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Vaccine Information

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Vaccine IMPORTANT Information

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep everyday life on hold, but vaccines offer new hope for a return to relative normalcy.


It is important to stay up to date on public health orders as well as the availability of testing and vaccines. Continued adherence to health and safety protocols protects yourself and others, even after getting vaccinated. Experts encourage people to regularly wash their hands, cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing, wear a mask, maintain a sixfoot distance from others, and limit social contact beyond their household. Here are some things to keep in mind as we learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine and as it becomes more readily available.


COVID-19 vaccines from three companies — Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson — have been authorized for emergency use by the FDA. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are administered as two doses, 21-28 days apart, and have been shown to be more than 90% effective at preventing serious cases of COVID-19. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine requires one shot, although scientists are studying whether two shots would be more effective. All three vaccines are highly effective against illness and death. Research has not yet concluded whether vaccinated people never become infected or if they do but just never develop symptoms, so it remains unknown if a vaccinated person can still spread the virus.


Although the requirements are changing rapidly, COVID-19 vaccines have already been made available to people 12 and older in Florida, as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration. Individuals under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


On the day of your appointment, bring your ID and wear a mask that fully covers your mouth and nose. Many locations also require a consent form, so if you were asked to fill one out when registering, do not forget to bring this.

At your appointment, you will receive a COVID-19 vaccine card that states the specific vaccine you received (Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson), the date received and the location at which you received it. Remember, most vaccines require two doses, so don’t lose that vaccine card. It will state when you should schedule your second dose. According to the CDC, if you received the Pfizer vaccine, a second dose is ideal three weeks after your first. If you received the Moderna vaccine, a second shot comes one month after the first.

Some common side effects from the shots are fever, chills, tiredness, headache, and some pain and swelling on the arm where your vaccine was administered. These are normal and safe signs that your body’s immune system has reacted to the vaccine, developing antibodies that will protect you in the future. There have been no serious, long-term side effects documented among the tens of millions of Americans who have been vaccinated so far, but authorities continue to closely monitor the situation.

For more peace of mind, download V-safe, a smartphone tool designed by the CDC. This health checker is available for registration after you get your first vaccine and will keep you updated on normal side effects, offer textmessage check ins, and reminders for your second dose. Learn more at vsafe.cdc.gov.

Remember that getting the vaccine is a necessary step to protect yourself and others. Healthcare providers are doing everything they can to make sure that as many people are safely vaccinated as soon as possible. Until we are all vaccinated, make sure to wear your mask, wash your hands, and follow other health orders designed to protect yourself and your community.

For more information, visit floridahealthcovid19.gov/vaccines, call 866-779-6121 or email COVID-19@FLHealth.gov. WHERE TO GET VACCINATED LOCALLY

Use the CDC’s VaccineFinder tool at vaccinefinder.org/search to find the most up-to-date information about vaccine availability and the nearest provider. Choose the vaccine you are searching for and enter your zip code, then the tool will list all of the providers in your area, plus who has the vaccine readily in stock. If in stock, the site allows you to check availability and schedule appointments.


Pre-register for the COVID-19 vaccine at myvaccine.fl.gov.

This site allows you to select your county and “get in line,” automatically taking you to a pre-registration page that will notify you by email or phone when new appointments are available in your area.

It can be especially hard for seniors and other Floridians who lack internet access or skills to find important information about vaccination. If you are struggling to find vaccine assistance, you can text FLCOVID19 to 888777 to receive text alerts about important updates or call the 24/7 COVID-19 Call Center at 866-779- 6121.

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