International Contemporary Masters 11 by World Wide Art Books

Page 1

!"#$%&'()*+),--.-&&" “There is much beauty to behold in this world, moments that the eye captures, the wonders it sees... moments that should be committed to perpetual memory, but sadly only to become fragments of a faded recollection, or more often, simply forgotten. I draw inspiration to record these timeless and special moments, to capture them in my mind’s eye, and through my lens, transforming each image so that I can share them with others in hope they too may see what I see and find equal enjoyment..”

Lollipop III Color digital photograph Leica M Typ 240

!"#$%&"'(')*+&"%,+$%(+-./%#/%+%*.0'(.%+*.+%#/%(".%1"#(.%2'3-.(% region of Arizona at ollipop Mountain. Magnificent rock formations, textures, naturally sculpted patterns present a breathtaking presentation with an overlook of the lowlands below from a 6,000 4''(%.5.6+(#'/7

/!,01!2,/3!24)53!,06731218)629,019 :34;60)<< 89:;!<=%>?%=<@2AB;%!9B><:C% Designed And Published In California 2016 by World Wide Art Books Inc. General Manager Curator: Despina Tunberg Master Editor: Thomas Tunberg, Design Editing: MT DESIGN D*'/(%8'6.*%A0+).E% !"#"$%&'()%*&%'++, ---./"#"$%&'0%*&%'++,.&'1 !"#$%&#'()*"+"%,' Mixed media and oil on shaped wood, Plexiglass and RGB ED lamps 39 x 49 in. or 98 x 124 cm >+3-%8'6.*%A0+).E% 2"$34,$#(5%+*&4 ---.,$+6786-7.&'1 -./01"2)3'4567' Welded steel disks with milling heads H 36 in. or 92 cm All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher and copyright holders. Printed in China Copyright: World Wide Art Books Inc. 5533 Cathedral Oaks Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111, USA Tel. 1 805.845.3869

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Federico Pisciotta

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AINO 51 BENDER, Kenth 52 BERNHARD, John 53 BI GIN, Muge 54 BIRKHAUG, Aase 55 BO ET, J.F. 56 BZDZIKOT, Aleksandra 57 CHAITUCH, Somsak 58 CHOI, Moon 59 DI FRANCIS, Anneli 60 C ARKE, Jason 61 E IS, Brittany 61 COHEN, Wendy 62 CO IER, Betty 63 DARIDA, Alexandru 64 DEGROISE E, Caroline 65 DOMANSKI, Halina 66 F ES, Roni 67 EMVY, Gregory 68-9 FABRIS, Massimiliano 70-1 FO KAN, Gro 72 GRAU, Maite 73 FONSECA, Carmen Francisca 74 FORSBERG, Malin 74 GOVONI, Devon 75 JOSSIER, Patrick 75 FORD, Mark James 76-9 FREUND INGER, Kurt 80-1 FU, Wenjun 82-3 GIGENA SEEBER, Carlos 84-5 HERMANS, Herbert 86

International Contemporary Masters XI

KA METTI, Georges 87 HO ZNECHT, Stephanie 88-9 IVANOVICH, Arso 90-1 KA OUMENOU, Katerina 92 KRATZ, Ai-Wen Wu 93 KARCHMER, Fanny 94 KIRTON MYERS, Jennifer 94 NOMACHI, Sayo 95 OJANPERA, Iida 95 A RO UE, Jean Marc 96-8 ASSETTER, Jan 99 AMBERT, Patricia 100-1 IAKAT, Ali 102 ONGHI-de BO ARD, Rosie 103 U, Karl W. 104 MAHOOD, Alan 105 MANGE S, Gerd J. 106 MAR IN, Tina 107 MAR O Marianne C. Mylonas-Svikovsky 108-10 MATTOS, ucy 111 MAZMANIAN, Sarkis 112 McCO OUGH, Susan 113 MO ART 114 MU VIHI , Tiki 115 NAHOU , Vanessa 116 NGUYEN, Dai Giang 117 PADI A-GREGG, Amalia 118 P ASKETT, Daniel 118 RUBIO, Delsy 119 SCHAPIRO, Angela 119 PIAT, Arnaud APPI 120-1

POHJONEN, Jere 122-3 RADWANSKI, Ronald 124 RECHBERG, Carolin 125 RENA T. 126 RUNNINGBEAR, Billie 127 RENFER. Rudolf Paul 128-9 SACHSE, Dina 130 SCARINCI, Donald 131 SED AR, Miro 132 STRA KA, Michal 133 S IKKER, Dorothy 134-5 TATTI, Gedeon 136 TEPSIZOV, Petar 137 TEETE I, oren 138-41 TEETE I, Nicholas 142-7 THORN, Thomas 148 TORRES, Adriana 149 TETMEYER, Georg 150 TURNER, Julie 150 VE A, Christine 151 WEBBER ouise 151 UYEHARA, Paul 152 VIDORI, Chermine 153 VISWANATH, Amarnath 154 WEBER, Elizabeth 155 VOS, Menno 156-7 WA G, Evelyn 158-9 WERNER, Max 160-1 WHITEWOOD, Rebecca 162-3 WY ER Stephen 164-5 YURDAKU Emel 166 ZACHER, Franz 167

International Contemporary Masters XI


9?%@(%A( The following artists are sponsored by 5'$9#(5%#"(:$+(2'';* John Bernhard ;//.5#%=#%D*+/3#$ C*'%D'5-+/% Claudia Fuentes De acayo =.6'/%C'6'/#% Herbert Hermans @(.&"+/#.%F'5G/.3"(% ;*$'%A6+/'6#3"% C.'*).$%H+50.((#% Jennifer Kirton Myers Patricia ambert ;5#%I#+-+(% J+*5' @K$+/%J38'55'K)" Vanessa Nahoul Sayo Nomachi Amalia Padilla-Gregg J#3"+5%@(*+$-+ Gedeon Tatti LK5#.%!K*/.*% Chermine Vidori Amarnath Viswanath Dimitra Viveli J+M%1.*/.* Rebecca Whitewood Stephen Wyler The artist Moon Choi is sponsored by <=<>(:?@ A3%3",$+#%B%+,9.&'1


International Contemporary Masters XI


We are very pleased to introduce'B%*&:)'66%'4'C,#)9,.#"%,.*'@%,#):<%9.9D'E.1#)91%,"#3"% includes artwork by one hundred artists, brought together on the pages of this book, from major capitals to tiny islands in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, to provide a truly diverse retrospective of modern art as it is practiced by notable established and emerging creators around the world. With this book, our hope is not only to reflect on contemporary art practices, but also to produce an art anthology, where each artwork is specifically selected for its originality, aesthetic interest, intriguing technique and display of creative proficiency. For us each artist’s presentation provides a separate chapter in telling the story of contemporary creative ingenuity and how art exists, morphs and evolves within our global modern society. Our book functions as a resource for art professionals, promoting work that ought to be collected and exhibited and as inspiration for the art lover who is keen on discovering and viewing wonderful artwork. Creating this book has been for us a splendid adventure and we are thankful to the participating artists that have allowed us to create this unique platform and enable us to present to the world the beauty, importance and power of art.

Despina Tunberg 8K*+('*

Thomas Tunberg Editor

International Contemporary Masters XI


International Contemporary Masters XI

premium presentations


Moss Digitally processed color photograph / GicleĂŠ print on archival paper 14 x 21 in. or 36 x 53 cm





W W W. D O N E R P R O J E C T S . C O M

Born in 1953 in Missouri, Jonathan Doner now resides in Keswick, Virginia. He is a self-taught digital artist with several solo exhibitions in the USA and group participations in Japan, England, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and the United States. Dr. Doner is also a theoretical psychologist, with a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University, who has been published internationally on art, religion, intelligence, cognition, and perception. “My work combines aspects of traditional painting and sculpting along with the sensibilities of the potter and the printmaker. Two forces, however, both inherent in the digital medium, are at the true heart of the process. A divergent force derives from the medium’s plasticity. A convergent force stems from the fact that a series of images possesses an inherent trajectory determined by its form and palette. This trajectory constrains the image’s evolution, but also reveals new creative possibilities. Consequently, multiple paths of relationship emerge between the art and the observer. These represent, reveal, and sometimes obscure, the dynamic interaction of structure, symbol, and meaning in human awareness. The image intentionally directs the observer, not toward a single meaning, but toward an interactive flow, a language, of aesthetic, symbolic, and conceptual relations.”

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International Contemporary Masters XI


Something Unseen Original digital construction / GicleĂŠ print on archival paper 14 x 21 in. or 36 x 53 cm 14


Restless Original digital construction / GicleĂŠ print on archival paper 22 x 28 in. or 56 x 71 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


Acahualinca Memories I, 2016 Mixed media 19 x 23 in. or 48 x 58 cm





W W W. C L A U D I A F U E N T E S D E L A C AYO . C O M

Contemporary artist, Claudia Fuentes de acayo lives in Nicaragua, Central America. She studied at National School of Fine Arts, Managua, Nicaragua and taken art courses at Catholic University, Santiago, Engraving at Nemesio Antunez Atlelier 99, Santiago, Chile. Fuentes de acayo’s artwork deals with the subconscious of the Mesoamerican people which survives within the ceramic findings, buried under the structures of Western culture. With her brush and palette knife she models each piece as if it were clay, and she discovers #(%+$%+/%+*3"+.'5')#$(%,#("#/%(".%4*+0.,'*-%'4%1.$(.*/%8K5(K*.% Epistemology. Claudia has had 16 solo exhibitions and 53 group participations in Nicaragua, Guatemala, USA, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, China, and El Salvador. She has been awarded at 1st Central American Biennial%+(% San Salvador recognition for “Between Centuries , published in Central American Contemporary Art Book, by Fundación Rozas Botrán and named a Master of Nicaraguan Art, National Culture Palace, Managua, Nicaragua. Her works belong to private and public collections in many countries. She is a member of WEAD, Women Eco Artists Dialogue, California, USA and Decolonial Art Projects, Arteresponsable Centroamericano.

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International Contemporary Masters XI


Broken Memory and Gunned Down Instinct, 2016 Mixed media 37 x 44 in. or 93 x 113 cm 18


Acahualinca Memories II, 2016 Mixed media 37 x 44 in. or 93 x 113 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


Succubus - The Game Of Take Series: Succubus Of The Light Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary Augustames (P ainfuldise) - Goddesses of Seduction, U niversal Wisdom and The Game Of Take. Most powerful of all Succubus’ s great and small otherwise known as the Succubus Of The Light. H as the ability to manipulate the pigmentation of her skin, color of her surroundings and transform infinitely into any and all Succubus’ s under her to Seduce - Threaten - H ypnotize.






