World Wide Art Magazine Issue #4

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Curated by Despina Tunberg Misa Aihara Seth Alifo Yousef A. Anagruz Cher Anderson Arnaboldiray Martyna Benedyka Lynne Bertalli Anna Bieler Lizl Bode Susan Borowitz Wendy Cohen Betty Collier Shirley Cresswell Clara De Bobes Myroslav Duzinkevych James Ellison Gianfranco (John) Gambardella Stefan Geissbühler Hugo Gonçalves Sue Graef Maria Franca Grisolia Arturo Guerrero Gyu-Hye Yeon Katura Halleday Anton Franz Hoeger Jon Barlow Hudson John Jaster Paul Kenens Michele Kramer

Cover Image Anton Franz Hoeger The Swimmer


Kathi Kuchler C. F. Lawrenson Linzi Lynn Friedrich Malina Mauro Martin Joan Meade Monica Mendes Claudia Mölle Manuella Muerner Marioni Nadezda Stupina Ecaterina Neagu Nickels Anne Felicie Sushila Oliphant Robert Perriam Porret Jean Jacques Ranjan Ramchandani Roland Reinert Steve Rogers Livien Rózen Moussa Salman Joey Schmidt-Muller Tatiana Shitikova Barry Smylie Darko Stanic Nadezda Stupina Raf Tarnawski Jan Teunissen Viktoriya Tudoran (Codvt) Louise Venning Kees Woestenenk Larry Wolf Anna Yurasovsky

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