Warning greek seashore zero hour !

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WARNING Pa n h elle n i c n e t w o r k “ S eas h o r e z e r o h o u r �

The Bill on the greek seashore

Athens, 20/6/2014 Allows big economic interests and business enterprises to develop and build on beaches and the seashore. Effectively limits free access to beaches by the public. Irreparably destroys the landscape, the environment and archeological sites. Permits the concession of lakes, seas, islets and reefs. Permits the reclaiming of land from the sea for the purposes of tourism investment. Legalizes illegally built constructions on the beach. Destroys every prospect for economic recovery and sustainable growth. And thereby, destroys every prospect for the economic recovery of the country through sustainable development.

In Spain the sea shores are being cleared of buildings. Why are we starting to build? We demand that the Bill be withdrawn once and for all!

We ask everyone, citizens and organizations, to sign for the withdrawal of this Bill (already more than 147.500 people have signed) at: https://secure.avaaz.org/el/petition/Ypoyrgo_ Oikonomikon_G_Stoyrnara_Ypografoyme_Ohi_sto_ xepoylima_ton_Ellinikon_paralion/?dbdWwhb

- Sign and spread the word about the Resolution which has already been signed by more than 125 environmental, scientific, cultural organizations and by many citizens at: info@environ-sustain.gr The Resolution can be found at the contact point: http://aktesora0.wordpress.com/ fb group: Greek Seashore 0 Hour Post a photo of your favorite Greek seashore and help save it!

WARNING Pa n h elle n i c n e t w o r k “ S eas h o r e z e r o h o u r ”


The organizations which sign this resolution met in response to the (Greek) Bill on “The delimitation, management and protection of the sea shores and beaches” at the Chamber of the Environment and Sustainability (Athens, Greece) on Thursday, May 15, 2014. They denounce the attempt to sacrifice, in the name of “development”, the most valuable part of the public land that is open to all: the sea shore, the beaches and lakesides. The Bill is in violation of article 24 of the Hellenic Constitution and of the country’s international commitment to protect the shores and the landscape. It lacks the necessary scientific basis; the competent scientific public authorities were not consulted in the drafting. After the abolition of procedural safeguards, regarding Spatial and Town planning and the environmental licensing process, the Greek Government now aims to do away, for the sake of proposed investment, with restrictions effectively protecting the coastal zone. The Bill damages directly and in an irreparable manner, the very core of the natural and cultural wealth: beaches, wetlands, vulnerable ecosystems, marine and sea coastal antiquities, the landscape and natural formations. For the first time in history, the shores will not be open to all; people lose their free access to the

beach. Once again, those who have illegally occupied public land are vindicated, against any notion of Rule of Law. Even assessed from a purely economic point of view, the Bill, if passed, will deprive the country of its greatest comparative advantage and its only chance for recovery through sustainable development. The organizations which sign this resolution declare that they will not allow the country’s natural and cultural heritage, the very essence for the peoples’ physical, moral and spiritual survival, for present and future generations, to be thrown into the black hole of the debt. They join their voices with that of the 150.000 (and more) citizens who have demanded that the Bill be withdrawn. They call on the members of Parliament and the political parties to publicly state their opinion on the Bill. Sign the Resolution! Send an email (info@environ-sustain.gr) with your name, or the name of your organization, writing: Withdraw the Bill on the Greek seashore! The Resolution can be also found at the contact point: http://aktesora0.wordpress.com (Athens, Greece, June 26, 2014)

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