Artist, film maker and Cinema Verite Master from New Castle, Pennsylvania, Renato Franco Caravaggio graduated the University Of Pittsburgh 1999 . Renato created his own unique Three Tier Formula for creating art called “Transforming . The first and second tier of Renato’s formula involves photography, paint, props, light manipulation, night manipulation, premeditated poses, the right subject, on the fly adjustments and the courage to venture into the unknown. The third tier “The Transforming Phase” requires “a Masterful Creative Eye and the Mind of a Supreme Galaxy Class Creator in order to uncover the Best Artistic Answer for showcasing the finished product amidst infinite plausible and not so plausible possibilities.”%% Caravvagio’s current series, Succubus - The Game Of Take Art Collection will be presented in 2017 at Art Basel Miami, Hong Kong, China, New York and at Las Vegas Art Museum7%:./+('%#$%(".%3*.+('*% '4%Art Trip Division 33, Unbeknownst, Sexy Chair, Ms. Eccentric Likes To Wear Boot Gloves, Lick My Colors Tootsie Pop and The Tiny Art Collection by Caravaggio. He is the writer, director and producer of $.6.*+5%'*#)#/+5%0'6#.%3'/3.&($%$K3"%+$%Succubus The Game Of Take Trilogy, Bunny Baby Run, Rental Scam Psychos, Fluffy No Shoes Capone, Pink Gummy Bears, The Sexual Ladder, Radar Love, Old Fashioned Way, Backyard, I Need Your Eyes, Kill The Ladybug, Flies Sharks Purple Dinosaurs, Celebrity Killer, Pool Party Invasion and Horror Mask Maniacs. Renato’s short film titled The Rent Maker%,+$%+/%Official Selection of the 2008 Barcelona Film Festival. Many of his cutting edge films have received notable awards and been included in international film festivals.

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International Contemporary Masters XI


Succubus - The Game Of Take Series: The Silky Ice Killer Number 9 Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary “Dream of her and you will live, do with her and you will die”



Succubus Slide Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary.�

Left Top: Captured & Sold Cheap Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary Left: Succubus Blue Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary

International Contemporary Masters XI


The Hair Queen Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary Servant of The Succubus Of The Light and all worthy Succubus’ s under her. The H air Queen grows all desired strands and colors simultaneously. Therefor when a worthy Succubus needs to change or improve their hair they will take from The H air Queen. Duties of of the captured male wanting victims is to gently hold up The H air Queens luxurious strands never to touch the ground for her hair goes on for miles and miles.

Right Top: Renato Michelle Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary Right: Summer Snow White Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary



Succubus - The Game Of Take Series: Succubus Of The Light - Painting The Succubus Queen aka The Succubus Of The Light has the ability to transform infinitely into any and all Succubus’ s under her. She can manipulate the light around her as well as the color of her surroundings and pigmentation of her skin to Seduce - H ypnotize and or Threaten her Wanting Victims.

International Contemporary Masters XI


Ms. Eccentric Likes To Wear Boot Gloves On Halloween Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary 26


Sexy Chair Transforming digital media Print dimensions may vary

Art Trip Division 33 - Enter Sexy Chair Sophisticated H allucinogenic Art for the Most Advanced Galaxy Class user and or users ONLY.

International Contemporary Masters XI


Passion Awakes Ecstasy, 2016 Oil on canvas 87 x 73 in. or 220 x 185 cm


M I C H E L L E P U RV E S - A U S T R A L I A



W W W. M I C H E L L E P U RV E S . C O M

“In my imaginary cloudscapes, clouds represent the interconnectedness of nature, whilst colours the moods of people and their colourful characteristics, whether it be romantic, imaginary, or dramatic. Flowers represent the individual, travelling through this vast world with hopes and dreams, reaching for the sky. My paintings are in traditional oils and my technique is non conformist.” Michelle Purves began painting in 1997 and has enjoyed +%&*'4.$$#'/+5%3+*..*%,#("%&+*(#3#&+(#'/%+(%ART MONACO Salon d’Art Contemporain, 2015, where she won the award Prix d’Excellence Artiste Emergent. Purves exhibited the same year at Art Zurich, Shanghai Expo and Miami Red Dot Art Fair. Her art has been featured in Art Monaco Mag 2015, Global Art Agency – Contemporary Art of Excellence Vol. II, and Vol. III, Investable Artists 2016, and 2017 and Who is Who in Visual Art 2017.

8'/(+3(%(".%;* (#$( michellejacksonpur ves

International Contemporary Masters XI


Moon of Dreams, 2012 Oil on canvas 57 x 65 in. or 145 x 165 cm 30

M I C H E L L E P U RV E S - A U S T R A L I A

Heaven To Touch, 2012 Oil on canvas 50 x 62 in. or 126 x 157 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


Wonderland PaletteArt™ 24 x 36 in. or 61 x 91 cm


L J L E VA S S E U R - C A N A D A




Canadian-born business woman, isa J evasseur began painting in 2010 and very quickly emerged as an international artist. Known as the inventor of a new art form called PaletteArt™, which is a special process using recycled paint to form 3D sculptured paintings, evasseur produces canvas that are unlike anything seen before. She is featured as a Modern Art Master in several magazines and books, was most recently awarded 2015 Top 60 Masters by Art Tour International, and has exhibited as an International Contemporary Master in 2015 at Art Expo NY, Spectrum Miami and in Edinburgh, Scotland. Awarded with The Best Modern & Contemporary Artists, Rome Italy and International Noto Award - Unesco Heritage,% evasseur’s artwork is collected internationally. Proudly a member of the Environmental Pavilion%+(%World Wide Art Los Angeles and the International Landfill Arts Project, evasseur’s art mirrors environmental and social issues. Part of private and public collections, her artworks can be seen at Jasper National Park Museum and Unesco Heritage Sites. evasseur’s goal in promoting PaletteArt™ #$%('%,'*-%,#("%'(".*%+*(#$($%#/%(.+3"#/)%("#$%/.,%+*(% form and with industry professionals to share this method of recycling paint in order to create new opportunities in the art world.

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l j l e v a s s e u r. c o m

International Contemporary Masters XI


Liquid Gold PaletteArtâ„¢ 18 x 30 in. or 46 x 76 cm 34

L J L E VA S S E U R - C A N A D A

Seascape PaletteArt™ 60 x 60 in. or 152 x 152 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


Maria Acrylic on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 46 x 61 cm





W W W. J I L L I A N G R I M B E E K A RT. S I M P L E S I T E . C O M W W W. A RT S O U R C E . N E T. A U Now living in the Araluen Hills in Perth, Western Australia, Jillian Grimbeek grew up in Central Africa. Early on she developed a burning desire to draw and paint all that she saw around her. After raising her family in Australia, she became a professional artist through exhibitions and gallery representation, and has completed over 100 commissions. She has won local and national awards and been represented as a Master Painter of Australia NAustralian Artist , as well as on the cover and pages of Australian Artist, and internationally as a Master Pastel Artist7%NPastel Artist International). Her works are in public and private collections overseas and ("*'K)"'K(%;K$(*+5#+7 “In an often harsh world, I enjoy emphasizing the beauty that also exists around us; whether it be in people, landscapes, seascapes or florals. I employ both Realist and Impressionist styles and several mediums, being guided in this by my feelings toward the subject. My paintings often evoke emotions of solitude or reflection, calmness and peace feelings much sought after in modern life. The ability to capture light in it’s different forms plays a huge part in achieving this.”

8'/(+3(%(".%;* (#$( jilliangrimbeek

International Contemporary Masters XI


Winter Afternoon in Roleystone Pastel on paper 20 x 28 in. or 51 x 71 cm 38


Lisa Acrylic on canvas 27 x 55 in. or 70 x 140 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


Bedazzled Oil on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 46 x 61 cm




!"#$%&'($)$%* W W W. R A J N I TA J A I N . C O M

Self-taught artist, Rajnita Jain embarked on her creative journey by re-contextualizing natural and human elements to construct an artistic narrative which is both personal and universal. Indian-born and internationally recognized, her ardor for art stems from vibrant colors and appreciation for beauty in all forms. Jain works out of her home studio and art gallery in Southern California. Her contemporary painting lifestyle draws from experience in different areas of art to give balance and consistency. She pursued her education in imnology study of oceans , which gave her a unique perspective for creation of dignified and decorous painting styles reflecting the magical elements of nature. She challenges the notion of idealistic beauty and freedom by examining cultural and political histories through her art. Her dynamic portfolio includes works in various media such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, colored pencils and graphite pencils. For her, art is an important form of communication and she uses it to tell a story for her audience. Rajnita’s work is glorified when she explores human emotions and creates art for fashion. She is passionate about the empowerment of women and raises awareness by depicting their plights and solutions through her art form. Rajnita’s artwork has been displayed in private and corporate collections across India, Europe and the United States. In addition, she volunteers at Red Cross Society, an internationally renowned humanitarian non-governmental organization and Getty Center, the world-famous museum featuring exclusive art and architecture. She is currently raising funds by selling her artwork for the CRY Foundation7%!"#$%'*)+/#G+(#'/%,'*-$%'/% four basic rights of survival, development, protection and participation for children in India. Jain can be contacted for art consultations and commissioned works for corporate or home collections.

8'/(+3(%(".%;* (#$( rajnitajain

International Contemporary Masters XI


Escape Oil on canvas 42


Top: Follow Me To Oil on canvas Bottom: Caravan Oil on canvas

International Contemporary Masters XI


Whispers Of A Shared Heart: An Elegant Breeze In The Depths Of Existence My Only Equal Acrylic on canvas 31 x 39 in. or 80 x 100 cm





W W W. T O D O D E K A . G R

Artist Dimitra Viveli produces work made up of esoteric snapshots, where art and philosophy meet with the urge to embody spiritual heirs. In her recordings of this field, she employees a mix of visual art and poetry, which bring her philosophical and artistic vision to life. The colours and shapes assigned, have an essential, hermeneutical role, which is partly instinctive expressive and partly disciplined, serving a philosophical purpose her 17 syllable poems anchor the problematics of each work. This active exchange between art and idealistic philosophy is seen as a process of forming and re negotiating identity, internalising genuine meaning, and revealing the semiotics and hermeneutics of a reality that is equally physical and imperceptible. Dimitra Viveli was born in Athens in 1973. She studied at the School of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, then to obtain a Master’s Degree in Art and Design Design for Interactive Media from the ansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University of ondon. She studied the Italian language and literature following the programme of the University of Perugia Universit per Stranieri . She has pursued studies in Fashion Design in Athens graduated ,#("%"'/'*$%4*'0%AKTO, Art and Design College and ondon a series of specialised, short-term educational programmes at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design , as well as visual art, dance, physical theatre and contemporary jewellery at independent art studios. Since 2005, she has been systematically involved in research work regarding the impact of colours and shapes in human psychology and health and their value in the process of self-discovery and identity construction. Dimitra has worked in the areas of education, media, and business in Athens and ondon. As an artist, she has exhibited in Athens and Syros, Greece, ondon, UK, New York, USA, and Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2010 she founded to dodeka, a philosophy and art lab in ycabettus, Athens. As a practising artist, she daily employees art as a means of researching the systematicity of existence and managing the responsibility of increasing the options that experienced reality can accommodate

