 6 9 -1 4 1 1 w w w .e s c 9 . n e t / b u r k b u r n e t t i s d / b u r k h ig h .h t m
derrick2007 Title P age
PanoramicCHANGE O p e n in g yearbook published in complete color. “The color yearbook opens up even more opportunities for the journalism department,” said people editor Adam Roberts. “This should help show the creativity of photographers and more contrast between sections.” Beyond the halls of the high school, the dty of Burkburnett has been experiendng a panorama of its own for the past 100 years. Since 1907, when B u rkbu rn ett was founded, th e d tv j^
evolved dfiPtlnfe,frbmat small oil boomtown to a diverse community, induding growth from industry and Sheppard Air Force^Base. Asapanorama^ls a broad View capturing all
m m *
When the year began, the high school faced three PanoramicCHANGEs. One such change was switching UIL districts. After competing in 4A district for over 20 years, the school moved to 3A because of decreasing enrollment. This change excited students, teachers, and coaches. “It’s going to be much more competitive for all teams,” said athletic director Danny Nix. “Now, we are playing schools with the same enrollment as us.” Another major change was the addition of a new 9th Grade Center. The former English Wing was renovated to create convenience and a more comfortable atmosphere for the incoming freshmen. “I like haying our own wing,” fr#hman Linda Berreles said. “AHpf . v: '•i H P 'W if.W ffl i teadiereworktogetl team to make assigm
m ADVERTISING THE N E W color yearbook, senior staff members Janelle Goettman, Zach Shipp, and Michelle Alfert help post signs to promote upcoming annual sales. S ta ff P h oto
REACHING FOR THE tackle, Keaton Green (10) and Jay Gould (18) run to catch their opponent from Clyde at the Homecoming game. T h e score was 30-6. P h oto by Frank A n d ra ja ck
TIRING THE OILBOOM, urkbumett was a thriving and kergetic community. In 1923, pen the featured panorama was ken, Burkbumett was crowded Bth oil derricks, refineries and lilroad tracks. Neariy every hom e as neighbored by a nearby
derrick. Oil flooded the road o f Main Street, which is today known as Third St, Most o f the old oil derricks and photographed buildings are now gone, but the legacy o f Burkbumett’s boomtown still exists giving pride to locals. C om m unity Ph oto
O N THE TIMELINE, North Texas pioneer Mabel Gilbert settled in what is now Burkbumett in 1856. T w o decades later in 1879, J.G. Hardin and Simon P. Hawkins established a small community to the west. The area soon became known as Nesterville to local
cow boys from Burk Burnett's 6666 Ranch. Much o f Burkbumett was included in Burnett’s Ranch. In fact, the ranch had becom e so vast that even President Theodore Roosevelt visited to attend Burk Burnett’s 1905 wolf hunt. Tim eline by M ich elle A lfert
B u r k k u r n e t t , T e x a s
Panoram ic C h an g e
broadVIEW C A M P U S LIFE A N D A C A D E M IC S I hough having to deal I with the struggles of | school, students kept a broad view and found time to enjoy hanging around each other. While working on homecoming and helping out with the Friendship Festival, we were able to make things fun and enjoyable. For the annual homecom ing float event, the student council selected video games as the theme. Seniors finally pushed past previous difficulties and were victorious with their Super Mario skit. “It was finally great to win after being disqualified and
^ senlor^ohri Morffs^ lt s 8§year and wejfinaliy m m m
school years, they also know to keep a broad view on their academics. “Focusing on academics as a whole can help prioritize my goals in life and will help me succeed,” junior Layne McBeath said. School counselors have noticed that today’s students are taking more A P classes to challenge themselves and enhance their transcripts. Core classes enrich the academic curriculum by including TAKS preparatory practice. According to TAKS coordinator Mrs. Diana Bohuslav. district TAKS scores have been improving over the past few years. Only 28% of 1,200 stale iqltqol ed^ecognitlo
th e a r im M iy
y v o lu D f P re d 'in ijSqthil a r tid j^ t| th fS r *
ol leyball tqurrafoent. Team “Volleydolls” took' home the wjjjlnq the^ tickets after beating the
ire keeping
G u ysf W
With d|erything going o tudents still k|pt a broad v and made thejear; fun. Though|§wc|ilnts wai have fun dujjng their high
^6mpjishjMelr academic and shape# 0 ^ut^ P ja
am ou nt o f m on ey that ca n be
for students to get
gained through
ready for the
scholarships is
T A K S test later in
the year." randiALLEY
monro eBRADLEY Photo by Autumn Fleck
Photo by Paulina Arzale
“Working together with my classmates to make this whole thing happen makes me feel like I am really doing m y part to help out in our com munity.” allisonGRAY
I IN THE P A N O R A M A pees in the mud, the Flamingos’ waits to return the muddy plleyball during the tournament at |e Friendship Festival. Collecting Jsects, Mr. Curtis McNeil’s biology Jass takes an outside science jsson at the local Friendship Park.
"The sheer
"The B en ch m ark test is a great w a y
S ch olarsh ip :
Photo by Michelle Alfert
T o support the student council blood drive, senior Lane Anderson volunteers to donate blood. Referring to a colorful map, Coach Michael Baughman teaches sophomore Jessica Malousek about the Northeastern United States. S ta ff P h otos
O N THE TIMELINE In 1905, Burnett sold 16,997 acres o f his land to J.A. Kemp and Frank Kell from Wichita Falls who planned to extend a railway to agricultural areas in Kansas and Oklahoma. On June 6, 1907, the neariby land was auctioned as a townsite and a post
office was soon established. With persuasion from President Roosevelt the town was named after his old friend, Burk Burnett. By 1908, the small community opened their first one-room school which was rebuilt in 1911 as a 3-story brick school. Tim eline by M ich elle A lfert
190 8 i o £ q D £ J B o X u to
Campus Life and Academ ics
Finding their Place
>llowing the example of other jh schools, administrators decided to jate a freshman wing. For the first time, freshmen had most of their classes in one wing, named the 9th Grade Center. The freshman wing lets the freshmen get comfortable with their new school by giving them a space all their own, according to Principal Del Hardaway. "When new fish are brought to a tank, they first are allowed to adapt to their new surroundings by keeping them in a plastic bag attached to the side of the tank," Mrs. Shannon Johnstson, freshman English teacher, said. "They are in the water with the rest of the fish, but separated from them until they adapt to their new environment." To transform the hallway from the former Page English Wing to an all freshman wing, teachers around the school switched classrooms.
9th G rad e C en ter
Teachers of mostly freshman used the classrooms of past English teachers who are now scattered around the school. As part of the new freshman idea, the freshman teachers were divided into two teams. On each team was placed one English teacher, one science teacher, one math teacher, and one history teacher. Teachers on the same team had all of the same students in their classes. "The new team concept Is great," English teacher Mrs. Kay Dalke said. "It allows for cross curricular planning and lets us use TAKS scores to make class lessons apply." Freshmen feel that the 9th Grade Center made their transition from junior high to high school a lot easier. "I didn't think the transition was going to be hard anyway, but now it's like we're not really going to make one until next year," Jazz Romine said. PaulinaARZATE
Q: A:
How are teachers preparing you for theTAKS tests? 'Mrs. Carpenter gives us study guides for tests that also have highlighted parts of possible history questions.* IpabethBODENHORN your most difficult class and what makes it so difficult? dgebra because i’m not ■• instein." landonWATSON >o you like being in the same hailway with the same people you knew in junior high? *Ya. Half the people are people I’ve known since third grade. It’s comforting in a way." annalisaGUDEWELL Are the classes more difficult now that you are in high school? *Yes! The teachers don’t bend any rules, so I really have to pay attention.* baileyMCGOWAN
ida Hlett talks to Angel ay,
HELPING PCTT GDPsigns throughout the 9th Grade Center, Leah Forrestal and Jazz Romine work as a team.
DECORATING THE HALL, Regan Brookman, science teacher Mrs. Denise Miracle, and Ryan Kendall help boost freshman school spirit.
nmcrtsir* not#/**:
tvpy wtotnms$u, munmHi
M AKING U P TEAM one, freshman teachers Mrs. Linda Ellett, math; Mrs. Denise Miracle, science; Mrs. Kay Dalke, English; and Coach Stacy Atkins, history; discuss plans on how to help their students. S ta ff Photo
TO REACH OTHER classes, Jonathon Kent and Richard Smoak leave the new freshman wing with their books and backpacks. Multiple students, such as Babes and athletes, had several o f their classes outside o f their designated wing. "I don't feel separated from other students because I have honor classes and Babes, so I'm only in the freshman wing for two classes,'1Rebekah Miner said. TEACHERS OF TEAM two, Coach J'Bill Merrick, math; Coach James Moseley, history; Mrs. Am y Fischer, science; and Mrs. Shannon Johnston, English; identify which students need extra help and determine leadership within the team. S ta ff Photo
Academ ics
I 7
Stuck in the Mud
S t u d e n t s C e l e b r a t e t h e A n n u a l F r ie n d s h ip F e s t iv a l
Idy high-fives and team |he?rs were in abundance and
tudentlhuddled together to clean off by the w ater hose after playing
Unexperienced and experienced
freshmen joined in on the excuse to play in the mud. “This was my third year to play,”
a match of mud volleyball at the
Kelly W ood said, “ It was fun, but
sixth annual Friendship Festival in
September. Mud volleyball is an infamous
O u t o f the 37 teams th at participated, the final round came
way for students to get together
down to tw o teams, The Volleydolls
and have fun off campus.
and the Sports Guys, w ith the
“I loved mud volleyball this year," junior Kaila Nix said. "Our team had a lot o f fun!” This was the last chance for seniors to participate as a student. “As a senior you have the
Volleydolls finally emerging victorious. “W e really became closer this year and worked as a team,” senior Cortney Cannon said. The Dog Squad sponsored the event, raising a total of $925.
O th e r
advantage,” Justin Houston said.
organizations were able to raise
“You have been playing longer, and
money by setting up booths. The
know the people you are playing
Bulldog Brigade sold tattoos and spray-
on hair color while ROTCsold cotton
For others, it was their first time to participate as a student.
candy and Stuco sold cookies. a m y H A S T IN G S
PERFORMING FOR THE crowd, juniors Steve Schutte and C ody Burks play in the band for a young country karaoke singer. Steve played bass and C ody played guitar. P h oto by Katy B odenhorn
JROTC workers are Will Nonis (10), Christine Powell (11)
M ud V o lle yb a ll
P l a y e r s ...
Q: What was the weirdest thing you saw at Friendship Festival? A: Some of the really girlygirls getting down into the mud. - Carrie Harvey (11)
WITH A LOOK o f concentration, Jacob Garza (9) hits the ball back. His team was one o f the first high school teams to play in the morning. Som e freshmen had played in junior high, but for others, this was their first time. Ph oto by Katy B odenhorn
LEAPING INTO THE air, Trey Barker (12) reaches for the ball as his teammates look on. "I wasn't supposed to play because I had ingrown toenail surgery," Trey said. "But Sammy Wise needed a backup. This was my first and last experience at Mud Volleyball and I won't forget it." S ta ff Ph oto
Q: How many times did you fall? A: A bunch; too many to count. -Jessica Joss (10)
The Volley dolls
Dog Squad workers are Paulina Arzate (11), Caitlin Arzate (11), Damien Paulk (10)
The Dirty Diamonds
Jeremy Miner (10)
Campus Life
KILLING THE G O O M B A and koopa troopas, Orlando Flores progresses through his level as Mario, as he defeats the enemy from Clyde High School. The majority parts assigned were props used to illustrate the game levels. S ta ff P h oto
M am a Mia! Mario Brothers win first p lace "W e finally won!" The senior class
D R E SSE D TO IMPRESS, Trey Barker struts his stuff, carrying home baked goodies and chocolate milk to the judges. The presents brought to the judges as a bribe to win votes has becom e a traditional way to begin most class skits. S ta ff Ph oto
■ ■
"I didn't like the theme at all at first," Kayla "killa" Reid said," but after the first couple of meetings, I was in love with it." During the first round, Mario stomped on the Goomba and Koopa troopas, used to represent the Clyde High School Bulldogs. O th e r props including clouds, mushrooms, and bushes were used to demonstrate the different levels of the video game. "Having so many props helped us get organized faster," Allison Gray said. "I'm glad we got it together this year and finally won first place." There was also a bonus round and a final round, ending with a victory for Mario, the rescued Princess Peach, and a dance for those who participated. a m y H A S T IN G S
Senior Float 4
the senior class of 2007 pulled it
Mario Brothers.'
S e n io r s k it
yelled in the gym. For the first time, together in order to beat all the other classes w ith the nintendo classic, 'Super
IN THE SENIOR SKIT, as* Jadyn Whitmore acts as an interactive sign and pauses Blake Deeb. (left) After six years of hosting class floats, Mr. Deeb and Bake Deeb show this is the first year to win first place, (right) Lane AndersOn and Nick Nixon kneel to watch the skit, (bottom) Senior class rejoices when the results are announced, and win first place for the first time. Staff Photos
Ma r i o b e a t s [B ow ser and ji':.
REPRESENTING THE MARIO, Blake Deeb, Justin Houston, and Orlando Flores play the game with coordinating red shirts, overalls and mustaches. Each Mario played a different level and demonstrated shrinking and growing when catching a mushroom. S ta ff Photo
SENIOR C L A S S PRESENTS Super Mario Brothers' float, (left) '07* class castle hid Princess Peach during skit, (right) Staring with face painted, John Morris portrays Bowser, (below) Bridges Crumpler, as Princess Peach, embraces Blake Deeb. S ta ff P h otos
REVEALING THE THIRD Mario, to play the next level, Deanna Aubin and Josh Hayter let the canister down to release Justin Houston while Andrea Minjarez watches. S ta ff photo PLAYING ROCK, PAPER, scissors, Blake Deeb and John Morris fight to win the final round o f the Super Mario brothers' skit. Mario won the round and rescued the captured Princess Peach, who was hidden in the 0 7 float. S ta ff ph oto
Campus Life
WITH PEEL-ABLE CO STUM ES, Courtney Durst, Missy Albin, Sara Schutte, and Jamie Runyon perform as dancing bananas. The costumes were held together by velcro at the top. They walked out to the well-known song, “Bananas” by Gwen Stefani. S ta ff Ph oto
CELEBRATING HIS VICTORY in the race against the Clyde Bulldog, Tyler Hunt dances along side with Nate Wheeler. S ta ff Ph oto TO INTRODUCE THE 'Donkey K ong’ video game, Kaila Nix impersonates the old ape. This act was repeated before every Donkey Kong' game began. S ta ff Ph oto
'Donkey Kong' gives juniors second place
J u n io r flo at
W ith barrels, trees, sea creatures,
and dancing bananas, Tyler Hunt took the lead in the junior skit as 'Donkey Kong.' The costume was rented from a local costume shop. This was the only costume in the skit that was not homemade. "The costume was extremely hot; I didn’t like wearing it, but I also didn’t w ant to give it back!" Tyler Hunt said laughing in his own dilemma. The Albins hosted the location for the float building. The barn provided open space to make all the costumes and a two-sided float. The float design was drawn by Taylor Felty. Along with this, Taylor also drew the 'Donkey Kong' sign with the help of several students painting it. The students snagged second place. This was an improvement from last year when they won fourth. "I didn't agree with the judging; I thought the junior class worked hard and that we had first place in the bag," Elaina Cadle said. am berBICE
Junior Float
JUNIORS PRESENT THE 'Donkey Kong' float which includes a tree house and The Cave, (left) Am ber Bice and Shelby Carpenter participated as swordfish, (right) Carrie Harvey brings banana baskets to the judges, (bottom) Dancing trees introduced the jungle. S ta ff Ph otos
Sophomore class leaps into third with 'Frogger'
W h y d id FR O G G E R C R O S S THE ROAD?
W ith 'Frogger1as their theme, the sophomore class walked away with third place earnings. The float was eye catching with the colorful decorations. C L A S S OF ‘09 PRESENTS colorful decorations. (left) Cory Monroe flips for Frogger. (right) Monica Lynott, Courtney Carpenter, and H ope Koulovatos bribe judges with footballs as souvenirs, (bottom ) Cars were driven by Dalaney Henson, Elissa Anderson, Shelby Bradshaw,, and Josh Singer S ta ff P h otos
The float was built at John’s Paint and Body. “I had so much fun doing this skit,"Taryn Moore said. "It was nice to be able to gather with some friends and help people enjoy themselves.” Consisting of a large traffic scene with human cars, the frogs attempted to jump the busy road to escape Burkburnett cars. They represented the Dogs winning by Burk running over the Clyde frogs. “W e thought it would be interesting to do something that no one has really ever heard of,” Josh Singer said . Each team had their own frog to compete. In the end, Burkburnett’s frogger pulled it off, and beat Clyde. PaigeJOHNSON
ACTING A S FROGS, sophomores Brooke Mercado and Kalea Correll fall in defeat by the Burkbumett Bulldogs. As a result, the Dogs beat Clyde 30 to 6. S ta ff Photo A S CLYDE B U LLD O G S get jiggy with it, sophomores Derek Devereaux, Keenan Stubblefield, W ayne Henderson, Jeremy Miner, Sam Carrion, and Seth Barrells strike a pose. Sophomore Kyle Street played the frog. S ta ff Ph oto
S o ph o m o re Float
'Banjo Kazooie' finishes in fourth for freshmen W ith Banjo Kazooie' as the theme for the freshmen, students gathered to create a float. The float was built at Kayla Smith's house. Students worked for hours to put together the 4-sided creation. "The most fun part of working on the float was being able to be out late and not do my homework," Ben Cahayla said. While work on th e float continued, students had to put together a skit that could relate to the video game. Jenna Frazier, with help from her mom, was able to help do this. "It was fun being in charge, but also it was extremely stressful," Jenna Frazier said. "The best part was the actual performance and seeing the outcome."
THE FLO AT W A 8 pulled out by Steve Hill and Dane Bergln. (left) Students watched a dance off take place, (right) The flip side of the float was a witch's face, (bottom le'ft) Bulldogs celebrate their victory, (bottom right) The bear character was painted on one side of the float.
am berBICE
AFTER VICTORY W A S won against the Clyde Bulldogs, students Bailey McGowan and Rilee Battista lined up to do a choreographed dance. Every class made up their own dance after the victory took place. S ta ff Ph oto iiH in THE STUDENTS LINE up to watch the fight against Clyde and Burkburnett. The witch, played by Alex Sattler, was quickly defeated against the bear, Banjo, played by Lorenzo Bames. S ta ff Photo
r* Freshman Float
SH O W IN G THEIR B U LLD O G pride, Dog Squad members, Paulina Arzate, Lena Vieth and Brandon Quigley anticipate the third quarter. Ph oto by G ord on Ph otogra phy
IN THEIR SPINNING wheel, Boomtown Babes Kayla Smith and Britney Lillis prepare to present freshman prince and princess, Mark Broomfield and Corsi Crumpler. Ph oto by G ord on Ph otogra phy
T h ir d S t r a i g h t H o m e c o m in g W in E x c i t e s C r o w d , P layers For the third year in a row, the Bulldogs came out victorious at homecoming w ith a 30-6 win over the Clyde Bulldogs. The football game was not the only festivity of the night. The band gave a salute to the military during the halftime show along with the Babes pinwheel routine to present the Homecoming King and Queen finalists. These tw o organizations, along with the cheerleaders and Dog Squad, also helped the crowd stay hyped up during the game. orlandoFLO R E S
Ba n d , Ba ^e s , C heerleaders, Fans S upport ‘T h o s e D o g s ’
DURING HALFTIME PERFORMANCE, the Bulldog fans in the stands support the team, (left) Senior Drum Major Julia Alaniz conducts the band performance, (right) Sophomore Tyler Gilmore portrays an airman in the band's salute to our country, (bottom ) The team joins together for the school song. P h otos by Frank A n d rajack
IN A N ATTEMPT to get the crowd pumped for the game, junior Christina Boatman performs a cheer during the opening ceremonies for Homecoming. Ph oto by Frank A ndrajack mmmm*
Campus Life
H o m e c o m in g 2 0 0 6
Crowning at Halftime lasses
In front of the crowd the kinstand queen candidates waited nervously for the results. Through a tedious nomination process four males and four females are presented on the field but only tw o are crowned King and Queen. The crowd was silent until they heard the speaker proclaim Nate Brown and Jaclyn W hitm ore King and Queen. Looking surprised they made their way to the middle of the field. "The most exciting part was th at I got to keep the
in a l is t s
medal they gave me," King Nate Brown said. Escorted by Bulldog mascot Lena Vieth and former queen Lindsey Means presented them with the crown and medal. "Being nominated is a blessing because it's not something that everyone can experience and is just a great feeling," Queen Jaclyn W hitm ore said. Ms. Beverly Lee, activities director greeted Queen Jacyln W h itm o re and gave congratulations. Ms. Lee organized all homecoming events. ta y lo rS IM P S O N
H OM ECOM ING K ING A N D Q U E E N are Nate Brown and Jaclyn Whitmore. Brown plays Football and runs track. Whitmore stays active with Baomtown babes.
Nate likes to relax and have fun with his nieces in his spare time. Jaclyn in her spare time likes to Jump on her bed and play air guitar. Ph oto by G ordon Ph otogra phy
Q : What was the most exciting part about getting nominated for Queen? A: The most exciting part was getting all dressed up and standing on the field in front of everyone. -Jeanine Young
Q: What was the funniest part about walking across the field? A: "Probably listening to Jaclyn try not. to laugh the whole time."
-Brett Stine I /
H o m e co m in g
KING A N D Q U E E N finalists are Brett Stine and Jeanine Young.
KING A N D Q U E E N finalists are Heather Rarick and Trey Horn.
KING A N D Q U E E N finalists are Kellee Brown and Sammy Wise.
w eet
o tes
cream s
Homecomig Night the royal ladies wait to be presented, (right) Junior T yler Cummings entertains with his saxaphone solo. (left) Jaclyn shows her excitement. Photo by Frank A ndrajack. (b o tto m ) Ms. Beverly Lee congratulates Jaclyn
Photos by Gordon's.
WAITING ON THE announcements for the winners o f King and Queen, Lindsey Means last years queen, stands next to the Bulldog, Lena Vieth, with the crown and medal ready to present to the winners. Lindsey is attending Vemon college where she is playing volleyball. Ph otos by G ordon's Wm&tm
Q: How did it feel to get to walk across the field on homecoming night? A:
"Actually...It was hard because the wind gave me some technical difficulties!" - Sara Schutte
How Does it feel to think you could be nominated for King next year?
| te Junior Class prince and |incess are Kyle Dye and Sara I !:hutte.
The Sophomore Class prince and princess are Keenan Stubblefield and M'Kensi Orf.
The Freshman Class prince and princess are Mark Broomfield and Corsi Crumpler. Photos by G o rd o n ’s.
"Sounds cool! I probably won't go out of my way to get it though. It s up to the people!" -Kyle Dye
Campus Life
Brain Strain
N e w T e c h n o l o g y H e l p s D e a l W ith a n c i e n t S u b j e c t s
It's the year of change but good old matliand science remain the same. The theOTies and formulas that have stood the test of time continue to appear in the classrooms. However, we may be learning the same things but perhaps not in the same way as the ones who came before us. When walking down the math hall the clicking of keys on a calculator is usually a resonating sound, but graphing calculators haven't always been around. Pre- AP Pre Calculus teacher Mr. Jack Madding taught mathematics for 35 years before moving to the service center where he worked with teachers instead of students for eight years.
Coming back to teaching was a change for him in that calculators make math less time consuming. "I definitely ask more questions so I can make certain students are learning the material," he said. "Calculators are wonderful tools, because they leave more time to work over the material in class instead of showing it and having students do it on their own." In science the use of calculators and technology isn't unheard of either. For example, previously a triple beam balance was usually the source for weighing objects. Now the electronic balance is the more commonly used tool. It gives quick and accurate readings without the guess
and check of the triple beam balance. "I think technology is great because math and science are hard enough with i Stephanie Broomfield said. "I cant imagir having to do them with nothing but my brain." It is probably safe to say that mathematics and science classes will still I around for a long time to come. There are new scientific findings and mathmatic advances that are still being introduced into the classroom. Yet with each new year comes new changes in technology, teaching strategies, and other things to help make the brain strain more bearabl christinePOWELL
e l v
"I would make it more like the / fe f. European system where they learn a little 0 everything each yearlhstead pf splitting up the j | 1~* i' J m ''' ‘/y I subjects by grade level. It would be easier to retain information that w ay"! danielleGoodrich
.. .
"I would change f to where both subjects would be one n ig class because we use mathematics in science and science in mathematics" } dannyCastillo
M S Iw m m m ■ L
M ath/ Science
WHILE EXPLAINING A mathematical method to his Algebra II class, Mr. Joe Nemecek demonstrates the lesson on the chalkboard. S ta ff Ph oto
mmMmmA' -I;''.-''
tf *£'' -%'i ?'■ f:i<:v::
WHILE SEARCHING FOR bugs for their biology insect project at Friendship Park, sophomores Kayce Ansohn, Jay Gould, Leonard Shores, and Zach Krebs enlist Mr. Curtis McNeil s aid after Kayce received a bee sting. S ta ff Photo DURING PRE-AP CHEMISTRY, Shelby Bradshaw concentrates on burning a piece o f magnesium to find out the effect burning has on its end mass. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
WORKING ON AN activity for Mrs. Conni Marshall's physics class, juniors Brandon Long, Lindsey Lawson, and Neil Kendall record their newest observations on their worksheets. Photo by Jan elle Goettman TO BETTER UND ER STAND second degree equations, Mrs. Allyson Baughman has her 7th Period Pre AP Pre-Calculus class model the graph o f positive and negative equations using their arms. S ta ff Photo
Academ ics
"The classes give me credit so I won't have to take them in college and prepare me for harder courses." mattMOCIDY
AP CHEMISTRY STCIDENTS and seniors Tina Cerruti and Adam Roberts have fun as they work through a laboratory experiment. Chemistry students follow lab safety rules which include wearing safety goggles. In this lab, students tested for hydrogen by using a lit wooden splint. "Depending on the chapter, we do labs sometimes once a week," Adam said. "At the beginning o f the year, we did labs almost every day.â&#x20AC;?
PAYING CLOSE ATTENTION, junior Taylor Felty takes notes as Mrs. Allyson Baughman teaches about the unit circle in Pre-AP Pre-Calculus.
PREPARING FOR A quiz in AP US History, juniors Caitlin Arzate and Nycole Young study "Everyday Life Before the Civil War," one of the articles in the first volume o f their readers.
AP US History covers American History fron the colonies to the present, whereas regular history class begins at the Reconstruction afl the Civil War.
m am
["Even if you don't pass the exam, ^ you 've seen the materiel and you have some forewarning.1' jRHBHHHHBn caitlinPHELAN
n ^B
H^ B
a a B sm a m ssm
How will AP classes help you in
â&#x2013; H i
"AP classes provide more o f a challenge for sti/dLents. % ' bob b y W ILS O N
T h ey prepare you for the type o f work and amount o f work you will receive, as well as strategies for doing your work." kelsey M ICHAEL
Students â&#x20AC;&#x2122;r e - A P ,
PREPARE s t u d e n t s f o r c o l l e g e
tressed jtudents find ways to challenge ilves beyond the regular demand
sophomores consist of a more intense
of desses. The PSAT and SAT prepare
curriculum than regular classes. The
students for college while Pre-AP and
students are required to w ork and
AP classes require more effort and
learn at a more rapid pace as well as
cover the expected material.
In October, students, mostly
Numerous Advanced Placement
juniors, took the PSAT at the
classes, actual college level courses, offer
Burkburnett Community Center. The
the type of workload that can be
PSAT is a preparatory test for the SAT
expected of a college student.
taken in the spring semester. Scores on
"I realize this is high school,"
the SAT determine whether or not
Bethany Lynch said, "and the workload
students are accepted into college and
is just right for a high school student."
help determine which college they'll be
A t the end of the year, an AP test
accepted into. Both tests are divided
is taken for each of the AP courses.
into sections and are timed.
The tests are graded on a 0-5 scale,
"The PSAT showed me w hat to T E R READING THE Scarlet Letter by ithaniel Hawthorne, students in AP English turned in an assortment o f projects. I photos by Paulina Arzate.
Pre AP classes for freshmen and
prepare for on the SAT," Ashley McCleskey said, "but the test wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be."
with a 3 or above considered passing. Students receive one hundred dollars for each test they pass. paulinaA R ZA TE
A c a d e m ic s !
Proud to be Drug Free
S t u d e n t s D r e s s f o r D r u g W e e k b y D a il y T h e m e s
Awareness W eek , an annual Council tradition, gave ;the opportunity to fill the
“ My favorite day was Nerd O u t Drugs Day; I w en t all out and bought a new wardrobe for the day,” senior
halls w ith creative and unique
Student Council member Lane
methods of resisting drugs each day. Monday’s theme was “Team up
Anderson said. “I got the idea for Nerd
Against Drugs.” Students sported
Ms. Lee when the tim e rolled around.”
their favorite team attire. O n Tuesday, students not only
O u t at an agriculture event and told Several teachers and coaches also participated in Drug Awareness W eek
dressed alike, but dressed crazy to add
to set the example.
to the excitement of “ Buddying up
“It was an opportunity to do something a little different for a great
Against Drugs.” Wednesday had students
cause,” Mrs. Mandy Reed said. “If
“Gashing Against Drugs” as they wore
students see th at teachers can be
their clashing outfits.
lighthearted, it makes students use us
Thursday’s theme was “Hooked on Books, N ot Drugs.” Students
as allies instead of adversaries.” Participating in the Drug
dressed like nerds to show their
Awareness W eek had students all over
resistance against drugs. Friday had students “ Backing
school showing th at they were proud
A w ay from Drugs” as they wore
to be Drug Free. ja n e lle G O E T T M A N
outfits from their favorite decades.
IN THE SPIRIT o f Drug Awareness, Mrs. Linda Ellett, Mr. Larry Carter, Mr. Ron Lawson, Mrs. Ally son Baughman, and Mr. Joe Nemecek dress in clashing attire.
Drug A w areness W e e k
FLASHING B A C K IN time sophomores Lacy Smith, Jeffery Williams, and Zachary Dickson dress in their favorite decade.
WITH LA YE R O N layer, junior Am y Blackwell, senior Marti Roland, and sophomore Tiffany Collie wear mismatched clothes for Drug Awareness W eek. P h oto bi M andy Reed
DRESSING ALIKE FOR Buddy Day, Brandy Goreczny, Lena Vieth, and Stephanie Broomfield wear matching shirts.
LASHING TOGETHER ON rddy Day, seniors Lisa Hardin id Jaclyn Whitmore pose.
MONITORING THE H A L L W A Y S , senior PALs Drew Aaron, Lane Anderson, Janelle Goettman, Kelly Finn, and Jaclyn Whitmore show o ff their nerdy attire. “I thoroughly enjoyed Drug Free W eek,” senior Kelly Finn said. “It gave me an opportunity to dress crazy and for a good cause; I probably took more time getting ready for Nerd Day than I take getting ready for a normal day o f school.” P h oto by Jeannine M ille r
DECORATING THE D O O R for Drug Week, seniors Ashley McCallister and Brian Stafford deck the door in drug awareness tips. The door was decorated by Mrs. Linda Kalski’s Criminal Law class. "The part that was so fun was being able to make the bars on the door and looking through the window," senior Ashley McCallister said. Ph oto by M ichaela B erg in
LOOKING FOR TROUBLE, “Hall Monitor” Mrs. Mandy Reed keeps a close watch on the hallways.
WHILE IN G R O U P discussion, sophomore Joel Smith and juniors Liz Rogers, Jessie Saville, and Drew Cain sport their favorite team attire in support o f Drug Awareness Week. "I wore a shirt from my competitive cheerleading squad in Hawaii," junior Jessie Saville said. "I like to wear it because I'm proud o f what I accomplished while on that squad." Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
WITH G L A S S E S A N D a pocket full o f pens, freshman Mark Broomfield shows o ff his nerdy attire.
IN A BLAST from the past, Mrs. Allyson Baughman, Mrs. Debbie Smith, Mrs. Mandy
Reed, and Mr. Carl Hogue show off their favorite decades.
Campus Life
STUD ENTS STAYING ON campus help teachers get everything done for other organizations. Freshman Jenna Frasier, sophomore Kimbra Skinner, Mrs. Shirley Gritton, junior Alyssa Turner, and junior Nanna Leaper listen as Ms. Kerri Cely instruct them on which papers are needed for the packets that they made. The packets went to other organizations. S ta ff Ph oto
AFTER THE W O R K ended, the playing began. Senior Brett Stine, junior Leland Wetzel, and sophomore Josh Singer perfom as the students eat lunch. After a hard day’ work o f completing various tasks to better tn area, the student volunteers enjoyed the entertainment and free lunch they received. S ta ff Ph oto
AFTE R A H A R D day's work, Mrs. Aida Peterman serves pizza to sophomores Shelby Bradshaw, Kaleigh Morris, and Kim Goff. Students worked for several hours in the morning and were rewarded with pizza and sodas. “It was nice getting free pizza after a day o f working hard,” Kaleigh Morris said. S ta ff Ph oto
CLEARING THE BRUSH, Chris Killian and Garret Mahaffey work outside a church.
M E LISSA G O N Z A L E S A N D Sabrina Beneles prepare beef jerky samples at front o f Wal-Mart.
Teens M ake a D iffe re n ce Day
JUNIOR VOLUNTEERS, TR E SSA Stoiloff and Savannah Roberson help clean at the Trails and Tails Depot.
RILEE BATISTA A N D Andera Polk help at Trails and Tails Depot.
Hard Day of Work
S t u d e n t s S h o w t h a t T h e y C a r e f o r t h e ir C o m m u n i t y
ng into school around eight a Saturday... w ait what? you say Saturday? Yes, on the fourth annual Teen Make a Difference Day, students assembled in the cafe to receive their assignments. Students signed up to w ork either with an organization they were involved in or to w ork individually. “I think Teen Make a Difference Day is a great way to help the community,” junior Caitlin Arzate said. “ It shows th at teens care.” TAKING A B R EAK from cutting down trees, teacher Phillip Dowling fixes a chainsaw as junior Trey Fournier and senior Phillip Shaver watch. S ta ff Ph oto
A fter the days events of cleaning, gardening, and painting, the students returned to the cafe for pizza and a performance by a local band, A
CARRYING C R O S S E S OCITSIDE Providence Baptist Church, Rebecca Miner and Jasmine Jones help Officer Joe Clemments place a cross in the cemetery. S ta ff Ph oto
September Renaissance Teen Make a Difference Day was organized by Mrs. Melinda Kleckner and Ms. Beverly Lee. a m y H A S T IN G S
" IH M il
IALEIGH MORRIS A N D Amanda .ecours cut out angels for the Christmas hee for Head Start.
HELPING ACTIVITY DIRECTOR Ms. Beverly Lee, Demetria Perry, Heather Rarick, and Courtney Carpenter organize.
AFTER WORKING FOR Teens Make a Difference Day, activities organizers Amanda Almendarez, Tina Cerruti, and Allison Gray relax with pizza and sodas. S ta ff Photos
Campus Life
BEFORE PLAYING THE Leopards, the cheerleaders lead the student body in the Alma Mater as the band plays along. Photo by Jennifer Caskey TO RAISE SPIRIT, the cheerleaders spell out B-Cl-L-L-D-O-G-S with orange and black at the Gainesville pep rally. The cheerleaders help organize all o f the pep rallies and attend all football games to encourage other students show their bulldog pride. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey vOMt qvek; line. ouftJI a M B g * 8<“!|
S w
FOLLOWING OLD TRADITION, the entire student body sways as the Bulldog Brigade plays the Alma Mater at the end o f the Old High pep rally. The marching band entertained the school with their 1945 themed music to show their support for the football team and other Bulldog organizations. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
WHILE DRUMS PLAY, j ^ i o r Brenner READ y TO juniors Cody Persinger and benrntt » a a s a s w t w o t « . layior ^emce Maxwell support their team as the Bulldogs Cathy dance with the band. Photo by . ^ Eagles. Staff Photo Jordan Miller
Bulldog Pride
OVER THE RAIL, students cheer on the football team at the Hawaiian themed Gainesville game. Photo by Keily Finn
HIDING BEHIND THEIR white trash' students boo the Hawks at the Iowa Pari football game. Photo by Kelly Finn
Bulldog Pride
S t u d e n t s S h o w - O f f T h e ir S c h o o l S p ir it
^ tfio o l spirit is the driving sense of p rite fin at unites any high school. W h eth er for the name of sports, activities, or academics, students support their teammates both in and out of the classroom. "Having school pride not only gives me team spirit," freshman Milauni Dye said, "but it also motivates me to learn." W ith the recent division change from 4A to 3 A district, students have found a new sense of Bulldog pride. The varsity football team had a standing of 7-3 by the end of the season B U L L D O G S H AV E TALENT, but the Eagles do not as senior Rachel Kenney and junior Jamie Runyon raise school spirit with fun humor at the Decatur pep rally. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
TO HELP LE A S H the leopards, sophomores M'Kensi Orf and Brook Mercado show o ff their spots while at the varsity football game against Gainesville. P h oto by Kelly Finn
Mjtvc Mmoc
s q -j
prne. Photo by Kdly Finn
, I
leaving them 2-2 in district. The Cross Country team also brought in their own medal taking 1st Place at their district meet. The achievements o f other sports and activities help motivate and unify students w ho are eager for the excitement of a winning season. michelleALFERT
WITH PAINTED FACES, juniors Brittney Casteen, senior Mitchell Srhith wear proud colors at the Iowa Park game. Photo by Kdly Finn
IN ORANGE AND BLACK, students scream for the Bulldogs at the Hrschi varsity football game ready to "beat down" the Huskies. Photo by Kdly Finn
Campus Life
PART OF THE Office Link program, Bethany Lynch answers the phone and takes messages. Aides for Office Link communicate with various types o f people and learn proper public and consumer relations. THE STUDENTS OF Gateway do all o f their assignments on computers. Seniors Cara Pair, and Jennifer Samples complete their assignments while Mrs. Anita Lockwood, a math teacher and the teacher o f the Gateway Program, assists them. Students gain the required credits to graduate by finishing courses at their own pace.
DURING A FILM about basic computer skills, senior Timaree Hale, a student at Gateway, takes careful notes. Several students, along with Mr. Duward Blackwell, the Alternative Education Center Director, watched the film while the rest o f the Gateway students continued with their own work.
WHILE PERFORMING THEIR secretarial duties, senior Misty Edwards and junior Lyndsay Isaacs finish filling out forms and cross checking names. Misty and Lyndsay were aides for the vice principal's office. The girls' regular tasks included answering the phones and completing projects for Administrative Assistant Mrs. Ton a Alley. IN HEALTH SCIENCE Technology, senior Kara Falto reads the pulse o f senior nursing classmate Lorena Barnes, while also listening to her heartbeat. Students in the nursing program learned about the basics o f nursing, from making a bed, and taking a pulse, to cleaning teeth. "I decided to be a part o f the nursing program because 1want to becom e a nurse and this program prepares me for my future," junior Krystal Walker said. A ll p h otos by Paulina Arzate.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes in G atew ay we go outside to play gam es and one day, we played frisbee.* caraPAIR â&#x2013;
W ork Programs
Looking to the Future
Choosing the alternative, students zide to take courses th at will teach
program learn about the field of
Jljygpfre about future careers, the
nursing and how to care for patients.
Office Education Program, the Nursing
"Nursing is a Tech Prep class and
Program, and Gateway help get students ready to graduate and enter
helps prepare you for college,1' Frankie
the 'real world.'
CNA, nurses assistant license when you
Several students w ith the Office Education Program, sponsored by Mrs. Kleckner, w ork w ith businesses around
FOR THE school as an aide in ; Attendance Office, senior Allison Gray s information. Often, the aides in the tendance Office answered phones, took ;ssages, or filed data into the computers or lg cabinets.
30 students. Students within the
Foster said. "You can also get your complete the class." Helping students to graduate, Gateway allows students to w ork at
tow n, such as medical and insurance offices and First Bank. Others w ork
their own pace. All courses and
around the school for the nurses office, for the attendance office, or for Office
on computers. "Gateway offers a more closed
Link. These students, w o rk the
environment and allows me to think
required fifteen hours a week or more
w ithou t being distracted," said Dave
by filing, answering phones, or doing
Tracy. "I'd like to go back to regular
errands, while earning a paycheck. The Nursing Program, sponsored
high school, but here I get my w ork completed." PaulinaA R ZATE
by Mrs. Patsy Minderman, has almost
assignments are done and completed
i l i i
What's the most fun activity you've done within your i: program? M
"It's fun to do all of the projects when I'm not answering phones for Mrs. Kleckner in O ffice Link." melissaGONZALES
Learning how to make an occupied bed was the most fun I had learning about being a nurse." lorenaBARNES
Academ ics
â&#x2013; 1
Fine Arts
P a in t in g
o r l d w it h
L ove
defined the 70s or 80s.
\fa u d e n ts are given the
O n top of all th at, students in
opportunity to express their inner beauty through one of the fine art
guitar, band, or choir, learn to read
classes. They may choose between
and w rite music. Something th at
guitar, band, art, theatre, or choir.
helps spread vision around the
an inward vision and make it live. The
campus. Theatre is another way for
pieces o f art capture the ideals and
students to share their inner-self with
perspective shared by students. Enrollment suggests guitar class
other students on campus.
was one o f the most popular choices
senior, and the director told me to act
for a Fine A rt credit at school.
as ditsy as I was at the audition!"
In art class, students learn to take
"Once I had to play a high school
"I wish I could like everything I hear, but I tend to tear it apart. Does
(Above) W ORKING ON HIS "self portrait, freshman Luis Rodrigues-Huert paints him as a tiger. Students show their true self imagi through this particular project in Art I.
junior Michelle Evans said. By stomping up on stage and acting out a character, for example,
it have a good melody? Do lyrics express life and love w ith some
"The Little Shop of Horrors," students
wisdom?" guitar teacher Johnny Divine
reflect on their true personalities and
abilities. N ext time an art student's w ork
N ot only do students teach themselves to thrash-out the latest
catches the eye, remember th at it's all
hits, but they learn to play w ith soul and make music ranging from the 50s
about putting one's-self out in the public of BHS!
rock'n'roll, or the psychedelic songs of the 60s, to the guitar licks th at
H _ zr 'I X £3 cr rt>
jo rd an M IL L E R Burkbumett High School “ Out o f the Box Players” 11 Presents
Little Shop of Horrors Saturday, November 11,2006
&■*< 8 3 m n> § m
n r n l
Doors Open 7:00 p.m. - Curtain 7:30 p.m. Burkbumett High School Theatre Adults - $7 Students - $5
i "Th e aim o f a r t is t o r e p r e s e n t n o t o u t w a r d a p p e a r a n c e OF THINGS, B u t t h e ir i n w a r d s i g n i f i c a n c e ." - A r is t o t l i Fine Arts
Playing bass guitar really expands my horizon and makes me want to play more types of music... fm pierceH/fLVERSON
•I use coldi to express
low) PERFORMING FOR ATPE, Guitar n pents sophomore Jordan Miller, junior [y Wade, junior Brandon Alvarez, and ior Angela Dalke, along with teacher
myselffind bring more eJptions and feelings t l the viewer!'
