Performance magazine - March 2022

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T R A N S F O R M AT I O N A L S U P P O R T The DSO is grateful to the donors who have made extraordinary endowment investments through the DSO Impact Campaign or multi-year, comprehensive gifts to support general operations, capital improvements, or special programs.

FOUNDING FAMILIES Julie & Peter Cummings The Davidson-Gerson Family and the William Davidson Foundation The Richard C. Devereaux Foundation The Fisher Family and the Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Stanley & Judy Frankel and the Samuel & Jean Frankel Foundation

Danialle & Peter Karmanos, Jr. Linda Dresner & Ed Levy, Jr. James B. & Ann V. Nicholson and PVS Chemicals, Inc. Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation Clyde & Helen Wu◊


Penny & Harold Blumenstein Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Wm. FisherMM Alan J. & Sue Kaufman and FamilyMM

Shari & Craig MorganMM Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen


Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Alonzo Mandell & Madeleine Berman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Cracchiolo Joanne Danto & Arnold Weingarden Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation DTE Energy Foundation The Fred A. & Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Mr. & Mrs. Morton E. Harris◊

John S. & James L. Knight Foundation The Kresge Foundation Mrs. Bonnie Larson The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Ms. Deborah Miesel Dr. William F. Pickard The Polk Family


Applebaum Family Philanthropy Charlotte Arkin Estate Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel Marvin & Betty Danto Family Foundation Adel & Walter Dissett Herman & Sharon Frankel Ruth & Al◊ Glancy Mary Ann & Robert Gorlin Ronald M. & Carol◊ Horwitz Ric & Carola Huttenlocher MM John C. Leyhan Estate Mr.◊ & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mr. David Assemany & Mr. Jeffery Zook MM W. Harold & Chacona W. Baugh Robert & Lucinda Clement Lois & Avern Cohn MM Mary Rita Cuddohy Estate Margie Dunn & Mark Davidoff MM Adel & Walter Dissett MM DSO Musicians MM Bette Dyer Estate Marjorie S. Fisher Fund MM

Bernard & Eleanor Robertson Stephen M. Ross Family of Dr. Clyde and Helen Wu Bud & Nancy Liebler Richard & Jane Manoogian Foundation David & Valerie McCammon Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Pat & Hank◊ Nickol Jack & Aviva Robinson◊ Martie & Bob Sachs Mr. & Mrs.◊ Alan E. Schwartz Drs. Doris Tong & Teck Soo Paul & Terese Zlotoff


Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher & Mr. Roy Furman Barbara Frankel & Ronald Michalak MM Victor◊ & Gale Girolami Fund Herbert & Dorothy Graebner◊ Richard Sonenklar & Gregory Haynes MM Mr. & Mrs. David Jaffa Renato & Elizabeth Jamett MM Allan & Joy Nachman MM Ann & Norman◊ Katz Morgan & Danny Kaufman MM

#IAMDSO Deceased


Dr. Melvin A. Lester◊ Florine Mark Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs Dr. Glenda D. Price Ruth Rattner Mr. & Mrs.◊ Lloyd E. Reuss Mr. & Mrs. Fred Secrest◊ Jane & Larry Sherman Cindy McTee & Leonard Slatkin Marilyn Snodgrass Estate Mr. James G. Vella MM Eva von Voss and Family MM

DSO PERFORMANCE MAGAZINE DSO Musicians Fund for Artistic Excellence15

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