8'/(+3(%(".%;* (#$( dviveli

International Contemporary Masters XI


A Noble Thought And Deed: The Only True Peer Of The Elevated Mind An Exalted Heart Mixed media 18 x 18 x 66 in. or 45 x 45 x 167 cm 46


Resuscitation: A Blow Of Heart’s Air The Softness Of A Whisper The Strength Of A Bond Mixed media on canvas 24 x 31 in. or 60 x 80 cm

International Contemporary Masters XI


International Contemporary Masters XI

artists in alphabetical order



International Contemporary Masters XI


!"#$"%&"'()*+"',-./ Right: HEADS I, 2016 Clay on wood 29 x 57 x 3 in. or 75 x 145 x 8 cm

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The Healing Power Acrylic on canvas 24 x 32 x 2 in. or 60 x 80 x 4 cm Mr and Mrs Bates Joy Acrylic on canvas 32 x 32 x 2 in. or 80 x 80 x 4 cm

Getting There Oil on canvas 16 x 16 x 2 in. or 40 x 40 x 4 cm

L L LA R 1 2 F H 0 + MH ! F 2 S F + A N 3 I % T % P F 2 M < A 0 A ! F 2 S F + U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I% 52

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Dream 1 Archival pigment ink print 30 x 20 in. or 76 x 51 cm

Dream 26 Archival pigment ink print 30 x 20 in. or 76 x 51 cm

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L L LA I Z > F ! 1 V > 1 2 A N 3 I % T % I Z > F ! 1 V > 1 2 U < 3M I 0 1 V A N 3 I 54

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Roses in Symphony I, 2015 Tempera on canvas 12 x 16 in. or 30 x 40 cm

N"$;6?G"#.#@%.#;&-;%0.-6%!&#9C.,=%-;#"$=4@%:64&656-%;C.;%"$6K-% surroundings can influence their health and mind. A Painter and a ]C@-&";C6#.G&-;/%!&#9C.,=%D"?:&$6-%C6#%;8"%G.--&"$-%:@%G.&$;&$=% roses and florals with a soothing effect. From an early age, Birkhaug developed a love for flowers and nature and a talent for painting 8C&DC%;8"%&$;6#6-;-%656$;,.44@%?6#=67/%#6-,4;&$=%&$;"%,$&`,6% .:-;#.D;67%4.$7-D.G6-%;C.;%G#"5&76%.%G6.D6J,4%.$7%?67&;.;&56%G4.&$% J"#%;C6%5&686#K-%6@6A

Roses In Symphony, 2009 Egg tempera on canvas 9 x 11 in. or 22 x 27 cm

“My paintings are regularly described as very soft and mild. The color combinations I use are tastefully and delicately fused to make a motif that can be described as very soothing to the eye. I discovered several years ago that roses have a positive effect on me, almost like healing, and the combination of the smell and the sight feels like a meditation, bringing about a certain calmness, this is something I try to reflect in my paintings.�%H%0A%!A

Rose de L’ Arborete IV, 2016 Watercolor and tempera on paper 9 x 12 in. or 24 x 30 cm

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Left: Michigan Ave. Ink on paper 9 x 12 in. or 23 x 30 cm

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Above: L-Train Ink on paper 9 x 12 in. or 23 x 30 cm Left: Shadows Watercolor on paper 9 x 12 in. or 23 x 30 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Right: Paradise Is Closer Than You Think Oil on canvas 14 x 18 in. or 35 x 45 cm Below: Flower composition Oil on cardboard 13 x 17 in. or 34 x 44 cm

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Left: After Tsunami 1 Acrylic on canvas 71 x 79 in. or 180 x 200 cm Below: A Dream 4 Acrylic on canvas 63 x 55 in. or 160 x 140 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Right: Blossom Acrylic on canvas 20 x 20 in. or 51 x 51 cm

Tree Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. or 91 x 122 cm

!"#$%&$%'(c'%&$%B",;C%P"#6./%%I""$%NC"&%?"567%;"% the United States in 1997. Her art is influenced by Zen philosophy and nature and is involved with non-fixed shape and flow. Moon Choi was a Bold Brush%8&$$6#%&$% [X'*%.$7%-C6%&-%.%?6?:6#%"J%NewYorkArt.comA%R"#%I""$% “Life is art and art is life” .$7%-C6%:64&656-%;C.;%-C6%&-% :46--67%;"%6EG4"#6%4&J6%.$7%6EG.$7%C6#-64J%;"%=#6.;$6--% 8&;C%G.&$;&$=AA

Right: Tree of Wisdom Acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 in. or 61 x 61 cm

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Oracle, 2016 Ceramics 12 x 6 x 5 in. or 30 x 16 x 14 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Indigo Calling Acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 in. or 61 x 76 cm

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L L LA L F 2 S\ N 3 < F 2 A 2 F MA 0 Z % T %L F 2 S\ N 3 < U ! 1 > ] 3 2 SA 2 F MA 0 Z 62

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Echoes From The Past: The Soldier Mixed media on cotton rag 20 x 25 in. or 51 x 64 cm

Echoes From The Past: The Nobleman Mixed media on cotton rag 20 x 25 in. or 51 x 64 cm

Right: Dream Catcher Mixed Media on watercolour paper 18 x 22 in. or 47 x 55 cm

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Day Dream Oil on canvas 36 x 36 in. or 91 x 91 cm

Solar Energy Oil on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

L L LA 0 V F j 0 2 S + Z S 0 + 1 S 0 A N 3 I 64

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Lacourse En Duo Matin D’azur (Sailing Duo In Azure Morning) Acrylic on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

Mon Chemin Coeur Outremer (My Ultramarine Heart Way) Acrylic on canvas 24 x 35 in. or 60 x 90 cm

%!"#$%&$%].#&-/%;"%.$%1;.4&.$%?";C6#/%N.#"4&$6%S6=#"&-6446%&$C6#&;67%.% natural feeling for refinement, beauty and good cooking. Her father, k;C6%;&#646--%=&.$;l%G.--67%"$%;"%C6#%:",$746--%6$6#=@/%D",#.=6/%-64J% 7&-D&G4&$6%.$7%=6$6#"-&;@A%%N.#"4&$6%8&;C%C6#%J.?&4@%?"567%;"%;C6% middle of the Pacific Ocean on the island of New Caledonia.

Paris D’une Nuit Lumière D’azur (Paris In an Azure Light Night) Acrylic on canvas 39 x 32 in. or 100 x 81 cm

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Above: Slow Game Mixed media on canvas 30 x 24 in. or 76 x 61 cm Below: Lupin Fields Mixed media on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

L L LA < 0 V 1 2 0 S 3 I 0 2 B P 1 A N 3 I % T % < 0 V 1 2 0 U < 0 V 1 2 0 S 3 I 0 2 B P 1 A N 3 I 66

International Contemporary Masters XI



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Right: Untitled Color photograph Print dimensions may vary Below: Unreal Sun Oil and ink on paper 27 x 21 in. or 69 x 53 cm

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Left: Painting 11 Daniel Libeskind Oil, canvas, metal, neon 47 x 67 in. or 120 x 170 cm “Libeskind is one of the founders of deconstruction, exposing the fragility of the world in his creations. The concrete walls and abundance of empty space is a frequent metaphor he implements to convey the idea of past and future loss. I have mixed feelings about this architect who uses concrete and metal to describe emotions that are sometimes quite raw. This painting shows part of the facade of The Frederic C. Hamilton Building at Denver Art Museum” - G. E.

Above: Painting 9 Tadao Ando Oil, canvas, metal, neon 47 x 47 in. or 120 x 120 cm “Combining European lustre with the refined simplicity of the Japanese is the trademark approach of this architect. Ando planted the seeds of Japanese architecture in European modernism. He acted as a European professional, but strived for intricacy and perfectionism like no European was able to. His creations are informed by history but refrain from overloading the viewers with it. Philosophers, writers use words to make others think. The power of a word is immense. Architecture is a word uttered by the space. A concrete wall can speak to the viewer without need for interpretation. Ando has a lot of weight in his words.” - G. E.

Painting 10 Norman Foster Oil, canvas, plaster, metal 67 x 47 in. or 170 x 120 cm “Norman Foster is one greedy architect. But he is not greedy for money. De-spite the media singling out his most large-scale creations, Foster has much more to offer. He might have built a school building - but that won’t get into the headlines. He always guarantees success and quality, a living classic who has every right to be enjoying his fame. Yet, he doesn’t work for the public, he doesn’t have feelings for the public - he has feelings for stones, concrete and steel. You can forgive a man in love for being famous. My painting is dedicated to one of the most outstanding projects by Foster, Millau Viaduct in France. At 343 metres tall, it still holds the record for the tallest cable-stayed bridge.” - G. E.

L L LA > + F > 3 + \ F I a \A N 3 I % T % 3 V > 0 U > + F > 3 + \ F I a \A N 3 I 68

International Contemporary Masters XI

Left: Painting 5 Álvaro Siza Vieira Oil, canvas, plaster, metal, Plexiglas, neon 75 x 43 in. or 190 x 110 cm “Vieira’s creations are wonders that blow your mind with simplicity. They are quiet in their dignity and harmony, and translate blissful calamity. The secret to this magic is Vieira’s meticulous attention to proportion, the oldest yet extremely complicated element of architecture.” - G. E.

Right: Painting 2 Arata Isozaki Oil, canvas, metal 67 x 47 in. or 170 x 120 cm “This work describes Isozaki’s own character. One of the leaders of the 1960s’ avant-garde movement, he learnt from Kenzo Tange and managed to introduce romanticism and humour into large-scale urban construction. This painting was inspired by the Palauet de Palafolls sports centre he built.” - G. E.

>#6="#@%F?5@%H%k0#DC&;6D;,#.4%D"$-;#,D;&"$-l Architecture is the language of giants, the greatest system of visual elements that was ever created by the humankind. Just like artists, architects are not inclined to talk much, because they are aiming to create tangible objects. Each creative professional has their own tools for communicating their thoughts and feelings. For me, the most complicated yet essential element of architecture and art is simplicity. Simple forms require perfect proportions and measurements that result in visual harmony. To achieve that in my works I experiment with texture and colours. It’s not an easy task trying to translate words into construction elements. But being an admirer of architecture myself, I’m setting out on a mission to reimagine creations by leading architects of the world in paintings. It’s a complicated yet fascinating challenge. Please join me on my quest powered by imagination and by the artistic tools that will bring it into reality.” - G. M. Left: Painting 6 Frank Gehry Oil, canvas, neon 47 x 59 in. or 120 x 150 cm “With their streamline forms and metal trimming, Gehry’s creations often re-semble fish. When post-modernists started insisting that buildings should reflect the his-tory of the surrounding environment, Gerhy suggested that fish existed long before humankind, making this his method for bringing motion to his works. This painting is a nod to Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao” - G. M.