* * Theatre iI expressive art becufse you act out the feelings of * J different characters.' '
Johnny Divine, jam smoothly through the show. They played songs such as the 50s’ “Sleepwalk” and the famous “Tequila.” A ll ph otos by Jord a n M iller
(Above) PLEADING FOR HIS life, Mr. Mushnik is slowly ingested by the “plant” in the musical “Little Shop o f Horrors.” Mushnik was portrayed by senior Joe Blackburn.
“T h e g u y su r e l o o k s
PLANT FOOD TO M E ..." Academ ics
Getting Experience
e e k g iv e s
students a
p e r s p e c t iv e
[o give a peek into a real life world, Mm
the school offers a week of "on-the-job" experience to juniors w ho wish to explore a particular career.
arrangements needed to give juniors their dream opportunity.
These sponsors ask businesses an
organizations involved in the progra w ho are willing to contribute their
confused about w hat path they wish to
services and time for a good cause. Juniors are given the chance to
career to pursue, but change their minds
w ork w ith engineering, teaching,
soon after graduation.
health care, and home improvement
"Medicine has always been interesting to me," junior Lauren
to name a few.
Seventy students participated ir
Devereaux said. "After working w ith an
Dream W eek w ith the help of nearl;
orthopedic surgeon, I've become even
4 1 employers such as SAFB, BISD,
more interested."
North Texas Rehab, and Pruitt Ford
For 10 years, the Dream W eek
Dream W eek allows juniors to
program has been sponsored by
explore w o rk in any field they choos
Mrs. Melinda Kleckner and Mrs. Conni
to gain experience and knowledge.
Marshall w ho are responsible for all
â&#x2013; wr
D ream W e e k
TEACHING THEIR NEW knowledge, juniors Taylor Felty and Sabrina Berreles show different X-rays. T h e two giris and other juniors worked at SAFB with the X-ra\ technicians and radiologists Photo by VLlinda Kleckner â&#x20AC;˘
O ften , high school students are take in life. Others may know w hat
W EAR ING THEIR SC R UB S, juniors Brittney Johnston and Shelby Caipenter assist physicians and nurses at SAFB Hospital. The hospital even provides different opportunities for students not interested in medicine, such as microbiology and pathology. P h oto by M elinda K leckner
M AKING A PRESENTATION, juniors Courtney Durst, Beth Williams, and Sara Schutte propose a solution to a Lateral Ankle Sprain after working at the Physical Therapy Department at SAFB. Ph oto by M elinda Kleckner
|H B EAUTIFUL STYLING, jun ior Tressa ilo ff trims a client's hair at Pro-Cuts Beauty |>n in Wichita Falls. Working in a salon 82 Tressa an insight into cosmetology as a
possible profession as well as a chance to gain outside experience and knowledge with others on complicated stylings and cuts. Ph oto by M elinda Kleckner
TO THANK SPONSORS, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Kleckner have students assemble gift baskets for the volunteers involved. Freshman Jazz Romine helps other students make these baskets on Teens Make a Difference Day after Dream W eek which were soon sent to show students' appreciation. Photo by M ich elle A lfert
TO U N D ER ST AND THE technology, junior Caitlin Arzate listens to Lt. Burk as he explains the indicators and measurements on the computer. Caitlin worked with other juniors at the meteorology department on SAFB to earn more experience with weather forecasting. Ph oto by M elinda Kleckner
RECEIVING A N HONOR, junior Bobby Wilson thanks Lt. Burk from SAFB after learning about meteorology. Ph oto by M elinda Kleckner
Academ icsÂŽ ! 33
endlessMOTION S p o r t s 8c A c t iv it ie s t's very easy for students to be caught up in an endless motion of activites. One of the major activites students take part in is athletics, which dropped to 3A. With this redistricting, came a higher expectation for all of the sports teams. "Moving down to 3A gives all of our teams a better chance for success," atheltic director Danny Nix said. "We are now playing schools of similar enrollments instead of schools that were sometimes twice as big as we are." With these higher expectation^ame^ demand for perfection. "Pract&e had i lofcmore pressure witnlis dropping to BA, but ev6ry©jie was more * , enthusiastic about being there," "Spoon, Norn sajd.pi The^tensity, was off the charts [ecause we,Jknew;what w ^ a ^ A werd capable of accomplishing if w6 put in ^ la^^ tra This work, and wifi Jo win didmot go unfevra^ded. The boys and girls cross country teams both advanced to regionals, with the boys running away with the 6-3A
district championship. The football team had a winning season and to top it all off, the boys basketball team started the season ranked second in the state in the coaches poll. Besides sports, students were involved in service club activities. Taking on a lot of activities at once is demanding and stressful, but it is also rewarding when everything is done," senior Tina Cerruti said. Other activities such as band and drill team involved students with special talents. r new d ir e c to r M r r W O ore, received a superior Killgore, ratingg and made it to a re te s *! ■e e they placed 13th. where "The The band is working hard ioing oing well, junior Taylor and doing have the Feltyf said. “I think we ha.ye'the itial to dq. eveartfltor Jo., ntial potential the future about things i'at schop$ school, students st^deri^hav| have themselves themselves Iha^iiclrtie^ found m otion of spdrts and activities more than ever, jw j orlandoF
Wt(f ti to W
V S P Sports a n d A ctivitie s Divider «
"The best part about
"My last year
being in the play,
o f sports has
L ittle S h o p o f H orrors , w as gettin g to m eet people that 1 didn't k n ow already." meridethSELVIDGE Photo by Jordan M iller
"I ch o s e R O T C b ecau se I w an ted to strengthen m y leadership. M y m o m w as in it and I had heard so m u ch about it. I alw ays w an ted to join." ashleyMcCALLISTER Courtesy Photo
mmm B i THE PA N O R A M A : ady to play, the freshman team n: for the ball to be snapped. The Ihmen had an undefeated tball season. With six minutes in the quarter, the varsity eketball team plays against Lmour. Standing at attention, the
AFJRO TC members perform the ceremonial presenting o f the colors while cheerleaders and Babes respect the flags. Directing the band, Mr. Ellis Killgore is assisted by drum majors Stephanie Seman and Julie Alaniz with the StarS p a n gled Banner. S ta ff Ph otos
ON THE TIMELINE: Oil was first discovered in Burkbumett on July 1,1912 at the Schmoker N o . l . The oil industry provided jobs for the community and encouraged new businesses such as the Electrified Water Company. In 1918, industrial
growth was again escalated by a first major oil boom on the S.L. Fowler Wildcat No. 1. The econom y brought prosperity to families such as the Cliffords who soon bought a Rolls Royce with their new found wealth. Tim eline by M ich elle A lfert
Sports and Activities
: BULpX-ir,
dissapointed on how we
a good time.
showed not to be a challenge
finished in district," Coach
for the Lady Dogs. Even
Linda Richards said." I felt like
the season was w hat w e did
though the record does not
we were inconsistant all
in the locker room before the
show more wins than losses,
games," senior Cortney
the team still performed to the best of their ability. Having over half of the varsity team graduate last
The overall record of the Lady Dogs was 7-14, and District record was 3-7. "Coming into the season I
"The most fun part of
Cannon said. Having the season over, the Lady Dogs are all ready to show w hat they have instore
year, the team welcomed
thought w e would have a
seven new players. The girls
great team and maybe a
worked together to
chance to go to playoffs but
of young ladies w ho worked
accomplish w h at they could.
as the season progressed we
hard and dedicated a lot of
couldn't come together,"
time to volleyball this season,"
senior Lindsey Miller said.
Coach Richards said.
The season started off rocky w ith tw o losses but soon the wins came around.
Though the season was
for next year. " W e had a great group
sarah W E A R Y
tough, the Lady Dogs still had
"I was a little
LEAPING INTO THE air, sophomore Taylor Lile (6) spike: the ball as teammate senior Rach Kenny (13) is ready for a quick return. “M y favorite part o f hittinj was being able to hit the ball dov the line and the opposing team r being ready to receive," sophomi Taylor Lile said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
o l
lowplPark 1-5
■ a? LU
3-3 V fP Jip 3-4 Grdham 1-3 Breckenridge 0-3 lowlflpark 0-3 Hi i f ! ® 3-3 Vernon
■ CO
V arsity V o lle yba ll
V A R S IT Y V O L L E Y B A L L T E A M m em bers are (front row ) Lindsey Miller, Lauren
Devereaux, Elizabeth Gerstner, Cortney Cannon (second row ) Rachel Kenney, T aylor Lile, Kiera
Fannon, Kalea Correll, Kaila Ni (b ack row ) Carrie Harvey, Brittney Tanner. P h o to by G o rd o n P h o to g ra p h y
RVING THE BALL, senior Fannon prepares an mpt to gain another point for LadyDogs. "Serving was one o f I stronger abilities," Kiera said. "I Id being able to step up to the I and syching the opposing team I," Ph oto by Kelly Finn
JUMPING WITH STRENGTH, senior Rachel Kenny (13), and sophomore Taylor Lile (6), jump into the air to block a spike. "I liked being in the front row because I liked being an aggressive hitter and scoring points for m y team," senior Rachel Kenny said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
M AKING THE P A S S , junior Lauren Devereaux (2), passes the ball to the setter, to begin the pass, s e t, and hit process. " I enjoyed passing because a good pass is what gets a good set and then a kill," junior Lauren said. "I also enjoyed it because it was one o f my stronger abilities." Ph oto by Kelly Finn
SPIKING THE BALL, sophomore Kalea Correll (15), tips the ball over the net to score another point for the Lady Dogs. " I liked having the abilities to spike the ball because I liked to slam the ball into other people's faces or watch them try to make a pass," sophomore Kalea Correll said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
W H E N G A M E BEGINS, senior Elizabeth Gersner (14) serves the ball as teammates are ready to play. P h oto by Kelly Finn A TEAM EFFORT, The Lady Bulldogs put out a full team effort to keep the game going. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
"Berfore every game the team and myself would always get pumped up in the locker room by having a good time." - ashleyRarick
"Before every gam e I would always warm up with my favorite partner Kee-kee. W e always laughed and had a good time while getting ready for the g a rn e t - laurenDevereaux
^ w itM theJV Lady
about the game. The drop to 3A was very
BiM loM going 2 in 9 in district, their scores didn't
nice because w e felt w e had a
show w hat they really
chance to beat those we
played. "I'm proud of these girls
"This year we improved on our hitting and especially
for sticking it out all season
our serving, junior Brittany
long," Coach Robert Daiker
Tiemann said." W e came
together as a team through
Long said. Freshman Lady Dogs w en t 4 out of 9 in district. It was a change for the freshmen being on a high school team and also moving down to 3A.
The freshman team
the season and cheered
worked at improving their
ourselves up when we were
weaknesses and altogether
did a decent job in district.
This was a very up-and-
best at," sophomore Raquel
"W e improved on our
down year for theJV. The
team work and loving each
records do not indicate the
other all together, having a
amount th at the girls learned
good time was w hat w e were
"It was a good season," Coach J'Bill Merrick said. "These girls have the potential if they so desire!" N ext year, freshmen will get the chance to move up to either JV or varsity.
BLOCKING THE BALL, freshme Jenney Brisco(lO) and freshman Jenna Frazier (12) jump high to block a ball hit over in their game against Iowa Park. "I like blocking because the other team always .i thinks they have a good kill until com es back in their face!" Jennej Brisco said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
ta y lo rS IM P S O N
Graham 0-2 Iowa Park
Hirschl 0-2 Verizon
2 -3 m
UJ M R y f l H QC
Breckinridge 0-2 Iowa Park
â&#x2013; 9 Hirschi
V i Veriifn
</) HI
2 -3
Brec ken ridge
â&#x2013; 3 JV/Freshm an V o lle yba ll
JUNIOR VARSITY VO LLEYBALL team members are (front row) Karra Gibson, Hali Rangel (second row) Alex Kirkikis, Etta Forrestal, Chelsea
Boyd, Hope Koulovatos, Brittany Tiemann (back row) Kati Frazier, Kristyna Butler, Natalie
Szcechowski, Brandy Goreczny, Pattie Parker, Taylor Simpson. Ph oto by G ord on Photography
llNISHING THE BALL, [shman Ryan Kendall sends the 111over while freshman Holly pnnon(l 1) got down low incase o f blocked ball. Freshman Raquel png (5) got ready to play Ifense. "I like covering because the per team thinks they have a good Ubut I pop it back up in their face Kile they are celebrating," Holly pnnon said. P h oto by K elly Finn
DIRECTING A P A S S , junior Taylor Simpson (9) got her form and postion made to get the ball to the correct spot.'I always loved passing, mainly because it was something I was decent at, and it was always the best way to start o ff a play, with a good pass," said Taylor Simpson. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
GOING U P STRONG, junior Kristyna Butler (5) jumps up to the spike the ball while teammates sophomore Patty Parker (16) and sophomore Etta Forrestal (15) get ready to receive the ball. "My favorite thing is to be able to have the power to make the other team make a mistake," said Kristyna Bulter. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
SERVING WITH FORCE, sophomore Alex Kirkikis (2) gets prepared to serve and begin a rally against the opposing team * I like serving mainly because 1get the chance to start o ff a good rally," said Alex Kirkikis. Burk lost the game winning one and losing the other two. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
a Q {|
Graham 1 -3
Iowa Park 0-2 Hirschi
Vernon 2-2 Graham 1 -3
0-2 Iowa Park
M M Hirschi i O
H M A N V O LLEYBALL members are (front row) Brown, Rilee Battista, Kayla , Randi Alley (second row)
Raquel Long, Jazz Romine, Regan Brookman, Marissa Stephens, Leah Forrestal, Corsi Crumpler, Kristina Calvillo, (back row) Jenna Frazier,
Ryan Kendall, Addison White, Tareon Tucker, Ashley Rarick, Holly Cannon. Ph oto by G ordon Ph otography
Vernon Breckenridge 1 -3
AFTER A PEP Rally, senior mascot Lena Vieth shows her school spirit by cheering as the student body leaves. Lena helped to lift school spirit and was the mascot for four years. S taff ph oto
TAKING A BREAK from the game, Dog Squad members, Paulina Arzate, Jennifer Caskey, Shannon Broom, and mascot Len Vieth stop for a picture. Ph oto bu Kelly Finn
BEFORE THE KICK off, the cheerleaders build a pyramid to get the crowd's spirit up. The cheerleaders went to camp and
learned most o f their stunts, cheers and dances that were performed throughout the year. Courtesy Photo
C mEERLEADLNG / DOG^SQUAD The cheerleaders and Dog Squad both helped to
and get everyone ready for the game. "W e got to do many
raise the spirit in both school and at the football games. The Dog Squad helped by making the run through signs and helped decorate the gym before pep rallies. They also started the crowd in chants to get the crowd involved in the game. "I enjoy being on the field and seeing all the students having fun, performing, and participating in the activities," said Mrs. Amy Fischer. The cheerleaders made signs to decorate the gym and
things as a group and got to know each other," junior Jessie Saville said. "It is like we became sisters." Both Dog Squad and cheerleaders worked together to help make everything come together for the games. W hen the cheerleaders needed help at the pep rallies the Dog Squad was there to work. The cheerleaders and mascot Lena Vieth w ent to
UT for their cheerleading
cafeteria before the football
camp. They learned cheers,
games and pep rallies. They also worked on the pep rallies
dances, and stunts.
that could involve the school
C h e e rle a d in g / D og Squad
c h r is tin a B O A T M A N
What was your favorite part of the football games?
1EERLE ADING TEAM M EM BERS are (front row) Jordan Sanders, Sara Gonzales, (second row) Lexi Garcia, :abeth Gerstner, Heather Rarick,Christina Boatman, Jessie Saville, (back row) Missy Albin, Brittney Tanner, Kayla ig, Bri Cummins, and Kacy Anson. Ph oto by G ord on Ph otogra phy
"My favorite part of the football games was getting to watch from the sidelines and cheering.” kacyANSON
“My favortie part of the football games is when I get to be with all my friends on the field, and when I get to tumble.” brandonQUIGLEY
)G S Q U A D M EMBERS are (front row) Brandon Quigley, Michaela Arzate, Caitlin Arzate, Jennifer Caskey, nny McManus, Paulina Arzate, Shannon Broom, (second row) Kara Falto, Lena Vieth, Ryan Griffin, (back row) >bby Sanders, and Damien Paulk. Ph oto by G ord on Ph otography
“My favortie part of the football games is when we get to throw beads into the stands.” jenniferCASKEY
A c tiv itie s !
varsityFOOTBALL Dogs Miss District Title By O ne G a m e \ mov'n2 down to 3A,re)qbectations were high for the Bulldogs. Though they started out
change th at w ith moving
unable to defeat Graham and
down to 3A.
continue their season in the
The Bulldogs started district off winning tw o really
playoffs. "O f course we're not glad
with a loss to Decatur, the
close games against Iowa Park
about how the season
Bulldogs rebounded, winning
and Vernon.
ended," Coach Dalke said,
their next five games
The Bulldogs were looking good and on their
"but we're returning a lot of
including their homecoming game against Clyde. "I'm real proud o f how the team played the whole season," Coach Bill Dalke said.
way to a district title and playoff birth. Unfortunately, a
talent and look forward to next year." Having come so close this season, the returning Bulldogs
shocking loss to Hirschi put
will prepare for next season and try to finish the job.
district w ith a 5-1 record and
the Bulldogs in a tough situation having to win at
were looking forward to
Graham to win the district
district play. Having not won
and make the playoffs.
to the playoffs", Jason Beach said, "You can count on it."
The Bulldogs began
a district game in tw o years, the Bulldogs were ready to
a &
"W e are definitely going
Though they fought
SC R A M B LIN G OCIT OF the pocket, Spoon Horn (11) looks for a open receiver down the fit to complete a pass against Cly at the Bulldogs homecoming game. The Bulldogs won 30-6 making it three homecoming wins in a row. Photo by Frank
hard, the Bulldogs were
m a rk S T E P H E N S
VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAM members are (front row) Lane Anderson, Tina Cerruti, Kristen Guffey, Jaclyn Whitmore, Delaney Henson, (second row) Rusty Ellett, Will Barker, Matt Peoples, Jonathan Franks, Terence Johnson, Joey Durdaller, Justin Houston, Joseph Calderon, (third
row) Hunter Rhude, Patrick Davis, Josh Hayter, Sammy Wise, Lyn Barnes, J.D. Holden, Dustin Snyder, Trey Fournier, (fourth row) Kyle Peterson, Phillip Shaver, Joey Gallego, Jason Lemmond, Scott Bavousett, Kyle Dye, Ernest Davis, Andrew Richardson, (fifth row) John Morris, Tyler Hunt, Nick
Varsity Decatur Gainesville Springtown 41-31 28-25
Trinity C liraT jS n
8W W M | 30-6 Iowa Park
o CO
Vernon Hirschi 0-7 Graham 7-28
# 5 V arsity F ootball 4
Nixon, Travis Tomes, Quentin Ficklin, Evan Alb in, Kaleb Simpson, (sixth row) Ian Alb in, Michael Cassy, Trey Horn, Nate Brown, Keaton Green, Brett Stin< (back row), Coaches Stacey Atki Jason Thomas, Craig Rickman, Scott Boswell, Bill Dalke, Jay Hill Brian Major, and trainer Chuck McCandless. Ph oto by G ordon
OPING TO M A K E something ippen, Keaton Green (10) vaits the punt from the ecatur defense. Doing well on becial teams makes the lulldogs well rounded in all areas Fthe game. It assisted the pod offense and defense that I he Bulldogs showed. Photo by
rank Andraj ack
SHAKING O FF A Decatur defender, Jordan Beach (9) runs hard attempting to get a touchdown for the Bulldogs in their first home game of the season. The Bulldogs lost the game 21-10. Photo by Frank Andrajack
R U SH IN G D O W N THE sideline, Jonathan Franks (3) gains big yardage on his run toward the end zone in the Bulldogs first district game against Iowa Park. The Bulldogs won 13-7 winning their first district game in three years.
Photo by Kelly Finn
LO O K ING TO G A IN a first down, Dan Williams (31) runs behind his blocker Tom m y Dalke (79) in hopes of making a big play. Running the ball was an important part in the Bulldogs offense. The blocking and running back vision made it happen. Photo by Frank
Andraj ack
PREPARING FOR THE next play, the Bulldogs discuss strategy in the huddle against Old High. Dogs won 28-25. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
WITH A NICE cut back, Nate Brown (5) attempts to shake the defender on his way toward the end zone. Photo by Andraj ack
"The thing I will miss most about playing high school football is spending time with all my teammates." brettSTINE " What I will miss most about playing high school football is the competition of the game and my teammates." sammyWISE
S p o rts| 43
jv/freshmanFOOTBALL Teams Win District Championship "W e had a great bunch
\ ^ ¥ aJFin§ to continue the suWess of the Bulldogs JV and
competing on the varsity level next season and helping the
of kids w ho worked hard
Freshman teams from the
bulldogs continue to move
every day," Coach Rick Butler
past, both teams came in
said. "W e expect big things in
ready to w ork.
"I look forward to the
The JV team worked well
competition of the varsity
the future from this class." The Freshman team will
together on their way to a 6-
level," Kaleb Simpson
keep getting better and look
3 record.
said,"but most of all is making
forward to their future years
the playoffs next year."
in football.
"We were worried about the JV after moving up so
The Freshman team came
"Hopefully we will
many sophomores,1' Coach Bill
in excited about playing high
continue to compete for the
Dalke said, "but they kept
school football and did not
district title throughout our
fighting and became district
disappoint the coaches and
years," Justin Roark said, "and
fans by becoming district
maybe one day make it to
champs w ith a perfect record
TheJV team members will be looking forward to
of 10-0.
m a rk S T E P H E N S
PREPARING FOR THE next f play, Grant Stine (75) and Parke Loudermilk (66) examine the offensive set and think of how tc stop the offense from scoring in the game against Old High. The Bulldogs lost 30-20. Photo by |
Frank Andrajack
JV Decatur
■ C jL
Iowa Park
Graham 14-6
ttHt >
CO JV/Freshm an Football
JV FO O TBALL TEAM MEMBERS are (front row) Jaclyn Whitmore, Delaney Henson, Kristen Guffey, (second row) Jason Beach, Derek Devereaux, Raymond Herd, Josh Houston, lan Peoples, Ronnie Hall, Aaron Grybowski, (third row) Lance Cissul, Travis
DeVore, Adam Barnes, Bobby Harrimon, Julian Garcia, Mathew Bamburg, Tyler McKeever, (fourth row) Seth Barrells, Tucker McDaniel, Brady Giles, Clay Gutshaw, Kelly Watkins, Grant Stine, (fifth row) Josh Wright, Trent Sharp, Stetson Copus, Parker
Loudermilk, Derek Dowling, Tom m y Dalke, Jordan Beach, (sixth row) Coaches Brian Majoi Stacy Atkins, Jason Thomas, Craig Rickmen, Bill Dalke, Scotl Boswell, Jay Hill, and trainer Chuck McCandless. Photo by
[INNING DOW N THE ball irrier, Julian Garcia (70) oks to stop the Coyote ayer from gaining yardage, swarming defense led the ulldogs to a winning record. 70to by Frank Andrajack
SPRINTING DOW N THE field, Richard Smoak (1) looks to make a big play on the ground in the game against Old High. The freshman team won a close game 20-16. Photo by Kelly Finn
EVADING THE PU R SUIT, Preston King (32) dodges the defense while receiving a block from Paris Whitfield (12). The freshmen were able to get good blocking by the players, which made for a dominating running attack. Photo by Kelly Finn
ADDING TO THE score, James Lorenzo (5) dives from the defenders into the end zone. The freshman team showed their athletic ability throughout their undefeated year. Photo by Kelly Finn
Freshmen Decatur
m h i9
Gainesville 21-0
Springtown 31-0
20-16 Lawton Mac
IE SH M A N FOOTBALL TEAM EMBERS are (front row) Clinton >hnson, Justin Roark, Jackie inders, Dylan Cummins, Ben ahayla, Richard Smoak, Tanner awler, Dane Bergin, (second row) 5th Lynch, Matt Less, Isaiah srry, Taylor Tisdale, Jerred Tofte, iristian Mendoza, Joe Boatman, ichael Askew, (third row) Corey
Criswell, Leighton Jenkins, Kyle Jones, Samuel Duke, KC Keksi, Christian Sifuentes, Phillip Frazier, lan Blackwell, Dylan Veitenheimer, (fourth row) D.J. Pearce, Thomas Trout, Adam Jordan, Naten Golbert, Colten Todd, Garret Mahaffey, Blake Nettles, Sean Hetcel, (fifth row) Isaiah Hay good, Malachi Naef, Preston King, Taylor
Forrestal, Steve Hill, Chris Kedrowski, Brandon Mitchell, Gage Tabion, (sixth row) Jose Guerrero, Paris Whitfield, Ryne Cozby, Logan Veitenheimer, Tyler Davis, Lorenzo Barnes, Jonathon Kent, Robert Blackmon, (back row) Coaches Michael Baughman, Rick Butler, Mike Leach. Photograph by G ord on
o m
Clyde 44-6 lo w # Park 29-8 Vernon
4 §
d y i s l ia n
Liberty 30-0 Graham 21-6
Sports# 45
W hat is your fa v o rite p a rt o f your club? BPA M EM BERS ARE (front row) vice-president Sabrina Berreles, president Janelle Goettman, secretery/treasurer Bethany Lynch, project manager Katelyn Carroll, project manager Tina Cerruti,
historian/reporter Jasmine Jones, president Michelle Alfert, (back row) Samantha Regan, Sarah Elphick, Melissa Sibayan, Andrea Minjarez, Marti Roland, and Jonathan Simmons. S ta ff Photo
UNITED W A Y MEM BERS are (front row) Sabrina Cooper, Courtney Betts, Sabrina Berreles, Tina Cerruti, Heather Smith, Taylor Felty, Janelle
Goettman, (back row) Steven Christopher, Michelle Alfert, Michaela Bergin, Kayla Weldon, Kyle Weldon and Leland Wetzel. S ta ff Ph oto
PALS M EMBERS ARE (front) Stacy Pickett, Haley Duren, Taylor Felty, Mitchell Smith, Janelle Goettman, Phillip Shaver, Ian Albin, (2nd) Beth Williams, Sara Schutte, Leland Wetzel, Brett Stine, Amber Bice, Jamie Tasker, Sarah Elphick, Orlando
Flores, (3rd) Lane Anderson, Jordan Sanders, Nate Brown, EJ Canrion, Trey Horn, Lexi Garcia, Drew Aaron, (back) Megan Houck, Kayla Johnson, Bethany Lynch, Trey Fournier, Melissa Sibayan, Kelly Finn, Marti Roland, and Kiera Fannon.
1 enjoy BPA, because I am getting experience with a professional environment for the future." michelleALFERT
"My favorite part of United Way is that I get to help people. â&#x20AC;&#x153; tinaCERRUH
'I love going to the different schools and working with all the different kids." lelandWETZEL
46 ' PALs, BPA, UW
U n it e d W a y W in s A r e a F u n d r a is e r
Building dedication and leadership, BPA, United W ay, and PALs are organizations that are available to PUTTING PIGGIES IN blankets, senior Kayla Weldon and junior Taylor Felty make breakfast, (left) Senior Una Cerruti helps prepare breakfast, (right) Junior Sabrina Berreles helps put together sausage biscuits, (bottom) United Way members show off their earnings from the bake sale. Photos by Kelly Finn and Michelle Alfert
students at BHS. The Peer Assistance and Leadership Program was founded to benefit children w ho need positive role models. In PALs I, members buddy up with children from the district elementary schools: Hardin, Tower, and I.C. Evans. PALs II w ork with the special populations class at BHS, the middle school, and also w ork with children at both Headstart campuses. Business Professionals of America members partake in activities pertaining to the business and technology field. "BPA has opened my eyes to new things, and has taught me to be
disciplined and dedicated," senior Bethany Lynch said. The United W a y youth leadership club raises money through various
fundraisers, including their infamous breakfast sales which raised $ 3 ,185. This year they won the districtfundraiser. k e lly F IN N & ja n e lle G O E T T M A N
S W A R M E D BY CHILDREN, senior Megan Houck spends time with headstart pre-schoolers on the playground. Ph oto by Janelle G oettm an
LISTENING TO CLUB sponsor Melinda Kleckner, BPA members meet together after school. Photo by Jan elle Goettm an
A ctivitie s:
KEY C L U B ^ / gr o d e o / G -FO RCE
F o u r r id e for
Along with piles o f h o m e w o rk at home,
games, rehearsals and o th e r activities that require time, energy and attention, students still find time to participate in the clubs o ffe re d to them . During channel one time, the G -fo rc e members m eet in the counselor s office to learn valuable qualities that assist students on applying to college. "It is a group o f peers encouraging peers that college is possible fo r anyone," sponsor Mrs. G loria Bond said. Also after school, the Key Club meets to discuss upcoming events. W ith M r. Ron Lawson as their sponsor the Key Club
A T THE RODEO, senior Lane Anderson competes in the tie down roping event, (left) Junior Kayla Weldon turns during the pole bending event, (right) Freshman Dane Bergin ropes a calf during one o f the events, (bottom) Senior Kyle Weldon descends his horse to assist senior Kayla Weldon during the ribbon roping event.
participates in several projects th ro u g h o u t the year, including bingo night at the state hospital, the annual pancake feed, and collecting soda tabs. A new addition to clubs is the Rodeo team, which has fo u r members, w ho are all apart o f the N o rth Texas High School Rodeo Association. "I enjoy it, â&#x20AC;&#x153; senior Kyle W e ld o n said. "It is a lo t o f fun." They com pete against o th e r schools, and have a chance to advance to the region, area, and state levels.
AT A Q UICK Key Club hallway meeting, Challena Franks, Janelle Goettman, and Adam Roberts receive their pancake tickets from sponsor Mr. Ron Lawson.
B p Key C lu b /R o d e o /G -F o rc e
AT A G-FORCE meeting, Ashlej Henrion, Tori Shaw, Kindel Bym and Tyler Gilmore discuss the GForce slogan with sponsor Mrs. Gloria Bond. S ta ff Photos
W hat m o tiv a te d you to join a club?
FORCE M EM BERS ARE (front row) Kindel m e , Taryn Moore, Courtney Carpenter, Arick ihnson, Gloria Bond, (second row) Shelbie Lindsay,
Hope Koulovatos, Jordan Sanders, Bethany Kroll, (back row) Miranda Lamb, Alex Meek, Jordan McKenzie, and Jace Mullens.
" I wanted to help kids realize that college is possible." alexMEEK
EY CLU B M EM BERS ARE (front row) president tnelle Goettman, vice-president Elissa Anderson, asurer Elizabeth Rogers, secretary Kelsey Michael, icond row) Matt HDbum, Elaina Cadle, Jeanine
Young, Melinee Brandon, Challena Franks, (back row) Jasmine Jones, Paulina Arzate, William Norris, and Caitlin Arzate.
" I enjoy helping people, and thought this would be a great opportunity â&#x20AC;&#x153; elissaANDERSON
Lane Anderson, Kyle Weldon, and Kayla Weldon.
" I'minvolved in rodeo outside of school, so why not for school?" laneANDERSON
A ctivitie s
TENNIS Taking the Shot Out W ide A fte r several years of cracked courts and faded colors, the tennis teams came
focus and improve each year," Coach Jason Slagle said. W hen the fall season
there, and the future is definitely bright!" Coach Carey Caldwell said. The team began to bond
back to school to a brand
concluded the Varsity had
new blue and green surface. "Dude! The new courts
pulled off a 6-8 record. For
together over the sunryner
the third year in a row,
with lessons and the early
Burkburnett Varsity had
two-a-days. By th e
won the Hirschi Slam.
beginning of the fall season,
are pretty amazing," sophomore Dustin Casey said. "I really like the colors."
In contrast to the years
the team was looking like a family.
time for the team to play
before, the teams had more players than normal. This
under 3A rules, and it
also meant a large number of
teams w ent through a lot of
proved much different from
underclassmen making
the norm. And w ith the change came the new rival,
changes during the year, even the coaches! It forced
This was also the first
Vernon. "The rivalry is a good
"The Varsity is very young, w ith mostly talent and hard w ork is
VARSITY TENNIS TEAM members are (front row) Hilary Galbraith, A.J. Norris, Courtney Carpenter, Shelby Carpenter, (second row) Joel Smith, Ben
Albers, Marie Oehlerking, Heather Zillweger, Ashley Baird, Geoff Talley, Colby Wilson, (back row) Coach Carey Caldwell, Coach Patty Coker, J.R. Griffith, Jordan Miller,
the tennis team to take a wider view of their sport.
underclassmen, but the
thing, because it helps us
Both Varsity and JV
jo rd an M IL L E R
Dustin Casey, Michael Smith, Ryan Madarang, Jason Wilson, and Coach Jason Slagle. Ph oto by G ord on Photography
RELEASING THE B A LL high int the air, sophomore Colby Wilson begins the motion o f a serve. Colby was one o f the sophomore to make Varsity.
W ATCHING THE B A LL drift out o f the court, freshman Ben Albers waits patiently for the point to enc Patience is important in tennis sin< points may last several minutes at time and many shots may becorr repetitive. Ph oto by Jorda n Milll
rEPPING IN A N D bringing her quet back, sophomore Marie ehierking sets up to hit the ball, arie placed in several Varsity umaments.
REACHING U P A N D moving into the ball, sophomore J.R. Griffith takes the next step o f the serve. J.R. became a key player, winning many matches.
SW INGING INTO THE ball, sophomore Joel Smith moves into the tennis court. Joel was another sophomore who made Varsity.
FOLLOW ING THROUGH HIS serve and moving toward the net, senior captain Michael Smith finishes the service motion. A ll p h otos by Jord a n M iller
JV TEAM MEM BERS are (front row) Ashley Bums, Kayla Kemp, Jessica Evans, Audraina Bera, Dion Torres, (second row) Dzemal Elezaqie, Jamie Thompson, Brad Hunt, Cali Lindsay, Shelbie Lindsay, (third row) Austin
Lanqacre, Miranda Lamb, Jace Mullens, Caitlin Phelan, Nick Morales, (back row) Coach Jason Slagle, Kyle Griffin, Matt Trebing Jason Criddle, Derek Morrow, and Shane Hassell. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
(T op ) Ice covered the courts. (left) Junior Heather Zillweger. (right) The varsity piles on a sofa, (bottom) Sophomore Joel Smith and freshman Geoff Talley. S ta ff p h otos
"My favorite shot is the big inside-out forehand return, off a leftyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kick serve!" michaelSMITH
V arsity c a p ta in s s e n io r M ic h a e l Sm ith a n d Ju n io r S h e lb y C a r p e n te r
"I like playing mixed doubles with Michael, because we work well to second guess." shelbyCARPENTER V arsity s e n io rs M ic h a e l S m ith a n d A sh le y B aird.
9' ;.;j
Varsity Golf Team Experiences Change \
sâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;x retuming
va|fity golf players, Bulldog
a good learning experience." Practice continued at
Tournament, the team placed fifth out of 12.
golf started the season off
River Creek Golf Course but
down to 3A provided a
w ith several new players.
the practice schedule,
greater opportunity for both
however, changed after last
the boys and girls to advance
consisted of 10 players and
year. The boys and girls
to regionals.
the varsity girls team had six
practiced together,
alternating turns on the holes
individuals advance as
and putting green.
regional qualifiers last year,
The varsity boys team
For many, the first tournam ent they play for the
"Practicing w ith girls this
"Although we had
this year w e would love to
school was their first
year really didn't change too
advance as a whole team,"
tournam ent overall.
much of our old ways," said
said golf coach Kay Dalke.
returning top varsity player
"That would be our goal for
w ent really well," said first
Layne McBeath. "The boys are
the year, and it might be
year player Shelby Bradshaw.
always doing something
possible w ith the change in
"The girls I played w ith were
different than the girls."
our districts."
nice to each other and it was
A t the Tanglewood
"My first tournam ent
WHILE PRACTICING, VARSITY golf member Daniel January watches as he follows through on his chipping. P h oto by Kelly Finn
G olf
VARSITY B O Y S GOLF team members are (front row) Daniel January, Robert Turner, Justin
POTTING ON THE green, senior j Grady Coker practices his short game. Putting was very important because it often determined a par. would love to and plan on pursuinj golf after I graduate. Whether it's fo a college team or not, 1definitely will be playing golf for awhile.â&#x20AC;? Ph oto by Kelly Finn
am berBICE
Arismendez, Rex Allen, (back row) Michael Albers, Ryan Hopson, Derek Dowling, Layne McBeath,
and T om m y Dalke. Ph oto by G ordon Photography
ATHERING PO W ER FOR her /ing, senior Sarah Welter keeps ;r eye on the ball before following rough. Fairway shooting is not ways easy depending on the jurse. "Shooting in the fairway ;Iped me with m y shortgame hich is a very important aspect in y game," Sarah said. P h oto by slly Finn
NEW CO M ER VARSITY PLAYER, Robert Turner practices teeing o ff at River Creek on hole 2. This hole, being a par-3, helped players practice on short game. Short game was very vital in order to shoot well and was practiced continuously throughout the season. Ph oto by K elly Finn
A D D IN G TO THE varsity girls' golf team, sophomore Shelby Bradshaw practices on the putting green. This skill was practiced everyday by the players in order to improve their game and outcome. Pracitce was either on the putting green or playing through several holes. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
CONCENTRATING ON THE ball, Ryan Hopson practiced his putting game. "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail," said Hopson.
people who are too fa s t. I don't like it when they hit and the bail com es your w ay and almost hits you.â&#x20AC;? derekDOW LING
"My biggest pet-peeve when I'm golfing is having to play behind slow players and them not letting me pass them. Also, I don't like playing with people who are uptight about the other players messing them up.â&#x20AC;&#x153; tommyDALKE
ARSITY GIRLS GOLF team lembers are (front row) Chelsea
Koschak, Elizabeth Keksi, Sarah Welter, (back row) Kayce Holan,
Shelby Bradshaw, and Lindsey Foley. Ph oto by G o rd o n s
crossCOUNTRY XC Teams A d v a n c e to Regionals for Second Year
For the second year in a row, the boys and girls Cross Country teams both
Brown placed fourteenth at
Sophomores Helen O n o and
Monica Lynott.
"This was a very
"W e had really high
enjoyable year coaching these
hopes going in about a
young men.1' Coach James
district championship and I
exceptionally well by setting
Mosely said, "I give them all
felt like the girls worked hard
new school records as a team.
the credit for all their hard
towards that," Coach Loy
w ork because Cross Country
Triana said.
team ever to place first as a
is not an easy sport to
"Unfortunately we did not
team at any meet. They not
participate in."
fulfill that, but it was not
advanced to regionals. The boys team did
The boys were the first
only accomplished this once, but three times, w ith the final victory being the district 6-A A A championship. A fter leading the boys to the district 6-A A A championship, senior Sean
The boys placed seventh overall at regionals. The girls' team also made
because of a lack of effort and the success of this season made great strides for the
it to regionals by placing third
program and will eventually
at district.
lead to future
They were lead by senior Amanda Collie and
PICKING OP HER pace for the last stretch o f the course, senior Amanda Collie pushes herself at the end o f the OSG meet, finishing as Burkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first runner. Ph oto by Finn
championships." orlandoFLO R E S
PACING THEM SELVES OFF each others' speed, junior Helen Ono and senior Angela Early run al the OSG Cowboy Jamboree. This is the largest meet Burk runners com pete in. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
THE B O YS CROSS Country teanr became the first team to ever win a district championship in school history. "Winning the Holliday and Iowa Park meets and then placing second at the Marcus II Invitational is an incredible accomplishment foi these young men, but winning district m aybe the best feeling o f all," Coach James Mosely said. Courtesy Photo
Cross C o u n try
ASSING THE OTHER runners, :nior Sean Brown picks his pass p as he begins to finish his race at le OSU C ow boy Jamboree. Sean laced 17th overall. P h oto by Finn
KEEPING A S T E A D Y pace, sophomore Jered Phillips holds a steady lead on the opposition at Burkbumett's meet held at Camp Perkins. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
RUNNING A T C AM P Perkins , sophomore Alex Gonzales demonstrates his good running form. This was Alex's first year running. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
RUNNING TOGETHER, FR ESH M AN Christian Mendoza and senior E.J. Carrion pace o ff of each other while keeping ahead o f the rest o f the pack. Ph oto by Finn
HE 2006 B O Y S Cross Country :am members are (front row) rlando Flores, Jered Phillips, Sean rown, Christian Mendoza, Chase fitt, (back row) Alex Gonzales, lark Stephens, Anthony Smith,
Chris Tarrant, E.J. Carrion, and Coach James Mosely. Th e boys are pictured with all the medals they've won as individuals and as a team from all o f the meets they ran th is seaso n. S ta ff Ph oto
THE 2006 GIRLS C ross Country team members are (front row) Amanda Collie, Bailey McGowan, Randi Alley, Audri Barnard, (second row) Angela Early, Deanna Aubin, Leah Forrestal, Kelly Finn, Coach
Loy Triana, (back row) Courtney Durst, Monica Lynott, Helen Ono, and Katherine Patterson. The girls advanced to the regional meet at Mae Simmons Park in Lubbock and placed the overall. S ta ff Photo
"When I run, the one thing that goes through my mind is how much easier this race is than the thirteen miles I ran the day before. A fter realizing that, the race is a piece of cake." - seanBROW N
"When I run, the thing that motivates me the most to finish the race off strong is imagining a big, juicy hamburger waiting for me at the finish line." - amandaCOLLIE
W ith a new year came many responsibilities and tasks for the members
Food D
of STUCO to face and tackle.
r iv e
STUCO attended a student council conference at the beginning of the year, volunteered at the annual blood drive, organized drug free week, prepared for the Homecoming pep rally, collected cans for the food drive, and decorated the rotunda for the holidays. "My favorite event in STUCO so far has been the student council conference," senior D rew Aaron said. "W e not only got to meet with other student councils around the state but we w ent to Six
STUCO MEMBERS LOAD trucks with many canned goods, (left) Junior Shelby Carpenter passes boxes of food to senior Lane Anderson, (right) Members lift bags of food to seniors Kayla Reid and Jaclyn Whitmore, (bottom) Seniors EJ Carrion, Melissa Sibayan, Samantha Regan, Jaclyn Whitmore, juniors Ashley McQeskey, Sabrina Berrelles and senior Drew Aaron help Ms. Lee pack up the food for Grace Ministries. S ta ff Photo
Flags afterward." Following tradition, STUCO collected cans for less fortunate families in the community during the holiday season. Students were prompted to bring in canned goods w ith bonus points offered by teachers and free tardies from the attendance office. STUCO collected 4,620 lbs of goods. "The best part of STUCO is getting involved in the school and being able to help the community," junior Sabrina Berreles said. autumn F L E C K
ENCOURAGING HOLIDAY SPIRIT, sophomore Taryn Moore, junior Shelby Carpenter and seniors Brianne Cummins and Kayla Reid adorn the rotunda with cheerful decorations. Staff Photo
TO WELCOME TEACHERS back to school, Student Council officers Lisa Hardin, Jaclyn Whitmore, Drew Aaron, and Shelby Carpenter assemble goodies to pass out to the faculty. Staff Photo
What is your biggest aspiration in life and why? [TICO MEMEBERS ARE (front row) Ms. Lee, Drew Aaron, :e president Lisa Hardin, secretary Shelby Carpenter, reporter dyn Whitmore, (second row) president Lane Anderson, thany Lynch, Michaela Bergin, Samantha Regan,
Melissa Sibayan, Orlando Flores, (thrid row) Jeanine Young, Brianne Cummins, Lexi Garcia, EJ Carrion, Mark Stephens, Sean Brown, (last row) Kayla Reid, Spoon Horn, and Marcus Beason.
