from historically underrepresented backgrounds in practice,” said Dawn Sheiker, director of client relations at Morris James. “We’ve been committed to expanding those numbers for a long time, and this year as we considered options for celebrating our anniversary by giving back to our community, the Law Studies program at Delaware State University seemed like a perfect fit.” The Law Studies program at the University began as an undergraduate minor, with approximately seventy students enrolled, and recently became an independent major with the acquisition of Wesley College. The
program provides a variety of courses and early field experiences to prepare students to apply to law school. In 2018, Delaware State University partnered with Mitchell Hamline Law School of St. Paul, Minnesota, to provide students with free access to that institution’s online undergraduate law courses. “We are constantly looking for ways to broaden the resources available to our students,” Boynton said. “This kind of outreach is exactly what Delaware has come to expect from Morris James,” remarked University President Tony Allen. “From the Greater Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League
to CAMP Rehoboth, the Links, and many other organizations that support increased access for ALL to the legal profession, Morris James has been a major player for decades. We’re deeply appreciative that they have recognized and chosen to support our own efforts in this regard.” Senior Political Science major and Law Studies minor Emily Campanelli noted that she often hears Law Studies students worrying about how to pay for the LSAT: “For way too many students the cost can be a huge barrier to continuing on to law school, sometimes serious enough to make them give up their dreams. This is huge win for all of us.”
Offit Kurman, Attorneys at Law Continues to Grow Both Nationally and in Delaware Offit Kurman, one of the fastestgrowing, full-service law firms in the United States, serves dynamic businesses, individuals, and families. With 15 offices from New York to South Carolina, and nearly 250 lawyers who counsel clients across more than 30 areas of practice, Offit Kurman helps clients maximize and protect business value and personal wealth. The firm was recently recognized as an Am Law 200 firm—among the top 200 law firms in the United States based upon revenue—and is committed to strategic
DELAWARE BUSINESS | Nove m be r/ De ce m be r 2021
growth in order to fully serve local and national clients. Offit Kurman’s Wilmington Office mirrors the firm’s growth pattern as attorneys continue to join in the region. The Wilmington attorneys have extensive experience in Labor & Employment, Construction, Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property, Education, Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Business Law, Commercial Litigation, and more. The office is an active supporter of the State Chamber with attorneys serving in leadership
roles on the Employer Advocacy, Joint Military Affairs, and Small Business Alliance Committees, and the Chamber’s Board of Governors. The firm regularly sponsors Chamber events, including the Annual Dinner and the Chamber Chase Golf Outing. For more information, visit www.