> + F > 3 +\ % F I a \ International Contemporary Masters XI


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On the Floor 2014 Acrylic and CD on canvas 59 x 75 in. or 150 x 190 cm

Above: Shamael, 2015 Acrylic, CD and feathers on canvas 39 x 57 in. or 100 x 144 cm

Right: Helel, 2015 Acrylic,CD and feathers on canvas 39 x 57 in. or 100 x 144 cm

L L LA I 0 B B 1 I 1 V 1 0 2 3 R 0 ! + 1 B A 1 M % T % 1 2 R 3 U I 0 B B 1 I 1 V 1 0 2 3 R 0 ! + 1 B A 1 M 70

International Contemporary Masters XI

The Chamber, 2015 Acrylic, vinyl and CD on canvas 75 x 59 in. or 190 x 150 cm

Move Your Body, 2015 Acrylic and CD on canvas 75 x 59 in. or 190 x 150 cm Generazione Boh, 2014 Acrylic and vinyl on canvas 75 x 59 in. or 190 x 150 cm

% I 0 B B 1 I 1 V 1 0 2 3 % R0 ! + 1 B International Contemporary Masters XI


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Left: Darkness Hides No Threat Acrylic, oxidized brass 35 x 50 in. or 90 x 127 cm

Above: The Night Is Not Over Acrylic, interference colours 39 x 51 in. or 100 x 130 cm

Above: The Event Became A Memory Acrylic on canvas, aluminium, gold and oxidized brass 45 x 49 in. or 115 x 125 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Right: Beginning Acrylic on paper 14 x 29 in. or 36 x 51 cm

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Brazilian fine artist, Carmen F. Fonseca was also .$%.DD4.&?67%7.$D6#%8&;C%-656#.4%G6#J"#?.$D6-% .;%MC6.;#"%I,$&D&G.4%76%Bp"%].,4"%.$7%?.$@% F,#"G6.$%D&;&6-%&$%>6#?.$@/%B8&;_6#4.$7/%!64=&,?% .$7%V,E6?:",#=A%<6#%G.&$;&$=-%C.56%:66$%-C"8$% &$%.$7%",;%"J%!#._&4%&$%&$;6#$.;&"$.4%=.446#&6-%.$7% &$-;&;,;&"$-%.$7%-C6%C.-%6.#$67%$";.:46%.#;%;&;46-% .$7%.8.#7-A% Theatro Municipal Oil on canvas 31 x 39 in. or 80 x 100 cm

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L L LA ! \ I 0 V 1 2 R 3 + B ! F + > A ! V 3 > B ] 3MA B F % T % I 0 V V 0 R 3 + B ! F + > U \0 < 3 3A B F 74

International Contemporary Masters XI



Devon Govoni is a visual artist and doctoral candidate in the field "J%6EG#6--&56%.#;%;C6#.G@A%BC6%-G6D&.4&_6-%&$%"&4%.$7%?&E67%?67&.% G.&$;&$=/%-D,4G;&$=/%.$7%GC";"=#.GC@A%S65"$%C.-%:66$%.%G.#;%"J% ?.$@%-"4"%.$7%=#",G%6EC&:&;&"$-%$.;&"$.44@%.$7%&$;6#$.;&"$.44@% .$7%C.-%D"$;#&:,;67%.#;8"#9%;"%"56#%.%7"_6$%G#&5.;6%D"446D;&"$-% .#",$7%;C6%=4":6A%<6#%.#;%C.-%:66$%-66$%&$%-656#.4%?.=._&$6% G,:4&D.;&"$-%.$7%:""9-A%S65"$%.4-"%D"$;#&:,;6-%?,#.4-%8&;C&$%;C6% communities in which she is affiliated with.. “I find it fascinating to communicate through art. My process begins with the simple intent of filling the empty space in front of me. As I progress, meaning and interpretations develop. By the time I am finished with a piece, I have attached many stories, emotions and life experiences to the canvas, filling it with layers of meaning, sometimes both literally and figuratively.�%H%SA%>A USA Mixed media on wood panel 24 x 24 in. or 61 x 61 cm

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Paysage Abstrait 17.23 / Abstract Landscape 17.23 Oil on canvas 9 x 7 in. or 23 x 17 cm

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Right: Afterglow, Jökulsárlón, Iceland SIGMA DP3 Merrill; True photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

Black Pearls, Mainz, Germany SIGMA sd Quattro / SIGMA 180mm Macro; True photograph mounted on acrylic 40 x 60 in. or 100 x 150 cm

L L LA I 0 + P W 0 I F B R 3 + S A ] < 3M3 > + 0 ] < \ % T % I 0 + P A ! V 0 Z a 1 B M0 U 1 N V 3 Z SA N 3 I 76

International Contemporary Masters XI

Crystal Red, Rio Tinto, Spain SIGMA sd Quattro / SIGMA 50mm Art; True photograph mounted on acrylic; 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

Blue Flow, Verzasca, Switzerland SIGMA dp2 Quattro; True photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

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Ice Flow, Gullfoss, Iceland SIGMA DP3 Merrill; True photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

Granite Flow, Verzasca, Switzerland SIGMA dp3 Quattro; True photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

L L LA I 0 + P W 0 I F B R 3 + S A ] < 3M3 > + 0 ] < \ % T % I 0 + P A ! V 0 Z a 1 B M0 U 1 N V 3 Z SA N 3 I 78

International Contemporary Masters XI

The Ancients, California, USA SIGMA dp1 Quattro; True photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

Blue, Pjóðvegur, Iceland SIGMA SD1 Merrill / Mamiya RZ67 140mm; True Photograph mounted on acrylic 60 x 40 in. or 150 x 100 cm

I0+P%W0IFB%R3+S International Contemporary Masters XI


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Zentrum, 2016 Oil, wax and sand on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

Left: Blaue Gedankenr, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

Lichtblicke, 2016 Oil, wax and sand on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

Karneval, 2016 Oil, wax and sand on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

Left: Nachher, 2016 Oil, wax and sand on canvas 31 x 31 in. or 80 x 80 cm

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Above: Post Industrial Age, 2015 Mixed media installation Below: Post Industrial Age, 2015 Mixed media installation, Exhibition view I

L L LA R Z L F 2 W Z 2 A N 3 I % T % R Z ' ( * * U q q A N 3 I 82

International Contemporary Masters XI

Above: Post Industrial Age, 2015 Mixed media installation, Exhibition view II Below: Post Industrial Age, 2015 Mixed media installation, Exhibition view III

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Right: Trasnsformaciones Acrylic on canvas 39 x 59 in. or 100 x 150 cm

L L LA > 1 > F 2 0 B F F ! F + A N 3 I A 0 + % T % N 0 + V 3 B U > 1 > F 2 0 B F F ! F + A N 3 I A 0 + 84

International Contemporary Masters XI

Above: Trasnsformaciones 27 Acrylic charcoal and graphite on paper 24 x 38 in. or 52 x 98 cm Left Top: Transformaciones 12 Acrylic on canvas 59 x 62 in. or 149 x 157 cm Below: Trasnsformaciones 30 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 59 in. or 100 x 150 cm

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Left: Golden Cage Mixed media on canvas 31 x 24 in. or 80 x 60 cm Below: Broken Dreams Oil on canvas 39 x 27 in. or 100 x 70 cm

Below: Look Up Mixed media on canvas 31 x 24 in. or 80 x 60 cm

! F + M < F + I 0 2 B A P Z 2 B M 1 2 b 1 N < MA 2 V % T % < F > I < F + I 0 2 B U j B d 0 V V A 2 V 86

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Anjanette, 2014 Oil on canvas 30 x 48 in. or 76 x 122 cm

Interior Oil on canvas 30 x 36 in. or 76 x 92 cm

“Georges Kalmetti’s work investigates the landscape and architecture; their significance and impact on human behaviour. His paintings surround the viewer with a sentiment of mystery and fascination. His work combines dream and poetry with a suggestive state of being. Through fine monochromic perceptions, figures and lands cohabitate in his work in a very unique way. ” gq,";6%J#"?%;C6%.#;%D.;.4"=%"J% International Contemporary Art Event of Salento 2016h

Right: Untitled Pencil on paper 15 x 20 in. or 38 x 52 cm

P 0 V I F M M 1 i a 1 B Z 0 V 0 + M B U \0 < 3 3A N 3 I % T %L L LA P 0 V I F M M 1 0 + MA N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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3#&=&$.44@%J#"?% F$=4.$7/%B;6GC.$&6% <"4_$6DC;%&??&=#.;67% ;"%;C6%ZB0%.;%.=6% '(A%ZG"$%.##&5.4%-C6% .;;6$767%,$&56#-&;@% 8C6#6%-C6%":;.&$67% .%76=#66%&$%>#.GC&D% S6-&=$%.$7%R&$6%0#;A% BC6%8"#967%J"#%?.$@% @6.#-%.-%.%=#.GC&D% 76-&=$6#%.$7%.#;% 7&#6D;"#A B;6GC.$&6%C.-% 6EC&:&;67%6E;6$-&564@% &$%;C6%ZB0%.$7% &$;6#$.;&"$.44@A%BC6% won first place at .%8&$6%:";;46%4.:64% D"?G6;&;&"$%&$% 1;.4@/%.$7%.%:#"$_6% .8.#7%.;%.%V"$7"$% 6EC&:&;/%.?"$=%";C6#% significant distinctions.

Above: Electric Storm Fluid acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 in. or 61 x 61 cm Far Left: Wine is the Nectar of the Gods Fluid acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 in. or 61 x 91 cm Left: Figure it Out Fluid acrylic on canvas 28 x 22 in. or 71 x 56 cm

L L LA B N < 3 V b 2 F N < MA N 3 I % T % B < 3 V b 2 F N < M U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 88

International Contemporary Masters XI

“I invest in the creation of a piece of art to convey what I have inside: my thinking, my emotions, my life, my essence and my soul.” 0#;%&-%.4-"%.%8.@%J"#%B;6GC.$&6%;"%.DC&656%C6#%"8$%76-&#6-% .$7%6--6$;&.4%76?.$7-%",;%"J%4&J6A%MC6%&$-G&#.;&"$%;C.;%-C6% 7#.8-%J#"?%6EG6#&6$D&$=%4&J6%D#6.;6-%.%J664&$=%;C.;%D"$;&$,6-%;"% ?";&5.;6%C6#A%%1$%C6#%"8$%8"#7-/ “I don’t think, as an artist, that is something I could ever lose.”