"One day, I want to be a mom so that I can make a positive impact on someone's life." kayiaREID
INIOR STCICO MEM BERS are (front row) reporter elby Carpenter, secretary/treasurer Nycole Young, ;sident Tressa Stoiloff, Ashley McCleskey,
(last row) Jasmine Jones, Sabrina Berreles, Kory Livingston, and Brent Enderlein.
"Go to the University of Texas, get a good job, and be successful in life." tarynMOORE
)PHOMORE A ND FRESH M AN S TUCO :mbers are (front row) Ms. Lee, Taryn Moore, iley McGowan, Merideth Selvidge,
(last row) Robert Blackman, Taylor Tisdale, Jace Mullens, and Ben Cahayla.
T o live life to the fullest and one day have a job I love, and a great family." ejCARRION
W ho or w h a t is your worst nightm are?
N H S M E M B ER S ARE (front row) H istorian L a n e A n d e rso n , V ic e -P re s id e n t Lisa H ardin, P a riim e n ta ria n J a c ly n W h itm o re , P re s id e n t C ariy M oree, S e c re ta ry D rew A aron, R e p o rte r E liz a b e th G erstn er, ( s e c o n d row) A sh ley F ra y s e r, O rla n d o F lo re s , S a b rin a C o o p e r, K y L e ig h M c K e e v e r, J a n e lle G o e ttm a n , T in a C erruti, M ic h e lle Alfert, R a c h e l K e n n e y , R u sty E llett, S p o o n H orn, (third row) A m a n d a C o llie , A n g e la E a rly , A n g e la D a lk e , C a itlin P h e la n , K e lly F in n , D e a n n a A u bin, D aw n D u n c a n , L ex i G a rc ia ,
A n d re a M injarez, H a n n a h Hill, (fourth row), S e a n B row n, H olly W ood, S a m a n th a R e g a n , M ic h a e la B erg in , C o u rtn e y B etts, M onro? B ra d le y , K a y la G ilbert, D a n ie lle G o o d ric h , B e th a n y L y n c h , J o s h H a y ter, (fifth) A darr R o b erts, A sh le y B aird , C a th e rin e M u se , Z a c h a ry S h ip p , K a y la W eld o n , K yle W e ld o n , U n d y A n d e rso n , J o s h u a T e e l, K a te ly n C arroll, (b a c k row) K a ille e B row n, C h a lle n a F ra n k s , A le x T a lle y , K e lse y M ic h a e l, C o u rtn e y J o n e s , J o n M orris, A n d re a P olk, C a s e y B urt, a n d K a le ig h H u n tle y .
“Every time i get sick, I dream that I am in a pink bubble laughing.” angelaEARLY
N H S M E M B ER S ARE (front row) T re s s a Stoiloff, C arrie H a rv e y , L a u re n D e v e re a u x , S a ra h W e a ry , K ristyna B utler, B rittn e y C a s te e n , A sh ley M c C le sk e y , L a y n e M c B e a th , S te p h a n ie S e m a n , T y le r J e n k in s , (s e c o n d row) E liz a b e th R o g ers, H e a th e r Sm ith, D rew C ain , J e s s i e S a v ille , B o b b y W ilso n , K e lse y B erg in , S h e lb y C a rp e n te r, K a le b S im p so n , A udri B arnard, D a n iel F o rtin , C o d y B urks, (third row) K yle M onk, C apri W illiam s, R y a n
Griffin, C a itlin A rzate, K yndra G o ld e n , L y n d sa y Is a a c s , S te p h a n ie C ooper, S a s h a G rossi, J a m ie R u n y o n , H ilary G alb raith , (fourth row) M atth ew M oudy, E liz a b e th R o d rig u ez, B re n t E n d e rie in , K ory L ivingston, D rake C allaw a y , A m a n d a L e c o u rs, M atth ew H e rn a n d e z , C h ristine Pow ell, (b a c k row) N ycole Y o u n g , P a u lin a A rzate, C h e ls e y N e ise s, K risten J o n e s , J o rd a n Sheffield, T a n d ia T u rn er, a n d K e e ly H a rp o le . (n o t p ic tu re d ) A utum n F le c k .
NHS MEMBERS ARE (front row) Taylor Felty, Stacy Pickett, Mitchell Smith, Haley Duren, lan Albin, (second row) Beth Williams, Sara Schutte, Brett Stine, Amber Bice, Jamie Tasker,
Sarah Elphick, (third row) Leland Wetzel, Jordan Sanders, Nate Brown, E.J. Carrion, Kiera Fannon, (back row) Kayla Johnson, Trey Fournier, and Marti Roland.
“I am sitting in a classroom on a Saturday taking a test that i havent’ studied for.” matthewMOUDY
“The possibility that those I adore may never reach their full potential.” caitlinPHELAN
XINTING THE NUM BER o f ndy canes they sold, juniors istyna Butler and Stephanie
Seman turn in their candy cane orders to NHS sponsor Mr. Lee Seman. S ta ff Ph oto
Volunteering and making the grade were tw o imporant aspects to the members of NHS. Members also displayed leadership and character qualities throughout the activties of the year. “The purpose of NHS is
Auction, and the Headstart Christmas Party. “I enjoyed the Headstart Christmas Party,” junior Chelsey Neises said. “I really enjoy working with kids.” The NHS fundraiser projects contribute to scholarships given at the end
to further develop and strengthen the character of
of the year.
our members by honoring
juniors and seniors with a
their leadership skills in the
GPA of 3.50 or above, a
service of others,” NHS
standard that has been with
sponsor Mr. Lee Seman said. The National Honor
the organization for the past few years.
Society particpated in several
NHS provides its 143
NHS only accepted
service projects and
members the opportunity to
fundraisers that included working at the PPG picnic,
promote leadership, service, and character qualities.
selling candy canes, serving the Chamber of Commerce
ORKING ON A Saturday Dming, NHS members Kristyna itler and Mitchell Smith put labels the candy canes. Photo by nelle Goettm an
ja n e lle G O E T T M A N
SORTING THE C A N D Y canes, junior Elizabeth Rodriguez sweeps the candy canes into the correct teacher s bag. Photo by M ichelle A lfert
W hat do you enjoy about FFA?
" I enjoy FFA because I like showing animals such as h effers, and jugding horses." kayla WELDON
F F A M E M B E R S A R E (front row ) president
(third row ) Dudley Duncan, Curtis Hill,
Lane Anderson, vice-president K yle W eldon,
Stetson Copus, Dane Bergin, Robert Turner,
secretary Kayla W eldon, treasurer Chase
C olton Brown, (fourth row ) Mr. Seth Hall,
Witt, reporter Kelsey Kinney, sentinel
Kelly Ovidell, Brittney Skelton, Jessika
A n th o n y Barger, (second row ) Travis Torries,
Evans, Dalaney Henson, Shelbie Lindsay, and
Q u ay Grant, Kade T o m p so n , B rodie Bolen,
Jordan Sheffield.
M yles Reynolds, Mr. Gary W aitman,
" I enjoy FFA because I have had a unique opprotunity to work with shows and judging livestock." kyle WELDON
F F A O F F IC E R S A R E president Lane
Witt, reporter Kelsey Kinney, and sentinel
Anderson, vice-president K yle W eldon,
A n th on y Barger,
secretary Kayla W eldon, treasurer Chase
" I enjoy FFA becuase I enjoy showing animals and showing pigs." chase W I T T
From welding to showing animals, FFA has these teens staying active. In the fall, FFA stays busy with fundraisers and livestock shows. Fundraisers help the members raise BEFORE WELDING THE pens, Mr, Bryan Lehman demonstrates the correct way. (left) Tucker McDaniel helps weld a fence together for an upcoming show, (right) Jason McNeil drills holes to help fix the gate, (bottom) JD Chumbley and Brodie Bowen help put up a banner for the upcoming FFA show.
money to invest on new things and go to events. In the spring, judging is the main event. " I enjoy judging,'1Lane Anderson said, "It's one of my favorite things to do and so is showing animals." FFA members judge a varity of animals such as, hogs, goats, sheep, steers, and heffers. FFA is enjoyed by teens not just because of the shows, but also for the w ork they do. "I like FFA because it gets you away from school w ork and doing real work," Q uay Grant said. FFA use to stand for Future Farmers of America, but now it is more than farming they are doing. Doing everything between welding and showing animals, these teens get prepared for a life in agriculture. sarahW E A R Y
WORKING IN THE cold, freshmen Johnathon Kent and Thom as Trout stand with the Hampshire Pig. Pigs were one o f the animals that were judged and shown at shows.
A T THE A G show bam, sophomores JD Chumbley and Brodie Bolen work with the Duroc pig. 111like showing animals becuase it is fun to take care o f them and then get rewarded for it,â&#x20AC;? Brodie Bolen said.
Leadership, discipline, AFJROTC is all about. O n the outside it may seem like the
taken to a new level, but
tw o instructors head the program, but this is a very
also the special teams. Cadets school four days a week to
responsibility of the cadets.
most recent competition the armed drill team brought home a third place trophy
The higher the postition on
out of 28 teams.
the chain, the more power
"I give credit to those who dedicate themselves to
postition holds. "This year the units
our unit, especially all of the
leadership has really stepped
leaders," said C /Lt Col Danny
it up and raised the standards
for the cadets," said M atthew
THE UNARM ED DRILL team salutes while the team commands C/Drew Cain reports in to his judg at the Arlington Drill Competition. Photo by Christine Pow ell
competitive teams. A t their
chain of cadet commanders.
and responsibility that
AFJROTC HONOR GUARD for the Homecoming pep rally are Rifles Joshua Lagat, Danny Castillo, Pistols Zach Zoet, Christine Powell, Sabers Matthew Hernandez, Drew Cain, Ashley McCalister, Flags Rebecca Herd, Kaylani Lagat, and Chevy Gil. Staff Photo
dedicate tw o hours after
false statement. The running of the unit is the complete AFJROTC is run by a
o f the history o f the POW/MIA table and flag. In conclusion, TA P S was played to give a tribute to all who have, either In thf past or who are currently, serving ii the United States military. The ceremony was performed for all middle school students. Courtesy Ph oto
command. N ot only has the overall leadership of the unit been
and integrity are what
PREPARING FOR A Veterans Day ceremony, C/Col Ashley McCallister, C/Lt Col Danny Castillo, and C/2nd Lt Damien Paulk work to set up the POW/M1A memorial table and do a run through o f the script. The ceremony itself consisted o f a posting o f the colors, and reading
unit team commanders and
christin eP O W E L L
Hernandez, who is fourth in
AFJROTC A RM ED A N D U N A R M E D DRILL TEAM M EM BERS ARE (kneeling) Joshua Lagat, Drew Cain (first row) Jeramy Cook, Jermaine Ishmail, William Norris, Wren Siegrist, Jonathon Motley, Niel Kendall (second row) Danny Castillo, Jacob Reola, Cali Lindsay, Matthew Hernandez, Rebecca Herd, Kaylani Lagat (third row) Kim Goff, Ryan Griffin, Damien Paulk, Chris Killian, Raechel Am o, Samantha Fiscal (back row) Matthew Trebing, Enrique Kribbs, Devin Sondovel, Katie Stone, Chevy Gil, and Tiana Bolden.
How do you think JROTC will help you in your, furture careers?
AFJROTC HONOR G U A R D M EM BERS ARE (first row) Kaylani Lagat, Kalynn Smith, Alyssa Smith, Wren Siegrist, Wiliam Norris, Ashley McCallister (second row) Danny Castillo, Joshua Lagat, Chevy Gil, Cali Lindsay, Damien Paulk, Rebecca Herd (back row) Matthew Trebing, Jonathon Motley, Drew Cain, Nicholas Raines, Christine Powell, and Matthew Hernandez.
AFJROTC PHYSICAL TRAINING TEAM MEM BERS ARE (first row) Danny Castillo, Wren Siegrist, Chevy Gil, Stephanie Broomfield, Rebecca Herd (second row) Drew Cain, Jacob Reola, Jermaine Ishmail, Chris Killian, Taylor Bratton (back row) Sean Herwig, Enrique Kribbs, Matt Trebing, and Kyle Griffin.
"It gives me experience in leadership skills which wil help me in my future." ryanGRIFFIN
"It has taught me organization which will be very important in my career.â&#x20AC;? damienPAULK
Activities I
W hat is the best w a y to describe your club?
TAME MEM BERS ARE (front row) Bobby Wilson, Caitlin Arzate, Janelle Goettman, Paulina Arzate,
(second row) Heather Smith, Joel Smith, Ryan Griffin Challena Franks, and Michelle Alfert.
T A F E M E M B ER S ARE (front row) T re y H orn, K a y la R e id , J a c ly n W h itm o re , K iera F a n n o n , C arrie H a rv e y , J a n e lle G o e ttm a n , D rew A aron, O rla n d o F lo re s , K elly F in n , L a n e A n d e rso n , (s e c o n d row) B rian n e C u m m in s, L exi G a rc ia , T a y lo r F e lty , S a ra S c h u tte , J a m ie T a s k e r, M elissa S ib a y a n , S a ra h E lp h ic k , J o r d a n S a n d e rs, S ta c y P ic k e tt, K a y la J o h n s o n ,
M arti R o la n d , (third row) M att P e o p le s, E la in a C a d le , B e th W illiam s, T re y F o u rn ier, A m b e r B ic e , H a le y D uren, E .J . C arrion, C am e ro n C re m e e n s , A aro n G ibbs, (fourth row) M e g a n H o u c k , J e a n in e Y o u n g , Lelai W etze l, la n A lbin, B re tt S tin e, P hillip S h a v e r, M itchell Sm ith, Kirtis A m es, N a te B row n, (b a c k row) N a ta lie A d a m s, K ensi O rf, K a th erin e P atterson, T a ry n M oore, D e sm o n d S tric k lan d , a n d D o n a ld H all.
"A child’s mind is like jello: you have to fill it with all the good s tu ff before it s e ts .” kellyFINN
“It’s interesting being in a club about engineering because it gives me an idea about what I want to do in the future." pierceHALVERSON
"What can i say about Crime Stoppers? I help stop crime." joshBROWNHILL
CRIME STOPPERS MEMBERS are Ms. Beverly Lee, president Janelle Goettman, vice-president Jasmine Jones, second vice-president Chelsea
TAM E/TAFE/Crim estoppers
Koschak, (second row) treasurer Josh Brownhill, secretary Destiny Green, historian Jake Parris, and Jessica Sancut.
M fm
TAME, TAFE, and CRIME STOPPERS are only three of the diverse clubs on M SG BRIDGE CONTEST winners Staci Brown, Christina Boatman, Jessie Saville, and Quay Grant display their winning bridges, (left) Senior T A M E member Janelle Goettman displays her bridge, (right) Senior T A M E members Challena Franks and Michelle Alfert build a roller coaster, (bottom ) Juniors Caitlin Arzate, Jordan Scheffield, and Ryan Griffin add a loop.
'm c & isu r m x t m t m m i
campus. Students have their own individual responsibility within their club. Each club has its own purpose to help students with w hat they w ant to do later in their lives. TAME, standing for Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering, gives students a chance to get their hands dirty while learning about science. Students in TAME do various experiments throughout the year. TAFE, standing forTexas Assosciation of Future Educators, are older students doing their best to set a good example and give younger students, who they visit daily throughout the district, someone to look up to. Crime Stoppers are high school students doing their best to help cut crimes going on within the school. Call the new Crime Stopper hotline at 6 9 1-TIPS w ith any crime information. ta y lo rS IM P S O N
AT H ARDIN H EADSTART, TAFE members Drew Aaron and Lane Anderson play with the children at recess. Ph oto by Jan elle Goettman
f ' M
TO INFORM THE student body o f the new hotline, Crimestoppers sponsor Ms. Beverly Lee and president Janelle Goettman hang up a sign. Photo by Jennifer Caskey
va rsityoi rlsBASKETBALL Shooting for playoffs in 3A \
moving down to
"Competition was
"This basketball season
3 A /th e Lady Dogs set high goals and high expectations
tough," said Coach Alex
has given me more experience
Koulovatos, "but we were on
now th at I'm on varsity full
for themselves.
the same level and were very
time," said junior Capri
Williams. "It also has kept me
talents on the team, made
Being as competitive as they were, the Lady Dogs
in shape." W ith the experience the
the goals and expectations
record failed to show more
Lady Dogs received this year
look very promising. "Our strengths would
wins than losses. W ith their record being 10 wins and 14
there is no doubt th at they will be able to conquer w hat
definitely be having
losses the Lady Dogs squeaked
they couldn't next year.
experience on our team and
into the playoffs.
Having members who have experience and new
our outside shooting skills,"
The season the Lady
senior Heather Rarick said.
Dogs played was a tough one. But w ith their w ork ethic
Dropping down to 3A was said to be easy, but the Lady Dogs faced some tough
and determination, the girls
experience rose to new
"The younger girls received a lot of experience, which will prepare them for next year," said Coach Alex Koulovatos.
LOOKING TO PASS, senior Elizabeth Gerstner (14), passes the ball to begin a play. "Before every game I would listen to m y music and eat an air head,1' Elizabeth Gerstner said, "It got me pumped . for the game and I really like air heads."Photo by Kelly Finn
sarah W E A R Y
Varsity iowa Park 278^7
Vernon 46 -
Hirschi 4^-29
3dQH Iowa Park O '
Hirschi 55 - 46
Graham a ilo
S jP
Varsify Girls Basketball
VAR SITY B A S K E T B A LL TEAM members are (front row) Alex Barnes, Rachel Kenny, Kaleigh Huntley, Heather Rarick,
Carly Moree, Carrie Harvey, and Kiera Fannon, (back row) Sara Schutte, Elizabeth Gerstner, Cortney Cannon,
Courtney Durst, Capri Williams, and Jamie Runyon Photo by
Gordon Photography
FTER A FOUL, senior Rachel enney (13), prepares to shoot a se throw. " Before every game I ould usually go to Sonic and get a jm dog and a slush to give me the lergy I needed to play," Rachel enney said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
M AK ING HER W A Y down the court, junior Courtney Durst looks to pass to open player junior Sara Schutte (30). "Before every game I would listen to my MP3 player and wear m y long white socks," Courtney Durst said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
SHOOTING THE BALL, sophomore Kalea Correll (25) puts a free throw up to score another point for the Lady Dogs. "Before every game I would listen to music and try to focus on m y game. I would also try to get really pumped up so I could have energy to play," Kalea Correll said. P h oto by Finn
STARTING A PLAY, senior Kaleigh Huntley (10) passes the ball to attempt to score another point for the Lady Dogs. " Before every game I would go to Subway and get a deli-style tuna sandwich," Kaleigh Huntley said. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
DRIBBILING A R O UND A player, senior Heather Rarick (20) dribbles down the court to begin a play. Ph oto by Kelly Finn SHOOTING A FOUL shot, Kalea Correll (25) aims as Rachel Kenney (13) and Jamie Runyon (22) prepare for the rebound. Ph oto by K elly Finn
â&#x20AC;&#x153; I chose basketball because I have always liked the sport and I enjoy our team because we all are close and like to have fun." courtneyDURST
| i chose basketball because I really enjoy the sport and I love to shoot.â&#x20AC;? saraSC H U TTE
Sports ; 67
jv/freshmangirlsBASKETBALL Teams Post Winning Scores |V and Freshman
successful, record wise, but
playing w ith my teammates
basketball girls w en t through
always seemed to struggle.
and w e had a great record,"
many changes such as, getting
Nothing came easy!'1
freshman Jenny Briscoe said.
new girls th at last year's JV
JV basketball girls did
players have never played
well going 20-3 in their
w ith, the move to high school
overall season.
basketball, and the exdting move down to 3 A.
"The season was great,"
They achieved their goals for the drop down to 3 A. "It was an interesting season," Coach J'Bill Merrick
sophomore Chelsea Boyd said.
said. "This team was unique
"W e have really accomplished
and I hope they learned a lot
with moving down to 3A and
the goals th at we've worked
from our season."
both JV and Freshman girls
really hard for."
Expectations were high
came through.
Freshman girls also had
Overall both JV and freshman girls had a great
an overall great season,
season winning district, while
ladies to coach/'coach Denise
winning district and going
freshman girls w ent
Miracle said. "I really enjoyed
undefeated all together.
"W hat a fine group of
these girls. W e were very
"The season was fun
ta y lo rS IM P S O N
WITH AN OPEN SHOT, sophomore Kiah Davis(lO) squares up and takes the shot to win her team two points to put up on the scoreboard. The game ended 38-30. "I listen to music to get me through my games." Photo by Kelly Finn
Iowa Park
& Vernon 3 8 ÂŁ fl|
Graham Iowa Park 28-38
o o
49-8 Hifschit 31*24
c o
\ (m
Graham 42-30
JV GIRLS B ASK E TBA LL members are (front row) Monica Lynott, Chelsea Boyd, Hope Koulovatos, Hali Rangel, and Kiah
JV/Freshmen Girls Basketball
Davis (second row) Kaleigh Morris, Brook Taylor, Lindsey Steigerwald, and Kalea Correll (back row) Brandy Goreczny, LaKrishna Hale,
Taylor Lile, Haley Duren, Alise Am ey, Katherine Patterson, and Tracy Newberry. Ph oto by G ordon Photography
RIBBLING D O W N COURT, jshman Emarie Holland (24) kes the ball to the top o f the ;y to get the play started. "1 try forget about m y mistakes, cus on what is going on at at moment and not what rnt on before, and keep reryone's spirits up." P h oto by elly Finn
GOING IN STRONG, freshman Ashley Rarick (25) cuts into the lane to make a basket for her team. "I focus on what is happening at that moment and not what happened before that, and try to keep a positive attitude throughout the game to have positive outcomes." Ph oto by Kelly Finn
LOOKING FOR OPENING, sophomore Taylor Lile (13) hold the ball up high and looks at her teammates to see if she can find an opening to pass the ball. "During the game, I don't worry about anything else just stay focused and look for different options." Ph oto by Kelly Finn
GETTING PAST DEFENDERS, sophomore Monica Lynott(21) tries speeding past her Vernon defender to get the ball to the basket. "I really enjoyed this year. I think we were so sucessful because we worked as a team." Ph oto by Kelly Finn
Iowa Park 2 9 -2 6
Vernon 3 7 -3 4
o 73
Iowa Park 2 7 -2 3
0 0 Vernon 3 4 -3 3
3 1 -2 5
iESHM AN B ASK E T B A LL GIRL smbers are (front row) Shaylee ey, Angel Gray, Corsi Crumpler, d Chevy Gil (second row)Nicole
Monk, Leah Forrestal, Casey Castro, Elizabeth Vandewalle, Jenny Briscoe, and Ashley Rarick (back row) Emarie Holland, Nik eta
Watson, Addison White, and Holly Cannon. Ph oto by G ordon Photography
varsityboysBASKETBALL Dogs Start Season Ranked 2nd In State ^Success is something that Cqacw Danny Nix is familiar with. With over 20 winning seasons, I 3 district titles, and 500 plus wins to his record, he was more than ready to coach this highly ranked group of young men to their full potential. "When you're ranked that high starting out, everyone shows up to play you," Coach Nix said. Living up to these expectations would not be easy, the varsity team had only five returning members and only eight of the seventeen players being seniors. "Last year, the four other guys and I had to follow the example set by the older players," senior E.J. Carrion said. "Now that we re the oldest, we have to lead
H3m R|
"< ] A U CD LU
an Oj O
annual Fantasy of Lights Tournament. "We had some really tough games this season but it's only made us better," Coach Nix said. When district came, the Dogs had one thing on their mind, the district title, which they captured by going undefeated. This district record put the Dogs in position of a playoff berth with high chances of going far. "This has been a very successful season," Coach Nix said. "We re a very young team and have a lot of room to improve, but over all I'm real proud of the hard work the guys put into this season." The Dogs ended the regular season ranked 16th in the state. orlandoFLORES
PLAYING A T HIRSCHI, junior Desmond Strickland drives past a defending Husky to attack the basket from the comer. This was the second meeting the Dogs had with Hirschi and they once again came out victorious 52 to 45 . Ph oto by Kelly Finn
73-49 Graham 52-49 iowa Park 67-56 v | P ii 55-48 Hirschi 52-45 Graham 89-69 Iowa Park 92-60 Verrron 65-60
the new players by example." Nonetheless, the Dogs were more than ready to rise to the challenge as they always are. As the old saying goes, practice makes perfect, and to be able to maintain the rank of 2nd in state the Dogs would have to be more than perfect, meaning that more grueling practices were a must. "We knew coming into this season practices would be tougher because we'd have a target on us from other teams due to our high rank and we would have no time to slack off," Carrion said. Those hard practices paid off in a big way. The Dogs started off with a pre-district record of 12-8, which included a third place finish in the
Varsity Boys Basketball
B O Y S B ASK E TB A LL TEAM members are (front row) Ryan Evans, Aaron Gibbs, Kirtis Ames, E.J. Carrion, Mark Stephens, Jay Gould, Brent Enderiein, and Donald Hall, (second row) Drew Aaron, Desmond Strickland, Cameron Cremeens, Derek Dowling, Aaron Thompson, Kory
Livingston, Jordan Beach, Jason Beach, and Nate Brown (not pictured). This team o f "Running Dogs" is much younger and smaller than teams have been in the past, but what they lack, they definetly make up for in conditioning. Out o f the 17 players on varsity, eight are seniors, four are juniors, and five are
sophomores. Five o f these players are returning letterman, and none o f them started last year. "This team is younger compared to other teams we've played," Coach Nix said. "We have a lot o f room to improve and get better, but I'm expecting great things from them in the seasons to come."
iOING IN FOR a lay -up, senior onald Hall takes it up strong over a opposing Hirschi Husky during le second quarter o f the first game i district play. The Bulldogs came ut victorious with a point ifferential o f 25 points. P h oto by elly Finn
DURING THEIR SECO ND meeting with the Huskies, sophomore Aaron Thom pson (24) and senior Donald Hall (4) stand surrounded by hungry Huskies and get set for the coming rebound o ff o f the missed shot. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
JUMPING OVER A N Iowa Park defender, sophomore Jay Gould (3) passes the ball o ff to the comer in hopes o f creating an open shot. Jay was a major player for the Dogs offense, known for his ability to drive the lane and take it to the hole. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
LOOKING FOR A N open man, senior E.J. Carrion (11) spots senior Kirtis Ames (21) ready for the ball to run the offense at the top o f the key. E.J. and Kirtis were two o f the five returning lettermen and also the team's leaders. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
DURING A TIMEOUT, the team huddles up to discuss strategy for the upcoming run. Ph oto by Kelly Finn AT THE TOP o f the key, junior Kory Livingston (31) shoots a jumper as senior Drew Aaron (40) gets in position. S ta ff Ph oto
"My most memorable moment of this season was the day that all of the guys dressed up as Coach Nix on Buddy Day during Drug-Free Week." cam eronCREM EENS
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I'd have to say my favorite memory from basketball this season besides winning district was "Coach Nix Day"' during Drug Free W eek. That was one of the funniest things I've seen." aaronTHOM PSON
jv/freshmenboysBASKETBALL Teams Practice To Im prove I Coming into the season, bath th e IV and freshman teams were ready to play hard and improve their games. The JV team worked well together on the way to a 6 - 1 district record, while the freshman team did just as well w ith a 5-2 district record. "TheJV played extremely tough in their non-district games," Coach James Moseley said. "It paid off when it was time for district play." Improving throughout the year helped the JV have a solid season. "W e all worked well
a a
together and we had a good season to show for it," junior Josh Bishop said. The freshman team enjoyed the challenge of playing at the high school level and worked as a team to keep improving throughout the year. "The freshman all worked hard and they kept on improving everyday," Coach Michael Baughman said. "W e look forward to seeing how much they improve for the next couple of years." Both teams plan to practice in the off-season to
keep improving their skills while they get ready to play at the next level of competition. "I plan to practice as hard as I can," freshman Christian Mendoza said. "I w ant to be better for next season because I know the game will be harder." Both theJV and freshman team showed how good they can be many times throughout the year, and they will try to keep up the winning tradition at Burk in their second year in 3 A division. m a rk S T E P H E N S
JV BASK ETBALL TEAM m em bers are (front row ) Matt Alexander, Sam Carrion, Steven Williams, K yle M onk, A n th o n y Smith, Jacob Johnstonbaugh, and William Linker, (second row)
A n th on y Gibbs, Ryan W orthy, Junior Velez, B ob b y Barboza, Keith Stevenson, Chris Frazier, K yle Willett, and Johnathan Barnes, (third row ) Calvin Eaton, Jesse Watson, A d a m Barnes,
D R IV IN G H A R D T O to the basket, Josh Bishop (15) rises up on a defender to add two points to the score in the Bulldogs JV district gam e against Vernon. Though they played hard, the Bulldogs lost a close gam e 41-44
Photo by Kelly Finn
Hirschi 88-18
|o CO
Graham C a n c e lle d
Iowa Park Vernon 4
O O co
Hirschi Graham Iowa Park Vernon
WfP JV/Freshman
Boys Basketball
K yle Fournier, DeMarcus Smith, John B elovosky, Jordan Fauntleroy, Josh Bishop, and Jon M cCafferty.
P h o to by G ordon Photography
OOKING TO HIT a shot from iree point range, Junior Velez 14) shoots a big shot for the ulldogs. Good shooting is what ave the Bulldogs the edge over leir opponents. Being a young am, the Dogs had to rely on ieir shooters to keep them in le games. Photo by Kelly Finn
U S IN G THE G L A S S , Josh Alvarez (15) attempts the one hand runner trying give the Bulldogs a spark in the freshman district game against Vernon. The Bulldogs came up short 4046. Photo by Kelly Finn
U S IN G A G O O D snap of the wrist, Isaiah Haygood (5) puts up a shot hoping to score. The freshman team all worked to improve their shot throughout the year. They had impressive shooters on the team. Photo by
Kelly Finn
WITH A DEFENDER in his face, Jerrod Tofte (42) shoots a fade away jumper looking to make something happen for the Bulldogs. Though they faced tough defense, the Bulldogs determination allowed them to be competitive in every game they played. Photo by Kelly
Freshmen Hirschi 63-16 Graham C a n c e lle d
o 0
Iowa Park 67-36 Vernon 40-46 Hirschi 5jl-29 Graham 50-70 RESHM AN BASK ETBALL E A M m em bers are (front >w) D w ayne Johnson, Josh IcWhorter, Zach Carlson, liles Henderson, Jam es orenzo, Jerril Eisenbeck, hristian M endoza, and Isaiah
H aygood, (second row ) Terry Craft, Justin Roark, RJ Madarang, Miguel Santiago, Paris W hitfield, C o d y Nash, Matt Less, Mark B room field, and Jake Bishop, (third row) Brandon Fauntleroy,
Malachi Naef, Jerrod T o fte, Richard Sm oak, Colton T od d , Leighton Jenkins, Dillon Cummins, C od y Harper, John Hall, and Josh Alvarez. P h oto
by G ordon Photography
Iowa Park 51A44 Vernon 6 i,34
00 o >
XJ a Sports | 73
Why Did You Decide To Join Your Club?
D E C A MEM BERS ARE (front row) Taryn Moore, Kristina Polk, Brianne Cummins, Ms. Beverly Lee, Nate Brown, Austin Crook, Harvey Barker, (second row) Drake Calloway, Kiera Fannon, Courtney Jones, Jaime Simmons, Kaillee Brown, and Chelsea Taylor.
CLUB SKILLS U S A members are (front row) president Lyndsay Isaacs, vice president Bobby Warren, treasurer Justin Evans, secretary Phillip Whitten, instructor Mr. David Ress, (second row) David Moore, Jeremy Bower, Josh Venables, Cheyenne Kubala, Erica Peterson, Malia Watson, Jonathan Frank, (third row) Cody James, Danny Castillo, Josh Hay ter, Michael Smith, Chris Gonzales, Paul Gann, and Corey Wade.
"I learn b etter hands on" chrisGONZALES
"I thought it might help me in my future career" ronnyROULEAU
CARPENTRY MEMBERS ARE (front row) Instructor Mr. Tim Mullins, Justin Crooke, Justin Arismendez, Chris Crawford, Kyle Petersen, Ronny Rouleau, (second row) Blake Smith, Brent McKeever, Daniel Henson, Curtis Hill, and Brandon Briscoe.
DECA/ C lub Skills USA/ C a rp e n try
FORKING ON THE computer, EC A members Kayla Reid, Brian tafford, Samantha Allen, Brianne ummins, and Tarvn M oore
prepare for upcoming competitions. DECA competes at competitions in surrounding areas. P h oto by Jennifer Caskey
Coming to school means
help me in my future
going to classes like Algebra
endeavors within the
and Chemistry, and learning
business world," said DECA
the basics th at will help later in life. Yet school also offers
member Drake Calloway. This was a large reason
classes to help teach business
why many people decided to
skills th at are usable in
join their particular
professional life.
organizations. Students look
DECA, for example, is an organization th at teaches
to them to help them in their future careers and decisions.
skills needed for the w ork place such as customer
to arm students with the
relations. The members of
skills th at they will need to
DECA take these skills and compete at competitions in
survive in the working world.
surrounding areas. Club Skills USA and
These organizations help
So in the end, even though algebra and chemistry are required, getting involved in
Carpentry also teach a trade
vocational organizations
right here at school. Club Skills USA focuses on auto
might not be a bad plan
technician skills where as
because who knows when those skills might come in
carpentry teaches the basics
of construction.
christineP O W E LL
"I felt th at DECA would
)R THEIR CLCIB skills USA sject, Corey Wade and leyenne Kubala work to rebuild 150 transmission. The janization does such projects in ier to prepare for competitions in rrounding areas. S ta ff Photo
WORKING ON BUILDING the softball field bathroom, Adam Friday, Brad Levesque, and Justin Crook cut a piece o f wood. Building the new bathroom was a major project for the caipentry classes. S ta ff Photo
Activities t
W hat was your fa v o rite m em ory in Babes?
"My favorite memory was senior year sleepover, we dressed in all black and TP'ed people's houses." JaclynWHITMORE
â&#x20AC;&#x153;My favorite memory was last year's competition. The energy and excitement was so huge.â&#x20AC;? tarynMOORE
"My favorite memory was spending time with the officers who I love." JamieTASKER
D RILL TE A M M EM BERS are (front row) Senior Lt. Lisa Hardin, Junior Lt. Savannah Roberson, Junior Lt. Beth Williams, Junior Captain Keely Harpole, Junior Lt. Jamie Tasker, Junior Lt. Tressa Stoiloff, Sophomore Lt. Blair Wuthrich, and Merideth Selvidge, (second row) Nicole Townsie, Tiffany Goff, Frankie Foster, Jaclyn Whitmore, Jordan Rickard, Andrea Polk, Andrea Minjarez, Amber Cox, Jordan Dubski, Stacy Pickett, Britney Lillis, Ashley McCleskey, and Jasmin Bryant, (third row) Julia Frayser, Hali Rangel, Megan Fernandez, Katrina Pham, Taryn Moore, Katherine Patterson, Natalie
Adams, Kati Frazier, Brittanie Lemley, Tiara Knight, Shannon Raymond, Nanna Leaper, and Jazz Romine, (fourth row) Annalise Boydston, Holly Cannon, Heather Duncan, Regan Brookman, Cara Baker, Misty Kahler, Amber Wherry, Jessica Sanchez, Carla Musial, Bailey McGowan, Christie Williams, Rilee Battista, and Adie Gutierrez, (back row Bethany Kroll, Rebekah Miner, Courtney Baggett, Bailey Burlton, Jaelyn Dubski, Reba Brown, Corsi Crumpler, Jenna Frazier, Leah Forrestal, and Kayla Smith. Ph oto by G ordon's Photography
D r il l T e a m P repares
for The Drill Team started with 57 members, 26 being new members. The
Babes not only performed at the football games but they also danced at a DANCING IN THE STANDS the Babes help boost the spirit before they go on the field, (left) During camp Junior Lt. Savannah Roberson takes a break from dancing, (right) Preparing for a game, Blair Wuthrich talks her squad line through the set up of a football field and what to wear, (bottom) Senior Lt. Lisa Hardin helps Katherine Patterson put on her jewels before the game. Courtsey Photos
basketball game and w ent to competition. Every year they choose a different place to go and compete. This year they chose Row lett, Texas. The Babes football performances consisted of a tap dance routine to "Hooray for Hollywood," and a father daughter dance to "Dream on Texas Ladies'" and also a high kick routine to "Spirit in the Sky." The band played the music th at the team danced to at half time. "My favorite dance th at we performed would have to be our competition kick routine," said Katrina Pham. "It's so upbeat, alive, and really fun to dance to." The officers also did a "hip hop" dance at a pep rally. The "hip hop" routine was to "Shake Shake.'" " My favorite dance we did was the father daughter dance," said Lisa Hardin, "because I got to connect with my dad." ch ris tin a B O A T M A N
TER THE GA M E , freshmen ley McGowen and Merideth /idge hold pinkies during the ool song. The Babes,
cheerleaders, Dog Squad, and the football players all participated in the school song. Courtesy Photos by Lisa Hardin
DURING CAM P THE drill team officers show the awards they received during their week at camp
in Frisco. The whole team went to a camp and then the officers also went to a camp o f their own.
DR UM M A JO R S FOR the Brigade are Junior Stephanie Seman and senior Julie Alaniz. This was Stephanie's second year to lead.
Bulldog B a n d B r e a k s n e w G r o u n d in 3 A
Brigade Adapting to change and i^naining successful is quite a challenge... one th at band
season and advancement
the ATSSB concert bands.
Tw enty three students made All-District, fourteen
Their show, "The Music of 1945," took a Sweepstakes
qualified for the Region
award at UIL Region Marching Contest, sending
bands, and six advanced to Area. Three students made
them to Area. They also received an
All-State: juniors T aylor Felty
award for Outstanding Music
All-State jazz Ensemble, and
members also adapted to tw o
at the Golden Triangle
senior Cat Muse in the All-
new band directors, Mr. Ellis
Marching Contest in Denton,
Kilgore and Mr. Taylor
and placed second overall at the Lawton Superior
State Band. "It was the most exciting
students found themselves facing-and accomplishing. N ot only were competitions changed dramatically w ith the move down to 3A, but band
Cathey. Despite all the new circumstances, the students
Marching Contest.
still "banded" together to
In addition to marching, students individually w ent
have a successful marching
the extra mile to audition for
A T A PEP rally, the band plays the National Anthem, (middle left). At the Hirschi game, Layne McBeath (11) kneels to play a snare solo in "Taps." (middle right) Nycole Young (11) practices her flute solo, (bottom ) On Senior Night, Adam Roberts stands and plays as the uniformed guard presents the American flag during â&#x20AC;&#x153;Taps."
B O O G IE IN IN THE stands, Brenner Schmitt (11) and band director Mr. Taylor Cathey dance to "Latinâ&#x20AC;?, a drum cadence, (bottom) While the drum line jams at a pep rally, color guard members Chelsey Neises (11) and Cali Lindsay (9) don't miss a beat. P h otos by Jorda n M iller
and Tyler Cummings in the
thing that's ever happened to me," said Taylor. "I had a really great feeling of accomplishment." k a ty B O D E N H O R N
ALL-STATE QUALIFIERS are junior Tyler Cummings, senior Ca Muse, and junior Taylor Felty. Ph oto by Katy Bodenhorn
IE N E W LY N A M E D pep band, le S ou n d from, the Pound, wears ;chen garb and performs at the rschi basketball game. Even when ere was no official theme, the nd members were asked to dress i on their own. P h oto bu Jord a n Her
F1CERS ARE (front) Adriana niz, Joel Smith, Julie Alaniz, phanie Seman, Rebekah Smith, slsey Neises, (second row) Pierce verson, Hilary Galbraith, Angela
Dalke, Heather Smith, Cat Muse, Tyler Lynn, (back) Steve Schutte, Layne McBeath, Tyler Cummings, Michael Caffee, Brenner Schmitt, Jake Starkey, and Taylor Felty.
B A N D M EM BERS ARE (front row) drum majors Stephanie Seman, Julie Alaniz, (second row) James Bryant, Lauren Rios, Elissa Anderson, Vella Zaragoza, Marie Oehlerking, Ashley Henrion, Cali Lindsay, Courtney Betts, Adriana Alaniz, April Bevington, Amber Tatum, Kelly W ood , Lexi Shipley, Jessica Joss, Chelsey Neises, (third row) Kasi Bailey, Liz Rogers, Alise Am ey, Sabrina Cooper, Nathan Galbraith, LevarC ook, Zach Shipp, Layne McBeath, Tyler Jenkins, C ody Burks, (fourth row) Matthew W ooten, Hayli Klusmeyer, Samantha Fiscal, AJ Norris, Adelicia Marlin, Brittney Skelton, Nycole Young, Heather Smith, (fifth row) Michael Caffee, Cassandra Garay, Audri Barnard, Am y Blackwell, Melissa Drage, Rebekah Smith, Angela Dalke, Heather Roberson,
Lindsey Sirilla, Justin Shaw, JR Griffith, Alejandro Gonzales, Alan Boesen, Matt Moudy, Tyler Cummings, (sixth row) Perry Halverson, Jordan Cook, Jason Bryant, Dustin Elless, Heather Zillweger, Melissa Diehl, Hilary Galbraith, Brenner Schmitt, Dan Fortin, Katy Bodenhom, Michelle Evans, Tiffany Collie, Tyler Gilmore, (seventh row) Jared Chapman, Pierce Halverson, Joel Smith, Cat Muse, Bryan Adams, Hope Duke, Bobby Wilson, Jacob Starkey, Taylor Felty, Barbara Schultz, Elizabeth Bodenhom, Jacob Sparling, Ben Frischmann, (back row) Eddie Little, Robert Young, Jason Lemmond, Tyler Lynn, Alex Shipp, and Steve Schutte. Ph oto by G ordon Photography.
Cm (bottom left) A T THE HOMECOMING game, Paige Johnson (11) and Katy Bodenhom (10) perform in the closer, (middle left) Levar Cook (10) practices the bells, (top left) With horns to the pressbox, the band finishes the show, (top right) JR Griffith (10) steps o ff in an up-tempo part o f "Sing Sing Sing." (middle right) Hilary Galbraith (11) play for the pep band (bottom right) and Jacob Starkey (10) watches a basketball game. S PIERCE H ALVERSO N PGTS his sax away. (middle) Perry Halverson (9) goofs off. (bottom) Band members stand at attention. P h otos by Jord a n M iller and Katy B odenhorn
Band I 79
W hat is the song th a t best describes you? EXCEPTIONAL LEARNER S CLUB members are (front row) Jason Reed, Lauren Swartsell, Leslie Swartsell, Daniel Sickman, Tisha Stemadel and
Victoria Musial (back row) Kimbra Skinner, Kevin Jennings, JR Christman, Renier Torres, and Lee Foster.
