Delaware Business Magazine - November/December 2021

Page 9

DIVERSE SUPPLIER SPOTLIGHT: As the innovative world around us continues to grow, so too do the needs of businesses. Businesses are constantly flowing with new, emerging career opportunities in exciting fields from medical to engineering to entrepreneurship and beyond. Many of these jobs require prerequisite courses or certificate programs that better equip the applicant to do their job. Corexcel, a Wilmingtonbased assessment-based learning business, offers a wide variety of medical and business courses, as well as world-class hiring and selection tools, employee assessments, and certificate programs to serve the growing employment needs of both businesses and individuals. Corexcel is a family-owned business and was originally purchased by Susan Bowlby in 1997 with a focus to provide course options to individuals working in the health services field. Today, Corexcel offers courses in a wide variety of fields including entrepreneurship, finance, project management, and medical specialties to name a few. The priority of Corexcel is to provide individuals with access to the courses and certificates they need to attend schools and acquire career opportunities that best fit their future goals. “We get a lot of clients who are closed out of a course or need specific course content to attend a particular school,” explained Don Bowlby, president and CEO of Corexcel. “The courses we offer help people get into the schools and careers they are pursuing. We also offer




hiring assessments to match candidates to specific job requirements across 150 different roles. While these assessments help with selection, they are focused on providing the opportunity for hiring managers to understand candidates better through custom interview questions and tendencies to watch for during the interview process.” “We’re excited for a new online learning system we are launching called Catalyst,” Don continued. “It provides assessment-based learning opportunities

where clients can access a web portal to compare themselves against coworkers, learn about their behavioral tendencies, and learn how to better serve the needs of customers—all in one location.” Corexcel won the Marvin S. Gilman Superstars in Business award in both 2001 and 2011 from the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore, Corexcel has been contributing to the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition since 2008 to provide continuing educational

DELAWARE BUSINESS | Nove m be r/ De ce m be r 2021

credit for their Annual Breast Cancer Update. Throughout the pandemic, Corexcel has dedicated time and resources to assist in bringing this event to a virtual capacity. “The work environment impact of COVID-19 is different for smaller companies,” Don explained. “It wasn’t too cumbersome for us to adopt the recommendations. We eventually switched to the three-day hybrid work environment. Our employees are happy with being able to work from home and having the flexibility of not being tied to a nine-tofive schedule. This has contributed to our productivity and overall employee satisfaction.” “I was born and raised here in Delaware,” Don continued, citing what makes growing and maintaining a business in Delaware unique. “Delaware has the small community feel where everyone seems to know everyone. This is especially useful in the business world and is important as we continue to serve the needs of our customers and leave a bigger impact on our surrounding businesses.” “Corexcel will continue to develop innovative products and solutions aimed to exceed our customers’ needs and expectations,” Don reflected. “We focus on one customer at a time and do everything we can to assist them. Our organization will implement world class systems, facilities, and product delivery mechanisms. Our employees will be engaged, knowledgeable, and cross-trained to broaden their skills and to enrich the company. This is the vision that guides us in our daily endeavors.”


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Articles inside

Data: The Driver of Innovation and Decision Making

pages 64-65

Tapping into Talent

page 62

Let's Develop the Code to Our Future

pages 60-61

The Drive to Digital

page 59

CYBERSECURITY: The Next Must-Have to Business Growth

pages 55-58

Cash at the Table

page 54

Innovation Breeds Success

pages 51-52

Getting Real About Infrastructure

page 48

5 Tips to Help Grow Your Small Business

pages 46-47

Pandemic Fuels Latest Tech Revolution

pages 43-44

We Are Delaware

page 40

Differentiating Your Business

pages 38-39

Superstars in Business Winner: Adesis, Inc.

pages 32-33

Superstars in Business Winner: Harvey, Hanna & Associates

pages 30-31

Superstars in Business Winner: Weiner Benefits Group, LLC

pages 28-29

Superstars in Business Winner: Faithful Friends Animal Society

pages 26-27

Marvin S. Gilman Superstars in Business

pages 24-25


pages 20-21

Tech Impact and Barclays Breathe New Life into Historic B&O Station

page 18

Offit Kurman, Attorneys at Law Continues to Grow Both Nationally and in Delaware

page 17

Morris James LLP Celebrates 90th Anniversary with Gift to Delaware State University

pages 16-17

Christiana Mall: Evolving To Meet Customer Needs

page 15

Nonprofit Spotlight: Bike Delaware

page 14

Committee Spotlight: Delaware Retail Council

page 13

Supplier Diversity: The Key to Sustaining Your DE&I Efforts

pages 12-13

Kevin P. Kelly Inducted into National Housing Hall of Fame

page 11

Top-Quality Investments Are Key to Our Future

pages 10-11

Diverse Supplier Spotlight: Corexcel

page 9

Incyte's Commitment: Advancing Scientific Innovation in Delaware and Beyond

page 8

Business Spotlight: NextHome Tomorrow Realty

page 7

Legislative Priority

pages 5-6

Message from the President

page 4


pages 66-70
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