Top Left: Rush Hour Fluid acrylic on canvas 22 x 28 in. or 56 x 71 cm Right: Serpent Fluid acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 in. or 61 x 91 cm Below: Breaking Through Fluid acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 in. or 61 x 91 cm

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Crystal Hat Crystallized Watercolor 24 x 35 in. or 60 x 89 cm

Painters Lost Love Crystallized oil painting on canvas 45 x 55 in. or 114 x 140 cm

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L L LA 0 + B 3 1 a0 2 3 a 1 N < A 2 F M % T %0 + B 3 1 a0 2 3 a 1 N < U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 90

International Contemporary Masters XI

The Birth of Silhouettes Crystallized oil painting on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

The Birth in Blue Crystallized oil painting on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

F.DC%.$7%656#@%G.&$;&$=%D"?G"-&;&"$%.$7%D#@-;.44&_67%G.--.=6%&-%,$&`,6%.$7% &$7&5&7,.4A%15.$"5&DCK-%8"#9-%D.$%$656#%:6%7,G4&D.;67/%$";%656$%:@%;C6%?.-;6#% C&?-64JA%0-%`,";67%:@%P6$$6;C%!A%N";;&$=C.?n%kArso Ivanovich is constantly testing the outer limits of resolving power. Unlike some popular artists, Arso never duplicates his work. Every painting is an original. His fertile imagination drives a heart stopping audacity so original that it subverts the artists own beginning, guaranteeing a degree of self re-assertion. He is a passionate revolutionary. I believe his future work will be fresh and alive gathering and dispensing energies on an intimate scale as never before. Arso will create paintings with stimulating pleasure arousing beauty not yet seen in this world.”A

The Widow and The Burden Crystallized oil painting on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

1$%;C6%.#;&-;K-%"8$%8"#7-n%“I strive to make every painting I do different”,%C6% 6EG4.&$-A “There is simply no other way, no other choice if I remain an artist. I have to trust myself and paint for myself. My art is my world, my world is my painting, my painting is my life”.

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Left: Storm Mixed media on paper 39 x 27 in. or 100 x 70 cm

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Below: Tempest Mixed media on paper 39 x 27 in. or 100 x 70 cm

L L LA P 0M F + 1 2 0 P 0 V 3 Z I F 2 3 Z A N 3 I % T %0 + M U P 0M F + 1 2 0 P 0 V 3 Z I F 2 3 Z A N 3 I 92

International Contemporary Masters XI

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3J%<"$=%P"$=/%NC&$./%%0&HL6$%L,%P#.;_/%#6-&76-%&$%;C6%ZB0%.$7% C"47-%.%IR0%76=#66%&$%].&$;&$=%.$7%]#&$;?.9&$=%J#"?%N#.$:#""9% 0D.76?@%"J%0#;A%%BC6%&-%.$%.4,?$.%"J%B9"8C6=.$%BDC""4%"J%].&$;&$=% .$7%BD,4G;,#6r%.$7%"J%268%\"#9%B;,7&"%BDC""4%"J%S#.8&$=/%].&$;&$=% .$7%BD,4G;,#6A%%BC6%C.7%-"4"%6EC&:&;&"$-%&$%I.#-6&446-/%I,$&DC/% !4.D9C6.;C%gV"$7"$h/%N.&#"/%a&6$$.%.$7%;C6%Z$&;67%B;.;6-A D#XF".*F3*K'-1=*81-1"8Y* Come To Us, the Visual Artists, Dancers, Poets, Writers, Playwrights, Musicians And Story Tellers. Together, We Shall Form A Shade To Shelter You From The Heat And Weariness Of Life. Together, In This Sanctuary, We Shall Hear The Birds’ Happy Mating, Share The Breeze Of Renewal, And Bathe In The Warmth Of The Fragrant Earth.

Renewal Part I Acrylic on canvas 41 x 60 in. or 104 x 152 cm

Briana Concentrated crayon & colored pencil on paper 26 x 34 in. or 66 x 86 cm

P + 0M b U 0 1 L F 2 L Z P + 0M b 0 + M B M Z S 1 3A N 3 I % T %L L LA 0 1 L F 2 L Z P + 0M b 0 + M B M Z S 1 3A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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L L LA > 0 V V F +\S 1+A N 3I %T %P1+M3 20+M U03 VAN3 I%T%R0NF!3 3 PUW F221 R F+I \ F + BP 1 +M3 2 >0VVF +\ 94

International Contemporary Masters XI

8!=$)O$9!;(") D>#X82#)*K0C2#)*V-R-.

!"#$%&$%P"DC&%"$%BC&9"9,%1-4.$7/%W.G.$% &$%'(d^/%B.@"%2"?.DC&%C.-%-&$D6%[XXX% produced oil paintings that reflect ;C6%W.G.$6-6%-",4/%C&-;"#@/%D,4;,#6%.$7% -G&#&;,.4&;@A%%0D;&564@%6EC&:&;&$=%&$%W.G.$% .$7%F,#"G6/%2"?.DC&%&-%J.-D&$.;67%8&;C% !"$Q&%gB.$-9#&;%46;;6#-h%.$7%-C6%D#6.;6-% .#;8"#9%"J%C6#%766G%&?G#6--&"$-%7,#&$=% G&4=#&?.=6-%.#",$7%C6#%C"?6%&-4.$7A% BC6%&-%.%?6?:6#%"J Japan International Artists Society%.$7%;C6%Who’s Who Art Club International/%B8&;_6#4.$7A% Pilgrimage No. 4 Sho - AKU Oil on canvas 36 x 36 in. or 91 x 91 cm

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East Link Print on Somerset Rag 300g paper 31 x 21 in. or 80 x 53 cm Larger prints available on request.

L L LA W F 0 2 I 0 + N V 0 + 3 q Z F A N 3 I % T % W F 0 2 I 0 + N U V 0 + 3 q Z F ] < 3M3 > + 0 ] < \A N 3 I 96

International Contemporary Masters XI

Welding Print on Somerset Rag 300g paper 43 x 31 in. or 110 x 80 cm Larger prints available on request.

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Mungo Print on Somerset Rag 300g paper 43 x 35 in. or 110 x 90 cm Larger prints available on request.

L L LA W F 0 2 I 0 + N V 0 + 3 q Z F A N 3 I % T % W F 0 2 I 0 + N U V 0 + 3 q Z F ] < 3M3 > + 0 ] < \A N 3 I 98

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Boulder Blues Oil on linen 40 x 60 in. or 102 x 152 cm

Knot So Fast Oil on linen 45 x 62 in. or 114 x 157 cm

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Shelves B&W film photograph

L L LA V 0 I ! F + M ] 3 + M R 3 V 1 3 B A N 3 I % T % V 1 > < M 1 I 0 > F U B 2 F MA 2 F M 100

International Contemporary Masters XI

Mirror B&W film photograph

Working B&W film photograph

Low Tide B&W film photograph Right: Hidden B&W film photograph

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Above: World of Sky Watercolor on paper 21 x 14 in. or 54 x 36 cm Left: Classic Love Oil on canvas 21 x 26 in. or 53 x 66 cm Below: Camel And Rider With Cat Passing Desert Night Oil on canvas 36 x 29 in. or 92 x 73 cm

L L LA V 1 0 P 0 A 2 F M % T %0 A V 1 0 P 0M U \0 < 3 3A N 3 I 102

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Symphonie en Bleu Acrylic on canvas 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

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Memory: Talking about the “Chan of Daoism & Buddhism” [1981-2002] Oil on canvas 41 x 30 in. or 105 x 76 cm

Memory: Talking about Dream [1981-2003] Acrylic and oil on canvas 36 x 30 in. or 91 x 76 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Losing His Hat Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

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Almost There I Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

Right: The Eyes Have It Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

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Left: Hollywood Screenprint 11 x 22 in. or 28 x 56 cm

Manhattan Newsstand Screenprint 11 x 22 in. or 28 x 56 cm

Metamorphosis Screenprint 11 x 22 in. or 28 x 56 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Color Pattern 27 Mixed digital media Print dimensions may vary

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Last Vestiges Of Fall Acrylic on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 40 x 50 cm

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L L LA + F a F B H + F 0 V 1 M F B A N 3 I % T % I 1 V 3 ( d U ! V Z F L 1 2 A N < 108

International Contemporary Masters XI

Left: Craqueled Land Acrylic on canvas 9 x 13 in. or 22 x 32 cm Right: My Mountain Forest Acrylic on paper 8 x 12 in. or 20 x 30 cm

The Mangrove in Brazil Acrylic on canvas 39 x 47 in. or 100 x 120 cm

Right: In The Green Acrylic on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 40 x 50 cm

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Follow the Light Acrylic on canvas 24 x 27 in. or 60 x 70 cm

L L LA + F a F B H + F 0 V 1 M F B A N 3 I % T % I 1 V 3 ( d U ! V Z F L 1 2 A N < 110

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Cypresses II Clay model cast in bronze and white metals 30 x 9 x 7 in. or 75 x 23 x 17 cm

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Right: Love Synthesis, 2009 Clay model cast in polyester resin 60 x 15 x 8 in. or 152 x 38 x 20 cm

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Emerging Goddess Mixed media on canvas 40 x 50 in. or 102 x 152 cm

L L LA M < F 0 + M3 R B 0 + P 1 B A N 3 I % T % B 0 + P 1 B I 0 b I 0 2 1 0 2 U 0 3 V A N 3 I 112

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Above: Divergence Oil on canvas 60 x 48 in. or 152 x 122 cm

Above: Her Earthly Vision Oil on canvas 60 x 48 in. or 152 x 122 cm

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@"7*M0'>)*@"7*M0'>)*;.#1"$*61-1"8 Juxtaposed Mixed digital media Print dimensions may vary

M12\<3ZbFL1RFU>I01VAN3I 114

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Ancestral Drift Installation constructed from re-purposed components, encased in driftwood, or embedded within the two ancestral figures General view below and sculptural details at right

L L LA M 1 P 1 I Z Va 1 < 1 V V A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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Left: Cariño que Ilumina (Affection that Enlightens), 2012 Mixed media technique 8 x 10 in. or 20 x 25 cm

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Below: Esperanza (Hope), 2012 Mixed media technique 10 x 8 in. or 25 x 20 cm

L L LA 0 + M F A a 0 2 F B B 0 2 0 < 3 Z V A N 3 I % T %a0 2 F B B 0 A 2 0 < 3 Z V U 1 1 ] N B A F S Z A I j 116

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Memory of This Country, Nho Que Huong, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 36 in. or 91 x 91 cm

Right Top: Sau Con Mua Buon,Troi Lai Nang Dep, 2016 Oil and acrylic on canvas 25 x 29 in. or 64 x 73 cm