GIRLS CHOIR MEM BERS are (front row) Kaylani Lagat, Sam Allen, Jocelyn Dennis, Kayce Holan, Elissa Anderson, and Melinee Brandon (back row)
Kelsey Bowen, T on ya Johnson, Kyndra Golden, Brandy Baker, Chelsea Koschak, Gihye Myers, an Mr. Don Cowan, (not pictured) Camelia Garcia.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Voice of Truth" by Casting
Crowns." leslieSWARTSELL
my Heart" by Phil
"Good News" by Something
Corporate." meganPHELAN
A C APELLA CHOIR members are (front row) Jessica Joss, Amanda Lecours, Chelsea Schwalbe, Lindsey Lawson, Shalamaar Walker, Megan Phelan, Am y Hastings, Bethany Kroll, Kindel Byrne, Lexie Shipley, (second row) Kaillee Brown, Patricia Garcia, Wren Siegrist, Michelle Alfert, Marie Oehlerking, Alex Meek,
Raechel Am o, Lauren Rios, Samantha Culver, Jordan Miser, (thrid row), Kaleigh Morris, Jordan McKenzie, Shelby Bradshaw, Perry Halverson, Steven Christopher, Robert Wairen, David Stock, Tyler Gilmore, Amber Tatum, (back row) Jared M cCoy, Nick Raines, and Adam Roberts.
^ A 'C A P P E LLA C t!H O IR /G IR L S
5 1 R /E L C
Singing spirituals, and contemporary
pieces, the A cappella choir started practicing for their w inter and spring seasons.
PAINTING SIGNS FOR their fundraiser, Amanda Beach helps Ttshia Sternadel. (left) Mr. Clint Kerr assists Daniel Sickman as he makes Christmas signs, (right) Lee Foster and Mrs. Ruth Ottoman make Christmas goodies such as fudge and dream bars, (bottom left) Jarrod McCoy and Renter Torres hang up ads for their projects, (bottom right) JR Christman, Victoria Musial, Lauren Swartsell, and Kevin Jennings make signs.
"Music is personality," sophomore Lauren Rios said." It's a great way to express yourself and your own style."' A fter concerts at places like the State Hospital, and Rolling Meadows, the choir felt ready to participate in the UIL competition in April. Ubi Caritas was A cappella member and Exceptional Learner's club member, Jarrod McCoy's favorite song. "It is a beautiful song and I love the Latin." The Exceptional Learner's Club sold fudge and dream bars as fundraiser s for the Christmas season. The members worked to make all the ads and goodies themselves. Girls Choir was another group at w ork, preparing for their spring concert. The girls choir sings a lot of contemporary music. "I like the upbeat songs," Elissa Anderson said. a m y H A S T IN G S
w) Megan Phelan, Michelle Alfert, (back w) Kailee Brown, Steven Christopher, ck Raines, and Lauren Rios.
leader Kailee Brown makes plans with Michelle Alfert at piano while Amanda Lecours and Jessica Joss prepare to sing. Staff photos
Choir, ELC |
W hat's your fa v o rite song to sing in the shower? D R A M A CLUB MEM BERS are (front row) Stephanie Seman, Janelle Goettman, Challena Franks, Elizabeth
Rogers, (second row) Kaleb Lacy, Kelly Finn, Mirandi Lamb, Jasmine Jones, and Melinee Bradon.
SPEECH/DEBATE M EMBERS ARE Jordan Miller and Janelle Goettman. Speech and Debate students
conduct extensive research in the library to keep up with current events.
"Mouth Like a M agazine by Showbread." stephanieSEM AN
"Grow For M e - â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Little Shop of Horrors'." dionTORRES
"The Raindrops Keep Falling on M y Head." mirandaLAMB
D ra m a /D e b a te /F C C L A
FCCLA MEMBERS ARE Leslie Swartsell, Alyssa Turner, Kimbra Skinner, Lauren Swartsell, and Kelsey
Nix. (Not pictured) sponsor Mrs. Shiriey Gritton. S ta ff photos
D R A M A /D C \ F C C LA
T e c h ie s , A ctors
O ver the course of the year, Mr. Bob Barrow's students were hard at work
E x p e r ie n c e the D ram a
building sets, running lights, and memorizing lines in order to produce some astounding productions. To prepare for their fall production AT THE DRAMA club “Thanksmas” party, Kristyna Butler and Miranda Lamb play Twister, (left) While at the Thespian Festival in Corpus Christi, Megan Phelan, Janelle Goettman, and instructor Bob Barrow watch the ocean, (right) During the fall production of Little Shop o f Horrors, Hali Rangel as “Audrey" and Dion Torres as "Seymour" serenade each other, (bottom) Participating in a colorful theatre game, drama students dress in costumes. Staff photos
Little Shop o f H orrors, the cast and crew spent hours and afternoons rehearsing for opening night. Debate and public speaking students toiled for hours while pouring over Newsweek and Time magazines, and constantly kept up with the world's current events in order to build numerous files used in competition. Sponsored by Hardin Principal Mr. Don Fritsche, the students gained worldly knowledge and confidence in public speaking. Preparing themselves for life after high school, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America gain knowledge for family life while helping others at the same time. “The new embroidery machine will allow FCCLA to design our own patterns and to stitch on hats,” sponsor Mrs. Shirley G ritton said. janelleGOE I I M A N
CIRING THE PRODUCTION of ittle S h op o f H orrors, freshman Jan Boesen uses a live feed o f the erformance and a microphone to
project and match his voice to the movements o f the plant on stage. Photo by Jennifer Caskey
FCCLA M EMBERS Sabrina Cooper, Kelsey Nix, Lauren Swartsell, Leslie Swartsell, and Kimbra Skinner wait to receive
instructions from sponsor Mrs. Shirley Gritton on the new PR-600 six needle embroidery machine. S ta ff photo
g|jsS O C C |R
Players Team Up fo r Success I t was all fun and games
varsity soccer team. This
for the girls soccer team.
year, anyone w ho signed up
They had fun while practicing
for soccer would end up on the varsity team.
and enjoyed their games. Instead of having tw o
The rest of the girls were
During cold weather, the girls had indoor practices at the Boys and Girls Club. “I had fun practicing at the Boys and Girls Club
separate varsity and JV teams, this season, all of the soccer
either first season players or
because I didn’t have to deal
returning JV team members.
players were combined to form one team w ith 2 1
“W e didn’t really have tryouts this year,” freshman
w ith the very cold weather outside,” junior Alyssa Turner
Sonia Rodriguez said.
“I think it's better th at we're all on one team because it doesn't split us up or our
A t practices, the players improved their skills with
said. Despite a lack of goals in the season, the girls soccer team members played well
attitudes/’ junior Cheyenne
passing, dribbling, running, and shooting. The girls
enjoying themselves. Breanna
Kubala said.
practiced from 2:30 to 5:30
Kerr scored the team's first
Almost half of the girls were returning players who
each day. They ran drills and
goal at their game against the Rider JV team.
had previously been on the
worked to get ready and prepare for their games.
and tried their best while
PREVENTING THE B A LL from going down the field toward the goal, senior Cara Simmons jumps to get in front o f it. “In a soccer game, you always have to react in a split second because eveiy second counts,” Cara said. Photo by Paulina A rzate
PaulinaA R Z A T E
WHILE HOLDING OFF an opposing player from the Rider varsity team, sophomore Allie Saville prepares to kick the ball down the field away from her end o f the field. P h oto by Paulina A rzate GIRLS SOCCER T E A M members are (front row) Cara Simmons and Lindsey Miller, (second row) Iylene Gutierrez, Nicole Ysasaga, Julia Alaniz and Jaime Simmons, (third
Girls S o ccer
row) Heather Zamora, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Marissa Stephens, Breanna Kerr, Cheyenne Kubala, Allie Saville and Jordan Sheffield, (back row) Mylene Gutierrez, Alyssa
Turner, Dawn Mackin, Sarah Harris, Cassandra Garay, Dayna Jones, Blair Wuthrich and Sonia Rodriguez. Photo by G ordon Photography
5 A N OPPOSING Rider player irieves the ball, sophomore Blair uthrich takes a step back and spares to block the ball and lyer. In games, Blair was most ten in the position o f a center idfielder. Ph oto by Paulina zate
AVOIDING PUSHING A N D a red card, senior Cara Simmons tries to get the ball from a Rider defensive player to take it down the field and shoot for a goal. “Yeah, I’d consider myself an aggressive player, but only when it’s a good time,” said Cara. P h oto by Paulina A rza te
RUSHING TO A N undefended ball, sophomore Blair Wuthrich begins to dribble it down the field with a Rider defenseman moving to stop her. According to Blair, some keys to being a good soccer player are to “practice often, keep in shape, and play indoors to work on your skills.” P h oto by Paulina A rzate
AFTER THE BALL was kicked out o f bounds past the goal, senior Jaime Simmons kicks the ball back into play while goalie and senior Julia Alaniz looks on. Anytime the ball went out behind the goal, Jaime was there to make the goalie kick for Julia. Ph oto by Paulina A rzate
When I played in my first high school soccer game. .. "I was really nervous. I didn’t expect to have that much pressure on me! But it turned out to be really fun and I couldn’t wait to play again." allieSAVILLE
When I play in my last high school soccer game. . . Til remember the time I got smacked in the face by a Rider forward and the times I told jokes to my defenders.” JulieALANIZ
A G A M E against the Rider rsity team, freshman Marissa ;phens powerfully kicks the ball st an opposing offensive player 10 had been dribbling the ball ward to make a goal. Despite
the cold weather and an early loss o f the lead, the girls played their best and kept spirits high by cheering each other on and congratulating one another on great plays. Ph oto by Paulina Arzate
WATCHING THE BALL, junior Elizabeth Rodriguez dribbles the ball down the court. When the weather was too cold for practice, the team moved to the Boys and Girls Club next door to the school for indoor practice. Ph oto by Paulina Arzate
boysSOCCER Boys Kick O ff to Reach Their G oal The soccer teams include
team members experienced
the players got too aggressive
16 junior varsity players and
change. The varsity team also
which causes them to get a
18 varsity players. W ith the
experienced change as foreign
penalty or even a red card.
help of coaches Marquis Muse
exchange student, Bernd
“I got a red card this
and Kyle Redding, the boys
Ludden, joined the team.
season when I siid-tack led
kicked off the season with high hopes.
“In America, you are able
another player,” said varsity
to play sports at school which
member Derek Devereaux. “I
I like, but in Germany, you
wasn’t able to play the next
every day from 2:30 until
have to join a club in order to
game because of th at.”
5:30. Several drills were a
play any sport,” said goalie
daily routine for the players.
Bernd Ludden.
The players practiced
Running and ball handling
Through obstacles and change, overall the boys have
Defensive and offensive
learned to better w ork as a
were among the things the
positions were also practiced.
team and progress for furture
players practiced.
In a game, players often get
W ith several freshmen joining, former junior varsity
aggressive in attem pt to get the ball and score. Too often
am berBICE
ATTEMPTING TO CATCH the ba after it was passed to him, sophomore Chase Witt waits for it to land in order for him to dribble i Passing and receiving skills were practiced everyday after school individually and with other teammates. Ph oto by Kelly Fint
paigeJO H N S O N
IB iwesti ummig
WHILE PRACTICING AFTER school, sophomore Brad Deeb perfects kicking the ball back into play. Being one o f the two goalies, Brad had a very important job.
Boys Soccer
B O Y S VARSITY SOCCER team members are (front row) Derek Devereaux, Keenan Stubblefield, Jeanine Young, Jordan Dubski, Justin Price, and Kyle Street,
(second row) Coach Marquis Muse, Lance Maxwell, Ryan Mills, Dylan W ood, Jeremy Miner, Wesley Wise, Jackie Sanders, Kaleb Lacy, and Coach Kyle
Redding, (back row) Josh Singer, Ernest Davis, Bemd Ludden, Blake Deeb, Brad Deeb, Scott Bavousett, and Ian Peoples. Ph oto by G ordon Photography
RACTICING HIS OFFENSE, jnior Blake Deeb attempts to lake a goal. Blake has been on le varsity soccer team for three ears. He also spends hours each ay after school to improve his ame. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
SCRIM M AGING THEIR TEAM members, junior Scott Bavousett and Ian Peoples play against each other during practice. Scott tried to block Ian from passing the ball to someone else. This gave the players a chance to better get the feel o f a real game. P h oto by Kelly Finn
EXERCISING DEFENSIVE DRILL skills, junior Lance Maxwell competes against Cory Roberson during practice. Players practiced both offensive and defensive skills in order to prepare for games. These positions could change quickly at any time during a game and the players had to be ready for that. P h oto by Kelly Finn
WAITING FOR THE soccer ball to be passed to him, sophomore Ian Peoples kept an eye on the ball. Players had to stay completely focused during the games whether they had the ball or not. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
“if I could get professional lessons from anyone it would be from Cristiano Ronaldo. He is my favorite soccer player and he is one of the best.” GrantSANDERS “If I could get lessons from any pro, it would be Rio Ferninand because he is one of the best defenders and could give good advice.” kalebLONDROW
CINIOR VARSITY SOCCER team lembers are (front row) Kyle ones, Jordan Jones, Sean lichaud, Caleb Londrow, and ustin Anderson, (second row)
Coach Marquis Muse, Christian Sifuentes, Vincent Castro, Clinton Johnson, D.J. Pearce, Chris Miller, and Coach Kyle Redding (back row) Michael Hargis, Chace Witt,
Cory Roberson, Nathan Germann, Grant Sanders, and Quinton Alfonzo. Photo by G ordon Photography
softBALL Swinging for the fe n c e In â&#x2013; Taking second in district lastfyear and losing the first playoff round, brought back
than ready to take on the
these goals the Lady Dogs are
real games.
practicing extra hours and
"The girls have been
more determination than
working extremley hard for
ever for the Lady Dogs.
w hat they w ant to
are always putting out their best efforts to move forward. "W e have been
accomplish," Coach Allen
practicing really hard, and
determined to go farther this
Hennan said. "There's no
putting in the extra hours to
year than last year," said
doubt th at they are ready."
help us get better," Alex
"The team was extremly
senior Lorena Barnes. W ith the season getting underway, the Lady Dogs have already had scrimmages
The Lady Dogs set many goals th at they wished to accomplish. "The major goals w e set
Kirkikissaid. The year for the Lady Dogs looked very promising. W ith their determination
against Keller and a
were to win district and then
and efforts in everything they
scrimmage tournam ent. W ith
win the State Championship,"
do, the Lady Dogs were
winning all of the scrimmages,
Brittiny Casteen said.
bound for the playoffs.
the Lady Dogs looked more
In order to accomplish
SWINGING LEFT H ANDED, junior Came Harvey practices her I left handed hitting and waits for the ball. Patience and practice are major parts o f the game, without them the team could not do as well. S ta ff Ph oto
sarahW E A R Y
GLOVE OPEN WIDE, junior Sarah Weary takes her way quickly to the oncoming ball to make a play. S ta ff Photo VARSITY SOFTBALL M EMBERS are (front row) Tressa Stoiloff, Jazz Romine, (second row) Ashley Rarick, Alex Klrkikis,
J tF
Brittany Tiemann, Kelsey Sterkel, Chelsey Griffin, Holly Cannon, (thrid row) Lorena Bames, Etta Forrestal, Kristynn Butler, Brittiny
Casteen, (back row) Carrie Harvey, Sarah Weary, Brittney Tanner, and Lindy Anderson. Photo by G ordon Photography
ENDING D O W N LOW , junior slsey Sterkel puts out her glove id gets in position to catch the ill. One o f the only ways to ake a play was to catch the ball, is vital in playing the game. S ta ff roto
WITH G R EAT FORM, junior Brittany Tiemann waits for a ball to com e her way. Coach Courtney Veal observes in the background ready to assist when needed. S ta ff Ph oto
GETTING W A R M E D CIP, senior Brittney Tanner practices pitching so she will be ready for the next game. The season can be very hectic for players and they were constantly practicing. S ta ff Ph oto
B A LL IN GLOVE, senior Lindy Anderson squats down and practices with varsity pitcher Brittney Tanner. S ta ff Ph oto
" My favorite part of softball would have to be the summer ball. Meeting new people and going on the trips are just some of the pluses." brittneyTANNER
" My favortie part of softball would have to be playing the games and performing in front of everyone." lindyANDERSON
[INIOR VARSITY SOFTBALL embers are (front row) Jazz amine and Holly Cannon, scond row) Ashley Rarick, Taylor mpson, Cheyenne Gutierrez,
Chelsey Griffin, Harley Simpson, Hannah Hill, (third row) Jordan Neuharth, Lindsey Sirilla, Ashley McCleskey, Tandia Turner, Allison Pool, Alise Am y, (fourth row)
Cheyenne McLester, Rikki Galvin, Samantha Ortiz, Meaghen White, Am y Riley, Kilie Walbom, and Amber Smith. Photo by G ordon Photography
Sports 1 89
baseBALL Sliding into a Successful'Season scrimmages, the baseball team
baseball this year because I
seissn by focusing on doing
managed to beat Rider,
worked really hard the last
all the little things right, the
introducing a good vibe for
year to get my shoulder
varsity baseball team intends
the season to come.
better," said junior Leland
Beginning their baseball
to accomplish high goals. "This year our goal is to
" W e plan to w ork as hard as we can, play as smart
W etzel w ho spent months attending rehab last season.
make the playoffs and
as we can and see how far our
continue to play as long as
hard w ork and dedication
baseball players have been
possible during this season,"
will take us," Coach Leach said
teammates for more than
Coach Leach said.
about the season.
one year, they know each
The field is in their favor
The upcoming season
Since most of the
other's strengths and
since they have "very good
looked bright for the
weaknesses making them
team chemistry because they
Bulldogs. W ith several
even more prepared for the
w ork and make smart
returning starters, the varsity
choices," said Coach Leach.
team carried potential.
In one of their first
"I'm glad to be playing
DISCUSSING THEIR STRATEGY seniors Bridges Crumpler and Spoon Horn, practice for their next game. They are focusing on staying on task so they will be wellpracticed and prepared for the upcoming season. "We plan on doing good things," said Spoon. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
A." I've never been injured enough to not play baseball." adam FRIDAY Q. W H A T INJURIES HAVE YOU ACQ UIRED FROM BASEBALL? A."Baseball is so intense I once blacked out from dehydration" mitchellSMITH
VARSITY B A S E B A LL TEAM members are (front row) Spoon Horn, Keaton Green, Bridges Cmmpler, Nate Wheeler, Cody
Persinger, Quay Grant, and Marc Beason (back row) Jimbo Thompson, Zach Isrebs, Adam Friday, Mitchell Smith, Leland
Wetzel, Matt Peoples and Scott Correll. Ph oto by G ordon Photography
ANTICIPATING THE PITCH, inior Quay Grant, the switch hitter eeps his eye on the ball for a uccessful hit and an astonishing ;ad on first base. Because o f this uccessful lead the Bulldogs are ble to get a hom e run during their rst scrimage o f the season against lider High School.
FROM THE M OUND , senior Scott Correll winds up for the pitch and release. As a result the Bulldog varsity team makes a Rider baseball player strike out during one o f thier first scrimages o f the season. "1can tell this will be a good season," said Scott.
WAITING FOR THE hit, senior Matt Peoples succesfully steals second base immediately after he makes a lead to first base. "I never took my eyes o ff the pitcher," he exclaimed. Matt has played baseball all four years o f his high school career and intends to continue during college.
REACHING OUT, junior Leland Wetzel lunges to stretch for the ball in an attempt to get the runner out. Leland is the varisty baseball team's first baseman and he has "high hopes" for the team. S ta ff ph oto
IP i
pHg |* B IH H r i" n 0«£Bi
g |wp iiB l :’w' >ASE0f i <
9 f
V B A S E B A LL TEAM (front row) ndrew Miller, Bobby Harrimon, ory Monroe, Matthew Bamburg, id Justin Robertson (second row) rayne Henderson, Myles Reynolds, Dnnie Nelson,Zach Moehnke,
Brandi Bolen, and Kenny Wolgamot (third row)Jason Beach, Tucker McDaniel, Grant Stine, Wade Beason, and Seth Barrells (back row) Derek Dowling, Brady Giles, Jordan Springstead, and Adam Barnes.
FRESHM AN B A S E B A LL TEAM (front row) Luis Rodrigue, Justin Roark, Lance Mercardo, Ben Cahayla, Peter Loftus (second row) Sam Duke, Casey Keksi, Ben Moree, RJ Madarang, T on y
Furman, (third row) Shawn Hetcel, Brandon Miller, Matthew Morales, Taylor Tisdale (back row) Clayton Shearman, Dylan Cummins, Cody Harper, Lorenzo Barnes, and Matt Less. Photos by G ordon's
Sports I
powerLfFTING Lifters Hope To Advance To Regionais J o e in g a member of the p l^ p rliftin g team takes a lot
had a heavy load to carry and
local lifting team and has won
hopes of making it to the
numerous awards at
more than overall strength. It
regional competitions.
takes dedication, a strong w ork ethic, and a desire to
To get to this point takes a lot of practice, not just in
done, the boys are ready to
better yourself and to be
the designated class period,
but outside of school as well.
“The Powerlifting team
"Working out on your
A fter all the w ork is
Besides having team orientated goals, the lifters
continues to w ork hard,”
own time is more
themselves have goals and
Coach Staci Atkins said. “These kids are gearing up for
convenient," senior Josh Hayter said. "You can get in
expectations to fulfill for themselves.
a run at the regional meet. I
there and get things done a lot quicker."
really appreciate all of their
Some of the lifters are a
"My goal is to advance as far as state," Hayter said. "Dropping to 3 A gives the
w ork and sacrifices they made to help the program continue
part of powerlifting teams in
team a better chance of
to grow.”
the area to gain experience.
accomplishing this both
Senior Kyle Gerstner lifts
individually and as a team." orlandoFLO R E S
Due to the success of the past few seasons, the boys
w ith Mike Askew's
U S IN G ONE OF the weight machines, sophomore Julian Garcia works on his arm strength. Although all of the lifts at the meet are done with free weights, weight machines work some areas of the body that free weights cannot. Staff Photo
WORKING ON HIS upper body, sophomore Kyle Frazier does a set o f dips during power lifting practice after school. Dips are not a lift included in power lifting competitions, but are beneficial and helpful for other events that are. S ta ff Photo
Pow erlifting
POWERLIFTING T E A M IS (front row) Tanner Fowler, Trent Sharp, Kayla Kelso, Harley Simpson, Tom m y Dalke, Raymon Herd, (second row) Nick Nixon, Lorenzo Barnes, Tyler Hunt, Robert Blackmon, Kyle
Gerstner, Ryne Cozby, Anthony Hibbs, (back row) Steve Hill, Seth Lynch, Josh Hayter, Kaleb Simpson, Michael Askew, and Preston King. Many of the lifters on the team were also a part of the football team and used power
lifting as a way to build muscle for the upcoming season besides the work done in off-season. Also, some of the lifters were underclassmen and plan to return next year. Staff Photo
TANDENG BEHIND OPHOMORE Steve Hill, •phomore Preston King is ready to >ot Steve on his incline press in ise the weight is more than he can indie. Spotters are there to help e lifter get the weight o ff if it's too iavy. S ta ff P h oto
R E A D Y TO HELP with the incline press, sophomore Steve Hill makes sure that sophomore Michael Askew can get the weight up okay during their after school work out. Many sophomores choose to participate in power lifting. S ta ff P h oto
W O R K IN G O U T AFTER school, sophomore Raymon Herd gets set to perform squat reps of 315 lbs. One of the benefits of powerlifting is that the football players can use powerlifting to get stronger during off-season. Staff Photo
W O R K ING O N H IS squat max, Nick Nixon performs a rep of 405 lbs. during his after school work out. Nick was one of the main leaders of the powerlifting team, and has been in power lifting all four years of high schooL Staff Photo
SING G O O D FORM, sophomore lyla Kelso does squat repetitions 135 lbs. to better prepare herself r the upcoming meet. Kayla is
one o f the two girls that were involved in powerlifting, a sport that many girls d on ’t do. S ta ff Ph oto
PREPARING TO LIFT the bar, senior Josh Hayter bench presses 225 lbs. during his after school work out. Josh has been a member
o f the powerlifting team all four years o f high school and was an active member o f the team. S ta ff Ph oto
“I like to lift because it gives me a chance to com pete in something other than football.” nickNIXON
"The thing that motivates me the most lifting is the want of getting the weight up that I've never lifted before and also not wanting to scratch." joshHAYTER
Sports| 93
Track & Swim Swimmer wins district Track has a record of
300m hurdles," Deanna
success. Several returning
Aubin said. "It is my best
lettermen and some
event and I've come to make
promising new athletes are
many friends from other
expected to do well.
schools, which makes it a lot
There are many events taking place at a track meet.
more fun and interesting." The BHS one man swim
"The tw o mile is my
team had a successful season.
favorite race,"' Amanda Collie
D rew Cain, the only
said. "It is a race more than
swimmer, medaled at district
just speed; It takes guts and
placing 2nd in the 200 and
strategy. You have to think
third in the 500. He
of not only your own moves
advanced to regionals and
but how your competitors
placed 10th in the 200 and
will play out their strategy."
I Ith in the 500.
"My favorite event is the
GIRLS TRACK MEMBERS are, (front row) Lauren Swartsell, Leslie Swartsell, Lauren Devereaux, Stephanie Duchesne, Demetria Perry, Jenna Frazier, (second row) Bailey McGowan, Casey Castro, Elissa Anderson, Audri Barnard, Deanna Aubin, Kiah Davis, Jessica King, (third row) Nicole Monk,
Track and Swimming
kellyFIN N
RETURNING TRACK LETTERMEN Terrell Brown, Sean Brown, Brett Stine, and Nate Brown visit about the Boomtown Relay. Nate Competes in 4x100 m Relay, 4x200 m Relay, 4x400 Relay, Long Jump, and the Triple Jump. "The long jump is my favorite event because it's been the easiest thing to do other then running," four
year lettemnan Nate Brown said. Sean competes in the 800 meter, 1600 meter, 4x400, 3200 meter, and the 200 meter Steeple Chase. He loves the 1600 m/mile. "It is the perfect blend o f speed and stamina," Sean said. Terrell likes to ran the 4x100 meter and the 4x200 meter relays. He went to district last spring.
THE ONLY SWIM team member, junior Drew Cain shows his
second and third place district medals. Courtesy Photo
Amanda Collie, Angela Early, Courtney Durst, Kiera Fannon, Marti Roland, (back row) Elizabeth VanDeWalle, Ryan Kendall, Leah Forrestal, Rilee Battista, Holly Cannon, and Katherine Patterson. (Not pictured Staci Voris and Kelly Finn)
ETTING IN S H A P E for track ason, junior Kyle Dye runs laps ound the track during after hool practice. Getting in ape and maintaining good alth was important for the ick members in order to place upcoming track meets. Staff
SPRINTING A R O U N D THE corner, senior Terrell Brown runs fast and hard to get ready for the events he ran for the track season. The track team worked after school to make sure the season would be a successful one. Staff Photo
RETURNING TRACK MEMBER senior Amanda Collie trains for the upcoming meet. Collie competed in the long distance events and looked to do well in both her mile and two mile runs. Staff Photo
CLEARING THE HURDLE, senior Deanna Aubin leaps over the hurdle to get ready for the season. Deanna is one of the returning varsity track members and looked for success in the hurdle races. Staff Photo
B O Y S TRACK TEAM members are, (front row) Malachi Naef, Jason McDamile, Jonathan Frank, Nate Brown, Sean Brown, Terrell Brown, Trey Fournier, (second row) Jerrod Tofte, Robert Blackmon, Travis DeVore, Lance Cissell, Chris Tarraont, Ronnie Hall, Kaleb
Simpson, Trent Sharp, (third row) Christian Mendoza, Jered Phillips, Sam Carrion, Jacob Reola, Anthony Smith, Logan Veitenheimer, T om m y Dalke, Ryan Evans, CY Lager, (fourth row) Steve Hill, Michael Fields, Preston King, Chris Killian, Jason Lemmond,
Ryne Cozby, Tyler McKeever, Brett Stine, (back row) Lorenzo Barnes, Gavin Whittaker, Nathan Galbraith, James Lorenzo, Tyler Hunt, Leighton Jenkins, Paris Whitfield, and Parker Loudermilk. S ta ff Photo
EPARING FOR REGIONALS, ior Drew Cain, the only member he BHS swim team, practices his ) freestyle. Drew competed in h the 200 and 500 freestyles. district Cain placed 2nd in the ) and 3rd in the 500 freestyle, also placed 10th in the 200 and h in the 500 freestyle at onals. Courtesy Ph oto
S portsl 95
developingUVES P eople ith all the panoramic changes happening, the students found themselves having to adapt quickly. The major change was the rennovation of the English wing into the new 9th Grade Learning Center in order to make the high school transition easier and to improve students' TAKS scores. The freshman class totals in at 250 students, being the most populated class in the school. The sophomore class of 244 students was the second most populated class in the school. They began preparing for next year by taking standardized tests such as the PLAN test, mock TAKS exams, and the PSAT. "Sophomore year is great, but it is much harder than fres^Tjanvgar/^ODhom orelLy|: « 1
HI .
Frayser said.
a n 4
helped me realize I would really like to purse this career." The 205 seniors also had a challenging year. The pressure was on as the college selection period slowly became closer and closer. To help students with this process, BHS offered for the first time the chance for seniors to go to a conference held by AP Strategies that gave them information from some of the top colleges in Texas and granted them the opportunity to go visit a few of the campuses in the metroplex. “I think the trip was very beneficial to the students," counselor Mrs. Susie Nix said. "They got to see three different types of colleges and saw a side of college they may not have seen before.”__________________ .
| v ■
It nems you mature
friends are."
t r u
of keeping up with their school work while they anxiously waited
■ Tfie junior class totaje d ^ M yS ^ofcYiB ^^& S Sbifeg^pecial stqc&nts. This was a big yeaiifpr to rhe because ss and the ju |i|r ^ h e ^ e r fb e g ih n in g h o w w f fU g e t to & e p a re fe r the fytureby Allison ^ a y ^ s a iil^ P v ^ p ^ e an ing:;the SAT |srvd■A C T |4i$ll ■ am izing spirit,ph<f vH Icn ow that the Exit L^vel TAKS. The ® | is oi||? last Year and we are cbile^silliclifc ins, and %me l^ k in g j'^ e ry tl^ ig count." earrvKffe chanc ^(participate in " I A l^pp|hlnese people had [gram that Dream Vjteek, *adapflto thfc^changes of schoo [pportunity to m gives students t pir desired job |§§ ; { v’ijt s^lHias hot changed their ■ find out uniquerflssj and tn ly continue to field. isVeally like. w develop their lives for the future ■ r i really liked Dream Week," orlandoFLCMffcifSH junior A rfiw n& cerattj',Twas able to see three oral surgeries and it
o a d s
'wnW e
P©opl© Divider
"By riding the bus I can see m y friends and hangout with them before and after school." milauniDYE
"High school has been great with friends, but I can't wait for college." erikZOET
Photo by Adam Roberts
Photo by Michelle Alfert
"Being in yearbook has brought me to understand my student body better." zachSHIPP Photo by Michelle Alfert
ÂŤ THE PA N O R A M A : ting in the alcove, students rticipated in the sophomore P S project to raise awareness for rid hunger. Based on "social tus" students were given either za or rice and beans to eat. king advantage o f the first snow, reral students gather in the
parking lot as school is dismissed. The school closed for a Snow Day the next day. Outside on the playground, seniors Lane Anderson and Drew Aaron play with children from Hardin Headstart. Supporting the football team, students show o ff their Bulldog shirts with orange, and black D-O-G-G-S. S ta ff Ph otos
ON THE TIMELINE: During the oil boom , tanks were sold to store surplus oil. However, much o f the oil was left to overflow the streets. Unfortunately, the exposed fuel created a fire hazard for the community. In 1923, Charles Coe rescued two girls from their burning home and received
international recognition as a Carnegie Hero. That same year, a new high school, now Burkbumett Middle School, was built to accomodate a growing population. A second oil boom errupted in 1925, covering the town with oil derricks and new businesses. Tim eline by M ich elle A lfert
P e o p le !
Faculty Del H ard aw ay Principal
Janie A vey Vice Principal
Brad O w en Vice Principal
W ith a kind heart and a passion for teaching, Mr. Joe Nemecek continues to positively influence students on a regular basis. "Many moments have been memorable,â&#x20AC;? Mr. Nemecek the math teacher said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;W hen working w ith students, th at moment when a student says, O h , oh, I get it!!' is probably the best." A second time winner of this award, Mr. Nemecek has been teaching for 38 years. He has been a resident o f Burkbum ett and a
Judy Albers Spedal Eduatlon Aide
teacher at BHS since 1970. "The reward of helping students fulfill their goal and become productive citizens as well as the camaraderie among fellow teachers is my favorite part of being a teacher," he said. michaelaBERGIN
A le x A lejandro Spanish II
Tona A lley Vice Principal Secretary
Stacy Atkins Football, Track
Brad Avens Pre A p English II
A d ri Balis Librarian Aide
LaVelda Barrick A p English III, IV
Bob Barrow Theatre A rts
Allyson Baughman Mathematics
Michael Baughman W orld Geography
Rosemary Bentley Registrar
Patrick Birk Q rls Soccer
Ryan Black Communication Apps.
Tom Black AEC/AEP/Spedal Edu.
Duward Blackwell A EC D irector
Diana Bohuslav W ritin g Lab
Gloria Bond Guidance Counselor
Patsy Buhs Home Bound Teacher
Rick Butler H ealth, Football/Baseball
Carey Caldwell H istory, Tennis
Kim Caldwell Counselors' Sectretary
Sheryl Carpenter H istory, Geography
Larry C arter Algebra II
Keri Cely H ealth, Volleyball, Track
M ary Cheney Desktop Design, Accounting
Virginia Clack A rt I
Sherry Coombes Principal's Secretary
Don Cowan Choir
Toni Cowardin English, Mathematics
Ken Cunningham AEP
Robert Daiker Biology, Volleyball, Softball
Bill Dalke Football
Kay Dalke English I, Golf
Johnny Divine Guitar I, II
Phillip Dowling Psych., Sociology, H istory
Susan Dozier
Linda Ellett Algebra I, II
A m y Fischer I PC
Bill Fox A ir Force JROTC
Pam Francis Honor IPC, Chemistry
Nancy Frazier BCIS I
M arg aret Fuentes Spanish I, II
T am m y Gerstner Educational Diagnostician
Anne Gillespie Yearbook, Photography
Shirley G ritton Apparel, W o rk Program
LeaAnn H ard y Nurse
Carl Hogue Mathematics
Laurie Hollingsworth Boomtown Babes, Fitness
N atalie Husen Content Mastery
Shannon Johnston English I, ALPS I, UIL
Bobbie Jones BCIS
Linda Kalski Criminal Justice
Clint K err Integrated Special Ed.
M elinda Kleckner BCIS I, II
"If I w e re a shoe I w ould be a black leather dress shoe because they’re smooth and slick looking and I've always loved to
“I w ould be a
w ear suits.1 '
sneaker because I
am flexible and durable, and I have
A lex Koulovatos G ris Basketball, D r. Ed.
Ronnie Lawson English IV, Science Fiction
Carla Leach Team III
Mike Leach Economics, Baseball
Beverly Lee Student A c tiv ity D irector, Marketing
Bryan Lehman Ag Mechanics
Lana Liggett Counselor
Anita Lockwood Gateway, Special Education
Jack Madding Pre AP Pre Calculus
Joe M ariotti AFJROTC
Conni Marshall Physics, Prin Tech
Becky McCleskey BCIS I, JV Soccer Coach
Kelley McGowan Credit Recovery
100 Faculty
g o o d traction because I am o ff and running"
Curtis M cN eil Biology
Paula M cN eil English, Social Studies
Jack M errick Algebra I, Basketball
Jeannine M iller Child Developement, PALs
Patsy M inderm an H ealth, Science Technology
Denise Miracle IPC, Basketball, Track
James M ize DAEP
James Moseley W o rld H istory, Basketball
Am aryllis Mullins Technology Facilitator
Tim Mullins Carpentry, ICT
JackMADDING Q: H o w did you decide w hat subject to teach? A : "I am blessed with the ability to understand mathematics the w ay it has been traditionally taught." Q : H o w long have you been teaching? A : "42 years"
Q: W h y did you choose to teach at BHS? A : 'Because o f the block schedule, I can teach half tim e.1'
Q: W h a t do you like best about BHS? A : "The students. I find that many are v e ry bright and eager to learn.1' c o u rtn e y B E T T S
P R E S E N T IN G T H E CLASS with the new calculator, Mr. Jack Madding explains a new procedure.
Marquis Muse Content Mastery, Soccer
Joe Nem ecek Mathematics
Janet Niles French
Danny N ix A th le tic D irector
Susie N ix Counselor
Stephen Norton German, US H istory
Ruth O ttm ann Special Populations Aide
Todd Pyle Gateway, Science
A m b e r Reaves Cheerleading, Gov., Ec.
Mandy Reed Special Education
Faculty! 101
Lynn Reichert Am erican Sign Language
David Ress A uto m otive Technology
Linda Richards H ealth, Volleyball, Track
Karen Sanderson Librarian
Ellen Scharlach N u tritio n and Food Science
Melanie Selvidge English III, C redit Recovery
Lee Seman Mathematics, NHS
Sharon Skaggs D A E P A id e
Jason Slagle Tennis
Debbie Smith Attendance Office
Sandy Tandberg Geometry
Lisa Tang English II, Reading Improvement
Phil Taylor US H istory, Gov., W o rld Geog.
Carl Thomas ocs
Courtney Veal Softball
G ary W a itm a n Ag Science, FFA Advisor
M arie W atson Chemistry I
Sara W ood Diagnostician
schoolBOARD Danny Taylor Superintendent
Curtis H eptner President
Christy Steigerwald Vice President
Ray Ono Secretary
Billy Darland Board Member
G ary Dilbeck Board Member
Billie Gorham Board Member
T e rry Moschgat Board Member
102 Faculty
Joseph Calderon (48)
O w e n G ets a S have On the second pep rally of the season, vice principal Brad Owen challenged the football varsity team to defeat the Gainesville Leopards. The players rose to the occasion by winning the game 37-0. The next Friday morning the players shaved his head in the rotunda while students watched. courtneyBETTS
Nick Nixon
Ms. Beverly Lee
Spoon Horn ( 11) and Patrick Davis (7)
Jon Morris
Cosmetology student Ashley Frayser
Holding his hair, Mr. Brad Owen gets one last feel o f it.
FOR PARTICIPATING IN Drug Free Week, Mr. Brad Owen signs Mrs. Mandy Reed and Mrs. Kelly McGown as honorary Drama Queens. Staff Photo
ENERGIZING THE CROWD. Mr. Del Hardaway speaks words o f motivation to get the football team pumped to play. Photo by Jordan M iller
Faculty 103
Class of 2010 Clinton Aase
Bryan Adam s
THE FR ESH M AN C L A S S officers are president Jenna Frazier, vice-president RJ Madarang, treasurer/secretary Dylan Cummins, and reporter Lorenzo Barnes. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
Ben Albers
The homecoming skits began with a bang when a bird, a bear, a bulldog chearleader, and a witch emerged from the freshman homecoming float, which was crafted to resemble a large television. The theme for the freshmen float was the fighting duo, Banjo and Kazooie. "My favorite part about the homecoming skit was the dancing," said Lorenzo Barnes, freshman class reporter. Along with this new experience also came new friends and new teachers. Although the first day of school was nerve-racking for students, the addition of the freshman wing has helped to ease some
Quinton Alfonzo
Randi Alley Shaylene Alley Joshua A lvarez Jessica Andrus Brandon Arbogast
Michael Askew Courtney Baggett Cara Baker Lorenzo Barnes Rilee Battista
104 Freshmen
fears. "I like the freshman wing because I can find my classes faster," Jackie Sanders said. sam anthaREGAN
Christian Baxter Stephanie Beisner Laura Bentley Audriana Berg Dane Bergin
Linda Berreles Bethany Bishop Jake Bishop Robert Blackmon Ian Blackwell
Joe Boatman Elizabeth Bodenhorn Alan Boesen Clayton Bolf Rachael Bonnin
Annalise Boydston Taylor Bratton Jenny Briscoe Regan Brookman Shannon Broome
M ark Broomfield Colton Brown Jamal Brown Reba Brown Nichole Bryant
Shawn Bryant Kelsey Burg Bailey Burlton Ashley Burns Ben Cahayla
Freshmen 105
Kristina Calvillo Holly Cannon Alexis Carbaugh Sattle Chandler C arkuff Zach Carlson Casandra Castro Kristen Chancellor Jared Chapman Barry Civiletto A n d rew Cook
Q: How do you feel about the freshman wing?
A : "I don't like it because we can't be w ith our upperclass
friends in the break between classes."
Q: If you could be anyone who would you be?
A : "I would be John W ayne; he's the coolest."
Q: In one word how would you describe yourself?
m i m 1
BE SID E S KEEPING O P academically, freshman Dane Bergin plays sports. Photo by Jennifer Caskey
Emily Cooper Christopher Cozby Jason Criddle Cory Criswell Corsi Crum pler
Samantha Culver Dylan Cummins Joseph Davis T y ler Davis M aria Delval
106 Freshmen
A : "Fun”
Q: W hat is the most important quality for a friend to have?
w ^
A : "They have to be trustworthy." ■
Jaelyn Dubski Hope Duke Samuel Duke Heather Duncan Milauni Dye
je rril Eisenbeck Joshua Ewton Alexis Ferber Michael Fields Sam Fiscal
"If I could be any animal I would be a monkey because I like
Leah Forrestal Taylor Forrestal Catherine Fournier
how they can If I could be any
climb in trees."
inimal I would be . bird because I
ould fly nywhere th at I vanted."
Tanner Fowler
Jenna Frazier Phillip Frazier
Laâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Darion Freeman Louis Fulton Anthony Furman Nathan G albraith Rikki Galvin
Cassandra Garay Patricia Garcia Brad G a rra tt Jacob G arza Chevy Gil
Freshmen 107
Annelisa G lidew ell Angel G ray Shawn Green Ashley Greene Melody Gregory
Kyle G riffin Jose G uerrero A d ie G utierrez K irt G utierrez Mylene G utierrez
John Hall
"If I could be any car I would
Perry Halverson Cody H a rp er
be a station wagon because it's old. I'm not old, but I like a lot of old things." lindaBERRELES
A m anda H arrim on Sarah Harris
"If I could be any car I would be a '67 Ford Mustang because it's awesome, like me." jaceMULLENS
Isaiah Haygood
Miles Henderson Ashley Henrion Shawn Hetcel Angelique Hibbs Steve Hill
Em arie Holland Bradford Hunt Leah Hurst Daniel January Leighton Jenkins
108 Freshmen
Brandon Johnson Clinton Johnson Dwayne Johnson Dayna Jones Jordan Jones
Kyle Jones A dam Jordan Gage Judd Ashley Jurries Misty Kahler
baileYMCGOWAN Q: In one word, how would you describe yourself? A: "Creative." Q: W hat is the best part about being an underclassman? A: "You get a clean slate, so you get to show new people w ho you are, and make new friends."
