Faith Finds A New Home Colonial Hills Church welcomes weekly worship service at its new location in Hernando
The welcoming glass façade of the new Colonial Hills
It’s all about providing that safe environment where
Church-Hernando represents an open, honest approach to
you can talk to people, connect, and show people that we care,”
integrating into the local community.
said Saunders.
“We wanted to build it in a unique way,” said Luke
The site in Hernando, which opened in late
Saunders, Executive Pastor of Multisite Strategy at Colonial
summer of 2018, serves as an additional branch of existing
Hills Church. “Transparency to the facility is important to us in
Colonial Hills Church-Southaven and a prospective third
more ways than one: We want our community to know who we
church campus to be established in 2020. However, Colonial
are and know that we’re accessible people.”
Hills Church is no stranger to the city, having been in the community for nearly seven years. The congregation originally
Saunders said the building was intentionally
used the Hernando Performing Arts Center to host services
designed to attract new visitors and disarm those who may
before eventually ending up at Hernando Middle School
be apprehensive about attending church. The front of the
for five years of regular Sunday services until the church’s
building is made entirely of glass and presents a clear view
permanent location on Monteith Drive opened its doors in
of the main lobby, leaving no question about what’s going on
August of 2018. Saunders, a Missouri native who has lived in
the Mid-South for nearly 20 years, has called Hernando home since February of 2017.