S01%H>102> B,G6#%ZG-&767"8$&-?%% = 1944 born in Hanoi Viet Nam. = 1974 B.A. in Moscow, Russia. = Super Upsidedownism is created genius. = Anything that calls “Reality” is positive, given the times. Super Upsidedownism does exactly that. = Century 21th will be proud about Upsidedownism. = Dai-Giang is an amazing treasure. %H%0#;&-;%.$7%D,#.;"# >#6=%>&6#4"8-9&

Right: The Man Red Face, 2016 Oil on canvas 24 x 27 in. or 61 x 68 cm

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L L LA 0 + M R 1 2 S F + A N 3 I e S 0 2 1 F V ] V 0 B P F M M % T % S 0 2 1 F V A ] V 0 B P F M M ' U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 118

International Contemporary Masters XI



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Above: Composition #2 B&W digital photograph Print dimensions may vary Left: Reflections #5 Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

< M M ] n e e I Z VM 1 ] V F j j A L 1 j A N 3 I e 0 ] ] 1 j % T %0 + 2 0 Z S i ] 1 0M U < 3M I 0 1 V A N 3 I 120

International Contemporary Masters XI

Streetkid B&W digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

0 + 2 0 Z S %k 0 ] ] 1 j l% ] 1 0M International Contemporary Masters XI


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!"#$%&$%'(c^%&$%<64-&$9&/%R&$4.$7/%W6#6%]"CQ"$6$%;"7.@%4&56-%&$%V.C;&A%%<6% studied at Malta Maritime Authority and qualified as an Efficient Deckhand. He has had five solo exhibitions, including in 2016 at Gateway Art Center%&$% I.$C.;;.$/%268%\"#9%.$7%G.#;&D&G.;67%&$%=#",G%-C"8-%&$%R&$4.$7%.$7%;C6% ZB0A

Blossom Promarkers on paper 8 x 12 in. or 20 x 30 cm

Right Top: The Three Colored pencil and ink on paper 16 x 21 in. or 41 x 53 cm Right: Lines of Storm Promarkers and ink on paper 8 x 12 in. or 20 x 30 cm

L L LA W F + F ] 3 < W 3 2 F 2 A 2 F M % T % ] 3 < W 3 2 F 2 A W F + F U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 122

International Contemporary Masters XI

Far Right: Lines of storm Promarkers and ink on paper 8 x 12 in. or 20 x 30 cm Right: One Line Flowers Promarkers and ink on paper 8 x 12 in. or 20 x 30 cm

Orange Crush Promarkers on paper 12 x 8 in. or 30 x 20 cm

W F + F % ] 3 < W 3 2 F 2% International Contemporary Masters XI


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Above: Contempo Deanna 24K Gold Acrylic on canvas 30 x 30 in. or 76 x 76 cm Right: Contempo Oceano I, 24K Gold Acrylic on canvas 48 x 48 in. or 122 x 122 cm

Contempo Wendy Acrylic on canvas 24 x 72 in. or 61 x 183 cm

L L LA + 3 2 + 0 S L 0 2 B P 1 A N 3 I % T % + 3 2 U + 3 2 + 0 S L0 2 B P 1 A N 3 I 124

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Interdisciplinary fine artist and vocalist, Carolin Rechberg was born in Starnberg, Germany &$%'())A%BC6%C.-%;#.564467%&$;6#$.;&"$.44@%.$7%4&567%&$%>6#?.$@/%1;.4@/%.$7%;C6%ZB0A%BC6% C"47-%.$%1$;6#7&-D&G4&$.#@%!R0%J#"?%;C6%N.4&J"#$&.%N"446=6%"J%;C6%0#;-%g[X'[h%.$7%.$%IR0% &$%].&$;&$=%J#"?%;C6%B.$%R#.$D&-D"%0#;%1$-;&;,;6%g[X'*h/%8C6#6%-C6%.4-"%;.,=C;%075.$D67% ].&$;&$=%.$7%S#.8&$=A%+6DC:6#=K-%8"#9%C.-%:66$%6EC&:&;67%&$%-&E%-"4"%-C"8-%.$7%=#",G% 6EC&:&;-%&$%;C6%BR%!.@%0#6./%268%\"#9%.$7%!#""94@$/%&$D4,7&$=%Yerba Buena Centre for the Arts%.$7%Museum of Craft and Design, B.$%R#.$D&-D"A%<6#%&?G#6--&56%#6-,?6%&$D4,76-% $";.:46%.8.#7-/%-DC"4.#-C&G-/%#6-&76$D&6-/%.$7%&$;6#$.;&"$.4%:""9%G,:4&D.;&"$-A%+6DC:6#=% 8.-%?"-;%#6D6$;4@%-646D;67%.-%.$%0#;&-;%J"#%;C6 Lucid Art Foundation.%

Above Left: View of Living Process, Conference of the Conquered Voices Mixed media installation at Diego Riviera Gallery, San Francisco Middle: View of Song of Myself Mixed media installation at Diego Riviera Gallery, San Francisco Right: Selfcomposing Entity Mixed media on canvas Below: Innate Pattern Shibori indigo

N 0 + 3 V 1 2 + F N < ! F + > U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I % T %L L LA N 0 + 3 V 1 2 + F N < ! F + > A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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!"#$%&$%'(cX%&$%>6#?.$@/%+6$.%MA%4&56-%&$%R#.$D6A%BC6%-;,7&67%.#;% &$%S#6-76$/%>6#?.$@%.$7%7&-D"56#67%C6#%G.--&"$%J"#%GC";"=#.GC@% "$4@%.:",;%-&E%@6.#-%.="A%1$%C6#%"8$%8"#7-/%kMy pictures reveal my thoughts, feelings and how I see the world. My camera is my pen to paint my world. I don’t need a lot of equipment. I take my pics how I feel in the moment. Somebody says: with intuition.�

Above: TriBeCa Color film photograph EXA 1a / 35 mm film Right: Orange IV Color digital photograph Nikon D90 / Tamron SP 90mm, f/2.8 macro Below: Little Goo Color digital photograph Nikon D90 / AF Zoom-Nikkor 28-80 mm

L L LA + F 2 0 H MH I Z F V V F + A S F % T % + F 2 0 I Z F V V F + c X U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 126

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Fire Engine at Night, Collinsville, Queensland Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

Front View Of Exploding Car, Cape York, Queensland Color digital photograph Print dimensions may vary

L L LA ! W ] < 3M3 > + 0 ] < \ V 0 2 S B N 0 ] F B A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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Dunkle Gestalten, 2013 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 20 in. or 100 x 50 cm

Zuschauer, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 16 in. or 100 x 40 cm

Menschen 27, 2010 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 20 in. or 100 x 50 cm

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L L LA + F 2 R F + 0 + MA N 3 I % T % + Z S 3 V RA + F 2 R F + U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 128

International Contemporary Masters XI

Feierabendgedräng3, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 20 in. or 100 x 50 cm

Warten, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 16 in. or 100 x 40 cm

“People in a dark red room, an affliction, you can feel that the individual is becoming less important. Heads, bodies lean over as if they were losing their physicality, as if they would become an abstract mass, a repeating relief. Pushed playfully together, resting in itself, and yet full of contradictions, because nothing is as harmless as harmlessness, believing to recognize and yet veiling a mystery.”% H%+A%]A%+A%

Unordnung, 2007 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

+ Z S 3 V R % ]0 Z V % + F 2 R F +% International Contemporary Masters XI


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Above: Machine 2 Mixed media on paper 10 x 10 in. or 25 x 25 cm

Flying Machine Mixed 3D and 2D media 10 x 33 x 10 in. or 26 x 85 x 26 cm

Left: Machine 1 Mixed media on paper 10 x 10 in. or 25 x 25 cm

L L LA ! F < 0 2 N F A 2 F M e S 1 2 0 B 0 N < B F % T % % S 1 2 0 A B 0 N < B F U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 130

International Contemporary Masters XI

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!"#$%.$7%#.&-67%&$%268%W6#-6@/%S"$.47%BD.#&$D&%#6D6&567%.$%I0% J#"?%268%\"#9%Z$&56#-&;@%.$7%.%WS%J#"?%B6;"$%<.44%V.8%BDC""4A% BD.#&$D&%&-%;C6%-6$&"#%G.#;$6#%.; Scarinci Hollenbeck with offices in New York, New Jersey and Washington DC. His fine art GC";"=#.GC@%C.-%:66$%6EC&:&;67%&$%=.446#&6-%&$%268%\"#9%.$7%V"-% 0$=646-%.$7%-"47%J"#%D"??6#D&.4%.756#;&-&$=%;"%D"?G.$&6-%&$%;C6% ZB0%.$7%F,#"G6 Right: Like A Bubble In A Stream Color digital photograph | Nikon D800 Print dimensions may vary Below: Reflections By The Dock Color digital photograph | Nikon D800 Print dimensions may vary

S B N 0 + 1 2 N 1 U B < H V 0 LA N 3 I % T %L L LA S 3 2 0 V S B N 0 + 1 2 N 1 ] 1 N M Z + F B A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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Above: Blue Tree, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 in. or 60 x 73 cm

Left: Giant Plant, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 in. or 61 x 77 cm

L L LA 0 + M3 R R F + A N 3 I e I 1 + 3 H B F S V 0 + % T % P + 1 B M 1 2 0 A B > U B Z 2 + 1 B F A N < 132

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Right: Looking for Breakfast Graphite on paper 16 x 11 in. or 42 x 29 cm Far Right: Eiffel Tower Graphite on paper 39 x 27 in. or 99 x 68 cm

Born in 1980 in Smolenice, Michal Straška’s first sketching class was a profound experience but he didn’t start painting professionally until [XX(A%<6%&-%#6G#6-6$;67%:@%Art Revolution, Taipei%.$7%C.-%#6D6&567%$";.:46%.8.#7-%&$%Q,#&67%D"$;6-;-A%<&-%.#;8"#9%kRecyclingl%&-%"$%;C6%J#"$;% D"56#%"J%Strokes of Genius 7A%B;#.u9.K-%8"#9-%7&-G4.@%.%#.#6%6EG6#;&-6%.$7%767&D.;&"$%;"%76;.&4A%L&;C%J.&;C%&$%;#.$-4.;&$=%;C6%#6.4%8"#47%&$;"%;8"H 7&?6$-&"$.4%?.-;6#G&6D6-/%C&-%&?.=6-%.-%-"%#6.4&-;&D%;C.;%D.$%6.-&4@%C.56%,-%;C&$9&$=%86%.#6%4""9&$=%.;%GC";"=#.GC-A%<&-%,$&`,6%D"?G"-&;&"$-% indicate the artist’s magnificent sense for composition. Staying On The Right Place Graphite on paper 23 x 16 in. or 59 x 42 cm

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At The Lake Oil on canvas 32 x 40 in. or 81 x 102 cm

I Thought You Had Tickets Oil on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 41 x 51 cm