Q: W hat is the most important quality for a friend to have? A: "Honesty! If you can't be truthful w ith somebody, then I
you are never getting to know w ho they really are." samanthaREGAN
$ a-
^= ?z 2 ^ r 0 o
g i ft-
a s a f r e s h m a n , Bailey McGowan participates ^ Babes. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
Dallas Kahoe Christopher Kedrowski Clarence Keksi Ryan Kendall Jonathon Kent
Christopher Killian Preston King Hayli Klusmeyer Terrance K raft Dillon K ram er
Freshmen 109
Bethany Kroll Kaylani Lagat Edwin Lager M iranda Lamb M atthew Less
Shelbie Lindsay Edw ard Little Britneigh Lofton Peter Loftus Raquel Long
joeBOATMAN Q: How do you like being in the freshman wing and why? A: "I like it because th at gives the seniors less chance to jump us."
SUPPO RTING H IS B A S E B A L L team, Joe Boatman wears his baseball hoodie. Photo by Christina Boatman
Austin Longacre Santiago Lorenzo Seth Lynch Raul Madarang G a rre tt M ahaffey
Genesis M artinez Anthony McCleskey Bailey McGowan Jordan McKenzie Ryan McManus
140 Freshmen
Q: W hat is your favorite color and why? A: "Blue, because it is a relaxing color." Q: W hat is the best advice you have ever been given? A: "To not step in quick sand or you will die." Q: W hat is the best part about being a underclassman? A: "The w ork is a lot easier." Christina B O A T M A N
Joshua M cW h o rter A lex M eek Megan Meese Christian Mendoza Lorena Mendoza
Lance Mercado Brandon M iller Christopher M iller Rebekah Miner Jordan Miser
"If I could be any
Brandon Mitchell
color I would be orange because it s the school
"If I could be any color I would be red because it's one o f my
Nicole Monk Jasmine Monroe
color and the color of flames." hayliKLUSHMEYER
favorite colors."
Kristen Moore
tracyR IO S
M atthew Morales Benjamin M oree
Steven Morris Derek M orrow Jace Mullens Carla Musial Victoria Musial
Bradley Myers Malachi N a e f M iranda Naum an Justin Neeley Blake Nettles
Freshmen 111
Dempsey Pearce Kinley Petcoff Rachel Prince Victoria Raleigh Pamela Ram irez
Ashley Rarick Tracy Rios Justin Roark Cory Roberson H eather Roberson
Sonia Rodriguez
"If I could live Luis RodriguezH u ert
anywhere in the | world I would I live in an RV on
ja z z Romine
| Corpus Christi , Beach." jackieSANDERS
Ashley Rooffener
"If I could live anywhere in the world I would live in California because there is
Genesis RuizM artinez
lot to do there." richardSMOAK
Devon Rutledge
m m m rn m m m
S TA Y IN G A T THE Park Inn Azerbaijan Hotel for eight days, Merideth along with Mrs. Melanie Selvidge visited the Maiden's Tower which was built in the 800s. Courtesy ph oto
LOOKING O U T OVER the Caspian Sea was one o f Merideth Selvidge's stops while she wa in Azerbaijan Baku. Merideth went to Baku tc get a stem-cell procedure. Courtesy ph oto
Jessica Sanchez Bobby Sanders Jack Sanders Devin Sandoval Miguel Santiago
Chelsea Schwalbe Ryan Seigars M erideth Selvidge Justin Shaw Clayton Shearman
Q: How do you like being in the Freshman wing? A: "I like it fine. It is easier to get around and it is fun because
we can decorate it and do freshman stuff."
Q: If you were on a deserted island and could only bring one thing with you, what would it be? A: "I would probably bring one of those pocket knives w ith all
the little gadgets in it because it is everything you need."
Q: W hat would you leave in a time capsule? A: "I would leave a note and a digital camera." samanthaREGAN
RE A D IN G A PIECE o f literature from her English book, Rilee Battista studies for Mrs. Dalke's class. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
W re n Siegrist Christian Sifuentes A m b e r Smith Kalynn Smith Kayla Smith
Stephen Smith Richard Smoak Jacob Sparling T ia Speyrer Cari Standifer
Freshmen 113
isaiahHA YG O O D Q: W hat is your opinion of becoming a 3A school? A: "I love being a 3A school because now we can dominate in sports."
Q: How did you handle the transition from middle school to high school? A: "I think I handled it pretty well. I just hate it if I do something dumb in fron t o f an upperclassman."
Q: If you could be anyone who would you be? A: "I really don't w ant to be anyone else. I am glad th at I am CONTEMPLATING HIS OPENING line,
Isaiah Haygood prepares to write an essay for Spanish class. Photo by J Caskey
myself because my life is pretty good." samanthaREGAN
Jerrod T ofte Dion Torres M atthew Trebing Thomas Troester Thomas T ro u t Tareon Tucker Robert Turner Elizabeth Vandew alle Dylan Veitenheim er Logan Veitenheim er
114 Freshmen
â&#x2013; HU â&#x2013; rwttl
Kyle W a d e Kilie W alb o rn Joshua W aters Landon W atson N iketa W atson
Austin W e a v e r A m b e r W h e rry Addison W h ite Meaghen W h ite Paris W hitfield
Charles W h itta k e r
"My favorite dessert is brownie
Christina W illiam s
w ith ice cream Shelby W ilson
and chocolate fudge because it's the right amount of hot and cold." ly favorite issert is
heatherD U N C A N Dylan W ood
ocolate cake. I Kelly W ood
it love ocolate."
M atthew W ooten
Robert Young
PLAYING IN THE snow, freshman Beth Bodenhorn prepares to throw a snowball at her sister, sophomore Katy Bodenhorn. The students had a day o ff on December 1 to play in the snow, due to the roads being too slick. Ph oto by Cat M use
Freshmen 115
Class of 2009 Ryon Acheson
Brittany Adam s
SOPHOM ORE C L A S S OFFICERS are president Courtney Carpenter, vice president Shelby Bradshaw, and reporter Taryn Moore. P h oto by Jennifer Caskey.
N atalie Adam s
W ith one year of high school behind them, sophomores began to find their places in the high school. No longer brand new freshmen, but still not yet upperclassmen, students made the most of this middleground transition period. "I like being a sophomore,'1class president Courtney Carpenter said. "It's better than being a freshman." Between taking third place with their "Frogger" skit at Homecoming, preparing for the PSAT, and studying up for those drivers' licenses, sophomores still found time to participate in
M atthew A lexander
extracurriculars, flaunt newly earned letter jackets, and just hang out with friends. k a ty B O D E N H O R N
Rex Allen Manuel A lm endarez Alise A m ey Austin Anderson Elissa Anderson
Kacy Ansohn Raechel Arno Bethany Back Kasi Bailey M atthew Bamburg
m o Sophomores
Johnathan Barnes Em m itt Barnes Seth Barrells Jason Beach
Jordan Beach W a d e Beason Brooke Bess Katy Bodenhorn Tiana Bolden
Brodie Bolen Micheal Bonnin Kelsey Bowen Chelsea Boyd Shelby Bradshaw
Jesse Butler Courtney C arpenter Sam Carrion Colten Carroll Dustin Casey Felicia Castro M iranda Chancellor Lance Cissell G a rre tt Clendenon Tiffany Collie Levar Cook Jordan Cook Stetson Copus Kalea Correll Samantha Cowhey
Sophomores 117
rt XI O U O
1c u
<u Tj
fH Jr 1 < u £■
C 3
TAKING A SW ING, Shelby Bradshaw sends the ball flying, p h oto by Kelly Finn
Jorge Dominguez A na Dougherty Derek Dowling Melissa Drage Calvin Eaton
Dustin Elless Jessika Evans Thomas Fenter Megan Fernandez Etta Forrestal
yM8 Sophomores
• O (A 0) iM <w *>
Q : H ow have you felt personally changed this year? A : “I’ve been more outgoing, met more people, and learned much more.” Q : If you could be any fictional character, who would it be? A : “Ariel, like the Little Mermaid, because it would be so cool to have fish-friends and she’s a princess!” Q : H ow have your teachers changed you? A: Q : W h a t do you w ant to be remembered for? A: jordanM ILLE R
Julia Frayser Chris Frazier Kati Frazier Benjamin Frischmann Julian Garcia
Marlisha Garcia Anthony Gibbs Brady Giles T y le r G ilm ore W ayn e G off
"My fa v o r ite
K im berly G off
v ie w is o f A lejandro Gonzales
N ia g a ra Falls d u rin g th e
Brandy Goreczny
w in te r." "My fa v o r ite
v ie w is m y facem ask h ittin g th e Jarrin Gould
back o f th e opposing QB."
Destiny Green Sean Green
J.R. G riffith A rron Grzybowski Kristin Guffey Steven Gutshall Dustin Hale
Lakrishna Hale Ronnie Hall Bobby Harrim on A m anda Harris
Sophomores 119
W ayn e Henderson Dalaney Henson Raymon H erd Devin Hernandez Alissa Hight
Devin Hill T.J. Honkomp Josh Houston Cam eron Hunt Jermaine Ishmail
Chance Jarrett
"My favorite song is “Iris” by the
Rose Jones
Goo Goo Dolls." Jessica Joss
m onicaLYNOTT "My favorite song is “Crawling in the Dark” by Hoobastank."
M ay Judd Kayla Kelso
Kayla Kemp
TAKING AIM, ETTA Forrestal prepares to throw an egg at a classmate. The eggs, called cascarones, were filled with confetti
FOR CLASH D A Y , Natalie Adams, M'Kensi Orf, Taryn Moore, Keenan
120 Sophomores
Stubblefield, and Julia Frayser don mismatching outfits.
CATCHING SOME DIRT, Rex Allen whacks the ball in practice. Golf team members spent time at courses o ff campus.
Daniel Kimbrough Helen Kirkikis Robert Klusmeyer T ia ra Knight Chelsea Koschak
Hope Koulovatos Zachary Krebs Brittanie Lemley Lyonel Lewis Taylor Lile
justinRobertson Q: W h a t would you like to change about yourself? A : "I wish I didn't have such awesome procrastination skills." Q : Describe yourself in three words. A : "Fun, dedicated, spontaneous."
Q: H ow have your personal views changed this year? A : "I have become more dedicated to w ork hard and achieve my goals."
Q: H ow do you relax before a game? A : "I usually eat a few Pop-Tarts and play video games." jo rd an M IL L E R
IN H IS S PA N IS H class, Justin Robertson concentrates on the lesson, p h oto by Katy B odenhorn
W illiam Linker Caleb Londrow Parker Louderm ilk Monica Lynott Jessica Malousek
Adlecia M arlin Jani Mattingly Jon M cCafferty Jason McDaniel T y ler McKeever
Sophomores!: 121
meganPhelan Q : W h a t changes would you like to see at BHS? A : "The public punctuation needs serious help." Q : W h a t are your hobbies outside of school? A - "W riting, singing, reading. Mostly I just like to w ork with words." Q : W hat's the best w ork you've ever written? A : " Solar Eclipse of the Mind' is a song I w rote about the brainwashing nature of pop radio." IN H E R G E O G R A P H Y Honors class, Megan Phelan takes notes. Photo by
Katy Bodenhorn.
Trace Moore Nicolette Morales Kaleigh Morris Jonathon Motley Leighton Murphy
Gihye Myers Dylan Nelson Ronald Nelson Tracy N e w b e rry Kelsey N ix
122 Sophomores
Q : W h a t CD could you listen to for the rest of your life? A : "Queen's Greatest Hits. This question is a jerk." -k a ty B O D E N H O R N
Corey N orm an W ill Norris M arie Oehlerking Helen Ono M â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Kensi O r f
Nicholas O rgan Patricia Parker Katherine Patterson Damien Paulk Ian Peoples
Katrina Pham
"I would have to go w ith To p
Megan Phelan
Gun' as my Jered Phillips
favorite movie." jacobSTEBBINS
"My favorite Allison Pool
movie? I love the James Bond
Brandon Quigley
A n drea Ramirez
CAMPAINGING TO WIN the class elections, Courtney Carpenter hangs a poster in the wall. She ended up winning the election to becom e class president.
DANCING FOR THE crowd, students dressed as Clyde Bulldogs show o ff as "Frogger" Kyle Street looks on.
Sophomores! 123
Hali Rangel Chelsea Ratcliff Shannon Raymond Jason Reed Vincent Reed
Jacob Reola Myles Reynolds Rosa Riggio A m y Riley Lauren Rios
"Rap is bad and shows that
Justin Robertson
America is falling
A m anda Rock
due to immigration and
Justin Roderick
Democrats." "Rap is good at jacobSTARKEY
getting you pumped up right before a big
Ashley Roe
Ashleigh Rogers
David Rollins
124 Sophomores
AFTER FINISHING THEIR Homecoming skit, sophomores huddle together to jump and shout
together. The sophomore's "Frogger" float took third place overall.
TO RELIEVE STRESS at the GIL Regionals competition, Megan Phelan does a handstand. "I do those all the time and everywhere!" she said.
WITH A SMILE, Josh Houston wheels a cart o f Ramen Noodles to the office to donate for the food drive. Students were rewarded for donating with free tardy passes.
Alyssa Saville Kevin Seymour Kalea Sharp T re n t Sharp Colton Shipley
Lexi Shipley Leonard Shores H arley Simpson Josh Singer Brittney Skelton
joelSMITH If you could be any color, w hat would you be? “ Silver, I would be shiny and I wouldn't be gold, which is a shade of yellow.” W h o has personally influenced you? “ Dad, Mom, Jesus, and George Lucas!” Have any o f your goals this year changed? “ Goals!! W h a t goals!!!??? I'm just trying to have fun and still get good grades. W a it... Is th at a goal?” W h a t is your motto? JOEL SMITH FOCCISES on his match during the Hirschi Slam, early in the
“ Can't knock it till you try it, unless it's fatal.”
Kim bra Skinner Alyssa Smith Anthony Smith Demarcus Smith Joel Smith
Lacy Smith Rebekah Smith Blake Smith Elizabeth Stanley Jacob Starkey
Sophomores I 125
Jacob Stebbins Kristi Stephens G rant Stine Katherine Stone Kyle S treet Keenan Stubblefield Lauren Swartsell Leslie Swartsell Chelsea Tappan Christopher T a rra n t
1 ■ rC o
Q : W h a t is a change you would like to see at BHS? A : “U nity is something every school needs more of.”
Ai a
Q : Do you plan to continue music after high school? A : “Definitely. I’m not sure I’d make it my primary career,
& 52 H CQ
B E TW E E N P E P SO N G S at the Springtown game, Melissa Diehl takes a break, photo by Katy Bodenhorn
A m b e r Tatum Brooke Taylor Heath T aylorGonzalez Aaron Thompson A n drew Umfress Justin Voris Staci Voris Kelly W atkins Jesse W atson Jennifer Wilkinson
126 Sophomores
11 a> •-C3 > •■a o 4
but I could never just give it up for good.” Q : W h a t have you done differently this year? A : “I’ve gotten more involved. These are vital years o f my life and I’m not planning to waste them.” Q : W h a t do you enjoy in your spare time? A : “ Reading, computers, crafts, decent music, and theatre.” -k a ty B O D E N H O R N
Jeff W illiam s Steven W illiam s Colby W ilson Jason W ilson W es W ise
Chase W it t Kenneth W olgam ot Cory W ood Ryan W o rth y Josh W rig h t
"Mr. Nemecek. Blair W uthrich
He’s really great at explaining
Travis Yeary
things and he’s friends w ith all
H eather Zam ora
his students." "My favorite teacher is Mr.
Avens because he acts young and is
Vella Zaragoza
very funny." Brittany Ziegenbein
Zach Zoet jSiSBgTftTgil
TAKING A SW ING, Colby Wilson smacks the ball back to his opponent. Tennis students often practiced on their own time.
SPORTING MATCHING SHIRTS, Katherine Stone, Kim Goff, and Tiana Bolden hang around outside. They had spent the morning volunteering.
Sophomores 127
Class of 2008 Chessa A d am e
Justin Adam s
REPRESENTING THE JUNIOR class, president Tressa Stoiloff, vice-president Amber Bice, treasurer Nycole Young, and secretary Shelby Carpenter stand tall to show their recognition. S ta ff Ph oto
Krista Adam s
The Junior class started off the year dancing as bananas, sword fish, and trees for their homecoming skit. "I spent all week on the costumes," Amber Bice said. "Shelby received a lot of complements as we were walking around the halls." A fter receiving second place for the presentation for 'Donkey Kong' for their homecoming skit, it was time for the juniors to prepare for academic achievements. Academic challenges such as the PSAT, Dream W eek, and AP testing helped to prepare the juniors for the future. Most students
Michael Albers
wanted to know w hat they could possibly do in their furture. In order to find out their strengths, they took the ASVAB. paig eJO H N S O N
Evan A lbin Leann A lbin Dylan Alfonzo Joshua Allen Samantha Allen
Brandon A lvarez Am anda Arbogast Justin Arism endez Caitlin A rza te Paulina A rza te
128 Juniors
W illiam Barker A udri Barnard A lexandria Barnes Roderick Barnes Scott Bavousett
G eoffery Belcher Mel issa Bell John Belovosky Kelsey Bergin Sabrina Berreles
A p ril Bevington A m b e r Bice Joshua Bishop A m y Blackwell Christina Boatman
Jeremy Bower Stephanie Broomfield Staci Brown Josh Brownhill Crystal Browning
Justyn Brugmann Jasmin Bryant Jason Bryant Cody Burks Kristyna Butler
Kindel Byrne Elaina Cadle Michael Caffee A ndrew Cain Drake Calloway
Juniors 129
jamieTASKER Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: LE AV IN G HER ENG LISH class, Jamie Tasker gets ready to go home. P h oto by A m b e r B ice
Justin Cossey Josh Cray Austin Crook Morgan Cross T y le r Cummings
Allison Davis M a tt Davis Jocelyn Dennis Lauren Devereaux Stephanie Duchesne
130 Juniors
W h a tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your personal motto? "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." W h a t is your most prized possession? "Any and every picture. They remind me of all of the good, fun times I have had." W h a t relaxes you before you perform? "In Babes, we have a prayer circle before every performance and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really calming, then we go crazy and hug everyone." W h o or w hat has influenced your life the most? "My dad has influenced me most. He Is the strongest, most caring person in the world and I really look up to him." PaigejOHNSON
Haley Duren Courtney Durst Kyle Dye Dzem al Elezagic
Brent Enderlein Michelle Evans Jordan Fauntleroy T aylo r Felty
“ My biggest achievement
Brianna Fleming
this year was
Lindsey Foley
getting to go Daniel Fortin
weld at English was my favo rite class this year
Vernon College.” brandonLONG
Kyle Fournier
Mr.Avens T re y Fournier
made it fu n .” a .j.N O R R IS
Zachariah Fournier
Thomas Furman H ilary G albraith Shelton Garvin Chris Gibson
Ben Gilm ore Tiffany G off Kyndra Golden Patrick G ilb ert
Juniors 131
Chris Gonzalez Sara Gonzalez Q uay G rant Keaton Green Michael Gregory
Chelsey G riffin Ryan G riffin Sasha Grossi G a rre t Hall Pierce Halverson
"My favorite
Randall Hanson
courses this
Keely Harpole
year w ere AP classes because
C arrie H arvey
th ey gave me pre-college opportunites."
“Going to
la y n e M C B E A T H
Dream W e e k was th e best
Shane Hassell
Daniel Henson
experience I had this year.”
Rebecca H erd
TAKING A BREAK from JROTC, Jeremy Cook and Chris Kellner get ready to load the bus. Students took a field trip to ready them for an upcoming competition. Photo by Christine Pow ell
132 Juniors
CHILD DEVELOPMENT STUDENT Melissa Bell participates in Teens Make a Difference Day. She put together Dream W eek packets while watching her baby. S ta ff Photo
M a tt Hernandez Michael Hernandez Sean H erw ig Kristina Hight Curtis Hill
Kayce Holan Billy Holman Ryan Hopson T y le r Hunt Brylynn Hurst
W h a t is your favorite quote?
"Dream no small dreams, for they have no pow er to m ove the minds o f men."
W h o or w hat has influenced your life the most?
"My parents and friends helping me through any situation."
W h a t is your most prized possession?
"My car and my house. Some people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; t have simple things like these."
If you had to listen to one CD fo r the rest of your life, w hat would it be?
"Emery's Weeks End because Emery rocks." paulinaAR ZATE
DURING ST U D Y H A LL in soccer, Lance Maxwell finishes his homework before practice. Ph oto by A m b e r B ice
Lyndsay Isaacs T y ler Jenkins Brittanie Johnson Paige Johnson T.J. Johnson Jacob Johns tonbaugh Jasmine Jones Kristin Jones Am anda Keating Arm andina Kedrowski
Juniors 133
H° o
"O T3 o :fc co C . !Z> CO
in Lu £1 < < i— CL I CO “O c v> D Q) co «= N
A SID E FROM A LL activities, Pierce Halverson makes time for Desktop Design. Ph oto by A m b e r B ice
Ryshelle Leaper Am anda Lecours Jason Lemmond Brad Levesque Britney Lillis
Kory Livingston Brandon Long Rebecca Lucier Bernd Ludden Dawn Mackin
134 Juniors
:> s o <
Q: A: Q: A: Q:
W h e re do you see yourself in 10 years?
"The Bob Curnow CD Zach Roddy gave me; it reminds me o f my
Q: A:
W h a t relaxes you before you perform?
"Hopefully graduated from college and in a good engineering job."'
If you could change one thing at BHS, w hat would it be? T d like vending machines in the cafeteria; I love Dr. Pepper!"
If you had to listen to one CD for the rest of your life, w hat would it be? freshman year." "W ell, I only perform in band, so breathing exercises and warmups." am berBICE
Ryan M adarang Alicia Matthews Lance M axw ell Layne McBeath Josef McCarthy
Ashley McCleskey Crystalynne McFeley Brandi McGinnes Brianna McKee Brent M cKeever
" My favo rite
Stephanie M iller
football game Kyle Monk
costume was when we got
Ashley Montgomery
our bodies
■The best
Painted oranSe
advice I received this
and black- _ JustinPRICE
school year was
David Moore
no m a tte r Nicholas Morales
w h a t, never quit."
M atthew Moudy
k o ry L IV IN G S T O N
WINNING THE PHOTOGRAPHY class awards, Jennifer Caskey and Paulina Arzate received ribbons for their particualr category. Staff Photo
DRESSING (IP A S barrels, Elaina Cadle, Kristina Polk, and Krista Adams prepare to introduce the ‘Donkey K ong’ skit for the junior class. S taff Pho to
Juniors 135
Steven Mullins Chelsey Neises Jordan Neuharth Kaila N ix A.J. N orris
Samantha O rtiz D em etria Perry Cody Persinger Erica Peterson Stacy Pickett
“ My most Kristina Polk
embarrassing tim e was when
Christine Powell
I fell at the
Justin Price
mall in fro n t o f a group o f
“ I felt excited
to be accecptec
into NHS because it’s
Nathan Reinke
such an Hunter Rhude
honorable organization.”
A ndrew Richardson
P L A Y IN G IN T H E heat, varsity tennis player Hilary Galbraith takes a swing at the serve. Players practice for hours after school to prepare for tournaments.
136 Juniors
a u d r iB A R N A R D
S Q U A T T I N G T O H IT the
volleyball, junior varsity player Carrie Harvey saved the play before the ball hit the ground. Ph otos by Kelly Finn
Andy Rickard Savannah Roberson Elizabeth Rodriguez Elizabeth Rogers Ronny Rouleau Jamie Runyon G rant Sanders Jordan Sanders Jessica Saville Brenner Schmitt
aprilBEVINGTON In only th re e words, describe yourself. "Entertaining, W itty , Kindhearted."
W h a t is your favorite quote? Why? â&#x20AC;&#x153; "Failure is the op portunity, to begin again successfully," H enry Ford said, because e v e ry o n e deserves a second chance."
W h a t do you th in k is your best quality? "My positive attitude to w a rd life because sometimes life is tough."
W h o or what has influenced your life the most? "C olorguard because it made me a b e tte r person."
PRATICING C O LO R G U A R D M OVES, April Bevington takes time out o f class to perfect this skill. Ph oto by A m b e r B ice
Sara Schutte Steve Schutte Stephanie Seman Kayla Senters Victoria Shaw
Jordan Sheffield A lex Shipp Daniel Sickman Ashley Sifuentes Kaleb Simpson
Juniors 137
Meagan Simpson Lindsey Siriila H eather Smith Randi Smith Jordan Springstead Joseph Stafford Lindsay Steigerwald Kelsey Sterkel Keith Stevenson Tressa Stoiloff
l/l x
0) i/) CO CD
u O 1/! "73
-Q ga O O LL. I V) .2 GOING FROM ONE sport to another, Scott Bavousett practices during soccer. P h oto by A m b e r B ice
Desmond Strickland Jamie Tasker Chase T e rrell Cassie Thompson Brittany Tiem ann Nicole Townsie David Tracy Alyssa Turner Tandia Turner Robert Velez
138 Juniors
Q: A: Q: A:
W h a t is your favorite quote? "Hard w o rk is great w ork."
If you could change one thing a t BHS, w hat would it be? "PDA; I d o n 't see anything w rong w ith it."
If you had to listen to one CD fo r the rest of your life, w hat would it be?
"All the Right Reasons by Nickelback. It has my favorite song called Rockstar."
Q: A:
W h o has influenced your life the most? "My m om . She's always been there to take care o f me and help me through rough times. She doesn't think o f herself b u t o f others." P aulinaARZATE
Joshua Venables Kelly Virdell Corey W a d e Krystal W a lk e r Shalamaar W a lk e r
M alia W atson Sarah W e a ry Leland W e tz e l Nathan W h eeler Jessica W hitney
“ I’m looking A riana W ile
fo rw ard to my senior year
Kyle W ille tt
because I’m Beth W illiam s
ready to ta k in g sure du
have all
g rad u ate.” co d yB U R K S
Dur credits id passing AKs was th e
Capri W illiam s
lost stressful
Robert W ilson
art this year.” Nycole Young
a le y D U R E N
H eather Zillw eger
cold, A.J. Norris takes a short break after the Bulldog Brigade halftime performance during a football game. W A IT IN G F O R T H E IR class to be called, juniors Amber Bice and Shelby Carpenter show o ff their swordfish costumes for homecoming. S ta ff Photo
Juniors 139
hat do
FO R ESE E FOR THE C L A S S OF ON THE BRIDGE in Friendship park, the senior class officers returned for their last picture in the same place they made their debut in the Derrick in 2004. Class officers are, reporter Jaclyn Whitmore, president Lane Anderson, and vice president Lisa Hardin. Not pictured, secretary Allison Gray.
Photo by Adam Roberts
For the second year in a row , the Class o f 07 built their float at Blake Deeb's house. "W e based our float on Super Mario Brothers' and to o k first place," Blake Deeb said. "It was the first time a first place
skit came from our house." For the third year in a row , Lane Anderson acted as the class president. "I enjoyed working with Ms. Lee and the student council all three years," Lane said. "I
look forw ard to planning our reunions to be enjoyable fo r all alumni and families." Graduation will be at Kay Yeager Coliseum in W ichita, fo r the fifth year in a row , on May 25. N e x t year graduation will take place in June. adamRO BERTS
Michelle A lfe rt Choir ( 9 - 12, pres. 11-12), NHS (11-12), BPA ( 1 1-12, pres. 12), TAME ( 10 - 12), Jazz Band (1 0 -11), Yearbook ( 1 1-12), United W ay (12), Interact (9-11)
A m anda A lm endarez Kirtis Ames Basketball (9-12)
Joshua Anderson
VI /_
VwBÂŽÂŽ Seniors
"Well, w e are a very diverse class. W e bring a lot of skills and styles to the table. I see the class of 2007 having a lasting effect on the world and contributing to society in exponential proportions." la n e A N D E R S O N
Lane Anderson Football ( 9 - 12), Student Council ( 9 - 12), FCA (10-12), NHS ( I 1-12, historian 12), FFA (9-12, pres. 12), TAFE ( I 1-12), FCCCA (11-12), PALS (11-12), Math Study Lab ( I I ) , Livestock Judging ( 9 - 12)
Lindy Anderson Softball (9-12), NHS (11-12)
Deanna Aubin Track ( 9 - 12), Cross Country ( 9 - 12), Soccer (9-10), NHS (11-12), FCA (9-10), TAFE (I I)
Ashley Baird Tennis (9-12), Drama Club (9), United W ay ( I 1-12), NHS (12)
Brandy Baker Choir (9-12), Softball ( I I ) , Dance Team (9)
Joshua Bamburg Anthony Barger Basketball ( 9 - 10), FFA (9-12, sentinel 12)
H arvey Barker Football (9 -1 1), Basketball (9), Track (9-10), AFJROTC ( 11), FCA (9-10), DECA (12)
Lorena Barnes Softball ( 9 - 12), International Club (9-10), FCA (I 1-12)
Byllie Barton A m anda Beach Marc Beason Baseball (9-12), NHS ( 11-12), Golf (9-10), STUCO ( 9 - 12)
Michaela Bergin STUCO (12), United W ay ( I 1-12), NHS (11-12)
Courtney Betts NHS ( 10-12), Colorguard ( 12), United W ay (12), Yearbook (12), International Club ( 9 - 1I ), A r t Club (9), Caligraphy Club ( 9 - 10)
Burgundy Bisson Tennis (9-10)
Joe Blackburn
Monroe Bradley NHS (11-12), W hoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W ho ( 1 1-12), Lion Club ( 12), H istory Club ( 10), International Club ( I I ) , Key Club ( 12)
David W illiam Brantley Football (9-10), Baseball (10), Ag (9-10)
Brandon Briscoe Building Trades (10-12), W elding (10)
Blake Brookman FFA (9-11)
Seniors 141
Kaillee Brown Q rls Choir (9), Acappella Choir (10-12, sop. section leader 12), Q rls State ( I I ) , NHS (11-12)
Kellee Brown Kristen Brown NHS (I I - 12),Soccer (9-1 I), S T U C O ( 9 - 11)
Nathaniel Brown Football (9-12), PALS ( 12 ),Track (9-12) Powerlifting (10-12), NHS (11-12), DECA (I 1-12), T A F E (I2 ), Basketball (9)
Sean Brown Cross Country (10-12, capt. 12), Track (10-12), Basketball (9 -1 1), NHS (I 1-12), FCA ( I I), S T U C O (12)
James Bryant Colorguard (12), BPA (12), International Club (1 0 -11)
Joshua Bullard G uitar (10-12), AFJROTC (9-11)
Casey Burt Baseball (9-10 a t Hirschi), Baseball ( 1 1-12), NHS ( 1 1-12)
Joseph Calderon Football (9-12), Pow erlifting (9-12), Track ( I 1-12), NHS ( 1 1-12)
Cortney Cannon Volleyball (9-12), Basketball (9-12), Softball (9-12), International Club (12)
S tew art C arr AFJROTC (1 0 -11), Football (9)
EJ Carrion Basketball (9-12), PALS (12), NHS ( I I - 12) Cross Country ( 1 1-12), Newspaper (10), STUCO (12), International Club (9 -1 1), Football (9)
Katelyn Carroll Burkburnett: NHS (12), Tennis ( I I ) , BPA ( 12, project manager) Petrolia: Volleyball (9-10), FCA (9-10),
Danny Castillo AFJROTC (9-12), PTCC (9-12), D eputy GC (11-12), Unarmed D rill CC ( I I ) ,
Tina C erruti One A c t Play (9-1 1), United W ay ( I 1-12, president), Key Club (9-12), Tennis ( 9 - 12), Football T rainer (10-12), UIL (10-12), BPA (12, project manager)
Steven Christopher Acapella C h a r (9-12, vice pres. 12), United W ay (12), Guitar (10-11)
G rady Coker Golf (9-12)
Christina Cole Am anda Collie Cross Country (9-12, capt. 12), Track (9-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), FFA (9), Interact ( 9 - 11), Key Club (1 0 -1 I), International Club ( I I )
Jonathan Collins
142 Seniors
Sabrina Cooper Band (9-12), BPA (11-12), FCA (I I), United W ay (12), NHS (12)
Justin Cornish David Scott Correll Basketball (9-10), Football (9 -1 1), Baseball ( 9 - 12 ),WHS ( 11-12)
Michael Cossey
T o p TO
C h o ic e s FURTHER
E d u c a t io n
W h ile C arly focuses on
2. Undecided
academics, she also plays
3. Vernon
participates in student council,
4. Military
basketball, runs cross country, and presides o v e r NHS activities. "Time with my family and friends is also im portant to me,"
5. Texas Tech
said C arly, w ho is at the to p o f her class.
6. T exas A&M
Even though C arly w ould like to change the school to an
7. Med School
open campus fo r lunch, one thing that she w ouldn't change is
8 .T C U
one o f her most influential teachers. "Mr. N em ecek has definitely influenced me the most," she said. "He is such an inspiration with everything he has gone through and he has taught me a lo t about life, and o f course about math." A fte r graduation, C arly plans to attend college to study pre-m ed.
B A LAN C IN G W O R K AN D play Carly, pauses for a photo in basketball and she works in AP Chemistry.
A N D ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S UP! Carly works on her freethrows during team practice for her second year on the varsity team. Photos by Kelly Finn
A m b e r Cox D rill T e a m (10-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), S T U C O (9-l I)
Cliffton Cox Cameron Cremeens Basketball ( 9 - 12), STUCO (12), Cross Country (11-12)
Sean Cross Track (9-10)
People; 143
Bridges C rum pler Baseball (9-12), FFA (9, 12), International Club (9)
Brianna Cummins Cheerleading (9-10, 12), STUCO (12), NHS (12), DECA (12)
A m an da Cunningham Angela Dalke Band (9-12, section leader 11-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), International Club (9 -1 1), STUCO (9-10), Volleyball (9), UIL Spelling (9)
hat w as
"Sophomore year, no N o rm a lly , high school golfers don't play with much
TAKS to graduate, n o t being a lo w ly fish, and no
fanfare fro m the student
special attention o f being a
population, but that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
keep Grady C o k e r fro m giving
natal i e D O M I N G U E Z
it his all. Grady has been a part o f the boys' varsity g o lf team since his sophom ore year, and during his junior year Grady advanced to regionals and placed 13th. Grady does spend a lo t o f w o rk on his g o lf game, but he also makes time fo r his school w o rk . "I've noticed that the classes have gotten easier fo r me as each year has passed, so freshmen, don't give up," he said. Like most seniors, Grady is still undecided about w hat he's going to do after high school, but he does see college in his futu re. ON A C LE AR day, Grady practices at the River Creek Golf course. Grady was golf team captain. Ph otos by Kelly Finn
Ernest Davis Soccer (9-12), Football ( 1 1-12), AFJROTC (9)
Patrick Davis Blake Deeb Soccer (10-12, capt. 12), Football (9-10)
Ashley Demel AFJROTC (9-12), Powerlifting (9-11)
144 Seniors
W ITH GOOD FORM, Grady takes his time to hit the ball during practice.
"All I know is I can't wait fo r graduation," he said. "It's going to be awesome!" o rla n d o F L O R E S
"This year, it feels awesome being a senior and I love knowing that this is the end o f the beginning." b r itta n y Z A M O R A
Justin Devore Building Trades ( 9 - 1I), Football (9-10)
N atalie Dominguez Newspaper (10)
Jessica Dossey Choir (10-12)
Jordan Dubski D rill Team (9-12), STUCO (9-10), Soccer Manager ( 12)
Am anda Duke Dawn Duncan NHS (I 1-12), Soccer (10), STUCO (9-10), International Club (9)
Joey Durdaller Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-10,12), Track (I 1-12)
Angela Early Cross Country (12), Track (9-12), NHS (I 1-12)
Misty Edwards Softball (9- I I ) , International Club (9- I I ) , STUCO ( 10 - 11), BPA ( 12)
Russell Ellett Football (9-12), NHS (11-12), Cross Country (9-10), Track (9-10), STUCO ( 9 - 10), Basketball (9)
Sarah Elphick PALS (12), NHS (I 1-12, treas. 12), Volleyball (9), Tennis ( 9 - 10), United W ay (I I), TAFE (12)
Rusty Em ro Football (9-10), Track (9-10), Building Trades (9-10, 12)
BEAT THE heat, O rlando ss takes a m o m e n t to drate and relax from the race.
O rlan do was a m e m b e r o f the varsity cross cou n try team . P h o to B y K e lly F in n
trainer. T h e freshm en team
W h itm o re pauses briefly from
practiced every d a y after sch o ol
helping giving water to the
e x c e p t fo r W e d n e s d a y s and
freshm en footb a ll team as a student
Th u rsdays. P h o to b y K e lly F in n
Seniors 145
S e n io r s 2007
1. C herry Brie Cummins, very laid back and amiable, participates in school activities such as cheerleading, DECA, STUCO, NHS, gymnastics, an All-Star cheerleading coach, and wishes "more people would get involved." Brie enjoyed going to all the football games on the bus with the cheerleaders. "One time, my homework flew out the bus window," she said. Brie fully plans to attend a college here in Texas to pursue a degree in marketing and fashion merchandising. "I am sad about leaving friends, and a little afraid of living on my own," she said. "However, I am still excited at the same time about starting the next chapter of my life." A S A G Y M N A S T and cheerleader Brie would work on her back hand springs during class time. P h oto by kelly Finn
Quenton Ficklin Kelly Finn PALS ( 1 1-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), Yearbook (11-12), Drama Club (12), Cross Country ( 1 1-12), Tennis (9-10),
Autum n Fleck NHS ( 1 1-12), Yearbook ( 1 1-12), Interact Club ( 11), International Club (10),
O rlando Flores Jr Basketball (9 -1 1), Cross Country (10-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), S T U C O (9 -l2 ), United W ay (10-11), International Club ( 11), PALS ( 11-12), TAFE (11-12), Yearbook ( 1 1-12)
146 Seniors
A S A N AIDE, Brie helped in the attendance office. She also found time to have fun. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
Limeade 2. Poweraid Slush 3. Ocean W a te r 4. C herry Vanilla D r. Pepper 5. Vanilla Cream D r. Pepper
Frankie Foster Lee Foster Challena Leona Franks Drama Club (10-12), Key Club ( I 1-12), NHS ( I 1-12), G uitar (10-11), Orchestra (9 a t Old High)
Ashley Frayser Cosmetology (I 1-12), NHS (I 1-12), Choir (9-10), United W ay (10), BPW N ike Club ( 12, secretary)
A dam Friday Baseball (10-12), Football (9)
Paul Gann Lexi Lynn Garcia Cheerleading (12), NHS (I 1-12), PALS (11-12), STUCO (9-12), Softball ( I I - 12), D rill Team (9-10, Lt. 10) TAFE ( 1 1-12)
Myles G a rra tt AFJROTC ( 9 - )
Jeremy Germann AFJROTC (), Powerlifting (), Biking (), Pyrotetnics
Nathan Germann FFA (10-1 I), Soccer ( 9 - 12)
Elizabeth Gerstner Basketball (9-12), Volleyball (9-12), Cheerleading (10-12), Baseball Bookkeeper ( 9 - 12), NHS (I 1-12, reporter 12), FCA (1 1 1 2 ), STUCO (9-12)
Kyle Gersnter Powerlifting (9-12)
C A PTIVATE D BY ALTE RE D books, Jeanine Young and Jordan Dubski pause for a minute by the display created by the art department. Photo By A dam Roberts
A W INTER W O ND E RLAND , Tyler Lynn spares to pelt an unsuspecting victim with first snow ball o f the year. Photo by Cat ise
U N ABLE TO W A L K in the ice and snow Kelly Finn, Megan Houck, Lane Anderson, and Drew Aaron struggle through the weather. Photo by Janelle Coettman
Seniors 147
Aaron Gibbs Basketball (9-12), Cross Country (11-12)
Kayla G ilb ert Newspaper (10), NHS ( I 1-12)
Janelle Goettm an Yearbook ( I I - 12, co -e d ito r 12), PALS ( 1 1-12), BPA ( I 1-12, pres. 12), NHS (I 1-12), Q u ill & Scroll ( I 1-12), Inform ative Speaking ( 1 1-12), Crimestoppers (9-12, pres. I 1-12), United W ay ( 11-12, vice-pres. 12), Drama (9-12), Key Club ( I 1-12, pres. 12), TAFE ( I 1-12)
Melissa Gonzalez BPA (12)
Danielle Goodrich Golf (9), G o-C e n te r (9-12), Choir (9-10), NHS (12)
Allison G ray STUCO (9-12, secretary 12), Baseball Manager ( 10 - 12), BPA (12)
A m elia Gregory lylene G utierrez Soccer (9-12)
Jordan Gutshall Donald Hall Basketball (9-12), Cross Country ( 1 1-12), ST U C O (12), Track (I 1-12)
Lisa H ardin D rill Team ( 9 - 12, Lt. 11-12), STUCO (9-12, rep o rte r 11, VP 12), NHS (I 1-12, VP 12), F B Trainer ( I 1-12), Drama Club (10-12), International Club ( 9 - 11), Track (10)
Chance Hardnock
'-Vv isssb
W '/I
? C V j me 1
' M h \
D O IN G W O R K IN physics, KyLeigh
McKeever, Leland Wetzel, and Rusty Ellett prepare to start on their lab for the day. Photo by Janelle Goettman
148 Seniors
ira*** T
W A IT IN G O N L U N C H to be served after Teens Make a Difference Day, Lindsey Miller,
Marti Roland, and Kiera Fannon sit taking car o f their baby for parenting class. S ta ff Photo
Linda H ard y Sadie Harrison A m y Hastings Choir (9-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), Color Guard (11-12), Yearbook (12), Interact Club ( I I ) , Soccer (9)
James Hawthorne
hat w as
WEEKEND HANGOUT? "I would have to say the am phitheater, because we would get a lo t o f friends and have a good tim e there." ashleyDEM EL
Maintaining a good GPA and being able to stay active in school activities takes dedication, and EJ is devoted to his interests. EJ's activities consist of STUCO, NHS, PALS, and International Club. He is also a two-year player for basketball and crosscountry. Though EJ spends a lot of time in school activities, he still manages to play basketball and hang out with friends. "I really like to w rite in my journal, and put my thoughts on paper," he said
"Really just being w ith my friends whenever, b u t bowling because we all would try to do tricks like the pros." k ie ra F A N N O N
A fter graduating EJ plans to attend college and study broadcasting in radio and television.
E XECUTING W ITH EXCELLENCE, EJ gave his best at school and sports.