The Vase Oil on canvas 24 x 18 in. or 61 x 46 cm

L L LA B V 1 P P F + B R 1 2 F 0 + MA N 3 I 134

International Contemporary Masters XI

Filling PaPa’s Boots Oil on canvas 16 x 24 in. or 41 x 61 cm

Robin Oil on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 41 x 51 cm

Tulips Oil on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 46 x 61 cm

Born in 1940 in Bakersfield, California, Dorothy Slikker studied Art .;%Mize Art Gallery 8&;C%V"&-%R"E%.$7%2."?.%I&_6A%BC6%C.-%C.7% -"4"%-C"8-%.$7%6EC&:&;67%.;%Agora Gallery, NY, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery%&$%NC64-6./%268%\"#9/%&$%+"?6%.$7%M"9@"%.$7%D"?&$=%,G%&$% I&.?&A%%0%?6?:6#%"J%;C6%Henderson, NV 0#;%0--"D&.;&"$%-C6%&-%;C6% G.-;%G#6-&76$;%"J%;C6%Pahrump Arts Council%.$7%DC.&#67%;C6%?.&$%.#;% -C"8%J"#%*%@6.#-A%S"#";C@%86$;%J#"?%8&$$&$=%.$%.#;%D"$;6-;%.;%;C6% .=6%"J%'Y/%;"%G.&$;&$=%J,44%;&?6%.;%.%G#"J6--&"$.4%46564A%R#"?%-;&44%4&J6% and florals to landscapes and portraits Slikker’s artwork is collected &$;6#$.;&"$.44@A

Top Left: Onions Oil on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 41 x 51 cm Left: The View Oil on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 41 x 51 cm

S 3 + 3M < \ % B V 1 P P F + International Contemporary Masters XI


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Untitled Oil on canvas 20 x 20 in. or 50 x 50 cm

> F S F 3 2 U M0M M 1 A ! F 136

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Right: Tundja River Winter Oil on canvas 24 x 27 in. or 63 x 70 cm Below: Tundja River Oil on canvas 20 x 27 in. or 50 x 70 cm

] + 3 ! 3 2 3 ' ) U 0 ! aA ! > International Contemporary Masters XI


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V"#6$%&-%;C6%76-&=$6#%.$7%="47-?&;C% :6C&$7%LOREN NICOLE, a fine jewelry :#.$7%:.-67%&$%a6$&D6/%N.4&J"#$&.A%V"#6$% :6=.$%C6#%D.#66#%.-%.%D"$-6#5.;"#/%8&;C% .$%.#DC.6"4"=&D.4%:.D9=#",$7/%J"D,-67%"$% .$D&6$;%B",;C%0?6#&D.$%;6E;&46-A%2";%",;% "J%;C6%"#7&$.#@/%V"#6$%G,#-,67%D",#-6-%&$% .$D&6$;%?6;.4-?&;C&$=%;"%,$76#-;.$7%;C6% ?6DC.$&D-%"J%.$D&6$;%Q6864#@A%<6#%4"56% J"#%.$D&6$;%C&-;"#@/%86.5&$=%9$"8467=6% .$7%C.$7%-9&44-/%.44"867%V"#6$%;"%76564"G% C6#%:6$DC%-9&44-%`,&D94@/%.$7%,$6EG6D;674@/% 46.7%C6#%;"%76564"G67%.$%&??6$-6% G.--&"$%J"#%Q6864#@%76-&=$%.$7%D#6.;&"$A%% 3$D6%#6.4&_67/%C6#%$68%D.#66#%G.;C% ;#,4@%:6=.$%8&;C%;C6%4.,$DC%"J LOREN NICOLE ;C&-%G.-;%@6.#A%%MC6%D"446D;&"$% C&=C4&=C;-%.$D&6$;%;6DC$&`,6-%.$7%?";&J-/% J#"?%.D#"--%C&-;"#@%.$7%=6"=#.GC@%;"% D#6.;6%.$%6EG.$-&56%4&$6%"J%D"$;6?G"#.#@% 8"#9-%"J%.#;%8&;C%.%kJ.?&4&.#l%D"$$6D;&"$A% MC6%J.?&4&.#&;@%&-%6-;.:4&-C67%;C",=C% ",#%-C.#67%=4":.4%D"$$6D;&"$%;"%5&-,.4% C&-;"#&6-%"J%5.#&67%G.-;%D&5&4&_.;&"$-% ;C.;%G6#?6.;6%&$;"%",#%7.&4@%J.:#&DA%1$% G.#;&D,4.#/%V"#6$%&-%G#",7%;"%"JJ6#%.$% 656#%6EG.$7&$=%4&:#.#@%"J%.$D&6$;%6$;&#64@% C.$78"56$%DC.&$-A%%BC6%D"$;&$,6-%;"% 6EG.$7%;C6%D.;.4"=%;C#",=C%J#6`,6$;% 5&-&;-%;"%.$D&6$;%>#669%.$7%+"?.$% D"446D;&"$-/%-;,7@&$=%;C6%76-&=$%.$7% D"$-;#,D;&"$%"J%$68%DC.&$-A%MC6%D"446D;&"$% .4-"%C&=C4&=C;-%";C6#%.$D&6$;%;6DC$&`,6-% -,DC%.-%:6_64%-6;%-;"$6-%.$7%=#.$,4.;&"$A%% F.DC%D"446D;&"$%J"D,-6-%"$%.%D&5&4&_.;&"$% G,44&$=%",;%;6DC$&`,6-/%?";&J-%.$7%.% =6$6#.4%,$76#-;.$7&$=%"J%&;-%6--6$D6A% MC6%646?6$;-%.#6%#6"#=.$&_67%.$7% simplified, using ancient techniques that .44"8%V"#6$%;"%D#6.;6%Q6864#@%8&;C%D46.$% D"$;6?G"#.#@%4&$6-/%8C&46%6-;.:4&-C&$=% .%;&?646--%.6-;C6;&D%6?:67767%&$%&;-% .$D&6$;%#"";-A%%05.&4.:46%&$%C&=C%9.#.;% @644"8%="47/%;C6%D"446D;&"$%&-%6$;&#64@% C.$7?.76%,-&$=%#6-G"$-&:4@%-",#D67% ?.;6#&.4-/%-,GG"#;&$=%C6.4;C@%8"#9&$=% D"$7&;&"$-%.$7%?&$"#&;@%#,$%:,-&$6--% 8C6#6%G"--&:46A%%

Etruscan Collection | Cuff 20K Yellow gold and Topaz

L L LA V 3 + F 2 H 2 1 N 3 V F A N 3 I % T % V 3 + F 2 A M F F M F V V 1 U V 3 + F 2 H 2 1 N 3 V F A N 3 I 138

International Contemporary Masters XI

Etruscan Collection | Ring 20K Yellow gold

Roman Chain 22K Yellow gold

Etruscan Collection | Hoop Earrings 20K Yellow gold

Left: Hellenes Collection Rings and Collar Image courtesy of Gem Gossip and Lauren Newman Photography

V 3 + F 2 %M F F M F V V 1% International Contemporary Masters XI


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Right Top: Hellenes Collection | Beechnut Collar 22K Yellow gold Gold Rings 20K Yellow gold, blue diamond Image courtesy of Gem Gossip and Lauren Newman Photography Middle: Making of an Etruscan Bangle Bottom: Hellenes Collection | Beechnut Collar 22K Yellow gold Gold Rings 20K Yellow gold Image courtesy of Gem Gossip and Lauren Newman Photography

Left: Hellenes Collection | Rock Crystal Bangles, Diamond and Italian Glass Earrings and Rings, Dancers Earrings, Granulated Dome Pendant, Classic Cufflink and Stack Earrings 22K and 20K Yellow gold, Apatite, Aquamarine, Diamond, Garnet, Italian Pressed Glass, Morganite, Rock Crystal, Sapphire, Sunstone, Tanzanite and Topaz

L L LA V 3 + F 2 H 2 1 N 3 V F A N 3 I % T % V 3 + F 2 A M F F M F V V 1 U V 3 + F 2 H 2 1 N 3 V F A N 3 I 140

International Contemporary Masters XI

Hellenes Collection | Checkerboard Cufflink 22K Yellow gold granulation

Etruscan Collection | Collar 20K Yellow gold and Topaz

Etruscan Collection | Bangle 20K Yellow gold

Babylon Collection | Ziggurat Earrings and Ring 22K Yellow gold and Topaz

V 3 + F 2 %M F F M F V V 1% International Contemporary Masters XI


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Passages Color digital photograph | Leica M Typ 240

Nicholas Teetelli is both a published and international award-winning fine art photographer. He was born in New York City and grew up in 4"86#%I.$C.;;.$K-%>#66$8&DC%a&44.=6A%S,#&$=%;C6%4.;6%'(^X-/%.$7%&$;"%;C6%'(cX-/%;C6%a&44.=6%8.-%.%C";:67%"J%D,4;,#6%.$7%;C6%.#;-A%S,#&$=%;C&-% G6#&"7/%M66;644&%8.-%&$;#"7,D67%;"%.#;%.$7%GC";"=#.GC@/%76564"G&$=%.$%&$;6#6-;%&$%8C.;%8",47%:6D"?6%C&-%4&J64"$=%G.--&"$A%%LC&46%C6%;""9%-"?6% GC";"=#.GC@%D",#-6-%&$%D"446=6/%2&DC"4.-%M66;644&%&-%G#&?.#&4@%-64JH;.,=C;A%BG.$$&$=%;C6%4.-;%J",#%76D.76-/%C6%C.-%46.#$67/%76564"G67/%.$7%C"$67% C&-%-9&44-%&$76G6$76$;4@/%:6D"?&$=%.$%.5&7%.$7%-6#&",-%.?.;6,#%GC";"=#.GC6#%8C"%C.-%#6D6$;4@%;,#$67%G#"J6--&"$.4A

Left: CafĂŠ du Matin B&W digital photograph | Leica X Typ 113 Middle: Inca II Color digital photograph | Olympus Right: La Seine Color digital photograph | Leica X Typ 113

L L LA%M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I % T % 2 1 N < 3 V 0 B U M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I 142

International Contemporary Masters XI

Anastasia Color digital photograph | Leica X Typ 113

04;C",=C%#6-&7&$=%&$%268%\"#9%N&;@/%M66;644&%C.-%-G6$;%?.$@%-,??6#-%&$%;C6%>#669%&-4.$7-%.$7%C.-%;#.56467%;"%?.$@%";C6#%G4.D6-%&$%;C6%8"#47A% <6%D"$;&$,6-%;"%;#.564%6E;6$-&564@%&$%G,#-,&;%"J%;C6%G6#J6D;%GC";"=#.GC&D%&?.=6A%S,#&$=%6.DC%Q",#$6@/%8&;C%D.?6#.%&$%C.$7/%C6%#6D"#7-%?,DC% "J%8C.;%C6%-66-/%-C.#&$=%;C6%&?G#6--&"$%"J%C&-%?&$7K-%6@6%;C#",=C%D"?G"-&;&"$/%4&=C;%G4.@/%.$7%-C.G6%.$7%76-&=$A%<&-%GC";"=#.GC&D%G"#;J"4&"%&-% diverse: it includes landscape, architecture, portrait, flora and fauna, underwater, and street photography.

Right: Windows of Time Color digital photograph | Olympus Middle: Venezia II Color digital photograph | Olympus Left: L’ Afiscion B&W digital photograph | Leica X Typ 113

2 1 N < 3 V 0 B % < A%M F F M F V V 1 International Contemporary Masters XI


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Timeless B&W digital photograph | Leica X Typ 113

L L LA%M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I % T % 2 1 N < 3 V 0 B U M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I 144

International Contemporary Masters XI

The Savute Color digital photograph | Leica T Typ 701

Above: City Lights II Color digital photograph | Leica M Typ 240 Below: Dawn Winds Color digital photograph | Leica M Typ 240

2 1 N < 3 V 0 B % < A%M F F M F V V 1 International Contemporary Masters XI


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Inca III Color digital photograph | Olympus

L L LA%M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I % T % 2 1 N < 3 V 0 B U M F F M F V V 1 A N 3 I 146

International Contemporary Masters XI

Trepidations Color digital photograph | Leixa X Typ 113

2 1 N < 3 V 0 B % < A%M F F M F V V 1 International Contemporary Masters XI


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Jhakari Acrylic on canvas 24 x 16 in. or 61 x 41 cm

Purple Dreams Acrylic on canvas 18 x 14 in. or 46 x 36 cm

Untitled Spraypaint on canvas 16 x 20 in. or 41 x 51 cm

L L LA B 0 0M N < 1 0 + MA N 3 I e M < 3 I 0 B M < 3 + 2% 148

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Lucha De Gigantes Acrylic on canvas 63 x 25 in. or 160 x 65 cm

El Durmiente Acrylic on canvas 63 x 25 in. or 160 x 65 cm

0M B M3 + N < F b U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I % T %L L LA M3 + N < F b A N 3 I A I j International Contemporary Masters XI


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L L LA B N Z V ] M Z + F H 2 F M L 3 + P A 3 + > % T % > F 3 + M F U MH 3 2 V 1 2 F A S F

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Julie Turner grew up in Springfield, Virginia. She .;;6$767%W.?6-%I.7&-"$%Z$&56#-&;@%g<.##&-"$:,#=/% a.Ah/%8C6#6%-C6%#6D6&567%.%!.DC64"#%"J%R&$6%0#;-% 76=#66A%M,#$6#%C.-%-G6$;%C6#%D.#66#%8"#9&$=%&$%5&-,.4% .#;-%J"#%5.#&",-%&$7,-;#&6-/%G#"7,D&$=%D"??6#D&.4% .#;/%;6DC$&D.4%.#;%.$7%?,4;&?67&.A%N"$D,##6$;4@/% she created fine art, representing many disciplines. <6#%?"-;%#6D6$;%8"#9-%.#6%G#&?.#&4@%.D#@4&D%"$% D.$5.-%G.&$;&$=-%.$7%7&=&;.4%.#;%J"#%G#&$;%.$7%C"?6% 7mD"#A%<6#%-;@46%&-%,$&`,6%H%.%:46$7%"J%0:-;#.D;% FEG#6--&"$&-?%.$7%FEG#6--&"$&-?A M,#$6#%C.-%6EC&:&;67%&$%268%\"#9/%2\/%%046E.$7#&./% a0/%!"4"=$./%1;.4@/%.$7%V.-%a6=.-/%2aA%<6#%.#;8"#9% C.-%:66$%G,:4&-C67%8"#478&76%.$7%C.-%:66$%-"47% ;"%?.$@%G#&5.;6%D"446D;"#-A%BC6%D,##6$;4@%#6-&76-%&$% ]";;-;"8$/%]6$$-@45.$&.A Sunshine Daydream Acrylic on canvas 30 x 24 in. or 76 x 61 cm

L L LA W Z V 1 F M Z + 2 F + > 0 V V F + \A N 3 I % T % W M U W Z V 1 F M Z + 2 F + > 0 V V F + \A N 3 I 150

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Earthly Spirits Oil on canvas 24 x 24 in. or 60 x 60 cm

L L LA N < + 1 B B 0 + M B ]0 N F A N 3 I A 0 Z % T % N < + 1 B a F V V U ! 1 > ] 3 2 SA N 3 I

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L L LA V 3 Z 1 B F L F ! ! F + 0 + M B A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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Deconstruction 26 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. or 91 x 122 cm

L L LA ]0 Z V Z \ F < 0 + 0 A N 3 I % T % ] I 1 b Z I U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 152

International Contemporary Masters XI

:(&,9"#&)T"+$," Alaçatı,Turkey

Villa Akgerman Acrylic on canvas 35 x 27 in. or 90 x 70 cm

“Although I have been painting for more than 20 years now, enthusiasm has never abandoned me... I just love going around seeing places and photographing them. Thereafter, as I paint the backgrounds of my works, I imagine the stories and situations which will take place in the scenario. It’s really great fun. I just love what I do. I’m considered a naif painter. I’ve painted more than 300 works, as well as calendars, postcards and posters.” H%NA%aA%

Right: Alaçatı Windmills Acrylic on canvas 16 x 12 in. or 40 x 30 cm Far Right: Alaçatı Market Acrylic on canvas 14 x 12 in. or 35 x 30 cm

N < F + I 1 2 F a 1 S 3 + 1 U \0 < 3 3A N 3 I % T %L L LA N < F + I 1 2 F a 1 S 3 + 1 A N 3 I e International Contemporary Masters XI


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Left: Moses Acrylic on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 46 x 61 cm

Floating Park Acrylic on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 46 x 61 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

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Above: Ecstacy, Honey, and Wine Acrylic on canvas Triptych 60 x 45 in. or 162 x 114 cm

Right: A Silent Offering Acrylic on canvas 18 x 18 in. or 46 x 46 cm

L F ! F + U I \ B 3 Z V B ]0M < A N 3 I % T %L L LA I \ B 3 Z V B ]0M < A N 3 I International Contemporary Masters XI


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Heavenly Contrasts, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

Mysterious Lake, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

%L L LA I F 2 2 3 a 3 B ]0 1 2 M 1 2 > B A 2 V % T % 1 2 R 3 U I F 2 2 3 a 3 B ]0 1 2 M 1 2 > B A 2 V 156

International Contemporary Masters XI

“My art started with photography and my love for travel. While traveling, I would photograph everything that I saw, focusing on the composition of the image. During the past four years in Apeldoorn, I have been introduced to a variety of artistic endeavours and found myself experimenting with abstract painting. I would now consider myself to be purely an abstract painter.

Above: Sweet Pink, 2014 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 31 in. or 60 x 80 cm Below: Horses, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 31 in. or 60 x 80 cm

My inspiration is the people I meet, the images I see, and the emotions that I feel while travelling. My work is the result of my desire to understand people. Full of colour, depth, and sometimes a bit mysterious, my paintings always come from the heart and show who I am and what I love in life.� - M. V.

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Left: Communicate Oil on canvas 37 x 58 in. or 94 x 147 cm

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Right: Friendly Oil on canvas 36 x 24 in. or 91 x 61 cm

L L LA F a F V\ 2 %L 0 V > A N 3 I 158

International Contemporary Masters XI

Above Left: Happy Under The Sun Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm Right: Hope Mixed media on canvas 48 x 36 in. or 122 x 91 cm

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Worshipper of Anubis Acrylic on canvas 10 x 17 in. or 25 x 43 cm

Con-Art Acrylic and pencil on canvas 38 x 58 in. or 96 x 147 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

Desert Police Station Acrylic on canvas 35 x 25 in. or 89 x 63 cm

“My work has been variously described as realist, figurative, descriptive and narrative. Sometimes even as having a touch of surrealism. I don’t think it can be limited to just one of those adjectives, and yet each one of them has an element of truth in it.”%H%IA%LA%

Guests at The Ranch Acrylic on canvas 53 x 28 in. or 135 x 71 cm

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“I was born on a farm on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, where my passion for drawing and painting animals began. I attended The Isle of Wight College and whilst there I experimented with different methods from ceramics, textiles and printing. I enjoy drawing and working with mixed media which enables me to add detail to the subject that I am working on, learning these skills enabled me to apply for University and gain more knowledge of printing using various techniques. In the future I want to work using different media and materials, giving my work more texture and making it more tactile.� H%+A%LA%

Dark Light Hands Stencil, and ink on card paper 9 x 12 in. or 23 x 30 cm

Right Top: Hand Scrap Ink on paper 6 x 8 in. or 15 x 21 cm Right: Red/Blk Hand Ink on newsprint paper 8 x 8 in. or 20 x 21 cm

L L LA + L 0 + MA N 3A Z P % T %L < 1 M F L 3 3 S ( Y U > 3 3 > V F I 0 1 V A N 3 I 162

International Contemporary Masters XI

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Above Left: Group of Wolves Stencil and ink on card paper 8 x 9 in. or 20 x 24 cm Right: Loan Wolf Stencil and ink on card paper 10 x 9 in. or 25 x 24 cm Below: Wolf Feather Stencil, ink on newsprint paper 9 x 10 in. or 25 x 22 cm

+ F ! F N N 0 %L < 1 M F L 3 3 S International Contemporary Masters XI


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Below: Indian Summer, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 in. or 76 x 102 cm

Right: La Chiesa di Nessuno, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. or 91 x 122 cm

“In many of my works, the strong influence of earth tones, vivid colors, and textures, may all be apparent. One may experience a feeling of happiness, curiosity, spirituality, as well as passion. I consider myself a non-objective, emotional artist, constantly exploring various media and color combinations, to evoke a more profound response in the viewer. If I succeed, my mission is complete.” H%BA%LA

]0 B B 1 3 2 0 + M F * ' ^ U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 164

International Contemporary Masters XI

Above: Survivors, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. or 91 x 122 cm Left: Remolinos de Alegria, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 48 x 60 in. or 122 x 152 cm Below: Sea Horse, 2016 Acrylic on canvas 36 x 48 in. or 91 x 122 cm

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The Figure Oil on canvas 31 x 39 in. or 80 x 100 cm

Naturemort Oil on canvas 14 x 20 in. or 35 x 50 cm

Naturemort Oil on canvas 18 x 24 in. or 70 x 80 cm

F I F V\ Z + S 0 P Z V * ) U > I 0 1 V A N 3 I 166

International Contemporary Masters XI

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The Garden Oil on panel 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

River Landscape Oil on panel 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

Lights in the City Oil on panel 39 x 39 in. or 100 x 100 cm

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International Contemporary Masters XI

international contemporary M A S T E R S

International Contemporary Masters XI


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