J U S T FOR FUN, EJ works in the gym after school to improve his game. EJ played for the varsity team. Photos by Kelly Finn
Josh H ayter Baseball (9), Football (9-12), Powerlifting (9-12), United W ay (10), NHS ( 1 1-12)
M atthew Hilburn DECA (11-12), Key Club (12)
Hannah Hill Justin Holden Football (9-12), Baseball (9), Powerlifting (9), Track (9-12)
Seniors; 149
Sade Holmes Spoon Horn Baseball (9-12), Basketball (9), Football (9-12), PALS ( 1 1-12), STUCO ( 9 - 12, pres. 9), United W a y (10 -1 1), NHS ( 1 1-12), TAFE ( 1 1-12), FCA (9 -1 1), Pow erlifting (I I)
Megan Houck Soccer ( 9 - 11), Volleyabll (9-10), STUCO (9), NHS ( I I - 12), TAFE ( 1 1-12), PALS ( 1 1-12)
Justin Houston Football (10-12), NHS (I I-1 2), Pow erlifting (9-12), STUCO (9)
S e n io r
T o p F iv e S uperheroes
As a senior in band and
S u pe r m a n
soccer, Julie really knows w hat n o t having any time is all about. She has been on the varsity
2 . Batm an
soccer team since she was a sophom ore and is n o w the drum m ajor in the band.
3 . S p id e r m a n
"Taking band and soccer everyday fo r three years, my classes caught up with me and
4 . N in j a
n o w I'm taking the classes I
should have taken my freshman
year my senior y e a r,â&#x20AC;? she said. Julie hopes to attend either U T o r O SU after she graduates. She has mixed feelings about graduating in the first place though. "I'm anxious, but scared o u t o f my mind. I'm excited," she said. "I've watched fo r three years as o th e r people w alk the stage, but this year it's my turn. W ITH H ER EYE on the ball Julie guards the goal during and after school practice. P h oto by Cat M use
Kaleigh Huntley Basketball (9-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), Cross Country ( 12)
Cody James Dog Squad (1 0 -11), International Club (9-10)
Kevin Jennings Joycelin Johnson A FJR O TC (IO -I l),S T U C O (l I)
150 Seniors
I just hope I don't trip and fall on CONDUCTING THE BAND , Julie keeps the beat as the band marches o ff the field. P h oto by Frank Andrajack
my face on the way up there." c a tM U S E
5 .
F la sh
Kayla Johnson Baseball Manager (9-12), NHS (I 1-12), PALS (12), TAFE (12)
Tonya Johnson Courtney Jones NHS (12), Soccer (9-1 I ), Volleyball (9-10), FCA (9-10), DECA (12)
Rachel Kenney NHS (I 1-12), Basketball (9-12), Volleyball ( 9 - 12), Track ( 9 - 12), Cross Country (1 0 -12), FCA (9-12), S T U C O ( 9 ,1 I)
Brittney King Kayla King Basketball (9), International Club (9), Cheerleadlng (12)
Joshua Lagat AFJROTC (10-12, FLT/CC I 1-12, Armed D rill Team/CC 12)
Cassandra Lopez
Bethany Lynch PALS ( I 1-12), NHS (I I - 12), STUCO (12), BPA (10-12, pres. I I), United W ay ( I I), TAFE (I 1-12)
T y ler Lynn Band (9-12)
Ashley McCallister AFJROTC (9-12, Flight CC, Squadron CC, Command Chief, Honor Guard, Group CC) Debate (1 0 -1I)
Jared McCoy
A G E R T O P L E A S E , Cody
ames pulls the last angel from the lgel tree to donate a gift. As years
past, students were more than willing to pick up an angel to donate to the Head start children.
D U R IN G H IS L A S T fall semester, Blake Deeb passes the majestic Christmas tree in the rotunda.
The tree and the other decorations were done by the STCICO members. Photos by Adam Roberts
Seniors 151
Michael McCoy FFA (9 -1 1), Track (9-10), Pow erlifting (I 1-12)
KyLeigh M cKeever NHS (11-12), International Club ( I I ) , Interact Club ( I I )
A m b e r McKenzie Soccer ( 9 - 10)
Allyssa Meese International Club (9), Basketball (9-10), Softball (9), STUCO (9-12), TAFE (12), FCCLA (12)
Jesse M endoza Kelsey Michael Drama Club (9-12), Key Club (I 1-12), NHS ( 1 1-12)
Lindsey M iller Volleyball ( 9 - 12), Soccer (9-12)
A n drea M injarez D rill Team (9-12), STUCO (12), BPA (12), NHS ( I 1-12), International Club (10)
Ashley Mitchell Carly M oree Basketball (9-12), NHS ( 1 1-12, pres. 12), Cross Country ( I I ) , STUCO (I 1-12), Yearbook ( I I )
Jon Morris Football (9-12), Pow erlifting (I 1-12), NHS (11-12)
Jessica M uller Volleyball (9-12), STUCO (9-12), TAFE (12)
D E V O U R IN G TH E IR F O O D , Ian Albin and Sarah
Elphick enjoy their friends' company during a typical high school lunch. Photo by Cat Muse
152 Seniors
D E C ID IN G W H O S E P L A T E to eat off of Melissa Sibayan, Kyle Petersen, and
Steven Christopher choose from popular cafeteria choices. Photo by Cat Muse
h a t
y o u r
BHS? "Football and basketball season, because w e did everything to g e th e r; it fe lt like a big family. h a rv e y B A R K E R
Staying active with foo tb all, w o rk , and S T U C O , Justin enjoys his senior year m ore than any o th e r year. "I like knowing e veryo n e and finally being to p dogs." The best advice Justin can give freshm en is "study hard, make friends and respect the upper classmen!"' "Going to all the functions, like mud volleyball, with friends was the best part o f high school fo r me and the w o rryin g that goes with re p o rt cards and progress reports was the w o rs t part," Justin said. In w hat little fre e time Justin has, he enjoys playing guitar and singing. He hopes to attend college and, "get a good job."
"Homecoming. It is always
â&#x20AC;&#x153; I am scared to leave but
so much fun, but dramatic.
excited about the prospect o f
It's a nice time fo r our
starting something new," he said.
class to be one."' k aylaR E ID
adam R O B ER TS
S TU D YIN G IS SOM ETHING Justin devotes a lot o f time to, as well as sports. Ph oto by Kelly Finn
W O RK IN G A T UNITED is something that Justin spends a lot o f his time doing. He works as a cashier. S ta ff ph oto
M att Peoples Football (9-12), Baseball (9-12),
STUCO ( I I - 12)
Kyle Petersen Powerlifting (9-12), Football (9-12), FFA (9-12), Dog Squad (9-10)
Caitlin Phelan Tennis (9-12), NHS (10-12), Key Club (12), United W ay (12), Show Choir (9)
A ndrea Polk Burk: Basketball (10), D rill Team ( 1 1-12), NHS ( 1 1-12) Medical Lake HS: Golf (9), Soccer (9), Basketball (9), Key Club (9), Spam (9), Dance (9)
Seniors 153
N ick Raines AFJROTC (9-12), Choir (9-12)
H eather Rarick Basketball (9-12), Cheerleader (11-12), STUCO ( 12)
Levi Reattoir AFJROTC (9-12)
Samantha Regan Cheerleading (9-11), NHS (12), STUCO (12), BPA (12)
lisoHARDIN Taking an active role in her activities, Lisa serves as senior lieutenant in the Boom tow n Babes and as vice president o f the Student Council. She is also active in National
"Don't w orry about tom orrow until it comes, today has enough trouble of its own." tin a C E R R U T I
H o n or Society, International Club, and Drama Club. "Getting involved keeps me going," she said. "I enjoy going to school and being organized. I love to w o rk on the weekends and also hang o u t w ith my friends." Lisa has really enjoyed her high school experience because o f her overwhelming involvement. "It has been amazing," she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I w o u ld n 't trade my memories fo r the perfect life. All the people I m et and lessons th a t I've learned. GAH! The memories TAKING A BREAK from the game, Lisa shows a peace sign in her Babes uniform. Lisa also acts in the fall musical. P h otos by Kelly Finn
Kayla Reid STUCO ( 9 - 12), Volleyball Manager (10-12)
Jordan Rickard Volleyball (9-10), Soccer ( 9 - 11), NHS ( I I - 12), STUCO (9-12)
A dam Roberts Band (9-12, librarian 10-12, pres.11, section leader 11-12), Key Club ( 1 1-12, parliam entarian 12), Yearbook ( 1 1-12), Drum Corps ( I I ) , NHS (I I -12), Choir (12)
M arti Roland Cross Country (9-10), Basketball (9), Track (9-10, 12), NHS (12), PALS (12)
154 Seniors
TAKING A NUMBER, Lisa works as an office aide during school. Ph oto by A dam Roberts
are going to stick forever!"
"Life is a project, do it
catM U S E
yourself." m itchellS M ITH
Jennifer Samples Erica Scantlin NHS (I 1-12), Key Club ( I 1-12), Drama Club (10), Basketball (9)
Phillip Shaver Football (9-12), PALS (12), Interact Club (9)
Zach Shipp Band (9-12), NHS (I 1-12), Yearbook ( I 1-12), UIL Academics (I 1-12)
Melissa Sibayan PALS (12), T A F E ( 12), STUCO (12), BPA (12), United W ay ( I I ) , Tennis (9-12)
C ara Simmons Soccer ( 9 - 12), STUCO (9)
Jamie Simmons Volleyball (9-12), Soccer (9-12)
Jonathan Simmons Basketball (9 -1 1), United W ay ( I I ) , BPA (12), FFA (9)
Adrienna Smith A u bri Smith Drama Club (10-12)
Michael Smith Tennis (9-12, capt. 12), A u to Mechanics (9,12), W elding (10), FFA (9)
Mitchell Smith PALS (12), NHS (I 1-12), Baseball (9-12)
H ILE L E A R N IN G A B O U T the art o f itrepreneurship, Nikki W ood, Deanna
Aubin, and Natalie Dominguez rethink their strategy. Ph oto by Cat M use
T O P U M P U P the student body, Spoon Horn and Nick Nixon take part in a pep rally. Sta ff Photo
Seniors 155
Dustin Snyder Brian Stafford AFJROTC (9-10), Track (10), CAP (9-10), Teen C ourt (12)
Shelly Stanley G uitar (10)
T e rry Steele
M ark Stephens Basketball (9-12), International Club (9- I I ) , STUCO ( 12), Cross C ountry ( I I - 12), Yearbook (12)
Brett Stine Baseball (9-1 I), Basketball (9-1 I), Track ( 9 - 12), Football ( 9 - 12), NHS (I 1-12), PALS (12), TAFE (12)
David Stock Jayme Sykes
e n io r s
S EVERAL SENIORS A TTE N D E D th e c o lle g e field trip to h e a r in fo rm atio n a b o u t c e rta in c o lle g e s a n d v isite d th e c a m p u s e s o f SMU, UTD , a n d G N T: A driana A laniz, J u lie A laniz, Ia n A lbin, A sh ley B aird. C o u rtn e y B etts, J a m e s B ryant, J o s e p h C ald e ro n , C a s e y B urt, S a b rin a C o o p er, P a trick D avis, S a ra h E lp h ic k , Q u e n to n F ic k lin , O rla n d o F lo re s , Lisa H ardin, J o s h H ayter, M att H ilbum , C o u rtn e y J o n e s , A n d rea M injarez, J o n Morris, J e s s i c a M uller, C a t M use, N ick N ixon, M att P e o p le s, A n d rea Polk, S a m a n th a R e g a n , J o r d a n R ic k ard , Z a c h S h ip p . B re tt S tine, J a c ly n W hitm ore, a n d J e a n in e Y o u n g . P h o to s b y C at M u se
156 Seniors
W h a t is t h e
"I think the strangest thing is that a lo t o f the
Run Sean Run! Running is one of the
underclassmen are bigger
things th at Sean Brown does
than me."
better than most. Sean is a
b r ia n S T A F F O R D
major part of both the cross country and track teams, but he also participates in NHS and STUCO. Running takes up a major role in Sean's life. "In my spare time I read running books, watch running movies, and run, run, and run," he said. Though Sean is looking forward to running off to college, he will still miss his friends and the thrill of high school athletics. Sean plans to attend
"I honestly feel really old, just because o f added responsibility that i have accumulated." c h a lle n a F R A N K S
college and compete in collegiate cross country and track.
IN ONE OF the cross country meets, Sean runs with the pack at the beginning o f the
race. Later on he is shown pulling ahead o f the pack and running by himself. Photos by Kelly Finn.
Josh Teel NHS (12) Rider HS: Football (9-10), Powerlifting (9-10)
Megan Thomas Softball (9 -1 1), Nursing (10-12)
Kade Thompson Baseball (9-12), FFA (9-12)
Renier Torres
Seniors 157
hat do yo u
For the first time in recent years, Lena was the Bulldog fo r fo u r years. "The reason w hy I enjoyed being mascot was because I g o t
"I'm looking fo rw a rd to meeting new people and moving on to bigger and b etter things." a s h le y B A IR D
to make people happy and laugh and just entertain the crowd," Lena said. "Also, I g e t to be crazy and no one can see me!" She has found a downside to being that mascot. The tem peratures at the beginning o f football season w e re e xtrem e ly hot. "It g o t up to 140° in the suit," she said. "I've gotten used to it o v e r fo u r years, so it wasn't to o bad." She explained that it is still really h o t during basketball season even though she is inside. "But there's a lo t m ore music to be crazy and dance to," she said. "There is a lo t m ore OUR LOVEABLE BU LLD O G sits and watches the game. Lena enjoyed her role at homecoming and other events. Ph oto by G ord on Photography
Justin Venables Football, Drama
Lena Vieth Mascot ( 9 - 12), STUCO(9-12), International Club(9-10), Dog squad (9-12)
Bobby W a rre n Skills USA ( 1 1-12), Baseball (9)
Kayla W eldon FFA(9-11), Softball ( 9 - 11), NHS ( 11), FCA ( 9 - 11), United W a y ( 9 - 1 I), Vollyball (9)
158 Seniors
WITHOUT THE SUIT Lena works in the attendance office as an office aide. S ta ff Ph oto
interaction with the crow d as w ell. I'm going to miss it a lot."
"I lo ok fo rw a rd to college, which starts a w hole new chapter in my life. That's always exciting!" k y le W E L D O N
Kyle W eldon Baseball ( 9 - 12), FFA (9-12, vice president 12), FCA (10-12), NHS (12), United way (10-12), Football (9)
Sarah W e lte r Golf (9-12, capt. 12), NHS (I 1-12), BPA (11-12)
Cally W hiteland Jaclyn W hitm ore Babes (10-12), NHS ( 1 1-12), S TC U O (12, class officer), PALs (I 1-12), Yearbook (10), Football manager (12), TAFE ( 1 1-12)
Phillip W h itten Skills USA A u to Club (10-12)
Dan W illiam s Football (9-12)
Steven W illiam s Baseball (1 0 -12), A via tio n (1 0 -1 I)
Samuel W ise
Holly W ood STUCO (9), Color gaurd (9-10), NHS (12)
N ikki W ood Soccer (9 and I I ) , STUCO (9 -1 0 )
Jeanine Young Soccer (9-11), Babes (9), STUCO (9-12), BPA (12), FCCLA (12), TAFE (12), Boys Soccer Manager ( 12)
Nicole Ysasaga Soccer (9-12), STUCO (9)
Brittany Zam ora Clarie Zellner Erik Zoet Baseball (9)
Seniors 159
My sweet sister How many times I prayed for Mom and Dad to have a sister for me, and when they did I was so excited. I am so blessed to be your sister and I am so proud of who you have become. W e love you. Love, Leslie & Jason Phil. 4 :13
Congratulations to our little "Earth Angel." W e are so blessed to have you fo r a daughter. Remember to always keep God close to your heart and that your Mama and Daddy will always be there fo r you. W e hope that you get "two bunches" o f everything wonderful in life. Love, Mom & Dad Jeremiah 29:1 1-14
nicoleYSASAGA You are a senior now, where did the tim e go? You are the eldest o f m y grandchildren and have always been a happy, bright child. Best o f luck in college. You will be a great teacher. Congratulations on your graduation. I am very proud o f you. Love always, Grandma
cameronCREMEENS Cameron, W e are so proud o f the young man you have become. You have brought us so much joy. As you continue to mature, hold on to your caring heart and sense o f humor. Always remember that we are here fo r you no matter what. Philipplans 1:9-1 I Love, Mom & Dad
nicoleYSASAGA Mom's baby girl is all grown up. You've become a beautiful, intelligent young woman with great ambition. You are the best gift God could have given me. Congratulations on graduation. Best wishes towards your college dreams. Never forget how much we all love you. Mom, Eddie, Jaycob & Alyvia
S I w â&#x2013; am-'
160 Baby Ads
f 'I
Dear Chance, Eighteen years have gone by too quickly. W e love you and are so proud of you.
Love, Mom & Dad
W e w ere so proud o f you th en , w e're even prouder o f you now. W e kn o w
you'll go fa r Good Luck in th e
Adam ,
fu tu re .
Some grandm others
W e love you,
have cookie monsters.
Mom , D ad, W a d e
I had a peanut
& Jace
monster. Love you, Gram
adamROBERTS Adam - You've come so far so fast and seemingly in a blink o f an eye! Remember just the o th e r day you were pushing me o u t o f the way so you could get under the sink and get an onion to chom p on? From m y perspective, I can look back and see your grandparents and great-grandparents and see where they've come from and how they've all culminated in shaping us and you. N ow I'm looking forw ard w ith a lot o f anticipation o f all the great, good things you're going to do. Then, some tim e from now , you'll reflect w ith great satisfaction on yo ur own life full o f grand achievements. O f this I have no d o u b t. -Dad
adamROBERTS Adam Michael, It seems like just last w eek you w ere having your "first day" o f school. N o w look at you: getting ready to graduate! I am proud o f you and your accomplishments. Love you, Mom
Baby Ads 161
joeBLACKBURN aka: 'Super Joe'
You are our Hero!!! W e are so proud o f you. W a y to hang tough!!! Keep on aiming high...the sky's th e limit. W e love you! Mom , Dad & G rade
brandyBAKER Brandy, you finally made It! W e are so proud of you. You are a brilliant young lady. You are going to go far in life. W e love you so very much. Mom, Dad, & Family
daw nD U N C A N
Congrats Brittney Renea! So many accomplishments and wonderful memories. Thank you fo r being the exceptional young woman that you are. W e are so proud o f you and our love fo r you grows every day. Make all your dreams come true! Love Always, Mom & Dad
You're an amazing, brilliant, talented, responsible, beautiful young lady who blesses our lives every day. You're truly a special gift from God. W e are proud of you and everything you have and will accomplish. Wherever this crazy world takes you don't forget your little sis will always miss and love you. W e love you, Mom, Donny & Heather
162 Baby Ads
My little cowboy made it, you are a senior now. Anthony, always carry God in your heart, and He will lead you far in life. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I love you with all of my heart. Granny
Challena, From banging on pots and pans, to piano, to violin, to bass guitar, what will be next? What ever you choose to do, we know you will be great at it. Love, Grandma and PaPa
M atthew Joseph, you are such a loving and caring individual. Always strive to do yo ur best in life and life will tre a t you good. W e love you so much and feel blessed to have a son and b ro th e r as w onderful as you. Love, Dad, Mom, Ian, Emilea, and To m m y
As you take the path to adulthood, "Live, Laugh, Love." "When your dreams take flight, follow them." Reach for the stars and never lose sight of your past. You'll always be our Shining Star. Love, Ellie and John
You are a star! Someday the world will also know. W e love you will all our hearts. M om & Dad Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know it. So it keeps flying. Mary Kay Ash
W e wish you th e best! Good luck in college. W e love you and support you. Joe & Felipe
W e are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Always believe in yourself, seek God in all that you do, and your dreams will come true. W e wish you the best in college and in life. Love you so much, Mario and Maria Gamez Brothers, Sister
W e are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You've come a long way baby! Keep up the good work and you will go far in life. W e all love you very much, Daddy, Melissa, Alex and Ryan
Baby Ads 163
ashleyFRAYSER AshleyThank you fo r being an amazing sister! I d o n 't kn o w where I would be w ith o u t you. I kn o w we've been through a lo t together b u t th a t just made us stronger as sisters...1 love you so much, n o t only as my sister, b u t as my best friend! Love, Julia
ashleyFRAYSER Dear Ashley Carmen: My Lord blessed me with a beautiful little angeL.YOU!!! It has been my honor and privilege to have been able to raise you, teach you, guide you, and love you! I am so very proud of you. I love you with all my heart! Mom xoxo
ashleyFRAYSER Just a m o m ent ago, we held you in o u r arms. W o w ! You have matured in to a beautiful, bright young wom an, ready to face life head on. W e are so proud o f you. Keep "Expanding your Horizons," because the lim it on life is up to you and yours fo r the taking. Congrats! Love, Uncle Greg & A u n t W olfie
amyHASTINGS Amy, W e are proud o f you. Many exciting and necessary changes are coming as you embrace God's awesome plan fo r your life. But always remember, even in the midst o f change, some things never change. God's love and our love are yours forever. Love always, Mom & Dad
164 Baby Ads
ashleyFRAYSER Ashley! They say a person's actions speak louder than words, and your actions have always spoken o f determ ination, perseverance, devotion, and "love." Keep believing in yourself and the world will be yours. W h a t a w onderful difference you've made in o u r lives. Love you - Abuelo & Abuela
God blessed us w ith you and you always make us smile. W o rk hard tow ards yo ur goals and you will achieve the path to success. Reach fo r the stars and never expect less o f yourself. Y o u r b ro th e r and I will always love you unconditionally! Love, hugs, kisses and tears o f joy, Mom and Family
W e w ant you to k n o w ho w proud w e are o f you. You have really g ro w n up to be a fine young man. You have made us happy in the choices you have made. Keep God in yo u r heart and you will go far. Love, M om , Dad, Pop, Shalea and Chelsea
m eganH O U C K
SarahCongratulations! W e are so proud o f you and all o f yo ur accomplishments. You've become a w onderful young w om an. W e will always love and su pp o rt you in all you do. Love, Mom, Dad, Michael
Megan, It seems like just yesterday you were o ff to your first day o f school â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and now you are finally a senior! W e are so proud o f you and all your accomplishments. May the fu tu re be everything you wish fo r -- we love you. Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, & Shawn
m ic h a e lM C C O Y
O h m y â&#x20AC;&#x201D; O u r baby has grown up before we knew it. W e wish you the very best th a t life can offer, and always reach beyond the stars to make yo ur dreams come true. Always rem em ber you are o u r favorite youngest son and we are very proud o f you. Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Kade! W O W ! W e can't believe it's tim e fo r you to graduate. W atch ing you grow into th e young man you are has been such a blessing. You have brought us such love, pride and joy. W e are proud o f you and your accomplishments. Continue to aim high fo r your goals and w ork hard to achieve them . W e love you and we will always be here fo r you. Love, Mom and Dad
renierL.TORRESII Congratulations Renier! We're very proud o f you. Continue to reach for your goals and never stop trying to do your best. Christy and Dion are just as proud to call you brother, because you are special and you're going to do great things in your life. Love, M om m y & Popi
Baby Ads 165
janelleGOETTMAN Congratulations! Janelle, W e are so proud of you.
Janelle, it's so hard to believe you're graduating
There is no limit to w hat
already. You're still just as
you can accomplish. God
cute! Keep smiling and
Bless you and your future
God Bless! Love, A unt Qndy, Aunt
endeavors. W e love you! Love, Mom, Grandpa &
Debbie, A unt Shelley, A unt Carol
Janelle, Your ever present zeal for life and your tenacious smile brightens the lives around you. Your strength of character, principals, and determination will allow you to continue to achieve your greatest works of accomplishments. You are such an inspiration, admired and respected. W ith in this celebrated ending, new opportunities beckon. May your journey be filled w ith every happiness and success. O u r love will be w ith you always, Uncle Keith & A unt Candi, Ryan, Cody, Shelby & Kaitlyn. Janelle, O u r one and only Special Granddaughter, Your life is exciting and challenging and has been quite an adventure. You have always given your deepest commitment to your values, family and friends. Always trust in God and remember how much joy and love you bring into our lives. Love and Congratulations, Gran and Papaw
166 Baby Ads
Y o u r kindness, confidence, intellect and courage has exceeded all expectations. C ontinue to g ro w and achieve as you gain knowledge th a t will become the key to success. This planet needs yo u r help fo r its survival! My endless love and respect, Dad
Michelle, you are my shining star! I knew you would be a great vocalist a fte r your perform ance in first grade. "O fo r Opera." Love you always, Mom
Michelle, this is only the beginning. I would say good luck, but you don't need it cause you have pure talent and skill that surpasses anyone I have or ever will meet. You are the best and always will be. Love, Carl, Becki, Johnny & Rose
michelleALFERT H ey Michelle, Thanks fo r always being there fo r me. I love you! Your sister, Gloria
On March 25, 1989 at 6 o'clock in the morning - we learned the true meaning of the word "joy." W e love you, Mom & Dad
michelleALFERT Michelle, W e are so proud o f you! You are so precious. Love, Nana & Grandpa
samanthaREGAN I am so proud o f you and all your accomplishments. You have valiantly adapted to all the moves and different schools throughout the years. You are the BEST and I can't tell you enough how special you are to me and how much I LOVE Y O U ! Good luck in college! Love, M om
Baby Ads 167
Lane, I am the only person that absolutely knows how great you are. You're such a wonderful gentleman and any girl would be lucky to have you. I have the best twin brother anyone could ask for and I wish you the best of everything in life. Love, Lindy
Lane and Lindy, Seniors already? Just yesterday we were dragging you into the first grade. You have both made us so proud. You may be twins, but you definitely have your own personalities th at make you each unique. W e love you tw o very much.
Love, Dad and Mom
lindyANDERSON Lindy, W e may share the same birthday and we go opposite directions in life, but we always meet back in the middle. Thanks for all these wonderful years. Love your twin brother, Lane
cara&jaim eSIM M ONS
O u r W onderful Daughters, W e are so proud of you, and so very lucky th at you
To My Sis, W hen times get tough, look in the mirror and you will
are a part of our lives. You are going to be successful and
see that you have everything you need to protect yourself and scare away the crows in life. You are the
make a positive difference in the lives of everyone you touch. W e love you so much, Mom, Dad, Emily & Shannon
168 Baby Ads
best sister in the world! Love always, Sami
stevenWILLIAMS You have always made us
No m atter w hat you decide to do after high school, it will be amazing because th at is w hat you are! W e are so very proud of you and love you more each day. Mom, Mark & Family
tinaCERRUTI W e are so proud o f you, our little angel. It has been w onderful to see you g ro w up. Rem em ber to always look to Christ first. W e love you, Mom & Dad
very p ro u d ,e v e n through the rough times. Rem em ber you'll have to live with the choices you make, so always make the right ones and yo u r fu tu re will be v ery bright. W e Love You & are so proud o f You, M om & Dad
stevenWILLIAMS You have been my best friend since day one. W e have had o u r differences growing up, b u t the best friend thing has never changed. I am very proud o f you, please rem em ber I am always here fo r you if you need me. Love yo ur Big Brother, Dean
T o my Jessi,
Elizabeth, W e are so incredibly proud o f you and the wonderful person you are. W e have to ta l faith th a t you will accomplish anything you desire, and you'll use the gifts God has given you to enhance the lives o f those around you. W ith Love, Mom and Dad
Thank you fo r bringing so much love, laughter, and jo y into my life. You are strong, courageous, and beautiful -inside and out! I hope when you stumble in life, you will make it part o f the dance. ILYSM, M om
courtneyJONES Co Co - It's so hard to believe the years have flown like they have, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re graduating high school. You have grown in so many ways, and have made us so very proud! Best o f luck in the fu tu re and congratulations sweetheart! Love you forever, Mom, Dad, Jordan, Banea & Family
elizabethGERSTNER Sissy, I am so proud o f you. I k n o w we d o n 't always get along, b u t I LOVE YOU! I wish you the best o f luck in your future. Remember, I am always here if you need me. You will always be my little "Sissy!" I love you! Love, Am anda (Sissy)
Baby Ads 169
Heather Rene6, W e are tru ly blessed to call you o u r daughter. You touch people's lives through your smile and giving heart. D o n 't ever lose those qualities. Always remember, 'You can do all things through Christ w ho will strengthen you.' Love always, Mom & Dad
Sammy, Everyone wishes they had a grandson like you! Dream your dream and th at star is yours. I know you will make me and your Dad very proud. Good Luck. Love, Mee-Mee
Lindsey, You are such a Sweet Blessing! It is hard to believe you are 18 and graduating from high school. W e are so proud o f you and love you very much. Keep th a t smile and positive a ttitude, and above all, never lose yo ur zest fo r life! Love ya - Mom, Dad, Landon, Mea & Macie
Angela, With a smile like that, how can your future be anything but bright? W e are proud of you! You are a great joy and blessing in our lives. Love & Hugs, Mom, Dad, Brandon, Elizabeth, and Joseph
am an daCOLLIE
Always take time to have fun with all that you do. W e are
You have blessed our lives with joy and laughter. You
proud o f you. Mom and Rick
are a talented young man with a brilliant sense of humor. You have the ability to do whatever you set your mind to. W e are very proud of you and
joshuaHAYTER Boy how tim e flies. You've grown up so fast. Seems like just yesterday you were our little boy - Today you're our young man. W e re so proud o f you. Keep focused on Christ, He's got you this far, He'll get you through the rest o f your life. W e love you, Mom and Dad
170 Baby Ads
wish you all the best as you begin a new life chapter. Congratulations! W e love you, Mom, Dad, Ben, Donette, Zeke, Eli, Grandma, Granny & Pops
Levi, It's been a pleasure watching you grow in to such a fine young man. You have made us very proud. Congratulations on all you have accomplished and best o f luck in all yo ur fu tu re endeavors. "The man w ho walks w ith God always gets to his destination." Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Levi! Best wishes in all your fu tu re endeavors. May you find happiness and success in all you do and make the m ost o f everyday. W e re proud to have a grandson as special as you Keep after the big one! W e're always here fo r you. Love you, Grandpa & Grandma Brunk
Dear Levi, You have grown in to a fine young man. T ru st the Lord fo r yo ur futu re . "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires o f your heart." Ps. 37:4 W e are so proud o f you! Lots o f love, Grandpa & Grandma Reattoir and your Michigan family
Dear Levi, T o my b ro th e r and friend. Congratulations on your success. I'm really proud o f you. Good luck w ith all your fu tu re plans. Remember, "You can do all things through Christ w ho gives you strength." Philippians 4 : 13 Love, Daniel
It seems like just yesterday that you were showing me how big and muscular you were. You have developed so much over the years. You have given me so much joy. I am proud of the man that you have become. Keep smiling. God Bless. With Love, Mom
Congratulations Deanna, H o w you prepare yourself will have a major im pact on where you end up. You have w hat it takes to go anywhere and do anything you w ant. The shortest path is n o t always the best. Best o f luck in all you do. Love, Uncle Carl & A u n t Carol
brianneCUM M INS
Brianne, You have grown up b u t we still see you as o u r baby girl. W e've loved watching you all these years, cheering and tum bling. W e're so proud o f the person youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve become. Remember you can accomplish anything you set o u t to do. W e love you so much! Mom, Dad & Dylan
You made it!! W e have been truly blessed having you as our son. A new chapter of your life is set to begin. Stay true to your desires and your dreams, as well as to yourself, and success will be awaiting you. W e love you, Momma and Tracy
Baby Ads 171
jordanRICKARD Jordan D rew , G ifted, beautiful, sm art and ambitious everything we could w an t in a child, and an only daughter. W e look fo rw ard to your fascinating fu tu re . Love, M om , Dad, Stephen & Andy
A Mother's
A Child
H eart
O f God
kelseyMICHAEL You have grown in to a remarkable young lady w ho brings so much joy to o ur family! Y ou r caring nature and sunny smiles are such blessings to o ur lives! W e are very proud o f you and your accomplishments! W e love you so much! Mom, Granny & Grandad, Itchy, A u n t Jean, Paul, Grace & Erin
rustyELLETT continuous smile on
A Father's Princess
your face. There is no challenge th at can be thrown at you that you can't turn into a good time. You always say th at it is the "ATTITUDE!" As you complete this
A B rothers Bane
172 Baby Ads
milestone, take that attitude and continue to dance through life! W e love you! Mom and Dad
: :
world ready to enjoy life, reflected by that
Rusty, You came into this
angelaDALKE Remember when you carved "As" on everything and you wondered how we knew it was you? Now you have carved "A's" on
bridgesCRUMPLER W e are so proud of th e person you have become, and we th an k th e Lord fo r having you in our lives. W e love you so much. Mom, Dad & Corsi
your transcript and we are proud of you! Proverbs 3:5-6 Love, Mom and Dad Kristi, Jason and Kylie Brian, Allie, and Junior Jacquelyn and M att Kathleen, Tommy, and Brad
brittanyZAMORA Brittany Danielle, W e are so proud of the young woman you have become. It is hard to believe th at you are graduating. W e thank God for blessing us w ith such an awesome daughter. W e love you Tw eet. Love, Dad, Mom, Heather, Sunny
katelynCARROLL W e have watched you grow from a baby into a w onderful young lady th a t any parent would be proud to call you their daughter. Mom and I have been blessed w ith you in o ur lives and we k n o w th a t you will accomplish great things. W e love you, Mom and Dad
Baby Ads 173
You're beautiful, Shelly, from the outside-in. Chase your dreams, but always know the road th at will lead you home again. Love and prayers, Mom
made us proud! Keep your smile and courage, and you will succeed. MeMaw & PawPaw
"Trust in the Lord w ith all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Love, Uncle Kevin & A unt Lynda
Sarah Dawn, You are a beautiful young woman w ho has been blessed w ith many talents. W e are very proud o f your accomplishments. Remember, you can do all things through Christ w ho strengthens you. Philippians 4 : 13 W e love you, Mom & Dad
You are God's precious gift to us. You have brought joy and laughter into our lives. Soon you will spread your wings and fly. Aloha w ith Love, Mom, Dad & Kaylani
kieraFANNON To see you graduate will give us great Joy. You may n o t realize how much o f an inspiration you are. W e w a n t you to continue to reach fo r the stars because one day you will reach them . W e love you, Uncle Dewan, A u n t Millicent and Cousin D 'Anna
174 Baby Ads
Your first smile stole our hearts. You have always
Your beautiful eyes, yoursmile, and your sweetness are always in our hearts. W e love you. W e are very proud to be a part o f your life and to see the time pass by. W e are very proud o f our beautiful princess and all your achievements. W e hope all your wishes come true. Love, Mom, Tom, Buela, Buelo, Mary, Gaby, Paty and Karla
challenaFRANKS W e are very proud o f you fo r being w ho you are, fo r making something o f yourself. Let your instinct, your intellect, and your heart guide you. You can do great things. There is only one you. God Bless you always. Love, David, Traci & Greg
frankieFOSTER The time has come for my little angel to take the road in life towards the future. Best of luck, I'll always be proud of you and love you. Mom
melissaSIBAYAN Ua ola loko i ke aloha.
Love gives life within. You have blessed us, your friends, and all those around you! So much love flows from your heart-- such a strong desire to bless others through your kindness and compassion! You are a special gift from God! You have accomplished a lot! Thank you, congratulations & God Bless! W e love you, Mom & Dad
W e are proud of you and all your accomplishments; you have worked hard for them. Follow your dreams. Love you, Mom & Dad
From being my little sister to my best friend. Thanks for always being there for me. I am proud of you. I love you, Sister
Allison, You are so smart, funny, beautiful and outgoing. We've had the best of times and the worst of times, but I am so proud of you and always will be. I love you, Mom
W o w , a senior already. Doesn't take long; tim e flies. I w ant you to k n o w how proud I am to be your Dad and th a t I love you w ith all my heart and soul. This is just one step to the rest o f yo ur life. There is a whole world waiting fo r you. Have fun in life. I love you, Dad
allyssaMEESE Allyssa, you are a precious soul to us that we believe in and love with all our hearts. W e are so proud of you and hope that your senior year is just the beginning of a happy, fulfilling, and beautiful life to come. Love forever, Mom and Dad Meese
kaleighHUNTLEY Dear Kaleigh Beth, W h a t an incredible joumey..from your birth in Germany, to the states o f Florida, Texas, Nevada, and back to Texas. These experiences have made you a well-rounded and beautiful young lady. May God bless you abundantly as you continue this incredible gift called life! W e love you, Dad, Mom and Taylor
Baby Ads 175
claireZELLNER Claire Bear,
claireZELLNER | Claire,
You will always be
I am proud of you and
our baby girl, our girlie! W e love you so much and
the person you've become. I know you will do good
we are very proud of you! Love,
things. I love you.
Mom and Dad
Claire, Some things will never change. I know sometimes it's a pain to have a protective older brother. I was protective then and probably will always be. Love, Jonny
"Keep away fro m small people w h o try to belittle yo u r ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really g reat make you feel that you, to o , can become great." -M ark Twain
W e love you, M om and Dad
You have accomplished so many great things in such a sh ort time. There is no d o u b t th a t you will reach all the goals you strive for. W e expect great things fo r your fu tu re as you are someone w ho will make it happen. You're amazing! Love, Mom, A li and Alex
You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady. W ords cannot describe the pride th a t o u r hearts have fo r you. I k n o w th a t w hat ever road you take, you will be successful. W e will always be here fo r you and o ur love is always with you. Dad & Trena
kristenBROWN Kristen,
Kristen, Things are never dull
Smart, funny, sarcastic, and amazingly competitive
when you are around. It has been tons of fun
only begins to describe you.
watching you grow. W e
only the best as you begin
will love you forever. Mom and Dad
the next phase o f yo ur life.
W e love you and wish you
Love, M om and Dad
176 Baby Ads
kellyFINN You've always been the "life o f the party!" T h e re are
H ey Shelly Belly,
g re at things ahead fo r you in
I love you and I'm so
college and life. D o n 't settle
proud o f you. N o m atter
fo r anything less. W e are so
h o w old you are, to me
proud o f you!
you'll always be my g o o fy little sister playing
Love you, M om & Dad
p o w e r rangers in the fr o n t yard. N e v e r lose y o u r originality o r sense o f hum or, they are my favo rite things about you. I've never doubted that you'd go fa r. D o n 't e ve r fo r g e t that, and always fo llo w yo u r heart. I love you. Love, Mindy
jessicaLEIGH Jessica, it seems like it was only yesterday I was bringing home my beautiful baby girl. And n o w I lo o k at a beautiful young lady. Always be proud o f w ho you are, hold y o u r head high. And keep follo w in g the path o f God. And rem em ber you will always be my beautiful baby girl and our beautiful daughter. Jessie Leigh, w e love you so much,
zachSHIPP Proverbs 3:5-6 T rust in th e Lord w ith all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
M om , Nana, & Uncle W illie
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. • Act courageously • Accept responsibility • Reject passivity • Expect th e G reater Reward. W e love you Zach Dad, Mom and Alex
Baby Ads 177
blakeDEEB Blake - Deebo 7, Y ou r easy smile and sense o f h u m o r is almost overwhelming. You make it so hard fo r us to stay mad at you. O nce yo ur strong w o rk ethic kicks in, yo ur fu tu re has no limitations. Love, Mom & Dad
So Dawg-G one C ute. Love, Mimi & Grampa
blakeDEEB Blake, Congratulations to you. You are so special to us, and k n o w h ow much we love you. W e hope you achieve every thing you set o u t to do In your life. A nd we will always be proud th a t you are o u r grandson. Love, Granny and Grandpa Gregory
blakeDEEB Blakery, I'm so glad that you finally grew out of this stage...you have become such a grown up. I'm so thankful that you are my little brother. Although we have had our fights growing up, we have made It past them and have become closer than ever. You make me laugh every day, even If It's a bad one, and I know that I will always have someone on my side when It's Mom and Dad vs. You and Me! ch ch ch ehoxle oy oy oy! I wish you the best of luck w ith your life after high school. I love you little brother! Carrie
blakeDEEB The year is gone, your tim e has come. Decisions must be made. A man to be, a life to live, th e game is yours to play! Take it slow and mind your
path, th e fu tu re , it is changing! Be bold!
178 Baby Ads
T ake charge! D o n 't hold back, your
I knew you would m ake it. I am so proud o f you. Congratulations. Love Always, Mom
dreams are th ere, just seize them ! Uncle B, A u n t Rhonde, Brad & Brent
justinHOUSTON Congratulations Justin, W e have always loved you very much. You have always entertained us and you have always made us very proud o f you. Your accomplishments thus far are great, and we are sure you will continue to amaze us. Keep up the good w ork. Love, Poppy and Grammy
justinHOUSTON Justin, I know we don't always get along, but most brothers don't. Thanks for everything you've done for me, taking me places, buying me things, and being there for me when I needed you. You're an awesome brother! Have fun after you graduate. I love you, Josh
justinHOUSTON Justin, You have brought so much joy to our lives, with your kind heart and your beautiful smile. W e couldn't be any prouder o f the wonderful young man you have grown to be. Keep believing in yourself like we believe in you, and you will get everything you w ant o ut o f life. W e love you more, Mom & Dad
sabrinaCOOPER Sabrina Nicole, You have come this far by FAITH. There Is no doubt in our hearts that your Inner strength comes from the LORD. You have come through many trials, tribulations, and losses, yet you keep pressing on. In our eyes, you are Most Beautiful, Most Intelligent, and Most likely to Succeed. W e love you, and will always be praylngforyou! Mommle, Eboney, Latoya and Terlus
justinHOUSTON W a y to go kiddo...you made it! W e never doubted you w ould. W e are so proud o f you, and you can bet yo ur Nanny and Papa are looking dow n on you fro m Heaven with such pride and jo y . W e love you. Grandpa and Granny Young and Me Maw
justinHOUSTON I can't believe you're all grown up and ready to go out into the world. I'm so proud of the person you have turned out to be. Just continue to be Justin, and you will go a long way in this world. I love you, PaPa
Baby Ads 179
travisFELTY Congratulations on being th e 4 th generation o f Feltys to graduate fro m B u rkb u rn ett High School. W e are so proud o f You are such a joy! Continue to be your own person and to know w hat is really im portant. W e are so proud of you. May God grant you many blessings! W e love you so much!
you and wish th e best fo r your fu tu re .
G ra n d ad and N ana
Mom & Dad Remember Travis!: No Motorcycles and No Tattoos!
Your senior year! I can't believe it little b ro th er. You are going to do great in anything you choose. I wish you all th e best! Love, A ric a
180 Baby Ads
Lena, It's hard to realize my little grandchild is ready to
you go on. I know th at whatever
graduate. You have been
you choose to pursue will
such a joy to have all these
be accomplished when you
years, and I will miss
set your mind to it.
sharing some of your
BISD will miss one of the best Bulldog mascots
school experiences. I know you will be sad at times, remembering the
they have ever had. It
fun tim e you had at
made me proud of you the w ay you cared for the
school, but you will have
responsibility of your job
new memories to make as
as a mascot and the loyalty you showed the teams. So go out into the world and continue to do your best and make me a proud and happy grandmother. Love you forever, Memaw
eyes lit up when they saw
It has been the
you. You always gave a
greatest joy watching our little 21b 14 oz miracle P.S. You haven't changed
baby girl grow into such a beautiful, very talented,
much from this picture â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
and certainly an
just the size of the phone.
independent young woman. W e are so very
hug or a wave of hand. You never let one child go un-noticed. You were one awesome Bulldog! You will leave Big paws behind to be filled. May happiness and
proud to have had Burk's
success always be with you
Best Bulldog Mascot these
as you step into your new
Looking down fro m
last four years, but mostly the way you represented
future, and remember no m atter how large or small
Heaven your "paw
your school w ith pride,
a dream you have,
paw" would be so proud o f his little
and always tried to keep everyone cheering for the
through hard w ork and dedication and lots of love,
"Leaner Beaner Girl."
teams no m atter w hat.
dreams do come true! Congratulations!
The love you showed every child when their
Love, Mom & Dad
I am proud o f you, you big ole' graduate! But you will always be my little sis! You sure have to always g e t yo u r point across, but
O u r little "Boberina" is all grown up and we
you always keep a smile
are so proud o f you!
on everyone's face. See
ya n ext year at MSU.
Uncle Steve, A u n t
Congratulations. Love, D.J.
Kim, Brady & Peyton
P.S. MSU's n ext mascot? Stay tuned.
Baby Ads 181
autumnFLECK I
O u r family has been faced with many challenges this past year - you have handled
Y O U DID IT!!! Senior 07! Betcha thought it would never end! For us, it has gone by to o quickly! O ne day we re helping you take your first steps, and the next, we're helping you pick out a college! W e are very proud of you and we know th at you will have great success in w hat ever path you choose. Love, Mom & Dad
it with such courage and grace! You've g ro w n into a w o nd erfu l young adult. I couldn't have asked fo r a m o re p e rfe ct daughter. Love, M om
autumnFLECK Picture this: just weeks old, trying mightily to raise your head, contemplating a grinning, big-haired aunt, obviously enchanted by you. You're grown up now, and Auntie's proud o f you, believes you're really smart, a great success as a person, and that making a difference Is your destiny. Much Love, Awnti Jo
michaelaBERGIN Michaela, You were always there to lend me a hand when I needed it most. It seems like just the o th e r day we sat in o u r car seats stuck w ith Dane in the middle pulling our hair, and you soon will be graduated. Always follow your heart. Love You! Kels
To ou r oth er d au gh ter, W e love you and are so proud o f ail that you've accomplished. Laurie, Steve, & Alex Coles Autumn, We've been through so much together. I treasure our memories and anticipate making new ones with you. I love you and am so grateful fo r you. Christine
michaelaBERGIN Michaela, It seems like just yesterday you were m y baby girl. You have grown to be such a kind and caring young lady. As you graduate, let your strength and integrity lead your path. Set your goals high and allow God to guide you through. Love always, Mom & Dad
182 Baby Ads
michaelaBERGIN Michaela, You have always been there looking out for me. Thanks for being such a great sister! Love ya, Dane
andreaP O LK
Andrea, Through all these years, you were the only one w ho was there fo r me no m a tter when, no m a tter w hat. You're the best sister anyone could have. I am going to miss you S O O O O much! College is going to be a whole new beginning fo r you. Have fun! I love you. Love, Kristina
Andrea, A t w h a t m om e n t did you grow from o u r precious little Boog-Boog in to the beautiful young wom an you are today? O u r lives have been blessed because Y O U were o u r firstb orn. Proud is n o t a big enough w ord fo r w h a t you've made us feel over the years. Always remember to be happy, to pray, and how very much you are loved. Keep yo ur head high, shoulders back, and kn o w you can achieve anything. W e love you forever and more. Love, M om m y & Daddy
andreaPOLK Dear Andrea, How quickly the years pass. It seems like only yesterday we cradled you as a tiny, newborn child in our arms. As a child, you taught us unconditional love and patience. Now, as a young woman, you teach us courage and strength. As you embark on life's journey, know that your future is bound only by your dreams. So dream big, Andrea. And know that our love, thoughts, and prayers will be w ith you every step of the way. Love, Always, A ll Ways, Nana & Bobo
cortneyCANNON The time has passed and we have enjoyed every moment of you entertaining us. N ow you will move on to another stage in your life. Continue striving for the best. Remember # 1 1 , Look Up To Heaven. Y O U ARE BEING W A TC H E D ! W e All Love You! Mom, Dad, Holly & Casey
caseyBURT Casey, I am so proud o f the person you have become and proud to be yo ur m other. Thank you fo r always letting me share in all you have done. You have accomplished so much! A nd you will achieve so much m ore in the n ext few years! Love always, Mom
caseyBURT Casey, W e are so proud o f you! It has been so much fun watching you play baseball from those Little League days through the Bulldog era. May you continue your success as you begin the n ext chapter o f your life! W e love you, Gran & A u n t Jackie
Baby Ads 183
treyHORN Trey, W e w eren't sure w hat to expect when we found you in here th a t day. W h a t a joy it has been to watch you grow up! You are a strong, intelligent young man w ith a caring, gentle spirit. Set yo ur goals high and always keep God first in yo ur life. Proverbs 3:5-6 Love, Mom & Dad
dan& spoon Dan & Spoon, F rom Chuck E. Cheese to the football field, w h o w ould've thought you tw o guys w ould still be playing to g e th e r after all
treyHORN Little Brother, I can't believe you're all grown up, kind of. You have become such an amazing person. I'm proud o f you, little brother. You're going to do great things. "R O C K LOBSTER! Yeah, you're gonna be O K." Proverbs 3:16 Love, Your amazing sister
these years. You may have o u tg ro w n the thumb and Binky, but you'll never o u tg ro w the love o f your families. W e are so proud o f both o f you! Phil. 4 : 13 Love, The Horns & Williams
From little Indians in preschool
andrewAARON W h a t a w o n d erfu l young man you are. You have brought jo y to ou r family as o u r son and big b ro th e r. Rem em ber Jeremiah 2 9 :1 1-God knows the plans fo r you. Look fo r His guidance; w e will always be behind you. W e can't w ait to see w hat those plans are!
T o Bulldogs that are too cool, It's time w e said it loud, You tw o have made us very proud. W h a t ever life may th ro w your way, Remember to always pray. God, friendships and families will see you through. W e love you so much, Cameron and Drew.
Love, M om , Dad, Michael
Randy and Anne, Danny and Kristi
and Jonathan O
ÂŽ â&#x20AC;&#x201D;\
o D
o 70 m 2
m m
Z co
184 Baby Ads
m ichaelS M ITH
Michael, May you find true love and true success by walking in God's path. Remember, family first. Always. Love, Your family
You absolutely made e v e ry dream o f my life come tru e . G od has blessed you with so many gifts. Always believe in them , share them with the w o rld , and become all you w e re m eant to be. Keep God close to yo u r heart, you are so evidently His. Love, M om
Michael, It has been a wild and bumpy ride. Thanks for being my brother. I wish you excitem ent and love, and every good thing my heart can hope fo r you. Bet I get that diesel before you do. Have a great life - 1 miss you already! Love, Am ber
Baby Ads 185
November 28, 1988, God blessed us with a beautiful, energetic, baby girl. Time has passed so quickly. You have become a ravishing young lady, a best friend, and a wonderful big sister of whom we all are very proud of. W e love you Jordi. Mom, Jaelyn & Joseph
My Care Bear, you had a rough start in life, but you never gave up! N o w look at you all grown up. W e are so proud o f you and all your accomplishments. W e love you very much, Rich, Mom, Karissa & Kelli
jordanDUBSKI The day you were born was a gift from God. You were so adorable and full of energy. W e are proud of you, your accomplishments, and the beautiful woman you have become and will always be. You have blessed all of our lives. W e love you sweetie. Dad & Jani
Our dear, sweet gentle giant! Words cannot describe the pride and love that we feel. You have never once been a disappointment. W e have always seen your potential for greatness, that's why we have always pushed you toward it. W e have faith you will achieve it. W e love you forever, Mom & Dad
Although we sometimes don't like each other very much, and hurt each other at times, you have been so much more than just my brother â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you are my friend and always will be. Forever, Ev
186 Baby Ads
It's hard to believe you're a senior. W e have watched you grow into a wonderfully caring and thoughtful young man. Your family is very proud of you in all that you are, and have become. Always look to your stars and follow your dreams. With Love, Your Family
You have grown into a fine young man before our eyes. You have exceeded all of our expectations. W e are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Remember, Grandma and Grandpa are very proud, too. Congratulations Nickelby. Love, Mom, Dad, Chass, Jeff, Aunt Tammy & Uncle Dewayne
Jaclyn, You have been the best sister that anyone could ask for. You are always there to support us. You always make us laugh and cheer us up. W e will miss you so much. W e just hope you know how much you mean to us. Shoot for the stars. Love, James & Jordan
Jaclyn, You are a special blessing and precious gift from God. Your smile and vivacious personality light up a room. You have become such a bright and joy-filled young lady. Dare to dream and achieve your goals. Keep dancln' in your Heart! Love, Mom & Dad
caitlinPHELAN Dear Caitlin, The journey with you; from bedtime stories, imaginary phone calls and "Ride on Mickey," to novels, endless phone conversations and cars, is unforgettable. Our hearts rejoice at the splendid young woman you have become. W e Love You, Mama and Daddy
P erfect love sometimes does
Sweet Pea, Our wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small. You never need to carry more than you can hold. W e love and are very proud of you. Congratulations, Mom, Dad, Dylan, Ryann, and Pedro
n o t come until grandchildren are born. You are O u r p e rfe ct love Nikki, O u r blessing, O u r jo y . You will always be in o u r hearts. W e are proud o f you. Love always, Papa and Nanny G a rre tt
aubriSMITH Aubri, It's hard to let go and let your baby fly. But I know I can with all the confidence, pride and love in the world, because you have shown me what a wonderful, beautiful, bright and talented young lady you are. I know you're ready. I Love You, Mom
aubriSMITH Look at you! The baby sister I sw ore to p ro te c t is n o w a beautiful wom an w ho has actually helped me through so much. I could never ask fo r a b etter sister o r a b etter friend, and I am so very proud o f you. Love Always, Cassie
Baby Ads 187
You have never le t anything stop you. You are a big inspiration to us all. W e all love you m ore than w ords could e ve r say. W e are v ery , v e ry proud o f you, Lee. Love, Dad, M om , Kasey and Morgan
W e are proud you will graduate in 2007. You've come a long way, but we knew you could do it. Pa Paw Allen would have been just as proud as we are. Thank God you found such a great friend as Josh Hayter. Lee, thanks for being a blessing, Pa Paw Doyle & Grandma Elva
orlandoFLORES Congratulations! Time has gone by so fast. W e pray th at all you set out to do, you will accomplish. W e are very
amandaCOLLIE Amanda Marie, I am very proud of you! You have done extraordinary well in academics, track, work, and life. You have blossomed into a beautiful young woman with a "spirit" to match. The next chapter of your life will be filled with increased challenges and greater rewards. Go for it!! Love, Dad
proud of you, and love you very much! God bless you always! Love, Mom & Dad
phillipSHAVER Phillip, W h a t an absolute jo y you are! W h a t a fine young man you are becoming. W e are so proud o f you! Please rem em ber to always Trust in the Lord, and fo llo w your heart and dreams! W e Love you, Mom . Dad & Erin
188 Baby Ads
lisaHARDIN To Daddy's little girl, Never forget that wherever you go in life, the choice is yours to make. Love, Dad
lisaHARDIN To my Angel, Good luck. Hope you reach your goal in life. And no matter how old you are, you'll always be my little angel. Love, Mom
lisaHARDIN That which you w ant the most will be the hardest thing to get But you make it seem so easy because, though there's so much stress that comes w ith it, you do it with a smile. And it's fo r that I hate you so much, b ut because it puts things into perspective fo r me, and inspires others, I love you fo r i t You rock, Lisa.
| Bro Bo
Hey "little" brother, I can't begin to explain how proud I am o f the person you have become. Keep being the person G od made you to be, and you will always succeed. Love, Erin
Mark, You are very special to me, and I am very proud of you. I have always been and will always be there for you. Love you lots, Mom
W o w , you are already graduating! You helped me get through so much, even freshman year. Thanks for everything. Love, Marissa
markSTEPHENS Mark, since the day you were born you had a special place in my heart. You have always made us proud. As you graduate and move on, remember "NEVER QUIT...KEEP TRYING." Always know that your family is with you and we love you forever! Love, Dad and Sandy
Baby Ads 189
Kyle, It seems as if we blinked and you grew fro m an adorable baby to a bright, responsible young man. Remember to keep your focus on Christ and fo llo w His plans fo r your life. Jeremiah 2 9 :1 I W e Love you, Mom, Dad & Kellie
KyLeigh, You are an amazing young lady and we are so proud of you! As you head off to college, don't let anything stand in the way of your dreams -- just go for it!! Love, Mom, Dad & Tyler
a n d y & ju lie A L A N IZ You're Papaw's Thunder & Lightning, Debbie's Little Angels. You're beautiful, God fearing, loving, and my babies. I love you more than life, Mom, and the rest o f the bunch th a t love y'all and th in k you're DaBomb, Maria, MeMe, Tiffany, Shawn, Marcus, Luke, Anessa, A udrey, A bby, Jeremy, Mike
190 Baby Ads
FRIENDS GATHER TO celebrate Nikki Wood's and Jordan Rickard's 14th birthday.
T u g m an
Matt P
u n d y
im s
, Y
Insurance Agency
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o t t e r
7v; F irst Bank
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(940) 7 6 1-2 404
907 Holliday
u cm r Member FDIC m
Iow a Park J M J *1 u 318 West Park
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Interior / Exterior Carpentry Repairs Reasonable Rates Free Estimates
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a y e s
o m e
8c A
u to
General D entistry I 15 N . A ve D
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3 0 1 South Avenue D P.O. Box 905
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5 6 9 -4 9 0 1 Member FDIC
Baby Ads 191
from the editors..
i-Thank you for all of your out-of-the-box ideas, sarcasm, and thought. You are a riot. You really gave an original perspective to all of our ideas. A m b e r & Paige-Thank you for all of your hard work and constant pestering. You two brightened up the more dismal times and definitely 1 made this class more interesting. Am y-Your hardworking attitude really helped out in eighth hour. Your willingness to take Jobs that no one else wanted was greatly appreciated. Autumn-Thank you for your dedication even outside of the classroom. The baby ads were a success only becausi of the time you put in during lunch and photojournalism. Cat-You are such an inspirational "muse." Thanks for the pictures. Christina-You have given us two years, and we appreciate it. Even when life punches you in the nose, you still laugh. Your bright attitude brightens even the most tens^j deadlines. Christine-You are always willing to do whatever task you are given. You are trustworthy and responsible. Thank you. Courtney-Youif bubbly personality makes everyone smile, and that always makes for a better day. Thank you for all of your hard work. Katy & Jordan-Although jl this has been your first year on staff, you two have contributed more than most do in two years. Thank you for always meeting your deadlines and creating some of the most fantastic layouts! Kelly-This yearbook would not have happened without you, after all, the idea was partly yours. Thanl for going to all the games and taking pictures. You have such a creative and innovative mind. M ark, Michaela, & Sam antha-W e were excited to have y'all on staff this year, but even more excited that we will be graduating soon! Ballin'! Paulina-You are such a fast learner and a real go-getterf Folios aren't a problem for you! You get things done in record time, and are always so happy to do anything we ask. Thank you! Sarah & Taylor! Your funny personalities and great attitudes helped us get through stressful deadlines. Whenever we needed a laugh we could always count on you j two. Thank you for all you've done! Jennifer-Thank you for always running our errands and taking our pictures, in general, doing the dirty work, j Your work was greatly appreciated. Zach-Our beloved "computer editor of doom." This panoramic book would not have "panned out" without ycj creative insight and photoshop skills. Don't let it go to your head, but your successor has big shoes to fill. M rs. G-Thank you for all that you have j taught us. Yearbook is not an individual responsibility but a team effort and you are a great team leader! orlandoFLORES, michelleALFERT, & janelleG O ETTM AN
D ISCUSSING THE LAYO UT, CoEditors-in-Chief Michelle Alfert and Janelle Goettman contemplate possible colors. S ta ff Ph oto
A T THE COMPUTER, second year yearbook staff Zach Shipp, Christina Boatman, and Adam Roberts preview a spread. S ta ff Ph oto
VIEWING THE PRINTS, second year seniors Orlando Flores, Autumn Fleck, and Kelly Finn decide which photos to put on a page. S ta ff Photo
With this yearbook being one of the first full-color books in the area, the yearbook staff toiled diligently to create a colorful book of people and events from the year. Production of the yearbook began early, with students attending a summer workshop to learn trends and further develop ideas. The staff worked together to create the yearbook on time, which had some students putting in numerous after school hours in order to meet deadlines. "I couldn't tell you the number of hours I put in working on the yearbook after school," Co-Editor Janelle Goettman said, "but I can tell you it was sure worth it." The Quill and Scroll is an international high school society for Journalism students who excel on their publications. michelleALFERT
T H ANK S TO TAYLOR Sales Rep. Cheiyl Chrisman for her continued tech support and wisdom. W e couldn't have finished without you!
W ith the introduction of a full-color yearbook, the Derrick Staff chose a more modern and sophisticated theme of Panoramic Change. Incorporating vivid colors with innovative picture styling made this specific book unique. The 7 3/4" by 10 I /2" book features a black matte lithocote cover highlighting a four-color picture strip. Pages were 10 0 weight enamel paper containing headlines in Vanguard, subheads in Copperplate Gothic Bold, body in Eric and captions in Rinna. Body was set in 10 point font and captions were set in 8 point font. About 600 books were ordered with the fall prices bein $40 or $45 with the name on the cover. Production costs were estimated at $35,000. Student portraits were taken by Life Touch and Gordon Photography. The Derrick belongs tc the Interscholastic League Press Conference and Quill and Scroll.
! ffifz Derrick Staff
What's your favorite color and why?
H PERIOD STAFF ARE (front row) Zach Shipp, ristina Boatman, Adam Roberts (second row) Coitors Janelle Goettman, and Michelle Alfert
(back row) Michaela Bergin, Jennifer Caskey, Mark Stephens, Christine Powell, and Samantha Regan,
"Blue; it is the color of the Dallas Mavericks and Dallas Cowboys jerseys." orlandoFLORES
H PERIOD STAFF ARE Autumn Fleck, Kelly n, Orlando Flores (second row) Am y Hastings, ge Johnson, Paulina Arzate (back row) Taylor
Simpson, Sarah Weary, Jordan Miller, Katy Bodenhom. (Not pictured) Courtney Betts and Amber Bice.
" Lime green; it is bright and catches your attention." paulinaARZATE
JILL A N D SCROLL members are (front row) am Roberts, Janelle Goettman, Michelle Alfert, lly Finn, Orlando Flores (second row) Paulina
Arzate, Autumn Fleck, Am y Hastings, Amber Bice (back row) Christine Powell, Tina Cerruti , Zach Shipp, Katy Bodenhom, and Jordan Miller.
"Red; it is warm and exciting, but can mean anything from valor to love." jordanMILLER
People 193
W h o 's W h o Each a ca d em ic year, teachers select a senior who has excelled in a particular subject. These students are nam ed to the prestigious record of the Derrick's Who's Who. The a w arded recipients were selected based on a high GPA, g o o d citizenship, enthusiasm, and talent. "Being selected by the faculty members, it is an outstanding honor," yearbook adviser Mrs. Anne Gillespie said. michelleALFERT
s c ie n c e
zachSHIPP "Zach has an amazing aptitude fo r science. His critical thinking and analytical skills well surpass his peers. I expect great things from him in the future."
M rs. Francis
drewAARON “D rew is an exceptional math student. He has excelled in ail o f his math classei Including AP Statistics and AP Calculus D rew has the ability and m otivation tc reach any goal he sets fo r himself. It ha: been a pleasure having him In class."
M rs. Baughman
W e are fortunate to have had Michelle, an excellent singer, pianist and leader, as president o f A Cappella Choir fo r tw o years. Last year, she made the All-State Women's Choir and performed at State UIL Solo & Ensemble contest, earning a superior rating.
M r. Cowan
“Always smiling - Joe attacks all obstacles and conquers them w ith gusto. He's The MAN!"
M r. Barrow
angelaEARLY "One o f the first things I noticed aboi Angela is th a t she is a self-starter. She is ab to take a project and carry it to completic w ith minimal instruction, dem onstratir problem solving and creativity resulting in successful result.”
M r. Cook
194 Who's Who
"A u tum n is a very dedicated student th a t strives to be very successful in all o f her endeavors.â&#x20AC;?
"Kyle Is an exemplary student w ho exhibits great qualities such as leadership, a desire to learn, cheerfulness, and enthusiasm."
anelle is the epitom e o f a well-rounded tudent. Her grasp o f literature is both isightful and tho u gh t-p ro vo kin g . She tru ly ves up to Emerson's saying, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;W h a t lies ehind us and w h a t lies before us are tin y Tatters compared to w h a t lies w ithin us."*
M rs. C arpenter
Mrs. Fuentes
LaV elda Barrick
Tyler Lynn is clearly the MVP o f the Julldog Brigade. He is always eager to help vlth anything and, above all, Is an iccomplished musician. Thank you Tyler or everything you do."
"Rachel has been very unselfish w ith her time she has devoted to be Instrumental In the success o f our Cross C ountry, Volleyball, Basketball, and Track programs. I wish we had m ore athletes like Rachel."
"Trey is a super young man w ho has been a major part o f o u r athletic program fo r fo u r years. His great a ttitu d e and leadership Is something we will definitely miss."
*1r. Kilgore and M r. Cathey
Coach N ix
Coach Richards
People 195
"Integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do -- that's the m o tto ."
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lane is a very well-rounded, outstanding individual. He is one o f the m ost reliable and responsible students th a t I have ever had the experience o f advising. He's never m et a stranger and he will be deeply missed in the B u rkb u rn e tt FFA."
Major Mariotti
M r. W aitm an
D e i n a n y L Y N ^ n
"In class and on the job, Harvey is responsible and maintains a m ature and positive attitude. He is an asset to his employer and a delightful young man to have in class."
"Bethany is a tru e professional. She is dedicated to doing her best at everything she does. She will be a success in anything she chooses to do."
Ms. Lee
Mrs. Kleckner
196 Who's Who
"Lindy's cheerful attitude helps create a fun cooperative classroom. She is a dependabk leader w ho excels in academics, sports anc w o rk program. Lindy has a sparkle thacomes from having a caring tru th fu l soul."
Mrs. Gritton
orlandoFLORES "Serving as assistant editor, sports and people edito Orlando has been a key leader and worker on th yearbook staff fo r tw o years. He has a positive attitudi working late to meet deadlines and he represented BH in district UIL journalism contests.'
Mrs. Gillespie
mikeSMITH ike is always willing to take on any task, i w orks well w ith others and is always (ling to share his knowledge. Mike is the je o f student any teacher would enjoy ving in th e ir class.â&#x20AC;?
M r. Ress
"Marc Is a very good Computer Aided Design student W hile taking the Computer Technology classes over the past couple o f years, he has demonstrated understanding o f the principles o f design, ability to generate a desirable finished product, and a strong knowledge o f software. He exhibits outstanding character traits, is well liked by his fellow classmates, and often assists others in the class."
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lorena is an excellent student. Very Positive. She has evident leadership abilities. She Is also involved in sports and o th e r school activities. She is a great role model."
Ms. Allen
Mrs. Cheney
Journalists earn Spirit Award
m ic h e lle A L F E R T s an independent worker, Michelle tackled the fic u lt task o f researching Burkbumett's 100 year itoryand condensing it into a time-line to celebrate s city's centennial. She also attended the summer arbook workshop and incorporated design trends :o the Derrick."
Mrs. Gillespie
W inners of the 20th annual Bloodworth journalism spirit award are yearbook co-editors Michelle Alfert and Janelle Goettman. This award established in loving memory of Feme Bloodworth who died in a 1987 plane crash honors outstanding journalists. Bloodworth, a BHS journalism teacher from 1969-1977, won numerous state awards and set new trends in Texas high school journalism. Likewise, Michelle and Janelle, breaking the mold of a basic black and white yearbook, worked to make the first all color Derrick a trendy Texas publication. -Mrs. Gillespie
janelleGOETTMAN "While involved as a leader in almost every activity on campus, Janelle still gave 100% to the demands o f yearbook editor. W ith her leadership skills, m aturity, and w o rk ethic, she accomplished more in one day than most students do in a m onth."
Mrs. Gillespie
People 197
â&#x2014;¦IISCHOOL Mr.
M is s B H S
nateBROWN 198 Mr. and Miss BHS
allSCHOOL Most L
ik e l y t o
drew A ARON M ost Likely to S u cce e d
â&#x2014;¦IISCHOOL Fa v o r it e s
lelandWETZEL 200 All School Favorites
â&#x2014;¦IISCHOOL B
eauty and
Ha n d so m
treyHORN All School Beauty and Handsome
senior F a v o r it e s
monroeBRADLEY 202 Senior Favorites
senior B
eauty and
eJCARRION Senior Beauty and Handsome
junior Fa v o r it e s
leland WETZEL 204 Junior Favorites
junior B
eauty and
nateWHEELER Junior Beauty and Handsome
sophomore F a v o r it e s
JustinROBERTSON 206 Sophomore Favorites
JasonBEACH Sophomore Beauty and Handsome
freshmen F a v o r it e s
lorenzoBARNES 208 Freshman Favorites
freshmen B
eauty and
markBROOMFIELD Freshman Beauty and Flandsome
Aaron, Drew ...23, 46, 56, 57, 58, 64, 70, 71, 140, 147, 184, 194, 199 Aase, Clinton..............................104 Acheson, Ryon.......................... I 16 Adame, Chessa.......................... 128 Adams, Brittany......................... I 16 Adams, Bryan 79, 104 Adams, Justin.............................128 Adams, Krista.....................128, 135 Adams, Natalie 64, 76, 116 Alaniz, Adriana 79, 140, 156, 190 Alaniz, Julie I 5, 78, 79, 84, 85, 140, 150, 156, 190 Albers, Ben...........................50, 104 Albers, Judy..................................98 Albers, Michael..................... 52, 128
W HILE W O R K IN G A T the annual PPG picnic, seniors Joseph Calderon and Amber Cox show o ff
Albin, Evan.......................... 42, 128 Albin, Ian 4 2 ,4 6 , 58, 64, 140, 152, 156, 186 Albin, Missy 12, 41, 128, 205 Alejandro, Alex............................98 Alexander, Matthew...........72, I 16 Alfert, Michelle...3, 46, 58, 64, 65, 80, 81, 140, 167, 192, 193, 194, 197, 21 1,214, 221 Alfonzo, Dylan........................... 128 Alfonzo, Quinton............... 87, 104 Allen, Joshua..............................128 Allen, Rex.............................52, I 16 Allen, Samantha 75,80, 128 Alley, Randi..............5, 39, 55, 104 Alley, Shaylene.....................69, 104 Alley, Tona...................................98 Almendarez, Amanda 25, 140 Almendarez, Manuel................ I 16 Alvarez, Brandon 30, 128,219 Alvarez, Joshua................... 73, 104 Ames, Kirtis 64, 70, 71, 140 Amey, Alise 6 8 , 79, 89, I 16 Anderson, Austin 87, I 16 Anderson, Elissa 13, 49, 79, 80, 94, 116
their tattooing skills to the PPG employees as well as their kids. Photo by Christine Pow ell
Anderson, Joshua.....................140 Anderson, Lane 5, 10, 23, 42, 4 6 , 4 8 , 4 9 , 5 6 , 5 7 , 5 8 , 60, 64, 141, 147, 168, 196, 200 Anderson, Lindy..58, 8 8 , 89, 141, 168,196 Andrus, Jessica.......................... 104 Ansohn, Kacy 19,41, 116 Arbogast, Amanda.................. 128 Arbogast, Brandon.................. 104 Arismendez, Justin 52, 74, 128 Arno, Raechel..............63, 80, I 16 Arzate, Caitlin 9, 20, 33, 41, 49, 58, 64, 65, 128, 215 Arzate, Paulina ..9, 15, 40, 4 1, 49, 58, 64, 128, 135, 193 Askew, Michael 45, 92, 93, 104 Atkins, Stacy 7, 42, 44, 98 Aubin, Deanna I I, 55, 58, 94, 95, 141, 155, 171 Avens, Brad..................................98 ...98 Avey, Janie...............
Back, Bethany ......................I 16 Baggett, Courtney............... 76, 104 Bailey, Kasi............................79, I 16 Baird, Ashley 50, 5 1, 58, 131, 141,156 Baker, Brandy 80, 141, 162 Baker, Cara...........................76, 104 Balis, A d ri.....................................98 Bamburg, Joshua........................14 1
Bamburg, Matthew 44, 91,11 Barboza, Robert 72, I I Barger, Anthony 60, 141, 16! 16 Barker, Trey ..9, 10, 74, 141, 151 186,19 Barker, William 42, I2j Barnard, Audri 55, 58, 79, 94 129, 131 Barnes, Adam................ 44, 72, 9 Barnes, A lex 6 6 , 12] Barnes, Emmitt......................... I I Barnes, Johnathan 72, I I Barnes, Lorena 28, 29, 8 8 , 141 19 Barnes, Lorenzo 14, 45, 9 1, 92 95, 104, 107, 20 Barnes, Roderick 42, 12 Barrells, Seth 13, 44, 91,11 Barrick, LaVelda.......................... 9 Barrow, Bob......................... 83, 9 Barton, Byllie.............................. \4 j Battista, Rilee... 14, 24, 39, 76, 94, 104, I 13, 201 Baughman, Allyson 19, 22, 23 9i Baughman, Michael..........5, 45, 9{ Bavousett, Scott ..42, 8 6 , 87, 129 I3 Baxter, Christian........................101 Beach, Amanda 81, 14] Beach, Jason 44, 70, 91, 117 20] Beach, Jordan 43, 44, 70, I 17 20< Beason, Marc 57,90, 141, 161 19' Beason, W ad e................... 91,111 Beisner, Stephanie..................... 10!
D E M O STRATIN G A TYPE o f force, senior Brianne Cummins places an antenna on her head in
front o f Mrs. Conni Marshall's physics class. Photo by Janelle Goettman
Icher, Geoffery....................... 129 II, Melissa............... 129, 132, 218 lovosky, John................ 72, 129 ntley, Laura............................I 05 ntley, Rosemary...................... 98 rg, Audriana...................5 1, 105 rgin, Dane.... 14, 45, 48, 49, 60, 105,106 irgin, Kelsey......................58, 129 irgin, Michaela ...46, 57, 58, 141, 182, 193 irreles, Linda I 05, 108, 2 2 1 irreles, Sabrina 24, 32, 46, 47, 56, 57, 129, 221 Is, Brooke..............................I 17 itts, Courtney ...46, 58, 79, 141, 156 vington, April.........79, 129, 137 :e, Amber... I 2, 46, 58, 64, 128, 129, 139, 204 *k, Patrick..................................99 ihop, Bethany........................ I 05 ;hop, Jake........................73, 105 shop, Joshua................... 72, 129 ison, Burgundy....................... 141 ick, Ryan................................... 99 ick, Tom ................................... 99 ickburn, Joe ..3 I , 141, 162, 194 ickmon, Robert..45, 57, 92, 95, 105 ickwell, Amy ...22, 79, 129, 136 ickwell, Duward...................... 99 ickwell, Ian..................... 45, 105 >atman, Christina 15,41, 65, 129, 192, 193 >atman,Joe............. 45, 105, I 10 (denhorn, Elizabeth 79, 105, I 15
ELPING W ITH THE Headstart iristmas Party, junior Jessie Saville ices a gift in a bag to be given to e parents o f the child to be >ened on Christmas morning.
Bodenhorn, Kathryn
79, I 15, 117, 193 Boesen, Alan............... 79, 83, 105 Bohuslav, Diana...........................99 Bolden, Tiana 63, I 17 Bolen, Brodie 60, 61,91, 117 Bolf, Clayton..............................I 05 Bond, Gloria.................. 48, 49, 99 Bpnnin, Michael......................... I 17 Bonnin, Rachael........................ 105 Boswell, Scott....................... 42, 44 Bowen, Kelsey 80, I 17 Bower, Jeremy 74, 129 Boyd, Chelsea............. 38, 6 8 , I 17 Boydston, Annalise 76, 105 Bradley, Monroe....5, 58, 141, 202 Bradshaw, Shelby... 13, 24, 53, 80, I 17 Brandon, Melinee......... 49, 80, 82 Brantley, David.......................... 141 Bratton, Taylor 63, 105 Briscoe, Brandon 74, 141 Briscoe, Jennifer 6 , 3 8 , 6 9 , 105 Brookman, Blake ............... 14 1 Brookman, Regan ...7, 39, 76, 105 Broome, Shannon ...6 , 40, 41, 105 Broomfield, Mark ... 15, 17, 23, 73, 105,208,209 Broomfield, Stephanie.........22, 63, 129 Brown, Colton 60, 105 Brown, Jamal.............................105 Brown, Kaillee... 16, 58, 74, 80, 8 I Brown, Kellee ,............... 142 Brown, Kristen 142, 176 Brown, Nate.... 16, 42, 43, 46, 58, 64, 70, 74, 94, 95, 142, 198, 199,200
Brown, Reba 39, 76, 105 Brown, Sean ....55, 57, 58, 94, 95, 142,221 Brown, Staci....................... 65, 129 Brownhill, Josh....................64, 129 Browning, Crystal................ 129 Brugmann, Justyn............... 129 Bryant, James 79, 142, 156 Bryant, Jasmin.....................76, 129 Bryant, Jason .......... 79, 129 Bryant, Nichole....................105 Bryant, Shawn.....................105 Buhs, Patsy...................................99 Bullard, Joshua.....................142 Burg, Kelsey......................... 105 Burks, Cody....8 , 58, 79,129, I 39 Burlton, Bailey......................I 05 Burns, Ashley......................5 1, 105 Burt, Casey 58, 142, 156, 183 Butler, Jesse......................... I 17 Butler, Kristyna......27, 38, 39, 58, 59,83,88,129 Butler, Rick.....................44, 45, 99 Byrne, Kindel 48, 49, 80, 129
RECOGNIZING FIRST PLAC E winners, Superintendent Danny Taylor presented Scientific achievment district awards to (front row) Taylor Tisdale, Hannah Hill,
Matt Moudy, Michelle Alfert, Tina Cerruti, Challena Franks, Lane McBeath, Tyler Jenkins, and (back row) Taylor Felty, Janelle Goettman, Carly Moree, Kyle
Cadle, Elaina 49, 64, 129, 135 Caffee, Michael..79, 129, 21 1,218 Cahayla, Ben 45, 57, 91, 105 Cain, Andrew..23, 58, 62, 63, 94, 95, 129,205 Calderon, Joseph 42, 103, 142, 156,210
Caldwell, Carey..................... 50, 99 Caldwell, Kim............................... 99 Calloway, Drake 58, 74, 129 Calvillo, Kristina....................39, 106 Cannon, Cortney 36,66, 142, 183 Cannon, Holly..39, 69, 76, 8 8 , 89, 94, 106 Carbaugh Sattle, Alexis 14, 106 Carkuff, Chandler.....................106 Carlson, Zach...................... 73, 106 Carpenter, Courtney.... I 3, 25, 49, 50, 117 Carpenter, Shelby.. 12, 32, 50, 5 I , 56, 57, 58, 128, 130, 139 Carpenter, Sheryl 99, 2 17, 2 18 Carr, Stewart............................ 142 Carrion, E.J 46, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 70, 71, 142, 165, 203 Carrion, Samuel.... I 3, 72, 95, I 17 Carroll, Colten.......................... I 17 Carroll, Katelyn...46, 58, 142, 173 Carter, Larry.......................... 22, 99 Casey, Dustin....................... 50, I 17 Caskey, Jennifer 40, 41,1 30, 135,193 Casteen, Brittiny ...27, 58, 8 8 , 130 Castillo, Danny 18, 62, 63, 74, 142, 163, 196 Castro, Casandra .... 6 , 69, 94, 106 Castro, Felicia................ ............I 17 Cathy, Taylor......................... 26, 78 Cely, Keri................................ 24, 99 Cerruti, Tina....20, 25, 42, 46, 47, 58, 142, 154, 169, 199, 202, 21 1 , 2 1 2
Chalmers, Kellie......................... I 30 Chancellor, Kristen ..............106
Weldon, Michael Caffee, and Stephanie Seman. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
lndex| 211
Chancellor, Miranda................... I 17 Chapman, Jared 79, 106 Cheney, Mary............................... 99 Christman, J.R 80,81, 130 Christopher, Steven 46, 80, 8 I , 142, 152 Cissell, Lance................ 44, 95, I 17 Civiletto, Barry..................... 106 Civiletto, Ryan..................... I 30 Clack, Virginia.............................. 99 Clendenon, Garrett I 17 Coker, Grady....52, 142, 144, 170 Cole, Christina............................142 Coleman, Joshua I30 Collie, Amanda 54, 55, 58, 94, 95, 142, 170, 188 Collie, Tiffany............... 22, 79, I 17 Collins, Jonathan 142, 178 Cook, Andrew.....................106 Cook, Jeramy 63, 130, 132 Cook, Jordan 79, I 17 Cook, Levar 79, I 17 Coombes, Sherry.........................99 Cooper, Emily......................106 Cooper, Sabrina..46, 58,79, 143,156,179 Cooper, Stephanie............. 58, 130 Copus, Stetson 44, 60, I 17 Cornelison, Katy................. 130 Cornish, Justin.....................143 Correll, Kalea... I 3, 36, 37,67, I 17, 206 Correll, Scott............... 90, 91, 143 Cossey, Justin.......................130 Cossey, Michael..... ..................143 Cowan, Don 80, 99 Cowardin, Toni............................ 99 Cowhey, Samantha............ I 17
Cox, Am ber 76, 143, 175,210 Cox, Cliffton..............................143 Cozby, Christopher 45, 92, 95, 106 Crawford, Christopher 74, I 18 Cray, Josh................................... 130 Cremeens, Cameron ..64, 70, 143, 160, 184 Criddie, Jason 51, 106 Criswell, Cory 45, I 06 Crook, Austin 74, 130 Crook, Justin...............74, 75, I 18 Cross, Morgan............................I 30 Cross, Sean................................ 143 Crumpler, Bridges I 1, 27, 90, 144, 173 Crumpler, Corsi 15, 17, 39, 69, 76,106,173,208 Culver, Samantha 80, 106 Cummings, Tyler......... 78, 79, I 30 Cummins, Brianne..4l, 56, 57, 64, 7 4 , 7 5 , 1 4 4 , 146, 171,210 Cummins, Dylan ...45, 73, 91, 106 Cunningham, Amanda..............144 Cunningham, Ken ............... 99 83,
Daiker, Robert............................. 99 Dalke, Angela.. 1, 30, 58, 79, 144, 173 Dalke, Bill........................ 42, 44, 99 Dalke, Kay.......................... 7, 99 Dalke, Thomas 43, 44, 52, 92,
95, I 18 Darland, Billy..............................102 Davis, Allison............................ I 30 Davis, Ernest 42, 8 6 , 144, 224 Davis, Joseph.............................106 Davis, Kiah 6 8 , 94, I 18 Davis, M att................................ I 30 Davis, Patrick....42, 103, 144, 156 Davis, Tyler 45, 106 Deeb, Blake...10, I I, 8 6 , 87, 144, 151,178 Deeb, Bradley..................... 8 6 , I 18 Delval, Maria..............................106 Demel, Ashley................... 144, 169 Demers, Shawn.......................... I 18 Dennis, Jocelyn...................80, 130 Devereaux, Derek......... I 3, 44, 8 6 , I 18,207 Devereaux, Lauren.1..... 36, 37, 58, 94, 130 Devore, Justin............................ 145 Devore, Travis...................... 44, 95 Dickson, Zachary............... 22, I 18 Diehl, Melissa....................... 79, I 18 Dilbeck, Gary..............................102 Divine, Johnny......................3 1, 99 Dodd, Christopher................... I 18 Dominguez, Jorge.....................I 18 Dominguez, Natalie........... 145, 155 Dossey, Jessica......... 145, 168, 169 Dougherty, Ana........................ I 18 Dowling, Derek 44, 52, 70, 9 1,
Dowling, Phillip.............. 25, 99 Dozier, Susan.............................. .99 Drage, Melissa.....................79, I 18 Dubski, Jaelyn.....................76, 107 Dubski, Jordan...76, 8 6 , 145, 147,
18 Duchesne, Stephanie..........94, 13 Duke, Amanda......................... 14 Duke, Hope........................ 79, 1C Duke, Samuel..............45, 9 1, ia Duncan, Daw n 58, 145, 16] Duncan, Dudley........................ ..(* Duncan, Heather 76, 107, 11] Durdaller, Joey....................42, N Duren, Haley 46, 58, 64, 68 131, 13 Durst, Courtney.... 12, 32, 55, 6: 94, 13 Dye, Kyle 17,42, 95, 131, 20 Dye, Milauni.............................. 101
Early, Angela..54, 55, 58, 94, 145 170, 19 Eaton, Calvin....................... 72, I I; Edwards, Misty..................... 28, 14 Eisenbeck, Jerril....................73, 101 Elezagic, Dzemal..................5 I , I 3 1 Elless, Dustin........................ 79, I I ; Ellett, Linda....................... 7, 22, 9] Ellett, Rusty....... 42, 58, 145, 14^
Elphick, Sarah
46, 58,64, 143 152, 156, 16 Emro, Rusty.............................. 14; Enderlein, Brent....57, 58, 70, 13* Evans, Jessika................ 5 1, 60, I 11 Evans, Justin 70, 74, 95, I4<
Saving Energy Through Thermostat
Materials Timeline
D R E SSE D A S A superhero, senior Tina Cerruti placed third out o f 12 advancing to MSCI for Regional Science Fair. Her project was titled
''What's your Favorite Color,'1which also received the Technology and Mental Health Award. Ph oto by Janelle Goettm an
FOR THE SECOND year in a row, junior Taylor Felty did her project over thermal energy. The project helped her to advance to the
Regional Science Fair at Midwestern. She placed fourth overall in the local science fair. Ph oto by Janelle Goettman
Forrestal, Taylor 45, 107 Fortin, Daniel............... 58, 79, I 3 I Foster, Frankie 76, 147, 175 Foster, Lee 80, 81,147, I 8 8 Fournier, Catherine.............I 07 Fournier, Kyle 72, I 3 I Fournier, Trey..25, 42, 46, 58, 95, 131 Fournier, Zachariah.............. I 3 I Fowler, Tanner............. 45, 92, 107 Fox, Bill..........................................99 Francis, Pam.................................99 Frank, Jonathan 42, 43, 74, 95 Franks, Challena 48, 49, 58, 64, 65, 82, 147, 157, 163, 174, 21 I, 215, 224 Frayser, Ashley..58, 103, 147, 164 Frayser, Julia 76, I 19 Frazier, Christopher 72, I 19 Frazier, Jenna...24, 38, 39, 76, 94, 107 Frazier, Katherine..........38, 76, I 19 Frazier, Nancy.............................. 99 Frazier, Phillip..................... 45, 107 Freeman, La'Darion.............107 Friday, Adam 75,90, 147 Frischmann, Benjamin 79, I 19 Fuentes, Margaret...............100 Fulton, Louis........................ 107 Furman, Anthony...............I 07 Furman, TJ ................. 9 1,131 .
'ans, Michelle 79, I 3 I vton, Joshua............................I 07
Ito, Kara 28, 41, 146, 186 nnon, Kiera..36, 37, 46, 58, 64, 6 6 , 74, 94, 146, 148, 174 untleroy, Jordan 72, I 3 I Ity, Taylor 20, 32, 46, 47, 58, 64, 78, 79, 131, 21 I, 212, 218 Ity, Travis...................... 146, I 80 inter, Thomas................ . I 18 irber, Alexis.............................I 07 rnandez, Megan 76, I 18 :klin, Quenton 42, 146, 156, 171 ilds, Michael......,^ 95, 107 in, Kelly....8, 23, 46, 55, 58, 64, 12, 94, 146, 147, 177, 192, 193, 221
;cal, Samantha........... 63,79, 107 icher, Amy ..................... 7, 99 ;ck, Autumn 58, 146, 182, 192,193,195 ;ming, Brianna...................... I 3 I ares, Orlando......10, I I, 46, 55, 57, 58, 64, 146, 156, 188, 192, 193,196 »ley, Lindsey 53, I 3 I •rrestal, Etta 27, 38, 39, 8 8 , I 18 •rrestal, Leah ...7, 39, 55, 69, 76, 94, 107
i H IS PROJECT, Is it Really >olid" Ground," senior Kyle /eldon tested the bearing capacity f different types o f soil. Kyle
received a Construction Science award sponsored by Wal Mart. Ph oto by Janelle Goettm an
Galbraith, Hilary...50, 58, 79, 131, 136 Galbraith, Nathan.......79, 95, I 07 I 07 Galvin, Rikki.................... 89, Gann, Paul 74, 147, 219 Garay, Cassandra......... 79, 84, I 07 Garcia, Camilia............................. 80 64, Garcia, Julian..........44, 45, 92, I 19 Garcia, Lexi 41, 46, 57, 58, 64, 147, 176, 198 Garcia, Marlisha......................... I 19 Garcia, Patricia................80, 107 Garratt, Brad............................ I 07 Garratt, Myles........................... 147 Garvin, Shelton......................... I 3 I Garza, Jacob.......................... 9, 107 Germann, Jeremy.......................147 Germann, Nathan.......... 87, 147 Gerstner, Elizabeth 36, 41, 58, 6 6 ,147, 169 Gerstner, Kyle.................92, 147 Gerstner, Tammy.......................100 Gibbs, Aaron................ 64, 70, 148 Gibbs, Anthony............. 72, I 19 Gibson, Chris............................ I 3 I Gibson, Karra............................... 38 Gil, Chevy.............. 62, 63, 69, 107 148 Gilbert, Kayla.................. 58, Gilbert, Patrick........................... I 3 I Giles, Brady....................44, 91, 119 Gillespie, A nne ......................... 100 Gilmore, Ben..............................I 3 I Gilmore, Tyler I 5, 48, 79, 80, I 19 Glidewell, Annelisa......................108 Goettman, Janelle......3,23,46, 48, 49, 58, 64, 65, 82, 83,148, 166, 167, 192, 193, 195, 197, 21 I,
FOR HER PROJECT, "Tart Titration," senior Carly Moree was recognized by F.T. Felty Operating Co. with the Food Science award.
214 Goff, Kimberly.............. 24, 63, I 19 Goff, Tiffany..........................76, I 3 I Goff, W ayne..............................I I 9 Golden, Kyndra............ 58, 80, I 3 I Gonzales, Alejandro ....55, 79, I 19 Gonzalez, Chris....................74, I 32 Gonzalez, Melissa 24, 29, 148, 223 Gonzalez, Sara.....................41, 132 Goodrich, Danielle 18,58, 148, 176 Goreczny, Brandy 22, 38, 6 8 , I 19 Gorham, Billie............................ 102 Gould, Jay 3, 19, 70, 71, 119 Grant, Quay ....60, 6 1, 65, 90, 9 I , 132 Gray, Allison ...5, 25, 29, 148, 175 Gray, Angel 7, 69, 107, 108 Green, Destiny 64, I 19 Green, Keaton ..3, 42, 43, 90, I 32 Green, Sean...............................I 19 Green, Shawn............................I 08 Greene, Ashley.......................... 108 Gregory, Amelia 148, 223 Gregory, Melody........................ 108 Gregory, Michael....................... I 32 Griffin, Chelsey.............. 8 8 , 89, I 32 Griffin, Kyle...................51, 63, 108 Griffin, Ryan 41, 58, 63, 64, 65, 132 Griffith, J.R 50, 51, 79, I 19 Gritton, Shirley 24,83, 100 Grossi, Sasha 58, 132 Grzybowski, A rron 44, I 19 Guerrero, Jose 45, 108 Guffey, Kristin 42, 44, 119
Carly s project qualified her to advance to the Regional Science Fair at Midwestern. Ph oto by Janelle Goettman
Index 213
Harrison, Sadie.......................... 149 Harvey, Carrie....9, 12, 36, 58, 64, 6 6 , 8 8 , 132, 136 Hassell, Shane..................... 5 1,132 Hastings, Amy ..80, 149, 164, 193 Hawthorne, James................... 149 Haygood, Isaiah............. 45, 73, 108 Hayter, Josh I 1, 42, 58, 74, 92, 93, 103, 149, 156, 170 Henderson, Miles 73, 108 Henderson, Wayne 13,91, 120 Henrion, Ashley............ 48, 79, 108 Henson, Dalaney.... I 3, 42, 44, 60,
Gutierrez, Adie 76, 108 Gutierrez, lylene 84, 148 Gutierrez, Kirt...................... ..... 108 Gutierrez, Mylene 84, 108 Gutshall, Jordan......................... 148 Gutshall, Steven 44, I I 9
Hale, Dustin................................ I 19 Hale, Lakrishna 6 8 , I 19 Hall, Donald 64, 70, 71, 148 Hall, Garret................................. I 32 Hall, John 73, 108 Hall, Ronald.................. 44, 95, I 19 Hall, Seth.....................................60 Halverson, Perry ...64, 79, 80, 108 Halverson, Pierce 3 1, 79, I 32, 134 Hanson, Randall......................... 132 Hardaway, Del 98, 103, 221 Hardin, Lisa 23, 57, 58, 76, 77, 148, 156, 189, 200 Hardnock, Chance 148, 161 Hardy, LeaAnn.......................... 100 Hardy, Linda...............................149 Hargis, Michael............................. 87 Harper, Cody 73, 91, 108 Harpole, Keely 58, 76, 132 Harrimon, Amanda................... 108 Harrimon, Richard...... 44, 91, 119 Harris, Amanda......................... I 19 Harris, Sarah 84, 108
Henson, Daniel 74, 132 Heptner, Curtis.......................... 102 Herd, Raymon 44, 92, 93, 120 Herd, Rebecca 62, 63, 132 Hernandez, Devin......................120 Hernandez, Matt...58, 62, 63, 133 Hernandez, Michael................... I 33 Herwig, Sean 63, I 33 Hetcel, Shawn.............. 45, 91, 108 Hibbs, Angelique........................ 108 Hibbs, Anthony...........................92 Hight, Alissa................................ 120 Hight, Kristina.......................... I 33 Hilburn, Matthew 49, 149, 156 Hill, Curtis ...... 60, 74, 133 Hill, Devin................................... 120 Hill, Hannah 58, 89, 149, 21 I Hill, Jay............... 42, 44 Hill, Steve.. 14, 45, 92, 93, 95, 108 Hogue, Carl 23, 100 Holan, Kayce............... 53, 80, 133 Holden, J 42, 149 Holland, Emarie 69, 108 Hollingsworth, Laurie................ 100
S p e c ific
C o n s t r u c t io n
IN HER SUPERHERO cape, senior Janelle Goettman shows o ff her project, "Specific Variable Deviations in Tesla Coil Construction And
^ a jb P ln d e x
O iv ia tis m
A nd I/ o itu s e
Holman, Billy...............................I 33 Holmes, Sade..............................150 Honkomp, Timothy.................. 120 Hopson, Ryan.............. 52, 53, 133 Horn, Spoon.... 16, 42, 46, 57, 58, 64, 90, 103, 150, 155, 184, 195, 198, 201, 203 Houck, Megan 46, 47, 64, 147, 150,165 Houston, Josh.....................44, 120 Houston, Justin.. I 1, 42, 150, 153, 179,219 Hunt, Bradford...................51, 108 Hunt, Cameron......................... 120 Hunt, Tyler 12,42, 92,95, 133 Huntley, Kaleigh..........58, 6 6 , 150, 175,203 Hurst, Brylynn........................... 133 Hurst, Leah................................. 108 Husen, Natalie........................... 100
Isaacs, Lyndsay 28, 58, 74, 133 Ishmail, Jermaine 63, 120
January, Daniel....................52 1C Jarrett, Chance.................. 12 Jenkins, Leighton...45, 73, 95 id Jenkins, Tyler 58, 79, 133 21 Jennings, Kevin............. 80, 81 IS Johnson, Arick................... ..A Johnson, Brandon.............. ,IC Johnson, Brittanie.............. 32, l3l Johnson, Clinton......... 45, 87, 1C Johnson, Dwayne............... 73, ia Johnson, Joycelin................ .is Johnson, Kayla 46, 58, 64, I 5 21
Johnson, Paige 79, 133, 191 Johnson, T.J......................... 42, 131 Johnson, Tonya.................. 80, IS Johnston, Shannon...............7, I0( Johnstonbaugh, Jacob 72, I3i Jones, Bobbie............................. 10( Jones, Courtney 58, 74, I 5 156, 16 Jones, Dayna........................84, lOj Jones, Jasmine..25, 46, 49, 57, 64 82, 131 Jones, Jordan.......................87, 101 Jones, Kristin........................ 58, I3:j Jones, Kyle....................45, 87, 1$ Jones, Rose.................................12 Jordan, Adam..................... 45, 10' Joss, Jessica 9, 79, 80, 81, 12C 22
Judd, Gage..................................1oj Judd, May.................................. 12, Jurries, Ashley............................ 10
James, Cody........
74, 150, 151
I n T esi a Con M u i t ip i ic k t i o n
Voltage Multiplication." She received second place overall in the local science fair as well as the T A M E Science Club award.
STANDING WITH HER project, senior Michelle Alfert was one o f the 12 first place winners advancing to the Regional Science Fair at MSti.
Her project about the musical pyramid also won second place foi the Artistic Merit Award in the local science fair. Photo by Goettman
Koschak, Chelsea..53, 64, 80, 121 Koulovatos, A lex...................... 100 Koulovatos, Hope.. I 3, 38, 49, 6 8 , 121
ahler, Misty...................... 76, 109 ahoe, Dallas.......................I 09 alski, Linda ................. 100 eating, Amanda................I 33 edrowski, Armandina..... I 33 edrowski, Christopher ....45, 109 eksi, Clarence ...45, 91,109, 2 16 eksi, Elizabeth................... 53, I 34 ellner, Chris....................I 32, I 34 llso, Kayla..................92, 93, 120 emp, Kayla...................... 5 1, 120 end all, Neil.................. 19, 63, 134 endall, Ryan..7, 39, 94, 109, 209 enney, Rachel 27, 36, 37, 58, 66,94,151,195,202 ent, Jonathon 7 , 4 5 , 6 1 , 109 err, BreAnna.................... 84, 134 err, Clint............................ 8 1, 100 illian, Christopher 24, 63, 95, 109 imbrough, Daniel............. 12 1 ing, Brittney ...................I 5 I ing, Kayla....................... 41,151 ing, Preston ..45, 92, 93, 95, 109 inney, Kelsey..................... 60, I 34 irkikis, A lex 38, 39, 8 8 , 12 1 leckner, Melinda 47, 100 lusmeyer, Hayli 79, 109, I I I lusmeyer, Robert............. 12 1 night, Tiara 76, 12 1
Kraft, Terrance......................... 109 Kramer, Dillon...........................109 Krebs, Zachary...................19, 121 Kroll, Bethany 49, 76, 80, I 10 Kubala, Cheyenne 74, 75, 84, 134 Kuehn, Caryl..............................I 34
Lacy, Kaleb...................82, 8 6 , I 34 Lagat, Joshua 62,63, 151, 174 Lagat, Kaylani 62, 63, 80, I 10 Lager, Edwin...................... 95, I 10 Lamb, Miranda 49, 5 1, 82, 83, I 10 Lawson, Lindsey.............19, 80, 134 Lawson, Ron................ 22, 48, I 00 Leach, Carla............................... 100 Leach, Mike 45, I 00 Leaper, Andreanna 24, 76, 134 Leaper, Ryshelle........................ I 34 Lecours, Amanda...25, 58, 80, 81, 134 Lee, Beverly....25, 64, 65, 74, 100, 103 Lehman, Bryan...................6 1, 100 Leigh, Jessica..............................177 Lemley, Brittanie................ 76, 121 Lemmond, Jason ...42, 79,95, 134
Less, Matthew....... 45, 73, 91, I I 0 Levesque, Brad.................... 75, 134 Lewis, Lyon el.............................. 12 1 Liggett, Lana.............................. 100 Lile, Taylor 36, 37, 6 8 , 69, 121 Lillis, Britney................. I 5, 76, I 34 Lindsay, Cali............. 5 1, 63, 78, 79 Lindsay, Shelbie 49, 5 1, 60 I 10 Linker, William........................ .121 Little, Eddie......................... 79 I 10 Livingston, Kory 57, 58, 70 ,71, 134 135 Lockwood, Anita.................... . 1 0 0 Lofton, Britneigh.............. I 10 208 Loftus, Peter....................... 9 I I 10 Londrow, Caleb................. 87 121 Long, Brandon 19, 131 134 Long, Raquel....................... 39 I 10 Longacre, Austin..................... .1 10 Lopez, Cassandra.................... .151 Lorenzo, James ....45, 73, 95, I 1 0 , 209 Loudermilk, Parker 44, 95 121 Lucier, Rebecca....................... .134 Ludden, Bernd.................... 8 6 134 Lynch, Bethany 28, 46, 57 , 58, 151 196 Lynch, Seth...................45, 92 I 10 Lynn, Tyler ......79, 147, 151, 171, 195 Lynott, Monica 13, 55, 6 8 , 69, 121,206
Mackin, Dawn 84, 134 Madarang, Raul............73, 91, I 10 Madarang, Ryan 50, 135 Madding, Jack........................... 100 Mahaffey, Garrett........ 24, 45, I 10 Major, Brian..........................42, 44 Malousek, Jessica..................5, 121 Mariotti, Joe............................... 100 Marlin, Adelicia.....................79, 121 Marshall, Conni......................... 100 Martinez, Genesis......................I 10 Matthews, Alicia........................ I 35 Mattingly, Jani........................... 12 1 Maxwell, Lance 26, 8 6 , 87, 133, 135 McBeath, Layne 52, 58, 78, 79, 132, 135, 21 I McCafferty, Jon....................72, 12 1 McCallister, Ashley....... 23, 35, 62, 63, 151 McCandless, Chuck............. 42, 44 McCarthy, Josef......................... I 35 McCleskey, Anthony................ I 10 McCleskey, Ashley..56, 57, 58, 76, 89, 135 McCleskey, Becky......................100 McClester, Cheyenne 122, 2 19 McCoy, Jared 80, 81, 151, 163 McCoy, Michael.................. 152, 165 McDaniel, Jason 44, 61,91, 95, 121
a m b id e x t e r it y
TUDYING CLIM ATOLOGY fVTTERNS, senior Challena anks was recognized with the atistical Award sponsored by ralmart. Her project, "How
Accurate is Climatology,'' qualified her to participate at the Regional Science Fair at Midwestern. Ph oto by Jan elle Goettm an
SH O W ING OFF HER ribbon, junior Cailtlin Arzate took second place. Her project about the relationship between genetics and
ambidexterity made her an alternate to the Regional Science Fair. Photo by Jan elle Goettm an
Index 215
McFeley, Crystalynne........... I 35 McGinnes, Brandi.................I 35 McGowan, Bailey.... 14, 55, 57, 76, 94, 109, I 10, 208 McGowan, Kelley I 00, 103, 2 17 McKee, Brianna.................... I 35 McKeever, Brent...................74, 135 McKeever, Kyleigh ....58, 148, 152, 190 McKeever, Tyler........... 44, 95, 121 McKenzie, Am ber................... I 52 McKenzie, Jordan......... 49, 80, I 10 ..........89 McLester, Cheyenne McManus, Danny........... 6 , 41, 110 McNeil, Curtis....................... 19, 101 ....................101 McNeil, Paula McWhorter, Josh.................73, I I I Meek, Alexandrea 49, 80, I I I Meese, Allyssa.....................152, 175 Meese, Megan.............................I I I Mendoza, Christian 45, 55, 73, 95, II Mendoza, Jesse..........................152 Mendoza, Lorena..................... I I I Mercado, Brooke......... 13, 27, 122 Mercado, Lance.................. 91, I I I Merrick, Jack...........................7, 10 1 Michael, Kelsey 2 1, 49, 58, I 52, 172 Michaud, Sean...........................122 Miller, Andrew................... 9 1, 122 Miller, Brandon................... 9 1,111 Miller, Christopher..............87, I I I Miller, Jean nine......................... I 0 1 Miller, Jordan 30, 50, 82, 122, 193 Miller, Lindsey 36, 84, 148, 152, 170
SUPERHERO SCIENTISTS TOOK a break from their science fair responsibilities to display their projects and show the elementary
J g fc jP n d e x
Miller, Stephanie........................ I 35 Mills, Ryan............................8 6 , 122 Minderman, Patsy.....................I 0 1 Miner, Jeremy...........9, 13,86, 122 Miner, Rebekah.............25, 76, I I I Minjarez, Andrea.... I1, 46, 58, 76, 152,156,174 Miracle, Denise....................... 7, 10 1 Miser, Jordan........................ 80, I I I Mitchell, Ashley......................... 152 Mitchell, Brandon.............. 45, I I I Mize, James................................ I 0 1 Moehnke, Zachary............ 91, 122 Monk, Kyle...............58, 72, 135 Monk, Nicole................ 69, 94, I I I Monroe, Cory................13,91, 122 Monroe, Jasmine....................... I I I Montgomery, Ashley I 35 Moore, David.,................... 74, 135 Moore, Kristen.......................... I I I Moore, Taryn.â&#x20AC;&#x17E;49, 56, 57, 64, 74, I 75, 76, 122 Moore, Trace............................ 122 Morales, Matthew ......... 9 1,111 Morales, Nicholas.............. 5 1,135 Morales, Nicolette ................. 122 Moree, Benjamin............... 9 1,111 Moree, Carly 58, 6 6 , 143, 152, 167, 199, 21 I, 213, 221 Morris, Jonathan .. i 1, 42, 58, 103, 152, 156 Morris, Kaleigh....... 24, 25, 6 8 , 80, 122
Morris, Steven ..............I I I Morrow, Derek................. 5 1,111 Moseley, James.........7, 54, 55, I 0 1 Motley, Jonathon..............63, 122 Moudy, Matthew..20, 58, 79, I 35,
school students their science fair super powers. Powers varied from "laser eyes" to levitation.
21 i 49, 5 1, 57, 108, III Muller, Jessica.. I 52, 156, 198,203 Mullins, Amaryllis....................... 10 I Mullins, Steven...........................I 36 Mullins, T im ....................... 74, 10 1 Murphy, Leighton......................122 Muse, Catherine...58, 78, 79, 153, 156 Muse, Marquis.................... 8 6 , 101 Musial, Carla.......................76, I I I Musial, Victoria .....80, 81, I I I Myers, Bradley................ ...........I I I Myers, Gihye...................... 80, 122
Mullens, Jace
Nixon, Nicholas 10, 42, 92, 93 103, 153, 155, 156, 181 Norman, Corey.......................... 12 Norris, A.J 50, 79, 131, 136 131 Norris, William 8 , 49, 63, 12 Norton, Stephen........................10
Oehlerking, Marie...50, 5 1, 79, 8 C 121
Ono, Helen 54, 55, 123, 20 Ono, Ray.................................... 10 Orf, M'kensi 17, 27, 64, 123 207, 20i Organ, Nicholas.........................12 Ortiz, Samantha 89, 136,21 Ottmann, Ruth................. 8 1, 10 Owen, Brad....................... 98, 10!
Naef, Malachi _ Nash, Cody.................. 73 Nauman, Miranda......................I I I Neeley, Justin...,.,..................... I I I Neises, Chelsey 58, 78, 79, 136 Nelson, Dylan .................. 122 Nelson, Ronald...................9 1, 122 Nemecek, Joe ...............18,22, 101 Nettles, Blake ...... 45, I I I Neuharth, Jordan.................89, 136 Pair, Cara.............................28, 15; Newberry, Tracy.................. 6 8 , 122 Parker, Patricia 38, 39, 12^ Niles, Janet.................. ........ . 10 1 Parris, Jake................. 64, 153, I9(S Nix, Danny................... ............10 1 Patterson, Katherine....55, 64, 6 8 i Nix, Kaila.......................12, 36, 136 76, 77, 94, 12j Nix, Kelsey................... 82, 83, 122 Paulk, Damien ..9, 4 1, 62, 63, 123 Nix, Susie .............. 101
IN THE LIBRARY, freshman Casey Keksi asks the librarian Ms. Karen Sanderson if the book would be good for his report. Students would
often ask Ms. Sanderson for help in the library. Ph oto by Jennifer Caskey
irce, D j...............45, 87, I 12 spies, Ian 44, 8 6 , 87, 123 spies, M att 42, 64, 90, 9 1, 153 ,15 6, 16 3, 20 3 rry, Demetria.... 25, 94, 136 90, 136 rsinger, Cody......26, fccoff, Kin ley............................I 12 terman, Aida............................24 tersen, Kyle....42, 74, 152, 153, 190 terson, Erica..... 74, 136 am, Katrina........76, 77, 123 elan, Caitlin 21, 51, 58, 153, 187 elan, Megan........80, 8 1, 83, 123 95, 123 illips, Jered..........55, :kett, Stacy..46, 58, 64, 76, I 36 Ik, Andrea 24, 58, 76, 153, 156,183 ilk, Kristina............. 74, 135, 136 â&#x20AC;˘ol, Allison................ 89, 123 well, Christine 8 , 58, 62, 63, 136, 193 Ice, Justin.................8 6 , I 35, I 36 ..... ....I 12 ince, Rachel...... Je, Todd....................., ...........10 1
uigley, Brandon
15,41, 123
rHILE TOURING ITALY, Mrs. neryl Carpenter, Social Studies irector, and a group o f 14 udents and one teacher, Mrs.
Raines, Nick 63, 80, 81, I 54 Raleigh, Victoria ..... ...........I 12 Ramirez, Andrea............... ....... 123 Ramirez, Pamela I 12 Rangel, Hali....38, 6 8 , 76, 83, 124, 207 Rarick, Ashley.........39, 69, 8 8 , 89, I 12 Rarick, Heather 16, 25, 4 1, 6 6 , 67, 154, 170 Ratcliffe, Chelsea....................... 124 Raymond, Shannon............ 76, 124 Reattoir, Levi............... .. 154, 17 I Reaves, Am ber....................... . 10 1 Reed, Jason fev., 80, 124 Reed, Mandy ........23, 101, 103 Reed, Vincent............................124 Regan, Samantha...46, 56, 57, 58, 154, 156, 167, 193 Reichert, Lynn ..............102 Reid, Kayla....^ .. 8 , 56, 57, 64, 75, 153,154 Reinke, Nathan..,..,.................. 136 Reola, Jacob................... 63,95, 124 Ress, David .................... .....74, 102 Reynolds, Myles 60, 91, 124 Rhude, Hunter 42, 136 I 02 Richards, Linda.............. . Richardson, Andrew 42, 136 Rickard, A ndy 76, 137, 154, 156, 172, 190
Rickman, Craig..................... 42, 44 ........................ 124 Riggio, Rosa Riley, Am y 89, 124 Rios, Lauren 79, 80, 81, 124 Rios, Tracy I I I , 112 Roark, Justin...44, 45, 73, 91, 112 Roberson, Cory.................. 87, I 12 Roberson, Heather.............79, I 12 Roberson, Savannah ....24, 76, 77, 137 Roberts, Adam 20, 48, 58, 78, 80, 154, 161, 192, 193 Robertson, Justin 91, 124, 206 Rock, Amanda......................... 124 Roderick, Justin........................ 124 Rodriguez, Elizabeth ....58, 59, 84, 85, 137 Rodriguez, Sonia 6 , 84, I 12 Rodriguez-Huert, Luis.........30, 91, I 12 Roe, Ashley................ .............. 124 Rogers, Ashleigh....................... 124 Rogers, Elizabeth ...23, 49, 58, 79, 82,137 Roland, Marti...22, 46, 58, 64, 94, 148,154 ....... ..... . 124 Rollins, David Romine, Jazz......7, 33, 39, 76, 8 8 , 89, I 12 Roofener, Ashley ...........v I 12 Rouleau, Ronny 74, 137 Ruiz, Genesis............................. I 12 Runyon, Jamie 12, 27, 58, I 37 Rutledge, Devon.......................I 12
Samples, Jennifer................. 28, 155 Sanchez, Jessica............64, 76, 113 Sanders, Bobby..........4 1, 113, 209 Sanders, Grant...........87, 137,219 ............45, I 13 Sanders, Jack Sanders, Jordan 4 1, 46, 49, 58, 64, 137, 205 Sanderson, Karen.............. 102, 2 16 Sandoval, Devin.................. 63, I I 3 Santiago, Miguel.................. 73, I 13 Saville, Alyssa...............84, 85, 125 Saville, Jessica ...23, 40, 4 1, 58, 65, 137, 21 I Scantlin, Erica.................... 155, 224 Scharlach, Ellen................. I 02, 2 19 Schmitt, Brenner...26, 78, 79, 137 Schultz, Barbara...........................79 Schutte, Sara... 12, 17, 32, 46, 58, 64, 6 6 , 67, 137, 200, 201, 205 Schutte, Steve................ 8 , 79, I 37 Schwalbe, Chelsea...... 80, I 13 Seigars, Ryan..,.......................... I 13 Selvidge, Melanie.................102, I 12 Selvidge, Meredith 35, 57, 76, 112, 113 Seman, Lee.......................... 59, 102 Seman, Stephanie...58, 59, 78, 79, 82, 137, 205, 21 I Senters, Kayla........................... 137 Seymour, Kevin â&#x20AC;&#x17E; ................ 125 Sharp, Kalea....;.......................... 125
Kelley McGowan, visit the coliseum in Rome. The group traveled the country for two weeks. Courtesy Photo
WHILE SHOPPING A R O UND town with friends in a hummer limousine, junior Jasmine Jones stops for a quick picture. "I spent
the summer shopping and hanging out with friends, it was very fun," Jones said. Courtesy Photo
Index] 217
Sharp, Trent Shaver, Phillip
44, 92, 95, 125 25, 42, 46, 64, 155, 188, 189 Shaw, Justin........................ 79, I I 3 Shaw, Victoria..................... 48, I 37 Shearman, Clayton............. 91, I 13 Sheffield, Jordan 58, 60, 65, 84, 137 Shipley, Colton.......................... 125 Shipley, Lexi..................79, 80, 125 Shipp, Alex..........................79, I 37 Shipp, Zach 3, 58, 79, 97, 155, 156, 177, 192, 193, 194 Shores, Leonard.................. 19, 125 Sibayan, Melissa 46, 56, 57, 64, 152, 155, 175 Sickman, Daniel...........80, 81, 137 Siegrist, W re n .............. 63, 80, I 13 Sifuentes, Ashley....................... I 37 Sifuentes, Christian 45, 87, I I 3 Simmons, Cara....84, 85, 155, 168 Simmons, Jaime....74, 84, 85, I 55, 168 Simmons, Jonathan ...46, 155,223 Simpson, Harley...........89, 92, 125 Simpson, Kaleb 42, 44, 58, 92, 95, 137, 204 Simpson, Meagan 38, 39, 89, 138,193 Singer, Joshua 13, 24, 8 6 , 125 Sirilla, Lindsey............... 79, 89, I 38 Skaggs, Sharon.......................... I 02 Skelton, Brittney..........60, 79, 125 Skinner, Kimbra 24, 80, 82, 83, 125 Slagle, Jason 50, 51, 102 Smith, Adrienna........................ I 55 Smith, Alyssa 63, 125
LOCATING A COUNTRY, sophomore Dustin Smith peruses the globe in Mrs. Sheryl Carpenter's World Geography class.
|n d e x
Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,
Am ber.................... 89, I I 3 Anthony....55, 72, 95, I 25 Aubri.....................I 55, 187 Debbie..................... 23, 102 Demarcus.............. .72, 125 Dustin.............................2 18 Heather 46, 58, 64, 79, 138 Smith, Joel 23, 50, 51, 64, 79, 125 Smith, Kalynn..................... 63, I I 3 Smith, Kayla.. I 5, 39, 76, I I 3, 209 Smith, Lacy....................... ..22, 125 Smith, Michael 50, 51, 74, 154, 155,185,197 Smith, Mitchell.2 7,46, 58, 59, 64, 90, 154, 155 Smith, Randi ........ . I 38 Smith, Rebekah................ 79, 125 Smith, Stephen.........................I I 3 Smith, Timothy ......... 74, 125 Smoak, Richard 7, 45, 73, I 12, I 13 Snyder, Dustin...................42, 156 Sparling, Jacob...................79, I I 3 Speyrer, T ia............... ............... I I 3 Springstead, Jordan...........91, 138 Stafford, Brian....23, 75, 156, 157, 224 Stafford, Joseph........................ I 38 Standifer, Cari........ ..................I I 3 Stanley, Elizabeth.............. ......125 Stanley, Shelly 156, 174, 177 Starkey, Jacob....................79, 125 Stebbins, Jacob...................... 126 Steele, Terry............... .............. I 56 Steigerwald, Christy.................. 102 Steigerwald, Lindsay......... 6 8 , 138
PACKING GIFTS FOR the Headstart party, junior Michael Caffee prepares to tie the bag shut. Ph oto by Janelle Goettm an
Stephens, Kristi......................... 126 Stephens, Marissa 6 , 39, 84, 85, I 14 Stephens, Mark 35, 55, 57, 70, 156,189,193 Sterkel, Kelsey............. 8 8 , 89, I 38 Sternadel, Tishia..........80, 81, 114 Stevenson, Keith.................72, 138 Stine, Brett 16, 24, 42, 43, 46, 58, 64, 94, 95, 103, 156 Stine, Grant ............... 44, 91, 126 ...........80, 156 Stock, David Stoiloff, Tressa .......24, 33, 57, 58, 76, 8 8 , 128, 138 Stone, Katherine................ 63, 126 Street, Kyle................. I 3, 8 6 , 126 Strickland, Desmond...64, 70, 138 Stubblefield, Keenan 13, 17, 8 6 , 126, 206, 207 Swartsell, Lauren ....80, 81, 82, 83, 94,126 Swartsell, Leslie 80, 82, 83, 94, 126 Sykes, Jayme..............................I 56 Szczechowski, Natalie................ 38
157, I Tappan, Chelsea....................... I j Tarrant, Christopher...55, 95, 1^ Tasker, Jamie 46, 58, 64, 7' 130, ij Tatum, Am ber 79, 80, I i Taylor, Brittney.........................|j Taylor, Brooke 68, I Taylor, Chelsea...................74, Taylor, Danny........................... 1C Taylor, Phil............................... 1C Taylor-Gonzalez, Heath..........I / Teel, Joshua 58, 15 Terrell, Chase............................ I Terry, Isaiah 45, I Thomas, Carl............................ IC Thomas, Meagan...................... IE Thompson, Aaron 70, 71, 1 Thompson, Amanda................I Thompson, Barbara 51, I Thompson, Cassie.................... 13 Thompson, Kade 60, 157, 16| Thompson-Kribbs, Enrique 6 Tiemann, Brittany Tisdale, Taylor
88, 8
45, 57, 91, II 2.
Tabion, Gage...... ......... 45, I 14 Talley, Alexandra............ ...58, 157 Talley, Geof. 50, 51, 114 Tandberg, Sandy................ ...... 102 Tang, Lisa........................ 102 Tanner, Brittney ....36, 41, 8 8 , 89,
Todd, Colton............... 45, 73. I Tofte, Jerrod 45, 73, 95 I Torres, Dion ...3 1, 51, 82, 83 I Torres, Renier 80, 81, 157 Torries, Travis..............42, 60 Townsie, Nicole................. 76 Tracy, David........................... Trebing, Matthew 5 1, 63 Triana, Loy............................. Troester, Thomas..................
FOR HER PROJECT, The Three Stooges, Melissa Bell, wins first place in the Science Fair Open House Mole Contest. Her three moles were Mo, Curly, and Larry.
WINNING FIRST PLACE in the schools Mole Contest, Taylor Felty holds her project, "Mole-opoly." Hel project also placed second at the Science Fair Open House Contest.
Willett, Kyle.........................72 139 Williams, Beth..32, 46, 58, 6^ 76, 139 Williams, Capri.................... 58 139 Williams, Christina............. 76 I 15 Williams, D an 43, I 59 184 Williams, Jeffrey..................22 127 Williams, Steven............... I 59 169 Williams, Steven..................72 127 Wilson, Bobby 21, 33, 5J 64, 79 139 Wilson, Colby..................... 50 127 Wilson, Jason...................... 50 127 Wilson, Shelby........................ I 15 Wise, Samuel I 6, 42, 43, 59, 170,198 202 Wise, Wesley...................... 86 127 W itt, Chase....55, 60, 86, 87 127 Wolgamot, Kenneth..........91 127 W ood, Cory............................ 127 W ood, Dylan...................... 86 I 15 Wood, Holly....................... 58 159 Wood, Kelly....................... 79 I 15 Wood, Nikki ..I 55, 159, 187 190 W ood, Sara............................. 102 Wooten, Matthew............. 79 I 15 Worthy, Ryan....................72 127 Wright, Joshua...................44 127 Wuthrich, Blair 76, 77, 84, 85, 127
rade, Corey 30, 74, 75, I 39 rade, Kyle................. I I5
Waitman, Gary..................60, 102 Walborn, Kilie....................89, I 15 Walker, Krystal..........................I 39 Walker, Shalamaar............80, 139 Warren, Bobby..................74, 158 Warren, Robert........................... 80 Waters, Josh.............................. I I 5 Watkins, Kelly...................44, 126 Watson, Jesse....................72, 126 Watson, Landon....................... I 15 Watson, Malia....................74, 139 Watson, Marie................... 102 Watson, Niketa................ 69, I 15 Weary, Sarah 58,88, 139, 193, 204 Weaver, Austin........................ I 15 Weldon, Kayla 46, 47, 48, 49, 58, 60, 158, 198, 199 Weldon, Kyle...46, 48, 49, 58, 60, 159, 195, 199, 21 I, 213 Welter, Sarah 53, 159, 174 Wetzel, Leland 24, 46, 58, 64, 90, 139, 148, 200, 204 Wheeler, Nathan 12, 90, 139, 205 Wherry, Amber..................76, I 15 White, Addison 39, 69, I 15 White, Meaghen................ 89, I I 5 Whiteland, Cally........................ 159 Whitfield, Paris 45, 73, 95, 115 Whitmore, Jaclyn 8 , 10, 16, 23, 4 2 , 4 4 , 5 6 , 5 7 , 5 8 , 6 4 , 7 6 , 156, 159, 187, 200, 201, 203 Whitney, Jessica........................I 39 Whittaker, Charles............95, I 15 Whitten, Phillip...................74, 159 Wile, Ariana..............................I 39 Wilkinson, Jennifer ....... 126
N VALENTINES D A Y , Food :ience and Technology class lembers, Paul Gann, Cheyenne cClester, Kayla Johnson, Justin
Houston, Grant Sanders, Samantha Ortiz, and Brandon Alvarez wait to eat the turtles Mrs. Ellen Scharlach prepared. S ta ff Ph oto
THE BURKBURNETT FLAG waves above Friendship Park. The flag, designed for the centennial by citizen Anita Lax, featured the
ones, Kristen I 58, 160, 223 out, Thomas............ 45, 61, 114 icker, Tareon 39, I 14 irner, Alyssa 24, 82, 84, 138 irner, Robert 52, 53, 60, I 14 irner, Tandia............ 58, 89, 138
nfress, Andrew............... 126 til, Amy....................................I 58 mdewalle, Elizabeth..69, 94, I 14 sal, Courtney I I 02 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;itenheimer, Blake...........158 sitenheimer, Dylan...........45, I 14 sitenheimer, Logan ...45, 95, I 14 slez, Robert............... 72, 73, 138 inables, Joshua 74, 139 snables, Justin.................. 158 eth, Lena....I 5, 2 2 , 4 0 , 4 1 , 158, 181 rdell, Kelly........................ I 39 >ris, Justin........................ 126 >ris, Staci 94, 126
Yeary, T ravis
Young, Jeanine I 6 , 49, 57, 64, 8 6 , 1 4 7 ,1 5 6 , 1 5 9 , 2 0 1 Young, Nycole 20, 57, 58, 78, 79, 128, 139 Young, Robert...........79, I I 5, 208 Ysasaga, Nicole..........84, 159, 160
Zamora, Brittany...............159, 173 Zamora, Heather................ 84, 127 Zaragoza, Vella....................79, 127 Zellner, Claire......................159, 176 Ziegenbein, Brittany.................. 127 Zillweger, Heather 50, 51, 79, 139 Zoet, Erik.............................97, 159 Zoet, Zachary...................... 62, 127
ADVANCING TO RECHONALS with his project Pitch Back 2.0, Taylor Tisdale was the only freshman to win first place at the local science fair. Photo by Quigley
Derrick which not only is the symbol for the city's birth but also the name o f the school yearbook, established in 1922. S ta ff Photo
Index 219
I |
PanoramicCHANGE C
l o s in g sophisticated layouts and
The phrase "good things come in threes" proved true
as BHS moved into 3 A,
"After producing 2 1
opened the ”9th Grade Learning Center" and
black and w hite books, I
published the first all color
found changing to all color both exciting and
challenging," Mrs. Anne
The varsity basketball team placed first in the
Gillespie said.
district and advanced to the
To celebrate the centennial, BISD students will
playoffs, while the freshman
perform a combination
basketball girls celebrated an
musical, drama and comedy
undefeated season.
presentation. In addition, the city will also host
"W e have been working hard all year in practice and now it has finally paid off in
parades, historical displays, and a July 4 blow-out
district play and in the
celebration. T n W
said "The team has really
waEdgd^fefestiJI progressing.
come together to achieve our goals and w ork toward
However, the capture m t T
.being the best team in 3A."
"’rime Minister Sadaam-x lussein caused Am erica®
The 9th grade center
fewer fr^sh men fi a\M t>deh nt to OCS as the center has made a definite impact. The production of the school’s first all color yearbook allowed for the use 7
p f elaborate photographic ffects, as well as more
a trio ^ m to soar.
;has successfully lowered 1 tardies for 9th j^adeps^AJso, H
:-*Jhd^ed, in yga|g. t o the m erhorlidsiflhe^ear wiJl be as vVide|Is a panorama Tne even ts w e experi en ce £ ■ ‘w ill not onjy iffect the school, but also the people we become. michelleALFERT janelleG O ETTM A N
19 4 0
220 Closing
STANDING OUTSIDE IN the snow, junior Sabrina Berreles and freshman Linda Berreles celebrate the winter. Photo by Janelle Goetiman
A S THE M ASCOT for the OBI blood drive, senior Sean Brown encourages staff and older students to donate. Staff Photo
iTHE PA N O R A M A : ide the mouth o f the Bulldog, ; new A A A football team is loomed by the Boomtown bes onto the field. With the new dsion change, the varsity sketball team defeats the Hirschi iskies and takes the title o f strict Champs.
THE TOP THREE scholars in the graduating class are Carly Moree, Kelly Finn, Michelle Alfert. S ta ff P h oto
At the kick o ff o f the centennial celebration, the Chamber banquet promoted Burkbumett's "Proud Past, Promising Future." Boomtown Babes, along with the color guard members helped serve. Sophom ore Jessica Joss served principal Del Hardaway. S ta ff Ph otos
O N THE TIMELINE: The excitement o f the oilboom ended in 1929 at the start o f the Great Depression. However, in 1940, the legacy o f the oilboom inspired Hollywood to produce the film, B o o m Town, based on Burkbumett. In 1941, Sheppard Air Force Base was established
nearby at the arrival o f the 82nd Training Wing. Through the 1940s, Burkbumett's population doubled. A new high school was built on Kramer Rd. to accomodate a growing student b ody in 1963. Our community continues to grow with the prospect o f the future. Tim eline by M ich elle A lfert
2007 C D
Inevery end is the beginning Freshmen, you've graduated from the fish tank. You are no longer at the bottom of the ladder. Now, it is time for you to climb up as you advance through school. High school was different than middle school, but now you are ready to conquer new responsibilities and challenges. N ext year, it will be your turn to tease new freshmen. Life is changing. Sophomores, you're now an upper classman. You've learned the most im portant skills of high school, how to manage your time and classwork. N ow you're waiting to enter th at upper class world, and th at means getting your license and gaining more freedom. But remember, w ith great power comes great responsibility. You're almost over the hump. Life is changing. Juniors, did you have fun? Guess what! TAKS is over and the end is almost here. You can now balance friendships with your academic aspirations. A fter the busy year, you know how to handle those stresses from the pressure to succeed. It's now time to start filling out those applications and start making some of the biggest decisions o f your life. Life is changing. Seniors, this is the end. But w ith the every end is the beginning, and you are now starting a life that will be all your own. The world is now yours to conquer. Never forget all those memories and friendships made in high school. These are the life learned lessons th at will pull you into the next chapter of life. Life is changing. michelleALFERT & janelleG O ETTM A N
222 Closing
"T H A N K S FOR THE -ya-ma-kation', peace!!'' jo nath an SIM M O N S
T H A N K Y O U FOR helping me receive a wonderfiul education and making m e who 1am today.'' kristenTRONES
"M Y Y E A R S HERE have been thrilling like the smoothness o f butter on toast.'" melissaGONZALEZ
“I H A D A fun time.” ameliaGREGORY
Autographs! 223
Y O U T A U G H T ME a lot while 1was here. I just hope it will cany into college.” em estD AVIS
A u to g ra p h s
A S W E G R A D U A T E from high school, we each go our separate ways, remembering those so dear to us.” ericaSCANTLIN
“I HOPE Y O U all meet your goals in life. Goodluck and goodbye." brianSTAFFORD
"TH A N K S FOR THE stresss that AP classes caused, fll always remember that.” challenaFRANKS
x& * 1 —
V v - s'Mk- H a P i
co -e d ito rs -in -ch ie f MICHELLEALFERT assistant e d ito r c o m p u te r e d ito r p e o p le e d ito r p e o p le assistant senior class editors senior assistants senior b a b y a d e d ito r junior editors
so p h o m o re editors s o p h o m o re assistant freshm an editors fa c u lty editors a c a d e m ic editors activities editors
activities assistants
B tfli DQG Sp'R't gfcijJos'Vp? . i Toy
sports editors ORLANDO FLORES
c a m p u s life editors
p h o to editors p h o to assistant adviser